
Defines functions getCommonSubrangeSize recalcPercOverlap getDisjointOverlapsWeighted getDisjointOverlaps

Documented in getCommonSubrangeSize getDisjointOverlaps getDisjointOverlapsWeighted recalcPercOverlap

#' Function to group overlapping ranges such that common range shared across group of ranges
#' meets required percentage threshold (percTh).
#' @param gr A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object.
#' @param percTh A percentage threshold for a required overlap.
#' @param weighted Set to \code{TRUE} if each overlapping group of ranges should be weighted based on its size and number of ranges in each group.
#' @import data.table
#' @return A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object with extra meta-columns (idx, perc.overlap, weight, group & sub.group).
#' @author David Porubsky
#' @export
getDisjointOverlaps <- function(gr, percTh = 50, weighted = FALSE) {
  message("Finding overlaping ranges ..."); ptm <- proc.time()
  ## Helper function
  returnMaxOverlap <- function(gr) {
    return( gr[which.max(gr$perc.overlap)] )
  ## Initialize exported metadata columns
  gr$idx <- as.numeric(1:length(gr)) # define unique id for each range
  gr$perc.overlap <- 0
  gr$weight <- 0 # overlap weight given percentage overlap and # of overlapping ranges
  gr$group <- 0 # group for overlapping ranges
  gr$sub.group <- 0 
  ## Set aside ranges with no overlap with other ranges
  cov <- GenomicRanges::coverage(gr)
  cov.gr <- as(cov, 'GRanges')
  single.cov.gr <- cov.gr[cov.gr$score == 1]
  nooverlap.gr <- gr[gr %in% single.cov.gr]
  gr <- gr[!gr %in% single.cov.gr]
  total.ranges <- length(gr)
  ## Repeat this for ranges with group assigned a zero value
  while (any(gr$group == 0)) {
    ## Select ranges to assign a non-zero group
    process.gr <- gr[gr$group == 0]
    ## Disjoin overlapping ranges into a set non-overlapping ranges
    gr.disjoin <- GenomicRanges::disjoin(process.gr)
    ## Get regions covered only once
    gr.disjoin$cov <- GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(gr.disjoin, process.gr)
    singletons <- which(gr.disjoin$cov == 1)
    ## Find overlaps between original ranges and a set of non-overlapping ranges
    hits <- IRanges::findOverlaps(process.gr, gr.disjoin)
    ## Calculate % overlaps between original and a set of non-overlapping ranges
    query.width <- width(process.gr[queryHits(hits)]) # Set of original(input) ranges
    subject.width <- width(gr.disjoin[subjectHits(hits)]) # Non-overlapping ranges corresponding to the original ranges
    perc.overlap <- (subject.width / query.width) * 100
    ## Do not consider singleton ranges (% overlap of range to itself)
    perc.overlap[which(subjectHits(hits) %in% singletons)] <- 0
    ## Prepare ranges for % overlap filtering
    gr2filt <- process.gr[queryHits(hits)]
    gr2filt$perc.overlap <- perc.overlap
    gr2filt$group <- subjectHits(hits) + max(gr$group)
    if (weighted) {
      ## Calculate weight of each overlap based on % overlap and the number of overlapping ranges
      perc.overlap.perGroup <- split(gr2filt$perc.overlap, gr2filt$group)
      group.weight <- vapply(perc.overlap.perGroup, function(x) sum(x) * length(x), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
      gr2filt$weight <- group.weight[match(gr2filt$group, names(group.weight))]
      gr2filt.tb <- data.table::as.data.table(mcols(gr2filt))
      mask <- gr2filt.tb[, .I[which.max(weight)], by = idx]
      gr.filt <- gr2filt[mask$V1]
    } else {
      ## Export maximum overlapping group per range
      gr2filt.tb <- data.table::as.data.table(mcols(gr2filt))
      mask <- gr2filt.tb[, .I[which.max(perc.overlap)], by = idx]
      gr.filt <- gr2filt[mask$V1]
    ## Recalibrate % of overlap to the common shared range per group of ranges
    # cov <- coverage(gr.filt)
    # cov.gr <- as(cov, 'GRanges')
    # gr.filt.tb <- data.table::as.data.table(gr.filt)
    # chr <- gr.filt.tb[ , .(seqnames = unique(seqnames)), by = group]
    # end <- gr.filt.tb[, .SD[which.max(end)], by = group]$end
    # start <- gr.filt.tb[, .SD[which.max(end)], by = group]$start
    # group.range <- GRanges(seqnames = chr$seqnames, ranges=IRanges(start = start, end = end))
    # hits <- findOverlaps(cov.gr, group.range)
    # tmp <- split(cov.gr, subjectHits(hits))
    gr.filt.grl <- GenomicRanges::split(gr.filt, gr.filt$group)
    single.gr <- unlist(gr.filt.grl[which(lengths(gr.filt.grl) == 1)]) ## Do not process groups of a single range
    multi.grl <- gr.filt.grl[which(lengths(gr.filt.grl) > 1)]
    subrange.size <- vapply(multi.grl, FUN = getCommonSubrangeSize, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
    new.perc.overlap <- (rep(subrange.size, lengths(multi.grl)) / GenomicRanges::width(unlist(multi.grl))) * 100
    multi.gr <- unlist(multi.grl)
    multi.gr$perc.overlap <- new.perc.overlap
    if (length(single.gr) > 0) {
      single.gr$perc.overlap <- 0
      new.gr <- sort(c(multi.gr, single.gr))
    } else {
      new.gr <- multi.gr
    names(new.gr) <- NULL
    ## Set groups with more than one range in a group to zero for overlap recalculation
    to.recalculate <- new.gr[new.gr$perc.overlap < percTh]
    if (length(to.recalculate) > 1 & length(new.gr) > length(to.recalculate)) {
      group.to.recalculate <- as.numeric(names(which(table(to.recalculate$group) > 1)))
      if (length(group.to.recalculate) > 0) {
        idx.to.recalculate <- to.recalculate$idx[to.recalculate$group %in% group.to.recalculate]
        new.gr <- new.gr[!new.gr$idx %in% idx.to.recalculate]
    ## Set subgroup based on required percTh
    new.gr$sub.group <- paste0(new.gr$group,".", 1)
    if (any(new.gr$perc.overlap < percTh)) {
      n <- length(new.gr[new.gr$perc.overlap < percTh])
      sub.group.idx <- seq(from = 2, length.out = n)
      new.gr$sub.group[which(new.gr$perc.overlap < percTh)] <- paste0(new.gr$group[which(new.gr$perc.overlap < percTh)],".",  sub.group.idx)
    ## Assign processed ranges to initial ranges
    gr[match(new.gr$idx, gr$idx)] <- new.gr[new.gr$idx %in% gr$idx]
    ## Report number of processed ranges
    message("    Processed ranges ", total.ranges - length(gr[gr$group == 0]), '/', total.ranges)
  ## Add no-overlap ranges
  nooverlap.gr$group <- seq_along(nooverlap.gr) + max(gr$group)
  nooverlap.gr$sub.group <- nooverlap.gr$group
  gr <- sort(c(gr, nooverlap.gr))
  time <- proc.time() - ptm; message("Total time ", round(time[3],2), "s")

#' Function to group overlapping ranges based on percentage of the overlap.
#' This function weights overlaps based on percentage of the overlap and the amount of overlapping ranges
#' @param gr A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object.
#' @param percTh A percentage threshold for a required overlap.
#' @return A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object with extra meta-columns (idx, perc.overlap & group).
#' @author David Porubsky
#' @export
getDisjointOverlapsWeighted <- function(gr, percTh = 50) {
  ## Helper function
  returnMaxWeigth <- function(gr) {
    return( gr[which.max(gr$weigth)] )
  ## Initialize exported metadata columns
  gr$idx <- 1:length(gr) #unique id for each inputed range
  gr$perc.overlap <- 0
  gr$weigth <- 0 #overlap weight given percentage overlap and # of overlapping ranges
  gr$group <- 0 #group for overlapping ranges
  gr$sub.group <- 0 
  ## Repeat this for ranges with group assigned a zero value
  while (any(gr$group == 0)) {
    ## Select ranges to assign a non-zero group
    process.gr <- gr[gr$group == 0]
    ## Disjoin overlapping ranges into a set non-overlapping ranges
    gr.disjoin <- GenomicRanges::disjoin(process.gr)
    ## Find overlaps between original ranges and a set of non-overlapping ranges
    hits <- findOverlaps(process.gr, gr.disjoin)
    ## Remove hits overlapping only with one range
    disjoint.idx <- subjectHits(hits)
    non.unique.hits <- disjoint.idx[duplicated(disjoint.idx) | duplicated(disjoint.idx, fromLast=TRUE)]
    hits <- hits[subjectHits(hits) %in% non.unique.hits,]
    ## Calculate % overlaps between original and a set of non-overlapping ranges
    query.width <- width(process.gr[queryHits(hits)]) #Set of original(input) ranges
    subject.width <- width(gr.disjoin[subjectHits(hits)]) #Non-overlapping ranges corresponding to the original ranges
    perc.overlap <- (subject.width / query.width) * 100
    ## Remove overlaps below percTh
    #mask <- perc.overlap >= percTh
    #perc.overlap <- perc.overlap[mask]
    #hits <- hits[mask,]
    if (length(hits) > 0) {
      ## Prepare ranges for % overlap filtering
      gr2filt <- process.gr[queryHits(hits)]
      gr2filt$perc.overlap <- perc.overlap
      gr2filt$group <- subjectHits(hits) + max(gr$group)
      ## Calcualte weigth of each overlap based on % overlap and the number of overlapping ranges
      perc.overlap.perGroup <- split(gr2filt$perc.overlap, gr2filt$group)
      group.weigth <- sapply(perc.overlap.perGroup, function(x) sum(x)*length(x))
      gr2filt$weigth <- group.weigth[match(gr2filt$group, names(group.weigth))]
      ## Filter ranges based on user defined percTh
      #gr.filt <- gr2filt[perc.overlap >= percTh]
      gr2filt.grl <- GenomicRanges::split(gr2filt, gr2filt$idx)
      #gr2filt.grl <- endoapply(gr2filt.grl, returnMaxOverlap)
      gr2filt.grl <- endoapply(gr2filt.grl, returnMaxWeigth)
      gr.filt <- unlist(gr2filt.grl, use.names = FALSE)
      ## Split ranges passing percTh and recalibrate % of overlap
      gr.filt.grl <- GenomicRanges::split(gr.filt, gr.filt$group)
      gr.filt.grl <- endoapply(gr.filt.grl, recalcPercOverlap)
      new.gr <- unlist(gr.filt.grl, use.names = FALSE)
      ## Set groups with more than one range in a group to zero for overlap recalculation
      to.recalculate <- new.gr[new.gr$perc.overlap < percTh]
      if (length(to.recalculate) > 1 & length(new.gr) > length(to.recalculate)) {
        group.to.recalculate <- as.numeric(names(which(table(to.recalculate$group) > 1)))
        if (length(group.to.recalculate) > 0) {
          idx.to.recalculate <- to.recalculate$idx[to.recalculate$group %in% group.to.recalculate]
          new.gr <- new.gr[!new.gr$idx %in% idx.to.recalculate]
      ## Set ranges with % overlap less then percTh to zero
      #new.gr$perc.overlap[new.gr$perc.overlap < percTh] <- 0
      ## Set subgroup based on required percTh
      new.gr$sub.group <- paste0(new.gr$group,".", 1)
      if (any(new.gr$perc.overlap < percTh)) {
        n <- length(new.gr[new.gr$perc.overlap < percTh])
        sub.group.idx <- seq(from = 2, length.out = n)
        new.gr$sub.group[which(new.gr$perc.overlap < percTh)] <- paste0(new.gr$group[which(new.gr$perc.overlap < percTh)],".",  sub.group.idx)
    } else {
      new.gr <- process.gr
      new.gr$group <- seq(max(gr$group) + 1, (max(gr$group) + length(new.gr)))
      new.gr$sub.group <- paste0(new.gr$group,".", 1)
    ## Assign processed ranges to initial ranges
    gr[match(new.gr$idx, gr$idx)] <- new.gr[new.gr$idx %in% gr$idx]

#' Function to calculate reciprocal overlap for a set of genomic ranges.
#' @param gr A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object.
#' @return A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object.
#' @author David Porubsky
recalcPercOverlap <- function(gr) {
  if (length(gr) > 1) {
    disjoin.gr <- GenomicRanges::disjoin(gr)
    hits <- IRanges::findOverlaps(disjoin.gr, gr)
    common.subrange.idx <- names( which(table(queryHits(hits)) == length(gr)) )
    gr$perc.overlap <- ( GenomicRanges::width(disjoin.gr[as.numeric(common.subrange.idx)]) / GenomicRanges::width(gr) ) * 100
  } else {
    gr$perc.overlap <- 0

#' Function to calculate a common subrange shared among a set of \code{\link{GRanges-class}} ranges.
#' @param gr A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object.
#' @return A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object.
#' @author David Porubsky
getCommonSubrangeSize <- function(gr) {
  if (length(gr) > 1) {
    disjoin.gr <- disjoin(gr)
    hits <- findOverlaps(disjoin.gr, gr)
    common.subrange.idx <- names( which(table(queryHits(hits)) == length(gr)) )
  } else {
daewoooo/primatR documentation built on March 28, 2024, 6:41 a.m.