
Defines functions prepareMotifmatchr getMotifOccurrences permutePWMatrix permutePWMatrixList getJasparSymbols getJasparAnnot getMotifDistMat.jaspar getMotifDistMat getMotifClustering PWMatrixToProbMatrix hmSeqLogo plotFootprint

Documented in getJasparAnnot getJasparSymbols getMotifClustering getMotifDistMat getMotifDistMat.jaspar getMotifOccurrences hmSeqLogo prepareMotifmatchr PWMatrixToProbMatrix

# Utilities and helper functions for TF motif processing

# motifmatchr  helpers
#' prepareMotifmatchr
#' prepare objects for a \code{motifmatchr} analysis
#' @param genome character string specifying genome assembly
#' @param motifs either a character string (currently only "jaspar" and sets contained in \code{chromVARmotifs} ("homer", "encode", "cisbp") are supported) or an object containing PWMs
#'               that can be used by \code{motifmatchr::matchMotifs} (such as an \code{PFMatrixList} or \code{PWMatrixList} object)
#' @return a list containing objects to be used as arguments for \code{motifmatchr}
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
prepareMotifmatchr <- function(genome, motifs){
	res <- list()

	# get the species name and the genome sequence object based on the object
	genomeObj <- genome
	if (!is.element("BSgenome", class(genomeObj))){
		genomeObj <- getGenomeObject(genome)
	spec <- organism(genomeObj)

	# get the motif PWMs
	motifL <- TFBSTools::PWMatrixList()
	if (is.character(motifs)){
		if (is.element("jaspar", motifs)){
			# copied code from chromVAR, but updated the JASPAR version
			opts <- list()
			opts["species"] <- spec
			opts["collection"] <- "CORE"
			# gets the non-redundant set by default
			mlCur <- TFBSTools::getMatrixSet(JASPAR2018::JASPAR2018, opts)
			if (!isTRUE(all.equal(TFBSTools::name(mlCur), names(mlCur)))){
				names(mlCur) <- paste(names(mlCur), TFBSTools::name(mlCur), sep = "_")
			motifL <- c(motifL, TFBSTools::toPWM(mlCur))
		if (is.element("jaspar_vert", motifs)){
			# JASPER for all vertebrate TFBS
			opts <- list()
			opts["tax_group"] <- "vertebrates"
			opts["collection"] <- "CORE"
			# gets the non-redundant set by default
			mlCur <- TFBSTools::getMatrixSet(JASPAR2018::JASPAR2018, opts)
			if (!isTRUE(all.equal(TFBSTools::name(mlCur), names(mlCur)))){
				names(mlCur) <- paste(names(mlCur), TFBSTools::name(mlCur), sep = "_")
			motifL <- c(motifL, TFBSTools::toPWM(mlCur))
		if (is.element("jaspar2016", motifs)){
			motifL <- c(motifL, TFBSTools::toPWM(chromVAR::getJasparMotifs(species=spec)))
		if (is.element("homer", motifs)){
			if (!requireNamespace("chromVARmotifs")) logger.error(c("Could not load dependency: chromVARmotifs"))
			motifL <- c(motifL, chromVARmotifs::homer_pwms)
		if (is.element("encode", motifs)){
			if (!requireNamespace("chromVARmotifs")) logger.error(c("Could not load dependency: chromVARmotifs"))
			motifL <- c(motifL, chromVARmotifs::encode_pwms)
		if (is.element("cisbp", motifs)){
			if (!requireNamespace("chromVARmotifs")) logger.error(c("Could not load dependency: chromVARmotifs"))
			if (spec == "Mus musculus"){
				motifL <- c(motifL, chromVARmotifs::mouse_pwms_v1)
			} else if (spec == "Homo sapiens"){
				motifL <- c(motifL, chromVARmotifs::human_pwms_v1)
			} else {
				logger.warning(c("Could not find cisBP annotation for species", spec))
		if (is.element("cisbp_v2", motifs)){
			if (!requireNamespace("chromVARmotifs")) logger.error(c("Could not load dependency: chromVARmotifs"))
			if (spec == "Mus musculus"){
				motifL <- c(motifL, chromVARmotifs::mouse_pwms_v2)
			} else if (spec == "Homo sapiens"){
				motifL <- c(motifL, chromVARmotifs::human_pwms_v2)
			} else {
				logger.warning(c("Could not find cisBP annotation for species", spec))
		if (length(motifL) < 1) {
			logger.error(c("No motifs were loaded. Unsupported motifs (?) :", motifs))
	} else if (is.element("PWMatrixList", class(motifs)) || is.element("PFMatrixList", class(motifs))) {
		motifL <- motifs
	} else {
		logger.error(c("unsupported value for motifs:", motifs))
	res[["genome"]] <- genomeObj
	res[["motifs"]] <- motifL

#' getMotifOccurrences
#' Find occurrences of motifs in a given genome
#' @param motifNames character vector of motif names
#' @param motifDb either a character string (currently only "jaspar" and sets contained in \code{chromVARmotifs} ("homer", "encode", "cisbp") are supported) or an object containing PWMs
#'               that can be used by \code{motifmatchr::matchMotifs} (such as an \code{PFMatrixList} or \code{PWMatrixList} object)
#' @param genome character string specifying genome assembly
#' @return a \code{GenomicRangesList} containing motif occurrences
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
getMotifOccurrences <- function(motifNames=NULL, motifDb="jaspar", genome="hg38"){
	mmArgs <- prepareMotifmatchr(genome, motifDb)
	if (is.null(motifNames)) motifNames <- names(mmArgs$motifs)
	motifNames_in <- motifNames
	motifNames <- intersect(motifNames, names(mmArgs$motifs))
	missingMotifs <- setdiff(motifNames_in, motifNames)
	if (length(missingMotifs) > 0){
		logger.warning(c(length(missingMotifs), "of", length(motifNames_in), "motifs were not found in the annotation database:", paste(missingMotifs, collapse=", ")))

	seqlengths <- muRtools::getSeqlengths4assembly(genome, onlyMainChrs=TRUE)
	validChroms <- names(seqlengths)
	# for each chromosome, get the motif matches
	gr <- do.call("c", lapply(validChroms, FUN=function(chromName){
		# logger.status(c("chr:", chromName))#TODO: remove comment
		mmRes <- motifmatchr::matchMotifs(mmArgs$motifs[motifNames], mmArgs$genome[[chromName]], out="positions")
		# convert the resulting IRangesList to GRanges
		return(do.call("c", lapply(names(mmRes), FUN=function(motifName){
			x <- unlist(mmRes[[motifName]])
			rr <- GRanges()
			if (length(x) > 0){
				elementMetadata(x)[,"motifName"] <- motifName
				strands <- elementMetadata(x)[,"strand"]
				elementMetadata(x)[,"strand"] <- NULL
				rr <- GRanges(seqnames=chromName,ranges=x,strand=strands)
			seqlevels(rr) <- validChroms
			seqlengths(rr) <- seqlengths
			genome(rr) <- genome
	elementMetadata(gr)[,"motifName"] <- factor(elementMetadata(gr)[,"motifName"], levels=motifNames)
	resGrl <- split(gr, elementMetadata(gr)[,"motifName"])

#' permutePWMatrix
#' randomly permute the columns of a \code{TFBSTools::PWMatrix} object
#' (strangely the TFBSTools package has a method for \code{PFMatrix} objects, but not for \code{PWMatrix} objects)
#' @param pwm   \code{PFMatrix} or \code{PWMatrix} object whose columns will be permuted
#' @param nperm number of permutations
#' @return a list of (length \code{nperm}) \code{PFMatrix} or \code{PWMatrix} objects representing the permuted versions
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @noRd
## @export
permutePWMatrix <- function(pwm, nperm=100){
	res <- list()
	if (class(pwm)=="PFMatrix"){
		res <- lapply(seq_len(nperm), FUN=function(i){TFBSTools::permuteMatrix(pwm, type="intra")})
	} else if (class(pwm)=="PWMatrix"){
		mm <- TFBSTools::Matrix(pwm)
		mLength <- ncol(mm)
		res <- lapply(seq_len(nperm), FUN=function(i){
			x <- pwm
			TFBSTools::Matrix(x) <- mm[,sample.int(mLength)]
	} else {
		logger.error(c("Unable to permute motif matrix of type", class(pwm)))
#' permutePWMatrixList
#' randomly permute the columns of each element in a list of motif matrix objects
#' @param pwmL  a list of \code{PFMatrix} or \code{PWMatrix} objects or a \code{PFMatrixList} or \code{PWMatrixList} object with the matrices to permute
#' @param nperm number of permutations applied to each matrix
#' @return a list in which each element is a lists of (length \code{nperm}) \code{PFMatrix} or \code{PWMatrix} objects representing the permuted versions for
#'         each element in \code{pwmL}
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @noRd
## @export
permutePWMatrixList <- function(pwmL, nperm=100){
	res <- lapply(pwmL, FUN=function(x){
		permutePWMatrix(x, nperm=nperm)
# Motif similarity methods
#' getJasparSymbols
#' Retrieve the TF names (symbols) from a JASPAR identifier
#' @param ss     character vector or JASPAR identifiers
#' @return a list of TF names (symbols) for each identifier
getJasparSymbols <- function(ss){
	ss <- gsub("^MA[0-9]+\\.[1-9]_", "", ss) # jaspar prefix
	ss <- gsub("\\(var\\..*\\)", "", ss) # jaspar variation names
	return(strsplit(ss, "::")) # jaspar multiple TFs (separated by ::); # TODO: treat fusion genes, e.g. "MA0149.1_EWSR1-FLI1"

#' getJasparAnnot
#' retrieve motif annotation data
#' @param ss     character vector or JASPAR identifiers
#' @param type annotation type. Currently only \code{"humantfs"} (pulls info from humantfs.ccbr.utoronto.ca) is supported
#' @return list of data frames of TF annotation (a motif can have multiple annotated TFs) 
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
getJasparAnnot <- function(ss, type="humantfs"){
	tfa <- getTfAnnot(type)
	res <- lapply(ss, FUN=function(x){
		idx <- grepl(x, tfa[, "motifIds_jaspar"], fixed=TRUE)
	names(res) <- ss

#' getMotifDistMat.jaspar
#' Retrieve motif a comparison table from JASPAR annotation website and construct a dissimilarity matrix for given
#' motif IDs
#' @param motifIds     string vector of motif ids whose dissimilarities are retrieved
#' @param scoreCol     namew of the annotation column in the JASPAR annotation that contains the motif similarity
#' @return a matrix of motif DISsimilarities
getMotifDistMat.jaspar <- function(motifIds=NULL, scoreCol="Ncor"){
	fn <- system.file(file.path("extdata", paste0("motifDistMat_jaspar_", scoreCol, ".rds")), package="ChrAccR")
	if (file.exists(fn)){
		distMat <- readRDS(fn)
		if (!is.null(motifIds)){
			distMat <- distMat[motifIds, motifIds]
	} else {
		logger.info(c("ChrAccR currently does not contain a precomputed JASPAR motif dissimilarity matrix for scoretype", scoreCol, "--> dissimilarities will be retrieved from the JASPAR website"))	
		#motif comparison table from JASPAR matrix clustering results
		compFn <- "http://folk.uio.no/azizk/JASPAR_2018_clustering/results/JASPAR_2018_matrix_clustering/vertebrates/JASPAR_2018_matrix_clustering_vertebrates_tables/pairwise_compa.tab"
		# Format:
		# ;mode: matches	thresholds:	cor=-1.000000	ncor=-1.000000	w=0	ncor1=-1.000000	ncor2=-1.000000
		# #id1	id2	name1	name2	cor	Ncor	Ncor1	Ncor2	w1	w2	w	W	Wr	wr1	wr2	strand	offset	uncounted
		# JASPAR_2018_vertebrates_m1_MA0002.2	JASPAR_2018_vertebrates_m1_MA0002.2	RUNX1	RUNX1	1.000000	1.000000	1.000000	1.000000	11	11	11	11	1.000000	1.000000	1.000000	D	0	41
		# JASPAR_2018_vertebrates_m1_MA0002.2	JASPAR_2018_vertebrates_m2_MA0003.3	RUNX1	TFAP2A	0.518599	0.432166	0.471454	0.471454	11	11	10	12	0.833333	0.909091	0.909091	R	-1	41
		# JASPAR_2018_vertebrates_m1_MA0002.2	JASPAR_2018_vertebrates_m3_MA0004.1	RUNX1	Arnt	0.468110	0.255333	0.255333	0.468110	11	6	6	11	0.545455	0.545455	1.000000	D	1	31
		# JASPAR_2018_vertebrates_m1_MA0002.2	JASPAR_2018_vertebrates_m4_MA0006.1	RUNX1	Ahr::Arnt	0.533152	0.290810	0.290810	0.533152	11	6	6	11	0.545455	0.545455	1.000000	D	1	31
		# ...
		compTab <- read.table(compFn, header=TRUE, comment.char=";", "\t", check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
		colnames(compTab) <- gsub("^#(.+)$", "\\1", colnames(compTab))
		extractJasparId <- function(ss){
			sapply(strsplit(ss, "_"), FUN=function(x){x[length(x)]})
		compTab[,"motif1"] <- extractJasparId(compTab[,"id1"])
		compTab[,"motif2"] <- extractJasparId(compTab[,"id2"])
		motifIdsFromTab <- sort(union(compTab[,"motif1"], compTab[,"motif2"]))
		if (is.null(motifIds)){
			motifIds <- motifIdsFromTab
		} else {
			unknownMotifIds <- setdiff(motifIds, motifIdsFromTab)
			if (length(unknownMotifIds) > 0) logger.warning(c("The following motif ids were not found in the JASPAR clustering result table:", paste(unknownMotifIds, collapse=",")))
		compTab <- compTab[compTab[,"motif1"] %in% motifIds & compTab[,"motif2"] %in% motifIds,]

		scoreMat <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow=length(motifIds), ncol=length(motifIds))
		colnames(scoreMat) <- rownames(scoreMat) <- motifIds
		for(i in 1:nrow(compTab)){
			# if (1 %% 100 == 0) print(i)
			scoreMat[compTab[i, "motif1"], compTab[i, "motif2"]] <- compTab[i, scoreCol]
		distMat <- scoreMat
		if (is.element(scoreCol, c("cor", "Ncor"))){
			# for correlation-based similarities the distance is 1-cor
			distMat <- 1-scoreMat

#' getMotifDistMat
#' Retrieve motif dissimilarity/distance matrix for TF motifs 
#' @param assembly     genome assembly for which the motifs dissimilarity should be retrieved. Only the species information
#'                     of the assembly is really relevant. Can be \code{"vert"} for all vertebrate motifs.
#' @param mmObj        optional motifmatchr object as returned by \code{ChrAccR::prepareMotifmatchr}
#' @param method       method of dissimilarity quantification. Currently only \code{'jaspar'} (retrieve motif similarities from the annotation of the JASPAR website) is supported.
#' @return a matrix of motif DISsimilarities (\code{dist} object)
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
getMotifDistMat <- function(assembly="hg38", mmObj=NULL, method="jaspar"){
	if (method=="jaspar"){
		spec <- assembly
		if (assembly=="vert") {
			if (is.null(mmObj))	mmObj <- prepareMotifmatchr("hg38", "jaspar_vert")
		} else {
			spec <- muRtools::normalize.str(organism(getGenomeObject(assembly)))
			if (is.null(mmObj))	mmObj <- prepareMotifmatchr(assembly, "jaspar")
		pwmL <- mmObj$motifs
		fn <- system.file(file.path("extdata", paste0("motifDistMat_jaspar_", spec, ".rds")), package="ChrAccR")
		if (file.exists(fn)){
			mDist <- readRDS(fn)
			lls <- labels(mDist)
			if (!all(lls==names(pwmL))){
				mn_missing <- setdiff(names(pwmL), lls)
				if (length(mn_missing) > 0) logger.error(c("The following motifs could not be found in the JASPAR annotation:", paste(mn_missing, collapse=",")))
				mDist <- as.dist(as.matrix(mDist)[names(pwmL),names(pwmL)])
		} else {
			logger.warning(c("ChrAccR currently does not contain a precomputed JASPAR motif dissimilarity matrix for species", spec, "--> dissimilarities will be retrieved from the JASPAR website"))		
			mIds <- TFBSTools::"ID"(pwmL)
			mNames <- TFBSTools::"name"(pwmL)

			mDist <- getMotifDistMat.jaspar(mIds)
			colnames(mDist) <- rownames(mDist) <- names(pwmL)
			mDist <- as.dist(mDist)
	} else {
		logger.error(c("Unsupported method of motif dissiliarities:", method))

#' getMotifClustering
#' Retrieve motif clustering of TF motifs
#' @param k            number of clusters. \code{k<1} will result in an automatically selected clustering which is precomputed and stored in \code{ChrAccR}.
#'                     For \code{distMethod=="jaspar"} and \code{clusterMethod=="pam"} this corresponds to the k corresponding to the best silhouette value before a drop (in the silhouette elbow-curve) occurs
#' @param distM        distance matrix (\code{dist} object) containing motif dissimilarities/distances. Only required if \code{k>0}.
#' @param assembly     genome assembly for which the motifs dissimilarity should be retrieved. Only the species information
#'                     of the assembly is really relevant. Can be \code{"vert"} for all vertebrate motifs. Only required if for automatic mode (i.e. \code{k<1}).
#' @param motifs either a character string (currently only "jaspar" is supported) or an object containing PWMs
#'               that can be used by \code{motifmatchr::matchMotifs} (\code{PWMatrixList} object)
#' @param clusterMethod  method to be used for motif clustering (currently only \code{'pam'} (PAM - partitioning around medoids) is supported)

#' @return a list structure containing the clustering result
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
getMotifClustering <- function(k=0, distM=NULL, assembly="hg38", motifs="jaspar", clusterMethod="pam"){
	if (motifs != "jaspar") logger.error(c("Currently motif clustering is only supported for JASPAR motifs"))
	if (clusterMethod != "pam") logger.error(c("Currently motif clustering is only supported using the PAM clustering method"))
	if (k>0 && !is.element("dist", class(distM))) logger.error(c("motif distance matrix must be a dist object"))

	if (motifs=="jaspar"){
		if (clusterMethod == "pam"){
			if (k<1){
				spec <- assembly
				if (assembly != "vert")	spec <- muRtools::normalize.str(organism(getGenomeObject(assembly)))
				fn <- system.file(file.path("extdata", paste0("motifClustRes_bestSil_jaspar_", spec, ".rds")), package="ChrAccR")
				if (!file.exists(fn)) logger.error(c("ChrAccR currently does not contain a precomputed JASPAR motif clustering for species", spec))
				cr <- readRDS(fn)
			} else {
				clustRes.pam <- cluster::pam(distM, k=k)
				clustAssign <- clustRes.pam$medoids[clustRes.pam$clustering]
				names(clustAssign) <- labels(distM)
				clustAssignL <- lapply(clustRes.pam$medoids, FUN=function(mm){names(clustAssign)[clustAssign==mm]})
				names(clustAssignL) <- clustRes.pam$medoids
				clusterNames <- sapply(seq_along(clustAssignL), FUN=function(i){
					paste0(sapply(getJasparSymbols(names(clustAssignL)[i]), paste, collapse="_"), ":", paste(sort(unique(unlist(getJasparSymbols(clustAssignL[[i]])))), collapse="|"))
				names(clusterNames) <- names(clustAssignL)
				cr <- list(k=k, clustAssign=clustAssign, clustAssignL=clustAssignL, clustNames=clusterNames, clustRes=clustRes.pam)

# Motif plotting
#' PWMatrixToProbMatrix
#' convert a log2probratio PWM (\code{PWMatrix} from TFBSTools package) to a matrix containing probabilities in [0,1]
#' @param x log2probratio PWM (\code{PWMatrix} from TFBSTools package)
#' @return PWM probability matrix with values in 
#' @author Fabian Mueller
PWMatrixToProbMatrix <- function(x){
	if (class(x) != "PWMatrix") stop("x must be a TFBSTools::PWMatrix object")
	(2^as(x, "matrix"))*TFBSTools::bg(x)/sum(TFBSTools::bg(x))

#' hmSeqLogo
#' Draw a sequence motif logo in a Complex Heatmap using grid.
#' adapted from \code{seqLogo::seqLogo()}
#' @param pwm   PWM (from TFBSTools package)
#' @param x     x center coordinate where the motif should be drawn
#' @param y     y center coordinate where the motif should be drawn
#' @param width drawing width
#' @param height drawing height
#' @param ic.scale \code{logical} If TRUE, the height of each column is proportional to its information content. Otherwise, all columns have the same height.
#' @return Draws the motif
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hmSeqLogo(prepareMotifmatchr("hg38", "jaspar")$motifs[["MA0137.3_STAT1"]], unit(0.5, "npc"), unit(0.5, "npc"), 0.5, 0.5, ic.scale=TRUE)
#' }
 <- function(pwm, x=unit(0.5, "npc"), y=unit(0.5, "npc"), width=1, height=1, ic.scale=TRUE){
	if (!requireNamespace("grid")) logger.error(c("Could not load dependency: grid"))
	# convert units to numbers
	unitType <- attr(x, "unit")
	x <- as.numeric(x)
	y <- as.numeric(y)
	width <- as.numeric(width)
	height <- as.numeric(height)

	# convert the PWM to matrix
	if (class(pwm) == "pwm") {
		pwm <- pwm@pwm
	} else if (class(pwm) == "PWMatrix") {
		pwm <- PWMatrixToProbMatrix(pwm)
	} else if (class(pwm) == "data.frame") {
		pwm <- as.matrix(pwm)
	} else if (class(pwm) != "matrix"){
		stop("pwm must be of class matrix or data.frame")
	if (any(abs(1 - apply(pwm,2,sum)) > 0.01)) stop("Columns of PWM must add up to 1.0")

	chars <- c("A","C","G","T")
	letters <- list(x=NULL,y=NULL,id=NULL,fill=NULL)
	npos <- ncol(pwm)

	if (ic.scale) {
		facs <- seqLogo:::pwm2ic(pwm)
		facs <- facs/max(facs) # scale columns to max information content
	} else {
		facs <- rep(1, npos)

	wt <- width / npos
	x.pos <- x - width/2
	for (j in 1:npos) {
		column <- pwm[,j]
		hts <- 0.99*column*facs[j]*height
		letterOrder <- order(hts)

		y.pos <- y-height/2
		for (i in 1:length(chars)) {
			letter <- chars[letterOrder[i]]
			ht <- hts[letterOrder[i]]
			if (ht>0) letters <- seqLogo:::addLetter(letters, letter, x.pos, y.pos, ht, wt)
			y.pos <- y.pos + ht #+ 0.01
		x.pos <- x.pos + wt
	grid::grid.polygon(x=unit(letters$x, unitType), y=unit(letters$y, unitType), id=letters$id, gp=grid::gpar(fill=letters$fill,col="transparent"))

# Footprint plotting
#' plotFootprint
#' Plot motif footprinting results
#' @param footprintDf \code{data.frame} used for plotting (as output by \code{getMotifFootprints(...)$footprintDf})
#' @param pwm   PWM used for plotting the sequence logo (from TFBSTools package or output from \code{prepareMotifmatchr(...)$motifs})
#' @return A \code{ggplot2} object containing the motif plot
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @noRd
plotFootprint <- function(footprintDf, pwm=NULL, colorMap=NULL){
	motifLen <- motifUp <- motifDown <- NULL
	if (!is.null(pwm)){
		motifLen <- length(pwm)
		motifUp <- -ceiling(motifLen/2) + 1
		motifDown <- floor(motifLen/2)
	# plot
	if (is.null(colorMap)){
		ggCs <- muRtools::ggAutoColorScale(footprintDf[,"sampleId"], method="color")
	} else {
		ggCs <- scale_color_manual(values=colorMap)
	ppm <- ggplot(footprintDf, aes(x=pos, y=countNormBiasCor, color=sampleId, group=sampleId, fill=sampleId)) + ggCs
	ppb <- ggplot(footprintDf, aes(x=pos, y=Tn5biasNorm, color=sampleId, group=sampleId, fill=sampleId)) + ggCs

	if (!is.null(motifLen)){
		ppm <- ppm + annotate("rect", xmin=motifUp, xmax=motifDown, ymin=-Inf, ymax=Inf, fill="#d9d9d9") 
		ppb <- ppb + annotate("rect", xmin=motifUp, xmax=motifDown, ymin=-Inf, ymax=Inf, fill="#d9d9d9")

	ppm <- ppm + geom_line() #+ geom_smooth(aes(group=cellType),size=2,alpha=0.15,method="gam",formula=y ~ s(x, bs = "cs"))
	ppb <- ppb + geom_line()

	if (!is.null(pwm)){
		# add sequence logo
		logo <- (pwm, unit(0.5, "npc"), unit(0.5, "npc"), 1, 1, ic.scale=TRUE)
		logoHeight <- (max(footprintDf[,"countNormBiasCor"], na.rm=TRUE) - min(footprintDf[,"countNormBiasCor"], na.rm=TRUE)) * 0.2
		logoY <- max(footprintDf[,"countNormBiasCor"], na.rm=TRUE) - logoHeight
		ppm <- ppm + cowplot::draw_plot(logo, 100, logoY, 100, logoHeight)

	pp <- cowplot::plot_grid(ppm, ppb + theme(legend.position="none"), ncol=1, rel_heights=c(2, 1), align="v", axis="lr")
demuellae/ChrAccR documentation built on Jan. 20, 2020, 3:03 a.m.