
Defines functions swarmInit

Documented in swarmInit

#' @include All-classes.R

#' pso.2.0
#' Particle swarm optimization acceepting a start state and early stopping 
#' criteria.
#' @name pso.2.0
#' @rdname pso.2.0
#' @param par numeric; Vector with length defining the dimensionality of the 
#'  optimization problem. For more information see \code{\link[pso]{psoptim}}.
#' @param fn function; A function to be minimized. For more information 
#'  see \code{\link[pso]{psoptim}}.
#' @param gr function; A function to return the gradient if local search is 
#'  BFGS. For more information see \code{\link[pso]{psoptim}}.
#' @param lower numeric; Lower bounds on the variables.
#' @param upper numeric; Lower bounds on the variables.
#' @param swarmInit matrix; Initial swarm positions. Optional to enhance speed.
#' @param control list; A list of control parameters. For more information 
#'  see \code{\link[pso]{psoptim}}. In addition, final swarm positions can be
#'  returned by specifying return.swarm = TRUE.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass on.
#' @return See \code{\link[pso]{psoptim}}.
#' @author Claus Bendtsen modified by Martin Enge

#' @importFrom stats optim rnorm runif
#' @rdname pso.2.0
#' @export

pso.2.0 <- function (
  par, fn, gr = NULL, lower = -1, upper = 1, swarmInit = NULL, 
  control = list(), ...
  fn1 <- function(par) fn(par, ...) / p.fnscale
  mrunif <- function(n, m, lower, upper) {
    m <- matrix(runif(n * m, 0, 1), nrow = n, ncol = m)
    return(m * (upper  - lower) + lower)
  norm <- function(x) sqrt(sum(x * x))
  rsphere.unif <- function(n,r) {
    temp <- runif(n)
    return((runif(1, min = 0, max = r) / norm(temp)) * temp)
  svect <- function(a, b, n, k) {
    temp <- rep(a, n)
    temp[k] <- b
  mrsphere.unif <- function(n, r) {
    m <- length(r)
    temp <- matrix(runif(n * m), n, m)
    return(temp %*% diag(runif(m, min = 0, max = r) / apply(temp, 2, norm)))
  npar <- length(par)
  lower <- as.double(rep(lower, ,npar))
  upper <- as.double(rep(upper, ,npar))
  con <- list(
    trace = 0, fnscale = 1, maxit = 1000L, maxf = Inf, abstol = -Inf, 
    reltol = 0, REPORT = 10, s = NA, k = 3, p = NA, w = 1 / (2 * log(2)),
    c.p = .5 + log(2), c.g = .5 + log(2), d = NA, v.max = NA, rand.order = TRUE, 
    max.restart = Inf, maxit.stagnate = Inf, eps.stagnate = 1e-3, 
    vectorize = FALSE, hybrid = FALSE, hybrid.control = NULL, 
    trace.stats = FALSE, type = "SPSO2007"
  #, return.swarm = FALSE
  nmsC <- names(con)
  con[(namc <- names(control))] <- control
  if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% nmsC])) 
    warning("unknown names in control: ", paste(noNms, collapse = ", "))
  ## Argument error checks
  if (any(upper==Inf | lower==-Inf))
    stop("fixed bounds must be provided")
  p.type <- pmatch(con[["type"]], c("SPSO2007", "SPSO2011")) - 1
  if (is.na(p.type)) stop("type should be one of \"SPSO2007\", \"SPSO2011\"")
  p.trace <- con[["trace"]] > 0L # provide output on progress?
  p.fnscale <- con[["fnscale"]] # scale funcion by 1/fnscale
  p.maxit <- con[["maxit"]] # maximal number of iterations
  p.maxf <- con[["maxf"]] # maximal number of function evaluations
  p.abstol <- con[["abstol"]] # absolute tolerance for convergence
  p.reltol <- con[["reltol"]] # relative minimal tolerance for restarting
  p.report <- as.integer(con[["REPORT"]]) # output every REPORT iterations
  p.s <- ifelse(is.na(con[["s"]]), ifelse(p.type == 0, floor(10 + 2 * sqrt(npar)), 40), con[["s"]]) # swarm size
  p.p <- ifelse(is.na(con[["p"]]), 1 - (1 - 1 / p.s) ^ con[["k"]], con[["p"]]) # average % of informants
  p.w0 <- con[["w"]] # exploitation constant
  if (length(p.w0) > 1) {
    p.w1 <- p.w0[2]
    p.w0 <- p.w0[1]
  } else {
    p.w1 <- p.w0
  p.c.p <- con[["c.p"]] # local exploration constant
  p.c.g <- con[["c.g"]] # global exploration constant
  p.d <- ifelse(is.na(con[["d"]]), norm(upper - lower), con[["d"]]) # domain diameter
  p.vmax <- con[["v.max"]] * p.d # maximal velocity
  p.randorder <- as.logical(con[["rand.order"]]) # process particles in random order?
  p.maxrestart <- con[["max.restart"]] # maximal number of restarts
  p.maxstagnate <- con[["maxit.stagnate"]] # maximal number of iterations without improvement
  p.epsstagnate <- con[["eps.stagnate"]] # Used for max.stagnate
  p.vectorize <- as.logical(con[["vectorize"]]) # vectorize?
  if (is.character(con[["hybrid"]])) {
    p.hybrid <- pmatch(con[["hybrid"]], c("off", "on", "improved")) - 1
    if (is.na(p.hybrid)) stop("hybrid should be one of \"off\", \"on\", \"improved\"")
  } else {
    p.hybrid <- as.integer(as.logical(con[["hybrid"]])) # use local BFGS search
  p.hcontrol <- con[["hybrid.control"]] # control parameters for hybrid optim
  if ("fnscale" %in% names(p.hcontrol))
    p.hcontrol["fnscale"] <- p.hcontrol["fnscale"] * p.fnscale
    p.hcontrol["fnscale"] <- p.fnscale
  p.trace.stats <- as.logical(con[["trace.stats"]]) # collect detailed stats?
  #p.returnswarm <- as.logical(con[["return.swarm"]]) # return final swarm?
  if (p.trace) {
      "S=", p.s,", K=", con[["k"]], ", p=", signif(p.p, 4),", w0=", 
      signif(p.w0,4), ", w1=", signif(p.w1, 4), ", c.p=", signif(p.c.p,4),
      ", c.g=", signif(p.c.g, 4)
      "v.max=", signif(con[["v.max"]], 4), ", d=", signif(p.d, 4), 
      ", vectorize=", p.vectorize, ", hybrid=", 
      c("off", "on", "improved")[p.hybrid + 1]
    if (p.trace.stats) {
      stats.trace.it <- c()
      stats.trace.error <- c()
      stats.trace.f <- NULL
      stats.trace.x <- NULL
  ## Initialization
  if (p.reltol != 0) p.reltol <- p.reltol * p.d
  if (p.vectorize) {
    lowerM <- matrix(lower, nrow = npar, ncol = p.s)
    upperM <- matrix(upper, nrow = npar, ncol = p.s)
  # Initialize solution matrix, create random if not supplied. MARTIN
  X <- swarmInit
  if(is.null(X)) {
    X <- mrunif(npar, p.s, lower, upper)
  # Check validity of user-supplied X
  if(nrow(X) != npar | ncol(X) != p.s)
      "User-supplied swarm start state is not conformant with other arguments. nrow=",
      nrow(X), "npar=", npar, "ncol=", ncol(X), "p.s=", p.s
  if (!any(is.na(par)) && all(par >= lower) && all(par <= upper)) X[ ,1] <- par
  # Initialize direction/speed vectors
  if (p.type == 0) {
    V <- (mrunif(npar, p.s, lower, upper) - X) / 2
  } else { ## p.type==1
    V <- matrix(runif(npar * p.s, min = as.vector(lower - X), max = as.vector(upper - X)), npar, p.s)
    p.c.p2 <- p.c.p / 2 # precompute constants
    p.c.p3 <- p.c.p / 3
    p.c.g3 <- p.c.g / 3
    p.c.pg3 <- p.c.p3 + p.c.g3
  if (!is.na(p.vmax)) { # scale to maximal velocity
    temp <- apply(V, 2, norm)
    temp <- pmin.int(temp, p.vmax) / temp
    V <- V %*% diag(temp)
  f.x <- apply(X, 2, fn1) # first evaluations
  stats.feval <- p.s
  P <- X
  f.p <- f.x
  P.improved <- rep(FALSE, p.s)
  i.best <- which.min(f.p)
  error <- f.p[i.best]
  init.links <- TRUE
  if (p.trace && p.report == 1) {
    message("It 1: fitness=", signif(error, 4))
    if (p.trace.stats) {
      stats.trace.it <- c(stats.trace.it, 1)
      stats.trace.error <- c(stats.trace.error, error)
      stats.trace.f <- c(stats.trace.f, list(f.x))
      stats.trace.x <- c(stats.trace.x, list(X))
  ## Iterations
  stats.iter <- 1
  stats.restart <- 0
  stats.stagnate <- 0
  # Check stop condition
  while (
    stats.iter < p.maxit && stats.feval < p.maxf && error > p.abstol &&
         stats.restart < p.maxrestart && stats.stagnate < p.maxstagnate
    stats.iter <- stats.iter + 1
    if (p.p != 1 && init.links) {
      links <- matrix(runif(p.s * p.s, 0, 1) <= p.p, p.s, p.s)
      diag(links) <- TRUE
    ## The swarm moves
    if (!p.vectorize) {
      if (p.randorder) {
        index <- sample(p.s)
      } else {
        index <- 1:p.s
      for (i in index) {
        if (p.p == 1)
          j <- i.best
          j <- which(links[ ,i])[which.min(f.p[links[ ,i]])] # best informant
        temp <- (p.w0 + (p.w1 - p.w0) * max(stats.iter / p.maxit, stats.feval / p.maxf))
        V[, i] <- temp * V[, i] # exploration tendency
        if (p.type == 0) {
          V[, i] <- V[, i] + runif(npar, 0, p.c.p) * (P[, i] - X[, i]) # exploitation
          if (i != j) V[, i] <- V[, i] + runif(npar, 0, p.c.g) * (P[, j] - X[, i])
        } else { # SPSO 2011
          if (i != j)
            temp <- p.c.p3 * P[, i] + p.c.g3 * P[, j] - p.c.pg3 * X[, i] # Gi-Xi
            temp <- p.c.p2 * P[, i] - p.c.p2 * X[, i] # Gi-Xi for local=best
          V[, i] <- V[, i] + temp + rsphere.unif(npar, norm(temp))
        if (!is.na(p.vmax)) {
          temp <- norm(V[, i])
          if (temp > p.vmax) V[, i] <- (p.vmax / temp) * V[, i]
        X[, i] <- X[, i] + V[, i]
        ## Check bounds
        temp <- X[, i] < lower
        if (any(temp)) {
          X[temp, i] <- lower[temp]
          V[temp, i] <- 0
        temp <- X[, i] > upper
        if (any(temp)) {
          X[temp, i] <- upper[temp]
          V[temp, i] <- 0
        ## Evaluate function
        if (p.hybrid == 1) {
          temp <- optim(
            X[, i], fn, gr, ..., method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = lower,
            upper = upper, control = p.hcontrol
          V[, i] <- V[, i] + temp$par - X[, i] # disregards any v.max imposed
          X[, i] <- temp$par
          f.x[i] <- temp$value
          stats.feval <- stats.feval + as.integer(temp$counts[1])
        } else {
          f.x[i] <- fn1(X[, i])
          stats.feval <- stats.feval + 1
        if (f.x[i] < f.p[i]) { # improvement
          P[, i] <- X[, i]
          f.p[i] <- f.x[i]
          if (f.p[i] < f.p[i.best]) {
            i.best <- i
            if (p.hybrid == 2) {
              temp <- optim(
                X[, i], fn, gr, ..., method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = lower, 
                upper = upper, control = p.hcontrol
              V[, i] <- V[, i] + temp$par - X[, i] # disregards any v.max imposed
              X[, i] <- temp$par
              P[, i] <- temp$par
              f.x[i] <- temp$value
              f.p[i] <- temp$value
              stats.feval <- stats.feval + as.integer(temp$counts[1])
        if (stats.feval >= p.maxf) break
    } else {
      if (p.p == 1)
        j <- rep(i.best, p.s)
      else # best informant
        j <- sapply(1:p.s, function(i)
          which(links[, i])[which.min(f.p[links[, i]])]) 
      temp <- (p.w0 + (p.w1 - p.w0) * max(stats.iter / p.maxit, stats.feval / p.maxf))
      V <- temp * V # exploration tendency
      if (p.type == 0) {
        V <- V + mrunif(npar, p.s, 0, p.c.p) * (P - X) # exploitation
        temp <- j != (1:p.s)
        V[, temp] <- V[, temp] + mrunif(npar, sum(temp), 0, p.c.p) * (P[ ,j[temp]] - X[, temp])
      } else { # SPSO 2011
        temp <- j == (1:p.s)
        temp <- P %*% diag(svect(p.c.p3, p.c.p2, p.s, temp)) + P[, j] %*% diag(svect(p.c.g3, 0, p.s, temp)) - X %*% diag(svect(p.c.pg3, p.c.p2, p.s, temp)) # G-X
        V <- V + temp + mrsphere.unif(npar, apply(temp, 2, norm))
      if (!is.na(p.vmax)) {
        temp <- apply(V, 2, norm)
        temp <- pmin.int(temp, p.vmax) / temp
        V <- V %*% diag(temp)
      X <- X + V
      ## Check bounds
      temp <- X < lowerM
      if (any(temp)) {
        X[temp] <- lowerM[temp] 
        V[temp] <- 0
      temp <- X > upperM
      if (any(temp)) {
        X[temp] <- upperM[temp]
        V[temp] <- 0
      ## Evaluate function
      if (p.hybrid == 1) { # not really vectorizing
        for (i in 1:p.s) {
          temp <- optim(
            X[, i], fn, gr, ..., method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = lower, 
            upper = upper, control = p.hcontrol
          V[, i] <- V[, i] + temp$par - X[, i] # disregards any v.max imposed
          X[, i] <- temp$par
          f.x[i] <- temp$value
          stats.feval <- stats.feval + as.integer(temp$counts[1])
      } else {
        f.x <- apply(X, 2, fn1)
        stats.feval <- stats.feval + p.s
      temp <- f.x < f.p
      if (any(temp)) { # improvement
        P[, temp] <- X[, temp]
        f.p[temp] <- f.x[temp]
        i.best <- which.min(f.p)
        if (temp[i.best] && p.hybrid == 2) { # overall improvement
          temp <- optim(
            X[, i.best], fn, gr, ..., method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = lower, 
            upper = upper, control = p.hcontrol
          V[, i.best] <- V[, i.best] + temp$par - X[, i.best] # disregards any v.max imposed
          X[, i.best] <- temp$par
          P[, i.best] <- temp$par
          f.x[i.best] <- temp$value
          f.p[i.best] <- temp$value
          stats.feval <- stats.feval + as.integer(temp$counts[1])
      if (stats.feval >= p.maxf) break
    if (p.reltol != 0) {
      d <- X - P[, i.best]
      d <- sqrt(max(colSums(d * d)))
      if (d < p.reltol) {
        X <- mrunif(npar, p.s, lower, upper)
        V <- (mrunif(npar, p.s, lower, upper) - X) / 2
        if (!is.na(p.vmax)) {
          temp <- apply(V, 2, norm)
          temp <- pmin.int(temp, p.vmax) / temp
          V <- V %*% diag(temp)
        stats.restart <- stats.restart + 1
        if (p.trace) message("It ", stats.iter, ": restarting")
    #    init.links <- f.p[i.best]==error # if no overall improvement
    init.links <- abs(f.p[i.best] - error) < p.epsstagnate # if overall improvement < eps MARTIN
    stats.stagnate <- ifelse(init.links, stats.stagnate + 1, 0)
    error <- f.p[i.best]
    if (p.trace && stats.iter %% p.report == 0) {
      if (p.reltol != 0) 
          "It ", stats.iter, ": fitness=", signif(error, 4), ", swarm diam.=", 
          signif(d, 4)
        message("It ", stats.iter, ": fitness=", signif(error, 4))
      if (p.trace.stats) {
        stats.trace.it <- c(stats.trace.it, stats.iter)
        stats.trace.error <- c(stats.trace.error, error)
        stats.trace.f <- c(stats.trace.f, list(f.x))
        stats.trace.x <- c(stats.trace.x, list(X))
  if (error <= p.abstol) {
    msg <- "Converged"
    msgcode <- 0
  } else if (stats.feval >= p.maxf) {
    msg <- "Maximal number of function evaluations reached"
    msgcode <- 1
  } else if (stats.iter >= p.maxit) {
    msg <- "Maximal number of iterations reached"
    msgcode <- 2
  } else if (stats.restart >= p.maxrestart) {
    msg <- "Maximal number of restarts reached"
    msgcode <- 3
  } else {
    msg <- "Maximal number of iterations without improvement reached"
    msgcode <- 4
  if (p.trace) message(msg)
  o <- list(
    par = P[, i.best], value = f.p[i.best], 
    counts = c("function" = stats.feval, "iteration" = stats.iter, "restarts" = stats.restart),
    convergence = msgcode, message = msg
  if (p.trace && p.trace.stats) {
    o <- c(o, list(stats = list(
      it = stats.trace.it, error = stats.trace.error, 
      f = stats.trace.f, x = stats.trace.x
  #if(p.returnswarm) o <- c(o, list(swarm = X))

#' swarmInit
#' Helper function to calculate the swarm initialization positions to provide
#' as the swarmInit argument to CIMseqSwarm.
#' @name swarmInit
#' @rdname swarmInit
#' @param singlets CIMseqSinglets; A CIMseqSinglets object.
#' @param k integer; Number of cells in each combination, i.e. 2 gives doublets, 
#'  3 gives triplets, etc. Must be >= 2.
#' @param null.weight numeric; Weight to adjust the amount of noise in the 
#'  initialization positions. Default = 1.
#' @param seed integer; A seed to set.
#' @return A matrix with the swarm initialization state.
#' @author Martin Enge

#' @rdname swarmInit
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export

swarmInit <- function(singlets, k, null.weight = 1, seed = 9238232) {
  if(k < 2) stop("k must be >= 2")
  num.classes <- length(unique(getData(singlets, "classification")))
  comb <- cbind(
    matrix(rep(1:num.classes, k), nrow = k, byrow = TRUE), 
    combn(1:num.classes, k)
  xdbl <- matrix(
    abs(rnorm(num.classes * ncol(comb), mean = 0, sd = null.weight / num.classes)),
    nrow = ncol(comb), ncol = num.classes
  idx <- matrix(c(rep(1:ncol(comb), each = k), c(comb)), ncol = 2)
  xdbl[idx] <- 1
  t(xdbl / rowSums(xdbl))
jasonserviss/CIMseq documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 4:42 a.m.