
Defines functions loadCounts loadExonCounts loadIntronEventCounts loadVerifyBamID loadChrCounts loadFeaturCountsSummary loadMarkDuplicates loadNarrowPeaks loadBroadPeaks gdsToMatrix loadFragmentLengths scanTabixDataFrame importVariantInformation tabixFetchGWASSummary importGWASSummary importMotifDisruptions loadSalmonCounts salmonSummarizedExperiment

Documented in gdsToMatrix importGWASSummary importVariantInformation loadBroadPeaks loadCounts loadFragmentLengths loadNarrowPeaks scanTabixDataFrame tabixFetchGWASSummary

#' Import featureCounts output table into R.
#' Skips the first comment line.
#' @param sample_dir Path to the directory containing the count files.
#' @param sample_names Vector of sample names.
#' @param counts_suffix Suffix of the counts file.
#' @param sub_dir If TRUE, count files are nested in subfolders named after sample names, otherwise counts files
#' are directly in sample_dir.
#' @return Counts matrix where the first two columns are gene_id and feature length.
#' @author Kaur Alasoo
#' @export 
loadCounts <- function(sample_dir, sample_names, counts_suffix = ".counts.txt", sub_dir = TRUE){
  #Load featureCounts output into R
  matrix = c()
  for (i in c(1:length(sample_names))){
    if (sub_dir == TRUE){
      path = file.path(sample_dir, sample_names[i], paste(sample_names[i], counts_suffix, sep = ""))
    } else {
      path = file.path(sample_dir, paste(sample_names[i], counts_suffix, sep = ""))      
    table = readr::read_tsv(path, skip = 1, col_types = "cccccii")
    if (i == 1){
      matrix = table[,c(1,6,7)]
      matrix = cbind(matrix, table[,7])
  colnames(matrix) = c("gene_id", "length", sample_names)

loadExonCounts <- function(sample_dir, sample_names, counts_suffix = ".exon_counts.txt", sub_dir = TRUE){
  #Load featureCounts output into R
  matrix = c()
  for (i in c(1:length(sample_names))){
    if (sub_dir == TRUE){
      path = file.path(sample_dir, sample_names[i], paste(sample_names[i], counts_suffix, sep = ""))
    } else {
      path = file.path(sample_dir, paste(sample_names[i], counts_suffix, sep = ""))      
    table = readr::read_tsv(path, skip = 1, col_types = "cccccii")
    if (i == 1){
      matrix = table[,c(1,3,4,6,7)]
      matrix = cbind(matrix, table[,7])
  colnames(matrix) = c("gene_id", "start", "end", "length", sample_names)
  matrix = dplyr::tbl_df(matrix)

loadIntronEventCounts <- function(sample_dir, sample_names, counts_suffix = ".intron_events.txt", sub_dir = TRUE){
  #Load featureCounts output into R
  matrix = c()
  for (i in c(1:length(sample_names))){
    if (sub_dir == TRUE){
      path = file.path(sample_dir, sample_names[i], paste(sample_names[i], counts_suffix, sep = ""))
    } else {
      path = file.path(sample_dir, paste(sample_names[i], counts_suffix, sep = ""))      
    table = readr::read_tsv(path, col_names = FALSE, col_types = "ccc")
    if (i == 1){
      matrix = table
      matrix = cbind(matrix, table[,3])
  colnames(matrix) = c("gene_id", "event_id", sample_names)

loadVerifyBamID <- function(sample_names, sample_dir, suffix = ".verifyBamID.bestSM", sub_dir = TRUE){
  matrix = c()
  for (i in c(1:length(sample_names))){
    if (sub_dir == TRUE){
      path = file.path(sample_dir, sample_names[i], paste(sample_names[i], suffix, sep = ""))
    } else {
      path = file.path(sample_dir, paste(sample_names[i], suffix, sep = ""))
    table = read.table(path, comment.char = "", sep ="\t", header = TRUE) %>%
      dplyr::select(CHIP_ID, FREEMIX) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(sample_id = sample_names[i]) %>%
      dplyr::rename(genotype_id = CHIP_ID, freemix = FREEMIX)
    matrix = rbind(matrix, table)

loadChrCounts <- function(sample_dir, sample_names, counts_suffix = ".chr_counts", sub_dir = TRUE){
  #Import read counts per chromosome for each sample (used for estimating MT fraction in ATAC-Seq)
  matrix = c()
  for (i in c(1:length(sample_names))){
    if (sub_dir == TRUE){
      path = file.path(sample_dir, sample_names[i], paste(sample_names[i], counts_suffix, sep = ""))
    } else {
      path = file.path(sample_dir, paste(sample_names[i], counts_suffix, sep = ""))      
    table = read.table(path, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(table) = c(sample_names[i], "chr_name")
    if (i == 1){
      matrix = table[,c(2,1)]
      matrix = dplyr::full_join(matrix, table, by = "chr_name")

loadFeaturCountsSummary <- function(sample_dir, sample_names, counts_suffix = ".counts.txt.summary"){
  #Import featureCounts summary files
  matrix = c()
  for (i in c(1:length(sample_names))){
    path = file.path(sample_dir, sample_names[i], paste(sample_names[i], counts_suffix, sep = ""))
    table = read.table(path, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(table) = c("status", sample_names[i])
    if (i == 1){
      matrix = table[,c(1,2)]
      matrix = dplyr::full_join(matrix, table, by = "status")
  rownames(matrix) = matrix$status
  matrix = matrix[,-1]
  matrix = as.data.frame(t(matrix))
  matrix = dplyr::mutate(matrix, sample_id = rownames(matrix)) %>% dplyr::select(sample_id, everything())

loadMarkDuplicates <- function(sample_dir, sample_names, counts_suffix = ".MarkDuplicates.txt", sub_dir = TRUE){
  #Import MarkDuplicates summary files
  matrix = c()
  for (i in c(1:length(sample_names))){
    if (sub_dir == TRUE){
      path = file.path(sample_dir, sample_names[i], paste(sample_names[i], counts_suffix, sep = ""))
    } else {
      path = file.path(sample_dir, paste(sample_names[i], counts_suffix, sep = ""))      
    data = readr::read_tsv(path, skip = 6, col_names = FALSE)
    data = data[-2,]
    table = as.data.frame(t(data),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(table) = c("statistic", sample_names[i])
    if (i == 1){
      matrix = table[,c(1,2)]
      matrix = dplyr::full_join(matrix, table, by = "statistic")
  rownames(matrix) = matrix$statistic
  matrix = matrix[,-1]
  matrix = as.data.frame(t(matrix), stringsAsFators = FALSE)
  matrix = dplyr::mutate(matrix, sample_id = rownames(matrix)) %>% dplyr::select(sample_id, everything())

#' Import narrowPeak files into a list of GRanges objects.
#' All narrowPeak files are assumed to be nested in subdirectories named adter sample names.
#' Based on rtracklayer::import.bed, but adds additional columns present only in narrowPeak files.
#' @param sample_dir Path to the directory containing the narroPeak files.
#' @param sample_names Vector of sample names.
#' @param peaks_suffix Suffix of the narrowPeak files.
#' @return List of GRanges objects corresponding to peak calls from each sample.
#' @param sub_dir If TRUE, count files are nested in subfolders named after sample names, otherwise counts files
#' are directly in sample_dir.
#' @author Kaur Alasoo
#' @export 
loadNarrowPeaks <- function(sample_dir, sample_names, peaks_suffix = "_peaks.narrowPeak", sub_dir = TRUE){
  #Import narrowPeak files into a list
  result = list()
  extraCols_narrowPeak <- c(signalValue = "numeric", pValue = "numeric", qValue = "numeric", peak = "integer")
  for (i in c(1:length(sample_names))){
    if (sub_dir == TRUE){
      path = file.path(sample_dir, sample_names[i], paste(sample_names[i], peaks_suffix, sep = ""))
    } else {
      path = file.path(sample_dir, paste(sample_names[i], peaks_suffix, sep = ""))
    peaks = rtracklayer::import(path, format = "BED", extraCols = extraCols_narrowPeak)
    result[[sample_names[i]]] = peaks

#' Import broadPeak files into a list of GRanges objects.
#' All broadPeak files are assumed to be nested in subdirectories named adter sample names.
#' Based on rtracklayer::import.bed, but adds additional columns present only in broadPeak files.
#' @param sample_dir Path to the directory containing the broadPeak files.
#' @param sample_names Vector of sample names.
#' @param peaks_suffix Suffix of the broadPeak files.
#' @param sub_dir If TRUE, count files are nested in subfolders named after sample names, otherwise counts files
#' are directly in sample_dir.
#' @return List of GRanges objects corresponding to peak calls from each sample.
#' @author Kaur Alasoo
#' @export 
loadBroadPeaks <- function(sample_dir, sample_names, peaks_suffix = "_peaks.broadPeak", sub_dir = TRUE){
  #Import broakPeak files into a list
  result = list()
  extraCols_broadPeak <- c(signalValue = "numeric", pValue = "numeric", qValue = "numeric")
  for (i in c(1:length(sample_names))){
    if (sub_dir == TRUE){
      path = file.path(sample_dir, sample_names[i], paste(sample_names[i], peaks_suffix, sep = ""))
    } else {
      path = file.path(sample_dir, paste(sample_names[i], peaks_suffix, sep = ""))
    peaks = rtracklayer::import(path, format = "BED", extraCols = extraCols_broadPeak)
    result[[sample_names[i]]] = peaks

#' Import genotypes in GDS file to a matrix
#' Open GDS file (created with SNPRelate::snpgdsVCF2GDS) into R and convert it into a matrix of 
#' variant positions and matrix of allele dosage (0,1,2)
#' @param file Path to the GDS file.
#' @return List containing snpspos and genotypes matrix.
#' @author Kaur Alasoo
#' @export 
gdsToMatrix <- function(gds_file){
  #Extract genotypes
  gds <- GWASTools::GdsGenotypeReader(gds_file)
  genotypes = GWASTools::getGenotype(gds)
  sample_ids = GWASTools::getVariable(gds, "sample.id")
  snp_rs_ids = GWASTools::getVariable(gds, "snp.rs.id")
  snp_ids = GWASTools::getVariable(gds, "snp.id")
  #Invent id for snps that do not have an rs id
  new_snp_ids = paste("snp",snp_ids[snp_rs_ids == ""], sep = "")
  snp_rs_ids[snp_rs_ids == ""] = new_snp_ids
  colnames(genotypes) = sample_ids
  rownames(genotypes) = snp_rs_ids
  #Extract SNP coordinates
  snpspos = dplyr::data_frame(snpid = snp_rs_ids, 
             chr = GWASTools::getVariable(gds, "snp.chromosome"), 
             pos = GWASTools::getVariable(gds, "snp.position"))
  return(list(snpspos = snpspos, genotypes = genotypes))

#' Import output files from bedCountFragmentLengths.py script into R.
#' All fragment length files are assumed to be nested in subdirectories named after sample names.
#' @param sample_dir Path to the directory containing the fragment length files.
#' @param sample_names Vector of sample names.
#' @param file_suffix Suffix of the fragment lengths files.
#' @return List of GRanges objects corresponding to peak calls from each sample.
#' @author Kaur Alasoo
#' @export 
loadFragmentLengths <- function(sample_dir, sample_names, file_suffix = ".fragment_lengths.txt", sub_dir = TRUE){
  result = c()
  for (i in c(1:length(sample_names))){
    if (sub_dir == TRUE){
      path = file.path(sample_dir, sample_names[i], paste(sample_names[i], file_suffix, sep = ""))
    } else {
      path = file.path(sample_dir, paste(sample_names[i], file_suffix, sep = ""))
    table = read.table(path) %>% dplyr::tbl_df()
    colnames(table) = c("count", "fragment_length")
    sample_table = dplyr::mutate(table, sample_id = sample_names[i])
    if (i == 1){
      result = sample_table
      result = rbind(result, sample_table)

#' A general function to quickly import tabix indexed tab-separated files into data_frame
#' @param tabix_file Path to tabix-indexed text file
#' @param param A instance of GRanges, RangedData, or RangesList 
#' provide the sequence names and regions to be parsed. Passed onto Rsamtools::scanTabix()
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed on to readr::read_delim()
#' @return List of data_frames, one for each entry in the param GRanges object.
#' @export
scanTabixDataFrame <- function(tabix_file, param, ...){
  tabix_list = Rsamtools::scanTabix(tabix_file, param = param)
  df_list = lapply(tabix_list, function(x,...){
    if(length(x) > 0){
      if(length(x) == 1){
        #Hack to make sure that it also works for data frames with only one row
        #Adds an empty row and then removes it
        result = paste(paste(x, collapse = "\n"),"\n",sep = "")
        result = readr::read_delim(result, delim = "\t", ...)[1,]
        result = paste(x, collapse = "\n")
        result = readr::read_delim(result, delim = "\t", ...)
    } else{
      #Return NULL if the nothing is returned from tabix file
      result = NULL
  }, ...)

#' Import variant information extracted from VCF file into R
#' The variant information text file can be generated from the VCF using the following 
#' bcftools command:
#' bcftools query -f '\%CHROM\\t\%POS\\t\%ID\\t\%REF\\t\%ALT\\t\%TYPE\\t\%AC\\t\%AN\\n' path/to/vcf_file.vcf.gz | bgzip > path/to/variant_infromation_file.txt.gz
#' @param path Path to the the variant information text file.
#' @export
importVariantInformation <- function(path){
  info_col_names = c("chr","pos","snp_id","ref","alt","type","AC","AN")
  into_col_types = "ciccccii"
  snp_info = readr::read_delim(path, delim = "\t", col_types = into_col_types, col_names = info_col_names)
  snp_info = dplyr::mutate(snp_info, indel_length = pmax(nchar(alt), nchar(ref))) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(is_indel = ifelse(indel_length > 1, TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(MAF = pmin(AC/AN, 1-(AC/AN)))

#' Import a specific region from a tabix-indexed GWAS summary stats file
tabixFetchGWASSummary <- function(granges, summary_path){
  gwas_col_names = c("snp_id", "chr", "pos", "effect_allele", "MAF", 
                     "p_nominal", "beta", "OR", "log_OR", "se", "z_score", "trait", "PMID", "used_file")
  gwas_col_types = c("ccicdddddddccc")
  gwas_pvalues = scanTabixDataFrame(summary_path, granges, col_names = gwas_col_names, col_types = gwas_col_types)

#' Import full GWAS summary stats file
importGWASSummary <- function(summary_path){
  gwas_col_names = c("snp_id", "chr", "pos", "effect_allele", "MAF", 
                     "p_nominal", "beta", "OR", "log_OR", "se", "z_score", "trait", "PMID", "used_file")
  gwas_col_types = c("ccicdddddddccc")
  gwas_pvals = readr::read_tsv(summary_path,
                               col_names = gwas_col_names, col_types = gwas_col_types, skip = 1)

importMotifDisruptions <- function(path){
  motif_colnames = c("gene_id","snp_id","snp_count",".row","start","strand","motif_id","ref_abs_score","ref_rel_score",
  motif_disruptions = readr::read_delim(path, delim = "\t", col_names = motif_colnames)

loadSalmonCounts <- function(sample_dir, sample_names, counts_suffix = ".ensembl85.quant.sf.gz", 
                             sub_dir = TRUE, column_name = "TPM", ...){
  #Load featureCounts output into R
  matrix = c()
  for (i in c(1:length(sample_names))){
    if (sub_dir == TRUE){
      path = file.path(sample_dir, sample_names[i], paste0(sample_names[i], counts_suffix))
    } else {
      path = file.path(sample_dir, paste0(sample_names[i], counts_suffix))      
    columns = c("Name","Length","EffectiveLength","TPM","NumReads")
    table = readr::read_delim(path, delim = "\t", col_names = columns, col_types = "cdddd", ...)
    #Calculate relative length
    if(column_name == "RelativeLength"){
      table = dplyr::mutate(table, RelativeLength = EffectiveLength/Length)
    if (i == 1){
      matrix = table[,c("Name",column_name)]
      matrix = dplyr::bind_cols(matrix, table[,column_name])
  colnames(matrix) = c("transcript_id", sample_names)

salmonSummarizedExperiment <- function(sample_metadata, transcript_metadata, sample_dir, counts_suffix, sub_dir = FALSE, ...){
  #Load salmon lengths and merge with transcript metadata
  salmon_lengths = loadSalmonCounts(sample_dir, sample_metadata$sample_id[1], counts_suffix, sub_dir, column_name = "Length", ...)
  colnames(salmon_lengths)[2] = "salmon_length"
  transcript_meta = dplyr::left_join(salmon_lengths, transcript_metadata, by = "transcript_id") %>%
    dplyr::select(transcript_id, gene_id, gene_name, everything()) %>%
  rownames(transcript_meta) = transcript_meta$transcript_id
  #Import assays
  tpms = loadSalmonCounts(sample_dir, sample_metadata$sample_id, counts_suffix, sub_dir, column_name = "TPM", ...) %>%
  counts = loadSalmonCounts(sample_dir, sample_metadata$sample_id, counts_suffix, sub_dir, column_name = "NumReads", ...) %>%
  relLengths = loadSalmonCounts(sample_dir, sample_metadata$sample_id, counts_suffix, sub_dir, column_name = "RelativeLength", ...) %>%
  #Calculate TPM ratios
  #Set up the TPM data frame for computatiob
  gene_transcript_map = dplyr::select(transcript_metadata, transcript_id, gene_id)
  tpm_df = dplyr::mutate(as.data.frame(tpms), transcript_id = rownames(tpms)) %>%
    tbl_df() %>%
    dplyr::left_join(gene_transcript_map, by = "transcript_id") %>%
    dplyr::select(-transcript_id) %>%
    dplyr::select(gene_id, everything())
  #Calculate total expression per gene
  gene_total_tpms = purrr::slice_rows(tpm_df, "gene_id") %>% 
    purrr::by_slice(~colSums(.) %>% 
                      t() %>% 
                      as.data.frame(), .collate = "rows")
  #Make matrix of gene expression values for each transcript
  tx_gene_expression = dplyr::left_join(gene_transcript_map, gene_total_tpms, by = "gene_id")
  tx_gene_matrix = dplyr::select(tx_gene_expression, -gene_id, -transcript_id) %>% as.matrix()
  rownames(tx_gene_matrix) = tx_gene_expression$transcript_id
  #calculate TPM ratios and add them to the SummarizedExperiment
  tpm_ratios = tpms/tx_gene_matrix[rownames(tpms),]
  #Construct SummarizedExperiemnt
  se = SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(assays =
                            list(counts = counts, tpms = tpms, relLengths = relLengths, tpm_ratios = tpm_ratios), 
                            colData = sample_metadata, 
                            rowData = transcript_meta)
kauralasoo/seqUtils documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:42 a.m.