
Defines functions ST_statistics ST_statistics_plot get_coordinates get_coordinates.default get_coordinates.spaceST get_coordinates.dgCMatrix merge_exp_list collect_gene_data ensembl2hgnc ensembl2hgnc.default ensembl2hgnc.list ensembl2hgnc.spaceST calc_cp10k

Documented in calc_cp10k collect_gene_data ensembl2hgnc ensembl2hgnc.default ensembl2hgnc.list ensembl2hgnc.spaceST get_coordinates get_coordinates.default get_coordinates.dgCMatrix get_coordinates.spaceST merge_exp_list ST_statistics ST_statistics_plot

#' Quality Control statistics
#' @description Given a data.frame with gene expression values (genes as rows and observations as columns), this function will return a
#' data.frame with unique genes and transcript counts for each observation, as well as the sample id
#' @export
#' @param df Input gene expression data.frame
#' @return Data.frame with unique genes per feature and transcripts per feature
ST_statistics <- function(df){
  unique.genes.per.feature <- apply(df, 2, function(x) sum(x > 0))
  transcripts.per.feature <- colSums(df)
  return(data.frame(unique.genes.per.feature, transcripts.per.feature))

#' Quality Control plot
#' @description This function plots histograms of unique genes per feature and transcripts per featrure.
#' @export
#' @param df Input quality control data.frame.
#' @param separate Should replicates be seperated?
#' @param bins Select number of bins.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to geom_histogram.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes_string geom_histogram facet_grid
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @return Plot of histograms.
ST_statistics_plot <- function(df, separate = F, bins = NULL, col2 = c(scales::muted("red"), scales::muted("blue")), ...){
  if (!is.null(bins)) {
    ranges <- apply(df[, 1:2], 2, range)
    binwidths <- round(c(ranges[2, 1] - ranges[1, 1], ranges[2, 2] - ranges[1, 2])/bins)
  p.list <- lapply(c("unique.genes.per.feature", "transcripts.per.feature"), function(type) {
    if (!is.null(bins)) {
      bw <- ifelse(type == "unique.genes.per.feature", binwidths[1], binwidths[2])
    } else {
      bw <- NULL
    p <- ggplot(df, aes_string(type)) +
      geom_histogram(color = "black", fill = ifelse(type == "unique.genes.per.feature", col2[1], col2[2]), binwidth = bw, ...)
    if (separate) {
      p <- p + facet_grid(~samples)
    p <- p + theme_linedraw() +
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) +
      labs(x = gsub(pattern = "\\.", x = type, replacement = " "))
  plot(cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = p.list, nrow = 2))

#' Obtain coordinates from expression data list of expression data.frame
#' @title get_coordinates: obtain spatial coordinates
#' @description This function is used to collect all coordinates from a list of expression datasets or an expression dataset
#' @export
#' @rdname coordinates
#' @param x List of expression data.frames, data.frame or matrix.
#' @param delimiter Specify character used to delimit coordinates in headers.
#' @return Data frame with replicate numbers, x and y coordinates
get_coordinates <- function(x, delimiter = "_") {

#' @rdname coordinates
#' @export
get_coordinates.default <- function(x, delimiter = "_"){
  coords <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(colnames(x), split = delimiter))
  colnames(coords) <- c("replicate", "x", "y")
  coords <- data.frame(coords, stringsAsFactors = F)
  coords$x <- as.numeric(coords$x)
  coords$y <- as.numeric(coords$y)

#' @rdname coordinates
#' @export
get_coordinates.spaceST <- function(x, delimiter = "_"){

#' @rdname coordinates
#' @export
get_coordinates.dgCMatrix <- function(x, delimiter = "_"){
  get_coordinates.default(x, delimiter = delimiter)

#' Merge and filter expression datasets
#' @description This function is used to merge datasets in a list of expression datasets.
#' Genes which are not present in some datasets will get 0 values in those datasets. The merged dataset is
#' subsequently filtered from features with few unique genes and genes with low expression counts.
#' @export
#' @rdname merge
#' @param ls List of expression data.frames, data.frame or matrix.
#' @param unique.genes Integer value specifying number of unique genes allowed in a feature.
#' @param min.exp Integer value specifying lowest expression value allowed in min.features number of features.
#' @param min.features Integer value specifying number of features allowed with min.exp count.
#' @param filter.genes Character vector specifying genes that should be filtered out.
#' @param delimiter Delimiter used in header.
#' @return Merged and filtered dataframe.
merge_exp_list <- function(
  unique.genes = 0,
  min.exp = 0,
  min.features = 0,
  filter.genes = NULL,
  delimiter = "_"
) {
  if (class(ls) == "list") {
    genes <- unique(unlist(lapply(ls, rownames)))
    coords <- do.call(rbind, lapply(ls, function(x) {
      do.call(rbind, strsplit(colnames(x), split = delimiter))
    if (dim(coords)[2] == 3) {
      cols <- unlist(lapply(ls, colnames))
    } else if (dim(coords)[2] == 2) {
      cols <- unlist(lapply(1:length(ls), function(i) {
        expr <- ls[[i]]
        paste(i, colnames(expr), sep = delimiter)
    } else {
      stop("Headers not valid. Check that the delimiter was set correctly.")

    m <- do.call(cbind, lapply(ls, function(x) {
      # Check class
      if (class(x) != "data.frame") {
        x <- as.data.frame(x)
      } else if (!class(x) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")) {
        stop("Invalid class of expression matrix ...")
      x <- x[genes, ]
      rownames(x) <- genes

    rownames(m) <- genes
    colnames(m) <- cols
    m[is.na(m)] <- 0
    all.samples.matrix <- as(as.matrix(m), "dgCMatrix")
  } else if (class(ls) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")) {
    coords <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(colnames(ls), split = delimiter))
    if (dim(coords)[2] == 3) {
      all.samples.matrix <- as(as.matrix(ls), "dgCMatrix")
  } else if (class(ls) == "dgCMatrix") {
    all.samples.matrix <- ls

  if (!is.null(filter.genes)) {
        removed.genes <- -grep(rownames(all.samples.matrix), pattern = filter.genes, perl = TRUE)
        if(length(removed.genes) > 0) {
          all.samples.matrix = all.samples.matrix[-grep(rownames(all.samples.matrix), pattern = filter.genes, perl = TRUE),]

  # Filter out low quality genes
  all.samples.matrix = all.samples.matrix[Matrix::rowSums(all.samples.matrix >= min.exp) >= min.features, ]

  # Filter out low quality spots
  indices <- which(apply(all.samples.matrix, 2, function(x) sum(x > 0)) < unique.genes)
  if (length(indices) > 0){
    all.samples.matrix <- all.samples.matrix[, -indices]
  all.samples.matrix <- all.samples.matrix[order(rownames(all.samples.matrix)), ]

#merge_exp_list <- function(x,
#                  unique.genes = 0,
#                  min.exp = 0,
#                  min.features = 0,
#                  filter.genes = NULL,
#                  delimiter = "_"){
#  if (class(x) == "list") {
#    stopifnot(length(x) > 1)
#    df.A <- as.matrix(x[[1]])
#    # Check headers
#    coords <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(colnames(df.A), split = delimiter))
#    if (dim(coords)[2] == 2) {
#      xy <- paste(1, colnames(df.A), sep = delimiter)
#    } else if (dim(coords)[2] == 3) {
#      xy <- colnames(df.A)
#    }
#    for (i in 2:length(x)){
#      df.B <- as.matrix(x[[i]])
#      coords <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(colnames(df.B), split = delimiter))
#      if (dim(coords)[2] == 2) {
#        xy <- c(xy, paste(i, colnames(df.B), sep = delimiter))
#      } else if (dim(coords)[2] == 3) {
#        xy <- c(xy, colnames(df.B))
#      }
#      df.A <- data.frame(merge(df.A, df.B, by = "row.names", all = TRUE), row.names = 1)
#    }
#    df.A[is.na(df.A)] <- 0
#    colnames(df.A) <- xy
#    all.samples.matrix <- as(as.matrix(df.A), "dgCMatrix")
#  } else {
#    all.samples.matrix <- as(as.matrix(x), "dgCMatrix")
#  }
#  if (!is.null(filter.genes)){
#    removed.genes <- -grep(rownames(all.samples.matrix), pattern = filter.genes, perl = TRUE)
#    if(length(removed.genes) > 0) {
#      all.samples.matrix = all.samples.matrix[-grep(rownames(all.samples.matrix), pattern = filter.genes, perl = TRUE),]
#    }
#  }
#  # Filter out low quality genes
#  all.samples.matrix = all.samples.matrix[Matrix::rowSums(all.samples.matrix >= min.exp) >= min.features, ]
#  # Filter out low quality spots
#  indices <- which(apply(all.samples.matrix, 2, function(x) sum(x > 0)) < unique.genes)
#  if (length(indices) > 0){
#    all.samples.matrix <- all.samples.matrix[, -indices]
#  }
#  return(all.samples.matrix)

#' Collect data from bioMmRt
#' @description function used to collect data from biomaRt and save to data.frame
#' @export
#' @param gene.list character vector of gene ids
#' @param organism select organism (default hsapiens)
#' @param filters select filters from input data.frame
#' @param attributes select attributes to collect from biomaRt
collect_gene_data <- function(gene.list, organism = "hsapiens", filters = "ensembl_gene_id_version", attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id_version", "gene_biotype")) {
  mart <- character()
  class(mart) <- "try-error"
  trials <- 0
  while (class(mart) == "try-error") {
    mart <- try(useDataset(paste(organism, "_gene_ensembl", sep = ""), useMart("ensembl", ensemblRedirect = FALSE)), silent = TRUE)
    trials <- trials + 1
    if (trials == 5) {
      stop("Failed to connect to BiomaRt")
  G_list <- getBM(filters = filters, attributes = attributes, values = gene.list, mart = mart)
  if (nrow(G_list) == 0) {
    stop("No matches found. Check if the corect organism was selected.")

#' Convert from ENSEMBL ID to HGNC symbol or MGI symbol
#' @description Function used to convert ENSEMBL gene ids of an expression matrix into HGNC/MGI symbols.
#' Duplicated gene names will be aggregated.
#' @param object Data.frame, matrix or spaceST object with ENSEMBL ids as rownames.
#' @param organism Select organism database (human, mouse)
#' @return Data.frame or matrix with converted names.
#' @importFrom biomaRt getBM useDataset useMart
#' @name convert
#' @export
ensembl2hgnc <- function(object, organism = "human") {

#' @rdname convert
#' @export
ensembl2hgnc.default <- function(object, organism = "human") {
  mart <- character()
  class(mart) <- "try-error"
  trials <- 0
  if (organism == "human") {
    while (class(mart) == "try-error") {
      mart <- try(useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", useMart("ensembl")), silent = TRUE)
      trials <- trials + 1
      if (trials == 15) {
        stop("Failed to connect to BiomaRt")
    G_list <- getBM(filters = "ensembl_gene_id_version", attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id_version", "hgnc_symbol"), values = rownames(object), mart = mart)
    if (nrow(G_list) == 0) {
      stop("No matches found. Check if the corect organism was selected.")
    G_list$hgnc_symbol[G_list$hgnc_symbol == ""] <- G_list$ensembl_gene_id_version[G_list$hgnc_symbol == ""]
  } else if(organism == "mouse") {
    while (class(mart) == "try-error") {
      mart <- try(useDataset("mmusculus_gene_ensembl", useMart("ensembl")), silent = TRUE)
      trials <- trials + 1
      if (trials == 15) {
        stop("Failed to connect to BiomaRt")
    G_list <- getBM(filters= "ensembl_gene_id_version", attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id_version", "mgi_symbol"), values = rownames(object), mart = mart)
    if (nrow(G_list) == 0) {
      stop("No matches found. Check if the corect organism was selected.")
    G_list$mgi_symbol[G_list$mgi_symbol == ""] <- G_list$ensembl_gene_id_version[G_list$mgi_symbol == ""]

  G_vec <- G_list[, 2]
  names(G_vec) <- G_list[, 1]
  df <- as.matrix(df)
  rownames(object)[!is.na(G_vec[rownames(df)])] <- G_vec[rownames(object)[!is.na(G_vec[rownames(object)])]]
  if (sum(duplicated(rownames(object))) > 0) {
    object <- rowsum(object, rownames(object))

#' @rdname convert
#' @export
ensembl2hgnc.list <- function(object, organism = "human") {
  exp.list <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(object)) {
    exp.list[[i]] <- ensembl2hgnc.default(object[[i]], organism = organism)

#' @rdname convert
#' @export
ensembl2hgnc.spaceST <- function(object, organism = "human") {
  object@expr <- as(as.matrix(ensembl2hgnc.default(object@expr)), "dgCMatrix")

#' Calculate cp10k
#' @param df Object of class matrix or data.frame.
calc_cp10k <- function(df) {
  norm.factors <- colSums(df)
  norm.data <- t(t(df)/norm.factors*1e4)
ludvigla/spaceST documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:43 a.m.