#' Defines cell type reference "saliva gse147318"
#' Adapted for meffil by Haotian Tang
#' Jan 28, 2025
#' Defining a saliva reference panel
#' Based on https://github.com/perishky/meffil/blob/master/data-raw/gse167998-reference.r
#' Ori paper: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15592294.2021.1890874
#' Middleton, L. Y. M., Dou, J., Fisher, J., Heiss, J. A., Nguyen,
#' V. K., Just, A. C., … M. Bakulski, K. (2021). Saliva cell type DNA
#' methylation reference panel for epidemiological studies in
#' children. Epigenetics, 17(2), 161–177.
#' https://doi.org/10.1080/15592294.2021.1890874
#' DNA methylation was measured using the Illumina MethylationEPIC BeadChip
#' GSE147318
retrieve.gse147318 <- function(path) {
## set max download time
options(timeout = 1000)
## download the data
filename <- file.path(path, "GSE147318_RAW.tar")
if (length(list.files(path, pattern = "\\.idat$")) == 0) {
cat(date(), "Extracting files from GEO archive.\n")
system(paste("cd", path, ";", "tar xvf", basename(filename)))
cat(date(), "Unzipping IDAT files.\n")
system(paste("cd", path, ";", "gunzip *.idat.gz"))
} else {
cat(date(), "IDAT files already exist.\n")
samplesheet <- meffil.create.samplesheet(path)
samples <- geo.samples("GSE147318")
names(samples)[names(samples) == "geo_accession"] <- "Sample_Name"
samples$CellType <- get.characteristic(samples$characteristics_ch1, "cell fraction")
samples <- merge(samples, samplesheet)
create.saliva.gse147318.reference <- function() {
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (!requireNamespace("minfi", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (!requireNamespace("IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICmanifest", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (!requireNamespace("IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b4.hg19", quietly = TRUE)) {
## BiocManager::install("minfi")
## source two scripts from meffil github
`%notin%` <- Negate(`%in%`)
## to download saliva data
## define directory
path <- "gse147318"
#on.exit(unlink(path, recursive = TRUE))
samples <- retrieve.gse147318(path)
RGset <- read.metharray.exp(targets = samples, force = TRUE)
reference <- preprocessNoob(RGset)
reference <- mapToGenome(reference)
extracted.data <- extractFromRGSetEPIC(RGset)
samplesheet <- colData(RGset)
samplesheet <- merge(samplesheet, samples)
sex <- getSex(reference, cutoff = -3)$predictedSex
sex <- sign(sex == "F") + 1
reference <- normalizeFunnormEPIC(
object = reference, extractedData = extracted.data,
sex = sex, nPCs = 10, verbose = F
M <- getMeth(reference)
U <- getUnmeth(reference)
## Add cell type reference to meffil
## there are 4 different types in samplesheet, and "whole" and "oragene" need to be exclude
celltypes <- c("CD45pos", "large","whole","oragene")
cell.types <- celltypes[celltypes %notin% c("whole","oragene")]
stopifnot(all(cell.types %in% samplesheet$CellType))
selected <- samplesheet$CellType %in% cell.types
"saliva gse147318",
M[, selected], U[, selected],
cell.types = samplesheet$CellType[selected],
chip = "epic",
featureset = "epic",
description = "Child saliva reference of Middleton et al. Epigenetics 2022",
verbose = T
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