
Defines functions annotateSegments getGenes corWithDrug getGeneExpr getCinScore loadInPSets checkAgainst genErrBp splitToMNM plotFracDrift summarizeFracDrift getVcfDrifts driftOverlapMetric getCNDrifts getBafDrifts addSegDat getSegSD

Documented in addSegDat annotateSegments checkAgainst corWithDrug driftOverlapMetric genErrBp getBafDrifts getCinScore getCNDrifts getGeneExpr getGenes getSegSD getVcfDrifts loadInPSets plotFracDrift splitToMNM summarizeFracDrift

#### drift_it.R Support ###
### Functions for CN - BAF drift overlap
#' get Seg SD
#' @param gr.D genomic ranges of segment distances
#' @param gr.Draw GenomicRanges of raw probeset distances
#' @param winsorize.data Winsorize data boolean (Default=FALSE)
#' @param winsor winsorization threshold (Default=0.95)
#' @param n.scale Scaling factor for denominator
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom S4Vectors subjectHits
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom stats sd
getSegSD <- function(gr.D, gr.Draw, winsorize.data=FALSE, winsor=0.95, n.scale=1){
  idx <- grep(paste0("^X?", unique(gr.D$ID), "$"), colnames(mcols(gr.Draw)))
  ov <- findOverlaps(gr.D, gr.Draw)
  std.err <- sapply(split(gr.Draw[subjectHits(ov),], queryHits(ov)), function(raw){
    dat <- mcols(raw)[,idx]
      lim <- quantile(dat, c(winsor, 1-winsor), na.rm=TRUE)
      dat[dat > max(lim)] <- max(lim)
      dat[dat < min(lim)] <- min(lim)
    sigma=sd(dat, na.rm=TRUE)
    n= sum(!is.na(dat))
    n=if(n.scale==0) n else n/(n * n.scale)
    return(sigma / sqrt(n))
  return(round(std.err, 3))

#' addSegDat
#' @param CNAo DNAcopy object
#' @param ... extra params
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges makeGRangesFromDataFrame
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols
addSegDat <- function(CNAo, ...){
  gr.Draw <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(CNAo$data, start.field = "pos", end.field="pos", keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
  gr.seg <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(CNAo$output, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
  ids <- colnames(mcols(gr.Draw))
  std.errs <- sapply(split(gr.seg, gr.seg$ID)[ids], getSegSD, gr.Draw=gr.Draw, ...)
  CNAo$output$seg.sd <- as.numeric(unlist(std.errs[ids]))

#' getBafDrifts
#' @description Gets the drift GRanges and genomic fraction of drift
#' for any pair of cell lines from different datasets given
#' @param cl.pairs Vector of indices for cell line pairs in x.mat
#' @param x.mat Input matrix containing probeset BAF data
#' @param ref.ds Reference dataset (e.g. CCLE)
#' @param alt.ds Comparing dataset (e.g. GDSC)
#' @param snp6.dat SNP6 probeset genomic position, accessible from CCLid::ccl_table
#' @param ... Extra param
#' @return Drift object
#' @export
getBafDrifts <- function(cl.pairs, x.mat, ref.ds=NULL, alt.ds=NULL, 
                         snp6.dat, ...){
  ref.idx <- grep(paste0(ref.ds, "_"), colnames(x.mat)[cl.pairs])
  alt.idx <- grep(paste0(alt.ds, "_"), colnames(x.mat)[cl.pairs])
  all.idx <- c(ref.idx, alt.idx)
  if(length(all.idx) == 2){
    # sample.mat = x.mat[,cl.pairs[all.idx]]; debug = TRUE;
    # centering = centering; norm.baf = TRUE; segmenter='PCF', hom.filt.val=0
    # bafDrift(sample.mat = x.mat[,cl.pairs[all.idx]], debug = FALSE, segmenter='PCF',
    #          centering = centering, norm.baf = TRUE, hom.filt.val=0)
    bdf <- bafDrift(sample.mat = x.mat[,cl.pairs[all.idx]], hom.filt.val=0,
                    snp6.dat=snp6.dat, ...)
    #CCLid:::plot.CCLid(bdf$cna.obj[[1]], min.z=4)
    drift.score <- list("sig.gr"=bdf$cna.obj, #CCLid::sigDiffBaf(bdf$cna.obj[[1]]),
  } else {
    drift.score <- list("sig.gr"=NULL, "frac"=NULL)

#' getCnDrifts
#' @description Gets the drift GRanges and genomic fraction of drift
#' for any pair of cell lines from different datasets given L2R data
#' @param ref.l2r Matrix of L2R data of genomic bins by samples for reference dataset
#' @param alt.l2r Matrix of L2R data of genomic bins by samples for comparison dataset
#' @param fdat segment data 
#' @param seg.id element ID of ref.l2r that specifies the segment L2Rs
#' @param raw.id element ID of ref.l2r that specifies the raw probeset L2Rs
#' @param verbose Verbose
#' @param ... Extra param
#' @param cell.ids All cell line IDs to compare drift between
#' @param meta.df Cell line metadata, accessible from CCLid::ccl_table
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom preprocessCore normalize.quantiles
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowDiffs
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @return CN drift object
#' @export
getCNDrifts <- function(ref.l2r, alt.l2r,fdat, seg.id, raw.id, 
                        cell.ids, verbose=TRUE, meta.df, ...){
  ## Index matching cell line pairs for the CN PSets
  ref.bin.ids <- assignGrpIDs(ref.l2r[[seg.id]], meta.df)
  alt.bin.ids <- assignGrpIDs(alt.l2r[[seg.id]], meta.df)
  alt.ref.idx <- data.frame("id"=as.character(cell.ids),
                            "ref"=as.integer(sapply(paste0("_", cell.ids, "$"), 
                                                    grep, x=ref.bin.ids)),
                            "alt"=as.integer(sapply(paste0("_", cell.ids, "$"), 
                                                    grep, x=alt.bin.ids)))
  na.idx <- apply(alt.ref.idx, 1, function(i)  any(is.na(i)))
  if(any(na.idx)) alt.ref.idx <- alt.ref.idx[-which(na.idx),]
  alt.ref.idx$id <- as.character(alt.ref.idx$id)
  rownames(alt.ref.idx) <- alt.ref.idx$id
  ## Create a distance betweeen L2R matrix:
  # idx <- c(grep("^NCI-H522$", alt.ref.idx$id), grep("^NB-1$", alt.ref.idx$id)) #83, 8
  # [idx,,drop=FALSE]
  cn.drift <- apply(alt.ref.idx, 1, function(ar.i, centering='none', quantnorm=FALSE, max.med=0.05){
    ref.idx = as.integer(ar.i['ref'])
    alt.idx = as.integer(ar.i['alt'])
    seg.data <- cbind(ref.l2r[[seg.id]][,ref.idx,drop=FALSE], alt.l2r[[seg.id]][,alt.idx,drop=FALSE])
    raw.data <- cbind(ref.l2r[[raw.id]][,ref.idx,drop=FALSE], alt.l2r[[raw.id]][,alt.idx,drop=FALSE])
      seg.data <- normalize.quantiles(seg.data)
      raw.data <- normalize.quantiles(raw.data)
    D = rowDiffs(seg.data)
    Draw = rowDiffs(raw.data)
    D.l <- switch(centering,
                  D.med <- apply(D, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
                  Draw.med <- apply(Draw, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
                  list("seg"= D - matrix(rep(D.med, nrow(D)), byrow=TRUE, nrow=nrow(D)), 
                       "raw"= Draw - matrix(rep(Draw.med, nrow(Draw)), byrow=TRUE, nrow=nrow(Draw)))
                  list("seg"=scale(D, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE), 
                       "raw"=scale(Draw, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE))
                  D.med <- apply(D, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
                  Draw.med <- apply(Draw, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
                  if(abs(D.med) >= max.med & abs(Draw.med) >= max.med){
                    if (verbose) print(paste0("Extreme difference in ", colnames(D)))
                    list("seg"= D - matrix(rep(D.med, nrow(D)), byrow=TRUE, nrow=nrow(D)), 
                         "raw"= Draw - matrix(rep(Draw.med, nrow(Draw)), byrow=TRUE, nrow=nrow(Draw)))
                  } else {
                    list("seg"=D, "raw"=Draw)
                list("seg"=D, "raw"=Draw))
  }, ...) #centering='extreme'
  D = do.call(cbind, lapply(cn.drift, function(i) i$seg))
  Draw = do.call(cbind, lapply(cn.drift, function(i) i$raw))
  colnames(D) <- colnames(Draw) <- alt.ref.idx$id
  # save(D, Draw, alt.ref.idx, fdat, file="~/D2.rda")
  rm(ref.l2r, alt.l2r); gc()
  ## Segment and find discordant regions
  # CNAo <- CCLid::segmentDrift(fdat = fdat, D=D, segmenter=segmenter)
  # CNAo$data <- cbind(CNAo$data[,1:2], Draw)
  # sd.CNAo <- addSegDat(ids=alt.ref.idx$id[idx], CNAo=CNAo, winsorize.data=TRUE, n.scale=0.01)
  CNAo <- CCLid::segmentDrift(fdat = fdat, D=D, ...)
  sd.CNAo <- CNAo
  sd.CNAo$data <- cbind(sd.CNAo$data[,1:2], Draw)
  rm(D, Draw); gc()
  sd.CNAo$output <- .addSegSd(sd.CNAo, winsorize.data=TRUE)
  seg.drift <- .estimateDrift(sd.CNAo, data.type='lrr')
  sd.CNAo$output <- seg.drift$seg
  class(sd.CNAo) <- 'CCLid'
  # pdf("~/temp.pdf")
  # CCLid:::plot.CCLid(sd.CNAo, min.z=1)
  # dev.off()
  cn.drifts <- list("frac"=seg.drift$frac,

#' driftOverlapMetric
#' @description Calculate the amount of overlap between the CN and BAF inferred drift
#' GRanges objects
#' @param gr.baf GRangesList of cell lines an their BAF-drifted regions
#' @param gr.cn GRangesList of cell lines an their CN-drifted regions
#' @param ov.frac overlap fraction cutoff: (Default: seq(0, 1, by=0.01))
#' @param cell.ids Vector of cell line names to check drift of
#' @param baf.z z threshold for BAF difference
#' @param cn.z z threshold for L2R difference
#' @param cn.gtruth if TRUE, isolates BAF for only CN drifted regions
#' @importFrom IRanges findOverlapPairs
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges pintersect
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols<-
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @return List containing the following elements:
#' "model" = non-linear least-square model fitted to concordance and sensitvity
#' "saturation"=Matrix of total saturation and concordance cutoff
#' "sens"=Matrix of sensitivity value for each concordance cutoff
#' "dat"=Matrix of concordance cutoff by cell lines
#' @export
driftOverlapMetric <- function(gr.baf, gr.cn, cell.ids, ov.frac=seq(0, 1, by=0.01),
                               baf.z=4, cn.z=2, cn.gtruth=FALSE){
  ## calculate genomic overlap metric with different concordance-thresholds
  ov.dat <- sapply(cell.ids, function(cid){
        ov.baf.cn <- findOverlapPairs(gr.baf[[cid]], gr.cn[[cid]])
        baf.cn <- pintersect(ov.baf.cn)
        mcols(baf.cn) <- NULL
        # x <- sapply(0:9, function(baf.z){
        #   ov.baf.cn@first$t >= baf.z
        # })
        # z <- apply(x, 2, function(i) (ov.baf.cn@second$t >= cn.z) == i)
        # apply(z, 2, table)
        # apply(z, 2, function(i){
        #   sum(width(baf.cn[which(i),])) / sum(width(baf.cn))
        # })
        baf.cn$baf <- ov.baf.cn@first$t >= baf.z
        baf.cn$cn <- ov.baf.cn@second$t >= cn.z
          ## Isolate for only CN drifted regions
          baf.cn <- baf.cn[which(baf.cn$cn),,drop=FALSE]
        m.idx <- baf.cn$baf == baf.cn$cn
        conc.drift <- sum(width(baf.cn[which(m.idx),])) / sum(width(baf.cn))
        setNames(c(conc.drift, conc.drift > ov.frac), c("conc", ov.frac))
      } else {
        setNames(rep(NA, length(ov.frac)+1), c("conc", ov.frac))
    } else {
      setNames(rep(NA, length(ov.frac)+1), c("conc", ov.frac))
  rm.idx <- which(is.na(colSums(ov.dat)))
  if(length(rm.idx) > 0) ov.dat <- ov.dat[,-rm.idx]
  ## Organize sensitivity and assign a non-linear least-squares model
  ov.df <- data.frame("y"=rev(rowSums(ov.dat[-1,], na.rm=TRUE) / ncol(ov.dat)),
  fit <- tryCatch({
    m<-with(ov.df, nls(y~ SSasymp(x, Asym, R0, lrc)))
    ## Calculate saturation points
    Asym_coef <- summary(m)$coefficients[1] ## horizontal asymptote
    R0_coef <- summary(m)$coefficients[2] ## response when x == 0
    lrc_coef <- summary(m)$coefficients[3] ## rate constant
    sat.values <- seq(0, 1, by=0.01)
    conc.sat <- sapply(setNames(sat.values, sat.values), function(saturation){
      satX <- Asym_coef * saturation
      -(log((satX-Asym_coef)/(R0_coef-Asym_coef))/exp(lrc_coef)) # Conc. threshold to reach X% sensitvity saturation
    conc.sat <- as.matrix(round(conc.sat, 3))
  }, error=function(e){
  return(append(fit, list("sens"=ov.df,

### Functions for RNA (BAF) - SNP (BAF) drift overlap
#' getVcfDrifts
#' @description Check the drift of a given VCF file and all matching
#' cell line names based on the meta-data matched IDs
#' @param vcfFile path to vcf file
#' @param meta.df Meta file linking RNA files to cell names
#' @param ref.dat Refrence data containing Reference matrix and variance
#' @param min.depth Minimum depth to consider for SNPs
#' @param dataset Either 'CCLE', 'GDSC', ro 'GNE'
#' @param centering Centering of data method to be passed into bafDrift() function
#' @param snp6.dat SNP6 probeset genomic position, accessible from CCLid::ccl_table
#' @return A list containing the fraction of genome drifted,
#' as well the significantly drifted regions CNAo
#' @export
getVcfDrifts <- function(vcfFile, ref.dat, meta.df,  
                         min.depth=5, centering='extreme',
                         dataset='GDSC', snp6.dat){
  vcf <- basename(vcfFile)
  cat(basename(vcf), "...\n")
  ## Load in VCF data and leftjoin to existing ref.mat
  vcf.mat <- compareVcf(vcfFile, var.dat=ref.dat$var, 
                        ref.mat=ref.dat$ref, min.depth=min.depth,
  rna.idx <- switch(dataset,
                    "GDSC"=grep(gsub(".snpOut.*", "", vcf), meta.df$EGAF),
                    "CCLE"=grep(gsub(".snpOut.*", "", vcf), meta.df$SRR),
                    "GNE"=grep(gsub(".snpOut.*", "", vcf), meta.df$gCSI_RNA))  
  colnames(vcf.mat)[1] <- paste0("RNA_", meta.df[rna.idx, 'ID'])
  if(is.na(meta.df[rna.idx, 'ID']) & dataset=='GNE'){
    colnames(vcf.mat)[1] <- meta.df[rna.idx,'gCSI_RNA']
  ## Identify matching cell line data to RNAseq
  ## Calculate drift of Cell line with RNAseq with external control
  match.idx <- grep(paste0("(^|_)", gsub("NCI-", ".*", meta.df[rna.idx,]$ID), "$"), colnames(vcf.mat))
  if(length(match.idx) > 1){
    x.drift <- bafDrift(sample.mat=vcf.mat[,match.idx, drop=FALSE], hom.filt.val=0,
                        norm.baf=TRUE, segmenter='PCF', centering=centering)
    # head(x.drift$cna.obj[[1]]$output, 40)
    # CCLid:::plot.CCLid(x.drift$cna.obj[[1]], min.z=2)
    # ## Isolate siginificant different regions
    # sig.diff.gr <- lapply(x.drift$cna.obj, sigDiffBaf)
    # frac.cnt <- x.drift$frac
    # summ <- list("frac"=frac.cnt,
    #              "sig"=sig.diff.gr)
  } else {

#' summarizeFracDrift
#' @description Summarizes the $frac from the baf.drifts and cn.drifts
#' given a cutoff for cn or baf
#' @param cn.drifts CN drifts - paper function
#' @param cn.z L2R z threshold
#' @param baf.drifts  BAF drifts
#' @param baf.z BAF z threshold
#' @param include.id include the IDs in the analysis
#' @return list of BAF and CN summary frac
#' @export
summarizeFracDrift <- function(cn.drifts, cn.z, baf.drifts, 
                               baf.z, include.id=FALSE){
  ## Reduce CN fraction of the genome drifted to a matrix
  cn.frac <- plyr::rbind.fill(lapply(cn.drifts$frac, function(i) as.data.frame(t(i))))
  cn.ids <- names(cn.drifts$frac)
  cn.frac <- cn.frac[,order(as.integer(colnames(cn.frac)))]
  cn.frac[is.na(cn.frac)] <- 0
  rownames(cn.frac) <- cn.ids

  ## Reduce BAF fraction of the genome drifted to a matrix
  baf.frac <- lapply(baf.drifts, function(i) i$frac)
  baf.frac <- baf.frac[-which(sapply(baf.frac, is.null))]
  baf.ids <- names(baf.frac)
  baf.frac <- plyr::rbind.fill(lapply(baf.frac, function(i) {
    df.i <- as.data.frame(t(i))
    colnames(df.i) <- gsub("^D.", "", colnames(df.i))
  baf.frac <- baf.frac[,order(as.integer(colnames(baf.frac)))]
  baf.frac[is.na(baf.frac)] <- 0
  rownames(baf.frac) <- baf.ids
  ## Create rowSums based on the cn.z and baf.z cutoffs
  cn.cols <- as.integer(colnames(cn.frac)) >= cn.z
  baf.cols <- as.integer(colnames(baf.frac)) >= baf.z
  cn.summ <- data.frame("nodrift"=rowSums(cn.frac[,which(!cn.cols),drop=FALSE]),
  baf.summ <- data.frame("nodrift"=rowSums(baf.frac[,which(!baf.cols),drop=FALSE]),
    cn.summ$ID <- cn.ids
    baf.summ$ID <- baf.ids

#' plotFracDrift
#' @param summ.frac summ frac list to plot, contains $baf and $cn 
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @importFrom graphics abline
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom graphics axis
#' @importFrom graphics polygon
#' @importFrom stats density
#' @export
plotFracDrift <- function(summ.frac){
  cn.baf.frac <- merge(summ.frac$baf, summ.frac$cn, by="ID", all=TRUE)
  cn.baf.d <- with(cn.baf.frac, drift.x - drift.y)
  min.val <- max(head(sort(cn.baf.d), 1))
  max.val <- min(tail(sort(cn.baf.d), 1))
  cn.baf.frac$max <- cn.baf.d >= max.val | cn.baf.d <= min.val
  # low.diff.idx <- head(order(abs(cn.baf.d)), 300)
  # low.ord <- cn.baf.frac[low.diff.idx,]
  # low.ord <- low.ord[order(rowSums(low.ord[,c('drift.x', 'drift.y')])),]
  # cn.baf.frac[match(tail(low.ord, 1)$ID, cn.baf.frac$ID),]$max <- TRUE
  par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 6, 6), xpd=FALSE)
  with(cn.baf.frac, plot(drift.x, drift.y, pch=16, col=scales::alpha("black", 0.6),
                         xlab="Fraction drift (BAF)", ylab="Fraction drift (L2R)", 
                         xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1)))
  abline(coef=c(0,1), col="grey", lty=2)
  axis(side = 1, at = seq(0, 1, by=0.2))
  axis(side = 2, at = seq(0, 1, by=0.2))
  dx <- density(cn.baf.frac$drift.x, na.rm=TRUE)
  polygon(x = c(min(dx$x), dx$x, 1), 
          y=c(1, scales::rescale(dx$y, to=c(1,1.1)), 1), col="black")
  dy <- density(cn.baf.frac$drift.y, na.rm=TRUE)
  polygon(y = c(min(dy$x), dy$x, 1), 
          x = c(1, scales::rescale(dy$y, to=c(1,1.1)), 1), col="black")
       points(drift.x, drift.y, pch=16, col="red"))
       text(drift.x + 0.01, drift.y, labels=ID, adj=0, cex=0.6))

#### match_it.R Support ####
#' splitToMNM
#' @description Reduces the prediction dataframe to samples with a predicted
#' Match and a ground truth of non-match (based on anontations)
#' @param p prediction data frame
#' @return A subset of p
splitToMNM <-function(p){
  p.nm <- split(p, p$g.truth)[['NM']]
  p.m.nm <- split(p.nm, p.nm$baf.p.fit)[['M']]
  p.m.nm[p.m.nm == 'character(0)'] <- NA

#' genErrBp
#' @description Takes the output of splitToMNM() and reduces it to a dataframe
#' of Errors and PCLs
#' @param p.m.nm  output matrix of SplitToMNM
#' @return Dataframe of errs and pcls
genErrBp <- function(p.m.nm){
  errs <- sapply(strsplit(p.m.nm$cellosaurus, split="/"), function(i) paste(unique(gsub("\\[PCL\\]", "", i)), collapse=""))
  pcls <- sapply(strsplit(p.m.nm$cellosaurus, split="/"), function(i) any(grepl("PCL", i)))
  err.pcl <- data.frame("err"=errs, "pcl"=pcls, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if(any(err.pcl == '')) err.pcl[err.pcl ==''] <- 'X'
  err.pcl$err <- factor(err.pcl$err, levels=c("X", "OI", "SO", "SS"))
  err.pcl$pcl <- factor(err.pcl$pcl, levels=c(FALSE, TRUE))

#' checkAgainst
#' @description Uses the assembled "prediction" matrix with CVCL ids attributed ot each
#' cell line to check whether the two cell line pairs are known to match in the 
#' Cellosaurus database
#' @param mat A matrix containing "cvclA" and "cvclB" columns for cellosaurus IDs of cell lines
#' @param melt.cells Melted cellosaurus dataframe, accessible from CCLid::ccl_table
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @return Character vector of OI (originating in), SS (synonymous), SI (sample from), 
#' and PCL (problematic)
checkAgainst <- function(mat, melt.cells){
  .getAcr <- function(A, B, fp){
    B.mat <- B == fp
    row.A <- apply(A == fp, 1, any)
    row.B <- apply(B.mat, 1, any)
    row.AB <- which(row.A == row.B)
    acr <- which(apply(B.mat[row.AB,,drop=FALSE], 2, any))
    return(if(length(acr) ==0) 0 else acr)
  map <- apply(mat, 1, function(i){
    fpA <- fullpull(i['cvclA'], melt.cells)
    fpB <- fullpull(i['cvclB'], melt.cells)
    if(!is.null(fpA) & !is.null(fpB)){
      A=.getAcr(i['cvclA'], i['cvclB'], fpA)
      B=.getAcr(i['cvclB'], i['cvclA'], fpB)
      if(A==1) names(A) <- 'SS'; if(B==1) names(B) <- 'SS' 
      contA <- any(fpA[which(fpA$CVCL %in% i['cvclA']),]$PCL)
      contB <- any(fpB[which(fpB$CVCL %in% i['cvclB']),]$PCL)
      return(paste0(names(A), "/", names(B), 
                    if(contA | contB) "[PCL]"))
    } else {

#### drug_it.R Support ####
#' loadInPSets
#' @param drug.pset PSets path from pharmacoGX downloads
#' @export
loadInPSets <- function(drug.pset){
  # drug.pset <- '/mnt/work1/users/pughlab/projects/cancer_cell_lines/PSets'
  psets <- list("CCLE"=readRDS(file.path(drug.pset, "CCLE.rds")),
                "GDSC"=readRDS(file.path(drug.pset, "GDSC2.rds")),
                "GNE"=readRDS(file.path(drug.pset, "gCSI2.rds")))

#' getCinScore
#' @param psets PSets from pharmacoGX
#' @param cin.metric sum or mean to compute CIN70 score
#' @param cin70 CIN70 gene set, accessible from CCLid::ccl_table
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom PharmacoGx molecularProfiles
#' @return a CIN list
#' @export
getCinScore <- function(psets, cin.metric='sum', cin70){
  rna <- lapply(psets, function(pset, mDataType='rnaseq'){
    mdat <- molecularProfiles(pset, mDataType)
    colnames(mdat) <- pset@molecularProfiles[[mDataType]]$cellid
    cin.idx <- unlist(sapply(cin70$ENS, grep, x=rownames(mdat)))
  cin <- switch(cin.metric,
         "sum"=lapply(rna, colSums),
         "mean"=lapply(rna, colMeans))

#' getGeneExpr
#' @param psets PSets from pharmacoGX
#' @param in.key for mapping gene IDs, type of Gene (Default=SYMBOL)
#' @param gene.id Gene ID to map to Ensembl IDs
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi mapIds
#' @importFrom org.Hs.eg.db org.Hs.eg.db
#' @importFrom PharmacoGx molecularProfiles
#' @export
getGeneExpr <- function(psets, gene.id, in.key='SYMBOL'){
  if(in.key != 'ENSEMBL'){
    ensids <- mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db, keys = gene.id, keytype = in.key, column="ENSEMBL")
  } else {
    ensids <- gene.id
  rna <- lapply(psets, function(pset, mDataType='rnaseq'){
    mdat <- molecularProfiles(pset, mDataType)
    colnames(mdat) <- pset@molecularProfiles[[mDataType]]$cellid
    cin.idx <- match(ensids, gsub("\\..*", "", rownames(mdat)))
    na.idx <- is.na(cin.idx)
    # cin.idx <- unlist(sapply(ensids, grep, x=rownames(mdat)))
    if(any(na.idx)) {
      cin.idx <- cin.idx[-which(na.idx)]
      gene.id <- gene.id[-which(na.idx)]
    mdat <- mdat[cin.idx,,drop=FALSE]
    rownames(mdat) <- gene.id

#' corWithDrug
#' @description IN DEVELOPMENT
#' @param dat.d Data D containg $tCIN
#' @param title titleof plot
#' @param text.thresh  text.threshold of 0.50
#' @param genes List of genes
#' @param col.idx column index
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom stats cor.test
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom graphics abline
#' @importFrom graphics legend
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @export
corWithDrug <- function(dat.d, col.idx, title='', text.thresh=0.5, genes=NULL){
  dat.d.abc <- do.call(rbind, apply(dat.d[,-col.idx], 2, function(i){
    # plot(i, cn.d$tCIN)
    # plot(i, cn.d$drift)
    df <- data.frame("n"=table((is.na(dat.d$tCIN) == FALSE) + (is.na(i) == FALSE))[['2']],
                     "cinR"=cor(dat.d$tCIN, i, use="complete.obs"),
                     "cinR.p"=tryCatch({cor.test(dat.d$tCIN, i, use="complete.obs")$p.value}, error=function(e){NA}),
                     "driftR"=cor(dat.d$drift, i, use="complete.obs"),
                     "driftR.p"=tryCatch({cor.test(dat.d$drift, i, use="complete.obs")$p.value}, error=function(e){NA}))
    cbind(df, t(sapply(genes, function(g){cor(dat.d[,g], i, use='complete.obs')})))
  dat.d.abc$cin.q <- p.adjust(dat.d.abc$cinR.p, method="fdr")
  dat.d.abc$drift.q <- p.adjust(dat.d.abc$driftR.p, method="fdr")
  dat.d.abc$n.scale <- scales::rescale(dat.d.abc$n, to=c(0.2, 2))
  # head(dat.d.abc[order(dat.d.abc$drift.q),],10)
  # head(dat.d.abc[order(dat.d.abc$cin.q),],10)
  ## Visualization
  with(dat.d.abc, plot(cinR, driftR, col=scales::alpha("black", 1), 
                       xlim=c(-0.5,0.5), ylim=c(-0.5,0.5), cex=n.scale, main=title))
  abline(h=0, v=0, col="black")
  q.thresh <- seq(0.1, 0.7, by=0.1)
  q.col <- setNames(rev(brewer.pal(length(q.thresh),"PuRd")), q.thresh)
  used.idx <- c()
  for(i in q.thresh){
    idx <- which(dat.d.abc$cin.q  < i | dat.d.abc$drift.q < i)
    uidx <- setdiff(idx, used.idx)
    sig.dat.d <- dat.d.abc[uidx,]
    with(sig.dat.d, points(cinR, driftR, col=scales::alpha(q.col[as.character(i)], 0.7), pch=16, cex=n.scale))
    if(i < text.thresh & nrow(sig.dat.d) >= 1){
      with(sig.dat.d, text(cinR+0.02, driftR, labels=rownames(sig.dat.d), col=q.col[as.character(i)], adj=0, cex=0.8))
    used.idx <- c(used.idx, uidx)
  legend("topright", col=q.col, legend = paste0("q <= ", names(q.col)), pch=16, cex = 0.8)

#### PLTK Functions ####
#' cnTools: get Genes in TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
#' @param genome.build Genome build, only supports 'hg19'
#' @description Gets the genes from UCSC hg19 TxDb knownGene
#' @importFrom TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
#' @importFrom IRanges elementNROWS
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges granges
#' @return A Granges object containing strand-specific genes with EntrezIDs
getGenes <- function(genome.build="hg19"){
           package <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene 
         stop("genome must be hg18, hg19, or hg38"))
  genes0 <- genes(package)
  idx <- rep(seq_along(genes0), elementNROWS(genes0$gene_id))
  genes <- granges(genes0)[idx]
  genes$gene_id = unlist(genes0$gene_id)

#' cnTools: annotate GRanges segments
#' @param cn.data [Data.frame]: A dataframe that can be converted to GRanges object easily, or a granges object
#' @param genes [GRanges]: A GRanges object of genes with gene_ids housing annotation data. Easiest as the output from getGenes()
#' @param mart [object]: A biomart object if you want to annotate missed genes with ensembl
#' @param use.mart [boolean]: If no mart is given, it will load in a biomart object
#' @param out.key Gene out.key, default is SYMBOL
#' @importFrom biomaRt useMart
#' @importFrom biomaRt useDataset
#' @importFrom biomaRt getBM
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges makeGRangesFromDataFrame
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle<-
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom S4Vectors subjectHits
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits
#' @importFrom S4Vectors subjectLength
#' @importFrom S4Vectors splitAsList 
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi mapIds
#' @importFrom org.Hs.eg.db org.Hs.eg.db
#' @return Annotated GRanges object with gene ids for the input GRanges
#' @export
annotateSegments <- function(cn.data, genes, out.key="SYMBOL", mart=NULL, use.mart=FALSE){
  if(use.mart & is.null(mart)){
    mart <- useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL")
    mart <- useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", mart)
  if(class(cn.data) == 'GRanges') {
    gr0 <- cn.data
  } else {
    gr0 <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(cn.data,keep.extra.columns=TRUE)
  seqlevelsStyle(gr0) <- 'UCSC'
  olaps <- findOverlaps(genes, gr0, type="within")
  idx <- factor(subjectHits(olaps), levels=seq_len(subjectLength(olaps)))
  gr0$gene_ids <- splitAsList(genes$gene_id[queryHits(olaps)], idx)
  gr0$gene_ids <- lapply(gr0$gene_ids, function(input.id) {
    if(length(input.id) > 0){ 
        ens <- mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db,
          ens[which(is.na(ens))] <- getBM(
      }, error=function(e){NULL})
    } else { NA }
quevedor2/CCLid documentation built on July 15, 2020, 4:05 a.m.