Man pages for raim/segmenTools
Tools for Functional Genome Exploration

add_alphasreplace alpha values of an RGB string color vector
alignDataalign genome data at specified coordinates (e.g. TSS)
annotateTargetannotate target segments by overlapping query segments
annotationOverlapanalyze internal overlaps in a TRUE/FALSE feature annotation...
arnoColor Ramp Palette 'arno'
ashasinh data transformation
bed2coorparse a .bed format file
calculatePhasecalculate peak phase
ci95calculate 95 data vector using a t-distribution
circ.denscircular density
clusterAnnotationCluster annotation enrichment scan
clusterAveragescalculates cluster averages
clusterClustercalculates overlaps between two clusterings
clusterColorsget color vector for clustered features
clusterFlowAlluvial plot for cluster matrices.
clusterProfileCalculate biases of numerical data between clusterings.
clusterTimeseries2Cluster a processed time-series with k-means or flowClust
col2alphaR colors with alpha value.
collapsePositionscollapse adjacent genome positions into segments
collectOvlStatsCollect statistics from from 'segmentAnnotate'
complex2degreeconvert complex numbers to degrees
coor2bedexport internal coordinate format to bed file format
coor2indexconvert chromosome coordinates to continuous index
degree2complexconvert phase (degree) to polar coordinates
dense2d2D density heatmap plot
expandCircularFeaturesSplits genome features spanning annotated ends of circular...
figlabelAdd sub-figure label to corners of plots
fillGenomeGet inter-segments
findAACodonfind genomic coordinates of amino acid position in a protein...
getChrSumGenerate chromosome index 'chrS' from lengths
get_fftDiscrete Fourier Transformation
getOverlapStatsStatistics of overlaps between two segment sets.
getSegmentClassessplits segmenTier segment class strings into classes
getSegmentClassTablesplits segmenTier classes into a table
gff2tabparse a GFF3 file into a table
idx2chrget the chromosome from continuous index
idx2coorSimple version of 'index2coor' for single values
idx2strget the strand from continuous index
image_matrixwrapper for 'image' plotting a data matrix in the orientation...
index2coorconvert continuous index to chromosome coordinates (reverse...
insertRowsinsert rows as specified positions
jrplotJaccard vs. Ratio Segment Overlap Plots
lg2rlog2 ratio normalization
list2dfconverts a names list of vectors of different length to a...
log_1log trafo handling zeros by adding 1
logaxisLogarithmic axis ticks
mamoving average using 'filter'
meanzeromean-0 normalization
mergeClusterusing 'flowMerge' to merge clusterings
mutatePositionsmutate positions in a string
normalize.losLVS/LOS normalization
num2colconvert numeric values to color range:
parseAnnotationParse an annotation file (a bidirectional map)
parseAnnotationListParse a matrix of ID/annotation mappings
parseGEOSoftparse GO Soft archives
parseJaccardparses overlap statitics produced with bedtools
phaseDistCalculates phase distributions
plotBICplot BIC from flowclusterTimeseries
plot_cdfLstplot multiple cumulative distribution functions
plot.clusteraveragesplots cluster averages
plotClusterLegendplot sorted clustering as color table
plotClustersplots cluster averages
plotCorscatter plot with correlation statistics
plotdevSwitch between plot devices
plotDFTplot polar coordinates
plotOverlapsplot cluster-cluster or segment-segment overlaps
plotOverlapsLegendplot a legend for 'plotOverlaps' plots
plotSinglesplot indivividual time series in cluster context
presegmentPre-segmentation of the time-series
pvalDistcluster p-value summary
randomSegmentsrandomize locations of input segments
range2ntcalculates letter frequences in ranges of strings
readDistdistribution of read-counts, i.e., the mean, var, min&max and...
readFASTAfasta sequence file parser adapted from (an older version of)...
reClusterre-cluster clustering by 'kmeans'
relabelClustersrelabels cluster labels by their sorting
removeCircularFeaturesNOT WORKING - Undo 'expandCircularFeatures' searches for...
revcompcalculate reverse complement of RNA or DNA
runGosta wrapper for 'gprofiler2"s 'gost' function
segmentAnnotateOverlaps between two sets of chromosome segments
segmentAverageAverage read-counts of segments
segmentMergemerge genomic coordinates by type.
segmenToolssegmenTools : analysis of genome segmentations by segmenTier
segmentOverlapsJaccard-Index overlap test for classes of segments (genomic...
segmentOverlaps_bedcalculate segment overlap statistics using UCSC bedtools
segmentPruneprune genomic coordinates at chromosome ends
segmentSortsort genomic coordinates
segmentUpstreamget upstream or downstream range
selectColorsMap a distribution to a color scheme
selectedget clustering ID
seq2ntcalculate local nucleotide content
shadowtextplot borders around text based on text colors
sortOverlapssorts cluster overlap structure by p-values
splitsegssplits segments that span chromosome ends
summarizeGEOSoftsummarize GEOSoft probes
switchStrandswitches the strand information (reverse<->forward) of...
tab2gffcreates a gff3-like table
tagDuplicatesTag duplicate names by increasing numbers.
t.clusterOverlapstranspose cluster overlap object
testPhasetests phase recovery by 'calculatePhase'
val2colobselete, use 'num2col'
whichSegmentwhich segment covers a position
writeSegmentswrite out segment data to individual files
w.testWilcoxon test wrapper that returns a normalized U-statistic
raim/segmenTools documentation built on Feb. 16, 2025, 10:40 p.m.