add_alphas | replace alpha values of an RGB string color vector |
alignData | align genome data at specified coordinates (e.g. TSS) |
annotateTarget | annotate target segments by overlapping query segments |
annotationOverlap | analyze internal overlaps in a TRUE/FALSE feature annotation... |
arno | Color Ramp Palette 'arno' |
ash | asinh data transformation |
bed2coor | parse a .bed format file |
calculatePhase | calculate peak phase |
ci95 | calculate 95 data vector using a t-distribution |
circ.dens | circular density |
clusterAnnotation | Cluster annotation enrichment scan |
clusterAverages | calculates cluster averages |
clusterCluster | calculates overlaps between two clusterings |
clusterColors | get color vector for clustered features |
clusterFlow | Alluvial plot for cluster matrices. |
clusterProfile | Calculate biases of numerical data between clusterings. |
clusterTimeseries2 | Cluster a processed time-series with k-means or flowClust |
col2alpha | R colors with alpha value. |
collapsePositions | collapse adjacent genome positions into segments |
collectOvlStats | Collect statistics from from 'segmentAnnotate' |
complex2degree | convert complex numbers to degrees |
coor2bed | export internal coordinate format to bed file format |
coor2index | convert chromosome coordinates to continuous index |
degree2complex | convert phase (degree) to polar coordinates |
dense2d | 2D density heatmap plot |
expandCircularFeatures | Splits genome features spanning annotated ends of circular... |
figlabel | Add sub-figure label to corners of plots |
fillGenome | Get inter-segments |
findAACodon | find genomic coordinates of amino acid position in a protein... |
getChrSum | Generate chromosome index 'chrS' from lengths |
get_fft | Discrete Fourier Transformation |
getOverlapStats | Statistics of overlaps between two segment sets. |
getSegmentClasses | splits segmenTier segment class strings into classes |
getSegmentClassTable | splits segmenTier classes into a table |
gff2tab | parse a GFF3 file into a table |
idx2chr | get the chromosome from continuous index |
idx2coor | Simple version of 'index2coor' for single values |
idx2str | get the strand from continuous index |
image_matrix | wrapper for 'image' plotting a data matrix in the orientation... |
index2coor | convert continuous index to chromosome coordinates (reverse... |
insertRows | insert rows as specified positions |
jrplot | Jaccard vs. Ratio Segment Overlap Plots |
lg2r | log2 ratio normalization |
list2df | converts a names list of vectors of different length to a... |
log_1 | log trafo handling zeros by adding 1 |
logaxis | Logarithmic axis ticks |
ma | moving average using 'filter' |
meanzero | mean-0 normalization |
mergeCluster | using 'flowMerge' to merge clusterings |
mutatePositions | mutate positions in a string |
normalize.los | LVS/LOS normalization |
num2col | convert numeric values to color range: |
parseAnnotation | Parse an annotation file (a bidirectional map) |
parseAnnotationList | Parse a matrix of ID/annotation mappings |
parseGEOSoft | parse GO Soft archives |
parseJaccard | parses overlap statitics produced with bedtools |
phaseDist | Calculates phase distributions |
plotBIC | plot BIC from flowclusterTimeseries |
plot_cdfLst | plot multiple cumulative distribution functions |
plot.clusteraverages | plots cluster averages |
plotClusterLegend | plot sorted clustering as color table |
plotClusters | plots cluster averages |
plotCor | scatter plot with correlation statistics |
plotdev | Switch between plot devices |
plotDFT | plot polar coordinates |
plotOverlaps | plot cluster-cluster or segment-segment overlaps |
plotOverlapsLegend | plot a legend for 'plotOverlaps' plots |
plotSingles | plot indivividual time series in cluster context |
presegment | Pre-segmentation of the time-series |
pvalDist | cluster p-value summary |
randomSegments | randomize locations of input segments |
range2nt | calculates letter frequences in ranges of strings |
readDist | distribution of read-counts, i.e., the mean, var, min&max and... |
readFASTA | fasta sequence file parser adapted from (an older version of)... |
reCluster | re-cluster clustering by 'kmeans' |
relabelClusters | relabels cluster labels by their sorting |
removeCircularFeatures | NOT WORKING - Undo 'expandCircularFeatures' searches for... |
revcomp | calculate reverse complement of RNA or DNA |
runGost | a wrapper for 'gprofiler2"s 'gost' function |
segmentAnnotate | Overlaps between two sets of chromosome segments |
segmentAverage | Average read-counts of segments |
segmentMerge | merge genomic coordinates by type. |
segmenTools | segmenTools : analysis of genome segmentations by segmenTier |
segmentOverlaps | Jaccard-Index overlap test for classes of segments (genomic... |
segmentOverlaps_bed | calculate segment overlap statistics using UCSC bedtools |
segmentPrune | prune genomic coordinates at chromosome ends |
segmentSort | sort genomic coordinates |
segmentUpstream | get upstream or downstream range |
selectColors | Map a distribution to a color scheme |
selected | get clustering ID |
seq2nt | calculate local nucleotide content |
shadowtext | plot borders around text based on text colors |
sortOverlaps | sorts cluster overlap structure by p-values |
splitsegs | splits segments that span chromosome ends |
summarizeGEOSoft | summarize GEOSoft probes |
switchStrand | switches the strand information (reverse<->forward) of... |
tab2gff | creates a gff3-like table |
tagDuplicates | Tag duplicate names by increasing numbers. |
t.clusterOverlaps | transpose cluster overlap object |
testPhase | tests phase recovery by 'calculatePhase' |
val2col | obselete, use 'num2col' |
whichSegment | which segment covers a position |
writeSegments | write out segment data to individual files |
w.test | Wilcoxon test wrapper that returns a normalized U-statistic |
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