
Defines functions doHeatmapMummichogTest CreateHeatmapJson sumlog calcGseaStat2 fgsea2 myFastList Convert2Dictionary convert2JsonList count_cpd2mz make_ecpdlist make_cpdlist mz_tolerance GetTopInx GetMummiDataType GetMummiMode GetDefaultRTTol GetDefaultPvalCutoff GetECMsg GetAdductMsg GetCurrencyMsg GetMummiResColNames GetMummiResRowNames GetMummiResMatrix GetMummichogHTMLPathSet GetMatchingDetails GetMummichogMZHits GetCompoundDetails GetMummichogPathSetDetails PlotPathwayMZHits PlotIntegPaths PlotPeaks2Paths PlotMSPeaksPerm UpdateEC_Rules new_adduct_mzlist PerformAdductMapping PerformCurrencyMapping .compute.mummichog.RT.fgsea .compute.mummichog.fgsea .compute.mummichogRTSigPvals .compute.mummichogSigPvals ComputeMummichogRTPermPvals .perform.mummichogRTPermutations ComputeMummichogPermPvals .perform.mummichogPermutations searchCompLib .search.compoundLib .setup.psea.library .init.RT.Permutations .init.Permutations PerformPSEA SetMummichogPval SetMummichogPvalFromPercent SanityCheckMummichogData UpdateInstrumentParameters Convert2Mummichog GetPeakFormat SetPeakFormat Read.PeakListData SetPeakEnrichMethod

Documented in .compute.mummichog.fgsea .compute.mummichog.RT.fgsea Convert2Mummichog fgsea2 GetCompoundDetails GetMummichogPathSetDetails GetTopInx .init.Permutations .init.RT.Permutations make_cpdlist make_ecpdlist PerformAdductMapping PerformCurrencyMapping PerformPSEA PlotIntegPaths PlotMSPeaksPerm PlotPathwayMZHits PlotPeaks2Paths Read.PeakListData SanityCheckMummichogData SetMummichogPval SetMummichogPvalFromPercent SetPeakEnrichMethod SetPeakFormat UpdateEC_Rules UpdateInstrumentParameters

### An R package for pathway enrichment analysis for untargeted metabolomics
### based on high-resolution LC-MS platform
### This is based on the mummichog algorithm implemented in python (http://mummichog.org/)
### The goals of developing MummichogR are
### 1) to make this available to the R user community
### 2) high-performance (similar or faster compared to python)
### 3) broader pathways support - by adding support for 21 common organisms based on KEGG pathways
### 4) companion web interface on MetaboAnalyst - the "MS Peaks to Pathways" module
### @authors J. Chong \email{jasmine.chong@mail.mcgill.ca}, J. Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
### McGill University, Canada
### License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

#'Set the peak enrichment method for the MS Peaks to Paths module
#'@description This function sets the peak enrichment method.
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj.
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
SetPeakEnrichMethod <- function(mSetObj=NA, algOpt, version="v2"){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  mSetObj$peaks.alg <- algOpt
  mSetObj$mum.version <- version
  if(algOpt == "gsea"){
    anal.type <<- "gsea_peaks"
  }else if(algOpt == "mum"){
    anal.type <<- "mummichog"
    anal.type <<- "integ_peaks"

#'Constructor to read uploaded user files into the mummichog object
#'@description This function handles reading in CSV or TXT files and filling in the mSet object
#' for mummichog analysis. It makes sure that all necessary columns are present.
#'@usage Read.PeakListData(mSetObj=NA, filename = NA)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj.
#'@param filename Input the path name for the CSV/TXT files to read.
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
Read.PeakListData <- function(mSetObj=NA, filename = NA) {

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  mumDataContainsPval = 1; #whether initial data contains pval or not
  input <- as.data.frame(.readDataTable(filename)); 
  user_cols <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "", colnames(input));
  mummi.cols <- c("m.z", "p.value", "t.score", "rt")
  # first check if mode included
  mumDataContainsMode <- "mode" %in% user_cols;
    mode.info <- input$mode  
    input <- subset(input, select=-mode)
  # next check what column names are there
  hit <- "mz" %in% user_cols;
  if(sum(hit) < 1){
    AddErrMsg("Missing information, data must contain a 'm.z' column!");
  if(length(colnames(input) %in% mummi.cols) == 1){
    peakFormat <- peakFormat
    hits <- match(user_cols, gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "", mummi.cols))
    user.cols <- mummi.cols[na.omit(hits)]
    peakFormat <- paste0(substr(sort(user.cols), 1, 1), collapse = "")
    colnames(input) <- user.cols

  rt.hit <- "rt" %in% colnames(input)
  if(rt.hit > 0){
    rt = TRUE
    rt = FALSE
  mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.raw = input;
  if(!"p.value" %in% colnames(input)){
    mumDataContainsPval <- 0;
    input[,'p.value'] <- rep(0, length=nrow(input))
  if(!"t.score" %in% colnames(input)){
    input[,'t.score'] <- rep(0, length=nrow(input))
    mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.orig <- cbind(input$p.value, input$m.z, input$t.score, input$rt);
    colnames(mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.orig) = c("p.value", "m.z", "t.score", "rt")
    mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.orig <- cbind(input$p.value, input$m.z, input$t.score);
    colnames(mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.orig) = c("p.value", "m.z", "t.score")
  if(mSetObj$dataSet$mode == "positive"){
    mSetObj$dataSet$pos_inx <- rep(TRUE, nrow(mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.orig))
  }else if(mSetObj$dataSet$mode == "negative"){
    mSetObj$dataSet$pos_inx <- rep(FALSE, nrow(mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.orig) )
  }else{ # mixed
    mSetObj$dataSet$pos_inx <- mode.info == "positive"
  mSetObj$dataSet$mumRT = rt
  mSetObj$dataSet$mumType = "list";
  mSetObj$msgSet$read.msg <- paste("A total of", length(input$p.value), "m/z features were found in your uploaded data.");
  mumDataContainsPval <<- mumDataContainsPval;
  peakFormat <<- peakFormat

#'Set the peak format for the mummichog analysis
#'@description Set the peak format for mummichog analysis.
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj.
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
SetPeakFormat <-function(type){
  peakFormat <<- type;

GetPeakFormat <- function(mSetObj=NA){

#'Convert mSetObj to proper format for MS Peaks to Pathways module
#'@description Following t-test analysis, this functions converts the results from the mSetObj 
#'to the proper format for mummichog analysis
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj.
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

Convert2Mummichog <- function(mSetObj=NA, rt=FALSE){
  tt.pval <- mSetObj$analSet$tt$p.value
  fdr <- p.adjust(tt.pval, "fdr")
  mz.pval <- names(tt.pval)
  pvals <- cbind(as.numeric(mz.pval), as.numeric(fdr))
  colnames(pvals) <- c("m.z", "p.value")
  tt.tsc <- mSetObj$analSet$tt$t.score
  mz.tsc <- names(tt.tsc)
  tscores <- cbind(as.numeric(mz.tsc), as.numeric(tt.tsc))
  colnames(tscores) <- c("m.z", "t.score")
  if(rt == TRUE & !.on.public.web){
    camera_output <- readRDS("annotated_peaklist.rds")
    mz.cam <- round(camera_output$mz, 5) 
    rt.cam <- round(camera_output$rt, 5) 
    camera <- cbind(mz.cam, rt.cam)
    colnames(camera) <- c("m.z", "rt")
    mummi_new <- Reduce(function(x,y) merge(x,y,by="m.z", all = TRUE), list(pvals, tscores, camera))
    complete.inx <- complete.cases(mummi_new[,c("p.value", "t.score")]) # filter out m/zs without pval and tscore
    mummi_new <- mummi_new[complete.inx,]
    mummi_new <- merge(pvals, tscores)
  filename <- paste0("mummichog_input_", Sys.Date(), ".txt")
  write.table(mummi_new, filename, row.names = FALSE)

#'Update the mSetObj with user-selected parameters for MS Peaks to Pathways.
#'@description This functions handles updating the mSet object for mummichog analysis. It is necessary to utilize this function
#'to specify to the organism's pathways to use (libOpt), the mass-spec mode (msModeOpt) and mass-spec instrument (instrumentOpt).
#'@usage UpdateInstrumentParameters(mSetObj=NA, instrumentOpt, msModeOpt, custom=FALSE)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects).
#'@param instrumentOpt Numeric. Define the mass-spec instrument used to perform untargeted metabolomics.
#'@param msModeOpt  Character. Define the mass-spec mode of the instrument used to perform untargeted metabolomics.
#'@param custom Logical, select adducts for mummichog to consider.
#'@param force_primary_ion Character, if "yes", only mz features that match compounds with a primary ion are kept.
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

UpdateInstrumentParameters <- function(mSetObj=NA, instrumentOpt, msModeOpt, 
                                       force_primary_ion = "yes", rt_frac = 0.02, 
                                       rt_tol = NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    AddErrMsg("Mass accuracy must be numeric!")
    mSetObj$dataSet$instrument <- instrumentOpt;
  mSetObj$dataSet$mode <- msModeOpt;
  mSetObj$dataSet$primary_ion <- force_primary_ion;
  mSetObj$dataSet$rt_tol <- rt_tol;
  mSetObj$dataSet$rt_frac <- rt_frac;

#'Sanity Check Data
#'@description SanityCheckData is used for data processing, and performs a basic sanity
#'check of the uploaded data, ensuring that the data is suitable for further analysis.
#'The function ensure that all parameters are properly set based on updated parameters.
#'@usage SanityCheckMummichogData(mSetObj=NA)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects).
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

SanityCheckMummichogData <- function(mSetObj=NA){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  if(mSetObj$dataSet$mumType == "table"){
    l = sapply(colnames(mSetObj$dataSet$orig),function(x) return(unname(strsplit(x,"/")[[1]][1])))
    colnames(mSetObj$dataSet$orig) = l;
      mSetObj <- SanityCheckData(mSetObj)
  msg.vec <- NULL;
  mSetObj$mum_nm <- "mummichog_query.json"
  mSetObj$mum_nm_csv <- "mummichog_pathway_enrichment.csv"
  ndat <- mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.orig;
  pos_inx = mSetObj$dataSet$pos_inx
  ndat <- data.frame(cbind(ndat, pos_inx), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  rawdat <- mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.raw
    na.num <- sum(is.na(ndat$rt))
    # filter out any reads w. NA RT
      na.inx <- which(is.na(ndat$rt))
      ndat <- ndat[-na.inx,]
      msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, paste("A total of <b>", na.num, "</b> mz features with missing retention times were removed."));
  read.msg <- mSetObj$msgSet$read.msg
  # sort mzs by p-value
  ord.inx <- order(ndat[,1]);
  ndat <- ndat[ord.inx,]; # order by p-vals
  # filter based on mz
  mznew <- ndat[,2];
  # trim to fit within 50 - 2000
  my.inx <- mznew > 50 & mznew < 2001;
  trim.num <- sum(!my.inx);
  range = paste0(min(ndat[,1], "-", max(ndat[,1])))
  msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, paste("The instrument's mass accuracy is <b>", mSetObj$dataSet$instrument , "</b> ppm."));
  msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, paste("The instrument's analytical mode is <b>", mSetObj$dataSet$mode , "</b>."));
  msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, paste("The uploaded data contains <b>", length(colnames(rawdat)), "</b> columns."));
  if(peakFormat == "rmp"){
    msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, paste("The peaks are ranked by <b>p-values</b>."));
  }else if(peakFormat == "rmt"){
    msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, paste("The peaks are ranked by <b>t-scores</b>."));
  msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, paste("The column headers of uploaded data are <b>", paste(colnames(rawdat),collapse=", "), "</b>."));
  msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, paste("The range of m/z peaks is trimmed to 50-2000. <b>", trim.num, "</b> features have been trimmed."));
  if(trim.num > 0){
    ndat <- ndat[my.inx,]
    #msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, paste("A total of", trim.num, "were excluded to fit within mz range of 50-2000"));
  # remove duplicated mzs (make unique)
  dup.inx <- duplicated(ndat);
  dup.num <- sum(dup.inx);
  if(dup.num > 0){
    ndat <- ndat[!dup.inx,];
    msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, paste("A total of <b>", dup.num, "</b> duplicated mz features were removed."));
  ref_mzlist <- ndat[,2];
  # set up expression (up/dn)
  tscores <- as.numeric(ndat[,3]);
  names(tscores) <- ref_mzlist;
  # set up rt
    retention_time <- as.numeric(ndat[,4]);
    names(retention_time) <- ref_mzlist;
    mSetObj$dataSet$pos_inx <- as.numeric(ndat[,5]) == 1;
    mSetObj$dataSet$ret_time <- retention_time;
      rt_tol <- max(mSetObj$dataSet$ret_time) * mSetObj$dataSet$rt_frac 
      print(paste0("Retention time tolerance is ", rt_tol))
      mSetObj$dataSet$rt_tol <- rt_tol
    mSetObj$dataSet$pos_inx <- as.numeric(ndat[,4]) == 1;
  ref.size <- length(ref_mzlist);
  msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, paste("A total of ", ref.size, "input mz features were retained for further analysis."));
  if(ref.size > 20000){
    msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, "There are too many input features, the performance may be too slow.");
  if(min(ndat[,"p.value"])<0 || max(ndat[,"p.value"])>1){
    msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, "Please make sure the p-values are between 0 and 1.");
  mSetObj$msgSet$check.msg <- c(mSetObj$msgSet$check.msg, read.msg, msg.vec);
  mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.proc <- ndat;
  mSetObj$dataSet$expr_dic <- tscores;
  mSetObj$dataSet$ref_mzlist <- ref_mzlist;

#'Set the cutoff for mummichog analysis
#'@description Set the p-value cutoff for mummichog analysis.
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj.
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

SetMummichogPvalFromPercent <- function(mSetObj=NA, fraction){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  fraction = pct/100
  if(peakFormat %in% c("rmp", "rmt")){
    maxp <- 0;
    pvals <- c(0.25, 0.2, 0.15, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001, 0.00005, 0.00001)
    ndat <- mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.proc;
    n <- floor(fraction*length(ndat[,"p.value"]))
    cutoff <- ndat[n+1,1]
    if(!any(pvals <= cutoff)){
      maxp <- 0.00001
      maxp <- max(pvals[pvals <= cutoff])
  mSetObj$dataSet$cutoff <- maxp
  return(SetMummichogPval("NA", maxp));

#'Set the cutoff for mummichog analysis
#'@description Set the p-value cutoff for mummichog analysis.
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj.
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

SetMummichogPval <- function(mSetObj=NA, cutoff){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  msg.vec <- NULL;
  mSetObj$dataSet$cutoff <- cutoff;
  ndat <- mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.proc;
  msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, "Only a small percentage (below 10%) peaks in your input peaks should be significant.");
  msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, "The algorithm works best for <u>200~500 significant peaks in 3000~7000 total peaks</u>.");
  ref_mzlist <- ndat[,2];
  if(mumDataContainsPval == 1){
    my.inx <- ndat[,1] < cutoff;
    input_mzlist <- ref_mzlist[my.inx];
    # note, most of peaks are assumed to be not changed significantly, more than 25% should be warned
    inxToKeep = length(ref_mzlist)/10
    if(inxToKeep > 500){
      inxToKeep = 500;
    input_mzlist <- ref_mzlist[1:inxToKeep];
  sig.size <- length(input_mzlist);
  sig.part <- round(100*sig.size/length(ref_mzlist),2);
  if(sig.part > 25){
    msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, paste("<font color=\"orange\">Warning: over", sig.part, "percent were significant based on your cutoff</font>."));
    msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, "You should adjust p-value cutoff to control the percentage");
    msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, paste("A total of", sig.size, "or", sig.part, "percent signficant mz features were found based on the selected p-value cutoff:", cutoff));
  if(sig.size > 2000){
    msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, "There are too many significant features based on the current cutoff, possibly too slow.");
  }else if(sig.size == 0){
    AddErrMsg("No significant features were found based on the current cutoff! Failed to perform analysis.");
  }else if(sig.size < 30){
    msg.vec <- c(msg.vec, "The number of significant features is small based on the current cutoff, possibly not accurate.");
  mSetObj$dataSet$input_mzlist <- input_mzlist;
  mSetObj$dataSet$N <- sig.size;

#'Function to perform peak set enrichment analysis
#'@description This is the main function that performs either the mummichog
#'algorithm, GSEA, or both for peak set enrichment analysis. 
#'@usage PerformPSEA(mSetObj=NA, lib, libVersion, permNum = 100)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj object. 
#'@param lib Input the name of the organism library, default is hsa_mfn. 
#'@param libVersion Input the version of the KEGG pathway libraries ("current" or "old").
#'@param permNum Numeric, input the number of permutations to perform. Default is 100.
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PerformPSEA <- function(mSetObj=NA, lib, libVersion, permNum = 100){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  mSetObj <- .setup.psea.library(mSetObj, lib, libVersion)
  version <- mSetObj$mum.version
  if(mSetObj$dataSet$mumRT & version=="v2"){
    mSetObj <- .init.RT.Permutations(mSetObj, permNum)
    mSetObj <- .init.Permutations(mSetObj, permNum)

#' Internal function to perform PSEA, no retention time
.init.Permutations <- function(mSetObj, permNum){

  if(anal.type == "mummichog"){
    mSetObj <- .perform.mummichogPermutations(mSetObj, permNum);
    mSetObj <- .compute.mummichogSigPvals(mSetObj);
  }else if(anal.type == "gsea_peaks"){
    mSetObj <- .compute.mummichog.fgsea(mSetObj, permNum);
    # need to perform mummichog + gsea then combine p-values
    mSetObj <- .compute.mummichog.fgsea(mSetObj, permNum);
    mSetObj <- .perform.mummichogPermutations(mSetObj, permNum);
    mSetObj <- .compute.mummichogSigPvals(mSetObj);

    ora.all <- mSetObj$mummi.resmat
    gsea.all <- mSetObj$mummi.gsea.resmat
    ora.pval <- ora.all[,5]
    ora.paths <- names(ora.pval)
    ora.hits <- ora.all[,1:3]
    ora.mat <- cbind(ora.paths, ora.hits, ora.pval)
    gsea.pval <- gsea.all[,3]
    gsea.paths <- names(gsea.pval)
    gsea.mat <- cbind(gsea.paths, gsea.pval)
    # gsea paths is bigger, need to subset 
    matched_paths <- na.omit(match(ora.paths, gsea.paths))
    matched_gsea <- gsea.mat[matched_paths,]
    mum.matrix <- cbind(ora.mat, matched_gsea)
    mum.df <- data.frame(pathways = mum.matrix[,1], path.size = as.numeric(mum.matrix[,2]),
                         hits.all = as.numeric(mum.matrix[,3]), hits.sig = as.numeric(mum.matrix[,4]),
                         mummichog = as.numeric(mum.matrix[,5]), gsea = as.numeric(mum.matrix[,7]))
    # combine p-values
    combo.all <- apply(mum.df[,c("mummichog", "gsea")], 1, function(x) sumlog(x))
    #extract p-values
    all.ps <- unlist(lapply(combo.all, function(z) z["p"]))
    df.combo <- as.matrix(mum.df[,2:6])
    dfcombo <- round(cbind(df.combo, all.ps), 5)
    colnames(dfcombo) <- c("Total_Size", "Hits", "Sig_Hits", "Mummichog_Pvals", "GSEA_Pvals", "Combined_Pvals")
    ord.inx <- order(dfcombo[,6]);
    dfcombo <- signif(as.matrix(dfcombo[ord.inx, ]), 4);
    write.csv(dfcombo, "mummichog_integ_pathway_enrichment.csv", row.names = TRUE)
    mSetObj$integ.resmat <- dfcombo

    matched_cpds <- names(mSetObj$cpd_exp)
    inx2<-na.omit(match(mum.df$pathways[ord.inx], mSetObj$pathways$name))
    filt_cpds <- lapply(inx2, function(f) { mSetObj$pathways$cpds[f] })
    cpds <- lapply(filt_cpds, function(x) intersect(unlist(x), matched_cpds))
    cpds_sig <- lapply(filt_cpds, function(x) intersect(unlist(x), mSetObj$input_cpdlist))
    mSetObj$path.nms <- mum.matrix[ord.inx,1]
    mSetObj$path.hits <- convert2JsonList(cpds)
    mSetObj$path.pval <- as.numeric(dfcombo[,6])
    json.res <- list(
      cmpd.exp = mSetObj$cpd_exp,
      path.nms = mum.matrix[ord.inx,1],
      hits.all = convert2JsonList(cpds),
      hits.sig = convert2JsonList(cpds_sig),
      mum.p = as.numeric(dfcombo[,4]),
      gsea.p = as.numeric(dfcombo[,5]),
      comb.p = as.numeric(dfcombo[,6])
    json.mat <- RJSONIO::toJSON(json.res, .na='null');

#' Internal function to perform PSEA, with RT
.init.RT.Permutations <- function(mSetObj, permNum){
  if(anal.type == "mummichog"){
    mSetObj <- .perform.mummichogRTPermutations(mSetObj, permNum);
    mSetObj <- .compute.mummichogRTSigPvals(mSetObj);
  }else if(anal.type == "gsea_peaks"){
    mSetObj <- .compute.mummichog.RT.fgsea(mSetObj, permNum);
    # need to perform mummichog + gsea then combine p-values
    mSetObj <- .compute.mummichog.RT.fgsea(mSetObj, permNum);
    mSetObj <- .perform.mummichogRTPermutations(mSetObj, permNum);
    mSetObj <- .compute.mummichogRTSigPvals(mSetObj);

    ora.all <- mSetObj$mummi.resmat
    gsea.all <- mSetObj$mummi.gsea.resmat
    ora.pval <- ora.all[,5] # FET
    ora.paths <- names(ora.pval)
    ora.hits <- ora.all[,1:3]
    ora.mat <- cbind(ora.paths, ora.hits, ora.pval)
    gsea.pval <- gsea.all[,3]
    gsea.paths <- names(gsea.pval)
    gsea.mat <- cbind(gsea.paths, gsea.pval)
    # gsea paths is bigger, need to subset 
    matched_paths <- na.omit(match(ora.paths, gsea.paths))
    matched_gsea <- gsea.mat[matched_paths,]
    mum.matrix <- cbind(ora.mat, matched_gsea)
    mum.df <- data.frame(pathways = mum.matrix[,1], path.size = as.numeric(mum.matrix[,2]),
                         hits.all = as.numeric(mum.matrix[,3]), hits.sig = as.numeric(mum.matrix[,4]),
                         mummichog = as.numeric(mum.matrix[,5]), gsea = as.numeric(mum.matrix[,7]))
    # combine p-values
    combo.all <- apply(mum.df[,c("mummichog", "gsea")], 1, function(x) sumlog(x))
    #extract p-values
    all.ps <- unlist(lapply(combo.all, function(z) z["p"]))
    df.combo <- as.matrix(mum.df[,2:6])
    dfcombo <- round(cbind(df.combo, all.ps), 5)
    colnames(dfcombo) <- c("Total_Size", "Hits", "Sig_Hits", "Mummichog_Pvals", "GSEA_Pvals", "Combined_Pvals")
    ord.inx <- order(dfcombo[,6]);
    dfcombo <- signif(as.matrix(dfcombo[ord.inx, ]), 4);
    write.csv(dfcombo, "mummichog_integ_pathway_enrichment.csv", row.names = TRUE)
    mSetObj$integ.resmat <- dfcombo
    ## transform ecpd to cpd for json files
    # for all cpds
    total_ecpds <- unique(mSetObj$total_matched_ecpds) #all matched compounds
    current.mset <- mSetObj$pathways$emp_cpds[match(rownames(dfcombo), mSetObj$pathways$name)]
    ecpds <- lapply(current.mset, function(x) intersect(x, total_ecpds)); #pathways & all ref ecpds
    cpds <- lapply(ecpds, function(x) unique(unlist(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict[match(x, names(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict))])) )
    # for sig ecpds
    qset <- unique(unlist(mSetObj$input_ecpdlist));
    current.mset <- mSetObj$pathways$emp_cpds[match(rownames(dfcombo), mSetObj$pathways$name)]
    feats <- lapply(current.mset, function(x) intersect(x, qset));
    cpds_feats <- lapply(feats, function(x) unique(unlist(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict[match(x, names(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict))])) )  
    # now make exp vec for all compounds
    cpds2ec <- mSetObj$cpd_ecpd_dict
    cpds.all <- unique(unlist(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict[match(total_ecpds, names(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict))]))
    cpds.exp <- sapply(cpds.all, function(x) sapply(seq_along(x), function(i) mean(mSetObj$ec_exp[match(unique(unlist(cpds2ec[match(x[[i]], names(cpds2ec))])), names(mSetObj$ec_exp))]) ) )
    mSetObj$path.nms <- mum.matrix[ord.inx,1]
    mSetObj$path.hits <- convert2JsonList(cpds)
    mSetObj$path.pval <- as.numeric(dfcombo[,6])
    json.res <- list(
      cmpd.exp = cpds.exp,
      path.nms = mum.matrix[ord.inx,1],
      hits.all = convert2JsonList(cpds),
      hits.sig = convert2JsonList(cpds_feats),
      mum.p = as.numeric(dfcombo[,4]),
      gsea.p = as.numeric(dfcombo[,5]),
      comb.p = as.numeric(dfcombo[,6])
    json.mat <- RJSONIO::toJSON(json.res, .na='null');

# Internal function to set up library for PSEA
.setup.psea.library <- function(mSetObj = NA, lib, libVersion){
  version <- mSetObj$mum.version
  filenm <- paste(lib, ".rds", sep="")
  biocyc <- grepl("biocyc", lib)
      user.curr <- mSetObj$curr.map$BioCyc
      user.curr <- mSetObj$curr.map$KEGG
    currency <<- user.curr
      mSetObj$mummi$anal.msg <- c("Currency metabolites were successfully uploaded!")
      mSetObj$mummi$anal.msg <- c("Errors in currency metabolites uploading!")
    if(libVersion == "old" && end.with(lib, "kegg")){
      mum.url <- paste("../../libs/mummichog/kegg_2018/", filenm, sep="");
      mum.url <- paste("../../libs/mummichog/", filenm, sep="");
    print(paste("Adding mummichog library:", mum.url));
    mummichog.lib <- readRDS(mum.url);
      if(libVersion == "old" && end.with(lib, "kegg")){
        mum.url <- paste("https://www.metaboanalyst.ca/resources/libs/mummichog/kegg_2018/", filenm, sep="")
        mum.url <- paste("https://www.metaboanalyst.ca/resources/libs/mummichog/", filenm, sep="")
      download.file(mum.url, destfile = filenm, method="libcurl", mode = "wb")
      mummichog.lib <- readRDS(filenm);
      mummichog.lib <- readRDS(filenm);
    mw <- mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$mw
    new_adducts <- new_adduct_mzlist(mSetObj, mw)
    cpd.lib <- list(
      mz.matp = new_adducts$pos,
      mz.matn = new_adducts$neg,
      mw = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$mw,
      id = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$id,
      name = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$name
    cpd.lib <- list(
      mz.matp = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$adducts[["positive"]],
      mz.matn = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$adducts[["negative"]],
      mw = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$mw,
      id = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$id,
      name = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$name
  cpd.treep <- mummichog.lib$cpd.tree[["positive"]];
  cpd.treen <- mummichog.lib$cpd.tree[["negative"]];
    # in V2, get rid of currency from pathways
    pathways <- mummichog.lib$pathways;
    pathways$cpds <- lapply(pathways$cpds, setdiff, currency)
    pathways$name <- lapply(pathways$name, setdiff, currency)
  mSetObj$pathways <- mummichog.lib$pathways;
  mSetObj <- .search.compoundLib(mSetObj, cpd.lib, cpd.treep, cpd.treen);
  if(mSetObj$dataSet$mumRT & version=="v2"){
    # map cpds to empirical cpds
    pathways$emp_cpds <- lapply(pathways$cpds, function(x) unique(unlist(mSetObj$cpd_ecpd_dict[na.omit(match(x, names(mSetObj$cpd_ecpd_dict)))])))
    # delete emp_cpds, cpds and names with no emp_cpds
    null.inx <- sapply(pathways$emp_cpds, is.null)
    new_pathways <- vector("list")
    new_pathways$cpds <- pathways$cpds[!null.inx]
    new_pathways$name <- pathways$name[!null.inx]
    new_pathways$emp_cpds <- pathways$emp_cpds[!null.inx]
    mSetObj$pathways <- new_pathways;
  mSetObj$lib.organism <- lib; #keep track of lib organism for sweave report

# version 2
# internal function for searching compound library
.search.compoundLib <- function(mSetObj, cpd.lib, cpd.treep, cpd.treen){

  ref_mzlist <- as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$ref_mzlist);
  print(paste0("Got ", length(ref_mzlist), " mass features."))
  pos_inx <- mSetObj$dataSet$pos_inx;
  ref_mzlistp <- ref_mzlist[pos_inx];
  ref_mzlistn <- ref_mzlist[!pos_inx];
  version <- mSetObj$mum.version
  # for empirical compounds
  if(mSetObj$dataSet$mumRT & version=="v2"){ 
    ord_rt <- rank(mSetObj$dataSet$ret_time, ties.method = "random")
    ret_time_pos <- mSetObj$dataSet$ret_time[pos_inx];
    ret_time_rank_pos <- ord_rt[pos_inx]
    ret_time_neg <- mSetObj$dataSet$ret_time[!pos_inx]
    ret_time_rank_neg <- ord_rt[!pos_inx]
    rt_tol <- mSetObj$dataSet$rt_tol
    rt_tol_rank <- length(ref_mzlist) * mSetObj$dataSet$rt_frac
    # add fake RT
    ret_time_pos <- rep(1, length(ref_mzlistp))
    ret_time_rank_pos <- rep(1, length(ref_mzlistp))
    ret_time_neg <- rep(1, length(ref_mzlistn))
    ret_time_rank_neg <- rep(1, length(ref_mzlistn))

  modified.statesp <- colnames(cpd.lib$mz.matp);
  modified.statesn <- colnames(cpd.lib$mz.matn);
  my.tolsp <- mz_tolerance(ref_mzlistp, mSetObj$dataSet$instrument);
  my.tolsn <- mz_tolerance(ref_mzlistn, mSetObj$dataSet$instrument);
  # get mz ladder (pos index)
  self.mzsp <- floor(ref_mzlistp);
  all.mzsp <- cbind(self.mzsp-1, self.mzsp, self.mzsp+1);
  self.mzsn <- floor(ref_mzlistn);
  all.mzsn <- cbind(self.mzsn-1, self.mzsn, self.mzsn+1);
  # matched_res will contain detailed result (cmpd.id. query.mass, mass.diff) for all mz;
  # use a high-performance variant of list
  matched_resp <- myFastList();
  matched_resn <- myFastList();
  if(mSetObj$dataSet$mode != "negative"){
    for(i in 1:length(ref_mzlistp)){
      mz <- ref_mzlistp[i];
      rt <- ret_time_pos[i];
      rt_rank <- ret_time_rank_pos[i];
      my.tol <- my.tolsp[i];
      all.mz <- all.mzsp[i,];
      pos.all <- as.numeric(unique(unlist(cpd.treep[all.mz])));
      for(pos in pos.all){
        id <- cpd.lib$id[pos];
        mw.all <- cpd.lib$mz.matp[pos,]; #get modified mzs
        diffs <- abs(mw.all - mz); #modified mzs - mz original
        hit.inx <- which(diffs < my.tol);
          for(spot in 1:length(hit.inx)){
            hit.pos <- hit.inx[spot];# need to match all
            index <- paste(mz, id, rt, hit.pos, sep = "_");
            matched_resp$add(index, c(i, id, mz, rt, rt_rank, mw.all[hit.pos], modified.statesp[hit.pos], diffs[hit.pos])); #replaces previous when hit.inx>1
  all.mzsn <<- all.mzsn
  if(mSetObj$dataSet$mode != "positive"){
    for(i in 1:length(ref_mzlistn)){
      mz <- ref_mzlistn[i];
      rt <- ret_time_neg[i];
      rt_rank <- ret_time_rank_neg[i];
      my.tol <- my.tolsn[i];
      all.mz <- all.mzsn[i,];
      pos.all <- as.numeric(unique(unlist(cpd.treen[all.mz])));
      for(pos in pos.all){
        id <- cpd.lib$id[pos]; # position of compound in cpd.tree
        mw.all <- cpd.lib$mz.matn[pos,]; #get modified mzs
        diffs <- abs(mw.all - mz); #modified mzs - mz original
        hit.inx <- which(diffs < my.tol);
          for(spot in 1:length(hit.inx)){
            hit.pos <- hit.inx[spot];# need to match all
            index <- paste(mz, id, rt, hit.pos, sep = "_"); #name in fast_list
            matched_resn$add(index, c(i, id, mz, rt, rt_rank, mw.all[hit.pos], modified.statesn[hit.pos], diffs[hit.pos])); #replaces previous when hit.inx>1

  # convert to regular list
  if(mSetObj$dataSet$mode == "mixed"){
    matched_resn <- matched_resn$as.list();
      msg.vec <<- "No compound matches from upload peak list!"
    matched_resn <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(matched_resn), nrow=length(matched_resn), byrow=T), stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
    matched_resp <- matched_resp$as.list();
    matched_resp <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(matched_resp), nrow=length(matched_resp), byrow=T), stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
    matched_res <- rbind(matched_resp, matched_resn)
  }else if(mSetObj$dataSet$mode == "positive"){
    matched_resp <- matched_resp$as.list();
      msg.vec <<- "No compound matches from upload peak list!"
    matched_resp <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(matched_resp), nrow=length(matched_resp), byrow=T), stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
    matched_res <- matched_resp
    matched_resn <- matched_resn$as.list();
      msg.vec <<- "No compound matches from upload peak list!"
    matched_resn <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(matched_resn), nrow=length(matched_resn), byrow=T), stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
    matched_res <- matched_resn

  # re-order columns for output
  matched_res <- matched_res[, c(3,2,7,8,4,5)];
  colnames(matched_res) <- c("Query.Mass", "Matched.Compound", "Matched.Form", "Mass.Diff", "Retention.Time", "RT.Rank");
  if(!mSetObj$dataSet$mumRT & version=="v2"){
    matched_res <- matched_res[,-(5:6)]
  write.csv(matched_res, file="mummichog_matched_compound_all.csv", row.names=FALSE);
  print(paste0(length(unique(matched_res[,2])), " matched compounds! cpd2mz"))

  # now create empirical compounds if necessary!
  # 1 compound matches to multiple m/z, filter by RT 
  if(mSetObj$dataSet$mumRT & version=="v2"){
    start <- Sys.time()
    # mz, ion
    empirical.cpd.list <- split(matched_res[,c(1,3,5,6)], matched_res[,2]); # split mz, ion and rt by compound
    empirical.cpds2cpds <- vector(length=(length(empirical.cpd.list)), "list")
    names(empirical.cpds2cpds) <- names(empirical.cpd.list)

    # for each compound, if multiple matches, split into ECpds if > RT tolerance - rt_tol
    for(i in 1:length(empirical.cpd.list)){
      mzs <- empirical.cpd.list[[i]]$Query.Mass
      ions <- empirical.cpd.list[[i]]$Matched.Form
      rts <- empirical.cpd.list[[i]]$Retention.Time
      rt.rank <- empirical.cpd.list[[i]]$RT.Rank
      cpds <- names(empirical.cpd.list)[i]
      # first, for each compound, determine ECs among matched ions
      if(length(mzs)>1){ # if multiple ECs per compound
        # first group together to create empirical cpds by rt
        rts <- as.numeric(rts)
        names(rts) <- paste0(mzs, ";", ions, ";", rts, ";", cpds)
        rts <- sort(rts)
        #idx <- c(0, cumsum(abs(diff(rts)) > rt_tol))
        # second, group together to create empirical cpds by rt rank
        rt.ranks <- as.numeric(rt.rank)
        names(rt.ranks) <- paste0(mzs, ";", ions, ";", rts, ";", cpds)
        rt.ranks <- sort(rt.ranks)
        #idx2 <- c(0, cumsum(abs(diff(rt.ranks)) > rt_tol_rank))
        split.inx <- c(0, cumsum(Reduce("&", list(abs(diff(rts)) > rt_tol, abs(diff(rt.ranks)) > rt_tol_rank) )))
        # need to deal w. multiple rts but only 1 EC
        if(length(unique(split.inx)) > 1){
          e.cpds <- split(rts, split.inx)
          empirical.cpds2cpds[[i]] <- lapply(e.cpds, names)
          empirical.cpds2cpds[[i]] <- paste0(names(rts), collapse="__")
      }else{ # if only 1 EC per compound
        empirical.cpds2cpds[[i]] <- paste0(mzs, ";", ions, ";", rts, ";", cpds)

    initial_ecs <- unlist(empirical.cpds2cpds, recursive=FALSE)
    names(initial_ecs) <- paste0("EC", 1:length(initial_ecs))
    print(paste0(length(initial_ecs), " inital ECs created!"))

    # second, merge ECs if same m/z and form - append compounds
    try <- reshape2::melt(initial_ecs)
    try2 <- strsplit(as.character(try[,1]), split="__") # deals with multiple rts belonging to 1 EC
    try2.df <- data.frame(value=unlist(try2), L1 = rep(try$L1, sapply(try2, length)))
    info <- strsplit(as.character(try2.df[,1]), split=";")
    df_ecs <- data.frame(ec=as.character(try2.df[,2]), mz=sapply(info, `[[`, 1), form=sapply(info, `[[`, 2), rt = sapply(info, `[[`, 3), cpd = sapply(info, `[[`, 4), stringsAsFactors = F)
    df_ecs$str_row_inx <- paste(df_ecs$mz, df_ecs$form, df_ecs$rt, sep = "_")
    saveRDS(df_ecs, "initial_ecs.rds")
    # df_ecs2 <- aggregate(. ~ ec, df_ecs, paste, collapse=";")
    merged_ecs <- aggregate(. ~ str_row_inx, df_ecs, paste, collapse=";")
    # cleaning the df
    # merged_ecs$ec <- sapply(strsplit(merged_ecs$ec, ";"), function(x) unlist(x)[1]) - keep as long name
    merged_ecs$mz <- sapply(strsplit(merged_ecs$mz, ";"), function(x) unique(unlist(x)))
    merged_ecs$form <- sapply(strsplit(merged_ecs$form, ";"), function(x) unique(unlist(x)))
    merged_ecs$rt <- sapply(strsplit(merged_ecs$rt, ";"), function(x) unique(unlist(x)))
    print(paste0(length(unique(merged_ecs$ec)), " merged ECs identified!"))
    # third, check if primary ion is present
    # needs to be per EC!
      ecs <- unique(merged_ecs$ec)
      # function to group ECs and verify if contains primary ion
      new_info <- lapply(ecs, function(x) { 
        new_info <- merged_ecs[which(merged_ecs$ec == x),] # subset merged_ecs to rows containing ECx
        primary.inx <- length(intersect(new_info$form, primary_ions))
          new_info <- new_info
          new_info <- NULL
      final_ecs <- do.call(args=new_info, what=rbind)[,-1]
      final_ecs <- merged_ecs[,-1]

    colnames(final_ecs) <- c("Empirical.Compound", "Query.Mass", "Matched.Form", "Retention.Time", "Matched.Compound")
    # transform to long format
    cpd_split <- strsplit(as.character(final_ecs$Matched.Compound), ";")
    reps <- pmax(lengths(cpd_split))
    df2 <- final_ecs[rep(1:nrow(final_ecs), reps), 1:4]
    df2$Matched.Compound <- unlist(mapply(function(x,y) c(x, rep(NA, y)), cpd_split, reps-lengths(cpd_split)))
    matched_res <- merge(matched_res, df2)
    matched_res <- matched_res[,-6] #rm rt rank
    matched_res[,6] <- as.character(matched_res[,6])
    # now deal with the fact that if at least one EC overlap, need to count as same EC per compound...
    my_final_cpds <- aggregate(. ~ Matched.Compound, matched_res, paste, collapse="_")
    #my_final_cpds <- my_final_cpds[match(merged_final_diff[,1], my_final_cpds$Matched.Compound),] # to delete later
    my_final_cpds_list <- lapply(split(my_final_cpds$Empirical.Compound, my_final_cpds$Matched.Compound), unlist)
    cpd2ec1 <- lapply(seq_along(my_final_cpds_list), function(x) { # function used to make grouping of ecs per cpd
      ecs <- unlist(strsplit(my_final_cpds_list[[x]], "_"))
      if(length(ecs) > 1){
        ecs.list <- as.list(strsplit(ecs, ";"))
        m = sapply(ecs.list, function(x) sapply(ecs.list, function(y) length(intersect(x,y))>0))
        g = igraph::groups(components(graph_from_adjacency_matrix(m)))
        ecs <- paste0(sapply(g, function(z) paste0(ecs[z], collapse = "|") ), collapse = "_")
    names(cpd2ec1) <- names(my_final_cpds_list)

    update_ecs <- lapply(seq_along(cpd2ec1), function(z) {
      ecs.old <- unlist(strsplit(my_final_cpds_list[[z]], "_"))
      ecs.new <- unlist(strsplit(cpd2ec1[[z]], "_"))
      for(i in 1:length(ecs.new)){
        pattern <- ecs.new[i]
        pattern_vec <- unlist(strsplit(pattern, "\\|"))
        up.pattern <- paste0(unique(pattern_vec), collapse = "|")
        ecs.old[ ecs.old %in% pattern_vec  ] <- up.pattern
      ecs.old <- paste0(ecs.old, collapse = "_")
    updated_ecs <- do.call(rbind, update_ecs)
    my_final_cpds$Empirical.Compound <- updated_ecs
    new_dt <- data.table::data.table(my_final_cpds)
    new_dt <- new_dt[, list(Query.Mass = unlist(strsplit(as.character(Query.Mass), "_")), 
                        Matched.Form = unlist(strsplit(as.character(Matched.Form), "_")),
                        Retention.Time = unlist(strsplit(as.character(Retention.Time), "_")),
                        Mass.Diff = unlist(strsplit(as.character(Mass.Diff), "_")),
                        Empirical.Compound = unlist(strsplit(as.character(Empirical.Compound), "_"))),
                 by = Matched.Compound]
    matched_res2 <- data.frame(new_dt)
    end <- Sys.time()
    totaltime <- end-start
    print(paste0(length(unique(matched_res$Empirical.Compound)), " empirical compounds identified in ", totaltime, " seconds."))
  # now update expr. profile
  matched_mz <- matched_res[,1];
  matched_ts <- mSetObj$dataSet$expr_dic[matched_mz];
  mSetObj$dataSet$mumResTable = matched_res;

  if(mSetObj$dataSet$mumRT & version=="v2"){ # RT need to be in EC space
    # first create ecpd to expression dict
    ec.exp.mat <- data.frame(key=matched_res[,6], value=as.numeric(matched_ts), stringsAsFactors = F)
    ec_exp_dict <- Convert2Dictionary(ec.exp.mat);
    ec.exp.vec <- unlist(lapply(ec_exp_dict, max));
    # also need to make cpd_exp_dict for KEGG network view
    exp.mat <- data.frame(key=matched_res[,2], value=as.numeric(matched_ts));
    cpd_exp_dict <- Convert2Dictionary(exp.mat);
    # ecpd to cpd dict
    cpd_ecpd_dict <- Convert2Dictionary(matched_res[,c(2,6)])
    ecpd_cpd_dict <- Convert2Dictionary(matched_res[,c(6,2)])
    # now mz 2 ecpd dict
    mz2cpd_dict <- Convert2Dictionary(matched_res[,c(1,2)]); #indexed/named by mz
    mz2ec_dict <- Convert2Dictionary(matched_res[,c(1,6)])
    ec2mz_dict <- Convert2Dictionary(matched_res[,c(6,1)])
    # save to mSetObj
    mSetObj$ec_exp_dict <- ec_exp_dict
    mSetObj$cpd_exp_dict <- cpd_exp_dict;
    mSetObj$ec_exp <- ec.exp.vec
    mSetObj$mz2cpd_dict <- mz2cpd_dict;
    mSetObj$mz2ec_dict <- mz2ec_dict
    mSetObj$ec2mz_dict <- ec2mz_dict
    mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict <- ecpd_cpd_dict
    mSetObj$cpd_ecpd_dict <- cpd_ecpd_dict
    mSetObj$cpd_ecpd_counts <- cpd2ec1
    # now do matching to identify significant input_ecpdlist
    # trio.list <- data.frame(mz = names(mz2ec_dict), ec = sapply(mz2ec_dict, paste, collapse="; "), cpd = sapply(mz2cpd_dict, paste, collapse="; "))
    refmz <- names(mz2ec_dict)
    hits.index <- which(refmz %in% as.character(mSetObj$dataSet$input_mzlist));
    ec1 <- unique(unlist(mz2ec_dict[hits.index]));
    mSetObj$input_ecpdlist <- ec1;
    mSetObj$total_matched_ecpds <- unique(as.vector(mSetObj$dataSet$mumResTable$Empirical.Compound));
    # mSetObj$trio.list <- trio.list
    # get the expression profile for each 
    exp.mat <- data.frame(key=matched_res[,2], value=as.numeric(matched_ts));
    cpd_exp_dict <- Convert2Dictionary(exp.mat);
    # create average exp
    exp.vec <- unlist(lapply(cpd_exp_dict, mean));
    # now need to get the mapping from mz to compound id (one mz can have 0, 1, or more id hits)
    mz2cpd_dict <- Convert2Dictionary(matched_res[,c(1,2)]); #indexed/named by mz
    cpd2mz_dict <- Convert2Dictionary(matched_res[,c(2,1)]); # indexed/named by id
    # now do matching to identify significant input_cpdlist
    refmz <- names(mz2cpd_dict)
    hits.index <- which(refmz %in% as.character(mSetObj$dataSet$input_mzlist));
    cpd1 <- unique(unlist(mz2cpd_dict[hits.index]));
    cpd1 <- cpd1[!(cpd1 %in% currency)];
    mSetObj$mz2cpd_dict <- mz2cpd_dict;
    mSetObj$cpd_exp_dict <- cpd_exp_dict;
    mSetObj$cpd_exp <- exp.vec;
    mSetObj$cpd2mz_dict <- cpd2mz_dict;
    mSetObj$input_cpdlist <- cpd1;
    mSetObj$total_matched_cpds <- unique(as.vector(mSetObj$dataSet$mumResTable$Matched.Compound));
  form.mat <- cbind(matched_res[,2], matched_res[,3]);
  cpd_form_dict <- Convert2Dictionary(form.mat);
  mSetObj$cpd_form_dict <- cpd_form_dict;

# version 1
searchCompLib <- function(mSetObj, lib, libVersion){
  filenm <- paste(lib, ".rds", sep="")
  biocyc <- grepl("biocyc", lib)
      user.curr <- mSetObj$curr.map$BioCyc
      user.curr <- mSetObj$curr.map$KEGG
    currency <<- user.curr
      mSetObj$mummi$anal.msg <- c("Currency metabolites were successfully uploaded!")
      mSetObj$mummi$anal.msg <- c("Errors in currency metabolites uploading!")
    if(libVersion == "old" && end.with(lib, "kegg")){
      mummichog.lib <- readRDS(paste("../../libs/mummichog/kegg_2018/", filenm, sep=""));
      mummichog.lib <- readRDS(paste("../../libs/mummichog/", filenm, sep=""));
      if(libVersion == "old" && end.with(lib, "kegg")){
        mum.url <- paste("https://www.metaboanalyst.ca/resources/libs/mummichog/kegg_2018/", filenm, sep="")
        mum.url <- paste("https://www.metaboanalyst.ca/resources/libs/mummichog/", filenm, sep="")
      download.file(mum.url, destfile = filenm, method="libcurl", mode = "wb")
      mummichog.lib <- readRDS(filenm);
      mummichog.lib <- readRDS(filenm);
    mw <- mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$mw
    new_adducts <- new_adduct_mzlist(mSetObj, mw)
    cpd.lib <- list(
      mz.matp = new_adducts$pos,
      mz.matn = new_adducts$neg,
      mw = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$mw,
      id = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$id,
      name = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$name
    cpd.lib <- list(
      mz.matp = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$adducts[["positive"]],
      mz.matn = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$adducts[["negative"]],
      mw = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$mw,
      id = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$id,
      name = mummichog.lib$cpd.lib$name
  cpd.treep <- mummichog.lib$cpd.tree[["positive"]];
  cpd.treen <- mummichog.lib$cpd.tree[["negative"]];
  mSetObj$pathways <- mummichog.lib$pathways;
  mSetObj$lib.organism <- lib; #keep track of lib organism for sweave report
  mSetObj$dataSet$mumRT <- FALSE
  mSetObj <- .search.compoundLib(mSetObj, cpd.lib, cpd.treep, cpd.treen);

# Internal function for permutation, no RT
.perform.mummichogPermutations <- function(mSetObj, permNum){
  num_perm <- permNum;
  print(paste('Resampling, ', num_perm, 'permutations to estimate background ...'));
  permutation_hits <- permutation_record <- vector("list", num_perm);
  for(i in 1:num_perm){ # for each permutation, create list of input compounds and calculate pvalues for each pathway
    input_mzlist <- sample(mSetObj$dataSet$ref_mzlist, mSetObj$dataSet$N)
    t <- make_cpdlist(mSetObj, input_mzlist);
    perm <- ComputeMummichogPermPvals(t, mSetObj$total_matched_cpds, mSetObj$pathways, mSetObj$dataSet$mumResTable, input_mzlist, mSetObj$cpd2mz_dict);
    permutation_record[[i]] <- perm[1]
    permutation_hits[[i]] <- perm[2]
  mSetObj$perm_record <- permutation_record;
  mSetObj$perm_hits <- permutation_hits


# Calculate p-values for each Lperm
# Used in higher mummichogR functions w.out RT
ComputeMummichogPermPvals <- function(input_cpdlist, total_matched_cpds, pathways, matches.res, input_mzlist, cpd2mz_dict){
  ora.vec <- input_cpdlist; #Lperm
  query_set_size <- length(ora.vec)
  current.mset <- pathways$cpds; #all
  total_cpds <- unique(total_matched_cpds) #matched compounds
  total_feature_num <- length(total_cpds)
  size <- negneg <- vector(mode="list", length=length(current.mset));
  cpds <- lapply(current.mset, function(x) intersect(x, total_cpds)); # pathways & all ref cpds
  feats <- lapply(current.mset, function(x) intersect(x, ora.vec)); #pathways & lsig
  feat_len <- unlist(lapply(feats, length)); # length of overlap features
  set.num <- unlist(lapply(cpds, length)); #cpdnum
  negneg <- sizes <- vector(mode="list", length=length(current.mset));
  for(i in 1:length(current.mset)){ # for each pathway
    sizes[[i]] <- min(feat_len[i], count_cpd2mz(cpd2mz_dict, unlist(feats[i]), input_mzlist))
    negneg[[i]] <- total_feature_num + sizes[[i]] - set.num[i] - query_set_size;
  unsize <- as.integer(unlist(sizes))
  res.mat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(current.mset), ncol=1)
  fishermatrix <- cbind(unsize-1, set.num, (query_set_size + unlist(negneg)), query_set_size)
  res.mat[,1] <- apply(fishermatrix, 1, function(x) phyper(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], lower.tail=FALSE));
  perm_records <- list(res.mat, as.matrix(unsize));

# Internal function for permutation
.perform.mummichogRTPermutations <- function(mSetObj, permNum){
  num_perm <- permNum;
  print(paste('Resampling, ', num_perm, 'permutations to estimate background ...'));
  permutation_hits <- permutation_record <- vector("list", num_perm);
  for(i in 1:num_perm){ # for each permutation, create list of input emp compounds and calculate pvalues for each pathway
    input_mzlist <- sample(mSetObj$dataSet$ref_mzlist, mSetObj$dataSet$N)
    t <- make_ecpdlist(mSetObj, input_mzlist);
    perm <- ComputeMummichogRTPermPvals(t, mSetObj$total_matched_ecpds, mSetObj$pathways, mSetObj$dataSet$mumResTable, input_mzlist);
    permutation_record[[i]] <- perm[1]
    permutation_hits[[i]] <- perm[2]
  mSetObj$perm_record <- permutation_record;
  mSetObj$perm_hits <- permutation_hits

# Calculate p-values for each Lperm
# Used in higher mummichogR functions w. RT
ComputeMummichogRTPermPvals <- function(input_ecpdlist, total_matched_ecpds, pathways, matches.res, input_mzlist){
  ora.vec <- input_ecpdlist; #Lperm
  query_set_size <- length(ora.vec) # query set size
  current.mset <- pathways$emp_cpds; #all
  total_ecpds <- unique(total_matched_ecpds) # matched number of empirical compounds
  total_feature_num <- length(total_ecpds)
  size <- negneg <- vector(mode="list", length=length(current.mset));
  ecpds <- lapply(current.mset, function(x) intersect(x, total_ecpds)); # pathways & all ref ecpds
  feats <- lapply(current.mset, function(x) intersect(x, ora.vec)); #pathways & query ecpds (perm lsig)
  feat_len <- unlist(lapply(feats, length)); # length of overlap features
  set.num <- unlist(lapply(ecpds, length)); #cpdnum
  negneg <- sizes <- vector(mode="list", length=length(current.mset));
  for(i in 1:length(current.mset)){ # for each pathway
    sizes[[i]] <- feat_len[i] # for ecs, just use length of overlap feats - overlap_size
    negneg[[i]] <- total_feature_num + sizes[[i]] - set.num[i] - query_set_size;
  unsize <- as.integer(unlist(sizes))
  res.mat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(current.mset), ncol=1)
  fishermatrix <- cbind(unsize-1, set.num, (query_set_size + unlist(negneg)), query_set_size)
  res.mat[,1] <- apply(fishermatrix, 1, function(x) phyper(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], lower.tail=FALSE));
  perm_records <- list(res.mat, as.matrix(unsize));

# Internal function for significant p value 
.compute.mummichogSigPvals <- function(mSetObj){
  qset <- unique(unlist(mSetObj$input_cpdlist)); #Lsig ora.vec
  query_set_size <- length(qset); #q.size
  total_cpds <- unique(mSetObj$total_matched_cpds) #all matched compounds
  total_feature_num <- length(total_cpds)
  current.mset <- mSetObj$pathways$cpds; #all compounds per pathway
  path.num <- unlist(lapply(current.mset, length));
  cpds <- lapply(current.mset, function(x) intersect(x, total_cpds)); #pathways & all ref cpds
  set.num <- unlist(lapply(cpds, length)); #cpdnum
  feats <- lapply(current.mset, function(x) intersect(x, qset)); #pathways & lsig
  feat_len <- unlist(lapply(feats, length)); # length of overlap features
  negneg <- sizes <- vector(mode="list", length=length(current.mset)); #empty lists
  for(i in 1:length(current.mset)){ # for each pathway
    sizes[[i]] <- min(feat_len[i], count_cpd2mz(mSetObj$cpd2mz_dict, unlist(feats[i]), mSetObj$dataSet$input_mzlist)) #min overlap or mz hits
    negneg[[i]] <- total_feature_num + sizes[[i]] - set.num[i] - query_set_size; # failure in left part
  #error fixing for negatives, problem occurs when total_feat_num and query_set_size too close (lsig too close to lall)
  negneg <- rapply(negneg, function(x) ifelse(x<0,0,x), how = "replace") 
  unsize <- as.integer(unlist(sizes));
  uniq.count <- length(unique(unlist(current.mset, use.names = FALSE)));
  # prepare for the result table
  res.mat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(current.mset), ncol=6);
  #fishermatrix for phyper
  fishermatrix <- cbind(unsize-1, set.num, (query_set_size + unlist(negneg) - unsize), query_set_size); 
  first <- unlist(lapply(sizes, function(x) max(0, x-1)));
  easematrix <- cbind(first, (set.num - unsize + 1), (query_set_size - unsize), unlist(negneg)); 
  res.mat[,1] <- path.num;  
  res.mat[,2] <- set.num;
  res.mat[,3] <- unsize;
  res.mat[,4] <- query_set_size*(path.num/uniq.count); #expected
  res.mat[,6] <- apply(easematrix, 1, function(x) fisher.test(matrix(x, nrow=2), alternative = "greater")$p.value);
  res.mat[,5] <- apply(fishermatrix, 1, function(x) phyper(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], lower.tail=FALSE));
  colnames(res.mat) <- c("Pathway total", "Hits.total", "Hits.sig", "Expected", "FET", "EASE");
  rownames(res.mat) <- mSetObj$pathways$name
  mSetObj$pvals <- res.mat;
  permutations_hits <- matrix(unlist(mSetObj$perm_hits), nrow=length(mSetObj$perm_hits), byrow=TRUE);
  sig_hits <- res.mat[,3]; # sighits
  sigpvalue <- res.mat[,6]; # EASE scores
  perm_record <- unlist(mSetObj$perm_record);
  perm_minus <- abs(0.9999999999 - perm_record);
  if(length(sig_hits[sig_hits!=0]) < round(length(sig_hits)*0.05)){ # too few hits that can't calculate gamma dist!
      adjustedp <- rep(NA, length = length(res.mat[,1]))
    res.mat <- cbind(res.mat, Gamma=adjustedp);
      fit.gamma <- fitdistrplus::fitdist(perm_minus, distr = "gamma", method = "mle", lower = c(0, 0), start = list(scale = 1, shape = 1));
      rawpval <- as.numeric(sigpvalue);
      adjustedp <- 1 - (pgamma(1-rawpval, shape = fit.gamma$estimate["shape"], rate = fit.gamma$estimate["scale"]));
    }, error = function(e){
      if(mSetObj$dataSet$mumType == "table"){
          adjustedp <- rep(NA, length = length(res.mat[,1]))
        res.mat <- cbind(res.mat, Gamma=adjustedp);
    }, finally = {
        adjustedp <- rep(NA, length = length(res.mat[,1]))
      res.mat <- cbind(res.mat, Gamma=adjustedp);
  #calculate empirical p-values
  record <- mSetObj$perm_record
  fisher.p <- as.numeric(res.mat[,5])
  #pathway in rows, perms in columns
  record_matrix <- do.call(cbind, do.call(cbind, record))
  num_perm <- ncol(record_matrix)
  #number of better hits for web
  better.hits <- sapply(seq_along(record_matrix[,1]), function(i) sum(record_matrix[i,] <= fisher.p[i])  )
  #account for a bias due to finite sampling - Davison and Hinkley (1997)
  emp.p <- sapply(seq_along(record_matrix[,1]), function(i) (sum(record_matrix[i,] <= fisher.p[i])/num_perm) )
  res.mat <- cbind(res.mat, Emp.Hits=better.hits, Empirical=emp.p)
  # remove those no hits
  hit.inx <- as.numeric(as.character(res.mat[,3])) > 0;
  res.mat <- res.mat[hit.inx, , drop=FALSE];
  if(nrow(res.mat) <= 1){
    AddErrMsg("Not enough m/z to compound hits for pathway analysis!")
  # prepare json element for network
  hits.all <- cpds[hit.inx];
  hits.sig <- feats[hit.inx];  
  path.nms <- mSetObj$pathways$name[hit.inx];
  # order by p-values
  ord.inx <- order(res.mat[,7]);
  res.mat <- signif(as.matrix(res.mat[ord.inx, , drop=FALSE]), 5);
  mSetObj$mummi.resmat <- res.mat[,-9];
  mSetObj$path.nms <- path.nms[ord.inx]
  mSetObj$path.hits <- convert2JsonList(hits.all[ord.inx])
  mSetObj$path.pval <- as.numeric(res.mat[,5])
  json.res <- list(
    cmpd.exp = mSetObj$cpd_exp,
    path.nms = path.nms[ord.inx],
    hits.all = convert2JsonList(hits.all[ord.inx]),
    hits.sig = convert2JsonList(hits.sig[ord.inx]),
    fisher.p = as.numeric(res.mat[,7]),
    peakToMet = mSetObj$cpd_form_dict,
    peakTable = mSetObj$dataSet$mumResTable
  write.csv(res.mat[,-8], file="mummichog_pathway_enrichment.csv", row.names=TRUE);
  matri = res.mat[,-8]
  matri = cbind(res.mat, paste0("P", seq.int(1, nrow(res.mat))))
  colnames(matri)[ncol(matri)] = "Pathway Number"
  write.csv(matri, file=mSetObj$mum_nm_csv, row.names=TRUE);
  json.mat <- RJSONIO::toJSON(json.res, .na='null');

# Internal function for significant p value with RT
.compute.mummichogRTSigPvals <- function(mSetObj){
  qset <- unique(unlist(mSetObj$input_ecpdlist)); #Lsig ora.vec
  query_set_size <- length(qset); #q.size
  total_ecpds <- unique(mSetObj$total_matched_ecpds) #all matched compounds
  total_feature_num <- length(total_ecpds)
  current.mset <- mSetObj$pathways$emp_cpds; #all compounds per pathway
  path.num <- unlist(lapply(current.mset, length));
  ecpds <- lapply(current.mset, function(x) intersect(x, total_ecpds)); #pathways & all ref ecpds
  set.num <- unlist(lapply(ecpds, length)); # total ecpd num in pathway
  feats <- lapply(current.mset, function(x) intersect(x, qset)); #pathways & lsig
  feat_len <- unlist(lapply(feats, length)); # length of overlap features
  negneg <- sizes <- vector(mode="list", length=length(current.mset)); #empty lists
  for(i in 1:length(current.mset)){ # for each pathway
    sizes[[i]] <- feat_len[i] # overlap size
    negneg[[i]] <- total_feature_num + sizes[[i]] - set.num[i] - query_set_size; # failure in left part
  #error fixing for negatives, problem occurs when total_feat_num and query_set_size too close (lsig too close to lall)
  negneg <- rapply(negneg, function(x) ifelse(x<0,0,x), how = "replace") 
  unsize <- as.integer(unlist(sizes));
  uniq.count <- length(unique(unlist(current.mset, use.names = FALSE)));
  # prepare for the result table
  res.mat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(current.mset), ncol=6);
  #fishermatrix for phyper
  fishermatrix <- cbind(unsize-1, set.num, (query_set_size + unlist(negneg) - unsize), query_set_size); 
  first <- unlist(lapply(sizes, function(x) max(0, x-1)));
  easematrix <- cbind(first, (set.num - unsize + 1), (query_set_size - unsize), unlist(negneg)); 
  res.mat[,1] <- path.num;  
  res.mat[,2] <- set.num;
  res.mat[,3] <- unsize;
  res.mat[,4] <- query_set_size*(path.num/uniq.count); #expected
  res.mat[,5] <- apply(fishermatrix, 1, function(x) phyper(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], lower.tail=FALSE));
  res.mat[,6] <- apply(easematrix, 1, function(x) fisher.test(matrix(x, nrow=2), alternative = "greater")$p.value);
  colnames(res.mat) <- c("Pathway total", "Hits.total", "Hits.sig", "Expected", "FET", "EASE");
  rownames(res.mat) <- mSetObj$pathways$name
  mSetObj$pvals <- res.mat;
  permutations_hits <- matrix(unlist(mSetObj$perm_hits), nrow=length(mSetObj$perm_hits), byrow=TRUE);
  sig_hits <- res.mat[,3]; # sighits
  sigpvalue <- res.mat[,5]; # EASE scores
  perm_record <- unlist(mSetObj$perm_record);
  perm_minus <- abs(0.9999999999 - perm_record);
  if(length(sig_hits[sig_hits!=0]) < round(length(sig_hits)*0.05)){ # too few hits that can't calculate gamma dist!
      adjustedp <- rep(NA, length = length(res.mat[,1]))
    res.mat <- cbind(res.mat, Gamma=adjustedp);
      fit.gamma <- fitdistrplus::fitdist(perm_minus, distr = "gamma", method = "mle", lower = c(0, 0), start = list(scale = 1, shape = 1));
      rawpval <- as.numeric(sigpvalue);
      adjustedp <- 1 - (pgamma(1-rawpval, shape = fit.gamma$estimate["shape"], rate = fit.gamma$estimate["scale"]));
    }, error = function(e){
      if(mSetObj$dataSet$mumType == "table"){
          adjustedp <- rep(NA, length = length(res.mat[,1]))
        res.mat <- cbind(res.mat, Gamma=adjustedp);
    }, finally = {
        adjustedp <- rep(NA, length = length(res.mat[,1]))
      res.mat <- cbind(res.mat, Gamma=adjustedp);
  #calculate empirical p-values
  record <- mSetObj$perm_record
  fisher.p <- as.numeric(res.mat[,5])
  #pathway in rows, perms in columns
  record_matrix <- do.call(cbind, do.call(cbind, record))
  num_perm <- ncol(record_matrix)
  #number of better hits for web
  better.hits <- sapply(seq_along(record_matrix[,1]), function(i) sum(record_matrix[i,] <= fisher.p[i])  )
  #account for a bias due to finite sampling - Davison and Hinkley (1997)
  emp.p <- sapply(seq_along(record_matrix[,1]), function(i) (sum(record_matrix[i,] <= fisher.p[i])/num_perm) )
  res.mat <- cbind(res.mat, Emp.Hits=better.hits, Empirical=emp.p)
  # remove pathways with no hits
  hit.inx <- as.numeric(as.character(res.mat[,3])) > 0;
  res.mat <- res.mat[hit.inx, , drop=FALSE];
  if(nrow(res.mat) <= 1){
    AddErrMsg("Not enough m/z to compound hits for pathway analysis!")
  # prepare json element for network
  # need to convert ecpds to cpds
  # and get average expression based on ec
  cpds <- lapply(ecpds, function(x) unique(unlist(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict[match(x, names(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict))])) )  
  cpd.exp.vec <- sapply(ecpds, function(x) mean(mSetObj$ec_exp[match(x, names(mSetObj$ec_exp))]) )
  cpds_feats <- lapply(feats, function(x) unique(unlist(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict[match(x, names(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict))])) )  
  # now make exp vec for all compounds
  cpds2ec <- mSetObj$cpd_ecpd_dict
  cpds.all <- unique(unlist(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict[match(total_ecpds, names(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict))]))
  cpd.exp.vec <- sapply(cpds.all, function(x) sapply(seq_along(x), function(i) mean(mSetObj$ec_exp[match(unique(unlist(cpds2ec[match(x[[i]], names(cpds2ec))])), names(mSetObj$ec_exp))]) ) )
  hits.all <- cpds[hit.inx];
  hits.sig <- cpds_feats[hit.inx];  
  path.nms <- mSetObj$pathways$name[hit.inx];
  # order by p-values
  if(length(na.omit(res.mat[,7])) == 0){
    ord.inx <- order(res.mat[,5]); # order by FET if gamma not able to be calc
    ord.inx <- order(res.mat[,7]); # order by gamma
  res.mat <- signif(as.matrix(res.mat[ord.inx, , drop=FALSE]), 5);
  mSetObj$mummi.resmat <- res.mat[,-9];
  mSetObj$path.nms <- path.nms[ord.inx]
  mSetObj$path.hits <- convert2JsonList(hits.all[ord.inx])
  mSetObj$path.pval <- as.numeric(res.mat[,5])
  json.res <- list(
    cmpd.exp = cpd.exp.vec,
    path.nms = path.nms[ord.inx],
    hits.all = convert2JsonList(hits.all[ord.inx]),
    hits.sig = convert2JsonList(hits.sig[ord.inx]),
    fisher.p = as.numeric(res.mat[,7]),
    peakToMet = mSetObj$cpd_form_dict,
    peakTable = mSetObj$dataSet$mumResTable
  write.csv(res.mat[,-8], file="mummichog_pathway_enrichment.csv", row.names=TRUE);
  matri = res.mat[,-8]
  matri = cbind(res.mat, paste0("P", seq.int(1, nrow(res.mat))))
  colnames(matri)[ncol(matri)] = "Pathway Number"
  write.csv(matri, file=mSetObj$mum_nm_csv, row.names=TRUE);
  json.mat <- RJSONIO::toJSON(json.res, .na='null');

#' Internal function for calculating GSEA, no RT
.compute.mummichog.fgsea <- function(mSetObj, permNum){
  num_perm <- permNum;
  total_cpds <- mSetObj$cpd_exp #scores from all matched compounds
  current.mset <- mSetObj$pathways$cpds; #all compounds per pathway
  names(current.mset) <- mSetObj$pathways$name
  path.size <- unlist(lapply(mSetObj$pathways$cpds, length)) #total size of pathways
  df.scores <- data.frame(id=names(total_cpds), scores=total_cpds)
  ag.scores <- aggregate(id ~ scores, data = df.scores, paste, collapse = "; ")
  ag.sorted <- ag.scores[order(-ag.scores$scores),]
  row.names(ag.sorted) <- NULL
  dt.scores <- data.table::data.table(ag.sorted)
  dt.scores.out <- dt.scores[, list(scores=scores, id = unlist(strsplit(id, "; ", fixed = TRUE))), by=1:nrow(dt.scores)]
  rank.vec <- as.numeric(dt.scores.out$nrow)
  names(rank.vec) <- as.character(dt.scores.out$id)
  scores.vec <- as.numeric(ag.sorted$scores)
  names(scores.vec) <- as.character(ag.sorted$id)
  # run fgsea
  if(mumDataContainsPval == 0){
    rank.vec = seq.int(1, length(mSetObj$cpd_exp))
    names(rank.vec) <- names(mSetObj$cpd_exp)
    scores.vec = seq.int(1, length(mSetObj$cpd_exp))
    names(scores.vec) <- names(mSetObj$cpd_exp)
  fgseaRes <- fgsea2(mSetObj, current.mset, scores.vec, rank.vec, num_perm)
  res.mat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(fgseaRes$pathway), ncol=5)
  path.size <- unlist(lapply(current.mset, length))
  matched.size <- path.size[match(fgseaRes$pathway, names(path.size))]
  # create result table
  res.mat[,1] <- matched.size
  res.mat[,2] <- fgseaRes$size
  res.mat[,3] <- fgseaRes$pval
  res.mat[,4] <- fgseaRes$padj
  res.mat[,5] <- fgseaRes$NES
  rownames(res.mat) <- fgseaRes$pathway
  colnames(res.mat) <- c("Pathway_Total", "Hits", "P_val", "P_adj", "NES")
  # order by p-values
  ord.inx <- order(res.mat[,3]);
  res.mat <- signif(as.matrix(res.mat[ord.inx, ]), 4);
  mSetObj$mummi.gsea.resmat <- res.mat;
  write.csv(res.mat, file="mummichog_fgsea_pathway_enrichment.csv", row.names=TRUE);
  matched_cpds <- names(mSetObj$cpd_exp)
  inx2<-na.omit(match(rownames(res.mat), mSetObj$pathways$name))
  filt_cpds <- lapply(inx2, function(f) { mSetObj$pathways$cpds[f] })
  cpds <- lapply(filt_cpds, function(x) intersect(unlist(x), matched_cpds))
  mSetObj$path.nms <- rownames(res.mat)
  mSetObj$path.hits<- convert2JsonList(cpds)
  mSetObj$path.pval <- as.numeric(res.mat[,3])
  json.res <- list(cmpd.exp = total_cpds,
                   path.nms = rownames(res.mat),
                   hits.all = convert2JsonList(cpds),
                   nes = fgseaRes$NES,
                   fisher.p = as.numeric(res.mat[,3]))
  json.mat <- RJSONIO::toJSON(json.res, .na='null');

#' Internal function for calculating GSEA, with RT
.compute.mummichog.RT.fgsea <- function(mSetObj, permNum){

  # Need to perform in EC space
  num_perm <- permNum;
  total_ecpds <- mSetObj$ec_exp #scores from all matched compounds
  current.mset <- mSetObj$pathways$emp_cpds; #all compounds per pathway
  names(current.mset) <- mSetObj$pathways$name
  path.size <- unlist(lapply(mSetObj$pathways$ecpds, length)) #total size of pathways
  df.scores <- data.frame(id=names(total_ecpds), scores=total_ecpds)
  ag.scores <- aggregate(id ~ scores, data = df.scores, paste, collapse = "; ")
  ag.sorted <- ag.scores[order(-ag.scores$scores),]
  row.names(ag.sorted) <- NULL
  dt.scores <- data.table::data.table(ag.sorted)
  dt.scores.out <- dt.scores[, list(scores=scores, id = unlist(strsplit(id, "; ", fixed = TRUE))), by=1:nrow(dt.scores)]
  rank.vec <- as.numeric(dt.scores.out$nrow)
  names(rank.vec) <- as.character(dt.scores.out$id)
  scores.vec <- as.numeric(ag.sorted$scores)
  names(scores.vec) <- as.character(ag.sorted$id)
  # run fgsea
  if(mumDataContainsPval == 0){
    rank.vec = seq.int(1, length(mSetObj$ec_exp))
    names(rank.vec) <- names(mSetObj$ec_exp)
    scores.vec = seq.int(1, length(mSetObj$ec_exp))
    names(scores.vec) <- names(mSetObj$ec_exp)
  fgseaRes <- fgsea2(mSetObj, current.mset, scores.vec, rank.vec, num_perm)
  res.mat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(fgseaRes$pathway), ncol=5)
  path.size <- unlist(lapply(current.mset, length))
  matched.size <- path.size[match(fgseaRes$pathway, names(path.size))]
  # create result table
  res.mat[,1] <- matched.size
  res.mat[,2] <- fgseaRes$size
  res.mat[,3] <- fgseaRes$pval
  res.mat[,4] <- fgseaRes$padj
  res.mat[,5] <- fgseaRes$NES
  rownames(res.mat) <- fgseaRes$pathway
  colnames(res.mat) <- c("Pathway_Total", "Hits", "P_val", "P_adj", "NES")
  # order by p-values
  ord.inx <- order(res.mat[,3]);
  res.mat <- signif(as.matrix(res.mat[ord.inx, ]), 4);
  mSetObj$mummi.gsea.resmat <- res.mat;
  write.csv(res.mat, file="mummichog_fgsea_pathway_enrichment.csv", row.names=TRUE);
  # need to convert ECs to compounds for json
  total_ecpds <- unique(mSetObj$total_matched_ecpds) #all matched compounds
  current.mset <- current.mset[match(rownames(res.mat), mSetObj$pathways$name)]
  ecpds <- lapply(current.mset, function(x) intersect(x, total_ecpds)); #pathways & all ref ecpds
  cpds <- lapply(ecpds, function(x) unique(unlist(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict[match(x, names(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict))])) )
  # now make exp vec for all compounds
  cpds2ec <- mSetObj$cpd_ecpd_dict
  cpds.all <- unique(unlist(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict[match(total_ecpds, names(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict))]))
  cpds.exp <- sapply(cpds.all, function(x) sapply(seq_along(x), function(i) mean(mSetObj$ec_exp[match(unique(unlist(cpds2ec[match(x[[i]], names(cpds2ec))])), names(mSetObj$ec_exp))]) ) )
  mSetObj$path.nms <- rownames(res.mat)
  mSetObj$path.hits <- convert2JsonList(cpds)
  mSetObj$path.pval <- as.numeric(res.mat[,3])
  json.res <- list(cmpd.exp = cpds.exp,
                   path.nms = rownames(res.mat),
                   hits.all = convert2JsonList(cpds),
                   nes = fgseaRes$NES,
                   fisher.p = as.numeric(res.mat[,3]))
  json.mat <- RJSONIO::toJSON(json.res, .na='null');

#'Map currency metabolites to KEGG & BioCyc
#'@description This function maps the user selected list
#'of compounds to its corresponding KEGG IDs and BioCyc IDs
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj object 
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PerformCurrencyMapping <- function(mSetObj = NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  qvec <- mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd;
  curr_db <- .read.metaboanalyst.lib("currency_cmpd.rds");
  hit.inx <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(curr_db$DisplayName));
  num_hits <- length(na.omit(hit.inx))
  if(num_hits == 0){
    mSetObj$mummi$curr.msg <- c("No currency metabolites were selected or mapped!")
  match.values <- curr_db[hit.inx,];
  curr.met <- nrow(match.values)
  mSetObj$curr.map <- match.values
  if(curr.met > 0){
    mSetObj$mummi$curr.msg <- paste("A total of ", curr.met ," currency metabolites were successfully uploaded!", sep = "")
  mSetObj$curr.cust <- TRUE;

#'Read Adduct List
#'@description This function reads in the user's adduct list and 
#'saves it as a matrix. 
#'@usage Read.AdductData(mSetObj=NA, adductList)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj object 
#'@param adductList Input the name of the adduct list
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PerformAdductMapping <- function(mSetObj=NA, add.mode){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  adducts <- mSetObj$dataSet$adduct.list
  if(add.mode == "positive"){
    add_db <- .read.metaboanalyst.lib("pos_adduct.rds");
  }else if(add.mode == "negative"){
    add_db <- .read.metaboanalyst.lib("neg_adduct.rds");
  }else if(add.mode == "mixed"){
    add_db <- .read.metaboanalyst.lib("mixed_adduct.rds");
    msg <- c("Adduct mode is not valid")
  hit.inx <- match(tolower(adducts), tolower(add_db$Ion_Name));
  hits <- length(na.omit(hit.inx))
  if(hits == 0){
    mSetObj$mummi$add.msg <- c("No adducts were selected!")
  match.values <- add_db[na.omit(hit.inx),];
  sel.add <- nrow(match.values)
  if(sel.add > 0){
    mSetObj$mummi$add.msg <- paste("A total of ", sel.add ," adducts were successfully selected!", sep = "")
  mSetObj$adduct.custom <- TRUE
  mSetObj$add.map <- match.values

# internal function to create new mz matrix from user-curated list of adducts
new_adduct_mzlist <- function(mSetObj=NA, mw){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  mode <- mSetObj$dataSet$mode
  ion.name <- mSetObj$add.map$Ion_Name
  ion.mass <- mSetObj$add.map$Ion_Mass
  mw_modified <- NULL;
  if(mode!="mixed"){ #pos or neg
    mass.list <- as.list(ion.mass)
    mass.user <- lapply(mass.list, function(x) eval(parse(text=paste(gsub("PROTON", 1.00727646677, x)))) )
    mw_modified <- cbind(mw, do.call(cbind, mass.user));
    if(mode == "positive"){
      mw_modified.pos <- mw_modified
      mw_modified.neg <- as.matrix(mw_modified[,1])
      colnames(mw_modified.pos) <- c("M", ion.name);
      colnames(mw_modified.neg) <- "M"
    }else{ #negative
      mw_modified.neg <- mw_modified
      mw_modified.pos <- as.matrix(mw_modified[,1])
      colnames(mw_modified.neg) <- c("M", ion.name);
      colnames(mw_modified.pos) <- "M"
    mw_modified <- list(mw_modified.neg, mw_modified.pos)
    names(mw_modified) <- c("neg", "pos")
    #deal w. mixed ion mode, need to return pos and neg 
    neg.ions <- c("M-H [1-]", "M-2H [2-]", "M-3H [3-]", "M-H2O-H [1-]", "M-H+O [1-]", "M+K-2H [1-]", "M+Na-2H [1- ]", "M+Cl [1-]", "M+Cl37 [1-]",   
                  "M+K-2H [1-]", "M+FA-H [1-]", "M+Hac-H [1-]", "M+Br [1-]", "M+Br81 [1-]", "M+TFA-H [1-]", "M+ACN-H [1-]", "M+HCOO [1-]", "M+CH3COO [1-]", 
                  "2M-H [1-]", "2M+FA-H [1-]", "2M+Hac-H [1-]", "3M-H [1-]", "M(C13)-H [1-]", "M(S34)-H [1-]", "M(Cl37)-H [1-]")
    ion.name.neg <- intersect(ion.name, neg.ions)
    ion.mass.neg <- ion.mass[which(ion.name %in% neg.ions)] 
    ion.name.pos <- setdiff(ion.name, neg.ions)
    ion.mass.pos <- ion.mass[which(ion.name %in% ion.name.pos)] 
    mass.list.neg <- as.list(ion.mass.neg)
    mass.user.neg <- lapply(mass.list.neg, function(x) eval(parse(text=paste(gsub("PROTON", 1.00727646677, x)))) )
    mw_modified.neg <- do.call(cbind, mass.user.neg);
    colnames(mw_modified.neg) <- ion.name.neg;
    mass.list.pos <- as.list(ion.mass.pos)
    mass.user.pos <- lapply(mass.list.pos, function(x) eval(parse(text=paste(gsub("PROTON", 1.00727646677, x)))) )
    mw_modified.pos <- do.call(cbind, mass.user.pos);
    colnames(mw_modified.pos) <- ion.name.pos;
    mw_modified <- list(mw_modified.neg, mw_modified.pos)
    names(mw_modified) <- c("neg", "pos")

#'Update the mSetObj with user-selected parameters for MS Peaks to Pathways.
#'@description This functions handles updating the mSet object for mummichog analysis. 
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects).
#'@param force_primary_ion Character, if "yes", only mz features that match compounds with a primary ion are kept.
#'@param rt_tol Numeric. Input the retention time tolerance used for determining ECs (in seconds).
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
UpdateEC_Rules <- function(mSetObj = NA, force_primary_ion, rt_tol){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  mSetObj$dataSet$primary_ion <- force_primary_ion;
  ok <- is.numeric(rt_tol)
    mSetObj$dataSet$rt_tol <- rt_tol;
    AddErrMsg("Retention time tolerance must be numeric!")
  msg.vec <- "EC Rules successfully updated."
  mSetObj$mummi$ec.msg <- msg.vec

##### Plotting Functions #####

#'Plot MS Peaks to Paths mummichog permutation p-values
#'@description Plots the mummichog permutation p-values
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
#'@param pathway Input the name of the pathway
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf".
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@param width Input the width, there are 2 default widths, the first, width = NULL, is 10.5.
#'The second default is width = 0, where the width is 7.2. Otherwise users can input their own width. 
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PlotMSPeaksPerm <- function(mSetObj=NA, pathway, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  bw.vec <- unlist(mSetObj$perm_record);
  len <- length(bw.vec);
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
    w <- 8;
  }else if(width == 0){
    w <- 7;
    w <- width;
  h <- w*6/8;
  mSetObj$imgSet$pls.permut <- imgName;
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  hst <- hist(bw.vec, breaks = "FD", freq=T,
              ylab="Frequency", xlab= 'Permutation test statistics', col="lightblue", main="");
  # add the indicator using original label
  h <- max(hst$counts)
  inx <- which(rownames(mSetObj$mummi.resmat) == pathway)
  raw.p <- mSetObj$mummi.resmat[inx,5]
  arrows(raw.p, h/5, raw.p, 0, col="red", lwd=2);
  text(raw.p, h/3.5, paste('Raw \n statistic \n', raw.p), xpd=T);

#' PlotPeaks2Paths
#' @description Plots either the original mummichog or GSEA results.
#' @param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj object
#' @param imgName Input a name for the plot
#' @param format Character, input the format of the image to create.
#' @param dpi Numeric, input the dpi of the image to create.
#' @param width Numeric, input the width of the image to create.
#' @param Labels Character, indicate if the plot should be labeled. By default
#' it is set to "default", and the 5 top-ranked pathways per each algorithm will be plotted.
#' Users can adjust the number of pathways to be annotated per pathway using the "num_annot" 
#' parameter.
#' @author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#' @export

PlotPeaks2Paths <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format = "png", dpi = 72, width = 9, labels = "default",
                            num_annot = 5){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  if(anal.type == "mummichog"){
    mummi.mat <- mSetObj$mummi.resmat
    y <- -log10(mummi.mat[,7]);
    x <- mummi.mat[,3]/mummi.mat[,4]
    pathnames <- rownames(mummi.mat)
    gsea.mat <- mSetObj$mummi.gsea.resmat
    y <- -log10(gsea.mat[,3])
    x <- gsea.mat[,2]/gsea.mat[,1]
    pathnames <- rownames(gsea.mat)
  inx <- order(y, decreasing= T);
  y <- y[inx];
  x <- x[inx]; 
  path.nms <- pathnames[inx];
  # set circle size based on enrichment factor
  sqx <- sqrt(x);
  min.x <- min(sqx, na.rm = TRUE);
  max.x <- max(sqx, na.rm = TRUE);
  if(min.x == max.x){ # only 1 value
    max.x = 1.5*max.x;
    min.x = 0.5*min.x;
  maxR <- (max.x - min.x)/40;
  minR <- (max.x - min.x)/160;
  radi.vec <- minR+(maxR-minR)*(sqx-min.x)/(max.x-min.x);
  # set background color according to combo.p
  bg.vec <- heat.colors(length(y));
  if(format == "png"){
    bg = "transparent";
    w <- 7;
  }else if(width == 0){
    w <- 7;
    w <- width;
  h <- w;
  df <- data.frame(path.nms, x, y)
  if(labels == "default"){
    pk.inx <- GetTopInx(df$y, num_annot, T)
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
  mSetObj$imgSet$mummi.plot <- imgName
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg=bg);
  op <- par(mar=c(6,5,2,3));
  plot(x, y, type="n", axes=F, xlab="Enrichment Factor", ylab="-log10(p)", bty = "l");
  symbols(x, y, add = TRUE, inches = F, circles = radi.vec, bg = bg.vec, xpd=T);
    text(x[pk.inx], y[pk.inx], labels = path.nms[pk.inx], pos=3, xpd=T, cex=0.8)
  }else if(labels == "all"){
    text(x, y, labels = path.nms, pos=3, xpd=T, cex=0.8)
  if(anal.type == "mummichog"){
    df <- list(pval=unname(y), enr=unname(x), pathnames=pathnames);
    df <- list(pval=unname(y), enr=unname(gsea.mat[,5]), pathnames=pathnames);

#' PlotIntegPaths
#' @description Plots both the original mummichog and the GSEA results by combining p-values
#' using the Fisher's method (sumlog). 
#' @param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj object
#' @param imgName Input a name for the plot
#' @param format Character, input the format of the image to create.
#' @param dpi Numeric, input the dpi of the image to create.
#' @param width Numeric, input the width of the image to create.
#' @param Labels Character, indicate if the plot should be labeled. By default
#' it is set to "default", and the 5 top-ranked pathways per each algorithm will be plotted.
#' Users can adjust the number of pathways to be annotated per pathway using the "labels.x" 
#' and "labels.y" parameters.
#' Users can set this to "none" for no annotations, or "all" to annotate all pathways. 
#' @param labels.x Numeric, indicate the number of top-ranked pathways using the fGSEA algorithm 
#'  to annotate on the plot. 
#' @param labels.y Numeric, indicate the number of top-ranked pathways using the original 
#' mummichog algorithm to annotate on the plot. 
#' @author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#' @export
#' @import metap
#' @import scales

PlotIntegPaths <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format = "png", dpi = 72, width = 9, labels = "default", 
                           labels.x = 5, labels.y = 5, scale.axis = TRUE){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  # check if mummichog + gsea was performed
  if(is.null(mSetObj$mummi.resmat) | is.null(mSetObj$mummi.gsea.resmat)){
    print("Both mummichog and fGSEA must be performed!")
  combo.resmat <- mSetObj$integ.resmat
  pathnames <- rownames(combo.resmat)
  # Sort values based on combined pvalues
  y <- -log10(combo.resmat[,4]);
  # Correct the Inf issue
  if (any(!is.finite(y))){
    y[unname(which(!is.finite(y)))]<-max(y1,na.rm = T)+1
  x <- -log10(combo.resmat[,5]);
  combo.p <- -log10(combo.resmat[,6])
  # Correct the Inf issue
  if (any(!is.finite(combo.p))){
    combo.p[unname(which(!is.finite(combo.p)))]<-max(combo.p1,na.rm = T)+1
    y <- scales::rescale(y, c(0,4))
    x <- scales::rescale(x, c(0,4))
    combo.p <- scales::rescale(combo.p, c(0,4))
  inx <- order(combo.p, decreasing= T);
  combo.p <- combo.p[inx]
  x <- x[inx]; 
  y <- y[inx];
  path.nms <- pathnames[inx];
  # set circle size based on combined pvalues
  min.x <- min(combo.p, na.rm = TRUE);
  max.x <- max(combo.p, na.rm = TRUE);
  if(min.x == max.x){ # only 1 value
    max.x = 1.5*max.x;
    min.x = 0.5*min.x;
  maxR <- (max.x - min.x)/40;
  minR <- (max.x - min.x)/160;
  radi.vec <- minR+(maxR-minR)*(combo.p-min.x)/(max.x-min.x);
  # set background color according to combo.p
  bg.vec <- heat.colors(length(combo.p));
  if(format == "png"){
    bg = "transparent";
    w <- 7;
  }else if(width == 0){
    w <- 7;
    w <- width;
  h <- w;
  df <- data.frame(path.nms, x, y)
  if(labels == "default"){
    mummi.inx <- GetTopInx(df$y, labels.y, T)
    gsea.inx <- GetTopInx(df$x, labels.x, T)
    all.inx <- mummi.inx | gsea.inx;
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
  mSetObj$imgSet$integpks.plot <- imgName
  Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg=bg);
  op <- par(mar=c(6,5,2,3));
  # color blocks only make sense if scaled...
    plot(x, y, type="n", axes=F, xlab="GSEA -log10(p)", ylab="Mummichog -log10(p)", bty = "l");
    symbols(x, y, add = TRUE, inches = F, circles = radi.vec, bg = bg.vec, xpd=T);
    axis.lims <- par("usr")
    # mummichog sig
    mum.x <- c(axis.lims[1], axis.lims[1], axis.lims[2], axis.lims[2])
    mum.y <- c(2, axis.lims[4], axis.lims[4], 2)
    polygon(mum.x, mum.y, col=rgb(82/255,193/255,188/255,0.3), border = NA)
    # gsea sig
    gsea.x <- c(2,2,axis.lims[4],axis.lims[4])
    gsea.y <- c(axis.lims[1],axis.lims[4],axis.lims[4],axis.lims[1])
    polygon(gsea.x, gsea.y, col=rgb(216/255,126/255,178/255,0.3), border = NA)
    plot(x, y, type="n", xlim=c( 0, round(max(x)) ), ylim=c(0, round(max(y)) ), xlab="GSEA -log10(p)", ylab="Mummichog -log10(p)", bty = "l");
    symbols(x, y, add = TRUE, inches = F, circles = radi.vec, bg = bg.vec, xpd=T);
    text(x[all.inx], y[all.inx], labels = path.nms[all.inx], pos=3, xpd=T, cex=0.8)
  }else if(labels == "all"){
    text(x, y, labels = path.nms, pos=3, xpd=T, cex=0.8)
  df <- list(pval=unname(y), enr=unname(x), metap= unname(combo.p), pathnames=pathnames);

#' Plot m/z hits in a pathway
#' @description Function to create a boxplot of m/z features
#' within a specific pathway. m/z features used by the original
#' mummichog algorithm are highlighted with an asterisk. 
#' @param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj object.
#' @param msetNM Character, input the name of the pathway. 
#' @param format Character, input the format of the image to create. 
#' @param dpi Numeric, input the dpi of the image to create. Default 
#' is set to 300.
#' @param width Numeric, input the width of the image to create.
#' Default is set to 10.
#' @author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @import scales

PlotPathwayMZHits <- function(mSetObj=NA, msetNM, format="png", dpi=300, width=10){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  # check if mummichog + gsea was performed
  if(is.null(mSetObj$mummi.resmat) | is.null(mSetObj$mummi.gsea.resmat)){
    print("Both mummichog and fGSEA must be performed!")
  inx <- which(mSetObj$pathways$name == msetNM)
  # Brief sanity check
  if(length(inx) == 0){
    print(paste0(msetNM, " is not found in the pathway library! Please verify the spelling."))
  mset <- mSetObj$pathways$cpds[[inx]];
  mzs <- as.numeric(unique(unlist(mSetObj$cpd2mz_dict[mset])))
  result <- intersect(mzs, unique(mSetObj$dataSet$mumResTable[,1]))
  pvals <- mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.proc[mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.proc[, 2] %in% result, ]
  pval.cutoff <- mSetObj$dataSet$cutoff
  used.inx <- pvals[,1] < pval.cutoff
  mummi <- which(used.inx)
  mummi_mzs <- pvals[,2]
  # add astericks if used by mummichog
  mummi_mzs_star <- mummi_mzs
  mummi_mzs_star[mummi] <- paste(mummi_mzs_star[mummi], "*",sep="");
  # create boxdata
  data <- as.data.frame(mSetObj$dataSet$proc)
  boxdata <- data[,as.character(mummi_mzs)]
  colnames(boxdata) <- mummi_mzs_star
  boxdata$class <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls
  num.feats <- length(result)
  boxdata.m <- reshape2::melt(boxdata, id.vars="class")
  boxdata.m$value <- scales::rescale(boxdata.m$value, c(0,1))
  boxplotName <- paste(msetNM, ".", format, sep="");
  if(num.feats == 1){
    w = width
    h = width
    p <- ggplot(data = boxdata.m, aes(x=variable, y=value)) + geom_boxplot(aes(fill=class), outlier.shape = NA, outlier.colour=NA)
    p <- p + ggtitle(msetNM) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Group"))
    p <- p + xlab("m/z feature") + ylab("Intensity")
    ggsave(p, filename = boxplotName, dpi=300, width=w, height=h, limitsize = FALSE)
  }else if(num.feats<10){
    w = width
    h <- num.feats
    cols = 3
  }else if(num.feats<5){
    w = width
    h = width
    w = width
    h <- num.feats * 0.35
    cols = 6
  p <- ggplot(data = boxdata.m, aes(x=variable, y=value)) + geom_boxplot(aes(fill=class), outlier.shape = NA, outlier.colour=NA)
  p <- p + facet_wrap( ~ variable, scales="free", ncol=cols) + xlab("m/z features") + ylab("Intensity")
  p <- p + ggtitle(msetNM) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Group"))
  ggsave(p, filename = boxplotName, dpi=300, width=w, height=h, limitsize = FALSE)

######## For R package ########

#' Function to get compound details from a specified pathway
#' @description Function to get compound details from a specified pathway.
#' The results will be both printed in the console as well as saved
#' as a csv file. Note that performing this function multiple times will
#' overwrite previous queries. Significant compounds will be indicated with an asterisk.
#' @param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj object.
#' @param msetNm Input the name of the pathway
#' @export
GetMummichogPathSetDetails <- function(mSetObj=NA, msetNm){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  version <- mSetObj$mum.version 
  inx <- which(mSetObj$pathways$name == msetNm)
    AddErrMsg("Invalid pathway name!")
    mset <- mSetObj$pathways$cpds[[inx]];
    hits.all <- unique(mSetObj$total_matched_cpds)
    hits.sig <- mSetObj$input_cpdlist;
    refs <- mset %in% hits.all;
    sigs <- mset %in% hits.sig;
    ref.cpds <- mset[which(refs & !sigs)]
    sig.cpds <- mset[sigs]
    ref.mzs <- lapply(ref.cpds, function(x) paste(as.numeric(unique(unlist(mSetObj$cpd2mz_dict[x]))), collapse = "; ")) 
    sig.mzs <- lapply(sig.cpds, function(x) paste(as.numeric(unique(unlist(mSetObj$cpd2mz_dict[x]))), collapse = "; "))  
    path.results <- matrix(c(unlist(sig.mzs), unlist(ref.mzs)), ncol=1) 
    colnames(path.results) <- "mzs"
    rownames(path.results) <- c(paste0(sig.cpds, "*"), ref.cpds)
    name <- paste0(gsub(" ", "_", msetNm), "_cpd_mz_info.csv")
    write.csv(path.results, name)
    mset <- mSetObj$pathways$emp_cpds[[inx]];
    mset_cpds <- mSetObj$pathways$cpds[[inx]];
    hits.all <- unique(mSetObj$total_matched_ecpds)
    hits.sig <- mSetObj$input_ecpdlist;
    refs <- mset %in% hits.all;
    sigs <- mset %in% hits.sig;
    ref.ecpds <- mset[which(refs & !sigs)]
    sig.ecpds <- mset[sigs]
    ref.mzs <- lapply(ref.ecpds, function(x) paste(as.numeric(unique(unlist(mSetObj$ec2mz_dict[x]))), collapse = "; ")) 
    sig.mzs <- lapply(sig.ecpds, function(x) paste(as.numeric(unique(unlist(mSetObj$ec2mz_dict[x]))), collapse = "; "))  
    ref.cpds <- lapply(ref.ecpds, function(x) paste(unique(unlist(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict[x])), collapse = "; "))
    sig.cpds <- lapply(sig.ecpds, function(x) paste(unique(unlist(mSetObj$ecpd_cpd_dict[x])), collapse = "; "))
    path.results <- matrix(c(unlist(sig.mzs), unlist(ref.mzs), unlist(sig.cpds), unlist(ref.cpds)), ncol=2) 
    colnames(path.results) <- c("mzs", "cpds")
    rownames(path.results) <- c(paste0(sig.ecpds, "*"), ref.ecpds)
    name <- paste0(gsub(" ", "_", msetNm), "_ecpd_mz_info.csv")
    write.csv(path.results, name)

#' Function to get adduct details from a specified compound
#' @description Function to get adduct details from a specified compound.
#' The results will be both printed in the console as well as saved
#' as a csv file. Note that performing this function multiple times will
#' overwrite previous queries.
#' @param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj object.
#' @param cmpd.id Input the name of the selected compound.
#' @export
GetCompoundDetails <- function(mSetObj=NA, cmpd.id){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  forms <- mSetObj$cpd_form_dict[[cmpd.id]];
    print("This compound is not valid!")
  mz <- mSetObj$dataSet$mumResTable[which(mSetObj$dataSet$mumResTable$Matched.Compound == cmpd.id), 1] 
  mass.diff <- mSetObj$dataSet$mumResTable[which(mSetObj$dataSet$mumResTable$Matched.Compound == cmpd.id), 4]
  tscores <- mSetObj$cpd_exp_dict[[cmpd.id]];
  res <- cbind(rep(cmpd.id, length(mz)), mz, forms, mass.diff, tscores) 
  colnames(res) <- c("Matched.Compound", "m.z", "Matched.Form", "Mass.Diff", "T.Scores")
  write.csv(res, "mummichog_compound_details.csv")

# Function to return the unique m/zs from the selected pathways 
# based on the compounds

GetMummichogMZHits <- function(mSetObj=NA, msetNm){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  inx <- which(mSetObj$pathways$name == msetNm)
  mset <- mSetObj$pathways$cpds[[inx]];
  mzs <- as.numeric(unique(unlist(mSetObj$cpd2mz_dict[mset])))
  result <- intersect(mzs, mSetObj$dataSet$input_mzlist)

####### Getters For Web #######

GetMatchingDetails <- function(mSetObj=NA, cmpd.id){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  forms <- mSetObj$cpd_form_dict[[cmpd.id]];
  tscores <- mSetObj$cpd_exp_dict[[cmpd.id]];
  # create html table
  res <- paste("<li>", "<b>", forms, "</b>: ", tscores, "</li>",sep="", collapse="");

GetMummichogHTMLPathSet <- function(mSetObj=NA, msetNm){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  inx <- which(mSetObj$pathways$name == msetNm)
  mset <- mSetObj$pathways$cpds[[inx]];
  hits.all <- unique(mSetObj$total_matched_cpds) #matched compounds
  if(anal.type == "mummichog"|anal.type == "integ_peaks"){
    hits.sig <- mSetObj$input_cpdlist;
    # highlighting with different colors
    refs <- mset %in% hits.all;
    sigs <- mset %in% hits.sig;
    red.inx <- which(sigs);
    blue.inx <- which(refs & !sigs);
    # use actual cmpd names
    #nms <- names(mset);
    nms <- mset;
    nms[red.inx] <- paste("<font color=\"red\">", "<b>", nms[red.inx], "</b>", "</font>",sep="");
    nms[blue.inx] <- paste("<font color=\"blue\">", "<b>", nms[blue.inx], "</b>", "</font>",sep="");
    refs <- mset %in% hits.all;
    red.inx <- which(refs);
    nms <- mset;
    nms[red.inx] <- paste("<font color=\"red\">", "<b>", nms[red.inx], "</b>", "</font>",sep="");
  return(cbind(msetNm, paste(unique(nms), collapse="; ")));

GetMummiResMatrix <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  if(anal.type == "mummichog"){
  }else if(anal.type == "gsea_peaks"){

GetMummiResRowNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  if(anal.type == "mummichog"){
  }else if(anal.type == "gsea_peaks"){

GetMummiResColNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetCurrencyMsg <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetAdductMsg <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetECMsg <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetDefaultPvalCutoff <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  if(peakFormat %in% c("rmp", "rmt")){
    maxp <- 0;
    pvals <- c(0.25, 0.2, 0.15, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001, 0.00005, 0.00001)
    ndat <- mSetObj$dataSet$mummi.proc;
    n <- floor(0.1*length(ndat[,"p.value"]))
    cutoff <- ndat[n+1,1]
    if(!any(pvals <= cutoff)){
      maxp <- 0.00001
      maxp <- max(pvals[pvals <= cutoff])

GetDefaultRTTol <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  rt_tol <- mSetObj$dataSet$rt_tol;
    rt_tol <- 0

GetMummiMode <- function(mSetObj){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  mode <- mSetObj$dataSet$mode

GetMummiDataType <- function(mSetObj){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  type <- mSetObj$dataSet$type

# Replicate because do not want to have to read in stats_univariate to perform MS Peaks
GetTopInx <- function(vec, n, dec=T){
  inx <- order(vec, decreasing = dec)[1:n];
  # convert to T/F vec
  vec<-rep(F, length=length(vec));
  vec[inx] <- T;
  return (vec);

########### Utility Functions ###########

# Global variables define currency compounds
currency <- c('C00001', 'C00080', 'C00007', 'C00006', 'C00005', 'C00003',
              'C00004', 'C00002', 'C00013', 'C00008', 'C00009', 'C00011',
              'G11113', '', 'H2O', 'H+', 'Oxygen', 'NADP+', 
               'NADPH', 'NAD+', 'NADH', 'ATP', 
              'Pyrophosphate', 'ADP', 'CO2');

all_currency <- c('C00001', 'C00080', 'C00007', 'C00006', 'C00005', 'C00003',
              'C00004', 'C00002', 'C00013', 'C00008', 'C00009', 'C00011',
              'G11113', '', 'H2O', 'Water', 'H+', 'Hydron', 'O2', 'Oxygen', 'NADP+', 
              'NADP', 'NADPH', 'NAD+', 'NAD', 'NADH', 'ATP', 'Diphosphate',
              'Pyrophosphate', 'ADP','Orthophosphate', 'CO2', 'Carbon dioxide');

primary_ions <- c('M+H[1+]', 'M+Na[1+]', 'M-H2O+H[1+]', 'M-H[-]', 'M-2H[2-]', 'M-H2O-H[-]',
                  'M+H [1+]', 'M+Na [1+]', 'M-H2O+H [1+]', 'M-H [1-]', 'M-2H [2-]', 'M-H2O-H [1-]')

# mz tolerance based on instrument type
# input: a vector of mz,
# output: a vector of distance tolerance
# Review on mass accuracy by Fiehn: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1464138/

mz_tolerance <- function(mz, ms.type){

#'Utility function to create compound lists for permutation analysis
#'@description From a vector of m/z features, this function outputs a vector of compounds.
#'@usage make_cpdlist(mSetObj=NA, input_mzs)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj
#'@param input_mzs The vector of randomly drawn m/z features.
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
make_cpdlist <- function(mSetObj=NA, input_mzs){
  cpd <- unique(unlist(mSetObj$mz2cpd_dict[input_mzs]));
  cpd <- cpd[!is.null(cpd)];

#'Utility function to create compound lists for permutation analysis
#'@description From a vector of m/z features, this function outputs a vector of compounds.
#'@usage make_cpdlist(mSetObj=NA, input_mzs)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj
#'@param input_mzs The vector of randomly drawn m/z features.
#'@author Jasmine Chong, Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
make_ecpdlist <- function(mSetObj=NA, input_mzs){
  ecpd <- unique(unlist(mSetObj$mz2ec_dict[input_mzs]));
  ecpd <- ecpd[!is.null(ecpd)];

# Utility function to adjust for the fact that a single m/z feature can match to several compound identifiers
# input: a vector of compound ids
# output: a length of unique mzs corresponding to those compounds

count_cpd2mz <- function(cpd2mz_dict, cpd.ids,  inputmzlist){ # inputmz is either t or input cpd_list and cpd.ids are overlap features
  mzs <- as.numeric(unique(unlist(cpd2mz_dict[cpd.ids])));
    result <- intersect(mzs, inputmzlist); #intersect to only mzs from the input mz list

# convert single element vector in list to matrix
# b/c single element vector will convert to scalar in javascript, force to matrix
convert2JsonList <- function(my.list){
  lapply(my.list, function(x){
    if(length(x) == 1){

# input: a two-col (id, val) data with potential duplicates (same id may be associated with 1 or more values
# output: a list named by unique id, with multiple values will be merged to vector
Convert2Dictionary <- function(data, quiet=T){
  all.ids <- data[,1];
  dup.inx <- duplicated(all.ids);
  if(sum(dup.inx) > 0){
    uniq.ids <- all.ids[!dup.inx];
    uniq.vals <- data[!dup.inx,2];
    # convert two-col data it to list (vals as list values, ids as list names)
    uniq.list <- split(uniq.vals, uniq.ids)
    # the list element orde will be sorted by the names alphabetically, need to get updated ones
    uniq.id.list <- names(uniq.list)
    dup.ids <- all.ids[dup.inx];
    uniq.dupids <- unique(dup.ids);
    uniq.duplen <- length(uniq.dupids);
    for(id in uniq.dupids){ # only update those with more than one hits
      hit.inx.all <- which(all.ids == id);
      hit.inx.uniq <- which(uniq.id.list == id);
      uniq.list[[hit.inx.uniq]]<- data[hit.inx.all,2];
    AddMsg(paste("A total of ", sum(dup.inx), " of duplicates were merged.", sep=""));
    AddMsg("All IDs are unique.");
    uniq.list <- split(data[,2], data[,1]);

# utility function for fast list expanding (dynamic length)
# We need to repeatedly add an element to a list. With normal list concatenation
# or element setting this would lead to a large number of memory copies and a
# quadratic runtime. To prevent that, this function implements a bare bones
# expanding array, in which list appends are (amortized) constant time.
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2436688/append-an-object-to-a-list-in-r-in-amortized-constant-time-o1

myFastList <- function(capacity = 100) {
  buffer <- vector('list', capacity)
  names <- character(capacity)
  length <- 0
  methods <- list()
  methods$double.size <- function() {
    buffer <<- c(buffer, vector('list', capacity))
    names <<- c(names, character(capacity))
    capacity <<- capacity * 2
  methods$add <- function(name, val) {
    if(length == capacity) {
    length <<- length + 1
    buffer[[length]] <<- val
    names[length] <<- name
  methods$as.list <- function() {
    b <- buffer[0:length]
    names(b) <- names[0:length]

#### from the fgsea R package, minor edits to adapt to untargeted metabolomics

#'Pre-ranked gsea adapted for untargeted metabolomics
#'@import fgsea

fgsea2 <- function(mSetObj, pathways, stats, ranks,
                   minSize=1, maxSize=Inf,
                   BPPARAM=NULL) {
  # Warning message for ties in stats
  ties <- sum(duplicated(stats[stats != 0]))
  if (ties != 0) {
    warning("There are ties in the preranked stats (",
            paste(round(ties * 100 / length(stats), digits = 2)),
            "% of the list).\n",
            "The order of those tied m/z features will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.")
  # Warning message for duplicate gene names
  if (any(duplicated(names(stats)))) {
    warning("There are duplicate m/z feature names, fgsea may produce unexpected results")
  granularity <- 1000
  permPerProc <- rep(granularity, floor(nperm / granularity))
  if (nperm - sum(permPerProc) > 0) {
    permPerProc <- c(permPerProc, nperm - sum(permPerProc))
  seeds <- sample.int(10^9, length(permPerProc))
  if (is.null(BPPARAM)) {
    if (nproc != 0) {
      if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
        # windows doesn't support multicore, using snow instead
        BPPARAM <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = nproc)
      } else {
        BPPARAM <- BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = nproc)
    } else {
      BPPARAM <- BiocParallel::bpparam()
  minSize <- max(minSize, 1)
  stats <- abs(stats) ^ gseaParam
  # returns list of indexs of matches between pathways and rank names
  pathwaysPos <- lapply(pathways, function(p) { as.vector(na.omit(fastmatch::fmatch(p, names(ranks)))) })
  pathwaysFiltered <- lapply(pathwaysPos, function(s) { ranks[s] })
  # adjust for the fact that a single m/z feature can match to several compound identifiers (not when in EC space)
  # subsets m/z features responsible for a compound and matches it to total set of matched m/z features
  # returns the length
    pathwaysSizes <- sapply(pathwaysFiltered, length)
    pathway2mzSizes <- sapply(pathways, function(z) { length(intersect(as.numeric(unique(unlist(mSetObj$cpd2mz_dict[z]))), unique(mSetObj$dataSet$mumResTable[,1])))} )
    oldpathwaysSizes <- sapply(pathwaysFiltered, length)
    pathwaysSizes <- pmin(pathway2mzSizes, oldpathwaysSizes)
  toKeep <- which(minSize <= pathwaysSizes & pathwaysSizes <= maxSize)
  m <- length(toKeep)
  if (m == 0) {
  pathwaysFiltered <- pathwaysFiltered[toKeep]
  pathwaysSizes <- pathwaysSizes[toKeep]
  K <- max(pathwaysSizes)
  #perform gsea
  gseaStatRes <- do.call(rbind,
                         lapply(pathwaysFiltered, fgsea::calcGseaStat,
  leadingEdges <- mapply("[", list(names(stats)), gseaStatRes[, "leadingEdge"], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  pathwayScores <- unlist(gseaStatRes[, "res"])
  #perform permutations
  universe <- seq_along(stats)
  counts <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_along(permPerProc), function(i) {
    nperm1 <- permPerProc[i]
    leEs <- rep(0, m)
    geEs <- rep(0, m)
    leZero <- rep(0, m)
    geZero <- rep(0, m)
    leZeroSum <- rep(0, m)
    geZeroSum <- rep(0, m)
    if (m == 1) {
      for (i in seq_len(nperm1)) {
        randSample <- sample.int(length(universe), K)
        randEsP <- fgsea::calcGseaStat(
          stats = stats,
          selectedStats = randSample,
          gseaParam = 1)
        leEs <- leEs + (randEsP <= pathwayScores)
        geEs <- geEs + (randEsP >= pathwayScores)
        leZero <- leZero + (randEsP <= 0)
        geZero <- geZero + (randEsP >= 0)
        leZeroSum <- leZeroSum + pmin(randEsP, 0)
        geZeroSum <- geZeroSum + pmax(randEsP, 0)
    } else {
      aux <- fgsea:::calcGseaStatCumulativeBatch(
        stats = stats,
        gseaParam = 1,
        pathwayScores = pathwayScores,
        pathwaysSizes = pathwaysSizes,
        iterations = nperm1,
        seed = seeds[i])
      leEs = get("leEs", aux)
      geEs = get("geEs", aux)
      leZero = get("leZero", aux)
      geZero = get("geZero", aux)
      leZeroSum = get("leZeroSum", aux)
      geZeroSum = get("geZeroSum", aux)
                           leEs=leEs, geEs=geEs,
                           leZero=leZero, geZero=geZero,
                           leZeroSum=leZeroSum, geZeroSum=geZeroSum
  counts <- data.table::rbindlist(counts)
  # Getting rid of check NOTEs
  .="damn notes"
  pval <- unlist(lapply(counts$pathway, function(c) min((1+sum(counts[c,]$leEs)) / (1 + sum(counts[c,]$leZero)),
                                                        (1+sum(counts[c,]$geEs)) / (1 + sum(counts[c,]$geZero)))))
  leZeroMean <- unlist(lapply(counts$pathway, function(d) sum(counts[d,]$leZeroSum) / sum(counts[d,]$leZero)))
  geZeroMean <- unlist(lapply(counts$pathway, function(e) sum(counts[e,]$geZeroSum) / sum(counts[e,]$geZero)))
  nLeEs <- unlist(lapply(counts$pathway, function(f) sum(counts[f,]$leEs)))
  nGeEs <- unlist(lapply(counts$pathway, function(g) sum(counts[g,]$geEs)))
  pvals <- data.frame(pval=pval, leZeroMean=leZeroMean, geZeroMean=geZeroMean, nLeEs=nLeEs, nGeEs=nGeEs)
  padj <- p.adjust(pvals$pval, method="fdr")
  ES <- pathwayScores
  NES <- ES / ifelse(ES > 0, pvals$geZeroMean, abs(pvals$leZeroMean))
  pvals$leZeroMean <- NULL
  pvals$geZeroMean <- NULL
  nMoreExtreme <- ifelse(ES > 0, pvals$nGeEs, pvals$nLeEs)
  pvals$nLeEs <- NULL
  pvals$nGeEs <- NULL
  size <- pathwaysSizes
  pathway <- names(pathwaysFiltered)
  leadingEdge <- sapply(leadingEdges, paste0, collapse = "; ")
  leadingEdge2 <- sapply(leadingEdge, function(x) strsplit(x, "; "))
  pathway.cpds <- sapply(pathwaysFiltered, attributes)
  matches <- mapply(intersect, leadingEdge2, pathway.cpds)
  leadingEdgeMatched <- sapply(matches, paste0, collapse = "; ")
  pvals.done <- cbind(pathway, pvals, padj, ES, NES, nMoreExtreme, size, leadingEdgeMatched)

calcGseaStat2 <- function(stats, selectedStats, gseaParam=1,
                          returnLeadingEdge=FALSE) {
  S <- selectedStats
  r <- stats
  p <- gseaParam
  S <- sort(S)
  # account for 1 mz can be multiple cpds
  S.scores <- r[S]
  u.S <- S[!duplicated(S.scores)]
  scores <- unique(S.scores)
  m <- length(scores)
  N <- length(r)
  if (m == N) {
    stop("GSEA statistic is not defined when all genes are selected")
  NR <- (sum(abs(scores)^p))
  rAdj <- abs(scores)^p
  if (NR == 0) {
    # this is equivalent to rAdj being rep(eps, m)
    rCumSum <- seq_along(rAdj) / length(rAdj)
  } else {
    rCumSum <- cumsum(rAdj) / NR
  tops <- rCumSum - (u.S - seq_along(u.S)) / (N - m)
  if (NR == 0) {
    # this is equivalent to rAdj being rep(eps, m)
    bottoms <- tops - 1 / m
  } else {
    bottoms <- tops - rAdj / NR
  maxP <- max(tops)
  minP <- min(bottoms)
  if(maxP > -minP) {
    geneSetStatistic <- maxP
  } else if (maxP < -minP) {
    geneSetStatistic <- minP
  } else {
    geneSetStatistic <- 0
  if (!returnAllExtremes && !returnLeadingEdge) {
  res <- list(res=geneSetStatistic)
  if (returnAllExtremes) {
    res <- c(res, list(tops=tops, bottoms=bottoms))
  if (returnLeadingEdge) {
    leadingEdge <- if (maxP > -minP) {
      u.S[seq_along(u.S) <= which.max(bottoms)]
    } else if (maxP < -minP) {
      rev(u.S[seq_along(u.S) >= which.min(bottoms)])
    } else {
    res <- c(res, list(leadingEdge=leadingEdge))

sumlog <-function(p) {
  keep <- (p > 0) & (p <= 1)
  lnp <- log(p[keep])
  chisq <- (-2) * sum(lnp)
  df <- 2 * length(lnp)
  if(sum(1L * keep) < 2)
    stop("Must have at least two valid p values")
  if(length(lnp) != length(p)) {
    warning("Some studies omitted")
  res <- list(chisq = chisq, df = df,
              p = pchisq(chisq, df, lower.tail = FALSE), validp = p[keep])
  class(res) <- c("sumlog", "metap")

#### for heatmap view (online only)

CreateHeatmapJson <- function(mSetObj=NA, libOpt, libVersion, fileNm, filtOpt, version="v1"){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  dataSet <- mSetObj$dataSet;
  data <- t(dataSet$norm)
  sig.ids <- rownames(data);
  l = sapply(rownames(data),function(x) return(unname(strsplit(x,"/")[[1]][1])))
  l = as.numeric(unname(unlist(l)))
  res <- PerformFastUnivTests(mSetObj$dataSet$norm, mSetObj$dataSet$cls);
  rownames(res) = rownames(data);
  if(dataSet$mode == "positive"){
    mSetObj$dataSet$pos_inx = rep(TRUE, nrow(data))
    mSetObj$dataSet$pos_inx = rep(FALSE, nrow(data))
  mSetObj$dataSet$ref_mzlist = as.numeric(rownames(data));
  mSetObj$dataSet$expr_dic= res[,1];
  names(mSetObj$dataSet$expr_dic) = rownames(res)
  mSetObj$mum.version <- version
  mSetObj$dataSet$mumRT <- FALSE
  if(filtOpt == "filtered"){
    mSetObj <- .setup.psea.library(mSetObj, libOpt, libVersion);
    res_table <- mSetObj$dataSet$mumResTable;
    data = data[which(l %in% res_table[,"Query.Mass"]),]
    res = res[which(rownames(res) %in% res_table[,"Query.Mass"]),]
  stat.pvals <- unname(as.vector(res[,2]));
  #stat.pvals <- unname(as.vector(data[,1]));
  org = unname(strsplit(libOpt,"_")[[1]][1])
  # scale each gene 
  dat <- t(scale(t(data)));
  rankPval = order(as.vector(stat.pvals))
  stat.pvals = stat.pvals[rankPval]
  dat = dat[rankPval,]
  # now pearson and euclidean will be the same after scaleing
  dat.dist <- dist(dat); 
  orig.smpl.nms <- colnames(dat);
  orig.gene.nms <- rownames(dat);
  # do clustering and save cluster info
  # convert order to rank (score that can used to sort) 
  if(nrow(dat)> 1){
    dat.dist <- dist(dat);
    gene.ward.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "ward.D")$order;
    gene.ward.rk <- match(orig.gene.nms, orig.gene.nms[gene.ward.ord]);
    gene.ave.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "ave")$order;
    gene.ave.rk <- match(orig.gene.nms, orig.gene.nms[gene.ave.ord]);
    gene.single.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "single")$order;
    gene.single.rk <- match(orig.gene.nms, orig.gene.nms[gene.single.ord]);
    gene.complete.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "complete")$order;
    gene.complete.rk <- match(orig.gene.nms, orig.gene.nms[gene.complete.ord]);
    dat.dist <- dist(t(dat));
    smpl.ward.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "ward.D")$order;
    smpl.ward.rk <- match(orig.smpl.nms, orig.smpl.nms[smpl.ward.ord])
    smpl.ave.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "ave")$order;
    smpl.ave.rk <- match(orig.smpl.nms, orig.smpl.nms[smpl.ave.ord])
    smpl.single.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "single")$order;
    smpl.single.rk <- match(orig.smpl.nms, orig.smpl.nms[smpl.single.ord])
    smpl.complete.ord <- hclust(dat.dist, "complete")$order;
    smpl.complete.rk <- match(orig.smpl.nms, orig.smpl.nms[smpl.complete.ord])
    # force not to be single element vector which will be scaler
    #stat.pvals <- matrix(stat.pvals);
    gene.ward.rk <- gene.ave.rk <- gene.single.rk <- gene.complete.rk <- matrix(1);
    smpl.ward.rk <- smpl.ave.rk <- smpl.single.rk <- smpl.complete.rk <- 1:ncol(dat);
  gene.cluster <- list(
    ward = gene.ward.rk,
    average = gene.ave.rk,
    single = gene.single.rk,
    complete = gene.complete.rk,
    pval = stat.pvals
  sample.cluster <- list(
    ward = smpl.ward.rk,
    average = smpl.ave.rk,
    single = smpl.single.rk,
    complete = smpl.complete.rk
  # prepare meta info    
  # 1) convert meta.data info numbers
  # 2) match number to string (factor level)
  meta <- data.frame(dataSet$cls);
  grps <- "Condition"
  nmeta <- meta.vec <- NULL;
  uniq.num <- 0;
  for (i in 1:ncol(meta)){
    cls <- meta[,i];
    grp.nm <- grps[i];
    meta.vec <- c(meta.vec, as.character(cls))
    # make sure each label are unqiue across multiple meta data
    ncls <- paste(grp.nm, as.numeric(cls)); # note, here to retain ordered factor
    nmeta <- c(nmeta, ncls);
  # convert back to numeric 
  nmeta <- as.numeric(as.factor(nmeta))+99;
  unik.inx <- !duplicated(nmeta)   
  # get corresponding names
  meta_anot <- meta.vec[unik.inx]; 
  names(meta_anot) <- nmeta[unik.inx]; # name annotatation by their numbers
  nmeta <- matrix(nmeta, ncol=ncol(meta), byrow=F);
  colnames(nmeta) <- grps;
  # for each gene/row, first normalize and then tranform real values to 30 breaks 
  res <- t(apply(dat, 1, function(x){as.numeric(cut(x, breaks=30))}));
  # note, use {} will lose order; use [[],[]] to retain the order
  gene.id = orig.gene.nms; if(length(gene.id) ==1) { gene.id <- matrix(gene.id) };
  json.res <- list(
    data.type = dataSet$type,
    gene.id = gene.id,
    gene.entrez = gene.id,
    gene.name = gene.id,
    gene.cluster = gene.cluster,
    sample.cluster = sample.cluster,
    sample.names = orig.smpl.nms,
    meta = data.frame(nmeta),
    meta.anot = meta_anot,
    data = res,
    org = org
  mSetObj$dataSet$hm_peak_names = gene.id
  mSetObj$dataSet$gene.cluster = gene.cluster
  json.mat <- toJSON(json.res, .na='null');
  current.msg <<- "Data is now ready for heatmap visualization!";

doHeatmapMummichogTest <- function(mSetObj=NA, nm, lib, ids){
  gene.vec <- unlist(strsplit(ids, "; "));
  mSetObj$dataSet$input_mzlist <- gene.vec;
  mSetObj$dataSet$N <- length(gene.vec);
  mSetObj$mum_nm <- paste0(nm,".json");
  mSetObj$mum_nm_csv <- paste0(nm,".csv");
  anal.type <<- "mummichog";
  PerformPSEA("NA", lib, "current", 100);
xia-lab/MetaboAnalystR3.0 documentation built on May 6, 2020, 11:03 p.m.