# Package Name: HIBAG
# Description:
# HIBAG -- HLA Genotype Imputation with Attribute Bagging
# HIBAG R package, HLA Genotype Imputation with Attribute Bagging
# Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Xiuwen Zheng (zhengx@u.washington.edu)
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Attribute Bagging method -- HIBAG algorithm
.printMatching <- function(p)
w <- summary(p)
class(w) <- "table"
w <- c(w[1L],
"0.1% Qu." = quantile(p, 0.001, na.rm=TRUE, names=FALSE),
"1% Qu." = quantile(p, 0.01, na.rm=TRUE, names=FALSE),
w[2L], w[3L], w[5L], w[6L],
w[4L], "SD" = sd(p, na.rm=TRUE))
# Fit a HIBAG model for imputing HLA genotypes
hlaAttrBagging <- function(hla, snp, nclassifier=100L,
mtry=c("sqrt", "all", "one"), prune=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE, mono.rm=TRUE, maf=NaN,
nthread=1L, verbose=TRUE, verbose.detail=FALSE)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(hla, "hlaAlleleClass"))
stopifnot(inherits(snp, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
stopifnot(is.numeric(nclassifier), length(nclassifier)==1L)
stopifnot(is.character(mtry) | is.numeric(mtry), length(mtry)>0L)
stopifnot(is.logical(prune), length(prune)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(na.rm), length(na.rm)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(mono.rm), length(mono.rm)==1L)
stopifnot(is.numeric(maf), length(maf)==1L)
stopifnot(is.numeric(nthread) | is.logical(nthread), length(nthread)==1L,
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose.detail), length(verbose.detail)==1L)
if (verbose.detail) verbose <- TRUE
if (is.na(nclassifier)) nclassifier <- 0L
with.in.call <- nclassifier==0L
with.matching <- (nclassifier > 0L)
if (!with.matching)
nclassifier <- -nclassifier
if (nclassifier == 0L) nclassifier <- 1L
# get the common samples
samp.id <- intersect(hla$value$sample.id, snp$sample.id)
# hla types
samp.flag <- match(samp.id, hla$value$sample.id)
hla.allele1 <- hla$value$allele1[samp.flag]
hla.allele2 <- hla$value$allele2[samp.flag]
if (na.rm)
if (anyNA(c(hla.allele1, hla.allele2)))
warning("There are missing HLA alleles, ",
"and the corresponding samples have been removed.")
flag <- is.na(hla.allele1) | is.na(hla.allele2)
samp.id <- setdiff(samp.id, hla$value$sample.id[samp.flag[flag]])
samp.flag <- match(samp.id, hla$value$sample.id)
hla.allele1 <- hla$value$allele1[samp.flag]
hla.allele2 <- hla$value$allele2[samp.flag]
} else {
if (anyNA(c(hla.allele1, hla.allele2)))
stop("There are missing HLA alleles!")
# SNP genotypes
samp.flag <- match(samp.id, snp$sample.id)
snp.geno <- snp$genotype[, samp.flag]
if (!is.integer(snp.geno))
storage.mode(snp.geno) <- "integer"
if (with.in.call)
# save the variable, until remove it later
.packageEnv$snp.geno <- snp.geno
tmp.snp.id <- snp$snp.id
tmp.snp.position <- snp$snp.position
tmp.snp.allele <- snp$snp.allele
# remove mono-SNPs and MAF
msg <- NULL
if (mono.rm || is.finite(maf))
msg <- paste0(" MAF threshold: ", maf, "\n")
mf <- rowMeans(snp.geno, na.rm=TRUE) * 0.5
mf <- pmin(mf, 1-mf)
mf[!is.finite(mf)] <- 0
snpsel <- rep(TRUE, length(mf))
if (mono.rm)
n0 <- sum(snpsel)
snpsel <- snpsel & (mf > 0)
n1 <- sum(snpsel)
a <- n0 - n1
if (a > 0L)
msg <- paste0(msg, " excluding ", a, " monomorphic SNP",
.plural(a), "\n")
if (is.finite(maf))
n0 <- sum(snpsel)
snpsel <- snpsel & (mf >= maf)
n1 <- sum(snpsel)
a <- n0 - n1
if (a > 0L)
msg <- paste0(msg, " excluding ", a, " SNP", .plural(a),
" for MAF threshold\n")
if (!all(snpsel))
tmp.snp.id <- tmp.snp.id[snpsel]
tmp.snp.position <- tmp.snp.position[snpsel]
tmp.snp.allele <- tmp.snp.allele[snpsel]
snp.geno <- snp.geno[snpsel, , drop=FALSE]
# check
if (length(samp.id) <= 0L)
stop("There is no common sample between 'hla' and 'snp'.")
if (length(dim(snp.geno)[1L]) <= 0L)
stop("There is no valid SNP markers.")
# initialize ...
n.snp <- dim(snp.geno)[1L] # Num. of SNPs
n.samp <- dim(snp.geno)[2L] # Num. of samples
HUA <- hlaUniqueAllele(c(hla.allele1, hla.allele2))
H <- factor(match(c(hla.allele1, hla.allele2), HUA))
levels(H) <- HUA
n.hla <- nlevels(H)
H1 <- as.integer(H[1L:n.samp]) - 1L
H2 <- as.integer(H[(n.samp+1L):(2L*n.samp)]) - 1L
# create an attribute bagging object (return an integer)
ABmodel <- .Call(HIBAG_Training, n.snp, n.samp, snp.geno, n.hla, H1, H2)
# number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at each split
mtry <- mtry[1L]
if (is.character(mtry))
if (mtry == "sqrt")
mtry <- ceiling(sqrt(n.snp))
} else if (mtry == "all")
mtry <- n.snp
} else if (mtry == "one")
mtry <- 1L
} else {
stop("Invalid mtry!")
} else if (is.numeric(mtry))
if (is.finite(mtry))
if ((0 < mtry) & (mtry < 1)) mtry <- n.snp*mtry
mtry <- ceiling(mtry)
if (mtry > n.snp) mtry <- n.snp
} else {
mtry <- ceiling(sqrt(n.snp))
} else {
stop("Invalid mtry value!")
if (mtry <= 0) mtry <- 1L
if (verbose)
cat(sprintf("Build a HIBAG model with %d individual classifier%s:\n",
nclassifier, .plural(nclassifier)))
cat(" # of SNPs randomly sampled as candidates for each selection: ",
mtry, "\n", sep="")
cat(" # of SNPs: ", n.snp, "\n", sep="")
cat(" # of samples: ", n.samp, "\n", sep="")
s <- ifelse(!grepl("^KIR", hla$locus), "HLA", "KIR")
cat(" # of unique ", s, " alleles: ", n.hla, "\n", sep="")
cat("CPU flags: ", .Call(HIBAG_Kernel_Version)[[2L]][1L], "\n", sep="")
# set the number of threads (initialized in HIBAG_NewClassifiers)
if (isTRUE(nthread))
nthread <- as.integer(defaultNumThreads())
if (is.na(nthread) || (nthread<1L)) nthread <- 1L
# training ...
# add new individual classifers
.Call(HIBAG_NewClassifiers, ABmodel, nclassifier, mtry, prune,
nthread, verbose, verbose.detail, NULL)
# output
mod <- list(n.samp = n.samp, n.snp = n.snp, sample.id = samp.id,
snp.id = tmp.snp.id, snp.position = tmp.snp.position,
snp.allele = tmp.snp.allele,
snp.allele.freq = 0.5*rowMeans(snp.geno, na.rm=TRUE),
hla.locus = hla$locus, hla.allele = levels(H),
hla.freq = prop.table(table(H)),
assembly = as.character(snp$assembly)[1L],
model = ABmodel,
appendix = list())
if (is.na(mod$assembly)) mod$assembly <- "unknown"
if (with.in.call) mod$mtry <- mtry
class(mod) <- "hlaAttrBagClass"
# calculate matching proportion
if (with.matching)
if (verbose)
cat("Calculating matching proportion:\n")
pd <- hlaPredict(mod, snp, cl=nthread, match.type="Pos+Allele",
mod$matching <- pd$value$matching
if (verbose)
acc <- hlaCompareAllele(hla, pd, verbose=FALSE)$overall$acc.haplo
cat(sprintf("Accuracy with training data: %.2f%%\n", acc*100))
# out-of-bag accuracy
mobj <- hlaModelToObj(mod)
acc <- sapply(mobj$classifiers, function(x) x$outofbag.acc)
cat(sprintf("Out-of-bag accuracy: %.2f%%\n", mean(acc)*100))
# output
# Fit a HIBAG model for imputing HLA genotypes in parallel
.show_model_obj <- function(mobj, autosave)
z <- summary(mobj, show=FALSE)
cat(ifelse(autosave, "==Saved==", " --"),
paste0("#", length(mobj$classifier), ","), "avg oob acc:",
sprintf("%0.2f%%, sd: %0.2f%%, min: %0.2f%%, max: %0.2f%%\n",
z$info["accuracy", "Mean"], z$info["accuracy", "SD"],
z$info["accuracy", "Min"], z$info["accuracy", "Max"]))
hlaParallelAttrBagging <- function(cl, hla, snp, auto.save="",
nclassifier=100L, mtry=c("sqrt", "all", "one"), prune=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE,
mono.rm=TRUE, maf=NaN, stop.cluster=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, verbose.detail=FALSE)
# check
stopifnot(is.null(cl) | is.logical(cl) | is.numeric(cl) |
inherits(cl, "cluster"))
stopifnot(inherits(hla, "hlaAlleleClass"))
stopifnot(inherits(snp, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
stopifnot(is.character(auto.save), length(auto.save)==1L, !is.na(auto.save))
if (auto.save!="" && is.na(.fn_obj_check(auto.save)))
stop("'auto.save' should be a .rda/.RData or .rds file name.")
stopifnot(is.numeric(nclassifier), length(nclassifier)==1L, nclassifier>0L)
stopifnot(is.character(mtry) | is.numeric(mtry), length(mtry)>0L)
stopifnot(is.logical(prune), length(prune)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(na.rm), length(na.rm)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(mono.rm), length(mono.rm)==1L)
stopifnot(is.numeric(maf), length(maf)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(stop.cluster), length(stop.cluster)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose.detail), length(verbose.detail)==1L)
if (verbose)
cat("Building a HIBAG model:\n")
cat(sprintf(" %d individual classifier%s\n", nclassifier,
if (!is.null(cl))
cat(sprintf(" run in parallel with %d compute node%s\n",
length(cl), .plural(length(cl))))
if (auto.save != "")
cat(" autosave to ", sQuote(auto.save), "\n", sep="")
if (inherits(cl, "cluster"))
if (!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly=TRUE))
stop("The `parallel' package should be installed.")
if (verbose)
cat("[-] ", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "\n", sep="")
# set random number for the cluster
rand <- .Random.seed
total <- 0L
ans <- .DynamicClusterCall(cl,
fun = function(job, hla, snp, mtry, prune, na.rm, mono.rm)
model <- hlaAttrBagging(hla=hla, snp=snp, nclassifier=-1L,
mtry=mtry, prune=prune, na.rm=na.rm, mono.rm=mono.rm, maf=maf,
verbose=FALSE, verbose.detail=FALSE)
mobj <- hlaModelToObj(model)
combine.fun = function(obj1, obj2)
if (is.null(obj1))
mobj <- obj2
else if (is.null(obj2))
mobj <- obj1
mobj <- hlaCombineModelObj(obj1, obj2)
if (auto.save != "")
.fn_obj_save(auto.save, mobj)
if (verbose & !is.null(mobj))
.show_model_obj(mobj, auto.save!="")
msg.fn = function(job, obj)
if (verbose)
z <- summary(obj, show=FALSE)
total <<- total + 1L
"[%d] %s, worker%3d, # of SNPs: %g, # of haplo: %g, oob acc: %0.1f%%\n",
total, format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
as.integer(job), z$info["num.snp", "Mean"],
z$info["num.haplo", "Mean"],
z$info["accuracy", "Mean"]))
n=nclassifier, stop.cluster=stop.cluster,
hla=hla, snp=snp, mtry=mtry, prune=prune,
na.rm=na.rm, mono.rm=mono.rm
# the next random seed
if (stop.cluster) cl <- NULL
if (auto.save != "")
ans <- .fn_obj_load(auto.save)
mod <- hlaModelFromObj(ans)
} else {
# find the number of threads
nthread <- 1L
if (isTRUE(nthread))
nthread <- as.integer(defaultNumThreads())
if (is.numeric(cl)) nthread <- as.integer(cl)
if (is.na(nthread) || (nthread<1L)) nthread <- 1L
if (auto.save == "")
mod <- hlaAttrBagging(hla=hla, snp=snp, nclassifier=-nclassifier,
mtry=mtry, prune=prune, na.rm=na.rm, mono.rm=mono.rm, maf=maf,
nthread=nthread, verbose=verbose, verbose.detail=verbose.detail)
} else {
mod <- hlaAttrBagging(hla=hla, snp=snp, nclassifier=0L,
mtry=mtry, prune=prune, na.rm=na.rm, mono.rm=mono.rm, maf=maf,
nthread=nthread, verbose=verbose, verbose.detail=verbose.detail)
mtry <- mod$mtry
on.exit({ .packageEnv$snp.geno <- NULL }, add=TRUE)
mobj <- hlaModelToObj(mod)
.fn_obj_save(auto.save, mobj)
if (verbose) .show_model_obj(mobj, TRUE)
# add the remaining individual classifiers
for (i in seq_len(nclassifier-1L))
.Call(HIBAG_NewClassifiers, mod$model, 1L, mtry, prune,
-nthread, verbose, verbose.detail, NULL)
mobj <- hlaModelToObj(mod)
.fn_obj_save(auto.save, mobj)
if (verbose) .show_model_obj(mobj, TRUE)
# matching proportion
if (verbose)
cat("Calculating matching proportion:\n")
if (is.null(cl)) cl <- FALSE
pd <- hlaPredict(mod, snp, cl=cl, verbose=FALSE)
mod$matching <- pd$value$matching
mobj <- NULL
if (auto.save != "")
mobj <- hlaModelToObj(mod)
.fn_obj_save(auto.save, mobj)
if (verbose)
acc <- hlaCompareAllele(hla, pd, verbose=FALSE)$overall$acc.haplo
cat(sprintf("Accuracy with training data: %.2f%%\n", acc*100))
# out-of-bag accuracy
if (is.null(mobj)) mobj <- hlaModelToObj(mod)
acc <- sapply(mobj$classifiers, function(x) x$outofbag.acc)
cat(sprintf("Out-of-bag accuracy: %.2f%%\n", mean(acc)*100))
# output
if (auto.save != "") invisible() else mod
# Close and dispose a HIBAG model
hlaClose <- function(model)
stopifnot(inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
.Call(HIBAG_Close, model$model)
# Predict HLA types using unphased SNP data
predict.hlaAttrBagClass <- function(object, snp, cl=FALSE,
type=c("response+dosage", "response", "prob", "response+prob"),
vote=c("prob", "majority"), allele.check=TRUE,
match.type=c("Position", "Pos+Allele", "RefSNP+Position", "RefSNP"),
same.strand=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, verbose.match=TRUE, ...)
stopifnot(inherits(object, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
hlaPredict(object, snp, cl, type, vote, allele.check, match.type,
same.strand, verbose, verbose.match)
hlaPredict <- function(object, snp, cl=FALSE,
type=c("response+dosage", "response", "prob", "response+prob"),
vote=c("prob", "majority"), allele.check=TRUE,
match.type=c("Position", "Pos+Allele", "RefSNP+Position", "RefSNP"),
same.strand=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, verbose.match=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(object, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
stopifnot(is.logical(cl) | is.numeric(cl) | inherits(cl, "cluster"))
stopifnot(is.logical(allele.check), length(allele.check)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(same.strand), length(same.strand)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose.match), length(verbose.match)==1L)
type <- match.arg(type)
vote <- match.arg(vote)
match.type <- match.arg(match.type)
vote_method <- match(vote, c("prob", "majority"))
if (inherits(cl, "cluster"))
if (!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly=TRUE))
stop("The `parallel' package should be installed.")
if (length(cl) <= 1L) cl <- FALSE
# if warning
if (!is.null(object$appendix$warning))
warning(object$appendix$warning, immediate.=TRUE)
if (verbose)
# get the number of classifiers
CNum <- .Call(HIBAG_GetNumClassifiers, object$model)
s <- object$hla.allele
if (length(s) > 3L) s <- c(s[1:3], "...")
cat("HIBAG model for ", .hla_gene_name_string(object$hla.locus), ":\n",
" ", CNum, " individual classifier", .plural(CNum), "\n",
" ", length(object$snp.id), " SNPs\n",
" ", length(object$hla.allele), " unique HLA alleles: ",
paste(s, collapse=", "), "\n", sep="")
if (vote_method == 1L)
cat(" based on the averaged posterior probabilities\n")
cat(" by voting from all individual classifiers\n")
if (inherits(cl, "cluster"))
cat(" run in parallel with ", length(cl), " compute node",
.plural(length(cl)), "\n", sep="")
if (!inherits(snp, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
# it should be a vector or a matrix
stopifnot(is.numeric(snp), is.vector(snp) | is.matrix(snp))
if (is.vector(snp))
stopifnot(length(snp) == object$n.snp)
snp <- matrix(snp, ncol=1L)
} else {
stopifnot(nrow(snp) == object$n.snp)
geno.sampid <- 1L:ncol(snp)
assembly <- "auto-silent"
} else {
# a 'hlaSNPGenoClass' object, check assembly first
model.assembly <- as.character(object$assembly)[1L]
if (is.na(model.assembly))
model.assembly <- "unknown"
geno.assembly <- as.character(snp$assembly)[1L]
if (is.na(geno.assembly))
geno.assembly <- "unknown"
refstr <- sprintf("Model assembly: %s, SNP assembly: %s",
model.assembly, geno.assembly)
if (verbose)
cat(refstr, "\n", sep="")
if (model.assembly != geno.assembly)
if (any(c(model.assembly, geno.assembly) %in% "unknown"))
if (verbose)
message("The human genome references might not match!")
if (geno.assembly == "unknown")
assembly <- model.assembly
assembly <- geno.assembly
} else {
warning("The human genome references do not match! ",
refstr, ".", immediate.=TRUE)
assembly <- model.assembly
} else {
if (model.assembly != "unknown")
assembly <- model.assembly
assembly <- "auto"
# verbose for different matching methods
if (verbose && verbose.match)
cat("Matching the SNPs between the model and the test data:\n")
tab <- NULL
for (tp in c("Position", "Pos+Allele", "RefSNP+Position", "RefSNP"))
s1 <- hlaSNPID(object, tp)
s2 <- hlaSNPID(snp, tp)
s <- unique(intersect(s1, s2))
mcnt <- length(s1) - length(s)
d <- data.frame(c1=paste0(" ", tp),
c2=sprintf("%d (%.1f%%)", mcnt, mcnt/length(s1)*100),
c3=ifelse(tp==match.type, "*being used", ""),
tab <- rbind(tab, d)
names(tab) <- c("match.type=\"--\"", " missing SNPs #", "")
tab[1L,3L] <- paste(tab[1L,3L], "[1]")
tab[2L,3L] <- paste(tab[2L,3L], "[2]")
print(tab, row.names=FALSE)
cat(" [1]: useful if ambiguous strands on array-based platforms\n")
cat(" [2]: suggested if the model and test data have been matched to the same reference genome\n")
s <- object$appendix$platform
if (is.null(s)) s <- "not applicable" else s <- paste(s, collapse=",")
cat(" Model platform: ", s, "\n", sep="")
} else if (verbose)
cat("Using match.type='", match.type, "' for SNP matching\n", sep="")
geno.sampid <- snp$sample.id
obj.id <- hlaSNPID(object, match.type)
geno.id <- hlaSNPID(snp, match.type)
# flag boolean
flag <- FALSE
if (length(obj.id) == length(geno.id))
if (all(obj.id == geno.id))
flag <- TRUE
# check and switch A/B alleles
if (flag)
if (allele.check)
snp <- hlaGenoSwitchStrand(snp, object,
match.type, same.strand, verbose)$genotype
} else {
snp <- snp$genotype
} else {
# snp selection
snp.sel <- match(obj.id, geno.id)
snp.sel[duplicated(snp.sel)] <- NA_integer_
snp.allele <- snp$snp.allele
snp.allele[is.na(snp.allele)] <- ""
# temporary variable
tmp <- list(genotype = snp$genotype[snp.sel, , drop=FALSE],
sample.id = snp$sample.id,
snp.id = object$snp.id, snp.position = object$snp.position,
snp.allele = snp.allele[snp.sel],
assembly = snp$assembly)
flag <- is.na(tmp$snp.allele)
tmp$snp.allele[flag] <- object$snp.allele[
match(tmp$snp.id[flag], object$snp.id)]
class(tmp) <- "hlaSNPGenoClass"
# the total number of missing snp
missing.cnt <- sum(flag)
if (missing.cnt == length(obj.id))
stop("There is no overlapping of SNPs!")
} else if (missing.cnt > 0.5*length(obj.id))
warning("More than 50% of SNPs are missing!", immediate.=TRUE)
# switch
if (allele.check)
snp <- hlaGenoSwitchStrand(tmp, object, match.type,
same.strand, verbose)$genotype
} else {
snp <- tmp$genotype
# check
if (dim(snp)[1L] != object$n.snp)
stop("The number of SNPs is not valid, and it maybe due to duplicated 'snp.id' ",
"or incorrect dimension of genotype matrix.")
# initialize ...
n.samp <- dim(snp)[2L]
n.hla <- length(object$hla.allele)
if (verbose)
cat(sprintf("# of samples: %d\n", n.samp))
cat("CPU flags: ", .Call(HIBAG_Kernel_Version)[[2L]][1L], "\n", sep="")
# parallel units
if (!inherits(cl, "cluster"))
# the number of threads
nthread <- 1L
if (isTRUE(cl)) nthread <- as.integer(defaultNumThreads())
if (is.numeric(cl)) nthread <- cl[1L]
if (is.na(nthread) || nthread<1L) nthread <- 1L
# pointer to functions for an extensible component
pm <- attr(cl, "proc_ptr")
# predict HLA genotypes
if (type %in% c("response", "response+dosage", "response+prob"))
# the best-guess prediction
if (type == "response")
rv <- .Call(HIBAG_Predict_Resp, object$model, as.integer(snp),
n.samp, vote_method, nthread, verbose, pm)
names(rv) <- c("H1", "H2", "prob", "matching")
} else if (type == "response+dosage")
rv <- .Call(HIBAG_Predict_Dosage, object$model, as.integer(snp),
n.samp, vote_method, nthread, verbose, pm)
names(rv) <- c("H1", "H2", "prob", "matching", "dosage")
} else {
rv <- .Call(HIBAG_Predict_Resp_Prob, object$model,
as.integer(snp), n.samp, vote_method, nthread, verbose, pm)
names(rv) <- c("H1", "H2", "prob", "matching", "dosage", "postprob")
# output object
res <- hlaAllele(geno.sampid,
H1 = object$hla.allele[rv$H1 + 1L],
H2 = object$hla.allele[rv$H2 + 1L],
locus = object$hla.locus, prob = rv$prob,
na.rm = FALSE, assembly = assembly)
res$value$matching <- rv$matching
if (!is.null(rv$dosage))
res$dosage <- rv$dosage
rownames(res$dosage) <- object$hla.allele
colnames(res$dosage) <- geno.sampid
if (!is.null(rv$postprob))
res$postprob <- rv$postprob
colnames(res$postprob) <- geno.sampid
m <- outer(object$hla.allele, object$hla.allele, paste, sep="/")
rownames(res$postprob) <- m[lower.tri(m, diag=TRUE)]
NA.cnt <- sum(is.na(res$value$allele1) | is.na(res$value$allele2))
} else {
# all probabilities
rv <- .Call(HIBAG_Predict_Resp_Prob, object$model,
as.integer(snp), n.samp, vote_method, nthread, verbose, pm)
names(rv) <- c("H1", "H2", "prob", "matching", "dosage", "postprob")
# output object
res <- rv$postprob
colnames(res) <- geno.sampid
m <- outer(object$hla.allele, object$hla.allele, paste, sep="/")
rownames(res) <- m[lower.tri(m, diag=TRUE)]
NA.cnt <- sum(colSums(res) <= 0L, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
# run in parallel
rv <- parallel::clusterApply(cl=cl,
parallel::splitIndices(n.samp, length(cl)),
fun = function(i, mobj, snp, type, vote)
if (length(i) > 0L)
m <- hlaModelFromObj(mobj)
hlaPredict(m, snp[,i], type=type, vote=vote, verbose=FALSE)
} else
mobj=hlaModelToObj(object), snp=snp, type=type, vote=vote
# merge the results
if (type %in% c("response", "response+dosage", "response+prob"))
res <- rv[[1L]]
for (i in 2L:length(rv))
if (!is.null(rv[[i]]))
res <- hlaCombineAllele(res, rv[[i]])
res$value$sample.id <- geno.sampid
if (!is.null(res$dosage))
colnames(res$dosage) <- geno.sampid
if (!is.null(res$postprob))
colnames(res$postprob) <- geno.sampid
NA.cnt <- sum(is.na(res$value$allele1) | is.na(res$value$allele2))
} else {
res <- rv[[1L]]
for (i in 2L:length(rv))
if (!is.null(rv[[i]]))
res <- cbind(res, rv[[i]])
colnames(res) <- geno.sampid
NA.cnt <- sum(colSums(res) <= 0L, na.rm=TRUE)
if (NA.cnt > 0L)
warning("No prediction output for ", NA.cnt, " individual",
.plural(NA.cnt), " (possibly due to missing SNPs).",
# return
# Merge predictions by voting
hlaPredMerge <- function(..., weight=NULL, equivalence=NULL, use.matching=TRUE,
ret.dosage=TRUE, ret.postprob=FALSE, max.resolution="", rm.suffix=FALSE,
# check "..."
pdlist <- list(...)
if (length(pdlist) <= 0L)
stop("No hlaAlleleClass object passed to 'hlaPredMerge()'.")
for (i in seq_along(pdlist))
if (!inherits(pdlist[[i]], "hlaAlleleClass"))
stop("The object(s) passed to 'hlaPredMerge()' ",
"should be 'hlaAlleleClass'.")
if (is.null(pdlist[[i]]$postprob))
stop("The object(s) passed to 'hlaPredMerge()' should have ",
"a field of 'postprob' returned from ",
"'hlaPredict(..., type=\"response+prob\")'.")
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
if (verbose)
cat("Aggregate ", length(pdlist), " set",
if (length(pdlist) > 1L) "s" else "",
" of predictions:\n", sep="")
# check equivalence
stopifnot(is.null(equivalence) | is.data.frame(equivalence))
if (is.data.frame(equivalence))
if (ncol(equivalence) != 2L)
stop("'equivalence' should have two columns: ",
"the first for new equivalent alleles, and ",
"the second for the alleles possibly existed ",
"in the object(s) passed to 'hlaPredMerge()'.")
stopifnot(is.logical(rm.suffix), length(rm.suffix)==1L)
stopifnot(is.character(max.resolution), length(max.resolution)==1L)
use_resolution <- !identical(max.resolution, "") ||
!identical(rm.suffix, FALSE)
if (verbose && !identical(max.resolution, ""))
cat(" Resolution: ", max.resolution, "\n", sep="")
# check locus and sample.id
samp.id <- pdlist[[1L]]$value$sample.id
locus <- pdlist[[1L]]$locus
for (i in seq_along(pdlist))
if (!identical(samp.id, pdlist[[i]]$value$sample.id))
stop("The sample IDs should be the same.")
if (!identical(locus, pdlist[[i]]$locus))
stop("The locus should be the same.")
# check weight
if (!is.null(weight))
stopifnot(is.numeric(weight), is.vector(weight))
if (length(pdlist) != length(weight))
stop("Invalid 'weight'.")
if (anyNA(weight))
stop("'weight' should not have NA/NaN.")
if (any(weight < 0))
stop("'weight' should not have a negative value.")
weight <- weight / sum(weight)
} else {
weight <- rep(1/length(pdlist), length(pdlist))
# check
stopifnot(is.logical(ret.dosage), length(ret.dosage)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(ret.postprob), length(ret.postprob)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(use.matching), length(use.matching)==1L)
if (use.matching)
x <- vapply(pdlist, function(x) is.null(x$value$matching), TRUE)
if (any(x))
stop("The column 'matching' should be provided when use.matching=TRUE.")
# replace function
replace <- function(allele)
if (!is.null(equivalence))
i <- match(allele, equivalence[,2L])
flag <- !is.na(i)
i <- i[flag]
allele[flag] <- equivalence[i,1L]
if (use_resolution)
allele <- hlaAlleleDigit(allele, max.resolution=max.resolution,
# all different alleles
hla.allele <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(pdlist))
h <- unique(unlist(strsplit(rownames(pdlist[[i]]$postprob), "/")))
nh <- replace(h)
hla.allele <- unique(c(hla.allele, nh))
if (verbose)
cat(" ", i, ". # of unique alleles: ", length(h), sep="")
if (!is.null(equivalence)) cat(" ==> ", length(nh))
hla.allele <- hlaUniqueAllele(hla.allele)
n.hla <- length(hla.allele)
n.samp <- length(samp.id)
if (verbose)
cat("# of unique allele in the merged set = ", n.hla, "\n", sep="")
prob <- matrix(0.0, nrow=n.hla*(n.hla+1L)/2L, ncol=n.samp)
m <- outer(hla.allele, hla.allele, paste, sep="/")
m <- m[lower.tri(m, diag=TRUE)]
colnames(prob) <- samp.id
rownames(prob) <- m
# matching probabilities
has.matching <- all(
vapply(pdlist, function(x) !is.null(x$value$matching), TRUE))
if (has.matching)
# sum(i, weight[i] * pdlist[[i]]$value$matching)
has.matching <- .Call(HIBAG_SumList, weight,
lapply(pdlist, function(x) x$value$matching))
# for-loop
for (i in seq_along(pdlist))
p <- pdlist[[i]]$postprob
h <- replace(unlist(strsplit(rownames(p), "/", fixed=TRUE)))
h1 <- h[seq(1L, length(h), 2L)]
h2 <- h[seq(2L, length(h), 2L)]
j1 <- match(paste(h1, h2, sep="/"), m)
j2 <- match(paste(h2, h1, sep="/"), m)
j1[is.na(j1)] <- j2[is.na(j1)]
stopifnot(!anyNA(j1)) # check
# update probabilities, equal R code:
# if (use.matching)
# p <- sweep(p, 2L, pdlist[[i]]$value$matching, "*")
# prob[j1, ] <- prob[j1, ] + p * weight[i]
.Call(HIBAG_UpdateAddProbW, prob, j1, p, weight[i],
if (use.matching) pdlist[[i]]$value$matching else NULL)
# normalize prob
# equal: prob <- sweep(prob, 2L, colSums(prob), "/")
.Call(HIBAG_NormalizeProb, prob)
pb <- apply(prob, 2L, max)
pt <- unlist(strsplit(m[apply(prob, 2L, which.max)], "/", fixed=TRUE))
assembly <- pdlist[[1L]]$assembly
if (is.null(assembly)) assembly <- "auto"
# output
rv <- hlaAllele(samp.id,
H1 = pt[seq(2L, length(pt), 2L)],
H2 = pt[seq(1L, length(pt), 2L)],
locus = locus,
locus.pos.start = pdlist[[1L]]$pos.start,
locus.pos.end = pdlist[[1L]]$pos.end,
prob = pb, na.rm = FALSE,
assembly = assembly)
if (is.numeric(has.matching))
rv$value$matching <- has.matching
if (isTRUE(ret.dosage))
ds <- matrix(0, nrow=length(hla.allele), ncol=n.samp)
rownames(ds) <- hla.allele
colnames(ds) <- samp.id
h <- unlist(strsplit(rownames(prob), "/", fixed=TRUE))
h1 <- h[seq(1L, length(h), 2L)]; h2 <- h[seq(2L, length(h), 2L)]
for (i in seq_along(hla.allele))
ds[i, ] <-
colSums(prob[h1 %in% hla.allele[i], , drop=FALSE]) +
colSums(prob[h2 %in% hla.allele[i], , drop=FALSE])
rv$dosage <- ds
if (isTRUE(ret.postprob)) rv$postprob <- prob
# Summarize the "hlaAttrBagClass" object
summary.hlaAttrBagClass <- function(object, show=TRUE, ...)
obj <- hlaModelToObj(object)
summary(obj, show=show)
# Save the parameters in a model of attribute bagging
hlaModelToObj <- function(model)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
# get a list of classifiers
clr <- .Call(HIBAG_GetClassifierList, model$model, model$hla.allele)
# output
rv <- list(n.samp = model$n.samp, n.snp = model$n.snp,
sample.id = model$sample.id, snp.id = model$snp.id,
snp.position = model$snp.position, snp.allele = model$snp.allele,
snp.allele.freq = model$snp.allele.freq,
hla.locus = model$hla.locus,
hla.allele = model$hla.allele, hla.freq = model$hla.freq,
assembly = model$assembly,
classifiers = clr,
matching = model$matching,
appendix = model$appendix)
class(rv) <- "hlaAttrBagObj"
# Combine two HIBAG models
hlaCombineModelObj <- function(obj1, obj2)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(obj1, "hlaAttrBagObj"))
stopifnot(inherits(obj2, "hlaAttrBagObj"))
stopifnot(identical(obj1$hla.locus, obj2$hla.locus))
stopifnot(identical(obj1$snp.id, obj2$snp.id))
stopifnot(identical(obj1$hla.allele, obj2$hla.allele))
stopifnot(identical(obj1$assembly, obj2$assembly))
samp.id <- unique(c(obj1$sample.id, obj2$sample.id))
if (!is.null(obj1$appendix) | !is.null(obj2$appendix))
appendix <- list(
platform =
unique(c(obj1$appendix$platform, obj2$appendix$platform)),
information =
warning =
unique(c(obj1$appendix$warning, obj2$appendix$warning))
} else {
appendix <- NULL
rv <- list(n.samp = length(samp.id), n.snp = obj1$n.snp,
sample.id = samp.id, snp.id = obj1$snp.id,
snp.position = obj1$snp.position, snp.allele = obj1$snp.allele,
snp.allele.freq = (obj1$snp.allele.freq + obj2$snp.allele.freq)*0.5,
hla.locus = obj1$hla.locus, hla.allele = obj1$hla.allele,
hla.freq = (obj1$hla.freq + obj2$hla.freq)*0.5,
assembly = obj1$assembly,
classifiers = c(obj1$classifiers, obj2$classifiers),
matching = c(obj1$matching, obj2$matching),
appendix = appendix)
if (identical(obj1$sample.id, obj2$sample.id) && !is.null(obj1$sample.id))
n1 <- length(obj1$classifiers)
n2 <- length(obj2$classifiers)
n <- n1 + n2
rv$matching <- n1/n*obj1$matching + n2/n*obj2$matching
class(rv) <- "hlaAttrBagObj"
# Get a HIBAG model with the top n individual classifiers
hlaSubModelObj <- function(obj, n)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(obj, "hlaAttrBagObj"))
stopifnot(is.numeric(n), length(n)==1L)
obj$classifiers <- obj$classifiers[1L:n]
# Create a "hlaAttrBagClass" class from an R object
hlaModelFromObj <- function(obj)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(obj, "hlaAttrBagObj"))
# create an attribute bagging object
ABmodel <- .Call(HIBAG_New, obj$n.samp, obj$n.snp, length(obj$hla.allele))
# add individual classifiers
for (tree in obj$classifiers)
if (is.null(tree$haplos$haplo))
stop("No 'haplo' component. The model may be used by the higher version of HIBAG.")
hla <- match(tree$haplos$hla, obj$hla.allele) - 1L
if (anyNA(hla))
stop("Invalid HLA alleles in the individual classifier.")
if (is.null(tree$samp.num))
snum <- rep.int(1L, obj$n.samp)
snum <- as.integer(tree$samp.num)
# create a new classifier
.Call(HIBAG_NewClassifierHaplo, ABmodel, as.integer(tree$snpidx - 1L),
snum, as.double(tree$haplos$freq), hla,
# output
rv <- list(n.samp = obj$n.samp, n.snp = obj$n.snp,
sample.id = obj$sample.id, snp.id = obj$snp.id,
snp.position = obj$snp.position, snp.allele = obj$snp.allele,
snp.allele.freq = obj$snp.allele.freq,
hla.locus = obj$hla.locus, hla.allele = obj$hla.allele,
hla.freq = obj$hla.freq,
assembly = as.character(obj$assembly)[1L],
model = ABmodel,
matching = obj$matching,
appendix = obj$appendix)
if (is.na(rv$assembly)) rv$assembly <- "unknown"
class(rv) <- "hlaAttrBagClass"
# Summarize the "hlaAttrBagObj" object
summary.hlaAttrBagObj <- function(object, show=TRUE, ...)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(object, "hlaAttrBagObj"))
obj <- object
if (show)
cat("Gene: ", .hla_gene_name_string(obj$hla.locus), "\n", sep="")
cat("Training dataset:", obj$n.samp, "samples X",
length(obj$snp.id), "SNPs\n")
cat(" # of HLA alleles: ", length(obj$hla.allele), "\n", sep="")
# summarize ...
snpset <- NULL
outofbag.acc <- rep(NaN, length(obj$classifiers))
numsnp <- rep(NA, length(obj$classifiers))
numhaplo <- rep(NA, length(obj$classifiers))
snp.hist <- rep(0, length(obj$snp.id))
for (i in 1L:length(obj$classifiers))
outofbag.acc[i] <- obj$classifiers[[i]]$outofbag.acc
numsnp[i] <- length(obj$classifiers[[i]]$snpidx)
numhaplo[i] <- length(obj$classifiers[[i]]$haplos$hla)
snp.hist[obj$classifiers[[i]]$snpidx] <-
snp.hist[obj$classifiers[[i]]$snpidx] + 1L
snpset <- unique(c(snpset, obj$classifiers[[i]]$snpidx))
snpset <- snpset[order(snpset)]
outofbag.acc <- outofbag.acc * 100
info <- data.frame(
Mean = c(mean(numsnp), mean(numhaplo), mean(outofbag.acc)),
SD = c(sd(numsnp), sd(numhaplo), sd(outofbag.acc)),
Min = c(min(numsnp), min(numhaplo), min(outofbag.acc)),
Max = c(max(numsnp), max(numhaplo), max(outofbag.acc))
rownames(info) <- c("num.snp", "num.haplo", "accuracy")
if (show)
cat(" # of individual classifiers: ", length(obj$classifiers),
"\n", sep="")
cat(" total # of SNPs used: ", length(snpset), "\n", sep="")
cat(" avg. # of SNPs in an individual classifier:",
sprintf("%0.2f\n (sd: %0.2f, min: %d, max: %d, median: %0.2f)\n",
mean(numsnp), sd(numsnp), min(numsnp), max(numsnp),
cat(" avg. # of haplotypes in an individual classifier:",
sprintf("%0.2f\n (sd: %0.2f, min: %d, max: %d, median: %0.2f)\n",
mean(numhaplo), sd(numhaplo), min(numhaplo), max(numhaplo),
cat(" avg. out-of-bag accuracy:",
sprintf("%0.2f%%\n (sd: %0.2f%%, min: %0.2f%%, max: %0.2f%%, median: %0.2f%%)\n",
mean(outofbag.acc), sd(outofbag.acc), min(outofbag.acc),
max(outofbag.acc), median(outofbag.acc)))
p <- obj$matching
if (!is.null(p))
cat("Matching proportion:\n")
if (is.null(obj$assembly))
cat("Genome assembly: unknown\n")
cat("Genome assembly: ", obj$assembly, "\n", sep="")
if (!is.null(obj$appendix$platform))
cat("Platform:", obj$appendix$platform, "\n")
if (!is.null(obj$appendix$information))
cat("Information:", obj$appendix$information, "\n")
if (!is.null(obj$appendix$warning))
rv <- list(num.classifier = length(obj$classifiers),
num.snp = length(snpset),
snp.id = obj$snp.id, snp.position = obj$snp.position,
snp.hist = snp.hist, info = info)
# Out-of-bag estimation of overall accuracy, per-allele sensitivity, etc
hlaOutOfBag <- function(model, hla, snp, call.threshold=NaN, verbose=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagObj") |
inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
stopifnot(inherits(hla, "hlaAlleleClass"))
stopifnot(inherits(snp, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
stopifnot(is.numeric(call.threshold), length(call.threshold)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
# initialize ...
if (inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
model <- hlaModelToObj(model)
if (verbose)
# map samples
if (is.null(model$sample.id))
stop("There is no sample ID in the model.")
samp.idx <- match(model$sample.id, snp$sample.id)
if (anyNA(samp.idx))
stop("Some of sample.id in the model do not exist in SNP genotypes.")
hla.samp.idx <- match(model$sample.id, hla$value$sample.id)
if (anyNA(hla.samp.idx))
stop("Some of sample.id in the model do not exist in HLA types.")
# map SNPs
snp.idx <- match(model$snp.id, snp$snp.id)
if (anyNA(snp.idx))
stop("Some of snp.id in the model do not exist in SNP genotypes.")
# genotypes and the number of classifiers
geno <- snp$genotype[snp.idx, samp.idx]
nclass <- length(model$classifiers)
# the returned value
ans <- NULL
# the column names of details
nm1 <- c("allele", "train.num", "train.freq")
nm2 <- c("call.rate", "accuracy", "sensitivity", "specificity",
"ppv", "npv")
# for-loop
for (i in 1L:nclass)
mx <- model
mx$classifiers <- mx$classifiers[i]
s <- mx$classifiers[[1L]]$samp.num
if (is.null(s))
stop("There is no bootstrap sample index.")
tmp.model <- hlaModelFromObj(mx)
tmp.geno <- geno[, s == 0L]
v <- hlaPredict(tmp.model, tmp.geno, verbose=FALSE)
v$value$sample.id <- mx$sample.id[s == 0L]
pam <- hlaCompareAllele(hla, v, allele.limit=mx,
call.threshold=call.threshold, verbose=FALSE)
if (!is.null(ans))
# overall
ans$overall <- ans$overall + pam$overall
# confusion matrix
ans$confusion <- ans$confusion + pam$confusion
# details
pam$detail <- pam$detail[, nm2]
ans$n.detail <- ans$n.detail + !is.na(pam$detail)
pam$detail[is.na(pam$detail)] <- 0
ans$detail <- ans$detail + pam$detail
} else {
ans <- pam
ans$detailhead <- ans$detail[, nm1]
colnames(ans$detailhead) <- c("allele", "valid.num", "valid.freq")
ans$detail <- ans$detail[, nm2]
ans$n.detail <- !is.na(ans$detail)
ans$detail[is.na(ans$detail)] <- 0
if (verbose)
cat(date(), sprintf(", passing the %d/%d classifiers.\n",
i, nclass), sep="")
# average
ans$overall <- ans$overall / nclass
ans$confusion <- ans$confusion / nclass
ans$detail <- ans$detail / ans$n.detail
# get miscall
rv <- ans$confusion; diag(rv) <- 0
m.max <- apply(rv, 2L, max); m.idx <- apply(rv, 2L, which.max)
s <- rownames(ans$confusion)[m.idx]; s[m.max<=0] <- NA
p <- m.max / apply(rv, 2L, sum)
# output
ans$detail <- cbind(ans$detailhead, ans$detail,
miscall=s, miscall.prop=p, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
ans$detailhead <- NULL
ans$n.detail <- NULL
# Linkage Disequilibrium
# Calculate linkage disequilibrium between HLA locus and SNP markers
hlaGenoLD <- function(hla, geno)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(hla, "hlaAlleleClass"))
if (inherits(geno, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
stopifnot(dim(hla$value)[1L] == length(geno$sample.id))
if (any(hla$value$sample.id != geno$sample.id))
hla <- hlaAlleleSubset(hla, samp.sel =
match(geno$sample.id, hla$value$sample.id))
geno <- geno$genotype
} else if (is.matrix(geno))
stopifnot(dim(hla$value)[1L] == dim(geno)[2L])
} else if (is.vector(geno))
stopifnot(dim(hla$value)[1L] == length(geno))
geno <- matrix(geno, ncol=1L)
} else {
stop("geno should be `hlaSNPGenoClass', a vector or a matrix.")
# HLA alleles indicators
alleles <- unique(c(hla$value$allele1, hla$value$allele2))
alleles <- alleles[order(alleles)]
allele.mat <- matrix(0L,
nrow=length(hla$value$allele1), ncol=length(alleles))
for (i in 1L:length(alleles))
allele.mat[, i] <- (hla$value$allele1==alleles[i]) +
apply(geno, 1L,
function(x, allele.mat) {
cor(x, allele.mat, use="pairwise.complete.obs")^2,
# SNP LD visualization
hlaLDMatrix <- function(geno, loci=NULL, maf=0.01, assembly="auto",
draw=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(geno, "hlaSNPGenoClass"))
stopifnot(is.numeric(maf), length(maf)==1L)
stopifnot(is.null(loci) | is.vector(loci))
stopifnot(is.logical(draw), length(draw)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
# maf filter
if (is.na(maf)) maf <- 0
if (maf > 0)
af <- rowMeans(geno$genotype, na.rm=TRUE) * 0.5
af <- pmin(af, 1-af)
xx <- af >= maf
xx[is.na(xx)] <- FALSE
if (sum(xx) < length(af))
if (verbose)
cat("MAF filter (>=", maf, "), excluding ",
length(af)-sum(xx), " SNP(s)\n", sep="")
geno <- hlaGenoSubset(geno, snp.sel=xx)
if (!is.null(loci))
if (assembly=="auto") assembly <- geno$assembly
assembly <- .hla_assembly(assembly)
info <- hlaLociInfo(assembly)
if (!all(loci %in% rownames(info)))
stop("'loci' should be one of ", paste(rownames(info),
collapse=", "))
info <- info[loci, ]
st <- sapply(info$start, function(p) {
mean(c(which(p <= geno$snp.position)[1L],
rev(which(p >= geno$snp.position))[1L])) })
ed <- sapply(info$end, function(p) {
mean(c(which(p <= geno$snp.position)[1L],
rev(which(p >= geno$snp.position))[1L])) })
# calculate the LD matrix
ld <- suppressWarnings(cor(t(geno$genotype), use="na.or.complete")^2)
if (isTRUE(draw))
Var1 <- Var2 <- value <- NULL
dat <- reshape2::melt(ld)
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(dat, ggplot2::aes(x=Var2, y=Var1)) +
ggplot2::geom_raster(ggplot2::aes(fill=value)) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(low="grey95", mid="orange", high="red", midpoint=0.5)
rg <- range(geno$snp.position)
p <- p + ggplot2::labs(
x=sprintf("%d SNPs in total, MAF >= %g", length(geno$snp.id), maf),
y="SNP index", title=expression("Linkage Disequilibrium r"^2))
ii <- c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(
breaks=unname(quantile(1:length(geno$snp.position), ii)),
labels=sprintf("%.3fMb", c(quantile(geno$snp.position, ii)/10^6)))
for (i in seq_along(loci))
md <- (st[i]+ed[i])*0.5
if (is.finite(md))
p <- p +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept=st[i], size=0.25, colour="blue", alpha=0.5) +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept=ed[i], size=0.25, colour="blue", alpha=0.5) +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept=md, linetype=2, colour="blue") +
ggplot2::annotate("label", x=md,
y=length(geno$snp.position), vjust="inward",
label=ifelse(grepl("^KIR", loci[i]), loci[i],
paste("HLA", loci[i], sep="-")))
} else {
# Calculate the distances among different HLA alleles
hlaDistance <- function(model)
# check
if (inherits(model, "hlaAttrBagClass"))
model <- hlaModelToObj(model)
# the total number of classifiers
n <- length(model$classifiers)
lst <- vector("list", n)
hla <- model$hla.allele
num <- matrix(0L, nrow=length(hla), ncol=length(hla))
for (i in seq_len(n))
z <- model$classifiers[[i]]$haplos
m <- .Call(HIBAG_Distance, length(hla), match(z$hla, hla),
z$freq, z$haplo)
num <- num + !is.na(m)
m[is.na(m)] <- 0
lst[[i]] <- m
# output
rv <- Reduce("+", lst) / num
colnames(rv) <- rownames(rv) <- hla
# Visualization
# Plot an attribute bagging model
plot.hlaAttrBagClass <- function(x, ...)
obj <- hlaModelToObj(x)
plot(obj, ...)
print.hlaAttrBagClass <- function(x, ...)
obj <- hlaModelToObj(x)
# Plot an attribute bagging model
plot.hlaAttrBagObj <- function(x, snp.col="gray33", snp.pch=1, snp.sz=1,
locus.col="blue", locus.lty=1L, locus.lty2=2L, addplot=NULL,
assembly="auto", ...)
# check
stopifnot(inherits(x, "hlaAttrBagObj"))
assembly <- match.arg(assembly)
# the starting and ending positions of HLA locus
if (assembly == "auto")
if (!is.null(x$assembly))
assembly <- x$assembly
info <- hlaLociInfo(assembly)
pos.start <- info[x$hla.locus, "start"] / 1000L
pos.end <- info[x$hla.locus, "end"] / 1000L
# summary of the attribute bagging model
desp <- summary(x, show=FALSE)
# draw
dat <- data.frame(pos=x$snp.position/1000L, ht=desp$snp.hist)
pos <- ht <- NULL
if (is.null(addplot))
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(dat, ggplot2::aes(x=pos, y=ht)) +
ggplot2::xlab("SNP Position (KB)") +
ggplot2::ylab("Frequency of Use")
} else {
p <- addplot
p <- p +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept=pos.start, colour=locus.col,
linetype=locus.lty, size=0.25, alpha=0.5) +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept=pos.end, colour=locus.col,
linetype=locus.lty, size=0.25, alpha=0.5) +
linetype=locus.lty2, colour=locus.col) +
ggplot2::annotate("label", x=(pos.start + pos.end)/2,
y=max(dat$ht), vjust="inward",
label=ifelse(grepl("^KIR", x$hla.locus), x$hla.locus,
paste("HLA", x$hla.locus, sep="-")))
if (is.null(addplot))
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(color=snp.col, shape=snp.pch, size=snp.sz)
} else {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x=pos, y=ht), dat,
color=snp.col, shape=snp.pch, size=snp.sz)
print.hlaAttrBagObj <- function(x, ...)
# Export stardard R library function(s)
hlaSetKernelTarget <- function(cpu=c("max", "auto.avx2", "base",
"sse2", "sse4", "avx", "avx2", "avx512f", "avx512bw", "avx512vpopcnt"))
cpu <- match.arg(cpu)
.Call(HIBAG_Kernel_SetTarget, cpu)
.onAttach <- function(lib, pkg)
# get version and CPU information
info <- .Call(HIBAG_Kernel_Version)
# information
"HIBAG (HLA Genotype Imputation with Attribute Bagging)")
sprintf("Kernel Version: v%d.%d (%s)", info[[1L]][1L], info[[1L]][2L],
if (is.na(info[[3L]]))
packageStartupMessage("No Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB)")
.hibag_data_list <- list(
data.frame = "data.frame",
clr_nm = c("samp.num", "haplos", "snpidx", "outofbag.acc"),
clr_haplo_nm = c("freq", "hla", "haplo"))
.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg)
.Call(HIBAG_Init, .hibag_data_list)
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