extractLinearSubpathways <- function(graphs, pathways, a, b, filter, export,
groupMode, verbose)
if (missing(a)) { a <- 3 }
if (missing(b)) { b <- 10 }
if (missing(export)) { export <- c('.RData') }
if (missing(filter)) { filter <- FALSE }
if (missing(groupMode)) { groupMode <- 'expand'}
message('Extracting Linear Subpathways...', appendLF = FALSE)
linSubs <- .extractLinearSubpathways(graphs, pathways, a, b,
filter, export, groupMode)
}, warning = function(war)
}, error = function(e)
message('\nError in linear subpathway extraction.')
, finally = { }
.extractLinearSubpathways <- function(graphs, pathways, a, b, filter,
export, groupMode)
if (filter)
# Extract user genes from gene expressions to keep only relevant
# subpaths
load(cache$dirs$geneExpressions, e <- new.env())
geneExpr <- e[[ls(e)[1]]]
if (is.null(geneExpr))
stop('Please import expression data or set filter=FALSE\n')
t <- 10000
limit <- 10
opts <- list(filter=filter, a=a, b=b, t=t, limit=limit,
cAdjMats <- graphs$combined
eAdjMats <- graphs$expanded
org <- graphs$org
userGenes <- NULL
if (!missing(pathways))
# Keep only graphs for selected pathways
pathways <- paste(org, pathways, sep='')
cAdjMats <- cAdjMats[pathways]
eAdjMats <- eAdjMats[pathways]
if (length(cAdjMats) == 0) { return(NULL) }
if (filter)
# Export genes from gene expressions
userGenes <- sort(as.numeric(unique(rownames(geneExpr))))
# Create temporary directories
# Print compact adjacency matrices to disk (java input).
matrixToFile(cAdjMats, org, cache$dirs)
# Extract pathway names
pathNames <- paste0(names(cAdjMats), '.txt')
# Extract compact linear subpaths
export <- c('getLinearPairs', 'cache', 'write.table', 'tail')
cores <- ifelse( length(cAdjMats) > detectCores()*10, 'default', 1 )
res <- .doSafeParallel(
funcName=getLinearSubpath, export=export,
combine='default', N=length(cAdjMats), cores=cores,
cAdjMats, pathNames, org, opts$a, opts$b, opts$t, opts$limit)
# Summarize results
if (length(res) > 0)
linRes <- data.frame( matrix(unlist(res), nrow=length(res),
byrow=TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
}else{ linRes <- NULL }
if (groupMode == 'expand')
# Expand compact linear subpaths to obtain final subpaths.
subDir <- paste(cache$dirs$tmp$sub, org, sep='//')
subFiles <- paste(subDir, '//',names(cAdjMats), '.txt', sep='')
export <- c('getSplittingFactor', 'expansionEvaluator',
'fullCollapse', 'subpathExpansion', 'fk', 'cleanSubpath')
eSubs <- .doSafeParallel(funcName=expandSubpath,
cAdjMats, subFiles, opts$t, opts$b)
names(eSubs) <- names(cAdjMats)
# Delete temporaty files and directories
# Conform subpaths to a single matrix
subpaths <- unlistToMatrix(eSubs)
if (filter)
# Filter subpaths using user genes from gene expression data
subpaths <- .filterLinearSubpaths(subpaths=subpaths,
# Export subpaths
exportSubpaths(subpaths, dir=paste(cache$dirs$lnr, org, sep='//'),
type=opts$export, verbose=FALSE)
adjMats <- eAdjMats
if (groupMode == 'collapse')
# Collapse multiple genes to a single entry
subpaths <- .collapseSubpaths(org, cAdjMats, b, userGenes)
adjMats <- cAdjMats
# Remove concecutive duplicated genes from subpathways
subpaths <- .uniquifySubpaths(subpaths)
subsLinear <- list(subpaths=subpaths, adjMats=adjMats,
groupMode=groupMode, org=org, subpathwayType='Linear')
## Linear Subpathway Extraction
getLinearSubpath <- function(i, ...)
# ------- Unpacking arguments -------
args <- list(...)
adjMat <- args[[1]][[i]]
pathName <- args[[2]][i]
org <- args[[3]]
a <- args[[4]]
b <- args[[5]]
threshold <- args[[6]]
limit <- args[[7]]
# ----------------------------------
firstRun <- TRUE
if (!firstRun)
adjMat[upper.tri(adjMat)] <- 0
parDir <- paste(cache$dirs$tmp$par, org, sep='//')
lPairs <- getLinearPairs(adjMat, pathName, parDir)
res <- c(gsub('.txt', '', pathName), -2, -2)
if (!is.null(lPairs$valid))
pathToJar <- system.file('java//CHRONOS.jar', package='CHRONOS')
baseDir <- paste(gsub('//','/',cache$dirs$int),'/', sep='')
args <- c(lPairs$valid, org, baseDir, a, b, threshold, limit)
obj <- .jnew("LinearPaths")
.jcall(obj, returnSig="V", method="main", args)
logFile <- file.path(baseDir, 'log', org, lPairs$valid)
logFile <- paste(gsub('//','/',logFile),'/', sep='')
logFile <- substr(logFile, 1, nchar(logFile)-1)
res <- unlist(strsplit(readLines(logFile)[[1]], '-'))
res <- c(lPairs$valid, as.numeric(res[1]), as.numeric(res[2]))
if (res[2] != '0') { break() }
if (res[2] == '0' && firstRun) { firstRun <- FALSE; next() }
if (res[2] == '0' && !firstRun) { break() }
return (res)
getLinearPairs <- function(adjMat, pathNames, pairDir)
sourceNodes <- vector()
destinNodes <- vector()
valid = c(); invalid = c()
# Source nodes do not have any ones in their respective columns
# Destination nodes do not have ones in their respective rows.
return (list(valid=NULL, invalid=pathNames))
for (i in 1:ncol(adjMat))
# A source node has no incoming edges
isSource = ( length(which(adjMat[,i] == 0)) == ncol(adjMat) )
# A destination node has no outgoing edges
isDestin = ( length(which(adjMat[i,] == 0)) == nrow(adjMat) )
# If it both source and destination node it is a remote node
if (isSource && isDestin) { next() }
if (isSource) { sourceNodes <- c(sourceNodes, i) }
if (isDestin) { destinNodes <- c(destinNodes, i) }
res <- list()
ctr <- 1
for ( s in sourceNodes )
source <- unname(s)
for ( d in destinNodes )
destin <- unname(d)
if (source != destin)
res[[ctr]] <- list(source, destin)
ctr <- ctr + 1
if (!is.null(unlist(res)))
results <- t(matrix(unlist(res), nrow = 2))
results = ''
# Print each set of valid pairs to file
if ( is.matrix(results) )
valid <- c(valid, pathNames)
results <- as.matrix(vector(), ncol=2)
invalid <- c(invalid, pathNames)
outfile <- paste(pairDir, pathNames, sep = '//')
write.table( results, file = outfile, sep = '\t', col.names=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE )
files = list(valid=valid, invalid=invalid)
filterLinearSubpaths <- function(subpaths, userGenes)
return(.filterLinearSubpaths(subpaths, userGenes))
.filterLinearSubpaths <- function(subpaths, userGenes)
if ( is.null(subpaths) ) { return(subpaths) }
if ( is.null(userGenes) ) { return(subpaths) }
if ( nrow(subpaths)==0 ) { return(subpaths) }
# Conform subpaths to a single matrix
if (is.list(subpaths))
subpaths <- unlistToMatrix(subpaths)
userGenes <- c(0, userGenes)
r <- matrix(1, nrow=nrow(subpaths), ncol=ncol(subpaths))
R <- subpaths
for (i in 1:ncol(subpaths))
idx <- which(subpaths[,i] %in% userGenes)
if (length(idx) > 0) { r[idx, i] <- 0 }
if (length(idx) == 0) { r[, i] <- 0 }
idx <- which(rowSums(r) > 0)
if (length(idx) > 0)
R <- subpaths[-idx, ,drop=FALSE]
rownames(R) <- rownames(subpaths)[-idx]
## Linear Subpathway Collapsing
.collapseSubpaths <- function(org, adjMats, b, userGenes)
message('Collapsing Linear Subpaths...', appendLF = FALSE)
pathNames <- names(adjMats)
subDir <- paste(cache$dirs$tmp$sub, org, sep='//')
subFiles <- paste(subDir, '//',pathNames, '.txt', sep='')
subpaths <- matrix(,nrow=0, ncol=b)
for (i in 1:length(subFiles))
if (!file.exists(subFiles[i])) { next() }
if (file.exists(subFiles[i]))
cSubpaths <- scan(subFiles[i], what='', sep="\n", quiet=TRUE)
if (length(cSubpaths) == 0) { next() }
genes <- vector(mode='list', length=ncol(adjMats[[i]]))
z <- 1
for (col in colnames(adjMats[[i]]))
genes[[z]] <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(col, ' ')))
z <- z + 1
# Check each element (single gene or group of genes)
# and remove genes not in user list
if (!missing(userGenes))
for ( j in 1:length(genes) )
idx <- which(genes[[j]] %in% userGenes)
if (length(idx) > 0) { genes[[j]] <- genes[[j]][idx] }
if (length(idx) == 0) { genes[[j]] <- NA }
if (length(cSubpaths) > detectCores() * 10)
# Create and register parallel backend
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(logical=FALSE))
on.exit(stopCluster(cl), add=TRUE)
# Run sequentially for trivial inputs
subs <- foreach(j=1:length(cSubpaths), .combine='rbind') %dopar%
# Create a subpath as a list of bins
sub <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(cSubpaths[[j]], ' ')))
sub <- c(genes[sub], as.list(rep(0, b-length(sub))))
# Reject subpath if it has a invalidated gene (not in user list)
if(length(which( > 0) { return(NULL) }
sub <- sapply(sub, function(x) { paste(x, collapse=' ') })
sub <- matrix(sub, nrow=1)
rownames(sub) <- names(adjMats)[i]
subpaths <- rbind(subpaths, subs)
## Linear Subpathway Expansion
expandSubpath <- function( i, ... )
# ------- Unpacking arguments -------
args <- list(...)
adjMat <- args[[1]][[i]]
subFile <- args[[2]][i]
threshold <- args[[3]]
b <- args[[4]]
# ----------------------------------
# Read compact subpathway from local file of created subpaths
if (file.exists(subFile))
cSubpaths <- scan(subFile, what='', sep="\n", quiet=TRUE)
}else { return(NULL) }
j <- 1
genes <- vector(mode='list', length=ncol(adjMat))
for (col in colnames(adjMat))
genes[[j]] <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(col, ' ')))
j <- j + 1
sf <- getSplittingFactor(cSubpaths, genes, b, threshold)
k <- sf$k
nsubs <- sf$nsubs
genes <- sf$genes
# Full collapsing
if (k < 1)
res <- fullCollapse(cSubpaths, adjMat, b, threshold)
# Partial collapsing
if (k > 0)
R <- subpathExpansion(genes, cSubpaths, nsubs, threshold,
k=k, b=b)
res <- R$eSubpaths
getSplittingFactor <- function(subs, genes, b, threshold)
if (length(subs) > 2000)
return( list(k=0, nsubs=length(subs), genes=genes) )
k <- 1
s0 <- 0
j <- 1
nsubs <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length(subs))
for (sub in subs)
nsubs[j<-j+1] <- expansionEvaluator(sub, genes, k=k, b=b,
s <- sum(nsubs)
if ( s <= threshold && k<2 ) { s0 <- s; break() }
if ( s <= threshold && k>1 ) { s0 <- s; break() }
if ( s > s0 && k > 1 ) { k <- k-1; break() }
k <- k + 1
s0 <- s
if (s0 > threshold)
z <- 1
genesCut <- vector(mode='list', length=length(genes))
for (x in genes)
s <- 1:ceiling(length(x)/2)
genesCut[[z]] <- x[s]
z <- z + 1
genes <- genesCut
k <- 1
s0 <- 0
}else { break() }
expansionEvaluator <- function(compactSubpath, genes, k, b, threshold)
if (is.null(compactSubpath)) { return(NULL) }
# Create a subpath as a list of bins
sub <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(compactSubpath, ' ')))
sub <- c(genes[sub], as.list(rep(0, b-length(sub))))
# Spit the compact subpath to multiple components
s <- vector(mode='list', length=k)
for (j in 1:k) { s[[j]] <- lapply(sub, fk, k, j) }
stats <- 0
for (j in 1:k)
gctr <- 1
sub <- s[[j]]
for (z in 1:length(s[[j]]))
if (length(sub[[z]]) > 1) { gctr <- gctr * length(sub[[z]]) }
stats <- stats + gctr
if (stats > threshold) { break() }
fullCollapse <- function(compactSubpaths, adjMat, b, threshold)
j <- 1
genes <- vector(mode='numeric', length=ncol(adjMat))
for (cnames in colnames(adjMat))
x <- unlist(strsplit(cnames, ' '))
s <- 1
genes[j] <- as.integer(x[s])
j <- j + 1
N <- length(compactSubpaths)
if (N > threshold)
s <- 1:threshold
compactSubpaths <- compactSubpaths[s]
N <- length(compactSubpaths)
eSubpaths <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=b)
j <- 1
for (compactSubpath in compactSubpaths)
sub <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(compactSubpath, ' ')))
sub <- c(genes[sub], rep(0, b-length(sub)))
eSubpaths[j,] <- sub
j <- j + 1
subpathExpansion <- function(genes, compactSubpaths, nsubs, threshold,
k, b)
if(length(compactSubpaths) == 0) { return(NULL) }
rowCtr <- 0
eSubpaths <- matrix(0, nrow=nsubs, ncol=b)
for (compactSubpath in compactSubpaths)
# Create a subpath as a list of bins
sub <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(compactSubpath, ' ')))
sub <- c(genes[sub], as.list(rep(0, b-length(sub))))
# Remove a possible second occurences of a gene in consecutive bins.
sub <- cleanSubpath(sub)
# Spit the compact subpath to multiple components
s <- vector(mode='list', length=k[1])
for (i in 1:k) { s[[i]] <- lapply(sub, fk, k, i) }
# Expand components
for (i in 1:k)
m <- t(t(expand.grid(s[[i]])))
m <- unname(split(m, 1:nrow(m)))
if ( !is(m, 'matrix') )
m <- matrix(unlist(m), ncol=b, byrow=FALSE)
if ( is(m, 'matrix') )
m <- matrix(unlist(m), ncol=b, byrow=TRUE)
eSubpaths[(rowCtr+1):(rowCtr+nrow(m)),] <- m
rowCtr <- rowCtr + nrow(m)
# Remove exceeding rows (produced by emptying successive bins
# with same gene ids)
eSubpaths <- eSubpaths[1:rowCtr,]
if (!is.matrix(eSubpaths)) { eSubpaths <- matrix(eSubpaths, ncol=b) }
fk <- function(x,k,i)
if (length(x) < k)
r <- x[1:length(x)]
if (length(x) >= k)
r <- x[(floor((i-1)*length(x)/k)+1) : floor(i*length(x)/k)]
cleanSubpath <- function(x)
for (i in 1:(length(x)-1))
a <- x[[i]]
b <- x[[i+1]]
S <- intersect(a,b)
for (s in S)
if (length(a) == 1 & length(b) > 1)
b <- b[-which(b == s)]; next()
if (length(a) > 1 & length(b) == 1)
a <- a[-which(a == s)]; next()
if (length(a) > 1 & length(b) > 1)
b <- b[-which(b == s)]; next()
x[[i]] <- a
x[[i+1]] <- b
# Subpathway cleanup
.uniquifySubpaths <- function(subpaths)
if (is.null(subpaths)) { return(NULL) }
if (nrow(subpaths) == 0) { return(subpaths) }
# Remove duplicates
subpaths = subpaths[which(!duplicated(subpaths)), , drop=FALSE]
# Split subpaths according to their lengths
len <- getLengths(subpaths)
didx <- c()
for (i in 1:max(len))
idx0 <- which(len ==i)
subs <- subpaths[idx0, 1:i, drop=FALSE]
if (nrow(subs) == 0) { next() }
dupl <- t(apply( subs , 1 , diff ))
idx1 <- unique(which(dupl == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)[,'row'])
didx <- c(didx, idx0[idx1])
if (length(didx) > 0)
for (i in 1:length(didx))
idx <- didx[i]
ugenes <- subpaths[idx, cumsum(rle(subpaths[idx,])$length)]
subpaths[idx,] <- rep(0, ncol(subpaths))
subpaths[idx, 1:length(ugenes)] <- ugenes
# Remove too short subpaths
lens <- getLengths(subpaths)
idx <- which(lens < 3)
if (length(idx) > 0)
subpaths <- subpaths[-idx, , drop=FALSE]
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