#' scatter.plot to plot scatter plots between gene expression and DNA methylation.
#' @description
#' scatter.plot is a function to plot various scatter plots between gene expression and
#' DNA methylation. When byPair is specified, scatter plot for individual probe-gene pairs
#' will be generated. When byProbe is specified, scatter plots for one probes with nearby
#' 20 gene pairs will be generated. When byTF is specified, scatter plot for TF expression
#' and average DNA methylation at certain motif sites will be generated.
#' @param data A multiAssayExperiment with DNA methylation and Gene Expression data.
#' See \code{\link{createMAE}} function.
#' @param group.col A column defining the groups of the sample. You can view the
#' available columns using: colnames(MultiAssayExperiment::colData(data)).
#' @param group1 A group from group.col. ELMER will run group1 vs group2.
#' That means, if direction is hyper, get probes
#' hypermethylated in group 1 compared to group 2.
#' @param group2 A group from group.col. ELMER will run group1 vs group2.
#' That means, if direction is hyper, get probes
#' hypermethylated in group 1 compared to group 2.
#' @param diff.dir A character can be "hypo" or "hyper", showing differential
#' methylation dirction. It can be "hypo" which is only selecting hypomethylated probes;
#' "hyper" which is only selecting hypermethylated probes;
#' @param minSubgroupFrac A number ranges from 0 to 1 specifying the percentage of samples
#' from group1 and group2 that are used to identify the differential methylation.
#' Default is 0.2 because we did not expect all cases to be from a single molecular
#' subtype.But, If you are working with molecular subtypes please set it to 1.
#' @param min.samples Minimun number of samples to use in the analysis. Default 5.
#' If you have 10 samples in one group, percentage is 0.2 this will give 2 samples
#' in the lower quintile, but then 5 will be used.
#' @param title plot title
#' @param save Save plot as PNG
#' @param filename File names (.png) to save the file (i.e. "plot.png")
#' @param legend.col legend title
#' @param probe Character with probe name (i.e. "cg24517858")
#' @return Box plot
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly layout
#' @importFrom dplyr top_n filter select %>%
#' @export
#' @author Tiago Chedraoui Silva (tiagochst at
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- ELMER:::getdata("")
#' group.col <- "subtype_Expression.Subtype"
#' group1 <- "classical"
#' group2 <- "secretory"
#' metBoxPlot(data,
#' group.col = group.col,
#' group1 = group1,
#' group2 = group2,
#' probe ="cg17898069",
#' minSubgroupFrac = 0.2,
#' diff.dir = "hypo")
metBoxPlot <- function(data,
min.samples = 5,
minSubgroupFrac = 0.2,
diff.dir = "hypo",
legend.col = NULL,
title = NULL,
filename = NULL,
save = TRUE) {
if(missing(data)) stop("Please set data argument")
if(missing(group.col)) stop("Please set group.col argument")
if(missing(group1)) stop("Please set group1 argument")
if(missing(group2)) stop("Please set group2 argument")
if(missing(probe)) stop("Please set probe argument")
if(is.null(legend.col)) filename <- paste0(group.col,"_",probe)
if(!is.null(legend.col)) filename <- paste0(group.col,"_",probe,"_",legend.col)
filename <- paste0(gsub("\\.","_",filename),".png")
if(is.null(legend.col)) {
aux <- data.frame("group" = colData(data)[,group.col],
"DNA methylation beta value" = assay(getMet(data))[probe,]) %>%
filter(group %in% c(group1,group2)) %>% droplevels
pos <- 2
showlegend <- FALSE
} else {
aux <- data.frame("group" = colData(data)[,group.col],
"legend" = colData(data)[,legend.col],
"DNA methylation beta value" = assay(getMet(data))[probe,]) %>%
filter(group %in% c(group1,group2)) %>% droplevels
if(any($legend))) aux$legend[$legend)] <- "NA"
pos <- 3
showlegend <- TRUE
if(diff.dir == "hyper") {
val.used <- rbind(aux %>% filter(group %in% group2) %>% top_n(min(min.samples,ceiling(sum(aux$group == group2) * .2))) %>% select(pos),
aux %>% filter(group %in% group1) %>% top_n(min(min.samples,ceiling(sum(aux$group == group1) * .2))) %>% select(pos))
} else {
val.used <- rbind(aux %>% filter(group %in% group2) %>% top_n(-min(min.samples,ceiling(sum(aux$group == group2) * .2))) %>% select(pos),
aux %>% filter(group %in% group1) %>% top_n(-min(min.samples,ceiling(sum(aux$group == group1) * .2))) %>% select(pos))
aux$used <- " (100%)"
aux.used <- aux[aux$DNA.methylation.beta.value %in% val.used$DNA.methylation.beta.value,]
aux.used$used <- paste0(" (", minSubgroupFrac * 100, "%",")")
aux <- rbind(aux,aux.used)
aux$group <- paste0(aux$group, aux$used)
if(is.null(title)) title <- paste0("Boxplot DNA methylation (probe ", probe,")")
if(is.null(legend.col)) {
legend.col <- "used"
legend.title <- ""
} else {
legend.title <- legend.col
legend.col <- "legend"
p <- plot_ly(data = aux,
x = ~group,
y = ~DNA.methylation.beta.value,
color = ~eval(,
type = "box", boxpoints = "all", jitter = 0.3,
pointpos = -1.8) %>%
plotly::add_annotations( text=legend.title, xref="paper", yref="paper",
x=1.02, xanchor="left",
y=0.8, yanchor="bottom", # Same y as legend below
legendtitle=TRUE, showarrow=FALSE ) %>%
layout(title = title, boxmode = "group", xaxis = list(title = ""),
legend=list(y=0.8, yanchor="top" ),
font = list(size = 12),
showlegend = showlegend,
margin = list(
l = 100,
r = 300,
b = 100,
t = 100,
pad = 4
if (!requireNamespace("webshot", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("webshot package is needed for this function to work. Please install it and run webshot::install_phantomjs()",
call. = FALSE)
plotly::export(p, file = filename, vwidth = 992 , vheight = 744 )
message("Saved as ", filename)
} else {
#' Heatmap of pairs gene and probes anti-correlated
#' @description
#' Heatmp plot of pairs gene and probes anti-correlated
#' @param data A MultiAssayExperiment with a DNA methylation SummarizedExperiment (all probes) and a gene Expression SummarizedExperiment.
#' @param group.col A column from the sample matrix from the MultiAssayExperiment object. Accessed with colData(mae)
#' @param group1 A group from group.col. ELMER will run group1 vs group2.
#' That means, if direction is hyper, get probes
#' hypermethylated in group 1 compared to group 2.
#' @param group2 A group from group.col. ELMER will run group1 vs group2.
#' That means, if direction is hyper, get probes
#' hypermethylated in group 1 compared to group 2.
#' @param subset Subset MAE object to keep only groups compared ?
#' @param pairs List of probe and pair genes
#' @param annotation.col A vector of columns from the sample matrix from the MultiAssayExperiment object. Accessed with colData(mae)
#' to be added as annotation to the heatmap.
#' @param met.metadata A vector of metdatada columns available in the DNA methylation GRanges to should be added to the heatmap.
#' @param exp.metadata A vector of metdatada columns available in the Gene expression GRanges to should be added to the heatmap.
#' @param width Figure width
#' @param height Figure height
#' @param filename File names (.pdf) to save the file (i.e. "plot.pdf"). If NULL return plot.
#' @param cluster.within.groups Cluster columns based on the groups
#' @param plot.distNearestTSS Plot track with distNearestTSS ?
#' @return A heatmap
#' @import ComplexHeatmap circlize
#' @importFrom stats hclust dist
#' @importFrom grid unit.c grobWidth textGrob
#' @importFrom plyr ddply .
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges distanceToNearest
#' @importFrom grDevices png
#' @export
#' @author Tiago Chedraoui Silva (tiagochst at
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- ELMER:::getdata("")
#' group.col <- "subtype_Expression.Subtype"
#' group1 <- "classical"
#' group2 <- "secretory"
#' pairs <- data.frame(Probe = c("cg15924102","cg19403323", "cg22396959"),
#' GeneID = c("ENSG00000196878", "ENSG00000009790", "ENSG00000009790" ),
#' Symbol = c("TRAF3IP3","LAMB3","LAMB3"),
#' Distance = c(6017,168499,0),
#' Raw.p = c(0.001,0.00001,0.001),
#' Pe = c(0.001,0.00001,0.001))
#' heatmapPairs(data = data, group.col = group.col,
#' group1 = group1, group2 = group2,
#' annotation.col = c("ethnicity","vital_status","age_at_diagnosis"),
#' pairs, filename = "heatmap.pdf")
#' }
heatmapPairs <- function(data,
subset = FALSE,
cluster.within.groups = TRUE,
plot.distNearestTSS = FALSE,
annotation.col = NULL,
met.metadata = NULL,
exp.metadata = NULL,
width = 10,
height = 7,
filename = NULL) {
if(missing(data)) stop("Please set data argument")
if(missing(group.col)) stop("Please set group.col argument")
if(missing(pairs)) stop("Please set probe argument")
if((!"distNearestTSS" %in% colnames(pairs)) & plot.distNearestTSS) {
# For a given probe and gene find nearest TSS
pairs <- addDistNearestTSS(data, pairs)
if(!missing(group1) & subset){
data <- data[,colData(data)[,group.col] %in% c(group1, group2)]
# Remove pairs to be ploted if not found in the object
pairs <- pairs[pairs$Probe %in% rownames(getMet(data)),]
pairs <- pairs[pairs$GeneID %in% rownames(getExp(data)),]
meth <- assay(getMet(data))[pairs$Probe,]
exp <- assay(getExp(data))[pairs$GeneID,]
order <- NULL
cluster_columns <- TRUE
message("Ordering groups")
cluster_columns <- FALSE
order <- unlist(plyr::alply(as.character(unique(colData(data)[,group.col])), 1 , function(x) {
idx <- which([,group.col]))
} else {
idx <- which(colData(data)[,group.col] == x)
aux <- na.omit(meth[,idx])
order <- t(aux) %>% dist %>% hclust(method = "average")
# Create color
colors <- c("#6495ED", "#8B2323", "#458B74", "#7AC5CD",
"#4F4F4F", "#473C8B", "#00F5FF", "#CD6889",
"#B3EE3A", "#7B68EE", "#CDAF95", "#0F0F0F", "#FF7F00",
"#00008B", "#5F9EA0", "#F0FFFF", "#8B6969", "#9FB6CD", "#D02090",
"#FFFF00", "#104E8B", "#B22222", "#B3EE3A", "#FF4500", "#4F94CD",
"#40E0D0", "#F5FFFA", "#8B3A62", "#FF3030", "#FFFFFF",
"#FFE4E1", "#F5F5DC")
l <- length(unique(colData(data)[,c(group.col)]))
l.all <- l
col <- colors[1:l]
names(col) <- unique(colData(data)[,c(group.col)])
names(col)[] <- "NA"
col.list <- list()
col.list[[group.col]] <- col
for(i in annotation.col){
l <- length(unique(colData(data)[,c(i)]))
if(l == 1) next
p <- l/length(na.omit(colData(data)[,c(i)]))
# Is the variable non numeric ?
# i.e. entry might be purity lelels as character, while they represent a number
col.idx <- (l.all + 1):(l.all + l) %% (length(colors) + 1)
if(0 %in% col.idx) col.idx <- col.idx + 1
col <- colors[col.idx]
l.all <- l.all + l
n <- unique(colData(data)[,c(i)])
n[] <- "NA"
names(col) <- n
col.list[[i]] <- col
} else {
message("Considering variable ", i, " as numeric")
nb <- as.numeric(colData(data)[,c(i)])
colData(data)[,c(i)] <- nb
if(!all(na.omit(nb) >=0)){
col <- circlize::colorRamp2(c(min(nb,na.rm = T),
(max(nb,na.rm = T) + min(nb,na.rm = T))/2,
max(nb,na.rm = T)), c(colors[(l.all+1)],"white", colors[(l.all + 2)]))
l.all <- l.all + 2
} else {
col.list[[i]] <- col
col <- circlize::colorRamp2(c(min(nb,na.rm = T),max(nb,na.rm = T)), c("white", colors[(l.all+1):(l.all + 1)]))
l.all <- l.all + 1
col.list[[i]] <- col
# Annotation track
ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = colData(data)[,c(group.col,annotation.col),drop = F],
col = col.list,
show_annotation_name = TRUE,
border = TRUE,
annotation_name_side = "left",
annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 6))
ha2 = HeatmapAnnotation(df = colData(data)[,c(group.col,annotation.col),drop = F],
show_legend = F,
border = TRUE,
col = col.list)
ht_list <-
name = "DNA methylation level",
col = colorRamp2(c(0, 0.5, 1), c("darkblue", "white", "gold")),
column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
show_column_names = FALSE,
column_order = order,
show_row_names = TRUE,
use_raster = TRUE,
raster_device = c("png"),
raster_quality = 2,
cluster_columns = cluster_columns,
cluster_rows = TRUE,
row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 2),
top_annotation = ha,
column_title = "DNA methylation",
column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10),
row_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10))
if(!is.null(met.metadata)) {
for(i in met.metadata)
ht_list <- ht_list +
name = i,
use_raster = TRUE,
raster_device = c("png"),
raster_quality = 2,
width = unit(5, "mm"),
column_title = "",
show_column_names = F
ht_list <- ht_list +
Heatmap(t(apply(exp, 1, scale)),
name = "Expression (z-score)",
col = colorRamp2(c(-2, 0, 2), c("blue", "white", "red")),
top_annotation = ha2,
show_row_names = FALSE,
use_raster = TRUE,
raster_device = c("png"),
raster_quality = 2,
column_order = order,
cluster_columns = cluster_columns,
column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
show_column_names = FALSE,
column_title = "Expression",
column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10))
if(!is.null(exp.metadata)) {
for(i in exp.metadata)
ht_list <- ht_list +
name = i,
use_raster = TRUE,
raster_device = c("png"),
raster_quality = 2,
width = unit(5, "mm"),
column_title = "",
show_column_names = FALSE
ht_list <- ht_list +
Heatmap(log10(pairs$distNearestTSS + 1),
name = "log10(distNearestTSS + 1)",
width = unit(5, "mm"),
column_title = "",
show_column_names = FALSE,
use_raster = TRUE,
raster_device = c("png"),
raster_quality = 2,
col = colorRamp2(c(0, 8), c("white", "orange")),
heatmap_legend_param = list(at = log10(1 + c(0, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000,10000000,100000000)),
labels = c("0", "10bp", "100bp", "1kb", "10kb", "100kb", "1mb","10mb","100mb")))
ht_list <- ht_list +
ht_global_opt(legend_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10, fontface = "bold"),
legend_labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10))
if(is.null(filename)) return(ht_list)
padding = unit.c(unit(2, "mm"), grobWidth(textGrob(paste(rep("a",max(nchar(c(group.col,annotation.col)))/1.5), collapse = ""))) - unit(1, "cm"),
unit(c(2, 2), "mm"))
if(grepl("\\.pdf",filename)) {
message("Saving as PDF")
pdf(filename, width = width, height = height)
if(grepl("\\.png",filename)) {
message("Saving as PNG")
if(width < 100) width <- 1000
if(height < 100) height <- 1000
png(filename, width = width, height = height)
#padding = padding,
newpage = TRUE,
column_title = "Correspondence between probe DNA methylation and distal gene expression",
column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 12, fontface = "bold"),
annotation_legend_side = "right")
#' @title Heatmap for correlation between probes DNA methylation and a single gene expression.
#' @description
#' This heatmap will sort samples by their gene expression and show the DNA methylation levels of the paired probes to that gene.
#' If no pairs are given, nearest probes will be selected.
#' To use this function you MAE object (input data) will need all probes and not only the distal ones.
#' This plot can be used to evaluate promoter, and intro, exons regions and closer distal probes of a gene to verify if their
#' DNA methylation level is affecting the gene expression
#' @param data A MultiAssayExperiment with a DNA methylation SummarizedExperiment (all probes) and a gene Expression SummarizedExperiment.
#' @param group.col A column from the sample matrix from the MultiAssayExperiment object. Accessed with colData(mae)
#' @param group1 A group from group.col. ELMER will run group1 vs group2.
#' That means, if direction is hyper, get probes
#' hypermethylated in group 1 compared to group 2.
#' @param group2 A group from group.col. ELMER will run group1 vs group2.
#' That means, if direction is hyper, get probes
#' hypermethylated in group 1 compared to group 2.
#' @param pairs List of probe and pair genes
#' @param GeneSymbol Gene Symbol
#' @param annotation.col A vector of columns from the sample matrix from the MultiAssayExperiment object. Accessed with colData(mae)
#' to be added as annotation to the heatmap
#' @param met.metadata A vector of metdatada columns available in the DNA methylation GRanges to should be added to the heatmap.
#' @param exp.metadata A vector of metdatada columns available in the Gene expression GRanges to should be added to the heatmap.
#' @param scatter.plot Plot scatter plots
#' @param correlation.method Correlation method: Pearson or sperman
#' @param correlation.table save table with spearman correlation analysis ?
#' @param numFlankingGenes numFlankingGenes to plot.
#' @param Filter probes to plot based on probes annotation
#' @param dir.out Where to save the plots
#' @param width Figure width
#' @param height Figure height
#' @param scatter.plot.width Scatter plot width
#' @param scatter.plot.height Scatter plot height
#' @param filename File names (.pdf) to save the file (i.e. "plot.pdf"). If NULL return plot.
#' @return A heatmap
#' @import ComplexHeatmap circlize
#' @importFrom stats hclust dist
#' @importFrom grid unit.c grobWidth textGrob
#' @importFrom plyr ddply .
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges distanceToNearest
#' @importFrom grDevices png
#' @importFrom ggpubr ggscatter stat_cor
#' @importFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
#' @author Tiago Chedraoui Silva (tiagochst at
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- ELMER:::getdata("")
#' group.col <- "subtype_Expression.Subtype"
#' group1 <- "classical"
#' group2 <- "secretory"
#' pairs <- data.frame(ID = c("cg15924102","cg19403323", "cg22396959"),
#' GeneID = c("ENSG00000196878", "ENSG00000009790", "ENSG00000009790" ),
#' Symbol = c("TRAF3IP3","LAMB3","LAMB3"),
#' Side = c("R1","L1","R3"),
#' Distance = c(6017,168499,0),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' heatmapGene(data = data,
#' group.col = group.col,
#' group1 = group1,
#' group2 = group2,
#' pairs = pairs,
#' GeneSymbol = "LAMB3",
#' height = 5,
#' annotation.col = c("ethnicity","vital_status"),
#' filename = "heatmap.pdf")
#' \dontrun{
#' heatmapGene(data = data,
#' group.col = group.col,
#' group1 = group1,
#' group2 = group2,
#' GeneSymbol = "ACP6",
#' annotation.col = c("ethnicity","vital_status"),
#' filename = "heatmap_closer_probes.pdf")
#' }
heatmapGene <- function(data,
scatter.plot = FALSE,
correlation.method = "pearson",
correlation.table = FALSE,
annotation.col = NULL,
met.metadata = NULL,
exp.metadata = NULL,
dir.out = ".", = TRUE,
numFlankingGenes = 10,
width = 10,
height = 10,
scatter.plot.width = 10,
scatter.plot.height = 10,
filename = NULL) {
if(missing(data)) stop("Please set data argument")
if(missing(group.col)) stop("Please set group.col argument")
if(missing(GeneSymbol)) stop("Please set GeneSymbol argument")
dir.create(dir.out,showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# Probe and gene info <- rowRanges(getMet(data)) # 450K and hg38 <- rowRanges(getExp(data))
gene.location <-[$external_gene_name == GeneSymbol,]
if(length(gene.location) == 0) {
message("Gene not found: ", GeneSymbol)
# If pairs are missing we will select the probes that are closer to the gene
if(missing(pairs)) {
# Get closer genes <-[$external_gene_name == GeneSymbol,]
gene.follow <-[follow(,,ignore.strand=T),]$external_gene_name %>% as.character
gene.precede <-[precede(,,ignore.strand=T),]$external_gene_name %>% as.character <-[$external_gene_name %in% c(gene.follow,gene.precede,GeneSymbol),]
# Get the regions of the 2 nearest genes, we will get all probes on those regions
regions <- data.frame(
chrom = unique(as.character(seqnames(,
start = min(start(,
end = max(end( %>%
p <- names(sort(subsetByOverlaps(, regions, ignore.strand = TRUE)))
if(length(p) == 0) stop("No probes close to the gene were found")
pairs <- ELMER::GetNearGenes(probes = p,
data = data,
numFlankingGenes = numFlankingGenes)
pairs <- pairs[pairs$Symbol %in% GeneSymbol,]
pairs <- addDistNearestTSS(data, pairs) %>% na.omit
p <- rev(names(sort([p], ignore.strand=TRUE)))
pairs <- pairs[match(p,pairs$ID),] %>% na.omit
if (!requireNamespace("sesameData", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("sesameData is needed. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
metadata <- sesameData::sesameDataGet("HM450.hg19.manifest")
probes.annotation <- names(metadata[grep(GeneSymbol,metadata$gene_HGNC),])
pairs <- pairs[pairs$ID %in% probes.annotation,]
if(correlation.table == T){
if(correlation.method == "spearman"){ <- plyr::adply(pairs$ID,1,function(x){
met <- assay(getMet(data)[x,])
exp <- assay(getExp(data)[gene.location$ensembl_gene_id,])
ret <- cor.test(x = met[which(!],
y = exp[which(!],
method = "spearman",
exact = TRUE)
tibble::tibble("rho" = ret$estimate, "p.value" = ret$p.value)
},.id = NULL)$FDR <- p.adjust($p.value, method = "fdr") <- paste0(dir.out,"spearman_correlation_",GeneSymbol,"_vs_near_probes.tsv")
message("Saving spearman correlation table as: ",
write_tsv(cbind([,c(1:3,6)],,path =
} else if(correlation.method == "pearson"){ <- plyr::adply(pairs$ID,1,function(x){
met <- assay(getMet(data)[x,])
exp <- assay(getExp(data)[gene.location$ensembl_gene_id,])
ret <- cor.test(x = met[which(!],
y = exp[which(!],
method = "pearson",
exact = TRUE)
tibble::tibble("cor" = ret$estimate, "p.value" = ret$p.value)
},.id = NULL)$FDR <- p.adjust($p.value, method = "fdr") <- paste0(dir.out,"/pearson_correlation_",GeneSymbol,"_vs_near_probes.tsv")
message("Saving pearson correlation table as: ",
write_tsv(cbind([,c(1:3,6)],,path =
# Save probe gene scatter plot
probes <- unique(pairs$ID)
gene <- gene.location$ensembl_gene_id
met <- melt(t(assay(getMet(data)[probes,])))
met$Var1 <- substr(met$Var1,1,16)
met <- merge(met,colData(data)[,c("sample",group.col)], by.x = "Var1",by.y = "sample")
exp <- melt(t(assay(getExp(data)[gene,])))
exp$Var1 <- substr(exp$Var1,1,16)
df <- merge(met,exp,by = "Var1")
colnames(df) <- c("Patient","probe","Methylation",group.col,"Gene","Expression")
p <- ggscatter(,
x = "Methylation",
y = "Expression",
size = 0.7,
#palette = "uchicago", = "probe",
color = group.col
#shape = 21, size = 3, # Points color, shape and size
#add = "reg.line", # Add regressin line
#add.params = list(color = "blue", fill = "lightgray"), # Customize reg. line = TRUE, # Add confidence interval
#cor.coef = TRUE, # Add correlation coefficient. see ?stat_cor
#cor.coeff.args = list(method = "pearson", label.x = 0, label.sep = "\n")
) + stat_cor(method = correlation.method, label.x = 0) +
labs(x = expression(paste("DNA methylation - ",beta, "-value")),
y = expression(paste("Gene Expression - ",Log[2],"(FPKM + 1)"))) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=5))) <- paste0(dir.out,"/scatter_plot_pearson_correlation_",GeneSymbol,"_vs_near_probes.pdf")
ggsave(,plot = p,
width = scatter.plot.width,
height = scatter.plot.height)
for(p in pairs$ID){
scatter.plot(data = data,
byPair = list(probe = p,
gene = gene.location$ensembl_gene_id),
category = group.col,
dir.out = dir.out,
width = 5,
height = 4,
save = TRUE,
correlation = TRUE,
lm_line = TRUE)
if(!GeneSymbol %in% unique(pairs$Symbol)) stop("GeneID not in the pairs")
pairs <- pairs[pairs$Symbol == GeneSymbol,]
if(!"distNearestTSS" %in% colnames(pairs)) {
# For a given probe and gene find nearest TSS
pairs <- addDistNearestTSS(data, pairs)
if(!(missing(group1) & missing(group2))){
data <- data[,colData(data)[,group.col] %in% c(group1, group2)]
strand.factor <- ifelse($strand == "+",1,-1)
pairs$DistanceTSSwithSignal <- pairs$DistanceTSS * ifelse(grepl("R",pairs$Side),1,-1) * strand.factor
meth <- assay(getMet(data))[pairs$ID,,drop = FALSE]
rownames(meth) <- paste0(pairs$ID, " (Dist.TSS ",pairs$DistanceTSSwithSignal,")")
exp <- assay(getExp(data))[unique(pairs$GeneID),,drop = FALSE]
# Ordering the heatmap
# Split data into the two groups and sort samples by the expression of the gene
if(!(missing(group1) & missing(group2))){
idx1 <- which(colData(data)[,group.col] == group1)
aux <- na.omit(exp[,idx1])
dist1 <- sort(aux, index.return = T)$ix
idx2 <- which(colData(data)[,group.col] == group2)
aux <- na.omit(exp[,idx2])
dist2 <- sort(aux, index.return = T)$ix
order <- c(idx1[dist1],idx2[dist2])
} else {
aux <- na.omit(exp)
dist1 <- sort(aux, index.return = T)$ix
order <- dist1
# Create color
colors <- c("#6495ED", "#22b315", "#458B74", "#ffe300",
"#ff0000", "#473C8B", "#00F5FF", "#CD6889",
"#B3EE3A", "#7B68EE", "#CDAF95", "#0F0F0F", "#FF7F00",
"#00008B", "#5F9EA0", "#F0FFFF", "#8B6969", "#9FB6CD", "#D02090",
"#FFFF00", "#104E8B", "#B22222", "#B3EE3A", "#FF4500", "#4F94CD",
"#40E0D0", "#F5FFFA", "#8B3A62", "#FF3030", "#FFFFFF")
l <- length(unique(colData(data)[,c(group.col)]))
l.all <- l
col <- colors[1:l]
names(col) <- unique(colData(data)[,c(group.col)])
col.list <- list()
col.list[[group.col]] <- col
for(i in annotation.col){
l <- length(unique(colData(data)[,c(i)]))
if(l < 10){
if(l.all + l <= length(colors)) {
col <- colors[(l.all+1):(l.all + l)]
l.all <- l.all + l
} else {
col <- colors[c((l.all+1):length(colors),1 + (l.all + l)%%length(colors))]
l.all <- (l.all + l)%%30
n <- unique(colData(data)[,c(i)])
n[] <- "NA"
names(col) <- n
col.list[[i]] <- col
} else {
message("Considering variable ", i, " as numeric")
nb <- as.numeric(colData(data)[,c(i)])
colData(data)[,c(i)] <- nb
if(!all(na.omit(nb) >= 0)){
col <- circlize::colorRamp2(c(min(nb,na.rm = T),
(max(nb,na.rm = T) + min(nb,na.rm = T))/2,
max(nb,na.rm = T)), c(colors[(l.all+1)],"white", colors[(l.all + 2)]))
l.all <- l.all + 2
} else {
col.list[[i]] <- col
col <- circlize::colorRamp2(c(min(nb,na.rm = T),max(nb,na.rm = T)), c("white", colors[(l.all+1):(l.all + 1)]))
l.all <- l.all + 1
col.list[[i]] <- col
# Annotation track
ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = colData(data)[,c(group.col,annotation.col),drop = F],
col = col.list,
show_annotation_name = TRUE,
annotation_name_side = "left",
annotation_height = unit(c(rep(0.5,length(annotation.col) + 1), 3), "cm"),
GeneExpression = anno_points(as.numeric(exp), size = unit(0.5, "mm"),axis = T, axis_side ="right"),
annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 6))
bottom_annotation_height = unit(3, "cm")
ha2 = HeatmapAnnotation(df = colData(data)[,c(group.col,annotation.col),drop = FALSE],
show_legend = FALSE,
col = col.list)
ht_list =
name = "DNA methylation level",
col = colorRamp2(c(0, 0.5, 1), c("darkblue", "white", "gold")),
column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 5),
show_column_names = FALSE,
column_order = order,
show_row_names = TRUE,
cluster_columns = FALSE,
row_names_side = "left",
cluster_rows = FALSE,
row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
top_annotation = ha,
column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10),
row_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10))
if(!is.null(met.metadata)) {
for(i in met.metadata)
ht_list <- ht_list +
name = i,
width = unit(5, "mm"),
column_title = "",
show_column_names = FALSE
if(!is.null(exp.metadata)) {
for(i in exp.metadata)
ht_list <- ht_list +
name = i,
width = unit(5, "mm"),
column_title = "",
show_column_names = F
ht_list <- ht_list +
ht_opt(legend_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10, fontface = "bold"),
legend_labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10))
if(is.null(filename)) return(ht_list)
padding = unit.c(unit(2, "mm"), grobWidth(textGrob(paste(rep("a",max(nchar(c(group.col,annotation.col)))/1.15), collapse = ""))) - unit(1, "cm"),
unit(c(2, 2), "mm"))
if(grepl("\\.pdf",filename)) {
message("Saving as PDF: ",sprintf("%s/%s",dir.out,filename))
pdf(sprintf("%s/%s",dir.out,filename), width = width, height = height)
if(grepl("\\.png",filename)) {
message("Saving as PNG: ", sprintf("%s/%s",dir.out,filename))
if(width < 100) width <- 1000
if(height < 100) height <- 1000
png(sprintf("%s/%s",dir.out,filename), width = width, height = height)
draw(ht_list, padding = padding, newpage = TRUE,
column_title = paste0("Correspondence between probe DNA methylation and ", GeneSymbol," expression"),
column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 12, fontface = "bold"),
annotation_legend_side = "right",
heatmap_legend_side = "right")
#' @title Create a junction track for IGV visualization of interection
#' @description
#' Create a junction track for IGV visualization of interection
#' @param pairs A data frame output from getPairs function
#' @param filename Filename (".bed")
#' @param met.platform DNA methyaltion platform to retrieve data from: EPIC or 450K (default)
#' @param genome Which genome build will be used: hg38 (default) or hg19.
#' @param color.track A color for the track (i.e blue, red,#272E6A)
#' @param gene.symbol Filter pairs to a single gene.
#' @param Track name
#' @param all.tss A logical. If TRUE it will link probes to all TSS of a gene (transcript level), if FALSE
#' it will link to the promoter region of a gene (gene level).
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @export
#' @author Tiago Chedraoui Silva (tiagochst at
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- ELMER:::getdata("")
#' nearGenes <-GetNearGenes(TRange=getMet(data)[c("cg00329272","cg10097755"),],
#' geneAnnot=getExp(data))
#' Hypo.pair <- get.pair(data=data,
#' nearGenes=nearGenes,
#' permu.size=5,
#' group.col = "definition",
#' group1 = "Primary solid Tumor",
#' group2 = "Solid Tissue Normal",
#' raw.pvalue = 0.2,
#' Pe = 0.2,
#' dir.out="./",
#' label= "hypo")
#' createIGVtrack(Hypo.pair,met.platform = "450K", genome = "hg38")
#' }
createIGVtrack <- function(pairs,
met.platform = "450K",
genome = "hg38",
filename = "ELMER_interactions.bed",
color.track = "black", = "junctions",
gene.symbol = NULL,
all.tss = TRUE){
tss <- getTSS(genome = genome)
tss <- tibble::as.tibble(tss)
} else {
tss <- get.GRCh(genome = genome,as.granges = TRUE)
tss <- tibble::as.tibble(promoters(tss,upstream = 0,downstream = 0))
tss$transcription_start_site <- tss$start
if(!is.null(gene.symbol)) {
if(!gene.symbol %in% pairs$Symbol) stop("Gene link with that gene symbol")
pairs <- pairs[pairs$Symbol == gene.symbol,]
met.metadata <- getInfiniumAnnotation(plat = met.platform,genome = genome)
met.metadata <-,row.names = names(met.metadata))
met.metadata$Probe <- rownames(met.metadata)
pairs <- merge(pairs, tss, by.x = "GeneID", by.y = "ensembl_gene_id",all.x = TRUE) %>%
merge(met.metadata, by = "Probe", all.x = TRUE)
pairs$ID <- paste0(pairs$Probe, ".", pairs$Symbol)
pairs$geneCordinates <- paste0(0,",",pairs$width.x)
pairs$strand <- "*"
pairs$Raw.p <- as.integer(4)
pairs$RGB <- paste(col2rgb(color.track)[,1],collapse = ",")
pairs$block_counts <- 2
pairs$block_sizes <- "0,0"
# [seqname] [start] [end] [id] [score] [strand]
# [thickStart] [thickEnd] [r,g,b] [block_count] [block_sizes] [block_locations]
pairs <- pairs[,c("seqnames.y", # [seqname]
"start.y", # [start] # probe
"transcription_start_site", # [end]
"ID", # ID
"Raw.p", # Depth
"strand", # Strand
"start.x", # thickStart
"end.x", # thickEnd
"RGB", # color
"block_counts", # block_count
"block_sizes", # block_sizes
"block_counts")] # block_locations
pairs <- na.omit(pairs)
header <- paste0('track name="',,'" graphType=junctions')
unlink(filename,force = TRUE)
cat(header,file = filename,sep="\n",append = TRUE)
readr::write_delim(pairs, path = filename, append = TRUE)
#' @title Create a bigwig file for IGV visualization of DNA methylation data (Array)
#' @description
#' Create a bigwig for IGV visualization of DNA methylation data (Array)
#' @param data A matrix
#' @param genome Which genome build will be used: hg38 (default) or hg19.
#' @param met.platform DNA methyaltion platform to retrieve data from: EPIC or 450K (default)
#' @param track.names Provide a list of track names (.bw) otherwise the deault is the will be {samples}.bw
#' @param dir Which directory files will be saved
#' @importFrom plyr a_ply
#' @importFrom rtracklayer export.wig
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb Seqinfo
#' @export
#' @author Tiago Chedraoui Silva (tiagochst at
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- assay(getMet(ELMER:::getdata("")))
#' createBigWigDNAmetArray(data = data, met.platform = "450K", genome = "hg38")
#' }
createBigWigDNAmetArray <- function(data = NULL,
genome = "hg38",
met.platform = "450K",
track.names = NULL,
dir = "IGV_tracks"){
# where we will save the several tracks
dir.create(dir,recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
# get genomic information for array
message("Preparing array metadata")
metadata <- getInfiniumAnnotation(plat = met.platform,genome = genome)
metadata <- metadata[!metadata$MASK_general,]
values(metadata) <- NULL
metadata$score <- NA
strand(metadata) <- "*"
metadata <- keepStandardChromosomes(metadata, pruning.mode="coarse")
seqinfo(metadata) <- Seqinfo(genome=genome) %>% keepStandardChromosomes
message("Creating bigwig tracks")
# for each samples create the track
plyr::a_ply(colnames(data),1,.fun = function(sample){
idx <- which(sample == colnames(data))
metadata <- metadata[names(metadata) %in% rownames(data),]
data <- data[rownames(data) %in% names(metadata),]
met <- data[,sample]
metadata$score <- met[match(names(metadata),rownames(data))]
metadata <- metadata[!$score),]
if(!is.null(track.names)) {
filename <- file.path(dir,track.names[idx])
} else {
filename <- file.path(dir,paste0(sample,".bw"))
message("\nSaving: ", filename) = metadata,con = filename)
},.progress = "time")
#' @title Creating matrix for MR TF heatmap
#' @description Code used to create matrix for MR TF heatmap
#' @param dir Vector ofr directory with results
#' @param classification Consider family or subfamily
#' @param top Consider only top 1 within each (sub)family
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' elmer.results <- dirname(
#' dir(path = "analysis",
#' pattern = "*.hypo.pairs.significant.csv",
#' recursive = T,
#' full.names = T,
#' all.files = T))
#' tabs <- get.tabs(dir = elmer.results, classification = "subfamily")
#' }
get.tabs <- function(dir, classification = "family", top = TRUE){
tab <-,classification,top = top)
tab.pval <-,classification,tab,top = top)
tab.or <-,classification,tab,top = top)
tf.or.table <-,classification,tab,top = top)
return(list("tab" = tab,
"tab.pval" = tab.pval,
"tab.or" = tab.or,
"tf.or.table" = tf.or.table))
#' @title summarize MR TF as a binary table with 1 if TF
#' was found in the analysis, 0 if not
#' @param dir Directory with ELMER results
#' @param classification Which columns to retrieve family or subfamily
#' @param top Consider only top 1 within each (sub)family
#' @importFrom dplyr full_join as_data_frame
#' @importFrom purrr reduce
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dir.create("out")
#' dir.create("out2")
#' data <- tryCatch(
#' ELMER:::getdata(""),
#' error = function(e) {
#' message(e)
#' data(, envir = environment())
#' })
#' enriched.motif <- list("P53_HUMAN.H11MO.1.A"= c("cg00329272", "cg10097755", "cg08928189",
#' "cg17153775", "cg21156590", "cg19749688", "cg12590404",
#' "cg24517858", "cg00329272", "cg09010107", "cg15386853",
#' "cg10097755", "cg09247779", "cg09181054"))
#' TF <- get.TFs(data,
#' enriched.motif,
#' group.col = "definition",
#' group1 = "Primary solid Tumor",
#' group2 = "Solid Tissue Normal",
#' TFs = data.frame(
#' external_gene_name=c("TP53","TP63","TP73"),
#' ensembl_gene_id= c("ENSG00000141510",
#' "ENSG00000073282",
#' "ENSG00000078900"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
#' dir.out = "out",
#' label="hypo")
#' TF <- get.TFs(data,
#' enriched.motif,
#' group.col = "definition",
#' group1 = "Primary solid Tumor",
#' group2 = "Solid Tissue Normal",
#' TFs = data.frame(
#' external_gene_name=c("TP53","TP63","TP73"),
#' ensembl_gene_id= c("ENSG00000141510",
#' "ENSG00000073282",
#' "ENSG00000078900"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
#' dir.out = "out2",
#' label="hypo")
#' <- = c("out","out2"),classification = "family")
#' ta.subfamily <- = c("out","out2"),classification = "subfamily")
#' unlink("out")
#' unlink("out2")
#' } <- function(dir,classification, top = TRUE){
message("o Creating TF binary matrix")
tab <- lapply(dir,
function(x) {
ret <- summarizeTF(path = x,
classification = classification,
top = top)
if(is.null(ret)) return(NULL)
colnames(ret)[2] <- x
tab <- tab[which(unlist(lapply(tab,function(x){!is.null(x)})))]
if(length(tab) == 0) {
message("No MR TF for classification ", classification)
tab <- purrr::reduce(tab,dplyr::full_join)
tab[tab == "x"] <- 1
tab[] <- 0
rownames(tab) <- tab$TF
tab$TF <- NULL
for(i in 1:ncol(tab)){
tab[,i] <- as.numeric(tab[,i])
tab <- tab[rowSums(tab) > 0,,drop = FALSE]
#' @importFrom tidyr separate_rows gather <- function(dir, classification, tab, top = TRUE){
col <- ifelse(classification == "family","", "potential.TF.subfamily")
if(top) col <- paste0("top.",col)
message("o Creating TF OR matrix")
# For each of those analysis get the enriched motifs and the MR TFs.
tab.or <- plyr::adply(dir,
.margins = 1,
TF <- readr::read_csv(dir(path = path, pattern = ".significant.TFs.with.motif.summary.csv",
recursive = T,full.names = T),col_types = readr::cols())
motif <- readr::read_csv(dir(path = path, pattern = ".motif.enrichment.csv",
recursive = T,full.names = T),col_types = readr::cols())
z <- tidyr::separate_rows(TF, col, convert = TRUE,sep = ";") %>% dplyr::full_join(motif)
z <- z[order(-z$OR),] # Drecreasing order of OR
OR <- z[match(rownames(tab),z[[col]]),] %>% pull(OR)
},.id = NULL
tab.or <- t(tab.or)
rownames(tab.or) <- rownames(tab)
colnames(tab.or) <- colnames(tab)
#' @importFrom tidyr separate_rows gather <- function(dir,classification,tab, top = TRUE){
col <- ifelse(classification == "family","", "potential.TF.subfamily")
if(top) col <- paste0("top.",col)
message("o Creating TF FDR matrix")
# For each of those analysis get the correlation pvalue of MR TFs exp vs Avg DNA met. of inferred TFBS.
tab.pval <- plyr::adply(dir,
.margins = 1,
TF <- readr::read_csv(dir(path = path,
pattern = ".significant.TFs.with.motif.summary.csv",
recursive = T,full.names = T),col_types = readr::cols())
motif <- readr::read_csv(dir(path = path,
pattern = ".motif.enrichment.csv",
recursive = T,full.names = T),col_types = readr::cols())
# For each TF breaks into lines (P53;P63) will create two lines. Then merge with motif to get OR value
z <- tidyr::separate_rows(TF, col, convert = TRUE,sep = ";") %>% dplyr::full_join(motif)
z <- z[order(-z$OR),] # Drecreasing order of OR
colnames(z)[grep(paste0("^",col),colnames(z))] <- "TF"
motif <- z[match(rownames(tab),z$TF),] %>% pull(motif) # get higher OR for that TF binding
TF.meth.cor <- get(load(dir(path = path, pattern = ".TFs.with.motif.pvalue.rda", recursive = T, full.names = T)))
TF.meth.cor <- cbind(TF.meth.cor,TF = rownames(TF.meth.cor))
TF.meth.cor <- dplyr::as_data_frame(TF.meth.cor)
# Create table TF, motif, FDR
TF.meth.cor <- TF.meth.cor %>% tidyr::gather(key = motif, value = FDR, -TF)
# get FDR for TF and motif
FDR <- TF.meth.cor[match(paste0(rownames(tab),motif),paste0(TF.meth.cor$TF,TF.meth.cor$motif)),] %>% dplyr::pull(FDR)
},.id = NULL
tab.pval <- t(tab.pval)
rownames(tab.pval) <- rownames(tab)
colnames(tab.pval) <- colnames(tab)
#' @importFrom DelayedArray rowMins <- function(tab.pval,top = 5){
labels <- c()
for(i in 1:ncol(tab.pval)){
labels <- sort(
rownames(tab.pval)[head(sort(DelayedArray::rowMins(tab.pval[,i,drop = F],na.rm = T),
index.return = TRUE,
decreasing = F)$ix,
n = top)]
} <-function(dir,classification,tab, top = TRUE){
col <- ifelse(classification == "family","", "potential.TF.subfamily")
if(top) col <- paste0("top.",col)
tf.or.table <- plyr::adply(dir,
.margins = 1,
TF <- readr::read_csv(dir(path = path,
pattern = ".significant.TFs.with.motif.summary.csv",
recursive = T,full.names = T),
col_types = readr::cols())
motif <- readr::read_csv(dir(path = path,
pattern = ".motif.enrichment.csv",
recursive = T,full.names = T),
col_types = readr::cols())
# For each TF breaks into lines (P53;P63) will create two lines. Then merge with motif to get OR value
z <- tidyr::separate_rows(TF, col, convert = TRUE,sep = ";") %>% dplyr::full_join(motif)
z <- z[order(-z$OR),] # Drecreasing order of OR
colnames(z)[grep(paste0("^",col),colnames(z))] <- "TF"
motif <- z[match(rownames(tab),z$TF),] %>% pull(motif) # get higher OR for that TF binding
TF.meth.cor <- get(load(dir(path = path,
pattern = ".TFs.with.motif.pvalue.rda",
recursive = T, full.names = T))
TF.meth.cor <- cbind(TF.meth.cor,TF = rownames(TF.meth.cor))
TF.meth.cor <- dplyr::as_data_frame(TF.meth.cor)
# Create table TF, motif, FDR
TF.meth.cor <- TF.meth.cor %>% tidyr::gather(key = "motif", value = "FDR", -TF)
TF.meth.cor$FDR <- as.numeric(TF.meth.cor$FDR)
TF.meth.cor <- TF.meth.cor[order(TF.meth.cor$FDR,decreasing = F),]
TF.meth.cor <- TF.meth.cor[
paste0(TF.meth.cor$TF,TF.meth.cor$motif)),] %>%
TF.meth.cor$analysis <- path
},.id = NULL
tf.or.table <- tf.or.table[order(tf.or.table$FDR,decreasing = F),]
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