alignReads | Align reads against genome |
alignReadsChunk | Genomic alignment |
analyzeVariants | Calculate and process Variants |
annotateVariants | Annotate variants via vep |
bamCountUniqueReads | Uniquely count number of reads in bam file |
buildConfig | Build a configuration file based on a list of parameters |
buildGenomicFeaturesFromTxDb | Build genomic features from a TxDb object |
buildShortReadReports | Build a ShortRead report |
buildTallyParam | Build tally parameters |
buildTP53FastaGenome | buildTP53FastaGenome |
buildTP53GenomeTemplate | buildTP53GenomeTemplate |
calculateCoverage | Calculate read coverage |
calculateTargetLengths | Plot target length for paired end |
callVariantsGATK | Variant calling via GATK |
checkConfig | Check configuration |
checkGATKJar | Check for the GATK jar file |
checkPicardJar | checkPicardJar |
computeBamStats | Compute record statistics from a bam file |
computeCoverage | Compute the coverage vector given a bamfile |
countFeatures | Count RNA-Seq Pipeline Genomic Features |
countGenomicFeatures | Count overlaps with genomic features |
countGenomicFeaturesChunk | Count reads by genomic Feature |
createTmpDir | Create a random directory with prefix in R temp dir |
detectAdapterContam | Detect sequencing adapter contamination |
detectQualityInFASTQFile | Detect quality protocol from a FASTQ file |
detectRRNA | Detect rRNA Contamination in Reads |
excludeVariantsByRegions | Filter variants by regions |
FastQStreamer.getReads | Get FastQ reads from the FastQ streamer |
FastQStreamer.init | Open a streaming connection to a FastQ file |
FastQStreamer.release | Close the FastQStreamer |
filterByLength | Filter reads by length |
filterQuality | Filter reads by quality |
findVariantFile | Get a vcf filename given a HTSeqGenie directory |
gatk | gatk |
generateSingleGeneDERs | generateSingleGeneDERs |
getAdapterSeqs | Read list of Illumina adapter seqs from package data |
getBams | Get bam files of a pipeline run |
getChunkDirs | Get the list of chunk directories |
getConfig | Get a configuration parameter |
getConfig.integer | Check if a config parameter is an integer |
getConfig.logical | Check if a config parameter has a logical value |
getConfig.numeric | Check if a config parameter is a numeric |
getConfig.vector | Return values of a config variable as vector |
getEndNumber | Get Read End Number |
getMemoryUsage | Returns memory usage in bytes |
getNumberOfReadsInFASTQFile | Count reads in Fastq file |
getNumericVectorDataFromFile | Load data as numerical values |
getObjectFilename | Get a filename given a directory and the object name |
getPackageFile | Get a package file |
getRandomAlignCutoff | Estimate an adapter alignment cutoff score |
getRRNAIds | Detect reads that look like rRNA |
getTabDataFromFile | Load tabular data from the NGS pipeline result directory |
getTraceback | Get traceback from tryKeepTraceback() |
hashCoverage | Hashing function for coverage |
hashVariants | Hashing function for variants |
hashVector | Hashing function for vector |
HTSeqGenie | Package overview |
initDirs | Set up NGS output dir |
initLog | Initialize the logger |
initLogger | Init loggers |
initPipelineFromConfig | Init pipeline environment |
initPipelineFromSaveDir | Init Pipeline environment from previous run |
isAboveQualityThresh | Check for high quality reads |
isAdapter | Detect adapter contamination |
isConfig | Test the presence of the parameter in the current config |
isFirstFragment | Does a SAM flag indicate the first fragment |
isSparse | isSparse |
listIterator.init | Create a iterator on a list | | Get reads from the listIterator |
loadConfig | Load configuration file |
logdebug | Log debug using the logging package |
logerror | Log info using the logging package |
loginfo | Log info using the logging package |
logwarn | Log warning using the logging package |
makeDir | Make a directory after performing an existence check |
makeRandomSreads | Generate a couple if random ShortReadQ, intended for testing |
markDuplicates | markDuplicates |
markDups | markDups |
mergeAlignReads | Merge after alignReads |
mergeCoverage | Merge coverage files |
mergeLanes | Merge input lanes |
mergePreprocessReads | Merge after preprocessReads |
mergeSummaryAlignment | Merge summary alignments |
parseDCF | Read and parse a configuration file |
parseSummaries | parse summary files from save dirs |
picard | picard |
plotDF | Make continuous plots of distribution function |
preprocessReads | Pipeline preprocessing |
preprocessReadsChunk | Preprocess a chunk |
processChunks | Process chunk in the pipeline framework |
readInputFiles | Read FastQ input files |
readRNASeqEnds | Read single/paired End Bam Files |
realignIndels | realignIndels |
realignIndelsGATK | Realign indels via GATK |
relativeBarPlot | Make relative bar plots |
removeChunkDir | Remove chunk directories |
resource | Reload package source code |
rpkm | Calculate RPKM |
runAlignment | Runs the read alignment step of the pipeline |
runPipeline | Run the NGS analysis pipeline |
runPipelineConfig | Run the NGS analysis pipeline |
runPreprocessReads | Run the preprocesing steps of the pipeline |
safeExecute | Execute function in try catch with trace function |
safeGetObject | Safely load a R data file |
safeUnlink | safeUnlink |
safe.yield | Overloaded yield(...) method catching truncated exceptions... |
saveWithID | Save an R object |
sclapply | Scheduled parallel processing |
setChunkDir | Set the base directory for the chunks |
setUpDirs | Create output directory and subdirectories for sequencing... |
setupTestFramework | setup test framework |
statCountFeatures | Compute statistics on count features |
TP53GenomicFeatures | Demo genomic features around the TP53 gene |
traceMem | Show memory usage |
trimReads | Trim/truncate a set of reads |
trimTailsByQuality | Trim off low quality tail |
truncateReads | Trim/truncate a set of reads |
tryKeepTraceback | Wrapper around try-catch |
updateConfig | Update the existing config |
vcfStat | Compute stats on a VCF file |
wrap.callVariants | Variant calling |
writeAudit | Write Session information |
writeConfig | Write a config file |
writeFastQFiles | Write reads to file |
writeFeatureCountsHTML | writeFeatureCountsHTML |
writeGenomicFeaturesReport | Generate pipeline report |
writePreprocessAlignHTML | writePreprocessAlignHTML |
writePreprocessAlignReport | Generate Pipeline Report |
writeSummary | Write HTML summary |
writeVCF | writeVCF |
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