
Defines functions .getEnsemblInfo .annotatedVariants_to_dataFrame .plotVariants

.plotVariants <- function(data, gene, transcript, bmExons, bmGene, bmReturn, regions, mutationInfo, groupBy, horiz, cex, title, legend){

  ## When sorting by position, take care that different mutations at the same position will not be in the same group
  ## Therefore, combine the position with the mutation type
  if(groupBy == "pos"){
    groupBy = "groups"
    data$groups = paste(data$pos, data$mutation, sep="_")
  data = data[order(data[, groupBy]), ]
  ## parameter horiz stands for horizontal alignment of a group of mutations a single position
  ## if horiz is false, these mutations will be plotted vertically
  if(horiz == FALSE){
    ## list of mutations for every group
    mutGroup = !duplicated(data[, groupBy])
    muts = list()
    for(i in 1:sum(mutGroup)){
      g = data[mutGroup, groupBy][i]
      muts[[i]] = as.character(data[data[, groupBy]==g, "mutation"])
    numMuts = length(unique(data[ , groupBy]))
    ## if horiz is true every mutation will be plotted horizontally
    mutGroup = 1:nrow(data)
    muts = as.list(data$mutation)
    numMuts = length(data$label)
  maxMuts = max(table(data[, groupBy]))
  ## plot boundaries
  xmin = 0
  #xmax = max(max(data$pos), max(regions$end)) * 3
  xmax = max(bmExons$cds_end/3)
  xlength = xmax - xmin
  ymin = 0
  ymax = 30  ## upper margin of the plot (too large: much empty space at the top of the plot; too small: mutation labels do not fit into the plot region)
  y0 = 6
  y1 = 7.5
  y2 = 10
  axis_steps = 100

  ## design parameters
  labels.cex = cex
  lwd = 1.3
  pch = 21
  ## initialize plot window
  plot(c(xmin-xlength*0.2, xmax+xlength*0.2), c(ymin,ymax), type="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", frame.plot=FALSE, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", main=title)
  axis(side=1, at=c(1, seq(xmin+axis_steps, xmax, axis_steps)), pos=y0*0.7, cex.axis=cex)

  ## text size information is important to correctly adjust the lines and points to the plotted text
  textHeight = max(strheight(letters, cex=labels.cex))
  textWidth =  max(strwidth(letters, cex=labels.cex))
  textWidth = textWidth + (textWidth * 0.2)

  ## draw annotated regions
  polygon(x=c(xmin,xmin,xmax,xmax), y=c(y0,y1,y1,y0), col="black", border="black", density=0, lwd=lwd)
  text(x=xmin, y=(y0[1]+y1[1])/2, labels=bmGene$hgnc_symbol[1], pos=2, cex=cex)
  text(x=xmax, y=(y0[1]+y1[1])/2, labels=paste(bmExons$cds_length[1]/3,"aa",sep=""), pos=4, cex=cex)
    for(i in 1:nrow(regions)){
      polygon(x=c(regions$start[i], regions$start[i], regions$end[i], regions$end[i]), y=c(y0,y1,y1,y0), border="black", col=as.character(regions$color)[i], lwd=lwd)
  ## Draw exon regions
  for(i in 1:nrow(bmExons)){
    start = bmExons$cds_start[i]/3
    end = bmExons$cds_end[i]/3
    polygon(x=c(start,start,end,end), y=c(y0*0.9,y0*0.7,y0*0.7,y0*0.9), col="lightgrey", lwd=lwd)
    if(textWidth < (end-start)){
      text((start+end)/2, y0*0.8, bmExons$rank[i], cex=cex)

  ## y-positions of labels and mutation marks
  if(horiz== FALSE){
    y3 = y2+((maxMuts+1)*textHeight)
    y3 = y2+(2*textHeight)
  ## set mutation labels (take care of overlapping labels using xLab function from TeachingDemos package)
  x = data$pos[mutGroup]
  labels = data$label[mutGroup]
  ## if the plotting device is too small, it may not be possible to align all mutation labels without overlaps (gives a warning in function spread.labs)
  ## thus, catch this warning and retry with smaller font size (90% of original)
  overlappingLabels = TRUE
  while(overlappingLabels == TRUE){
    overlappingLabels = FALSE
    catchUpdate = tryCatch(
             xLab <- spread.labs(x=x, mindiff=textWidth, maxiter=100000, min=xmin, max=xmax),
             warning = function(w){
               message("Plot region too small for all mutation labels: Reducing font size. It may be appropriate to change the width of the device and restart the plot.")
               overlappingLabels = TRUE
               labels.cex = labels.cex * 0.9
               textWidth = max(strwidth(letters, cex = labels.cex))
               textWidth = textWidth + (textWidth * 0.2)
               return(list(overlappingLabels, labels.cex, textWidth))
    ## overlaps
      overlappingLabels = catchUpdate[[1]]
      labels.cex = catchUpdate[[2]]
      textWidth = catchUpdate[[3]]
    ## no overlaps
      xLab = catchUpdate

  x = data.frame(pos_axis=x, pos_labels=xLab, color=data$color[mutGroup], group=data[mutGroup, groupBy], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  colnames(x) = c("pos_axis", "pos_labels", "color", groupBy)
  text(x$pos_labels, y3+(textHeight/2), labels, srt=90, cex=labels.cex, adj=c(0,0.5), offset=3)

  ## mark mutations (as colored points)
  pt.cex = labels.cex
  ## vertical alignment of mutation marks
  if(horiz == FALSE){
    for(i in 1:numMuts){
      lines(list(x=c(x$pos_axis[i],x$pos_axis[i],x$pos_labels[i],x$pos_labels[i]), y=c(y0,y1,y2,y3)), col=x$color[i], lwd=lwd)
      xm = x$pos_labels[i]
      ym = y2 + textHeight
      for(m in muts[[i]]){
          points(xm, ym, bg=as.character(subset(mutationInfo, mutation == m)$color), col="black", cex=pt.cex, pch=pch, )
          ym = ym + textHeight
  ## horizontal alignment of mutation marks
    ## draw single mutation lines
    x2 = x[!(x[, groupBy] %in% x[duplicated(x[groupBy]), groupBy]), ]
    for(i in 1:nrow(x2)){
      lines(list(x=c(x2$pos_axis[i],x2$pos_axis[i],x2$pos_labels[i],x2$pos_labels[i]), y=c(y0,y1,y2,y3)), col=x2$color[i], lwd=lwd)
    ## draw lines for mutation groups (as "forks" like in dendrograms)
    groups = table(x[, groupBy])
    groups = groups[groups > 1]
    anyGroups = any(groups > 1)
    if(anyGroups == TRUE){
      groups = groups[groups > 1]
      x_group= x[x[, groupBy] %in% x[duplicated(x[groupBy]), groupBy], ]
      for(i in 1:length(groups)){
        x2 = x_group[x_group[, groupBy] == names(groups[i]), ]
        lines(x=c(min(x2$pos_labels), min(x2$pos_labels), max(x2$pos_labels), max(x2$pos_labels)), y=c(y3,y2,y2,y3), col=x2$color[1], lwd=lwd)
        #points(x=(max(x2$pos_labels)+min(x2$pos_labels))/2, y=y2, bg=x2$color[1], pch=25, cex=pt.cex*0.75)  ## "anchor point"
        polygon(x=c(min(x2$pos_labels), min(x2$pos_labels), max(x2$pos_labels), max(x2$pos_labels)), y=c(y2,y3,y3,y2), col=x2$color[1], border=NA, density=18, lwd=lwd*0.75)
        lines(list(x=c(x2$pos_axis[1],x2$pos_axis[1],(max(x2$pos_labels)+min(x2$pos_labels))/2), y=c(y0,y1,y2)), col=x2$color[1], lwd=lwd)
    ## draw mutations marks
    for(i in 1:nrow(x)){
      m = muts[[i]]
      xm = x$pos_labels[i]
      ym = y2 + textHeight
      points(xm, ym, bg=as.character(subset(mutationInfo, mutation == m)$color), col="black", cex=pt.cex, pch=pch)
  ## draw legend for mutations and annotated regions
  if(legend == TRUE){
    legend(x="topleft", legend=mutationInfo$legend, pt.bg=as.character(mutationInfo$color), col="black", pch=pch, bty="n", cex=cex, pt.cex=cex)
      legend(x="bottomleft", legend=regions$name, fill=as.character(regions$color), bty="n", cex=cex, horiz=TRUE)


.annotatedVariants_to_dataFrame <- function(varAnnot, transcript){

  ## convert input of class AnnotatedVariants
  data = annotatedVariants(varAnnot)
  mutNames = names(data)
  label = vector(mode="character")
  pos = vector(mode="integer")
  type = vector(mode="character")
  m_count = 1
#  aminos = getAminoAbbr()  ## maybe offer the possibility to label amino acid changes
  for(mn in mutNames){
    m = data[[mn]]$exons
    ## see if exon data available
    if(nrow(m) > 0){
      ## see if variant lies on the given transcript
      m = subset(m, m$ensembl_transcript_id == transcript)
      if(nrow(m) > 0){
        for(i in 1:nrow(m)){
          ## draw markers for variants that lie in a coding area
          if(m[i,"coding"] == TRUE){
            if(length(grep("-", m[i, "codonMut"])) == 0){
              pos[m_count] = m[i, "numCodonStart"]             
              if(m[i,"AminoRef"] != "*" & m[i,"AminoMut"] != "*"){                
                ## missense point mutation
                if(m[i,"AminoRef"] !=  m[i,"AminoMut"]){
                  type[m_count]= "M"
 #                 label[m_count] = paste(aminos[m[i,"AminoRef"]], aminos[m[i,"AminoMut"]], sep=" -> ")
                  ## silent point mutation
                  type[m_count] = "S"
 #                 label[m_count] = aminos[m[i,"AminoRef"]]
                ## nonsense point mut
              } else {
                if(m[i,"AminoRef"] != "*" & m[i,"AminoMut"] == "*"){
                  type[m_count] = "N"
 #                 label[m_count] = paste(aminos[m[i,"AminoRef"]], aminos[m[i,"AminoMut"]], sep=" -> ")
                warning("variant ", mn, " is of unknown type")                
              ## deletion
            } else {
              pos[m_count] = (m[i, "numCodonStart"] +
                              m[i, "numCodonEnd"]) / 2
              type[m_count] = "D"
 #             label[m_count] = paste(aminos[m[i,"AminoRef"]], m[i,"AminoMut"], sep=" -> ")
          m_count = m_count + 1
  df = data.frame(label=rep(" ", length(pos)), pos=pos, mutation=type, color=rep("black", length(pos)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  mutationInfo = data.frame(mutation=c("M","N","S","D"), legend=c("Missense","Nonsense","Silent","Deletion"), color=c("cadetblue4","darkred","darkgoldenrod1","blue"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  return(list(df, mutationInfo))

.getEnsemblInfo <- function(gene, transcript){
  ## retrieve exon and gene information from Ensembl (if Ensembl gene-id is provided)
  ensembl=useMart("ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl", host="http://grch37.ensembl.org")
  bmAttributes = c("ensembl_gene_id", "ensembl_transcript_id", "rank", "cds_start", "cds_end", "cds_length")
  bmExons = getBM(attributes=bmAttributes, filters="ensembl_gene_id", values=gene, mart=ensembl)
  bmExons = subset(bmExons, !apply(is.na(bmExons), 1, any))
  bmReturn = bmExons
    ## take largest transcript if no ensembl transcript id is given
    transcript = subset(bmExons, cds_length == max(bmExons$cds_length)[1])$ensembl_transcript_id[1]
    warning("No Ensembl transcript-id given. Will choose largest transcript. It is recommended to specify the transcript via the \"transcript\" parameter to ensure a most appropriate illustration.")
  bmExons = subset(bmExons, ensembl_transcript_id == transcript)
  bmAttributes = c("ensembl_gene_id", "hgnc_symbol")
  bmGene = getBM(attributes=bmAttributes, filters="ensembl_gene_id", values=gene, mart=ensembl)
  return(list(gene, transcript, bmExons, bmGene, bmReturn))

## Method for the R453Toolbox class "AnnotatedVariants"
          signature=c(data="AnnotatedVariants", "character"),
          function(data, gene, transcript=NA, regions, horiz=FALSE, cex=1, title="", legend=TRUE){

            ## check integrity of transcript
            if(!(is.character(transcript) | is.na(transcript))){
                stop("Invalid argument: transcript has to be an Ensembl transcript-id of type character")
            ## check integrity of regions
              regions = NA
                stop("Invalid argument: regions has to be of type data.frame")
              if(!all( c("name", "start", "end") %in% colnames(regions)))
                stop("Wrong columns in regions: please provide data as a data.frame with columns \"name\", \"start\", \"end\" and \"color\". See ?plotVariants for details.")
              if(!("color" %in% colnames(regions))){
                warning("No colors specified for given regions. Assigning colors automatically. If you find them inappropriate, please add a column \"color\" to your region data.frame. See parameter \"regions\" in ?plotVariants for details.")
                regions$color = rainbow(nrow(regions))
            ## check integrity of horiz, title, legend, cex
              stop("Invalid argument: horiz has to be TRUE or FALSE")
              stop("Invalid argument: title has to be of type character")
              stop("Invalid argument: legend has to be TRUE or FALSE")
              stop("Invalid argument: cex has to be a numeric value")

            ## get Ensembl info for given gene / transcript
            bmInfo = .getEnsemblInfo(gene, transcript)
            df = .annotatedVariants_to_dataFrame(data, bmInfo[[2]])
            data = df[[1]]
            mutationInfo = df[[2]]
            if(nrow(data) >0){
              .plotVariants(data=data, gene=bmInfo[[1]], transcript=bmInfo[[2]], bmExons=bmInfo[[3]], bmGene=bmInfo[[4]], bmReturn=bmInfo[[5]], regions=regions, mutationInfo=mutationInfo, groupBy="pos", cex=cex, horiz=horiz, title=title, legend=legend)
              stop("No annotation for given transcript. Stopping here. I'm sorry.")

## Method for data in data.frame format
          signature=c(data="data.frame", gene="character"),
          function(data, gene, transcript=NA, regions, mutationInfo, groupBy="pos", horiz=FALSE, cex=1, title="", legend=TRUE){

            ## check integrity of data
            data = subset(data, !apply(is.na(data), 1, any))
            if(!all(c("label", "pos", "mutation") %in% colnames(data)))
              stop("Wrong data columns: please provide data as a data.frame with columns \"label\", \"pos\", \"mutation\" (optional: \"color\"). See ?plotVariants for details.")
            if(!("color" %in% colnames(data)))
              data$color = "black"
            ## check integrity of transcript
              if(!(is.character(transcript) | is.na(transcript))){
                stop("Invalid argument: transcript has to be an Ensembl transcript-id of type character")
            ## check integrity of regions
              regions = NA
                stop("Invalid argument: regions has to be of type data.frame")
              if(!all( c("name", "start", "end") %in% colnames(regions)))
                stop("Wrong columns in regions: please provide data as a data.frame with columns \"name\", \"start\", \"end\" and \"color\". See ?plotVariants for details.")
              if(!("color" %in% colnames(regions))){
                warning("No colors specified for given regions. Assigning colors automatically. If you find them inappropriate, please add a column \"color\" to your region data.frame. See parameter \"regions\" in ?plotVariants for details.")
                regions$color = rainbow(nrow(regions))
            ## check integrity of mutationInfo
              warning("Legend and colors for all mutation types were generated automatically. It is suggested to specify your own mutation info. See parameter \"mutationInfo\" in ?plotVariants for details.")
              muts = levels(factor(data$mutation))
              col = rainbow(length(muts))
              mutationInfo = data.frame(mutation=muts, legend=muts, color=col, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)              
                stop("Invalid argument: mutationInfo has to be a data frame")
              if(!all(c("mutation", "legend") %in% colnames(mutationInfo)))
                stop("Wrong columns in mutationInfo: please provide data as a data.frame with columns \"mutation\", \"legend\" and \"color\". See ?plotVariants for details.")
              if(!("color" %in% colnames(mutationInfo))){
                warning("No colors specified for given mutation types. Assigning colors automatically. If you find them inappropriate, please add a column \"color\" to your mutationInfo data.frame. See parameter \"mutationInfo\" in ?plotVariants for details.")
                mutationInfo$color = rainbow(nrow(mutationInfo))
            ## check integrity of groupBy
              stop("Invalid argument: groupBy has to be of type character")
              if(!(groupBy %in% colnames(data)))
                stop("Column not found: When grouping mutations by a column other than \"pos\", make sure the column has the same name in your data")
            ## check integrity of horiz, title, legend, cex
              stop("Invalid argument: horiz has to be TRUE or FALSE")
              stop("Invalid argument: title has to be of type character")
              stop("Invalid argument: legend has to be TRUE or FALSE")
              stop("Invalid argument: cex has to be a numeric value")

            ## get Ensembl info for given gene / transcript
            bmInfo = .getEnsemblInfo(gene, transcript)
            return(.plotVariants(data=data, gene=bmInfo[[1]], transcript=bmInfo[[2]], bmExons=bmInfo[[3]], bmGene=bmInfo[[4]], bmReturn=bmInfo[[5]], regions=regions, mutationInfo=mutationInfo, groupBy=groupBy, horiz=horiz, cex=cex, title=title, legend=legend))

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