# file provides IO methods for sequence data
# Author: rob <>
# Author: stefan <>
# function definition
# reads sequences specified in the provided configuration object
# 2013-01-09: Is this an internal function?
# 2013-01-18: Yes!
setMethod("read.sequences", signature(x="configuration"),
function(x, background_scan = FALSE) {
res.seqs = list()
# obtain list of sequence files from which to load
seq.sources = x@sequence_source
seq.type = x@sequence_type
seq.origin = x@sequence_origin
# check if background sequences should be scanned
if (background_scan) {
seq.sources = x@bg_sequence_source
seq.type = x@bg_sequence_type
seq.origin = x@bg_sequence_origin
# decide which input method to use:
# cases: 1. list of fasta-files
# 2. file with ensembl gene ids
# 3. file with chipseq reads (?)
# check of vocabulary in constructor of configuration
if (seq.type == "fasta"){
# iterate over input file and rad seqs
seq.iterator = 0
for(seqsource in seq.sources) {
cat('reading file',seqsource,'...\n')
fasta.seqs = readDNAStringSet(seqsource)
# iterate over all sequences in current file
# TODO: find location based on sequence or fasta information
pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(fasta.seqs), style = 3)
for(i in 1:length(fasta.seqs)) {
id = paste(x@species,seq.type,seq.origin,Sys.time(),seq.iterator,sep='_')
new.seq = new('SeqObj',
seq = fasta.seqs[[i]],
#uid = id,
id = as.character(seq.iterator),
name = names(fasta.seqs[i]),
species = x@species,
comment = '')
res.seqs[id] = new.seq
seq.iterator = seq.iterator+1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
else if (seq.type == "geneid") {
stop('package BSGenome must be available when gene-ids are specified in configuration file.')
#set species information for BSgenome
av.species = available.genomes()
species.idx = grep(x@species, av.species,
#load species genome
if(!require(av.species[tail(species.idx, 1)], character.only=TRUE))
stop('package', av.species[tail(species.idx, 1)], 'not installed - use BiocManager for downloading')# using the most recent version
tmp.species = unlist(strsplit(av.species[tail(species.idx, 1)],"\\."))[2]
cat('retrieving sequences for gene ids in ',seq.sources,'...\n')
gene.ids = readLines(seq.sources)
# definition of the biomart object = paste(x@species, "gene", "ensembl", sep="_")
ensembl = useMart(biomart=x@mart, dataset =
# get all gene locations
gene.ids.pos = getBM(attributes=c("ensembl_gene_id","chromosome_name", "start_position", "strand"),filters="ensembl_gene_id", values=gene.ids, mart=ensembl)
gene.ids.pos$chromosome_name = paste("chr",gene.ids.pos$chromosome_name, sep="")
gene.ids.pos$strand[(gene.ids.pos$strand == -1)] <-"-"
gene.ids.pos$strand[(gene.ids.pos$strand == 1)] <-"+"
#get sequences from BSgenome
gene.ids.seqs = getSeq(get(tmp.species), gene.ids.pos$chromosome_name, start=gene.ids.pos$start_position-x@upstream, end=gene.ids.pos$start_position+x@downstream, strand=gene.ids.pos$strand, as.character=FALSE)
names(gene.ids.seqs) = gene.ids.pos$ensembl_gene_id
genesToremove = NULL
res.seqs = lapply(1:nrow(gene.ids.pos), function(i)
if(gene.ids.pos$ensembl_gene_id[i] %in% names(gene.ids.seqs)){
new.seq = try(new('SeqObj',
seq = DNAString(as.character(gene.ids.seqs[i])),
id = as.character(i),
species = x@species,
name = as.character(names(gene.ids.seqs)[i]),
location = paste(gene.ids.pos$chromosome_name[i], start=gene.ids.pos$start_position[i]-x@upstream, end=gene.ids.pos$start_position[i]+x@downstream, strand=gene.ids.pos$strand[i],sep=":"),
comment = paste(seq.type,seq.origin,Sys.time(),sep='_')))
} else {
warning('Wasn\'t able to retrieve sequence of ',gene.ids.pos$ensembl_gene_id[i],'; discarding sequence for analysis...\n')
#delete genes with biomart error from list
res.seqs[grep("error", res.seqs)] = NULL
else if (seq.type == "chipseq"){
## obtain bed file from which to extract peak location, retrieve fasta seqs and load
stop('package BSGenome must be available when ChipSeq is specified in configuration file.')
av.species <- available.genomes()
species.idx <- grep(x@species, av.species,
if(length(species.idx) == 0)
stop('Species \'', x@species, '\' not in package BSgenome available')
if(!require(av.species[tail(species.idx, 1)], character.only=TRUE))
stop('package', av.species[tail(species.idx, 1)], 'not installed - use BiocManager for downloading')# using the most recent version
# read input file and retrieve sequences
seq.iterator = 0
for(seqsource in seq.sources) {
cat('reading file',seqsource,'...\n') = read.table(seqsource, header=FALSE, sep = "\t")
bed.chr = as.character([,1])
bed.start =[,2]-x@upstream
bed.end =[,3]+x@downstream
cat('retrieving sequence data ... may take a while ...\n')
tmp.species = unlist(strsplit(av.species[tail(species.idx, 1)],"\\."))[2]
bed.seq = getSeq(get(tmp.species), bed.chr,start=bed.start, end=bed.end, as.character=FALSE)
#create sequence objects
cat('creating sequence objects...\n')
pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(bed.seq), style = 3)
tmp.lst <-list()
for(i in 1:length(bed.seq)){
id = paste(x@species,seq.type,seq.origin,Sys.time(),seq.iterator,sep='_')
new.seq = new('SeqObj',
seq = DNAString(as.character(bed.seq[i])),
name = id,
location = paste(bed.chr[i], bed.start[i], bed.end[i], sep=':'),
species = x@species,
comment = id)
tmp.lst[id] = new.seq
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
seq.iterator = seq.iterator+1
res.seqs = c(res.seqs, tmp.lst)
cat('ready retrieving sequences!')
# testCpG
# diagnostical function - GC content and CpG content are clustered using 2D gaussian
# models (Mclust). FALSE is returned if more than one subgroups are found
# using the bayesian information criterion (BIC)
# if do.plot=TRUE, the results are visualized
setMethod("testCpG", signature(x="cobindr"),
function(x, max.clust=4, do.plot=F, n.cpu = NA) {
best.clust = 1 # as a homogenous set of genes is best to analyse (definition of background)
if(!require('parallel')) {
warning('package parallel required for this function returning...')
# set number of cores to use, if not specified
n.cpu <- determine.cores.option(n.cpu)
if(length(x@sequences) > 5000) {
warnings('large dataset (',length(x@sequences),') found: disabling input evaluation due to GC/CpG content! Please perform manually...')
# old variant:
# gc = matrix(NA,nrow=length(x@sequences), ncol=2)
# colnames(gc) = c('CpG','GC')
# rownames(gc) = names(x@sequences)
# <- 'cpg.content'
# opts <- list()
# gc[,'CpG'] <- unlist(parallelize(, x@sequences, opts, n.cpu))
# <- 'gc.content'
# gc[,'GC'] <- unlist(parallelize(, x@sequences, opts, n.cpu))
#new variant <- 'cpg.gc.content'
opts <- list()
gc <- parallelize(, x@sequences, opts, n.cpu)
gc =matrix(gc,nrow=length(x@sequences), ncol=2, byrow=T)
gc= t(sapply(seq(1:length(x@sequences)), function(i) {
seq = x@sequences[[i]]
c(dinucleotideFrequency(slot(seq, "sequence"),as.prob=T)['CG'],
colnames(gc) = c('CpG','GC')
rownames(gc) = names(x@sequences)
#perform clustering
gc.cls = Mclust(gc,G=c(1:max.clust))
xhist = hist(gc[,'GC'], plot=FALSE) # get histogram data
yhist = hist(gc[,'CpG'], plot=FALSE)
top = max(c(xhist$density, yhist$density))
# prepare layout
nf = layout(matrix(c(2,0,1,3),2,2,byrow=TRUE), c(3,1), c(1,3), TRUE)
mclust2Dplot(data = gc, parameters = gc.cls$parameters, z = gc.cls$z, what = "classification",identify=T)
barplot(yhist$density, axes=FALSE, ylim=c(0, top), space=0)
barplot(xhist$density, axes=FALSE, xlim=c(0, top), space=0, horiz=TRUE)
return(list(result=(gc.cls$G <= best.clust),gc=gc))
cpg.content <- function(x, opts){
# 2013-03-11 internal function
gc.content <- function(x, opts){
# 2013-03-15 internal function
#for parallel() it's more efficient to combine methods.
cpg.gc.content <- function(x, opts) {
return(c(cpg.content(x, opts),gc.content(x,opts) ))
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