#' Prepare data inputs for the main function \code{run.CONDOP()}.
#' Load the annotation files and a list of count tables (or coverage vectors).
#' Each count table is related to a specific experimental condition
#' and it must contain two columns: fwd (coverage depth on the forward strand)
#' and rev (coverage depth on the reverse strand).
#' The annotations files are:
#' - GFF-like file, it can be downloaded from the NCBI genomes ftp directory,
#' - DOOR-like file, it can be downloaded from
#' - FASTA-like file, it can be downloaded from
#' @param gff.file A full local path indicating the GFF-like file to load <Gene annotations>.
#' @param door.op.file A full local path indicating the DOOR-like file to load (DOOR-operon annotations).
#' @param fasta.file A full local path indicating the FASTA-like file to load or
#' a character string representing the accession number of the genome sequence to download.
#' @param list.cov.dat List of count tables.
#' @param remove.cov List of character values. Each charcater value corresponds to a specific type of annotated features.
#' The coverage depth from those annotated feature will be removed.
#' The default list contains "rRNA". The coverage depth of "rRNA" features will be removed.
#' @param log2.expr Logical value indicating whether CONDOP will be using logged values of expression.
#' The expression values are compiled in RPKM values. Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @param sw Numeric value specifying the sliding window size. Default value is 100.
#' @param Character string naming a file. The file will contain the input for the CONDOP main process.
#' @param verbose Indicate whether information about the process should be reported. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return A list of data inputs for the main process \code{run.CONDOP}.
#' \item{genes.and.ops}{A merged dataframe containing information about genes/features and operons merged.}
#' \item{gseq}{A character vector representing the genome sequence of the target organism. }
#' \item{igr.pos}{A dataframe containing information about intergenic regions (IRGs) - forward (+) strand.}
#' \item{igr.neg}{A dataframe containing information about intergenic regions (IRGs) - reverse (-) strand.}
#' \item{tl.cds}{A list of dataframes containing the expression levels of annotated coding sequences (CDS regions). One dataframe for each count table.}
#' \item{tl.igr.pos}{A list of dataframes containing the expression levels of intergenic sequences (IGR regions) - forward (+) strand. One dataframe for each count table.}
#' \item{tl.igr.neg}{A list of dataframes containing the expression levels of intergenic sequences (IGR regions) - reverse (-) strand. One dataframe for each count table.}
#' \item{sid.points}{A list of dataframes containing information about boundaries of transcriptionally active regions.}
#' \item{cut.lhe}{A list of numeric vectors indicating the cut-off values to distinguish low expressed RNA-seq data from high expression data on the forward and reverse strands. One dataframe for each count table.}
#' \dontrun{
#' file_operon_annot <- system.file("extdata", "1944.opr", package="CONDOP")
#' file_genome_seq <- system.file("extdata", "EC-k12-MG1655.fasta", package="CONDOP")
#' data(ct1)
#' <- pre.proc(file_genome_annot, file_operon_annot, "NC_000913",
#' list.cov.dat = list(ct1 = ct1))
#' }
#' @note Use the \code{pre.proc} function before running \code{run.CONDOP}.
#' You do not have to worry about how to make the input data structures for the the \code{run.CONDOP} function.
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' @importFrom seqinr read.fasta uco
#' @importFrom plyr ldply
#' @importFrom earth earth
#' @importFrom mclust Mclust
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlengths
#' @importFrom stats cor.test ks.test mad median na.omit quantile sd
#' @importFrom utils URLdecode read.delim read.table write.table
#' @importClassesFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
pre.proc <- function(gff.file, door.op.file, fasta.file, list.cov.dat,
remove.cov = list("rRNA"), log2.expr = TRUE, sw = 100, = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
if(!is.character(gff.file) & !is.character(door.op.file) & !is.character(fasta.file) & length(list.cov.dat) == 0) {
stop("Input files are not specified.")
else {
## file.exists();
if(!file.exists(gff.file)) stop("The GFF annotation file has not be specified.")
if(!file.exists(door.op.file)) stop("The DOOR operon annotation file has not be specified.")
if(!file.exists(fasta.file)) {
stop("Please specify the accession number or the FASTA file of the genome sequence has not be specified.")
cat("Searching and downloading the FASTA file.\n")
gseq <- get.NCBI.seq(fasta.file)
gseq <- seqinr::read.fasta(fasta.file, seqtype="DNA")[[1]]
if(length(list.cov.dat) == 0) stop("Coverage depth data has not be specified.")
genes <- read.gff.annotations(gff.file, verbose=verbose)
operons <- read.door.annotations(door.op.file, verbose=verbose)
igr.pos <- get.intergenic.regions(genes, "+")
igr.neg <- get.intergenic.regions(genes, "-")
genes.and.ops <- join.genes.and.operons(genes, operons)
not.ops <- names(table(genes.and.ops$operonID))[which(table(genes.and.ops$operonID) == 1)]
id.not.ops <- which((genes.and.ops$operonID %in% not.ops) == TRUE)
genes.and.ops$operonID[id.not.ops] <- NA
if(verbose) {
cat("Annotated feature types:\n")
cat(" ",names(table(genes.and.ops$feature)))
if(verbose) cat("2) Compiling transcription levels...\n")
tl.cds <- list()
tl.igr.pos <- list()
tl.igr.neg <- list()
for(i in 1:length(list.cov.dat)) {
# if requested, remove depth-cov from a specific region
if(! & length(remove.cov) > 0) {
for(j in 1:length(remove.cov)) {
if(verbose) cat(paste("\nRemoving coverage depth from", remove.cov[[j]],"\n"))
list.cov.dat[[i]] <- remove.cov.depth.from.aFeat(genes.and.ops, list.cov.dat[[i]], feature = remove.cov[[j]])
tl.cds[[i]] <- comp.gene.transc.levels(genes.and.ops, list.cov.dat[[i]])
tl.igr.pos[[i]] <- comp.igr.transc.levels(genes.and.ops, igr.pos, list.cov.dat[[i]], tl.cds[[i]], "+");
tl.igr.neg[[i]] <- comp.igr.transc.levels(genes.and.ops, igr.neg, list.cov.dat[[i]], tl.cds[[i]], "-");
# set the 'expr' field
if(log2.expr) {
tl.cds[[i]]$expr <- tl.cds[[i]]$log2NormDepth
tl.igr.pos[[i]]$expr <- tl.igr.pos[[i]]$log2NormDepth
tl.igr.neg[[i]]$expr <- tl.igr.neg[[i]]$log2NormDepth
else {
tl.cds[[i]]$expr <- tl.cds[[i]]$normDepth
tl.igr.pos[[i]]$expr <- tl.igr.pos[[i]]$normDepth
tl.igr.neg[[i]]$expr <- tl.igr.neg[[i]]$normDepth
if(verbose) {
cat("\n - quantiles in transcription level (CDSs +)...\n")
cat(stats::quantile(tl.cds[[i]]$expr[tl.cds[[i]]$strand == "+"]))
cat("\n - quantiles in transcription level (CDSs -)...\n")
cat(stats::quantile(tl.cds[[i]]$expr[tl.cds[[i]]$strand == "-"]))
cat("\n - quantiles in transcription level (IGRs +)...\n")
cat("\n - quantiles in transcription level (IGRs -)...\n")
if(verbose) cat("\n3) Finding start/end transcription points...\n")
sid.points <- list()
#if(parallel) {
# num.cores <- detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = FALSE)
# registerDoMC(num.cores)
# sid.points <- foreach(i=1:length(list.cov.dat)) %dopar% {
# detect.sid.points(cd = list.cov.dat[[i]], sizeWindow = sw, verbose=FALSE)
# }
for(i in 1:length(list.cov.dat)) {
if(verbose) cat(paste(" - transcriptome profiles:",i,"\n"))
sid.points[[i]] <- detect.sid.points(cd = list.cov.dat[[i]], sizeWindow = sw, verbose=FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("\n4) Calculating cut-off values...\n")
cut.lhe <- list() # cut off values to distinguish between low and high expression
for(i in 1:length(list.cov.dat)) {
if(verbose) cat(paste(" - transcriptome profiles:",i,"\n"))
cut.lhe[[i]] <- qcut(list.cov.dat[[i]])
if(!is.null( {
if(verbose) cat("\n5) Saving data objects ...\n"), "_", i, sep=""), sid.points[[i]])
save(list = c("genes.and.ops","igr.pos","igr.neg",
"sid.points","cut.lhe"), file =
list(genes.and.ops = genes.and.ops, gseq = gseq, igr.pos = igr.pos, igr.neg = igr.neg, # annotations
tl.cds = tl.cds, tl.igr.pos = tl.igr.pos, tl.igr.neg = tl.igr.neg, # transc. levels
sid.points = sid.points, cut.lhe = cut.lhe) # transc. start/end points (+ cut off values)
#' Build condition-dependent operon maps.
#' It develops an ensemble operon pair classifier that combines
#' both genomic and transcriptomic features.
#' The ensemble classifier consists of three machine-learning models
#' that are trained on a small set of confirmed operon pairs (OPs) and
#' non-operon pairs (NOPs). The set of OPs and NOPs is identified by crosschecking
#' the DOOR annotation with consecutive, active coding-sequence and intergenic regions,
#' indicated with CDSs and IGR respectively. The trained ensemble classifier is used
#' to predict the operon status of all the gene-pairs, including DOOR-based operon pairs,
#' namely DOPs, and putative operon pairs (POPs).
#' Finally, a linkage process is exploited to combine consecutive
#' operon-pairs classified as OP, and to build the map of condition-dependent operons.
#' @param The output of the \code{pre.proc} function.
#' @param bkgExprCDS A threshold to be used for finding active coding-sequence regions. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param bkgExprIGR A threshold to be used for finding the active/transcribed intergenic regions. Default values is 0.25.
#' @param maxLenIGR Maximum length for the intergenic regions. Default values is 150.
#' @param win.start.trp Specify the maximum and the minimum distance from the beginning of a coding region. It is important to validate transcription start points. Defauls values are 100 (max) and 10 (min).
#' @param win.end.trp Specify the minimum and maximum distance from the end of a coding region. It is important to validate transcription end points. Defauls values are 10 (min) and 100 (max).
#' @param norm.type Character vector indicating the method to use for the normalization step. Default value is "n1".
#' n0 - without normalization; n1 - standardization ((x-mean)/sd);
#' n2 - positional standardization ((x-median)/mad); n3 - unitization ((x-mean)/range);
#' n4 - unitization with zero minimum ((x-min)/range); n5 - normalization in range <-1,1> ((x-mean)/max(abs(x-mean))).
#' @param Number of runs of training/validation. Default values is 30.
#' @param nfolds Indicate the number of folds to be used for the cross-validation step. Default values is 5.
#' @param cons Indicate the minimum number of positive votes necessary to classify a gene pair as operon pair. Default values is 2.
#' @param find.ext To add putative operon pairs classified as OP to the condition-dependent operon map. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param save.TAB.file Character string naming a file. The final condition operon map is saved in a tab-delimeted text file. Default values is NULL - the cond. operon map is not saved.
#' @param save.BED.file Character string naming a file. The final condition operon map is saved in a BED-like file. Default values is NULL - the cond. operon map is not saved.
#' @param return.all Logical value indicating if extra data must be provided in output.
#' @param verbose Indicate whether information about the process should be reported. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return List of data structures built by CONDOP.
#' If \code{return.all} is FALSE:
#' \item{ndata}{A list of dataframes containing OPs and NOPs used for the traing/validation process. One for each count table.}
#' \item{cls}{A list of OP classifiers for each count table.}
#' \item{ev.cls}{A data.frame containing the evalaution result for the trained classifiers. One for each count table.}
#' \item{pred.TS}{A list of dataframes containing the classification results on the training set. One for each count table.}
#' \item{pred.POPs}{A list of dataframes containing the prediction results on the POPs. One for each count table.}
#' \item{pred.DOPs}{A list of dataframes containg the prediction results on the DOPs. One for each count table.}
#' \item{comap}{A list of condition-dependent operon maps (comaps). One for each count table.}
#' \item{info}{A list of generic information on the confirmed DOOR based operons. One for each count table.}
#' If \code{return.all} is TRUE the \code{run.CONDOP()} function also provides..
#' \item{osp}{A list of dataframes containing confirmed operon start points. One for each count table.}
#' \item{oep}{A list of dataframes containing confirmed operon end points. One for each count table.}
#' \item{cops}{A list of dataframes containing confirmed operons. One for each count table.}
#' \item{OPs}{A list of dataframes containing OPs. One for each count table.}
#' \item{NOPs}{A list of dataframes containing NOPs. One for each count table.}
#' \item{POPs}{A list of dataframes containing POPs. One for each count table.}
#' \item{DOPs}{A list of dataframes containing DOPs. One for each count table.}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' file_operon_annot <- system.file("extdata", "1944.opr", package="CONDOP")
#' file_genome_seq <- system.file("extdata", "EC-k12-MG1655.fasta", package="CONDOP")
#' data(ct1)
#' <- pre.proc(file_genome_annot, file_operon_annot, "NC_000913",
#' list.cov.dat = list(ct1 = ct1))
#' res.comap <- run.CONDOP( =, bkgExprCDS = 0.2, bkgExprIGR = 0.2,
#' maxLenIGR = 150, find.ext = TRUE)
#' }
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' @importFrom randomForest randomForest
#' @importFrom randomForest importance
#' @import rminer
#' @export
run.CONDOP <- function(,
bkgExprCDS = 0.1, bkgExprIGR = 0.25, maxLenIGR = 150, win.start.trp = c(100,10), win.end.trp = c(10,100),
norm.type = "n1", = 30, nfolds = 5, cons = 2, find.ext = FALSE, save.TAB.file = NULL, save.BED.file = NULL,
return.all = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
if(length( == 0) {
stop("Missing input data.\n")
osp <- list()
oep <- list()
cops <- list()
OPs <- list()
NOPs <- list()
POPs <- list()
DOPs <- list()
ndata <- list()
models <- list()
evals <- list()
pred.TS <- list()
pred.POPs <- list()
pred.DOPs <- list()
comap <- list()
info <- list()
num.transc.profiles <- length($sid.points)
for(i in 1:num.transc.profiles) {
if(verbose) cat("TRANSCRIPTOME PROFILE #",i,"\n",sep="")
if(verbose) cat("1) Determine operon start- and end-points (OSPs and OEPs)...\n")
osp[[i]] <- get.operon.start.points($sid.points[[i]]$fwd.incs,$sid.points[[i]]$rev.incs,$genes.and.ops,$igr.pos,$igr.neg,$tl.cds[[i]],
borders = win.start.trp,
max.start.transc =$cut.lhe[[i]],
minExprCDS = bkgExprCDS,
verbose = verbose)
oep[[i]] <- get.operon.end.points($sid.points[[i]]$fwd.decs,$sid.points[[i]]$rev.decs,$genes.and.ops,$igr.pos,$igr.neg,$tl.cds[[i]],
borders = win.end.trp,
max.end.transc =$cut.lhe[[i]],
minExprCDS = bkgExprCDS,
verbose = verbose)
if(verbose) cat("\n2) Verify confirmed operons...\n")
cops[[i]] <- compile.confirmed.operons($genes.and.ops,$tl.cds[[i]],$tl.igr.pos[[i]],$tl.igr.neg[[i]],
osp[[i]]$POSSs, oep[[i]]$POESs,
minExprCDS = bkgExprCDS, minExprIGR = bkgExprIGR,
max.start.transc =$cut.lhe[[i]],
max.end.transc =$cut.lhe[[i]],
verbose = verbose)
if(verbose) cat("\n3) Compile the features for OPs and NOPs...\n")
OPs[[i]] <- select.ops(cops[[i]],$genes.and.ops,$tl.cds[[i]],$tl.igr.pos[[i]],$tl.igr.neg[[i]],$gseq,
verbose = verbose)
NOPs[[i]] <- select.nops($genes.and.ops, OPs[[i]],$tl.cds[[i]],$tl.igr.pos[[i]],$tl.igr.neg[[i]],
osp[[i]]$POSSs, oep[[i]]$POESs,$gseq,
max.start.transc =$cut.lhe[[i]],
max.end.transc =$cut.lhe[[i]],
verbose = verbose)
if(verbose) cat("\n4) Find gene pairs with an operon status to (re)define...\n")
POPs[[i]] <- select.pops(OPs[[i]], NOPs[[i]],$genes.and.ops,$tl.cds[[i]],$tl.igr.pos[[i]],$tl.igr.neg[[i]],
minExprCDS = bkgExprCDS, minExprIGR = bkgExprIGR,
maxLenIGR = maxLenIGR, osp[[i]]$POSSs, oep[[i]]$POESs,
max.start.transc =$cut.lhe[[i]],
max.end.transc =$cut.lhe[[i]],$gseq,
verbose = verbose)
if(verbose) cat("\n5) Find gene pairs annotated in DOOR database that were not confirmed... \n")
DOPs[[i]] <- select.ops.indoor($genes.and.ops,$tl.cds[[i]],$tl.igr.pos[[i]],$tl.igr.neg[[i]],$gseq,
verbose = verbose)
if(verbose) cat("\n6) Normalize the feature values for OPs, NOPs, POPs and DOPs...\n")
ndata[[i]] <- pre.processing(OPs[[i]], NOPs[[i]],
POPs[[i]], DOPs[[i]],
type = norm.type,
verbose = verbose)
if(verbose) cat("\n7) Tune and train the classification models...\n")
models[[i]] <- tune.cls(data=ndata[[i]]$dat[,-ncol(ndata[[i]]$dat)],
verbose = verbose)
if(verbose) cat("\n8) Validate the classification models...\n")
evals[[i]] <- validate.cls(data=ndata[[i]]$dat[,-ncol(ndata[[i]]$dat)],
class=ndata[[i]]$dat$class, models[[i]],
runs =, kf = nfolds,
verbose = verbose)
if(verbose) print(evals[[i]])
#if(verbose) cat("\n7) Train the operon classifier...\n")
#cls[[i]] <- train.RFs(data=ndata[[i]]$dat[,-ncol(ndata[[i]]$dat)],
# class=ndata[[i]]$dat$class, run =,
# p = training, ntr = rf.ntr, mtree=rf.mtree)
if(verbose) cat("\n9) Predict the operon status of POPs and DOPs\n")
pred.TS[[i]] <- pred.operon.status(models[[i]], ndata[[i]]$dat,
type="TS", cons = cons,
verbose = verbose)
pred.POPs[[i]] <- pred.operon.status(models[[i]], ndata[[i]]$dat.pops,
type="POPs", cons = cons,
verbose = verbose)
pred.DOPs[[i]] <- pred.operon.status(models[[i]], ndata[[i]]$dat.dops,
type="DOPs", cons = cons,
verbose = verbose)
pred.DOPs[[i]] <- data.frame(rownames(pred.DOPs[[i]]), = pred.DOPs[[i]]$cons,
op.ref = DOPs[[i]]$refOp, row.names = 1)
pred.POPs[[i]] <- data.frame(rownames(pred.POPs[[i]]), = pred.POPs[[i]]$cons,
op.ref1 = POPs[[i]]$refOp1, op.ref2 = POPs[[i]]$refOp2, row.names=1)
if(verbose) cat("\n10) Build the condition dependent operon map\n")
comap[[i]] <- getCondOperonMap(pred.POPs[[i]], pred.DOPs[[i]],$genes.and.ops,
osp[[i]]$POSSs, oep[[i]]$POESs,
max.start.transc =$cut.lhe[[i]],
max.end.transc =$cut.lhe[[i]],
find.ext = find.ext,
BED.file = paste(save.BED.file, i, "bed", sep="."),
verbose = verbose)
else if(!is.null(save.TAB.file))
comap[[i]] <- getCondOperonMap(pred.POPs[[i]], pred.DOPs[[i]],$genes.and.ops,
osp[[i]]$POSSs, oep[[i]]$POESs,
max.start.transc =$cut.lhe[[i]],
max.end.transc =$cut.lhe[[i]],
find.ext = find.ext,
TAB.file = paste(save.TAB.file, i, "txt", sep="."),
verbose = verbose)
comap[[i]] <- getCondOperonMap(pred.POPs[[i]], pred.DOPs[[i]],$genes.and.ops,
osp[[i]]$POSSs, oep[[i]]$POESs,
max.start.transc =$cut.lhe[[i]],
max.end.transc =$cut.lhe[[i]],
find.ext = find.ext,
verbose = verbose)
if(verbose) cat("\n11) Compile generic information about the condition-dependent operon predictions\n")
info[[i]] <-$genes.and.ops, evals[[i]], pred.POPs[[i]], pred.DOPs[[i]], comap[[i]], verbose = verbose)
if(verbose) cat("\n")
#if(!is.null( {
# if(verbose) cat("\nSaving data objects...\n")
# save(list = c("osp","oep","cops","OPs","NOPs","POPs","DOPs",
# "ndata","cls","pred.POPs","pred.DOPs","comap"),
# file =
return(list(ndata=ndata, cls=models, pred.TS=pred.TS, pred.POPs=pred.POPs, pred.DOPs=pred.DOPs,
comap = comap, info=info))
return(list(ndata=ndata, cls=models, ev.cls = evals, pred.TS=pred.TS, pred.POPs=pred.POPs, pred.DOPs=pred.DOPs,
osp = osp, oep = oep, cops = cops, OPs = OPs, NOPs = NOPs, POPs = POPs, DOPs = DOPs, comap=comap,
#' Find and get a genome sequence by specifyng the accession number. Read gene annotations in GFF format
#' @param gff_file A full local path indicating the GFF file to load.
#' @param verbose Indicate whether information about the process should be reported. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return Annotation data table.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' @importFrom seqinr choosebank getSequence query closebank
#' @export
get.NCBI.seq <- function(accession, list.dbs = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
if(length(list.dbs) == 0) list.dbs <- seqinr::choosebank()
# first find which ACNUC database the accession is stored in:
for (db in list.dbs){
cat(c("Looking in", db, "...\n"))
# check if the sequence is in ACNUC database 'db':
resquery <- try(seqinr::query(".tmpquery", paste("AC=", accession)), silent = TRUE)
if (!(inherits(resquery, "try-error"))) {
query2 <- seqinr::query("query2", paste("AC=",accession,sep=""))
# see if a sequence was retrieved:
seq <- seqinr::getSequence(query2$req[[1]])
if(verbose) cat("\nERROR: accession",accession,"was not found")
#' Read gene annotations in GFF format
#' Internal function to read GFF data file downloaded from the NCBI genomes ftp directory,
#' @param gff_file A full local path indicating the GFF file to load.
#' @param verbose Indicate whether information about the process should be reported. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return Annotation data table.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' read.gff.annotations()
read.gff.annotations <- function(gff_file, verbose=TRUE, ...) {
gff.annot <-
if(verbose) cat("\nGene annoatiotions loaded.")
data.frame(locusTag = gff.annot$locus, feature = as.character(gff.annot$feature),
start = gff.annot$start, end = gff.annot$end,
strand = as.character(gff.annot$strand), gid = as.character(gff.annot$gid),
gene = as.character(gff.annot$gene),
row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' Read a GFF file from NCBI and return a GRanges object.
#' @param gff.file a GFF file
#' @param locus.tags only return genes with locus tags. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param nrows number of rows to read.
#' @param verbose Indicate whether information about the process should be reported. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return GRanges with 4 elementMetadata columns: locus, proetin id, gene id, feature, description and gene name.
#' If all rows are returned (locus.tags=FALSE), then score, phase and tags are included.
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' read.annot.from.gff()
read.annot.from.gff <- function(gff.file, locus.tags = TRUE, nrows = -1, verbose=TRUE) {
x <- utils::read.delim(gff.file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, comment.char = "#",
header = FALSE, nrows = nrows)
colnames(x) <- c("seqid", "source", "feature", "start", "end",
"score", "strand", "phase", "tags")
n <- x$strand == "."
if (any(n)) {
x$strand[n] <- "+"
print("WARNING: changing '.' to '+' in strand column")
seqid <- unique(x$seqid)
if (all(grepl("\\.[0-9]$", seqid))) {
#x$seqid <- genomes::strsplit2(x$seqid, ".", fixed = TRUE)
x.split <- strsplit(as.character(x$seqid), split = ".", fixed = TRUE)
x$seqid <- sapply(x.split, "[", n = 1)
x$id <- gsub("ID=([^;]*).*", "\\1", x$tags)
if (!locus.tags) {
gff <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = x$seqid, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(x$start, x$end),
strand = x$strand, data.frame(x[, c(10, 3, 6, 8, 9)]))
else {
#n <- x$tags %like% "*locus_tag=*"
n <- grepl("*locus_tag=*", x$tags)
genes <- subset(x, n)
y <- subset(x, !n)
y$parent <- NA
#n <- y$tags %like% "*Parent=*"
n <- grepl("*Parent=*", y$tags)
y$parent[n] <- gsub(".*Parent=([^;]*).*", "\\1", y$tags[n])
y$gid <- ""
#n <- y$tags %like% "*GeneID=*"
n <- grepl("*GeneID:*", y$tags)
y$gid[n] <- gsub(".*GeneID:([^;]*).*", "\\1", y$tags[n])
y$pid <- ""
#n <- y$tags %like% "*protein_id=*"
n <- grepl("*protein_id=*", y$tags)
if (sum(n) > 0)
y$pid[n] <- gsub(".*protein_id=([^;.]*).*", "\\1", y$tags[n])
y$product <- ""
#n <- y$tags %like% "*product=*"
n <- grepl("*product=*",y$tags)
if (sum(n) > 0)
y$product[n] <- gsub(".*product=([^;]*).*", "\\1",y$tags[n])
#n <-$product) & y$tags %like% "*Note=*"
n <- grepl("*Note=*", y$tags)
n <-$product) & n
y$product[n] <- gsub(".*Note=([^;]*).*", "\\1", y$tags[n])
n <- grep("%", y$product)
if (length(n) > 0)
y$product[n] <- as.vector(sapply(y$product[n], utils::URLdecode))
genes$locus <- gsub(".*;locus_tag=([^;]*).*", "\\1", genes$tags)
n <- match(genes$id, y$parent)
n2 <- !
genes$feature[n2] <- y$feature[n[n2]]
genes$description <- ""
genes$description[n2] <- y$product[n[n2]]
genes$gid[n2] <- y$gid[n[n2]]
genes$pid[n2] <- y$pid[n[n2]]
genes$feature[grepl("*pseudo=true*", genes$tags)] <- "pseudo"
n <- which(genes$feature == "gene")
if (length(n) > 0) {
n2 <- match(paste(genes$start[n], genes$end[n]),
paste(y$start, y$end))
n3 <- !
genes$feature[n[n3]] <- y$feature[n2[n3]]
genes$description[n[n3]] <- y$product[n2[n3]]
genes$feature[genes$feature == "transcript"] <- "miscRNA"
genes$feature[genes$feature == "region"] <- "other"
genes$feature[genes$feature == "gene"] <- "other"
genes$gene <- ""
n <- grep("gene=", genes$tag)
if (length(n) > 0)
genes$gene[n] <- gsub(".*gene=([^;]*).*", "\\1", genes$tags[n])
n <- grep("gene_synonym=", genes$tag)
if (length(n) > 0)
genes$gene[n] <- paste(genes$gene[n], gsub(".*gene_synonym=([^;]*).*",
"\\1", genes$tags[n]), sep = ",")
n <- grep("%", genes$gene)
if (length(n) > 0)
genes$gene[n] <- as.vector(sapply(genes$gene[n], utils::URLdecode))
if (any(table(genes$locus) > 1)) {
print("Warning: grouping coordinates for duplicate locus tags")
genes2 <- by(genes, genes$locus, function(x) {
data.frame(locus = x$locus[1], seqid = x$seqid[1],
start = min(x$start), end = max(x$end), strand = x$strand[1], gid = x$gid[1],
pid = x$pid[1], feature = x$feature[1], description = x$description[1],
gene = x$gene[1])
genes <-"rbind", genes2)
if (any(diff(order(genes$start)) != 1)) {
genes <- genes[order(genes$start), ]
gff <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = genes$seqid, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(genes$start,genes$end),
strand = genes$strand, genes[, c("locus", "pid", "gid", "feature", "description", "gene")])
if (length(seqid) == 1) GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(gff) <- max(x$end)
S4Vectors::metadata(gff) <- list(source = unique(x$source), defline = seqid)
#' Read the operon(s) data file downloaded from
#' Internal function to read the operon(s) data file downloaded from
#' @param opr_file A full local path indicating the .opr file to load.
#' @param verbose Indicate whether information about the process should be reported. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return Operon data table.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' read.door.annotations()
read.door.annotations <- function(opr_file, verbose=TRUE) { <- NULL;
if(file.exists(opr_file)) {
colNames <- c("operonID", "gi", "locusTag", "start", "end",
"strand", "length", "cog", "description")
colClasses <- c("character","character", "character", "integer", "integer",
"character", "numeric", "character", "character") <- utils::read.table(opr_file, sep="\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 3, quote = "",
col.names = colNames, colClasses = colClasses, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("\nDOOR operon annoatiotions loaded.\n")
#' Join gene(s) and operon(s) annotations.
#' Internal function to merge the annotations with DOOR data.
#' @param genes An annotation data table.
#' @param ops An operon data table.
#' @return Operon data table.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' join.genes.and.operons()
join.genes.and.operons <- function(genes, ops) {
#operonID <- vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(genes))
#gi <- vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(genes))
#cog <- vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(genes))
for(i in 1:nrow(genes)) {
id <- which(rownames(genes[i,]) == rownames(ops))
if(length(id) > 0) {
genes$operonID[i] <- ops$operonID[id]
else {
genes$operonID[i] <- NA
#' Build a data table containing generic information on intergenic regions.
#' Internal function to build a data table containing information of the intergenic regions on a given strand.
#' @param genes An annotation data table.
#' @param str A given strand. Defaults to "+".
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' get.intergenic.regions()
get.intergenic.regions <- function(genes, str = "+") {
genes <- genes[which(genes$strand == str),]
numIGRs <- nrow(genes) - 1
igr_lengths <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numIGRs)
startLocusTags <- vector(mode = "character", length = numIGRs)
endLocusTags <- vector(mode = "character", length = numIGRs)
start <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numIGRs)
end <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numIGRs)
#type <- vector(mode = "character", length = numIGRs)
for(i in 1:numIGRs) {
igr_lengths[i] <- (genes$start[i+1] - genes$end[i]) - 1
# default value
type <- "distant"
startLocusTags[i] <- rownames(genes)[i]
endLocusTags[i] <- rownames(genes)[i+1]
start[i] <- genes$end[i] + 1
end[i] <- genes$start[i+1] - 1
intergenic_regions <- data.frame(startLocusTag = startLocusTags,
endLocusTag = endLocusTags,
length = igr_lengths,
start = start,
end = end,
type = type,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pos_overlapping_genes <- which(intergenic_regions$length < 0)
pos_adjacent_genes <- which(intergenic_regions$length == 0)
intergenic_regions$type[pos_overlapping_genes] = "O" ## overlapping
intergenic_regions$type[pos_adjacent_genes] = "A" ## adjacent
## new categories for different types of distance
q <- stats::quantile(intergenic_regions$length)
## - PE (Poorly Distant): 0 - q25%
## - ME (Moderately Distant): q25% - q50%
## - HE (Highly Distant): q50% - q75%
## - VE (Very Highly Distant): >= q75%
poorly_distant_igr <- which(intergenic_regions$length > 0 & intergenic_regions$length < q[2])
intergenic_regions$type[poorly_distant_igr] = "PD"
moderately_distant_igr <- which(intergenic_regions$length >= q[2] & intergenic_regions$length < q[3])
intergenic_regions$type[moderately_distant_igr] = "MD"
highly_distant_igr <- which(intergenic_regions$length >= q[3] & intergenic_regions$length < q[4])
intergenic_regions$type[highly_distant_igr] = "HD"
very_highly_distant_igr <- which(intergenic_regions$length >= q[4])
intergenic_regions$type[very_highly_distant_igr] = "VD"
intergenic_regions$type <- as.factor(intergenic_regions$type)
#' Remove the read coverage on a given feature (e.g. rRNA and tRNA).
#' Internal function to remove the coverage depth from a given features.
#' @param genes An annotation data table.
#' @param cd A data table containing the coverage depth of an RNA-seq expression profile(s).
#' @param feature A given feature type. Defaults to "rRNA".
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' remove.cov.depth.from.aFeat()
remove.cov.depth.from.aFeat <- function(genes, cd, feature = "rRNA") {
for(i in 1:nrow(genes)) {
if(genes$feature[i] == feature) {
if(genes$strand[i] == "+") { # FWD strand
cd$fwd[genes$start[i]:genes$end[i]] <- 0
else { # REV strand
cd$rev[genes$start[i]:genes$end[i]] <- 0
#' Compile the transcription levels for the coding regions.
#' Internal function to quantify the expression at CDS-level.
#' @param genes An annotation data table.
#' @param cd A data table representing the coverage depth for a given RNA-seq expression profile.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' comp.gene.transc.levels()
comp.gene.transc.levels <- function(genes, cd) {
num_genes <- nrow(genes)
readsGene <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = num_genes)
normDepth <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = num_genes)
log2NormDepth <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = num_genes)
tot.cov <- sum(cd$fwd) + sum(cd$rev)
for(i in 1:num_genes) {
if(genes$strand[i] == "+") { # FWD strand
readsGene[i] <- sum(cd$fwd[genes$start[i]:genes$end[i]])
else { # REV strand
readsGene[i] <- sum(cd$rev[genes$start[i]:genes$end[i]])
normDepth[i] <- readsGene[i] / ((tot.cov * ((genes$end[i]-genes$start[i])+1))/ 10^9) # RPKM normalization
log2NormDepth[i] <- 0
if(normDepth[i] > 1) log2NormDepth[i] <- log2(normDepth[i])
return(data.frame(locusTag = rownames(genes),
readsGene = readsGene,
normDepth = round(normDepth, digits=4),
log2NormDepth = round(log2NormDepth, digits=4),
strand = genes$strand,
row.names = 1,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#' Compile the transcription levels for the intergenic regions.
#' Internal function to quantify expression at the intergenic-level.
#' @param genes Data table containing gene annotations.
#' @param genes Data tbale containing intergenic region annotations.
#' @param cd Data table containing the coverage depth of an RNA-seq expression profile(s).
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions.
#' @param str Charcater value indicating the strand. Defauls value is "+".
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' comp.igr.transc.levels()
comp.igr.transc.levels <- function(genes, igrs, cd, transcCDSs, str="+") {
normDepth <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(igrs))
log2NormDepth <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(igrs))
tot.cov <- sum(cd$fwd) + sum(cd$rev)
for(i in 1:nrow(igrs)) {
if(igrs$length[i] > 0) { ## distant genes
if(str == '+') {
readsGene <- sum(cd$fwd[igrs$start[i]:igrs$end[i]])
normDepth[i] <- readsGene / ((tot.cov * ((igrs$end[i]-igrs$start[i])+1))/ 10^9) # RPKM normalization
else {
readsGene <- sum(cd$rev[igrs$start[i]:igrs$end[i]])
normDepth[i] <- readsGene / ((tot.cov * ((igrs$end[i]-igrs$start[i])+1))/ 10^9) # RPKM normalization
else {
normDepth[i] <- 0
log2NormDepth <- ifelse(normDepth > 1, log2(normDepth), 0)
log2NormDepth <- ifelse(!is.infinite(log2NormDepth),log2NormDepth,0)
log2NormDepth <- ifelse(!is.nan(log2NormDepth),log2NormDepth,0)
igrs$normDepth <- round(normDepth, digits = 4)
igrs$log2NormDepth <- round(log2NormDepth, digits = 4)
## adjust the transcription level for the overlapping regions
for(i in 1:nrow(igrs)) {
igr <- igrs[i,]
if(igr$type == "O") {
idG1 <- which(rownames(genes) == igr$startLocusTag)
idG2 <- which(rownames(genes) == igr$endLocusTag)
lengthG1 <- (genes$end[idG1]-genes$start[idG1])+1
lengthG2 <- (genes$end[idG2]-genes$start[idG2])+1
# log2NormDepth
exprG1 <- transcCDSs$log2NormDepth[which(rownames(transcCDSs) == igr$startLocusTag)]
exprG2 <- transcCDSs$log2NormDepth[which(rownames(transcCDSs) == igr$endLocusTag)]
diff <- abs(exprG1 - exprG2)
weight <- diff * (abs(igr$length) / min(lengthG1,lengthG2))
igrs$log2NormDepth[i] <- round(min(exprG1, exprG2) + weight, digits = 4)
# normDepth
exprG1 <- transcCDSs$normDepth[which(rownames(transcCDSs) == igr$startLocusTag)]
exprG2 <- transcCDSs$normDepth[which(rownames(transcCDSs) == igr$endLocusTag)]
diff <- abs(exprG1 - exprG2)
weight <- diff * (abs(igr$length) / min(lengthG1,lengthG2))
igrs$normDepth[i] <- round(min(exprG1, exprG2) + weight, digits = 4)
#' Determine cutoff values for a given RNA-seq expression profile.
#' Internal function to estimate the cutoff values to distinguish low expressed RNA-seq data from high expression data.
#' @param data A coverage-depth table.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' qcut()
qcut <- function(data) {
#set vector for cutoff values
cutv <- rep(0,0)
cutv.2 <- rep(0,0)
for (i in 1:ncol(data)) {
#specify array and remove 0 counts
xx <- data[,i]
#remove 0 counts
xx <- xx[-which(xx==0)]
xx <- stats::na.omit(xx)
#take log2 of data
log2xx <- log2(xx)
dlog2 <- data.frame(LogC=log2xx)
#vector to store Kolmogorov Smirnov distance statistics
vv <- rep(0,0)
#select start point
start <- length(log2xx[log2xx==min(log2xx)])/length(log2xx)
#set sequence
s <- seq(round(start,2),0.5,by=0.005)
#loop through cuts of the data to determine targeted K-S statistic
for(q in s) {
#select data greater than a quantile and run Mclust on that data to determine theoretical distribution
d <- log2xx[which(log2xx>stats::quantile(log2xx,q,na.rm=T))]
out <- mclust::Mclust(d,G=1)
ks <- suppressWarnings(stats::ks.test(d,"pnorm",out$parameter$mean, out$parameter$variance$sigmasq))
vv <- c(vv,ks$statistic)
#determine first left-most local minima
out <- earth::earth(s,vv,thresh=0.005)
#save suggested cut
cutv <- c(cutv,min(out$cuts[out$cuts>0]))
#send results to outfile
#' Statistical test to find a putative transcription start (or end) point.
#' Test the correlation coefficient between a segment of coverage depth and a vector of 100 integers modeling
#' a simple shape of sharp increases (or decreases) in transcription: x =???[0..0,1..1] (or x =???[1..1,0..0]).
#' @param x Segment of coverage depth.
#' @param sharpInc Default value is 1.
#' @param cutCorr Cutoff value for the correlation coefficient. Default values is 0.7.
#' @param cutPVal Cutoff value for the p-value. Default values is 0.0000001.
#' @param flag Indicate weather the correlation test is for a start- or end-point in transcription. Default values is 0 (start-point).
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' test.corr()
test.corr <- function(x, sharpInc = 1, cutCorr = 0.7, cutPVal = 0.0000001, flag = 0) {
result <- c(test = 0, cc = NA, avg.cov.left = NA, avg.cov.right = NA, diff.min.max = NA)
sw <- length(x)
hw <- sw/2
if(sum(x) > 0) {
avgCovL <- mean(x[1:hw])
avgCovR <- mean(x[(hw+1):sw])
if(flag == 0)
testLogExpr <- log2((avgCovR+1)/(avgCovL+1)) >= sharpInc # IncFWD / DecREV (___|^^^)
testLogExpr <- log2((avgCovL+1)/(avgCovR+1)) >= sharpInc # IncREV / DecFWD (^^^|___)
if(testLogExpr == TRUE) {
if(flag == 0)
test.corr <- stats::cor.test(x,rep(c(0,1),c(hw,hw))) # __________|^^^^^^^^^^
test.corr <- stats::cor.test(x,rep(c(1,0),c(hw,hw))) # ^^^^^^^^^^|__________
if(!$estimate)) {
if(test.corr$estimate > cutCorr & test.corr$p.value < cutPVal) {
if(flag == 0)
diffMinMax <- abs(min(x[1:hw]) - max(x[(hw+1):sw]))
diffMinMax <- abs(max(x[1:hw]) - min(x[(hw+1):sw]))
result <- c(test = 1, cc = test.corr$estimate, avg.cov.left = avgCovL, avg.cov.right = avgCovR, diff.min.max = diffMinMax)
#' Find strat/end transcription points.
#' Internal function to identify the boundaries of transcriptionally active regions using a sliding window algorithm.
#' The sliding window algorithm uses fixed windows with a length of 100 nt that slides across the coverage-depth data table
#' and finds segments of coverage depth highly and statistically correlated with a vector of 100 integers modeling
#' a simple shape of sharp increases (or decreases) in transcription: x =???[0..0,1..1] (or x =???[1..1,0..0])).
#' With default values, segments having a positive correlation coefficient (exceeding 0.7) and a significant correlation test p-value (<10-7) are selected.
#' are slected. The vector of the sliding window of 100 integers is a good trade-off between the accuracy of sharp increases/decreases
#' in transcription and the computational costs of the procedure. P-value 10-7 allows reliable identification of sharp increases/decreases
#' in transcription.
#' @param cd A data table containing the coverage depth of an RNA-seq expression profile(s).
#' @param sizeWindow An annotation data table.
#' @param verbose
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' detect.sid.points()
detect.sid.points <- function(cd, sizeWindow, verbose = TRUE) {
stopifnot(length(cd$fwd) >= sizeWindow)
result <- c(numeric(1),double(4))
hw <- sizeWindow/2
nm1 <- sizeWindow-1
p <- sizeWindow/2
sg <- length(cd$fwd)
## Inc FWD / Dec REV (___|^^^)
if(verbose) cat("Identifying ___|^^^ on FWD\n")
incFWD <- lapply((sizeWindow+1):sg, FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x=cd$fwd[(i-nm1):i],flag=0)}) <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(rep(0,p-i), cd$fwd[1:(i+p)]), flag=0)}) <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(cd$fwd[(sg-(p+i-1)):sg], rep(0,p-i)), flag=0)})
dataIncFWD <- rbind(as.matrix(plyr::ldply(, as.matrix(plyr::ldply(incFWD)), as.matrix(plyr::ldply(
if(verbose) cat("Identifying ___|^^^ on FWD\n")
decREV <- lapply((sizeWindow+1):sg, FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x=cd$rev[(i-nm1):i],flag=0)}) <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(rep(0,p-i), cd$rev[1:(i+p)]), flag=0)}) <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(cd$rev[(sg-(p+i-1)):sg], rep(0,p-i)), flag=0)})
dataDecREV <- rbind(as.matrix(plyr::ldply(, as.matrix(plyr::ldply(decREV)), as.matrix(plyr::ldply(
## Inc REV / Dec FWD (^^^|___)
if(verbose) cat("Identifying ^^^|___ on FWD\n")
incREV <- lapply((sizeWindow+1):sg, FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x=cd$rev[(i-nm1):i],flag=1)}) <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(rep(0,p-i), cd$rev[1:(i+p)]), flag=1)}) <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(cd$rev[(sg-(p+i-1)):sg], rep(0,p-i)), flag=1)})
dataIncREV <- rbind(as.matrix(plyr::ldply(, as.matrix(plyr::ldply(incREV)), as.matrix(plyr::ldply(
if(verbose) cat("Identifying ^^^|___ on FWD\n")
decFWD <- lapply((sizeWindow+1):sg, FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x=cd$fwd[(i-nm1):i],flag=1)}) <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(rep(0,p-i), cd$fwd[1:(i+p)]), flag=1)}) <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(cd$fwd[(sg-(p+i-1)):sg], rep(0,p-i)), flag=1)})
dataDecFWD <- rbind(as.matrix(plyr::ldply(, as.matrix(plyr::ldply(decFWD)), as.matrix(plyr::ldply(
return(list(fwd.incs =,
fwd.decs =,
rev.incs =,
rev.decs =
#' Determine operon start-points (OSPs).
#' Internal function to estimate the gene-level expression values using the RPKM method.
#' @param Data table containing information on the sharp increases in transcription found on the forward strand. See \code{detect.sid.points}.
#' @param Data table containing information on the sharp increases in transcription found on the reverse strand. See \code{detect.sid.points}.
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations.
#' @param igrs.p Data table containing generic information of the intergenic regions on the forward strand. See \code{get.intergenic.regions}.
#' @param igrs.n Data table containing generic information of the intergenic regions on the reverse strand. See \code{get.intergenic.regions}.
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions. See \code{comp.gene.transc.levels}.
#' @param borders A vector.
#' @param max.start.transc Maximum acacepted start transcription level.
#' @param minExprCDS Minimum expression level for the coding sequence regions (CDSs).
#' @param verbose
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' get.operon.start.points()
get.operon.start.points <- function(,, genes.and.operons, igrs.p, igrs.n,
transcCDSs, borders = c(100,10), max.start.transc = c(0.1,0.1),
minExprCDS = 0.1, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
if(verbose) cat("\n Identifying confirmed and putative operon start/end points\n")
cnt.match <- 0
name.cds <- vector(mode = "character") <- vector(mode = "integer") <- vector(mode = "integer")
expr.cds <- vector(mode = "numeric")
start.cds <- vector(mode = "integer")
strand <- vector(mode = "character")
cc <- vector(mode = "numeric")
point <- vector(mode = "numeric") <- vector(mode = "numeric")
count <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(igrs.p)) {
if(igrs.p$type[i] == "O") next
start <- igrs.p$start[i]
end <- igrs.p$end[i]
if((end-start) > borders[1])
dat <-[(end-borders[1]):(end+borders[2]),]
dat <-[start:(end+borders[2]),]
one_matches <- which(dat$test == 1)
if(length(one_matches) > 0) {
idc <- which(dat$avg.cov.left[one_matches] == min(dat$avg.cov.left[one_matches]))
maxs <- one_matches[idc]
idw <- which(dat$avg.cov.right[maxs] == max(dat$avg.cov.right[maxs]))
match <- maxs[idw[1]]
x <- dat$avg.cov.left[match]
y <- dat$avg.cov.right[match]
test_log2FC <- FALSE
test_Ygt1 <- FALSE
if(x != 0) test_log2FC <- log2(y/x) > 1 # sharpSize
else test_Ygt1 <- y > 1 # to avoid transc regions with 0000011111
test_start_expr <- log2(x) <= max.start.transc[1]
test_min_expr <- transcCDSs[igrs.p$endLocusTag[i],]$expr > minExprCDS
id <- which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == igrs.p$endLocusTag[i])
if(length(id) > 0) operon <- genes.and.operons$operonID[id]
else operon <- NA
if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Ygt1 == TRUE) & test_min_expr & !test_start_expr) count <- count + 1
if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Ygt1 == TRUE) & test_start_expr & test_min_expr) {
cnt.match <- cnt.match + 1
name.cds[cnt.match] <- igrs.p$endLocusTag[i]
start.cds[cnt.match] <- end[cnt.match] <- operon
strand[cnt.match] <- "+"
expr.cds[cnt.match] <- transcCDSs[igrs.p$endLocusTag[i],]$expr[cnt.match] <- x[cnt.match] <- y
cc[cnt.match] <- dat$cc[match]
if((end-start) > borders[1])
point[cnt.match] <- ((end-borders[1]) + match) - 1
point[cnt.match] <- (start + match) - 1
for(i in 1:nrow(igrs.n)) {
if(igrs.n$type[i] == "O") next
start <- igrs.n$start[i]
end <- igrs.n$end[i]
if((end-start) > borders[1])
dat <-[(start-borders[2]):(start+borders[1]),]
dat <-[start:end,]
one_matches <- which(dat$test == 1)
if(length(one_matches) > 0) {
idc <- which(dat$avg.cov.right[one_matches] == min(dat$avg.cov.right[one_matches]))
maxs <- one_matches[idc]
idw <- which(dat$avg.cov.left[maxs] == max(dat$avg.cov.left[maxs]))
match <- maxs[idw[1]]
x <- dat$avg.cov.left[match]
y <- dat$avg.cov.right[match]
test_log2FC <- FALSE
test_Xgt1 <- FALSE
test_max_start_transc <- FALSE
if(y != 0) test_log2FC <- log2(x/y) > 1
else test_Xgt1 <- x > 1
test_start_expr <- log2(y) <= max.start.transc[2]
test_min_expr <- transcCDSs[igrs.n$startLocusTag[i],]$expr > minExprCDS
id <- which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == igrs.n$startLocusTag[i])
if(length(id) > 0) operon <- genes.and.operons$operonID[id]
else operon <- NA
if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Xgt1 == TRUE) & test_min_expr & !test_start_expr) count <- count + 1
if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Xgt1 == TRUE) & test_start_expr & test_min_expr) {
cnt.match <- cnt.match + 1
name.cds[cnt.match] <- igrs.n$startLocusTag[i]
start.cds[cnt.match] <- start[cnt.match] <- operon
strand[cnt.match] <- "-"
expr.cds[cnt.match] <- transcCDSs[igrs.n$startLocusTag[i],]$expr[cnt.match] <- x[cnt.match] <- y
cc[cnt.match] <- dat$cc[match]
if((end-start) > borders[1])
point[cnt.match] <- (((start-borders[2]) + match) - 1)
point[cnt.match] <- ((start + match) - 1)
pOSSs <- data.frame(name.cds = name.cds, lp =, hp =,
expr.cds = expr.cds, start.cds = start.cds,
strand = strand, cc = cc, point = point, =, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if(verbose) cat(" - Result: ", nrow(pOSSs),
" identified operon start points(pos=",
length(which(pOSSs$strand == "+")),
", neg=", length(which(pOSSs$strand == "-")), ") \n", sep="")
# To select the best pOSS for each operon
unique.cds <- unique(pOSSs$name.cds)
if(length(unique.cds) < length(pOSSs$name.cds)) {
if(verbose) cat(" - Eliminating duplicated rows \n")
best.poss.cds <- vector("integer", length = length(unique.cds))
for(i in 1: length(unique.cds)) {
list_poss <- which(pOSSs$name.cds == unique.cds[i])
strand <- pOSSs$strand[list_poss[1]]
id_min <- which(pOSSs[list_poss,]$lp == min(pOSSs[list_poss,]$lp))
if(length(id_min) > 1) {
id_max <- which(pOSSs[list_poss[id_min],]$hp == max(pOSSs[list_poss[id_min],]$hp))
best.poss.cds[i] <- list_poss[id_min[id_max[1]]]
else {
best.poss.cds[i] <- list_poss[id_min[1]]
pOSSs <- pOSSs[best.poss.cds,]
rownames(pOSSs) <- pOSSs[,1]
pOSSs <- pOSSs[,-1]
rownames(pOSSs) <- pOSSs[,1]
pOSSs <- pOSSs[,-1]
if(verbose) cat(" - Number of unique POSSs = ", nrow(pOSSs), "\n", sep="")
return(list(POSSs = pOSSs[!$,], newPOSSs = pOSSs[$,]))
#' Determine operon end-points (OEPs).
#' Internal function to estimate the gene-level expression values using the RPKM method.
#' @param Data table containing information on the sharp decreases in transcription found on the forward strand. See \code{detect.sid.points}.
#' @param Data table containing information on the sharp decreases in transcription found on the reverse strand. See \code{detect.sid.points}.
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations.
#' @param igrs.p Data table containing generic information of the intergenic regions on the forward strand. See \code{get.intergenic.regions}.
#' @param igrs.n Data table containing generic information of the intergenic regions on the reverse strand. See \code{get.intergenic.regions}.
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions. See \code{comp.gene.transc.levels}.
#' @param borders A numeric vector.
#' @param max.start.transc Maximum log2.
#' @param minExprCDS Minimum expression level for the coding sequence regions (CDSs). Default values is 0.1.
#' @param verbose
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' get.operon.start.points()
get.operon.end.points <- function(,, genes.and.operons, igrs.p, igrs.n,
transcCDSs, borders = c(10,100), max.end.transc = c(0.1,0.1),
minExprCDS = 0.1, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
if(verbose) cat("\n Identifying confirmed and putative operon start/end points\n")
cnt.match <- 0
name.cds <- vector(mode = "character") <- vector(mode = "integer") <- vector(mode = "integer")
expr.cds <- vector(mode = "numeric")
end.cds <- vector(mode = "integer")
strand <- vector(mode = "character")
cc <- vector(mode = "numeric")
point <- vector(mode = "numeric") <- vector(mode = "numeric")
count <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(igrs.p)) {
if(igrs.p$type[i] == "O") next
start <- igrs.p$start[i]
end <- igrs.p$end[i]
if((end-start) > borders[2])
dat <-[(start-borders[1]):(start+borders[2]),]
dat <-[start:end,]
one_matches <- which(dat$test == 1)
if(length(one_matches) > 0) {
idc <- which(dat$avg.cov.left[one_matches] == max(dat$avg.cov.left[one_matches]))
maxs <- one_matches[idc]
idw <- which(dat$avg.cov.right[maxs] == min(dat$avg.cov.right[maxs]))
match <- maxs[idw[1]]
x <- dat$avg.cov.left[match]
y <- dat$avg.cov.right[match]
test_log2FC <- FALSE
test_Xgt1 <- FALSE
if(y != 0) test_log2FC <- log2(x/y) > 1
else test_Xgt1 <- x > 1
test_end_expr <- log2(y) <= max.end.transc[1]
test_min_expr <- transcCDSs[igrs.p$startLocusTag[i],]$expr > minExprCDS
id <- which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == igrs.p$startLocusTag[i])
if(length(id) > 0) operon <- genes.and.operons$operonID[id]
else operon <- NA
if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Xgt1 == TRUE) & !test_end_expr & test_min_expr) count <- count + 1
if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Xgt1 == TRUE) & test_end_expr & test_min_expr) {
cnt.match <- cnt.match + 1
name.cds[cnt.match] <- igrs.p$startLocusTag[i]
end.cds[cnt.match] <- start[cnt.match] <- operon
strand[cnt.match] <- "+"
expr.cds[cnt.match] <- transcCDSs[igrs.p$startLocusTag[i],]$expr[cnt.match] <- x[cnt.match] <- y
cc[cnt.match] <- dat$cc[match]
if((end-start) > borders[1])
point[cnt.match] <- ((start-borders[1]) + match) - 1
point[cnt.match] <- (start + match) - 1
for(i in 1:nrow(igrs.n)) {
if(igrs.n$type[i] == "O") next
start <- igrs.n$start[i]
end <- igrs.n$end[i]
if((end-start) > borders[2])
dat <-[(end-borders[2]):(end+borders[1]),]
dat <-[start:end,]
one_matches <- which(dat$test == 1)
if(length(one_matches) > 0) {
idc <- which(dat$avg.cov.right[one_matches] == max(dat$avg.cov.right[one_matches]))
maxs <- one_matches[idc]
idw <- which(dat$avg.cov.left[maxs] == min(dat$avg.cov.left[maxs]))
match <- maxs[idw[1]]
x <- dat$avg.cov.left[match]
y <- dat$avg.cov.right[match]
test_log2FC <- FALSE
test_Ygt1 <- FALSE
if(x != 0) test_log2FC <- log2(y/x) > 1
else test_Ygt1 <- y > 1
test_end_expr <- log2(x) <= max.end.transc[2]
test_min_expr <- transcCDSs[igrs.n$endLocusTag[i],]$expr > minExprCDS
id <- which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == igrs.n$endLocusTag[i])
if(length(id) > 0) operon <- genes.and.operons$operonID[id]
else operon <- NA
if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Ygt1 == TRUE) & test_min_expr & !test_end_expr) count <- count + 1
if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Ygt1 == TRUE) & test_min_expr & test_end_expr) {
cnt.match <- cnt.match + 1
name.cds[cnt.match] <- igrs.n$endLocusTag[i]
end.cds[cnt.match] <- end[cnt.match] <- operon
strand[cnt.match] <- "-"
expr.cds[cnt.match] <- transcCDSs[igrs.n$endLocusTag[i],]$expr[cnt.match] <- x[cnt.match] <- y
cc[cnt.match] <- dat$cc[match]
if((end-start) > borders[1])
point[cnt.match] <- (((end-borders[2]) + match) - 1)
point[cnt.match] <- ((start + match) - 1)
pOESs <- data.frame(name.cds = name.cds, hp =, lp =,
expr.cds = expr.cds, end.cds = end.cds,
strand = strand, cc = cc, point = point, =, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if(verbose) cat(" - Result: ", nrow(pOESs),
" identified operon end points(pos=",
length(which(pOESs$strand == "+")),
", neg=", length(which(pOESs$strand == "-")), ") \n", sep="")
# To select the best pOES for each operon
unique.cds <- unique(pOESs$name.cds)
if(length(unique.cds) < length(pOESs$name.cds)) {
if(verbose) cat(" - Eliminating duplicated rows \n")
best.poes.cds <- vector("integer", length = length(unique.cds))
for(i in 1: length(unique.cds)) {
list_poes <- which(pOESs$name.cds == unique.cds[i])
strand <- pOESs$strand[list_poes[1]]
id_min <- which(pOESs[list_poes,]$lp == min(pOESs[list_poes,]$lp))
if(length(id_min) > 1) {
id_max <- which(pOESs[list_poes[id_min],]$hp == max(pOESs[list_poes[id_min],]$hp))
best.poes.cds[i] <- list_poes[id_min[id_max[1]]]
else {
best.poes.cds[i] <- list_poes[id_min[1]]
pOESs <- pOESs[best.poes.cds,]
rownames(pOESs) <- pOESs[,1]
pOESs <- pOESs[,-1]
rownames(pOESs) <- pOESs[,1]
pOESs <- pOESs[,-1]
if(verbose) cat(" - Number of unique POESs = ", nrow(pOESs), "\n", sep="")
return(list(POESs = pOESs[!$,], newPOESs = pOESs[$,]))
#' Compile a set of coinfirmed operons.
#' Test the correlation coefficient beween a segment of coverage depth and a vector of 100 integers modeling
#' a simple shape of sharp increases (or decreases) in transcription: x =[0..0,1..1] (or x =[1..1,0..0]).
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. See \code{join.genes.and.operons}.
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions. See \code{comp.gene.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.pos Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (forard strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.neg Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (reverse strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param POSSs Data table representing a set of putative operon start-points.
#' @param POESs Data table representing a set of putative operon end-points.
#' @param minExprCDS Minimum expression level for the coding sequence regions (CDSs). Default values is 0.1.
#' @param minExprIGR Minimum expression level for the intergenic regions (IGRs). Default values is 0.25.
#' @param max.start.transc Cutoff values for the start transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param max.end.transc Cutoff values for the end transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' compile.confirmed.operons()
compile.confirmed.operons <- function(genes.and.operons, transcCDSs, transcIGRs.pos, transcIGRs.neg,
POSSs, POESs, minExprCDS = 0.1, minExprIGR = 0.25,
max.start.transc = c(0.1,0.1), max.end.transc = c(0.1,0.1),
verbose = TRUE, ...) {
cnt.OPs <- 0 <- vector(mode = "character")
operon.ref <- vector(mode = "character")
start.cds <- vector(mode = "character")
strand <- vector(mode = "character")
expr <- vector(mode = "character")
length <- vector(mode = "integer")
idgs <- vector(mode = "integer")
i <- 1
while(i <= nrow(genes.and.operons)) {
a.gene <- genes.and.operons[i,]
if(!$operonID) & a.gene$strand == '+') {
opRef <- a.gene$operonID
gene.s <- genes.and.operons[which(genes.and.operons$operonID == opRef),]
numGenesInOp <- nrow(gene.s)
exprVals <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numGenesInOp)
possTags <- vector(mode = "integer", length = numGenesInOp)
poesTags <- vector(mode = "integer", length = numGenesInOp)
test_IGR <- FALSE
test_len_IGR <- FALSE
test_CDS <- FALSE
test_X <- FALSE
test_Y <- FALSE
startNewOp <- -1
endNewOp <- -1
for(j in 1:numGenesInOp) {
possTags[j] <- length(which(rownames(POSSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j]))
poesTags[j] <- length(which(rownames(POESs) == rownames(gene.s)[j]))
exprVals[j] <- transcCDSs$expr[which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j])]
# 5 tests to check the end of the linkage process
if(j != numGenesInOp) {
id_IGR <- which(transcIGRs.pos$startLocusTag == rownames(gene.s)[j])
test_IGR <- transcIGRs.pos$expr[id_IGR] < minExprIGR
id_CDS <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j+1])
test_CDS <- transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] < minExprCDS
if(possTags[j] == 1 & startNewOp != -1) {
id_poss <- which(rownames(POSSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j])
test_X <- log2(POSSs$lp[id_poss]) <= max.start.transc[1]
if(poesTags[j] == 1 & startNewOp != -1) {
id_poes <- which(rownames(POESs) == rownames(gene.s)[j])
test_Y <- log2(POESs$lp[id_poes]) <= max.end.transc[1]
test_startOp <- (possTags[j] == 1 & startNewOp == -1)
if(test_startOp == TRUE) {
startNewOp <- j
endNewOp <- j
if(startNewOp != -1 & (test_Y == TRUE | test_X == TRUE | test_IGR == TRUE | test_CDS == TRUE | j == numGenesInOp)) {
if(endNewOp > startNewOp & startNewOp != -1) {
cnt.OPs <- cnt.OPs + 1[cnt.OPs] <- paste("Operon#",cnt.OPs,sep='')
operon.ref[cnt.OPs] <- opRef
start.cds[cnt.OPs] <- rownames(gene.s)[startNewOp]
strand[cnt.OPs] <- a.gene$strand
length[cnt.OPs] <- endNewOp - startNewOp + 1
expr[cnt.OPs] <- paste(exprVals[startNewOp:endNewOp],collapse='-')
idgs[cnt.OPs] <- paste(rownames(gene.s[startNewOp:endNewOp,]),collapse='-')
startNewOp <- -1
endNewOp <- -1
else {
startNewOp <- -1
endNewOp <- -1
else if(startNewOp != -1) endNewOp <- endNewOp + 1
i <- (i + numGenesInOp) - 1
if(!$operonID) == TRUE & a.gene$strand == '-') {
opRef <- a.gene$operonID
gene.s <- genes.and.operons[which(genes.and.operons$operonID == opRef),]
numGenesInOp <- nrow(gene.s)
exprVals <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numGenesInOp)
possTags <- vector(mode = "integer", length = numGenesInOp)
poesTags <- vector(mode = "integer", length = numGenesInOp)
test_IGR <- FALSE
test_len_IGR <- FALSE
test_CDS <- FALSE
test_X <- FALSE
test_Y <- FALSE
startNewOp <- -1
endNewOp <- -1
for(j in numGenesInOp:1) {
possTags[j] <- length(which(rownames(POSSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j]))
poesTags[j] <- length(which(rownames(POESs) == rownames(gene.s)[j]))
exprVals[j] <- transcCDSs$expr[which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j])]
if(j != 1) {
id_IGR <- which(transcIGRs.neg$endLocusTag == rownames(gene.s)[j])
test_IGR <- transcIGRs.neg$expr[id_IGR] < minExprIGR
id_CDS <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j-1])
test_CDS <- transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] < minExprCDS
if(possTags[j] == 1 & startNewOp != -1) {
id_poss <- which(rownames(POSSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j])
test_Y <- log2(POSSs$lp[id_poss]) <= max.start.transc[2]
if(poesTags[j] == 1 & startNewOp != -1) {
id_poes <- which(rownames(POESs) == rownames(gene.s)[j])
test_X <- log2(POESs$lp[id_poes]) <= max.end.transc[2]
test_startOp <- (possTags[j] == 1 & startNewOp == -1)
if(test_startOp == TRUE) {
startNewOp <- j
endNewOp <- j
if(startNewOp != -1 & (test_Y == TRUE | test_X == TRUE | test_IGR == TRUE | test_CDS == TRUE | j == 1)) {
if(startNewOp > endNewOp & startNewOp != -1) {
cnt.OPs <- cnt.OPs + 1[cnt.OPs] <- paste("Operon#",cnt.OPs,sep='')
operon.ref[cnt.OPs] <- opRef
start.cds[cnt.OPs] <- rownames(gene.s)[startNewOp]
strand[cnt.OPs] <- a.gene$strand
length[cnt.OPs] <- startNewOp - endNewOp + 1
expr[cnt.OPs] <- paste(exprVals[endNewOp:startNewOp],collapse='-')
idgs[cnt.OPs] <- paste(rownames(gene.s[endNewOp:startNewOp,]),collapse='-')
startNewOp <- -1
endNewOp <- -1
else {
startNewOp <- -1
endNewOp <- -1
else {
if(startNewOp != -1) endNewOp <- endNewOp - 1
i <- (i + numGenesInOp) - 1
i <- i + 1
cops <- data.frame(opID =, operon.ref = operon.ref, start.cds = start.cds,
strand = strand, length = length, idgs = idgs, expr = expr,
row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
id.dups <- which(duplicated(cops$idgs) == TRUE)
if(length(id.dups) > 0) cops <- cops[-id.dups,]
if(verbose) cat(" - Number of confirmed operons:", nrow(cops), "\n")
#' Define a set of OPs which is used to train the operon classifier.
#' Build a data table containing confirmed operon pairs (OPs) and the feature values.
#' @param listOperons List of confirmed operons. See \code{compile.confirmed.operons}.
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. See \code{join.genes.and.operons}.
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions. See \code{comp.gene.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.pos Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (forard strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.neg Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (reverse strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param wseq Sequence genome.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' select.ops()
select.ops <- function(listOperons, genes.and.operons,
transcCDSs, transcIGRs.pos, transcIGRs.neg, wseq, verbose=TRUE) {
cnt.OPs <- 1
opRef <- vector(mode = "character")
nameG1 <- vector(mode = "character")
nameG2 <- vector(mode = "character")
diffExpr <- vector(mode = "numeric")
lengthIGR <- vector(mode = "integer")
cuScore <- vector(mode = "numeric")
exprIGR <- vector(mode = "numeric")
class <- vector(mode = "character")
for(j in 1:length(listOperons[,1])) {
operon <- listOperons[j,]
gene.s <- unique(strsplit(operon$idgs, "-")[[1]])
if(operon$strand == '+') {
for(i in 1: (length(gene.s)-1)) {
gene1 <- genes.and.operons[gene.s[i],]
gene2 <- genes.and.operons[gene.s[i+1],]
geneSeq1 <- wseq[gene1$start:gene1$end]
geneSeq2 <- wseq[gene2$start:gene2$end]
rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
cuScore[cnt.OPs] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
id_IGR <- which(transcIGRs.pos$startLocusTag == rownames(gene1))
id_CDS <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene1))
lengthIGR[cnt.OPs] <- transcIGRs.pos$length[id_IGR]
exprIGR[cnt.OPs] <- transcIGRs.pos$expr[id_IGR]
diffExpr[cnt.OPs] <- round(abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1]), digits=4)
opRef[cnt.OPs] <- operon$operon.ref
nameG1[cnt.OPs] <- rownames(gene1)
nameG2[cnt.OPs] <- rownames(gene2)
class[cnt.OPs] <- "OP"
cnt.OPs <- cnt.OPs + 1
else {
for(i in (length(gene.s)-1):1) {
gene1 <- genes.and.operons[gene.s[i],]
gene2 <- genes.and.operons[gene.s[i+1],]
geneSeq1 <- wseq[gene1$start:gene1$end]
geneSeq2 <- wseq[gene2$start:gene2$end]
rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
cuScore[cnt.OPs] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
id_IGR <- which(transcIGRs.neg$startLocusTag == rownames(gene1))
id_CDS <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene1))
lengthIGR[cnt.OPs] <- transcIGRs.neg$length[id_IGR]
exprIGR[cnt.OPs] <- transcIGRs.neg$expr[id_IGR]
diffExpr[cnt.OPs] <- abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1])
opRef[cnt.OPs] <- operon$operon.ref
nameG1[cnt.OPs] <- rownames(gene1)
nameG2[cnt.OPs] <- rownames(gene2)
class[cnt.OPs] <- "OP"
cnt.OPs <- cnt.OPs + 1
if(verbose) cat(" - nameG1:", length(nameG1), ", nameG2:", length(nameG2),
", diffExpr:", length(diffExpr), ", lengthIGR:", length(lengthIGR),
", cuScore:", length(cuScore), ", opRef:", length(opRef), "\n", sep="")
return(data.frame(G1 = nameG1, G2 = nameG2,
diffExpr = diffExpr, exprIGR = exprIGR, lengthIGR = lengthIGR, cuScore = cuScore,
opRef = opRef, class = class, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#' Define a set of NOPs which is used to train the operon classifier.
#' Build a data table containing confirmed non-operon pairs (NOPs) and the feature values.
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. See \code{join.genes.and.operons}.
#' @param OPs Data table including the confirmed operon pairs (OPs). See \code{select.ops }.
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions. See \code{comp.gene.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.pos Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (forard strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.neg Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (reverse strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param POSSs Data table representing a set of putative operon start-points.
#' @param POESs Data table representing a set of putative operon end-points.
#' @param wseq Sequence genome.
#' @param max.start.transc Cutoff values for the start transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param max.end.transc Cutoff values for the end transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' select.nops()
select.nops <- function(genes.and.operons, OPs, transcCDSs,
transcIGRs.pos, transcIGRs.neg, POSSs, POESs, wseq,
max.start.transc = c(0.1,0.1), max.end.transc = c(0.1,0.1),
verbose = TRUE, ...) {
cnt.NOPs <- 1
nameG1 <- vector(mode = "character")
nameG2 <- vector(mode = "character")
refOp1 <- vector(mode = "character")
refOp2 <- vector(mode = "character")
diffExpr <- vector(mode = "numeric")
lengthIGR <- vector(mode = "integer")
cuScore <- vector(mode = "numeric")
exprIGR <- vector(mode = "numeric")
class <- vector(mode = "character")
for(i in 1:nrow(transcIGRs.pos)) {
gene1 <- transcIGRs.pos$startLocusTag[i]
gene2 <- transcIGRs.pos$endLocusTag[i]
g1 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == gene1),]
g2 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == gene2),]
id1 <- which(OPs$G1 == gene1)
id2 <- which(OPs$G2 == gene2)
if(length(id1) > 0 & length(id2) > 0)
if(id1 == id2) next
test <- FALSE
if(length(which(rownames(POSSs) == gene2)) > 0) {
id_poss <- which(rownames(POSSs) == gene2)
if(log2(POSSs$lp[id_poss]) <= max.start.transc[1]) test <- TRUE
if(length(which(rownames(POESs) == gene1)) > 0) {
id_poes <- which(rownames(POESs) == gene1)
if(log2(POESs$lp[id_poes]) <= max.end.transc[1]) test <- TRUE
if(test == TRUE) {
geneSeq1 = wseq[g1$start:g1$end]
geneSeq2 = wseq[g2$start:g2$end]
rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
cuScore[cnt.NOPs] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
id_IGR <- which(transcIGRs.pos$startLocusTag == gene1)
lengthIGR[cnt.NOPs] <- transcIGRs.pos$length[id_IGR]
exprIGR[cnt.NOPs] <- transcIGRs.pos$expr[id_IGR]
id_CDS <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == gene1)
diffExpr[cnt.NOPs] <- round(abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1]),digits = 4)
nameG1[cnt.NOPs] <- gene1
nameG2[cnt.NOPs] <- gene2
refOp1[cnt.NOPs] <- g1$operonID
refOp2[cnt.NOPs] <- g2$operonID
class[cnt.NOPs] <- "NOP"
cnt.NOPs <- cnt.NOPs + 1
for(i in 1:nrow(transcIGRs.neg)) {
gene1 <- transcIGRs.neg$startLocusTag[i]
gene2 <- transcIGRs.neg$endLocusTag[i]
g1 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == gene1),]
g2 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == gene2),]
id1 <- which(OPs$G1 == gene1)
id2 <- which(OPs$G2 == gene2)
if(length(id1) > 0 & length(id2) > 0)
if(id1 == id2) next
test <- FALSE
if(length(which(rownames(POSSs) == gene1)) > 0) {
id_poss <- which(rownames(POSSs) == gene1)
if(log2(POSSs$lp[id_poss]) <= max.start.transc[2]) test <- TRUE
if(length(which(rownames(POESs) == gene2)) > 0) {
id_poes <- which(rownames(POESs) == gene2)
if(log2(POESs$lp[id_poes]) <= max.end.transc[2]) test <- TRUE
if(test == TRUE) {
geneSeq1 = wseq[g1$start:g1$end]
geneSeq2 = wseq[g2$start:g2$end]
rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
cuScore[cnt.NOPs] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
id_IGR <- which(transcIGRs.neg$startLocusTag == gene1)
lengthIGR[cnt.NOPs] <- transcIGRs.neg$length[id_IGR]
exprIGR[cnt.NOPs] <- transcIGRs.neg$expr[id_IGR]
id_CDS <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == gene1)
diffExpr[cnt.NOPs] <- round(abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1]),digits = 4)
nameG1[cnt.NOPs] <- gene1
nameG2[cnt.NOPs] <- gene2
refOp1[cnt.NOPs] <- g1$operonID
refOp2[cnt.NOPs] <- g2$operonID
class[cnt.NOPs] <- "NOP"
cnt.NOPs <- cnt.NOPs + 1
if(verbose) cat(" - nameG1:", length(nameG1), ", nameG2:", length(nameG2),
", diffExpr:", length(diffExpr), ", lengthIGR:", length(lengthIGR),
", cuScore:",length(cuScore),"\n", sep="")
return(data.frame(G1 = nameG1,
G2 = nameG2,
diffExpr = diffExpr,
exprIGR = exprIGR,
lengthIGR = lengthIGR,
cuScore = cuScore,
refOp1 = refOp1,
refOp2 = refOp2,
class = class,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#' Define a set of gene pairs POPs with an "operon status" to (re)define represent used to train the operon classifier.
#' Internal function to build a data table containing gene pairs and the correspoding transcriptomic/genomic feature values.
#' The operon classifier trained/validated on the OPs and NOPs is used to predict the operon status of these gene pairs.
#' @param OPs Data table including the confirmed operon pairs (OPs). See \code{select.ops}.
#' @param OPs Data table including the confirmed non-operon pairs (NOPs). See \code{select.nops}.
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. See \code{join.genes.and.operons}.
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions. See \code{comp.gene.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.pos Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (forard strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.neg Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (reverse strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param minExprCDS Minimum expression level for the coding sequence regions (CDSs). Default values is 0.1.
#' @param minExprIGR Minimum expression level for the intergenic regions (IGRs). Default values is 0.25.
#' @param maxLenIGR Maximum length for the intergenic regions (IGRs). Default values is 150.
#' @param POSSs Data table representing a set of putative operon start-points.
#' @param POESs Data table representing a set of putative operon end-points.
#' @param max.start.transc Cutoff values for the start transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param max.end.transc Cutoff values for the end transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param wseq Sequence genome.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' select.pops()
select.pops <- function(OPs, NOPs, genes.and.operons, transcCDSs, transcIGRs.pos, transcIGRs.neg,
minExprCDS = 0.1, minExprIGR = 0.25, maxLenIGR = 150,
POSSs, POESs, max.start.transc, max.end.transc, wseq, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
cnt <- 1
nameG1 <- vector(mode = "character")
nameG2 <- vector(mode = "character")
refOp1 <- vector(mode = "character")
refOp2 <- vector(mode = "character")
diffExpr <- vector(mode = "numeric")
lengthIGR <- vector(mode = "integer")
cuScore <- vector(mode = "numeric")
exprIGR <- vector(mode = "numeric")
class <- vector(mode = "character")
for(i in 1:nrow(transcIGRs.pos)) {
g1 <- transcIGRs.pos$startLocusTag[i]
g2 <- transcIGRs.pos$endLocusTag[i]
if(length(which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g1)) == 0 | length(which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g2)) == 0) next;
gene1 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g1),]
gene2 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g2),]
testOpDOOR <- ($operonID) & !$operonID)) | (!$operonID) &$operonID)) | ($operonID) &$operonID))
test_transcActivity_g1 <- transcCDSs[rownames(gene1),]$expr > minExprCDS
test_transcActivity_g2 <- transcCDSs[rownames(gene2),]$expr > minExprCDS
test_transcIGR <- transcIGRs.pos$expr[i] > minExprIGR
test_lenIGR <- transcIGRs.pos$length[i] < maxLenIGR
test_confOP <- !(rownames(gene1) %in% OPs$G1) & !(rownames(gene2) %in% OPs$G2)
test_confNOP <- !(rownames(gene1) %in% NOPs$G1) & !(rownames(gene2) %in% NOPs$G2)
test_break_point <- FALSE
test_feat <- gene1$feature == "CDS" & gene2$feature == "CDS"
if(length(which(rownames(POSSs) == gene2)) > 0) {
id_poss <- which(rownames(POSSs) == gene2)
if(log2(POSSs$lp[id_poss]) <= max.start.transc[1])
test_break_point <- TRUE
if(length(which(rownames(POESs) == gene1)) > 0) {
id_poes <- which(rownames(POESs) == gene1)
if(log2(POESs$lp[id_poes]) <= max.end.transc[1])
test_break_point <- TRUE
# print(paste(test_confOP, test_confNOP, testOpDOOR, test_transcActivity_g1, test_transcActivity_g2, test_transcIGR))
if(test_confOP & test_confNOP & testOpDOOR & test_transcActivity_g1 & test_transcActivity_g2 &
test_transcIGR & test_lenIGR & !test_break_point & test_feat) {
geneSeq1 = wseq[gene1$start:gene1$end]
geneSeq2 = wseq[gene2$start:gene2$end]
rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
cuScore[cnt] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
lengthIGR[cnt] <- transcIGRs.pos$length[i]
exprIGR[cnt] <- transcIGRs.pos$expr[i]
id_CDS <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene1))
diffExpr[cnt] <- round(abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1]),digits = 4)
nameG1[cnt] <- rownames(gene1)
nameG2[cnt] <- rownames(gene2)
refOp1[cnt] <- gene1$operonID
refOp2[cnt] <- gene2$operonID
class[cnt] <- "Und"
cnt <- cnt + 1
for(i in 1:nrow(transcIGRs.neg)) {
g1 <- transcIGRs.neg$startLocusTag[i]
g2 <- transcIGRs.neg$endLocusTag[i]
if(length(which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g1)) == 0 | length(which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g2)) == 0) next;
gene1 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g1),]
gene2 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g2),]
testOpDOOR <- ($operonID) & !$operonID)) | (!$operonID) &$operonID)) | ($operonID) &$operonID))
test_transcActivity_g1 <- transcCDSs[rownames(gene1),]$expr > minExprCDS
test_transcActivity_g2 <- transcCDSs[rownames(gene2),]$expr > minExprCDS
test_transcIGR <- transcIGRs.neg$expr[i] > minExprIGR
test_lenIGR <- transcIGRs.neg$length[i] < maxLenIGR
test_confOP <- !(rownames(gene1) %in% OPs$G1) & !(rownames(gene2) %in% OPs$G2)
test_confNOP <- !(rownames(gene1) %in% NOPs$G1) & !(rownames(gene2) %in% NOPs$G2)
test_break_point <- FALSE
test_feat <- gene1$feature == "CDS" & gene2$feature == "CDS"
if(length(which(rownames(POSSs) == gene1)) > 0) {
id_poss <- which(rownames(POSSs) == gene1)
if(log2(POSSs$lp[id_poss]) <= max.start.transc[2])
test_break_point <- TRUE
if(length(which(rownames(POESs) == gene2)) > 0) {
id_poes <- which(rownames(POESs) == gene2)
if(log2(POESs$lp[id_poes]) <= max.end.transc[2])
test_break_point <- TRUE
# print(paste(test_confOP, test_confNOP, testOpDOOR, test_transcActivity_g1, test_transcActivity_g2, test_transcIGR))
if(test_confOP & test_confNOP & testOpDOOR & test_transcActivity_g1 & test_transcActivity_g2 &
test_transcIGR & test_lenIGR & !test_break_point & test_feat) {
geneSeq1 = wseq[gene1$start:gene1$end]
geneSeq2 = wseq[gene2$start:gene2$end]
rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
cuScore[cnt] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
id_IGR <- which(transcIGRs.neg$startLocusTag == rownames(gene1))
lengthIGR[cnt] <- transcIGRs.neg$length[id_IGR]
exprIGR[cnt] <- transcIGRs.neg$expr[id_IGR]
id_CDS <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene1))
diffExpr[cnt] <- round(abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1]),digits = 4)
nameG1[cnt] <- rownames(gene1)
nameG2[cnt] <- rownames(gene2)
refOp1[cnt] <- gene1$operonID
refOp2[cnt] <- gene2$operonID
class[cnt] <- "Und"
cnt <- cnt + 1
if(verbose) cat(" - nameG1:",length(nameG1),", nameG2:",length(nameG2),
", diffExpr:",length(diffExpr),", lengthIGR:",length(lengthIGR),
", cuScore:",length(cuScore),"\n", sep="")
return(data.frame(G1 = nameG1,
G2 = nameG2,
diffExpr = diffExpr,
exprIGR = exprIGR,
lengthIGR = lengthIGR,
cuScore = cuScore,
refOp1 = refOp1,
refOp2 = refOp2,
class = class,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#' Define the set of OPs annotated in DOOR.
#' Build a data table containing the transcriptomic/genomic feature values of operon pairs annotated in DOOR.
#' The operon classifier trained/validated on the OPs and NOPs is used to predict the operon status of these gene pairs.
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. See \code{join.genes.and.operons}.
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions. See \code{comp.gene.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.pos Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (forard strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.neg Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (reverse strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param wseq Sequence genome.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' select.ops.indoor()
select.ops.indoor <- function(genes.and.operons, transcCDSs, transcIGRs.pos, transcIGRs.neg, wseq,
verbose = TRUE, ...) {
cnt <- 1
nameG1 <- vector(mode = "character")
nameG2 <- vector(mode = "character")
refOp <- vector(mode = "character")
diffExpr <- vector(mode = "numeric")
lengthIGR <- vector(mode = "integer")
cuScore <- vector(mode = "numeric")
exprIGR <- vector(mode = "numeric")
class <- vector(mode = "character")
for(i in 1:nrow(transcIGRs.pos)) {
g1 <- transcIGRs.pos$startLocusTag[i]
g2 <- transcIGRs.pos$endLocusTag[i]
gene1 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g1),]
gene2 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g2),]
# print(paste(test_confOP, test_confNOP, testOpDOOR, test_transcActivity_g1, test_transcActivity_g2, test_transcIGR))
if(!$operonID) & !$operonID) & (gene1$operonID == gene2$operonID)) {
geneSeq1 = wseq[gene1$start:gene1$end]
geneSeq2 = wseq[gene2$start:gene2$end]
rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
cuScore[cnt] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
lengthIGR[cnt] <- transcIGRs.pos$length[i]
exprIGR[cnt] <- transcIGRs.pos$expr[i]
id_CDS <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene1))
diffExpr[cnt] <- round(abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1]),digits = 4)
nameG1[cnt] <- rownames(gene1)
nameG2[cnt] <- rownames(gene2)
refOp[cnt] <- gene1$operonID
class[cnt] <- "Door"
cnt <- cnt + 1
for(i in 1:nrow(transcIGRs.neg)) {
g1 <- transcIGRs.neg$startLocusTag[i]
g2 <- transcIGRs.neg$endLocusTag[i]
gene1 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g1),]
gene2 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g2),]
if(!$operonID) & !$operonID) & (gene1$operonID == gene2$operonID)) {
geneSeq1 = wseq[gene1$start:gene1$end]
geneSeq2 = wseq[gene2$start:gene2$end]
rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
cuScore[cnt] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
id_IGR <- which(transcIGRs.neg$startLocusTag == rownames(gene1))
lengthIGR[cnt] <- transcIGRs.neg$length[id_IGR]
exprIGR[cnt] <- transcIGRs.neg$expr[id_IGR]
id_CDS <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene1))
diffExpr[cnt] <- round(abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1]),digits = 4)
nameG1[cnt] <- rownames(gene1)
nameG2[cnt] <- rownames(gene2)
refOp[cnt] <- gene1$operonID
class[cnt] <- "Door"
cnt <- cnt + 1
if(verbose) cat(" - nameG1:",length(nameG1),", nameG2:",length(nameG2),
", diffExpr:",length(diffExpr),", lengthIGR:", length(lengthIGR),
", cuScore:",length(cuScore),"\n", sep="")
return(data.frame(G1 = nameG1,
G2 = nameG2,
diffExpr = diffExpr,
exprIGR = exprIGR,
lengthIGR = lengthIGR,
cuScore = cuScore,
refOp = refOp,
class = class,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#' Normalize the data before the classification step.
#' n0 - without normalization
#' n1 - standardization ((x-mean)/sd)
#' n2 - positional standardization ((x-median)/mad)
#' n3 - unitization ((x-mean)/range)
#' n4 - unitization with zero minimum ((x-min)/range)
#' n5 - normalization in range <-1,1> ((x-mean)/max(abs(x-mean)))
#' @param OPs Data table including the confirmed operon pairs (OPs). See \code{select.ops}.
#' @param OPs Data table including the confirmed non-operon pairs (NOPs). See \code{select.nops}.
#' @param POPs Data table including gene pairs with an operon status to (re)define (POPs). See \code{select.pops}.
#' @param DOPs Data table including the operon pairs annotated in DOOR database (DOPs). See \code{select.ops.indoor}.
#' @param type Charcater vector indicating the method to use for the normalization step. Default value is "n0".
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' pre.processing()
pre.processing <- function(OPs, NOPs, POPs, DOPs, type = "n0", verbose = TRUE, ...) {
x <- rbind(OPs[,c(3:6)], NOPs[,c(3:6)], POPs[,c(3:6)], DOPs[,c(3:6)])
if(verbose) cat(" - OPs#", nrow(OPs),", NOPs#", nrow(NOPs), ", POPs#", nrow(POPs),
", DOPs#", nrow(DOPs), "\n", sep="")
## normalization by column
nx <- NULL
for (i in 1:ncol(x))
nx <- switch(type, n0 = cbind(nx, (x[,i])),
n1 = cbind(nx, (x[,i] - mean(x[,i]))/(stats::sd(x[,i]))),
n2 = cbind(nx, (x[,i] - stats::median(x[,i]))/(stats::mad(x[,i]))),
n3 = cbind(nx, (x[,i] - mean(x[,i]))/(max(x[,i]) - min(x[,i]))),
n4 = cbind(nx, (x[, i] - min(x[,i]))/(max(x[,i]) - min(x[,i]))),
n5 = cbind(nx, (x[, i] - mean(x[,i]))/(max(abs(x[,i] - mean(x[,i]))))))
nOPs <- nx[1:nrow(OPs),]
nNOPs <- nx[(nrow(OPs)+1):(nrow(OPs)+nrow(NOPs)),]
nPOPs <- nx[(nrow(OPs)+nrow(NOPs)+1):(nrow(OPs)+nrow(NOPs)+nrow(POPs)),]
nDOPs <- nx[(nrow(OPs)+nrow(NOPs)+nrow(POPs)+1):(nrow(OPs)+nrow(NOPs)+nrow(POPs)+nrow(DOPs)),]
# cat("\n OPs#",nrow(nOPs),", NOPs#", nrow(nNOPs),", POPs#",nrow(nPOPs),", DOPs#",nrow(nDOPs),"\n", sep="")
for(i in 1:3) OPs[,(i+2)] <- nOPs[,i]
for(i in 1:3) NOPs[,(i+2)] <- nNOPs[,i]
for(i in 1:3) POPs[,(i+2)] <- nPOPs[,i]
for(i in 1:3) DOPs[,(i+2)] <- nDOPs[,i]
dat <-[,c(3:6,ncol(OPs))],NOPs[,c(3:6,ncol(NOPs))]))
rownames(dat) <- rbind(cbind(paste(OPs[,1], OPs[,2], sep="-")),
cbind(paste(NOPs[,1], NOPs[,2], sep="-")))
dat$class <- as.factor(dat$class)
dat.pops <-[,c(3:6)])
rownames(dat.pops) <- paste(POPs[,1], POPs[,2], sep="-")
dat.dops <-[,c(3:6)])
rownames(dat.dops) <- paste(DOPs[,1], DOPs[,2], sep="-")
#if(plot) plot.feat.vals(dat)
list(dat = dat, dat.pops = dat.pops, dat.dops = dat.dops)
#' Tune and build the classification models.
#' Internal function to tune and train all the classifiers to be used in distinguishing operon pairs (OPs) from non-operon pairs (NOPs)
#' on a given RNA-seq expression profile.
#' @param data Training/test data. See \code{select.ops} and \code{select.nops}.
#' @param class Vector of the class labels.
#' @param nf Number of folds for the cross-validation and the automatic selection of the model parameters.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
tune.cls <- function(data, class, nf=3, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
data$class <- class
## Random Forest <- list(smethod="grid",search=list(mtry=c(2:4)), convex=0, metric="ACC", method = c("kfold", nf, 12345))
tr.models <- list()
tr.models[[1]] <- rminer::fit(class~., data, model="mlpe", task = "class", search="heuristic5", mpar=c(NA,NA,"kfold",nf,"ACC")) ## MLPE
tr.models[[2]] <- rminer::fit(class~., data, model="randomforest", task = "class", search = ## Random Forest
tr.models[[3]] <- rminer::fit(class~., data, model="svm", task = "class", search="heuristic5", mpar=c(NA,NA,"kfold",nf,"ACC")) ## SVM
names(tr.models) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
if(verbose) {
cat(" - Automatic parameter setting: \n", sep="")
cat(" * MLPE-model: ", paste(paste(names(tr.models[[1]]@mpar), tr.models[[1]]@mpar, sep="="), collapse=" "), "\n", sep="")
cat(" * RF-model: ", paste(paste(names(tr.models[[2]]@mpar), tr.models[[2]]@mpar, sep="="), collapse=" "), "\n", sep="")
cat(" * SVM-model: ", paste(paste(names(tr.models[[3]]@mpar), tr.models[[3]]@mpar, sep="="), collapse=" "), "\n", sep="")
#list(mlpe = tr.models[[1]]@mpar, rf = tr.models[[2]]@mpar, svm = tr.models[[3]]@mpar)
#' Validate the classification models.
#' Internal function to validate all the classifiers to be used in distinguishing operon pairs (OPs) from non-operon pairs (NOPs)
#' on a given RNA-seq expression profile.
#' @param data Training/test data. See \code{select.ops} and \code{select.nops}.
#' @param class Vector of the class labels.
#' @param runs Number of bootstraps to be used.
#' @param kf Number of folds for the cross-validation.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
validate.cls <- function(data, class, models, runs = 5, kf = 5, verbose = TRUE) {
data$class <- class
vl.models <- list()
vl.models[[1]] <- rminer::mining(class~., data, task = "class", Runs=runs, method=c("kfold",kf), model="mlpe",
mpar = c(models[[1]]@mpar$nr, models[[1]]@mpar$maxit))
vl.models[[2]] <- rminer::mining(class~., data, task = "class", Runs=runs, method=c("kfold",kf), model="randomforest",
mpar = c(models[[2]]@mpar$mtry))
vl.models[[3]] <- rminer::mining(class~., data, task = "class", Runs=runs, method=c("kfold",kf), model="svm",
mpar = c(models[[3]]@mpar$C, models[[3]]@mpar$epsilon))
acc <- rep(0, 3)
sd.acc <- rep(0, 3)
gm <- rep(0, 3) <- rep(0, 3)
err <- rep(0, 3)
sd.err <- rep(0, 3)
fsc <- rep(0, 3)
sd.fsc <- rep(0, 3)
names(acc) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
names(sd.acc) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
names(gm) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
names( <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
names(err) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
names(sd.err) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
names(fsc) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
names(sd.fsc) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
for(i in 1:length(vl.models)) {
conf.list <- rminer::mmetric(vl.models[[i]], metric="CONF")
metrics.list <- lapply(conf.list, function(cm) {
metrics <- sum.conf.matrix(cm$conf)
acc[i] <- mean(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) m$acc)))
sd.acc[i] <- stats::sd(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) m$acc)))
gm[i] <- mean(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) m$gmean)))[i] <- stats::sd(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) m$gmean)))
err[i] <- mean(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) m$err)))
sd.err[i] <- stats::sd(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) m$err)))
fsc[i] <- mean(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) mean(m[[1]]$Fscore))))
sd.fsc[i] <- stats::sd(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) mean(m[[1]]$Fscore))))
return(data.frame(acc = acc, sd.acc = sd.acc,
gmean = gm, sd.gmean =,
fscore = fsc, sd.fscore = sd.fsc,
err = err, sd.err = sd.err))
#' Provide classification metrics.
#' Internal function to compile common classification metrics on a give confusion matrix.
#' @param cm confusion matrix.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
sum.conf.matrix <- function(cm, ...) {
## Number of groups
Ngp <- nrow(cm)
## Total : TP + TN + FP + FN
Tot <- sum(cm)
## TP : True positive item : All items on diagonal
TP <- diag(cm)
## TP + TN : sum of diagonal = All correct identification
TP_TN <- sum(TP)
## TP + FP : sum of columns : Automatic classification
TP_FP <- colSums(cm)
## TP + FN : sum of rows : Manual classification
TP_FN <- rowSums(cm)
## FP : False positive items
FP <- TP_FP - TP
## FN : False negative item
FN <- TP_FN - TP
## TN : True Negative = Total - TP - FP - FN
TN <- rep(Tot, Ngp) - TP - FP - FN
## The 8 basic ratios
## Recall = TP / (TP + FN) = 1 - FNR
Recall <- TP / (TP_FN)
## Specificity = TN / (TN + FP) = 1 - FPR
Specificity <- TN / (TN + FP)
## Precision = TP / (TP + FP) = 1 - FDR
Precision <- TP / (TP_FP)
## F-score = F-measure = F1 score = Harmonic mean of Precision and recall
Fscore <- 2 * ((Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall))
Fscore[is.nan(Fscore)] <- 0
Gmean <- prod(Recall)^(1/Ngp)
## General statistics
Accuracy <- ((TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN))
Error <- 1 - Accuracy
## Create a data frame with all results
res <- list(data.frame(Fscore = Fscore, Recall = Recall, Precision = Precision, Specificity = Specificity),
acc = Accuracy, err = Error, gmean = Gmean)
#' Train and validate the operon classifier and evaluate the feature importance.
#' Internal function to train an operon classifier to distinguish operon pairs (OPs) from non-operon pairs (NOPs)
#' on a given RNA-seq expression profile.
#' @param data Training/test data. See \code{select.ops} and \code{select.nops}.
#' @param class Vector of the class labels.
#' @param run Number of runs of training/validation. Default values is 30.
#' @param p Percentage of samples to be used for the training. Default values is 0.9.
#' @param ntr Number of trees to use in the operon classifier. Default values is 1000.
#' @param mtree Number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at each split in each tree. Default values is 4.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
train.RFs <- function(data, class, run = 30, p = 0.9, ntr = 1000, mtree=4, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
rank.aggreg <- rep(0, ncol(data))
names(rank.aggreg) <- colnames(data)
bootSam <- round(table(class)*p)
if(verbose) cat(" - Training data: ", bootSam[1], "(NOP) - ", bootSam[2], "(OP)\n", sep="")
nclass <- names(table(class))
id.class <- list()
for(i in 1:length(nclass)) {
id.class[[i]] <- which(nclass[i] == class)
accs <- rep(0, run)
for(i in 1:run) {
list.ids.train <- list()
list.ids.test <- list()
for(j in 1:length(nclass)) {
list.ids.train[[j]] <- sample(id.class[[j]],bootSam[j])
list.ids.test[[j]] <- id.class[[j]][which((id.class[[j]] %in% list.ids.train[[j]]) == FALSE)]
rf <- randomForest::randomForest(x=data[unlist(list.ids.train),], y=class[unlist(list.ids.train)],
xtest=data[unlist(list.ids.test),], ytest=class[unlist(list.ids.test)],
ntree=ntr, mtry=mtree, importance=TRUE)
accs[i] <- mean(rf$test$predicted == class[unlist(list.ids.test)])
rf.imp <- randomForest::importance(rf, type=1)
sort.variables <- rownames(rf.imp)[sort(rf.imp, decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)[[2]]]
for(j in 1:dim(rf.imp)[1]) {
rank.aggreg[sort.variables[j]] <- rank.aggreg[sort.variables[j]] + (dim(rf.imp)[1] - j)
rank.aggreg <- rank.aggreg[sort(rank.aggreg, decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)[[2]]]
if(verbose) {
cat(" * mean ACC: ", mean(accs), ", sd ACC: ", stats::sd(accs),"\n", sep="")
cat(" * feature importance: \n", sep="")
for(i in 1:length(rank.aggreg)) {
cat(" #",names(rank.aggreg)[i],":",rank.aggreg[i],"\n", sep="")
rf <- randomForest(x=data, y=class, ntree=ntr, mtry=mtree)
return(list(model=rf, accs=accs, rf=rank.aggreg))
#' Predict operon status of gene pairs (e.g., POPs, DOPs,...).
#' Internal function that uses the trained operon classifier to predict the operon status of POPs and DOPs.
#' @param cls List of classifiers. See \code{train.rfs}.
#' @param gene.pairs Gene pairs.
#' @param type Character vector indicating the type of gene pairs (POPs or DOPs). See \code{select.pops} and \code{select.ops.indoor}.
#' @param cons Numeric values indicating the minimum number of postive votes to classify a gen pair as operon pai. See \code{select.pops} and \code{select.ops.indoor}.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
pred.operon.status <- function(list.cls, gene.pairs, type="", cons = 1, verbose=TRUE, ...) {
pred.ops.mlpe <- predict(list.cls$mlpe, newdata=gene.pairs)
pred.ops.rf <- predict(list.cls$rf, newdata=gene.pairs)
pred.ops.svm <- predict(list.cls$svm, newdata=gene.pairs)
pred.ops <- data.frame(p.mlpe = pred.ops.mlpe, p.rf = pred.ops.rf, p.svm = pred.ops.svm)
rownames(pred.ops) <- rownames(gene.pairs)
consensus <- rep("NOP", length=nrow(pred.ops))
for(i in 1:nrow(pred.ops)) {
if(length(which(pred.ops[i,] == "OP")) >= cons) consensus[i] <- "OP"
pred.ops$cons <- consensus
cat(" - Number of ", type, " predicted as OPs:", length(which(consensus == "OP")), ".\n", sep="")
#pred.ops <- predict(cls, newdata=gene.pairs)
#num.pred.ops <- length(which(cbind(pred.ops)[,1] == 2))
# cat(" - Number of ", type, " predicted as OPs:",
# num.pred.ops, "(%", (num.pred.ops/length(pred.ops)) * 100, ").\n")
#' Build the condition-dependent operon map for a given RNA-seq expression profile.
#' @param pred.POPs Data table containing the POPs predicted as OPs.
#' @param pred.DOPs Data table containing the DOPs predicted as OPs.
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. See \code{join.genes.and.operons}.
#' @param POSSs Data table representing a set of putative operon start-points.
#' @param POESs Data table representing a set of putative operon end-points.
#' @param max.start.transc Cutoff values for the start transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param max.end.transc Cutoff values for the end transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param find.ext Add gene pairs predicted as OPs to confirmed operons.
#' @param BED.file Save the condition-dependent operon map in a BED-like file.
#' @param TAB.file Save the condition-dependent operon map in a tab-delimited text file file.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' getCondOperonMap()
getCondOperonMap <- function(pred.POPs, pred.DOPs, genes.and.operons, POSSs, POESs,
find.ext = FALSE, BED.file = NA, TAB.file = NA,
verbose = TRUE, ...) {
first <- vector(mode = "character")
strand <- vector(mode = "character")
start <- vector(mode = "numeric")
end <- vector(mode = "numeric")
length <- vector(mode = "numeric")
length.door <- vector(mode = "numeric")
listGenes <- vector(mode = "character")
door.op <- vector(mode = "character")
type <- vector(mode = "character")
op.ref <- unique(genes.and.operons$operonID)
ids.remove <- c() <- FALSE
cnt <- 0
for(i in 1:length(op.ref)) {
ids <- which(genes.and.operons$operonID == op.ref[i])
genes <- genes.and.operons[ids,]
if(nrow(genes) > 0) {
for(j in 1:(nrow(genes)-1)) {
if((ids[j] + 1) != ids[j+1]) {
#print(paste("How many genes between: ", ids[j+1]-ids[j]))
g1 <- rownames(genes)[ids[j]]
g2 <- rownames(genes)[(ids[j]+1)]
g3 <- rownames(genes)[ids[j+1]]
t1 <- pred.POPs[paste(g1, g2, sep="-"),]$ == "OP" & !
t2 <- pred.POPs[paste(g2, g3, sep="-"),]$ == "OP" & !
if(t1 & t2) {
listGenes[cnt] <- paste(listGenes[cnt], g2, g3, sep="-")
if(verbose) cat(" A POP has been used to link an operon.\n")
g1 <- rownames(genes)[j]
g2 <- rownames(genes)[j+1]
if(pred.DOPs[paste(g1, g2, sep="-"),]$ == "OP" & ! { <- TRUE
cnt <- cnt + 1
type[cnt] <- "COP"
first[cnt] <- g1
start[cnt] <- genes[j,]$start
end[cnt] <- genes[j+1,]$end
length[cnt] <- 2
length.door[cnt] <- length(ids)
strand[cnt] <- genes[j,]$strand
door.op[cnt] <- op.ref[i]
listGenes[cnt] <- paste(g1, g2, sep="-")
else if(pred.DOPs[paste(g1, g2, sep="-"),]$ == "OP" & {
listGenes[cnt] <- paste(listGenes[cnt], g2, sep="-")
end[cnt] <- genes[j+1,]$end
length[cnt] <- length[cnt] + 1
else if(pred.DOPs[paste(g1, g2, sep="-"),]$ == "NOP" & { <- FALSE
} <- FALSE
} # end for
cnt.pop <- 0
if(find.ext) {
e.cop <- rep(0, nrow(pred.POPs))
cop.e <- rep(0, nrow(pred.POPs))
cons.ops <- rep(0, nrow(pred.POPs))
cop.e[which(pred.POPs$ == "OP" & !$op.ref1) &$op.ref2))] <- 1
e.cop[which(pred.POPs$ == "OP" &$op.ref1) & !$op.ref2))] <- 1
cons.ops[which(pred.POPs$ == "OP" &$op.ref1) &$op.ref2))] <- 1
prev.gene <- "" <- FALSE
list.cons.ops <- list()
mask <- rep(0, nrow(pred.POPs))
for(i in 1:nrow(pred.POPs)) {
pop <- pred.POPs[i,]
g1 <- strsplit(rownames(pop), "-")[[1]][1]
g2 <- strsplit(rownames(pop), "-")[[1]][2]
if(prev.gene == g1 & pop$ == "OP") {
if(! & pred.POPs$[i-1] == "OP") {
list.cons.ops[[length(list.cons.ops)+1]] <- c(i-1,i) <- TRUE
mask[c(i-1,i)] <- 1
else if( {
list.cons.ops[[length(list.cons.ops)]] <- c(list.cons.ops[[length(list.cons.ops)]],i)
mask[i] <- 1
else if(prev.gene != g1 | pop$ == "NOP"){ <- FALSE
prev.gene <- g2
## finding single operon pair
for(i in 1:nrow(pred.POPs)) {
pop <- pred.POPs[i,]
g1 <- strsplit(rownames(pop), "-")[[1]][1]
g2 <- strsplit(rownames(pop), "-")[[1]][2]
if(mask[i] == 0){ <- FALSE
if(cop.e[i] == 1) {
id <- which(door.op == pop$op.ref1)
if(length(id) > 0) {
id <- id[length(id)]
length[id] <- length[id] + 1
end[id] <- genes.and.operons[g2,]$end
listGenes[id] <- paste(listGenes[id], g2, sep="-")
type[id] <- "COP-E"
id.ext.pop <- id
else if(e.cop[i] == 1) {
id <- which(door.op == pop$op.ref2)
if(length(id) > 0) {
id <- id[1]
length[id] <- length[id] + 1
start[id] <- genes.and.operons[g1,]$start
listGenes[id] <- paste(g1, listGenes[id], sep="-")
type[id] <- "E-COP"
first[id] <- g1
id.ext.pop <- id
else if(cons.ops[i] == 1) {
cnt <- cnt + 1
cnt.pop <- cnt.pop + 1
type[cnt] <- "POP"
first[cnt] <- g1
start[cnt] <- genes.and.operons[g1,]$start
end[cnt] <- genes.and.operons[g2,]$end
length[cnt] <- 2
length.door[cnt] <- 0
strand[cnt] <- genes.and.operons[g1,]$strand
door.op[cnt] <- paste("pop", cnt.pop, sep="-")
listGenes[cnt] <- paste(g1, g2, sep="-")
for(ops in list.cons.ops) {
pops <- pred.POPs[ops,]
# print(pops)
# exract the genes
genes <- strsplit(rownames(pops)[1], "-")[[1]]
for(i in 2:nrow(pops)) {
genes <- c(genes, strsplit(rownames(pops)[i], "-")[[1]][2])
# print(genes)
pp <- as.numeric(as.character(pops$op.ref1[1]))
ss <- as.numeric(as.character(pops$op.ref2[nrow(pops)]))
# print(paste("GGG", pp, ss))
# new putative operon
if(all($op.ref1)) & all($op.ref2))) {
cnt <- cnt + 1
cnt.pop <- cnt.pop + 1
type[cnt] <- "POP"
first[cnt] <- genes[1]
start[cnt] <- genes.and.operons[genes[1],]$start
end[cnt] <- genes.and.operons[genes[length(genes)],]$end
length[cnt] <- nrow(pops)
length.door[cnt] <- 0
strand[cnt] <- genes.and.operons[genes[1],]$strand
door.op[cnt] <- paste("pop", cnt.pop, sep="-")
listGenes[cnt] <- paste(genes, collapse="-")
else { # there are operon pair annotated in door
if(!$op.ref1[1]) & all($op.ref2))) {
id <- which(door.op == pops$op.ref1[1])
if(length(id) > 0) {
id <- id[length(id)]
length[id] <- length[id] + (length(genes)-1)
end[id] <- genes.and.operons[genes[length(genes)],]$end
listGenes[id] <- paste(listGenes[id], paste(genes[-1], collapse="-"), sep="-")
type[id] <- "COP-E"
else if(all($op.ref1)) & !$op.ref2[nrow(pops)])) {
id <- which(door.op == pops$op.ref2[nrow(pops)])
if(length(id) > 0) {
id <- id[1]
length[id] <- length[id] + (length(genes)-1)
start[id] <- genes.and.operons[genes[1],]$start
listGenes[id] <- paste(paste(genes[-length(genes)], collapse="-"), listGenes[id], sep="-")
type[id] <- "E-COP"
else if(!$op.ref1[1]) & !$op.ref2[nrow(pops)])) {
id.1 <- which(door.op == pops$op.ref1[1])
id.2 <- which(door.op == pops$op.ref2[nrow(pops)])
# unify a door operon / two consecutive door operons
# print(id.1)
# print(id.2)
# print("-----------------------------------------")
if(as.character(pops$op.ref1[1]) == as.character(pops$op.ref2[nrow(pops)])) {
id.1 <- id.1[length(id.1)]
end[id.1] <- genes.and.operons[genes[length(genes)],]$end
length[id.1] <- length[id.1] + length(genes) - 1
listGenes[id.1] <- paste(listGenes[id.1], paste(genes[-1], collapse="-"), sep="-")
else if((pp+1) == ss) {
if(length(id.1) == 0 & length(id.2) > 0) {
id.2 <- id.2[1]
length[id.2] <- length[id.2] + length(genes) - 1
start[id.2] <- genes.and.operons[genes[1],]$start
listGenes[id.2] <- paste(paste(genes[-length(genes)], collapse="-"), listGenes[id.2], sep="-")
type[id.2] <- "E-COP"
#door.op[id.2] <- paste(pops$op.ref1[1], door.op[id.2], sep="-")
else if(length(id.1) > 0 & length(id.2) == 0) {
id.1 <- id.1[length(id.1)]
length[id.1] <- length[id.1] + (length(genes)-1)
end[id.1] <- genes.and.operons[genes[length(genes)],]$end
listGenes[id.1] <- paste(listGenes[id.1], paste(genes[-1], collapse="-"), sep="-")
type[id.1] <- "COP-E"
#door.op[id.1] <- paste(door.op[id.1], pops$op.ref2[length(genes)], sep="-")
else if(length(id.1) > 0 & length(id.2) > 0) {
id.1 <- id.1[length(id.1)]
id.2 <- id.2[1]
length[id.1] <- length[id.1] + length[id.2] + (length(genes)-2)
length.door[id.1] <- length.door[id.1] + length.door[id.2]
start[id.1] <- start[id.1]
end[id.1] <- end[id.2]
listGenes[id.1] <- paste(listGenes[id.1], paste(genes[-c(1,length(genes))], collapse="-"),
listGenes[id.2], sep="-")
type[id.1] <- "U-COP"
door.op[id.1] <- paste(door.op[id.1], door.op[id.2], sep="-")
## remove the id
ids.remove <- c(ids.remove, id.2)
if(! {
df <- data.frame(chr = rep("chr1",length(start)), start, end, name = paste("Operon",door.op,sep="."),
length, strand, type)
if(length(ids.remove) > 0) df <- df[-ids.remove,]
utils::write.table(df, file = paste("COP.", BED.file, sep=""), quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
#utils::write.table(df[which(df$type == "POP"), -ncol(df)], file = paste("POP.", BED.file, sep=""),
# quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
df <- data.frame(first = first, strand = strand, start = start, end = end, len = length, len.door = length.door,
type = type, list.genes = listGenes, door.op = door.op, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if(length(ids.remove) > 0) df <- df[-ids.remove,]
if(! {
utils::write.table(df, file = paste("COP.", TAB.file, sep=""), quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
#' Get generic info about the door operons that have been confirmed
#' by using the ensemble operon classifier.
#' @param genes.and.ops Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations.
#' @param eval Data table reporting accuracy evaluations.
#' @param pred.POPs Data table containing the POPs predicted as OPs.
#' @param pred.DOPs Data table containing the DOPs predicted as OPs.
#' @param comap Data table representing the condition-dependent operon map.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' <- function(genes.and.ops, eval, pred.POPs, pred.DOPs, comap, verbose = TRUE) {
id.OPs <- 0
id.NOPs <- 0
for(i in 1:(nrow(genes.and.ops)-1)) {
t0 <- !$operonID[i]) & !$operonID[i+1])
t1 <- genes.and.ops$operonID[i] == genes.and.ops$operonID[i+1]
if(t0 & t1) id.OPs <- id.OPs + 1
else id.NOPs <- id.NOPs + 1
preds <- table(pred.DOPs$
pc.door.ops <- (preds[2]/id.OPs) * 100 <- (preds[1]/id.OPs) * 100
new.preds <- table(pred.POPs$ <- (new.preds[2]/id.NOPs) * 100
if( <- 0
#pc.door.nops <- (new.preds[1]/id.NOPs) * 100
ndoor <- length(table(genes.and.ops$operonID))
conf.complete.door.ops <- (sum(ifelse(comap$len == comap$len.door, 1, 0)) / ndoor) * 100
conf.split.door.ops <- (length(which(duplicated(comap$door.op) == T & comap$type == "COP")) / ndoor) * 100
conf.ext.door.ops <- (length(which(comap$type == "E-COP" | comap$type == "COP-E")) / ndoor) * 100
conf.mer.door.ops <- (length(which(comap$type == "U-COP")) / ndoor) * 100
new.ops <- (length(which(comap$type == "POP")) / nrow(comap)) * 100
info <- c(mean(eval$acc), pc.door.ops,,,
conf.complete.door.ops,conf.split.door.ops, conf.ext.door.ops, conf.mer.door.ops, new.ops)
names(info) <-c("over_acc","door_ops", "door_ops_to_nops","door_nops_to_ops",
"complete_door_operons", "spl_door_operons","ext_door_operons",
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