Defines functions pre.proc run.CONDOP get.NCBI.seq read.gff.annotations read.annot.from.gff read.door.annotations join.genes.and.operons get.intergenic.regions remove.cov.depth.from.aFeat comp.gene.transc.levels comp.igr.transc.levels qcut test.corr detect.sid.points get.operon.start.points get.operon.end.points compile.confirmed.operons select.ops select.nops select.pops select.ops.indoor pre.processing tune.cls validate.cls sum.conf.matrix train.RFs pred.operon.status getCondOperonMap get.info

Documented in comp.gene.transc.levels comp.igr.transc.levels compile.confirmed.operons detect.sid.points getCondOperonMap get.info get.intergenic.regions get.NCBI.seq get.operon.end.points get.operon.start.points join.genes.and.operons pred.operon.status pre.proc pre.processing qcut read.annot.from.gff read.door.annotations read.gff.annotations remove.cov.depth.from.aFeat run.CONDOP select.nops select.ops select.ops.indoor select.pops sum.conf.matrix test.corr train.RFs tune.cls validate.cls

#' Prepare data inputs for the main function \code{run.CONDOP()}.
#' Load the annotation files and a list of count tables (or coverage vectors). 
#' Each count table is related to a specific experimental condition 
#' and it must contain two columns: fwd (coverage depth on the forward strand) 
#' and rev (coverage depth on the reverse strand). 
#' The annotations files are:
#'   - GFF-like file, it can be downloaded from the NCBI genomes ftp directory, ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/genomes.
#'   - DOOR-like file, it can be downloaded from http://csbl.bmb.uga.edu/DOOR/displayspecies.php.
#'   - FASTA-like file, it can be downloaded from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.
#' @param gff.file A full local path indicating the GFF-like file to load <Gene annotations>. 
#' @param door.op.file A full local path indicating the DOOR-like file to load (DOOR-operon annotations).
#' @param fasta.file A full local path indicating the FASTA-like file to load or 
#'                   a character string representing the accession number of the genome sequence to download. 
#' @param list.cov.dat List of count tables.
#' @param remove.cov List of character values. Each charcater value corresponds to a specific type of annotated features. 
#'                                The coverage depth from those annotated feature will be removed. 
#'                                The default list contains "rRNA". The coverage depth of "rRNA" features will be removed. 
#' @param log2.expr Logical value indicating whether CONDOP will be using logged values of expression.
#'                  The expression values are compiled in RPKM values. Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @param sw Numeric value specifying the sliding window size. Default value is 100.
#' @param save.data.file Character string naming a file. The file will contain the input for the CONDOP main process.
#' @param verbose Indicate whether information about the process should be reported. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return A list of data inputs for the main process \code{run.CONDOP}.
#'  \item{genes.and.ops}{A merged dataframe containing information about genes/features and operons merged.} 
#'  \item{gseq}{A character vector representing the genome sequence of the target organism. }
#'  \item{igr.pos}{A dataframe containing information about intergenic regions (IRGs) - forward (+) strand.} 
#'  \item{igr.neg}{A dataframe containing information about intergenic regions (IRGs) - reverse (-) strand.} 
#'  \item{tl.cds}{A list of dataframes containing the expression levels of annotated coding sequences (CDS regions). One dataframe for each count table.}
#'  \item{tl.igr.pos}{A list of dataframes containing the expression levels of intergenic sequences (IGR regions) - forward (+) strand. One dataframe for each count table.}
#'  \item{tl.igr.neg}{A list of dataframes containing the expression levels of intergenic sequences (IGR regions) - reverse (-) strand. One dataframe for each count table.}
#'  \item{sid.points}{A list of dataframes containing information about boundaries of transcriptionally active regions.}
#'  \item{cut.lhe}{A list of numeric vectors indicating the cut-off values to distinguish low expressed RNA-seq data from high expression data on the forward and reverse strands. One dataframe for each count table.}
#' \dontrun{
#'     file_operon_annot <- system.file("extdata", "1944.opr", package="CONDOP")
#'     file_genome_seq   <- system.file("extdata", "EC-k12-MG1655.fasta", package="CONDOP")
#'     data(ct1)
#'     data.in <- pre.proc(file_genome_annot, file_operon_annot, "NC_000913", 
#'                         list.cov.dat = list(ct1 = ct1)) 
#' }
#' @note Use the \code{pre.proc} function before running \code{run.CONDOP}.
#'       You do not have to worry about how to make the input data structures for the the \code{run.CONDOP} function.
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' @importFrom seqinr read.fasta uco
#' @importFrom plyr ldply
#' @importFrom earth earth
#' @importFrom mclust Mclust
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlengths
#' @importFrom stats cor.test ks.test mad median na.omit quantile sd
#' @importFrom utils URLdecode read.delim read.table write.table
#' @importClassesFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
pre.proc <- function(gff.file, door.op.file, fasta.file, list.cov.dat,
                     remove.cov = list("rRNA"), log2.expr = TRUE, sw = 100, 
                     save.data.file = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
  if(!is.character(gff.file) & !is.character(door.op.file) & !is.character(fasta.file) & length(list.cov.dat) == 0) {
    stop("Input files are not specified.")
  else {
      ## file.exists();
    if(!file.exists(gff.file))    stop("The GFF annotation file has not be specified.")
    if(!file.exists(door.op.file)) stop("The DOOR operon annotation file has not be specified.")
    if(!file.exists(fasta.file))	{
        stop("Please specify the accession number or the FASTA file of the genome sequence has not be specified.")
        cat("Searching and downloading the FASTA file.\n")
      gseq  <- get.NCBI.seq(fasta.file)
      gseq  <- seqinr::read.fasta(fasta.file, seqtype="DNA")[[1]]
    if(length(list.cov.dat) == 0)   stop("Coverage depth data has not be specified.")
    genes <- read.gff.annotations(gff.file, verbose=verbose)
    operons <- read.door.annotations(door.op.file, verbose=verbose)
  igr.pos  <- get.intergenic.regions(genes, "+")
  igr.neg  <- get.intergenic.regions(genes, "-")
  genes.and.ops <- join.genes.and.operons(genes, operons) 
  not.ops <- names(table(genes.and.ops$operonID))[which(table(genes.and.ops$operonID) == 1)]
  id.not.ops <- which((genes.and.ops$operonID %in% not.ops) == TRUE)
  genes.and.ops$operonID[id.not.ops] <- NA
  if(verbose) {
    cat("Annotated feature types:\n")
    cat("      ",names(table(genes.and.ops$feature)))
  if(verbose) cat("2) Compiling transcription levels...\n")	
  tl.cds <- list()
  tl.igr.pos <- list()
  tl.igr.neg <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(list.cov.dat)) {
    # if requested, remove depth-cov from a specific region
    if(!is.na(remove.cov) & length(remove.cov) > 0) {	
      for(j in 1:length(remove.cov)) {
        if(verbose) cat(paste("\nRemoving coverage depth from", remove.cov[[j]],"\n"))
        list.cov.dat[[i]] <- remove.cov.depth.from.aFeat(genes.and.ops, list.cov.dat[[i]], feature = remove.cov[[j]])
    tl.cds[[i]] <- comp.gene.transc.levels(genes.and.ops, list.cov.dat[[i]])  
    tl.igr.pos[[i]] <- comp.igr.transc.levels(genes.and.ops, igr.pos, list.cov.dat[[i]], tl.cds[[i]], "+");
    tl.igr.neg[[i]] <- comp.igr.transc.levels(genes.and.ops, igr.neg, list.cov.dat[[i]], tl.cds[[i]], "-");
    # set the 'expr' field
    if(log2.expr) {
      tl.cds[[i]]$expr <- tl.cds[[i]]$log2NormDepth
      tl.igr.pos[[i]]$expr <- tl.igr.pos[[i]]$log2NormDepth
      tl.igr.neg[[i]]$expr <- tl.igr.neg[[i]]$log2NormDepth
    else {
      tl.cds[[i]]$expr <- tl.cds[[i]]$normDepth
      tl.igr.pos[[i]]$expr <- tl.igr.pos[[i]]$normDepth
      tl.igr.neg[[i]]$expr <- tl.igr.neg[[i]]$normDepth
    if(verbose) {
      cat("\n  - quantiles in transcription level (CDSs +)...\n")
      cat(stats::quantile(tl.cds[[i]]$expr[tl.cds[[i]]$strand == "+"]))
      cat("\n  - quantiles in transcription level (CDSs -)...\n")
      cat(stats::quantile(tl.cds[[i]]$expr[tl.cds[[i]]$strand == "-"]))
      cat("\n  - quantiles in transcription level (IGRs +)...\n")
      cat("\n  - quantiles in transcription level (IGRs -)...\n")
  if(verbose) cat("\n3) Finding start/end transcription points...\n")	
  sid.points <- list()
  #if(parallel) {
  #  num.cores <- detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = FALSE)
  #  registerDoMC(num.cores)
  #  sid.points <- foreach(i=1:length(list.cov.dat)) %dopar% {
  #    detect.sid.points(cd = list.cov.dat[[i]], sizeWindow = sw, verbose=FALSE)
  #  }
    for(i in 1:length(list.cov.dat)) {
      if(verbose) cat(paste("   - transcriptome profiles:",i,"\n"))	
      sid.points[[i]] <- detect.sid.points(cd = list.cov.dat[[i]], sizeWindow = sw, verbose=FALSE)
  if(verbose) cat("\n4) Calculating cut-off values...\n")
  cut.lhe <- list() # cut off values to distinguish between low and high expression
  for(i in 1:length(list.cov.dat)) {
    if(verbose) cat(paste("   - transcriptome profiles:",i,"\n"))	
    cut.lhe[[i]] <- qcut(list.cov.dat[[i]])
  if(!is.null(save.data.file)) {
    if(verbose) cat("\n5) Saving data objects ...\n")	
    #save.data.tps(paste(save.tps.dir, "_", i, sep=""), sid.points[[i]])
    save(list = c("genes.and.ops","igr.pos","igr.neg",
                  "sid.points","cut.lhe"), file = save.data.file)
  list(genes.and.ops = genes.and.ops, gseq = gseq, igr.pos = igr.pos, igr.neg = igr.neg, # annotations    
       tl.cds = tl.cds, tl.igr.pos = tl.igr.pos, tl.igr.neg = tl.igr.neg,                # transc. levels  
       sid.points = sid.points, cut.lhe = cut.lhe)                                       # transc. start/end points (+ cut off values)

#' Build condition-dependent operon maps.
#' It develops an ensemble operon pair classifier that combines 
#' both genomic and transcriptomic features. 
#' The ensemble classifier consists of three machine-learning models 
#' that are trained on a small set of confirmed operon pairs (OPs) and 
#' non-operon pairs (NOPs). The set of OPs and NOPs is identified by crosschecking 
#' the DOOR annotation with consecutive, active coding-sequence and intergenic regions,
#' indicated with CDSs and IGR respectively. The trained ensemble classifier is used 
#' to predict the operon status of all the gene-pairs, including DOOR-based operon pairs, 
#' namely DOPs, and putative operon pairs (POPs). 
#' Finally, a linkage process is exploited to combine consecutive 
#' operon-pairs classified as OP, and to build the map of condition-dependent operons.
#' @param data.in The output of the \code{pre.proc} function.
#' @param bkgExprCDS A threshold to be used for finding active coding-sequence regions. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param bkgExprIGR A threshold to be used for finding the active/transcribed intergenic regions. Default values is 0.25.
#' @param maxLenIGR Maximum length for the intergenic regions. Default values is 150.
#' @param win.start.trp Specify the maximum and the minimum distance from the beginning of a coding region. It is important to validate transcription start points. Defauls values are 100 (max) and 10 (min).
#' @param win.end.trp Specify the minimum and maximum distance from the end of a coding region. It is important to validate transcription end points. Defauls values are 10 (min) and 100 (max).
#' @param norm.type Character vector indicating the method to use for the normalization step. Default value is "n1".
#'                   n0 - without normalization; n1 - standardization ((x-mean)/sd); 
#'                   n2 - positional standardization ((x-median)/mad); n3 - unitization ((x-mean)/range);
#'                   n4 - unitization with zero minimum ((x-min)/range); n5 - normalization in range <-1,1> ((x-mean)/max(abs(x-mean))).
#' @param cl.run Number of runs of training/validation. Default values is 30.
#' @param nfolds Indicate the number of folds to be used for the cross-validation step. Default values is 5.
#' @param cons Indicate the minimum number of positive votes necessary to classify a gene pair as operon pair. Default values is 2.
#' @param find.ext To add putative operon pairs classified as OP to the condition-dependent operon map. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param save.TAB.file Character string naming a file. The final condition operon map is saved in a tab-delimeted text file. Default values is NULL - the cond. operon map is not saved.
#' @param save.BED.file Character string naming a file. The final condition operon map is saved in a BED-like file. Default values is NULL - the cond. operon map is not saved.
#' @param return.all Logical value indicating if extra data must be provided in output.
#' @param verbose Indicate whether information about the process should be reported. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return List of data structures built by CONDOP.
#' If \code{return.all} is FALSE:
#'  \item{ndata}{A list of dataframes containing OPs and NOPs used for the traing/validation process. One for each count table.}
#'  \item{cls}{A list of OP classifiers for each count table.}
#'  \item{ev.cls}{A data.frame containing the evalaution result for the trained classifiers. One for each count table.}
#'  \item{pred.TS}{A list of dataframes containing the classification results on the training set. One for each count table.}
#'  \item{pred.POPs}{A list of dataframes containing the prediction results on the POPs. One for each count table.}
#'  \item{pred.DOPs}{A list of dataframes containg the prediction results on the DOPs. One for each count table.}
#'  \item{comap}{A list of condition-dependent operon maps (comaps). One for each count table.}
#'  \item{info}{A list of generic information on the confirmed DOOR based operons. One for each count table.}
#' If \code{return.all} is TRUE the \code{run.CONDOP()} function also provides..
#'  \item{osp}{A list of dataframes containing confirmed operon start points. One for each count table.}
#'  \item{oep}{A list of dataframes containing confirmed operon end points. One for each count table.}
#'  \item{cops}{A list of dataframes containing confirmed operons. One for each count table.}
#'  \item{OPs}{A list of dataframes containing OPs. One for each count table.}
#'  \item{NOPs}{A list of dataframes containing NOPs. One for each count table.}
#'  \item{POPs}{A list of dataframes containing POPs. One for each count table.}
#'  \item{DOPs}{A list of dataframes containing DOPs. One for each count table.}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'     file_operon_annot <- system.file("extdata", "1944.opr", package="CONDOP")
#'     file_genome_seq   <- system.file("extdata", "EC-k12-MG1655.fasta", package="CONDOP")
#'     data(ct1)
#'     data.in   <- pre.proc(file_genome_annot, file_operon_annot, "NC_000913",
#'                           list.cov.dat = list(ct1 = ct1)) 
#'     res.comap <- run.CONDOP(data.in = data.in, bkgExprCDS = 0.2, bkgExprIGR = 0.2, 
#'                             maxLenIGR = 150, find.ext = TRUE)                      
#' }
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' @importFrom randomForest randomForest
#' @importFrom randomForest importance
#' @import rminer
#' @export
run.CONDOP <- function(data.in,
                       bkgExprCDS = 0.1, bkgExprIGR = 0.25, maxLenIGR = 150, win.start.trp = c(100,10), win.end.trp = c(10,100),
                       norm.type = "n1", cl.run = 30, nfolds = 5, cons = 2, find.ext = FALSE, save.TAB.file = NULL, save.BED.file = NULL, 
                       return.all = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
  if(length(data.in) == 0) {
    stop("Missing input data.\n")
  osp  <- list()
  oep  <- list()
  cops <- list()
  OPs  <- list()
  NOPs <- list()
  POPs <- list()
  DOPs <- list()
  ndata <- list()	
  models <- list()
  evals  <- list()
  pred.TS  <- list()
  pred.POPs  <- list()
  pred.DOPs  <- list()
  comap <- list()
  info <- list()
  num.transc.profiles <- length(data.in$sid.points)
  for(i in 1:num.transc.profiles) {
    if(verbose) cat("TRANSCRIPTOME PROFILE #",i,"\n",sep="")	
    if(verbose) cat("1) Determine operon start- and end-points (OSPs and OEPs)...\n")	
    osp[[i]] <- get.operon.start.points(data.in$sid.points[[i]]$fwd.incs, 
                                        data.in$genes.and.ops, data.in$igr.pos, data.in$igr.neg, 
                                        borders = win.start.trp, 
                                        max.start.transc = data.in$cut.lhe[[i]],
                                        minExprCDS = bkgExprCDS,
                                        verbose = verbose) 							
    oep[[i]] <- get.operon.end.points(data.in$sid.points[[i]]$fwd.decs, 
                                      data.in$genes.and.ops, data.in$igr.pos, data.in$igr.neg, 
                                      borders = win.end.trp, 
                                      max.end.transc = data.in$cut.lhe[[i]],
                                      minExprCDS = bkgExprCDS,
                                      verbose = verbose) 		
    if(verbose) cat("\n2) Verify confirmed operons...\n")
    cops[[i]] <- compile.confirmed.operons(data.in$genes.and.ops, 
                                           data.in$tl.igr.pos[[i]], data.in$tl.igr.neg[[i]], 
                                           osp[[i]]$POSSs, oep[[i]]$POESs, 
                                           minExprCDS = bkgExprCDS, minExprIGR = bkgExprIGR,
                                           max.start.transc = data.in$cut.lhe[[i]], 
                                           max.end.transc = data.in$cut.lhe[[i]],
                                           verbose = verbose)
    if(verbose) cat("\n3) Compile the features for OPs and NOPs...\n")
    OPs[[i]]  <-	select.ops(cops[[i]], data.in$genes.and.ops, data.in$tl.cds[[i]], 
                             data.in$tl.igr.pos[[i]], data.in$tl.igr.neg[[i]], data.in$gseq,
                             verbose = verbose)		   
    NOPs[[i]] <-	select.nops(data.in$genes.and.ops, OPs[[i]], data.in$tl.cds[[i]], 
                              data.in$tl.igr.pos[[i]], data.in$tl.igr.neg[[i]], 
                              osp[[i]]$POSSs, oep[[i]]$POESs, data.in$gseq, 
                              max.start.transc = data.in$cut.lhe[[i]], 
                              max.end.transc = data.in$cut.lhe[[i]],
                              verbose = verbose) 
    if(verbose) cat("\n4) Find gene pairs with an operon status to (re)define...\n")
    POPs[[i]] <- 	select.pops(OPs[[i]], NOPs[[i]], data.in$genes.and.ops, data.in$tl.cds[[i]], 
                              data.in$tl.igr.pos[[i]], data.in$tl.igr.neg[[i]], 
                              minExprCDS = bkgExprCDS, minExprIGR = bkgExprIGR, 
                              maxLenIGR = maxLenIGR, osp[[i]]$POSSs, oep[[i]]$POESs,
                              max.start.transc = data.in$cut.lhe[[i]], 
                              max.end.transc = data.in$cut.lhe[[i]], data.in$gseq,
                              verbose = verbose) 
    if(verbose) cat("\n5) Find gene pairs annotated in DOOR database that were not confirmed... \n")
    DOPs[[i]] <-	select.ops.indoor(data.in$genes.and.ops, data.in$tl.cds[[i]], 
                                   data.in$tl.igr.pos[[i]], data.in$tl.igr.neg[[i]], data.in$gseq,
                                   verbose = verbose)
    if(verbose) cat("\n6) Normalize the feature values for OPs, NOPs, POPs and DOPs...\n")
    ndata[[i]] <- pre.processing(OPs[[i]], NOPs[[i]], 
                                 POPs[[i]], DOPs[[i]], 
                                 type = norm.type,
                                 verbose = verbose)		
    if(verbose) cat("\n7) Tune and train the classification models...\n")
    models[[i]] <- tune.cls(data=ndata[[i]]$dat[,-ncol(ndata[[i]]$dat)], 
                            verbose = verbose)
    if(verbose) cat("\n8) Validate the classification models...\n")
    evals[[i]] <- validate.cls(data=ndata[[i]]$dat[,-ncol(ndata[[i]]$dat)], 
                               class=ndata[[i]]$dat$class, models[[i]], 
                               runs = cl.run, kf = nfolds,
                               verbose = verbose)
    if(verbose) print(evals[[i]])
    #if(verbose) cat("\n7) Train the operon classifier...\n")
    #cls[[i]] <- train.RFs(data=ndata[[i]]$dat[,-ncol(ndata[[i]]$dat)],
    #        							   class=ndata[[i]]$dat$class, run = cl.run, 
    #        							   p = training, ntr = rf.ntr, mtree=rf.mtree)
    if(verbose) cat("\n9) Predict the operon status of POPs and DOPs\n")
    pred.TS[[i]]   <- pred.operon.status(models[[i]], ndata[[i]]$dat, 
                                         type="TS", cons = cons,
                                         verbose = verbose)
    pred.POPs[[i]] <- pred.operon.status(models[[i]], ndata[[i]]$dat.pops, 
                                         type="POPs", cons = cons,
                                         verbose = verbose)
    pred.DOPs[[i]] <- pred.operon.status(models[[i]], ndata[[i]]$dat.dops, 
                                         type="DOPs", cons = cons,
                                         verbose = verbose)
    pred.DOPs[[i]] <- data.frame(rownames(pred.DOPs[[i]]), op.st = pred.DOPs[[i]]$cons, 
                                 op.ref = DOPs[[i]]$refOp, row.names = 1)
    pred.POPs[[i]] <- data.frame(rownames(pred.POPs[[i]]), op.st = pred.POPs[[i]]$cons, 
                                 op.ref1 = POPs[[i]]$refOp1, op.ref2 = POPs[[i]]$refOp2, row.names=1) 
    if(verbose) cat("\n10) Build the condition dependent operon map\n")
      comap[[i]] <- getCondOperonMap(pred.POPs[[i]], pred.DOPs[[i]], data.in$genes.and.ops,
                                     osp[[i]]$POSSs, oep[[i]]$POESs,
                                     max.start.transc = data.in$cut.lhe[[i]],
                                     max.end.transc = data.in$cut.lhe[[i]],
                                     find.ext = find.ext,
                                     BED.file = paste(save.BED.file, i, "bed", sep="."),
                                     verbose = verbose)
    else if(!is.null(save.TAB.file))
      comap[[i]] <- getCondOperonMap(pred.POPs[[i]], pred.DOPs[[i]], data.in$genes.and.ops,
                                     osp[[i]]$POSSs, oep[[i]]$POESs,
                                     max.start.transc = data.in$cut.lhe[[i]],
                                     max.end.transc = data.in$cut.lhe[[i]],
                                     find.ext = find.ext,
                                     TAB.file = paste(save.TAB.file, i, "txt", sep="."),
                                     verbose = verbose)
      comap[[i]] <- getCondOperonMap(pred.POPs[[i]], pred.DOPs[[i]], data.in$genes.and.ops,
                                     osp[[i]]$POSSs, oep[[i]]$POESs,
                                     max.start.transc = data.in$cut.lhe[[i]],
                                     max.end.transc = data.in$cut.lhe[[i]],
                                     find.ext = find.ext,
                                     verbose = verbose)
    if(verbose) cat("\n11) Compile generic information about the condition-dependent operon predictions\n")
    info[[i]] <- get.info(data.in$genes.and.ops, evals[[i]], pred.POPs[[i]], pred.DOPs[[i]], comap[[i]], verbose = verbose)
    if(verbose) cat("\n")
  #if(!is.null(save.data.file)) {
  #  if(verbose) cat("\nSaving data objects...\n")
  #  save(list = c("osp","oep","cops","OPs","NOPs","POPs","DOPs",
  #                "ndata","cls","pred.POPs","pred.DOPs","comap"), 
  #       file = save.data.file)
    return(list(ndata=ndata, cls=models, pred.TS=pred.TS, pred.POPs=pred.POPs, pred.DOPs=pred.DOPs, 
                comap = comap, info=info))
    return(list(ndata=ndata, cls=models, ev.cls = evals, pred.TS=pred.TS, pred.POPs=pred.POPs, pred.DOPs=pred.DOPs, 
                osp = osp, oep = oep, cops = cops, OPs = OPs, NOPs = NOPs, POPs = POPs, DOPs = DOPs, comap=comap,

#' Find and get a genome sequence by specifyng the accession number. Read gene annotations in GFF format
#' @param gff_file A full local path indicating the GFF file to load.
#' @param verbose Indicate whether information about the process should be reported. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return Annotation data table.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' @importFrom seqinr choosebank getSequence query closebank
#' @export
get.NCBI.seq <- function(accession,  list.dbs = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
    if(length(list.dbs) == 0) list.dbs <- seqinr::choosebank()
    # first find which ACNUC database the accession is stored in:
    for (db in list.dbs){
        cat(c("Looking in", db, "...\n"))
        # check if the sequence is in ACNUC database 'db':
        resquery <- try(seqinr::query(".tmpquery", paste("AC=", accession)), silent = TRUE)
        if (!(inherits(resquery, "try-error"))) {
            query2 <- seqinr::query("query2", paste("AC=",accession,sep=""))
            # see if a sequence was retrieved:
            seq <- seqinr::getSequence(query2$req[[1]])
    if(verbose) cat("\nERROR: accession",accession,"was not found")

#' Read gene annotations in GFF format 
#' Internal function to read GFF data file downloaded from the NCBI genomes ftp directory, 
#' ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/genomes.
#' @param gff_file A full local path indicating the GFF file to load.
#' @param verbose Indicate whether information about the process should be reported. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return Annotation data table.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' read.gff.annotations()
read.gff.annotations <- function(gff_file, verbose=TRUE, ...) {
  gff.annot <- GenomicRanges::as.data.frame(read.annot.from.gff(gff_file))
  if(verbose) cat("\nGene annoatiotions loaded.")
  data.frame(locusTag = gff.annot$locus, feature = as.character(gff.annot$feature),
             start = gff.annot$start, end = gff.annot$end,
             strand = as.character(gff.annot$strand), gid = as.character(gff.annot$gid), 
             gene = as.character(gff.annot$gene),
             row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' Read a GFF file from NCBI and return a GRanges object.
#' @param gff.file a GFF file
#' @param locus.tags only return genes with locus tags. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param nrows number of rows to read.
#' @param verbose Indicate whether information about the process should be reported. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return GRanges with 4 elementMetadata columns: locus, proetin id, gene id, feature, description and gene name. 
#'         If all rows are returned (locus.tags=FALSE), then score, phase and tags are included. 
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' read.annot.from.gff()
read.annot.from.gff <- function(gff.file, locus.tags = TRUE, nrows = -1, verbose=TRUE) {
  x <- utils::read.delim(gff.file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, comment.char = "#", 
                  header = FALSE, nrows = nrows)
  colnames(x) <- c("seqid", "source", "feature", "start", "end", 
                   "score", "strand", "phase", "tags")
  n <- x$strand == "."
  if (any(n)) {
    x$strand[n] <- "+"
    print("WARNING: changing '.' to '+' in strand column")
  seqid <- unique(x$seqid)
  if (all(grepl("\\.[0-9]$", seqid))) {
    #x$seqid <- genomes::strsplit2(x$seqid, ".", fixed = TRUE)
    x.split <- strsplit(as.character(x$seqid), split = ".", fixed = TRUE)
    x$seqid <- sapply(x.split, "[", n = 1)
  x$id <- gsub("ID=([^;]*).*", "\\1", x$tags)
  if (!locus.tags) {
    gff <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = x$seqid, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(x$start, x$end), 
                                  strand = x$strand, data.frame(x[, c(10, 3, 6, 8, 9)]))
  else {
    #n <- x$tags %like% "*locus_tag=*"
    n <-  grepl("*locus_tag=*", x$tags)
    genes <- subset(x, n)
    y <- subset(x, !n)
    y$parent <- NA
    #n <- y$tags %like% "*Parent=*"
    n <- grepl("*Parent=*", y$tags)
    y$parent[n] <- gsub(".*Parent=([^;]*).*", "\\1", y$tags[n])
    y$gid <- ""
    #n <- y$tags %like% "*GeneID=*"
    n <- grepl("*GeneID:*", y$tags)
    y$gid[n] <- gsub(".*GeneID:([^;]*).*", "\\1", y$tags[n])
    y$pid <- ""
    #n <- y$tags %like% "*protein_id=*"
    n <- grepl("*protein_id=*", y$tags)
    if (sum(n) > 0) 
      y$pid[n] <- gsub(".*protein_id=([^;.]*).*", "\\1",  y$tags[n])
    y$product <- ""
    #n <- y$tags %like% "*product=*"
    n <- grepl("*product=*",y$tags)
    if (sum(n) > 0) 
      y$product[n] <- gsub(".*product=([^;]*).*", "\\1",y$tags[n])
    #n <- is.na(y$product) & y$tags %like% "*Note=*"
    n <- grepl("*Note=*", y$tags)
    n <- is.na(y$product) & n
    y$product[n] <- gsub(".*Note=([^;]*).*", "\\1", y$tags[n])
    n <- grep("%", y$product)
    if (length(n) > 0) 
      y$product[n] <- as.vector(sapply(y$product[n], utils::URLdecode))
    genes$locus <- gsub(".*;locus_tag=([^;]*).*", "\\1", genes$tags)
    n <- match(genes$id, y$parent)
    n2 <- !is.na(n)
    genes$feature[n2] <- y$feature[n[n2]]
    genes$description <- ""
    genes$description[n2] <- y$product[n[n2]]
    genes$gid[n2] <- y$gid[n[n2]]
    genes$pid[n2] <- y$pid[n[n2]]
    genes$feature[grepl("*pseudo=true*", genes$tags)] <- "pseudo"
    n <- which(genes$feature == "gene")
    if (length(n) > 0) {
      n2 <- match(paste(genes$start[n], genes$end[n]), 
                  paste(y$start, y$end))
      n3 <- !is.na(n2)
      genes$feature[n[n3]] <- y$feature[n2[n3]]
      genes$description[n[n3]] <- y$product[n2[n3]]
    genes$feature[genes$feature == "transcript"] <- "miscRNA"
    genes$feature[genes$feature == "region"] <- "other"
    genes$feature[genes$feature == "gene"] <- "other"
    genes$gene <- ""
    n <- grep("gene=", genes$tag)
    if (length(n) > 0) 
      genes$gene[n] <- gsub(".*gene=([^;]*).*", "\\1", genes$tags[n])
    n <- grep("gene_synonym=", genes$tag)
    if (length(n) > 0) 
      genes$gene[n] <- paste(genes$gene[n], gsub(".*gene_synonym=([^;]*).*", 
                                                 "\\1", genes$tags[n]), sep = ",")
    n <- grep("%", genes$gene)
    if (length(n) > 0) 
      genes$gene[n] <- as.vector(sapply(genes$gene[n], utils::URLdecode))
    if (any(table(genes$locus) > 1)) {
      print("Warning: grouping coordinates for duplicate locus tags")
      genes2 <- by(genes, genes$locus, function(x) {
        data.frame(locus = x$locus[1], seqid = x$seqid[1], 
                   start = min(x$start), end = max(x$end), strand = x$strand[1], gid = x$gid[1],
                   pid = x$pid[1], feature = x$feature[1], description = x$description[1], 
                   gene = x$gene[1])
      genes <- do.call("rbind", genes2)
    if (any(diff(order(genes$start)) != 1)) {
      genes <- genes[order(genes$start), ]
    gff <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = genes$seqid, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(genes$start,genes$end), 
                                  strand = genes$strand, genes[, c("locus", "pid", "gid", "feature", "description", "gene")])
  if (length(seqid) == 1) GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(gff) <- max(x$end)
  S4Vectors::metadata(gff) <- list(source = unique(x$source), defline = seqid)

#' Read the operon(s) data file downloaded from http://csbl.bmb.uga.edu/DOOR/displayspecies.php
#' Internal function to read the operon(s) data file downloaded from http://csbl.bmb.uga.edu/DOOR/displayspecies.php
#' @param opr_file A full local path indicating the .opr file to load. 
#' @param verbose Indicate whether information about the process should be reported. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return Operon data table.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' read.door.annotations()
read.door.annotations <- function(opr_file, verbose=TRUE) {   		
  opr.info <- NULL;
  if(file.exists(opr_file)) {
    colNames <- c("operonID", "gi", "locusTag", "start", "end", 
                  "strand", "length", "cog", "description")
    colClasses <- c("character","character", "character", "integer", "integer",    
                    "character", "numeric", "character", "character")
    opr.info <- utils::read.table(opr_file, sep="\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 3, quote = "",
                           col.names = colNames, colClasses = colClasses, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if(verbose)	cat("\nDOOR operon annoatiotions loaded.\n")

#' Join gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. 
#' Internal function to merge the annotations with DOOR data.
#' @param genes An annotation data table.
#' @param ops An operon data table.
#' @return Operon data table.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' join.genes.and.operons()
join.genes.and.operons <- function(genes, ops) {     
  #operonID  <- vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(genes))
  #gi  <- vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(genes))
  #cog  <- vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(genes))
  for(i in 1:nrow(genes)) {
    id <- which(rownames(genes[i,]) == rownames(ops))
    if(length(id) > 0) {
      genes$operonID[i] <- ops$operonID[id]
    else {
      genes$operonID[i] <- NA

#' Build a data table containing generic information on intergenic regions.
#' Internal function to build a data table containing information of the intergenic regions on a given strand.
#' @param genes An annotation data table.
#' @param str A given strand. Defaults to "+".
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' get.intergenic.regions()
get.intergenic.regions <- function(genes, str = "+") {  
  genes <- genes[which(genes$strand == str),]
  numIGRs <- nrow(genes) - 1
  igr_lengths <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numIGRs)
  startLocusTags  <- vector(mode = "character", length = numIGRs)
  endLocusTags  <- vector(mode = "character", length = numIGRs)
  start  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numIGRs)
  end    <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numIGRs)
  #type   <- vector(mode = "character", length = numIGRs) 
  for(i in 1:numIGRs) {
    igr_lengths[i]  <- (genes$start[i+1] - genes$end[i]) - 1
    # default value
    type <- "distant"
    startLocusTags[i] <- rownames(genes)[i]
    endLocusTags[i] <- rownames(genes)[i+1]
    start[i] <- genes$end[i] + 1
    end[i]   <- genes$start[i+1] - 1
  intergenic_regions <- data.frame(startLocusTag = startLocusTags, 
                                   endLocusTag = endLocusTags,
                                   length = igr_lengths, 
                                   start = start, 
                                   end = end,
                                   type = type,
                                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  pos_overlapping_genes <- which(intergenic_regions$length < 0)
  pos_adjacent_genes <- which(intergenic_regions$length == 0)
  intergenic_regions$type[pos_overlapping_genes] = "O"           ## overlapping
  intergenic_regions$type[pos_adjacent_genes] = "A"              ## adjacent
  ## new categories for different types of distance
  q <- stats::quantile(intergenic_regions$length)	
  ##   - PE (Poorly Distant):  0 - q25%				
  ##   - ME (Moderately Distant): q25% - q50%						
  ##   - HE (Highly Distant): q50% - q75%		
  ##   - VE (Very Highly Distant): >= q75%		
  poorly_distant_igr <- which(intergenic_regions$length > 0 & intergenic_regions$length < q[2])
  intergenic_regions$type[poorly_distant_igr] = "PD"
  moderately_distant_igr <- which(intergenic_regions$length >= q[2] & intergenic_regions$length < q[3])
  intergenic_regions$type[moderately_distant_igr] = "MD"
  highly_distant_igr <- which(intergenic_regions$length >= q[3] & intergenic_regions$length < q[4])
  intergenic_regions$type[highly_distant_igr] = "HD"
  very_highly_distant_igr <- which(intergenic_regions$length >= q[4])
  intergenic_regions$type[very_highly_distant_igr] = "VD"
  intergenic_regions$type <- as.factor(intergenic_regions$type)

#' Remove the read coverage on a given feature (e.g. rRNA and tRNA).
#' Internal function to remove the coverage depth from a given features.
#' @param genes An annotation data table.
#' @param cd A data table containing the coverage depth of an RNA-seq expression profile(s).
#' @param feature A given feature type. Defaults to "rRNA".
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' remove.cov.depth.from.aFeat()
remove.cov.depth.from.aFeat <- function(genes, cd, feature = "rRNA") { 
  for(i in 1:nrow(genes)) {
    if(genes$feature[i] == feature) { 
      if(genes$strand[i] == "+") { # FWD strand
        cd$fwd[genes$start[i]:genes$end[i]] <- 0
      else { # REV strand
        cd$rev[genes$start[i]:genes$end[i]] <- 0

#' Compile the transcription levels for the coding regions.
#' Internal function to quantify the expression at CDS-level.
#' @param genes An annotation data table.
#' @param cd A data table representing the coverage depth for a given RNA-seq expression profile.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' comp.gene.transc.levels()
comp.gene.transc.levels <- function(genes, cd) {  
  num_genes <- nrow(genes)
  readsGene		   <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = num_genes)
  normDepth 	   <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = num_genes)
  log2NormDepth	 <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = num_genes)
  tot.cov <- sum(cd$fwd) + sum(cd$rev)
  for(i in 1:num_genes) {
    if(genes$strand[i] == "+") { # FWD strand
      readsGene[i] <- sum(cd$fwd[genes$start[i]:genes$end[i]])
    else { # REV strand
      readsGene[i] <- sum(cd$rev[genes$start[i]:genes$end[i]])
    normDepth[i] <- readsGene[i] / ((tot.cov * ((genes$end[i]-genes$start[i])+1))/ 10^9)   # RPKM normalization
    log2NormDepth[i] <- 0
    if(normDepth[i] > 1) log2NormDepth[i]  <- log2(normDepth[i])
  return(data.frame(locusTag = rownames(genes), 
                    readsGene = readsGene,
                    normDepth = round(normDepth, digits=4),
                    log2NormDepth = round(log2NormDepth, digits=4),
                    strand = genes$strand,
                    row.names = 1,
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE))					   

#' Compile the transcription levels for the intergenic regions.
#' Internal function to quantify expression at the intergenic-level.
#' @param genes Data table containing gene annotations.
#' @param genes Data tbale containing intergenic region annotations. 
#' @param cd Data table containing the coverage depth of an RNA-seq expression profile(s).
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions.
#' @param str Charcater value indicating the strand. Defauls value is "+".
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' comp.igr.transc.levels()
comp.igr.transc.levels  <- function(genes, igrs, cd, transcCDSs, str="+") {  
  normDepth      <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(igrs))
  log2NormDepth  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(igrs))
  tot.cov <- sum(cd$fwd) + sum(cd$rev)
  for(i in 1:nrow(igrs)) {
    if(igrs$length[i] > 0) { ## distant genes
      if(str == '+') {
        readsGene    <- sum(cd$fwd[igrs$start[i]:igrs$end[i]])
        normDepth[i] <- readsGene / ((tot.cov * ((igrs$end[i]-igrs$start[i])+1))/ 10^9)   # RPKM normalization
      else {
        readsGene    <- sum(cd$rev[igrs$start[i]:igrs$end[i]])
        normDepth[i] <- readsGene / ((tot.cov * ((igrs$end[i]-igrs$start[i])+1))/ 10^9)   # RPKM normalization
    else {
      normDepth[i] <- 0
  log2NormDepth  <- ifelse(normDepth > 1, log2(normDepth), 0)
  log2NormDepth  <- ifelse(!is.infinite(log2NormDepth),log2NormDepth,0)
  log2NormDepth  <- ifelse(!is.nan(log2NormDepth),log2NormDepth,0)
  igrs$normDepth     <- round(normDepth, digits = 4)
  igrs$log2NormDepth <- round(log2NormDepth, digits = 4)
  ## adjust the transcription level for the overlapping regions
  for(i in 1:nrow(igrs)) {
    igr <- igrs[i,]
    if(igr$type == "O") {
      idG1 <- which(rownames(genes) == igr$startLocusTag)
      idG2 <- which(rownames(genes) == igr$endLocusTag)
      lengthG1 <- (genes$end[idG1]-genes$start[idG1])+1
      lengthG2 <- (genes$end[idG2]-genes$start[idG2])+1
      # log2NormDepth
      exprG1 <- transcCDSs$log2NormDepth[which(rownames(transcCDSs) == igr$startLocusTag)]
      exprG2 <- transcCDSs$log2NormDepth[which(rownames(transcCDSs) == igr$endLocusTag)]
      diff <- abs(exprG1 - exprG2) 
      weight <- diff * (abs(igr$length) / min(lengthG1,lengthG2)) 
      igrs$log2NormDepth[i] <- round(min(exprG1, exprG2) + weight, digits = 4)
      # normDepth
      exprG1 <- transcCDSs$normDepth[which(rownames(transcCDSs) == igr$startLocusTag)]
      exprG2 <- transcCDSs$normDepth[which(rownames(transcCDSs) == igr$endLocusTag)]
      diff <- abs(exprG1 - exprG2) 
      weight <- diff * (abs(igr$length) / min(lengthG1,lengthG2)) 
      igrs$normDepth[i] <- round(min(exprG1, exprG2) + weight, digits = 4)

#' Determine cutoff values for a given RNA-seq expression profile.
#' Internal function to estimate the cutoff values to distinguish low expressed RNA-seq data from high expression data.
#' @param data A coverage-depth table.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' qcut()
qcut <- function(data) {
  #set vector for cutoff values
  cutv <- rep(0,0)
  cutv.2 <- rep(0,0)
  for (i in 1:ncol(data)) {
    #specify array and remove 0 counts
    xx <- data[,i]
    #remove 0 counts
    xx <- xx[-which(xx==0)]
    xx <- stats::na.omit(xx)
    #take log2 of data
    log2xx <- log2(xx)
    dlog2 <- data.frame(LogC=log2xx)
    #vector to store Kolmogorov Smirnov distance statistics
    vv <- rep(0,0)
    #select start point
    start <- length(log2xx[log2xx==min(log2xx)])/length(log2xx)
    #set sequence
    s <- seq(round(start,2),0.5,by=0.005)
    #loop through cuts of the data to determine targeted K-S statistic
    for(q in s) {
      #select data greater than a quantile and run Mclust on that data to determine theoretical distribution
      d <- log2xx[which(log2xx>stats::quantile(log2xx,q,na.rm=T))]
      out <- mclust::Mclust(d,G=1)
      ks  <- suppressWarnings(stats::ks.test(d,"pnorm",out$parameter$mean, out$parameter$variance$sigmasq))
      vv  <- c(vv,ks$statistic)
    #determine first left-most local minima
    out <- earth::earth(s,vv,thresh=0.005)
    #save suggested cut
    cutv <- c(cutv,min(out$cuts[out$cuts>0]))
  #send results to outfile

#' Statistical test to find a putative transcription start (or end) point.
#' Test the correlation coefficient between a segment of coverage depth and a vector of 100 integers modeling 
#' a simple shape of sharp increases (or decreases) in transcription: x =???[0..0,1..1] (or x =???[1..1,0..0]). 
#' @param x Segment of coverage depth.
#' @param sharpInc Default value is 1.
#' @param cutCorr Cutoff value for the correlation coefficient. Default values is 0.7.
#' @param cutPVal Cutoff value for the p-value. Default values is 0.0000001.
#' @param flag Indicate weather the correlation test is for a start- or end-point in transcription. Default values is 0 (start-point).
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' test.corr()
test.corr <- function(x, sharpInc = 1, cutCorr = 0.7, cutPVal = 0.0000001, flag = 0) { 
  result <- c(test = 0, cc = NA, avg.cov.left = NA, avg.cov.right = NA, diff.min.max = NA)
  sw <- length(x)
  hw <- sw/2
  if(sum(x) > 0) {
    avgCovL <- mean(x[1:hw])
    avgCovR <- mean(x[(hw+1):sw])
    if(flag == 0) 
      testLogExpr <- log2((avgCovR+1)/(avgCovL+1)) >= sharpInc   # IncFWD / DecREV  (___|^^^)
      testLogExpr <- log2((avgCovL+1)/(avgCovR+1)) >= sharpInc   # IncREV / DecFWD  (^^^|___)
    if(testLogExpr == TRUE) {
      if(flag == 0)  
        test.corr <- stats::cor.test(x,rep(c(0,1),c(hw,hw))) # __________|^^^^^^^^^^
        test.corr <- stats::cor.test(x,rep(c(1,0),c(hw,hw))) # ^^^^^^^^^^|__________
      if(!is.na(test.corr$estimate)) {
        if(test.corr$estimate > cutCorr & test.corr$p.value < cutPVal) {
          if(flag == 0) 
            diffMinMax <- abs(min(x[1:hw]) - max(x[(hw+1):sw]))
            diffMinMax <- abs(max(x[1:hw]) - min(x[(hw+1):sw]))	
          result <- c(test = 1, cc = test.corr$estimate, avg.cov.left = avgCovL, avg.cov.right = avgCovR, diff.min.max = diffMinMax)

#' Find strat/end transcription points.
#' Internal function to identify the boundaries of transcriptionally active regions using a sliding window algorithm.
#' The sliding window algorithm uses fixed windows with a length of 100 nt that slides across the coverage-depth data table
#' and finds segments of coverage depth highly and statistically correlated with a vector of 100 integers modeling 
#' a simple shape of sharp increases (or decreases) in transcription: x =???[0..0,1..1] (or x =???[1..1,0..0])). 
#' With default values, segments having a positive correlation coefficient (exceeding 0.7) and a significant correlation test p-value (<10-7) are selected. 
#' are slected. The vector of the sliding window of 100 integers is a good trade-off between the accuracy of sharp increases/decreases 
#' in transcription and the computational costs of the procedure. P-value 10-7 allows reliable identification of sharp increases/decreases
#' in transcription.  
#' @param cd A data table containing the coverage depth of an RNA-seq expression profile(s).
#' @param sizeWindow An annotation data table.
#' @param verbose 
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' detect.sid.points()
detect.sid.points <- function(cd, sizeWindow, verbose = TRUE) {  
  stopifnot(length(cd$fwd) >= sizeWindow) 
  result <- c(numeric(1),double(4))
  hw <- sizeWindow/2
  nm1 <- sizeWindow-1
  p <- sizeWindow/2
  sg <- length(cd$fwd)
  ## Inc FWD / Dec REV  (___|^^^)
  if(verbose) cat("Identifying ___|^^^ on FWD\n")
  incFWD  <- lapply((sizeWindow+1):sg, FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x=cd$fwd[(i-nm1):i],flag=0)})
  incFWD.pl  <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(rep(0,p-i), cd$fwd[1:(i+p)]), flag=0)})
  incFWD.pr  <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(cd$fwd[(sg-(p+i-1)):sg], rep(0,p-i)), flag=0)})
  dataIncFWD <- rbind(as.matrix(plyr::ldply(incFWD.pl)), as.matrix(plyr::ldply(incFWD)), as.matrix(plyr::ldply(incFWD.pr)))
  if(verbose) cat("Identifying ___|^^^ on FWD\n")
  decREV     <- lapply((sizeWindow+1):sg, FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x=cd$rev[(i-nm1):i],flag=0)})
  decREV.pl  <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(rep(0,p-i), cd$rev[1:(i+p)]), flag=0)})
  decREV.pr  <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(cd$rev[(sg-(p+i-1)):sg], rep(0,p-i)), flag=0)})
  dataDecREV <- rbind(as.matrix(plyr::ldply(decREV.pl)), as.matrix(plyr::ldply(decREV)), as.matrix(plyr::ldply(decREV.pr)))
  ## Inc REV / Dec FWD  (^^^|___)
  if(verbose) cat("Identifying ^^^|___ on FWD\n")
  incREV     <- lapply((sizeWindow+1):sg, FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x=cd$rev[(i-nm1):i],flag=1)})
  incREV.pl  <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(rep(0,p-i), cd$rev[1:(i+p)]), flag=1)})
  incREV.pr  <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(cd$rev[(sg-(p+i-1)):sg], rep(0,p-i)), flag=1)})
  dataIncREV <- rbind(as.matrix(plyr::ldply(incREV.pl)), as.matrix(plyr::ldply(incREV)), as.matrix(plyr::ldply(incREV.pr)))
  if(verbose) cat("Identifying ^^^|___ on FWD\n")
  decFWD     <- lapply((sizeWindow+1):sg, FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x=cd$fwd[(i-nm1):i],flag=1)})
  decFWD.pl  <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(rep(0,p-i), cd$fwd[1:(i+p)]), flag=1)})
  decFWD.pr  <- lapply(1:(sizeWindow/2), FUN = function(i) {test.corr(x = c(cd$fwd[(sg-(p+i-1)):sg], rep(0,p-i)), flag=1)})
  dataDecFWD <- rbind(as.matrix(plyr::ldply(decFWD.pl)), as.matrix(plyr::ldply(decFWD)), as.matrix(plyr::ldply(decFWD.pr)))
  return(list(fwd.incs = as.data.frame(dataIncFWD), 
              fwd.decs = as.data.frame(dataDecFWD),
              rev.incs = as.data.frame(dataIncREV), 
              rev.decs = as.data.frame(dataDecREV)))

#' Determine operon start-points (OSPs).
#' Internal function to estimate the gene-level expression values using the RPKM method.
#' @param fwd.sh.incs Data table containing information on the sharp increases in transcription found on the forward strand. See \code{detect.sid.points}.
#' @param rev.sh.incs Data table containing information on the sharp increases in transcription found on the reverse strand. See \code{detect.sid.points}.
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. 
#' @param igrs.p Data table containing generic information of the intergenic regions on the forward strand. See \code{get.intergenic.regions}.
#' @param igrs.n Data table containing generic information of the intergenic regions on the reverse strand. See \code{get.intergenic.regions}.
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions. See \code{comp.gene.transc.levels}.
#' @param borders A vector.
#' @param max.start.transc Maximum acacepted start transcription level.
#' @param minExprCDS Minimum expression level for the coding sequence regions (CDSs). 
#' @param verbose 
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' get.operon.start.points() 
get.operon.start.points <- function(fwd.sh.incs, rev.sh.incs, genes.and.operons, igrs.p, igrs.n, 
                                    transcCDSs, borders = c(100,10), max.start.transc = c(0.1,0.1),
                                    minExprCDS = 0.1, verbose = TRUE, ...) { 
  if(verbose) cat("\n   Identifying confirmed and putative operon start/end points\n")
  cnt.match <- 0
  name.cds  <- vector(mode = "character")
  start.tr  <- vector(mode = "integer")
  end.tr    <- vector(mode = "integer")
  expr.cds  <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  start.cds <- vector(mode = "integer")
  strand    <- vector(mode = "character")
  cc        <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  point     <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  operon.id <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  count <- 0
  for(i in 1:nrow(igrs.p)) {
    if(igrs.p$type[i] == "O") next
    start <- igrs.p$start[i] 
    end   <- igrs.p$end[i] 
    if((end-start) > borders[1])
      dat <- fwd.sh.incs[(end-borders[1]):(end+borders[2]),]
      dat <- fwd.sh.incs[start:(end+borders[2]),]
    one_matches <- which(dat$test == 1)
    if(length(one_matches) > 0) {
      idc <- which(dat$avg.cov.left[one_matches] == min(dat$avg.cov.left[one_matches]))
      maxs <- one_matches[idc]
      idw <- which(dat$avg.cov.right[maxs] == max(dat$avg.cov.right[maxs]))
      match <- maxs[idw[1]] 
      x <- dat$avg.cov.left[match]
      y <- dat$avg.cov.right[match]
      test_log2FC <- FALSE
      test_Ygt1   <- FALSE
      if(x != 0) test_log2FC <- log2(y/x) > 1 # sharpSize
      else test_Ygt1 <- y > 1                 # to avoid transc regions with 0000011111
      test_start_expr <- log2(x) <= max.start.transc[1] 	
      test_min_expr   <- transcCDSs[igrs.p$endLocusTag[i],]$expr > minExprCDS
      id <- which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == igrs.p$endLocusTag[i])
      if(length(id) > 0) operon <- genes.and.operons$operonID[id]
      else operon <- NA
      if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Ygt1 == TRUE) & test_min_expr & !test_start_expr)	count <- count + 1
      if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Ygt1 == TRUE) & test_start_expr & test_min_expr) {
        cnt.match            <- cnt.match + 1
        name.cds[cnt.match]  <- igrs.p$endLocusTag[i]
        start.cds[cnt.match] <- end
        operon.id[cnt.match] <- operon
        strand[cnt.match]  	 <- "+"
        expr.cds[cnt.match]  <- transcCDSs[igrs.p$endLocusTag[i],]$expr
        start.tr[cnt.match]  <- x
        end.tr[cnt.match]    <- y
        cc[cnt.match]        <- dat$cc[match]
        if((end-start) > borders[1])
          point[cnt.match] <- ((end-borders[1]) + match) - 1
          point[cnt.match] <- (start + match) - 1
  for(i in 1:nrow(igrs.n)) {
    if(igrs.n$type[i] == "O") next
    start <- igrs.n$start[i] 
    end   <- igrs.n$end[i] 
    if((end-start) > borders[1])
      dat   <- rev.sh.incs[(start-borders[2]):(start+borders[1]),]
      dat   <- rev.sh.incs[start:end,]
    one_matches <- which(dat$test == 1)
    if(length(one_matches) > 0) {
      idc <- which(dat$avg.cov.right[one_matches] == min(dat$avg.cov.right[one_matches]))
      maxs <- one_matches[idc]
      idw <- which(dat$avg.cov.left[maxs] == max(dat$avg.cov.left[maxs]))
      match <- maxs[idw[1]]
      x <- dat$avg.cov.left[match]
      y <- dat$avg.cov.right[match]
      test_log2FC <- FALSE
      test_Xgt1 <- FALSE
      test_max_start_transc <- FALSE
      if(y != 0) test_log2FC <- log2(x/y) > 1
      else test_Xgt1 <- x > 1
      test_start_expr <- log2(y) <= max.start.transc[2]
      test_min_expr   <- transcCDSs[igrs.n$startLocusTag[i],]$expr > minExprCDS
      id <- which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == igrs.n$startLocusTag[i])
      if(length(id) > 0) operon <- genes.and.operons$operonID[id]
      else operon <- NA
      if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Xgt1 == TRUE) & test_min_expr & !test_start_expr)	count <- count + 1
      if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Xgt1 == TRUE) & test_start_expr & test_min_expr) {
        cnt.match            <- cnt.match + 1
        name.cds[cnt.match]  <- igrs.n$startLocusTag[i]
        start.cds[cnt.match] <- start
        operon.id[cnt.match] <- operon
        strand[cnt.match]    <- "-"
        expr.cds[cnt.match]  <- transcCDSs[igrs.n$startLocusTag[i],]$expr
        end.tr[cnt.match]    <- x
        start.tr[cnt.match]  <- y
        cc[cnt.match]  	     <- dat$cc[match]
        if((end-start) > borders[1])
          point[cnt.match] <- (((start-borders[2]) + match) - 1)
          point[cnt.match] <- ((start + match) - 1)
  pOSSs <- data.frame(name.cds = name.cds, lp = start.tr, hp = end.tr, 
                      expr.cds = expr.cds, start.cds = start.cds, 
                      strand = strand, cc = cc, point = point, 
                      operon.id = operon.id, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if(verbose) cat("    - Result:  ", nrow(pOSSs),
                  " identified operon start points(pos=", 
                  length(which(pOSSs$strand == "+")),
                  ", neg=", length(which(pOSSs$strand == "-")), ") \n", sep="")
  # To select the best pOSS for each operon
  unique.cds <- unique(pOSSs$name.cds)
  if(length(unique.cds) < length(pOSSs$name.cds)) {
    if(verbose) cat("    - Eliminating duplicated rows  \n")
    best.poss.cds <- vector("integer", length = length(unique.cds))
    for(i in 1: length(unique.cds)) {
      list_poss <- which(pOSSs$name.cds == unique.cds[i])
      strand <- pOSSs$strand[list_poss[1]]
      id_min <- which(pOSSs[list_poss,]$lp == min(pOSSs[list_poss,]$lp))
      if(length(id_min) > 1) {
        id_max <- which(pOSSs[list_poss[id_min],]$hp == max(pOSSs[list_poss[id_min],]$hp))
        best.poss.cds[i] <- list_poss[id_min[id_max[1]]]
      else {
        best.poss.cds[i] <- list_poss[id_min[1]]
    pOSSs <- pOSSs[best.poss.cds,]
    rownames(pOSSs) <- pOSSs[,1]
    pOSSs <- pOSSs[,-1]
  rownames(pOSSs) <- pOSSs[,1]
  pOSSs <- pOSSs[,-1]
  if(verbose) cat("    - Number of unique POSSs = ", nrow(pOSSs), "\n", sep="")
  return(list(POSSs = pOSSs[!is.na(pOSSs$operon.id),], newPOSSs = pOSSs[is.na(pOSSs$operon.id),]))

#' Determine operon end-points (OEPs).
#' Internal function to estimate the gene-level expression values using the RPKM method.
#' @param fwd.sh.incs Data table containing information on the sharp decreases in transcription found on the forward strand. See \code{detect.sid.points}.
#' @param rev.sh.incs Data table containing information on the sharp decreases in transcription found on the reverse strand. See \code{detect.sid.points}.
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. 
#' @param igrs.p Data table containing generic information of the intergenic regions on the forward strand. See \code{get.intergenic.regions}.
#' @param igrs.n Data table containing generic information of the intergenic regions on the reverse strand. See \code{get.intergenic.regions}.
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions. See \code{comp.gene.transc.levels}.
#' @param borders A numeric vector. 
#' @param max.start.transc Maximum log2.
#' @param minExprCDS Minimum expression level for the coding sequence regions (CDSs). Default values is 0.1.
#' @param verbose 
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' get.operon.start.points()
get.operon.end.points <- function(fwd.sh.decs, rev.sh.decs, genes.and.operons, igrs.p, igrs.n, 
                                  transcCDSs, borders = c(10,100), max.end.transc = c(0.1,0.1),
                                  minExprCDS = 0.1, verbose = TRUE,  ...) { 
  if(verbose) cat("\n   Identifying confirmed and putative operon start/end points\n")
  cnt.match <- 0
  name.cds  <- vector(mode = "character")
  start.tr  <- vector(mode = "integer")
  end.tr    <- vector(mode = "integer")
  expr.cds  <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  end.cds   <- vector(mode = "integer")
  strand    <- vector(mode = "character")
  cc        <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  point     <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  operon.id <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  count <- 0
  for(i in 1:nrow(igrs.p)) {
    if(igrs.p$type[i] == "O") next
    start <- igrs.p$start[i] 
    end   <- igrs.p$end[i] 
    if((end-start) > borders[2])
      dat   <- fwd.sh.decs[(start-borders[1]):(start+borders[2]),]
      dat   <- fwd.sh.decs[start:end,]
    one_matches <- which(dat$test == 1) 
    if(length(one_matches) > 0) {
      idc <- which(dat$avg.cov.left[one_matches] == max(dat$avg.cov.left[one_matches]))
      maxs <- one_matches[idc]
      idw <- which(dat$avg.cov.right[maxs] == min(dat$avg.cov.right[maxs]))
      match <- maxs[idw[1]] 
      x <- dat$avg.cov.left[match]
      y <- dat$avg.cov.right[match]
      test_log2FC <- FALSE
      test_Xgt1 <- FALSE
      if(y != 0) test_log2FC <- log2(x/y) > 1
      else test_Xgt1 <- x > 1
      test_end_expr <- log2(y) <= max.end.transc[1] 	
      test_min_expr   <- transcCDSs[igrs.p$startLocusTag[i],]$expr > minExprCDS
      id <- which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == igrs.p$startLocusTag[i])
      if(length(id) > 0) operon <- genes.and.operons$operonID[id]
      else operon <- NA
      if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Xgt1 == TRUE) & !test_end_expr & test_min_expr)	count <- count + 1
      if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Xgt1 == TRUE) & test_end_expr & test_min_expr) {
        cnt.match            <- cnt.match + 1
        name.cds[cnt.match]  <- igrs.p$startLocusTag[i]
        end.cds[cnt.match]   <- start
        operon.id[cnt.match] <- operon
        strand[cnt.match]    <- "+"
        expr.cds[cnt.match]  <- transcCDSs[igrs.p$startLocusTag[i],]$expr
        start.tr[cnt.match]  <- x
        end.tr[cnt.match]    <- y
        cc[cnt.match]        <- dat$cc[match]
        if((end-start) > borders[1])
          point[cnt.match] <- ((start-borders[1]) + match) - 1
          point[cnt.match] <- (start + match) - 1
  for(i in 1:nrow(igrs.n)) {
    if(igrs.n$type[i] == "O") next
    start <- igrs.n$start[i] 
    end   <- igrs.n$end[i] 
    if((end-start) > borders[2])
      dat   <- rev.sh.decs[(end-borders[2]):(end+borders[1]),]
      dat   <- rev.sh.decs[start:end,]
    one_matches <- which(dat$test == 1)
    if(length(one_matches) > 0) {
      idc <- which(dat$avg.cov.right[one_matches] == max(dat$avg.cov.right[one_matches]))
      maxs <- one_matches[idc]
      idw <- which(dat$avg.cov.left[maxs] == min(dat$avg.cov.left[maxs]))
      match <- maxs[idw[1]]
      x <- dat$avg.cov.left[match]
      y <- dat$avg.cov.right[match]
      test_log2FC <- FALSE
      test_Ygt1 <- FALSE
      if(x != 0) test_log2FC <- log2(y/x) > 1
      else test_Ygt1 <- y > 1	
      test_end_expr <- log2(x) <= max.end.transc[2]
      test_min_expr   <- transcCDSs[igrs.n$endLocusTag[i],]$expr > minExprCDS
      id <- which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == igrs.n$endLocusTag[i])
      if(length(id) > 0) operon <- genes.and.operons$operonID[id]
      else operon <- NA
      if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Ygt1 == TRUE) & test_min_expr & !test_end_expr)	count <- count + 1
      if((test_log2FC == TRUE | test_Ygt1 == TRUE) & test_min_expr & test_end_expr) {
        cnt.match            <- cnt.match + 1
        name.cds[cnt.match]  <- igrs.n$endLocusTag[i]
        end.cds[cnt.match]   <- end
        operon.id[cnt.match] <- operon
        strand[cnt.match]    <- "-"
        expr.cds[cnt.match]  <- transcCDSs[igrs.n$endLocusTag[i],]$expr
        end.tr[cnt.match]    <- x
        start.tr[cnt.match]  <- y
        cc[cnt.match]        <- dat$cc[match]
        if((end-start) > borders[1])
          point[cnt.match] <- (((end-borders[2]) + match) - 1)
          point[cnt.match] <- ((start + match) - 1)
  pOESs <- data.frame(name.cds = name.cds, hp = start.tr, lp = end.tr, 
                      expr.cds = expr.cds, end.cds = end.cds, 
                      strand = strand, cc = cc, point = point, 
                      operon.id = operon.id, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if(verbose) cat("    - Result:  ", nrow(pOESs),
                  " identified operon end points(pos=", 
                  length(which(pOESs$strand == "+")),
                  ", neg=", length(which(pOESs$strand == "-")), ") \n", sep="")
  # To select the best pOES for each operon
  unique.cds <- unique(pOESs$name.cds)
  if(length(unique.cds) < length(pOESs$name.cds)) {
    if(verbose) cat("    - Eliminating duplicated rows  \n")
    best.poes.cds <- vector("integer", length = length(unique.cds))
    for(i in 1: length(unique.cds)) {
      list_poes <- which(pOESs$name.cds == unique.cds[i])
      strand <- pOESs$strand[list_poes[1]]
      id_min <- which(pOESs[list_poes,]$lp == min(pOESs[list_poes,]$lp))
      if(length(id_min) > 1) {
        id_max <- which(pOESs[list_poes[id_min],]$hp == max(pOESs[list_poes[id_min],]$hp))
        best.poes.cds[i] <- list_poes[id_min[id_max[1]]]
      else {
        best.poes.cds[i] <- list_poes[id_min[1]]
    pOESs <- pOESs[best.poes.cds,]
    rownames(pOESs) <- pOESs[,1]
    pOESs <- pOESs[,-1]
  rownames(pOESs) <- pOESs[,1]
  pOESs <- pOESs[,-1]
  if(verbose) cat("    - Number of unique POESs = ", nrow(pOESs), "\n", sep="")
  return(list(POESs = pOESs[!is.na(pOESs$operon.id),], newPOESs = pOESs[is.na(pOESs$operon.id),]))

#' Compile a set of coinfirmed operons. 
#' Test the correlation coefficient beween a segment of coverage depth and a vector of 100 integers modeling 
#' a simple shape of sharp increases (or decreases) in transcription: x =[0..0,1..1] (or x =[1..1,0..0]). 
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. See \code{join.genes.and.operons}.
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions. See \code{comp.gene.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.pos Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (forard strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.neg Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (reverse strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param POSSs Data table representing a set of putative operon start-points.
#' @param POESs Data table representing a set of putative operon end-points.
#' @param minExprCDS Minimum expression level for the coding sequence regions (CDSs). Default values is 0.1.
#' @param minExprIGR Minimum expression level for the intergenic regions (IGRs). Default values is 0.25.
#' @param max.start.transc Cutoff values for the start transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param max.end.transc Cutoff values for the end transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' compile.confirmed.operons()
compile.confirmed.operons <- function(genes.and.operons, transcCDSs, transcIGRs.pos, transcIGRs.neg, 
                                      POSSs, POESs, minExprCDS = 0.1, minExprIGR = 0.25, 
                                      max.start.transc = c(0.1,0.1), max.end.transc = c(0.1,0.1), 
                                      verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  cnt.OPs <- 0
  operon.id  <- vector(mode = "character") 
  operon.ref <- vector(mode = "character") 
  start.cds  <- vector(mode = "character") 
  strand     <- vector(mode = "character") 
  expr       <- vector(mode = "character")
  length     <- vector(mode = "integer")
  idgs       <- vector(mode = "integer") 
  i <- 1
  while(i <= nrow(genes.and.operons)) {
    a.gene <- genes.and.operons[i,]
    if(!is.na(a.gene$operonID) & a.gene$strand == '+') {	
      opRef <- a.gene$operonID
      gene.s <- genes.and.operons[which(genes.and.operons$operonID == opRef),]
      numGenesInOp <- nrow(gene.s) 
      exprVals     <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numGenesInOp)
      possTags     <- vector(mode = "integer", length = numGenesInOp)
      poesTags     <- vector(mode = "integer", length = numGenesInOp)
      test_IGR     <- FALSE
      test_len_IGR <- FALSE
      test_CDS     <- FALSE
      test_X       <- FALSE
      test_Y       <- FALSE
      startNewOp   <- -1
      endNewOp     <- -1
      for(j in 1:numGenesInOp) {
        possTags[j] <- length(which(rownames(POSSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j]))
        poesTags[j] <- length(which(rownames(POESs) == rownames(gene.s)[j]))
        exprVals[j] <- transcCDSs$expr[which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j])]
        # 5 tests to check the end of the linkage process 
        if(j != numGenesInOp) { 
          id_IGR   <- which(transcIGRs.pos$startLocusTag == rownames(gene.s)[j])
          test_IGR <- transcIGRs.pos$expr[id_IGR] < minExprIGR
          id_CDS   <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j+1])
          test_CDS <- transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] < minExprCDS
        if(possTags[j] == 1 & startNewOp != -1) {
          id_poss <- which(rownames(POSSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j])
          test_X <- log2(POSSs$lp[id_poss]) <= max.start.transc[1]
        if(poesTags[j] == 1 & startNewOp != -1) {
          id_poes <- which(rownames(POESs) == rownames(gene.s)[j])
          test_Y <- log2(POESs$lp[id_poes]) <= max.end.transc[1]
        test_startOp <- (possTags[j] == 1 & startNewOp == -1)
        if(test_startOp == TRUE) { 
          startNewOp <- j
          endNewOp <- j
        if(startNewOp != -1 & (test_Y == TRUE | test_X == TRUE | test_IGR == TRUE | test_CDS == TRUE | j == numGenesInOp)) { 
          if(endNewOp > startNewOp & startNewOp != -1) { 
            cnt.OPs <- cnt.OPs + 1
            operon.id[cnt.OPs]  <- paste("Operon#",cnt.OPs,sep='')
            operon.ref[cnt.OPs] <- opRef
            start.cds[cnt.OPs]  <- rownames(gene.s)[startNewOp]
            strand[cnt.OPs]     <- a.gene$strand 
            length[cnt.OPs]     <- endNewOp - startNewOp + 1
            expr[cnt.OPs]       <- paste(exprVals[startNewOp:endNewOp],collapse='-')
            idgs[cnt.OPs]       <- paste(rownames(gene.s[startNewOp:endNewOp,]),collapse='-')
            startNewOp <- -1
            endNewOp   <- -1
          else {  
            startNewOp <- -1
            endNewOp   <- -1
        else if(startNewOp != -1) endNewOp <- endNewOp + 1
      i <- (i + numGenesInOp) - 1
    if(!is.na(a.gene$operonID) == TRUE & a.gene$strand == '-') {	
      opRef <- a.gene$operonID
      gene.s <- genes.and.operons[which(genes.and.operons$operonID == opRef),]
      numGenesInOp <- nrow(gene.s) 
      exprVals     <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numGenesInOp)
      possTags     <- vector(mode = "integer", length = numGenesInOp)
      poesTags     <- vector(mode = "integer", length = numGenesInOp)
      test_IGR     <- FALSE
      test_len_IGR <- FALSE
      test_CDS     <- FALSE
      test_X       <- FALSE
      test_Y       <- FALSE
      startNewOp   <- -1
      endNewOp     <- -1
      for(j in numGenesInOp:1) {
        possTags[j] <- length(which(rownames(POSSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j]))
        poesTags[j] <- length(which(rownames(POESs) == rownames(gene.s)[j]))
        exprVals[j] <- transcCDSs$expr[which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j])]
        if(j != 1) { 
          id_IGR   <- which(transcIGRs.neg$endLocusTag == rownames(gene.s)[j])
          test_IGR <- transcIGRs.neg$expr[id_IGR] < minExprIGR
          id_CDS <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j-1])
          test_CDS <- transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] < minExprCDS
        if(possTags[j] == 1 & startNewOp != -1) {
          id_poss <- which(rownames(POSSs) == rownames(gene.s)[j])
          test_Y <- log2(POSSs$lp[id_poss]) <= max.start.transc[2]
        if(poesTags[j] == 1 & startNewOp != -1) {
          id_poes <- which(rownames(POESs) == rownames(gene.s)[j])
          test_X <- log2(POESs$lp[id_poes]) <= max.end.transc[2]
        test_startOp <- (possTags[j] == 1 & startNewOp == -1)
        if(test_startOp == TRUE) { 
          startNewOp <- j
          endNewOp <- j
        if(startNewOp != -1 & (test_Y == TRUE | test_X == TRUE | test_IGR == TRUE | test_CDS == TRUE | j == 1)) { 
          if(startNewOp > endNewOp & startNewOp != -1) { 
            cnt.OPs <- cnt.OPs + 1
            operon.id[cnt.OPs]  <- paste("Operon#",cnt.OPs,sep='')
            operon.ref[cnt.OPs] <- opRef
            start.cds[cnt.OPs]  <- rownames(gene.s)[startNewOp]
            strand[cnt.OPs]     <- a.gene$strand 
            length[cnt.OPs]     <- startNewOp - endNewOp + 1
            expr[cnt.OPs]       <- paste(exprVals[endNewOp:startNewOp],collapse='-')
            idgs[cnt.OPs]       <- paste(rownames(gene.s[endNewOp:startNewOp,]),collapse='-')
            startNewOp <- -1
            endNewOp <- -1
          else {
            startNewOp <- -1
            endNewOp   <- -1
        else { 
          if(startNewOp != -1)  endNewOp <- endNewOp - 1
      i <- (i + numGenesInOp) - 1
    i <- i + 1
  cops <- data.frame(opID = operon.id, operon.ref = operon.ref, start.cds = start.cds,
                     strand = strand, length = length, idgs = idgs, expr = expr, 
                     row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  id.dups <- which(duplicated(cops$idgs) == TRUE)
  if(length(id.dups) > 0)	cops <- cops[-id.dups,]
  if(verbose) cat("     - Number of confirmed operons:", nrow(cops), "\n")

#' Define a set of OPs which is used to train the operon classifier.
#' Build a data table containing confirmed operon pairs (OPs) and the feature values. 
#' @param listOperons List of confirmed operons. See \code{compile.confirmed.operons}.
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. See \code{join.genes.and.operons}.
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions. See \code{comp.gene.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.pos Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (forard strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.neg Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (reverse strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param wseq Sequence genome.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' select.ops()
select.ops <- function(listOperons, genes.and.operons, 
                       transcCDSs, transcIGRs.pos, transcIGRs.neg, wseq, verbose=TRUE) {
  cnt.OPs <- 1
  opRef		<- vector(mode = "character")
  nameG1      <- vector(mode = "character")
  nameG2      <- vector(mode = "character")
  diffExpr    <- vector(mode = "numeric")    
  lengthIGR   <- vector(mode = "integer")
  cuScore     <- vector(mode = "numeric") 
  exprIGR     <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  class       <- vector(mode = "character")
  for(j in 1:length(listOperons[,1])) {
    operon <- listOperons[j,]
    gene.s <- unique(strsplit(operon$idgs, "-")[[1]])
    if(operon$strand == '+') {
      for(i in 1: (length(gene.s)-1)) {
        gene1 <- genes.and.operons[gene.s[i],]
        gene2 <- genes.and.operons[gene.s[i+1],]
        geneSeq1 <- wseq[gene1$start:gene1$end]
        geneSeq2 <- wseq[gene2$start:gene2$end]
        rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
        rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
        cuScore[cnt.OPs] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
        id_IGR <- which(transcIGRs.pos$startLocusTag == rownames(gene1))
        id_CDS <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene1))
        lengthIGR[cnt.OPs] <- transcIGRs.pos$length[id_IGR]
        exprIGR[cnt.OPs]   <- transcIGRs.pos$expr[id_IGR]
        diffExpr[cnt.OPs]  <- round(abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1]), digits=4)
        opRef[cnt.OPs]	   <- operon$operon.ref
        nameG1[cnt.OPs]	  <- rownames(gene1)
        nameG2[cnt.OPs]	  <- rownames(gene2)
        class[cnt.OPs]	  <- "OP"
        cnt.OPs <- cnt.OPs + 1
    else { 
      for(i in (length(gene.s)-1):1) {
        gene1 <- genes.and.operons[gene.s[i],]
        gene2 <- genes.and.operons[gene.s[i+1],]
        geneSeq1 <- wseq[gene1$start:gene1$end]
        geneSeq2 <- wseq[gene2$start:gene2$end]
        rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
        rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
        cuScore[cnt.OPs] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
        id_IGR  <- which(transcIGRs.neg$startLocusTag == rownames(gene1))
        id_CDS  <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene1))
        lengthIGR[cnt.OPs] <- transcIGRs.neg$length[id_IGR]
        exprIGR[cnt.OPs]   <- transcIGRs.neg$expr[id_IGR]
        diffExpr[cnt.OPs]  <- abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1])
        opRef[cnt.OPs]	  <- operon$operon.ref
        nameG1[cnt.OPs]	  <- rownames(gene1)
        nameG2[cnt.OPs]	  <- rownames(gene2)
        class[cnt.OPs]	  <- "OP"
        cnt.OPs <- cnt.OPs + 1
  if(verbose) cat("    - nameG1:", length(nameG1), ", nameG2:", length(nameG2),
                  ", diffExpr:", length(diffExpr), ", lengthIGR:", length(lengthIGR), 
                  ", cuScore:", length(cuScore), ", opRef:", length(opRef), "\n", sep="")
  return(data.frame(G1 = nameG1, G2 = nameG2, 
                    diffExpr = diffExpr, exprIGR = exprIGR, lengthIGR = lengthIGR, cuScore = cuScore,
                    opRef = opRef, class = class, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

#' Define a set of NOPs which is used to train the operon classifier.
#' Build a data table containing confirmed non-operon pairs (NOPs) and the feature values. 
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. See \code{join.genes.and.operons}.
#' @param OPs Data table including the confirmed operon pairs (OPs). See \code{select.ops }.
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions. See \code{comp.gene.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.pos Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (forard strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.neg Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (reverse strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param POSSs Data table representing a set of putative operon start-points.
#' @param POESs Data table representing a set of putative operon end-points.
#' @param wseq Sequence genome.
#' @param max.start.transc Cutoff values for the start transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param max.end.transc Cutoff values for the end transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' select.nops()
select.nops <- function(genes.and.operons, OPs, transcCDSs, 
                        transcIGRs.pos, transcIGRs.neg, POSSs, POESs, wseq, 
                        max.start.transc = c(0.1,0.1), max.end.transc = c(0.1,0.1), 
                        verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  cnt.NOPs <- 1
  nameG1      <- vector(mode = "character")
  nameG2      <- vector(mode = "character")
  refOp1		<- vector(mode = "character")
  refOp2		<- vector(mode = "character")
  diffExpr    <- vector(mode = "numeric")    
  lengthIGR   <- vector(mode = "integer")
  cuScore     <- vector(mode = "numeric")  
  exprIGR     <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  class       <- vector(mode = "character")
  for(i in 1:nrow(transcIGRs.pos)) {
    gene1 <- transcIGRs.pos$startLocusTag[i]
    gene2 <- transcIGRs.pos$endLocusTag[i]
    g1 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == gene1),]
    g2 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == gene2),]	
    id1 <- which(OPs$G1 == gene1)
    id2 <- which(OPs$G2 == gene2)
    if(length(id1) > 0 & length(id2) > 0)
      if(id1 == id2) next
    test <- FALSE
    if(length(which(rownames(POSSs) == gene2)) > 0) {
      id_poss <- which(rownames(POSSs) == gene2)
      if(log2(POSSs$lp[id_poss]) <= max.start.transc[1]) test <- TRUE
    if(length(which(rownames(POESs) == gene1)) > 0) {
      id_poes <- which(rownames(POESs) == gene1)
      if(log2(POESs$lp[id_poes]) <= max.end.transc[1]) test <- TRUE
    if(test == TRUE) {
      geneSeq1 = wseq[g1$start:g1$end]
      geneSeq2 = wseq[g2$start:g2$end]
      rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
      rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
      cuScore[cnt.NOPs] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
      id_IGR   <- which(transcIGRs.pos$startLocusTag == gene1)
      lengthIGR[cnt.NOPs] <- transcIGRs.pos$length[id_IGR]
      exprIGR[cnt.NOPs]   <- transcIGRs.pos$expr[id_IGR]
      id_CDS  <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == gene1)
      diffExpr[cnt.NOPs] <- round(abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1]),digits = 4)
      nameG1[cnt.NOPs]   <- gene1
      nameG2[cnt.NOPs]   <- gene2
      refOp1[cnt.NOPs]   <- g1$operonID
      refOp2[cnt.NOPs]   <- g2$operonID
      class[cnt.NOPs]	   <- "NOP"
      cnt.NOPs <- cnt.NOPs + 1
  for(i in 1:nrow(transcIGRs.neg)) {
    gene1 <- transcIGRs.neg$startLocusTag[i]
    gene2 <- transcIGRs.neg$endLocusTag[i]
    g1 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == gene1),]
    g2 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == gene2),]
    id1 <- which(OPs$G1 == gene1)
    id2 <- which(OPs$G2 == gene2)
    if(length(id1) > 0 & length(id2) > 0)
      if(id1 == id2) next
    test <- FALSE
    if(length(which(rownames(POSSs) == gene1)) > 0) {
      id_poss <- which(rownames(POSSs) == gene1)
      if(log2(POSSs$lp[id_poss]) <= max.start.transc[2]) test <- TRUE
    if(length(which(rownames(POESs) == gene2)) > 0) {
      id_poes <- which(rownames(POESs) == gene2)
      if(log2(POESs$lp[id_poes]) <= max.end.transc[2]) test <- TRUE
    if(test == TRUE) {
      geneSeq1 = wseq[g1$start:g1$end]
      geneSeq2 = wseq[g2$start:g2$end]
      rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
      rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
      cuScore[cnt.NOPs] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
      id_IGR   <- which(transcIGRs.neg$startLocusTag == gene1)
      lengthIGR[cnt.NOPs] <- transcIGRs.neg$length[id_IGR]
      exprIGR[cnt.NOPs]   <- transcIGRs.neg$expr[id_IGR]
      id_CDS  <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == gene1)
      diffExpr[cnt.NOPs] <- round(abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1]),digits = 4)
      nameG1[cnt.NOPs]   <- gene1
      nameG2[cnt.NOPs]   <- gene2
      refOp1[cnt.NOPs]   <- g1$operonID
      refOp2[cnt.NOPs]   <- g2$operonID
      class[cnt.NOPs]	   <- "NOP"
      cnt.NOPs <- cnt.NOPs + 1
  if(verbose)	cat("    - nameG1:", length(nameG1), ", nameG2:", length(nameG2),
                  ", diffExpr:", length(diffExpr), ", lengthIGR:", length(lengthIGR),
                  ", cuScore:",length(cuScore),"\n", sep="")
  return(data.frame(G1 = nameG1, 
                    G2 = nameG2, 
                    diffExpr = diffExpr,  
                    exprIGR = exprIGR,  
                    lengthIGR = lengthIGR,
                    cuScore = cuScore,
                    refOp1 = refOp1,
                    refOp2 = refOp2,
                    class = class,
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

#' Define a set of gene pairs POPs with an "operon status" to (re)define represent used to train the operon classifier.
#' Internal function to build a data table containing gene pairs and the correspoding transcriptomic/genomic feature values. 
#' The operon classifier trained/validated on the OPs and NOPs is used to predict the operon status of these gene pairs.
#' @param OPs Data table including the confirmed operon pairs (OPs). See \code{select.ops}.
#' @param OPs Data table including the confirmed non-operon pairs (NOPs). See \code{select.nops}.
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. See \code{join.genes.and.operons}.
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions. See \code{comp.gene.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.pos Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (forard strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.neg Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (reverse strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param minExprCDS Minimum expression level for the coding sequence regions (CDSs). Default values is 0.1.
#' @param minExprIGR Minimum expression level for the intergenic regions (IGRs). Default values is 0.25.
#' @param maxLenIGR Maximum length for the intergenic regions (IGRs). Default values is 150.
#' @param POSSs Data table representing a set of putative operon start-points.
#' @param POESs Data table representing a set of putative operon end-points.
#' @param max.start.transc Cutoff values for the start transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param max.end.transc Cutoff values for the end transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param wseq Sequence genome.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' select.pops()
select.pops  <- function(OPs, NOPs, genes.and.operons, transcCDSs, transcIGRs.pos, transcIGRs.neg, 
                         minExprCDS = 0.1, minExprIGR = 0.25, maxLenIGR = 150, 
                         POSSs, POESs, max.start.transc, max.end.transc, wseq, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  cnt <- 1
  nameG1    <- vector(mode = "character")
  nameG2    <- vector(mode = "character")
  refOp1    <- vector(mode = "character")
  refOp2	  <- vector(mode = "character")
  diffExpr  <- vector(mode = "numeric")    
  lengthIGR <- vector(mode = "integer")
  cuScore   <- vector(mode = "numeric") 
  exprIGR   <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  class     <- vector(mode = "character")
  for(i in 1:nrow(transcIGRs.pos)) {
    g1 <- transcIGRs.pos$startLocusTag[i]
    g2 <- transcIGRs.pos$endLocusTag[i]
    if(length(which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g1)) == 0 | length(which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g2)) == 0) next;
    gene1 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g1),]
    gene2 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g2),]
    testOpDOOR <- (is.na(gene1$operonID) & !is.na(gene2$operonID)) | (!is.na(gene1$operonID) & is.na(gene2$operonID)) | (is.na(gene1$operonID) & is.na(gene2$operonID))
    test_transcActivity_g1 <- transcCDSs[rownames(gene1),]$expr > minExprCDS
    test_transcActivity_g2 <- transcCDSs[rownames(gene2),]$expr > minExprCDS
    test_transcIGR <- transcIGRs.pos$expr[i] > minExprIGR
    test_lenIGR  <- transcIGRs.pos$length[i] < maxLenIGR
    test_confOP  <- !(rownames(gene1) %in% OPs$G1) & !(rownames(gene2) %in% OPs$G2)
    test_confNOP <- !(rownames(gene1) %in% NOPs$G1) & !(rownames(gene2) %in% NOPs$G2)
    test_break_point <- FALSE
    test_feat <- gene1$feature == "CDS" & gene2$feature == "CDS"
    if(length(which(rownames(POSSs) == gene2)) > 0) {
      id_poss <- which(rownames(POSSs) == gene2)
      if(log2(POSSs$lp[id_poss]) <= max.start.transc[1]) 
        test_break_point <- TRUE
    if(length(which(rownames(POESs) == gene1)) > 0) {
      id_poes <- which(rownames(POESs) == gene1)
      if(log2(POESs$lp[id_poes]) <= max.end.transc[1]) 
        test_break_point <- TRUE
    # print(paste(test_confOP, test_confNOP, testOpDOOR, test_transcActivity_g1, test_transcActivity_g2, test_transcIGR))
    if(test_confOP & test_confNOP & testOpDOOR & test_transcActivity_g1 & test_transcActivity_g2 & 
         test_transcIGR & test_lenIGR & !test_break_point & test_feat) {
      geneSeq1 = wseq[gene1$start:gene1$end]
      geneSeq2 = wseq[gene2$start:gene2$end]
      rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
      rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
      cuScore[cnt] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
      lengthIGR[cnt] <- transcIGRs.pos$length[i]
      exprIGR[cnt]   <- transcIGRs.pos$expr[i]
      id_CDS  <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene1))
      diffExpr[cnt]  <- round(abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1]),digits = 4)
      nameG1[cnt]	   <- rownames(gene1)
      nameG2[cnt]	   <- rownames(gene2)
      refOp1[cnt]	   <- gene1$operonID
      refOp2[cnt]    <- gene2$operonID
      class[cnt]	   <-  "Und"
      cnt <- cnt + 1
  for(i in 1:nrow(transcIGRs.neg)) {
    g1 <- transcIGRs.neg$startLocusTag[i]
    g2 <- transcIGRs.neg$endLocusTag[i]
    if(length(which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g1)) == 0 | length(which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g2)) == 0) next;
    gene1 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g1),]
    gene2 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g2),]
    testOpDOOR <- (is.na(gene1$operonID) & !is.na(gene2$operonID)) | (!is.na(gene1$operonID) & is.na(gene2$operonID)) | (is.na(gene1$operonID) & is.na(gene2$operonID))
    test_transcActivity_g1 <- transcCDSs[rownames(gene1),]$expr > minExprCDS
    test_transcActivity_g2 <- transcCDSs[rownames(gene2),]$expr > minExprCDS
    test_transcIGR <- transcIGRs.neg$expr[i] > minExprIGR
    test_lenIGR  <- transcIGRs.neg$length[i] < maxLenIGR
    test_confOP  <- !(rownames(gene1) %in% OPs$G1) & !(rownames(gene2) %in% OPs$G2)
    test_confNOP <- !(rownames(gene1) %in% NOPs$G1) & !(rownames(gene2) %in% NOPs$G2)
    test_break_point <- FALSE
    test_feat <- gene1$feature == "CDS" & gene2$feature == "CDS"
    if(length(which(rownames(POSSs) == gene1)) > 0) {
      id_poss <- which(rownames(POSSs) == gene1)
      if(log2(POSSs$lp[id_poss]) <= max.start.transc[2]) 
        test_break_point <- TRUE
    if(length(which(rownames(POESs) == gene2)) > 0) {
      id_poes <- which(rownames(POESs) == gene2)
      if(log2(POESs$lp[id_poes]) <= max.end.transc[2]) 
        test_break_point <- TRUE
    # print(paste(test_confOP, test_confNOP, testOpDOOR, test_transcActivity_g1, test_transcActivity_g2, test_transcIGR))
    if(test_confOP & test_confNOP & testOpDOOR & test_transcActivity_g1 & test_transcActivity_g2 & 
         test_transcIGR & test_lenIGR & !test_break_point & test_feat) {
      geneSeq1 = wseq[gene1$start:gene1$end]
      geneSeq2 = wseq[gene2$start:gene2$end]
      rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
      rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
      cuScore[cnt] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
      id_IGR   <- which(transcIGRs.neg$startLocusTag == rownames(gene1))
      lengthIGR[cnt] <- transcIGRs.neg$length[id_IGR]
      exprIGR[cnt]   <- transcIGRs.neg$expr[id_IGR]
      id_CDS  <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene1))
      diffExpr[cnt]  <- round(abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1]),digits = 4)
      nameG1[cnt]	   <- rownames(gene1)
      nameG2[cnt]	   <- rownames(gene2)
      refOp1[cnt]	   <- gene1$operonID
      refOp2[cnt]    <- gene2$operonID
      class[cnt]	   <-  "Und"
      cnt <- cnt + 1	
  if(verbose) cat("    - nameG1:",length(nameG1),", nameG2:",length(nameG2),
                  ", diffExpr:",length(diffExpr),", lengthIGR:",length(lengthIGR),
                  ", cuScore:",length(cuScore),"\n", sep="")
  return(data.frame(G1 = nameG1, 
                    G2 = nameG2, 
                    diffExpr = diffExpr,  
                    exprIGR = exprIGR,  
                    lengthIGR = lengthIGR,
                    cuScore = cuScore,
                    refOp1 = refOp1,
                    refOp2 = refOp2,
                    class = class,
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

#' Define the set of OPs annotated in DOOR. 
#' Build a data table containing the transcriptomic/genomic feature values of operon pairs annotated in DOOR.
#' The operon classifier trained/validated on the OPs and NOPs is used to predict the operon status of these gene pairs.
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. See \code{join.genes.and.operons}.
#' @param transcCDSs Transcription levels for the coding regions. See \code{comp.gene.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.pos Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (forard strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param transcIGRs.neg Transcription levels for the intergenic regions (reverse strand). See \code{comp.igr.transc.levels}.
#' @param wseq Sequence genome.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' select.ops.indoor()
select.ops.indoor  <- function(genes.and.operons, transcCDSs, transcIGRs.pos, transcIGRs.neg, wseq, 
                               verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  cnt <- 1
  nameG1    <- vector(mode = "character")
  nameG2    <- vector(mode = "character")
  refOp     <- vector(mode = "character")
  diffExpr  <- vector(mode = "numeric")    
  lengthIGR <- vector(mode = "integer")
  cuScore   <- vector(mode = "numeric") 
  exprIGR   <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  class     <- vector(mode = "character")
  for(i in 1:nrow(transcIGRs.pos)) {
    g1 <- transcIGRs.pos$startLocusTag[i]
    g2 <- transcIGRs.pos$endLocusTag[i]
    gene1 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g1),]
    gene2 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g2),]
    # print(paste(test_confOP, test_confNOP, testOpDOOR, test_transcActivity_g1, test_transcActivity_g2, test_transcIGR))
    if(!is.na(gene1$operonID) & !is.na(gene2$operonID) & (gene1$operonID == gene2$operonID)) {
      geneSeq1 = wseq[gene1$start:gene1$end]
      geneSeq2 = wseq[gene2$start:gene2$end]
      rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
      rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
      cuScore[cnt] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
      lengthIGR[cnt] <- transcIGRs.pos$length[i]
      exprIGR[cnt]   <- transcIGRs.pos$expr[i]
      id_CDS  <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene1))
      diffExpr[cnt]  <- round(abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1]),digits = 4)
      nameG1[cnt]	   <- rownames(gene1)
      nameG2[cnt]	   <- rownames(gene2)
      refOp[cnt]	   <- gene1$operonID
      class[cnt]	   <- "Door"
      cnt <- cnt + 1
  for(i in 1:nrow(transcIGRs.neg)) {
    g1 <- transcIGRs.neg$startLocusTag[i]
    g2 <- transcIGRs.neg$endLocusTag[i]
    gene1 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g1),]
    gene2 <- genes.and.operons[which(rownames(genes.and.operons) == g2),]
    if(!is.na(gene1$operonID) & !is.na(gene2$operonID) & (gene1$operonID == gene2$operonID)) {
      geneSeq1 = wseq[gene1$start:gene1$end]
      geneSeq2 = wseq[gene2$start:gene2$end]
      rscu1 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq1, index = "rscu")
      rscu2 <- seqinr::uco(geneSeq2, index = "rscu")
      cuScore[cnt] <- sum(rscu1 * rscu2, na.rm = TRUE)
      id_IGR   <- which(transcIGRs.neg$startLocusTag == rownames(gene1))
      lengthIGR[cnt] <- transcIGRs.neg$length[id_IGR]
      exprIGR[cnt]   <- transcIGRs.neg$expr[id_IGR]
      id_CDS  <- which(rownames(transcCDSs) == rownames(gene1))
      diffExpr[cnt]  <- round(abs(transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS] - transcCDSs$expr[id_CDS+1]),digits = 4)
      nameG1[cnt]	   <- rownames(gene1)
      nameG2[cnt]	   <- rownames(gene2)
      refOp[cnt]	   <- gene1$operonID
      class[cnt]	   <-  "Door"
      cnt <- cnt + 1	
  if(verbose)	cat("    - nameG1:",length(nameG1),", nameG2:",length(nameG2),
                  ", diffExpr:",length(diffExpr),", lengthIGR:", length(lengthIGR),
                  ", cuScore:",length(cuScore),"\n", sep="")
  return(data.frame(G1 = nameG1, 
                    G2 = nameG2, 
                    diffExpr = diffExpr,  
                    exprIGR = exprIGR,  
                    lengthIGR = lengthIGR,
                    cuScore = cuScore,
                    refOp = refOp,
                    class = class,
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

#' Normalize the data before the classification step. 
#' n0 - without normalization
#' n1 - standardization ((x-mean)/sd)
#' n2 - positional standardization ((x-median)/mad)
#' n3 - unitization ((x-mean)/range)
#' n4 - unitization with zero minimum ((x-min)/range)
#' n5 - normalization in range <-1,1> ((x-mean)/max(abs(x-mean)))
#' @param OPs Data table including the confirmed operon pairs (OPs). See \code{select.ops}.
#' @param OPs Data table including the confirmed non-operon pairs (NOPs). See \code{select.nops}.
#' @param POPs Data table including gene pairs with an operon status to (re)define (POPs). See \code{select.pops}.
#' @param DOPs Data table including the operon pairs annotated in DOOR database (DOPs). See \code{select.ops.indoor}.
#' @param type Charcater vector indicating the method to use for the normalization step. Default value is "n0".
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' pre.processing()
pre.processing <- function(OPs, NOPs, POPs, DOPs, type = "n0", verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  x <- rbind(OPs[,c(3:6)], NOPs[,c(3:6)], POPs[,c(3:6)], DOPs[,c(3:6)])
  if(verbose) cat("    - OPs#", nrow(OPs),", NOPs#", nrow(NOPs), ", POPs#", nrow(POPs),
                  ", DOPs#", nrow(DOPs), "\n", sep="")		
  ## normalization by column
  nx <- NULL
  for (i in 1:ncol(x)) 
    nx <- switch(type, n0 = cbind(nx, (x[,i])), 
                 n1 = cbind(nx, (x[,i] - mean(x[,i]))/(stats::sd(x[,i]))), 
                 n2 = cbind(nx, (x[,i] - stats::median(x[,i]))/(stats::mad(x[,i]))), 
                 n3 = cbind(nx, (x[,i] - mean(x[,i]))/(max(x[,i]) - min(x[,i]))), 
                 n4 = cbind(nx, (x[, i] - min(x[,i]))/(max(x[,i]) - min(x[,i]))), 
                 n5 = cbind(nx, (x[, i] - mean(x[,i]))/(max(abs(x[,i] - mean(x[,i]))))))
  nOPs  <- nx[1:nrow(OPs),]
  nNOPs <- nx[(nrow(OPs)+1):(nrow(OPs)+nrow(NOPs)),]
  nPOPs <- nx[(nrow(OPs)+nrow(NOPs)+1):(nrow(OPs)+nrow(NOPs)+nrow(POPs)),]
  nDOPs <- nx[(nrow(OPs)+nrow(NOPs)+nrow(POPs)+1):(nrow(OPs)+nrow(NOPs)+nrow(POPs)+nrow(DOPs)),]
  #	cat("\n OPs#",nrow(nOPs),", NOPs#", nrow(nNOPs),", POPs#",nrow(nPOPs),", DOPs#",nrow(nDOPs),"\n", sep="")
  for(i in 1:3) OPs[,(i+2)] <- nOPs[,i]
  for(i in 1:3) NOPs[,(i+2)] <- nNOPs[,i]
  for(i in 1:3) POPs[,(i+2)] <- nPOPs[,i]
  for(i in 1:3) DOPs[,(i+2)] <- nDOPs[,i]
  dat <- as.data.frame(rbind(OPs[,c(3:6,ncol(OPs))],NOPs[,c(3:6,ncol(NOPs))]))
  rownames(dat) <- rbind(cbind(paste(OPs[,1], OPs[,2], sep="-")), 
                         cbind(paste(NOPs[,1], NOPs[,2], sep="-")))
  dat$class <- as.factor(dat$class)
  dat.pops  <- as.data.frame(POPs[,c(3:6)])
  rownames(dat.pops) <- paste(POPs[,1], POPs[,2], sep="-")
  dat.dops  <- as.data.frame(DOPs[,c(3:6)])
  rownames(dat.dops) <- paste(DOPs[,1], DOPs[,2], sep="-")
  #if(plot)	plot.feat.vals(dat)
  list(dat = dat, dat.pops = dat.pops, dat.dops = dat.dops)

#' Tune and build the classification models. 
#' Internal function to tune and train all the classifiers to be used in distinguishing operon pairs (OPs) from non-operon pairs (NOPs)
#' on a given RNA-seq expression profile.
#' @param data Training/test data. See \code{select.ops} and \code{select.nops}.
#' @param class Vector of the class labels.
#' @param nf Number of folds for the cross-validation and the automatic selection of the model parameters.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
tune.cls <- function(data, class, nf=3, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  data$class <- class
  ## Random Forest 
  rf.search <- list(smethod="grid",search=list(mtry=c(2:4)), convex=0,  metric="ACC", method = c("kfold", nf, 12345))
  tr.models <- list()
  tr.models[[1]] <- rminer::fit(class~., data, model="mlpe", task = "class", search="heuristic5", mpar=c(NA,NA,"kfold",nf,"ACC")) ## MLPE
  tr.models[[2]] <- rminer::fit(class~., data, model="randomforest", task = "class", search = rf.search) ## Random Forest
  tr.models[[3]] <- rminer::fit(class~., data, model="svm", task = "class", search="heuristic5", mpar=c(NA,NA,"kfold",nf,"ACC")) ## SVM
  names(tr.models) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
  if(verbose) {
    cat("    - Automatic parameter setting: \n", sep="")
    cat("       * MLPE-model: ", paste(paste(names(tr.models[[1]]@mpar), tr.models[[1]]@mpar, sep="="), collapse=" "), "\n", sep="")
    cat("       * RF-model: ", paste(paste(names(tr.models[[2]]@mpar), tr.models[[2]]@mpar, sep="="), collapse=" "), "\n", sep="")
    cat("       * SVM-model: ", paste(paste(names(tr.models[[3]]@mpar), tr.models[[3]]@mpar, sep="="), collapse=" "), "\n", sep="")
  #list(mlpe = tr.models[[1]]@mpar, rf = tr.models[[2]]@mpar, svm = tr.models[[3]]@mpar)

#' Validate the classification models. 
#' Internal function to validate all the classifiers to be used in distinguishing operon pairs (OPs) from non-operon pairs (NOPs)
#' on a given RNA-seq expression profile.
#' @param data Training/test data. See \code{select.ops} and \code{select.nops}.
#' @param class Vector of the class labels.
#' @param runs Number of bootstraps to be used.
#' @param kf Number of folds for the cross-validation.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
validate.cls <- function(data, class, models, runs = 5, kf = 5, verbose = TRUE) {
  data$class <- class
  vl.models <- list()
  vl.models[[1]] <- rminer::mining(class~., data, task = "class", Runs=runs, method=c("kfold",kf), model="mlpe", 
                                   mpar = c(models[[1]]@mpar$nr, models[[1]]@mpar$maxit)) 
  vl.models[[2]] <- rminer::mining(class~., data, task = "class", Runs=runs, method=c("kfold",kf), model="randomforest", 
                                   mpar = c(models[[2]]@mpar$mtry))
  vl.models[[3]] <- rminer::mining(class~., data, task = "class", Runs=runs, method=c("kfold",kf), model="svm", 
                                   mpar = c(models[[3]]@mpar$C, models[[3]]@mpar$epsilon))
  acc <- rep(0, 3)
  sd.acc <- rep(0, 3)
  gm <- rep(0, 3)
  sd.gm <- rep(0, 3)
  err <- rep(0, 3)
  sd.err <- rep(0, 3)
  fsc <- rep(0, 3)
  sd.fsc <- rep(0, 3)
  names(acc) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
  names(sd.acc) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm") 
  names(gm) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
  names(sd.gm) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
  names(err) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
  names(sd.err) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
  names(fsc) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
  names(sd.fsc) <- c("mlpe","rf","svm")
  for(i in 1:length(vl.models)) {
    conf.list <- rminer::mmetric(vl.models[[i]], metric="CONF")
    metrics.list <- lapply(conf.list, function(cm) {
      metrics <- sum.conf.matrix(cm$conf)
    acc[i]    <- mean(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) m$acc)))
    sd.acc[i] <- stats::sd(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) m$acc)))
    gm[i]     <- mean(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) m$gmean)))
    sd.gm[i]  <- stats::sd(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) m$gmean)))
    err[i]    <- mean(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) m$err)))
    sd.err[i] <- stats::sd(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) m$err)))
    fsc[i]    <- mean(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) mean(m[[1]]$Fscore))))
    sd.fsc[i] <- stats::sd(unlist(lapply(metrics.list, function(m) mean(m[[1]]$Fscore))))
  return(data.frame(acc = acc, sd.acc = sd.acc, 
                    gmean = gm, sd.gmean = sd.gm,
                    fscore = fsc, sd.fscore = sd.fsc,
                    err = err, sd.err = sd.err))

#' Provide classification metrics. 
#' Internal function to compile common classification metrics on a give confusion matrix. 
#' @param cm confusion matrix. 
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
sum.conf.matrix <- function(cm, ...) {
  ## Number of groups
  Ngp <- nrow(cm)
  ## Total : TP + TN + FP + FN
  Tot <- sum(cm)
  ## TP : True positive item : All items on diagonal
  TP <- diag(cm)
  ## TP + TN : sum of diagonal = All correct identification
  TP_TN <- sum(TP)
  ## TP + FP : sum of columns : Automatic classification
  TP_FP <- colSums(cm)
  ## TP + FN : sum of rows : Manual classification
  TP_FN <- rowSums(cm)
  ## FP : False positive items
  FP <- TP_FP - TP   
  ## FN : False negative item
  FN <- TP_FN - TP
  ## TN : True Negative = Total - TP - FP - FN
  TN <- rep(Tot, Ngp) - TP - FP - FN
  ## The 8 basic ratios
  ## Recall = TP / (TP + FN) = 1 - FNR
  Recall <- TP / (TP_FN)
  ## Specificity = TN / (TN + FP) = 1 - FPR
  Specificity <- TN / (TN + FP)
  ## Precision = TP / (TP + FP) = 1 - FDR
  Precision <- TP / (TP_FP)
  ## F-score = F-measure = F1 score = Harmonic mean of Precision and recall
  Fscore <- 2 * ((Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall))
  Fscore[is.nan(Fscore)] <- 0
  Gmean <- prod(Recall)^(1/Ngp)
  ## General statistics
  Accuracy <- ((TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN))
  Error <- 1 - Accuracy
  ## Create a data frame with all results
  res <- list(data.frame(Fscore = Fscore, Recall = Recall, Precision = Precision, Specificity = Specificity), 
              acc = Accuracy, err = Error, gmean = Gmean)

#' Train and validate the operon classifier and evaluate the feature importance. 
#' Internal function to train an operon classifier to distinguish operon pairs (OPs) from non-operon pairs (NOPs)
#' on a given RNA-seq expression profile.
#' @param data Training/test data. See \code{select.ops} and \code{select.nops}.
#' @param class Vector of the class labels.
#' @param run   Number of runs of training/validation. Default values is 30.
#' @param p     Percentage of samples to be used for the training. Default values is 0.9.
#' @param ntr   Number of trees to use in the operon classifier. Default values is 1000.
#' @param mtree Number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at each split in each tree. Default values is 4. 
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
train.RFs <- function(data, class, run = 30, p = 0.9, ntr = 1000, mtree=4, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  rank.aggreg <- rep(0, ncol(data))
  names(rank.aggreg) <- colnames(data)
  bootSam <- round(table(class)*p) 
  if(verbose) cat("    - Training data: ", bootSam[1],  "(NOP) - ",  bootSam[2], "(OP)\n", sep="")
  nclass  <- names(table(class))
  id.class <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(nclass)) {
    id.class[[i]] <- which(nclass[i] == class)
  accs <- rep(0, run)
  for(i in 1:run) {
    list.ids.train <- list()
    list.ids.test  <- list()
    for(j in 1:length(nclass)) {
      list.ids.train[[j]] <- sample(id.class[[j]],bootSam[j])
      list.ids.test[[j]]  <- id.class[[j]][which((id.class[[j]] %in% list.ids.train[[j]]) == FALSE)]
    rf <- randomForest::randomForest(x=data[unlist(list.ids.train),], y=class[unlist(list.ids.train)], 
                       xtest=data[unlist(list.ids.test),], ytest=class[unlist(list.ids.test)], 
                       ntree=ntr, mtry=mtree, importance=TRUE)
    accs[i] <- mean(rf$test$predicted == class[unlist(list.ids.test)])
    rf.imp <- randomForest::importance(rf, type=1)
    sort.variables <- rownames(rf.imp)[sort(rf.imp, decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)[[2]]]
    for(j in 1:dim(rf.imp)[1]) {
      rank.aggreg[sort.variables[j]] <- rank.aggreg[sort.variables[j]] + (dim(rf.imp)[1] - j)
  rank.aggreg <- rank.aggreg[sort(rank.aggreg, decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)[[2]]]
  if(verbose) {
    cat("      * mean ACC: ", mean(accs), ", sd ACC: ", stats::sd(accs),"\n", sep="")
    cat("      * feature importance: \n", sep="")
    for(i in 1:length(rank.aggreg))	{
      cat("        #",names(rank.aggreg)[i],":",rank.aggreg[i],"\n", sep="")
  rf <- randomForest(x=data, y=class, ntree=ntr, mtry=mtree)              
  return(list(model=rf, accs=accs, rf=rank.aggreg))

#' Predict operon status of gene pairs (e.g., POPs, DOPs,...).
#' Internal function that uses the trained operon classifier to predict the operon status of POPs and DOPs.
#' @param cls List of classifiers. See \code{train.rfs}.
#' @param gene.pairs Gene pairs. 
#' @param type Character vector indicating the type of gene pairs (POPs or DOPs). See \code{select.pops} and \code{select.ops.indoor}.
#' @param cons Numeric values indicating the minimum number of postive votes to classify a gen pair as operon pai. See \code{select.pops} and \code{select.ops.indoor}.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
pred.operon.status <- function(list.cls, gene.pairs, type="", cons = 1, verbose=TRUE, ...) {
  pred.ops.mlpe <- predict(list.cls$mlpe, newdata=gene.pairs) 
  pred.ops.rf   <- predict(list.cls$rf,   newdata=gene.pairs) 
  pred.ops.svm  <- predict(list.cls$svm,  newdata=gene.pairs) 
  pred.ops <- data.frame(p.mlpe = pred.ops.mlpe, p.rf = pred.ops.rf, p.svm = pred.ops.svm)
  rownames(pred.ops) <- rownames(gene.pairs)
  consensus <- rep("NOP", length=nrow(pred.ops))
  for(i in 1:nrow(pred.ops)) {
    if(length(which(pred.ops[i,] == "OP")) >= cons) consensus[i] <- "OP"
  pred.ops$cons <- consensus
    cat("    - Number of ", type, " predicted as OPs:", length(which(consensus == "OP")), ".\n", sep="")
  #pred.ops <- predict(cls, newdata=gene.pairs) 
  #num.pred.ops <- length(which(cbind(pred.ops)[,1] == 2)) 
  #	cat("    - Number of ", type, " predicted as OPs:", 
  #			num.pred.ops, "(%", (num.pred.ops/length(pred.ops)) * 100, ").\n")

#' Build the condition-dependent operon map for a given RNA-seq expression profile.
#' @param pred.POPs Data table containing the POPs predicted as OPs.
#' @param pred.DOPs Data table containing the DOPs predicted as OPs.
#' @param genes.and.operons Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations. See \code{join.genes.and.operons}.
#' @param POSSs Data table representing a set of putative operon start-points.
#' @param POESs Data table representing a set of putative operon end-points.
#' @param max.start.transc Cutoff values for the start transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param max.end.transc Cutoff values for the end transcription points. Default values is 0.1.
#' @param find.ext Add gene pairs predicted as OPs to confirmed operons. 
#' @param BED.file Save the condition-dependent operon map in a BED-like file.
#' @param TAB.file Save the condition-dependent operon map in a tab-delimited text file file. 
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' getCondOperonMap()
getCondOperonMap <- function(pred.POPs, pred.DOPs, genes.and.operons, POSSs, POESs, 
                             find.ext = FALSE, BED.file = NA, TAB.file = NA,
                             verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  first     <- vector(mode = "character") 
  strand    <- vector(mode = "character") 
  start     <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  end       <- vector(mode = "numeric") 
  length    <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  length.door  <- vector(mode = "numeric")	
  listGenes <- vector(mode = "character") 
  door.op   <- vector(mode = "character")
  type      <- vector(mode = "character")
  op.ref    <- unique(genes.and.operons$operonID)
  ids.remove <- c()
  flag.st.op <- FALSE
  cnt <- 0
  for(i in 1:length(op.ref)) {
    ids <- which(genes.and.operons$operonID == op.ref[i])
    genes <- genes.and.operons[ids,]
    if(nrow(genes) > 0) {
      for(j in 1:(nrow(genes)-1)) {
        if((ids[j] + 1) != ids[j+1]) {
          #print(paste("How many genes between: ", ids[j+1]-ids[j]))
          g1 <- rownames(genes)[ids[j]]
          g2 <- rownames(genes)[(ids[j]+1)] 
          g3 <- rownames(genes)[ids[j+1]]
          t1 <- pred.POPs[paste(g1, g2, sep="-"),]$op.st == "OP" & !flag.st.op
          t2 <- pred.POPs[paste(g2, g3, sep="-"),]$op.st == "OP" & !flag.st.op
          if(t1 & t2)	{
            listGenes[cnt] <- paste(listGenes[cnt], g2, g3, sep="-")
            if(verbose) cat("     A POP has been used to link an operon.\n")
        g1 <- rownames(genes)[j]
        g2 <- rownames(genes)[j+1]
        if(pred.DOPs[paste(g1, g2, sep="-"),]$op.st == "OP" & !flag.st.op) {
          flag.st.op <- TRUE
          cnt <- cnt + 1
          type[cnt] <- "COP"
          first[cnt]    <- g1
          start[cnt]    <- genes[j,]$start
          end[cnt]      <- genes[j+1,]$end
          length[cnt]   <- 2
          length.door[cnt] <- length(ids)
          strand[cnt]   <- genes[j,]$strand
          door.op[cnt]  <- op.ref[i]
          listGenes[cnt] <- paste(g1, g2, sep="-")
        else if(pred.DOPs[paste(g1, g2, sep="-"),]$op.st == "OP" & flag.st.op) {
          listGenes[cnt] <- paste(listGenes[cnt], g2, sep="-")
          end[cnt] <- genes[j+1,]$end
          length[cnt] <- length[cnt] + 1
        else if(pred.DOPs[paste(g1, g2, sep="-"),]$op.st == "NOP" & flag.st.op) { 
          flag.st.op <- FALSE
    flag.st.op <- FALSE
  } # end for
  cnt.pop <- 0
  if(find.ext) {
    e.cop <- rep(0, nrow(pred.POPs)) 
    cop.e <- rep(0, nrow(pred.POPs)) 
    cons.ops <- rep(0, nrow(pred.POPs)) 
    cop.e[which(pred.POPs$op.st == "OP" & !is.na(pred.POPs$op.ref1) & is.na(pred.POPs$op.ref2))] <- 1
    e.cop[which(pred.POPs$op.st == "OP" & is.na(pred.POPs$op.ref1) & !is.na(pred.POPs$op.ref2))] <- 1
    cons.ops[which(pred.POPs$op.st == "OP" & is.na(pred.POPs$op.ref1) & is.na(pred.POPs$op.ref2))] <- 1
    prev.gene <- ""
    flag.new.op <- FALSE
    list.cons.ops <- list() 
    mask <- rep(0, nrow(pred.POPs))  
    for(i in 1:nrow(pred.POPs)) {
      pop <- pred.POPs[i,]
      g1 <- strsplit(rownames(pop), "-")[[1]][1]
      g2 <- strsplit(rownames(pop), "-")[[1]][2]
      if(prev.gene == g1 & pop$op.st == "OP") {
        if(!flag.new.ops & pred.POPs$op.st[i-1] == "OP") {
          list.cons.ops[[length(list.cons.ops)+1]] <- c(i-1,i)
          flag.new.ops <- TRUE
          mask[c(i-1,i)] <- 1
        else if(flag.new.ops) {
          list.cons.ops[[length(list.cons.ops)]] <- c(list.cons.ops[[length(list.cons.ops)]],i)
          mask[i] <- 1
      else if(prev.gene != g1 | pop$op.st == "NOP"){
        flag.new.ops <- FALSE
      prev.gene <- g2
    ## finding single operon pair
    for(i in 1:nrow(pred.POPs)) {
      pop <- pred.POPs[i,]
      g1 <- strsplit(rownames(pop), "-")[[1]][1]
      g2 <- strsplit(rownames(pop), "-")[[1]][2]
      if(mask[i] == 0){ 
        flag.new.ops <- FALSE
        if(cop.e[i] == 1) {
          id <- which(door.op == pop$op.ref1)
          if(length(id) > 0) {
            id <- id[length(id)] 
            length[id] <- length[id] + 1
            end[id]    <- genes.and.operons[g2,]$end
            listGenes[id] <- paste(listGenes[id], g2, sep="-")
            type[id] <- "COP-E"  
            id.ext.pop <- id
        else if(e.cop[i] == 1) {
          id <- which(door.op == pop$op.ref2)
          if(length(id) > 0) { 
            id <- id[1]
            length[id] <-  length[id] + 1
            start[id] <- genes.and.operons[g1,]$start
            listGenes[id] <- paste(g1, listGenes[id], sep="-")
            type[id] <- "E-COP"
            first[id] <- g1
            id.ext.pop <- id
        else if(cons.ops[i] == 1) {
          cnt <- cnt + 1
          cnt.pop <- cnt.pop + 1
          type[cnt] <- "POP"
          first[cnt]    <- g1
          start[cnt]    <- genes.and.operons[g1,]$start
          end[cnt]      <- genes.and.operons[g2,]$end
          length[cnt]   <- 2
          length.door[cnt] <- 0
          strand[cnt]   <- genes.and.operons[g1,]$strand
          door.op[cnt]  <- paste("pop", cnt.pop, sep="-")
          listGenes[cnt] <- paste(g1, g2, sep="-")
    for(ops in list.cons.ops) {
      pops <- pred.POPs[ops,]
      # print(pops)
      # exract the genes
      genes <- strsplit(rownames(pops)[1], "-")[[1]]
      for(i in 2:nrow(pops)) {
        genes <- c(genes, strsplit(rownames(pops)[i], "-")[[1]][2])
      # print(genes)
      pp <- as.numeric(as.character(pops$op.ref1[1]))
      ss <- as.numeric(as.character(pops$op.ref2[nrow(pops)]))
      # print(paste("GGG", pp, ss))
      # new putative operon
      if(all(is.na(pops$op.ref1)) & all(is.na(pops$op.ref2))) { 
        cnt <- cnt + 1
        cnt.pop <- cnt.pop + 1
        type[cnt] <- "POP"
        first[cnt]    <- genes[1]
        start[cnt]    <- genes.and.operons[genes[1],]$start
        end[cnt]      <- genes.and.operons[genes[length(genes)],]$end
        length[cnt]   <- nrow(pops)
        length.door[cnt] <- 0
        strand[cnt]   <- genes.and.operons[genes[1],]$strand
        door.op[cnt]  <- paste("pop", cnt.pop, sep="-")
        listGenes[cnt] <- paste(genes, collapse="-")
      else { # there are operon pair annotated in door
        if(!is.na(pops$op.ref1[1]) & all(is.na(pops$op.ref2))) {
          id <- which(door.op == pops$op.ref1[1])
          if(length(id) > 0) {
            id <- id[length(id)] 
            length[id] <- length[id] + (length(genes)-1)
            end[id]    <- genes.and.operons[genes[length(genes)],]$end
            listGenes[id] <- paste(listGenes[id], paste(genes[-1], collapse="-"), sep="-")
            type[id] <- "COP-E"  
        else if(all(is.na(pops$op.ref1)) & !is.na(pops$op.ref2[nrow(pops)])) {
          id <- which(door.op == pops$op.ref2[nrow(pops)])
          if(length(id) > 0) {
            id <- id[1] 
            length[id] <- length[id] + (length(genes)-1)
            start[id]  <- genes.and.operons[genes[1],]$start
            listGenes[id] <- paste(paste(genes[-length(genes)], collapse="-"), listGenes[id], sep="-")
            type[id] <- "E-COP"  
        else if(!is.na(pops$op.ref1[1]) & !is.na(pops$op.ref2[nrow(pops)])) {
          id.1 <- which(door.op == pops$op.ref1[1])
          id.2 <- which(door.op == pops$op.ref2[nrow(pops)])
          # unify a door operon / two consecutive door operons
          # print(id.1)
          # print(id.2)
          # print("-----------------------------------------")
          if(as.character(pops$op.ref1[1]) == as.character(pops$op.ref2[nrow(pops)])) { 
            id.1 <- id.1[length(id.1)]
            end[id.1]    <- genes.and.operons[genes[length(genes)],]$end
            length[id.1] <- length[id.1] + length(genes) - 1
            listGenes[id.1] <- paste(listGenes[id.1], paste(genes[-1], collapse="-"), sep="-")
          else if((pp+1) == ss) {
            if(length(id.1) == 0 & length(id.2) > 0) {
                id.2 <- id.2[1]
                length[id.2] <- length[id.2] + length(genes) - 1 
                start[id.2]    <- genes.and.operons[genes[1],]$start
                listGenes[id.2] <- paste(paste(genes[-length(genes)], collapse="-"), listGenes[id.2], sep="-")
                type[id.2] <- "E-COP" 
                #door.op[id.2] <- paste(pops$op.ref1[1], door.op[id.2], sep="-")
            else if(length(id.1) > 0 & length(id.2) == 0) {
              id.1 <- id.1[length(id.1)]
              length[id.1] <- length[id.1] + (length(genes)-1)
              end[id.1]    <- genes.and.operons[genes[length(genes)],]$end
              listGenes[id.1] <- paste(listGenes[id.1], paste(genes[-1], collapse="-"), sep="-")
              type[id.1] <- "COP-E"  
              #door.op[id.1] <- paste(door.op[id.1], pops$op.ref2[length(genes)], sep="-")
            else if(length(id.1) > 0 & length(id.2) > 0) {
              id.1 <- id.1[length(id.1)]
              id.2 <- id.2[1]
              length[id.1] <- length[id.1] + length[id.2] + (length(genes)-2)
              length.door[id.1] <- length.door[id.1] + length.door[id.2] 
              start[id.1]  <- start[id.1]
              end[id.1]    <- end[id.2]
              listGenes[id.1] <- paste(listGenes[id.1], paste(genes[-c(1,length(genes))], collapse="-"), 
                                       listGenes[id.2], sep="-")
              type[id.1] <- "U-COP"  
              door.op[id.1] <- paste(door.op[id.1], door.op[id.2], sep="-")
              ## remove the id
              ids.remove <- c(ids.remove, id.2)
  if(!is.na(BED.file)) {
    df <- data.frame(chr = rep("chr1",length(start)), start, end, name = paste("Operon",door.op,sep="."), 
                     length, strand, type)
    if(length(ids.remove) > 0) df <- df[-ids.remove,]
    utils::write.table(df, file = paste("COP.", BED.file, sep=""), quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", 
                       row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    #utils::write.table(df[which(df$type == "POP"), -ncol(df)], file = paste("POP.", BED.file, sep=""), 
    #            quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
  df <- data.frame(first = first, strand = strand, start = start, end = end, len = length, len.door = length.door,
                   type = type, list.genes = listGenes, door.op = door.op, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if(length(ids.remove) > 0) df <- df[-ids.remove,]
  if(!is.na(TAB.file)) {
    utils::write.table(df, file = paste("COP.", TAB.file, sep=""), quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", 
                       row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

#' Get generic info about the door operons that have been confirmed 
#' by using the ensemble operon classifier.
#' @param genes.and.ops Data table merging gene(s) and operon(s) annotations.
#' @param eval Data table reporting accuracy evaluations.
#' @param pred.POPs Data table containing the POPs predicted as OPs.
#' @param pred.DOPs Data table containing the DOPs predicted as OPs.
#' @param comap Data table representing the condition-dependent operon map.
#' @param verbose Default logical value is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Vittorio Fortino
#' get.info
get.info <- function(genes.and.ops, eval, pred.POPs, pred.DOPs, comap, verbose = TRUE) {
  id.OPs <- 0
  id.NOPs <- 0
  for(i in 1:(nrow(genes.and.ops)-1)) {
    t0 <- !is.na(genes.and.ops$operonID[i]) & !is.na(genes.and.ops$operonID[i+1])
    t1 <- genes.and.ops$operonID[i] == genes.and.ops$operonID[i+1]
    if(t0 & t1)  id.OPs <- id.OPs + 1
    else id.NOPs <- id.NOPs + 1
  preds <- table(pred.DOPs$op.st)
  pc.door.ops <- (preds[2]/id.OPs) * 100
  pc.door.ops.to.nops <- (preds[1]/id.OPs) * 100
  new.preds <- table(pred.POPs$op.st)
  pc.door.nops.to.ops <- (new.preds[2]/id.NOPs) * 100
  if(is.na(pc.door.nops.to.ops)) pc.door.nops.to.ops <- 0
  #pc.door.nops <- (new.preds[1]/id.NOPs) * 100
  ndoor <- length(table(genes.and.ops$operonID))
  conf.complete.door.ops <- (sum(ifelse(comap$len == comap$len.door, 1, 0)) / ndoor) * 100
  conf.split.door.ops <- (length(which(duplicated(comap$door.op) == T & comap$type == "COP")) / ndoor) * 100
  conf.ext.door.ops <- (length(which(comap$type == "E-COP" | comap$type == "COP-E")) / ndoor) * 100
  conf.mer.door.ops <- (length(which(comap$type == "U-COP")) / ndoor) * 100
  new.ops <- (length(which(comap$type == "POP")) / nrow(comap)) * 100
  info <- c(mean(eval$acc), pc.door.ops, pc.door.ops.to.nops, pc.door.nops.to.ops, 
            conf.complete.door.ops,conf.split.door.ops, conf.ext.door.ops, conf.mer.door.ops, new.ops)
  names(info) <-c("over_acc","door_ops", "door_ops_to_nops","door_nops_to_ops",
                  "complete_door_operons", "spl_door_operons","ext_door_operons",

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CONDOP documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:26 p.m.