
Defines functions negbinomial.size polyaR polyaR.control polya polya.control negbinomial negbinomial.control negbinomial.initialize.yj NBD.Loglikfun2 EIM.NB.speciald EIM.NB.specialp Init.mu

Documented in EIM.NB.speciald EIM.NB.specialp Init.mu NBD.Loglikfun2 negbinomial negbinomial.initialize.yj negbinomial.size polya polyaR

# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.

 Init.mu <-
  function(y, x = cbind("(Intercept)" = rep_len(1, NROW(y))),
           w = x, imethod = 1, imu = NULL,
           ishrinkage = 0.95,
           pos.only = FALSE,
           probs.y = 0.35) {
    if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
    if (!is.matrix(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
    if (!is.matrix(w)) w <- as.matrix(w)
    if (ncol(w) != ncol(y))
      w <- matrix(w, nrow = nrow(y), ncol = ncol(y))

    if (length(imu)) {
      MU.INIT <- matrix(imu, nrow(y), ncol(y), byrow = TRUE)

    if (!is.Numeric(ishrinkage, length.arg = 1) ||
     ishrinkage < 0 || ishrinkage > 1)
     warning("bad input for argument 'ishrinkage'; ",
             "using the value 0.95 instead")

    if (imethod > 6) {
      warning("argument 'imethod' should be 1 or 2 or... 6; ",
              "using the value 1")
      imethod <- 1
    mu.init <- y
    for (jay in 1:ncol(y)) {
      TFvec <- if (pos.only) y[, jay] > 0 else TRUE
      locn.est <- if ( imethod %in% c(1, 4)) {
        weighted.mean(y[TFvec, jay], w[TFvec, jay]) + 1/16
      } else if ( imethod %in% c(3, 6)) {
        c(quantile(y[TFvec, jay], probs = probs.y ) + 1/16)
      } else {
        median(y[TFvec, jay]) + 1/16

      if (imethod <= 3) {
        mu.init[, jay] <-      ishrinkage   * locn.est +
                          (1 - ishrinkage ) * y[, jay]
      } else {
        medabsres <- median(abs(y[, jay] - locn.est)) + 1/32
        allowfun <- function(z, maxtol = 1)
          sign(z) * pmin(abs(z), maxtol)
        mu.init[, jay] <- locn.est + (1 - ishrinkage ) *
            allowfun(y[, jay] - locn.est,
                     maxtol = medabsres)

        mu.init[, jay] <- abs(mu.init[, jay]) + 1 / 1024
    }  # of for (jay)


EIM.NB.specialp <-
  function(mu, size,
           y.max = NULL,  # Must be an integer
           cutoff.prob = 0.995,
           intercept.only = FALSE,
           extra.bit = TRUE) {

  if (intercept.only) {
    mu <- mu[1]
    size <- size[1]

  y.min <- 0  # A fixed constant really

  if (!is.numeric(y.max)) {
    eff.p <- sort(c(cutoff.prob, 1 - cutoff.prob))
    y.max <- max(round(qnbinom(p = eff.p[2],
                               mu = mu, size = size) * 1.1)) + 30

  Y.mat <- if (intercept.only) y.min:y.max else
           matrix(y.min:y.max, length(mu), y.max-y.min+1,
                  byrow = TRUE)
  neff.row <- ifelse(intercept.only, 1, nrow(Y.mat))
  neff.col <- ifelse(intercept.only, length(Y.mat), ncol(Y.mat))

  if (FALSE) {
  trigg.term <- if (intercept.only) {
    check2 <-
     sum(pnbinom(Y.mat, size = size, mu = mu, lower.tail = FALSE)
         / (Y.mat + size)^2)
  } else {
  check2 <-
    rowSums(pnbinom(Y.mat, size = size, mu = mu,
                    lower.tail = FALSE) / (Y.mat + size)^2)
  }  # FALSE

  if (TRUE) {
    answerC <- .C("eimpnbinomspecialp",
      as.double(neff.row), as.double(neff.col),
      as.double(pnbinom(Y.mat, size = size, mu = mu,
                        lower.tail = FALSE)),
      rowsums = double(neff.row))
    trigg.term <- answerC$rowsums
  }  # TRUE

  ned2l.dk2 <- trigg.term
  if (extra.bit)
    ned2l.dk2 <- ned2l.dk2 - 1 / size + 1 / (size + mu)
}  # EIM.NB.specialp()

EIM.NB.speciald <-
  function(mu, size,
           y.min = 0,  # 20160201; must be an integer
           y.max = NULL,  # Must be an integer
           cutoff.prob = 0.995,
           intercept.only = FALSE,
           extra.bit = TRUE) {

  if (intercept.only) {
    mu <- mu[1]
    size <- size[1]

  if (!is.numeric(y.max)) {
    eff.p <- sort(c(cutoff.prob, 1 - cutoff.prob))
    y.max <- max(round(qnbinom(p = eff.p[2],
                               mu = mu, size = size) * 1.1)) + 30

  Y.mat <- if (intercept.only) y.min:y.max else
           matrix(y.min:y.max, length(mu),
                  y.max-y.min+1, byrow = TRUE)
  trigg.term <- if (intercept.only) {
     dnbinom(Y.mat, size, mu = mu) %*% trigamma(Y.mat + size)
  } else {
    .rowSums(dnbinom(Y.mat, size = size, mu = mu) *
             trigamma(Y.mat + size),
             NROW(Y.mat), NCOL(Y.mat))
  ned2l.dk2 <- trigamma(size) - trigg.term
  if (extra.bit)
    ned2l.dk2 <- ned2l.dk2 - 1 / size + 1 / (size + mu)
}  # end of EIM.NB.speciald()

NBD.Loglikfun2 <- function(munbval, sizeval,
                           y, x, w, extraargs) {
  sum(c(w) * dnbinom(x = y, mu = munbval,
                     size = sizeval, log = TRUE))

negbinomial.initialize.yj <-
  function(yvec, wvec = rep(1, length(yvec)),
           gprobs.y = ppoints(9),
           wm.yj = weighted.mean(yvec, w = wvec)) {
  try.mu <- c(quantile(yvec, probs = gprobs.y) + 1/16,
  if (median(try.mu) < 1) {
    y.pos <- yvec[yvec > 0]
    try.mu <- c(min(try.mu),  # 0.25,
                summary.default(y.pos)[c(1:3, 5)],
                quantile(y.pos, probs = gprobs.y) - 1/16)


negbinomial.control <- function(save.weights = FALSE, ...) {

    list(save.weights = save.weights)

 negbinomial <-
           zero = "size",  # Reinstated
           parallel = FALSE,
           deviance.arg = FALSE,
           type.fitted = c("mean", "quantiles"),
           percentiles = c(25, 50, 75),
           vfl = FALSE,  # 20240203
           mds.min = 1e-3,
           nsimEIM = 500,
           cutoff.prob = 0.999,  # Maxiter = 5000,
           eps.trig = 1e-7,
           max.support = 4000,
 max.chunk.MB = 30,  # max.memory = Inf is allowed
           lmu = "loglink", lsize = "loglink",
           imethod = 1,
           imu = NULL,
           iprobs.y = NULL,  # 0.35,
           gprobs.y = ppoints(6),
           isize = NULL,
 gsize.mux = exp(c(-30, -20, -15, -10, -6:3))) {

  if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
      integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE) ||
     imethod > 2)
      stop("argument 'imethod' must be 1 or 2")

  if (!is.logical( deviance.arg ) ||
      length( deviance.arg ) != 1)
    stop("argument 'deviance.arg' must be T or F")

  if (!is.logical(vfl) || length(vfl) != 1)
    stop("argument 'vfl' must be TRUE or FALSE")

  type.fitted <- match.arg(type.fitted,
                 c("mean", "quantiles"))[1]

  lmunb <- as.list(substitute(lmu))
  emunb <- link2list(lmunb)
  lmunb <- attr(emunb, "function.name")

  imunb <- imu

  lsize <- as.list(substitute(lsize))
  esize <- link2list(lsize)
  lsize <- attr(esize, "function.name")

  if (!is.Numeric(eps.trig, length.arg = 1,
      positive = TRUE) || eps.trig > 1e-5)
    stop("argument 'eps.trig' must be positive",
         " and smaller in value")

  if (length(imunb) && !is.Numeric(imunb, positive = TRUE))
    stop("bad input for argument 'imu'")
  if (length(isize) && !is.Numeric(isize, positive = TRUE))
    stop("bad input for argument 'isize'")

  if (!is.Numeric(cutoff.prob, length.arg = 1) ||
    cutoff.prob < 0.95 || cutoff.prob >= 1)
    stop("range error in the arg 'cutoff.prob'; ",
         "a value in [0.95, 1) is needed")

    if (!is.Numeric(nsimEIM, length.arg = 1,
                    integer.valued = TRUE))
      stop("bad input for argument 'nsimEIM'")
    if (nsimEIM <= 10)
      warning("argument 'nsimEIM' should be an ",
               "integer greater than 10, say")

    if (is.logical(parallel) && parallel &&
      stop("set 'zero = NULL' if parallel = TRUE")

  ans <-

  blurb = c("Negative binomial distribution\n\n",
        "Links:    ",
        namesof("mu",   lmunb, emunb), ", ",
        namesof("size", lsize, esize), "\n",
        "Mean:     mu\n",
        "Variance: mu * (1 + mu / size) for NB-2"),

  charfun = eval(substitute(function(x, eta, extra = NULL,
                                     varfun = FALSE) {
    vecTF <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
    kmat <- eta2theta(eta[, !vecTF, drop = FALSE],
                      .lsize , earg = .esize )
    munb <- if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink") {
      munb <- kmat / expm1(-eta[, vecTF, drop = FALSE])
      if (min(munb) <= 0) {
        munb[munb <= 0] <- median(munb[munb > 0])  # 0.1
        warning("'munb' has some < 0 values. ",
                "Using a temporary fix.")
    } else {
      eta2theta(eta[, vecTF, drop = FALSE],
                .lmunb , .emunb )

    if (varfun) {
      munb * (1 + munb / kmat)
    } else {
   (kmat / (kmat + munb - munb * exp(x * 1i)))^kmat
  }, list( .lmunb = lmunb, .lsize = lsize,
           .emunb = emunb, .esize = esize ))),

  constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
    constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
                       bool = .parallel ,
                       constraints = constraints)

    if ( .vfl && M != 2)
      stop("vfl = TRUE only allowed when M == 2")
    LC <- length(constraints)
    if ( .vfl && LC <= 2)
      stop("vfl = T only allowed if ncol(x) > 2")
    if ( .vfl &&
       !( .lmu == "loglink" && .lsize == "loglink"))
      stop("Both links must be 'loglink' if vfl = TRUE")
    if ( .vfl &&
       !(is.null( .zero ) || is.na( .zero ) ||
        (is.character( .zero ) && .zero == "")))
      stop("Need zero = NULL when vfl = TRUE")
    if ( .vfl ) {
      pterms <- 0
      for (jay in 1:LC) {  # Include the intercept
        if (!all(c(constraints[[jay]]) == 1)) {
          pterms <- pterms + 1
          constraints[[jay]] <- rbind(0, -1)
      }  # jay
      if (pterms == 0)
        warning("no parallel terms... something",
                " looks awry")
    }  # vfl

    constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints,
             x = x, .zero , M = M,
             predictors.names = predictors.names,
             M1 = 2)
  list( .parallel = parallel, .vfl = vfl,
        .lmu = lmunb, .lsize = lsize,
        .zero = zero ))),

  infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
    list(M1    = 2,
         Q1    = 1,
         charfun = TRUE,
         expected = TRUE,
         imethod = .imethod ,
         mds.min = .mds.min ,
         multipleResponses = TRUE,
         parameters.names = c("mu", "size"),
         type.fitted = .type.fitted ,
         percentiles = .percentiles ,
         lmu   = .lmunb ,
         lsize = .lsize ,
         nsimEIM = .nsimEIM ,
         eps.trig = .eps.trig ,
         zero  = .zero ,
         vfl  = .vfl , parallel = .parallel ,
         max.chunk.MB = .max.chunk.MB ,
         cutoff.prob = .cutoff.prob
  list( .zero = zero, .lsize = lsize,
        .lmunb = lmunb,
        .type.fitted = type.fitted,
        .percentiles = percentiles ,
        .eps.trig = eps.trig,
        .imethod = imethod,
        .parallel = parallel, .vfl = vfl,
        .mds.min = mds.min, .vfl = vfl,
        .cutoff.prob = cutoff.prob,
        .max.chunk.MB = max.chunk.MB,
        .nsimEIM = nsimEIM ))),

  rqresslot = eval(substitute(
    function(mu, y, w, eta, extra = NULL) {
    vecTF <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
    M1 <- 2
    NOS <- ncol(eta) / M1
    kmat <- eta2theta(eta[, !vecTF, drop = FALSE], .lsize , .esize )
    munb <- if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink") {
      kmat / expm1(-eta[, vecTF, drop = FALSE])
    } else {
      eta2theta(eta[, vecTF, drop = FALSE], .lmunb , .emunb )
    scrambleseed <- runif(1)  # To scramble the seed
                pnbinom(y - 1, mu = munb, size = kmat),
                pnbinom(y    , mu = munb, size = kmat)))
  }, list( .lmunb = lmunb, .emunb = emunb,
           .lsize = lsize, .esize = esize ))),

  initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
    M1 <- 2

    temp12 <-
      w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
                Is.nonnegative.y = TRUE,
                Is.integer.y = TRUE,
                ncol.w.max = Inf,
                ncol.y.max = Inf,
                out.wy = TRUE,
                colsyperw = 1, maximize = TRUE)
    w <- temp12$w
    y <- temp12$y

          ( .lmunb == "loglink") && ( .lsize == "loglink"),
           envir = VGAMenv)

    if (any(function.name == c("cqo", "cao")) &&
        ((is.Numeric( .zero , length.arg = 1) && .zero != -2) ||
         (is.character( .zero ) && .zero != "size")))
        stop("argument zero = 'size' or zero = -2 is required")

    extra$type.fitted <- .type.fitted
    extra$percentiles <- .percentiles
    extra$colnames.y  <- colnames(y)
    NOS <- ncoly <- ncol(y)  # Number of species
    M <- M1 * NOS
    predictors.names <-
     c(namesof(param.names("mu",   NOS, skip1 = TRUE),
                .lmunb , earg = .emunb , tag = FALSE),
       namesof(param.names("size", NOS, skip1 = TRUE),
                .lsize , earg = .esize , tag = FALSE))
    predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M,
                                                         M1 = M1)]

    gprobs.y <- .gprobs.y
    imunb <- .imunb  # Default is NULL
    if (length(imunb))
      imunb <- matrix(imunb, n, NOS, byrow = TRUE)

    if (!length(etastart)) {
      munb.init <-
      size.init <- matrix(NA_real_, n, NOS)
      if (length( .iprobs.y ))
        gprobs.y <-  .iprobs.y
      gsize.mux <- .gsize.mux  # gsize.mux is on a relative scale

      for (jay in 1:NOS) {  # For each response 'y_jay'... do:
        wm.yj <- weighted.mean(y[, jay], w = w[, jay])
        munb.init.jay <- if ( .imethod == 1 ) {
          negbinomial.initialize.yj(y[, jay], w[, jay],
                                    gprobs.y = gprobs.y,
                                    wm.yj = wm.yj)
        } else {
        if (length(imunb))
          munb.init.jay <- imunb[, jay]

        gsize <- gsize.mux * 0.5 * (mean(munb.init.jay) +
        if (length( .isize ))
          gsize <- .isize  # isize is on an absolute scale

        try.this <-
          grid.search2(munb.init.jay, gsize,
            objfun = NBD.Loglikfun2,
            y = y[, jay], w = w[, jay],
            ret.objfun = TRUE)  # Last value is the loglik

        munb.init[, jay] <- try.this["Value1"]
        size.init[, jay] <- try.this["Value2"]
      }  # for (jay ...)

      newemu <- ( .emunb )
      if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink") {
        newemu$size <- size.init

      etastart <-
        cbind(theta2eta(munb.init, link = .lmunb , newemu ),
              theta2eta(size.init, link = .lsize , .esize ))

      if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink") {
        etastart[is.na(etastart)] <- -0.1
        for (j1 in 1:(M/M1)) {
          cond1 <- etastart[, j1] >= 0
          etastart[cond1, j1] <- -0.1

      if (M > M1)
      etastart <-
        etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M1 = M1), drop = FALSE]
  }), list( .lmunb = lmunb, .lsize = lsize,
            .emunb = emunb, .esize = esize,
            .imunb = imunb,
            .gprobs.y = gprobs.y, .gsize.mux = gsize.mux,
            .deviance.arg = deviance.arg,
            .isize = isize, .iprobs.y = iprobs.y,
            .nsimEIM = nsimEIM,
            .zero = zero, .imethod = imethod,
            .type.fitted = type.fitted,
            .percentiles = percentiles ))),

  linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
    NOS <- ncol(eta) / c(M1 = 2)
    kmat <- NULL

    munb <- if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink") {

      newemu <- ( .emunb )
      kmat <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE), drop = FALSE],
                        .lsize , earg = .esize )

      munb <- kmat / expm1(-eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE), drop = FALSE])
    } else {
      eta2theta(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE), drop = FALSE],
                .lmunb , earg = .emunb )

    type.fitted <-
      if (length(extra$type.fitted))
        extra$type.fitted else {
        warning("cannot find 'type.fitted'. ",
                "Returning the 'mean'.")
    type.fitted <- match.arg(type.fitted,
                     c("mean", "quantiles"))[1]
    if (type.fitted == "mean") {
      return(label.cols.y(munb, colnames.y = extra$colnames.y,
                          NOS = NOS))

    if (is.null(kmat))
      kmat <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE), drop = FALSE],
                        .lsize , earg = .esize )
    percvec <- extra$percentiles
    lenperc <- length(percvec)
    jvec <- lenperc * (0:(NOS - 1))
    ans <- matrix(0, nrow(eta), lenperc * NOS)
    for (kay in 1:lenperc)
      ans[, jvec + kay] <-
        qnbinom(0.01 * percvec[kay], mu = munb, size = kmat)

    rownames(ans) <- rownames(eta)

    label.cols.y(ans, colnames.y = extra$colnames.y,
                 NOS = NOS, percentiles = percvec,
                 one.on.one = FALSE)
  }, list( .lmunb = lmunb, .lsize = lsize,
           .emunb = emunb, .esize = esize))),

  last = eval(substitute(expression({
    if (exists("CQO.FastAlgorithm", envir = VGAMenv))
        rm("CQO.FastAlgorithm", envir = VGAMenv)

    newemu <- ( .emunb )

    if (function.name == "cao")
      ind2 <- FALSE

    control$save.weights <- save.weights  # Latter assigned in @weights

    temp0303 <- c(rep_len( .lmunb , NOS),
                  rep_len( .lsize , NOS))
    names(temp0303) <- c(param.names("mu",   NOS, skip1 = TRUE),
                         param.names("size", NOS, skip1 = TRUE))
    misc$link <- temp0303[interleave.VGAM(M, M1 = M1)]  # Already named

    misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
    names(misc$earg) <- names(misc$link)
    for (ii in 1:NOS) {

      if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink") {
          newemu$size  <- kmat[, ii]  # At the final iteration
          newemu$wrt.param <- 1

      misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <-
        if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink") newemu else .emunb 
      misc$earg[[M1*ii  ]] <- .esize
  }), list( .lmunb = lmunb, .lsize = lsize,
            .emunb = emunb, .esize = esize ))),

  linkfun = eval(substitute(function(mu, extra = NULL) {
    M1 <- 2

    newemu <- ( .emunb )

    if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink") {
      newemu$size <- eta2theta(eta.size, .lsize , .esize )

    eta.munb <- theta2eta(mu, .lmunb , earg = newemu)
    eta.size <- theta2eta(if (is.numeric( .isize ))
                          .isize else 1.0,
                          .lsize , earg = .esize )
    eta.size <- 0 * eta.munb + eta.size  # Right dimension now.

    eta.temp <- cbind(eta.munb, eta.size)
    eta.temp[, interleave.VGAM(ncol(eta.temp), M1 = M1),
             drop = FALSE]
  }, list( .lmunb = lmunb, .lsize = lsize,
           .emunb = emunb, .esize = esize,
                           .isize = isize ))),

  loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
    function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE,  eta,
             extra = NULL, summation = TRUE) {
    vecTF <-  c(TRUE, FALSE)
    kmat <- eta2theta(eta[, !vecTF, drop=FALSE], .lsize , .esize )

    munb <- if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink") {

      munb <- kmat / expm1(-eta[, vecTF, drop = FALSE])

      if (min(munb) <= 0) {
        munb[munb <= 0] <- median(munb[munb > 0])  # 0.1
        warning("'munb' has some negative values. ",
                "Using a temporary fix.")

    } else {
      eta2theta(eta[, vecTF, drop = FALSE], .lmunb , .emunb )

    if (residuals) {
      stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
    } else {
      ll.elts <- c(w) * dnbinom(x = y, mu = munb, size = kmat,
                                log = TRUE)
      if (summation) {
      } else {
  }, list( .lmunb = lmunb, .lsize = lsize,
           .emunb = emunb, .esize = esize))),

  vfamily = c("negbinomial",
              "VGAMcategorical"),  # For "margeff"

  simslot = eval(substitute(
  function(object, nsim) {

    pwts <- if (length(pwts <- object@prior.weights) > 0)
              pwts else weights(object, type = "prior")
    if (any(pwts != 1))
      warning("ignoring prior weights")
    eta <- predict(object)
    vecTF <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
    munb <- cbind(eta2theta(eta[,  vecTF], .lmunb , .emunb ))
    size <- cbind(eta2theta(eta[, !vecTF], .lsize , .esize ))
    rnbinom(nsim * length(munb), mu = munb, size = size)
  }, list( .lmunb = lmunb, .lsize = lsize,
           .emunb = emunb, .esize = esize ))),

  validparams = eval(substitute(function(eta, y, extra = NULL) {
    size <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE), drop = FALSE],
                      .lsize , earg = .esize )

    munb <- if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink") {

      munb <- size / expm1(-eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE), drop = FALSE])
    } else {
      eta2theta(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE), drop = FALSE],
                .lmunb , earg = .emunb )

    smallval <- .mds.min  # .munb.div.size
    okay1 <- all(is.finite(munb)) && all(0 < munb) &&
             all(is.finite(size)) && all(0 < size)

    okay0 <- if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink")
               all(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE)] < 0) else TRUE

    overdispersion <- if (okay1)
      all(smallval < munb / size) else FALSE
    if (!overdispersion)
      warning("parameter 'size' has very large values relative ",
              "to 'mu'; ",
              "try fitting a quasi-Poisson ",
              "model instead (e.g., using glm()).")
    okay1 && overdispersion && okay0
  }, list( .lmunb = lmunb, .emunb = emunb,
           .lsize = lsize, .esize = esize,
           .mds.min = mds.min))),

  deriv = eval(substitute(expression({

  if (iter == 1 && .deviance.arg ) {
    if (control$criterion != "coefficients" &&
      warning("Argument 'criterion' should be 'coefficients' ",
   "or 'half.step' should be 'FALSE' when 'deviance.arg = TRUE'")

     nconstraints <- names(constraints)

    for (iii in seq_len(length(constraints))) {
      conmat <- constraints[[iii]]
      if (nconstraints[iii] != "(Intercept)" &&
          any(conmat[c(FALSE, TRUE), ] != 0))
        stop("argument 'deviance.arg' should only be TRUE for",
             " NB-2 models; non-zero ",
             "elements detected for the 'size' parameter." )
    }  # for iii
  }  # (iter == 1 && .deviance.arg )

    vecTF <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
    M1 <- 2
    NOS <- ncol(eta) / M1
    kmat <- eta2theta(eta[, !vecTF, drop = FALSE],
                      .lsize , earg = .esize )

    munb <- if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink") {

      munb <- kmat / expm1(-eta[, vecTF, drop = FALSE])

      if (iter <= 2 && min(munb) <= 0) {
        munb[munb <= 0] <- median(munb[munb > 0])
        warning("'munb' has some negative values. ",
                "Using a temporary fix.")

    } else {
      eta2theta(eta[, vecTF, drop = FALSE], .lmunb , .emunb )

    smallval <- .mds.min  # Something like this is needed
    if (any(big.size <- (munb / kmat < smallval))) {
      kmat[big.size] <- munb[big.size] / smallval

    dl.dmunb <- y / munb - (1 + y/kmat) / (1 + munb/kmat)
    dl.dsize <- digamma(y + kmat) - digamma(kmat) +
      log1p(-munb / (kmat + munb)) - (y - munb) / (munb + kmat)
    if (any(big.size)) {
      dl.dsize[big.size] <- 1e-8  # A small number

    dsize.deta2 <- dtheta.deta(kmat, .lsize , earg = .esize )

    dmunb.deta1 <- if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink") {

      dl.dsize <- digamma(y + kmat) - digamma(kmat) +
          log1p(-munb / (kmat + munb))

      dmunb.deta1 <- nbcanlink(munb, size = kmat, wrt.param = 1,
                               inverse = TRUE, deriv = 1)
    } else {
      dtheta.deta(munb, .lmunb , earg = .emunb )

    myderiv <- c(w) * cbind(dl.dmunb * dmunb.deta1,
                            dl.dsize * dsize.deta2)
    if (M > M1)
      myderiv <- myderiv[, interleave.VGAM(M, M1 = M1)]
  }), list( .lmunb = lmunb, .lsize = lsize,
            .emunb = emunb, .esize = esize,
            .deviance.arg = deviance.arg,
            .mds.min = mds.min ))),

  weight = eval(substitute(expression({
    wz <- matrix(NA_real_, n, M)

    max.support <- .max.support
    max.chunk.MB <- .max.chunk.MB

    ind2 <- matrix(FALSE, n, NOS)  # Used for SFS
    for (jay in 1:NOS) {
      eff.p <- sort(c( .cutoff.prob , 1 - .cutoff.prob ))
      Q.mins <- 0
      Q.maxs <- round(qnbinom(p = eff.p[2],
                              mu = munb[, jay],
                              size = kmat[, jay]) * 1.1) + 30

      eps.trig <- .eps.trig
      Q.MAXS <- if ( .lsize == "loglink")
        pmax(10, ceiling(kmat[, jay] / sqrt(eps.trig))) else Inf
      Q.maxs <- pmin(Q.maxs, Q.MAXS)

      ind1 <- if (max.chunk.MB > 0)
        (Q.maxs - Q.mins < max.support) else FALSE
      if ((NN <- sum(ind1)) > 0) {
        Object.Size <- NN * 8 * max(Q.maxs - Q.mins) / (2^20)
        n.chunks <- if (intercept.only) 1 else
                    max(1, ceiling( Object.Size / max.chunk.MB))
        chunk.rows <- ceiling(NN / n.chunks)
        ind2[, jay] <- ind1  # Save this
        wind2 <- which(ind1)

        upr.ptr <- 0
        lwr.ptr <- upr.ptr + 1
        while (lwr.ptr <= NN) {
          upr.ptr <- min(upr.ptr + chunk.rows, NN)
          sind2 <- wind2[lwr.ptr:upr.ptr]
          wz[sind2, M1*jay] <-
            EIM.NB.specialp(mu = munb[sind2, jay],
                  size        = kmat[sind2, jay],
                  y.max = max(Q.maxs[sind2]),
                  cutoff.prob = .cutoff.prob ,
                  intercept.only = intercept.only)

          if (any(eim.kk.TF <- wz[sind2, M1*jay] <= 0)) {
            ind2[sind2[eim.kk.TF], jay] <- FALSE

          lwr.ptr <- upr.ptr + 1
        }  # while
      }  # if
    }  # end of for (jay in 1:NOS)

    for (jay in 1:NOS) {
      run.varcov <- 0
      ii.TF <- !ind2[, jay]  # Not assigned above
      if (any(ii.TF)) {
        kkvec <- kmat[ii.TF, jay]
        muvec <-   munb[ii.TF, jay]
        for (ii in 1:( .nsimEIM )) {
          ysim <- rnbinom(sum(ii.TF), mu = muvec, size = kkvec)
          dl.dsize <- digamma(ysim + kkvec) -
                      digamma(kkvec) -
                      (ysim - muvec) / (muvec + kkvec) +
                      log1p( -muvec / (kkvec + muvec))
          run.varcov <- run.varcov + dl.dsize^2
        }  # for ii

        run.varcov <- c(run.varcov / .nsimEIM )
        ned2l.dsize2 <- if (intercept.only)
          mean(run.varcov) else run.varcov

        wz[ii.TF, M1*jay] <- ned2l.dsize2
      }  # any ii.TF
    }  # for jay

    if (any(!ind2))
      save.weights <- TRUE

    ned2l.dmunb2 <- 1 / munb - 1 / (munb + kmat)
    wz[, vecTF] <- ned2l.dmunb2 * dmunb.deta1^2

    if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink") {
      wz[, !vecTF] <- wz[, !vecTF] + 1 / kmat - 1 / (kmat + munb)
    wz[, !vecTF] <- wz[, !vecTF] * dsize.deta2^2

    if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink") {

      ned2l.dmunb.dsize <- 1 / (munb + kmat)
      wzoffdiag <- (munb / kmat) * dsize.deta2  # 20200416
      wz <- if (M > M1) {
        wzoffdiag <- kronecker(wzoffdiag, cbind(1, 0))
        cbind(wz, wzoffdiag[, -ncol(wzoffdiag)])
      } else {
        cbind(wz, wzoffdiag)

    }  # if ( .lmunb == "nbcanlink")

    w.wz.merge(w = w, wz = wz, n = n, M = M, ndepy = NOS)
  }), list( .cutoff.prob = cutoff.prob,
            .max.support = max.support,
            .max.chunk.MB = max.chunk.MB,
            .lmunb = lmunb, .lsize = lsize,
            .eps.trig = eps.trig,
            .nsimEIM = nsimEIM ))))

  if (deviance.arg) {
    ans@deviance <- eval(substitute(
      function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
               summation = TRUE) {

    size <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE), drop = FALSE],
                      .lsize , earg = .esize )

    if (residuals) {
      stop("this part of the function has not been written yet.")
    } else {
      dev.elts <- 2 * c(w) *
                  (y * log(pmax(1, y) / mu) -
                  (y + size) * log((y + size) / (mu + size)))
      if (summation) {
      } else {
  }, list( .lsize = lsize, .esize = esize,
           .lmunb = lmunb, .emunb = emunb )))


}  # negbinomial()

polya.control <- function(save.weights = FALSE, ...) {

    list(save.weights = save.weights)

 polya <-
           zero = "size",
           type.fitted = c("mean", "prob"),
           mds.min = 1e-3,
           nsimEIM = 500,  cutoff.prob = 0.999,  # Maxiter = 5000,
           eps.trig = 1e-7,
           max.support = 4000,
           max.chunk.MB = 30,  # max.memory = Inf is allowed
           lprob = "logitlink", lsize = "loglink",
           imethod = 1,
           iprob = NULL,
           iprobs.y = NULL,
           gprobs.y = ppoints(6),
           isize = NULL,
           gsize.mux = exp(c(-30, -20, -15, -10, -6:3)),
           imunb = NULL) {

  if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
                  integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE) ||
     imethod > 2)
      stop("argument 'imethod' must be 1 or 2")

  deviance.arg <- FALSE  # 20131212; for now

  type.fitted <- match.arg(type.fitted,
                           c("mean", "prob"))[1]

  if (length(iprob) && !is.Numeric(iprob, positive = TRUE))
    stop("bad input for argument 'iprob'")
  if (length(isize) && !is.Numeric(isize, positive = TRUE))
    stop("bad input for argument 'isize'")

  if (!is.Numeric(eps.trig, length.arg = 1,
                  positive = TRUE) || eps.trig > 0.001)
    stop("argument 'eps.trig' must be positive and smaller ",
         "in value")

  if (!is.Numeric(nsimEIM, length.arg = 1,
                  integer.valued = TRUE))
    stop("bad input for argument 'nsimEIM'")
  if (nsimEIM <= 10)
    warning("argument 'nsimEIM' should be an integer ",
            "greater than 10, say")

  lprob <- as.list(substitute(lprob))
  eprob <- link2list(lprob)
  lprob <- attr(eprob, "function.name")

  lsize <- as.list(substitute(lsize))
  esize <- link2list(lsize)
  lsize <- attr(esize, "function.name")

  ans <-
  blurb = c("Polya (negative-binomial) distribution\n\n",
            "Links:    ",
            namesof("prob", lprob, earg = eprob), ", ",
            namesof("size", lsize, earg = esize), "\n",
            "Mean:     size * (1 - prob) / prob\n",
            "Variance: mean / prob"),
  constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
    constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x = x, .zero , M = M,
                                predictors.names = predictors.names,
                                M1 = 2)
  }), list( .zero = zero ))),

  infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
    list(M1 = 2,
         Q1 = 1,
         expected = TRUE,
         multipleResponses = TRUE,
         mds.min = .mds.min ,
         type.fitted  = .type.fitted ,
         eps.trig = .eps.trig ,
         parameters.names = c("prob", "size"),
         zero = .zero)
  }, list( .zero = zero, .eps.trig = eps.trig,
           .type.fitted = type.fitted,
           .mds.min = mds.min))),

  rqresslot = eval(substitute(
    function(mu, y, w, eta, extra = NULL) {
    pmat  <- eta2theta(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE), drop = FALSE],
                       .lprob , earg = .eprob )
    temp300 <-         eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE), drop = FALSE]
    if ( .lsize == "loglink") {
      bigval <- 68
      temp300[temp300 >  bigval] <-  bigval
      temp300[temp300 < -bigval] <- -bigval
    kmat <- eta2theta(temp300, .lsize , earg = .esize )
    scrambleseed <- runif(1)  # To scramble the seed
                pnbinom(y - 1, prob = pmat, size = kmat),
                pnbinom(y    , prob = pmat, size = kmat)))
  }, list( .lsize = lsize, .lprob = lprob,
           .esize = esize, .eprob = eprob ))),

  initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
    M1 <- 2
    if (any(function.name == c("cqo", "cao")))
      stop("polya() does not work with cqo() or cao(). ",
           "Try negbinomial()")

    temp12 <- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
              Is.integer.y = TRUE,
              Is.nonnegative = TRUE,
              ncol.w.max = Inf,
              ncol.y.max = Inf,
              out.wy = TRUE,
              colsyperw = 1, maximize = TRUE)
    w <- temp12$w
    y <- temp12$y

    M <- M1 * ncol(y)
    NOS <- ncoly <- ncol(y)  # Number of species
    extra$type.fitted <- .type.fitted
    extra$colnames.y  <- colnames(y)

    predictors.names <-
      c(namesof(param.names("prob", NOS, skip1 = TRUE),
                .lprob , earg = .eprob , tag = FALSE),
        namesof(param.names("size", NOS, skip1 = TRUE),
                .lsize , earg = .esize , tag = FALSE))
    predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M,
                                                         M1 = M1)]

    if (is.null( .nsimEIM )) {
       save.weights <- control$save.weights <- FALSE

    gprobs.y <- .gprobs.y
    imunb <- .imunb  # Default in NULL
    if (length(imunb))
      imunb <- matrix(imunb, n, NOS, byrow = TRUE)

    if (!length(etastart)) {
      munb.init <-
      size.init <- matrix(NA_real_, n, NOS)
      gprobs.y  <- .gprobs.y
      if (length( .iprobs.y ))
        gprobs.y <-  .iprobs.y
      gsize.mux <- .gsize.mux  # gsize.mux is on a relative scale

      for (jay in 1:NOS) {  # For each response 'y_jay'... do:
        munb.init.jay <- if ( .imethod == 1 ) {
          quantile(y[, jay], probs = gprobs.y) + 1/16
        } else {
          weighted.mean(y[, jay], w = w[, jay])
        if (length(imunb))
          munb.init.jay <- imunb[, jay]

        gsize <- gsize.mux * 0.5 * (mean(munb.init.jay) +
                          weighted.mean(y[, jay], w = w[, jay]))
        if (length( .isize ))
          gsize <- .isize  # isize is on an absolute scale

        try.this <-
          grid.search2(munb.init.jay, gsize,
                       objfun = NBD.Loglikfun2,
                       y = y[, jay], w = w[, jay],
                       ret.objfun = TRUE)  # Last value is \ell

        munb.init[, jay] <- try.this["Value1"]
        size.init[, jay] <- try.this["Value2"]
      }  # for (jay ...)

      prob.init <- if (length( .iprob ))
                       matrix( .iprob , nrow(y), ncol(y),
                              byrow = TRUE) else
                   size.init / (size.init + munb.init)

      etastart <-
        cbind(theta2eta(prob.init, .lprob , earg = .eprob),
              theta2eta(size.init, .lsize , earg = .esize))
      etastart <-
        etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M1 = M1), drop = FALSE]
  }), list( .lprob = lprob, .lsize = lsize,
            .eprob = eprob, .esize = esize,
            .iprob = iprob, .isize = isize,
            .pinit = iprob,
            .gprobs.y = gprobs.y, .gsize.mux = gsize.mux,
            .iprobs.y = iprobs.y,
            .nsimEIM = nsimEIM, .zero = zero,
            .imethod = imethod , .imunb = imunb,
            .type.fitted = type.fitted ))),
  linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
    NOS <- ncol(eta) / c(M1 = 2)
    pmat <- eta2theta(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE), drop = FALSE],
                      .lprob , earg = .eprob )
    kmat <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE), drop = FALSE],
                      .lsize , earg = .esize )

    type.fitted <- if (length(extra$type.fitted))
                       extra$type.fitted else {
                     warning("cannot find 'type.fitted'. ",
                             "Returning the 'mean'.")

    type.fitted <- match.arg(type.fitted,
                     c("mean", "prob"))[1]

    ans <- switch(type.fitted,
                  "mean"      = kmat * (1 - pmat) / pmat,
                  "prob"      = pmat)

    label.cols.y(ans, colnames.y = extra$colnames.y, NOS = NOS)
  }, list( .lprob = lprob, .eprob = eprob,
           .lsize = lsize, .esize = esize))),
  last = eval(substitute(expression({
    control$save.weights <- save.weights  # Latter

    temp0303 <- c(rep_len( .lprob , NOS),
                  rep_len( .lsize , NOS))
    names(temp0303) <- c(param.names("prob", NOS, skip1 = TRUE),
                         param.names("size", NOS, skip1 = TRUE))
    temp0303 <- temp0303[interleave.VGAM(M, M1 = M1)]
    misc$link <- temp0303  # Already named

    misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
    names(misc$earg) <- names(misc$link)
    for (ii in 1:NOS) {
      misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .eprob
      misc$earg[[M1*ii  ]] <- .esize

    misc$isize <- .isize
    misc$imethod <- .imethod
    misc$nsimEIM <- .nsimEIM
  }), list( .lprob = lprob, .lsize = lsize,
            .eprob = eprob, .esize = esize,
            .isize = isize,
            .nsimEIM = nsimEIM,
            .imethod = imethod ))),

  loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
    function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
             extra = NULL,
             summation = TRUE) {
    pmat  <- eta2theta(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE), drop = FALSE],
                       .lprob , earg = .eprob )
    temp300 <-         eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE), drop = FALSE]
    if ( .lsize == "loglink") {
      bigval <- 68
      temp300[temp300 >  bigval] <-  bigval
      temp300[temp300 < -bigval] <- -bigval
    kmat <- eta2theta(temp300, .lsize , earg = .esize )
    if (residuals) {
      stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
    } else {
      ll.elts <- c(w) * dnbinom(y, prob = pmat, size = kmat,
                                log = TRUE)
      if (summation) {
      } else {
  }, list( .lsize = lsize, .lprob = lprob,
           .esize = esize, .eprob = eprob))),
  vfamily = c("polya"),

  simslot = eval(substitute(
  function(object, nsim) {
    pwts <- if (length(pwts <- object@prior.weights) > 0)
              pwts else weights(object, type = "prior")
    if (any(pwts != 1))
      warning("ignoring prior weights")
    eta <- predict(object)
    pmat <- eta2theta(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE)], .lprob , .eprob )
    kmat <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE)], .lsize , .esize )
    rnbinom(nsim * length(pmat), prob = pmat, size = kmat)
  }, list( .lprob = lprob, .lsize = lsize,
           .eprob = eprob, .esize = esize ))),

  validparams = eval(substitute(function(eta, y, extra = NULL) {
    pmat <- eta2theta(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE)], .lprob , .eprob )
    size <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE)], .lsize , .esize )
    munb <- size * (1 / pmat - 1)

    smallval <- .mds.min  # .munb.div.size
    okay1 <- all(is.finite(munb)) && all(0 < munb) &&
             all(is.finite(size)) && all(0 < size) &&
             all(is.finite(pmat)) && all(0 < pmat & pmat < 1)
    overdispersion <- if (okay1)
      all(smallval < munb / size) else FALSE
    if (!overdispersion)
      warning("parameter 'size' has very large values; ",
              "try fitting a quasi-Poisson ",
              "model instead.")
    okay1 && overdispersion
  }, list( .lprob = lprob, .eprob = eprob,
           .lsize = lsize, .esize = esize,
           .mds.min = mds.min))),

  deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
    M1 <- 2
    NOS <- ncol(eta) / M1

    pmat  <- eta2theta(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE), drop = FALSE],
                       .lprob , earg = .eprob )
    temp3 <-           eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE), drop = FALSE]
    if ( .lsize == "loglink") {
      bigval <- 68
      temp3[temp3 >  bigval] <-  bigval  # pmin() collapses matrices
      temp3[temp3 < -bigval] <- -bigval
    kmat <- as.matrix(eta2theta(temp3, .lsize , earg = .esize ))

    dl.dprob <- kmat / pmat - y / (1.0 - pmat)
    dl.dkayy <- digamma(y + kmat) - digamma(kmat) + log(pmat)

    dprob.deta <- dtheta.deta(pmat, .lprob , earg = .eprob )
    dkayy.deta <- dtheta.deta(kmat, .lsize , earg = .esize )

    myderiv <- c(w) * cbind(dl.dprob * dprob.deta,
                            dl.dkayy * dkayy.deta)
    myderiv[, interleave.VGAM(M, M1 = M1)]
  }), list( .lprob = lprob, .lsize = lsize,
            .eprob = eprob, .esize = esize))),
  weight = eval(substitute(expression({
    wz <- matrix(0, n, M + M - 1)  # wz is 'tridiagonal'

    max.support <- .max.support
    max.chunk.MB <- .max.chunk.MB

    ind2 <- matrix(FALSE, n, NOS)  # Used for SFS
    for (jay in 1:NOS) {
      eff.p <- sort(c( .cutoff.prob , 1 - .cutoff.prob ))
      Q.mins <- 0
      Q.maxs <- round(qnbinom(p = eff.p[2],
                              mu = mu[, jay],
                              size = kmat[, jay]) * 1.1) + 30

      eps.trig <- .eps.trig
      Q.MAXS <-      pmax(10, ceiling(1 / sqrt(eps.trig)))
      Q.maxs <- pmin(Q.maxs, Q.MAXS)

      ind1 <- if (max.chunk.MB > 0)
        (Q.maxs - Q.mins < max.support) else FALSE
      if ((NN <- sum(ind1)) > 0) {
        Object.Size <- NN * 8 * max(Q.maxs - Q.mins) / (2^20)
        n.chunks <- if (intercept.only) 1 else
                    max(1, ceiling( Object.Size / max.chunk.MB))
        chunk.rows <- ceiling(NN / n.chunks)
        ind2[, jay] <- ind1  # Save this
        wind2 <- which(ind1)

        upr.ptr <- 0
        lwr.ptr <- upr.ptr + 1
        while (lwr.ptr <= NN) {
          upr.ptr <- min(upr.ptr + chunk.rows, NN)
          sind2 <- wind2[lwr.ptr:upr.ptr]
          wz[sind2, M1*jay] <-
            EIM.NB.specialp(mu          =   mu[sind2, jay],
                            size        = kmat[sind2, jay],
                            y.max = max(Q.maxs[sind2]),
                            cutoff.prob = .cutoff.prob ,
                            intercept.only = intercept.only,
                            extra.bit = FALSE)
          lwr.ptr <- upr.ptr + 1
        }  # while
      }  # if
    }  # end of for (jay in 1:NOS)

    for (jay in 1:NOS) {
      run.varcov <- 0
      ii.TF <- !ind2[, jay]  # Not assigned above
      if (any(ii.TF)) {
        ppvec <- pmat[ii.TF, jay]
        kkvec <- kmat[ii.TF, jay]
        muvec <-   mu[ii.TF, jay]
        for (ii in 1:( .nsimEIM )) {
          ysim <- rnbinom(sum(ii.TF), mu = muvec, size = kkvec)
          dl.dk <- digamma(ysim + kkvec) -
                   digamma(kkvec) + log(ppvec)
          run.varcov <- run.varcov + dl.dk^2
        }  # end of for loop

        run.varcov <- c(run.varcov / .nsimEIM )
        ned2l.dk2 <- if (intercept.only)
                     mean(run.varcov) else run.varcov

        wz[ii.TF, M1*jay] <- ned2l.dk2  # * (dk.deta2[ii.TF, jay])^2

    wz[, M1*(1:NOS)] <- wz[, M1 * (1:NOS)] * dkayy.deta^2

    if (any(!ind2))
      save.weights <- TRUE

    ned2l.dprob2 <- kmat / ((1 - pmat) * pmat^2)
    wz[,     M1*(1:NOS) - 1] <- ned2l.dprob2 * dprob.deta^2

    ned2l.dkayyprob <- -1 / pmat
    wz[, M + M1*(1:NOS) - 1] <- ned2l.dkayyprob * dkayy.deta *

    w.wz.merge(w = w, wz = wz, n = n, M = M, ndepy = NOS)
  }), list( .cutoff.prob = cutoff.prob, .eps.trig = eps.trig,
            .max.support = max.support,
            .max.chunk.MB = max.chunk.MB,
            .nsimEIM = nsimEIM ))))

  if (deviance.arg)
  ans@deviance <- eval(substitute(
    function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
             summation = TRUE) {
    temp300 <-  eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE), drop = FALSE]

    if (NCOL(y) > 1 && NCOL(w) > 1)
      stop("cannot handle matrix 'w' yet")

    if ( .lsize == "loglink") {
      bigval <- 68
      temp300[temp300 >  bigval] <-  bigval
      temp300[temp300 < -bigval] <- -bigval
    } else {
      stop("can only handle the 'loglink' link")
    kayy <-  eta2theta(temp300, .lsize , earg = .esize)
    devi <- 2 * (y * log(ifelse(y < 1, 1, y) / mu) +
                (y + kayy) * log((mu + kayy) / (kayy + y)))
    if (residuals) {
      sign(y - mu) * sqrt(abs(devi) * w)
    } else {
      dev.elts <- sum(c(w) * devi)
      if (summation) {
      } else {
  }, list( .lsize = lsize, .eprob = eprob,
           .esize = esize )))

}  # End of polya()

polyaR.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
    list(save.weights = save.weights)

 polyaR <-
           zero = "size",
           type.fitted = c("mean", "prob"),
           mds.min = 1e-3,
           nsimEIM = 500,  cutoff.prob = 0.999,  # Maxiter = 5000,
           eps.trig = 1e-7,
           max.support = 4000,
           max.chunk.MB = 30,  # max.memory = Inf is allowed
           lsize = "loglink", lprob = "logitlink",
           imethod = 1,
           iprob = NULL,
           iprobs.y = NULL,
           gprobs.y = ppoints(6),
           isize = NULL,
           gsize.mux = exp(c(-30, -20, -15, -10, -6:3)),
           imunb = NULL) {

  if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
                  integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE) ||
     imethod > 2)
      stop("argument 'imethod' must be 1 or 2")

  deviance.arg <- FALSE  # 20131212; for now

  type.fitted <- match.arg(type.fitted,
                           c("mean", "prob"))[1]

  if (!is.Numeric(eps.trig, length.arg = 1,
                  positive = TRUE) || eps.trig > 0.001)
    stop("argument 'eps.trig' must be positive and ",
         "smaller in value")

  if (length(iprob) && !is.Numeric(iprob, positive = TRUE))
    stop("bad input for argument 'iprob'")
  if (length(isize) && !is.Numeric(isize, positive = TRUE))
    stop("bad input for argument 'isize'")

  if (!is.Numeric(nsimEIM, length.arg = 1,
                  integer.valued = TRUE))
    stop("bad input for argument 'nsimEIM'")
  if (nsimEIM <= 10)
    warning("argument 'nsimEIM' should be an integer ",
            "greater than 10, say")

  lprob <- as.list(substitute(lprob))
  eprob <- link2list(lprob)
  lprob <- attr(eprob, "function.name")

  lsize <- as.list(substitute(lsize))
  esize <- link2list(lsize)
  lsize <- attr(esize, "function.name")

  ans <-
  blurb = c("Polya (negative-binomial) distribution\n\n",
            "Links:    ",
            namesof("size", lsize, earg = esize), ", ",
            namesof("prob", lprob, earg = eprob), "\n",
            "Mean:     size * (1 - prob) / prob\n",
            "Variance: mean / prob"),
  constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
    constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x = x, .zero , M = M,
                                predictors.names = predictors.names,
                                M1 = 2)
  }), list( .zero = zero ))),

  infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
    list(M1 = 2,
         Q1 = 1,
         expected = TRUE,
         mds.min = .mds.min ,
         multipleResponses = TRUE,
         type.fitted  = .type.fitted ,
         parameters.names = c("size", "prob"),
         eps.trig = .eps.trig ,
         zero = .zero )
  }, list( .zero = zero, .eps.trig = eps.trig,
           .type.fitted = type.fitted,
           .mds.min = mds.min))),

  rqresslot = eval(substitute(
    function(mu, y, w, eta, extra = NULL) {
    pmat  <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE), drop = FALSE],
                       .lprob , earg = .eprob)
    temp300 <-         eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE), drop = FALSE]
    if ( .lsize == "loglink") {
      bigval <- 68
      temp300[temp300 >  bigval] <-  bigval
      temp300[temp300 < -bigval] <- -bigval
    kmat <- eta2theta(temp300, .lsize , earg = .esize )
    scrambleseed <- runif(1)  # To scramble the seed
                pnbinom(y - 1, prob = pmat, size = kmat),
                pnbinom(y    , prob = pmat, size = kmat)))
  }, list( .lsize = lsize, .lprob = lprob,
           .esize = esize, .eprob = eprob ))),

  initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
    M1 <- 2
    if (any(function.name == c("cqo", "cao")))
      stop("polyaR() does not work with cqo() or cao(). ",
           "Try negbinomial()")

    temp12 <- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
              Is.integer.y = TRUE,
              Is.nonnegative = TRUE,
              ncol.w.max = Inf,
              ncol.y.max = Inf,
              out.wy = TRUE,
              colsyperw = 1, maximize = TRUE)
    w <- temp12$w
    y <- temp12$y

    M <- M1 * ncol(y)
    NOS <- ncoly <- ncol(y)  # Number of species
    extra$type.fitted <- .type.fitted
    extra$colnames.y  <- colnames(y)

    predictors.names <-
      c(namesof(param.names("size", NOS, skip1 = TRUE),
                .lsize , earg = .esize , tag = FALSE),
        namesof(param.names("prob", NOS, skip1 = TRUE),
                .lprob , earg = .eprob , tag = FALSE))
    predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M,
                                                         M1 = M1)]

    if (is.null( .nsimEIM )) {
       save.weights <- control$save.weights <- FALSE

    gprobs.y <- .gprobs.y
    imunb <- .imunb  # Default in NULL
    if (length(imunb))
      imunb <- matrix(imunb, n, NOS, byrow = TRUE)

    if (!length(etastart)) {
      munb.init <-
      size.init <- matrix(NA_real_, n, NOS)
      gprobs.y  <- .gprobs.y
      if (length( .iprobs.y ))
        gprobs.y <-  .iprobs.y
      gsize.mux <- .gsize.mux  # gsize.mux is on a relative scale

      for (jay in 1:NOS) {  # For each response 'y_jay'... do:
        munb.init.jay <- if ( .imethod == 1 ) {
          quantile(y[, jay], probs = gprobs.y) + 1/16
        } else {
          weighted.mean(y[, jay], w = w[, jay])
        if (length(imunb))
          munb.init.jay <- imunb[, jay]

        gsize <- gsize.mux * 0.5 * (mean(munb.init.jay) +
                           weighted.mean(y[, jay], w = w[, jay]))
        if (length( .isize ))
          gsize <- .isize  # isize is on an absolute scale

        try.this <-
          grid.search2(munb.init.jay, gsize,
            objfun = NBD.Loglikfun2,
            y = y[, jay], w = w[, jay],
            ret.objfun = TRUE)  # Last value is the loglik

        munb.init[, jay] <- try.this["Value1"]
        size.init[, jay] <- try.this["Value2"]
      }  # for (jay ...)

      prob.init <- if (length( .iprob ))
                     matrix( .iprob , nrow(y), ncol(y),
                            byrow = TRUE) else
                   size.init / (size.init + munb.init)

      etastart <-
        cbind(theta2eta(size.init, .lsize , earg = .esize ),
              theta2eta(prob.init, .lprob , earg = .eprob ))
      etastart <-
        etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M1 = M1), drop = FALSE]
  }), list( .lprob = lprob, .lsize = lsize,
            .eprob = eprob, .esize = esize,
            .iprob = iprob, .isize = isize,
            .pinit = iprob,
            .gprobs.y = gprobs.y, .gsize.mux = gsize.mux,
            .iprobs.y = iprobs.y,
            .nsimEIM = nsimEIM, .zero = zero,
            .imethod = imethod , .imunb = imunb,
            .type.fitted = type.fitted ))),

  linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
    NOS <- ncol(eta) / c(M1 = 2)
    kmat <- eta2theta(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE), drop = FALSE],
                      .lsize , earg = .esize )
    pmat <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE), drop = FALSE],
                      .lprob , earg = .eprob )

    type.fitted <- if (length(extra$type.fitted))
                     extra$type.fitted else {
                     warning("cannot find 'type.fitted'. ",
                             "Returning the 'mean'.")

    type.fitted <- match.arg(type.fitted,
                     c("mean", "prob"))[1]

    ans <- switch(type.fitted,
                  "mean"      = kmat * (1 - pmat) / pmat,
                  "prob"      = pmat)
    label.cols.y(ans, colnames.y = extra$colnames.y, NOS = NOS)
  }, list( .lprob = lprob, .eprob = eprob,
           .lsize = lsize, .esize = esize))),
  last = eval(substitute(expression({
    temp0303 <- c(rep_len( .lprob , NOS),
                  rep_len( .lsize , NOS))
    names(temp0303) <- c(param.names("size", NOS, skip1 = TRUE),
                         param.names("prob", NOS, skip1 = TRUE))
    temp0303 <- temp0303[interleave.VGAM(M, M1 = M1)]
    misc$link <- temp0303  # Already named

    misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
    names(misc$earg) <- names(misc$link)
    for (ii in 1:NOS) {
      misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .esize
      misc$earg[[M1*ii  ]] <- .eprob

    misc$isize <- .isize
    misc$imethod <- .imethod
    misc$nsimEIM <- .nsimEIM
  }), list( .lprob = lprob, .lsize = lsize,
            .eprob = eprob, .esize = esize,
            .isize = isize,
            .nsimEIM = nsimEIM,
            .imethod = imethod ))),

  loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
    function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
             extra = NULL,
             summation = TRUE) {
    pmat  <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE), drop = FALSE],
                       .lprob , earg = .eprob)
    temp300 <-         eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE), drop = FALSE]
    if ( .lsize == "loglink") {
      bigval <- 68
      temp300[temp300 >  bigval] <-  bigval
      temp300[temp300 < -bigval] <- -bigval
    kmat <- eta2theta(temp300, .lsize , earg = .esize )
    if (residuals) {
      stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
    } else {
      ll.elts <- c(w) * dnbinom(y, prob = pmat, size = kmat,
                                log = TRUE)
      if (summation) {
      } else {
  }, list( .lsize = lsize, .lprob = lprob,
           .esize = esize, .eprob = eprob ))),
  vfamily = c("polyaR"),

  simslot = eval(substitute(
  function(object, nsim) {
    pwts <- if (length(pwts <- object@prior.weights) > 0)
              pwts else weights(object, type = "prior")
    if (any(pwts != 1))
      warning("ignoring prior weights")
    eta <- predict(object)
    kmat <- eta2theta(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE)], .lsize , .esize )
    pmat <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE)], .lprob , .eprob )
    rnbinom(nsim * length(pmat), prob = pmat, size = kmat)
  }, list( .lprob = lprob, .lsize = lsize,
           .eprob = eprob, .esize = esize ))),

  validparams = eval(substitute(function(eta, y, extra = NULL) {
    size <- eta2theta(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE)], .lsize , .esize )
    pmat <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE)], .lprob , .eprob )
    munb <- size * (1 / pmat - 1)

    smallval <- .mds.min  # .munb.div.size
    overdispersion <- all(smallval < munb / size)
    ans <- all(is.finite(munb)) && all(0 < munb) &&
           all(is.finite(size)) && all(0 < size) &&
           all(is.finite(pmat)) && all(0 < pmat & pmat < 1) &&
    if (!overdispersion)
      warning("parameter 'size' has very large values; ",
              "try fitting a quasi-Poisson ",
              "model instead.")
  }, list( .lprob = lprob, .eprob = eprob,
           .lsize = lsize, .esize = esize,
           .mds.min = mds.min))),

  deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
    M1 <- 2
    NOS <- ncol(eta) / M1

    pmat  <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE), drop = FALSE],
                       .lprob , earg = .eprob)
    temp3 <-           eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE), drop = FALSE]
    if ( .lsize == "loglink") {
      bigval <- 68
      temp3[temp3 >  bigval] <-  bigval  # pmin() collapses matrices
      temp3[temp3 < -bigval] <- -bigval
    kmat <- as.matrix(eta2theta(temp3, .lsize , earg = .esize ))

    dl.dprob <- kmat / pmat - y / (1.0 - pmat)
    dl.dkayy <- digamma(y + kmat) - digamma(kmat) + log(pmat)

    dprob.deta <- dtheta.deta(pmat, .lprob , earg = .eprob)
    dkayy.deta <- dtheta.deta(kmat, .lsize , earg = .esize)

    myderiv <- c(w) * cbind(dl.dkayy * dkayy.deta,
                            dl.dprob * dprob.deta)
    myderiv[, interleave.VGAM(M, M1 = M1)]
  }), list( .lprob = lprob, .lsize = lsize,
            .eprob = eprob, .esize = esize))),
  weight = eval(substitute(expression({
    wz <- matrix(0.0, n, M + M - 1)  # wz is 'tridiagonal'

    max.support <- .max.support
    max.chunk.MB <- .max.chunk.MB

    ind2 <- matrix(FALSE, n, NOS)  # Used for SFS
    for (jay in 1:NOS) {
      eff.p <- sort(c( .cutoff.prob , 1 - .cutoff.prob ))
      Q.mins <- 0
      Q.maxs <- round(qnbinom(p = eff.p[2],
                              mu = mu[, jay],
                              size = kmat[, jay]) * 1.1) + 30

      eps.trig <- .eps.trig
      Q.MAXS <- pmax(10, ceiling(1 / sqrt(eps.trig) - kmat[, jay]))
      Q.maxs <- pmin(Q.maxs, Q.MAXS)

      ind1 <- if (max.chunk.MB > 0)
        (Q.maxs - Q.mins < max.support) else FALSE
      if ((NN <- sum(ind1)) > 0) {
        Object.Size <- NN * 8 * max(Q.maxs - Q.mins) / (2^20)
        n.chunks <- if (intercept.only) 1 else
                    max(1, ceiling( Object.Size / max.chunk.MB))
        chunk.rows <- ceiling(NN / n.chunks)
        ind2[, jay] <- ind1  # Save this
        wind2 <- which(ind1)

        upr.ptr <- 0
        lwr.ptr <- upr.ptr + 1
        while (lwr.ptr <= NN) {
          upr.ptr <- min(upr.ptr + chunk.rows, NN)
          sind2 <- wind2[lwr.ptr:upr.ptr]
          wz[sind2, M1*jay - 1] <-
            EIM.NB.specialp(mu          =   mu[sind2, jay],
                            size        = kmat[sind2, jay],
                            y.max = max(Q.maxs[sind2]),
                            cutoff.prob = .cutoff.prob ,
                            intercept.only = intercept.only,
                            extra.bit = FALSE)
          lwr.ptr <- upr.ptr + 1
        }  # while
      }  # if
    }  # end of for (jay in 1:NOS)

    for (jay in 1:NOS) {
      run.varcov <- 0
      ii.TF <- !ind2[, jay]  # Not assigned above
      if (any(ii.TF)) {
        ppvec <- pmat[ii.TF, jay]
        kkvec <- kmat[ii.TF, jay]
        muvec <-   mu[ii.TF, jay]
        for (ii in 1:( .nsimEIM )) {
          ysim <- rnbinom(sum(ii.TF), mu = muvec, size = kkvec)
          dl.dk <- digamma(ysim + kkvec) -
                   digamma(kkvec) + log(ppvec)
          run.varcov <- run.varcov + dl.dk^2
        }  # end of for loop

        run.varcov <- c(run.varcov / .nsimEIM )
        ned2l.dk2 <- if (intercept.only)
                       mean(run.varcov) else run.varcov

  wz[ii.TF, M1*jay - 1] <- ned2l.dk2  # * (dk.deta2[ii.TF, jay])^2

    wz[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1] <- wz[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1] * dkayy.deta^2

    save.weights <- !all(ind2)

    ned2l.dprob2 <- kmat / ((1 - pmat) * pmat^2)
    wz[,     M1*(1:NOS)    ] <- ned2l.dprob2 * dprob.deta^2

    ned2l.dkayyprob <- -1 / pmat
    wz[, M + M1*(1:NOS) - 1] <- ned2l.dkayyprob * dkayy.deta *

    w.wz.merge(w = w, wz = wz, n = n, M = M, ndepy = NOS)
  }), list( .cutoff.prob = cutoff.prob, .eps.trig = eps.trig,
            .max.support = max.support,
            .max.chunk.MB = max.chunk.MB,
            .nsimEIM = nsimEIM ))))

  if (deviance.arg)
  ans@deviance <- eval(substitute(
    function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
             summation = TRUE) {
    temp300 <-  eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE), drop = FALSE]

    if (NCOL(y) > 1 && NCOL(w) > 1)
      stop("cannot handle matrix 'w' yet")

    if ( .lsize == "loglink") {
      bigval <- 68
      temp300[temp300 >  bigval] <-  bigval
      temp300[temp300 < -bigval] <- -bigval
    } else {
      stop("can only handle the 'loglink' link")
    kayy <-  eta2theta(temp300, .lsize , earg = .esize)
    devi <- 2 * (y * log(ifelse(y < 1, 1, y) / mu) +
                (y + kayy) * log((mu + kayy) / (kayy + y)))
    if (residuals) {
      sign(y - mu) * sqrt(abs(devi) * w)
    } else {
      dev.elts <- sum(c(w) * devi)
      if (summation) {
      } else {
  }, list( .lsize = lsize, .eprob = eprob,
           .esize = esize )))

}  # End of polyaR()

 negbinomial.size <-
  function(size = Inf,
           lmu = "loglink",
           imu = NULL,
           iprobs.y = 0.35,
           imethod = 1,
           ishrinkage = 0.95, zero = NULL) {

  if (any(size <= 0))
    stop("bad input for argument 'size'")
  if (anyNA(size))
    stop("bad input for argument 'size'")

  lmu <- as.list(substitute(lmu))
  emu <- link2list(lmu)
  lmu <- attr(emu, "function.name")

  if (length(imu) && !is.Numeric(imu, positive = TRUE))
    stop("bad input for argument 'imu'")

  if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
                  integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE) ||
     imethod > 3)
    stop("argument 'imethod' must be 1 or 2 or 3")
  if (!is.Numeric(ishrinkage, length.arg = 1) ||
     ishrinkage < 0 || 1 < ishrinkage)
    stop("bad input for argument 'ishrinkage'")

  ans <-

  blurb = c("Negative-binomial distribution with size known\n\n",
            "Links:    ",
            namesof("mu",   lmu, earg = emu), "\n",
            "Mean:     mu\n",
            "Variance: mu * (1 + mu / size) for NB-2"),

  constraints = eval(substitute(expression({

    constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x = x, .zero , M = M,
                                predictors.names = predictors.names,
                                M1 = 2)

  }), list( .zero = zero ))),

  infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
    list(M1 = 1,
         Q1 = 1,
         expected = TRUE,
         imethod = .imethod ,
         ishrinkage = .ishrinkage ,
         multipleResponses = TRUE,
         parameters.names = c("mu"),
         zero = .zero )
  }, list( .imethod = imethod,
           .ishrinkage = ishrinkage,
           .zero = zero ))),

  rqresslot = eval(substitute(
    function(mu, y, w, eta, extra = NULL) {
    kmat <- matrix( .size , nrow(eta), ncol(eta), byrow = TRUE)
    munb <- cbind(mu)
    scrambleseed <- runif(1)  # To scramble the seed
                pnbinom(y - 1, mu = munb, size = kmat),
                pnbinom(y    , mu = munb, size = kmat)))
  }, list( .size = size ))),

  initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
    M1 <- 1

    temp5 <-
    w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
              Is.nonnegative.y = TRUE,
              Is.integer.y = TRUE,
              ncol.w.max = Inf,
              ncol.y.max = Inf,
              out.wy = TRUE,
              colsyperw = 1,
              maximize = TRUE)
    w <- temp5$w
    y <- temp5$y

    M <- M1 * ncol(y)
    NOS <- ncoly <- ncol(y)  # Number of species
    mynames1 <- param.names("mu", NOS, skip1 = TRUE)
    predictors.names <- namesof(mynames1, .lmu , .emu , tag = FALSE)

    if (is.numeric( .mu.init ))
      MU.INIT <- matrix( .mu.init, nrow(y), ncol(y), byrow = TRUE)

    if (!length(etastart)) {
      mu.init <- y
      for (iii in 1:ncol(y)) {
        use.this <- if ( .imethod == 1) {
          weighted.mean(y[, iii], w[, iii]) + 1/16
        } else if ( .imethod == 3) {
          c(quantile(y[, iii], probs = .iprobs.y ) + 1/16)
        } else {
          median(y[, iii]) + 1/16

        if (is.numeric( .mu.init )) {
          mu.init[, iii] <- MU.INIT[, iii]
        } else {
          medabsres <- median(abs(y[, iii] - use.this)) + 1/32
          allowfun <- function(z, maxtol = 1)
            sign(z) * pmin(abs(z), maxtol)
          mu.init[, iii] <- use.this + (1 - .ishrinkage ) *
                            allowfun(y[, iii] - use.this,
                                     maxtol = medabsres)

          mu.init[, iii] <- abs(mu.init[, iii]) + 1 / 1024
      }  # of for (iii)

    kmat <- matrix( .size , n, NOS, byrow = TRUE)

    newemu <- .emu
    if ( .lmu == "nbcanlink") {
      newemu$size <- kmat

    etastart <-
      cbind(theta2eta(mu.init , link = .lmu , earg = newemu ))
  }), list( .lmu = lmu,
            .emu = emu,
            .mu.init = imu, .size = size, .iprobs.y = iprobs.y,
            .ishrinkage = ishrinkage,
            .zero = zero, .imethod = imethod ))),

  linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
    M1 <- 1
    eta <- cbind(eta)
    NOS <- ncol(eta) / M1
    n <- nrow(eta)
    kmat <- matrix( .size , n, NOS, byrow = TRUE)

    newemu <- .emu
    if ( .lmu == "nbcanlink") {
      newemu$size <- kmat

    eta2theta(eta, .lmu , earg = newemu)
  }, list( .lmu = lmu,
           .emu = emu, .size = size ))),

  last = eval(substitute(expression({
    misc$link <- rep_len( .lmu , NOS)
    names(misc$link) <- mynames1

    misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
    names(misc$earg) <- mynames1
    for (ii in 1:NOS) {
      misc$earg[[ii]] <- newemu

    misc$size <- kmat  # Conformable size, i.e., is a matrix
  }), list( .lmu = lmu, .emu = emu ))),

  loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
    function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
             extra = NULL, summation = TRUE) {
    mu <- cbind(mu)
    y <- cbind(y)
    w <- cbind(w)
    eta <- cbind(eta)
    kmat <- matrix( .size , nrow(eta), ncol(eta), byrow = TRUE)

    if (residuals) {
      stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
    } else {
      ind1 <- is.finite(kmat)
      NOS <- ncol(y)
      ans1 <- ans2 <- 0
      for (kk in 1:NOS) {
        ind1 <- is.finite(kmat[, kk])
        ans1 <- ans1 +
            sum(w[ind1] * dnbinom(y[ind1, kk],
                                  mu = mu[ind1, kk],
                         size = kmat[ind1, kk], log = TRUE))
        ans2 <- ans2 +
                sum(w[!ind1] * dpois(y[!ind1, kk],
                        lambda  = mu[!ind1, kk], log = TRUE))

      ans <- ans1 + ans2
      ll.elts <- ans
      if (summation) {
      } else {
  }, list( .size = size ))),

  vfamily = c("negbinomial.size"),
  validparams = eval(substitute(function(eta, y, extra = NULL) {
    eta <- as.matrix(eta)
    kmat <- matrix( .size , nrow(eta), ncol(eta), byrow = TRUE)
    newemu <- .emu
    if ( .lmu == "nbcanlink") {
      newemu$size <- kmat
    munb <- eta2theta(eta, .lmu , earg = newemu )
    okay1 <- all(is.finite(munb)) && all(0 < munb) &&
                                     all(0 < kmat)
  }, list( .lmu = lmu, .emu = emu, .size = size ))),

  simslot = eval(substitute(
  function(object, nsim) {
    pwts <- if (length(pwts <- object@prior.weights) > 0)
              pwts else weights(object, type = "prior")
    if (any(pwts != 1))
      warning("ignoring prior weights")
    muuu <- fitted(object)
    n   <- NROW(muuu)
    NOS <- NCOL(muuu)
    kmat <- matrix( .size , n, NOS, byrow = TRUE)
    rnbinom(nsim * length(muuu), mu = muuu, size = kmat)
  }, list( .size = size ))),

  deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
    eta <- cbind(eta)
    M <- ncol(eta)
    kmat <- matrix( .size , n, M, byrow = TRUE)

    newemu <- .emu
    if ( .lmu == "nbcanlink") {
      newemu$size <- kmat
      newemu$wrt.param <- 1

    dl.dmu <- y / mu - (y + kmat) / (kmat + mu)
    if (any(fix.up <- !is.finite(dl.dmu)))
      dl.dmu[fix.up] <-  (y/mu)[fix.up] - 1

    dmu.deta <- dtheta.deta(mu, .lmu , earg = newemu)  # eta1
    c(w) * dl.dmu * dmu.deta
  }), list( .lmu = lmu,
            .emu = emu, .size = size ))),

  weight = eval(substitute(expression({
    ned2l.dmunb2 <- 1 / mu - 1 / (mu + kmat)
    wz <- ned2l.dmunb2 * dmu.deta^2
    c(w) * wz
  }), list( .lmu = lmu ))))


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