# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.
vnonlinear.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
list(save.weights = as.logical(save.weights)[1])
subset.lohi <- function(xvec, yvec,
probs.x = c(0.15, 0.85),
type = c("median", "wtmean", "unwtmean"),
wtvec = rep_len(1, length(xvec))) {
if (!is.Numeric(probs.x, length.arg = 2))
stop("argument 'probs.x' must be numeric and of length two")
min.q <- quantile(xvec, probs = probs.x[1] )
max.q <- quantile(xvec, probs = probs.x[2] )
if (mode(type) != "character" && mode(type) != "name")
type <- as.character(substitute(type))
type <- match.arg(type, c("median", "wtmean", "unwtmean"))[1]
if (type == "median") {
y1bar <- median(yvec[xvec < min.q])
x1bar <- median(xvec[xvec < min.q])
y2bar <- median(yvec[xvec > max.q])
x2bar <- median(xvec[xvec > max.q])
if (type == "wtmean") {
y1bar <- weighted.mean(yvec[xvec < min.q], w = wtvec[xvec < min.q])
x1bar <- weighted.mean(xvec[xvec < min.q], w = wtvec[xvec < min.q])
y2bar <- weighted.mean(yvec[xvec > max.q], w = wtvec[xvec > max.q])
x2bar <- weighted.mean(xvec[xvec > max.q], w = wtvec[xvec > max.q])
if (type == "unwtmean") {
y1bar <- mean(yvec[xvec < min.q])
x1bar <- mean(xvec[xvec < min.q])
y2bar <- mean(yvec[xvec > max.q])
x2bar <- mean(xvec[xvec > max.q])
if (x1bar >= x2bar)
stop("cannot find two distinct x values; try decreasing the first ",
"value of argument 'probs.x' and increasing the second value")
list(x1bar = x1bar,
y1bar = y1bar,
x2bar = x2bar,
y2bar = y2bar,
slopeUp = (y2bar > y1bar))
micmen.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
list(save.weights = save.weights)
micmen <- function(rpar = 0.001, divisor = 10,
init1 = NULL, init2 = NULL,
imethod = 1,
oim = TRUE,
link1 = "identitylink", link2 = "identitylink",
firstDeriv = c("nsimEIM", "rpar"),
probs.x = c(0.15, 0.85),
nsimEIM = 500,
dispersion = 0, zero = NULL) {
firstDeriv <- match.arg(firstDeriv, c("nsimEIM", "rpar"))[1]
if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
stop("argument 'imethod' must be integer")
if (!is.Numeric(probs.x, length.arg = 2))
stop("argument 'probs.x' must be numeric and of length two")
if (!is.logical(oim) || length(oim) != 1)
stop("argument 'oim' must be single logical")
stopifnot(nsimEIM > 10, length(nsimEIM) == 1,
nsimEIM == round(nsimEIM))
if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE) ||
imethod > 3)
stop("'imethod' must be 1 or 2 or 3")
estimated.dispersion <- (dispersion == 0)
link1 <- as.list(substitute(link1))
earg1 <- link2list(link1)
link1 <- attr(earg1, "")
link2 <- as.list(substitute(link2))
earg2 <- link2list(link2)
link2 <- attr(earg2, "")
blurb = c("Michaelis-Menton regression model\n",
"Y_i = theta1 * u_i / (theta2 + u_i) + e_i\n\n",
"Links: ",
namesof("theta1", link1, earg = earg1), ", ",
namesof("theta2", link2, earg = earg2),
"Variance: constant"),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
constraints <-, x = x, .zero , M = M,
predictors.names = predictors.names,
M1 = 2)
}), list( .zero = zero))),
deviance = function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL) {
M <- if (is.matrix(y)) ncol(y) else 1
if (residuals) {
if (M > 1) NULL else (y - mu) * sqrt(w)
} else {
ResSS.vgam(y - mu, w, M = M)
infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
list(M1 = 2,
Q1 = 1,
expected = TRUE,
multipleResponses = FALSE,
parameters.names = c("theta1", "theta2"),
link1 = .link1 ,
link2 = .link2 ,
zero = .zero )
}, list( .zero = zero,
.link1 = link1, .link2 = link2
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
temp5 <-
w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
out.wy = TRUE,
maximize = TRUE)
w <- temp5$w
if (!length(Xm2))
stop("regressor not found")
if (NCOL(Xm2) != 1)
stop("regressor not found or is not a vector. Use the ",
"'form2' argument without an intercept")
Xm2 <- as.vector(Xm2) # Make sure
extra$Xm2 <- Xm2 # Needed for @linkinv
predictors.names <-
c(namesof("theta1", .link1 , earg = .earg1, tag = FALSE),
namesof("theta2", .link2 , earg = .earg2, tag = FALSE))
if (length(mustart) || length(coefstart))
stop("cannot handle 'mustart' or 'coefstart'")
if (!length(etastart)) {
if ( .imethod == 3 ) {
index0 <- (1:n)[Xm2 <= quantile(Xm2, prob = .probs.x[2] )]
init1 <- median(y[index0])
init2 <- median(init1 * Xm2 / y - Xm2)
if ( .imethod == 1 || .imethod == 2) {
mysubset <- subset.lohi(Xm2, y, probs.x = .probs.x,
type = ifelse( .imethod == 1, "median", "wtmean"),
wtvec = w)
mat.x <- with(mysubset, cbind(c(x1bar, x2bar), -c(y1bar, y2bar)))
theta.temp <- with(mysubset,
solve(mat.x, c(x1bar * y1bar, x2bar * y2bar)))
init1 <- theta.temp[1]
init2 <- theta.temp[2]
if (length( .init1 )) init1 <- .init1
if (length( .init2 )) init2 <- .init2
etastart <- cbind(
rep_len(theta2eta(init1, .link1 , earg = .earg1 ), n),
rep_len(theta2eta(init2, .link2 , earg = .earg2 ), n))
} else {
stop("cannot handle 'etastart' or 'mustart'")
}), list( .init1 = init1, .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1,
.init2 = init2, .link2 = link2, .earg2 = earg2,
.imethod = imethod,
.probs.x = probs.x ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
theta1 <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .link1 , earg = .earg1 )
theta2 <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .link2 , earg = .earg2 )
theta1 * extra$Xm2 / (theta2 + extra$Xm2)
}, list( .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1,
.link2 = link2, .earg2 = earg2))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
misc$link <- c(theta1 = .link1 , theta2 = .link2 )
misc$earg <- list(theta1 = .earg1 , theta2 = .earg2 )
misc$rpar <- rpar
fit$df.residual <- n - rank # Not nrow.X.vlm - rank
fit$ <- n # Not nrow.X.vlm
dpar <- .dispersion
if (!dpar) {
dpar <- sum(c(w) * (y - mu)^2) / (n - ncol.X.vlm)
misc$dispersion <- dpar
misc$default.dispersion <- 0
misc$estimated.dispersion <- .estimated.dispersion
misc$imethod <- .imethod
misc$nsimEIM <- .nsimEIM
misc$firstDeriv <- .firstDeriv
misc$oim <- .oim
misc$rpar <- rpar
misc$orig.rpar <- .rpar
misc$multipleResponses <- FALSE
}), list( .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1,
.link2 = link2, .earg2 = earg2,
.dispersion = dispersion,
.imethod = imethod,
.firstDeriv = firstDeriv,
.oim = oim, .rpar = rpar,
.nsimEIM = nsimEIM,
.estimated.dispersion = estimated.dispersion ))),
summary.dispersion = FALSE,
vfamily = c("micmen", "vnonlinear"),
validparams = eval(substitute(function(eta, y, extra = NULL) {
theta1 <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .link1 , earg = .earg1 )
theta2 <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .link2 , earg = .earg2 )
okay1 <- all(is.finite(theta1)) &&
}, list( .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1,
.link2 = link2, .earg2 = earg2,
.firstDeriv = firstDeriv,
.rpar = rpar, .divisor = divisor ))),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
theta1 <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .link1 , earg = .earg1 )
theta2 <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .link2 , earg = .earg2 )
dthetas.detas <- cbind(dtheta.deta(theta1, .link1 , earg = .earg1 ),
dtheta.deta(theta2, .link2 , earg = .earg2 ))
rpar <- if ( .firstDeriv == "rpar") {
if (iter > 1) {
max(rpar / .divisor, 1000 * .Machine$double.eps)
} else {
d3 <- deriv3(~ theta1 * Xm2 / (theta2 + Xm2),
c("theta1", "theta2"), hessian = FALSE)
} else {
dmus.dthetas <- if (FALSE) {
attr(eval(d3), "gradient")
} else {
dmu.dtheta1 <- Xm2 / (theta2 + Xm2)
dmu.dtheta2 <- -theta1 * Xm2 / (Xm2 + theta2)^2
cbind(dmu.dtheta1, dmu.dtheta2)
myderiv <- if ( .firstDeriv == "rpar") {
if (TRUE) {
index <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE)
temp200809 <- dmus.dthetas * dthetas.detas
if (M > 1)
temp200809[, 2:M] <- temp200809[, 2:M] + sqrt(rpar)
c(w) * (y - mu) * temp200809
} else {
c(w) * c(y - mu) *
cbind(dmus.dthetas[, 1] * dthetas.detas[, 1],
dmus.dthetas[, 2] * dthetas.detas[, 2] + sqrt(rpar))
} else {
temp20101111 <- dmus.dthetas * dthetas.detas
print("head(temp20101111) in @deriv")
print( head(temp20101111) )
print("head(y) in @deriv")
print( head(y) )
print("head(mu) in @deriv")
print( head(mu) )
c(w) * c(y - mu) * temp20101111
}), list( .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1,
.link2 = link2, .earg2 = earg2,
.firstDeriv = firstDeriv,
.rpar = rpar, .divisor = divisor ))),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
if ( .oim ) {
wz <- matrix(0, n, dimm(M))
wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- Xm2
wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- y - 2 * mu
wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- theta1 * (3 * mu - 2 * y) / (theta2 + Xm2)
wz <- wz * Xm2 / (theta2 + Xm2)^2
if ( .firstDeriv == "rpar") {
if (FALSE) {
wz <- dmus.dthetas[, index$row] * dmus.dthetas[, index$col] *
dthetas.detas[, index$row] * dthetas.detas[, index$col]
if (M > 1)
wz[, 2:M] <- wz[, 2:M] + rpar
} else {
wz <- cbind(( dmus.dthetas[, 1] * dthetas.detas[, 1])^2,
( dmus.dthetas[, 2] * dthetas.detas[, 2])^2 + rpar,
dmus.dthetas[, 1] * dmus.dthetas[, 2] *
dthetas.detas[, 1] * dthetas.detas[, 2])
} else {
run.varcov <- 0
index0 <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
mysigma <- 1
for (ii in 1:( .nsimEIM )) {
ysim <- theta1 * Xm2 / (theta2 + Xm2) + rnorm(n, sd = mysigma)
temp3 <- (ysim - mu) * dmus.dthetas * dthetas.detas
run.varcov <- run.varcov +
temp3[, index0$row.index] *
temp3[, index0$col.index]
run.varcov <- run.varcov / .nsimEIM
wz <- if (intercept.only)
n, ncol(run.varcov), byrow = TRUE) else run.varcov
c(w) * wz
}), list( .link1 = link1, .link2 = link2,
.firstDeriv = firstDeriv,
.nsimEIM = nsimEIM, .oim = oim ))))
} # micmen
skira.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
list(save.weights = save.weights)
skira <- function(rpar = 0.1, divisor = 10,
init1 = NULL, init2 = NULL,
link1 = "identitylink", link2 = "identitylink",
earg1 = list(),
earg2 = list(),
imethod = 1,
oim = TRUE,
probs.x = c(0.15, 0.85),
smallno = 1.0e-3,
nsimEIM = 500,
firstDeriv = c("nsimEIM", "rpar"),
dispersion = 0, zero = NULL) {
firstDeriv <- match.arg(firstDeriv, c("nsimEIM", "rpar"))[1]
if (!is.Numeric(probs.x, length.arg = 2))
stop("argument 'probs.x' must be numeric and of length two")
estimated.dispersion <- dispersion == 0
if (mode(link1) != "character" && mode(link1) != "name")
link1 <- as.character(substitute(link1))
if (mode(link2) != "character" && mode(link2) != "name")
link2 <- as.character(substitute(link2))
if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
stop("argument 'imethod' must be integer")
if (imethod > 5)
stop("argument 'imethod' must be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5")
if (!is.list(earg1))
earg1 = list()
if (!is.list(earg2))
earg2 = list()
stopifnot(nsimEIM > 10, length(nsimEIM) == 1,
nsimEIM == round(nsimEIM))
blurb = c("Shinozaki-Kira regression model\n",
"Y_i = 1 / (theta1 + theta2 * u_i) + e_i\n\n",
"Links: ",
namesof("theta1", link1, earg = earg1), ", ",
namesof("theta2", link2, earg = earg2)),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
constraints <-, x = x, .zero , M = M,
predictors.names = predictors.names,
M1 = 2)
}), list( .zero = zero ))),
deviance = function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL) {
M <- if (is.matrix(y))
ncol(y) else 1
if (residuals) {
if (M > 1) NULL else (y - mu) * sqrt(w)
} else {
ResSS.vgam(y - mu, w, M = M)
infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
list(M1 = 2,
Q1 = 1,
expected = TRUE,
multipleResponses = FALSE,
parameters.names = c("theta1", "theta2"),
link1 = .link1 ,
link2 = .link2 ,
zero = .zero )
}, list( .zero = zero,
.link1 = link1, .link2 = link2
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
warning("20101105; need to fix a bug in the signs of initial vals")
temp5 <-
w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
out.wy = TRUE,
maximize = TRUE)
w <- temp5$w
y <- temp5$y
if (!length(Xm2)) stop("regressor not found")
if (NCOL(Xm2) != 1)
stop("regressor not found or is not a vector. ",
"Use the 'form2' argument without an intercept")
Xm2 <- as.vector(Xm2)
extra$Xm2 <- Xm2
predictors.names <-
c(namesof("theta1", .link1 , earg = .earg1, tag = FALSE),
namesof("theta2", .link2 , earg = .earg2, tag = FALSE))
if (length(mustart) || length(coefstart))
stop("cannot handle 'mustart' or 'coefstart'")
if (!length(etastart)) {
min.q <- quantile(Xm2, probs = .probs.x[1] )
max.q <- quantile(Xm2, probs = .probs.x[2] )
if ( .imethod == 3 || .imethod == 2 ) {
mysubset <- subset.lohi(Xm2, y, probs.x = .probs.x,
type = ifelse( .imethod == 2, "median", "wtmean"),
wtvec = w)
mat.x <- with(mysubset, cbind(c(1, 1),
c(x1bar, x2bar)) * c(y1bar, y2bar))
theta.temp <- solve(mat.x, c(1, 1))
init1 <- theta.temp[1]
init2 <- theta.temp[2]
} else if ( .imethod == 1 ) {
yy <- as.vector( y[(Xm2 > min.q) & (Xm2 < max.q)])
xx <- as.vector(Xm2[(Xm2 > min.q) & (Xm2 < max.q)])
ww <- as.vector( w[(Xm2 > min.q) & (Xm2 < max.q)])
yy[ abs(yy) < .smallno ] <- .smallno *
sign(yy[ abs(yy) < .smallno ])
wt.temp <- (yy^4) * ww
wt.temp.max <- median(wt.temp) * 100
wt.temp[wt.temp > wt.temp.max] <- wt.temp.max
mylm.wfit <- lm.wfit(x = cbind(1, xx),
y = c(1 / yy),
w = c(wt.temp))
init1 <- mylm.wfit$coef[1]
init2 <- mylm.wfit$coef[2]
} else if (( .imethod == 4) || ( .imethod == 5)) {
tempfit <- if ( .imethod == 4 ) {
fitted(loess(y ~ Xm2))
} else {
fitted(smooth.spline(Xm2, y, w = w, df = 2.0))
mysubset <- subset.lohi(Xm2, y, probs.x = .probs.x,
type = "wtmean", wtvec = w)
mat.x <- with(mysubset, cbind(c(1, 1),
c(x1bar, x2bar)) * c(y1bar, y2bar))
theta.temp <- solve(mat.x, c(1, 1))
init1 <- theta.temp[1]
init2 <- theta.temp[2]
} else {
stop("argument 'imethod' unmatched")
mu <- 1 / (init1 + init2 * Xm2)
matplot(Xm2, cbind(y, mu), col = c("blue", "green"),
main = "Initial values in green")
if ( .imethod == 1 ) {
points(Xm2, 1 / (init1 + init2 * Xm2), col = "green")
} else {
points(c(x1bar, x2bar), c(y1bar, y2bar), col = 2, pch = "+", cex = 2))
if (length( .init1 )) init1 <- .init1
if (length( .init2 )) init2 <- .init2
etastart <- cbind(
rep_len(theta2eta(init1, .link1 , earg = .earg1 ), n),
rep_len(theta2eta(init2, .link2 , earg = .earg2 ), n))
} else {
stop("cannot handle 'etastart' or 'mustart'")
}), list( .init1 = init1, .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1,
.init2 = init2, .link2 = link2, .earg2 = earg2,
.smallno = smallno, .probs.x = probs.x,
.nsimEIM = nsimEIM,
.imethod = imethod ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
theta1 <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .link1 , earg = .earg1 )
theta2 <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .link2 , earg = .earg2 )
1 / (theta1 + theta2 * extra$Xm2)
}, list( .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1,
.link2 = link2, .earg2 = earg2 ))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
misc$link <- c(theta1 = .link1 , theta2 = .link2 )
misc$earg <- list(theta1 = .earg1 , theta2 = .earg2 )
misc$rpar <- rpar
misc$orig.rpar <- .rpar
fit$df.residual <- n - rank
fit$ <- n
dpar <- .dispersion
if (!dpar) {
dpar <- sum(c(w) * (y - mu)^2) / (n - ncol.X.vlm)
misc$dispersion <- dpar
misc$default.dispersion <- 0
misc$estimated.dispersion <- .estimated.dispersion
misc$imethod <- .imethod
misc$nsimEIM <- .nsimEIM
misc$firstDeriv <- .firstDeriv
misc$oim <- .oim
misc$multipleResponses <- FALSE
}), list( .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1,
.link2 = link2, .earg2 = earg2,
.dispersion = dispersion, .rpar = rpar,
.imethod = imethod, .nsimEIM = nsimEIM,
.firstDeriv = firstDeriv, .oim = oim,
.estimated.dispersion = estimated.dispersion ))),
summary.dispersion = FALSE,
vfamily = c("skira", "vnonlinear"),
validparams = eval(substitute(function(eta, y, extra = NULL) {
theta1 <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .link1 , earg = .earg1 )
theta2 <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .link2 , earg = .earg2 )
okay1 <- all(is.finite(theta1)) &&
}, list( .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1,
.link2 = link2, .earg2 = earg2,
.firstDeriv = firstDeriv,
.rpar = rpar, .divisor = divisor ))),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
rpar <- if ( .firstDeriv == "rpar") {
if (iter > 1) {
max(rpar / .divisor, 1000 * .Machine$double.eps)
} else {
d3 <- deriv3( ~ 1 / (theta1 + theta2 * Xm2),
c("theta1", "theta2"), hessian = FALSE)
} else {
theta1 <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .link1 , earg = .earg1 )
theta2 <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .link2 , earg = .earg2 )
dthetas.detas <- cbind(dtheta.deta(theta1, .link1 , earg = .earg1 ),
dtheta.deta(theta2, .link2 , earg = .earg2 ))
dmus.dthetas <- if (FALSE) {
attr(eval(d3), "gradient")
} else {
dmu.dtheta1 <- -1 / (theta1 + theta2 * Xm2)^2
dmu.dtheta2 <- -Xm2 / (theta1 + theta2 * Xm2)^2
cbind(dmu.dtheta1, dmu.dtheta2)
myderiv <- if ( .firstDeriv == "nsimEIM") {
c(w) * (y - mu) * dmus.dthetas * dthetas.detas
} else {
c(w) * (y - mu) *
cbind(dmus.dthetas[, 1] * dthetas.detas[, 1],
dmus.dthetas[, 2] * dthetas.detas[, 2] + sqrt(rpar))
}), list( .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1,
.link2 = link2, .earg2 = earg2,
.firstDeriv = firstDeriv,
.rpar = rpar, .divisor = divisor ))),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
if ( .firstDeriv == "rpar") {
if (FALSE) {
index5 <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE)
wz <- dmus.dthetas[, index5$row] *
dmus.dthetas[, index5$col] *
dthetas.detas[, index5$row] *
dthetas.detas[, index5$col]
if (M > 1) wz[, -(1:M)] <- wz[, -(1:M)] / 100
} else {
wz <- cbind((dmus.dthetas[, 1] * dthetas.detas[, 1])^2,
(dmus.dthetas[, 2] * dthetas.detas[, 2])^2 + rpar,
dmus.dthetas[, 1] * dmus.dthetas[, 2] *
dthetas.detas[, 1] * dthetas.detas[, 2])
} else {
run.varcov <- 0
index0 <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
mysigma <- sqrt( median( (y - mu)^2 ) ) / 100
mysigma <- 1
for (ii in 1:( .nsimEIM )) {
ysim <- 1 / (theta1 + theta2 * Xm2) + rnorm(n, sd = mysigma)
temp3 <- (ysim - mu) * dmus.dthetas * dthetas.detas
run.varcov <- run.varcov +
temp3[, index0$row.index] * temp3[, index0$col.index]
run.varcov <- run.varcov / .nsimEIM
wz <- if (intercept.only)
n, ncol(run.varcov), byrow = TRUE) else run.varcov
c(w) * wz
}), list( .link1 = link1, .link2 = link2,
.firstDeriv = firstDeriv,
.nsimEIM = nsimEIM, .oim = oim ))))
} # skira
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