#just for writing comfort, self explanatory
#amptest class, amptester function -------------------------------
setClass("amptest", contains = "numeric", representation(.Data = "numeric",
decisions = "logical",
noiselevel = "numeric",
background = "numericOrNULL",
polygon = "numeric",
slope.ratio = "numeric"))
setMethod("show", signature(object = "amptest"), function(object) {
print(slot(object, ".Data"))
setMethod("summary", signature(object = "amptest"), function(object, print = TRUE) {
#print(slot(object, ".Data")) I think it's too much and repeats show method
if(print) {
cat(paste0("\nAmplification significance (threshold test): ",
slot(object, "decisions")[["tht.dec"]]))
cat(paste0("\nAmplification significance (signal level test): ",
slot(object, "decisions")[["slt.dec"]]))
cat(paste0("\nAmplification significance (resids growth test): ",
slot(object, "decisions")[["rgt.dec"]]))
cat(paste0("\nNoise detected: ", slot(object, "decisions")[["shap.noisy"]]))
cat(paste0("\nNoise level: ", slot(object, "noiselevel")))
cat(paste0("\nLinearity: ", slot(object, "decisions")[["lrt.test"]]))
cat(paste0("\nPolygon: ", slot(object, "polygon")))
bcg <- slot(object, "background")
if (is.null(bcg)) {
cat(paste0("\nBackground: not defined"))
} else {
bcg <- paste0(bcg, collapse = ", ")
cat(paste0("\nBackground: (", bcg, ")"))
invisible(c(tht.dec = slot(object, "decisions")[["tht.dec"]],
slt.dec = slot(object, "decisions")[["slt.dec"]],
rgt.dec = slot(object, "decisions")[["rgt.dec"]],
shap.noisy = slot(object, "decisions")[["shap.noisy"]],
noiselevel = slot(object, "noiselevel"),
lrt.test = slot(object, "decisions")[["lrt.test"]],
polygon = slot(object, "polygon")))
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "amptest"),
function(x, abscissa = 1L:length(slot(x, ".Data")), ...) {
y.pos <- slot(x, ".Data")
nh <- trunc(length(abscissa) * 0.20)
nt <- trunc(length(abscissa) * 0.15)
y.pos.head <- head(y.pos, n = nh)
y.pos.tail <- tail(y.pos, n = nt)
lb.pos <- median(y.pos.head) + 2 * mad(y.pos.head)
ub.pos <- median(y.pos.tail) - 2 * mad(y.pos.tail)
res.shapiro.pos <- shapiro.test(y.pos)
res.wt.pos <- wilcox.test(head(y.pos, n = nh), tail(y.pos, n = nt),
alternative = "less")
layout(matrix(c(1,1,1,2,3,4), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE), respect = TRUE)
y.lims <- range(y.pos)
y.lims[1] <- min(y.lims[1], lb.pos)
y.lims[2] <- max(y.lims[1], ub.pos)
y.lims[1] <- y.lims[1] - 0.4*(lb.pos + abs(ub.pos))
y.lims[2] <- y.lims[2] + 0.4*(lb.pos + abs(ub.pos))
plot(abscissa, y.pos, xlim = c(abscissa[1],
abscissa[length(abscissa)] * 1.3),
ylim = y.lims, xlab = "Cycle", ylab = "RFU",
main = "Input data", type = "b", pch = 19)
abline(v = c(nh, length(abscissa) - nt), lty = 3)
abline(h = lb.pos, lty = 2, col = "red")
text(abscissa[9], lb.pos * 1.2, "Noise\nmedian + 2 * mad", col = "red",
cex = 1.3)
abline(h = ub.pos, lty = 2, col = "green")
text(abscissa[length(abscissa)] * 1.1, ub.pos * 0.90,
"Signal\nmedian - 2 * mad", col = "green", cex = 1.3)
arrows(4.5, 12.5, 42.5, 12.5, length = 0.1, angle = 90, code = 3)
text(25, 14.5, paste("W = ", format(res.wt.pos[["statistic"]], digits = 4),
"\np-value = ",
format(res.wt.pos[["p.value"]], digits = 6)))
text(5,5, paste("Fold change: \n", round(ub.pos/lb.pos, 2)))
res.pos <- rtg.test(y.pos)
plot(1L:ncol(res.pos), res.pos[nrow(res.pos), ], xaxt='n',
xlab = "Cycle interval", ylab = "", ylim = c(0, 1), main = "RGt",
pch = 19)
mtext("Correlation coeffcient", 2, 3)
mtext("(studentized residuals and RFU)", 2, 2)
nice.labs <- sapply(1L:ncol(res.pos), function(i)
paste0(res.pos[c(1, nrow(res.pos) - 1), i], collapse = "-"))
axis(1, 1L:ncol(res.pos), labels = nice.labs)
abline(h = 0.8, lty = "66")
qqnorm(y.pos, pch = 19, main = paste("W = ",
digits = 6), "\np-value = ",
digits = 6)))
qqline(y.pos, col = "orange", lwd = 2)
plot(RGt(y.pos), xlab = "Cycle", ylab = expression(R^2), main = "LRt",
pch = 19, type = "b")
abline(h = 0.8, col = "black", lty = 2)
RGt <- function(y) {
ws <- ceiling((15 * length(y)) / 100)
if (ws < 5)
ws <- 5
if (ws > 15)
ws <- 15
y.tmp <- na.omit(y[-c(1:5)])
x <- 1:length(y.tmp)
res.reg <- sapply(1L:(length(y.tmp)), function (i) {
round(summary(lm(y.tmp[i:c(i + ws)] ~ x[i:c(i + ws)]))[["r.squared"]], 4)
# Binarize R^2 values. Everything larger than 0.8 is positve
res.LRt <- res.reg
# Define the limits for the R^2 test
res.LRt[res.LRt < 0.8] <- 0
res.LRt[res.LRt >= 0.8] <- 1
# Seek for a sequence of at least six positve values (R^2 >= 0.8)
# The first five measure points of the amplification curve are skipped
# because most technologies and probe technologies tend to overshot
# in the start (background) region.
res.out <- sapply(5L:(length(res.LRt) - 6), function(i) {
ifelse(sum(res.LRt[i:(i + 4)]) == 5, TRUE, FALSE)
cbind(1L:(length(y.tmp)), res.reg)
rtg.test <- function(y) {
nh <- trunc(length(y) * 0.2)
if (nh < 5) nh <- 5
rgts <-sapply(0L:round(length(y)/8, 0), function (j) {
cyc <- 1:nh + j
reg <- lm(y[cyc] ~ cyc)
c(cyc, cor(rstudent(reg), y[cyc]))
#der class ----------------------
setClass("der", contains = "matrix", representation(.Data = "matrix",
method = "character"))
setMethod("summary", signature(object = "der"), function(object,
digits = getOption("digits") - 3,
print = TRUE) {
data <- slot(object, ".Data")
FDM <- data[data[, "d1y"] == max(data[, "d1y"]), "x"]
SDM <- data[data[, "d2y"] == max(data[, "d2y"]), "x"]
SDm <- data[data[, "d2y"] == min(data[, "d2y"]), "x"]
SDC <- sqrt(SDM * SDm)
if (print) {
cat(paste0("Smoothing method: ", slot(object, "method")))
cat(paste0("\nFirst derivative maximum: ", format(FDM, digits = digits)))
cat(paste0("\nSecond derivative maximum: ", format(SDM, digits = digits)))
cat(paste0("\nSecond derivative minimum: ", format(SDm, digits = digits)))
cat(paste0("\nSecond derivative center: ", format(SDC, digits = digits)))
res <- c(FDM, SDM, SDm, SDC)
names(res) <- c("FDM", "SDM", "SDm", "SDC")
setMethod("show", signature(object = "der"), function(object) {
print(slot(object, ".Data"))
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "der"), function(x, what = 1:3, add = FALSE,
legend = TRUE,
plot.colors = c("black", "red", "blue"),
...) {
if (!all(what %in% 1:3))
stop("'what' must contain values from set: 1, 2, 3.")
if (length(unique(what)) != length(what))
stop("'what' must contain unique values.")
if (length(plot.colors) != 3)
stop("'plot.colors' must contain three colors.")
#smallest and biggest fluorescence values
ylims <- range(sapply(what + 1, function(i) {
x[, i]
if(!add) {
plot(x = range(x[, 1]), y = ylims, cex = 0, ...)
for (i in what)
points(x[, c(1, i + 1)], col = plot.colors[i], pch = 20, type = "b")
if (legend)
legend("topleft", c("Raw data", "First derivative", "Second derivative")[what],
pch = rep(20,3), col = plot.colors)
#bg class, bg.max function -------------------------------
setClass("bg", contains = "matrix", representation(.Data = "matrix",
bg.start = "numeric",
bg.stop = "numeric",
bg.corr = "numeric",
fluo = "numeric",
amp.stop = "numeric"))
setMethod("summary", signature(object = "bg"), function(object, print = TRUE) {
if (print) {
cat(paste0("Background start: ", slot(object, "bg.start")))
cat(paste0("\nBackground stop: ", slot(object, "bg.stop")))
cat(paste0("\nBackground correction: ", slot(object, "bg.corr")))
cat(paste0("\nEnd of the amplification reaction: ", slot(object, "amp.stop")))
cat(paste0("\nFluorescence at the end of the amplification reaction: ",
format(slot(object, "fluo"), options("digits")[["digits"]])))
invisible(c(bg.start = slot(object, "bg.start"),
bg.stop = slot(object, "bg.stop"),
bg.corr = slot(object, "bg.corr"),
amp.stop = slot(object, "amp.stop"),
fluo = slot(object, "fluo")))
setMethod("show", signature(object = "bg"), function(object) {
print(slot(object, ".Data"))
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "bg"), function(x, what = 1:3, add = FALSE,
indicators = TRUE,
legend = TRUE, stan.labs = TRUE,
plot.colors = c("black", "red", "blue"),
...) {
if (stan.labs) {
plot(new("der", .Data = x, method = "supsmu"), what = what,
add = add, legend = FALSE, plot.colors = plot.colors, xlab = "Cycle",
ylab = "Fluorescence", ...)
} else {
plot(new("der", .Data = x, method = "supsmu"), what = what,
add = add, legend = FALSE, plot.colors = plot.colors, ...)
if (indicators) {
abline(v = slot(x, "bg.start"))
text(slot(x, "bg.start"), 0.2, "Background start", pos = 4)
abline(v = slot(x, "bg.stop"), col = "blue")
text(slot(x, "bg.stop"), 0.25, "Background stop", pos = 4, col = "blue")
abline(v = slot(x, "amp.stop"), col = "green")
text(slot(x, "amp.stop"), 0.3, "Plateau transition", pos = 4, col = "green")
if (legend)
legend("topleft", c("Raw data", "First derivative", "Second derivative")[what],
pch = rep(20,3), col = plot.colors)
#refMFI class, MFIaggr function -------------------------------
setClass("refMFI", contains = "matrix", representation(.Data = "matrix",
density = "density", = "data.frame",
stats = "numeric"))
setMethod("show", signature(object = "refMFI"), function(object) {
print(slot(object, ".Data"))
setMethod("qqnorm", signature(y = "refMFI"), function(y, main = "Normal Q-Q Plot",
xlab = "Theoretical Quantiles",
ylab = "Sample Quantiles", = TRUE, datax = FALSE, ...) {
qqnorm(unlist(slot(y, "")), main = main, xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab, =, datax = datax, ...)
setMethod("qqline", signature(y = "refMFI"), function(y, datax = FALSE,
distribution = qnorm,
probs = c(0.25, 0.75), qtype = 7, ...) {
qqline(unlist(slot(y, "")), datax = datax, distribution = distribution,
probs = probs, qtype = qtype, ...)
setMethod("summary", signature(object = "refMFI"),
function(object, digits = getOption("digits") - 3, print = TRUE) {
stats <- slot(object, "stats")
nice.names <- c("Mean", "Median", "Standard deviation",
"Median Absolute Deviation", "Interquartile Range",
"Medcouple", "Skewness",
"SNR", "VRM", "Number of NAs", "Intercept", "Slope",
"R squared", "Breusch-Pagan Test p-value"
if (print) {
for(i in 1L:length(stats))
cat(paste0(nice.names[i], ": ",
format(stats[i], digits = digits), "\n"))
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "refMFI"), function(x, CV = FALSE, type = "p",
pch = 19, length = 0.05,
col = "black") {
res <- slot(x, ".Data")
res.dens <- slot(x, "density")
llul <- rownames(slot(x, ""))
stats <- slot(x, "stats")
ncol.y <- ncol(slot(x, ""))
default.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#Plot the Coefficient of Variance
layout(matrix(c(1,2,1,3), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE))
error.plot.text <- paste0("ROI samples: ", format(ncol.y, nsmall = 3), "\n",
"ROI mean : SD\n", format(stats[1], nsmall = 3), " \u00b1 ",
format(stats[3], nsmall = 2), "\n",
"ROI median : MAD\n", format(stats[2], nsmall = 3), " \u00b1 ",
format(stats[4], nsmall = 2))
density.plot.text <- paste("ROI cycles: ",
llul[1], " to ", llul[2],
"\n", "bw ",
round(res.dens[["bw"]], 3),
"; ", "N = ", res.dens[["n"]])
par(mar=c(7.8, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
if (CV) {
plot(res[, 1], res[, 4], xlab = "", ylab = "CV",
type = type, pch = pch, col = col,
main = "Error plot")
} else {
plot(res[, 1], res[, 2], ylim = c(min(res[, 2] - res[, 3]),
max(res[, 2] + res[, 3])),
xlab = "", ylab = "MFI",
type = type, pch = pch, col = col,
main = "Error plot")
#Plot the location with error bars.
arrows(res[, 1], res[, 2] + res[, 3], res[, 1],
res[, 2] - res[, 3], angle = 90, code = 3,
length = length, col = col)
deviation.measure <- strsplit(colnames(res)[3], "(", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
deviation.measure <- substr(deviation.measure, 1, nchar(deviation.measure) - 1)
mtext(paste0("Deviation: ", deviation.measure), 4, cex = 0.75)
# Add a range for the ROI
abline(v = llul, col = "lightgrey", lwd = 1.25)
mtext(error.plot.text, side = 1, line = 6.8, cex = 0.75)
mtext("Cycle", side = 1, line = 2, cex = 0.8)
par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
# "Calculate" the Quantile-Quantile plots and density plots
# and plot the results
plot(res.dens, xlab = "", main = "Density", col = col)
mtext("RFU", side = 1, line = 2, cex = 0.8)
mtext(density.plot.text, side = 1, line = 4.85, cex = 0.75)
# Analysis of the quantiles
qqnorm(x, xlab = "", pch = pch, col = col)
mtext("Theoretical Quantiles", side = 1, line = 2, cex = 0.8)
mtext(paste0("\nBreusch-Pagan Test p-value: ", format(stats["heter.p"], digits = 4)),
side = 1, line = 3, cex = 0.75)
qqline(x, col = col)
#combo plot
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "refMFI", y = "refMFI"), function(x, y, CV = FALSE, type = "p",
pch = 19, length = 0.05,
col = "black") {
res <- list(slot(x, ".Data"), slot(y, ".Data"))
res.dens <- list(slot(x, "density"), slot(y, "density"))
llul <- list(rownames(slot(x, "")), rownames(slot(y, "")))
stats <- list(slot(x, "stats"), slot(y, "stats"))
ncol.y <- list(ncol(slot(x, "")), ncol(slot(y, "")))
default.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#Plot the Coefficient of Variance
layout(matrix(c(1,2,1,3), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE))
error.plot.text <- paste0(
#"samples: ", format(ncol.y[[1]], nsmall = 3), "; ",
#format(ncol.y[[2]], nsmall = 3), "\n",
"ROI mean : SD:\n A ", format(stats[[1]][1], nsmall = 3), " \u00b1 ",
format(stats[[1]][3], nsmall = 2), "\n B ",
format(stats[[2]][1], nsmall = 3), " \u00b1 ",
format(stats[[2]][3], nsmall = 2), "\n",
"ROI median : MAD:\n A ", format(stats[[1]][2], nsmall = 3), " \u00b1 ",
format(stats[[1]][4], nsmall = 2), "\n B ",
format(stats[[2]][2], nsmall = 3), " \u00b1 ",
format(stats[[2]][4], nsmall = 2))
density.plot.text <- paste("ROI cycle ",
llul[[1]][1], " to ", llul[[1]][2], "; ",
llul[[2]][1], " to ", llul[[2]][2],
"\n", "bw ",
round(res.dens[[1]][["bw"]], 3), "; ",
round(res.dens[[2]][["bw"]], 3),
"\n", "N = ", res.dens[[1]][["n"]], "; ",
par(mar=c(7.9, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
if (CV) {
plot(res[[1]][, 1], res[[1]][, 4], xlab = "", ylab = "CV",
type = type, pch = pch, col = col,
main = "Error plot",
xlim = range(res[[1]][, 1], res[[2]][, 1]),
ylim = range(res[[1]][, 4], res[[2]][, 4]))
points(res[[2]][, 1], res[[2]][, 2], pch = pch, col = adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = 0.25))
} else {
plot(res[[1]][, 1], res[[1]][, 2],
ylim = c(min(c(res[[1]][, 2] - res[[1]][, 3], res[[2]][, 2] - res[[2]][, 3])),
max(c(res[[1]][, 2] + res[[1]][, 3], res[[2]][, 2] + res[[2]][, 3]))),
xlim = range(res[[1]][, 1], res[[2]][, 1]),
xlab = "", ylab = "MFI",
type = type, pch = pch, col = col,
main = "Error plot")
points(res[[2]][, 1], res[[2]][, 2], pch = pch, col = adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = 0.25))
#Plot the location with error bars.
arrows(res[[1]][, 1], res[[1]][, 2] + res[[1]][, 3], res[[1]][, 1],
res[[1]][, 2] - res[[1]][, 3], angle = 90, code = 3,
length = length, col = col)
arrows(res[[2]][, 1], res[[2]][, 2] + res[[2]][, 3], res[[2]][, 1],
res[[2]][, 2] - res[[2]][, 3], angle = 90, code = 3,
length = length, col = adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = 0.25))
deviation.measure <- strsplit(colnames(res[[1]])[3], "(", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
deviation.measure <- substr(deviation.measure, 1, nchar(deviation.measure) - 1)
mtext(paste0("Deviation: ", deviation.measure), 4, cex = 0.75)
# Add a range for the ROI
abline(v = llul[[1]], col = "lightgrey", lwd = 1.25)
abline(v = llul[[2]], col = "lightgrey", lwd = 1.25, lty = 6)
mtext(error.plot.text, side = 1, line = 7.2, cex = 0.75)
mtext("Cycle", side = 1, line = 2, cex = 0.8)
#add legend
legend("topleft", c("A", "B"), pch = c(pch, pch), lty = c(1, 1),
col = c(col, adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = 0.25)),
bg = "white")
par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
# "Calculate" the Quantile-Quantile plots and density plots
# and plot the results
plot(res.dens[[1]], xlab = "", main = "Density", col = col,
xlim = range(c(res.dens[[1]][["x"]], res.dens[[2]][["x"]])),
ylim = range(c(res.dens[[1]][["y"]], res.dens[[2]][["y"]])))
lines(res.dens[[2]], col = adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = 0.25))
mtext("RFU", side = 1, line = 2, cex = 0.8)
mtext(density.plot.text, side = 1, line = 4.85, cex = 0.75)
# Analysis of the quantiles
qqnorm1 <- qqnorm(x, = FALSE)
qqnorm2 <- qqnorm(y, = FALSE)
plot(qqnorm1[["x"]], qqnorm1[["y"]], xlim = range(c(qqnorm1[["x"]], qqnorm2[["x"]])),
ylim = range(c(qqnorm1[["y"]], qqnorm2[["y"]])), col = col, xlab = "",
pch = pch, ylab = "Sample Quantiles")
points(qqnorm2[["x"]], qqnorm2[["y"]], col = adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = 0.25),
pch = pch)
mtext("Theoretical Quantiles", side = 1.5, line = 2, cex = 0.75)
mtext(paste0("\nBreusch-Pagan Test p-value: A ",
format(stats[[1]]["heter.p"], digits = 4), "; B ",
format(stats[[2]]["heter.p"], digits = 4)),
side = 1, line = 3, cex = 0.75)
qqline(x, col = col)
qqline(y, col = adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = 0.25))
#th class, th.cyc function -------------------------------
setClass("th", contains = "matrix", representation(.Data = "matrix",
stats = "summary.lm",
input = "matrix"))
setMethod("show", signature(object = "th"), function(object) {
print(slot(object, ".Data"))
setMethod("summary", signature(object = "th"), function(object) {
cat("Cycle threshold: ", slot(object, ".Data")[, ""], "\n")
cat("Fluorescence threshold: ", slot(object, ".Data")[, "atFluo"], "\n")
print(slot(object, "stats"))
#eff class, effcalc function -------------------------------
setClass("eff", contains = "matrix", representation(.Data = "matrix",
amplification.efficiency = "numeric",
regression = "lm",
correlation.test = "htest"))
setMethod("show", signature(object = "eff"), function(object) {
print(slot(object, ".Data"))
setMethod("summary", signature(object = "eff"), function(object) {
cat("Amplification efficiency: ", slot(object, "amplification.efficiency"), "\n")
summary(slot(object, "regression"))
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "eff"), function(x, xlab = "log10(Concentration)",
ylab = "Cq",
main = "Efficiency Plot",
trend = TRUE, = "topright", CI = FALSE,
level = 0.95, type = "p",
pch = 19, er.length = 0.05,
col = "black") {
res <- slot(x, ".Data")
lm.res <- slot(x, "regression")
cortest <- slot(x, "correlation.test")
AE <- slot(x, "amplification.efficiency")
#get significance level
if (cortest[["p.value"]] < 0.001) {
sign.out <- "; p < 0.001"
if (0.001 <= cortest[["p.value"]] && cortest[["p.value"]] < 0.01) {
sign.out <- "; p < 0.01"
if (0.01 <= cortest[["p.value"]] && cortest[["p.value"]] < 0.05) {
sign.out <- "; p < 0.05"
if (cortest[["p.value"]] >= 0.05) {
sign.out <- "; p > 0.05"
# Extract coordinates from data matrix
coords <- c(range(res[, 1]),
range(res[, 2]))
# Store default graphic parameters
# default.par <- par()
# Perform a linear regression based on the values of the
# calculated mean/median
# Calculate goodness of fit
Rsquared <- round(summary(lm.res)[["r.squared"]], 3)
# Plot the Coefficient of Variance
plot(res[, 1], res[, 2], ylim = c(min(res[, 2] - res[, 3]),
max(res[, 2] + res[, 3])), xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab, type = type, pch = pch, col = col,
main = main)
if (CI) {
# add area and border lines of confidence interval
# fix, does not yet work properly
# c([, 3], rev([, 2])),
# col = "lightgrey", border = NA)
# prediction and parameters for confidence interval <- seq(coords[1], coords[2], length.out= nrow(res)) <- predict.lm(lm.res, newdata = data.frame(,
interval = "confidence", level = level)
polygon(c(, rev(, c(rev([, 3]),[, 2]),
border = NA, col = adjustcolor("lightblue", alpha.f = 0.4))
# lines(rev(,[ ,2], col = "lightblue")
# lines(rev(,[ ,3], col = "lightblue")
# Add error bar to the location parameters <-res[res[, 3] != 0, ]
arrows([, 1],[, 2] +[, 3],[, 1],[, 2] -[, 3],
angle = 90, code = 3, length = er.length,
col = col)
# Add trend line of linear regression to plot
if (trend) {
# Add "legend" with amplification efficiency, goodness of fit to plot
# ToDo: expression(italic(R)^2 == Rsquared) for ... "R^2 = ", Rsquared ...?
if (!is.null(
legend(, paste0("Efficiency = ", AE, " %", "\n",
"R^2 = ", Rsquared, "\n",
"r = ", round(cortest[["estimate"]], 3), sign.out, "\n"),
bty = "n")
# # Restore default graphic parameters
# par(default.par)
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.