
Defines functions onAttach onLoad immunobase.has.changed finitize minna maxna meanna medianna sdna sumna sortna l10 Cor pt2 ucsc.sanitizer pduplicated comma order.chr sort_chr clean.snp.ids hard.coded.conv substitute.36s rmv.trail add.trail rsampid rsnpid emd.rmv chrOrder2 chrNames2 TGORD TGOGR toGenomeOrder2 chrInfo2 chrPartitioning2 chrInfoGS chrIndicesGS chrIndices2 chr2 chrGS make.divisor plotdf plot_get_area chrnums.to.txt chrnames.to.num tidy.extra.chr gene.duplicate.report validate.dir.for updateAllele ChipInfo showChipInfo extraColumnSlots2 makeNakedMatFromChipInfo makePrettyMatrixForCompactPrinting2 rownames3 get.immunobase.snps get.GO.for.genes ENS.to.GENE GENE.to.ENS nearest.gene plotGeneAnnot get.immunog.locs get.centromere.locs get.cyto get.recombination.map get.exon.annot get.gene.annot get.telomere.locs get.chr.lens get.t1d.regions get.t1d.subset get.genic.subset makeGRanges conv.37.36 conv.38.37 conv.37.38 conv.36.37 recomWindow ranged.to.txt select.autosomes ranged.to.data.frame df.to.GRanges df.to.ranged chrSelect rranges chrNums expand.nsnp endSnp rangeSnp startSnp force.chr.pos in.window plotRanges set.chr.to.char set.chr.to.numeric invGRanges lambda_1000 convert.textpos.to.data compact.gene.list meta.me chip.support id.to.rs rs.to.id manifest Chr Pos ids.by.pos Pos.gene Pos.band Band Band.gene Gene.pos Band.pos AB snps.in.range nearest.snp get.nearby.snp.lists

Documented in AB add.trail Band Band.gene Band.pos ChipInfo chip.support Chr chr2 chrGS chrIndices2 chrIndicesGS chrInfo2 chrInfoGS chrNames2 chrnames.to.num chrNums chrnums.to.txt chrOrder2 chrPartitioning2 chrSelect clean.snp.ids comma compact.gene.list conv.36.37 conv.37.36 conv.37.38 conv.38.37 convert.textpos.to.data Cor df.to.GRanges df.to.ranged emd.rmv endSnp ENS.to.GENE expand.nsnp extraColumnSlots2 finitize force.chr.pos gene.duplicate.report Gene.pos GENE.to.ENS get.centromere.locs get.chr.lens get.cyto get.exon.annot get.gene.annot get.genic.subset get.GO.for.genes get.immunobase.snps get.immunog.locs get.nearby.snp.lists get.recombination.map get.t1d.regions get.t1d.subset get.telomere.locs hard.coded.conv ids.by.pos id.to.rs immunobase.has.changed invGRanges in.window l10 lambda_1000 make.divisor makeGRanges makePrettyMatrixForCompactPrinting2 manifest maxna meanna medianna meta.me minna nearest.gene nearest.snp order.chr pduplicated plotdf plotGeneAnnot plot_get_area plotRanges Pos Pos.band Pos.gene pt2 ranged.to.data.frame ranged.to.txt rangeSnp recomWindow rmv.trail rranges rsampid rsnpid rs.to.id sdna select.autosomes set.chr.to.char set.chr.to.numeric showChipInfo snps.in.range sort_chr sortna startSnp substitute.36s sumna TGOGR TGORD tidy.extra.chr toGenomeOrder2 ucsc.sanitizer validate.dir.for

# import(Rcpp, NCmisc)
# importFrom(BiocInstaller, biocVersion)
# importFrom(stats, family, pnorm, pt, qnorm, rchisq, rnorm, runif, median, cor, sd)
# importFrom(reader, cat.path, reader, shift.rownames )
# importFrom(grDevices, dev.off, pdf)
# importFrom(graphics, abline, lines, points, rect, text, plot)
# importFrom(methods, as, callNextMethod, is, new, prototype, representation, setAs, setClass, setGeneric, setMethod, setValidity)
# importClassesFrom(GenomicRanges, GNCList, GRanges, GenomicRanges)
# importFrom(GenomicRanges, GRanges, GRangesList)
# importMethodsFrom(GenomicRanges, "names<-", length, names, start, end)
# importMethodsFrom(GenomicRanges, width, strand, show, findOverlaps)
# importMethodsFrom("GenomicRanges", "length", "names", "names<-", "[", "[<-", "[[<-", "$", "$<-")
# importMethodsFrom(GenomeInfoDb, "seqlevels", "seqlevels<-", "genome<-", "genome", seqinfo, "seqinfo<-", seqnames, "seqnames<-", "seqlengths")
# importClassesFrom(IRanges, RangedData)
# importFrom(IRanges, "%over%", IRanges, RangedData, showAsCell, PartitioningByEnd)
# importMethodsFrom(IRanges, "colnames<-", "rownames<-", "universe<-", showAsCell)
# importMethodsFrom(IRanges, as.data.frame, as.list, as.matrix, cbind, rbind, colnames)
# importMethodsFrom(IRanges, end, findOverlaps, subsetByOverlaps, gsub, intersect, lapply)
# importMethodsFrom(IRanges, mean, nrow, ncol, order, as.list)
# importMethodsFrom(IRanges, ranges, rownames, runLength, space, flank, reduce, resize)
# importMethodsFrom(IRanges, start, universe, unlist, width, "start<-", "width<-", "end<-", ranges, "ranges<-")
# importFrom("GenomicFeatures", makeTxDbFromUCSC, exonsBy, transcriptsBy)
# importMethodsFrom("GenomicFeatures", exonsBy, transcriptsBy, as.list)
# importClassesFrom("rtracklayer", ChainFile)
# importMethodsFrom("rtracklayer", liftOver, import.chain)
# importFrom("biomaRt", useMart, useDataset, getBM)
# importClassesFrom(S4Vectors, DataFrame, Rle, Hits)
# importFrom(S4Vectors, subjectHits, queryHits, mcols, "mcols<-", head, tail, DataFrame, Rle, runValue)
# importClassesFrom("biomaRt", Mart)
# importFrom(parallel, mclapply)
# importFrom(utils, capture.output, download.file, read.table, write.table, read.delim)
# importFrom(graphics, par)
# importFrom("genoset", chrIndices, chrInfo, chrNames, "chrNames<-")
# importFrom(methods, slot, "slot<-")
# importFrom(BiocGenerics, relist)

# BiocGenerics 

# , genoset (>= 1.16.2)   # took from DESCRIPTION file
# importClassesFrom(GenomicRanges, GNCList, GRanges, GenomicRanges, GenomicRanges_OR_missing)
# importFrom "genoset"  chr  chrIndices  chrInfo  chrNames  chrOrder   "chrNames<-"
# importFrom "genoset"  "isGenomeOrder"  "locData"   "locData<-"
# importMethodsFrom GenomicRanges length names  "names<-" "dimnames<-" "["  "[<-"  "[["  "[[<-"  "$"  "$<-" cbind rbind  "mcols<-" mcols subsetByOverlaps
# importMethodsFrom IRanges as.data.frame as.list as.matrix cbind rbind colnames elementLengths queryHits subjectHits
# importMethodsFrom "genoset"  genome "genome<-"
# importFrom "genoset"  "toGenomeOrder"
# doNotimportFrom utils capture.output download.file read.table write.table head tail data  
# dontimportClassesFrom "genoset" RangedDataOrGenomicRanges
# importNoClassesFrom("GenomicRanges", GRanges)
# importNoClassesFrom("IRanges", Rle, RangedData)
# doNotimportFrom AnnotationDbi head tail ncol as.list colnames get exists sample 
# doNotimportFrom(BiocGenerics,strand, "strand<-", colnames, cbind, rbind, unlist, order, rownames, ncol, as.vector, paste, as.data.frame)
# doNotimportFrom GenomicRanges "seqlevels"  "seqlevels<-" Seqinfo seqlengths
# importNoClassesFrom "GenomicFeatures" TranscriptDb

.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  packageStartupMessage("humarray version 1.2\n")

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  # library.dynam("humarray", pkgname, libname)
  options(chip.info="") # if you can access the file, you won't need to change this path
  options(ucsc="hg19") # depends on which analysis, need to set something though
  #data("iChipRegionsB36", "egSymb", "ImmunoChipB37", "hg18ToHg19","hg38ToHg19","hg19ToHg18","hg19ToHg38",
  #     package=pkgname, envir=parent.env(environment()))
  options(save.annot.in.current=1)  # 1 = TRUE, stores annotation in current folder to speed up subsequent lookups

#require(GenomicRanges); require(IRanges); require(reader); require(genoset)

## internal functions ##

# immunobase doesn't allow regions to be downloaded automatically anymore :(
immunobase.has.changed <- function(type=c("message","text","warning","error"),ret.val=NULL) {
	  msg <- "Unfortunately this table can no longer be downloaded programmatically. Please obtain manually from: https://www.immunobase.org/disease/T1D/"
	  type <- type[1]
	  if(type=="error") {
	  } else if(type=="warning") {
	  } else if(type=="text") {
	  } else {

finitize <- function(X) {
  if(is.data.frame(X)) { X <- as.matrix(X) }

minna <- function(...) {
  if(length(list(...))==1) { 
  } else {

maxna <- function(...) {
  if(length(list(...))==1) { 
  } else {

meanna <- function(...) {
  if(length(list(...))==1) { 
  } else {

medianna <- function(...) {
  if(length(list(...))==1) { 
  } else {

sdna <- function(...) {
  if(length(list(...))==1) { 
  } else {

sumna <- function(...) {
  if(length(list(...))==1) { 
  } else {

sortna <- function(...) {
  sort(..., na.last=TRUE)

# internal
l10 <- function(x) { O <- log10(x); O[!is.finite(O)] <- NA; return(O) }
# internal
Cor <- function(...) { cor(...,use="pairwise.complete") }
# internal
pt2 <- function(q, df, log.p=FALSE) {  2*pt(-abs(q), df, log.p=log.p) }

#' Manage flexible input for the build parameter
#' The genome annotation version for internals in this package should always be
#' of the form 'hgXX', where XX can be 15,16,17,18,19,38. However most functions
#' allow flexible entry of this parameter as a build number, e.g, 36,37,38, or as
#' 'build36', 'b36', etc. This function sanitizes various forms of input to the 
#' correct format for internal operations. 
#' @param build the input to be sanitized. 
#' @param allow.multiple logical, whether to force a single value, or allow a vector
#' of build strings as input
#' @param show.valid logical, if TRUE, show a list of supported values.
#' @return build string in the correct 'hgXX' format.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ucsc.sanitizer(36)
#' ucsc.sanitizer("build38")
#' ucsc.sanitizer("b37")
#' ucsc.sanitizer(show.valid=TRUE)
ucsc.sanitizer <- function(build,allow.multiple=FALSE,show.valid=FALSE) {
  build.alt <- c("hg15","hg20","hg17","hg18","hg19","hg38",17,18,19,20,35,36,37,38,
  build.new <- c("hg15","hg38",rep(c("hg17","hg18","hg19","hg38"),times=5))
  if(show.valid) { return(cbind(valid=build.alt,mapsTo=build.new)) }
  build <- build.new[match(tolower(build),build.alt)]
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- "hg19"; warning("build was NULL (see getOption('ucsc')), set to hg19") }
  if(any(is.na(build))) { 
    warning("Illegal build parameter '",build[1],"', defaulting to hg19") 
    build[is.na(build)] <- "hg19" 
  if(allow.multiple) {
  } else {

# ok as long as at least one non-missing snp in the summary
#' See snpStats::col.summary. Same in every way, except for the undesirable
#' behaviour of snpStats when a SNP has 100% missing values it is ignored
#' in the call-rate summary (rather than given a zero). This can unintentionally
#' mean that call-rate filters do not filter SNPs with 100% missing values.
#' This function is simply a wrapper that cleans up this problem.
# col.summary2 <- function(object,...) {
#   if(!is(object)[1]=="SnpMatrix")   { stop("'object' must be a SnpMatrix (snpStats package)") } 
#   if(any(!names(list(...)) %in% c("rules","uncertain"))) { 
#     stop("... contained invalid arguments to snpStats::col.summary") }
# }

pduplicated <- function(X) {
  if(length(Dim(X))>1) {  stop("can only enter a vector into this function") }
  return((duplicated(X,fromLast=T) | duplicated(X,fromLast=F)))

comma <- function(...) {

#internal function to properly sort chromosome labels as text
order.chr <- function(chrs) {
  # sort chr nms
  if(is.numeric(chrs)) { chrs <- paste(chrs) }
  if(!is.character(chrs)) { stop("chrs should be a character or integer vector") }
  asn <- function(X) { suppressWarnings(as.numeric(X)) }
  textz <- is.na(asn(chrs))
  nums <- chrs[!textz]
  txts <- chrs[textz]
  ns <- which(!textz)[order(asn(nums))]
  #print(order(txts)); print(txts)
  ts <- which(textz)[order(txts)]
  out <- c(ns,ts)

sort_chr <- function(chr) { chr[order.chr(chr)] }

# standardize snp ids so they would always appear the same, all _,.;, etc replaced with _
# all names leading with a number preceeded with X. mainly 'make.names' standard R-conventions
clean.snp.ids <- function(snpid.list) {
  snpid.list <- make.names(snpid.list)
  snpid.list <- gsub(".","_",snpid.list,fixed=T)

## internal function with extra mapping hits for immunochip that aren't in the chain file for 36-37
hard.coded.conv <- function() {
  chrzM <- c("7","7","9","5","7","14","17","4","8","8","15","7","6","6","2","2","4","17","19")
  pos36M <- c("142154515","142160115","132183222","17767156","141943232","27591752","41560151",
  pos37M <- c("142474939","142480539","135153668","17731427","142224511","28521898","44204373",
  rsidM <- c("rs10952532","rs10952534","rs11243704","rs11953245","rs17274","rs1952843",
  chrzI <- c("3","3","3","3","3","6","7","7","8","8","8","8","17","17","X")
  pos36I <- c("50875374","50882163","50885514","50908888","195567372","119257505",
  pos37I <- c("50900354","50907147","50910499","50908888","194086083","119150813",
  rsidI <- c("rs12639243","rs62717061","rs4346541","imm_3_50908888","rs4974514","rs284919",
  chrz <- c(chrzI,chrzM)
  pos36 <- c(pos36I,pos36M)
  pos37 <- c(pos37I,pos37M)
  rsid <- c(rsidI,rsidM)

substitute.36s <- function(granges=NULL) {
 pos36 <- matrix(c(c(3,"imm_3_50875337",50875337),
 if(is.null(granges)) { return(pos36) }
 typ <- is(granges)[1]
 X <- as(granges,"GRanges")
 if(!is(X)[1]=="GRanges") { stop("conversion to GRanges failed") }
 ii <- narm(match(pos36[,2],rownames(X)))
 start(X)[ii] <- rep(1,length(ii))
 end(X)[ii] <- as.numeric(pos36[,3])
 start(X)[ii] <- as.numeric(pos36[,3])
 X <- as(X,typ)

# internal
# Remove trailing letter from non-unique rs-ids
# #@examples
# snp.ids <- rsnpid(25)
# snp.ids[1:2] <- paste0(snp.ids[1:2],"b")
# snp.ids[19:20] <- paste0(snp.ids[19:20],"c")
# snp.ids[6:7] <- paste0(snp.ids[6:7],"d")
# snp.ids[11:12] <- paste0(snp.ids[11:12],"a")
# snp.ids
# rmv.trail(snp.ids)
rmv.trail <- function(rs.ids,suffix=c("b","c","d","a")) {
  if(!is.character(suffix)) { stop("suffix must a character vector") }
  ind <- NULL
  for (cc in 1:length(suffix)) {
    ind <- c(ind,grep(suffix[cc],rs.ids))
  ind <- unique(ind)
  X <- rs.ids[ind]
  nX <- nchar(X)
  last.chars <- substr(X,nX,nX)
  sufz <- (last.chars %in% c("a","b","c","d"))
  X[sufz] <- substr(X[sufz],1,nX[sufz]-1)
  rs.ids[ind] <- X

# internal
# Add trailing letter(s) to non-unique rs-ids
# #@examples
# snp.ids <- rsnpid(15)
# snp.ids
# add.trail(snp.ids)
# snp.ids <- snp.ids[sample(15,30,replace=TRUE)]
# snp.ids
# add.trail(snp.ids)
add.trail <- function(rs.ids,suffix=c("b","c","d","a")) {
  rs.ids <- rmv.trail(rs.ids)
  for (txt in suffix) {
    dupz <- duplicated(rs.ids)
    if(length(which(dupz))>0) {
      rs.ids[dupz] <- paste0(rmv.trail(rs.ids[dupz]),txt)
  dupz <- duplicated(rs.ids)
  if(length(which(dupz))>0) { warning("more than ",length(suffix),
                                      " duplications of at least 1 individial rs-id, suffixes exhausted, duplicates remain")

# internal
rsampid <- function(n,pref="ID0") { paste0(pref,pad.left(1:n,"0")) }

# internal
rsnpid <- function(n) { 
  id.len <- sample(c(3:8),n,replace=T,prob=c(0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.10, 0.50, 0.37))
  each.id <- function(l) { sapply(l,function(n) { paste(replicate(n,sample(1:9,1)),collapse="",sep="") }) }
  sufz <- each.id(id.len)
  ids <- paste0("rs",sufz)

# internal
# Remove that pesky 'elementmetadata.' prefix from column names that have been converted from GRanges
emd.rmv <- function(X, rmv.genome=TRUE) {
  requireNamespace("GenomicRanges"); requireNamespace("IRanges")
  if(has.method("mcols",X, where=environment(emd.rmv))) {
    colnames(mcols(X)) <- gsub("elementMetadata.","",colnames(mcols(X)))
    ii <- which(colnames(mcols(X))=="genome")
    if(length(ii)>0) {
      gn <- mcols(X)[,ii[1]]
      if(length(unique(gn))==1) {
        mcols(X) <- mcols(X)[,-ii[1]]
  } else {
    if(has.method("colnames",X, where=environment(emd.rmv))) {
      colnames(X) <- gsub("elementMetadata.","",colnames(X))
      ii <- which(colnames(X)=="genome")
      if(length(ii)>0) {
        gn <- X[,ii[1]]
        if(length(unique(gn))==1) {
          X <- X[,-ii[1]]
    } else {
      stop("X must have column names, expecting GRanges, RangedData or data.frame")

chrOrder2 <- function (chr.names) {
  if(!is.character(chr.names)) { warning("expecting character() type for chr.names argument") }
  simple.names = gsub("^chr", "", chr.names)
  name.is.numeric = grepl("^[0-9]+$", simple.names, perl = T)
  numeric.names = chr.names[name.is.numeric][order(as.numeric(simple.names[name.is.numeric]))]
  non.numeric.names = chr.names[!name.is.numeric][order(chr.names[!name.is.numeric])]
  all.names = c(numeric.names, non.numeric.names)

# internal# iFunctions
chrNames2 <- function(X) {
  #requireNamespace("GenomicRanges"); requireNamespace("IRanges")
  if(nrow(X)==0) { return(character(0)) }
  out <- as.character(unique(seqnames(X)))

# internal from genoset
TGORD <- function (ds, strict = TRUE) {
  if (strict == TRUE) {
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(chrOrder2(chrNames2(ds)), chrNames2(ds)))) {
      ds = ds[chrOrder2(chrNames2(ds))]
  row.order = order(as.integer(space(ds)), start(ds))
  if (is.unsorted(row.order)) {
    return(ds[row.order, , drop = FALSE])
  else {

# internal from genoset
TGOGR <- function (ds, strict = TRUE) {
  if (strict == TRUE) {
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(chrOrder2(seqlevels(ds)), seqlevels(ds)))) {
      seqlevels(ds) = chrOrder2(seqlevels(ds))
  row.order = order(as.integer(seqnames(ds)), start(ds))
  if (is.unsorted(row.order)) {
    ds = ds[row.order, , drop = FALSE]

# internal # iFunctions
# version of toGenomeOrder() that is guaranteed to work for IRanges or GRanges
toGenomeOrder2 <- function(X,...,strict=TRUE) {
  requireNamespace("GenomicRanges"); requireNamespace("IRanges"); #requireNamespace("genoset")
  if(is(X)[1] %in% c("GRanges","RangedData","ChipInfo")) {
    if(is(X)[1]=="RangedData") {
    } else {
  } else {
    typ <- is(X)[1]
    if(!typ %in% c("GRanges","RangedData","ChipInfo")) { warning("unsupported type '",typ,"' for toGenomeOrder(), failure likely") }
    alreadyThere <-("strand" %in% colnames(X))
    out <- TGOGR(as(X,"GRanges"),strict=T) #genoset::
    X <- as(out,"RangedData")
    if(("strand" %in% colnames(X)) & !alreadyThere) {
      X <- X[,-which(colnames(X) %in% "strand")]

#internal # iFunctions
# version of chrInfo() that is guaranteed to work for IRanges or GRanges
chrInfo2 <- function(X) {
  requireNamespace("GenomicRanges"); requireNamespace("IRanges")
  if(is(X)[1] %in% c("GRanges","ChipInfo")) {
  } else {
    typ <- is(X)[1]
    if(!typ %in% c("GRanges","RangedData","ChipInfo")) { warning("unacceptable type '",typ,"' for chrInfo2(), failure likely") }
    out <- genoset::chrInfo(as(X,"GRanges"))

#from genoset
chrPartitioning2 <- function (object) 
    rle = Rle(seqnames(object))
    ends = structure(cumsum(runLength(rle)), names = as.character(runValue(rle)))

#from genoset
chrInfoGS  <- function (object) 
    if (is(object, "GenomicRanges") && !any(is.na(seqlengths(object)))) {
        max.val = seqlengths(object)
    else {
        max.val = max(relist(end(object), chrPartitioning2(object)))
    if (length(max.val) == 1) {
        names(max.val) = chrNames2(object)
    else {
        max.val = max.val[chrOrder2(chrNames2(object))]
    chr.info = matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = length(max.val), dimnames = list(names(max.val), 
        c("start", "stop", "offset")))
    chr.info[, "stop"] = cumsum(as.numeric(max.val))
    chr.info[, "offset"] = c(0, chr.info[-nrow(chr.info), "stop"])
    chr.info[, "start"] = chr.info[, "offset"] + 1

# from genoset
chrIndicesGS <- function (object, chr = NULL) 
    partitions = chrPartitioning2(object)
    chr.first = start(partitions)
    chr.last = end(partitions)
    chr.info = matrix(c(chr.first, chr.last, chr.first - 1), 
        ncol = 3, nrow = length(chr.first), dimnames = list(names(partitions), 
            c("first", "last", "offset")))
    if (!is.null(chr)) {
        if (!chr %in% rownames(chr.info)) {
            stop("Must specify a valid chromosome name in chrIndices.\n")
        return(seq.int(chr.info[chr, "first"], chr.info[chr, 
    else {

#internal # iFunctions
# version of chrIndices() that is guaranteed to work for IRanges or GRanges
chrIndices2 <- function(X,...) {
  requireNamespace("GenomicRanges"); requireNamespace("IRanges")
  if(is(X)[1] %in% c("GRanges","ChipInfo")) {
  } else {
    typ <- is(X)[1]
    if(!typ %in% c("GRanges","RangedData","ChipInfo")) { warning("unacceptable type '",typ,"' for chrIndices2(), failure likely") }
    out <- genoset::chrIndices(as(X,"GRanges"))

#internal # iFunctions
# version of chr() that is guaranteed to work for IRanges or GRanges
chr2 <- function(X) {
  requireNamespace("GenomicRanges"); requireNamespace("IRanges")
  if(is(X)[1] %in% c("GRanges","ChipInfo")) {
  } else {
    if(is(X)[1]=="RangedData") {
    } else {
      if(is.null(X)) { warning("X was NULL, expecting RangedData/GRanges"); return(NULL) }
      warning("chr2() function applies only to RangedData objects, attempting to pass ",is(X)[1]," to chr()")

#from genoset
chrGS <- function (object) 

make.divisor <- function(unit=c("b","kb","mb","gb"), par.name="scale (scl)") {
  valid.units <- c("k","m","g","b")
  unit <- tolower(unit[1]);
  unit <- substr(unit,1,1)
  if(!unit %in% valid.units) { warning("invalid entry to ",par.name," defaulting to base-pairs") ; unit <- "b" }
  divisor <- switch(unit,k=1000,m=10^6, g=10^9, b=1)

plotdf <- function(expr,fn="myTempPlot.pdf") {
{ expr }
cat("wrote plot to",cat.path(getwd(),fn),"\n")

# gets limits of a plot space on current device
plot_get_area <- function() {
  success <- tryCatch(mine <- par("usr"),error=function(e) { F } )
  if(all(!success)) { warning("could not get plot limits - no plot open perhaps?"); return(NULL) }

#internal function
chrnums.to.txt <- function(X,do.x.y=TRUE) {
  cond <- paste(X) %in% paste(1:22)
  if(any(cond)) { X[cond] <-  paste0("chr",X[cond]) }
  if(do.x.y) {
    X <- gsub("X","chrX",X)
    X <- gsub("Y","chrY",X)
    X <- gsub("23","chrX",X)
    X <- gsub("24","chrY",X)
    X <- gsub("25","chrXY",X)
    X <- gsub("26","chrM",X)
    X <- gsub("chrXchrY","XY",X)
    X <- gsub("chrYchrX","YX",X) 
    X <- gsub("M","chrM",X)
    X <- gsub("XY","chrXY",X)
    X <- gsub("chrchr","chr",X)
  } else {
    X[X %in% paste(23:100)] <- paste0("chr",X[X %in% paste(23:100)])

#internal function
chrnames.to.num <- function(X,keep.let=TRUE) {
  X <- tolower(X)
  if(!keep.let) {
    X <- gsub("chrM","26",X)
    X <- gsub("chrXY","25",X) 
    X <- gsub("chrY","24",X)
    X <- gsub("chrX","23",X)
  } else {
    X <- gsub("chrM","M",X)
    X <- gsub("chrXY","XY",X) 
    X <- gsub("chrY","Y",X)
    X <- gsub("chrX","X",X)
  X <- gsub("chrchr","",X) 
  X <- gsub("chr","",X)
  X <- toupper(X)

# iFunctions
# internal, tidy chromosome names using extra chromosomal annotation into rough chromosomes
tidy.extra.chr <- function(chr,select=FALSE) {
  # most relevant to hg18
  chr <- paste(chr)
  SEL_c6 <- grep("c6",chr,ignore.case=T)
  SEL_c5 <- grep("c5",chr,ignore.case=T)
  SEL_NT <- grep("NT",chr,ignore.case=T)
  # most relevant to hg19
  SEL_LRG <- grep("LRG",chr,ignore.case=T)
  SEL_HG <- grep("HG",chr,ignore.case=T)
  SEL_GL <- grep("GL",chr,ignore.case=T)
  SEL_HS <- grep("HSCHR",chr,ignore.case=T)
  if(select) {
    # create TRUE/FALSE as to whether list elements have weird chromosome codes
    all <- unique(c(SEL_c6,SEL_c5,SEL_NT,SEL_LRG,SEL_HG,SEL_GL,SEL_HS))
    return(!1:length(chr) %in% all)
  } else {
    # transform weird chromosomes into more palatable codes
    chr[SEL_c6] <- 6  # prevent issues with c6_COX, c6_QBL  
    chr[SEL_c5] <- 5  # prevent issues with c5_H2  
    chr[SEL_NT] <- "Z_NT"  # merge all NT regions to one label
    chr[SEL_LRG] <- "Z_LRG"  # merge all NT regions to one label
    chr[SEL_HG] <- "Z_HG"  # merge all NT regions to one label
    chr[SEL_GL] <- "Z_GL"  # merge all NT regions to one label
    X <- names(table(chr))
    X <- X[grep("HSCHR",X)]
    if(length(X)>0) {
      HSC <- gsub("_","",substr(gsub("HSCHR","",X),1,2))
      for(cc in 1:length(X)) {
        #cat("replacing ",X[cc]," with ",HSC[cc],"\n",sep="")
        chr[chr==X[cc]] <- HSC[cc]

gene.duplicate.report <- function(ga,full.listing=F,colname="gene",silent=FALSE) {
  # for a RangedData object, report on any multiple listings for the same gene
  if(is(ga)[1]!="RangedData") { warning("not a RangedData object") ; return(NULL) }
  if(colname=="gene") {
    if("gene" %in% tolower(colnames(ga)))
      gene.col <- (which(tolower(colnames(ga)) %in% c("gene","genes","geneid")))
    } else {
      gene.col <- 0
  } else {
    if(colname %in% colnames(ga)) { 
      gene.col <- which(colnames(ga)==colname) 
    } else { 
      stop("colname not found in ga") 
  if(length(gene.col)>0) { gene.col <- gene.col[1] } else { warning("no 'gene' column"); return(NULL) }
  colnames(ga)[gene.col] <- "gene" #force this colname
  duplicate.report <- T  ### when would this be FALSE???
  if(duplicate.report) {
    culprits <- unique(ga$gene[which(duplicated(ga$gene))])
    n.gene.multi.row <- length(culprits)
    culprit.ranges <- ga[ga$gene %in% culprits,]
    total.culprit.rows <- nrow(culprit.ranges)
    start.same.ct <- end.same.ct <- 0; which.ss <- NULL
    for (cc in 1:length(culprits)) { 
      mini <- (ga[ga$gene %in% culprits[cc],]) 
      if(full.listing) {
        cat(colname,":",culprits[cc],"# same start:",anyDuplicated(start(mini)),
            "# same end:",anyDuplicated(end(mini)),"\n") }
      start.same.ct <- start.same.ct+anyDuplicated(start(mini))
      end.same.ct <- end.same.ct+anyDuplicated(end(mini))
      if(anyDuplicated(start(mini)) | anyDuplicated(end(mini))) { which.ss <- c(which.ss,cc) }
    if(!silent) {
      cat(" ",colname,"s with split ranges:\n"); print(culprits,quote=F); cat("\n")
      cat(" ",colname,"s with same start or end:\n"); print(culprits[which.ss],quote=F); cat("\n")
      cat(" total ",colname,"-segments with same start",start.same.ct,"; total with same end:",end.same.ct,"\n")

# internal function
validate.dir.for <- function(dir,elements,warn=F) {
  # in case the 'dir' input list object is not the standardised list form, convert
  # allows flexible use of list or regular directory specifications in plumbCNV functions
  if(is.null(dir)) { cat("directory empty\n"); return(NULL) }
  if(!is.list(dir)) {
    if(warn) { cat(elements[cc],"'dir' object wasn't a list\n")}
    dir <- as.list(dir); names(dir)[1:length(dir)] <- elements[1:length(dir)] 
  for (cc in 1:length(elements)) {
    if(!elements[cc] %in% names(dir)) { 
      dir[[paste(elements[cc])]] <- "" ;
      if(warn) { stop(paste("dir$",elements[cc]," was empty.. set to current\n",sep="")) } 

################# end internals #################
#if(getwd()!= "/home/ncooper"){
#  require(genoset)

# examples for package
# all.support <- chip.support()
# snp.info <- ChipInfo(chr=all.support[,"Chr"],pos=all.support[,"Pos"],ids=rownames(all.support),chip="ImmunoChip",rs.id=all.support[,"dbSNP"],
#                      A1=all.support[,"A1"], A2=all.support[,"A2"])
# gr.snp.info <- with(all.support,makeGRanges(chr=Chr,pos=Pos,row.names=rownames(all.support)))
# snp.info <- ChipInfo(GRanges=gr.snp.info,chip="ImmunoChip",rs.id=all.support[,"dbSNP"],
#                      A1=all.support[,"A1"], A2=all.support[,"A2"])
# snp.info[chr(snp.info)=="MT",] # look at the mitochondrial SNP
# QCcode(snp.info)[chr(snp.info)=="MT"] <- 1 # exclude it by changing the fail code
# snp.info[["MT"]] # revisit and see it now registers as 'fail'
# QCfail(snp.info)
# xx <- conv.36.37(chr=all.support[,"Chr"],pos=all.support[,"Pos"],ids=rownames(all.support))
# ucsc(si36[["XY"]])
# si37 <- convTo37(snp.info)
# si36 <- convTo36(si37)
# snp.info <- ChipInfo(chr=all.support[,"Chr"],pos=all.support[,"Pos37"],ids=rownames(all.support),chip="ImmunoChip",rs.id=all.support[,"dbSNP"],
#                     A1=all.support[,"A1"], A2=all.support[,"A2"],build=37)

#' Class to represent SNP annotation for a microarray
#' This class annotates a microarray SNP chip with data for each SNP including chromosome,
#' id, position, strand, 'rs' id, allele 1, allele 2 for each SNP of a microarray chip,
#' in either hg18, hg19 or hg38 (build 36/37/38) coordinates.
#' This package makes extension use of this class of annotation object for the working
#' microarray chip, e.g, default is ImmunoChip, 
#' and you can also load your own annotation if using a different chip. The class
#' is basically a GRanges object, modified to always have columns for A1, A2 (alleles), 
#' rs.id, and a quality control flag. The default display is tidier than GRanges, it has
#' nice coersion to and frame data.frame and subsetting by chromosome using [[n]] has been
#' added, in addition to normal [i,j] indexing native to GRanges.
#' Note that with this package the first time annotation is used it might be slow, but
#' subsequent calls should be fast.
#'  "[[", show, print, length, dim, rownames, initialize
#'  build, chip, rs.id, A1, A2, QCcode, QCcode<-, QCpass, QCfail
#'  convTo36, convTo37, convTo38
#'  can use 'as' to convert to and from: GRanges, RangedData, data.frame
#'@section Fields: 
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{\code{seqnames}:}{Object of class \code{"Rle"}, containing chromosomes for each range, see GRanges.}
#'    \item{\code{ranges}:}{Object of class \code{"IRanges"}, containing genomic start and end, see GRanges.}
#'    \item{\code{strand}:}{Object of class \code{"Rle"}, containing plus or minus coding for forward or reverse strand, see GRanges.}
#'    \item{\code{seqinfo}:}{Object of class \code{"Seqinfo"}, containing chromosome listing, see GRanges.}
#'    \item{\code{chip}:}{Name, class \code{"character"}, containing user description of the chip, e.g, 'immunoChip'.}
#'    \item{\code{build}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}, annotation version, e.g, hg18, hg19, hg38, etc.}
#'    \item{\code{elementMetaData}:}{Object of class \code{"DataFrame"}, see GRanges, but with specific column names:
#'  A1, A2, QCcode and rs.id.}
#'  }
# @name ChipInfo-class
#' @aliases ChipInfo-method
#' @rdname ChipInfo-class
#' @exportClass ChipInfo
#' @author Nick Cooper
              elementMetadata=DataFrame(A1=NULL, A2=NULL,  QCcode=integer(), rs.id=NULL, chip.id=NULL),

#' rownames method for GRanges objects
#' rownames: Returns the row names.
# @name rownames
#' @param x a GRanges object
#' @return rownames: Character vector of row names (e.g, SNP IDs).
#' @rdname GRanges-methods
#' @exportMethod rownames
setMethod("rownames", "GRanges", function(x) names(x@ranges))
#' @rdname GRanges-methods
#' @exportMethod "rownames<-"
#' @param value a character string
setMethod("rownames<-", "GRanges", function(x,value) { names(x@ranges) <- value; return(x) })

# seqnames="Rle",
# ranges="IRanges",
# strand="Rle",
# elementMetadata="DataFrame",
# seqinfo="Seqinfo",
# metadata="list",
# ,
# prototype=prototype(
#   seqnames=IRanges::Rle(factor()),
#   ranges=IRanges::IRanges(),
#   strand=IRanges::Rle(GenomicRanges::strand()),
#   elementMetadata=IRanges::DataFrame(A1=NULL, A2=NULL,  QCcode=integer(), rs.id=NULL),
#   seqinfo=GenomicRanges::Seqinfo(),
#   chip=character(), 
#   build=character(),
# )

#' rownames method for ChipInfo objects
#' rownames: Returns the row names.
# @name rownames
#' @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @return rownames: Character vector of row names (SNP IDs).
#' @rdname ChipInfo-methods
#' @exportMethod rownames
setMethod("rownames", "ChipInfo", function(x) names(x@ranges))

#' dim method for ChipInfo objects
#' dim: Returns the dimension
# @name dim
#' @return dim: same as length
#' @rdname ChipInfo-methods
#' @exportMethod dim
setMethod("dim", "ChipInfo", function(x) dim(mcols(x)))

#' Length method for ChipInfo objects
#' length: Returns the number of rows
# @name length
#' @return length: integer, number of rows, same as inherited nrow()
#' @rdname ChipInfo-methods
#' @exportMethod length
setMethod("length", "ChipInfo", function(x) length(x@ranges))

#' Retrieve the Chip name for ChipInfo
#' Simply returns the name of the chip, e.g, 'ImmunoChip'
# @name chip
#' @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @return character string
#' @rdname chip-methods
#' @export
setGeneric("chip", function(x) standardGeneric("chip"))

#' @exportMethod chip
#' @rdname chip-methods
setMethod("chip", "ChipInfo", function(x) x@chip)

#' Retrieve the UCSC build for a ChipInfo object
#' Returns the UCSC build of the chip object, e.g, 'hg18', 'hg19', or 'hg38'
# @name ucsc
#' @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @return character, 'hg18', 'hg19', or 'hg38'
#' @rdname ucsc-methods
#' @export
setGeneric("ucsc", function(x) standardGeneric("ucsc") )

#' @rdname ucsc-methods
#' @exportMethod ucsc
setMethod("ucsc", "ChipInfo", function(x) x@build)

#' Access rs-ids for ChipInfo
#' Returns the rs-ids for the chip object, e.g, "rs689", etc
#' Only if these are annotated internally, or else a vector of NAs
# @name rs.id
#' @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @param b logical, whether to show 'b' suffixes on rs.ids which
#' are created in the background to allow duplicate ids to be uniquely
#' represented for lookup and reference purposes.
#' @return rs-ids: character vector of IDs (or NAs)
#' @rdname rs.id-methods
#' @export
setGeneric("rs.id", function(x,b=TRUE) standardGeneric("rs.id") )

#' @rdname rs.id-methods
#' @exportMethod rs.id
setMethod("rs.id", "ChipInfo", function(x,b=TRUE) { 
  u <- mcols(x) ;  
  if("rs.id" %in% colnames(u)) { 
    U <- u[,"rs.id"] 
    if(!b) { U <- gsub("b","",U) }
  } else { return(NULL) } 

#' Access chip-ids for ChipInfo
#' Returns the chip-ids for the chip object, e.g, "imm_1_898835", etc
#' Only if these are annotated internally, or else a vector of NAs
#' Note that the main purpose of this is because sometimes chip-ids
#' do not satisfy conditions to be an R column/row name, e.g, start
#' with a number, illegal characters, etc. So this allows certain
#' functions to return the actual chip names that would match the 
#' official manifest. These will largely be the same as the rownames,
#' but the rownames will always be valid R column names, converted from
#' the original using clean.snp.ids() [internal function]
# @name chip-id
#' @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @return chip ids: character vector of IDs (or NAs)
#' @rdname chipId-methods
#' @export
setGeneric("chipId", function(x) standardGeneric("chipId") )

#' @rdname chipId-methods
#' @exportMethod chipId
setMethod("chipId", "ChipInfo", function(x) { 
  u <- mcols(x) ;  
  if("chip.id" %in% colnames(u)) { 
    U <- u[,"chip.id"] 
  } else { return(NULL) } 

#' Access alleles for ChipInfo
#' A1/A2: Returns the letter for the A1/A2 alleles for the chip object, 
#' e.g, 'A','C','G','T', etc
#' Only if these are annotated internally, or else a vector of NAs
#' @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @rdname allele-methods
#' @family Alleles
#' @export
setGeneric("A1", function(x) standardGeneric("A1") )

#' @rdname allele-methods
#' @family Alleles
#' @exportMethod A1
setMethod("A1", "ChipInfo", function(x) { u <- mcols(x) ;  if("A1" %in% colnames(u)) { u[,"A1"] } else { NULL } })

#' @return character vector of allele codes (or NAs)
#' @rdname allele-methods
#' @family Alleles
#' @export
setGeneric("A2", function(x) standardGeneric("A2") )

#' @rdname allele-methods
#' @family Alleles
#' @exportMethod A2
setMethod("A2", "ChipInfo", function(x) { u <- mcols(x) ;  if("A2" %in% colnames(u)) { u[,"A2"] } else { NULL } })

#' Set quality control pass or fail codes for ChipInfo
#' A1<-/A2<-: Allows user to set the allele codes for each SNP of the chip object, 
#' e.g, A,C,G,T,K, etc. If you are using allele codes this is likely to 
#' necessary as each genotyping produces a different set of allele codes.
#' If using in conjunction with snpStats, remember that allele codes are
#' always flipped to be alphabetical, so the reference allele is the later
#' letter in the alphabet. Note, assignment to A2 needs to be done separately.
#' @param value new allele codes, e.g, A,C,G,T
#' @return A1<-: updates the ChipInfo object specified with new allele codes for the 'A1' slot
#' @rdname allele-methods
#' @family Alleles
#' @export
setGeneric("A1<-", function(x,value) standardGeneric("A1<-") )

#' @rdname allele-methods
#' @family Alleles
#' @exportMethod "A1<-"
setMethod("A1<-", "ChipInfo", function(x,value) {
} )

#' @return A2<-: updates the ChipInfo object specified with new allele codes for the 'A2' slot
#' @rdname allele-methods
#' @family Alleles
#' @export
setGeneric("A2<-", function(x,value) standardGeneric("A2<-") )

#' @rdname allele-methods
#' @family Alleles
#' @exportMethod "A2<-"
setMethod("A2<-", "ChipInfo", function(x,value) {
} )

.updateAllele <- function(x,value, allele="A1") {
  if(length(Dim(value))!=1) { stop("value must be a vector") }
  if(length(x)==length(value)) {
    if(is.character(value)) {
      mcols(x)[,allele] <- paste(value)
    } else {
      stop("only character values can be inserted into the ",allele," column, A,C,G,T, etc")
  } else {
    stop("mismatching lengths, tried to insert ",length(value),"new allele codes into ChipInfo with ",length(x)," rows")

#' Access quality control pass or fail codes for ChipInfo
#' Returns the pass or fail codes for each SNP of the chip object, 
#' e.g, 0,1,..,n etc
#' Only if these are added manually, or else all will be 'pass' (=0)
# @name QCcode
# why not? param x a ChipInfo object
#' @return integer vector of pass/fail codes
#' @rdname QC-methods
#' @family QC
#' @export
setGeneric("QCcode", function(x) standardGeneric("QCcode") )

#' @rdname QC-methods
#' @family QC
#' @exportMethod QCcode
setMethod("QCcode", "ChipInfo", function(x) { 
  u <- mcols(x) ;  if("QCcode" %in% colnames(u)) { u[,"QCcode"] } else { NULL } 

#' Set quality control pass or fail codes for ChipInfo
#' QCcode<-: Allows user to set the pass or fail codes for each SNP of the chip object, 
#' e.g, 0,1,..,n etc. 0 is always pass, >0 is always fail, but each integer
#' can be used to represent a different failure type, or for simplicity, stick
#' to 0 and 1, ie, just pass and fail.
#' @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @param value new pass/fail codes, e.g, 0,1,...,n
#' @return QCcode<-: updates the object specified with new pass/fail codes for the 'QCcode' slot
#' @rdname QC-methods
#' @family QC
#' @export
setGeneric("QCcode<-", function(x,value) standardGeneric("QCcode<-") )

#' @rdname QC-methods
#' @family QC
#' @exportMethod QCcode
setMethod("QCcode<-", "ChipInfo", function(x,value) {
  if(length(x)==length(value)) {
    if(is.numeric(value)) {
      mcols(x)[,"QCcode"] <- as.integer(value)
    } else {
      stop("only numeric values can be inserted into the QCcode column, 0=pass, higher integers are failure codes")
  } else {
    stop("mismatching lengths, tried to insert ",length(value),"new values into ChipInfo with ",length(x)," rows")
} )

#' Filter ChipInfo to for only SNPs passing QC
#' QCpass: Returns the subset of the ChipInfo object for which SNPs pass quality
#' control, according to the QCcodes() slot == 0.
# @name QCpass
# @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @return QCpass: ChipInfo object for which SNPs pass quality control
#' @rdname QC-methods
#' @family QC
#' @export
setGeneric("QCpass", function(x) standardGeneric("QCpass") )

#' Filter ChipInfo to for only SNPs failing QC
#' QCfail: Returns the subset of the ChipInfo object for which SNPs fail quality
#' control, according to the QCcodes() slot > 0.
# @name QCfail
# @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @param type integer between 1 and 100, failure type (user can assign own coding scheme)
#' @return QCfail: ChipInfo object for which SNPs fail quality control
#' @rdname QC-methods
#' @family QC
#' @export
setGeneric("QCfail", function(x,type=NA) standardGeneric("QCfail") )

#' @rdname QC-methods
#' @family QC
#' @exportMethod QCpass
setMethod("QCpass", "ChipInfo", function(x) { 
  ii <- which(QCcode(x)==0)
  if(length(ii)>0) { return(x[ii,]) } else { warning("No SNPs passed QC"); return(NULL) } })

#' @rdname QC-methods
#' @family QC
#' @exportMethod QCfail
setMethod("QCfail", "ChipInfo", function(x,type=NA) { 
  ii <- which(QCcode(x)!=0)
  if(is.numeric(type)) { 
    if(type %in% 1:100) {
      ii <- which(QCcode(x)==type) 
    } else { 
      warning("type must be an integer between 1 and 100, returning all failures") 
  if(length(ii)>0) { return(x[ii,]) } else { warning("All SNPs passed QC"); return(NULL) } })

#' Subset ChipInfo by chromosome
#' Returns the subset of the ChipInfo object for which SNPs are on
#' the chromosome specified, by either number or character.
#' @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @param i a chromosome number or letter, i.e, one of seqlevels(x)
#' @param j always leave missing, not applicable for this method.
#' @param ... further arguments - again there should not be any
#' @return ChipInfo object for the subset of SNPs on chromosome i
#' @rdname ChipInfo-subset
#' @exportMethod "[["
setMethod("[[", "ChipInfo", function(x,i,j,...) { 
  dotArgs <- list(...)
  if (length(dotArgs) > 0)
    dotArgs <- dotArgs[names(dotArgs) != "exact"]
  if (!missing(j) || length(dotArgs) > 0)
    stop("invalid subsetting")
  if (missing(i))
    stop("subscript is missing")
  if (!is.character(i) && !is.numeric(i)) 
    stop("invalid subscript type")
  if (length(i) < 1L)
    stop("attempt to select less than one element")
  if (length(i) > 1L)
    stop("attempt to select more than one element")
  cn <- chrNames(x)
  if (is.numeric(i) && !is.na(i) && (i < 1L || i > length(cn)))
    stop("subscript out of bounds")
  # do the selection #
  if(i %in% paste(chrm(x))) {
    out <- x[chrm(x)==i,]
  } else {
    if(is.numeric(i)) {
      out <- x[match(chrm(x),chrNames(x))==i,]
    } else {
      stop("unknown index")
  out@build <- x@build
  out@chip <- x@chip
} )

#' Convert ChipInfo between build 36/37/38 coordinates
#' Returns the a ChipInfo object with positions updated to build 36/37/38
#' coordinates, assuming that the build() slot was entered correctly. 
#' Ensure that the value of ucsc(x) is correct before
#' running this function for conversion; for instance, if the coordinates 
#' are already build 37/hg19, but ucsc(x)!="hg19" (incorrect value), then
#' these coordinates will be transformed in a relative manner rendering the
#' result meaningless.
# @name convTo37
#' @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @return convTo37: Returns a ChipInfo object with the build updated to hg19 coordinates
#' @family conversion
#' @rdname conv-methods
#' @export
setGeneric("convTo37", function(x) standardGeneric("convTo37"))
#' @family conversion
#' @aliases convTo37
#' @rdname conv-methods
#' @exportMethod convTo37
setMethod("convTo37", "ChipInfo", function(x) {
  if(ucsc.sanitizer(ucsc(x)) %in% c("hg18","hg38")) {
    if(ucsc.sanitizer(ucsc(x)) == c("hg18")) {
      u <- conv.36.37(ranges=as(x,"GRanges"))
    } else {
      u <- conv.38.37(ranges=as(x,"GRanges"))
    if(length(u)==length(x)) { 
      x@ranges <- u@ranges
      all.eq <- TRUE
      if(all.eq) { all.eq <- length(seqlevels(x))==length(seqlevels(u)) }
      if(all.eq) { all.eq <- all(sort(seqlevels(x))==sort(seqlevels(u))) }
      if(!all.eq) {
        #print(seqlevels(x)); print(seqlevels(u))
        #warning("conversion altered the chromosomes"); 
        seqlevels(x) <- c(seqlevels(x),seqlevels(u)[!seqlevels(u) %in% seqlevels(x)])  #x@seqinfo <- u@seqinfo 
      xx <- as(x@seqnames,"character")
      uu <- as(u@seqnames,"character")
      if(any(xx!=uu)) { x@seqnames <- u@seqnames }
      x@build <- "hg19"
    } else { 
      stop("conversion to build37/hg19 failed, input had length ",length(x),"; output had length ",length(u)) 
  } else {
    if(ucsc.sanitizer(ucsc(x))!="hg19") { 
      warning("input object was not tagged as hg18/build36/hg38/build38 [@build], left unchanged") 
    } else {
      warning("object is already using hg19/build37, no change")

# @name convTo36
# @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @return convTo36: Returns a ChipInfo object with the build updated to hg18 coordinates
#' @family conversion
#' @rdname conv-methods
#' @export
setGeneric("convTo36", function(x) standardGeneric("convTo36"))

#' @family conversion
#' @aliases convTo36
#' @rdname conv-methods
#' @exportMethod convTo36
setMethod("convTo36", "ChipInfo", function(x) {
  if(ucsc.sanitizer(ucsc(x))=="hg19") {
    u <- conv.37.36(ranges=as(x,"GRanges"))
    if(length(u)==length(x)) { 
      x@ranges <- u@ranges
      all.eq <- TRUE
      if(all.eq) { all.eq <- length(seqlevels(x))==length(seqlevels(u)) }
      if(all.eq) { all.eq <- any(sort(seqlevels(x))==sort(seqlevels(u))) }
      if(!all.eq) {
        #warning("conversion altered the chromosomes"); 
        seqlevels(x) <- c(seqlevels(x),seqlevels(u)[!seqlevels(u) %in% seqlevels(x)])  #x@seqinfo <- u@seqinfo 
      xx <- as(x@seqnames,"character")
      uu <- as(u@seqnames,"character")
      if(any(xx!=uu)) { x@seqnames <- u@seqnames }
      x@build <- "hg18"
    } else { 
      stop("conversion to build36/hg18 failed") 
  } else {
    if(ucsc.sanitizer(ucsc(x))!="hg18") { 
      warning("input object was not tagged as hg19/build37 [@build], left unchanged") 
    } else {
      warning("object is already using hg18/build36, no change")

# @name convTo38
# @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @return convTo38: Returns a ChipInfo object with the build updated to hg38 coordinates
#' @family conversion
#' @rdname conv-methods
#' @export
setGeneric("convTo38", function(x) standardGeneric("convTo38"))

#' @family conversion
#' @aliases convTo38
#' @rdname conv-methods
#' @exportMethod convTo38
setMethod("convTo38", "ChipInfo", function(x) {
  if(ucsc.sanitizer(ucsc(x))=="hg18") { stop("can't convert 36 to 38; must convert from 36 to 37, then convert from 37 to 38") }
  if(ucsc.sanitizer(ucsc(x))=="hg19") {
    u <- conv.37.38(ranges=as(x,"GRanges"))
    if(length(u)==length(x)) { 
      x@ranges <- u@ranges
      all.eq <- TRUE
      if(all.eq) { all.eq <- length(seqlevels(x))==length(seqlevels(u)) }
      if(all.eq) { all.eq <- any(sort(seqlevels(x))==sort(seqlevels(u))) }
      if(!all.eq) {
        #warning("conversion altered the chromosomes"); 
        seqlevels(x) <- c(seqlevels(x),seqlevels(u)[!seqlevels(u) %in% seqlevels(x)])  #x@seqinfo <- u@seqinfo 
      xx <- as(x@seqnames,"character")
      uu <- as(u@seqnames,"character")
      if(any(xx!=uu)) { x@seqnames <- u@seqnames }
      x@build <- "hg38"
    } else { 
      stop("conversion to build38/hg38 failed") 
  } else {
    if(ucsc.sanitizer(ucsc(x))!="hg38") { 
      warning("input object was not tagged as hg19/build37 [@build], left unchanged") 
    } else {
      warning("object is already using hg18/build36, no change")

#' Display method for ChipInfo objects
#' show: Displays a preview of the object
# @name show
#' @param object a ChipInfo object
#' @return show: Displays a preview of the object
#' @rdname ChipInfo-methods
#' @exportMethod show
setMethod("show", "ChipInfo", 
          function(object) { showChipInfo(object,up.to=10,head.tail=5,show.strand=FALSE) } )

#' Print a ChipInfo object to the console
#' print: See 'show' as the behaviour is very similar and ... are just arguments of 'show'.
#' The key difference with 'print' instead of 'show' is that by default the parameter
#' 'up.to' is set to 50, so that any ChipInfo object (or subset) of less than or equal
#' to 50 rows will be displayed in its entirety, rather than just the top/bottom 5 rows. 
# @name print
# @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @param ... further arguments to showChipInfo()
#' @return print: Prints the object to terminal using 'showChipInfo()'.
#' @rdname ChipInfo-methods
#' @exportMethod print
setMethod("print", "ChipInfo", 
          function(x,...) { showChipInfo(x,...) } )

#' Constructor (wrapper) for ChipInfo annotation object
#' This class annotates a microarray SNP chip with data for each SNP including chromosome,
#' id, position, strand, 'rs' id, allele 1, allele 2 for each SNP of a microarray chip,
#' in either hg18, hg19 or hg38 (build 36/37/38) coordinates.
#' This package makes extension use of this class of annotation object for the working
#' microarray chip, e.g, default is ImmunoChip, but Metabochip is also built-in,
#' and you can also load your own annotation if using a different chip. The class
#' is basically a GRanges object, modified to always have columns for A1, A2 (alleles), 
#' rs.id, and a quality control flag. The default display is tidier than GRanges, it has
#' nice coersion to and frame data.frame and subsetting by chromosome using [[n]] has been
#' added, in addition to normal [i,j] indexing native to GRanges.
# @name ChipInfo
#' @param GRanges a GRanges object containing chromosome, start/end = position, and strand
#' information for the chip object to be created, also rownames should be used to code
#' the chip-ids for each SNP.
#' @param chr optional, alternative to using 'GRanges' to input SNP locations, enter here 
#' a vector of chromosome numbers/letters for each SNP. The recommended coding is: 
#' 1:22, X, Y, XY, MT
#' @param pos optional, vector of positions (integers), use in conjunction with 'chr' and
#'  'ids' as an alternative way to input SNP position information instead of GRanges.
#' @param ids optional, vector of SNP chip-ids, use in conjunction with 'chr' and
#'  'pos' as an alternative way to input SNP position information instead of GRanges.
#' @param chip character, name of the chip you are making this annotation for (only used
#' for labelling purposes)
#' @param build character, either "hg18" or "hg19". Will also accept build number, 36 or 37.
#' This indicates what coordinates the object is using, and will be taken into account by
#' conversion functions, and annotation lookup functions throughout this package.
#' @param rs.id 'rs' ids are standardized ids for SNPs, these usually differ from each chips'
#' own IDs for each snp. If you don't know these, or can't find them, they can be left blank,
#' but will render the functions 'rs.to.id()' and 'id.to.rs()' useless for this ChipInfo object.
#' @param chip.id chip ids are the chip-specific ids for SNPs, these usually differ between chips'
#' even for the same snp. If you don't know these, or can't find them, they can be left blank,
#' but will render the function 'chip.id()' useless for this ChipInfo object. The main purpose
#' of this parameter is for when the real chip ids are not valid R row/column name strings, and
#' by using this column, some functions can return the real chip ids instead of the sanitized 
#' version
#' @param A1 the first allele letter code for each SNP, e.g, usually "A","C","G", or "T", but
#' you can use any scheme you like. Can be left blank.
#' @param A2, as for A1, but for allele 2.
#' @param QCcode optional column to keep track of SNPs passing and failing QC. You can completely
#' ignore this column. It works based on integer codes, 0,1,2, you may wish to use simple 0 and 1,
#' for pass and fail respectively, or else 0 can be pass, and 1,2,... can indicate failure for 
#' different criteria. 0 will always be treated as a pass and anything else as a fail, so you
#' can code fails however you wish.
#' @export
ChipInfo <- function(GRanges=NULL, chr=NULL, pos=NULL, ids=NULL, chip="unknown chip", build="",
                     rs.id=NULL, chip.id=NULL, A1=NULL, A2=NULL, QCcode=NULL) {
  if(build!="") { build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build) }
  LL <- max(c(length(chr),length(GRanges)),na.rm=T)
  if(length(A1)!=LL | length(A2)!=LL) { A1 <- A2 <- rep(NA,times=LL) }
  if(length(rs.id)!=LL) { rs.id <- rep(NA,times=LL) } else { 
    if(any(duplicated(rs.id))) { rs.id <- add.trail(rs.id) } # appends letters to stop duplicates
  if(length(chip.id)!=LL) { chip.id <- rep(NA,times=LL) } else { 
    if(any(duplicated(narm(chip.id)))) { stop("chip.id shouldn't contain duplicates") } # appends letters to stop duplicates
  if(length(QCcode)!=LL) { QCcode <- rep(0,LL) }
  if(is.null(GRanges)) {
    GRanges <- makeGRanges(chr=chr,pos=pos,row.names=ids)
  } else {
    if(is(GRanges)[1]!="GRanges") { GRanges <- as(GRanges,"GRanges") }
  df <- DataFrame(A1=A1,A2=A2,QCcode=QCcode,rs.id=rs.id,chip.id=chip.id)
  return(new("ChipInfo", seqnames=GRanges@seqnames, ranges=GRanges@ranges,  strand=GRanges@strand,
            elementMetadata=df, seqinfo=GRanges@seqinfo,
             chip=chip, build=build))

#' Initialize (constructor) method for ChipInfo
#' Use the 'ChipInfo()' wrapper to construct ChipInfo objects from scratch
#  @name ChipInfo
#' @param .Object An object generated from the ChipInfo class prototype,
#'  see methods:initialize
#' @param ... Additional arguments to initialize. None recommended.
#' @rdname ChipInfo-class
#' @exportMethod initialize
setMethod("initialize", "ChipInfo",
              function(.Object, ...){
          		  callNextMethod(.Object, ...)

#' As("ChipInfo", "GRanges")
#' @name as
# @rdname ChipInfo-class
#' @export
setAs("ChipInfo", "GRanges",
      function(from) { 
        #print(is(from)); print(from@seqnames)
        out <- GRanges(from@seqnames,ranges=from@ranges,strand=from@strand,

#' As("ChipInfo", "GRanges")
#' @name as
# @rdname ChipInfo-class
#' @export
setAs("ChipInfo", "RangedData",
      function(from) { 
        out <- as(as(from,"GRanges"),"RangedData")
        if("strand" %in% colnames(out)) { out <- out[,-which(colnames(out) %in% "strand")] }
        colnames(out) <- gsub("elementMetadata.","",colnames(out),fixed=TRUE)
        colnames(out) <- gsub("elementMetadata","",colnames(out),fixed=TRUE)

#' As("ChipInfo", "GRanges")
#' @name as
# @rdname ChipInfo-class
#' @export
setAs("ChipInfo", "data.frame", function(from) { ranged.to.data.frame(as(from,"GRanges"),include.cols=TRUE) })

#' As("GRanges", "ChipInfo")
#' @name as
# @rdname ChipInfo-class
#' @export
setAs("GRanges", "ChipInfo", 
      function(from) { 
        bb <- genome(from)
        if(all(is.na(bb))) { build <- "" } else {
          if(length(unique(bb))==1) { build <- ucsc.sanitizer(bb[1]) } else { build <- "" }  
        cN <- colnames(mcols(from))
        ii <- match(toupper("A1"), toupper(cN))
        if(!is.na(ii)) { a1 <- mcols(from)[,ii] } else { a1 <- NULL }
        ii <- match(toupper("A2"), toupper(cN))
        if(!is.na(ii)) { a2 <- mcols(from)[,ii] } else { a2 <- NULL }
        ii <- match(toupper("rs.id"), toupper(cN))
        if(!is.na(ii)) { rss <- mcols(from)[,ii] } else { rss <- NULL }
        ii <- match(toupper("chip.id"), toupper(cN))
        if(!is.na(ii)) { cid <- mcols(from)[,ii] } else { cid <- NULL }
        ii <- match(toupper("QCcode"), toupper(cN))
        if(!is.na(ii)) { qcc <- mcols(from)[,ii] } else { qcc <- NULL }
        ChipInfo("ChipInfo",GRanges=from,chip="unknown chip",build=build,rs.id=rss,chip.id=cid,A1=a1,A2=a2,QCcode=qcc)

#' As("RangedData", "ChipInfo")
#' @name as
# @rdname ChipInfo-class
#' @export
setAs("RangedData", "ChipInfo", function(from) { as(as(from,"GRanges"),"ChipInfo") } )

#' As("data.frame", "ChipInfo")
#' @name as
# @rdname ChipInfo-class
#' @export
setAs("data.frame", "ChipInfo", 
      function(from) { 
        rr <- df.to.GRanges(from,chr="seqnames") 

# improved coersion functions for data.frames to RangedData/GRanges

#' As("data.frame", "RangedData")
#' @name as
#' @export
setAs("data.frame", "RangedData", function(from) { return(df.to.ranged(from,GRanges=FALSE))  } )

#' As("data.frame", "GRanges")
#' @name as
#' @export
setAs("data.frame", "GRanges", function(from) { return(df.to.ranged(from,GRanges=TRUE))  } )

#' As("RangedData", "data.frame")
#' Note that for automatic conversion of a data.frame to RangedData/GRanges, a column named 'chr' 
#' or 'seqnames' in the data.frame is expected/required to make the conversion effectively. 
#' Otherwise use 'ranged.to.data.frame()'
#' @name as
#' @export
setAs("RangedData", "data.frame", function(from) { return(ranged.to.data.frame(from))  } )

#' As("GRanges", "data.frame")
#' @name as
#' @export
setAs("GRanges", "data.frame", function(from) { return(ranged.to.data.frame(from))  } )

# No roxygen required i think?
            function(object) {
              if (!is.character(chip(object)) || length(chip(object)) != 1 || is.na(chip(object))) {
                return("'chip' slot must be a single string") 
              if (!is.character(ucsc(object)) || length(ucsc(object)) != 1 || is.na(ucsc(object))) {
                return("'build' slot must be a single string") 
              } else {
               # requireNamespace(humarray)
                if(!paste(ucsc(object)) %in% c("",paste(as.vector(ucsc.sanitizer(show.valid=T)[,1])))) {
                  return("'build' must be a string, 36/37/38 or hg18/hg19/hg38") 

#' Display a ChipInfo object
#' Returns a preview of a ChipInfo object to the console. This
#' is similar to a GRanges preview, but the seqlevels are hidden, the UCSC
#' build and chip name are displayed, start and end are merged to the virtual
#' label 'position' (as it's assume we are dealing with SNPs, not ranges), the strand
#' by default is hidden, and the integer codes for pass/fail in QCcodes() are 
#' displayed as 'pass' or 'fail', even though this is not how they are represented internally.
#' This is called by the default 'show' method for ChipInfo objects. 
#' @param x a ChipInfo object
#' @param margin margin for display, usually ""
#' @param with.classinfo logical, whether to display class information
#' @param print.seqlengths logical, whether to display sequence lengths below
#' the main output listing (e.g, chromsomes). Usually tidier when this is FALSE.
#' @param ... hidden arguments including: 'head.tail'; number of SNPs to display 
#' at start/end (only the head and tail are shown as these objects are generally
#' very large with >100K SNPs); 'up.to'; only SNPs at the start and end are generally
#' displayed, however this parameter specifies that when there are <= 'up.to' SNPs,
#' then all SNPs will be displayed; 'show.strand'; logical, by default the strand is 
#' hidden, particularly given that the strand can vary between different datasets 
#' of the same chip. Setting to TRUE will display the strand.
#' @return print compact preview of the object to the standard output (terminal)
#' @seealso \code{\link{ChipInfo}}
#' @export
showChipInfo <- function (x, margin = "", with.classinfo = FALSE, print.seqlengths = FALSE,...) 
  lx <- length(x)
  nc <- ncol(mcols(x))
  qc <- QCcode(x)
  bb <- ucsc(x)
  if(bb=="") { bb <- "unknown" }
  if(length(qc)==lx) { QC <- rep("pass",lx); QC[qc>0] <- paste0("fail",QC[qc>0]) ; x$QCcode <- QC }
  cat("ChipInfo for ",chip(x)," with ", lx, " ", ifelse(lx == 1L, "SNP", 
                   "SNPs")," using ",bb," coordinates",":\n", sep = "")
  out <- makePrettyMatrixForCompactPrinting2(x, .makeNakedMatFromChipInfo,...)
  if (nrow(out) != 0L) 
    rownames(out) <- paste0(margin, rownames(out))
  print(out, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE)

extraColumnSlots2 <- function(x) {
  sapply(extraColumnSlotNames2(x), slot, object = x, simplify = FALSE)

           function(x) standardGeneric("extraColumnSlotNames2"))
#' Get extra column slot names
#' Return the list of chromosome start and end indexes from a RangedData object
#' @param x any object
#' @return internal function
#' @rdname extraColumnSlotNames2-methods
#' @exportMethod extraColumnSlotNames2
setMethod("extraColumnSlotNames2", "ANY", function(x) character())

.makeNakedMatFromChipInfo <- function (x,show.strand=TRUE) 
  lx <- length(x)
  nc <- ncol(mcols(x))
  if(!show.strand) {
    ans <- cbind(seqnames = as.character(seqnames(x)), ranges = showAsCell(ranges(x)))
  } else { 
    ans <- cbind(seqnames = as.character(seqnames(x)), ranges = showAsCell(ranges(x)),strand = as.character(strand(x)))
  extraColumnNames <- extraColumnSlotNames2(x)
  if (length(extraColumnNames) > 0L) {
    ans <- do.call(cbind, c(list(ans), lapply(extraColumnSlots2(x), 
  if (nc > 0L) {
    df <- mcols(x)
    if(tail(colnames(df),1)=="chip.id") { df <- df[,-ncol(df)] }
    tmp <- do.call(data.frame, c(lapply(df, showAsCell), 
                                 list(check.names = FALSE)))  ### hide chip.id here!
    ans <- cbind(ans, `|` = rep.int("|", lx), as.matrix(tmp))
    if(all(colnames(ans)[1:2]==c("seqnames","ranges"))) { colnames(ans)[1:2] <- c("chr","pos") }

makePrettyMatrixForCompactPrinting2 <- function (x, makeNakedMat.FUN,head.tail=6,up.to=50, show.strand=TRUE) 
  lx <- NROW(x)
  if(lx <= up.to) { head.tail <- up.to }
  nhead <- head.tail
  ntail <- head.tail
  if (lx < (nhead + ntail + 1L)) {
    ans <- makeNakedMat.FUN(x,show.strand=show.strand)
    ans_rownames <- .rownames3(names(x), lx)
  else {
    top_idx <- 1:nhead
    if (nhead == 0) 
      top_idx <- 0
    bottom_idx = (lx - ntail + 1L):lx
    if (ntail == 0) 
      bottom_idx <- 0
    ans_top <- makeNakedMat.FUN(x[top_idx, , drop = FALSE],show.strand=show.strand)
    ans_bottom <- makeNakedMat.FUN(x[bottom_idx, , drop = FALSE],show.strand=show.strand)
    ans <- rbind(ans_top, matrix(rep.int("...", ncol(ans_top)), 
                                 nrow = 1L), ans_bottom)
    ans_rownames <- .rownames3(names(x), lx, top_idx, bottom_idx)
  rownames(ans) <- format(ans_rownames, justify = "right")

.rownames3 <- function (names = NULL, len = NULL, tindex = NULL, bindex = NULL) 
  if (is.null(tindex) && is.null(bindex)) {
    if (len == 0L) 
    else if (is.null(names)) 
      paste0("[", seq_len(len), "]")
    else names
  else {
    if (!is.null(names)) {
      c(names[tindex], "...", names[bindex])
    else {
      s1 <- paste0("[", tindex, "]")
      s2 <- paste0("[", bindex, "]")
      if (all(tindex == 0)) 
        s1 <- character(0)
      if (all(bindex == 0)) 
        s2 <- character(0)
      c(s1, "...", s2)

#' Select chromosome subset for ranged objects
#' Returns the object filtered for specific chromosomes for a ranged object
#' @param object a ChipInfo, GRanges or RangedData object
#' @param chr vector, string or numeric of which chromosome(s) to select
#' @return vector of chromosome values for each range/SNP
#' @rdname chrSel-methods
#' @export
setGeneric("chrSel", function(object,chr) standardGeneric("chrSel"))

#' Select chromosome subset for RangedData objects
#' Returns the object filtered for specific chromosomes for a RangedData object
#' @rdname chrSel-methods
#' @exportMethod chrSel
setMethod("chrSel", "RangedData", function(object,chr) {

#' Select chromosome subset for GRanges objects
#' Returns the object filtered for specific chromosomes for a GRanges object
#' @rdname chrSel-methods
#' @exportMethod chrSel
setMethod("chrSel", "GRanges", function(object,chr) {

#' Select chromosome subset for ChipInfo objects
#' Returns the object filtered for specific chromosomes for a GRanges object
#' @rdname chrSel-methods
#' @exportMethod chrSel
setMethod("chrSel", "ChipInfo", function(object,chr) {

#' Chromosome method for RangedData objects
#' Return the list of chromosome values from a RangedData object
#' @param object RangedData object
#' @return vector of chromosome values for each range/SNP
#' @rdname chrm-methods
#' @export
setGeneric("chrm",function(object) standardGeneric("chrm"))

#' @rdname chrm-methods
#' @exportMethod chrm
setMethod("chrm", "RangedData", function(object) {

#' @rdname chrm-methods
#' @exportMethod chrm
setMethod("chrm", "GRanges", function(object) {

#' @rdname chrm-methods
#' @exportMethod chrm
setMethod("chrm", "ChipInfo", function(object) {

# #' Genome order method for RangedData objects
# #' 
# #' Return the list of chromosome values from a RangedData object
# #' @param strict for compatibility with genoset toGenomeOrder, recommend setting TRUE
# #' @param object RangedData object
# #' @return vector of chromosome values for each range/SNP
# #' @rdname toGenomeOrder2-methods
# #' @export
# setGeneric("toGenomeOrder2",function(object,strict) standardGeneric("toGenomeOrder2"))

# # importMethodsFrom "genoset"  toGenomeOrder  
# #' @rdname toGenomeOrder2-methods
# #' @exportMethod toGenomeOrder2
# setMethod("toGenomeOrder2", "RangedData", function(object,strict) {
  # return(TGORD(object))
# })
# #' @rdname toGenomeOrder2-methods
# #' @exportMethod toGenomeOrder2
# setMethod("toGenomeOrder2", "GRanges", function(object,strict) {
  # return(TGOGR(object))
# })

#' Chromosome indices method for ranged objects
#' Return the list of chromosome start and end indexes from a RangedData object
#' @param object RangedData or GRanges object
#' @return matrix of indexes, colnames  first, last, offset
#' @rdname chrIndices-methods
# #' @export
# setGeneric("chrIndices",function(object) standardGeneric("chrIndices"))
# #' @rdname chrIndices-methods
#' @exportMethod chrIndices
setMethod("chrIndices", "RangedData", function(object) {

# #' @rdname chrIndices-methods
# #' @exportMethod chrIndices
# setMethod("chrIndices", "GRanges", function(object) {
  # return(chrIndices2(object))
# })

#' Chromosome info method for ranged objects
#' Return the list of chromosome start and end ranges from a RangedData object
#' @param object RangedData or GRanges object
#' @return matrix of ranges, colnames start, stop, offset
#' @rdname chrInfo-methods
# #' @export
# setGeneric("chrInfo",function(object) standardGeneric("chrInfo"))
# #' @rdname chrInfo-methods
#' @exportMethod chrInfo
setMethod("chrInfo", "RangedData", function(object) {

# #' @rdname chrInfo-methods
# #' @exportMethod chrInfo
# setMethod("chrInfo", "GRanges", function(object) {
  # return(chrInfo2(object))
# })

#' Chromosome names method for ranged objects
#' Return the list of chromosome labels from a RangedData object
#' @param object RangedData or GRanges object
#' @return vector of names
#' @rdname chrNames-methods
# #' @export
# setGeneric("chrNames",function(object) standardGeneric("chrNames"))
# #' @rdname chrNames-methods
#' @exportMethod chrNames
setMethod("chrNames", "RangedData", function(object) {

# #' @rdname chrNames-methods
# #' @exportMethod chrNames
# setMethod("chrNames", "GRanges", function(object) {
  # return(chrNames2(object))
# })

#' Plot method for GRanges objects
#' See plotRanges()
# @name plot
#' @param x a GRanges or RangedData object
#' @param y not used for plotRanges
#' @param ... further arguments, see plotRanges()
#' @rdname plot-methods
#' @aliases GRanges GRanges-method
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotRanges}}
#' @exportMethod plot
setMethod("plot", "GRanges", function(x,y,...) {

#' Plot method for RangedData objects
# @name plot
#' @rdname plot-methods
#' @aliases RangedData RangedData-method
#' @exportMethod plot
setMethod("plot", "RangedData", function(x,y,...) {

## General Annotation Functions ##

#' Download GWAS hits from t1dbase.org
#' Deprecated as this data is no longer available online
#' Retrieve human disease top GWAS hits from t1dbase in build hg19 coords (37).
#' 28 Diseases currently available
#' @param disease integer (1-28), or character (abbreviation), or full name of one of the listed
#' diseases. A full list of options can be obtained by setting show.codes=TRUE.
#' @param snps.only logical, default is just to return a list of rs-ids. Setting FALSE gives a table
#' @param show.codes logical, if set to TRUE, instead of looking up t1dbase, will simply return
#' a table of available diseases with their index numbers and abbreviations.
#' @return A character vector of SNP rs-ids
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @references PMID: 20937630
#' @examples
#' get.immunobase.snps(show.codes=TRUE) # show codes/diseases available to download
#' \donttest{
#' # Deprecated as this data is no longer available online
#' # get.immunobase.snps(disease="CEL") # get SNP ids for celiac disease
#' # get.immunobase.snps(disease="AS") # get SNP ids for Ankylosing Spondylitis in build-37/hg19
#' # get.immunobase.snps(disease=27) # get SNP ids for Alopecia Areata
#' # get.immunobase.snps("Vitiligo")
#' }
get.immunobase.snps <- function(disease="T1D",snps.only=TRUE,show.codes=FALSE) {
  disease.codes <- c("Type 1 Diabetes", "Crohns Disease","Rheumatoid Arthritis",
                     "Systemic Scleroderma",  "Ulcerative Colitis","Inflammatory Bowel Disease",  "Multiple Sclerosis",
                     "Bipolar Disorder",  "Diabetes Mellitus",  "Coronary Artery Disease",  "Hypertension",  "Celiac Disease",
                     "Systemic Lupus Erythematosus",  "Ankylosing Spondylitis",  "Type 2 Diabetes",  "Sjogren Syndrome",
                     "Graves' Disease",  "Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis",  "Vitiligo",  "Primary Biliary Cirrhosis",
                     "Psoriasis",  "Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy",  "Immunoglobulin A Deficiency",
                     "Autoimmune Thyroid Disease",  "Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis",  "Narcolepsy",  "Alopecia Areata",
                     "Alzheimer's Disease")
  abbr <- c("T1D","CD","RA","SCL","UC","IBD","MS","BD","DM","CAD","HYP",
  code.table <- cbind(Abbreviation=abbr,FullNames=disease.codes)
  if(show.codes) { cat("values for the 'disease' parameter can be specified by the following index numbers or abbreviations:\n")
                   print(code.table,quote=F) ; return() }
  disease <- disease[1]
  if(toupper(disease) %in% abbr) { 
    disN <- match(toupper(disease),toupper(abbr)) 
  } else {
    if(toupper(disease) %in% toupper(disease.codes)) {
      disN <- match(toupper(disease),toupper(disease.codes))
    } else {
      if(as.numeric(disease) %in% 1:length(disease.codes)) { 
        disN <- as.numeric(disease)
      } else {
        stop("Invalid input for 'disease', use show.codes=TRUE to see list of codes/abbreviations")
   # unfortunately must add this as immunobase will no longer allow autodownload
  #if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- "hg19" # ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(!build %in% c("hg18","hg19")) { stop("only hg18 and hg19 are supported for this function") }
  filenm <- cat.path(dir=getwd(),pref=tolower(abbr[disN]),"hits",suf=build,ext="tab")
  cat("attempting to download",abbr[disN],"hits from t1dbase\n")
  url36 <- paste("http://www.immunobase.org/webservice/RegionDownloads/=/model/variantsTAB/species=Human&disease_id=",disN,"&type=assoc&build=GRCh36",sep="")
  url37 <- paste("http://www.immunobase.org/webservice/RegionDownloads/=/model/variantsTAB/species=Human&disease_id=",disN,"&type=assoc&build=GRCh37",sep="")
#  url36 <- paste("http://www.t1dbase.org/webservice/RegionDownloads/=/model/variantsTAB/species=Human&disease_id=",disN,"&type=assoc&build=GRCh36",sep="")
#  url37 <- paste("http://www.t1dbase.org/webservice/RegionDownloads/=/model/variantsTAB/species=Human&disease_id=",disN,"&type=assoc&build=GRCh37",sep="")
  urL <- switch(build, hg18=url36,  hg19=url37)
  success <- T
  success <- tryCatch(download.file(urL ,filenm ,quiet=T),error=function(e) { F } )
  if(!is.logical(success)) { success <- T }
  if(success) {
    t1dh <- readLines(filenm)
    firsts <- substr(t1dh,1,2)
    t1dh <- t1dh[firsts!="##"]
    len.lst <- strsplit(t1dh,"\t")
    rsids <- sapply(len.lst,"[",3)
    if(substr(rsids[1],1,2)!="rs") { rsids <- rsids[-1] }
    if(length(rsids)<1) { 
      cat("download successful but the list of hits for",disease.codes[disN],"was empty\n") 
    } else {
      cat("download successful for",disease.codes[disN],"\n")
    if(snps.only) {
    } else {
  } else {
    stop("couldn't reach t1dbase website at: ",urL)

#' Retreive GO terms from biomart for a given gene list
#' Gene-ontology terms (GO-terms) are commonly used for testing for simple functional
#' enrichment for pathways, etc. This function can retrieve biological function, 
#' cellular component, or molecular description, depending on the parameters chosen.
#' @param gene.list a list of gene, use HGNC names, like COMT, HLA-C, CTLA4, etc.
#' @param bio logical, whether to return biological process GO terms
#' @param cel logical, whether to return cellular component GO terms
#' @param mol logical, whether to return molecular function GO terms
#' @param host.txt character, the argument to pass to biomaRt::useMart(). Default is 
#' 'may2009.archive.ensembl.org', but more recently the recommended link is 'www.ensembl.org'
#' @return data.frame containing the gene name in the first column, chromosome in the
#' second column, and the GO terms in the third column, where one gene has multiple
#' GO terms, this will produce multiple rows, so there will usually be more rows
#' than genes entered. The data.frame can have 3,4 or 5 columns depending on
#' how many GO terms are selected.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get.GO.for.genes(c("CTLA4","PTPN2","PTPN22")) # biological terms (default)
#' get.GO.for.genes(c("CTLA4","PTPN2","PTPN22"),cel=TRUE) # add cellular GO terms
get.GO.for.genes <- function(gene.list,bio=T,cel=F,mol=F,host.txt="may2009.archive.ensembl.org") {
 # must.use.package(c("biomaRt","genoset","gage"),T)
  mart.txt <- "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL"
  ens <- biomaRt::useMart(mart.txt,
                 host= host.txt,
  ens <- biomaRt::useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl",mart=ens)
  #egSymb <- reader("~/github/iChip/egSymb.rda")
  egSymb <- humarray::egSymb
  base.attr <- c("hgnc_symbol", "chromosome_name")
  if(bio) { base.attr <- c(base.attr,"go_biological_process_description") }
  if(cel) { base.attr <- c(base.attr,"go_cellular_component_description") }
  if(mol) { base.attr <- c(base.attr,"go_molecular_function_description") }
  #  dat <- getBM(attributes = c("hgnc_symbol", "chromosome_name",
  #                              "start_position", "end_position", "band"), filters = "hgnc_symbol",
  #               values = egSymb[,2], mart = ens)
  results <- biomaRt::getBM(attributes = base.attr, filters = "hgnc_symbol",
                   values = c(gene.list), mart = ens)

#' Convert ensembl ids to HGNC gene ids 
#' Retrieve the gene IDs (HGNC) corresponding to a list of ensembl gene ids.
#' Note that this will not find all IDs found on ensembl.org, as it uses bioMart which
#' seems to be incomplete, but this only pertains to a small minority of genes, so this
#' function should have general utility for most applications. This is of course the case
#' at the time of writing - bioMart is likely to be updated at some point.
#' @param ens character, a list of ensembl gene ids, of the form ENSG00xxxxxxxxx
#' @param ... further arguments to get.gene.annot()
#' @param dir character, 'dir' is the location to download gene and cytoband information; if
#' left as NULL, depending on the value of getOption("save.annot.in.current"), the annotation
#' will either be saved in the working directory to speed-up subsequent lookups, or deleted 
#' after use.
#' @param build character, "hg18" or "hg19" (or 36/37) to show which reference to retrieve. The 
#' default when build is NULL is to use the build from the current ChipInfo annotation
#' @param name.dups logical, if TRUE then duplicates will have a suffix appended to force the
#' list to be unique (e.g, so it would be usable as rownames, or in a lookup table). Otherwise
#' duplicate entries will just appear in the list multiple times
#' @param name.missing logical, if TRUE then missing values will be named as MISSING_n (n=1
#'  to # of missing), ensuring a valid unique name if the results are to be used as rownames,
#' etc. If FALSE then these will be left as NA. 
#' @return Returns a vector of HGNC gene ids corresponding to the 'ens' ensembl ids entered,
#' any ids not found will be returned as MISSING_n (n=1 to # of missing), if name.missing=TRUE.
#' If name.missing is FALSE then missing will be set to NA. Similarly with 'name.dups', if
#' duplicates are found and name.dups is true, each will be appended with suffix _n; else
#' their names will be left as is.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{GENE.to.ENS}}, \code{\link{rs.to.id}}, \code{\link{id.to.rs}}; eg2sym, sym2eg from package 'gage'
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' ENS.ids <- c("ENSG00000183214", "ENSG00000163599", "ENSG00000175354", "ENSG00000134460")
#' ENS.to.GENE(ENS.ids)
#' gene.ids <- c("HLA-B","IFIH1","fake_gene!","FUT2")
#' ENS.to.GENE(GENE.to.ENS(gene.ids)) # lookup fails for the fake id, gives warning
#' }
ENS.to.GENE <- function(ens,dir=NULL,build=NULL,name.dups=FALSE,name.missing=TRUE,...) {
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
#  must.use.package(c("biomaRt","genoset","gage"),T)
  if(is.null(dir)) { if(any(getOption("save.annot.in.current")<1)) { dir <- NULL } else { dir <- getwd() } }
  ga <- get.gene.annot(...,dir=dir,bioC=FALSE,ens.id=TRUE,GRanges=FALSE)
  ### now have the gene data with the ensembl ids ##
  indx <- match(ens,ga$ens.id)
  missin <- length(which(is.na(indx))); valid <- length(indx)-missin
  if(valid<1) { warning("did not find any ENSEMBL ids from 'ens' in the bioMart human gene reference"); return(NULL) }
  if(missin>0) { warning(out.of(missin,(valid+missin))," of 'ens' did not match any ENSEMBL ids in the bioMart human gene reference") }
  outData <- ga$gene[indx]
  if(name.missing & any(is.na(outData))) {
    outData[is.na(outData)] <- paste("MISSING",pad.left(1:length(which(is.na(outData))),"0"),sep="_")
  if(any(duplicated(outData))) { 
    if(name.dups) { 
      cnt <- 2
      while(any(duplicated(outData))) { 
        if(cnt==2) {
          outData[duplicated(outData)] <- paste(outData[duplicated(outData)],cnt,sep="_")
        } else {
          outData[duplicated(outData)] <- gsub(paste("_",cnt-1,sep=""),paste("_",cnt,sep=""),outData[duplicated(outData)])
        cnt <- cnt + 1
    } else { 
      warning("duplicated gene names produced, select 'name.dups=TRUE' to append numbers to make these unique")

#' Convert gene ids to ensembl ids
#' Retrieve the ensembl IDs corresponding to a list of common gene names (HGNC format).
#' @param genes character, gene labels, e.g, "APOE"
#' @param ... further arguments to get.gene.annot()
#' @param dir character, 'dir' is the location to download gene and cytoband information; if
#' left as NULL, depending on the value of getOption("save.annot.in.current"), the annotation
#' will either be saved in the working directory to speed-up subsequent lookups, or deleted 
#' after use.
#' @return Returns a vector of HGNC gene ids corresponding to the 'ens' ensembl ids entered,
#' any ids not found will be returned as NA.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{GENE.to.ENS}}, \code{\link{rs.to.id}}, \code{\link{id.to.rs}}; eg2sym, sym2eg from package 'gage'
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' gene.ids <- c("MYC","PTPN2","IL2RA","APOE")
#' GENE.to.ENS(gene.ids)
#' }
GENE.to.ENS <- function(genes,dir=NULL,...) {
  if(is.null(dir)) { if(any(getOption("save.annot.in.current")<1)) { dir <- NULL } else { dir <- getwd() } }
  ga <- get.gene.annot(...,dir=dir,bioC=FALSE,ens.id=TRUE,GRanges=FALSE)
  ### now have the gene data with the ensembl ids ##
  indx <- match(genes,ga$gene)
  missin <- length(which(is.na(indx))); valid <- length(indx)-missin
  if(valid<1) { warning("did not find any gene ids from 'genes' in the bioMart human gene reference"); return(NULL) }
  if(missin>0) { warning("at least one of 'genes' did not match any gene ids in the bioMart human gene reference") }
  outData <- ga$ens.id[indx]

#' Retrieve the 'n' closest GENE labels or positions near specified locus
#' @param chr integer, chromosome, should be a number from 1 to 25, where 23,24,25 are X,Y,MT
#' @param pos integer, genomic position, should be between 1 and the length of the chromosome 'chr'
#' @param n integer, the number of nearest GENEs to seek, if there aren't enough in the annotation
#' then NAs will fill the gaps to force the return value length to equal 'n'
#' @param side character, can be 'either', 'left' or 'right' and specifies which side of the 'pos'
#' to look for nearest genes (where left is decreasing genomic position and right is increasing)
#' @param ids logical, if TRUE will return GENE labels, 
#' or if FALSE will return the chromosome positions of the genes
#' @param limit integer, a limit on the maximum distance from the position 'pos' can be specified
#' @param build integer whether to use build 36/37 parameters, 36/37 is preferred, but can enter
#' using any form recognised by ucsc.sanitizer()
#' @param ga RangedData object, e.g, result of get.gene.annot(); gene annotation to save download
#' time if repeatedly calling this function
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{expand.nsnp}}, \code{\link{nearest.snp}}, \code{\link{get.gene.annot}}
#' @return Set of GENE ids (when ids=TRUE), or otherwise genomic positions within chromosome 'chr'.
#' If the number of gemes on the chromosome or the bounds of the 'side' and 'limit' parameters
#' restrict the number returned to less than 'n' then the return value will be padded with NAs.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' nearest.gene(1,159000000,n=10) # return ids
#' nearest.gene(1,159000000,n=10,build=37)
#' nearest.gene(1,159000000,n=10,build=36,ids=FALSE) # return positions
#' nearest.gene(1,159000000,n=10,build=37,ids=FALSE)
#' nearest.gene(6,25000000,n=10,build=37,ids=FALSE,side="left")  # only genes to the left of the locus
#' nearest.gene(6,25000000,n=10,build=37,ids=FALSE,side="right") # only genes to the right of the locus
#' }
nearest.gene <- function(chr, pos, n=1, side=c("either","left","right"),ids=TRUE,limit=NULL,build=NULL, ga=NULL) { 
  # ids - whether to return ichip SNP ids or positions
  if(length(chr)>1) { warning("chr should be length 1, using only first entry"); chr <- chr[1] }
  if(length(pos)>1) { warning("pos should be length 1, using only first entry"); pos <- pos[1] }
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  chrom <- paste(chr)
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(is(get.gene.annot)[1]=="RangedData") { 
    if(!"gene" %in% colnames(ga)) { ga <- NULL }
  } else { ga <- NULL }
  if(is.null(ga)) {  
    ga <- get.gene.annot(build=build,GRanges=F) 
    if(!exists("ga")) { stop("couldn't find gene annotation") }  ## load object: ga [gene database]
    ga <- ga[ga$gene!="",]
  side <- tolower(side[1]); 
  if(!side %in% c("either","left","right")) {
    side <- "either"; warning("invalid side argument, defaulting to 'either'") }
  if(!is.null(limit)) { if(!is.numeric(limit)) { limit <- NULL; warning("invalid limit argument, defaulting to NULL") } }
  all.chr <- paste(chr2(ga))
  all.st <- start(ga)[all.chr %in% chrom]
  all.en <- end(ga)[all.chr %in% chrom]
  if(length(all.st)<1) { warning("no positions found for 'chr' specified"); return(NULL) }
  difzS <- pos-all.st
  difzE <- pos-all.en
  all.true <- difzS==difzS
  if(is.null(limit)) { lfilt <- all.true } else { lfilt <- abs(difzS)<=limit | abs(difzE)<=limit }
  within <- difzS>0 & difzE<0
  if(side=="left") { filt <- ( difzE>0 & lfilt ) | within }
  if(side=="right") { filt <- ( difzS<0 & lfilt ) | within }
  if(side=="either") { filt <- ( all.true & lfilt ) | within }
  tab <- rbind(abs(difzS),abs(difzE))
  minz <- apply(tab,2,min,na.rm=T)
  Difz <- abs(minz[filt])
  if(length(Difz)<n)  { warning("fewer than ",n," genes found for 'chr' specified (within 'limit'), NAs returned") }
  indx <- order(Difz)[1:n]
  # prv(minz,Difz,filt,indx)
  subi <- ga[["gene"]][all.chr %in% chrom][filt]
  if(ids) {
    out <- ga[["gene"]][all.chr %in% chrom][filt][indx]
  } else {
    out <- start(ga)[(all.chr %in% chrom)][filt][indx]

#' Plot genes to annotate figures with genomic axes
#' Quite often it is helpful to visualize genomic locations in the context of Genes
#' in the same region. This function makes it simple to overlay genes on plots
#' where the x-axis is chromosomal location.
#' @param chr chromosome number/name that the plot-range lies on
#' @param scl character, the scale that the x axis uses, ie, "b","kb","mb", or "gb", meaning
#' base-pairs, kilobases, megabases or gigabase-pairs.
#' @param y.ofs numeric, y-axis-offset, depending on what units are on your y-axis,
#' you may prefer to specify an offset so that the gene annotation is drawn at an appropriate
#' level on the vertical axis, this value should be the centre of annotation
#' @param width depending on the range of your y-axis, you might want to expand or reduce
#' the vertical width of the gene annotation (in normal graph units), default
#' when width=NA is 10 percent of the y-axis size.
#' @param txt logical, TRUE to include the names of genes on top of their representation
#' on the plot, or if FALSE, genes are drawn without labels.
#' @param chr.pos.offset if for some reason zero on the x-axis is not equal to 'zero' on
#' the chromsome, then this offset can correct the offset. For instance if you were using
#' a graph of the whole genome and you were plotting genes on chromosome 10, you would
#' set this offset to the combined lengths of chromosomes 1-9 to get the start point
#' in the correct place.
#' @param gs GRanges or RangedData object, this is annotation for the location of genes.
#' This will be retrieved using get.gene.annot() if 'gs' is NULL. THere may be several reasons
#' for passing an object directly to 'gs'; firstly speed, if making many calls then you won't
#' need to load the annotation every time; secondly, if you want to use an alternative annotation
#' you can create your own so long as it is a GRanges/RangedData object and contains a column
#' called 'gene' (which doesn't strictly have to contain gene labels, it could be any feature
#' you require, eg., transcript names, etc).
#' @param dir character, location to store file with the gene annotation.
#' If NULL then getOption("save.annot.in.current")>=1 will result in
#' this file being stored in the current directory, or if <=0, then this file will not
#' be stored.
#' @param build string, currently 'hg18' or 'hg19' to specify which annotation version to use. 
#'  Default is build-36/hg-18. Will also accept integers 36,37 as alternative arguments.
#' @param box.col genes are drawn as boxes, this sets the colour of the boxes
#' @param txt.col this sets the colour of the label text (Gene names)
#' @param join.col for exons, or multipart genes, joins are made between the sections with
#' a central line, this sets the colour of that line.
#' @param ... further arguments to 'rect', the graphics function used to plot the 'genes'.
#' @export
#' @return Returns a data.frame, GRanges or RangedData object, depending on input parameters. Contained
#' will be HGNC gene labels, chromosome and start and end positions, other information depends on 
#' specific parameters documented above
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # do we need to require(GenomicRanges)? #
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' loc <- c(9.9,10.2)
#' Band(chr=21,pos=loc*10^6)
#' rr <- in.window(rranges(50000),chr=21,pos=loc,unit="mb") # make some random MHC ranges
#' # create some SNPs and plot
#' rr3 <- rr; end(rr3) <- start(rr3) 
#' rownames(rr3) <- paste0("rs",sample(10^6,nrow(rr3)))
#' plotRanges(rr3,col="blue",scl="mb",xlim=loc,xlab="Chr21 position (Mb)",ylab="")
#' # NOW add UCSC hg18 GENE annotation to the plot #
#' \donttest{ plotGeneAnnot(chr=21,pos=c(9.95,10.1),scl="mb",y.ofs=1,build=36) }
plotGeneAnnot <- function(chr=1, scl=c("b","kb","mb","gb"), y.ofs=0, width=NA, txt=T, chr.pos.offset=0,
                            gs=NULL, build=NULL, dir=NULL, box.col="green", txt.col="black", join.col="red", ...)
  if(is.null(dir)) { if(any(getOption("save.annot.in.current")<1)) { dir <- NULL } else { dir <- getwd() } }
  dir <- validate.dir.for(dir,"ano")
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(!is(gs)[1] %in% c("RangedData","GRanges")) { gs <- get.gene.annot(dir=dir,build=build,GRanges=FALSE) }
  if(is(gs)[1]=="GRanges") { gs <- as(gs,"RangedData") }
  if(!"gene" %in% colnames(gs)) { warning("didn't find 'gene' column in annotation") ; return(NULL) }
  Col <- c("green", "darkgreen")

  # get set of genes in range of the graph section + remove duplicate genes/exons
  plot.area <- plot_get_area();
  if(all(is.null(plot.area))) { pos <- c(1,Inf) } 
  x.lim <- plot.area$xlim;
  y.lim <- plot.area$ylim;
  pos <- x.lim*make.divisor(scl) # overrides pos
  if(any(is.na(pos))) { pos <- c(1,Inf) } 
  rng.genez <- in.window(gs,chr,pos,full.overlap=F, rmv.dup=T,unit=scl)
  if(nrow(rng.genez)<1) { warning("no genes found in range") ; return(NULL) }
  old.cc <- 1 ; tp <- 2
  # set vertical alignments for annotation
  old.auto <- F
  if(y.ofs==0) { y.ofs <- min(y.lim) + .1*(max(y.lim)-min(y.lim)) }
  if(is.na(width)) { width <- .1*(max(y.lim)-min(y.lim)) } 
  y.cent <- y.ofs
  y.bot <- y.ofs-(width/2)
  y.top <- y.ofs+(width/2)
  # text alignment
  tps <- y.bot + c(.18,.29,.46,.64,.82)[c(1,3,5)]*width
  # x position with scaling (e.g, Mb units = 10^6)
  #unit <- tolower(unit[1]) ; mult <- switch(unit,b=0,kb=3,mb=6,gb=9); pos <- pos*10^mult
  x.scl <- make.divisor(scl)
  cnrlo <- (start(rng.genez)/x.scl)+chr.pos.offset
  cnrhi <- (end(rng.genez)/x.scl)+chr.pos.offset
  gnnm <- (rng.genez$gene)
  n.genes <- length(cnrlo)
  txt.cex <- .75; if(n.genes>10) { txt.cex <- .5 } ; if(n.genes>100) { txt.cex <- .35 } # more genes = smaller labels
  for (cc in 1:n.genes) {
    # draw rectangle and label for each gene
    #prv(cnrlo[cc],y.top,cnrhi[cc], y.bot)
    rect(cnrlo[cc],y.top,cnrhi[cc], y.bot,border=box.col,...)
  for (cc in 1:n.genes) {
    if (gnnm[old.cc]==gnnm[cc] & cc!=1)
      link <- c(cnrhi[old.cc],cnrlo[cc])
      if(link[1]<link[2]) {
    } else {
      if(txt) {
        if(cnrlo[cc] < min(pos/x.scl)) { 
          txt.x <- mean(c(min(pos/x.scl),min(cnrhi[cc],max(pos/x.scl))),na.rm=T)  
        } else { txt.x <- cnrlo[cc] }
    old.cc <- cc  
    tp <- tp+1; if(tp==4) {tp <- 1}; #if(n.genes <=5) { tp <- 2 }

#' Retrieve locations of Immunoglobin regions across the genome
#' Returns the locations of immunoglobin regions in the human genome, for a given build, as
#' a list by chromosome, text vector, or GRanges/RangedData object.
#' For instance, for CNV research, these regions are known to be highly structurally complex
#' and can lead to false positive CNV-calls, so are often excluded.
#' @param build string, currently 'hg18' or 'hg19' to specify which annotation version to use. 
#'  Default is build-36/hg-18. Will also accept integers 36,37 as alternative arguments.
#' @param bioC logical, whether to return the annotation as a ranged S4 object (GRanges or
#' RangedData), or as a data.frame
#' @param text logical, whether to return locations as a text vector of the form: chrN:xxxx-xxxx
#' @param GRanges logical, whether to return a GRanges object, or FALSE to return RangedData
#' @export
#' @return Returns a list, GRanges or RangedData object, depending on input parameters. Contained
#' will be immunoglobin chromosome, start and end positions.
#' @examples
#' get.immunog.locs()
#' get.immunog.locs(bioC=FALSE)
#' get.immunog.locs(text=TRUE,build=37)
get.immunog.locs <- function(build=NULL,bioC=TRUE,text=FALSE,GRanges=TRUE) {
  # http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/Genes/GC_IGH.html
  # ^ has list of CELL line breakpoints... for future filtering?
  nchr <- 22
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(build[1]=="hg18") {
    # hg18
    chr <- c(22,14,2,14)
    stz <- c(20715572,105065301,88937989,21159897)
    enz <- c(21595082,106352275,89411302,22090937)
  } else {
    if(build[1]=="hg38") {
      chr <- c(22,14,2,14)
      stz <- c(20668232,105594256,88857361,21621904)
      enz <- c(22922910,107281230,89917421,22552944)
    } else {
      # hg19
      chr <- c(22,14,2,14)
      stz <- c(22385572,105994256,89156874,22090057)
      enz <- c(23265082,107281230,89630187,23021097)
  nmz <- c("ig_c22","ig_c14_a","ig_c2","ig_c14_b")
  reg.dat <- rep("immunoglobin",length(chr))
  if(bioC | text) {
    outData <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=stz,end=enz,names=nmz),space=chr,
                          reg=reg.dat)  #,universe=build[1])
    outData <- toGenomeOrder2(outData,strict=T)
    if(text) { outData <- ranged.to.txt(outData) } else {
      if(GRanges) { outData <- as(outData,"GRanges") }
  } else {
    outData <- vector("list",nchr); names(outData) <- paste("chr",1:nchr,sep="")
    for (cc in 1:nchr) {
      if(cc %in% chr) {
        outData[[cc]] <- list(start=stz[chr==cc],end=enz[chr==cc])

#' Return Centromere locations across the genome
#' Returns the locations of centromeres in the human genome, for a given build, as
#' a list by chromosome, text vector, or GRanges/RangedData object.
#' @param dir character, location to store file with the this annotation.
#' If NULL then getOption("save.annot.in.current")>=1 will result in
#' this file being stored in the current directory, or if <=0, then this file will not
#' be stored.
#' @param build string, currently 'hg18' or 'hg19' to specify which annotation version to use. 
#'  Default is build-36/hg-18. Will also accept integers 36,37 as alternative arguments.
#' @param bioC logical, whether to return the annotation as a ranged S4 object (GRanges or
#' RangedData), or as a data.frame.
#' @param GRanges logical, whether to return a GRanges object, or FALSE to return RangedData
#' @param text logical, whether to return locations as a text vector of the form: chrN:xxxx-xxxx
#' @param autosomes logical, if TRUE, only return results for autosomes, if FALSE, also include
#' X and Y.
#' @export
#' @return Returns a list, GRanges or RangedData object, depending on input parameters. Contained
#' will be centromere chromosome and start and end positions.
#' @examples
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' get.centromere.locs()
#' get.centromere.locs(bioC=FALSE,autosomes=TRUE)
#' get.centromere.locs(text=TRUE)
get.centromere.locs <- function(dir=NULL,build=NULL,
  if(is.null(dir)) { if(any(getOption("save.annot.in.current")<1)) { dir <- NULL } else { dir <- getwd() } }
  dir <- validate.dir.for(dir,c("ano"),warn=FALSE); success <- TRUE
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  local.file <- cat.path(dir$ano,"cyto")
  tt <- get.cyto(build=build,bioC=FALSE,dir=dir,GRanges=FALSE)
  chrn <- paste(1:22)
  if(!autosomes) { 
    chrn <- c(chrn,c("X","Y"))
  nchr <- length(chrn)
  my.chr.range <- vector("list",nchr)
  names(my.chr.range) <- paste("chr",chrn,sep="")
  for (cc in 1:nchr) {
    just.centros <- tt[paste(tt[,5])=="acen",]
    just.chr <- just.centros[which(paste(just.centros[,1])==names(my.chr.range)[cc]),]
    my.chr.range[[cc]] <- list(start=min(just.chr[,2]), end=max(just.chr[,3]))
  reg.dat <- rep("centromere",nchr)
  nmz <- paste(reg.dat,chrn,sep="_")
  stz <- sapply(my.chr.range,"[[",1)
  enz <- sapply(my.chr.range,"[[",2)
  if(bioC | text) {
    outData <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=stz,end=enz,names=nmz),space=gsub("chr","",chrn),
                          reg=reg.dat) #,universe=build[1])
    outData <- toGenomeOrder2(outData,strict=TRUE)
    if(text) { 
      outData <- ranged.to.txt(outData) 
    } else {
        outData <- as(outData,"GRanges")
  } else {
    outData <- my.chr.range 

#' Return Cytoband/Karyotype locations across the genome
#' Returns the locations of cytobands/karyotype-bands in the human genome, for a given build, as
#' a data.frame, or GRanges/RangedData object.
#' @param dir character, location to store file with the this annotation.
#' If NULL then getOption("save.annot.in.current")>=1 will result in
#' this file being stored in the current directory, or if <=0, then this file will not
#' be stored.
#' @param build string, currently 'hg18' or 'hg19' to specify which annotation version to use. 
#'  Default is build-36/hg-18. Will also accept integers 36,37 as alternative arguments.
#' @param bioC logical, whether to return the annotation as a ranged S4 object (GRanges or
#' RangedData), or as a data.frame
#' @param GRanges logical, whether to return a GRanges object, or FALSE to return RangedData
#' @param refresh logical, whether to re-download the file if the existing file has become corrupted
#' @export
#' @return Returns a list, GRanges or RangedData object, depending on input parameters. Contained
#' will be centromere chromosome and start and end positions.
#' @examples
#' require(BiocInstaller)
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' get.cyto()
#' cyto.frame <- get.cyto(bioC=FALSE)
#' prv(cyto.frame)
#' get.cyto(build=36)
get.cyto <- function(build=NULL,dir=NULL,bioC=TRUE,GRanges=TRUE,refresh=FALSE) {
  if(is.null(dir)) { if(any(getOption("save.annot.in.current")<1)) { dir <- NULL } else { dir <- getwd() } }
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(is.null(dir)) {
    local.file <- cat.path("",local.file,suf=build,ext="tar.gz")
  } else { 
    local.file <- cat.path(dir,local.file,suf=build,ext="tar.gz")
  if(!file.exists(local.file) | refresh) {
    golden.path <- paste("http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/",build,"/database/cytoBand.txt.gz",sep="")
    success <- tryCatch( download.file(url=golden.path,local.file,quiet=T),error=function(e) { F } )
    if(is.logical(success)) {
      if(!success) { warning("couldn't reach ucsc website! try sourcing cytoband data elsewhere"); return(NULL) } }
    tt <- reader(local.file,header=FALSE)
    if(is.null(dir)) { unlink(local.file) }
  } else {
    tt <- reader(local.file)
  colnames(tt) <- c("chr","start","end","band","negpos")
  mychr <- gsub("chr","",tt$chr,fixed=T)
  fullbands <- paste(mychr,tt$band,sep="")
  if(bioC ) {
    st <- as.numeric(tt$start)
    en <- as.numeric(tt$end)
   # must.use.package(c("genoset","IRanges"),bioC=T)
    outData <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=st,end=en,names=fullbands),space=mychr,
                          negpos=tt$negpos) #,universe=build[1])
    outData <- toGenomeOrder2(outData) ##,strict=T)
    if(GRanges) { outData <- as(outData,"GRanges") }
  } else {
    outData <- tt 
    if("band" %in% colnames(outData)) {
      ## make 'chr-band' rownames to be consistent with the RangedData object if bioC=T
      rownames(outData) <- fullbands
      #outData <- outData[,-which(colnames(outData) %in% "band")]

#' Get HapMap recombination rates for hg18 (build 36)
#' Recombination rate files can be used to calculate recombination distances
#' for genome locations, in centimorgans. This function downloads these reference
#' files from the hapmap NCBI website. At the time of writing they were only 
#' availble for build 36. If using a more recent build I suggest using the
#' conversion function conv.37.36(), then recomWindow(), then conv.36.37() to 
#' get recombination distances for other builds. If getOption("save.annot.in.current")
#' is <=0 then no files will be kept. Otherwise an object containing this mapping data
#' will be saved in the local directory if dir=NULL, or else in the directory specified.
#' Allowing this reference to be saved will greatly increase the speed of this function
#' for subsequent lookups
#' @param dir character, location to store binary file with the recombination maps for
#' chromosomes 1-22. If NULL then getOption("save.annot.in.current")>=1 will result in
#' this file being stored in the current directory, or if <=0, then this file will not
#' be stored.
#' @param verbose logical, if the binary file is not already downloaded, when verbose
#' is TRUE, there will be some output to the console indicating the progress of the
#' download. If FALSE, all output is suppressed.
#' @param refresh logical, if you already have the binary file in the current directory,
#' this argument will let you re-download and re-generate this file, e.g, if the file
#' is modified or corrupted this will make a new one without having to manually delete it
#' @param compress logical, this argument is passed to 'save' and will result in a larger
#' binary file size, but quicker loading times, so 'FALSE' is recommended for faster retrieval.
#' @export
#' @return Returns a list object of length 22, containing the recombination map files
#' as 22 separate data.frame's.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## not run as it takes roughly 2 minutes to download and read-in ##
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' rec.map <- get.recombination.map(getwd())
#' file.on.disk <- "rrates_genetic_map_chr_1_22_b36.RData"
#' if(file.exists(file.on.disk)) { unlink(file.on.disk) } # remove the downloaded file
#' }
get.recombination.map <- function(dir=NULL,verbose=TRUE,refresh=FALSE, compress=FALSE) {
  n.chr <- 22
#  hap.dir <- "http://hapmap.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/downloads/recombination/latest/rates/"  # deprecated
  hap.dir <- "ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/hapmap/recombination/latest/rates/"
  temp.dir <- "recombinationratesGF13fDR1er119"
  local.file <- "rrates_genetic_map_chr_1_22_b36.RData"
  if(!file.exists(temp.dir)) { dir.create(temp.dir) } 
  if(is.null(dir)) { if(any(getOption("save.annot.in.current")<1)) { dir <- NULL } else { dir <- getwd() } }
  if(!is.null(dir)) {
    local.files <- cat.path(dir,local.files,ext="txt")
    local.file <- cat.path(dir,local.file,ext="RData")
  if(!file.exists(local.file) | refresh) {
    if(verbose) { cat("Downloading recombination data from: ",hap.dir,"\n") }
    hapmap.urls <- cat.path(dir=hap.dir,fn=basename(local.files))
    success <- TRUE
    for (cc in 1:n.chr) {
      success <- tryCatch( download.file(url=hapmap.urls[cc],local.files[cc],quiet=T),error=function(e) { F } )
      if(verbose) { loop.tracker(cc,n.chr*2) }
    if(is.logical(success)) {
      if(!success) { warning("couldn't download at least one of the files from: ",hap.dir); return(NULL) } }
    map.files.list <- vector("list",n.chr)
    for (cc in 1:n.chr) {
      map.files.list[[cc]] <- read.table(local.files[cc],header=TRUE)
      if(is.data.frame(map.files.list[[cc]])) { 
      } else { warning("downloaded map file was corrupt for chr",cc) }
      if(verbose) { loop.tracker(n.chr+cc,n.chr*2) }
    if(file.exists(temp.dir)) { file.remove(temp.dir) }   # delete the temporary directory
  } else {
    map.files.list <- reader(local.file)
  if(!is.null(dir)) { save(map.files.list,file=local.file,compress=compress) }
  if(length(map.files.list)!=n.chr) { stop("Unfortunately the object derived seems corrupted") }
  names(map.files.list) <- paste0("chr",1:n.chr)

#' Get exon names and locations from UCSC
#' Various R packages assist in downloading exonic information but often the input required is 
#' complex, or several lines of code are required to initiate, returning an object that
#' might require some manipulation to be useful. This function simplifies the job 
#' considerably, not necessarily requiring any arguments. The object returned can be
#' a standard data.frame or a bioconductor GRanges/RangedData object. The raw annotation
#' file downloaded will be kept in the working directory so that subsequent calls to
#' this function run very quickly, and also allow use offline.
#' @param dir character, location to store file with the gene annotation.
#' If NULL then getOption("save.annot.in.current")>=1 will result in
#' this file being stored in the current directory, or if <=0, then this file will not
#' be stored.
#' @param build string, currently 'hg18' or 'hg19' to specify which annotation version to use. 
#'  Default is build-36/hg-18. Will also accept integers 36,37 as alternative arguments.
#' @param bioC logical, whether to return the annotation as a ranged S4 object (GRanges or
#' RangedData), or as a data.frame
#' @param transcripts logical, if TRUE, return transcripts rather than exons
#' @param GRanges logical, if TRUE and bioC is also TRUE, then returned object will be GRanges, otherwise
#' it will be RangedData
#' @export
#' @return Returns a data.frame, GRanges or RangedData object, depending on input parameters. Contained
#' will be HGNC gene labels, chromosome, start and end positions, transcript id number and name
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' get.exon.annot()
#' }
get.exon.annot <- function(dir=NULL,build=NULL,bioC=T, transcripts=FALSE, GRanges=TRUE) {
  if(is.null(dir)) { if(any(getOption("save.annot.in.current")<1)) { dir <- NULL } else { dir <- getwd() } }
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  ## load exon annotation (store locally if not there already)
  from.scr <- T
  txt <- if(transcripts) { "trans" } else { "exon" }
  if(!is.null(dir)) {
    dir <- validate.dir.for(dir,"ano")
    ex.fn <- cat.path(dir$ano,pref=txt,"Annot",suf=build,ext="RData")
    if(file.exists(ex.fn)) {
      tS <- reader(ex.fn)
      if(transcripts) {
        if(is(tS)[1]=="data.frame") { from.scr <- F }
      } else {
        if(is(tS)[1]=="GRanges") { from.scr <- F }
 # must.use.package("GenomicFeatures",T)
  if(from.scr) {
    #must.use.package("gage",T) this is where egSymb came from, but is now not needed
    # get transcripts from build table 'knownGene'
    success <- tryCatch(txdb <- suppressWarnings(makeTxDbFromUCSC(genome=build,
                                                         tablename="knownGene"))  ,error=function(e) { F } )
    if(is.logical(success)) { 
      if(!success) {
        warning("Couldn't reach build website! try again later or, \n",
                "if in europe/uk, there may still be a bug in rtracklayer; \n",
                "Installing the latest version of R and bioconductor\n",
                "and running biocLite('rtracklayer'), should fix this")
        return(NULL) }
    if(!transcripts) {
      ex = exonsBy(txdb, by="gene")
      tS <- toGenomeOrder2(unlist(ex),strict=T)
    } else {  
      tS = transcriptsBy(txdb, by="gene")
      #egSymb <- egSymb <- reader("~/github/iChip/egSymb.rda")
      egSymb <- humarray::egSymb
      select <- match(names(tS),egSymb[,1])
      names(tS)[!is.na(select)] <- egSymb[,2][select[!is.na(select)]]
      tS <- as.data.frame(tS)
  if(exists("ex.fn")) { save(tS,file=ex.fn) }
  if(transcripts) {
    chrs <- paste(tS$seqnames); chrs <- gsub("chr","",chrs)
    tS$seqnames <- chrs
    if(all(colnames(tS)==c("element","seqnames","start","end","width","strand","tx_id","tx_name"))) {
      colnames(tS) <- c("gene","chr","start","end","width","strand","txid","txname")
    } else {
      cat(" unexpected colnames found using makeTxDbFrombuild()\n")
      if(bioC) { cat(" therefore returning data.frame instead of RangedData object\n") ;
                 bioC <- F }
    if(bioC) {
      tS <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=tS$start,end=tS$end),
                       space=tS$chr,gene=tS$gene, strand=tS$strand,
                       txid=tS$txid, txname=tS$txname) #,universe=build)
      tS <- toGenomeOrder2(tS,strict=T)
      if(GRanges) { tS <- as(tS,"GRanges") }
  } else {
    rownames(tS) <- paste(1:nrow(tS))
    ei <- mcols(tS)[["exon_id"]]
    ei2 <- add.trail(ei,suffix=strsplit("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","")[[1]])
    mcols(tS)[["exon_name"]] <- ei2
    if(bioC) {
      if(GRanges) {
      } else {
    } else {

#' Get human gene names and locations from biomart
#' Various R packages assist in downloading genomic information but often the input required is 
#' complex, or several lines of code are required to initiate, returning an object that
#' might require some manipulation to be useful. This function simplifies the job 
#' considerably, not necessarily requiring any arguments. The object returned can be
#' a standard data.frame or a bioconductor GRanges/RangedData object. The raw annotation
#' file downloaded will be kept in the working directory so that subsequent calls to
#' this function run very quickly, and also allow use offline.
#' @param dir character, location to store file with the gene annotation.
#' If NULL then getOption("save.annot.in.current")>=1 will result in
#' this file being stored in the current directory, or if <=0, then this file will not
#' be stored.
#' @param build string, currently 'hg18' or 'hg19' to specify which annotation version to use. 
#'  Default is build-36/hg-18. Will also accept integers 36,37 as alternative arguments.
#' @param bioC logical, whether to return the annotation as a ranged S4 object (GRanges or
#' RangedData), or as a data.frame
#' @param duplicate.report logical, whether to provide a report on the genes labels that are listed
#' in more than 1 row - this is because some genes span ranges with substantial gaps within them
#' @param one.to.one logical, as per above, some genes have duplicate entries, sometimes for simplicity
#' you want just one range per gene, if this parameter is set TRUE, one range per gene is enforced,
#' and only the widest range will be kept by default for each unique gene label
#' @param remap.extra logical, whether to remap chromosome annotation for alternative builds and
#' unconnected segments to the closest regular chromosome, e.g, mapping MHC mappings to chromosome 6
#' @param discard.extra logical, similar to above, but if TRUE, then any non-standard chromosome
#' genes will just be discarded
#' @param only.named logical, biomart annotation contains some gene segments without names, if TRUE, then
#' such will not be included in the returned object (note that this will happen also if one.to.one is TRUE)
#' @param ens.id logical, whether to include the ensembl id in the dataframe
#' @param refresh logical, if you already have the file in the current directory,
#' this argument will let you re-download and re-generate this file, e.g, if the file
#' is modified or corrupted this will make a new one without having to manually delete it
#' @param GRanges logical, if TRUE and bioC is also TRUE, then returned object will be GRanges, otherwise
#' it will be RangedData
#' @param host.txt character, the argument to pass to biomaRt::useMart(). Default for build 36 is 
#' 'may2009.archive.ensembl.org', and for build 37, "feb2014.archive.ensembl.org" but for recent builds
#'  the recommended link is 'www.ensembl.org'
#' @export
#' @return Returns a data.frame, GRanges or RangedData object, depending on input parameters. Contained
#' will be HGNC gene labels, chromosome and start and end positions, other information depends on 
#' specific parameters documented above
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' get.gene.annot()
#' }
get.gene.annot <- function(dir=NULL,build=NULL,bioC=TRUE,duplicate.report=FALSE,
                           ens.id=FALSE,refresh=FALSE,GRanges=TRUE, host.txt="") {
  # faster than exon, but only contains whole gene ranges, not transcripts
  # allows report on duplicates as some might be confused as to why some genes
  # have more than one row in the listing (split across ranges usually)
  # run with dir as NULL to refresh changes in COX
  mart.txt <- "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL"
  verbose <- TRUE # hard coded at this stage!!
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(build %in% c("hg15","hg16","hg17")) { stop("older builds, prior to may 2009 are not supported by this function")}
  from.scr <- T
  if(is.null(dir)) { if(any(getOption("save.annot.in.current")<1)) { dir <- NULL } else { dir <- getwd() } }
  if(!is.null(dir)) {
    dir <- validate.dir.for(dir,"ano")
    utxt <- ""; if(one.to.one) { utxt <- "_unq" }
    if(ens.id) { utxt <- paste(utxt,"ens",sep="_") }
    if(only.named) { utxt <- paste(utxt,"onm",sep="_") }
    gn.fn <- cat.path(dir$ano,"geneAnnot",pref=build,suf=utxt,ext="RData")
    if(file.exists(gn.fn) & !refresh) {
      dat <- get(paste(load(gn.fn)))
      from.scr <- F
  # colnames for output
  nm.list <- c("gene","chr","start","end","band")
  if(ens.id & bioC) { warning("ens.id=TRUE only has an effect when bioC=FALSE") }
  if(from.scr) {
    if(build=="hg18") {
      if(all(host.txt=="")) { host.txt <- "may2009.archive.ensembl.org" }
      ens <- biomaRt::useMart(mart.txt,
                              host= host.txt,
    } else {
      if(build=="hg19") {
        if(all(host.txt=="")) { host.txt <- "feb2014.archive.ensembl.org" }
        ens <- biomaRt::useMart(mart.txt,
                                host= host.txt,
      } else {
        # whatever the current mart is
        if(all(host.txt=="")) { host.txt <- "www.ensembl.org" }
        ens <- biomaRt::useMart(mart.txt,host=host.txt)
    ens <- biomaRt::useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl",mart=ens)
    attr.list <- c("hgnc_symbol", "chromosome_name",
                   "start_position", "end_position", "band")
    if(ens.id) { attr.list <- c(attr.list,"ensembl_gene_id") }
    #    if(only.named & !ens.id & build=="hg18") {
    #      egSymb <- reader("~/github/iChip/egSymb.rda") # this is a hg18 list!
    #      dat <- biomaRt::getBM(attributes = attr.list, filters = "hgnc_symbol",
    #                   values = egSymb[,2], mart = ens)
    #    } else {
    dat <- biomaRt::getBM(attributes = attr.list, mart = ens)
    #    }
    if(exists("gn.fn")) { save(dat,file=gn.fn) }
  if(ens.id) { nm.list <- c(nm.list,"ens.id") }
  no.gene.names <- which(paste(dat[[1]])=="")
  if((one.to.one | (only.named & !ens.id)) & length(no.gene.names)>0) { dat <- dat[-no.gene.names,] }
  if(remap.extra) {
    dat$chromosome_name <- tidy.extra.chr(dat$chromosome_name)
    #dat$chromosome_name[grep("c6",dat$chromosome_name,ignore.case=T)] <- 6  # prevent issues with c6_COX, c6_QBL  
    #dat$chromosome_name[grep("c5",dat$chromosome_name,ignore.case=T)] <- 5  # prevent issues with c5_H2  
    #dat$chromosome_name[grep("NT",dat$chromosome_name,ignore.case=T)] <- "Z_NT"  # merge all NT regions to one label
  if(discard.extra) {
    ## http://www.lrg-sequence.org/ ##
    # note that if remapping is already done, then these won't be discarded unless remapping failed
    tt <- tidy.extra.chr(dat$chromosome_name,select=TRUE)
    badz <- which(!tt)
    if(length(badz)>0) { dat <- dat[-badz,] } # remove LRG, GS, HG, NT, COX, etc annotation from set
  if(bioC) {
    missin <- function(x) { is.na(x) | (x=="") | x=="NA" }
  #  keep <- rep(T,nrow(dat))
    stz <- dat$start_position; enz <- dat$end_position
    whichmis <- missin(stz) | missin(enz)
    if(any(whichmis)) { dat <- dat[!whichmis,]; warning("some start/end positions were missing") }
    stz <- dat$start_position; enz <- dat$end_position
    if(any(stz>enz)) { mm <- stz>enz; prv(cbind(stz,enz)[mm,]); tmp <- stz; stz[mm] <- enz[mm]; enz[mm] <- tmp[mm]; warning("some start positions were after end positions (swapped these)") }
    dat$start_position <- stz; dat$end_position <- enz
#    bad1s <- NULL
#    for (jj in 1:22) { ii <- ga[ga$chr==jj,"end"]>get.chr.lens()[jj]; if(any(ii)) { bad1s <- c(bad1s,which(ga$chr==jj)[ii]) } }
#    if(length(bad1s)>0) { dat <- dat[-bad1s,] ; warning(length(bad1s)," gene positions exceeded chromosome length") }
    outData <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=dat$start_position,end=dat$end_position),
                          space=dat$chromosome_name,gene=dat$hgnc_symbol, band=dat$band) #, universe=build)
    outData <- toGenomeOrder2(outData,strict=T)
    if(duplicate.report | one.to.one) {
      genez <- outData$gene
      dG <- which(duplicated(genez))
      if(!duplicate.report) {
        dup.genes <- genez[dG]
      } else {
        dup.genes <- gene.duplicate.report(outData)
      stz <- start(outData); enz <- end(outData); wdz <- width(outData)
      to.del <- to.ch <- ch.st <- ch.en <- NULL
      n.dup <- length(dup.genes)
      if(one.to.one & n.dup>0) {
        indz <- sapply(as.list(unique(dup.genes)),function(X) { which(genez %in% X) })
        # keep the range that is widest
        st.en <- lapply(indz,function(X) { c(stz[X][wdz[X]==max(wdz[X])][1],enz[X][wdz[X]==max(wdz[X])][1]) } )
        to.del <- dG
        to.ch <- sapply(indz,min,na.rm=T)
        ch.st <- sapply(st.en,"[",1) 
        ch.en <- sapply(st.en,"[",2) 
        start(outData)[to.ch] <- 1
        end(outData)[to.ch] <- ch.en 
        start(outData)[to.ch] <- ch.st 
        outData <- outData[-to.del,]
        if(verbose) { warning(cat("kept widest ranges, merging",length(to.del)+length(to.ch),"duplicate gene labels to",length(to.ch),"labels\n")) }
      } else {
        #cat("no dups found")
      # but haven't done anything about them or removed them! 
    if(GRanges) { outData <- as(outData, "GRanges") }
  } else {
    outData <- dat; colnames(outData) <- nm.list

#' Derive Telomere locations across the genome
#' Returns the locations of telomeres in the human genome, for a given build, as
#' a list by chromosome, text vector, or GRanges/RangedData object.
#' @param dir character, location to store file with the this annotation.
#' If NULL then getOption("save.annot.in.current")>=1 will result in
#' this file being stored in the current directory, or if <=0, then this file will not
#' be stored.
#' @param kb The number of base pairs at the start and end of a chromosome that are defined as
#' belonging to the telomere can be a little arbitrary. This argument allows specification
#' of whatever threshold is required.
#' @param build string, currently 'hg18' or 'hg19' to specify which annotation version to use. 
#'  Default is build-36/hg-18. Will also accept integers 36,37 as alternative arguments.
#' @param bioC logical, whether to return the annotation as a ranged S4 object (GRanges or
#' RangedData), or as a data.frame
#' @param GRanges logical, whether to return a GRanges object, or FALSE to return RangedData
#' @param text logical, whether to return locations as a text vector of the form: chrN:xxxx-xxxx
#' @param autosomes logical, if TRUE, only return results for autosomes, if FALSE, also include
#' X and Y.
#' @param mito.zeros logical, Mitochondria have no telomeres (are circular) but for some purposes you
#' might want zero values in order to match with other annotation that includes all chromosomes and MT.
#' TRUE adds zeros for chrMT, and FALSE excludes chrMT.
#' @export
#' @return Returns a text vector, GRanges or RangedData object, depending on input parameters. Contained
#' will be telomere chromosome and start and end positions.
#' @examples
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' get.telomere.locs()
#' get.telomere.locs(bioC=FALSE)
#' get.telomere.locs(text=TRUE)
get.telomere.locs <- function(dir=NULL,kb=10,build=NULL,bioC=TRUE,GRanges=TRUE,
  # the actual telomeres are typically about 10kb, but
  # for cnv-QC purposes want to exclude a larger region like 500kb
  # Mt have no telomeres, are circular, but for some purposes might want zero values in there
  if(is.null(dir)) { if(any(getOption("save.annot.in.current")<1)) { dir <- NULL } else { dir <- getwd() } }
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  chr.lens <- get.chr.lens(dir=dir,build=build[1],autosomes=FALSE,mito=mito.zeros)
  n <- 1:22; if(!autosomes) { n <- c(n,"X","Y") } # Mt have no telomeres, are circular
  nchr <- length(n) #default
  if(mito.zeros) { n <- c(n,"M") }
  my.chr.range <- vector("list",length(n))
  names(my.chr.range) <- paste("chr",n,sep="")
  for (cc in 1:nchr) {
    one <- force.chr.pos(Pos=c(1,kb*1000),Chr=cc,build=build) # f..c..pos() makes sure is a valid range
    two <- force.chr.pos(Pos=chr.lens[cc]+c(-kb*1000,0),Chr=cc,build=build)
    my.chr.range[[cc]] <- list(start=c(one[1],two[1]),end=c(one[2],two[2]))
  if(mito.zeros) {
    # add null values for the Mitochondrial chromosome
    cc <- cc+1; one <- c(1,1);  two <- chr.lens[cc]+c(0,0)
    my.chr.range[[cc]] <- list(start=c(one[1],two[1]),end=c(one[2],two[2]))
  reg.dat <- rep("telomere",length(n)*2)
  chrz <- rep(n,each=2)
  nmz <- paste(reg.dat,chrz,rep(c("a","b"),times=length(n)),sep="_")
  stz <- as.vector(sapply(my.chr.range,"[[",1))
  enz <- as.vector(sapply(my.chr.range,"[[",2))
  if(bioC | text) {
    outData <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=stz,end=enz,names=nmz),space=chrz,
                          reg=reg.dat) #,universe=build[1])
    outData <- toGenomeOrder2(outData,strict=T)
    if(text) { outData <- ranged.to.txt(outData) } else { if(GRanges) { outData <- as(outData,"GRanges") } }
  } else {
    outData <- my.chr.range 

#' Get chromosome lengths from build database
#' Quick and easy way to retrieve human chromosome lengths. Can select from hg18/hg19 (ie, 
#'  build 36/37), or any future builds (hg20, etc) stored in the same location on the build website.
#'  Default is to return lengths for 22 autosomes, but can also retrieve X,Y 
#'  and Mitochondrial DNA lengths by 'autosomes=FALSE' or n=1:25. Even if not connected to 
#'  the internet can retrieve hard coded lengths for hg18 or hg19.
#' @param dir directory to retrieve/download the annotation from/to (defaults to current getwd())
#'  if dir is NULL then will automatically delete the annotation text file from the local directory
#'   after downloading
#' @param build string, currently 'hg17','hg18' or 'hg19' to specify which annotation version to use. 
#'  Default is getOption("ucsc"). Will also accept integers 17,18,19,35,36,37 as alternative arguments.
#' @param autosomes logical, if TRUE, only load the lengths for the 22 autosomes, else load X,Y,[MT] as well
#' @param len.fn optional file name to keep the lengths in
#' @param mito logical, whether to include the length of the mitochondrial DNA (will not include unless
#'  autosomes is also FALSE)
#' @param names logical, whether to name the chromosomes in the resulting vector
#' @param delete.after logical, if TRUE then delete the text file that these lengths were downloaded to. 
#' @param verbose logical, if TRUE display extra information on progress of chromsome retrieval
#'  If FALSE, then the file will be kept, meaning future lookups will be faster, and available offline.
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  setwd(tempdir())
#'  get.chr.lens(delete.after=TRUE) # delete.after simply deletes the downloaded txt file after reading
#'  get.chr.lens(build=35,autosomes=TRUE,delete.after=TRUE) # only for autosomes
#'  get.chr.lens(build="hg19",mito=TRUE,delete.after=TRUE) # include mitochondrial DNA length
get.chr.lens <- function(dir=NULL,build=NULL,autosomes=FALSE,len.fn="humanChrLens.txt",
                         mito=FALSE,names=FALSE, delete.after=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
  # retrieve chromosome lengths from local annotation file, else download from build
  if(is.null(dir)) { if(any(getOption("save.annot.in.current")<1)) { dir <- NULL } else { dir <- getwd() } }
  if(is.null(dir)) { dir <- getwd() ; delete.after <- TRUE }
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  dir <- validate.dir.for(dir,c("ano"),warn=F)
  chrlens.f <- cat.path(dir$ano,len.fn) # existing or future lengths file
  n <- 1:22; if(!autosomes) { n <- c(n,"X","Y","M") }
  hg18.backup <- c(247249719,242951149,199501827,191273063,180857866,170899992,158821424,
  hg19.backup <- c(249250621,243199373,198022430,191154276,180915260,171115067,159138663,
  hg38.backup <- c(248956422,242193529,198295559,190214555,181538259,170805979,159345973,
  # backups for offline use
  if(build=="hg18") { 
    offline.backup <- hg18.backup 
  } else {
    if(build=="hg19") {
      offline.backup <- hg19.backup 
    } else {
      offline.backup <- hg38.backup 
    # file seems to be in annotation directory already
    chrLens <- readLines(chrlens.f)
    if (length(chrLens)!=length(n))
      #warning("Length of existing chromosome file didn't match expected:",length(n))
      notGot <- T
    } else {
      notGot <- F
      # we have the right length, but do we have the right version?
      if(build=="hg18" & ( length(which(chrLens %in% hg38.backup))>2 | length(which(chrLens %in% hg19.backup))>2) ) { notGot <- T }
      if(build=="hg19" & ( length(which(chrLens %in% hg18.backup))>2 | length(which(chrLens %in% hg38.backup))>2) ) { notGot <- T }
      if(build=="hg38" & ( length(which(chrLens %in% hg18.backup))>2 | length(which(chrLens %in% hg19.backup))>2) ) { notGot <- T }
      names(chrLens) <- paste0("chr",n)
  } else { notGot <- T }
  if (notGot | (!build %in% c("hg18","hg19","hg38"))) {
    #download from build
    if(verbose) { cat("attempting to download chromosome lengths from genome build ... ") }
    urL <- switch(build,
    success <- T
    success <- tryCatch(download.file(urL, chrlens.f,quiet=T),error=function(e) { F } )
    if(!is.logical(success)) { success <- T }
    if(success) {
      if(verbose) {  cat("download successful\n") }
      chrL.f <- readLines(chrlens.f)
      len.lst <- strsplit(chrL.f,"\t")
      nmz <- sapply(len.lst,"[",1)
      lnz <- sapply(len.lst,"[",2)
      nnn <- paste0("chr",n)
      want.chr.names <- match(nnn,nmz)
      want.chr.names <- want.chr.names[!is.na(want.chr.names)]
      chrLens <- lnz[want.chr.names]
      names(chrLens) <- nnn
    } else {
      warning("couldn't reach build website, so have used offline versions of chr lengths")
      if(!build %in% c("hg18","hg19","hg38")) { warning("no offline version for build version:",build) }
      chrLens <- paste(offline.backup)[1:length(n)]; names(chrLens) <- paste0("chr",n)
      delete.after <- F
    if(length(dir)==1 & dir[1]=="" & delete.after) {
    } else {
      writeLines(chrLens,con=chrlens.f) # save file for future use
  if(!mito & length(chrLens)>22) { chrLens <- chrLens[-grep("M",n)] }
  if(names) {
  } else {

#' Obtain a listing of known T1D associated genomic regions
#' Deprecated as this data is no longer available online
#' This function uses a full list of ichip dense regions combined with a list of t1d
#' SNPs to get the t1d regions. For type 1 diabetes researchers.
#' @param dense.reg GRanges or RangedData object, only use if you need to provide for a
#' build other than 36 or 37 (hg18/hg19).
#' @param build e.g, 36/hg18 or 37/hg19, if left as NULL current getOption('ucsc') will
#' be used.
#' @param invert logical, set to TRUE if you wish to get the set of NON-T1D regions.
#' @return a GRanges object with the specified type 1 diabetes (or inverse) ranges
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # t1d.reg <- get.t1d.regions()
#' # non.t1d <- get.t1d.regions(build=36,invert=TRUE)
#' }
get.t1d.regions <- function(dense.reg=NULL,build=NULL,invert=FALSE) {
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  def.build <- getOption("ucsc")
  if(is.null(dense.reg)) { 
    #dense.reg <- reader("~/github/iChip/iChipFineMappingRegionsB36.RData") 
    dense.reg <- humarray::iChipRegionsB36
    if(build!="hg18") {
      if(build=="hg19") { 
        dense.reg <- conv.36.37(dense.reg) 
      } else { 
        if(build=="hg38") {
          dense.reg <- conv.37.38(conv.36.37(dense.reg))
        } else {
          stop("automatic loading for dense regions is only supported for builds 36, 37 or 38") 
  if(is(dense.reg)[1]=="GRanges") { dense.reg <- as(dense.reg,"RangedData") }
  if(!is(dense.reg)[1]=="RangedData") { stop("dense.reg must be RangedData or GRanges") }
  ichip.regions <- dense.reg
  rs.ids <- get.immunobase.snps()
  locs <- Pos(rs.ids); chrs <- Chr(rs.ids)
  good <- !is.na(locs) & !is.na(chrs)
  locs <- locs[good]; chrs <- chrs[good]
  if(build!=def.build) {
    if(!all(c(build,def.build) %in% c("hg18","hg19"))) {
      stop("if build is not equal to getOption('ucsc') then build and this getOption('ucsc')",
           " parameter must both be equivalent to either hg18 or hg19. To use build 38,
           first set 'options(ucsc=38)'") 
    if(build=="hg18") {
      locs <- conv.37.36(chr=chrs,pos=locs)[,"start"]
    } else {
      locs <- conv.36.37(chr=chrs,pos=locs)[,"start"]
  t1dgr <- makeGRanges(chr=chrs,pos=locs,build=build)
  t1d.regions <- suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(set.chr.to.numeric(as(ichip.regions,"GRanges")),t1dgr))
  #  t1dgr <- as(makeGRanges(chr=chrs,pos=locs,build=build),"RangedData")
  #  t1d.regions <- find.overlaps(ichip.regions,ref=t1dgr,thresh=0.000000000001,ranges.out=TRUE)
  if(invert) { t1d.regions <- invGRanges(t1d.regions,build=build) }

#' Obtain subset of ranged object overlapping known T1D associated genomic regions
#' Return subset of a ranged object that overlaps ichip dense mapped regions. For type 1 diabetes
#' and autoimmune disesase researchers.
#' @param X GRanges or RangedData object, ranged object for which you want the T1D subset
#' of ranges/SNPs.
#' @param ichip.regions GRanges or RangedData object, only use if you need to provide for a
#' build other than 36 or 37 (hg18/hg19), or for multiple lookups to avoid reloading each time
#' @param T1D.regions GRanges or RangedData object, only use if you need to provide for a
#' build other than 36 or 37 (hg18/hg19), or for multiple lookups to avoid reloading each time.
#' @param build e.g, 36/hg18 or 37/hg19, if left as NULL current getOption('ucsc') will
#' be used.
#' @param T1D.only logical, standard is to return type 1 diabetes (T1D) regions subset, but
#' if this parameter is set to FALSE, will return the subset for all 12 autoimmune diseases
#' mapped by the ImmunoChip consortium. (Cortes and Brown, 2010).
#' @param invert logical, set to TRUE if you wish to get the set of NON-T1D regions, or
#' non-immune dense regions when T1D.only=FALSE.
#' @return a GRanges object with the specified type 1 diabetes/autoimmune (or inverse) ranges
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # all.reg <- rranges(10000)
#' # t1d <- get.t1d.subset(all.reg) # T1D regions
#' # non.autoimmune <- get.t1d.subset(T1D.only=FALSE,build=36,invert=TRUE) # non-autoimmune regions
#' }
get.t1d.subset <- function(X,T1D.only=TRUE,build=NULL,ichip.regions=NULL,T1D.regions=NULL,invert=FALSE) {
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(is.null(ichip.regions)) {
    #ichip.regions <- reader("~/github/iChip/iChipFineMappingRegionsB36.RData")
    ichip.regions <- humarray::iChipRegionsB36
  if(T1D.only) {
    if(is.null(T1D.regions)) {
      T1D.regions <- get.t1d.regions(ichip.regions,build=build,invert=invert)
    #T1D.regions <- as(T1D.regions,"RangedData")
    filt.sd <- suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(set.chr.to.numeric(as(X,"GRanges")),set.chr.to.numeric(as(T1D.regions,"GRanges"))))
    #filt.sd <- find.overlaps(X,ref=T1D.regions,thresh=0.000000000000001,ranges.out=TRUE)
  } else {
#    filt.sd <- find.overlaps(X,ref=ichip.regions,thresh=0.000000000000001,ranges.out=TRUE)
    if(invert) { ichip.regions <- invGRanges(ichip.regions,build=build) }
    filt.sd <- suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(set.chr.to.numeric(as(X,"GRanges")),set.chr.to.numeric(as(ichip.regions,"GRanges"))))

#' Obtain subset of ranged object overlapping human genes
#' Return subset of a ranged object that overlaps human genes (or custom ranges/exons).
#' A wrapper for subsetByOverlaps that tries to ensure equivalent builds and chromosome
#' labelling are taken care of automatically, and provides the default case of genic subsetting
#' where no explicit ref parameter is required.
#' @param X GRanges or RangedData object, ranged object for which you want the genic subset
#' of ranges/SNPs.
#' @param ref GRanges or RangedData object, only use if you need to provide for a
#' build other than 36 or 37 (hg18/hg19), or to use this function for another reference set,
#' for instance you could provide an object with exons
#' @param build e.g, 36/hg18 or 37/hg19, if left as NULL current getOption('ucsc') will
#' be used.
#' @return a GRanges object with the specified genic (or custom) ranges
#' @seealso \code{\link{get.gene.annot}}, \code{\link{get.exon.annot}}, \code{\link{subsetByOverlaps}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # all.reg <- rranges(1000) # random set of 1000 regions
#' # genic <- get.genic.subset(all.reg) # gene regions from the random set
#' # exonic <- get.genic.subset(all.reg,ref=get.exon.annot()) # exonic regions from the random set
#' }
get.genic.subset <- function(X,ref=NULL,build=NULL) {
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(!is(ref)[1] %in% c("RangedData","GRanges")) {
    if(!is.null(ref)) { warning("ref was not GRanges or RangedData, so reverted to get.gene.annot()") }
    ref <- get.gene.annot(build=build)
  #if(!is.character(DB)) { stop() }
  #if(!DB %in% c("gene","exon"))
  #filt.sd <- find.overlaps(X,db=DB,thresh=0.00000000000001,ranges.out=TRUE,...)
  filt.sd <- suppressWarnings(subsetByOverlaps(set.chr.to.numeric(as(X,"GRanges")),set.chr.to.numeric(as(ref,"GRanges"))))

################## end annotation ##########################

## Ranged Functions ##

#' Wrapper to construct GRanges object from chr,pos or chr,start,end
#' Slightly simplifies the creation of a GRanges object, allowing flexible input of
#' chr, pos, or chr,start,end, and specification of rownames and the 'genome' parameter
#' for specifying the build/coordinate type, e.g, hg18, build 37, etc. Designed for
#' a simplified GRanges object without metadata, and where the 'strand' data is of
#' no interest, so if strand/metadata is to be used, use the original GRanges() constructor.
#' @param chr character, an optional vector of chromosomes to combine with 'pos' or 'start'+'end'
#' (enter in ...) to describe positions for the GRanges object
#' @param pos integer/numeric, for SNPs, can enter positions just once in 'pos' instead of 
#' entering the same value for start and end
#' @param build character, "hg18" or "hg19" (or 36/37) to show which reference to retrieve. The 
#' default when build is NULL is to use the build from the current ChipInfo annotation
#' @param start integer/numeric, specify the start position of ranges to encode in the new
#' GRanges object, alongside 'end' (do not use 'pos' if using start+end)
#' @param end integer/numeric, specify the end position of ranges to encode in the new
#' GRanges object, alongside 'start' (do not use 'pos' if using start+end)
#' @param row.names character, rownames for the output object, e.g, unique IDs describing the 
#' ranges
#' @param ... further arguments to df.to.GRanges, such as 'fill.missing'
#' @return Returns a GRanges object with the ranges, build and rownames specified. Rownames
#' will be 1:nrow if the 'row.names' parameter is empty. The strand information will default
#' to '+' for all entries, and the metadata will be empty (this function is only for creation
#' of a very basic GRanges object).
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Chr}}, \code{\link{Pos}}, \code{\link{Pos.gene}}, \code{\link{Band}},
#'  \code{\link{Band.gene}}, \code{\link{Band.pos}}, \code{\link{Gene.pos}}, \code{zlink{df.to.GRanges}}
#' @examples
#' g1 <- makeGRanges(chr=c(1,4,"X"),pos=c(132432,434342,232222))
#' g2 <- makeGRanges(chr=c(22,21,21),start=c(1,1,1),end=c(1000,10000,100000),
#'                                               row.names=c("1K","10K","100K"))
#' g1 ; g2
makeGRanges <- function(chr,pos=NULL,start=NULL,end=NULL,row.names=NULL,build=NULL,...) {
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(is.null(start) & is.null(end) & !is.null(pos)) {
    dF <- cbind(paste(chr),round(as.numeric(pos)))
  } else {
    if(!is.null(start) & !is.null(end) & is.null(pos)) {
      pos <- cbind(round(as.numeric(start)),round(as.numeric(end)))
      dF <- cbind(paste(chr),pos) 
    } else {
      stop("must use either 'pos' or 'start' and 'end'")
  #prv(paste(row.names)); prv(dF)
  if(is.character(row.names)) { if(length(row.names)==nrow(dF)) { rownames(dF) <- row.names } else { warning("row.names had an incorrect length")} }
  if(!any(Dim(pos)==length(chr))) { stop("chr and pos must be of the same length") }
  if(length(Dim(pos))>1) { 
    if(!ncol(pos) %in% c(1,2)) { 
      stop("pos must be a vector of SNP locations, or a 2-column object with start and end coordinates") 
    } else {
      if(ncol(pos)==2) {
        if(any(pos[,2]<pos[,1])) { warning("end coordinates should be equal or greater than start coordinates") }
  if(ncol(dF)==3) { 
    colnames(dF) <- c("chr","start","end") } else { colnames(dF) <- c("chr","pos") }
  ranged <- df.to.GRanges(dF,start=colnames(dF)[2],end=tail(colnames(dF),1),build=build,...) 
  if(!any(rownames(ranged) %in% row.names)) {
    if(is.character(row.names)){ if(length(row.names)==nrow(ranged)) { rownames(ranged) <- row.names }}

#' Convert from build 37 to build 36 SNP coordinates
#' Convert range or SNP coordinates between builds using a chain file. Depending on the chain file
#' this can do any conversion, but the default will use the hg19 to hg18 (37-->36) chain file
#' built into this package. The positions to convert can be entered using using chr, pos vectors,
#'  or a RangedData or GRanges object. This function is a wrapper for liftOver() from rtracklayer,
#' providing more control of input and output and 'defensive' preservation of order and length
#' of the output versus the input ranges/SNPs. 
#' @param chr character, an optional vector of chromosomes to combine with 'pos' to describe
#'  positions to convert from build hg19 to hg18
#' @param pos integer, an optional vector of chromosome positions (for SNPs), no need to enter
#' a ranges object if this is provided along with 'chr'
#' @param ranges optional GRanges or RangedData object describing positions for which conversion
#' should be performed. No need to enter chr, pos if using ranges
#' @param ids if the ranges have ids (e.g, SNP ids, CNV ids), then by including this parameter
#' when using chr, pos input, the output object will have these ids as rownames. For ranges input
#' these ids would already be in the rownames of the GRanges or RangedData object, so use of
#' this parameter should be unnecessary
#' @param ... additional arguments to makeGRanges(), so in other words, can use 'start' and
#' 'end' to specify ranges instead of 'pos'.
#' @return Returns positions converted from build 37 to 36. If using the 'ranges' parameter 
#' for position input, the object returned will be of the same format. If using chr and pos 
#' to input, then the object returned will be a data.frame with columns, chr and pos with 
#' rownames 'ids'. Output will be the same length as the input, which is not necessarily the
#'  case for liftOver() which does the core part of this conversion. Using vector or GRanges 
#'  input will give a resulting data.frame or GRanges object respectively that has the same
#'  order of rownames as the original input. Using RangedData will result in an output that
#'   is sorted by genome order, regardless of the original order.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{conv.36.37}}, \code{\link{conv.37.38}}, 
#' \code{\link{conv.38.37}}, \code{\link{convTo37}}, \code{\link{convTo36}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' gene.labs <- c("CTLA4","IL2RA","HLA-C")
#' pp <- Pos.gene(gene.labs,build=37)
#' gg <- GRanges(ranges=IRanges(start=pp$start,end=pp$end),seqnames=pp$chr)
#' conv.37.36(gg) # order of output is preserved   ### HERE!!! ###
#' rr <- as(gg,"RangedData")
#' conv.37.36(rr) # note the result is same as GRanges, but in genome order
#' }
conv.37.36 <- function(ranges=NULL,chr=NULL,pos=NULL,...,ids=NULL) {
  #chain.file <- "~/github/iChip/hg19ToHg18.over.chain"
  #chain.file <- system.file("extdata", "hg19ToHg18.over.chain", package="humarray")
  chain.file <- humarray::hg19ToHg18

#' Convert from build 38 to build 37 SNP coordinates
#' Convert range or SNP coordinates between builds using a chain file. Depending on the chain file
#' this can do any conversion, but the default will use the hg38 to hg19 (38-->37) chain file
#' built into this package. The positions to convert can be entered using using chr, pos vectors,
#'  or a RangedData or GRanges object. This function is a wrapper for liftOver() from rtracklayer,
#' providing more control of input and output and 'defensive' preservation of order and length
#' of the output versus the input ranges/SNPs. 
#' @param chr character, an optional vector of chromosomes to combine with 'pos' to describe
#'  positions to convert from build hg38 to hg19
#' @param pos integer, an optional vector of chromosome positions (for SNPs), no need to enter
#' a ranges object if this is provided along with 'chr'
#' @param ranges optional GRanges or RangedData object describing positions for which conversion
#' should be performed. No need to enter chr, pos if using ranges
#' @param ids if the ranges have ids (e.g, SNP ids, CNV ids), then by including this parameter
#' when using chr, pos input, the output object will have these ids as rownames. For ranges input
#' these ids would already be in the rownames of the GRanges or RangedData object, so use of
#' this parameter should be unnecessary
#' @param ... additional arguments to makeGRanges(), so in other words, can use 'start' and
#' 'end' to specify ranges instead of 'pos'.
#' @return Returns positions converted from build 38 to 37. If using the 'ranges' parameter 
#' for position input, the object returned will be of the same format. If using chr and pos 
#' to input, then the object returned will be a data.frame with columns, chr and pos with 
#' rownames 'ids'. Output will be the same length as the input, which is not necessarily the
#'  case for liftOver() which does the core part of this conversion. Using vector or GRanges 
#'  input will give a resulting data.frame or GRanges object respectively that has the same
#'  order of rownames as the original input. Using RangedData will result in an output that
#'   is sorted by genome order, regardless of the original order.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{conv.36.37}}, \code{\link{conv.37.36}}, 
#' \code{\link{conv.37.38}}, \code{\link{convTo37}}, \code{\link{convTo36}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' gene.labs <- c("CTLA4","IL2RA","HLA-C")
#' pp <- Pos.gene(gene.labs,build=38)
#' gg <- GRanges(ranges=IRanges(start=pp$start,end=pp$end),seqnames=pp$chr)
#' conv.38.37(gg) # order of output is preserved   ### HERE!!! ###
#' rr <- as(gg,"RangedData")
#' conv.38.37(rr) # note the result is same as GRanges, but in genome order
#' }
conv.38.37 <- function(ranges=NULL,chr=NULL,pos=NULL,...,ids=NULL) {
  #chain.file <- "~/github/iChip/hg38ToHg19.over.chain"
  #chain.file <- humarray::hg38ToHg19.over.chain
  #chain.file <- system.file("extdata", "hg38ToHg19.over.chain", package="humarray")
  chain.file <- humarray::hg38ToHg19

#' Convert from build 37 to build 38 SNP coordinates
#' Convert range or SNP coordinates between builds using a chain file. Depending on the chain file
#' this can do any conversion, but the default will use the hg19 to hg38 (37-->38) chain file
#' built into this package. The positions to convert can be entered using using chr, pos vectors,
#'  or a RangedData or GRanges object. This function is a wrapper for liftOver() from rtracklayer,
#' providing more control of input and output and 'defensive' preservation of order and length
#' of the output versus the input ranges/SNPs. 
#' @param chr character, an optional vector of chromosomes to combine with 'pos' to describe
#'  positions to convert from build hg19 to hg38
#' @param pos integer, an optional vector of chromosome positions (for SNPs), no need to enter
#' a ranges object if this is provided along with 'chr'
#' @param ranges optional GRanges or RangedData object describing positions for which conversion
#' should be performed. No need to enter chr, pos if using ranges
#' @param ids if the ranges have ids (e.g, SNP ids, CNV ids), then by including this parameter
#' when using chr, pos input, the output object will have these ids as rownames. For ranges input
#' these ids would already be in the rownames of the GRanges or RangedData object, so use of
#' this parameter should be unnecessary
#' @param ... additional arguments to makeGRanges(), so in other words, can use 'start' and
#' 'end' to specify ranges instead of 'pos'.
#' @return Returns positions converted from build 37 to 38. If using the 'ranges' parameter 
#' for position input, the object returned will be of the same format. If using chr and pos 
#' to input, then the object returned will be a data.frame with columns, chr and pos with 
#' rownames 'ids'. Output will be the same length as the input, which is not necessarily the
#'  case for liftOver() which does the core part of this conversion. Using vector or GRanges 
#'  input will give a resulting data.frame or GRanges object respectively that has the same
#'  order of rownames as the original input. Using RangedData will result in an output that
#'   is sorted by genome order, regardless of the original order.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{conv.36.37}}, \code{\link{conv.37.36}}, 
#' \code{\link{conv.37.38}}, \code{\link{convTo37}}, \code{\link{convTo36}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' gene.labs <- c("CTLA4","IL2RA","HLA-C")
#' pp <- Pos.gene(gene.labs,build=37)
#' gg <- GRanges(ranges=IRanges(start=pp$start,end=pp$end),seqnames=pp$chr)
#' conv.37.38(gg) # order of output is preserved   ### HERE!!! ###
#' rr <- as(gg,"RangedData")
#' conv.37.38(rr) # note the result is same as GRanges, but in genome order
#' }
conv.37.38 <- function(ranges=NULL,chr=NULL,pos=NULL,...,ids=NULL) {
  #chain.file <- "~/github/iChip/hg19ToHg38.over.chain"
  #chain.file <- humarray::hg19ToHg38.over.chain
  #chain.file <- system.file("extdata", "hg19ToHg38.over.chain", package="humarray")
  chain.file <- humarray::hg19ToHg38

#' Convert from build 36 to build 37 SNP coordinates
#' Convert range or SNP coordinates between builds using a chain file. Depending on the chain file
#' this can do any conversion, but the default will use the hg18 to hg19 (36-->37) chain file
#' built into this package. The positions to convert can be entered using using chr, pos vectors,
#'  or a RangedData or GRanges object. This function is a wrapper for liftOver() from rtracklayer,
#' providing more control of input and output and 'defensive' preservation of order and length
#' of the output versus the input ranges/SNPs. 
#' @param chr character, an optional vector of chromosomes to combine with 'pos' to describe
#'  positions to convert to an alternative build
#' @param pos integer, an optional vector of chromosome positions (for SNPs), no need to enter
#' a ranges object if this is provided along with 'chr'
#' @param ranges optional GRanges or RangedData object describing positions for which conversion
#' should be performed. No need to enter chr, pos if using ranges
#' @param ids if the ranges have ids (e.g, SNP ids, CNV ids), then by including this parameter
#' when using chr, pos input, the output object will have these ids as rownames. For ranges input
#' these ids would already be in the rownames of the GRanges or RangedData object, so use of
#' this parameter should be unnecessary
#' @param chain.file character, a file location for the liftOver chain file to use for the
#' conversion. If this argument is left NULL the default UCSC file that converts from hg18
#' to hg19 will be used. Can also use a 'Chain' object from rtracklayer created using
#' import.chain(). Alternate chain files for other conversions are available from
#' http://crossmap.sourceforge.net/, and you could also customize these or create your own.
#' So this function can be used for conversion between any in-out build combination, using
#' this argument, not just 36--37.
#' @param include.cols logical, whether to include any extra columns (e.g, in addition to positional
#' information) in the output object.
#' @param ... additional arguments to makeGRanges(), so in other words, can use 'start' and
#' 'end' to specify ranges instead of 'pos'.
#' @return Returns positions converted from build 36 to 37 (or equivalent for alternative chain 
#' files). If using the 'ranges' parameter for position input, the object returned will be of
#' the same format. If using chr and pos to input, then the object returned will be a data.frame
#' with columns, chr and pos with rownames 'ids'. Output will be the same length as the input,
#' which is not necessarily the case for liftOver() which does the core part of this conversion.
#' Using vector or GRanges input will give a resulting data.frame or GRanges object respectively
#' that has the same order of rownames as the original input. Using RangedData will result in an
#' output that is sorted by genome order, regardless of the original order. If ranges has no
#' rownames, or if 'ids' is blank when using chr, pos, ids of the form rngXXXX will be generated
#' in order to preserve the original ordering of locations.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{conv.37.36}}, \code{\link{conv.37.38}},
#'  \code{\link{conv.38.37}}, \code{\link{convTo37}}, \code{\link{convTo36}}
#' @references http://crossmap.sourceforge.net/
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # various chain files downloadable from http://crossmap.sourceforge.net/ #
#' options(ucsc="hg18")
#' gene.labs <- c("CTLA4","IL2RA","HLA-C")
#' snp.ids <- c("rs3842724","rs9729550","rs1815606","rs114582555","rs1240708","rs6603785")
#' pp <- Pos(snp.ids); cc <- Chr(snp.ids)
#' conv.36.37(chr=cc,pos=pp,ids=snp.ids)
#' pp <- Pos(gene.labs)
#' gg <- GRanges(ranges=IRanges(start=pp$start,end=pp$end),seqnames=pp$chr)
#' conv.36.37(gg) # order of output is preserved
#' rr <- as(gg,"RangedData")
#' conv.36.37(rr) # note the result is same as GRanges, but in genome order
#' }
conv.36.37 <- function(ranges=NULL,chr=NULL,pos=NULL,...,ids=NULL,chain.file=NULL,include.cols=TRUE) {
 # require(rtracklayer); #require(genoset) #require(GenomicRanges); 
  if(!is.character(chain.file)) {
    #chain.file <- humarray::hg18ToHg19.over.chain 
    if(is(chain.file)[1]=="Chain") { 
      chn <- chain.file 
    } else {
      #chain.file <- system.file("extdata", "hg18ToHg19.over.chain", package="humarray")
      chn <- humarray::hg18ToHg19
  } else {
    if(!file.exists(chain.file)) { stop("couldn't find chain file: ",chain.file) }
    chn <- import.chain(chain.file)
  #toranged <- F
  outType <- is(ranges)[1]
  inr <- is.null(ranges)
  used.st.en <- all(c("start","end") %in% names(list(...)))
  if(!is.null(chr) & (!is.null(pos) | used.st.en)) {
    if(is.null(pos) & length(chr)==1) {
      if(length(list(...)$start)>1) {
        warning("when using start/end, 'chr' must have the same length as 'start'") 
    if(is.null(ids)) { ids <- paste0("rng",1:(max(length(chr),length(pos)))) } 
    ranges <- makeGRanges(chr=chr,pos=pos,row.names=ids,...)
    orn <- ids
  } else {
    if(is.null(rownames(ranges))) { rownames(ranges) <- paste0("rng",1:nrow(ranges)) }    
    orn <- rownames(ranges)
  # return(ranges)
  if(is(ranges)[1]=="RangedData") { ranges <- as(ranges, "GRanges") }
  if(is(ranges)[1] %in% c("RangedData","GRanges")) {
    wd <- width(ranges)
    if(length(which(wd==1))/length(wd)>.95) { SNPs <- TRUE } else { SNPs <- FALSE }
    mcols(ranges)[["XMYINDEXX"]] <- rownames(ranges)
    mcols(ranges)[["XMYCHRXX"]] <- ocr <- chrm(ranges)
    if(include.cols) { 
      meta.data <- mcols(ranges); if(is.null(dim(meta.data))) { meta.data <- as.data.frame(meta.data) }
      rownames(meta.data) <- rownames(ranges)
      oo <- (colnames(meta.data) %in% c("XMYINDEXX","XMYCHRXX"))
      if(length(oo)>0) { meta.data <- meta.data[,-oo,drop=F] }
    opos <- start(ranges)
    ranges <- set.chr.to.char(ranges)
    ranged.gr <- ranges # as(ranges,"GRanges"); #toranged <- T
  } else {
    stop("input specified resulted in an invalid GRanges/RangedData 'ranged' object, type ",is(ranges)[1]) 
  # change CHR-XY to CHR-X prior to liftOver, then change back #
#  xy.ind <- grep("XY",seqnames(ranged.gr))
  xy.ind <- grep("XY",as.character(seqnames(ranged.gr)))
  if(length(xy.ind)>0) {
    found.xy <- TRUE
    xy.id <- rownames(ranged.gr)[xy.ind]
    if(!"chrX" %in% seqlevels(ranged.gr)) { seqlevels(ranged.gr) <- c(seqlevels(ranged.gr),"chrX") }
    seqnames(ranged.gr)[xy.ind] <- "chrX"
  } else { found.xy <- FALSE }
  ranged.gr.37 <- liftOver(ranged.gr,chn)
  myfun <- function(x) { 
  if(!SNPs ) {
    new.coords.df <- do.call("rbind",lapply(ranged.gr.37,myfun))
    ranged.gr.37 <- ranged.gr
    if(!used.st.en & inr) { stop("need start and end arguments unless the dataset is all SNPs (width=1)" ) }
    ranges(ranged.gr.37) <- with(new.coords.df,IRanges(start=start,end=end))
    #seqlevels(ranged.gr.37) <- gsub("chr","",seqlevels(ranged.gr.37))
    seqlevels(ranged.gr.37) <- gsub("chr","",seqlevels(ranged.gr.37))
    out <- ranged.gr.37
  } else {
    out <- as(ranged.gr.37,"IRangesList")
    #new.coords.df <- as.data.frame(ranged.gr.37)
  # seqlevels(ranged.gr.37)<-gsub("chr","",seqlevels(ranged.gr.37))
  # out <- as(ranged.gr.37,"IRangesList")
  out <- as(out,"RangedData")
  #ranged.gr.37 <- set.chr.to.numeric(ranged.gr.37)
  #if(!toranged | T) { return(ranged.gr.37) }
  ranged.gr.37 <- out #toGenomeOrder2(out)
  if(all(c("XMYINDEXX","XMYCHRXX") %in% colnames(ranged.gr.37))) {
    RN <- ranged.gr.37[["XMYINDEXX"]]
    nr <- nrow(ranged.gr.37)
    MAXDISPLAY <- 50
    if(length(orn)>length(RN)) { 
      cat("conversion failed for",length(orn[!orn %in% RN]),"rows, original positions kept:\n") ;  
      failz <- orn[!orn %in% RN]
      if(length(failz)>MAXDISPLAY) { cat(", ... and",length(failz)-MAXDISPLAY,"more\n")  } else { cat("\n") }
      ln <- orn[!orn %in% RN]
      newchr <- gsub("chr","",chrm(ranges[match(ln,ranges$XMYINDEXX),]))
      noopos <- start(ranges[match(ln,ranges$XMYINDEXX),])
      hcc <- hard.coded.conv()
      ifNAthen0 <- function(X) { X[is.na(X)] <- 0; return(X) }
      h36 <- which(noopos %in% hcc$pos36 & newchr==ifNAthen0(hcc$chr[match(noopos,hcc$pos36)])); l36 <- length(h36)
      h37 <- which(noopos %in% hcc$pos37 & newchr==ifNAthen0(hcc$chr[match(noopos,hcc$pos37)])); l37 <- length(h37)
      if(l36>=l37 & l36>0) {
        noopos[h36] <- hcc$pos37[match(noopos[h36],hcc$pos36)]
        cat("found",l36,"of the missing SNP hg18-hg19 lookups in an internal table\n")
      } else {
        if(l36<l37 & l37>0) {
          noopos[h37] <- hcc$pos36[match(noopos[h37],hcc$pos37)]
          cat("found",l37,"of the missing SNP hg19-hg18 lookups in an internal table\n")
        } else {
          ## no matches to extras table
      extra <- data.frame(Chr=newchr,Start=noopos,End=noopos)
      rownames(extra) <- ln
    } #else { cat("length is already the same\n") }
    Ind <- match(ranged.gr.37[["XMYINDEXX"]],orn)
    out <- data.frame(Chr=ranged.gr.37[["XMYCHRXX"]],Start=start(ranged.gr.37),End=end(ranged.gr.37),ind=Ind)
    rownames(out) <- RN
    if(length(orn)>length(RN)) {
      out <- out[,-4] # 4 is the 'ind' column
      out <- rbind(out,extra)
      out <- out[orn,]
    } #else { cat("length is now the same\n") }
  } else { warning("missing key columns for chr, snp-name")  }
  ranged.rd <- toGenomeOrder2(df.to.ranged(out))
  ranged.gr.37 <- as(ranged.rd,"GRanges")
  # if immunochip, these positions should be constant (only present in B36 really)
  if(all(c("imm_3_50875337","imm_3_50882163","imm_3_50908888") %in% rownames(ranged.gr.37))) { ranged.gr.37 <- substitute.36s(ranged.gr.37) }
  if(found.xy) {
    xy.ind <- match(xy.id,rownames(ranged.gr.37))
    lmis <- length(which(is.na(xy.ind)))
    if(lmis>0) { warning('liftOver function removed ",lmis," chrX/chrY ranges'); xy.ind <- narm(xy.ind) }
    if(!"XY" %in% seqlevels(ranged.gr.37)) { seqlevels(ranged.gr.37) <- c(seqlevels(ranged.gr.37),"XY") }
    seqnames(ranged.gr.37)[xy.ind] <- "XY"
  if(outType=="GRanges") { 
    cn37 <- colnames(mcols(ranged.gr.37))
    if("ind" %in% cn37) { 
      mind <- as.numeric(mcols(ranged.gr.37)[["ind"]])
      ranged.gr.37 <- ranged.gr.37[order(mind),]
      mcols(ranged.gr.37) <- mcols(ranged.gr.37)[,-which(cn37 %in% "ind")] 
    } # else { warning("couldn't find index column, GRanges object not sorted in original order") }
    if(all(rownames(ranged.gr.37) %in% orn)) { ranged.gr.37 <- ranged.gr.37[orn,] }
    if(include.cols) {
      meta.data <- meta.data[rownames(ranged.gr.37),,drop=F]
      mcols(ranged.gr.37) <- cbind(mcols(ranged.gr.37),meta.data)
  } else {
    if(outType=="RangedData") {
      #if("ind" %in% colnames(ranged.gr.37)) { ranged.gr.37 <- ranged.gr.37[,-which(colnames(ranged.gr.37) %in% "ind")] }
      if(include.cols) {
        meta.data <- meta.data[rownames(ranged.gr.37),,drop=F]
        mcols(ranged.gr.37) <- cbind(mcols(ranged.gr.37),meta.data)
    } else {
      out <- ranged.to.data.frame(ranged.gr.37,include.cols=include.cols,use.names=TRUE)
      cn37 <- colnames(mcols(ranged.gr.37))
      if("ind" %in% cn37) { 
        mind <- as.numeric(mcols(ranged.gr.37)[["ind"]])
        out <- out[order(mind),,drop=FALSE]
        if("ind" %in% colnames(out)) { out <- out[,-which(colnames(out) %in% "ind")] }
      if(is.null(dim(out))) { dim(out) <- c(length(out)/3,3) }
      if(all(rownames(out) %in% orn)) { out <- out[orn,] }

#' Extend an interval or SNP by distance in centimorgans (recombination distance)
#' It is straightforward to extend a genomic interval or position by a number of basepairs, or
#' a percentage, but extending by recombination units of centimorgans is more involved, requiring
#' annotation lookup. This function streamlines this process.
#' This function makes use of recombination rate hapmap reference files to calculate 
#' recombination distances for genome locations, in centimorgans. For a given position
#' (or vector), a window can be returned of a given extension on either side of the position,
#' for instance, 1 centimorgan to the left, and to the right of a SNP, giving a 2 centimorgan
#' range as a result. Warning - this function only uses build hg18/36, so please convert to
#' build 36 coordinates before using this function.
#' @param ranges optional GRanges or RangedData object describing positions for which we want to
#' generate windows, removing the need to enter chr, start and end
#' @param chr character, an optional vector of chromosomes to combine with 'start' and 'end'
#'  to describe positions for which to generate recombination windows
#' @param start integer, an vector of start points for chromosome ranges
#' @param end integer, an vector of end points for chromosome ranges
#' @param window numeric, number of centimorgans to extend the window either side of
#' the range or location (can be a fraction)
#' @param bp.ext numeric, optional number of base-pairs to extend the window by in addition
#' to the centimorgan extension
#' @param rec.map recombination map object (list of 22 data.frames) generated using 
#' 'get.recombination.map()'; if you are performing many of these operations, loading this 
#' object into your workspace and passing it on to this function will save loading it each 
#' time, and provide a speed advantage. Only use an object generated by get.recombination.map(),
#'  as otherwise the results will almost certainly be meaningless.
#' @param info logical, whether to display the derived window size and number of hapmap SNPs within
#' the window for each window derived
#' @seealso \code{\link{get.recombination.map}}, \code{\link{get.nearby.snp.lists}}, \code{\link{expand.nsnp}}
#' @author Chris Wallace and Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # not run, as initial download of the recombination map takes nearly a minute #
#' recomWindow(chr=11,start=10000000,end=10000000,window=1,bp.ext=10000)
#' rd <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=c(1.5,10.1)*10^7, end=c(1.55,10.1)*10^7),space=c(2,10))
#' rd # show original data
#' recomWindow(rd) # now extended by the interval
#' recomWindow(as(rd,"GRanges"),info=FALSE) # also works for GRanges
#' }
recomWindow <- function(ranges=NULL,chr=NA,start=NA,end=start,window=0.1,bp.ext=0, rec.map=NULL, info=TRUE) {
  #www <- window ; ccc <- chr; sss <- start; prv(ccc,sss,www,bp.ext)
  if(!is.numeric(bp.ext)) { warning("bp.ext must be numeric, setting to zero"); bp.ext <- 0 }
  if(!is.numeric(window)) { warning("window must be numeric, setting to 0.1 centimorgans"); window <- 0.1 }
  if(!all(is.na(chr))) { if(any(!paste(chr) %in% paste(1:22))) { 
    stop("this function only works for autosomes 1-22 [e.g, no X,Y or formatting like 'chr2', etc]") } }
  chr <- as.numeric(chr)
  typ <- is(ranges)[1]
  if(typ %in% c("RangedData","GRanges")) { 
    if(typ=="GRanges") { ranges <- as(ranges,"RangedData") }
    ranges <- toGenomeOrder2(ranges,strict=T)
    ss <- start(ranges); ee <- end(ranges); cc <- chr2(ranges)
    out <- recomWindow(chr=cc,start=ss,end=ee,window=window,bp.ext=bp.ext,info=info,rec.map=rec.map)
    if(length(out)==2) { out <- as.matrix(out); dim(out) <- c(1,2) } 
    outData <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=out[,1],end=out[,2],names=rownames(ranges)),space=cc)
    outData <- toGenomeOrder2(outData,strict=TRUE)
    if(ncol(ranges)>0) {
      for (zz in 1:ncol(ranges)) { 
        if(typ=="GRanges") {
          outData[[colnames(ranges)[zz]]] <- mcols(ranges)[,colnames(ranges)[zz]]
        } else {
          outData[[colnames(ranges)[zz]]] <- ranges[[colnames(ranges)[zz]]]
    if(is(ranges)[1]=="GRanges") { outData <- as(toGenomeOrder2(outData,strict=T),"GRanges") }
  } else {
    if(all(!is.na(chr)) & all(!is.na(start)) & all(!is.na(end))) {
      if(length(chr)==length(start) & length(start)==length(end)) {
        if(length(chr)>1) {
          # run for a vector
          out <- matrix(ncol=2,nrow=length(chr)); colnames(out) <- c("start","end")
          for (dd in 1:length(chr)) {
            out[dd,] <- recomWindow(chr=chr[dd],start=start[dd],end=end[dd],
        } else {
          ## continue as normal, just a single coordinate/range to process
      } else {
        stop("invalid input, start, end and chr need to be the same length")
    } else {
      stop("invalid input, either use a RangedData object, or else chr, start and end")
  #rate.fn <- sprintf("/dunwich/scratch/chrisw/HapMap/rates_rel22/genetic_map_chr%s_b36.txt.gz",chr)
  #rates <- read.table(gzfile(rate.fn),header=TRUE)
  if(is.list(rec.map)) { if(length(rec.map)==22) { rates <- rec.map[[chr]] } } else {
    if(is.null(rec.map)) { rates <- get.recombination.map()[[chr]] } else {
      if(is.character(rec.map)) { rates <- get.recombination.map(dir=rec.map)[[chr]] } else {
        stop("invalid value for rec.map entered")
  cm.st <- rates[which.min(abs(rates$position-start)),3]
  cm.en <- rates[which.min(abs(rates$position-end)),3]
  mx <- max(window,1)
  kk <- rates[which.min(abs(rates[,3]-(cm.st-window))) : which.min(abs(rates[,3]-(cm.en+window))),]
  if(info) { cat("n hapmap snps in window =",nrow(kk),"\n") }
  from <- min(kk[,1])
  to <- max(kk[,1])
  lft <- (start - from + bp.ext)
  rgt <- (to - end + bp.ext)
  if(lft<0) { lft <- abs(lft); from <- from-(2*(lft)) }
  if(rgt <0) { rgt <- abs(rgt); to <- to+(2*(rgt)) }
  if(info) {
    cat("new window size is\nleft: ",(start-from+bp.ext)/1000,"kb\tright: ",
      (to-end+bp.ext)/1000,"kb\ttotal: ",(to-from+(2*bp.ext))/1000,"kb\n",sep="")
  if(info & bp.ext>0) { cat("in addition to cM distance, window was extended by",
                     bp.ext,"base pairs on either side\n")} 
  from <- max(c(0,(from-bp.ext)))
  to <- min(c((to+bp.ext),get.chr.lens()[chr][1]),na.rm=T)

#' Convert GRanges/RangedData to chr:pos1-pos2 vector
#' Takes a RangedData or GRanged object from some annotation lookup functions and converts to standard text
#' positions, such as what you might see on the UCSC genome browser, such as 
#' chr1:10,000,234-11,000,567 for a range, or chrX:234,432 for a SNP. Useful for printing
#' messages, concatenating positions to a single vector, or creating queries for databastes.
#' @param ranges A RangedData or GRanges object
#' @export
#' @return a text vector of the same length as 'ranges' with notation as described above
#' representing each position in the 'ranges' object
#' @seealso \code{\link{convert.textpos.to.data}}
#' @examples
#' ranged.to.txt(rranges())
ranged.to.txt <- function(ranges) {
  if(!is(ranges)[1] %in% c("RangedData","GRanges")) { stop("Not a GRanges or RangedData object") }
  text.out.a <- paste0("chr",chr2(ranges),":",format(start(ranges),scientific=F,trim=T))
  text.out.b <- paste0("-",format(end(ranges),scientific=F,trim=T))
  text.out.b[start(ranges)==end(ranges)] <- ""
  text.out <- paste0(text.out.a,text.out.b)

#' Select ranges only within the 22 autosomes in a ranged data object
#' Select only data from autosomes from a GRanges/RangedData object.
#' Will exclude X,Y, mitochondrial chromosome rows, and can automatically
#' detect whether chromosomes are coded as 'chr1' or just '1', etc.
#' @param ranges A RangedData or GRanges object
#' @param deselect logical, if TRUE, then will select non-autosomes
#' @export
#' @return an object of the same format as the input (ranges), except
#' with non-autosomal ranges removed.
#' @examples
#' rand.ranges <- rranges(chr.range=20:26)
#' rand.ranges # should include some non-autosomes
#' select.autosomes(rand.ranges) # only autosomes remain
select.autosomes <- function(ranges,deselect=FALSE) {
  typ <- is(ranges)[1]
  if(!typ %in% c("RangedData","GRanges")) { 
    warning("not a RangedData or GRanges object"); return(ranges) 
  if(length(unique(chr2(ranges))) < length(levels(chr2(ranges)))) {
    # this fixes the problem when a subset of a ranges object with less 
    #  chromosomes still has empty chr slots from previous object
    if(typ=="RangedData") { ranges <- ranges[as.numeric(unique(chr2(ranges)))] }
  } #else { cat("ok\n") }
  Chrz <- (rownames(chrInfo2(ranges)))
  chrz <- tolower(paste(Chrz))
  if(length(grep("chr",chrz))>0) {
    select1 <- which(chrz %in% paste("chr",1:22,sep=""))
    select2 <- which(chrz %in% paste(1:22))
    if(length(select2)>length(select1)) { select <- select2 } else { select <- select1 }
  } else {
    select <- which(chrz %in% paste(1:22))
  if(deselect) {
    ok.chrs <- Chrz[!select]
  } else {
    ok.chrs <- Chrz[select]
  if(typ=="RangedData") {
  } else {
    return(ranges[chr2(ranges) %in% ok.chrs,])

#' Convert RangedData/GRanges to a data.frame
#' Convert a RangedData/GRanges object to a data.frame with columns
#' chr, start and end. Default is to only translate the chromosome and
#' position information, which is faster. Using 'include.cols'=TRUE
#' allows all the columns from 'ranged' to be taken across to the resulting
#' data.frame.
#' @param ranged A RangedData or GRanges object
#' @param include.cols logical, whether to also bring across non-positional
#' columns to the resulting data.frame
#' @param use.names logical, whether to keep the rownames from the
#' original object for the output. Only has an effect when include.cols=FALSE,
#' otherwise original rownames are always kept.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{df.to.ranged}}, \code{\link{df.to.GRanges}}
#' @return A data.frame with columns chr, start and end, and depending on
#' chosen parameters, the same rownames as the input, and optionally the
#' same additional columns.
#' @examples
#' rd <- rranges(9,GRanges=FALSE, fakeids=TRUE)
#' rd[["fakecol"]] <- sample(nrow(rd))
#' rd[["rs.id"]] <- paste0("rs",sample(10000,9))
#' ranged.to.data.frame(rd)
#' ranged.to.data.frame(rd,,FALSE)
#' ranged.to.data.frame(rd,TRUE) # keep all the columns
#' df.to.GRanges(ranged.to.data.frame(rd,TRUE)) # inverse returns original
ranged.to.data.frame <- function(ranged,include.cols=FALSE,use.names=TRUE) {
  if(!include.cols) {
    u <- ranged.to.txt(ranged)
    v <- convert.textpos.to.data(u)
    if(!is.null(rownames(ranged)) & nrow(ranged)==nrow(v) & use.names) { rownames(v) <- rownames(ranged) }
  } else {
    u <- as.data.frame(ranged)
    cn <- tolower(colnames(u))
    if(is(ranged)[1]=="RangedData") {
      if("names" %in% cn) { 
        rownames(u) <- u[["names"]]
        u <- u[,-which(cn=="names")]
      if("space" %in% cn) { colnames(u)[which(cn=="space")] <- "chr" }
    } else {
      if(is(ranged)[1]=="GRanges") {
        if("seqnames" %in% cn) { colnames(u)[which(cn=="seqnames")] <- "chr" }
      } else {
        warning("'ranged' should be RangedData or GRanges, coercion could fail")

#' Convert a data.frame with positional information to GRanges
#' Convert a data.frame containing chromosome and position information
#' to a GRanges object. Assumes the position information is contained in
#' columns named 'chr', 'start' and 'end' respectively (not case sensitive) 
#' although you can enter alternative column names for each as parameters. 
#' 'seqnames' will be automatically detected as an alternative to 'chr' if 
#' present. Column names that are default GRanges slot names such as 'seqnames',
#' 'ranges', 'strand', 'seqlevels', etc, will be removed during conversion, so
#' rename these if you want them to be translated into the resulting GRanges
#' objects' column metadata. If there is a column 'pos' but no columns 'start'
#'  and 'end' this will be detected automatically without needing to change
#'  the default parameters and start will equal end equals pos (ie., SNPs).
#' @param dat a data.frame with chromosome and position information 
#' @param ... additional arguments to df.to.ranged(), namely:
#' ids, start, end, width, chr, exclude and build
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{ranged.to.data.frame}}, \code{\link{df.to.ranged}}
#' @return A RangedData or GRanges object. If 'dat' doesn't
#' use the default column names, specify these using parameters
#' ids, start, and end or width. Exclude will remove prevent any 
#' column names of 'dat' specified not to be translated to the 
#' returned GRanges object. 'build' specifies the 'genome'
#' slot of the resulting object. 'ids' allows specification of
#' a column to be converted to the rownames of the new object.
#' @examples
#' chr <- sample(1:22,10)
#' start <- end <- sample(1000000,10)
#' df1 <- cbind(chr,start,end)
#' df.to.GRanges(df1) # basic conversion
#' width <- rep(0,10)
#' df2 <- cbind(chr,start,width)
#' df.to.GRanges(df2,end=NULL,width="width") # define ranges with start and width
#' id.col <- paste0("ID",1:10)
#' rs.id <- paste0("rs",sample(10000,10))
#' df3 <- cbind(chr,start,end,id.col,rs.id)
#' df.to.GRanges(df3) # additional columns kept
#' df4 <- cbind(chr,start,end,id.col,rs.id, ranges=1:10)
#' df.to.GRanges(df4) # 'ranges' column excluded as illegal name
#' df.to.GRanges(df4, exclude="rs.id") # manually exclude column
#' df5 <- cbind(chr,start,end,rs.id)
#' rownames(df5) <- paste0("ID",1:10)
#' df.to.GRanges(df5) # rownames are kept
#' df.to.GRanges(df4,ids="id.col") # use column of 'dat' for rownames
df.to.GRanges <- function(dat,...) {

#' Convert a data.frame with positional information to RangedData/GRanges
#' Convert a data.frame containing chromosome and position information
#' to a RangedData or GRanges object. Assumes the position information is contained in
#' columns named 'chr', 'start' and 'end' respectively (not case sensitive) 
#' although you can enter alternative column names for each as parameters. 
#' 'seqnames' will be automatically detected as an alternative to 'chr' if 
#' present. If there is a column 'pos' but no columns 'start' and 'end' this
#' will be detected automatically without needing to change the default parameters
#' and start will equal end equals pos (ie., SNPs). Column names that are default 
#' GRanges slot names such as 'seqnames', 'ranges', 'strand', 'seqlevels', etc, will
#' be removed during conversion, so rename these if you want them to be translated 
#' into the resulting object.
#' @param dat a data.frame with chromosome and position information 
#' @param ids character string, an optional column name containing ids which
#' will be used for rownames in the new object, as long as the ids are unique.
#' If not, this option is overridden and the ids will simply be a normal column
#' in the new object.
#' @param start character, the name of a column in the data.frame contain
#' the start point of each range. Not case sensitive. In the case of SNP
#' data, a column called 'pos' will also be automatically detected without
#' modifying 'start' or 'end', and will be used for both start and end.
#' @param end character, the name of a column in the data.frame containing the
#' end point of each range, can also use 'width' as an alternative specifier,
#' in which case 'end' should be set to NULL. Not case sensitive. In the case of SNP
#' data, a column called 'pos' will also be automatically detected without
#' modifying 'start' or 'end', and will be used for both start and end.
#' @param width the name of a column in the data.frame containing 'width' of
#' ranges, e.g, SNPs would be width=0. This is optional, with 'start' and 'end'
#' being the default way to specify an interval. If using 'width' you must
#' also set 'end' to NULL.  Not case sensitive.
#' @param chr character, the name of the column in the data.frame containing
#' chromosome values. The default is 'chr' but 'seqnames' will also be
#' detected automatically even when chr='chr'. Not case sensitive.
#' @param exclude character string, and column names from the data.frame to 
#' NOT include in the resulting S4 object.
#' @param build the ucsc build for the result object which will apply to the
#' 'universe' (RangedData, deprecating) or 'genome' slot (GRanges) of the new object.
#' @param GRanges logical, whether the resulting object should be GRanges (TRUE),
#' or RangedData (FALSE)
#' @param fill.missing logical, GRanges/RangedData objects cannot handle missing
#' chrs/positions, so if fill missing is selected, will insert values of chr99, and
#' start=end=1, and if FALSE, will exclude any row with a missing value from the
#' resulting object.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{ranged.to.data.frame}}, \code{\link{df.to.ranged}}
#' @return A RangedData or GRanges object. If 'dat' doesn't use the default 
#' column names 'chr', 'start'/'end' or 'pos', specify these using parameters 
#' 'ids', 'start', and 'end' or 'width'. Exclude will remove prevent any 
#' column names of 'dat' specified not to be translated to the returned GRanges
#' object. 'build' specifies the 'genome' slot of the resulting object. 'ids' 
#' allows specification of a column to be converted to the rownames of the new object.
#' @examples
#' chr <- sample(1:22,10)
#' start <- end <- sample(1000000,10)
#' df1 <- cbind(CHR=chr,Start=start,enD=end)
#' print(df1)
#' df.to.GRanges(df1) # not case sensitive!
#' width <- rep(0,10)
#' df2 <- cbind(chr,start,width)
#' df.to.GRanges(df2,end=NULL,width="width") # define ranges with start and width
#' id.col <- paste0("ID",1:10)
#' rs.id <- paste0("rs",sample(10000,10))
#' df3 <- cbind(chr,start,end,id.col,rs.id)
#' df.to.GRanges(df3) # additional columns kept
#' df4 <- cbind(chr,start,end,id.col,rs.id, ranges=1:10)
#' df.to.GRanges(df4) # 'ranges' column excluded as illegal name
#' df.to.GRanges(df4, exclude="rs.id") # manually exclude column
#' df5 <- cbind(chr,start,end,rs.id)
#' rownames(df5) <- paste0("ID",1:10)
#' df.to.GRanges(df5) # rownames are kept
#' df.to.GRanges(df4,ids="id.col") # use column of 'dat' for rownames
df.to.ranged <- function(dat, ids=NULL,start="start",end="end",width=NULL,
  ## abandon longer names as they clash with function names
  st <- paste(start); en <- paste(end); ch <- paste(chr); wd <- paste(width)
  if((!chr %in% colnames(dat)) & ("seqnames" %in% colnames(dat)) & GRanges) { ch <- "seqnames" }
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  g.illegal <- tolower(c("seqnames", "ranges", "strand", "seqlevels", "seqlengths",
                         "isCircular", "start", "end", "width", "element"))
  if(is.matrix(dat)) { dat <- as.data.frame(dat,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) }
  if(!is.data.frame(dat)) { stop("Error: not a dataframe")}
  key.nms <- c(ids,st,en,ch,wd)
  tries <- 0
  #print(key.nms); print(colnames(dat))
  if(st=="position" & is.null(en)) { en <- st } # if only 1 entered
  while(!all(key.nms %in% colnames(dat))) { 
    colnames(dat) <- tolower(colnames(dat)); key.nms <- tolower(key.nms)
    st <- tolower(st); en <- tolower(en); ch <- tolower(ch); wd <- tolower(wd)
    if(tries>2) {
      if((tolower(st)=="pos" | tolower(en)=="pos") & !(tolower(st)=="pos" & tolower(en)=="pos")) {
        st <- en <- "pos"
      } else {
        if(tolower(st)=="start" & tolower(en)=="end") { st <- en <- "pos" }
    key.nms <- c(ids,st,en,ch,wd)
    tries <- tries+1
    if(tries > 3) { if(!all(c(st,en,ch) %in% colnames(dat))) {
      warning("chromosome and position columns not found") } ; break }
  if(!is.null(ids)) { 
    if(anyDuplicated(dat[[ids]])==0) { 
      id <- dat[[ids]] 
    } else { 
      key.nms <- key.nms[-match(ids,key.nms)] # allow non-unique ids as regular
      ids <- NULL
      warning("id must be unique to form rownames, will insert as a separate column") 
  if(is.null(ids)) { 
    if(!is.null(rownames(dat)) & all(rownames(dat)!=paste(1:nrow(dat)))) { 
      id <- rownames(dat)
    } else { 
      id <- paste(1:nrow(dat)) 
  ## not sure why here are adding 'chr' to X and Y?
  #this was here before? :  if(length(ch)>0) { ch1 <- gsub("Y","chrY",gsub("X","chrX",gsub("chr","",dat[[ch]],ignore.case=T))) } else { ch1 <- NULL }
  if(length(ch)>0) { ch1 <- gsub("chr","",dat[[ch]],ignore.case=T) } else { ch1 <- NULL }
  if(length(st)>0) { st1 <- as.numeric(dat[[st]]) } else { st1 <- NULL }
  if(length(en)>0) { en1 <- as.numeric(dat[[en]]) } else { en1 <- NULL }
  if(length(wd)>0) { en1 <- st1+as.numeric(dat[[wd]]) } # { en1 <- st1+dat[[wd]] }
  misser <- (is.na(ch1) | is.na(en1) | is.na(st1))
  if(any(misser)) {
    if(fill.missing) {
      ch1[is.na(ch1)] <- 99; st1[is.na(st1)] <- 1; en1[is.na(en1)] <- 1
    } else {
      ch1 <- ch1[!misser]; st1 <- st1[!misser]; en1 <- en1[!misser]; id <- id[!misser]
  #print(length(st1)); print(length(en1)); print(length(id)); print(length(ch1))
  outData <- GRanges(ranges=IRanges(start=st1,end=en1,names=id),seqnames=ch1); genome(outData) <- build[1]
  #outData <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=st1,end=en1,names=id),space=ch1,universe=build[1])
  ###  ###  ###  outData <- toGenomeOrder2(outData,strict=T)
  # note when adding data subsequently that 'RangedData' sorts by genome order, so need
  # to re-sort any new data before adding.
  if(is.null(rownames(outData))) { rownames(outData) <- paste(1:nrow(outData)) }
  reorder <- match(rownames(outData),id)
  more.cols <- colnames(dat)[!colnames(dat) %in% key.nms]
  more.cols <- more.cols[!more.cols %in% exclude]
  if(is(outData)[1]=="GRanges") { more.cols <- more.cols[!more.cols %in% g.illegal] }
  if(length(more.cols)>0) {
    for (cc in 1:length(more.cols)) {
      u <- dat[[more.cols[cc]]][reorder]; #prv(u)
      if(is(outData)[1]=="GRanges") {
        mcols(outData)[[more.cols[cc]]] <- u
      } else {
        outData[[more.cols[cc]]] <- u
  if(GRanges) {
  } else {
    cncn <- colnames(mcols(outData))
    outData <- as(outData,"RangedData")
    if(any(cncn %in% "strand")) {
      outData <- outData[,-which(cncn=="strand")]
    #outData <- toGenomeOrder2(outData,strict=T)

#' Select chromosome subset of GRanges or RangedData object
#' One of the main differences between RangedData and GRanges is the way
#' of selecting the subset for a chromosome. RangedData just uses [n] where
#' 'n' is the chromosome name or number. Whereas GRanges, does not have a
#' method like this, so need to select using [chrm(X)==chr.num,]
#' This wrapper allows selection of a chromosome or chromosomes regardless of
#' whether the object is RangedData or GRanges type.
#' @param X A GRanges or RangedData object
#' @param chr Vector, the chromosome(s) (number(s) or name(s)) to select
#' @param index logical, if FALSE, will assume 'chr' is a string, indicating the
#' chromosome name, if TRUE, if 'chr' is numeric, will assume it refers to the
#' chromosome index, which if there are some chromosomes not represented, may
#' be different to the name. E.g, an object with data for chromosomes 1,2,4,5
#' would select chromosome 5 with chr=4, if index=TRUE.
#' @export
#' @return returns an object of the same type as X, with only the chromosome
#' subset specified.
#' @examples
#' some.ranges <- rranges(100,chr.range=1:10)
#' chrSelect(some.ranges,6)
#' more.ranges <- rranges(10, chr.range=21:25)
#' chrSelect(more.ranges,1:22) # gives warning
#' select.autosomes(more.ranges)
chrSelect <- function(X,chr,index=FALSE) {
  typ <- is(X)[1]
  if(!typ %in% c("RangedData","GRanges","ChipInfo")) { stop("not a ChipInfo, GRanges or RangedData object") }
  if(nrow(X)==0) { warning("X has no ranges") ; return(X) }
  if(!(is.character(chr) | is.numeric(chr))) { stop("chr must be character or numeric type") }
  if(is.numeric(chr)) { if(!all(chr %in% 1:99)) { 
    stop("illegal chromosome index, valid range 1-99 [although 1-28 typical for human]") } }
  if(!any(paste(chr) %in% paste(unique(chrm(X))))) { stop("X did not have any chromosome from the list: ",paste(chr,collapse=",")) }
  if(typ=="RangedData") { if(index) { return(X[chr]) } else { return(X[paste(chr)]) } }
  all.chr <- chr2(X)
  if(!all(chr %in% unique(all.chr))) { 
    if(!any(chr %in% unique(all.chr))) { 
      warning("none of the specified chromosome indices were present in the GRanges object, returning NULL")
    } else { 
      warning("some of the specified chromosome indices were not present in the GRanges object") 
  return(X[all.chr %in% chr,])

#' Simulate a GRanges or RangedData object
#' For testing purposes, this function will generate a S4 ranged object
#' based on the human genome. The default is to produce ranges selected
#' from chromosomes, with probability of a position in each chromosome
#' equal to the length of that chromosome versus the whole genome. The
#' maximum position allocated within each chromosome will be within
#' the length bounds of that chromosome. You can specify SNPs (ie., start
#' =end), but the default is for random ranges. You can alter the UCSC
#' build to base the chromosome lengths on, and you can specify whether
#' chromosomes should appear as chr1,chr2,... versus 1,2,..
#' @param n integer, number of rows to simulate
#' @param SNP logical, whether to simulate SNPs (width 1, when SNPs=TRUE)
#'  or just ranges (when SNP=FALSE)
#' @param chr.range integer vector of values from 1 to 26, to specify which
#' chromosomes to include in the simulated object. 23-26 are X,Y,XY,MT 
#' respectively.
#' @param chr.pref logical, if TRUE chromosomes will be coded as chr1,chr2,...,
#' versus 1,2,.. when chr.pref=FALSE
#' @param order logical, if TRUE the object returned will be in genomic order,
#' otherwise the order will be randomized
#' @param equal.prob logical, when FALSE (default), random positions will be
#' selected on chromosomes chosen randomly according to the their length (i.e,
#' assuming every point on the genome has equal probability of being chosen.
#' If equal.prob=TRUE, then chromosomes will be selected with equal probability,
#' so you could expect just as many MT (mitochondrial) entries as Chr1 entries.
#' @param GRanges logical, if TRUE the returned object will be GRanges format,
#' or if FALSE, then RangedData format
#' @param build character, to specify the UCSC version to use, which has a small
#' effect on the chromosome lengths. Use either "hg18" or "hg19". Will also 
#' accept build number, e.g, 36 or 37.
#' @param fakeids logical, whether to add rownames with random IDs (TRUE) or 
#' leave rownames blank (FALSE). If SNP=TRUE, then ids will be fake rs-ids.
#' @export
#' @return returns a ranged object (GRanges or RangedData) containing data
#' for 'n' simulated genomic ranges, such as SNPs or CNVs across chromosomes in
#' 'chr.range', using UCSC 'build'.
#' @examples
#' rranges()
#' rr <- rranges(SNP=TRUE,chr.pref=TRUE,fakeids=TRUE)
#' width(rr) # note all have width 1
#' rr
#' tt <- table(chrm(rranges(1000)))
#' print(tt/sum(tt)) # shows frequencies at which the chr's were sampled
#' tt <- table(chrm(rranges(1000,equal.prob=TRUE)))
#' print(tt/sum(tt)) # shows frequencies at which the chr's were sampled
rranges <- function(n=10,SNP=FALSE,chr.range=1:26,chr.pref=FALSE,order=TRUE,equal.prob=FALSE,
                    GRanges=TRUE,build=NULL, fakeids=FALSE) {
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(!is.numeric(chr.range)) { stop("chr.range must be a numeric integer vector rangeing from 1 to 26") }
  chr.range <- unique(chr.range[chr.range<=26 & chr.range>=1]) 
  cL <- get.chr.lens(mito=TRUE,build=build)[c(1:24,24,25)]
  if(equal.prob) {
    cP <- rep(1/length(chr.range),length(chr.range))
  } else {
    cP <- cL[chr.range]/sum(cL[chr.range]) # probabilities of a location being in each chromosome
  if(!is.numeric(n)) { stop("'n' must be a numeric integer vector, representing the number of rows to simulate") }
  nn <- round(force.scalar(n,min=1,max=10^9,default=10))
  chrs <- sort(sample(chr.range,size=nn,replace=TRUE,prob=cP))
  cnts <- table(chrs)
  chr.lengths <- get.chr.lens(mito=TRUE)[c(1:24,24,25)]
  dubb <- if(SNP) { 1 } else { 2 }
  randoms <- starts <- ends <- vector("list",length(chr.range))
  for (cc in 1:length(cnts)){
    ii <- match(names(cnts[cc]),paste(chr.range))
    if(!is.na(ii)) {
      randoms[[cc]] <- oo <- sort(sample(chr.lengths[chr.range[ii]],size=cnts[cc]*dubb,replace=TRUE))
    } else { randoms[[cc]] <- NA }
    if(!SNP) { 
      kk <- length(randoms[[cc]])/2
      starts[[cc]] <- randoms[[cc]][1+(2*(0:(kk-1)))]
      ends[[cc]] <- randoms[[cc]][2*(1:kk)]
  if(SNP) { starts <- ends <- randoms }
  starts <- unlist(starts); ends <- unlist(ends)
  chrs <- paste0(if(chr.pref) { "chr" } else { "" },chrs)
  chrs <- gsub("23","X",chrs);  chrs <- gsub("24","Y",chrs)
  chrs <- gsub("25","XY",chrs);  chrs <- gsub("26","MT",chrs)
  gg <- GRanges(ranges=IRanges(start=starts,end=ends),seqnames=chrs)
  if(!order) {
    gg <- gg[order(rnorm(nrow(gg))),]
  } else {
    gg <- toGenomeOrder2(gg,strict=TRUE)
  if(!GRanges) { gg <- as(gg,"RangedData"); gg <- gg[,-1] }
  if(n==0) { return(gg[-1,])} # returns empty ranges if that's what you really want
  if(fakeids) {
    if(SNP) { rownames(gg) <- rsnpid(nrow(gg)) } else { rownames(gg)  <- rsampid(nrow(gg)) }

#' Extract chromosome numbers from GRanges/RangedData 
#' Sometimes chromosomes are codeds as 1:22, sometimes there is also X,Y, etc, sometimes it's 
#' chr1, ch2, etc. This function extracts the set of chromosome labels used by a ranged object 
#' (ie, GRanges or RangedData) and converts the labels to numbers in a consistent way, so
#' 1:22, X, Y, XT, MT ==> 1:26, and optionally you can output the conversion table of codes to
#' numbers, then input this table for future conversions to ensure consistency.
#' @param ranged GRanges or RangedData object
#' @param warn logical, whether to display a warning when non autosomes are converted to numbers
#' @param table.out logical, whether to return a lookup table of how names matched to integers
#' @param table.in data.frame/matrix, col 1 is the raw text names, col 2 is the integer that should be assigned,
#'  col 3 is the cleaned text (of col 1) with 'chr' removed. the required form is outputted by this function if
#'  you set 'table.out=TRUE', so the idea is that to standardize coding amongst several RangedData objects you
#'  can save the table each time and ensure future coding is consistent with this. Note that chromosomes 1-22, X,
#'  Y, XY, and MT are always allocated the same integer, so table is only useful where there are extra NT, COX, HLA
#'  regions, etc.
#' @return a set of integers of length equal to the number of unique chromosomes in the ranged data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(genoset)
#' gg <- rranges(1000)
#' chrNames(gg); chrNums(gg)
#' gg <- rranges(1000,chr.pref=TRUE) # example where chromosomes are chr1, chr2, ...
#' chrNames(gg); chrNums(gg)
#' lookup <- chrNums(gg,table.out=TRUE)
#' lookup
#' gg2 <- rranges(10)
#' chrNums(gg2,table.in=lookup) # make chromosome numbers using same table as above
chrNums <- function(ranged,warn=FALSE,table.out=FALSE,table.in=NULL) {
  typ <- is(ranged)[1]
  if(!typ %in% c("RangedData","GRanges","ChipInfo")) { warning("not a GRanges, ChipInfo or RangedData object"); return(NULL) }
  lookup <- c("X","Y","XY","MT")
  txt1 <- chrNames2(ranged)
  txt <- gsub("chr","",txt1,fixed=T)
  nums <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(txt))
  num.na <- length(nums[is.na(nums)])
  if(num.na>0) { 
    if(warn) { warning(paste("chromosome numbers requested for non-autosomes, will assign numbers >=23 to letters",
                             paste(txt[is.na(nums)],collapse=","))) }
    aux.ind <- match(txt,lookup)
    nums[!is.na(aux.ind)] <- 22+aux.ind[!is.na(aux.ind)]
    unmatched <- txt[is.na(nums)]
    if(!is.null(table.in)) {
      if((all(table.in[,1] %in% unmatched)) | (all(unmatched %in% table.in[,1]))) {
        if(all(unmatched %in% table.in[,1])) {
          out <- table.in[,2][match(unmatched,table.in[,1])]
          nums[is.na(nums)] <- as.numeric(out)
        } else {
          out <- table.in[,2][match(unmatched,table.in[,1])]
          nums[is.na(nums)][!is.na(out)] <- as.numeric(out)[!is.na(out)]
          st.num <- max(c(22+length(lookup),as.numeric(table.in[,2])),na.rm=T)+1
          nums[is.na(nums)][is.na(out)] <- st.num:(st.num+length(nums[is.na(nums)][is.na(out)])-1)
      } else {
        out <- table.in[,2][match(unmatched,table.in[,1])]
        nums[is.na(nums)][!is.na(out)] <- as.numeric(out)[!is.na(out)]
        st.num <- max(c(22+length(lookup),as.numeric(table.in[,2])),na.rm=T)+1
        nums[is.na(nums)][is.na(out)] <- st.num:(st.num+length(nums[is.na(nums)][is.na(out)])-1)
    } else {
      nums[is.na(nums)] <- 27:(27+length(nums[is.na(nums)])-1)
  if(table.out) {
    out <- cbind(txt1,nums,txt)
  } else {

#' Expand genomic locations to the ranges covering the 'n' closest SNPs
#' Sometimes for chip data we want to create windows around some locus, and
#' fixed distance [see flank()], recombination distance [see recomWindow()] or a number of SNPs 
#' might be used. This function allows expansion of regions according to a set number of SNPs.
#' The result gives two regions for each row of a GRanges or RangedData object describing
#' the start and end of the left flanking 'nsnp' region, and right flanking 'nsnp' region
#' respectively.
#' @param ranged a GRanges or RangedData object describing the locations for
#' which we want to find regions encompassing 'nsnps' closest SNPs.
#' @param snp.info An object of type: ChipInfo, RangedData or GRanges, describing the set of SNPs
#' you are using (e.g, chip annotation). If left as null the ChipInfo object from chip.support() 
#' with default options() will be used
#' @param nsnp Number of nearest SNPs to return for each location
#' @param add.chr logical, whether to add a chromosome column for the output object
#' @seealso \code{\link{nearest.snp}}, \code{\link{chip.support}}, \code{\link{recomWindow}}
#' @export
#' @return Two regions for each row of a the 'ranged' object describing
#' the start and end of the left flanking 'nsnp' region, and right flanking 'nsnp' region
#' respectively. If 'ranged' has rownames these should stay in the same order in the resulting
#' object. Chromosome will be the final column if you set add.chr=TRUE.
#' @examples
#' rngs <- rranges()
#' # not run - slow ~5 seconds # expand.nsnp(rngs)
#' # not run - slow ~5 seconds # expand.nsnp(rngs,add.chr=TRUE)
expand.nsnp <- function(ranged,snp.info=NULL,nsnp=10, add.chr=FALSE) {
  if(is.null(snp.info)) { snp.info <- chip.support() }
  if(!is(snp.info)[1] %in% c("ChipInfo","RangedData","GRanges")) { 
    stop("snp.info must be of type: ChipInfo, RangedData or GRanges") }
  snp.info <- toGenomeOrder2(snp.info,strict=TRUE); rw.cnt <- 1
  all.fl <- matrix(ncol=4+(as.numeric(add.chr)), nrow=0)
  for(cc in chrNums(ranged)) {
    si <- chrSel(snp.info,paste(cc))
    nxt.nm <- rownames(si); pos <- start(si)
    rng <- chrSel(ranged,paste(cc)) # ranged[paste(cc)]
    st.en.snp <- rangeSnp(ranged=rng,snp.info=si)
    fl <- matrix(ncol=4, nrow=nrow(st.en.snp))
    fl[,2] <- start(rng); fl[,3] <- end(rng);
    for(dd in 1:nrow(st.en.snp)) {
      x1 <- pos[max(1,match(st.en.snp[dd,1],nxt.nm)-nsnp)]
      x2 <- pos[min(length(nxt.nm),match(st.en.snp[dd,2],nxt.nm)+nsnp)]
      #print(x1); print(x2); print(length(x1)); print(length(x2))
      fl[dd,1] <- x1[1]
      fl[dd,4] <- x2[1]
    if(add.chr) { 
      chrz <- cc
      fl <- cbind(fl,chrz)
    all.fl <- rbind(all.fl,fl)
  fl <- (all.fl)
  fl[fl[,1]>fl[,2],1] <- fl[fl[,1]>fl[,2],2]
  fl[fl[,3]>fl[,4],1] <- fl[fl[,3]>fl[,4],4]
  cN <- c("left.start","left.end","right.start","right.end")
  if(add.chr) { cN <- c(cN,"chr") }
  colnames(fl) <- cN
  if(nrow(fl)==nrow(ranged) & !is.null(rownames(ranged))) { rownames(fl) <- rownames(ranged) }

#' Find closest SNPs to the ends of ranges
#' For given genome ranges (GRanges/RangedData) will try to find the closest snps to the end of the ranges.
#' @param ranged A GRanges or RangedData object specifying the range(s) you wish to find SNPs near the
#' ends of. Alternatively leave this parameter as NULL and specify ranges using chr, pos
#' @param snp.info ChipInfo/GRanges/Ranged data object describing the SNPs relevant to your query, e.g, 
#' SNPs on the chip you are using. If left NULL, the SNP set used will be that retrieved by chip.support()
#' which will depend on your options() settings, see ?chip.support for more info
#' @param chr optional alternative to 'ranged' input, use in conjunction with 'pos' to specify the ranges
#' to find the SNPs near the ends of.
#' @param pos matrix with 2 columns for start, end positions, or a single column if all ranges are SNPs.
#' An optional alternative to 'ranged' input, use in conjunction with 'chr' to specify the ranges
#' to find the SNPs near the ends of.
#' @param nearest will preferably find an exact match but if nearest=TRUE, will fall-back on nearest match, 
#' even if slightly outside the range.
#' @export
#' @return a list of SNP-ids (rownames of 'snp.info') fulfilling the criteria, the output vector (character)
#' should be the same length as the number of ranges entered.
#' @examples
#' endSnp(chr=c(1:3),pos=cbind(c(100000,200000,300000),c(30000000,4000000,10000000)))
#' endSnp(rranges())
endSnp <- function(ranged=NULL,snp.info=NULL,chr=NULL,pos=NULL,nearest=T) {

#' Find closest SNPs to the starts and ends of ranges
#' For given genome ranges (GRanges/RangedData) will try to find the closest snps to the starts and ends
#' of the ranges.
#' @param ranged A GRanges or RangedData object specifying the range(s) you wish to find SNPs near the
#' starts/ends of. Alternatively leave this parameter as NULL and specify ranges using chr, pos
#' @param snp.info ChipInfo/GRanges/Ranged data object describing the SNPs relevant to your query, e.g, 
#' SNPs on the chip you are using. If left NULL, the SNP set used will be that retrieved by chip.support()
#' which will depend on your options() settings, see ?chip.support for more info
#' @param chr optional alternative to 'ranged' input, use in conjunction with 'pos' to specify the ranges
#' to find the SNPs near the starts/ends of.
#' @param pos matrix with 2 columns for start, end positions, or a single column if all ranges are SNPs.
#' An optional alternative to 'ranged' input, use in conjunction with 'chr' to specify the ranges
#' to find the SNPs near the starts/ends of.
#' @param nearest will preferably find an exact match but if nearest=TRUE, will fall-back on nearest match, 
#' even if slightly outside the range.
#' @export
#' @return a list of SNP-ids (rownames of 'snp.info') fulfilling the criteria, the output will be a matrix
#' which should have the same number of rows as the number of ranges entered.
#' @examples
#' rangeSnp(chr=c(1:3),pos=cbind(c(100000,200000,300000),c(30000000,4000000,10000000)))
#' rangeSnp(rranges())
rangeSnp <- function(ranged=NULL,snp.info=NULL,chr=NULL,pos=NULL,nearest=T) {

#' Find closest SNPs to the starts of ranges
#' For given genome ranges (GRanges/RangedData) will try to find the closest snps to the starts 
#' of the ranges.
#' @param ranged A GRanges or RangedData object specifying the range(s) you wish to find SNPs near the
#' starts of. Alternatively leave this parameter as NULL and specify ranges using chr, pos
#' @param snp.info ChipInfo/GRanges/Ranged data object describing the SNPs relevant to your query, e.g, 
#' SNPs on the chip you are using. If left NULL, the SNP set used will be that retrieved by chip.support()
#' which will depend on your options() settings, see ?chip.support for more info
#' @param chr optional alternative to 'ranged' input, use in conjunction with 'pos' to specify the ranges
#' to find the SNPs near the starts of.
#' @param pos matrix with 2 columns for start, end positions, or a single column if all ranges are SNPs.
#' An optional alternative to 'ranged' input, use in conjunction with 'chr' to specify the ranges
#' to find the SNPs near the starts of.
#' @param start logical whether to return the SNP nearest the range starts
#' @param end logical whether to return the SNP nearest the range ends
#' @param nearest will preferably find an exact match but if nearest=TRUE, will fall-back on nearest match, 
#' even if slightly outside the range.
#' @export
#' @return a list of SNP-ids (rownames of 'snp.info') fulfilling the criteria, the output will be a vector
#' which will have the same length as the input. Unless start=TRUE and end=TRUE, then will return a matrix
#' which should have the same number of rows as the number of ranges entered. Note that endSnp() is 
#' equivalent to using this function when end=TRUE and start=FALSE, and rangeSnp() is the same as setting
#' start=TRUE and end=TRUE.
#' @examples
#' startSnp(chr=c(1:3),pos=cbind(c(100000,200000,300000),c(30000000,4000000,10000000)))
#' startSnp(rranges())
startSnp <- function(ranged=NULL,snp.info=NULL,chr=NULL,pos=NULL,start=T,end=F,nearest=T) {
  # will preferably find an exact match but if nearest=T, will fall-back on nearest match
  nmz <- NULL
  if(!is(ranged)[1] %in% c("RangedData","GRanges")) {
    if(!is.null(chr) & !is.null(pos)) {
      if(is.null(dim(pos))) { st <- pos[1]; en <- pos[2] } else {
        st <- pos[,1]; en <- pos[,2]
      if(length(st)>length(chr)) { chr <- rep(chr[1],length(st)) } else { chr <- chr[1:length(st)] }
    } else {
      stop("if not using 'ranged' input, then chr and pos must be valid")
  } else {
    st <- start(ranged); en <- end(ranged); chr <- chr2(ranged)
    nmz <- rownames(ranged)
  if(is.null(snp.info)) { snp.info <- chip.support() }  # load default chip
  if(!is(snp.info)[1] %in% c("ChipInfo","RangedData","GRanges")) {
    stop("snp.info must be of type ChipInfo, RangedData or GRanges")
  } else {
    if(is.null(rownames(snp.info))) {  rownames(snp.info) <- paste(1:nrow(snp.info)) }
  st.snps <- en.snps <- character(length(chr)) ; prch <- 0
  for (cc in 1:length(chr)) {
    if(chr[cc]!=prch) { 
      ref <- chrSel(snp.info,paste(chr[cc])) # snp.info[paste(chr[cc])]
      st.ref <- start(ref); rnref <- rownames(ref)
      if(is.null(ref)) { stop(paste("snp.info did not contain chr",chr[cc])) }
    if(start) { 
      ind <- match(st[cc],st.ref)
      if(any(is.na(ind)) & nearest) {
        difs <- abs(st[cc]-st.ref)
        ind <- which(difs==min(difs,na.rm=T))[1]
      if(length(ind)==0) { st.snps[cc] <- NA } else {
        st.snps[cc] <- rnref[ind]
      ind2 <- match(en[cc],st.ref)
      if(any(is.na(ind2)) & nearest) {
        difs <- abs(en[cc]-st.ref)
        ind2 <- which(difs==min(difs,na.rm=T))[1]
      if(length(ind2)==0) { en.snps[cc] <- NA } else {
        en.snps[cc] <- rnref[ind2]
    prch <- chr[cc]
  if(start & !end) {
  if(!start & end) {
  #otherwise looks like want both
  out <- cbind(st.snps,en.snps)
  if(!is.null(nmz)) { if(length(nmz)==nrow(out)) { rownames(out) <- nmz } }

#' Force a valid genomic range, given the inputted coordinates
#' Enter a pair of genomic locations representing a range for a given chromosome and this
#' function will ensure that no position is less than 1 or greater than the relevant chromosome
#'  lengths. Anything below will be coerced to 1, and anything above to the chromosome length.
#' @param Pos must be numeric, length 2, e.g, c(20321,30123)
#' @param Chr chromosome label
#' @param snp.info optional object to take boundaries from, the maxima and minima for each
#' chromosome within this object will take the place of the chromsome lengths / 1.
#' @param build ucsc build, only need to enter if this differs from getOption("ucsc")
#' @param dir directory to use for download of chromosome lengths (only if you wish to
#' keep the chromosome length file)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pss <- ps <- c(345035,345035); ch <- 1
#' force.chr.pos(ps,ch)
#' pss[1] <- 0
#' force.chr.pos(pss,ch) # won't allow zero
#' pss[1] <- -1
#' force.chr.pos(pss,ch) # won't allow negative
#' pss[1] <- 645035012
#' force.chr.pos(pss,ch) # won't allow pos > chromosome length
force.chr.pos <- function(Pos,Chr,snp.info=NULL,build=NULL,dir=NULL) {
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  # convert any non autosomes to numbers:
  Chr <- paste(Chr)
  Chr[grep("c6",Chr,ignore.case=T)] <- 6  # prevent issues with c6_COX, c6_QBL  
  Chr[grep("X",Chr,ignore.case=T)] <- 23
  Chr[grep("Y",Chr,ignore.case=T)] <- 24
  Chr[grep("M",Chr,ignore.case=T)] <- 25
  Chr[grep("NT",Chr,ignore.case=T)] <- 26  # prevent issues with NT_11387, etc
  Chr <- as.numeric(Chr)
  if(any(!paste(Chr) %in% paste(c(1:26)))) { stop("invalid chromosome(s) entered") }
  if(any(paste(Chr) == paste(26))) { warning("'NT' chromosome(s) entered, not supported, NAs produced") }
  if(length(Pos)==2 & is.numeric(Pos)) {
    if(is(snp.info)[1]!="RangedData" & is(snp.info)[1]!="GRanges") { 
      maxln <- get.chr.lens(dir=dir,mito=T,autosomes=FALSE,build=build)[Chr] 
    } else { 
      maxln <- end(tail(snp.info[paste(Chr)],1)) # force start and end to be within 1:chr.len
    mbs <- min(max(1,Pos[1]),(maxln-1)); mbe <- min(max(2,Pos[2]),maxln)
  } else {
    Pos <- NA; warning("Pos needs to be numeric length 2, min, max")

#' Select all ranges lying within a chromosome window
#' Input a ranged object (ie., GRanges or RangedData) and this function will
#' return the subset from chromosome 'chr' and within the base-pair range specified
#' by 'pos', in units of 'unit'. By default ranges with ANY overlap are returned, but
#' it can be specified that it must be full overlap. Duplicates can be removed.
#' @param ranged GRanges or RangedData object
#' @param chr a chromosome, e.g, 1,2,3,...,22,X,Y,XY,MT or however chromosomes are 
#' annotated in 'ranged'
#' @param pos a numeric range (length 2), with a start (minima) and end (maxima), specifying
#' the window on the chromosome to select ranges from, base-pair units are specified by 'unit'.
#' @param full.overlap logical, the default is to return objects with ANY overlap with the window,
#' whereas setting this as TRUE, will only return those that fully overlap
#' @param unit the unit of base-pairs that 'pos' is using, eg, "b", "kb", "mb", "gb"
#' @param rmv.dup logical, whether to remove duplicate ranges from the return result. The default
#' is not to remove duplicates.
#' @return an object of the same type as 'ranged', but only containing the rows that
#' were within the specified bounds
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(GenomicRanges)
#' iG <- get.immunog.locs()[2,] # select the 2nd iG region
#' ciG <- chrm(iG)  #  get the chromosome
#' posiG <- c(start(iG),end(iG)) # get the region start and end
#' rr <- rranges(10000) # create a large random GRanges object
#' in.window(rr,chr=ciG,pos=posiG) # set with ANY overlap of iG
#' in.window(rr,chr=ciG,pos=posiG,TRUE) # set with FULL overlap of iG
#' in.window(rr,chr=6,pos=c(25,35),unit="mb") # look between 25 - 35 MB on chr6 [ie, MHC]
in.window <- function(ranged,chr,pos,full.overlap=F, unit=c("b","kb","mb","gb"), rmv.dup=FALSE) {
  if(length(pos)>2 | !is.numeric(pos)) { warning("pos should be a start and end numeric range"); return(NULL) }
  if(length(pos)==1) { pos <- rep(pos,2) }
  all.chrz <- unique(chrNames2(ranged))
  if(length(chr)>1 | (!chr %in% all.chrz)) { warning("chr must be a value in",comma(all.chrz)); return(NULL) }
  typ <- is(ranged)[1]
  if(!any(typ %in% c("RangedData","IRanges","GRanges","RangesList"))) { 
    warning("'ranged' should be a RangedData type or similar"); return(NULL) }
  pos <- pos*make.divisor(unit,"unit")
  #unit <- tolower(unit[1]) ; mult <- switch(unit,b=0,kb=3,mb=6,gb=9); pos <- pos*10^mult
  # get set of genes in a position range for a chromosome
  chr.genez <- chrSel(ranged,paste(chr)) 
  if(full.overlap) {
    ranged <- chr.genez[which(start(chr.genez)>min(pos) & end(chr.genez)<max(pos)),]
  } else {
    # any overlap
    ranged <- chr.genez[which(end(chr.genez)>min(pos) & start(chr.genez)<max(pos)),]
  if(rmv.dup) {
    # remove duplicate genes/exons
    ranged <- ranged[!(duplicated(start(ranged)) & duplicated(end(ranged)) & duplicated(width(ranged))),]

#' Plot the locations specified in a GRanges or RangedData object
#' GRanges and RangedData objects are used in bioconductor to store genomic locations and
#' ranges, such as transcripts, genes, CNVs and SNPs. This function allows simple
#' plotting of this data directly from the ranged object. SNPs will be plotted as dots 
#' and ranges as lines. Either can be plotted using vertical bars at the start/end of each
#' range. There are options for labelling and other graphical parameters.
#' This package also creates a generic 'plot' method for GRanges and RangedData that
#' calls this function.
#' @param ranged GRanges or RangedData object with genomic ranges. Should only contain
#' one chromosome, but if not, the first will be used
#' @param labels by default labels for each range are taken from the rownames of 'ranged',
#' but if you want to use another column in the ranged object, specify the column name
#' or number to use to label these ranges on the plot. Or else input a character
#' vector the same length as ranged for custom labels.
#' @param do.labs logical, whether or not to display these labels
#' @param skip.plot.new logical, whether to append to an existing plot (TRUE), or start
#' a new plot (FALSE --> default)
#' @param lty line type to use, see '?lines()' - not used for SNP data when v.lines=FALSE
#' @param alt.y alternative y-axis values (other than the default ordering from the input)
#' This can be a vector of length 1 or length(ranged), or else a column name in ranged to 
#' take the values from
#' @param v.lines TRUE will plot the ranges as pairs of vertical lines, occupying the full
#' vertical extent of the plot, whereas FALSE will plot the ranges as individual horizontal lines
#' @param ylim numeric, length 2, the y-axis limits for the plot, same a 'ylim' for ?plot()
#' @param xlim numeric, length 2, the x-axis limits for the plot, same a 'xlim' for ?plot(),
#' This shouldn't usually be needed as the automatic x-limits should work well,
#'  however is here in case fine tuning is required.
#' @param scl character, the scale that the x axis uses, ie, 'b','kb','mb', or 'gb', meaning
#' base-pairs, kilobases, megabases or gigabase-pairs.
#' @param col character, colour, same as 'col' argument for plot(), etc.
#' @param srt integer, text rotation in degrees (see par) for labels
#' @param pos integer, values of '1', '2', '3' and '4', respectively indicate positions below, 
#' to the left of, above and to the right of the specified coordinates. See 'pos' in graphics:text()
#' @param lwd line width, see '?lines()' - not used for SNP data when v.lines=FALSE
#' @param pch point type, see '?points()' - not used for ranged data
#' @param cex font/symbol size, see '?plot()' - passed to plot, points if using SNP data 
#' @param ... further arguments to 'plot', so long as skip.plot.new==FALSE.
#' @export
#' @return Plots the ranges specified in 'ranged' to the current plot, or to a new plot
#' @examples
#' require(GenomicRanges)
#' rr <- in.window(rranges(5000),chr=6,pos=c(28,32),unit="mb") # make some random MHC ranges
#' rownames(rr) <- paste0("range",1:length(rr))
#' # plotRanges vertically 
#' #print(rr)
#' plotRanges(rr,v.lines=TRUE)
#' # make some labels and plot as horizontal lines #
#' rr2 <- rr[1:5,]; mcols(rr2)[["GENE"]] <- c("CTLA9","HLA-Z","BS-1","FAKr","teST")
#' plotRanges(rr2,label="GENE",scl="Mb",col="black",
#'             xlab="Chr6 position (megabases)",
#'             yaxt="n",ylab="",bty="n")
#' # create some SNPs and plot
#' rr3 <- rr; end(rr3) <- start(rr3) 
#' rownames(rr3) <- paste0("rs",sample(10^6,nrow(rr3)))
#' plotRanges(rr3,col="blue",yaxt="n",ylab="",bty="n")
plotRanges <- function(ranged,labels=NULL,do.labs=T,skip.plot.new=F,lty="solid", alt.y=NULL,
                        col=NULL,srt=0,pos=4,pch=1,lwd=1,cex=1,...) {
  if(!is(ranged)[1] %in% c("RangedData","GRanges")) { 
    warning("ranged needs to be a RangedData or GRanges object, plot likely to fail") ; return(NULL) }
  chk <- chrNums(ranged)
  typ <- is(ranged)[1]
  if(!is.null(alt.y)) {
    if(is.numeric(alt.y)) {
      if(length(alt.y)==1 | length(alt.y)==length(ranged)) {
        yy <- alt.y
      } else {
        warning("alt.y ignored, must be same length as ranged, or else length 1"); alt.y <- NULL
    } else {
      if(is.character(alt.y)) {
        if(typ=="GRanges") { 
          cn <- colnames(mcols(ranged)); df <- mcols(ranged)
        } else {
          cn <- colnames(ranged); df <- ranged
        if(!alt.y %in% cn) { stop("alternative y.axis column name ",alt.y," not found in 'ranged'") }
        yy <- df[,alt.y]; rm(df)
      } else { 
        warning("invalid value for alt.y, ignoring"); alt.y <- NULL
  if(!is.null(labels)) {
    labels <- paste(labels)
    if(is.character(labels)) {
      if(length(labels)==1 | length(labels)==length(ranged)) {
        if(length(labels)==1) {
          if(typ=="GRanges") { 
            cn <- colnames(mcols(ranged)); df <- mcols(ranged)
          } else {
            cn <- colnames(ranged); df <- ranged
          if(!labels %in% cn) { stop("labels column name ",labels," not found in 'ranged'") }
          lab <- df[,labels]; rm(df)
        } else {
          lab <- labels
      } else {
        warning("labels ignored, must be same length as ranged, or else length 1"); labels <- NULL
    } else {
      warning("invalid value for labels, ignoring"); labels <- NULL
  } else {
    lab <- rownames(ranged) 
  if(length(chk)>1) { 
    warning(length(chk)," chromosomes in 'ranged', only using the first, chr",chk[1]) 
    ranged <- chrSel(ranged,1) 
  if(all(width(ranged)<=1)) { theyAreSnps <- TRUE } else { theyAreSnps <- FALSE }
  scl <- make.divisor(scl)
  xl <- range(c(start(ranged),end(ranged)),na.rm=T)
  xl <- xl + ((diff(xl)*0.1)*c(-1,1))
  xl <- xl/scl
  nr <- nrow(ranged); if(is.null(nr)) { nr <- length(ranged) }
  if(is.null(alt.y)) {
    yl <- c(0,(nr+2))
  } else {
    yl <- range(yy,na.rm=T)
  if(is.numeric(ylim) & length(ylim)==2) {
    ylim <- range(ylim,na.rm=T)
    ydif <- diff(ylim)
    yl <- ylim
  if(is.numeric(xlim) & length(xlim)==2) {
    xlim <- range(xlim,na.rm=T)
    xdif <- diff(xlim)
    xl <- xlim
  if(is.null(alt.y)) {
    YY <- seq(from=yl[1],to=yl[2],length.out=nr+2)[-1]
  } else {
    if(length(yy)==1) { YY <- rep(yy,length(nr)) } else { YY <- yy }
  if(!is.null(col)) {
    if(length(col)==1) {
      col <- rep(col,times=nr) 
    } else {
      if(length(col)!=nr) { warning("col was not the same length as ranged, using first only"); col <- rep(col[1],nr) }
  if(is.null(col)) {
    if(nr>22) { colz <- rep("black",nr) } else { colz <- get.distinct.cols(nr) }
  } else { colz <- col[1:nr] }
  if(is.null(lab) & do.labs) { lab <- paste(1:nr) } # last resort
  if(!skip.plot.new) {
    position <- c(start(ranged[1,]),end(ranged[1,]))/scl
    Y <- YY[c(1,1)]
    TY <- if(theyAreSnps) { "p" } else { "l" }
    if(v.lines) {
      plot(x=position, y=Y, xlim=xl, ylim=yl, type=TY, col="white", lty=lty, ...)
    } else {
      plot(x=position, y=Y, xlim=xl, ylim=yl, type=TY, col=colz[1], lty=lty, lwd=lwd, cex=cex, ...)
    st <- 2
  } else {
    st <- 1
  if(nr>1 | st==1) {
    for (cc in st:nr) {
      if(v.lines) {
      } else {
        if(theyAreSnps) { 
          points(x=c(start(ranged[cc,]),end(ranged[cc,]))/scl,y=YY[c(cc,cc)],col=colz[cc], pch=pch, cex=cex)
        } else { 
          lines(x=c(start(ranged[cc,]),end(ranged[cc,]))/scl,y=YY[c(cc,cc)],col=colz[cc], lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
  if(do.labs) {
    for (cc in 1:nr) {
      if(v.lines) { YY <- rep(tail(YY,1),length(YY)) }
      V.scale <- (diff(head(YY,2))*0.5)
      if(length(V.scale)<1 | srt!=90) { V.scale <- 0 }

#' Change the chromosome labels in a RangedData or GRanges object to string codes
#' @param ranged A GRanges or RangedData object
#' @param do.x.y logical, if TRUE then the usual numbers allocated to chromosomes, X,Y,XY, MT will
#' be allocated as 23,24,25,26 respectively. If false, these will just have 'chr' appended as a
#' prefix
#' @param keep logical, whether to keep additional metadata columns in the new object 
#' @seealso \code{\link{set.chr.to.numeric}}
#' @export
#' @return returns the 'ranged' object, but wherever a chromosome number was previously, a character
#' label, e.g, 'chr1', or 'X', will returned to replace the number, e.g, 1 or 23 respectively. 
#' If table.out is TRUE will return a list where the first element is the resulting object, and the second 
#' element is a table showing which numbers were converted to what label This table
#' can then be used for future conversions via the parameter 'table.in' to ensure consistency of
#' coding.
#' @examples
#' x <- rranges()
#' x
#' x <- set.chr.to.numeric(x) # make entirely numeric
#' x <- rranges(chr.range=20:26)
#' # next two will give warning about X, Y, etc
#' set.chr.to.char(x) # 23 = chrX, etc
#' set.chr.to.char(x,do.x.y=FALSE) # 23=chr23, etc
set.chr.to.char <- function(ranged,do.x.y=T,keep=T) {
  typ <- is(ranged)[1]
  if(!typ %in% c("GRanges","RangedData")) { warning("not a GRanges or RangedData object"); return(NULL) }
  if(length(grep("chr",chrNames2(ranged)))<length(chrNames2(ranged))) {
    ranged <- toGenomeOrder2(ranged,strict=TRUE)
    mychr2 <- mychr <- paste(chr2(ranged))
    RN <- rownames(ranged)
    #all.nams <- chrNames2(ranged)
    #all.nums <- chrNums(ranged,table.in=table.in)
    if(length(grep("23",paste(mychr2)))>0) { 
      warning("use of arbitrary chromosome numbers for non-autosomes (i.e, >=23)",
              "can lead to annotation issues, try to use labels, X, Y, MT, and XY where possible") }
    sar <- select.autosomes(ranged)
    if(nrow(sar)>0) {
      all.nums.t <- chrNums(sar,table.in=NULL,table.out=T) 
      all.nams <- all.nums.t[,1]
      all.nums <- all.nums.t[,2]
      #mychr2 <- all.nums.t[,2][match(mychr,all.nums.t[,1])]
      for (cc in 1:length(all.nams)) { mychr2[which(mychr==all.nams[cc])] <- paste("chr",all.nums[cc],sep="") }
    } else {
      # no autosomes
    if(do.x.y) {
      mychr2 <- gsub("X","chrX",mychr2)
      mychr2 <- gsub("Y","chrY",mychr2)
      mychr2 <- gsub("23","chrX",mychr2)
      mychr2 <- gsub("24","chrY",mychr2)
      mychr2 <- gsub("25","chrXY",mychr2)
      mychr2 <- gsub("26","chrM",mychr2)
      mychr2 <- gsub("chrXchrY","XY",mychr2)
      mychr2 <- gsub("chrYchrX","YX",mychr2) 
      mychr2 <- gsub("MT","chrM",mychr2)
      mychr2 <- gsub("XY","chrXY",mychr2)
      mychr2 <- gsub("chrchr","chr",mychr2)
    } else {
      mychr2[mychr2 %in% paste(23:100)] <- paste0("chr",mychr2[mychr2 %in% paste(23:100)])
    #print(tail(mychr2)); print((all.nums))
    if(any(is.na(mychr2))) { prv(mychr2[which(is.na(mychr2))]) }
    if(is.null(RN) | length(RN)!=nrow(ranged)) { RN <- 1:nrow(ranged) } #make sure RN's are valid
    if(is(ranged)[1]=="GRanges") {
      all.chr <- chr2(ranged)
      out <- GRanges(ranges=IRanges(start=start(ranged),end=end(ranged),names=RN),seqnames=mychr2)
    } else {
      out <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=start(ranged),end=end(ranged),names=RN),space=mychr2)
    out <- toGenomeOrder2(out,strict=TRUE)
    # prv(out)
    # need to allow for different indexing of dataframe part for GRanges
    ncr <- switch(typ,RangedData=ncol(ranged),GRanges=ncol(mcols(ranged)))
    if(is.null(ncr)) { ncr <- 0 }
    if(ncr>0 & keep) {
      cn <- switch(typ,RangedData=colnames(ranged),GRanges=colnames(mcols(ranged)))
      for(cc in 1:ncr) {
        if(typ=="GRanges") {
          mcols(out)[[paste(cn[cc])]] <- mcols(ranged)[[paste(cn[cc])]]
        } else {
          out[[paste(cn[cc])]] <- ranged[[paste(cn[cc])]]
  } else {
    #cat("no change\n")
    return(ranged)      # change not needed

#' Change the chromosome labels in a RangedData or GRanges object to numbers
#' @param ranged A GRanges or RangedData object
#' @param keep logical, whether to keep additional metadata columns in the new object 
#' @param table.in matrix/data.frame object, usually a result of a prior run of 
#' set.chr.to.numeric(table.out=TRUE), which shows for each label (column 1), what
#' chromosome number should correspond. A way of ensuring consistent coding in different
#' sets.
#' @param table.out logical, if FALSE, the output will just be the object with updated 
#' chromosome labels. If TRUE, then the output will be a list, where the first element
#' is the updated object and the second object is a table describing the coding
#' scheme used to convert from labels to numeric indices.
#' @seealso \code{\link{set.chr.to.char}}
#' @export
#' @return returns the 'ranged' object, but wherever a chromosome label was previously a character
#' label, e.g, 'chr1', or 'X', will return as a number, e.g, 1 or 23 respectively. If table.out
#' is TRUE will return a list where the first element is the resulting object, and the second 
#' element is a table showing which labels were converted to what number. This table
#' can then be used for future conversions via the parameter 'table.in' to ensure consistency of
#' coding.
#' @examples
#' char <- rranges(chr.pref=TRUE)
#' char
#' set.chr.to.numeric(char)
#' # behaviour with X, Y, etc
#' char <- rranges(chr.range=c(20:26))
#' #' char
#' set.chr.to.numeric(char)
#' tab <- set.chr.to.numeric(char,table.out=TRUE)[[2]]
#' tab # codes used in conversion #
#' char <- rranges(chr.range=c(20:26))
#' set.chr.to.numeric(char, table.in=tab) # code using codes from 'tab'
set.chr.to.numeric <- function(ranged,keep=T,table.in=NULL,table.out=FALSE) {
  typ <- is(ranged)[1]
  if(!typ %in% c("GRanges","RangedData")) { warning("not a GRanges or RangedData object"); return(NULL) }
  if(table.out | suppressWarnings(any(is.na(as.numeric(paste(chr2(ranged))))))) {
    silly.name <- "adf89734t5b"
    ranged <- toGenomeOrder2(ranged,strict=T)
    if(typ=="GRanges") {
      mcols(ranged)[[silly.name]] <- paste(1:nrow(ranged))
    } else {
      ranged[[silly.name]] <- paste(1:nrow(ranged))
    mychr2 <- mychr <- paste(chr2(ranged))
    #all.nams <- chrNames2(ranged)
    #all.nums <- chrNums(ranged,table.in=table.in)
    all.nums.t <- chrNums(ranged,table.in=table.in,table.out=T) 
    all.nams <- all.nums.t[,1]
    all.nums <- all.nums.t[,2]
    #mychr2 <- all.nums.t[,2][match(mychr,all.nums.t[,1])]
    for (cc in 1:length(all.nams)) { mychr2[which(mychr==all.nams[cc])] <- all.nums[cc] }
    #print(tail(mychr2)); print((all.nums))
    if(typ=="GRanges") {
      all.chr <- chr2(ranged)
      out <- GRanges(ranges=IRanges(start=start(ranged),end=end(ranged)),seqnames=mychr2,silly.name=mcols(ranged)[[silly.name]])
    } else {
      out <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=start(ranged),end=end(ranged)),space=mychr2,silly.name=ranged[[silly.name]])
    out <- toGenomeOrder2(out,strict=T)
    if(typ=="GRanges") {
      oo <- mcols(out)[["silly.name"]]
      rr <- mcols(ranged)[[silly.name]]
    } else {
      oo <- out[["silly.name"]]
      rr <- ranged[[silly.name]]
    if(all(!is.na(oo))) {
      if(is.null(rownames(ranged))) { rownames(ranged) <- paste(1:nrow(ranged)) ; rmv.rn <- TRUE } else { rmv.rn <- FALSE }
      #iioo <- rownames(ranged)[match(oo,rr)]; print(iioo); print(is(iioo))
      rn <- narm(rownames(ranged)[match(oo,rr)])
      if(nrow(out)==length(rn) ) { rownames(out) <- rn } else { warning("rownames did not match number of rows") }
      if(rmv.rn) { rownames(out) <- NULL }
    } else {
      warning("index column was corrupted")
    # prv(out)
    ncr <- switch(typ,RangedData=ncol(ranged),GRanges=ncol(mcols(ranged)))
    if(is.null(ncr)) { ncr <- 0 }
    if(ncr>0 & keep) {
      cn <- switch(typ,RangedData=colnames(ranged),GRanges=colnames(mcols(ranged)))
      for(cc in 1:ncr) {
        if(typ=="GRanges") {
          mcols(out)[[paste(cn[cc])]] <- mcols(ranged)[[paste(cn[cc])]]
        } else {
          out[[paste(cn[cc])]] <- ranged[[paste(cn[cc])]]
    cno <- switch(typ,RangedData=colnames(out),GRanges=colnames(mcols(out)))
    if(any(cno %in% "silly.name")) { out <- out[,-which(cno %in% "silly.name")] }
    cno <- switch(typ,RangedData=colnames(out),GRanges=colnames(mcols(out)))
    if(any(cno %in% silly.name)) { out <- out[,-which(cno %in% silly.name)] }
    if(table.out) {
    } else {
  } else {
    #cat("no change\n")
    cnr <- switch(typ,RangedData=colnames(ranged),GRanges=colnames(mcols(ranged)))
    if(any(cnr %in% "silly.name")) { ranged <- ranged[,-which(cnr %in% "silly.name")] }
    return(ranged)      # change not needed

#' Invert a ranged object
#' Select the empty space between ranges for the whole genome, for instance you may want
#' to overlap with everything NOT in a set of ranges.
#' @param X a ranged object, GRanges, RangedData or ChipInfo
#' @param inclusive logical, TRUE if the ends of ranges should be in the inverted object
#' @param build character, "hg18" or "hg19" (or 36/37) to show which reference to retrieve. The 
#' default when build is NULL is to use the build from the current ChipInfo annotation
#' @param pad.missing.autosomes logical, whether to add entire chromosomes to the inverted
#' range object when they are not contained within X
#' @return a ranged object of the same type as X, but with the inverse set of human genomic ranges selected
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' X <- rranges()
#' invGRanges(X,inclusive=TRUE)
#' invGRanges(X)
#' invGRanges(X,pad.missing.autosomes=FALSE)
#' }
invGRanges <- function(X,inclusive=FALSE,build=NULL,pad.missing.autosomes=TRUE) {
  typ <- is(X)[1]
  if(!typ %in% c("GRanges","RangedData","ChipInfo")) { stop("invalid type for X; ",typ) }
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  X <- toGenomeOrder2(X)
  X <- set.chr.to.char(X)
  ch <- chrNames2(X)
  chrLs <- get.chr.lens(mito=T,names=T,build=build)
  chm <- ch
  chm[ch %in% c("chrXY","XY")] <- gsub("Y","",chm[ch %in% c("chrXY","XY")])
  ii <- match(chm,names(chrLs))
  if(any(is.na(ii))) { stop("contained chromosome name not in reference: ",comma(ch[is.na(ii)])) }
  chrL <- as.integer(chrLs[ii])
  #all.dat <- GRanges()
  if(length(ch)>0) { 
  	all.dat <- vector("list",length=length(ch)); names(all.dat) <- ch
  	offs <- if(inclusive) { 0 } else { 1 }
    for (cc in 1:length(ch)) {
      nxt.chr <- chrSel(X,ch[cc])
      st <- as.integer(start(nxt.chr)); en <- as.integer(end(nxt.chr))
      new.st <- as.integer(c(1,en+offs))
      new.en <- as.integer(c(st-offs,chrL[cc]))
      if(any(new.en<new.st)) {
        ind <- (rep(which(new.en<new.st),each=5)+rep(c(-2,-1,0,1,2),length(which(new.en<new.st))))
        ind <- ind[ind %in% 1:length(new.st)] #; prv(ind)
        cat("Found illegal start/end in ",ch[cc],"\n")
        if(length(grep("19",ch[cc]))>0) { cat("you may be using incorrect value of 'build' (current is '",build,"')\n",sep="") }
      all.dat[[cc]] <- makeGRanges(chr=rep(ch[cc],length(new.st)),start=new.st,end=new.en)
  } else {
  	all.dat <- NULL
  	warning("X was empty")
  	if(!pad.missing.autosomes) { return(NULL) }
  if(pad.missing.autosomes) {
    autoz <- paste0("chr",1:22)
    misn <- (!autoz %in% ch)
    if(any(misn)) { 
      mis.list <- vector("list",length(which(misn))); names(mis.list) <- autoz[misn]
      for(dd in 1:length(which(misn))) {
        mis.list[[dd]] <- makeGRanges(chr=autoz[which(misn)[dd]],start=1,end=chrLs[which(misn)[dd]])
      all.dat <- c(all.dat,mis.list)
  myDat <- do.call("rbind",args=lapply(all.dat,as,"RangedData"))
  myDat <- toGenomeOrder2(myDat)
  myDat <- as(myDat,typ)

################## end ranged ##########################

## Simple Functions ##

#' Normalize Lambda inflation factors to specific case-control count
#' Lambda inflation statistics are influenced by the size of the generating datasets. To facilitate
#' comparison to other studies, this function calculates then converts a given lambda from 
#' n cases and m controls, to be equivalent to 1000 cases and 1000 controls.
#' @param p.values numeric, a vector of analysis p.values, generated from n cases and m controls (although order switching n/m makes no difference to this function)
#' @param n integer, original number of cases that p.values were derived from
#' @param m integer, original number of controls that p.values were derived from
#' @return A normalized Lambda coefficient
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @references Freedman M.L., et al. Assessing the impact of population stratification
#'  on genetic association studies. Nat. Genet. 2004;36:388-393.
#' @examples
#' # create some p-values with clear 'inflation' (divergence from uniform[0,1])
#' p.vec <- c(runif(3000)/200,runif(7000)) 
#' # let's imagine these p values come from 3000 cases and 5000 controls
#' L1000_a <- lambda_1000(p.vec,3000,5000)
#' # alternatively, imagine the sample sizes are 10 times larger
#' L1000_b <- lambda_1000(p.vec,30000,50000)
#' plot(sort(p.vec),type="l") 
#' L1000_a; L1000_b
lambda_1000 <- function(p.values,n=1000,m=1000) {
  if(!is.numeric(p.values)) { stop("p.values must be numeric") }
  if(!is.numeric(n)) { stop("n must be numeric") } else { n <- abs(round(n)) }
  if(!is.numeric(m)) { stop("m must be numeric") } else { m <- abs(round(m)) }
  Lnm <- median(p.to.Z(narm(p.values))^2,na.rm=T)/.454
  return(1 + ((Lnm-1)*(((1/n)+(1/m))/((1/1000)+(1/1000)))) )

#' Convert a chr:pos1-pos2 vector to a matrix
#' Takes standard text positions, such as what you might see on the UCSC genome browser, such as 
#' chr1:10,000,234-11,000,567 for a range, or chrX:234,432 for a SNP, and converts to 
#' with cols: chr, start, end.
#' @param text character vector, format like chr:pos1-pos2
#' @export
#' @return a matrix of the same length as 'ranges' with columns chr, start and end, and
#' rownames will be the same as the original text vector.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ranged.to.txt}}
#' @examples
#' txt <- ranged.to.txt(rranges())
#' convert.textpos.to.data(txt)
convert.textpos.to.data <- function(text) {
  do.one <- function(X) {
    chr.pos <- strsplit(X,":",fixed=T)[[1]]  
    chr.txt <- gsub("chr","",chr.pos[[1]],ignore.case=T)
    chr <- chr.txt #allow for X , as.integer(chr.txt); if(is.na(chr)) { print(chr.txt) }
    pos.txt <- strsplit(chr.pos[[2]],"-",fixed=T)[[1]]
    pos12 <- as.integer(pos.txt)
    out <- c(chr,pos12[1],pos12[2])
    if(is.na(out[3])) { out[3] <- out[2] }
    names(out) <- c("chr","start","end")

#' Make a compact version of gene annotation
#' When adding gene annotation to genomic ranges, sometimes
#' there are many genes associated with a single feature, so
#' that compiling a table becomes awkward, if some rows contain
#' hundreds of genes. This function takes a character vector
#' of gene lists delimited by some separator and provides
#' a compact representation of the gene labels
#' @param x is a character vector of gene label listings, where multiple hits
#' are delimited by 'sep'
#' @param n number of genes to list before abbreviating
#' @param sep character, separator used to delimit genes in elements of x
#' @param others logical, TRUE to abbreviate with '+ # others' or FALSE to
#' append just the number of genes not listed.
#' @return a character vector with the form:
#' gene-1, gene-2, ..., gene-n, + length(gene-n) - n [others]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' compact.gene.list(my.genes)
#' compact.gene.list(my.genes,n=2,others=TRUE)
compact.gene.list <- function(x,n=3,sep=";",others=FALSE) {
  XX <- strsplit(x,sep,fixed=T)
  XX <- lapply(XX,function(x) { x[x %in% c(""," ")] <- "unnamed gene"; if(length(x)==0) { x <- "unnamed gene" };return(x) })
 # prv(XX)
  lens <- sapply(XX,length)
  sel <- which(lens>n)
  all <- sapply(XX,function(x) { sel <- FALSE; if(length(x)>0) { sel <- 1:(min(length(x),n)) }; paste(x[sel],collapse=sep) })
  extrz <- lens[sel]-n
  if(others) { oth <- rep("others",length(extrz)); oth[extrz==1] <- "other" }
  all[sel] <- paste(all[sel],"+",extrz,if(others) { oth } else { "" } )

#' Meta-analysis using odds ratio and standard error from 2 datasets
#' This function calculates meta analysis odds ratios, standard errors and p-values
#' using results from a table containing odds ratio and standard error data for analyses
#' of 2 different datasets (typically logistic regression, but other analyses can be
#' incorporated if an odds-ratio and SE can be derived, for instance one analysis might
#' be a case control logistic regression GWAS and the other a family TDT analysis).
#' @param X A data.frame with column names which should be entered in the parameters:
#' OR1, OR2, SE1, SE2, and optionally N1, N2. 
#' @param OR1 The column name of X containing odds ratios from the first analysis
#' @param OR2 Same as OR1 above but pertaining to the second analysis
#' @param SE1 The column name of X containing standard errors from the first analysis
#' @param SE2 Same as SE1 above but pertaining to the second analysis
#' @param N1 Only required if method="sample.size". Either the column name in X with the 
#' number of samples in the first analysis, of a vector of the same, or if N's is the
#'  same for all rows, a scalar' value can be entered
#' for each.
#' @param N2 Only required if method="sample.size". Same as N1 above but pertaining to analysis 2
#' @param Z1 Only use if method="sample.size" or "z.score". The column name in X with the 
#' z.scores in the first analysis.
#' @param Z2 Same as Z1 above but pertaining to analysis 2
#' @param method character, can be either 'beta', 'z.score' or 'sample.size', and upper/lower
#' case does not matter. 'Beta' is the default and will calculate meta-analysis weights using
#' the inverse variance method (based on standard errors), and will calculate the p-values
#' based on the weighted beta coefficients of the two analyses. 'Z.score' also uses inverse variance
#' but calculates p-values based on the weighted Z scores of the two analyses. 'Sample.size' uses
#' the sqrt of the sample sizes to weight the meta analysis and uses Z scores to calculate p values
#' like 'Z.score' does.#' 
#' @return The object returned should have the same number of rows and rownames as the data.frame
#'  X but columns are the meta analysis stastistics, namely:
#'   OR.meta, beta.meta, se.meta, z.meta, p.meta, which will contain the meta
#' analysis odds-ratio, beta-coefficient, standard error, z-score, and p-values respectively
#' for each row of X.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' X <- data.frame(OR_CC=c(1.8,1.15),OR_Fam=c(1.33,0.95),SE_CC=c(0.02,0.12),SE_Fam=c(0.07,0.5))
#' rownames(X) <- c("rs689","rs23444")
#' X
#' meta.me(X)
#' X <- data.frame(OR_CC=c(1.8,1.15),OR_CC2=c(1.33,0.95),
#'  SE_CC=c(0.02,0.12),SE_CC2=c(0.02,0.05),
#'  n1=c(5988,5844),n2=c(1907,1774))
#' # even with roughly the same number of samples the standard error will determine the influence of
#' # each analysis on the overall odds ratio, note here that the second SE for dataset goes
#' # from 0.5 to 0.05 and as a result the estimate of the odds ratio goes from 1.137 to 0.977,
#' # i.e, from very close to OR1, changing to very close to OR2.
#' meta.me(X,OR2="OR_CC2",SE2="SE_CC2") 
#' # sample size and z-score methods give similar (but distinct) results
#' meta.me(X,OR2="OR_CC2",SE2="SE_CC2",N1="n1",N2="n2",method="sample.size") 
#' meta.me(X,OR2="OR_CC2",SE2="SE_CC2",N1="n1",N2="n2",method="z.score")  # N's will be ignored
meta.me <- function(X,OR1="OR_CC",OR2="OR_Fam",SE1="SE_CC",SE2="SE_Fam",Z1=NA,Z2=NA,
                    N1=NA,N2=NA,method=c("beta","z.score","sample.size")) {
  validz <- c("beta","z.score","sample.size")
  method <- tolower(method[1])
  if(!method %in% validz) { method <- validz[1]; warning("invalid method entered, using 'beta' method") }
  if(!is(X)[1]=="data.frame") { stop("X must be a data.frame") }
  cnx <- colnames(X)
  if(is.null(rownames(X))) { rownames(X) <- paste(1:nrow(X)) }
  if(!all(c(OR1,OR2,SE1,SE2) %in% cnx)) { stop("X must contain column names specified by OR1,OR2,SE1,SE2") }
  ok <- FALSE
  if(method=="sample.size") {
    if(is.numeric(N1) & is.numeric(N2)) { if(length(N1)!=1 | length(N2)!=1) {
      stop("N1, N2 should either be scalar integers, or column names containing N's") } else {
        N.coln <- FALSE
      } }
    if(is.character(N1) & is.character(N2)) {
      if(!all(c(OR1,OR2,SE1,SE2) %in% cnx)) {
        stop("N1,N2 must contain either be scalar integers or column names with N's") } else {
          N.coln <- TRUE
  OR.CC <- X[,OR1]
  beta.CC  <- log(X[,OR1])
  se.CC <- X[,SE1]
  OR.family <- X[,OR2]
  beta.family  <- log(X[,OR2])
  se.family <- X[,SE2]
  if(!is.na(Z1) & method!="beta") {
    if(Z1 %in% colnames(X)) {
      z.CC <- X[,Z1]
    } else { warnings("Z1 column not found, ignoring") }
  } else {
    z.CC <- beta.CC/se.CC
  if(!is.na(Z2) & method!="beta") {
    if(Z2 %in% colnames(X)) {
      z.family <- X[,Z2]
    } else { warnings("Z2 column not found, ignoring") }
  } else {
    z.family <- beta.family/se.family
  inv.CC <- 1 / (se.CC^2)
  inv.family <- 1 / (se.family^2)
  var.meta <- 1 / (inv.CC+inv.family)
  weight.CC <- inv.CC * var.meta
  weight.family <- inv.family * var.meta
  se.meta <- round(sqrt(var.meta), digits=3)
  if(method=="sample.size") {
    if(N.coln) {
      famN <- X[,N2]
      ccN <- X[,N1]
    } else {
      famN <- N2 # 3819*2  #3509*2   #  3819*2   #  10796
      ccN <- N1 # 6683+12173 # including CBR, or for UVA analyses use instead: 9416+6670
    WeightFam = sqrt(famN)/(sqrt(famN)+sqrt(ccN))
    WeightCC <- 1-WeightFam
    # beta calculated the same way for sample.size method using sample size weights
    beta.meta <- round((WeightCC * beta.CC) + (WeightFam * beta.family),digits=3) # beta based
    z.meta <- round((WeightCC * z.CC) + (WeightFam * z.family),digits=6) # n-based, z-based
  } else {
 # beta calculated the same way for z.score method and beta method using inverse variance
    beta.meta <- round((weight.CC * beta.CC) + (weight.family * beta.family),digits=3) # beta based
    if(method=="z.score") {
      z.meta <- round((weight.CC * z.CC) + (weight.family * z.family),digits=6) # z-based
    } else {
      # default (beta) method
      z.meta <- beta.meta/se.meta
  OR.meta <- exp(beta.meta)
  p.meta <- 2*pnorm(-abs(z.meta))
  out <- (cbind(OR.meta,beta.meta,se.meta,z.meta,p.meta))
  colnames(out) <- c("OR.meta","beta.meta","se.meta","z.meta","p.meta")
  rownames(out) <- rownames(X)

################## end simple ##########################

## ChipInfo Support Functions ##

#' Retrieve current ChipInfo annotation object
#' This function returns the current 'ChipInfo' annotation object, containing chromosome,
#' id, position, strand, 'rs' id, allele 1, allele 2 for each SNP of a microarray chip,
#' in either hg18 or hg19 (build 36/37) coordinates. Can also be used to update the 
#' current object to a new object.
#' This package makes extensive use of this class of annotation object for the working
#' microarray chip, e.g, default is ImmunoChip, but Metabochip is also built-in,
#' and you can also load your own annotation if using a different chip. The class
#' of the object used is 'ChipInfo' which is a GRanges object, modified to always
#' have columns for A1, A2 (alleles), rs.id, and a quality control flag. The
#' default display is tidier than GRanges, it has nice coersion to and frame data.frame
#' and indexing by chromosome using [[n]] has been added, in addition to normal [i,j]
#' indexing native to GRanges. A1 and A2 values are usually specific to each dataset
#' so for immunochip you may need to manually update these values to reflect
#' the allele coding in your own dataset.
#' @param build character, either "hg18", "hg19" or "hg38". Will also accept build numbers,
#' 36, 37 or 38.
#' @param refresh logical, FALSE to just load whatever object is already in memory (except
#' when first using a function in this package, there should be a ChipInfo object loaded),
#' or TRUE to reload from the original source. For instance you may wish to do this when 
#' you want to use a different chip, different build, or if the annotation has been modifed
#' via a manual correction).
#' @param alternate.file character, name of an alternative RData file containing a ChipInfo
#' object to use instead of the object found in getOption("chip.info"). This will replace
#' the current ChipInfo object.
#' @param warn.build logical, whether to warn if the 'build' argument does not match
#' the current value of getOption("ucsc"). The default is to display this warning,
#' but if you set this argument to FALSE this can be suppressed.
#' @return returns the current ChipInfo object [S4]. This may be slow first time, but
#' subsequent lookups should be much faster. Builds 36/38 are not stored explicitly so
#' will take a little while to convert the first time, but subsequent lookups should be
#' fast. To increase the speed save the object locally and use option(chip.info=<PATH>)
#' to set a custom path for future chip.support() calls [which are also made internally
#' by many of the function in this package]. This is also the option to set if you
#' want to add a ChipInfo object for a different chip, e.g, metabochip, exomechip, etc.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ChipInfo}}, \code{\link{build}}, \code{\link{rs.id}}, 
#'  \code{\link{QCfail}}, \code{\link{convTo36}}, 
#'  \code{\link{convTo37}}, \code{\link{A1}}, \code{\link{A2}}
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @export
#' @concept ImmunoChip MetaboChip microarray iSelect Illumina
#' @examples
#' chip.support() # shows the current ChipInfo object (default is 'ImmunoChip' build 37)
#' #/donttest{
#' chip.support(build=36) # gives warning as hg19 version is currently loaded
#' chip.support(build=36,refresh=TRUE)
#' getOption("chip.info") # shows the object is now saved in the tmp directory for subsequent calls
#' chip.support(build=38,refresh=TRUE)
#' #}
chip.support <- function(build=NULL,refresh=FALSE,alternate.file=NULL,warn.build=TRUE) {
  update.build <- T #refresh
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") } else {  update.build <- TRUE  }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(getOption("chip.info")=="") { refresh <- TRUE }
#  refresh <- T ###??????? why a param?
  #old# if(!exists("all.support",envir=globalenv())) { refresh <- T }  # change global environment to namespace of iChip package
  if(refresh) {
#    options(chip.info="") # refresh this?
    if(getOption("chip.info")=="ImmunoChip_37_builtIn" | update.build) {  options(chip.info="") } # refresh so erase current
    use.options <- TRUE
    if(is.character(alternate.file)) {
      if(file.exists(alternate.file)) {
        use.options <- FALSE
    if(use.options) {
      file <- getOption("chip.info")
      if(length(file)==0) { file <- "" }
    } else {
      file <- alternate.file
    conv <- FALSE # whether to convert from specified build, e.g, compulsory for ichip if not hg19
    if(!file.exists(file)) {
      if(is(file)[1]=="character") { if(nchar(file)>1) { warning("file",file,"did not exist, using default (immunoChip)") }}
      all.support <- humarray::ImmunoChipB37
      if(!build %in% c("hg19","hg38","hg18")) {
            stop("unsupported build",build,
                 "for chip.support() function, please use hg18/19/38",
                  "or use option(chip.info=<PATH>) to specify a custom ChipInfo file")
      } else {
        if(!build=="hg19") {
          conv <- TRUE
        } else {
      #file <- system.file("extdata", fname, package="humarray")
    } else {
      all.support <- reader(file); conv <- FALSE # custom file supplied, don't convert
      if(!is(all.support)[1]=="ChipInfo") {
        stop("alternate.file file contained object not of class ChipInfo")
      }  else {
        message("Updated current ChipInfo object to: ",getOption("chip.info"))
#   if(ucsc(all.support)!=build) { conv <- TRUE } # needs converting
    if(is(all.support)[1]=="list") {
      if(length(all.support)>1) { typz <- sapply(lapply(all.support,is),"[",1) } # in case multiple objects in file
    } else {
      typz <- is(all.support)[1]
    if(all(typz=="ChipInfo")) {
      if((build %in% c("hg18","hg38")) & conv) {
        if(build=="hg18") { all.support <- convTo36(all.support) } else { all.support <- convTo38(all.support) }
        tfn <- cat.path(tempdir(),"ImmunoChip_ChipInfo",suf=substr(build,3,4),ext="rda")
        save(all.support,file=tfn) # save this converted object in the tmp directory for this session
      #old# assign("all.support",value=all.support,envir=globalenv())  # change global environment to namespace of iChip package
    } else {
      stop("object (all.support) in the file",file,
           "should have type ChipInfo, or else object all.support in the global environment has been modified")
  } else {
    file <- getOption("chip.info");
    if(file=="ImmunoChip_37_builtIn") {
      all.support <- humarray::ImmunoChipB37
    } else {
      if(file.exists(file)) { 
        all.support <- reader(file) 
      } else { 
        stop("getOption('chip.info') file did not exist")
      if(!is(all.support)[1]=="ChipInfo") { stop("chip.info file contained object not of ChipInfo class") }
    if(ucsc(all.support)!=build) {
      all.support <- chip.support(build=build,refresh=TRUE,alternate.file=alternate.file,warn.build=warn.build)
      if(ucsc(all.support)!=getOption("ucsc") & warn.build) {
        warning("'build' did not match the current default reference genome. Use options(ucsc=",build,") if you wish to change the default reference genome. otherwise use 'warn.build=FALSE' to hide this warning")
  #old#if(!exists("all.support",envir=globalenv())) { stop("ChipInfo data object 'all.support' not found") }  
  #old#all.support <- get("all.support",envir=globalenv())  
  # change global environment to namespace of iChip package
  if(is(all.support)[1]=="list") {
    nnn <- (names(all.support))
    if(length(nnn)>1) {
      # multiple objects in file, probably different builds
      any37 <- c(grep("37",nnn),grep("hg19",nnn))
      any36 <- c(grep("36",nnn),grep("hg18",nnn))
      if(build=="hg19" & length(any37)>0) { all.support <- all.support[[nnn[any37[1]]]]}
      if(build=="hg38" & length(any37)>0) { all.support <- convTo38(all.support[[nnn[any37[1]]]])}
      if(build=="hg18" & length(any36)>0) { all.support <- all.support[[nnn[any36[1]]]]}

#' Convert from chip ID labels to dbSNP rs-ids
#' Most SNPs will have an 'rs-id' from dbSNP/HapMap, and these are often the standard for reporting or
#' annotation lookup. These can differ from the IDs used on the chip. This functions looks at the current
#' snp support (ChipInfo object) and returns rs-ids in place of chip IDs. Currently rs-ids are always 
#' from build37.
#' @param ids character, meant to be a list of chip ids, but if rs-ids are present they will not be altered.
#' @return A character vector of SNP rs-ids, where the input was chip ids, rs-ids or a mixture, any text
#' other than this will result in NA values being returned in the character vector output.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{rs.to.id}}, \code{\link{GENE.to.ENS}}, \code{\link{ENS.to.GENE}}
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @examples
#' id.to.rs(c("imm_11_2138800","rs9467354","vh_1_1108138")) # middle one is already a rs.id
id.to.rs <- function(ids) {
  ids <- clean.snp.ids(ids)
  all.support <- chip.support()
  if(!exists("all.support")) { stop("ChipInfo data object 'all.support' not found") }  ## load object: all.support [snp support for whole chip]
  rsvec <- mcols(all.support)$rs.id[match(ids,rownames(all.support))]
  rsvec2 <- mcols(all.support)$rs.id[match(ids,mcols(all.support)$rs.id)]
  rsvec[is.na(rsvec)] <- rsvec2[is.na(rsvec)]

#' Convert from dbSNP rs-ids to chip ID labels
#' Most SNPs will have an 'rs-id' from dbSNP/HapMap, and these are often the standard for reporting
#' or annotation lookup. These can differ from the IDs used on the chip. This functions looks at 
#' the current snp support (ChipInfo object) and looks up chip IDs based on rs-ids.
#' @param rs.ids character, meant to be a list of rs-ids, but if chip-ids are present they will not be
#' altered.
#' @param manifest logical, if TRUE return the ids as specified by the manifest/official set, or as
#' stored in the column 'chip.id'. If FALSE return the IDs as stored in the rownames of the ChipInfo
#' object, which can differ when the chip.id is an illegal format for an R row/column name.
#' @param multi.list logical, some rs-ids could map to multiple chip ids. It is recommended that if
#' that is the case then a letter should be appended to duplicate rs-ids to make them unique in the
#' ChipInfo object, e.g, rs1234, rs1234b, rs1234c, etc. If multi.list is TRUE, then the id list 
#' will be returned as a list, and any time an rs-id is entered without a letter suffix, all 
#' possible corresponding chip ids will be listed.
#' @param force.flat logical, if 'multi.list' is true, then some rs-ids might map to more than one
#' SNP. If force.flat is TRUE, then multiple SNP listings will be concatenated with a comma. If 
#' FALSE, then a list will be returned, with multiple entries where applicable.
#' @return A character vector of SNP chip-ids, where the input was rs-ids, chip-ids or a mixture, 
#' any text other than this will result in NA values being returned in the character vector output.
#' Or, if multi-list is true, then returns a list instead, which takes more than 1 value where 
#' there are multiple chip-ids with the same rs-id; if there are no such rs-id duplicates the
#' result will still be a list. Currently rs-ids are always from build37.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{id.to.rs}}, \code{\link{GENE.to.ENS}}, \code{\link{ENS.to.GENE}}
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @examples
#' rs.to.id(c("rs689","rs9467354","rs61733845"))  # middle one has no chip id
#' \donttest{
#' test.ids <- c("rs61733845","rs2227313","rs11577783","rs3748816",
#'                                     "rs12131065","rs3790567","rs2270614")
#' rs.to.id(test.ids, multi.list=TRUE) # list with duplicates
#' }
rs.to.id <- function(rs.ids,manifest=FALSE,multi.list=TRUE,force.flat=TRUE) {
  rs.ids <- clean.snp.ids(rs.ids)
  all.support <- chip.support()
  if(!exists("all.support")) { stop("ChipInfo data object 'all.support' not found") }  ## load object: all.support [snp support for whole chip]
  delay.force <- FALSE
  if(manifest) { if(force.flat) { 
    force.flat <- FALSE; #warning("force.flat set to FALSE, cannot be TRUE when manifest=TRUE") 
    multi.list=TRUE; delay.force <- TRUE
  if(multi.list) {
    X0 <- rmv.trail(rs.ids)
    X1 <- paste0(X0,"b"); X2 <- paste0(X0,"c"); X3 <- paste0(X0,"d"); X4 <- paste0(X0,"a")
    X <- cbind(rs.to.id(X0,multi.list=F),rs.to.id(X1,multi.list=F),
    idvec <- apply(X,1,function(x) { unique(narm(x)) })
    if(!is.list(idvec)) { 
      if(!force.flat) {
        idvec <- as.list(idvec) 
    } else {
      if(force.flat) {
        idvec <- sapply(idvec,paste,collapse=",") 
    #warning("'multi.list' option was used, but no duplicate rs-ids found, so returning a vector, not a list") }
  } else {
    idvec <- rownames(all.support)[match(rs.ids,mcols(all.support)$rs.id)]
    idvec2 <- rownames(all.support)[match(rs.ids,rownames(all.support))]
    idvec[is.na(idvec)] <- idvec2[is.na(idvec)]
  if(manifest) {
    if(!is.null(mcols(all.support)[,"chip.id"])) {
      mano <- function(X) { mcols(all.support)[,"chip.id"][match(X,rownames(all.support))] }
      if(is(idvec)[1]=="list") {
        idvec <- lapply(idvec,mano)
        if(delay.force) {
          idvec <- sapply(idvec,paste,collapse=",") # force.flat if this option was selected
      } else {
        idvec <- mano(idvec)
    } else {
      warning("chip.id was NULL, no 'manifest' Ids found, returning rownames"); return(idvec)
  } else {

#' Convert from chip/rs-ids to manifest chip ID labels
#' Some SNP-ids aren't legal R row/column names. In order to match datafiles and store annotation
#' as objects, this package converts SNP-names to sanitized versions if necessary, that are
#' legal row/column names. This function converts from such 'legal' versions of the IDs back
#' to the proper names, as per the chip manifest document (or whatever is stored in the chip.id field
#' of the chip.support() object, accessible using chipId()).
#' @param ids character, either a list of rs-ids or chip-ids. chip ids are preferable as they
#' are unique, and rs.ids are not. Using this function is not recommended for rs.id lists that
#' might have entries that map to multiple chip ids, because entries other than the first will be 
#' ignored. For such cases, use 'rs.to.id(manifest=TRUE,multi.list=TRUE,...)'.
#' @return A character vector of SNP chip-ids matching the manifest format.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{id.to.rs}}, \code{\link{GENE.to.ENS}}, \code{\link{ENS.to.GENE}}
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @examples
#'   test.ids <- c("imm_1_898835","rs61733845","rs115005664","rs114582555",
#'       "chr1_20131940","chr1_20133829","rs150992667","rs138231315","rs111577708","rs187104718")
#'   manifest(c("chr1_20131940","ccc_1_67429655_A_G"))
#'   manifest(test.ids)  # even when some are rs-id, still works
#'   data.frame(rs.id=test.ids,legal.id=rs.to.id(test.ids),manifest.id=manifest(test.ids))
manifest <- function(ids) {
  mano <- function(X) { rs.to.id(X,manifest=T,force.flat=FALSE,multi.list=FALSE) }
  if(is(ids)[1]=="list") {
    ids <- lapply(ids,mano)
  } else {
    ids <- mano(ids)

#' Find chromosome for SNP ids, gene name or band
#' Allows retrieval of the chromosome associated with a SNP-id, HGNC gene label, karyotype band,
#' or vector of such ids. For SNPs the ids can be either chip ids, or rs-ids, but must be contained
#'  in the current annotation. Default behaviour is to assume 'id' are SNP ids, but if none are
#'  found in the SNP annotation, the id's will be passed to functions Pos.gene() and Pos.band() to
#'  see whether a result is found. This latter step will only happen if no SNP ids are retreived in
#'  the first instance, and if snps.only=TRUE, then genes and bands will not be searched and NA's 
#'  returned. If you are repeatedly searching for chromosomes for genes/bands, using the dedicated 
#'  Pos.gene and Pos.band functions would be slightly faster than relying on the fallback behaviour
#'  of the Chr() function.  See documentation for these functions for more information. The build
#'  used will be that in the current ChipInfo object.
#' @param ids character, a vector of rs-ids or chip-ids representing SNPs in the current ChipInfo
#'  annotation, or gene ids, or karyotype bands. Can also be a SnpMatrix object.
#' @param dir character, only relevant when gene or band ids are entered, in this case 'dir' is the location
#' to download gene and cytoband information; if left as NULL, depending on the value of 
#' getOption("save.annot.in.current"), the annotation will either be saved in the working directory to 
#' speed-up subsequent lookups, or deleted after use.
#' @param snps.only logical, if TRUE, only search SNP ids, ignore the possibility of genes/cytobands.
#' @return A character vector of Chromosomes for each ids, with NA values where no result was found.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Pos}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' Chr(c("rs689","rs9467354","rs61733845"))
#' Chr("CTLA4")
#' Chr("13q21.31")
#' Chr(c("CTLA4","PTPN22"),snps.only=TRUE) # fails as these are genes
#' Chr(c("rs689","PTPN22","13q21.31")) # mixed input, will default to SNPs, as at least 1 was found
#' }
Chr <- function(ids,dir=NULL,snps.only=FALSE) {
  ic.chr <- function(ids) {
    ic.ids <- clean.snp.ids(ids)
    all.support <- chip.support()
    if(!exists("all.support")) { stop("ChipInfo data object 'all.support' not found")  }  ## load object: all.support [snp support for whole chip]
    outlist <- chrm(all.support)[match(ic.ids,rownames(all.support))]
  typ <- is(ids)[1]
  if(typ %in% c("SnpMatrix","XSnpMatrix","aSnpMatrix","aXSnpMatrix")) { ids <- colnames(ids) }
  query <- rs.to.id(ids)
  if(!snps.only & all(is.na(query))) { 
    ## unless the 'snps.only' function is set, then if it looks like we have not been handed
    ## snp ids, then check for band ids or gene ids instead
    chr.ify <- function(X) { tolower(names(X)); return(gsub("chr","",X["chr"],ignore.case=TRUE)) }
    numpqs <- (length(grep("q",ids))+length(grep("p",ids)))
    if(numpqs==length(ids)) { try.band <- T } else { try.band <- F }
    if(try.band) {
      suppressWarnings(test <- Pos.band(ids,dir=dir))
      if(!is.null(test)) { return(chr.ify(test)) }
    suppressWarnings(test <- Pos.gene(ids,dir=dir))
    if(!is.null(test)) { return(chr.ify(test)) } 
  ic <- ic.chr(query)

#' Find the chromosome position for SNP ids, gene name or band
#' Allows retrieval of the the chromosome position associated with a SNP-id, HGNC gene label, 
#'  karyotype band, or vector of such ids. For SNPs the ids can be either chip ids, or rs-ids,
#'  but must be contained in the current annotation. Default behaviour is to assume 'id' are 
#'  SNP ids, but if none are found in the SNP annotation, the id's will be passed to functions
#'  Pos.gene() and Pos.band() to see whether a result is found. This latter step will only happen
#'  if no SNP ids are retreived in the first instance, and if snps.only=TRUE, then genes and bands
#'  will not be searched and NA's returned. If you are repeatedly searching for positions for 
#'  genes/bands, using the dedicated Pos.gene() and Pos.band() functions would be slightly faster
#'  than relying on the fallback behaviour of the Pos() function. Note that the position for
#'  genes and bands are not a single point, so the result will be a range with start and end, 
#'  see 'values' below. See documentation for these functions for more information.
#' @param ids character, a vector of rs-ids or chip-ids representing SNPs in the current ChipInfo 
#' annotation,or gene ids, or karyotype bands. Can also be a SnpMatrix object.
#' @param dir character, only relevant when gene or band ids are entered, in this case 'dir' is 
#' the location to download gene and cytoband information; if left as NULL, depending on the 
#' value of getOption("save.annot.in.current"), the annotation will either be saved in the 
#' working directory to speed-up subsequent lookups, or deleted after use.
#' @param snps.only logical, if TRUE, only search SNP ids, ignore the possibility of 
#' genes/cytobands.
#' @return When ids are SNP ids, returns a numeric vector of positions for each id, with NA 
#' values where no result was found. When ids are genes or karyotype bands, will return a 
#' data.frame with columns 'chr' [chromosome], 'start' [starting position of feature], 'end'
#' [end position of feature], and the band without the chromosome prefix, if ids are bands. 
#' Note that this function cannot retrieve multiple ranges for a single gene (e.g, OR2A1 in
#' build 38), which means you'd need to use Pos.gene(). The coordinates used will be of 
#' version getOption(ucsc="hg18"), or ucsc(chip.support()), which should be equivalent.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Chr}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' Pos(c("rs689","rs9467354","rs61733845"))
#' Pos("CTLA4") # returns a range
#' Pos("13q21.31") # returns a range
#' Pos(c("CTLA4","PTPN22"),snps.only=TRUE) # fails as these are genes
#' Pos(c("rs689","PTPN22","13q21.31")) # mixed input, will default to SNPs, as at least 1 was found
#' }
Pos <- function(ids,dir=NULL,snps.only=FALSE) {
  all.support <- chip.support()
  ic.pos <- function(ic.ids) {
    ic.ids <- clean.snp.ids(ic.ids)
    if(!exists("all.support")) { stop("ChipInfo data object 'all.support' not found") }  ## load object: all.support [snp support for whole chip]
    outlist <- start(all.support)[match(ic.ids,rownames(all.support))]
  typ <- is(ids)[1]
  if(typ %in% c("SnpMatrix","XSnpMatrix","aSnpMatrix","aXSnpMatrix")) { ids <- colnames(ids) }
  query <- rs.to.id(ids)
  if(!snps.only & all(is.na(query))) { 
    ## unless the 'snps.only' function is set, then if it looks like we have not been handed
    ## snp ids, then check for band ids or gene ids instead
    numpqs <- (length(grep("q",ids))+length(grep("p",ids)))
    if(numpqs==length(ids)) { try.band <- T } else { try.band <- F }
    if(try.band) {
      suppressWarnings(test <- Pos.band(ids,dir=dir))
      if(!is.null(test)) { return(test) }
    suppressWarnings(test <- Pos.gene(ids,dir=dir))
    if(!is.null(test)) { return(test) } 
  ic <- ic.pos(query)

#' Order rs-ids or ichip ids by chrosome and position
#' Simple function to sort a character list of SNP ids into genome order.
#' @param ids character, vector of SNP rs-ids or chip-ids, see rs.to.id()
#' @return the same vector 'ids', sorted by genome position
#' @seealso \code{\link{rs.to.id}}, \code{\link{id.to.rs}}, \code{\link{Chr}}, \code{\link{Pos}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' snp.ids <- c("rs3842724","imm_11_2147527","rs689","rs9467354","rs61733845")
#' Chr(snp.ids) # shows each is on a different chromosome
#' Pos(snp.ids)
#' ids.by.pos(snp.ids)
#' Chr(ids.by.pos(snp.ids))
#' Pos(ids.by.pos(snp.ids))
#' }
ids.by.pos <- function(ids) {
  if(!is.character(ids)) { stop("ids must be a character vector") }
  pp <- Pos(ids)
  if(any(is.na(pp))) { stop("invalid id list, 'ids' must all be valid, with position information in the ChipInfo object") }
  ids <- ids[order(pp)]
  cc <- Chr(ids)
  ids <- ids[order.chr(cc)]

#' Find the chromosome, start and end position for gene names
#' Allows retrieval of the the chromosome position associated with a HGNC gene label, 
#'  or vector of such labels. Note that the position returned for genes is not a 
#'  single point as for SNPs, so the result will be a chromosome, then a position range with
#'  start and end.
#' @param genes character, a vector of gene ids
#' @param build character, "hg18" or "hg19" (or 36/37) to show which reference to retrieve. The 
#' default when build is NULL is to use the build from the current ChipInfo annotation
#' @param dir character, 'dir' is the location to download gene annotation information to; if left as
#'  NULL, depending on the value of getOption("save.annot.in.current"), the annotation will either
#'  be saved in the working directory to speed-up subsequent lookups, or deleted after use.
#' @param bioC logical, if true then return position information as a GRanges object, else 
#' a data.frame
#' @param band logical, whether to include band/stripe in returned object
#' @param one.to.one logical, some genes have split ranges, TRUE merges these to give only 1 range 
#' per gene, NB: this is the default behaviour when using the more general Pos() function
#' @param remap.extra logical, if TRUE genes with chromosome annotation 'c6_cox' and 'c6_QBL' will
#'  be mapped to chromosome 6, and 'NT_xxxx' chromosome labels will all be mapped to 'Z_NT', etc
#' @param discard.extra logical, if TRUE then any gene hit with chromosome not in 1:22, X, Y, XY, MT, 
#' will be discarded.
#' @param warnings logical, whether to show warnings when some/all ids are not matched to the 
#' reference
#' @return Returns a data.frame with columns 'chr' [chromosome], 'start' [starting position of the
#'  gene],'end' [end position of the gene], or if bioC=TRUE, then returns a GRanges object with
#'  equivalent information, and if band=TRUE, then an extra column is added with band information
#'  If returning a data.frame, then it will be in the same order as 'genes'. If bioC=TRUE, then
#'  the result will be in genome order, regardless of the order of 'genes'.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Chr}}, \code{\link{Pos}}, \code{\link{Pos.band}}, \code{\link{Band}}, 
#' \code{\link{Band.gene}}, \code{\link{Band.pos}}, \code{\link{Gene.pos}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' Pos.gene(c("CTLA4","PTPN22"))
#' Pos.gene("MYC",build=36)
#' Pos.gene("MYC",build=37)
#' Pos.gene(c("CTLA4","PTPN22"),bioC=TRUE,band=TRUE)
#' Pos.gene(c("CTLA4","OR2A1"),one.to.one=TRUE,build=38) # OR2A1 is split over two ranges
#' Pos.gene(c("CTLA4","OR2A1"),one.to.one=FALSE,build=38)
#' Pos.gene("RNU2-1",one.to.one=FALSE,bioC=TRUE,build=38) # RNU2-1 is split over multiple ranges
#' }
Pos.gene <- function(genes,build=NULL,dir=NULL,bioC=FALSE,band=FALSE,one.to.one=TRUE,
                     remap.extra=FALSE,discard.extra=TRUE,warnings=TRUE) {
  if(!is.character(genes)) { stop("'genes' must be a character vector of gene names") }
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(is.null(dir)) { if(any(getOption("save.annot.in.current")<1)) { dir <- NULL } else { dir <- getwd() } }
  char.lim <- 100
  ga <- suppressWarnings(get.gene.annot(dir=dir,build=build,bioC=bioC,one.to.one=one.to.one,
  typ <- is(ga)[1]
  if(typ=="GRanges") {  mt <- match(genes,mcols(ga)$gene) } else { mt <- match(genes,ga$gene) }
  failz <- paste(genes[is.na(mt)],collapse=", "); if(nchar(failz)>char.lim) { failz <- paste(substr(failz,1,char.lim),",...",sep="") }
  if(length(mt)<1 | all(is.na(mt))) { 
    if(warnings) { warning("did not find any 'genes' features: ",failz) }; return(NULL) }
  if(any(is.na(mt))) { 
    cnt <- length(which(is.na(mt)))
    if(warnings) { warning("did not find the following ",cnt," 'genes' features: ",failz) }
  if(!one.to.one) { 
    order.important <- FALSE  # not currently implemented
    if(order.important) {
     if(length(genes)>0) {
       mt <- NULL
       for(gg in 1:length(genes)) {
         if(typ=="GRanges") { 
           mt <- c(mt,which(mcols(ga)$gene %in% genes[gg]))
         } else {
           mt <- c(mt,which(ga$gene %in% genes[gg]))
     } else { warning("length of genes entered was zero?") }     
    } else {
      if(typ=="GRanges") { 
        mt <- which(mcols(ga)$gene %in% genes)
      } else {
        mt <- which(ga$gene %in% genes)
  outlist <- ga[(narm(mt)),]
  if(typ=="GRanges") {
    if(!band) { mcols(outlist) <- mcols(outlist)[,-which(colnames(mcols(outlist)) %in% "band")]  }
    cnn <- colnames(mcols(outlist)); rnn <- mcols(outlist)$gene
  } else {
    if(!band) { outlist <- outlist[,-which(colnames(outlist) %in% "band")] }
    cnn <- colnames(outlist); rnn <- outlist$gene
  if(one.to.one & ("gene" %in% cnn) & !anyDuplicated(genes)) {
    rownames(outlist) <- rnn
    if(all(genes %in% rownames(outlist))) {
      outlist <- outlist[match(genes,rnn),]
    # outlist <- outlist[,-which(colnames(outlist) %in% "gene")]
  if(bioC) { outlist <- as(outlist,"GRanges") }

#' Find the chromosome, start and end position for cytoband names
#' Allows retrieval of the the chromosome position of a karyotype/cytoband label, 
#'  or vector of such labels. Note that the position returned for bands is not a 
#'  single point as for SNPs, so the result will be a chromosome, then a position range with
#'  start and end, and lastly the band without the chromosome prefix
#' @param bands character, a vector of cytoband labels, chromosome[p/q]xx.xx ; 
#' e.g, 13q21.31, Yq11.221, 6p23, etc
#' @param build character, "hg18" or "hg19" (or 36/37) to show which reference to retrieve. The 
#' default when build is NULL is to use the build from the current ChipInfo annotation
#' @param dir character, 'dir' is the location to download cyto annotation information; if left as
#'  NULL, depending on the value of getOption("save.annot.in.current"), the annotation will either
#'  be saved in the working directory to speed-up subsequent lookups, or deleted after use.
#' @param bioC logical, if true then return position information as a GRanges object, else 
#' a data.frame
#' @return Returns a data.frame with columns 'chr' [chromosome], 'start' [starting position of the
#'  gene],'end' [end position of the gene] and 'band' [band without the chromosome prefix],
#'  or if bioC=TRUE, then returns a GRanges object with equivalent information.
#'  If returning a data.frame, then it will be in the same order as 'bands'. If bioC=TRUE, then
#'  the result will be in genome order, regardless of the order of 'bands'.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Chr}}, \code{\link{Pos}}, \code{\link{Pos.gene}}, \code{\link{Band}}, 
#' \code{\link{Band.gene}}, \code{\link{Band.pos}}, \code{\link{Gene.pos}}
#' @examples
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' Pos.band("1p13.2")
#' Pos.band("Yq11.221",build=36)
#' Pos.band("Yq11.221",build=37)
#' Pos.band(c("13q21.31","1p13.2","2q33.2","6p23"),bioC=TRUE)
Pos.band <- function(bands,build=NULL,dir=NULL,bioC=FALSE) {
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  char.lim <- 100
  if(is.null(dir)) { if(any(getOption("save.annot.in.current")<1)) { dir <- NULL } else { dir <- getwd() } }
  ga <- get.cyto(build=build,bioC=bioC,dir=dir,GRanges=FALSE)
  mt <- match(bands,rownames(ga))
  failz <- paste(bands[is.na(mt)],collapse=", "); if(nchar(failz)>char.lim) { failz <- paste(substr(failz,1,char.lim),",...",sep="") }
  msg <- ("format for bands is: chromosome[p/q]xx.xx ; e.g, 13q21.31, Yq11.221, 6p23, etc")
  if(length(mt)<1 | all(is.na(mt))) { 
    warning("did not find any 'bands' features: ",failz) ; warning(msg); return(NULL) }
  if(any(is.na(mt))) { 
    cat("format for bands is: chromosome[p/q]xx.xx ; e.g, 13q21.31, Xq27.1, 6p23, etc")
    cnt <- length(which(is.na(mt)))
    warning("did not find the following ",cnt," 'bands' features: ",failz) ; warning(msg)
  outlist <- ga[sort(mt[!is.na(mt)]),]
  if(any(colnames(outlist) %in% "negpos")) { outlist <- outlist[,-which(colnames(outlist) %in% "negpos")] }
  if(all(bands %in% rownames(outlist)) & !bioC) {
    outlist <- outlist[bands,]

#' Retrieve the cytoband(s) for snp ids, genes or locations
#' Allows retrieval of the the cytoband/karyotype label, based on multiple
#'  possible input featues, including SNP chip or rs-ids, HGNC gene labels, GRanges or
#'  RangedData object, chromosome and position vectors. The most robust way to use the
#'  function is to use the parameter names to imply the type of input, e.g, use the 'genes'
#'  parameter to input gene labels, the 'snps' parameter to enter SNP ids, etc. However,
#'  if you enter the first argument as a GRanges or RangedData object instead of using the
#'  'ranges' argument, this will be detected and automatically moved to the 'ranges' parameter.
#' @param genes character, an optional vector of gene ids, or RangedData/GRanges object
#' @param chr character, an optional vector of chromosomes to combine with 'pos' or 'start'+'end'
#' (enter in ...) to describe positions to retrieve the band from
#' @param ranges optional GRanges or RangedData object describing positions for which we want bands
#' @param snps optional SNP ids, e.g, chip ids or rs-ids, to retrieve the band they fall within
#' @param build character, "hg18" or "hg19" (or 36/37) to show which reference to retrieve. The 
#' default when build is NULL is to use the build from the current ChipInfo annotation
#' @param dir character, 'dir' is the location to download cyto annotation information; if left as
#'  NULL, depending on the value of getOption("save.annot.in.current"), the annotation will either
#'  be saved in the working directory to speed-up subsequent lookups, or deleted after use.
#' @param ... further arguments to Band.gene if entering gene names, or further arguments to 
#' Band.pos if entering ranges, or chr, pos/start/end
#' @return Returns a vector of bands, if any entries span more than one band, the bands will be
#' concatenated as character type, delimited by semicolons (;)
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Chr}}, \code{\link{Pos}}, \code{\link{Pos.gene}}, \code{\link{Band}}, 
#' \code{\link{Band.gene}}, \code{\link{Band.pos}}, \code{\link{Gene.pos}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' Band(chr=1,pos=1234567) # using chr,pos vectors
#' rd <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=87654321,end=87654321),space=1)
#' gr <- as(rd,"GRanges")
#' Band(rd)    # using RangedData, autodetects this parameter should be 'ranges' not 'genes'
#' Band(ranges=gr) # using GRanges
#' Band("SLC6A4")  # serotonin gene [5-HTT]
#' a.few.snps <- c("rs3842724","imm_11_2147527","rs9467354")
#' Band(a.few.snps) # using SNP ids in the 'genes' parameter (still works!)
#' Band(snps=a.few.snps) # using SNP ids with the dedicated 'snps' parameter is quicker
#' Band(chr="X",pos=8000000)
#' # Band() with longer ranges  #
#' Band(chr=12,start=40000000,end=50000000,build="hg19") # concatenates if range spans multiple bands
#' Band(chr=12,start=40000000,end=50000000,build="hg18") # one extra band in the older annotation
#' }
Band <- function(genes=NULL,chr=NULL,ranges=NULL,snps=NULL,build=NULL,dir=NULL,...) {
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(all(is.character(genes))) { 
  } else {
    if(!is.null(snps)) {
      pp <- Pos(snps); ch <- Chr(snps)
    } else {
      if((is(genes)[1] %in% c("RangedData","GRanges")) & is.null(ranges) ) { ranges <- genes }

#' Retrieve the cytoband(s) for genes labels
#' Allows retrieval of the the cytoband/karyotype label for HGNC gene labels.
#' @param genes character, an optional vector of gene ids, or RangedData/GRanges object
#' @param build character, "hg18" or "hg19" (or 36/37) to show which reference to retrieve. The 
#' default when build is NULL is to use the build from the current ChipInfo annotation
#' @param dir character, 'dir' is the location to download cyto annotation information; if left as
#'  NULL, depending on the value of getOption("save.annot.in.current"), the annotation will either
#'  be saved in the working directory to speed-up subsequent lookups, or deleted after use.
#' @param append.chr logical, it is typical that the chromosome character preceeds cytoband labels,
#'  but if this parameter is set to FALSE, it will be left off.
#' @param data.frame logical, if data.frame is true, instead of returning a vector of full cytoband
#' labels, a data.frame will be returned.
#' @param warnings logical, if warnings=FALSE and SNP ids are entered instead of Gene labels,
#' then the function will automatically detect this and return the result of Band(snps='genes')
#' @return Returns a vector of bands, if any entries span more than one band, the bands will be
#' concatenated as character type, delimited by semicolons (;). If data.frame is true, instead of 
#' returning a vector of full cytoband labels, a data.frame will be returned with a 'chr'
#' [chromosome] column, 'band' cytoband label  without the chromosome prefix, and rownames 
#' equal to 'genes'
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Chr}}, \code{\link{Pos}}, \code{\link{Pos.gene}}, \code{\link{Band}}, 
#' \code{\link{Band.gene}}, \code{\link{Band.pos}}, \code{\link{Gene.pos}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' a.few.snps <- c("rs3842724","imm_11_2147527","rs9467354")
#' Band.gene("HLA-C") # using chr,pos vectors
#' Band.gene(a.few.snps)  # fails with warning as these are SNPs, not genes
#' Band.gene(a.few.snps,warnings=FALSE) # with warnings=FALSE this continues with snps entered
#' Band.gene("SLC6A4")  # serotonin gene [5-HTT]
#' Band.gene("SLC6A4",append.chr=FALSE)
#' Band.gene("SLC6A4",data.frame=TRUE)
#' }
Band.gene <- function(genes,build=NULL,dir=getwd(),append.chr=TRUE,data.frame=FALSE,warnings=TRUE) {
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  pg <- Pos.gene(genes=genes,build=build,dir=dir,bioC=F,band=TRUE,one.to.one=TRUE,warnings=warnings)
  ## a bit contradictory what i've done here with 'warnings' :
  if(length(pg)<1 & !warnings) { 
    #if(warnings) { warning("perhaps parameter 'genes' should have been 'snps'?") } 
  if(data.frame) {
    if(all(c("start","end") %in% colnames(pg))) { pg <- pg[,-which(colnames(pg) %in% c("start","end"))] }
    if(all(c("gene") %in% colnames(pg))) { rownames(pg) <- pg[["gene"]] ; pg <- pg[,-which(colnames(pg) %in% c("gene"))] }
    out <- pg
  } else {
    if(append.chr) {
      out <- paste(pg[["chr"]],pg[["band"]],sep="")
    } else {
      out <- pg[["band"]]

#' Find the gene(s) overlapping a chromosome location
#' Allows retrieval of genes intersected by a chromosome and position, which can be entered
#' using chr, pos/start/end vectors, or a RangedData or GRanges object
#' @param chr character, an optional vector of chromosomes to combine with 'pos' or 'start'+'end'
#' (enter in ...) to describe positions to retrieve the possible overlapping gene(s)
#' @param pos integer, an optional vector of chromosome positions (for SNPs), no need to enter
#' start or end if this is entered, and vice-versa
#' @param start integer, an optional vector of start points for chromosome ranges
#' @param end integer, an optional vector of end points for chromosome ranges
#' @param ranges optional GRanges or RangedData object describing positions for which we want genes,
#' removing the need to enter chr, pos, start or end
#' @param build character, "hg18" or "hg19" (or 36/37) to show which reference to retrieve. The 
#' default when build is NULL is to use the build from the current ChipInfo annotation
#' @param dir character, 'dir' is the location to download gene annotation information to; if left as
#'  NULL, depending on the value of getOption("save.annot.in.current"), the annotation will either
#'  be saved in the working directory to speed-up subsequent lookups, or deleted after use.
#' @param bioC logical, if true then return position information as a GRanges object, or
#' RangedData if 'ranges' is RangedData, else a data.frame
#' @param one.to.one logical, whether to concatenate multiple hits for the same range into one result,
#' or spread the result over multiple lines, one for each gene overlapped
#' @return Returns a set of genes separated by semicolons (if more than one) for each range entered.
#' If bioC=TRUE, returns the equivalent as a GRanges object, unless a RangedData object was used
#' for the ranges parameter, in which case a RangedData object would be returned. If one.to.one is
#' FALSE, then instead of concatenating multiple genes into one line per range, each is listed 
#' separately as a new row, with an index added to correspond to the original input order of ranges,
#' if bioC=TRUE; or just adds additional elements to the resulting vector if bioC=FALSE.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Chr}}, \code{\link{Pos}}, \code{\link{Pos.band}}, \code{\link{Band}}, 
#' \code{\link{Band.gene}}, \code{\link{Band.pos}}, \code{\link{Gene.pos}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' Gene.pos(chr=6, start=31459636, end=31462760)
#' Gene.pos(chr=22, pos=3452345) # no gene here
#' Gene.pos(Chr("rs689"),Pos("rs689")) # combine with Chr() and Pos() to find gene(s) for SNP rs689
#' Gene.pos(chr=1,start=114000000,end=115000000,build="hg19") # multiple genes in range
#' Gene.pos(chr=1,start=114000000,end=115000000,one.to.one=FALSE) # list separately
#' ii <- Pos.gene(c("CTLA4","PTPN22"))
#' Gene.pos(ii$chr,ii$start,ii$end,bioC=FALSE) # returns same genes inputted on line above
#' }
Gene.pos <- function(chr=NA,pos=NA,start=NA,end=NA,ranges=NULL,build=NULL,dir=NULL,bioC=FALSE,one.to.one=TRUE) {
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(is(chr)[1] %in% c("RangedData","GRanges"))  { ranges <- chr } # in case first parameter is used
  typ <- is(ranges)[1]
  if(!typ %in% c("RangedData","GRanges")) {
    if(any(!is.na(pos))) { start <- pos; end <- pos }
    if(length(chr)==1 & length(start)>1) { chr <- rep(chr,times=length(start)) }
    if(length(chr)!=length(start)) { stop("chr vector must have same length as pos or start/end") }
    if(any(is.na(chr))) { stop("cannot have chr=NA") }
    Pos <- matrix(ncol=2,nrow=length(start))
    for (cc in 1:length(start)) {
      Pos[cc,] <- force.chr.pos(Pos=c(start[cc],end[cc]),Chr=chr[cc],dir=dir,build=build)
    #if(any(tolower(substr(chr,1,3))!="chr")) { chr <- gsub("chr",chr,sep="") }
    #chr <- gsub("chrchr","chr",chr)
    testData <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=Pos[,1],end=Pos[,2]),space=chr,index=1:length(chr)) #,universe=build[1])
    testData <- toGenomeOrder2(testData,strict=T)
  } else {
    testData <- ranges # set.chr.to.char(ranges)
    if(typ=="GRanges") { testData <- as(ranges,"RangedData") }
    #chr <- chr(testData)
    if(!bioC) { warning("bioC was set false, but ranges argument in use so overriding") ; bioC <- T }
    if("index" %in% colnames(testData)) { 
      warning("'index' is a reserved column name for ranges objects passed to this function so will be replaced. Consider renaming this column if this is undesired") }
    testData[["index"]] <- 1:nrow(testData)
  testData <- set.chr.to.numeric(testData,keep=T)
  if(is.null(dir)) { if(any(getOption("save.annot.in.current")<1)) { dir <- NULL } else { dir <- getwd() } }
  ga <- suppressWarnings(get.gene.annot(build=build,dir=dir,GRanges=FALSE))
  #ga <- set.chr.to.numeric(ga,keep=F)
  newDataList <- vector("list",nrow(testData))
  overlaps <- findOverlaps(testData,ga)
  genez <- ga$gene[subjectHits(overlaps)]
  indexz <- queryHits(overlaps)
  if(length(indexz)<1) { return(NA) }
  if(!one.to.one) {
    newData <- testData[queryHits(overlaps),]
    newData[["gnm.index"]] <- indexz
    newData[["gene"]] <- genez
  } else {
    out <- tapply(genez,factor(indexz),c,simplify=FALSE)
    out <- sapply(out,function(X) { X <- narm(unique(X)); X <- X[X!=""] ; paste(X,collapse=";") })
    newData <- testData
    newData[["gene"]] <- rep("intergenic",nrow(newData))
    if(!is.null(names(out))) {
      newData[["gene"]][as.numeric(names(out))] <- out
    } else {
      newData[["gene"]] <- out
  if(bioC) {
    if(typ!="RangedData") { newData <- as(newData,"GRanges") }
  } else {
    OO <- newData[["gene"]][order(newData[["index"]])]
    OO <- narm(unique(OO)); OO <- OO[OO!=""]
  #if(!all(chr %in% chr2(ga))) { stop("invalid chromosome(s) entered") } # redundant i think

#' Find the cytoband(s) overlapping a chromosome location
#' Allows retrieval of cytobands/karyotypes intersected by a chromosome and position, which can be 
#' entered using chr, pos/start/end vectors, or a RangedData or GRanges object
#' @param chr character, an optional vector of chromosomes to combine with 'pos' or 'start'+'end'
#' (enter in ...) to describe positions to retrieve the possible overlapping cytoband(s)
#' @param pos integer, an optional vector of chromosome positions (for SNPs), no need to enter
#' start or end if this is entered, and vice-versa
#' @param start integer, an optional vector of start points for chromosome ranges
#' @param end integer, an optional vector of end points for chromosome ranges
#' @param ranges optional GRanges or RangedData object describing positions for which we want bands,
#' removing the need to enter chr, pos, start or end
#' @param build character, "hg18" or "hg19" (or 36/37) to show which reference to retrieve. The 
#' default when build is NULL is to use the build from the current ChipInfo annotation
#' @param dir character, 'dir' is the location to download gene annotation information to; if left as
#'  NULL, depending on the value of getOption("save.annot.in.current"), the annotation will either
#'  be saved in the working directory to speed-up subsequent lookups, or deleted after use.
#' @param bioC logical, if true then return position information as a GRanges object, or
#' RangedData if 'ranges' is RangedData, else a data.frame
#' @param one.to.one logical, whether to concatenate multiple hits for the same range into one result,
#' or spread the result over multiple lines, one for each cytoband overlapped
#' @return Returns a set of cytobands separated by semicolons (if more than one) for each range entered.
#' If bioC=TRUE, returns the equivalent as a GRanges object, unless a RangedData object was used
#' for the ranges parameter, in which case a RangedData object would be returned. If one.to.one is
#' FALSE, then instead of concatenating multiple cytobands into one line per range, each is listed 
#' separately as a new row, with an index added to correspond to the original input order of ranges,
#' if bioC=TRUE; or just adds additional elements to the resulting vector if bioC=FALSE.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Chr}}, \code{\link{Pos}}, \code{\link{Pos.band}}, \code{\link{Band}}, 
#' \code{\link{Band.gene}}, \code{\link{Band.pos}}, \code{\link{Gene.pos}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' Band.pos(chr=6, start=31459636, end=31462760)
#' Band.pos(chr=22, pos=3452345) 
#' Band.pos(Chr("rs689"),Pos("rs689")) # combine Chr(), Pos() to find the cytoband for SNP rs689
#' Band.pos(chr=1,start=110000000,end=120000000,build="hg19") # multiple cytobands in range
#' Band.pos(chr=1,start=110000000,end=120000000,one.to.one=FALSE) # list separately
#' Band.pos(Pos.band(c("13q21.31","1p13.2"),bioC=TRUE)) # use ranges object returned by Pos.band()
#' # note that 3 ranges are returned for each entry as the start/end overlap the adjacent ranges
#' }
Band.pos <- function(chr=NA,pos=NA,start=NA,end=NA,ranges=NULL,build=NULL,dir=NULL,bioC=FALSE,one.to.one=TRUE) {
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  if(is(chr)[1] %in% c("RangedData","GRanges"))  { ranges <- chr } # in case first parameter is used
  typ <- is(ranges)[1]
  if(!typ %in% c("RangedData","GRanges")) {
    if(any(!is.na(pos))) { start <- pos; end <- pos }
    if(length(chr)==1 & length(start)>1) { chr <- rep(chr,times=length(start)) }
    if(length(chr)!=length(start)) { stop("chr vector must have same length as pos or start/end") }
    if(any(is.na(chr))) { stop("cannot have chr=NA") }
    Pos <- matrix(ncol=2,nrow=length(start))
    for (cc in 1:length(start)) {
      Pos[cc,] <- force.chr.pos(Pos=c(start[cc],end[cc]),Chr=chr[cc],dir=dir,build=build)
    #if(any(tolower(substr(chr,1,3))!="chr")) { chr <- gsub("chr",chr,sep="") }
    #chr <- gsub("chrchr","chr",chr)
    testData <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=Pos[,1],end=Pos[,2]),space=chr,index=1:length(chr)) #,universe=build[1])
    testData <- toGenomeOrder2(testData,strict=T)
  } else {
    if(typ=="GRanges") { ranges <- as(ranges,"RangedData") }
    testData <- ranges # set.chr.to.char(ranges)
    if("index" %in% colnames(testData)) { warning("'index' is a reserved column name for ranges objects passed to this function so will be replaced. Consider renaming this column if this is undesired") }
    testData[["index"]] <- 1:nrow(testData)
  testData <- set.chr.to.numeric(testData)
  if(is.null(dir)) { if(any(getOption("save.annot.in.current")<1)) { dir <- NULL } else { dir <- getwd() } }
  cyto <- get.cyto(build=build,bioC=TRUE,dir=dir,GRanges=FALSE)
  cyto <- set.chr.to.numeric(cyto,keep=F)
  #if(any(colnames(cyto) %in% "negpos")) { cyto <- cyto[,-which(colnames(cyto) %in% "negpos")] }
  newDataList <- vector("list",nrow(testData))
  overlaps <- findOverlaps(testData,cyto)
  bandz <- rownames(cyto)[subjectHits(overlaps)]
  indexz <- queryHits(overlaps)
  if(length(indexz)<1) { return(NA) }
  if(!one.to.one) {
    newData <- testData[queryHits(overlaps),]
    newData[["gnm.index"]] <- indexz
    newData[["band"]] <- bandz
  } else {
    out <- tapply(bandz,factor(indexz),c,simplify=FALSE)
    if(one.to.one) { 
      out <- sapply(out,function(X) { paste(X,collapse=";") }) 
      newData <- testData
      #newData[["band"]] <- out 
      newData[["band"]] <- rep("",nrow(newData))
      if(!is.null(names(out))) {
        newData[["band"]][as.numeric(names(out))] <- out
      } else {
        newData[["band"]] <- out
  if(bioC) {
    if(typ!="RangedData") { newData <- as(newData,"GRanges") }
  } else {
  #if(!all(chr %in% chr2(ga))) { stop("invalid chromosome(s) entered") } # redundant i think

#' Returns the A and B allele for SNP ids
#' For a set of chip ids or rs ids, returns a two column matrix containing the A and B allele. 
#' For snpStats objects the default is that A,B are coded in alphabetical order, so A,C; A,T; 
#' C,T; C,G are possible A,B pairs. Allele codes are specific to each dataset, so you should
#' upload your allele codes into the current ChipInfo object to make the alleles produced by
#' this function meaningful.
#' @param ids character, a list of chip ids or rs-ids as contained in the current ChipInfo object
#' @return Returns a two column matrix containing the A and B allele.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas Cooper \email{nick.cooper@@cimr.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Chr}}, \code{\link{Pos}}, \code{\link{Pos.band}}, \code{\link{Band}}, 
#' \code{\link{Band.gene}}, \code{\link{Band.pos}}, \code{\link{Gene.pos}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' snp.ids <- c("rs3842724","rs9729550","rs1815606","rs114582555","rs1240708","rs6603785")
#' AB(snp.ids) 
#' }
AB <- function(ids) {
  all.support <- chip.support()
  ic.ab <- function(ic.ids) {
    ic.ids <- clean.snp.ids(ic.ids)
    if(!exists("all.support")) { all.support <- chip.support() }  ## load object: all.support [snp support for whole chip]
    outlist <- cbind(A1(all.support)[match(ic.ids,rownames(all.support))],A2(all.support)[match(ic.ids,rownames(all.support))])
  out <- matrix(nrow=length(ids),ncol=2)
  ic.ab.id <- ic.ab(rs.to.id(ids))

#' Retrieve SNP ids or positions in specified range
#' This function will always use the build in getOption('ucsc'), so use options() if it needs to 
#' change.
#' @param chr integer, chromosome, should be a number from 1 to 25, where 23,24,25 are X,Y,MT
#' Alternatively chr can be a RangedData or GRanges object in which case SNP lists will be returned
#' in a list for each row of the ranges object.
#' @param start integer, genomic position to define the start of the range to look for SNPs,
#'  should be between 1 and the length of the chromosome 'chr'
#' @param end integer, genomic position to define the end of the range to look for SNPs,
#'  should be between 1 and the length of the chromosome 'chr', and >= start
#' @param ids logical, if TRUE will return snp ids (chip ids, for rs-ids, use id.to.rs on the output), 
#' or if FALSE will return the chromosome positions of the SNPs.
#' @export
#' @return Set of SNP ids (when ids=TRUE), or otherwise genomic positions within chromosome 'chr', that
#' fall within the genomic range described by the chr, start, and end parameters. Alternatively, if
#' chr is a RangedData or GRanges object then multiple SNP lists will be returned
#' in a list for each row of the ranges object.
#' @examples
#' snps.in.range(1,9000000,10000000)
#' snps.in.range(10,19000000,20000000,ids=TRUE)
#' snps.in.range(10,19000000,20000000,ids=FALSE) # return positions instead of rs-ids
snps.in.range <- function(chr, start=NA, end=start, ids=TRUE) { 
  # ids - whether to return ichip SNP ids or positions
  if(is(chr)[1]=="RangedData" | is(chr)[1]=="GRanges") {
    chrz <- chr2(chr); stz <- start(chr); enz <- end(chr)
    output <- vector("list",nrow(chr))
    for(cc in 1:nrow(chr)) {
      output[[cc]] <- snps.in.range(chrz[cc],stz[cc],enz[cc],ids=ids)
    names(output) <- rownames(chr)
  if(length(chr)>1) { warning("chr should be length 1, using only first entry"); chr <- chr[1] }
  if(length(start)>1) { warning("start should be length 1, using only first entry"); start <- start[1] }
  if(length(end)>1) { warning("end should be length 1, using only first entry"); end <- end[1] }
  if(start>end) { warning("start was higher than end, so switching") }
  the.range <- sort(c(start,end))
  all.support <- chip.support()
  #if(!exists("work.dir")) { if(is.null(dir)) { work.dir <- getwd() } else { work.dir <- dir } }
 # if(!exists("all.support")) { all.support <- chip.support() }  ## load object: all.support [snp support for whole chip]
  all.chr <- chrm(all.support)
  all.pos <- start(all.support)[all.chr %in% chr]
  if(length(all.pos)<1) { warning("no positions found for 'chr' specified"); return(NULL) }
  validz <- which(all.pos>=the.range[1] & all.pos<=the.range[2])
  if(ids) {
    out <- rownames(all.support)[all.chr %in% chr][validz]
  } else {
    out <- start(all.support)[(all.chr %in% chr)][validz]

#' Retrieve the 'n' closest SNP ids or positions near specified locus
#' @param chr integer, chromosome, should be a number from 1 to 25, where 23,24,25 are X,Y,MT
#' @param pos integer, genomic position, should be between 1 and the length of the chromosome 'chr'
#' @param n integer, the number of nearest SNPs to seek, if there aren't enough in the annotation
#' then NAs will fill the gaps to force the return value length to equal 'n'
#' @param side character, can be 'either', 'left' or 'right' and specifies which side of the 'pos'
#' to look for nearest snps (where left is decreasing genomic position and right is increasing)
#' @param ids logical, if TRUE will return snp ids (chip ids, for rs-ids, use id.to.rs on the output), 
#' or if FALSE will return the chromosome positions of the SNPs.
#' @param limit integer, a limit on the maximum distance from the position 'pos' can be specified
#' @param build integer whether to use build 36/37 parameters, 36/37 is preferred, but can enter
#' using any form recognised by ucsc.sanitizer()
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{expand.nsnp}}, \code{\link{nearest.gene}}
#' @return Set of SNP ids (when ids=TRUE), or otherwise genomic positions within chromosome 'chr'.
#' If the number of SNPs on the chromosome or the bounds of the 'side' and 'limit' parameters
#' restrict the number returned to less than 'n' then the return value will be padded with NAs.
#' @examples
#' nearest.snp(1,159000000,n=10) # return ids
#' nearest.snp(1,159000000,n=10,build=37)
#' nearest.snp(1,159000000,n=10,build=36,ids=FALSE) # return positions
#' \donttest{
#' nearest.snp(1,159000000,n=10,build=37,ids=FALSE)
#' nearest.snp(6,25000000,n=10,build=37,ids=FALSE,side="left")  # only SNPs to the left of the locus
#' nearest.snp(6,25000000,n=10,build=37,ids=FALSE,side="right") # only SNPs to the right of the locus
#' }
nearest.snp <- function(chr, pos, n=1, side=c("either","left","right"),ids=TRUE,limit=NULL,build=NULL) { 
  # ids - whether to return ichip SNP ids or positions
  if(length(chr)>1) { warning("chr should be length 1, using only first entry"); chr <- chr[1] }
  if(length(pos)>1) { warning("pos should be length 1, using only first entry"); pos <- pos[1] }
  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  all.support <- chip.support(build=build,warn.build=FALSE)
  if(!exists("all.support")) { all.support <- chip.support() }  ## load object: all.support [snp support for whole chip]
  side <- tolower(side[1]); 
  if(!side %in% c("either","left","right")) {
    side <- "either"; warning("invalid side argument, defaulting to 'either'") }
  if(!is.null(limit)) { if(!is.numeric(limit)) { limit <- NULL; warning("invalid limit argument, defaulting to NULL") } }
  all.chr <- chrm(all.support)
  all.pos <- start(all.support)[all.chr %in% chr]
  if(length(all.pos)<1) { warning("no positions found for 'chr' specified"); return(NULL) }
  difz <- pos-all.pos
  all.true <- difz==difz
  if(is.null(limit)) { lfilt <- all.true } else { lfilt <- abs(difz)<=limit }
  if(side=="left") { filt <- difz>0 & lfilt }
  if(side=="right") { filt <- difz<0 & lfilt }
  if(side=="either") { filt <- all.true & lfilt }
  Difz <- abs(difz[filt])
  if(length(Difz)<n)  { warning("fewer than ",n," positions found for 'chr' specified (within 'limit'), NAs returned") }
  indx <- order(Difz)[1:n]
  if(ids) {
    out <- rownames(all.support)[all.chr %in% chr][filt][indx]
  } else {
    out <- start(all.support)[(all.chr %in% chr)][filt][indx]

#' Obtain nearby SNP-lists within a recombination window
#' For a snp.id (or list), extend a window around that chromosome location in recombination
#' units (centimorgans) and return the list of SNPs from the current ChipInfo object that
#' lie in this window. This is a way of extracting SNPs in linkage disequilibrium with an 
#' index SNP, that could also be plausible causal candidates. Runs fastest for build 36,
#' otherwise internal conversion takes place (runs using build based on getOptions('ucsc')).
#' @param snpid.list character, list of snp-ids (e.g, rs-id or chip id) to obtain lists for.
#' SNPs must all be from the same chromosome - if ranges for SNPs spanning multiple ranges
#' are desired, you must use multiple calls. A warning will be given if SNPs from the same
#' karyotype band are entered as index SNPs, as in a typical GWAS analysis only one SNP would
#' be used like this from each region, ignore the warning if this is not the case for your
#' application.
#' @param cM numeric, the number of centimorgans to extend the window either side of each SNP
#' @param bp.ext numeric, optional number of base-pairs to extend the window by in addition
#' to the centimorgan extension
#' @param excl.snps character, a list of rs-id or chip-ids of SNPs to exclude from the list
#' returned, as, for instance, they may have failed quality control such as call-rate.
#' @param name.by.bands give labels to each sublist returned by the karotype/cytoband name, 
#' but faster not to do this
#' @return Returns a list of vectors of snp-ids falling within the window(s) specified and not
#' in 'excl.snps'. Each snp in 'snpid.list' will correspond to an element in the list returned.
#' If name.by.bands is TRUE, then these list elements will each be named using the local
#' karyotype/cytoband location
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{snps.in.range}}, \code{\link{get.recombination.map}}, 
#' \code{\link{recomWindow}}, \code{\link{conv.37.36}}, \code{\link{conv.36.37}}, \code{\link{expand.nsnp}}
#' @examples
#' # examples not run as too slow
#' \donttest{
#' result <- get.nearby.snp.lists("rs900569")
#' # trick below to extract SNPs within 0.1-0.2cM
#' get.nearby.snp.lists("rs900569",cM=0.2,excl.snps=result[[1]]) 
#' # note that the same query can return a different set with build 36 versus 37
#' get.nearby.snp.lists(c("rs689","rs4909944"),cM=0.001,name.by.bands=FALSE) 
#' }
get.nearby.snp.lists <- function(snpid.list,cM=0.1,bp.ext=0,excl.snps=NULL,name.by.bands=TRUE) {
  #if(!exists("all.support")) { print(load("all.support.RData")) }
  all.support <- chip.support()
#  if(is.null(build)) { build <- getOption("ucsc") }
#  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(build)
  build <- ucsc.sanitizer(getOption("ucsc"))
  if(!build %in% c("hg19","hg18","hg38")) { stop("only builds 36,37,38 are supported") }
  snpic.list <- rs.to.id(snpid.list)
  if(length(snpic.list)<1) { stop("snpic.list must contain at least 1 id")}
  cyto <- get.cyto(dir=getwd(),GRanges=FALSE); cyto[["gene"]] <- rownames(cyto)
  #which.snps <- match(snpid.list,mcols(all.support)$rs.id)
  #if(any(is.na(which.snps))) { stop(paste("NAs in dbSNP match:",paste(snpid.list[is.na(which.snps)],collapse=","))) }
  snps.locs <- Pos(snpid.list)
  snps.chrs <- Chr(snpid.list)
  if(build=="hg18") {
    snps.locs36 <- snps.locs;  
    if(length(snps.locs)>1) {
      snps.locs37 <- conv.36.37(chr=snps.chrs,pos=snps.locs)[,"start"] 
    } else {
      snps.locs37 <- conv.36.37(chr=snps.chrs,pos=snps.locs)["start"] 
  } else { 
    if(build=="hg38") {
      snps.locs38 <- snps.locs; 
      if(length(snps.locs)>1) {
        snps.locs37 <- conv.38.37(chr=snps.chrs,pos=snps.locs)[,"start"]
        snps.locs36 <- conv.37.36(chr=snps.chrs,pos=snps.locs)[,"start"]
      } else {
        snps.locs37 <- conv.38.37(chr=snps.chrs,pos=snps.locs)["start"]
        snps.locs36 <- conv.37.36(chr=snps.chrs,pos=snps.locs)["start"]
    } else {
      # assume hg19
      snps.locs37 <- snps.locs; 
      if(length(snps.locs)>1) {
        snps.locs36 <- conv.37.36(chr=snps.chrs,pos=snps.locs)[,"start"]
      } else {
        snps.locs36 <- conv.37.36(chr=snps.chrs,pos=snps.locs)["start"]
  next.chr <- unique(Chr(snpid.list)); if(length(next.chr)>1) { stop("enter snpids from only 1 chromosome at a time!") }
  if(any(snps.locs!=sort(snps.locs))) { 
    warning("snp-ids not in position order, rearrangement is preferred but will attempt to continue")
    sort.back <- match(snps.locs,sort(snps.locs))
  } else { sort.back <- 1:length(snps.locs) }
  ddz <- snpic.list[duplicated(snpic.list)]
  if(length(ddz)>0) { warning("dup SNPs:",ddz,"\n") }
  snp.rd <- RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=snps.locs,end=snps.locs,names=snpic.list),
  snp.rd <- toGenomeOrder2(snp.rd,strict=T) # think it autosorts anyway, but just in case
  if(name.by.bands) {
    #snp.rd <- annot.cnv(snp.rd,gs=cyto,quiet=TRUE); colnames(snp.rd) <- "band"
    bands <- Band.pos(ranges=snp.rd, build=build) #   snp.rd$band
  ## recomWindow uses build36 only, so convert back afterwards
  nxt.window <- lapply(snps.locs36, function(X,...) { recomWindow(start=as.numeric(X),...) },
  if(build=="hg18") {
    st.window <- sapply(nxt.window, "[",1)
    en.window <- sapply(nxt.window, "[",2)
  } else {
    nncc <- rep(next.chr,length(nxt.window))
    if(length(snps.locs)>1) {
      st.window <- conv.36.37(chr=nncc,pos=sapply(nxt.window, "[",1))[,"start"]
      en.window <- conv.36.37(chr=nncc,pos=sapply(nxt.window, "[",2))[,"start"]
    } else {
      st.window <- conv.36.37(chr=nncc,pos=sapply(nxt.window, "[",1))["start"]
      en.window <- conv.36.37(chr=nncc,pos=sapply(nxt.window, "[",2))["start"]
    if(build=="hg38") {
      st.window <- conv.37.38(chr=nncc,pos=st.window)
      en.window <- conv.37.38(chr=nncc,pos=en.window)
  pozz <- start(all.support)
  n.snps <- vector("list",length(st.window))
  for(cc in 1:length(st.window)) {
    n.snps[[cc]] <- which(chrm(all.support)==next.chr &
                            pozz>=st.window[cc] & 
                            pozz<=en.window[cc] &
                            (!rownames(all.support) %in% excl.snps) &
                            (!mcols(all.support)$rs.id %in% excl.snps) 
  grp.labs <- lapply(n.snps,function(X) { rownames(all.support)[X] })
  if(name.by.bands) {
    if(length(unique(bands))!=length(bands)) { warning("these bands are not unique ==> ",paste(bands[duplicated(bands)],collapse=",")) }
    grpz <- 1:length(bands)
    names(grp.labs) <- paste(grpz,bands,sep=":")
  grp.labs <- grp.labs[sort.back]

################## end support ##########################

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