
Defines functions `%W>%` psum OTUlabelsright drawCenMarks oneDot mapChrCenter transyListMarkDots transRadDots transyListCen transyListMark centerMarkMapPer radDotsPer markMapPerDots markMapPercM markMapPerCen markMapPer xMarkMapLeft xMarkMap addChrNameAttrMarkDots addChrNameAttrMark plotChrNames circPlotDots circLabelMark drawCen drawPlotMarkLine drawCenStyle drawPlotMark drawPlot intercalate applyMapCircle addOTUnames mapOTUnames transYList mapRadius mapCircle xHortoVerDots xHortoVerRoundCenExt xHortoVerRoundCen xHortoVerMid xChrtdMap xChrtdMarkMap xHortoVer yVertoHor

Documented in yVertoHor

#' FUNCTIONS: yVertoHor, xHortoVer, xHortoVerRoundCen, xHortoVerDots,
#' mapCircle, mapRadius,
#' transYList, mapOTUnames, addOTUnames, applyMapCircle, intercalate,
#' drawPlot, drawPlotMark,
#' drawPlotMarkLine, drawCen, circLabelMark, circPlotDots, plotChrNames,
#' addChrNameAttrMark,
#' addChrNameAttrMarkDots, xMarkMap, xMarkMapLeft, markMapPer, markMapPercM,
#' markMapPerDots,
#' radDotsPer, centerMarkMapPer, transyListMark, transyListCen, transRadDots,
#' transyListMarkDots,
#' oneDot, OTUlabelsright
# grep -oP '^\K\w+(?=<-function)' ../R/orientation.R | sed ':a;N;s/\n/, /;ba'
#' @keywords internal
#' @param y intervals
#' @param monocenNames character, vector with names of OTUs
#' @param y list, chr coords.
#' @return plot
#' @importFrom graphics mtext
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom scales alpha

yVertoHor <- function(y, monocenNames) { #nolint: cyclocomp_linter
  ylistNew <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(y)) {
    if (names(y[s]) %in% monocenNames) { # mono test

      ylistNew[[s]] <- y[[s]]

      if (length(y[[s]]) >= (2 * 2)) {
        diffPrevious <- 0

        for (i in seq(1, (length(y[[s]]) - 1), by = 2)) {
          ylistNew[[s]][[i]] <- ylistNew[[s]][[i]] - min(y[[s]][[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
          ylistNew[[s]][[i + 1]] <- ylistNew[[s]][[i + 1]] - min(y[[s]][[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
        i <- 3
        for (i in seq(3, (length(y[[s]]) - 1), by = 2)) {
          diffPrevious <- diffPrevious + max(ylistNew[[s]][[i - 1]], na.rm = TRUE) - min(ylistNew[[s]][[i - 2]], na.rm = TRUE)

          ylistNew[[s]][[i]] <- ylistNew[[s]][[i]] + diffPrevious
          ylistNew[[s]][[i + 1]] <- ylistNew[[s]][[i + 1]] + diffPrevious
        for (c in seq_along(y[[s]])) {
          attr(ylistNew[[s]][[c]], "chrName1") <- attr(y[[s]][[c]], "chrName1")
    } else { # end mono beg. holo
      ylistNew[[s]] <- y[[s]]
      if (length(y[[s]]) >= 2) {
        diffPrevious <- 0
        for (i in 2:length(y[[s]])) {
          diffPrevious <- diffPrevious + max(ylistNew[[s]][[i - 1]], na.rm = TRUE) - min(ylistNew[[s]][[i - 1]], na.rm = TRUE)
          ylistNew[[s]][[i]] <- ylistNew[[s]][[i]] + diffPrevious
        for (c in seq_along(y[[s]])) {
          attr(ylistNew[[s]][[c]], "chrName1") <- attr(y[[s]][[c]], "chrName1")

#' @param xlist list, x coordinates
#' @keywords internal
xHortoVer <- function(xlist, shrink = 0) {
  xlistNew <- list()
  for (s in seq_along(xlist)) {
    xlistNew[[s]] <- xlist[[s]]
    for (i in seq_along(xlist[[s]])) {
      minChro <- min(xlistNew[[s]][[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
      maxChro <- max(xlistNew[[s]][[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
      xlistNew[[s]][[i]] <- xlistNew[[s]][[i]] - minChro + (shrink * (maxChro - minChro))
      attr(xlistNew[[s]][[i]], "rowIndex") <- attr(xlist[[s]][[i]], "rowIndex") # i
    names(xlistNew)[s] <- names(xlist[s])
    attr(xlistNew[[s]], "spname") <- attr(xlist[[s]], "spname")
  } # for
} # fun

#' @param x only d.f. of this cen. type
#' @keywords internal
xChrtdMarkMap <- function(xChrtdMark, x, shrink = 0) {
  xChrtdMarkList <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(xChrtdMark)) {
    xChrtdMarkList[[s]] <- xChrtdMark[[s]]

    currName <- attr(xChrtdMark[[s]], "spname")

    corrIndex <- which(names(x) %in% currName)

    for (m in seq_along(xChrtdMark[[s]])) {
      currChrNameB <- attr(xChrtdMark[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex")

      minMark <- min(xChrtdMark[[s]][[m]], na.rm = TRUE)
      maxChrtdMark <- max(xChrtdMark[[s]][[m]], na.rm = TRUE)

      xChrtdMarkList[[s]][[m]] <- xChrtdMarkList[[s]][[m]] - min(unlist(x[[corrIndex]][currChrNameB])) +
        ((shrink / 2) * (maxChrtdMark - minMark))

      attr(xChrtdMarkList[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex") <- currChrNameB
    attr(xChrtdMarkList[[s]], "spname") <- attr(xChrtdMark[[s]], "spname")

xChrtdMap <- function(xChrtd, x, shrink = 0) {
  xChrtdList <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(xChrtd)) {
    xChrtdList[[s]] <- xChrtd[[s]]

    for (m in seq_along(xChrtd[[s]])) {

      minMark <- min(xChrtd[[s]][[m]], na.rm = TRUE)
      maxChrtd <- max(xChrtd[[s]][[m]], na.rm = TRUE)

      xChrtdList[[s]][[m]] <- xChrtdList[[s]][[m]] - min(unlist(x[[s]][m])) + ((shrink / 2) * (maxChrtd - minMark))

      attr(xChrtdList[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex") <- m
    attr(xChrtdList[[s]], "spname") <- attr(xChrtd[[s]], "spname")

xHortoVerMid <- function(xlist, shrink = 0) {
  xlistNew <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(xlist)) {
    xlistNew[[s]] <- xlist[[s]]

    for (i in seq_along(xlist[[s]])) {
      minChro <- min(xlistNew[[s]][[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
      maxChro <- max(xlistNew[[s]][[i]], na.rm = TRUE)

      xlistNew[[s]][[i]] <- xlistNew[[s]][[i]] - minChro + (shrink * (maxChro - minChro))

      attr(xlistNew[[s]][[i]], "rowIndex") <- attr(xlist[[s]][[i]], "rowIndex") # i
    names(xlistNew)[s] <- names(xlist[s])
    attr(xlistNew[[s]], "spname") <- attr(xlist[[s]], "spname")

#' @param diffXRounded numeric, difference of chr. width to rounded corner
#' @keywords internal

xHortoVerRoundCen <- function(xlist, diffXRounded) {
  xlistNew <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(xlist)) {
    xlistNew[[s]] <- xlist[[s]]
    for (i in seq_along(xlist[[s]])) {
      minSpecies <- min(xlistNew[[s]][[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
      xlistNew[[s]][[i]] <- xlistNew[[s]][[i]] - minSpecies + diffXRounded
    names(xlistNew)[s] <- names(xlist[s])


xHortoVerRoundCenExt <- function(xlist, diffXRounded) {
  xlistNew <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(xlist)) {
    xlistNew[[s]] <- xlist[[s]]
    for (i in seq_along(xlist[[s]])) {
      minSpecies <- min(xlistNew[[s]][[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
      maxX <- max(xlistNew[[s]][[i]] - minSpecies + diffXRounded, na.rm = TRUE)
      xlistNew[[s]][[i]] <- xlistNew[[s]][[i]] - minSpecies + maxX
    names(xlistNew)[s] <- names(xlist[s])


#' @param xMarkList list, mark coords.
#' @keywords internal

xHortoVerDots <- function(xMarkList, x) {
  xlistNew <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(xMarkList)) {
    xlistNew[[s]] <- list()

    currName <- attr(xMarkList[[s]], "spname")
    corrIndex <- which(names(x) %in% currName) # x5 x
    # i
    for (i in seq_along(xMarkList[[s]])) {
      currChrNameB <- attr(xMarkList[[s]][[i]], "rowIndex")
      corrIndexChrNameB <- which(names(x[[corrIndex]]) %in% currChrNameB) # x5 x

      xlistNew[[s]][[i]] <- xMarkList[[s]][[i]]

      minXChr <- min(x[[corrIndex]][[corrIndexChrNameB]])

      if (length(xMarkList[[s]][[i]]) > 1) {
        for (d in seq_along(xMarkList[[s]][[i]])) {
          xlistNew[[s]][[i]][[d]] <- xlistNew[[s]][[i]][[d]] - minXChr
      } else {
        xlistNew[[s]][[i]] <- xlistNew[[s]][[i]] - minXChr
    attr(xlistNew[[s]], "spname") <- attr(xMarkList[[s]], "spname")


#' @param circleCenter numeric, modify center of circle of chr.
#' @param chrWidth character, chr. width
#' @param labelSpacing numeric, spacing of labels to chr. or mark.
#' @param position numeric, indexer for karyotype position
#' @param n numeric, number of vertices
#' @param separFactor numeric, separation of kar. in circle
#' @param radius numeric, radius
#' @param circleCenterY numeric
#' @keywords internal
mapCircle <- function(x, y, n, radius, circleCenter, circleCenterY, position, separFactor,
                      labelSpacing, chrWidth, rotation) {
  r2 <- radius * position * chrWidth * 2 + position * separFactor + chrWidth * labelSpacing

  yValue2 <- list()
  xValue2 <- list()

  if (length(y) > 1) {
    for (i in 1:(length(y) - 1)) {
      yValue2[[i]] <- seq(y[i], y[i + 1], length.out = n) * 2 # stands for 2pi = 360 degrees
      xValue2[[i]] <- seq(x[i], x[i + 1], length.out = n)
  } else {
    yValue2[[1]] <- y[1] * 2 # stands for 2pi = 360 degrees
    xValue2[[1]] <- x[1]

  x1b <- (r2 + unlist(xValue2)) * sin(unlist(yValue2) * pi - (rotation * pi)) + circleCenter # 0
  y1b <- (r2 + unlist(xValue2)) * cos(unlist(yValue2) * pi - (rotation * pi)) + circleCenterY # 1

  xyCircle <- list()
  xyCircle$x <- x1b
  xyCircle$y <- y1b

  attr(xyCircle, "chrName1") <- attr(y, "chrName1")

mapRadius <- function(x, y, n, radius, circleCenter, circleCenterY, position, separFactor, labelSpacing, chrWidth, rotation) {
  newrad <- radius * position * chrWidth * 2 + position * separFactor + chrWidth * labelSpacing + x
  newrad <- 2 * pi * newrad * y

#' @param shrinkFactor numeric, percentage in decimal of whole chr.
#' @param ylistNew list, chr coords.
#' @keywords internal
transYList <- function(ylistNew, shrinkFactor, monocenNames) {
  ylistTrans <- list()
  for (s in seq_along(ylistNew)) {
    yMin <- min(unlist(ylistNew[[s]]), na.rm = TRUE)
    ylistTrans[[s]] <- lapply(ylistNew[[s]], function(y) y - yMin)
  for (s in seq_along(ylistNew)) {
    yMax <- max(unlist(ylistTrans[[s]]), na.rm = TRUE)
    ylistTrans[[s]] <- lapply(ylistTrans[[s]], function(y) y / yMax)
  for (s in seq_along(ylistTrans)) {
    ylistTrans[[s]] <- lapply(ylistTrans[[s]], function(y) y * shrinkFactor)

    if (names(ylistNew[s]) %in% monocenNames) { # mono test

      for (c in seq(1, (length(ylistTrans[[s]])), by = 2)) {
        ylistTrans[[s]][[c]] <- (ylistTrans[[s]][[c]]) + ((((1 - shrinkFactor) / 2) * (c * 2 - 1)) / length(ylistTrans[[s]]))
        attr(ylistTrans[[s]][[c]], "chrName1") <- attr(ylistNew[[s]][[c]], "chrName1")
        ylistTrans[[s]][[c + 1]] <- (ylistTrans[[s]][[c + 1]]) + ((((1 - shrinkFactor) / 2) * (c * 2 - 1)) / length(ylistTrans[[s]]))

      ylistTrans[[s]] <- lapply(ylistTrans[[s]], function(x) x + (((1 - shrinkFactor) / 2) / length(ylistTrans[[s]])))
    } else { # monocen                                                - else holo

      for (c in seq_along(ylistTrans[[s]])) {
        ylistTrans[[s]][[c]] <- (ylistTrans[[s]][[c]]) + (((1 - shrinkFactor) / 2) * (c * 2 - 1)) / length(ylistTrans[[s]])
        attr(ylistTrans[[s]][[c]], "chrName1") <- attr(ylistNew[[s]][[c]], "chrName1")
    attr(ylistTrans[[s]], "positionnoNA") <- attr(ylistNew[[s]], "positionnoNA")

#' @param firstXchrEach list, first element from xlistNewChr
#' @param OTUlabelSpacing numeric, spacing for OTU name
#' @param firstYchrEach list, first element from xlistNewChr
#' @param ylistNewChr list, chr coords.
#' @keywords internal

mapOTUnames <- function(firstYchrEach, firstXchrEach, ylistNewChr, n, radius, circleCenter, circleCenterY,
                        separFactor, OTUlabelSpacing, chrWidth, rotation) {
  circleMapsOTUname <- list()
  for (s in seq_along(firstYchrEach)) {
    position <- as.numeric(attr(ylistNewChr[[s]], "positionnoNA"))
    circleMapsOTUname[[s]] <- mapCircle(
      x = firstXchrEach[[s]],
      y = firstYchrEach[[s]],
      n = n,
      radius = radius,
      circleCenter = circleCenter,
      circleCenterY = circleCenterY,
    attr(circleMapsOTUname[[s]], "name") <- names(firstYchrEach[s])
    attr(circleMapsOTUname[[s]], "positionnoNA") <- position

#' @param circleMapsOTUname list, resulting from applyMapCircle
#' @param OTUsrt numeric, angle for OTU name
#' @param OTUlegendHeight numeric
#' @param OTUTextSize numeric, font size of OTU
#' @param OTUplacing boolean use number instead of OTU name
#' @keywords internal
addOTUnames <- function(circleMapsOTUname, OTUTextSize, OTUsrt = 0, OTUplacing = "first", OTUfont2, OTUfamily2,
                        circleCenter, OTULabelSpacerx, circleCenterY, OTULabelSpacery, OTUlegendHeight, radius,
                        chrWidth, normalizeToOne, OTUcentered, OTUjustif, separFactor, labelSpacing) {
  maxPos <- numeric()
  for (s in seq_along(circleMapsOTUname)) {
    maxPos <- max(maxPos, as.numeric(attr(circleMapsOTUname[[s]], "positionnoNA")))

    centerX <- min(unlist(circleMapsOTUname[[s]]$x))
    centerY <- min(unlist(circleMapsOTUname[[s]]$y))

      x = centerX,
      y = centerY,
      label = if (OTUplacing == "first") {
        attr(circleMapsOTUname[[s]], "name")
      } else if (OTUplacing == "number") {
        attr(circleMapsOTUname[[s]], "positionnoNA")
      } else {
      cex = OTUTextSize

      , adj = 0.5,
      srt = OTUsrt,
      font = OTUfont2,
      family = OTUfamily2

  if (OTUplacing == "number" || OTUplacing == "simple") {
      circleMapsOTUname, circleCenter, OTULabelSpacerx, circleCenterY, OTULabelSpacery,
      OTUlegendHeight, radius, chrWidth, OTUfont2, OTUfamily2, OTUTextSize, normalizeToOne,
      OTUplacing, OTUcentered, OTUjustif, maxPos, separFactor, labelSpacing

#' @param cfunction character, name of function to apply
#' @param ylistTrans list, trans .chr coords.
#' @param unlist boolean, for unlisting x or y coordinates
#' @param xlistNew list, transformed coordinates
#' @keywords internal
applyMapCircle <- function(radius, circleCenter, circleCenterY, separFactor, ylistTrans, xlistNew,
                           n = NA,
                           chrWidth, unlist = FALSE, cfunction = mapCircle,
                           specialOTUNames = NA, chrWFactor = NA, rotation,
                           label = FALSE) {
  circleMaps <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(ylistTrans)) {
    circleMaps[[s]] <- list()
    labelSpacing2 <- labelSpacing

    if (!is.na(specialOTUNames[1]) && specialOTUNames[1] != "") {
      if (names(ylistTrans[s]) %in% specialOTUNames) {
        labelSpacing2 <- labelSpacing * chrWFactor

    for (c in seq_along(ylistTrans[[s]])) {
      position <- as.numeric(attr(ylistTrans[[s]], "positionnoNA"))
      mSign <- 1
      mSign2 <- 1

      if (length(attr(ylistTrans[[s]][[c]], "squareSide"))) {
        if (attr(ylistTrans[[s]][[c]], "squareSide") %in% c("cMLeft", "left")) {
          mSign <- -1
          if (label) {
            mSign2 <- -1

      circleMaps[[s]][[c]] <- cfunction(
        x = if (unlist) {
        } else {
        y = if (unlist) {
        } else {
        n = n,
        radius = radius,
        circleCenter = circleCenter,
        circleCenterY = circleCenterY,
        labelSpacing2 * mSign,
        chrWidth * mSign2,
      attr(circleMaps[[s]][[c]], "squareSide") <- attr(ylistTrans[[s]][[c]], "squareSide")
    attr(circleMaps[[s]], "positionB") <- s
    names(circleMaps)[s] <- names(ylistTrans[s])

intercalate <- function(y, monocenNames, attr = FALSE) {
  newOrder <- list()
  for (s in seq_along(y)) {
    if (attr == FALSE) {
      if (names(y[s]) %in% monocenNames) {
        newOrder[[s]] <- list()

        for (a in 1:(length(y[[s]]) / 2)) {
          b <- a * 2 - 1
          newOrder[[s]][[b]] <- y[[s]][[a]]
          names(newOrder[[s]])[b] <- names(y[[s]][a])

        for (a in ((length(y[[s]]) / 2) + 1):length(y[[s]])) {
          b <- (a - (length(y[[s]]) / 2)) * 2
          newOrder[[s]][[b]] <- y[[s]][[a]]
          names(newOrder[[s]])[b] <- names(y[[s]][a])

      } else {
        newOrder[[s]] <- list()
        newOrder[[s]] <- y[[s]]
        names(newOrder[[s]]) <- names(y[[s]])
    } else {
      if (attr(y[[s]], "spname") %in% monocenNames) {
        newOrder[[s]] <- list()

        for (a in 1:(length(y[[s]]) / 2)) {
          b <- a * 2 - 1
          newOrder[[s]][[b]] <- y[[s]][[a]]
          names(newOrder[[s]])[b] <- names(y[[s]][a])

        for (a in ((length(y[[s]]) / 2) + 1):length(y[[s]])) {
          b <- (a - (length(y[[s]]) / 2)) * 2
          newOrder[[s]][[b]] <- y[[s]][[a]]
          names(newOrder[[s]])[b] <- names(y[[s]][a])

      } else {
        newOrder[[s]] <- list()
        newOrder[[s]] <- y[[s]]
        names(newOrder[[s]]) <- names(y[[s]])

    attr(newOrder[[s]], "positionnoNA") <- attr(y[[s]], "positionnoNA")
  newOrder <- Filter(function(x) {
    length(x) >= 1
  }, newOrder)

#' @param circleMaps list, resulting from applyMapCircle
#' @param lwd.chr numeric, width of line
#' @param chrColor character, chr. color
#' @keywords internal

drawPlot <- function(circleMaps, chrColor, lwd.chr, chrBorderColor2) {
  for (s in seq_along(circleMaps)) {
    for (i in seq_along(circleMaps[[s]])) {
        x = circleMaps[[s]][[i]]$x,
        y = circleMaps[[s]][[i]]$y,
        col = chrColor,
        lwd = lwd.chr,
        border = chrBorderColor2

#' @param dfMarkColorInt data.frame of mark charact.
#' @param listOfdfMarkPosSq list, of d.f.s of marks
#' @keywords internal

drawPlotMark <- function(circleMaps, dfMarkColorInt, listOfdfMarkPosSq, lwd.chr, alpha_val = 1) {
  for (s in seq_along(circleMaps)) {
    for (i in seq_along(circleMaps[[s]])) {
        x = circleMaps[[s]][[i]]$x,
        y = circleMaps[[s]][[i]]$y,
        col = alpha(dfMarkColorInt$markColor[match(
        )], alpha_val),
        lwd = lwd.chr,
        border = dfMarkColorInt$markBorderColor[match(

} # fun

drawCenStyle <- function(circleMaps, defCenStyleCol, lwd.chr) {
  for (s in seq_along(circleMaps)) {
    for (i in seq_along(circleMaps[[s]])) {
        x = circleMaps[[s]][[i]]$x,
        y = circleMaps[[s]][[i]]$y,
        col = defCenStyleCol,
        lwd = lwd.chr,
        border = defCenStyleCol
        x = circleMaps[[s]][[i]]$x,
        y = circleMaps[[s]][[i]]$y,
        col = defCenStyleCol,
        lwd = lwd.chr,

drawPlotMarkLine <- function(circleMaps, defCenStyleCol, lwd.chr) {
  for (s in seq_along(circleMaps)) {
    for (i in seq_along(circleMaps[[s]])) {
        x = circleMaps[[s]][[i]]$x,
        y = circleMaps[[s]][[i]]$y,
        col = defCenStyleCol,
        lwd = lwd.chr,

#' @param cenColor2 character, cen. color
#' @param cenBorder character, cen border color
#' @keywords internal
drawCen <- function(circleMaps, cenColor2, cenBorder, lwd.chr) {
  for (s in seq_along(circleMaps)) {
    for (i in seq_along(circleMaps[[s]])) {
        x = circleMaps[[s]][[i]]$x,
        y = circleMaps[[s]][[i]]$y,
        col = cenColor2,
        lwd = lwd.chr,
        border = cenBorder

#' @param listOfdfMarkPos list, of d.f.s of marks
#' @param markLabelSize numeric, size of mark label
#' @param labelOutwards see srt of text function
#' @param pattern character, regex pattern to remove from mark names
#' @keywords internal

circLabelMark <- function(bannedMarkName, circleMaps, listOfdfMarkPos, markLabelSize, pattern,
                          labelOutwards, circleCenter, circleCenterY,
                          iscM = FALSE, adj = 0.5, iscMLeft = FALSE) {
  for (s in seq_along(circleMaps)) {
    for (i in seq_along(circleMaps[[s]])) {
      if (!listOfdfMarkPos[[s]]$markName[i] %in% bannedMarkName) {
        centerX <- mean(unlist(circleMaps[[s]][[i]]$x))
        centerY <- mean(unlist(circleMaps[[s]][[i]]$y))

        if (labelOutwards) {
          delta_x <- centerX - circleCenter
          delta_y <- centerY - circleCenterY
          theta_radians <- atan2(delta_y, delta_x)

          srt <- (theta_radians * 180) / pi

          if (c(srt > 90 & srt <= 180) || c(srt < -90 & srt >= -180)) {
            srt <- srt + 180
          srt <- round(srt)
        } else {
          srt <- 0

        w <- tryCatch(listOfdfMarkPos[[s]]$chrRegionOrig[i], error = function(e) {
        z <- sub(pattern, "", listOfdfMarkPos[[s]]$markName[i])

          x = centerX,
          y = centerY,
          label = ifelse(any(is.na(w), is.null(w)), z, ""),
          cex = markLabelSize
          , adj = adj,
          srt = srt

#' @param colBorderCr character, border color
#' @param colCr character color of mark
#' @param radiusMap function, map radius in circle
#' @param xfactor numeric, modify y x aspect
#' @param circleMapsMarksCr list, resulting from applyMapCircle
#' @keywords internal
circPlotDots <- function(circleMapsMarksCr, xfactor, radiusMap,
                         colCr, colBorderCr, n, alpha_val = 1) {
    seq_along(circleMapsMarksCr), function(m) {
        seq_along(circleMapsMarksCr[[m]]), function(u) {
          mapply(function(x, y,
                          radius, z, w) {
            pts2 <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = n * 4)
            xy2 <- cbind(x + radius * sin(pts2) * xfactor, y + radius * cos(pts2))

            graphics::polygon(xy2[, 1],
              xy2[, 2],
              col = alpha(z, alpha_val),
              border = w
          x = circleMapsMarksCr[[m]][[u]]$x,
          y = circleMapsMarksCr[[m]][[u]]$y,
          radius = radiusMap[[m]][[u]],
          z = colCr[[m]][[u]],
          w = colBorderCr[[m]][[u]]

#' @param chrNames list, resulting from applyMapCircle
#' @param indexIdTextSize numeric, text size
#' @param chrId character, type of chr. name
#' @keywords internal
plotChrNames <- function(chrNames, indexIdTextSize, chrId, monocenNames, chrColor) {
  labels <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(chrNames)) {
    divisorL <- ifelse(names(chrNames[s]) %in% monocenNames, 2, 1)

    labels[[s]] <- list()
    for (i in seq(1, length(chrNames[[s]]), by = divisorL)) {
      if (chrId == "original") {
        labels[[s]][[i]] <- attr(chrNames[[s]][[i]], "chrName")
      } else {
        labels[[s]][[i]] <- (i + ifelse(divisorL == 2, 1, 0)) / divisorL
      centerX <- mean(unlist(chrNames[[s]][[i]]$x))
      centerY <- mean(unlist(chrNames[[s]][[i]]$y))
        x = centerX,
        y = centerY,
        label = labels[[s]][[i]],
        cex = indexIdTextSize

        , adj = 0.5,
        col = colorRampPalette(c(chrColor, "black"))(100)[50]

#   attr chrNameB to yMark and xMark
#' @param xMark list, mark coords.
#' @param yMark list, mark coords.
#' @keywords internal

addChrNameAttrMark <- function(xMark, yMark, x) {
  markList <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(xMark)) {
    currName <- attr(xMark[[i]], "spname")
    corrIndex <- which(names(x) %in% currName)
    for (j in seq_along(xMark[[i]])) {
      for (k in seq_along(x[[corrIndex]])) {
        match <- which(xMark[[i]][[j]] %in% x[[corrIndex]][[k]])
        if (length(match) > 0) {
          attr(xMark[[i]][[j]], "chrNameB") <- k
          attr(yMark[[i]][[j]], "chrNameB") <- k
        } else {
  markList$xMark <- xMark
  markList$yMark <- yMark

addChrNameAttrMarkDots <- function(xMark, yMark, x) {
  markList <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(xMark)) {
    currName <- attr(xMark[[i]], "spname")
    corrIndex <- which(names(x) %in% currName)
    for (j in seq_along(xMark[[i]])) {
      for (k in seq_along(x[[corrIndex]])) {
        distance <- xMark[[i]][[j]][[2]] - xMark[[i]][[j]][[1]]
        match <- which((xMark[[i]][[j]][[1]] - distance / 2) %in% x[[corrIndex]][[k]])

        if (length(match) > 0) {
          attr(xMark[[i]][[j]], "chrNameB") <- k
          attr(yMark[[i]][[j]], "chrNameB") <- k
        } else {
  markList$xMark <- xMark
  markList$yMark <- yMark

xMarkMap <- function(xMark, x, shrink) {
  xMarkList <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(xMark)) {
    xMarkList[[s]] <- xMark[[s]]

    corrIndex <- which(names(x) %in% attr(xMark[[s]], "spname"))

    for (m in seq_along(xMark[[s]])) {
      name <- attr(xMark[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex")

      minMark <- min(xMark[[s]][[m]], na.rm = TRUE)
      maxMark <- max(xMark[[s]][[m]], na.rm = TRUE)

      xMarkList[[s]][[m]] <- xMarkList[[s]][[m]] - min(unlist(x[[corrIndex]][name])) + ((shrink / 2) * (maxMark - minMark))

      attr(xMarkList[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex") <- name
    attr(xMarkList[[s]], "spname") <- attr(xMark[[s]], "spname")

xMarkMapLeft <- function(xMark, x) {
  xMarkList <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(xMark)) {
    xMarkList[[s]] <- xMark[[s]]

    corrIndex <- which(names(x) %in% attr(xMark[[s]], "spname"))

    for (m in seq_along(xMark[[s]])) {
      name <- attr(xMark[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex")

      xMarkList[[s]][[m]] <- xMarkList[[s]][[m]] - min(unlist(x[[corrIndex]][name]))

      attr(xMarkList[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex") <- name
    attr(xMarkList[[s]], "spname") <- attr(xMark[[s]], "spname")

markMapPer <- function(yMark, y, useNA = FALSE) {
  yMarkPer <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(yMark)) {
    yMarkPer[[s]] <- list()
    corrIndex <- which(names(y) %in% attr(yMark[[s]], "spname"))

    for (m in seq_along(yMark[[s]])) {
      name <- attr(yMark[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex")
      chrSize <- max(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name])) - min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name]))
      distBeg <- min(yMark[[s]][[m]]) - (min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name])))
      disBegPer <- distBeg / chrSize

      distEnd <- max(yMark[[s]][[m]]) - (min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name])))
      disEndPer <- distEnd / chrSize
      diffPer <- disEndPer - disBegPer

      diffReal <- distEnd - distBeg

      fac <- diffPer / diffReal
      fac <- ifelse(is.na(fac), 0, fac)

      if (all(is.na(yMark[[s]][[m]])) && useNA) {
        yMarkPer[[s]][[m]] <- NA
      } else {
        yMarkPer[[s]][[m]] <- psum(((yMark[[s]][[m]] - min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name]))) - distBeg) * fac,
          na.rm = TRUE

      attr(yMarkPer[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex") <- name
      attr(yMarkPer[[s]][[m]], "squareSide") <- attr(yMark[[s]][[m]], "squareSide")
    attr(yMarkPer[[s]], "spname") <- attr(yMark[[s]], "spname")

markMapPerCen <- function(yMark, y) {
  yMarkPer <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(yMark)) {
    yMarkPer[[s]] <- list()
    corrIndex <- which(names(y) %in% names(yMark)[s])
    for (m in seq_along(yMark[[s]])) {

      armSize <- max(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][[m]])) - min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][[m]]))

      distBeg <- min(yMark[[s]][[m]]) - (min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][[m]])))
      disBegPer <- distBeg / armSize

      distEnd <- max(yMark[[s]][[m]]) - (min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][[m]])))
      disEndPer <- distEnd / armSize
      diffPer <- disEndPer - disBegPer

      diffReal <- distEnd - distBeg

      fac <- diffPer / diffReal
      fac <- ifelse(is.na(fac), 0, fac)

      yMarkPer[[s]][[m]] <- psum(((yMark[[s]][[m]] - min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][[m]]))) - distBeg) * fac,
        na.rm = TRUE
      attr(yMarkPer[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex") <- m
    names(yMarkPer[[s]]) <- seq_along(yMarkPer[[s]])
    names(yMarkPer)[s] <- names(y[s])



markMapPercM <- function(yMark, y) {
  yMarkPer <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(yMark)) {
    yMarkPer[[s]] <- list()
    corrIndex <- which(names(y) %in% attr(yMark[[s]], "spname"))

    for (m in seq_along(yMark[[s]])) {
      name <- attr(yMark[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex")
      chrSize <- max(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name])) - min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name]))
      distBeg <- min(yMark[[s]][[m]]) - (min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name])))
      disBegPer <- distBeg / chrSize
      fac <- disBegPer / distBeg
      fac <- ifelse(is.na(fac), 0, fac)
      yMarkPer[[s]][[m]] <- ((yMark[[s]][[m]] - min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name]))) - distBeg) * fac + disBegPer
      attr(yMarkPer[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex") <- name
      attr(yMarkPer[[s]][[m]], "squareSide") <- attr(yMark[[s]][[m]], "squareSide")
    attr(yMarkPer[[s]], "spname") <- attr(yMark[[s]], "spname")

markMapPerDots <- function(yMark, y) {
  yMarkPer <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(yMark)) {
    yMarkPer[[s]] <- list()
    corrIndex <- which(names(y) %in% attr(yMark[[s]], "spname"))

    for (m in seq_along(yMark[[s]])) {
      name <- attr(yMark[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex")
      chrSize <- max(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name])) - min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name]))
      distBeg <- min(yMark[[s]][[m]][[1]]) - (min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name])))
      disBegPer <- distBeg / chrSize
      fac <- disBegPer / distBeg
      fac <- ifelse(is.na(fac), 0, fac)
      yMarkPer[[s]][[m]] <- list()
      if (length(yMark[[s]][[m]]) > 1) {
        yMarkPer[[s]][[m]][1:2] <- ((yMark[[s]][[m]][[1]] - min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name]))) - distBeg) * fac + disBegPer
      } else {
        yMarkPer[[s]][[m]] <- ((yMark[[s]][[m]][[1]] - min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name]))) - distBeg) * fac + disBegPer
      attr(yMarkPer[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex") <- name
    attr(yMarkPer[[s]], "spname") <- attr(yMark[[s]], "spname")

#' @param rad list, list of radius for dots marks
#' @keywords internal

radDotsPer <- function(rad, y) {
  radPer <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(rad)) {
    radPer[[s]] <- list()
    corrIndex <- which(names(y) %in% attr(rad[[s]], "spname"))

    for (m in seq_along(rad[[s]])) {
      name <- attr(rad[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex")
      chrSize <- max(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name])) - min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name]))
      radSize <- rad[[s]][[m]][[1]]
      radPerC <- radSize / chrSize
      radPer[[s]][[m]] <- list()
      if (length(rad[[s]][[m]]) > 1) {
        radPer[[s]][[m]][1:2] <- radPerC
      } else {
        radPer[[s]][[m]] <- radPerC

centerMarkMapPer <- function(yMark, y) {
  yMarkPer <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(yMark)) {
    yMarkPer[[s]] <- list()
    corrIndex <- which(names(y) %in% attr(yMark[[s]], "spname"))

    for (m in seq_along(yMark[[s]])) {
      name <- attr(yMark[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex")
      chrSize <- max(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name])) - min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name]))
      distBeg <- min(yMark[[s]][[m]]) - (min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name])))
      disBegPer <- distBeg / chrSize
      distEnd <- max(yMark[[s]][[m]]) - (min(unlist(y[[corrIndex]][name])))
      disEndPer <- distEnd / chrSize
      diffPer <- disEndPer - disBegPer
      diffReal <- distEnd - distBeg
      fac <- diffPer / diffReal
      fac <- ifelse(is.na(fac), 0, fac)
      center <- (disBegPer + disEndPer) / 2
      len <- length(yMark[[s]][[m]])

      yMarkPer[[s]][[m]] <- rep(center, len)

      attr(yMarkPer[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex") <- name
      attr(yMarkPer[[s]][[m]], "squareSide") <- attr(yMark[[s]][[m]], "squareSide")
    attr(yMarkPer[[s]], "spname") <- attr(yMark[[s]], "spname")

#   trans Marks
#' @param ylistTransChr list, trans .chr coords.
#' @param yMarkPer list, mark coords in percentage.
#' @keywords internal

transyListMark <- function(yMarkPer, ylistTransChr) {
  ylistTransMark <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(yMarkPer)) {
    ylistTransMark[[s]] <- list()
    corrIndex <- which(names(ylistTransChr) %in% attr(yMarkPer[[s]], "spname"))

    for (m in seq_along(yMarkPer[[s]])) {
      name <- NULL
      corrIndexMark <- NULL
      name <- attr(yMarkPer[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex")
      corrIndexMark <- which(names(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]]) %in% name)

      if (length(corrIndexMark) > 0) {
        chrSize <- max(unlist(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]][corrIndexMark])) - min(unlist(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]][corrIndexMark]))

        ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]] <- yMarkPer[[s]][[m]] * chrSize
        ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]] <- ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]] + min(unlist(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]][corrIndexMark]))
        attr(ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]], "squareSide") <- attr(yMarkPer[[s]][[m]], "squareSide")
    attr(ylistTransMark[[s]], "spname") <- attr(yMarkPer[[s]], "spname")
    attr(ylistTransMark[[s]], "positionnoNA") <- attr(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]], "positionnoNA")

transyListCen <- function(yMarkPer, ylistTransChr) {
  ylistTransMark <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(yMarkPer)) {
    ylistTransMark[[s]] <- list()
    corrIndex <- which(names(ylistTransChr) %in% names(yMarkPer)[s])
    for (m in seq_along(yMarkPer[[s]])) {

      if (length(m) > 0) {
        intercaIndex <- m * 2 - 1
        chrSize <- max(unlist(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]][[intercaIndex]])) - min(unlist(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]][[intercaIndex]]))

        ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]] <- yMarkPer[[s]][[m]] * chrSize
        ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]] <- ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]] + min(unlist(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]][[intercaIndex]]))
    attr(ylistTransMark[[s]], "positionnoNA") <- attr(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]], "positionnoNA")
    names(ylistTransMark[[s]]) <- seq_along(ylistTransMark[[s]])

#' @param radPerCr list, radius percentages
#' @keywords internal
transRadDots <- function(radPerCr, yMarkPerCr, ylistTransChr) {
  radTrans <- list()
  # s<-1
  for (s in seq_along(radPerCr)) {
    radTrans[[s]] <- list()
    corrIndex <- which(names(ylistTransChr) %in% attr(yMarkPerCr[[s]], "spname"))
    for (m in seq_along(radPerCr[[s]])) {
      name <- NULL
      name <- attr(yMarkPerCr[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex")
      corrIndexMark <- NULL
      corrIndexMark <- which(names(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]]) %in% name)

      chrSize <- max(unlist(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]][corrIndexMark])) - min(unlist(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]][corrIndexMark]))

      radTrans[[s]][[m]] <- list()
      if (length(radPerCr[[s]][[m]]) > 1) {
        radTrans[[s]][[m]][1:2] <- radPerCr[[s]][[m]][[1]] * chrSize
      } else {
        radTrans[[s]][[m]] <- radPerCr[[s]][[m]] * chrSize
    attr(radTrans[[s]], "spname") <- attr(yMarkPerCr[[s]], "spname")
    attr(radTrans[[s]], "positionnoNA") <- attr(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]], "positionnoNA")

transyListMarkDots <- function(yMarkPer, ylistTransChr) {
  ylistTransMark <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(yMarkPer)) {
    ylistTransMark[[s]] <- list()
    corrIndex <- which(names(ylistTransChr) %in% attr(yMarkPer[[s]], "spname"))
    for (m in seq_along(yMarkPer[[s]])) {
      name <- NULL
      name <- attr(yMarkPer[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex")
      corrIndexMark <- NULL
      corrIndexMark <- which(names(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]]) %in% name)

      chrSize <- max(unlist(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]][corrIndexMark])) - min(unlist(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]][corrIndexMark]))

      ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]] <- list()

      if (length(yMarkPer[[s]][[m]]) > 1) {
        ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]][1:2] <- yMarkPer[[s]][[m]][[1]] * chrSize
        ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]][1:2] <- ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]][[1]] + min(unlist(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]][corrIndexMark]))
      } else {
        ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]] <- yMarkPer[[s]][[m]] * chrSize
        ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]] <- ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]] + min(unlist(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]][corrIndexMark]))
      attr(ylistTransMark[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex") <- attr(yMarkPer[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex")
    attr(ylistTransMark[[s]], "spname") <- attr(yMarkPer[[s]], "spname")
    attr(ylistTransMark[[s]], "positionnoNA") <- attr(ylistTransChr[[corrIndex]], "positionnoNA")

mapChrCenter <- function(ylistTransChr) {
  listChrCenter <- list()

  for (s in seq_along(ylistTransChr)) {
    listChrCenter[[s]] <- list()
    for (c in seq_along(ylistTransChr[[s]])) {
      chrSize <- max(unlist(ylistTransChr[[s]][[c]])) - min(unlist(ylistTransChr[[s]][[c]]))

      listChrCenter[[s]][[c]] <- rep((.5 * chrSize) + min(unlist(ylistTransChr[[s]][[c]])), 2)
      attr(listChrCenter[[s]][[c]], "chrName1") <- attr(ylistTransChr[[s]][[c]], "chrName1")
    attr(listChrCenter[[s]], "positionnoNA") <- attr(ylistTransChr[[s]], "positionnoNA")

#' @param xMarkCr list, mark coords.
#' @keywords internal

oneDot <- function(xMarkCr) {
  oneDotXList <- list()
  for (s in seq_along(xMarkCr)) {
    oneDotXList[[s]] <- list()
    for (m in seq_along(xMarkCr[[s]])) {
      both <- unlist(xMarkCr[[s]][[m]])
      oneDotXList[[s]][[m]] <- sum(both) / 2
      attr(oneDotXList[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex") <- attr(xMarkCr[[s]][[m]], "rowIndex")
    attr(oneDotXList[[s]], "spname") <- attr(xMarkCr[[s]], "spname")

#' @param fixCenBorder2 boolean, change cen border
#' @param parparlistOfdfMarkPosDataCen list, of d.f.s of marks
#' @keywords internal

drawCenMarks <- function(circleMaps, dfMarkColorInt,
                         parparlistOfdfMarkPosDataCen, lwd.chr, fixCenBorder2, chrColor) {
  for (s in seq_along(circleMaps)) {
    for (m in seq_along(circleMaps[[s]])) {
        x = circleMaps[[s]][[m]]$x,
        y = circleMaps[[s]][[m]]$y,
        col = dfMarkColorInt$markColor[match(
        lwd = lwd.chr,
        border = ifelse(fixCenBorder2,

OTUlabelsright <- function(y, circleCenter, OTULabelSpacerx, circleCenterY, OTULabelSpacery, OTUlegendHeight, radius,
                           chrWidth, font, family, OTUTextSize, normalizeToOne, OTUplacing, OTUcentered,
                           OTUjustif, maxPos, separFactor, labelSpacing) {
  if (OTUcentered) {
    labelx1 <- circleCenter + OTULabelSpacerx
  } else {
    labelx1 <- (circleCenter + radius * chrWidth * 2 * maxPos + maxPos * separFactor + chrWidth * labelSpacing + OTULabelSpacerx)
  labelx <- rep(labelx1, length(y))

  center <- (circleCenterY + OTULabelSpacery)

  if (is.na(OTUlegendHeight)) {
    OTUlegendHeight <- normalizeToOne
  } else {
    OTUlegendHeight <- OTUlegendHeight

  lHeights <- sapply(OTUlegendHeight, function(x) x + ((0:(length(y) - 1)) * OTUlegendHeight * 2))

  blabely <- lHeights - min(lHeights)
  halfmaxLH <- max(blabely) / 2
  labely <- blabely + center - halfmaxLH

  OTUNamesVec <- character()
  for (s in seq_along(y)) {
    if (OTUplacing == "number") {
      OTUNamesVec[s] <- paste(attr(y[[s]], "positionnoNA"), attr(y[[s]], "name"))
    } else {
      OTUNamesVec[s] <- paste(attr(y[[s]], "name"))
    x = labelx,
    y = labely,
    labels = OTUNamesVec,
    font = font,
    family = family,
    cex = OTUTextSize
    , adj = OTUjustif

psum <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE) {
  rowSums(do.call(cbind, list(...)), na.rm = na.rm)

`%W>%` <- function(lhs, rhs) {
  w <- options()$warn
  on.exit(options(warn = w))
  options(warn = -1)
  eval.parent(substitute(lhs %>% rhs))
} # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47475923/custom-pipe-to-silence-warnings

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idiogramFISH documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 5:08 p.m.