## workhorse function
mptmodel <- function(y, weights = NULL, spec, treeid = NULL,
optimargs = list(control = list(reltol = .Machine$double.eps^(1/1.2),
maxit = 1000),
init = NULL),
start = NULL, vcov = TRUE, estfun = FALSE, ...)
## main arguments
if(missing(y)) stop("response missing")
stopifnot(class(spec) == "mptspec")
## sanity checking of data
if(is.null(dim(y))) y <- matrix(y, nrow=1L, dimnames=list(NULL, names(y)))
y <- as.matrix(y)
nsubj <- nrow(y)
# mob() adds names to y
# if(!is.null(dnam <- colnames(y)) & !is.null(snam <- names(spec$prob)))
# if(!all(snam == dnam)) warning("variable names do not match")
if(NCOL(y) != length(spec$prob))
stop("number of response categories and model equations do not match")
## weights
if(is.null(weights)) weights <- 1L
weights <- rep(weights, length.out = nsubj)
nsubj <- sum(weights > 0L)
## treeid
tid <- if(length(treeid) == NCOL(y))
else if(length(spec$treeid) == NCOL(y)) # read from spec
else if(!is.null(colnames(y))) { # before 1st dot
tid <- gsub("([^.]+)\\..*", "\\1", colnames(y))
factor(tid, levels = unique(tid)) # keep order
} else
rep(1, NCOL(y))
tid <- factor(tid) # make sure treeid is always factor
## for fitting only sums are needed
ysum <- colSums(y * weights)
## determine number of parameters and starting values
if(is.null(start)) {
start <- spec$par[$par)] # FIX ME: still necessary?
start[] <- 0
} else {
## do sanity checking of starting values/names/etc.
if(is.null(names(start))) names(start) <- names(spec$par[$par)])
start <- qlogis(start) # logit transform
## set up log-likelihood and gradient
nll <- function(par) -sum(ysum * log(spec$par2prob(plogis(par))))
grad <- function(par) {
yp <- drop(ysum/spec$par2prob(plogis(par)))
dp <- spec$par2deriv(plogis(par))$deriv
-drop(dp %*% yp) * dlogis(par) # FIX ME: dlogis(par) optional? Ask Z.
## call optim()
if (!is.null(optimargs$init)) {
start[] <- qlogis(optimargs$init) # Workaround: override start, for
} # setting start vals from mpttree()
optimargs$init <- NULL
optArgs <- list(par=start, fn=nll, gr=grad, method="BFGS")
optArgs <- c(optArgs, as.list(optimargs))
opt <-, optArgs)
coef <- opt$par
loglik <- -opt$value
pcat <- spec$par2prob(plogis(coef))
snam <- if(!is.null(names(spec$prob))) names(spec$prob) # from spec
else if(!is.null(colnames(y))) colnames(y) # from data
else ave(as.character(tid), tid, # guess
FUN = function(a) paste(a, seq_along(a), sep="."))
ncat <- table(tid)
ntrees <- length(ncat)
# n <- setNames(tapply(ysum, tid, sum)[as.character(tid)], snam)
nbytree <- tapply(ysum, tid, sum)
n <- setNames(nbytree[as.character(tid)], snam)
fitted <- n*pcat
G2 <- 2*sum(ysum*log(ysum/fitted), na.rm=TRUE)
df <- sum(ncat - 1) - length(coef)
gof <- c(G2=G2, df=df, pval = pchisq(G2, df, lower.tail=FALSE))
if(df == 0 && abs(G2) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
gof["G2"] <- 0
gof["pval"] <- 1
rval <- list(
y = y,
coefficients = coef,
# loglik = sum(lfactorial(nbytree)) - sum(lfactorial(ysum)) + loglik,
loglik = loglik,
nobs = nsubj,
npar = length(start),
weights = if(isTRUE(all.equal(weights, rep(1, nsubj)))) NULL else weights,
fitted = fitted, = gof,
ntrees = ntrees,
n = n,
pcat = setNames(pcat, snam),
treeid = tid,
spec = spec,
optim = opt,
ysum = setNames(ysum, snam)
class(rval) <- "mptmodel"
if(estfun) rval$estfun <- estfun.mptmodel(rval)
logLik.mptmodel <- function(object, ...)
structure(object$loglik, df = object$npar, class = "logLik")
coef.mptmodel <- function(object, logit = FALSE, ...){
coef <- object$coefficients
if (logit) {
nm <- paste0("logit(", names(coef), ")")
setNames(coef, nm)
} else {
estfun.mptmodel <- function(x, logit = TRUE, ...)
dp <- t(x$spec$par2deriv(coef(x, logit=FALSE))$deriv)
# ef <- t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(x$y)), # does not work for single-par models
# function(i) colSums(x$y[i, ]/x$pcat * dp)))
ef <- x$y %*% (dp/x$pcat)
if (logit) ef <- t(dlogis(coef(x, logit=TRUE)) * t(ef))
dimnames(ef) <- list(rownames(x$y), names(coef(x, logit=logit)))
if(!is.null(x$weights)) ef <- ef * weights
vcov.mptmodel <- function(object, logit = TRUE, what = c("vcov", "fisher"),
what <- match.arg(what)
coef <- coef(object, logit=logit)
# Negative Hessian (estimated information) on probability scale.
# %*% is slightly faster than sum( * )
H <- function(par, y = object$ysum, spec = object$spec){
pp <- spec$par2prob(par)
yp <- drop(y/pp)
dp <- spec$par2deriv(par)$deriv
npar <- length(par)
H <- matrix(NA, npar, npar)
for (i in seq_len(npar))
for (j in i:npar)
H[i, j] <- yp %*% (dp[i, ]*dp[j, ]/pp)
# H[i, j] <- sum(y*dp[i, ]*dp[j, ]/pp^2)
# H[i, j] <- sum(yp*dp[i, ]*dp[j, ]/pp)
# H[i, j] <- sum(yp/pp * dp[i, ]*dp[j, ])
H[lower.tri(H)] <- t(H)[lower.tri(H)]
dimnames(H) <- list(names(par), names(par))
if (logit) { # delta method
# Note that plogis(x)*(1 - plogis(x)) == dlogis(x)
# Automatic dimnames for tcrossprod(...)
# Conjecture: the smaller the matrix the more reliable its inverse
# dhessian <- diag(1/(plogis(coef) * (1 - plogis(coef))), length(coef))
# dhessian %*% solve(H(plogis(coef))) %*% dhessian
# solve(tcrossprod(dlogis(coef)) * H(plogis(coef))) # possibly singular
if (what == "vcov") 1/tcrossprod(dlogis(coef)) * solve(H(plogis(coef)))
else tcrossprod(dlogis(coef)) * H(plogis(coef))
} else {
if (what == "vcov") solve(H(coef))
else H(coef)
## Based on stats::confint.default
confint.mptmodel <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, logit = TRUE,
cf <- coef(object, logit=logit)
pnames <- names(cf)
if (missing(parm))
parm <- pnames
else if (is.numeric(parm))
parm <- pnames[parm]
a <- (1 - level)/2
a <- c(a, 1 - a)
pct <- paste(format(100*a, trim=TRUE, scientific=FALSE, digits=3), "%")
fac <- qnorm(a)
ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2L), dimnames = list(parm, pct))
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object, logit=logit)))[parm]
ci[] <- cf[parm] + ses %o% fac
print.mptmodel <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
logit=FALSE, ...){
cat("\nMultinomial processing tree (MPT) models\n\n")
cat("Parameter estimates:\n")
print.default(format(coef(x, logit=logit), digits=digits),,
quote = FALSE)
G2 <- x$[1]
df <- x$[2]
pval <- x$[3]
cat("\nGoodness of fit (2 log likelihood ratio):\n")
cat("\tG2(", df, ") = ", format(G2, digits=digits), ", p = ",
format(pval, digits=digits), "\n", sep="")
## basic plot of parameter estimates
plot.mptmodel <- function(x, logit = FALSE, xlab = "Parameter",
ylab = "Estimate", ...){
coef <- coef(x, logit=logit)
plot(coef, axes=FALSE, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
axis(1, seq_along(coef), names(coef))
nobs.mptmodel <- function(object, ...) object$nobs
summary.mptmodel <- function(object, ...){
x <- object
coef <- coef(x, logit=TRUE)
pcoef <- coef(x, logit=FALSE)
## Catch vcov error, so there are at least some NA's in the summary
s.err <- tryCatch(sqrt(diag(vcov(x, logit=TRUE))),
error = function(e) rep(NA, length(coef)))
tvalue <- coef / s.err
pvalue <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(tvalue))
dn <- c("Estimate", "Logit Estim.", "Std. Error")
coef.table <- cbind(pcoef, coef, s.err, tvalue, pvalue)
dimnames(coef.table) <- list(names(pcoef), c(dn, "z value", "Pr(>|z|)"))
aic <- AIC(x)
ans <- list(ntrees=x$ntrees, coefficients=coef.table, aic=aic,
gof=x$ # , X2=sum(resid(x, "pearson")^2))
class(ans) <- "summary.mptmodel"
print.summary.mptmodel <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
cs.ind = 2:3, ...){
printCoefmat(x$coef, digits=digits, cs.ind=cs.ind, ...)
cat("\nLikelihood ratio G2:", format(x$gof[1], digits=digits), "on",
x$gof[2], "df,", "p-value:", format(x$gof[3], digits=digits), "\n")
cat(# "Pearson X2: ", format(x$X2, digits=digits), ", ",
"AIC: ", format(x$aic, digits=max(4, digits + 1)), sep="")
cat("Number of trees:", x$ntrees, "\n")
deviance.mptmodel <- function(object, ...) object$["G2"]
predict.mptmodel <- function(object, newdata = NULL, ...){
if(is.null(newdata)) fitted(object)
else {
stopifnot(length(newdata) == length(object$n))
object$pcat * newdata # newdata: total response count per tree
## model specification
mptspec <- function(..., .replicates = NULL, .restr = NULL)
## non-standard evaluation of arguments
spec <-
replicates <- spec$.replicates
if(!is.null(replicates)) {
if(!is.numeric(replicates)) stop(".replicates must be a single number")
restr <- spec$.restr
if(!is.null(restr)) {
if(as.character(restr[[1L]]) != "list") stop(".restr must be list")
restr1 <- restr
restrcl <- sapply(restr1[-1L], class)
# restr <- sapply(restr1[-1L], deparse)
restr <- sapply(restr1[-1L], function(s) paste(deparse(s), collapse=""))
restr <- paste(names(restr), " = ",
ifelse(restrcl == "numeric", "", "expression("),
ifelse(restrcl == "numeric", "", ")[[1L]]"),
collapse = ", ")
# Remove .replicates and .restr from call (if included) and
# (further below, after pre-specified models) turn into list of characters
spec$.replicates <- NULL
spec$.restr <- NULL
spec <- as.list(spec[-1L]) # exclude function name
treeid <- NULL
if (is.character(whichmod <- spec[[1]])) { # pre-specified models
prespec <- switch(EXPR = whichmod,
"1HT" = expression(
"1.1" = r + (1 - r)*b,
"1.2" = (1 - r)*(1 - b),
"2.1" = b,
"2.2" = 1 - b
"2HT" = expression(
"1.1" = r + (1 - r)*b,
"1.2" = (1 - r)*(1 - b),
"2.1" = (1 - d)*b,
"2.2" = (1 - d)*(1 - b) + d
"PairAsso" = expression(
"1.1" = p*q*r,
"1.2" = p*q*(1 - r),
"1.3" = p*(1 - q)*r,
"1.4" = (1 - p) + p*(1 - q)*(1 - r)
"proCNI" = expression(
"1.1" = C + (1 - C)*(1 - N)*(1 - I),
"1.2" = (1 - C)*N + (1 - C)*(1 - N)*I,
"2.1" = C + (1 - C)*(1 - N)*J,
"2.2" = (1 - C)*N + (1 - C)*(1 - N)*(1 - J),
"3.1" = (1 - C)*(1 - N)*(1 - I),
"3.2" = C + (1 - C)*N + (1 - C)*(1 - N)*I,
"4.1" = (1 - C)*(1 - N)*J,
"4.2" = C + (1 - C)*N + (1 - C)*(1 - N)*(1 - J)
"prospec" = expression(
"1.1" = C1*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g) + C1*(1 - P) +
(1 - C1)*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g)*c + (1 - C1)*(1 - P)*c,
"1.2" = (1 - C1)*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g)*(1 - c) +
(1 - C1)*(1 - P)*(1 - c),
"1.3" = C1*P*M1 + C1*P*(1 - M1)*g + (1 - C1)*P*M1 +
(1 - C1)*P*(1 - M1)*g,
"2.1" = (1 - C2)*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g)*c + (1 - C2)*(1 - P)*c,
"2.2" = C2*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g) + C2*(1 - P) +
(1 - C2)*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g)*(1 - c) +
(1 - C2)*(1 - P)*(1 - c),
"2.3" = C2*P*M1 + C2*P*(1 - M1)*g + (1 - C2)*P*M1 +
(1 - C2)*P*(1 - M1)*g,
"3.1" = C1*P*M2 + C1*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g) + C1*(1 - P) +
(1 - C1)*P*M2*c + (1 - C1)*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g)*c +
(1 - C1)*(1 - P)*c,
"3.2" = (1 - C1)*P*M2*(1 - c) + (1 - C1)*P*(1 - M2)*(1 - g)*(1 - c) +
(1 - C1)*(1 - P)*(1 - c),
"3.3" = C1*P*(1 - M2)*g + (1 - C1)*P*(1 - M2)*g,
"4.1" = (1 - C2)*P*M2*c + (1 - C2)*P*(1 - M2)*(1 - g)*c +
(1 - C2)*(1 - P)*c,
"4.2" = C2*P*M2 + C2*P*(1 - M2)*(1 - g) + C2*(1 - P) +
(1 - C2)*P*M2*(1 - c) + (1 - C2)*P*(1 - M2)*(1 - g)*(1 - c) +
(1 - C2)*(1 - P)*(1 - c),
"4.3" = C2*P*(1 - M2)*g + (1 - C2)*P*(1 - M2)*g
"rmodel" = expression(
"1.1" = b,
"1.2" = 1 - b,
"2.1" = g,
"2.2" = 1 - g,
"3.1" = r*a + (1 - r)*b*a,
"3.2" = r*(1 - a) + (1 - r)*(1 - b)*(1 - a),
"3.3" = (1 - r)*(1 - b)*a,
"3.4" = (1 - r)*b*(1 - a)
"SourceMon" = expression(
"1.1" = D1*d1 + D1*(1 - d1)*g + (1 - D1)*b*g,
"1.2" = D1*(1 - d1)*(1 - g) + (1 - D1)*b*(1 - g),
"1.3" = (1 - D1)*(1 - b),
"2.1" = D2*(1 - d2)*g + (1 - D2)*b*g,
"2.2" = D2*d2 + D2*(1 - d2)*(1 - g) + (1 - D2)*b*(1 - g),
"2.3" = (1 - D2)*(1 - b),
"3.1" = b*g,
"3.2" = b*(1 - g),
"3.3" = 1 - b
"SR" = expression(
"1.1" = c*r,
"1.2" = (1 - c)*u^2,
"1.3" = 2*(1 - c)*u*(1 - u),
"1.4" = c*(1 - r) + (1 - c)*(1 - u)^2,
"2.1" = u,
"2.2" = 1 - u
"SR2" = expression(
"1.1" = c*r,
"1.2" = (1 - c)*u^2,
"1.3" = 2*(1 - c)*u*(1 - u),
"1.4" = c*(1 - r) + (1 - c)*(1 - u)^2
"WST" = expression(
".0000" = (1 - a)*(1 - P)*(1 - p)*(1 - Q)*(1 - q),
".0001" = a*c*(1 - d)*(1 - sb)*i +
(1 - a)*(1 - P)*(1 - p)*(1 - Q)*q,
".0010" = a*c*(1 - d)*sb*i +
(1 - a)*(1 - P)*(1 - p)*Q*(1 - q),
".0011" = a*(1 - c)*(1 - x)*(1 - d)*i +
(1 - a)*(1 - P)*(1 - p)*Q*q,
".0100" = a*c*d*(1 - sf)*i +
(1 - a)*(1 - P)*p*(1 - Q)*(1 - q),
".0101" = a*(1 - c)*x*(1 - sfb)*i +
(1 - a)*(1 - P)*p*(1 - Q)*q,
".0110" = a*c*d*(1 - sf)*(1 - i) +
a*c*(1 - d)*sb*(1 - i) +
(1 - a)*(1 - P)*p*Q*(1 - q),
".0111" = (1 - a)*(1 - P)*p*Q*q,
".1000" = a*c*d*sf*i +
(1 - a)*P*(1 - p)*(1 - Q)*(1 - q),
".1001" = a*c*d*sf*(1 - i) +
a*c*(1 - d)*(1 - sb)*(1 - i) +
(1 - a)*P*(1 - p)*(1 - Q)*q,
".1010" = a*(1 - c)*x*sfb*i +
(1 - a)*P*(1 - p)*Q*(1 - q),
".1011" = (1 - a)*P*(1 - p)*Q*q,
".1100" = a*(1 - c)*(1 - x)*d*i +
(1 - a)*P*p*(1 - Q)*(1 - q),
".1101" = (1 - a)*P*p*(1 - Q)*q,
".1110" = (1 - a)*P*p*Q*(1 - q),
".1111" = a*(1 - c)*x*sfb*(1 - i) +
a*(1 - c)*x*(1 - sfb)*(1 - i) +
a*(1 - c)*(1 - x)*d*(1 - i) +
a*(1 - c)*(1 - x)*(1 - d)*(1 - i) +
(1 - a)*P*p*Q*q
NULL # model not available
stop("'...' has to be either an expression or one of:\n",
" '1HT', '2HT', 'PairAsso', 'proCNI', 'prospec', 'rmodel',\n",
" 'SourceMon', 'SR', 'SR2', 'WST'.\n")
if(exists("prespec", inherits = FALSE)) spec <- prespec
## Get treeid from names
if(!is.null(names(spec))) {
nm <-, strsplit(names(spec), "\\.")) # treeid.catid
if(any(nm[, 1] == "")) nm[, 1] <- "1"
treeid <- nm[, 1] # check only if there are .replicates
## Replicates?
if (!is.null(replicates) && replicates > 1) {
if(is.null(names(spec)) || ncol(nm) != 2 || nrow(nm) != length(spec))
stop('.replicates require expressions named "x.y"',
' where "x" is the treeid \n',
' See help("mptspec") for examples.\n')
ntrees <- length(unique(treeid))
treeid <- if(anyNA(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(treeid)))) {
paste0(rep(treeid, replicates), # character treeid
rep(seq_len(replicates), each = length(treeid)))
} else {
rep(as.numeric(treeid), replicates) + # numeric treeid
rep(seq(0, ntrees*(replicates - 1), ntrees),
each = nrow(nm))
pd <- getParseData(parse(text=spec, keep.source=TRUE))
pat <- paste0("(",
paste(unique(pd$text[pd$token == "SYMBOL"]), collapse="|"), ")")
newspec <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(replicates))
newspec <- c(newspec, gsub(pat, paste0("\\1", i), spec))
spec <- setNames(parse(text=newspec),
paste(treeid, nm[, 2], sep="."))
## list of strings
spec <- lapply(spec, function(s) paste(deparse(s), collapse=""))
## substitute restrictions
if(!is.null(restr)) {
spec <- lapply(spec, function(s) {
s <- sprintf("substitute(%s, list(%s))", s, restr)
deparse(eval(parse(text = s)))
## parsed expressions (list of expressions)
if(!is.null(restr)) restr <- lapply(restr1[-1L], as.expression)
prob <- lapply(spec, function(s) parse(text=s, keep.source=TRUE))
if(is.null(treeid) && !is.null(names(prob)))
treeid <- gsub("([^.]+)\\..*", "\\1", names(prob)) # guess from names
## extract the parameters
pars <- unique(unlist(lapply(prob, function(e) {
pd <- getParseData(e)
pd$text[pd$token == "SYMBOL"] # get parameter names
pars <- structure(, length(pars)), .Names = pars)
# ## use .pars to fix parameters or starting values or so
# if(!is.null(.pars)) {
# if(is.list(.pars)) .pars <-"c", .pars)
# if(is.null(names(.pars))) stop(".pars must be named list or vector")
# pars[names(.pars)] <- .pars
# }
## compute class probabilities
par2prob <- function(par) {
## get all parameters via lexical scoping
pars <- pars
## replace NA parameters
if(sum( != length(par))
stop("numbers of parameters do not match")
pars[] <- par
pars <- as.list(pars)
## compute probabilities
rval <- sapply(prob, eval, pars)
names(rval) <- names(prob)
## derivatives, deriv3() instead of deriv() for second derivatives
deriv <- lapply(prob, deriv3, names(pars))
names(deriv) <- names(prob)
par2deriv <- function(par) {
## get all parameters via lexical scoping
pars <- pars
## replace NA parameters: FIX ME still needed?
na_pars <-
if(sum(na_pars) != length(par))
stop("numbers of parameters do not match")
pars[na_pars] <- par
pars <- as.list(pars)
## compute first derivatives
deriv1 <- rbind(
sapply(deriv, function(ex) attr(eval(ex, pars), "gradient")))
rownames(deriv1) <- names(pars)
deriv1 <- deriv1[na_pars, , drop = FALSE] # Jacobian
## compute second derivatives
# deriv2 <- lapply(deriv, function(ex) attr(eval(ex, pars), "hessian"))
# deriv2 <- array(unlist(deriv2),
# c(length(pars), length(pars), length(prob)),
# list(names(pars), names(pars), names(prob)))
# deriv2 <- deriv2[na_pars, na_pars, , drop = FALSE]
# list(deriv = deriv1, deriv2 = deriv2) # return 1st and 2nd derivatives
list(deriv = deriv1) # return 1st derivative
retval <- list(
par2prob = par2prob,
par2deriv = par2deriv,
prob = prob,
deriv = deriv,
par = pars,
replicates = replicates,
restr = restr,
treeid = if(!is.null(treeid))
factor(treeid, levels = unique(treeid)) # keep order
class(retval) <- "mptspec"
## Apply replicates/restrictions to existing mptspec object
update.mptspec <- function(object, .replicates = NULL, .restr = NULL,
spec <-
replicates <- spec$.replicates
restr <- spec$.restr
spec <- unlist(object$prob)
if(!is.null(replicates)) {
if(!is.numeric(replicates)) stop(".replicates must be a single number")
spec$.replicates <- replicates
if(as.character(restr[[1L]]) != "list") stop(".restr must be list")
spec$.restr <- restr
}, spec)
## Print model equations
print.mptspec <- function(x, ...){
print(unlist(x$prob), ...)
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