
Defines functions print.mptspec update.mptspec mptspec predict.mptmodel deviance.mptmodel print.summary.mptmodel summary.mptmodel nobs.mptmodel plot.mptmodel print.mptmodel confint.mptmodel vcov.mptmodel estfun.mptmodel coef.mptmodel logLik.mptmodel mptmodel

Documented in coef.mptmodel confint.mptmodel deviance.mptmodel estfun.mptmodel logLik.mptmodel mptmodel mptspec predict.mptmodel print.mptmodel print.mptspec print.summary.mptmodel summary.mptmodel update.mptspec vcov.mptmodel

## workhorse function
mptmodel <- function(y, weights = NULL, spec, treeid = NULL,
  optimargs = list(control = list(reltol = .Machine$double.eps^(1/1.2),
                                  maxit = 1000),
                   init = NULL),
  start = NULL, vcov = TRUE, estfun = FALSE, ...)
  ## main arguments
  if(missing(y)) stop("response missing")
  stopifnot(class(spec) == "mptspec")

  ## sanity checking of data
  if(is.null(dim(y))) y <- matrix(y, nrow=1L, dimnames=list(NULL, names(y)))
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  nsubj <- nrow(y)
  # mob() adds names to y
  # if(!is.null(dnam <- colnames(y)) & !is.null(snam <- names(spec$prob)))
  #   if(!all(snam == dnam)) warning("variable names do not match")
  if(NCOL(y) != length(spec$prob))
    stop("number of response categories and model equations do not match")

  ## weights
  if(is.null(weights)) weights <- 1L
  weights <- rep(weights, length.out = nsubj)
  nsubj <- sum(weights > 0L)

  ## treeid
  tid <- if(length(treeid) == NCOL(y))
         else if(length(spec$treeid) == NCOL(y))            # read from spec
         else if(!is.null(colnames(y))) {                   # before 1st dot
           tid <- gsub("([^.]+)\\..*", "\\1", colnames(y))
           factor(tid, levels = unique(tid))                # keep order
         } else
           rep(1, NCOL(y))
  tid <- factor(tid)  # make sure treeid is always factor

  ## for fitting only sums are needed
  ysum <- colSums(y * weights)
  ## determine number of parameters and starting values
  if(is.null(start)) {
    start <- spec$par[is.na(spec$par)]  # FIX ME: is.na still necessary?
    start[] <- 0
  } else {
    ## do sanity checking of starting values/names/etc.
    if(is.null(names(start))) names(start) <- names(spec$par[is.na(spec$par)])
    start <- qlogis(start)  # logit transform

  ## set up log-likelihood and gradient
  nll <- function(par) -sum(ysum * log(spec$par2prob(plogis(par))))
  grad <- function(par) {
    yp <- drop(ysum/spec$par2prob(plogis(par)))
    dp <- spec$par2deriv(plogis(par))$deriv
    -drop(dp %*% yp) * dlogis(par)  # FIX ME: dlogis(par) optional? Ask Z.
  ## call optim()
  if (!is.null(optimargs$init)) {
    start[] <- qlogis(optimargs$init)  # Workaround: override start, for
  }                                    #   setting start vals from mpttree()
  optimargs$init <- NULL
  optArgs <- list(par=start, fn=nll, gr=grad, method="BFGS")
  optArgs <- c(optArgs, as.list(optimargs))
  opt <- do.call(optim, optArgs)
  coef <- opt$par
  loglik <- -opt$value
  pcat <- spec$par2prob(plogis(coef))
  snam <- if(!is.null(names(spec$prob))) names(spec$prob)       # from spec
          else if(!is.null(colnames(y))) colnames(y)            # from data
          else ave(as.character(tid), tid,                      # guess
                   FUN = function(a) paste(a, seq_along(a), sep="."))
  ncat    <- table(tid)
  ntrees  <- length(ncat)
# n       <- setNames(tapply(ysum, tid, sum)[as.character(tid)], snam)
  nbytree <- tapply(ysum, tid, sum)
  n       <- setNames(nbytree[as.character(tid)], snam)
  fitted  <- n*pcat
  G2      <- 2*sum(ysum*log(ysum/fitted), na.rm=TRUE)
  df      <- sum(ncat - 1) - length(coef)
  gof     <- c(G2=G2, df=df, pval = pchisq(G2, df, lower.tail=FALSE))
  if(df == 0 && abs(G2) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
    gof["G2"] <- 0
    gof["pval"] <- 1

  rval <- list(
    y = y,
    coefficients = coef,
  # loglik = sum(lfactorial(nbytree)) - sum(lfactorial(ysum)) + loglik,
    loglik = loglik,
    nobs = nsubj,
    npar = length(start),
    weights = if(isTRUE(all.equal(weights, rep(1, nsubj)))) NULL else weights,
    fitted = fitted,
    goodness.of.fit = gof,
    ntrees = ntrees,
    n = n,
    pcat = setNames(pcat, snam),
    treeid = tid,
    spec = spec,
    optim = opt,
    ysum = setNames(ysum, snam)
  class(rval) <- "mptmodel"
  if(estfun) rval$estfun <- estfun.mptmodel(rval)

logLik.mptmodel <- function(object, ...)
  structure(object$loglik, df = object$npar, class = "logLik")

coef.mptmodel <- function(object, logit = FALSE, ...){
  coef <- object$coefficients
  if (logit) {
    nm <- paste0("logit(", names(coef), ")")
    setNames(coef, nm)
  } else {

estfun.mptmodel <- function(x, logit = TRUE, ...)
  dp <- t(x$spec$par2deriv(coef(x, logit=FALSE))$deriv)
  # ef <- t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(x$y)),   # does not work for single-par models
  #   function(i) colSums(x$y[i, ]/x$pcat * dp)))
  ef <- x$y %*% (dp/x$pcat)
  if (logit) ef <- t(dlogis(coef(x, logit=TRUE)) * t(ef))
  dimnames(ef) <- list(rownames(x$y), names(coef(x, logit=logit)))
  if(!is.null(x$weights)) ef <- ef * weights  

vcov.mptmodel <- function(object, logit = TRUE, what = c("vcov", "fisher"),
  what <- match.arg(what)
  coef <- coef(object, logit=logit)

  # Negative Hessian (estimated information) on probability scale.
  # %*% is slightly faster than sum( * )
  H <- function(par, y = object$ysum, spec = object$spec){
    pp  <- spec$par2prob(par)
    yp  <- drop(y/pp)
    dp  <- spec$par2deriv(par)$deriv
    npar <- length(par)
    H <- matrix(NA, npar, npar)
    for (i in seq_len(npar))
      for (j in i:npar)
          H[i, j] <- yp %*% (dp[i, ]*dp[j, ]/pp)
        # H[i, j] <- sum(y*dp[i, ]*dp[j, ]/pp^2)
        # H[i, j] <- sum(yp*dp[i, ]*dp[j, ]/pp)
        # H[i, j] <- sum(yp/pp * dp[i, ]*dp[j, ])
    H[lower.tri(H)] <- t(H)[lower.tri(H)]
    dimnames(H) <- list(names(par), names(par))

  if (logit) {  # delta method
    # Note that plogis(x)*(1 - plogis(x)) == dlogis(x)
    # Automatic dimnames for tcrossprod(...)
    # Conjecture: the smaller the matrix the more reliable its inverse
    # dhessian <- diag(1/(plogis(coef) * (1 - plogis(coef))), length(coef))
    # dhessian %*% solve(H(plogis(coef))) %*% dhessian
    # solve(tcrossprod(dlogis(coef)) * H(plogis(coef)))  # possibly singular
    if (what == "vcov") 1/tcrossprod(dlogis(coef)) * solve(H(plogis(coef)))
    else                  tcrossprod(dlogis(coef)) *       H(plogis(coef))
  } else {
    if (what == "vcov") solve(H(coef))
    else                      H(coef)

## Based on stats::confint.default
confint.mptmodel <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, logit = TRUE,
  cf <- coef(object, logit=logit)
  pnames <- names(cf)
  if (missing(parm)) 
      parm <- pnames
  else if (is.numeric(parm)) 
      parm <- pnames[parm]
  a <- (1 - level)/2
  a <- c(a, 1 - a)
  pct <- paste(format(100*a, trim=TRUE, scientific=FALSE, digits=3), "%")
  fac <- qnorm(a)
  ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2L), dimnames = list(parm, pct))
  ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object, logit=logit)))[parm]
  ci[] <- cf[parm] + ses %o% fac

print.mptmodel <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
                      logit=FALSE, ...){
  cat("\nMultinomial processing tree (MPT) models\n\n")
  cat("Parameter estimates:\n")
  print.default(format(coef(x, logit=logit), digits=digits), print.gap=2,
                quote = FALSE)
  G2   <- x$goodness.of.fit[1]
  df   <- x$goodness.of.fit[2]
  pval <- x$goodness.of.fit[3]
  cat("\nGoodness of fit (2 log likelihood ratio):\n")
  cat("\tG2(", df, ") = ", format(G2, digits=digits), ", p = ",
      format(pval, digits=digits), "\n", sep="")

## basic plot of parameter estimates
plot.mptmodel <- function(x, logit = FALSE, xlab = "Parameter",
                          ylab = "Estimate", ...){
  coef <- coef(x, logit=logit)
  plot(coef, axes=FALSE, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
  axis(1, seq_along(coef), names(coef))

nobs.mptmodel <- function(object, ...) object$nobs

summary.mptmodel <- function(object, ...){
  x <- object
  coef <- coef(x, logit=TRUE)
  pcoef <- coef(x, logit=FALSE)

  ## Catch vcov error, so there are at least some NA's in the summary
  s.err <- tryCatch(sqrt(diag(vcov(x, logit=TRUE))),
                    error = function(e) rep(NA, length(coef)))

  tvalue <- coef / s.err
  pvalue <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(tvalue))
  dn <- c("Estimate", "Logit Estim.", "Std. Error")
  coef.table <- cbind(pcoef, coef, s.err, tvalue, pvalue)
  dimnames(coef.table) <- list(names(pcoef), c(dn, "z value", "Pr(>|z|)"))

  aic <- AIC(x)
  ans <- list(ntrees=x$ntrees, coefficients=coef.table, aic=aic,
              gof=x$goodness.of.fit)  # , X2=sum(resid(x, "pearson")^2))
  class(ans) <- "summary.mptmodel"

print.summary.mptmodel <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
                                   cs.ind = 2:3, ...){
  printCoefmat(x$coef, digits=digits, cs.ind=cs.ind, ...)
  cat("\nLikelihood ratio G2:", format(x$gof[1], digits=digits), "on",
    x$gof[2], "df,", "p-value:", format(x$gof[3], digits=digits), "\n")
  cat(# "Pearson X2: ", format(x$X2, digits=digits), ",    ",
      "AIC: ", format(x$aic, digits=max(4, digits + 1)), sep="")
  cat("Number of trees:", x$ntrees, "\n")

deviance.mptmodel <- function(object, ...) object$goodness.of.fit["G2"]

predict.mptmodel <- function(object, newdata = NULL, ...){
  if(is.null(newdata)) fitted(object)
  else {
    stopifnot(length(newdata) == length(object$n))
    object$pcat * newdata  # newdata: total response count per tree

## model specification
mptspec <- function(..., .replicates = NULL, .restr = NULL)
  ## non-standard evaluation of arguments
  spec <- match.call()

  replicates <- spec$.replicates
  if(!is.null(replicates)) {
    if(!is.numeric(replicates)) stop(".replicates must be a single number")

  restr <- spec$.restr
  if(!is.null(restr)) {
    if(as.character(restr[[1L]]) != "list") stop(".restr must be list")
    restr1 <- restr
    restrcl <- sapply(restr1[-1L], class)
  # restr <- sapply(restr1[-1L], deparse)
    restr <- sapply(restr1[-1L], function(s) paste(deparse(s), collapse=""))
    restr <- paste(names(restr), " = ",
                   ifelse(restrcl == "numeric", "", "expression("),
                   ifelse(restrcl == "numeric", "", ")[[1L]]"),
                   collapse = ", ")

  # Remove .replicates and .restr from call (if included) and
  # (further below, after pre-specified models) turn into list of characters
  spec$.replicates <- NULL
  spec$.restr <- NULL
  spec <- as.list(spec[-1L])                  # exclude function name
  treeid <- NULL

  if (is.character(whichmod <- spec[[1]])) {  # pre-specified models
    prespec <- switch(EXPR = whichmod,
      "1HT" = expression(
        "1.1" = r + (1 - r)*b,
        "1.2" = (1 - r)*(1 - b),
        "2.1" = b,
        "2.2" = 1 - b
      "2HT" = expression(
        "1.1" = r + (1 - r)*b,
        "1.2" = (1 - r)*(1 - b),
        "2.1" = (1 - d)*b,
        "2.2" = (1 - d)*(1 - b) + d
      "PairAsso" = expression(
        "1.1" = p*q*r,
        "1.2" = p*q*(1 - r),
        "1.3" = p*(1 - q)*r,
        "1.4" = (1 - p) + p*(1 - q)*(1 - r)
      "proCNI" = expression(
        "1.1" = C + (1 - C)*(1 - N)*(1 - I),
        "1.2" = (1 - C)*N + (1 - C)*(1 - N)*I,
        "2.1" = C + (1 - C)*(1 - N)*J,
        "2.2" = (1 - C)*N + (1 - C)*(1 - N)*(1 - J),
        "3.1" = (1 - C)*(1 - N)*(1 - I),
        "3.2" = C + (1 - C)*N + (1 - C)*(1 - N)*I,
        "4.1" = (1 - C)*(1 - N)*J,
        "4.2" = C + (1 - C)*N + (1 - C)*(1 - N)*(1 - J)
      "prospec" = expression(
        "1.1" = C1*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g) + C1*(1 - P) +
                (1 - C1)*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g)*c + (1 - C1)*(1 - P)*c,
        "1.2" = (1 - C1)*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g)*(1 - c) +
                (1 - C1)*(1 - P)*(1 - c),
        "1.3" = C1*P*M1 + C1*P*(1 - M1)*g + (1 - C1)*P*M1 +
                (1 - C1)*P*(1 - M1)*g,
        "2.1" = (1 - C2)*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g)*c + (1 - C2)*(1 - P)*c,
        "2.2" = C2*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g) + C2*(1 - P) +
                (1 - C2)*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g)*(1 - c) +
                (1 - C2)*(1 - P)*(1 - c),
        "2.3" = C2*P*M1 + C2*P*(1 - M1)*g + (1 - C2)*P*M1 +
                (1 - C2)*P*(1 - M1)*g,
        "3.1" = C1*P*M2 + C1*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g) + C1*(1 - P) +
                (1 - C1)*P*M2*c + (1 - C1)*P*(1 - M1)*(1 - g)*c +
                (1 - C1)*(1 - P)*c,
        "3.2" = (1 - C1)*P*M2*(1 - c) + (1 - C1)*P*(1 - M2)*(1 - g)*(1 - c) +
                (1 - C1)*(1 - P)*(1 - c),
        "3.3" = C1*P*(1 - M2)*g + (1 - C1)*P*(1 - M2)*g,
        "4.1" = (1 - C2)*P*M2*c + (1 - C2)*P*(1 - M2)*(1 - g)*c +
                (1 - C2)*(1 - P)*c,
        "4.2" = C2*P*M2 + C2*P*(1 - M2)*(1 - g) + C2*(1 - P) +
                (1 - C2)*P*M2*(1 - c) + (1 - C2)*P*(1 - M2)*(1 - g)*(1 - c) +
                (1 - C2)*(1 - P)*(1 - c),
        "4.3" = C2*P*(1 - M2)*g + (1 - C2)*P*(1 - M2)*g
      "rmodel" = expression(
        "1.1" = b,
        "1.2" = 1 - b,
        "2.1" = g,
        "2.2" = 1 - g,
        "3.1" = r*a + (1 - r)*b*a,
        "3.2" = r*(1 - a) + (1 - r)*(1 - b)*(1 - a),
        "3.3" = (1 - r)*(1 - b)*a,
        "3.4" = (1 - r)*b*(1 - a)
      "SourceMon" = expression(
        "1.1" = D1*d1 + D1*(1 - d1)*g + (1 - D1)*b*g,
        "1.2" = D1*(1 - d1)*(1 - g) + (1 - D1)*b*(1 - g),
        "1.3" = (1 - D1)*(1 - b),
        "2.1" = D2*(1 - d2)*g + (1 - D2)*b*g,
        "2.2" = D2*d2 + D2*(1 - d2)*(1 - g) + (1 - D2)*b*(1 - g),
        "2.3" = (1 - D2)*(1 - b),
        "3.1" = b*g,
        "3.2" = b*(1 - g),
        "3.3" = 1 - b
      "SR" = expression(
        "1.1" = c*r,
        "1.2" = (1 - c)*u^2,
        "1.3" = 2*(1 - c)*u*(1 - u),
        "1.4" = c*(1 - r) + (1 - c)*(1 - u)^2,
        "2.1" = u,
        "2.2" = 1 - u
      "SR2" = expression(
        "1.1" = c*r,
        "1.2" = (1 - c)*u^2,
        "1.3" = 2*(1 - c)*u*(1 - u),
        "1.4" = c*(1 - r) + (1 - c)*(1 - u)^2
      "WST" = expression(
        ".0000" = (1 - a)*(1 - P)*(1 - p)*(1 - Q)*(1 - q),
        ".0001" = a*c*(1 - d)*(1 - sb)*i +
                  (1 - a)*(1 - P)*(1 - p)*(1 - Q)*q,
        ".0010" = a*c*(1 - d)*sb*i +
                  (1 - a)*(1 - P)*(1 - p)*Q*(1 - q),
        ".0011" = a*(1 - c)*(1 - x)*(1 - d)*i +
                  (1 - a)*(1 - P)*(1 - p)*Q*q,
        ".0100" = a*c*d*(1 - sf)*i +
                  (1 - a)*(1 - P)*p*(1 - Q)*(1 - q),
        ".0101" = a*(1 - c)*x*(1 - sfb)*i +
                  (1 - a)*(1 - P)*p*(1 - Q)*q,
        ".0110" = a*c*d*(1 - sf)*(1 - i) +
                  a*c*(1 - d)*sb*(1 - i) +
                  (1 - a)*(1 - P)*p*Q*(1 - q),
        ".0111" = (1 - a)*(1 - P)*p*Q*q,
        ".1000" = a*c*d*sf*i +
                  (1 - a)*P*(1 - p)*(1 - Q)*(1 - q),
        ".1001" = a*c*d*sf*(1 - i) +
                  a*c*(1 - d)*(1 - sb)*(1 - i) +
                  (1 - a)*P*(1 - p)*(1 - Q)*q,
        ".1010" = a*(1 - c)*x*sfb*i +
                  (1 - a)*P*(1 - p)*Q*(1 - q),
        ".1011" = (1 - a)*P*(1 - p)*Q*q,
        ".1100" = a*(1 - c)*(1 - x)*d*i +
                  (1 - a)*P*p*(1 - Q)*(1 - q),
        ".1101" = (1 - a)*P*p*(1 - Q)*q,
        ".1110" = (1 - a)*P*p*Q*(1 - q),
        ".1111" = a*(1 - c)*x*sfb*(1 - i) +
                  a*(1 - c)*x*(1 - sfb)*(1 - i) +
                  a*(1 - c)*(1 - x)*d*(1 - i) +
                  a*(1 - c)*(1 - x)*(1 - d)*(1 - i) +
                  (1 - a)*P*p*Q*q
      NULL  # model not available
      stop("'...' has to be either an expression or one of:\n",
           "  '1HT', '2HT', 'PairAsso', 'proCNI', 'prospec', 'rmodel',\n",
           "  'SourceMon', 'SR', 'SR2', 'WST'.\n")

  if(exists("prespec", inherits = FALSE)) spec <- prespec

  ## Get treeid from names
  if(!is.null(names(spec))) {
    nm <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(names(spec), "\\."))  # treeid.catid
    if(any(nm[, 1] == "")) nm[, 1] <- "1"
    treeid <- nm[, 1]  # check only if there are .replicates

  ## Replicates?
  if (!is.null(replicates) && replicates > 1) {
    if(is.null(names(spec)) || ncol(nm) != 2 || nrow(nm) != length(spec))
      stop('.replicates require expressions named "x.y"',
           ' where "x" is the treeid \n',
           '  See help("mptspec") for examples.\n')
    ntrees <- length(unique(treeid))
    treeid <- if(anyNA(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(treeid)))) {
      paste0(rep(treeid, replicates),                  # character treeid
             rep(seq_len(replicates), each = length(treeid)))
    } else {
      rep(as.numeric(treeid), replicates) +            # numeric treeid
      rep(seq(0, ntrees*(replicates - 1), ntrees),
          each = nrow(nm))
    pd <- getParseData(parse(text=spec, keep.source=TRUE))
    pat <- paste0("(",
            paste(unique(pd$text[pd$token == "SYMBOL"]), collapse="|"), ")")
    newspec <- NULL
    for (i in seq_len(replicates))
      newspec <- c(newspec, gsub(pat, paste0("\\1", i), spec))
    spec <- setNames(parse(text=newspec),
                     paste(treeid, nm[, 2], sep="."))

  ## list of strings
  spec <- lapply(spec, function(s) paste(deparse(s), collapse=""))

  ## substitute restrictions
  if(!is.null(restr)) {
    spec <- lapply(spec, function(s) {
      s <- sprintf("substitute(%s, list(%s))", s, restr)
      deparse(eval(parse(text = s)))

  ## parsed expressions (list of expressions)
  if(!is.null(restr)) restr <- lapply(restr1[-1L], as.expression)
  prob <- lapply(spec, function(s) parse(text=s, keep.source=TRUE))
  if(is.null(treeid) && !is.null(names(prob)))
    treeid <- gsub("([^.]+)\\..*", "\\1", names(prob))  # guess from names

  ## extract the parameters
  pars <- unique(unlist(lapply(prob, function(e) {
    pd <- getParseData(e)
    pd$text[pd$token == "SYMBOL"]                     # get parameter names
  pars <- structure(rep.int(NA_real_, length(pars)), .Names = pars)

  # ## use .pars to fix parameters or starting values or so
  # if(!is.null(.pars)) {
  #   if(is.list(.pars)) .pars <- do.call("c", .pars)
  #   if(is.null(names(.pars))) stop(".pars must be named list or vector")
  #   pars[names(.pars)] <- .pars
  # }

  ## compute class probabilities
  par2prob <- function(par) {
    ## get all parameters via lexical scoping
    pars <- pars
    ## replace NA parameters
    if(sum(is.na(pars)) != length(par))
      stop("numbers of parameters do not match")
    pars[is.na(pars)] <- par
    pars <- as.list(pars)
    ## compute probabilities
    rval <- sapply(prob, eval, pars)
    names(rval) <- names(prob)

  ## derivatives, deriv3() instead of deriv() for second derivatives
  deriv <- lapply(prob, deriv3, names(pars))
  names(deriv) <- names(prob)

  par2deriv <- function(par) {
    ## get all parameters via lexical scoping
    pars <- pars
    ## replace NA parameters: FIX ME still needed?
    na_pars <- is.na(pars)
    if(sum(na_pars) != length(par))
      stop("numbers of parameters do not match")
    pars[na_pars] <- par
    pars <- as.list(pars)
    ## compute first derivatives
    deriv1 <- rbind(
               sapply(deriv, function(ex) attr(eval(ex, pars), "gradient")))
    rownames(deriv1) <- names(pars)
    deriv1 <- deriv1[na_pars, , drop = FALSE]  # Jacobian

    ## compute second derivatives
    # deriv2 <- lapply(deriv, function(ex) attr(eval(ex, pars), "hessian"))
    # deriv2 <- array(unlist(deriv2),
    #                 c(length(pars), length(pars), length(prob)), 
    #                 list(names(pars), names(pars), names(prob)))
    # deriv2 <- deriv2[na_pars, na_pars, , drop = FALSE]

    # list(deriv = deriv1, deriv2 = deriv2)  # return 1st and 2nd derivatives
    list(deriv = deriv1)                     # return 1st derivative

  retval <- list(
    par2prob = par2prob,
    par2deriv = par2deriv,
    prob = prob,
    deriv = deriv,
    par = pars,
    replicates = replicates,
    restr = restr,
    treeid = if(!is.null(treeid))
      factor(treeid, levels = unique(treeid))  # keep order
  class(retval) <- "mptspec"

## Apply replicates/restrictions to existing mptspec object
update.mptspec <- function(object, .replicates = NULL, .restr = NULL,
  spec <- match.call()
  replicates <- spec$.replicates
  restr <- spec$.restr

  spec <- unlist(object$prob)
  if(!is.null(replicates)) {
    if(!is.numeric(replicates)) stop(".replicates must be a single number")
    spec$.replicates <- replicates
    if(as.character(restr[[1L]]) != "list") stop(".restr must be list")
    spec$.restr <- restr
  do.call(mptspec, spec)

## Print model equations
print.mptspec <- function(x, ...){
  print(unlist(x$prob), ...)

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