
Defines functions plotTsne quantileTruncate cellToClusterMapping_byCor plotHeatmap plotDistributions rotateXY mergeFish filterCells fishScaleAndMap summarizeMatrix labelDend getDend buildTreeFromGenePanel

Documented in buildTreeFromGenePanel cellToClusterMapping_byCor filterCells fishScaleAndMap getDend labelDend mergeFish plotDistributions plotHeatmap plotTsne quantileTruncate rotateXY summarizeMatrix

#' Build and plot dendrogram from gene panel
#' Build and plot a dendrogram using correlation-based average linkage hierarchical
#'   clustering and only using a specified set of genes.  The output is the expected
#'   accuracy of mapping to each node in the tree, which gives an idea of the best-case
#'   expected results for mFISH analysis.
#' @param dend dendrogram for mapping.  Ignored if medianDat is passed
#' @param refDat normalized data of the REFERENCE data set.  Ignored if medianDat is passed
#' @param mapDat normalized data of the MAPPING data set.  Default is to map the data onto itself.
#' @param medianDat representative value for each leaf and node.  If not entered, it is calculated
#' @param requiredGenes minimum number of genes required to be expressed in a cluster (column
#'   of medianDat) for the cluster to be included (default=2)
#' @param clusters  cluster calls for each cell
#' @param mappedAsReference if TRUE, returns the fraction of cells mapped to a node which are
#'   were orginally clustered from that node; if FALSE (default) returns the fraction of cells
#'   clustered under a node which are mapped to the correct node.
#' @param genesToMap which genes to include in the correlation mapping
#' @param plotdendro should the dendrogram be plotted (default = TRUE)
#' @param returnDendro should the dendrogram be returned (default = TRUE)
#' @param mar margins (for use with par)
#' @param main,ylab add title and labels to plot (default is NULL)
#' @param use,... additional parameters for cor
#' @return a list where the first entry is the resulting tree and the second entry is the
#'   fraction of cells correctly mapping to each node using the inputted gene panel.
#' @export
buildTreeFromGenePanel <- function(dend = NA,
                                   refDat = NA,
                                   mapDat = refDat,
                                   medianDat = NA,
                                   requiredGenes = 2,
                                   clusters = NA,
                                   mappedAsReference = FALSE,
                                   genesToMap = rownames(mapDat),
                                   plotdendro = TRUE,
                                   returndendro = TRUE,
                                   mar = c(12, 5, 5, 5),
                                   main = NULL,
                                   ylab = NULL,
                                   use = "p",
                                   ...) {

  # Calculate the median, if needed.
  if (is.na(medianDat[1])) {
    names(clusters) <- colnames(refDat)
    medianDat <- do.call("cbind", tapply(
      names(clusters), clusters, function(x) rowMedians(refDat[, x])
    rownames(medianDat) <- rownames(refDat)
    if (!is.na(dend)) medianDat <- leafToNodeMedians(dend, medianDat)
  gns <- intersect(genesToMap, intersect(rownames(mapDat), rownames(medianDat)))

  # Subset the data to relevant genes and clusters
  medianDat <- medianDat[gns, ]
  mapDat <- mapDat[gns, ]
  medianDat <- medianDat[, colSums(medianDat > 0) >= requiredGenes]
  kpDat <- (colSums(mapDat > 0) >= requiredGenes) & (is.element(clusters, colnames(medianDat)))
  mapDat <- mapDat[, kpDat]

  # Perform the correlation mapping
  facsCor <- corTreeMapping(medianDat = medianDat, mapDat = mapDat, use = use, ...)
  facsCl <- colnames(facsCor)[apply(facsCor, 1, which.max)]

  # Build a new tree based on mapping
  sCore <- function(x, use, ...) return(as.dist(1 - WGCNA::cor(x, use = use, ...)))
  dend <- getDend(medianDat, sCore, use = use, ...)

  # Which leaves have which nodes?
  has_any_labels <- function(sub_dend, the_labels) any(labels(sub_dend) %in% the_labels)
  node_labels <- NULL
  for (lab in labels(dend)) node_labels <- cbind(
      node_labels, noded_with_condition(dend, has_any_labels, the_labels = lab)
  rownames(node_labels) <- get_nodes_attr(dend, "label")
  colnames(node_labels) <- labels(dend)

  # Swap the mapped and reference nodes if
  # mappedAsReference=TRUE
  clTmp <- as.character(clusters[kpDat])
  if (mappedAsReference) {
    temp <- clTmp
    clTmp <- facsCl
    facsCl <- temp

  # Which clusters agree at the node level?
  agreeNodes <- apply(cbind(facsCl, clTmp), 1, function(lab, node_labels) {
    rowSums(node_labels[, lab]) == 2
  }, node_labels)
  colnames(agreeNodes) <- clTmp

  # Which clusters are in each nodes?
  isInNodes <- t(apply(node_labels, 1, function(node, cl, dend) {
    is.element(cl, labels(dend)[node])
  }, clTmp, dend))
  colnames(isInNodes) <- clTmp

  # For each node, plot the fraction of cells that
  # match if desired?
  fracAgree <- rowSums(agreeNodes) / rowSums(isInNodes)
  if (plotdendro) {
    par(mar = mar)
    dend %>% set("nodes_cex", 0) %>% set("branches_col", "grey") %>% plot()
    text(get_nodes_xy(dend)[, 1], get_nodes_xy(dend)[, 2], round(fracAgree * 100))
    title(main = main, ylab = ylab)

  # Return the results (if desired)
  if (returndendro) return(list(dend, fracAgree))

#' Build a dendrogram from gene panel
#' Build a dendrogram from an inputted data matrix.
#' @param dat matrix of values (e.g., genes x clusters) for calculating the dendrogram
#' @param distFun function for calculating distance matrix (default is correlation-based)
#' @param ... additional variables for distFun
#' @return dendrogram
#' @export
getDend <- function(dat,
                    distFun = function(x) return(as.dist(1 - WGCNA::cor(x))),
                    ...) {
  distCor <- distFun(dat, ...)
  distCor[is.na(distCor)] <- max(distCor, na.rm = TRUE) * 1.2
  # Avoid crashing by setting NA values to hang off the side of the tree.
  avgClust <- hclust(distCor, method = "average")
  dend <- as.dendrogram(avgClust)
  dend <- labelDend(dend)[[1]]

#' Label dendrogram nodes
#' Add numeric node labels to a dendrogram.
#' @param dend dendrogram object
#' @param distFun starting numeric node value (default=1)
#' @return a list where the first item is the new dendrogram object and the
#'   second item is the final numeric node value.
#' @export
labelDend <- function(dend, n = 1) {
  if (is.null(attr(dend, "label"))) {
    attr(dend, "label") <- paste0("n", n)
    n <- n + 1
  if (length(dend) > 1) {
    for (i in 1:length(dend)) {
      tmp <- labelDend(dend[[i]], n)
      dend[[i]] <- tmp[[1]]
      n <- tmp[[2]]
  return(list(dend, n))

#' Summarize matrix
#' Groups columns in a matrix by a specified group vector and summarizes using a specificed function.
#'   Optionally binarizes the matrix using a specified cutoff parameter.  This is a wrapper for tapply.
#' @param mat matrix where the columns (e.g., samples) are going to be grouped
#' @param group vector of length dim(mat)[2] corresponding to the groups
#' @param scale either 'none' (default),'row', or 'column'
#' @param scaleQuantile what quantile of value should be set as 1 (default=1)
#' @param binarize should the data be binarized? (default=FALSE)
#' @param binMin minimum ON value for the binarized matrix (ignored if binarize=FALSE)
#' @param summaryFunction function (or function name) to be used for summarization
#' @param ... additional parameters for summaryFunction
#' @return matrix of summarized values
#' @export
summarizeMatrix <- function(mat,
                            scale = "none",
                            scaleQuantile = 1,
                            binarize = FALSE,
                            binMin = 0.5,
                            summaryFunction = median,
                            ...) {

  # Make sure the names match up
  if (is.null(colnames(mat))) colnames(mat) <- names(group)
  if (is.null(colnames(mat))) colnames(mat) <- 1:length(group)
  names(group) <- colnames(mat)

  # Calculate the summary
  summaryFunction <- match.fun(summaryFunction)
  runFunction <- function(x, ...) {
    if (length(x) > 1) {
      return(apply(mat[, x], 1, summaryFunction, ...))
    return(mat[, x])
  summarizedMat <- do.call("cbind", tapply(names(group), group, runFunction, ...))
  if (is.factor(group)) summarizedMat <- summarizedMat[, levels(group)]
  rownames(summarizedMat) <- rownames(mat)

  # Scale the data if desired
  if (substr(scale, 1, 1) == "r") {
    for (i in 1:dim(summarizedMat)[1])
      summarizedMat[i, ] <- summarizedMat[i, ] /
        max(1e-06, quantile(summarizedMat[i, ], probs = scaleQuantile))
  if (substr(scale, 1, 1) == "c") {
    for (i in 1:dim(summarizedMat)[2])
      summarizedMat[, i] <- summarizedMat[, i] /
        max(1e-06, quantile(summarizedMat[, i], probs = scaleQuantile))

  # Binarize the data if desired
  if (binarize) {
    summarizedMat <- summarizedMat > binMin
    summarizedMat <- summarizedMat + 1 - 1

#' Scale mFISH data and map to RNA-seq reference
#' This function is a wrapper for several other functions which aim to scale mFISH data to
#'   more closely match RNA-seq data and then map the mFISH data to the closest reference
#'   classes.  There are several parameters allowing flexability in filtering and analysis.
#' @param mapDat normalized data of the MAPPING data set.  Default is to map the data onto itself.
#' @param refSummaryDat normalized summary data of the REFERENCE data set (e.g., what to map against)
#' @param genesToMap which genes to include in the mapping (calculated in not entered)
#' @param mappingFunction which function to use for mapping (default is cellToClusterMapping_byCor)
#'   The function must include at least two parameters with the first one being mapped data and the
#'   second data the reference.  Additional parameters are okay.  Output must be a data frame where
#'   the first value is a mapped class.  Additional columns are okay and will be returned)
#' @param transform function for transformation of the data (default in none)
#' @param noiselevel scalar value at or below which all values are set to 0 (default is 0)
#' @param scaleFunction which function to use for scaling mapDat to refSummaryDat (default is setting
#'   90th quantile of mapDat to max of refSummaryDat and truncating higher mapDat values)
#' @param omitGenes genes to be included in the data frames but excluded from the mapping
#' @param metadata a data frame of possible metadata (additional columns are okay and ignored):
#' \describe{
#'   \item{area}{a vector of cell areas for normalization}
#'   \item{experiment}{a vector indicating if multiple experiments should be scaled separately}
#'   \item{x,y}{x (e.g., parallel to layer) and y (e.g., across cortical layers) coordinates in tissue}
#' }
#' @param integerWeights if not NULL (default) a vector of integers corresponding to how many times
#'   each gene should be counted as part of the correlation.  This is equivalent to calculating
#'   a weighted correlation, but only allows for integer weight values (for use with cor).
#' @param binarize should the data be binarized? (default=FALSE)
#' @param binMin minimum ON value for the binarized matrix (ignored if binarize=FALSE)
#' @param ... additional parameters for passthrough into other functions
#' @return a list with the following entrees:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{mapDat}{mapDat data matrix is passed through}
#'   \item{scaleDat}{scaled mapDat data matrix}
#'   \item{mappingResults}{Results of the mapping and associated confidence values (if any)}
#'   \item{metadata=metadata}{metadata is passed through unchanged}
#'   \item{scaledX/Y}{scaled x and y coordinates (or unscaled if scaling was not performed)}
#' }
#' @export
fishScaleAndMap <- function(mapDat,
                            genesToMap = NULL,
                            mappingFunction = cellToClusterMapping_byCor,
                            transform = function(x) x,
                            noiselevel = 0,
                            scaleFunction = quantileTruncate,
							omitGenes = NULL,
                            metadata = data.frame(experiment = rep("all", dim(mapDat)[2])),
                            integerWeights = NULL,
                            binarize = FALSE,
                            binMin = 0.5,
                            ...) {

  # Setup
  mappingFunction <- match.fun(mappingFunction)
  scaleFunction <- match.fun(scaleFunction)
  transform <- match.fun(transform)
  if (is.null(genesToMap)) genesToMap <- colnames(mapDat)
  genesToMap <- intersect(genesToMap, rownames(refSummaryDat))
  params <- colnames(metadata)
  refSummaryDat <- refSummaryDat[genesToMap, ]
  mapDat <- mapDat[genesToMap, ]

  # Transform the data to be mapped
  scaleDat <- as.matrix(mapDat[genesToMap, ])
  scaleDat[scaleDat <= noiselevel] <- 0 # Set values less than or equal to noiselevel to 0
  if (is.element("area", params)) {
    # Account for spot area in gene expression calculation
    scaleDat <- t(t(scaleDat) / metadata$area) * mean(metadata$area)
  scaleDat <- transform(scaleDat)

  # Scale to the reference data
  for (ex in unique(metadata$experiment)) {
    isExp <- metadata$experiment == ex
    for (g in genesToMap) scaleDat[g, isExp] <- scaleFunction(scaleDat[
        g, isExp
      ], maxVal = max(refSummaryDat[g, ]), ...)

  # Binarize, if desired
  if (binarize) {
    scaleDat <- scaleDat > binMin
    scaleDat <- scaleDat + 1 - 1

  # Omit genes and weight scaling, if desired
  genesToMap2 <- genesToMap
  if (!is.null(integerWeights)) genesToMap2 <- rep(genesToMap2, integerWeights)
  genesToMap2 <- genesToMap2[!is.element(genesToMap2, omitGenes)]

  # Map the map data to the reference data
  scaleDat2 <- scaleDat[genesToMap2, ]
  refSummaryDat2 <- refSummaryDat[genesToMap2, ]
  mappingResults <- mappingFunction(refSummaryDat2, scaleDat2, ...)

  # Scale x and y coordinates to (0,1) within experiment, if desired
  for (ex in unique(metadata$experiment)) {
    isExp <- metadata$experiment == ex
    metadata$x[isExp] <- metadata$x[isExp] - min(metadata$x[isExp])
    metadata$x[isExp] <- metadata$x[isExp] / max(metadata$x[isExp])
    metadata$y[isExp] <- metadata$y[isExp] - min(metadata$y[isExp])
    metadata$y[isExp] <- metadata$y[isExp] / max(metadata$y[isExp])

  # Return the results
  out <- list(
    mapDat = mapDat, scaleDat = scaleDat,
    mappingResults = mappingResults, metadata = metadata,
    scaledX = metadata$x, scaledY = metadata$y

#' Filter (subset) fishScaleAndMap object
#' Subsets all components in a fishScaleAndMap object
#' @param datFish a fishScaleAndMap output list
#' @param subset  a boolean or numeric vector of the elements to retain
#' @return a fishScaleAndMap output subsetted to the requested elements
#' @export
filterCells <- function(datFish,
                        subset) {
  ## Error checking
  if ((length(subset) != length(datFish$scaledX)) & (!is.numeric(subset))) {
    print("subset is incorrect format.  Returning original entry.")
  if (is.numeric(subset)) subset <- intersect(subset, 1:length(datFish$scaledX))

  ## Subset all of the elements
  datFish$mapDat <- datFish$mapDat[, subset]
  datFish$scaleDat <- datFish$scaleDat[, subset]
  datFish$metadata <- datFish$metadata[subset, ]
  datFish$scaledX <- datFish$scaledX[subset]
  datFish$scaledY <- datFish$scaledY[subset]
  if (!is.null(datFish$mappingResults)) {
    datFish$mappingResults <- datFish$mappingResults[subset, ]

#' Merge two fishScaleAndMap objects
#' Merges all components of two fishScaleAndMap objects to create a new
#'   one. Note: only meta-data and mappingResults that is present in BOTH
#'   objects will be returned.
#' @param datFish1 a fishScaleAndMap output list
#' @param datFish2 a second fishScaleAndMap output list.
#' @return a new fishScaleAndMap output list with the two original ones merged
#' @export
mergeFish <- function(datFish1,
                      datFish2) {
  datFish <- datFish1
  datFish$mapDat <- cbind(datFish1$mapDat, datFish2$mapDat)
  datFish$scaleDat <- cbind(datFish1$scaleDat, datFish2$scaleDat)
  datFish$metadata <- rbind(datFish1$metadata, datFish2$metadata)
  datFish$scaledX <- c(datFish1$scaledX, datFish2$scaledX)
  datFish$scaledY <- c(datFish1$scaledY, datFish2$scaledY)
  if ((!is.null(datFish1$mappingResults)) & (!is.null(datFish2$mappingResults))) {
    datFish$mappingResults <- rbind(datFish1$mappingResults, datFish2$mappingResults)

#' Rotate coordinates
#' Rotates the scaledX and scaledY elements of a fishScaleAndMap output list so that the
#'   axis of interest (e.g., cortical layer) is paralled with the x cooridate plan.
#'   Rotation code is from  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15463462/rotate-graph-by-angle
#' @param datFish a fishScaleAndMap output list
#' @param flatVector a TRUE/FALSE vector ordred in the same way as the elements (e.g., cells)
#'   in datIn where all TRUE values correspond to cells who should have the same Y coordinate
#'   (e.g., be in the same layer).  Alternatively a numeric vector of cell indices to include
#' @param flipVector a numeric vector of values to ensure proper reflection on Y-axes (e.g.,
#'   layer; default=NULL)
#' @param subset  a boolean or numeric vector of the elements to retain
#' @return a fishScaleAndMap output list with updated scaledX and scaleY coordinates
#' @export
rotateXY <- function(datFish,
                     flatVector = NULL,
                     flipVector = NULL,
                     subset = NULL) {

  ## Error checking
  datFishIn <- datFish
  if ((length(flatVector) != length(datFish$scaledX)) & (!is.numeric(flatVector))) {
    print("flatVector is incorrect format.  Returning original entry.")
  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    if ((length(subset) != length(datFish$scaledX)) & (!is.numeric(subset))) {
      print("subset is incorrect format.  Returning original entry.")
  if (((length(flipVector) != length(datFish$scaledX)) &
    (!is.numeric(flipVector))) & (!is.null(flipVector))) {
    print("flipVector is incorrect format.  Returning original entry.")
  if (is.numeric(flatVector)) {
    flatVector <- intersect(flatVector, 1:length(datFish$scaledX))

  ## Subset the data if needed
  datFish <- datFishIn
  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    datFish <- filterCells(datFishIn, subset)
    flatVector <- flatVector[subset]
    flipVector <- flipVector[subset]

  ## Caculate best angle
  v <- prcomp(cbind(datFish$scaledX, datFish$scaledY)[flatVector, ])$rotation
  beta <- as.numeric(atan(-v[2, 1]/v[1, 1]))

  ## Rotate coordinates (internal function)
  rotCor <- function(datFish,
                       beta) {
    M <- cbind(datFish$scaledX, datFish$scaledY)
    rotm <- matrix(c(cos(beta), sin(beta), -sin(beta), cos(beta)), ncol = 2) # rotation matrix
    M2.1 <- t(t(M) - c(M[1, 1], M[1, 2])) # shift points, so that turning point is (0,0)
    M2.2 <- t(rotm %*% (t(M2.1))) # rotate
    M2.3 <- t(t(M2.2) + c(M[1, 1], M[1, 2])) # shift back
    x <- M2.3[, 1]
    y <- M2.3[, 2]

    x <- x - min(x)
    x <- x / max(x)
    y <- y - min(y)
    y <- y / max(y)

    datFish$scaledX <- x
    datFish$scaledY <- y
  datFish2 <- rotCor(datFish, beta)

  if (!is.null(flipVector)) {
    if (sum(datFish2$scaledY * flipVector) < sum((1 - datFish2$scaledY) * flipVector)) {
      datFish2 <- rotCor(datFish, beta)# + pi) # Pi should not be needed
  datFish <- datFish2

  ## Unsubset and return the data
  if (is.null(subset)) return(datFish)

  datFishIn$scaledX[subset] <- datFish$scaledX
  datFishIn$scaledY[subset] <- datFish$scaledY

#' Plot distributions
#' Plot the distributions of cells across the tissue with overlaying color information.  This is
#'   a wrapper function for plot
#' @param datIn  a fishScaleAndMap output list
#' @param group a character vector (or factor) indicating how to split the data (e.g., cluster
#'   call) or a metadata/mappingResults column name
#' @param groups a character vector of groups to show (default is levels of group)
#' @param colors a character vector (or factor) indicating how to color the plots (e.g., layer
#'   or gene expression) or a metadata/mappingResults column name (default is all black)
#' @param colormap function to use for the colormap for the data (default gray.colors)
#' @param maxrow maximum number of plots to show in one row (default=12)
#' @param xlim,ylim for plot, but will be calculated if not entered
#' @param pch,cex for plot.  Can be single values or vectors
#' @param main,xlab,ylab,... other parameters for plot (must be single values)
#' @param singlePlot should everything be plot on a single page (default=TRUE)
#' @return Only returns if there is an error
#' @export
plotDistributions <- function(datIn,
                              groups = NULL,
                              colors = rep("black", dim(datIn$mapDat)[2]),
                              colormap = gray.colors,
                              maxrow = 12,
                              pch = 19,
                              cex = 1.5,
                              xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
                              main = "",
                              xlab = "", ylab = "",
			      singlePlot = TRUE,
                              ...) {
  colormap <- match.fun(colormap)
  meta <- cbind(datIn$metadata, datIn$mappingResults)
  if (length(group) == 1) {
    if (is.element(group, colnames(meta))) {
      group <- as.factor(meta[, group])
      if (is.null(groups)) groups <- levels(group)
    } else {
      return(paste(group, "is not an available column name for division."))
  if (length(colors) == 1) {
    if (is.element(colors, colnames(meta))) {
      colors <- as.numeric(as.factor(meta[, colors]))
      colors <- colormap(length(unique(colors)))[colors]
    } else {
      return(paste(colors, "is not an available column name for coloring."))
  } else {
    colors <- as.numeric(as.factor(colors))
    colors <- colormap(length(unique(colors)))[colors]

  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(datIn$scaledX)
  if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(-datIn$scaledY)

  # Make the plot!
    ncolv <- min(length(groups), maxrow)
    nrowv <- ceiling(length(groups)/maxrow)
    par(mfrow = c(nrowv, ncolv))
  for (gp in groups) {
    kp <- group == gp
    pch2 <- pch
    if (length(pch) > 1) pch2 <- pch[kp]
    cex2 <- cex
    if (length(cex) > 1) cex2 <- cex[kp]

    plot(datIn$scaledX[kp], -datIn$scaledY[kp],
      pch = pch2, col = colors[kp], xlim = xlim,
      ylim = ylim, main = paste(main, gp), xlab = xlab,
      ylab = ylab, cex = cex2, ...

#' Plot heatmap
#' Plot the heatmap of cells ordering by a specified order.  This is a wrapper for heatmap.2
#' @param datIn  a fishScaleAndMap output list
#' @param group a character vector (or factor) indicating how to order the heatmap (e.g., cluster
#'   call) or a metadata/mappingResults column name
#' @param groups a character vector of groups to show (default is levels of group)
#' @param grouplab label for the grouping in the heatmap (default is 'Grouping' or the value for group)
#' @param useScaled plot the scaled (TRUE) or unscaled (FALSE; default) values
#' @param capValue values above capValue will be capped at capValue (default is none)
#' @param colormap set of values to use for the colormap for the data (default heat_colors)
#' @param Rowv,Colv,dendrogram,trace,margins,rowsep,colsep,key,... other parameters for heatmap.2
#'   (some default values are different)
#' @return Only returns if there is an error
#' @export
plotHeatmap <- function(datIn,
                        groups = NULL,
                        grouplab = "Grouping",
                        useScaled = FALSE,
                        capValue = Inf,
                        colormap = grey.colors(1000),
                        pch = 19,
                        xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
                        Rowv = FALSE,
                        Colv = FALSE,
                        dendrogram = "none",
                        trace = "none",
                        margins = c(6, 10),
                        rowsep = NULL,
                        key = FALSE, ...) {
  if (useScaled) {
    plotDat <- datIn$scaleDat
  } else {
    plotDat <- datIn$mapDat
  plotDat <- pmin(plotDat, capValue)
  meta <- cbind(datIn$metadata, datIn$mappingResults)
  if (length(group) == 1) {
    if (is.element(group, colnames(meta))) {
      if (grouplab == "Grouping") grouplab <- group
      group <- as.factor(meta[, group])
      if (is.null(groups)) groups <- levels(group)
    } else {
      return(paste(group, "is not an available column name for division."))
  # Update the cell order
  groups <- c(groups, setdiff(levels(group), groups))
  ord <- order(factor(group, levels = groups), -colSums(plotDat))
  plotDat <- plotDat[, ord]
  group <- group[ord]
  # Append the cluster name to the plot data and find colseps
  cn <- rep("", length(colnames(plotDat)))
  colseps <- NULL
  for (g in unique(as.character(group))){
    wg <- which(as.character(group)==g)
    cn[round(mean(wg))] <- g
    colseps <- c(colseps,min(wg)-1)
  colnames(plotDat) <- paste(cn,colnames(plotDat))
  # Make the plot!
            Rowv = Rowv, Colv = Colv, dendrogram = dendrogram,
            trace = trace, margins = margins, rowsep = rowsep,
            colsep = colseps, key = key, col = colormap,

#' Return top mapped correlation-based cluster and confidence
#' Primary function for doing correlation-based mapping to cluster medians and also reporting the
#'   correlations and confidences.  This is wrapper for getTopMatch and corTreeMapping.
#' @param medianDat representative value for each leaf and node.  If not entered, it is calculated
#' @param mapDat normalized data of the MAPPING data set.  Default is to map the data onto itself.
#' @param refDat normalized data of the REFERENCE data set.  Ignored if medianDat is passed
#' @param clusters  cluster calls for each cell.  Ignored if medianDat is passed
#' @param genesToMap which genes to include in the correlation mapping
#' @param use additional parameter for cor (use='p' as default)
#' @param method additional parameter for cor (method='p' as default)
#' @param returnCor should the correlation matrix be appended to the return?
#' @param ... not used
#' @return data frame with the top match and associated correlation
#' @export
cellToClusterMapping_byCor <- function(medianDat,
                                       refDat = NA,
                                       clusters = NA,
                                       genesToMap = rownames(mapDat),
                                       use = "p",
                                       method = "p",
                                       ...) {
  corVar <- corTreeMapping(
    medianDat = medianDat,
    mapDat = mapDat, refDat = refDat, clusters = clusters,
    genesToMap = genesToMap, use = use, method = method
  corMatch <- getTopMatch(corVar)
  colnames(corMatch) <- c("Class", "Correlation")

  dex <- apply(corVar, 1, function(x) return(diff(sort(-x)[1:2])))
  corMatch$DifferenceBetweenTopTwoCorrelations <- dex
    corMatch <- cbind(corMatch,corVar)

#' Quantile normalize, truncate, and scale
#' Quantile normalize, truncate, and scale a numeric vector (e.g. mFISH data from one gene)
#' @param x input data vector
#' @param qprob probs value to result from quantile (default=0.9)
#' @param maxVal max value for scaling (default=1)
#' @param truncate should data above the qprob threshold be truncated (default=yes)
#' @param ... not used
#' @return scaled vector
#' @export
quantileTruncate <- function(x,
                             qprob = 0.9,
                             maxVal = 1,
                             truncate = TRUE,
                             ...) {
  qs <- quantile(x[x > 0], probs = qprob, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (is.na(qs)) return(x)
  if (truncate) x[x > qs] <- qs
  x * maxVal / qs

#' Plot TSNE
#' Plot a TSNE of the data, with assigned colors and labels from provided variables.  Note that this
#'   function is a modification of code from Pabloc (https://www.r-bloggers.com/author/pabloc/) from
#'   https://www.r-bloggers.com/playing-with-dimensions-from-clustering-pca-t-sne-to-carl-sagan/
#' @param datIn  a fishScaleAndMap output list
#' @param colorGroup a character vector (or factor) indicating how to color the Tsne (e.g., cluster
#'   call) or a metadata/mappingResults column name (default=NULL)
#' @param labelGroup a character vector (or factor) indicating how to label the Tsne (e.g., cluster
#'   call) or a metadata/mappingResults column name (default=NULL)
#' @param useScaled plot the scaled (TRUE) or unscaled (FALSE; default) values
#' @param capValue values above capValue will be capped at capValue (default is none)
#' @param perplexity,theta other parameters for Rtsne
#' @param main title of the plot
#' @param maxNchar what is the maximum number of characters to display in the plot for each entry?
#' @param seed for reproducibility
#' @return Only returns if there is an error
#' @export
plotTsne <- function(datIn,
                     colorGroup = "none",
                     labelGroup = "none",
                     useScaled = FALSE,
                     capValue = Inf,
                     perplexity = 10,
                     theta = 0.5,
                     main = "TSNE plot",
                     maxNchar = 1000,
                     seed = 10) {

  # Get the data
  if (useScaled) {
    plotDat <- datIn$scaleDat
  } else {
    plotDat <- datIn$mapDat
  plotDat <- pmin(plotDat, capValue)
  plotDat <- t(plotDat)

  # Color and label groups
  meta <- cbind(datIn$metadata, datIn$mappingResults)
  if (length(colorGroup) == 1) {
    if (is.element(colorGroup, colnames(meta))) {
      colorGroup <- as.factor(meta[, colorGroup])
    } else {
      colorGroup <- as.factor(rep("none", dim(meta)[1]))
  if (length(labelGroup) == 1) {
    if (is.element(labelGroup, colnames(meta))) {
      labelGroup <- as.factor(meta[, labelGroup])
    } else {
      labelGroup <- as.factor(rep("*", dim(meta)[1]))
  # Subset to maxNchar characters
  levs <- substr(levels(as.factor(labelGroup)), 1, maxNchar)
  labelGroup <- factor(as.character(substr(
    labelGroup, 1, maxNchar
  )), levels = as.character(unique(levs)))

  # Get the tsne corrdinates
  tsne_model_1 <- Rtsne(as.matrix(plotDat),
    check_duplicates = FALSE,
    pca = TRUE, perplexity = perplexity, theta = theta, dims = 2
  d_tsne_1 <- as.data.frame(tsne_model_1$Y)

  # Make the plot!
  plot_k <- ggplot(d_tsne_1, aes_string(
    x = "V1", y = "V2",
    color = colorGroup, label = labelGroup
  )) +
    geom_text() + xlab("TSNE 1") + ylab("TSNE 2") +
    ggtitle(main) + theme(legend.title = element_blank())

AllenInstitute/mfishtools documentation built on July 5, 2023, 4:20 p.m.