
Defines functions rowMedians getBetaScore plotCorrectWithGenes buildQualityTable fractionCorrectWithGenes subsampleCells filterByClass fractionCorrectPerNode getNodeHeight possibleClustersByPriors layerFraction smartLayerAllocation layerScale buildPanel_oneCluster plotNodes makeLCAtable lca get_subtree_label corTreeMapping cellToClusterMapping_byRank generateMultipleCellReferenceSet getTopMatch resolve_cl map_dend rfTreeMapping distTreeMapping corTreeMapping_withFilter buildMappingBasedMarkerPanel leafToNodeMedians getBranchList filterPanelGenes getConfusionMatrix plotConfusionVsConfidence outputTopConfused

Documented in buildMappingBasedMarkerPanel buildPanel_oneCluster buildQualityTable cellToClusterMapping_byRank corTreeMapping corTreeMapping_withFilter distTreeMapping filterByClass filterPanelGenes fractionCorrectPerNode fractionCorrectWithGenes generateMultipleCellReferenceSet getBetaScore getBranchList getConfusionMatrix getNodeHeight get_subtree_label getTopMatch layerFraction layerScale lca leafToNodeMedians makeLCAtable map_dend outputTopConfused plotConfusionVsConfidence plotCorrectWithGenes plotNodes possibleClustersByPriors resolve_cl rfTreeMapping smartLayerAllocation subsampleCells

#' mfishtools: Building Gene Sets and Mapping mFISH Data.
#' This repository includes code for gene selection for spatial transcriptomics methods and for
#' mapping of spatial transcriptomics (or RNA-Seq data) onto a RNA-Seq reference. Specific topics include:
#' 1) Correlation-based mapping of cells to reference cell types
#' 2) Iterative building of gene panels a greedy algorithm with pre-defined constraints
#' 3) Visualizations related to gene mapping a gene panel selection
#' @docType package
#' @name mfishtools

#' Table of confused clusters
#' This function returns a table of the top confused clusters (assigned clusters
#'   incorrectly mapped)
#' @param confusionProp confusion matrix (e.g., output from getConfusionMatrix).
#' @param count number of top confusions to show
#' @return a 3 x count matrix of the top confused pairs of clusters with the three
#'   columns corresponding to mapped cluster, assigned cluster, and fraction of
#'   cells incorrectly mapped, respectively.
#' @export
outputTopConfused <- function(confusionProp,
                              count = 10) {
  topConfused <- NULL
  mfp <- confusionProp
  diag(mfp) <- 0
  rn <- rownames(mfp)
  for (i in 1:count) {
    wt <- which(mfp == max(mfp), arr.ind = TRUE)
    wt <- t(wt[1, ])
    topConfused <- rbind(topConfused, c(rn[wt], max(mfp)))
    mfp[wt] <- 0
  colnames(topConfused) <- c("foundCluster", "realCluster", "proportionOff")
  rownames(topConfused) <- NULL
  topConfused <- as.data.frame(topConfused)
  topConfused[, 3] <- as.numeric(topConfused[, 3])

#' Confusion plot vs. confidence
#' Produces line plots showing the percent of correctly mapped cells above a certain confidence value (or score).
#'   This is a wrapper for plot.
#' @param foundClusterAndScore matrix where first column is found cluster and second column is
#'   confidence score (e.g., output from getTopMatch)
#' @param realCluster character vector of assigned clusters
#' @param ... additional parameters for the plot function
#' @export
plotConfusionVsConfidence <- function(foundClusterAndScore,
                                      RI = (31:100) / 100,
                                      main = "% mapping (blue) / correct (orange)",
                                      ylab = "Percent",
                                      xlab = "Fraction correctly mapped to leaf",
                                      type = "l",
                                      xlim = range(RI),
                                      ...) {
  fracMap <- fracRight <- NULL
  for (r in RI) {
    isMap <- foundClusterAndScore[, 2] >= r
    fracMap <- c(fracMap, round(1000 * mean(isMap)) / 10)
    isRight <- (realCluster == foundClusterAndScore[, 1])[isMap]
    fracRight <- c(fracRight, round(1000 * mean(isRight)) / 10)
  plot(RI, fracMap,
    xlim = xlim, col = "blue", main = main,
    ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, type = "l", ...
  lines(RI, fracRight, col = "orange")
  abline(h = 5 * (0:20), col = "grey", lty = "dotted")

#' Confusion matrix
#' Returns a confusion matrix of the found (mapped) vs. real (assigned) clusters.
#' @param realCluster character vector of assigned clusters
#' @param foundCluster character vector of mapped clusters
#' @param proportions FALSE if the counts are to be returned and TRUE if the proportions are to be returned
#' @export
getConfusionMatrix <- function(realCluster,
                               proportions = TRUE) {
  realCluster <- as.character(realCluster)
  foundCluster <- as.character(foundCluster)
  lev <- sort(unique(c(realCluster, foundCluster)))
  realCluster <- factor(realCluster, levels = lev)
  foundCluster <- factor(foundCluster, levels = lev)
  confusion <- table(foundCluster, realCluster)
  if (proportions) {
    cs <- colSums(confusion)
    for (i in 1:dim(confusion)[1])
      confusion[i, ] <- confusion[i, ] / pmax(cs, 1e-08)

#' Filter genes for spatial transcriptomics panel
#' Returns a set of genes for inclusion in a spatial transcriptomics panel based on a series of 
#'   hard-coded and user-defined constraints 
#' @param summaryExpr Matrix of summarized expression levels for a given cluster.  Typically the median
#'   or mean should be used.  Rows are genes and columns are samples.  ROW NAMES MUST BE GENE SYMBOLS!
#' @param propExpr Proportion of cells expressed in each cluster for use with binary score calculation
#'   (default = summaryExpr, which is not recommended)
#' @param onClusters Vector indicating which clusters should be included in the gene panel (default
#'   is all clusters. Can be logical or numeric, or a character string of cluster names)
#' @param offClusters Vector indidicating from which clusters expression should be avoided
#' @param geneLength Optional vector of gene lengths in same order as summaryExpr.  Default is NULL
#' @param numBinaryGenes Number of genes to include in the final panel.  Genes are sorted by binary
#'   score using `getBetaScore` and this number of genes are chosen (default = 500)
#' @param minOn Minimum summary expression level in most highly expressed "on" cluster (default = 10)
#' @param maxOn Maximum summary expression level in most highly expressed "on" cluster (default = 250) 
#' @param maxOff Maximum summary expression level in most highly expressed "off" cluster (default = 50)
#' @param minLength Minimum gene length for marker gene selection.  Ignored if geneLength is not 
#'   provided (default = 960)
#' @param fractionOnClusters What is the maximum fraction of clusters in which a gene can be expressed
#'   (as defined by propExpr>onThreshold; default = 0.5).  This prevents nearly ubiquitous genes from selection
#' @param onThreshold What fraction of cells need to have expression for a gene to be defined as expressed
#'   (default = 0.5)
#' @param excludeGenes Which genes should be excluded from the analysis (default is none)
#' @param excludeFamilies Which gene classes or families should be excluded from the analysis?  More
#'   specifically, any gene that contain these strings of characters anywhere in the symbol will be
#'   excluded (default is "LOC","LINC","FAM","ORF","KIAA","FLJ","DKFZ","RIK","RPS","RPL","\\-"). 
#' @return A character vector of genes meeting all constraints
#' @export
filterPanelGenes <- function(summaryExpr,
                             propExpr = summaryExpr,
                             onClusters = 1:dim(summaryExpr)[2],
                             offClusters = NULL,
                             geneLengths = NULL,
                             startingGenes = c("GAD1","SLC17A7"),
                             numBinaryGenes = 500,                             
                             minOn = 10,
                             maxOn = 250,
                             maxOff = 50,
                             minLength = 960,
                             fractionOnClusters = 0.5,
                             onThreshold = 0.5,
                             excludeGenes = NULL,
                             excludeFamilies = c("LOC","LINC","FAM","ORF","KIAA","FLJ","DKFZ","RIK","RPS","RPL","\\-")) {
  ## Variable check
  if(!is.element("matrix",class(summaryExpr))) {
    summaryExpr <- as.matrix(summaryExpr)
  if(!is.numeric(summaryExpr[1,1])) {
    stop("summaryExpr must be a matrix of numeric values.")
  if(is.null(rownames(summaryExpr))) {
    stop("Please provide summaryExpr with genes as row names.")
    stop("fractionOnClusters needs to be numeric.")
  fractionOnClusters = fractionOnClusters[1]
  if(fractionOnClusters>1) fractionOnClusters = fractionOnClusters/100 # Assume if it is greater than 1 then a percentage was given
  genes  <- rownames(summaryExpr)
  genesU <- toupper(genes)
  ## Define excluded genes
  excludeFamilies <- toupper(excludeFamilies)
  excludeGenes <- is.element(genes,excludeGenes)
    for(i in 1:length(excludeFamilies)){
      excludeGenes <- excludeGenes|grepl(excludeFamilies[i],genesU)
  ## Determine max expression levels in on and off clusters
    onClusters <- is.element(colnames(summaryExpr),onClusters)
    onClusters <- is.element(1:dim(summaryExpr)[2],onClusters)
    stop("Please provide at least two onClusters.  If cluster names were provided, check colnames(summaryExpr).")
    offClusters <- is.element(colnames(summaryExpr),offClusters)
    offClusters <- is.element(1:dim(summaryExpr)[2],offClusters)
  ## Now add the actual constraints from above
  maxExprOn <- apply(summaryExpr[,onClusters],1,max)
    maxExprOff <- apply(summaryExpr[,offClusters],1,max)
  } else if(sum(offClusters)==1){
    maxExprOff <- summaryExpr[,offClusters]
  } else {
    maxExprOff <- pmax(maxExprOn,0.0000001) * -Inf # Essentially this is saying there is no off constraint
  ## Set the gene lengths, if needed
  if(!is.null(geneLengths)) if(length(geneLengths)!=length(offClusters)){
    stop("geneLengths must be in the same order and of same length as rows of summaryExpr.")
  if(!is.null(geneLengths)) if(!is.numeric(geneLengths)){
    stop("geneLengths must be numeric.")
    geneLengths <- maxExprOn+Inf # Essentially this is saying there is no gene length constraint
  ## Determine the acceptable genes
  keepGenes <- (!excludeGenes) & (maxExprOn > minOn) & (maxExprOn <= maxOn) & 
    (maxExprOff <= maxOff) & (geneLengths >= minLength) & 
    (rowMeans(propExpr[, onClusters] > onThreshold) <= fractionOnClusters) &
    (rowMeans(propExpr[, onClusters] > onThreshold) > 0)  # Genes expressed in more than 0 clusters!
  keepGenes[is.na(keepGenes)] <- FALSE                               
  ## Find the top binary genes (if needed) and return gene list
  message(paste(sum(keepGenes),"total genes pass constraints prior to binary score calculation."))
    warning("Fewer genes pass constraints than numBinaryGenes, so binary score was not calculated.")
    return(sort(union(rownames(propExpr)[keepGenes], startingGenes)))
  topBeta     <- getBetaScore(propExpr[keepGenes,onClusters],FALSE)
  runGenes    <- names(topBeta)[topBeta<=numBinaryGenes]
  runGenes    <- sort(union(runGenes,startingGenes))

#' Branch list
#' Returns branches of a dendrogram in a specific format
#' @param dend dendrogram for mapping.  Ignored if medianDat is passed
#' @param branches do not change from default
#' @param allTips do not change from default
#' @return a list of branch information for use with leafToNodeMedians
#' @export
getBranchList <- function(dend,
                          branches = list(),
                          allTips = as.character(dend %>% labels())) {
  numBranch <- dend %>% nnodes()
  if (numBranch > 1) {
    lb <- attr(dend, "label")
    lab1 <- paste("BranchInTree___", lb, sep = "")
    branches[[lab1]] <- list()
    cn <- as.character(dend %>% labels())
    for (i in 1:length(dend)) {
      nm <- as.character(dend[[i]] %>% labels())
      branches[[lab1]][[attr(dend[[i]], "label")]] <- list(nm, setdiff(cn, nm))
      if ((length(nm) > 1) & (length(nm) < (length(allTips) - 1))) {
        lab2 <- paste("BranchVsAll___", attr(dend[[i]], "label"), sep = "")
        branches[[lab2]] <- list()
        branches[[lab2]][["branch"]] <- list(nm, setdiff(allTips, nm))
      branches <- getBranchList(dend[[i]], branches, allTips)
  } else {
    leaf <- dend %>% labels()
    lab <- paste("LeafOnly___", leaf, sep = "")
    branches[[lab]][["leaf"]] <- list(leaf, setdiff(allTips, leaf))
  branches <- branches[order(substr(names(branches), 1, 8))]

#' Return mean node expression
#' Define expression at a node as the MEAN expression for each leaf as default (using the
#'   median removes all specific marker genes!)
#' @param dend dendrogram for mapping.  Ignored if medianDat is passed
#' @param medianDat median expression data at each node
#' @param branches a particular format of branch information from the dendrogram structure
#' @param fnIn function to use to wrap up to the node level (default = mean)
#' @return a matrix of mean node expression (rows=genes, columns=nodes)
#' @export
leafToNodeMedians <- function(dend,
                              branches = getBranchList(dend),
                              fnIn = mean) {
  if (is.null(rownames(medianDat))) {
    rownames(medianDat) <- 1:dim(medianDat)[1]
  allGenes <- rownames(medianDat)
  brNames <- names(branches)
  brNames <- brNames[grep("BranchInTree", brNames)]
  medianNode <- matrix(0, nrow = length(allGenes), ncol = length(brNames))
  rownames(medianNode) <- allGenes
  colnames(medianNode) <- brNames
  for (n in brNames) medianNode[, n] <-
      apply(medianDat[, c(branches[[n]][[1]][[1]], branches[[n]][[1]][[2]])], 1, fnIn)
  medianNode <- cbind(medianDat, medianNode)
  nameOrd <-
    dend %>%
    get_nodes_attr("label", id = 1:(dend %>% nnodes()))
  nameOrd[substr(nameOrd, 1, 1) == "n"] <-
    paste0("BranchInTree___", nameOrd[substr(nameOrd, 1, 1) == "n"])
  medianNode <- medianNode[, nameOrd]
  colnames(medianNode) <- gsub("BranchInTree___", "", colnames(medianNode))

#' Greedy algorithm for building marker gene panel
#' This is the primary function that iteratively builds a marker gene panel, one gene at a
#'   time by iteratively adding the most informative gene to the existing gene panel.
#' @param mapDat normalized data of the mapping (=reference) data set.
#' @param medianDat representative value for each leaf.  If not entered, it is calculated
#' @param clustersF cluster calls for each cell.
#' @param panelSize number of genes to include in the marker gene panel
#' @param subSamp number of random nuclei to select from each cluster (to increase speed);
#'   set as NA to not subsample
#' @param maxFcGene maximum number of genes to consider at each iteration (to increase speed)
#' @param qMin minimum quantile for fold change comparison (between 0 and 1, higher = more
#'   specific marker genes are included)
#' @param seed for reproducibility
#' @param currentPanel starting panel.  Default is NULL.
#' @param panelMin if there are fewer genes than this, the top number of these genes by fc
#'   rank are set as the starting panel.  Cannot be less than 2.
#' @param writeText should gene names and marker scores be output (default TRUE)
#' @param corMapping if TRUE (default) map by correlation; otherwise, map by Euclidean
#'   distance (not recommended)
#' @param optimize if 'FractionCorrect' (default) will seek to maximize the fraction of
#'   cells correctly mapping to final clusters
#'   if 'CorrelationDistance' will seek to minimize the total distance between actual
#'   cluster calls and mapped clusters
#'   if 'DendrogramHeight' will seek to minimize the total dendrogram height between
#'   actual cluster calls and mapped clusters
#' @param clusterDistance only used if optimize='CorrelationDistance'; a matrix (or
#'   vector) of cluster distances.  Will be calculated if NULL and if clusterGenes
#'   provided. (NOTE: order must be the same as medianDat and/or have column and row
#'   names corresponding to clusters in clustersF)
#' @param clusterGenes a vector of genes used to calculate the cluster distance.
#'   Only used if optimize='CorrelationDistance' and clusterDistance=NULL.
#' @param dend only used if optimize='DendrogramHeight' dendrogram; will error out of not provided
#' @param percentSubset for each iteration the function can subset the set of possible
#'   genes to speed up the calculation.
#' @return an ordered character vector corresponding to the marker gene panel
#' @export
buildMappingBasedMarkerPanel <- function(mapDat,
                                         medianDat = NA,
                                         clustersF = NA,
                                         panelSize = 50,
                                         subSamp = 20,
                                         maxFcGene = 1000,
                                         qMin = 0.75,
                                         seed = 10,
                                         currentPanel = NULL,
                                         panelMin = 5,
                                         writeText = TRUE,
                                         corMapping = TRUE,
                                         optimize = "FractionCorrect",
                                         clusterDistance = NULL,
                                         clusterGenes = NULL,
                                         dend = NULL,
                                         percentSubset = 100) {

  # Return an error if optimize='DendrogramHeight'
  # and a dendrogram is not provided
  if ((optimize == "DendrogramHeight") & is.null(dend)) {
    return("Error: dendrogram not provided")

  if (is.na(medianDat[1])) {
    names(clustersF) <- colnames(mapDat)
    medianDat <- do.call("cbind", tapply(
      names(clustersF), clustersF, function(x) rowMedians(mapDat[, x])
    rownames(medianDat) <- rownames(mapDat)
  if (is.null(rownames(medianDat))) {
    rownames(medianDat) <- rownames(mapDat)

  # Convert the dendrogram height into a correlation
  # distance if dendrogram height is entered as the
  # option
  if (optimize == "FractionCorrect") {
    clusterDistance <- NULL
  if (optimize == "CorrelationDistance") {
    if (is.null(clusterDistance)) {
      corDist <- function(x) return(as.dist(1 - WGCNA::cor(x)))
      if(is.null(clusterGenes)) clusterGenes = rownames(medianDat)
      clusterGenes <- intersect(clusterGenes, rownames(medianDat))
      clusterDistance <- as.matrix(corDist(medianDat[clusterGenes, ]))
    if (is.matrix(clusterDistance)) {
      if (!is.null(rownames(clusterDistance))) {
        clusterDistance <- clusterDistance[colnames(medianDat), colnames(medianDat)]
      clusterDistance <- as.vector(clusterDistance)

  if (optimize == "DendrogramHeight") {
    lcaTable <- makeLCAtable(dend)
    clusterDistance <- 1 - getNodeHeight(dend)[lcaTable]
    optimize <- "clusterDistance"

  # TAKE THE TOP DEX GENES Use fold change (rather
  # than beta) because this function only receives
  # median as input
  fcDiff <- rank(apply(medianDat, 1, function(x) return(diff(quantile(x, c(1, qMin))))))
  if (dim(medianDat)[1] > maxFcGene) {
    kpGene <- names(fcDiff)[fcDiff <= maxFcGene]
    mapDat <- mapDat[kpGene, ]
    medianDat <- medianDat[kpGene, ]

  panelMin <- max(2, panelMin)
  if (length(currentPanel) < panelMin) {
    panelMin <- max(2, panelMin - length(currentPanel))
    currentPanel <- unique(c(currentPanel, names(sort(fcDiff))[1:panelMin]))
    if (writeText) {
      print(paste("Setting starting panel as:", paste(currentPanel, sep = ", ", collapse = ", ")))

  if (length(currentPanel) < panelSize) {

    if (!is.na(subSamp)) {
      kpSamp <- subsampleCells(clustersF, subSamp, seed)
      mapDat <- mapDat[, kpSamp]
      clustersF <- clustersF[kpSamp]
      subSamp <- NA

    # ONE GENE
    otherGenes <- setdiff(rownames(mapDat), currentPanel)
    if (percentSubset < 100) {
      # Only look at a subset of genes if desired
      set.seed(seed + length(currentPanel))
      otherGenes <- otherGenes[sort(sample(
        ceiling(length(otherGenes) * percentSubset / 100)
    matchCount <- rep(0, length(otherGenes))
    clustIndex <- match(clustersF, colnames(medianDat))
    for (i in 1:length(otherGenes)) {
      ggnn <- c(currentPanel, otherGenes[i])
      if (corMapping) {
        corMapTmp <- corTreeMapping(mapDat = mapDat, medianDat = medianDat, genesToMap = ggnn)
      if (!corMapping) {
        corMapTmp <- distTreeMapping(mapDat = mapDat, medianDat = medianDat, genesToMap = ggnn)
      corMapTmp[is.na(corMapTmp)] <- -1
      topLeafTmp <- getTopMatch(corMapTmp)
      if (is.null(clusterDistance)) {
        matchCount[i] <- mean(clustersF == topLeafTmp[, 1])
      } else {
        tmpVal <- dim(medianDat)[2] * (match(topLeafTmp[, 1], colnames(medianDat)) - 1) + clustIndex # NEED TO CHECK THIS!!!!!!!
        matchCount[i] <- -mean(clusterDistance[tmpVal])
    wm <- which.max(matchCount)
    addGene <- as.character(otherGenes)[wm]
    if (writeText) {
      if (optimize == "FractionCorrect") {
          "Added", addGene, "with", signif(matchCount[wm], 3),
          "now matching [", length(currentPanel), "]."
      } else {
          "Added", addGene, "with average cluster distance",
          -signif(matchCount[wm], 3), "[", length(currentPanel), "]."
    currentPanel <- c(currentPanel, addGene)
    currentPanel <- buildMappingBasedMarkerPanel(
      mapDat = mapDat, medianDat = medianDat, clustersF = clustersF,
      panelSize = panelSize, subSamp = subSamp, maxFcGene = maxFcGene,
      qMin = qMin, seed = seed, currentPanel = currentPanel, panelMin = panelMin,
      writeText = writeText, corMapping = corMapping, optimize = optimize,
      clusterDistance = clusterDistance, clusterGenes = clusterGenes, dend = dend,
      percentSubset = percentSubset

#' Correlation between nodes and leafs (deprecated)
#' Returns the correlation between expression of each cell and representative
#'   value for each node and leaf.  NOTE: this function is unstable and will
#'   eventually be merged with corTreeMapping.
#' @param dend dendrogram for mapping.  Ignored if medianDat is passed
#' @param refDat normalized data of the REFERENCE data set.  Ignored if medianExpr
#'   and propExpr are passed
#' @param mapDat normalized data of the MAPPING data set.  Default is to map the
#'   data onto itself.
#' @param medianExpr representative value for each leaf.  If not entered, it is
#'   calculated
#' @param propExpr proportion of cells in each type expressing a given gene.  If not
#'   entered, it is calculated
#' @param filterMatrix a matrix of TRUE/FALSE values to indicate whether a given
#'   cluster is possible
#' @param clusters cluster calls for each cell.  Ignored if medianExpr and propExpr
#'   are passed
#' @param numberOfGenes how many variables genes
#' @param outerLimitGenes choose different numberOfGenes per cell from the top overall
#'   outerLimitGenes (to speed up function)
#' @param genesToMap which genes to include in the correlation mapping
#' @param use,... additional parameters for cor
#' @return a matrix of correlation values with rows as mapped cells and columns as clusters
#' @export
corTreeMapping_withFilter <- function(dend = NA,
                                      refDat = NA,
                                      mapDat = refDat,
                                      medianExpr = NA,
                                      propExpr = NA,
                                      filterMatrix = NA,
                                      clusters = NA,
                                      numberOfGenes = 1200,
                                      outerLimitGenes = 7200,
                                      rankGeneFunction = function(x) getBetaScore(x, returnScore = FALSE),
                                      use = "p",
                                      ...) {

  # -- prepare the data
  if (is.na(medianExpr[1])) {
    names(clusters) <- colnames(refDat)
    medianExpr <- do.call("cbind", tapply(
      names(clusters), clusters, function(x) rowMedians(refDat[, x])
    rownames(medianExpr) <- rownames(refDat)
  if (is.na(propExpr[1])) {
    names(clusters) <- colnames(refDat)
    medianExpr <- do.call("cbind", tapply(
      names(clusters), clusters, function(x) rowMeans(refDat[, x] > 1)
    rownames(propExpr) <- rownames(refDat)
  filterMatrix <- filterMatrix[, colnames(medianExpr)]

  # -- take the top outerLimitGenes for the
  # proportion and median
  rankGn <- rankGeneFunction(propExpr)
  kpGn <- rankGn <= outerLimitGenes
  medianDat <- medianExpr[kpGn, ]
  propDat <- propExpr[kpGn, ]

  # -- find all possible filters
  filterVec <- apply(filterMatrix, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "|", sep = "|"))
  vecs <- unique(filterVec)

  # -- find all gene lists based on these filters
  geneLists <- list()
  for (v in vecs) {
    kp <- filterMatrix[which(filterVec == v)[1], ]
    if (sum(kp) > 1) {
      geneLists[[v]] <- rownames(propDat)[rankGeneFunction(propDat[, kp]) <= numberOfGenes]
    } else {
      geneLists[[v]] <- rownames(propDat)[1:2]

  ## -- find the correlations
  kpVar <- intersect(
    names(rankGn)[rankGn <= numberOfGenes],
    intersect(rownames(mapDat), rownames(medianDat))
  corrVar <- WGCNA::cor(mapDat[kpVar, ], medianDat[kpVar, ], use = use, ...)
  for (v in vecs) {
    kpRow <- filterVec == v
    kpCol <- filterMatrix[which(filterVec == v)[1], ]
    if (sum(kpCol) > 1) {
      kpVar <- intersect(geneLists[[v]], intersect(rownames(mapDat), rownames(medianDat)))
      corrVar[kpRow, kpCol] <- WGCNA::cor(mapDat[kpVar, kpRow], medianDat[kpVar, kpCol], use = use) # ,...)
  corrVar <- corrVar * filterMatrix[, colnames(corrVar)]

#' (Euclidean) distance mapping
#' Returns the distance between expression of each cell and representative value for each node and
#'   leaf (default is based on euclidean distance).  In our hands this is does not work very well.
#' @param dend dendrogram for mapping.  Ignored if medianDat is passed
#' @param refDat normalized data of the REFERENCE data set.  Ignored if medianDat is passed
#' @param mapDat normalized data of the MAPPING data set.  Default is to map the data onto itself.
#' @param medianDat representative value for each leaf and node.  If not entered, it is calculated
#' @param clusters cluster calls for each cell.  Ignored if medianDat is passed
#' @param genesToMap which genes to include in the correlation mapping
#' @param returnSimilarity FALSE to return distance, TRUE to return something like a similarity
#' @param use,... additional parameters for dist (for back-compatiblity; doesn't work)
#' @return matrix of Euclidean distances between cells (rows) and clusters (columns)
#' @export
distTreeMapping <- function(dend = NA,
                            refDat = NA,
                            mapDat = refDat,
                            medianDat = NA,
                            clusters = NA,
                            genesToMap = rownames(mapDat),
                            returnSimilarity = TRUE,
                            use = "p",
                            ...) {

  if (is.na(medianDat[1])) {
    names(clusters) <- colnames(refDat)
    medianDat <- do.call("cbind", tapply(
      names(clusters), clusters, function(x) rowMedians(refDat[, x])
    rownames(medianDat) <- rownames(refDat)
    medianDat <- leafToNodeMedians(dend, medianDat)
  kpVar <- intersect(genesToMap, intersect(rownames(mapDat), rownames(medianDat)))
  if (length(kpVar) == 1) {
    kpVar <- c(kpVar, kpVar)
  eucDist <- as.matrix(pdist(t(mapDat[kpVar, ]), t(medianDat[kpVar, ]), ...))
  rownames(eucDist) <- colnames(mapDat)
  colnames(eucDist) <- colnames(medianDat)
  if (!returnSimilarity) {
  eucDist <- sqrt(eucDist / max(eucDist))
  1 - eucDist

#' Tree-based mapping
#' Returns the mapping membership of each cell to each node and leaf using a
#'   tree-based method.  This is a wrapper function for map_dend.
#' @param dend dendrogram for mapping
#' @param refDat normalized data of the REFERENCE data set
#' @param clustersF factor indicating which cluster each cell type is actually assigned to
#'   in the reference data set
#' @param mapDat normalized data of the MAPPING data set.  Default is to map the data onto itself.
#' @param p proportion of marker genes to include in each iteration of the mapping algorithm.
#' @param low.th the minimum difference in Pearson correlation required to decide on which branch
#'   to map to. otherwise, a random branch is chosen.
#' @param seed added for reproducibility
#' @return a matrix of confidence scores (from 0 to 100) with rows as cells and columns
#'   as tree node/leafs.  Values indicate the fraction of permutations in which the cell
#'   mapped to that node/leaf using the subset of cells/genes in map_dend
#' @export
rfTreeMapping <- function(dend,
                          mapDat = refDat,
                          p = 0.7,
                          low.th = 0.15,
                          seed = 1) {
  genes  <- intersect(rownames(refDat),rownames(mapDat))
  refDat <- as.matrix(refDat)[genes,] # need common genes and matrix format
  mapDat <- as.matrix(mapDat)[genes,] # need common genes and matrix format
  pseq.cells <- colnames(mapDat)
  # isMarker   <- ifelse(is.na(adjustMarkers[1]), FALSE, TRUE) # Doesn't do anything

  pseq.mem <- sapply(1:100, function(i) {
    j <- i
    if (i %% 25 == 0) print(i)
    go <- TRUE
    while (go) {
      # Allow for failures
      j <- j + 1000
      set.seed(j + seed) # Added for reproducibility
      tmp <- try(map_dend(dend, clustersF, refDat,
        mapDat, pseq.cells,
        p = p, low.th = low.th
      if (length(tmp) > 1) go <- FALSE
  }, simplify = F)

  memb <- unlist(pseq.mem)
  memb <- data.frame(cell = names(memb), cl = memb)
  memb$cl <- factor(memb$cl, levels = get_nodes_attr(dend, "label"))
  memb <- table(memb$cell, memb$cl)
  memb <- memb / 100

#' Tree-based mapping
#' Returns the mapping membership of each cell to each node and leaf using a
#'   tree-based method.  This is a wrapper function for map_dend.
#' @param dend dendrogram for mapping
#' @param cl factor indicating which cluster each cell type is actually assigned to
#'   in the reference data set
#' @param dat normalized data of the REFERENCE data set
#' @param map.dat normalized data of the MAPPING data set.  Default is to map the
#'   data onto itself.
#' @param p proportion of marker genes to include in each iteration of the mapping
#'   algorithm.
#' @param low.th the minimum difference in Pearson correlation required to decide
#'   on which branch to map to. otherwise, a random branch is chosen.
#' @param default.markers not used
#' @return a matrix of confidence scores (from 0 to 100) with rows as cells and columns
#'   as tree node/leafs.  Values indicate the fraction of permutations in which the cell
#'   mapped to that node/leaf using the subset of cells/genes in map_dend
#' @export
map_dend <- function(dend,
                     p = 0.8,
                     low.th = 0.2,
                     default.markers = NULL) {
  final.cl <- c(setNames(rep(attr(dend, "label"), length(select.cells)), select.cells))
  if (length(dend) <= 1) {
  markers <- attr(dend, "markers")
  markers <- markers[names(markers) %in% row.names(map.dat)]
  cl.g <- sapply(dend, labels, simplify = F)
  names(cl.g) <- 1:length(cl.g)
  select.cl <- cl[cl %in% unlist(cl.g)]
  ### Sampling the cells from the reference cluster
  cells <- unlist(tapply(names(select.cl), select.cl, function(x) sample(x, round(length(x) * p))))
  genes <- names(markers)
  genes <- union(genes, default.markers)
  ### Compute reference cluster median based on
  ### subsampled cells
  cl.med <- do.call("cbind", tapply(
    cells, droplevels(cl[cells]),
    function(x) rowMedians(dat[genes, x, drop = F])
  row.names(cl.med) <- genes
  ### determine which branch to take.
  mapped.cl <- resolve_cl(cl.g, cl.med, markers, dat,
    map.dat, select.cells,
    p = p, low.th = low.th
  if (length(mapped.cl) > 0) {
    for (i in unique(mapped.cl)) {
      select.cells <- names(mapped.cl)[mapped.cl == i]
      if (length(select.cells) > 0) {
        final.cl <- c(final.cl, map_dend(dend[[as.integer(i)]],
          cl, dat, map.dat, select.cells,
          p = p, low.th = low.th
  return(cl = final.cl)

#' Tree-based mapping (internal)
#' Returns the mapped cluster call of each cell to each leaf. This function is called by map_dend
#' @param cl.g all clusters
#' @param cl.med cluster medians
#' @param markers gene markers
#' @param dat normalized data of the REFERENCE data set
#' @param map.dat normalized data of the MAPPING data set.  Default is to map the data onto itself.
#' @param select.cells which cells to use?
#' @param p proportion of marker genes to include in each iteration of the mapping algorithm.
#' @param low.th the minimum difference in Pearson correlation required to decide on which branch
#'   to map to. otherwise, a random branch is chosen.
#' @return a vector of the mapped cluster
#' @export
resolve_cl <- function(cl.g,
                       p = 0.7,
                       low.th = 0.2) {
  genes <- names(markers)[markers > 0]
  tmp.cl <- unlist(cl.g)

  ### For each branch point, find the highest
  ### expression cluster.
  tmp.med <- sapply(cl.g, function(g) rowMaxs(cl.med[genes, g, drop = F]))
  row.names(tmp.med) <- genes
  ### Make sure the genes are discriminative between
  ### all the branches.
  genes <- genes[rowMaxs(tmp.med) - rowMins(tmp.med) > 1]

  ### Sample the markers based on the weigts. TO DO:
  ### randomforest sometimes give importance value of
  ### 0. adjust for that.
  genes <- sample(genes, round(length(genes) * p), prob = markers[genes])

  ### Compute the correlation with the median cluster
  ### profile. add drop=F
  cl.cor <- WGCNA::cor(map.dat[genes, select.cells, drop = F], cl.med[genes, tmp.cl, drop = F])
  cl.cor[is.na(cl.cor)] <- 0
  ### Compute the best match in each branch.
  tmp.score <- do.call("cbind", sapply(cl.g, function(x) rowMaxs(cl.cor[,
      drop = F
    ]), simplify = F))
  row.names(tmp.score) <- row.names(cl.cor)
  #### Determine the best match.
  best.score <- setNames(rowMaxs(tmp.score), row.names(tmp.score))
  ### determine the difference from the best match.
  diff.score <- best.score - tmp.score

  #### Give up on cells can't be discriminated,choose
  #### one branch randomly.
  unresolved.cl <- row.names(tmp.score)[rowSums(diff.score < low.th) == ncol(diff.score)]
  mapped.cl <- setNames(sample(colnames(tmp.score), length(unresolved.cl), replace = T), unresolved.cl)

  ### Cells mapped to one or more branches.
  mapped.cells <- setdiff(row.names(cl.cor), unresolved.cl)
  ### For binary branch, done already
  if (length(cl.g) == 2) {
    mapped.cl <- c(mapped.cl, setNames(colnames(diff.score)[apply(diff.score[mapped.cells,
      drop = F
    ], 1, which.min)], mapped.cells))
  ## The remaining options for mapped cells
  tmp.cl <- sapply(mapped.cells, function(x) colnames(diff.score)[which(diff.score[x, ] < low.th)], simplify = F)
  ### cells with multiple options
  resolve.cells <- names(tmp.cl)[sapply(tmp.cl, length) > 1]
  ### cells with only one option. Not further job.
  mapped.cells <- setdiff(mapped.cells, resolve.cells)
  if (length(mapped.cells) > 0) {
    mapped.cl <- c(mapped.cl, setNames(unlist(tmp.cl[mapped.cells]), mapped.cells))
  ### Resolve further options.
  if (length(resolve.cells) > 0) {
    tmp.cat <- sapply(tmp.cl[resolve.cells], function(x) paste(x, collapse = " "))
    for (cat in unique(tmp.cat)) {
      tmp.cl <- unlist(strsplit(cat, " "))
      select.cells <- names(tmp.cat)[tmp.cat == cat]
      mapped.cl <- c(mapped.cl, resolve_cl(cl.g[tmp.cl],
        cl.med, markers, dat, map.dat, select.cells,
        p = p, low.th = low.th

#' Get top leaf match
#' Returns the top leaf match for each cell and the corresponding fraction mapping there.
#' @param memb.cl membership scores for each leaf
#' @return a matrix where first column is found cluster and second column is confidence score
#' @export
getTopMatch <- function(memb.cl) {
  tmp.cl <- apply(memb.cl, 1, function(x) {
    y <- which.max(x)[1]
    as.character(c(colnames(memb.cl)[y], x[y]))
  rfv <- as.data.frame(t(tmp.cl))
  rfv[, 2] <- as.numeric(rfv[, 2])
  colnames(rfv) <- c("TopLeaf", "Value")
  rfv[is.na(rfv[, 1]), 1] <- "none"
  rfv[is.na(rfv[, 2]), 2] <- 0

#' Generate reference set of pseudo-cells
#' Creates a new reference set as input for cellToClusterMapping_byRank, where each 'cell' is the
#'   combiniation of several cells and this is run several times using different subsets of cells.
#' @param refDat  normalized data of the REFERENCE data set
#' @param clustersF factor indicating which cluster each cell type is actually assigned to in the reference data set
#' @param genesToMap which genes to include in the correlation mapping
#' @param cellsPerMerge Number of cells to include in each combo cell
#' @param numberOfMerges Number of combo cells to include per cell type
#' @param mergeFunction function for combining cells into combo cells (use rowMeans or rowMedians)
#' @param seed for resproducibility
#' @return list where first element is data matrix of multi-cells by genes and
#'   second element is a vector of corresponding clusters
#' @export
generateMultipleCellReferenceSet <- function(refDat,
                                             genesToUse = rownames(refDat),
                                             cellsPerMerge = 5,
                                             numberOfMerges = 10,
                                             mergeFunction = rowMedians,
                                             seed = 1) {
  if (!is.factor(clustersF)) {
    clustersF <- factor(clustersF)
  names(clustersF) <- colnames(refDat)
  clusts <- levels(clustersF)
  refUse <- refDat[intersect(rownames(refDat), genesToUse), ]
  refOut <- matrix(nrow = dim(refUse)[1], ncol = numberOfMerges * length(clusts))
  rownames(refOut) <- rownames(refUse)
  index <- 0
  for (k in 1:numberOfMerges) {
    i <- NULL
    for (cl in 1:length(clusts)) {
      val <- which(clustersF == clusts[cl])
      set.seed(seed + index + cl + k)
      i <- c(i, sample(val, min(cellsPerMerge, length(val))))
    i <- is.element(1:length(clustersF), i)
    refOut[, (index + 1):(index + length(clusts))] <- do.call(
      tapply(names(clustersF[i]), clustersF[i], function(x) rowMedians(refUse[, i][, x]))
    index <- index + length(clusts)
  list(data = refOut, clusters = rep(clusts, numberOfMerges))

#' Cell-based cluster mapping
#' Maps cells to clusters by correlating every mapped cell with every reference cell,
#'   ranking the cells by correlation, and the reporting the cluster with the lowest average rank.
#' @param mapDat normalized data of the MAPPING data set.
#' @param refDat normalized data of the REFERENCE data set
#' @param clustersF factor indicating which cluster each cell type is actually assigned
#'   to in the reference data set
#' @param genesToMap character vector of which genes to include in the correlation mapping
#' @param mergeFunction function for combining ranks; the tested choices are rowMeans or
#'   rowMedians (default)
#' @param useRank use the rank of the correlation (default) or the correlation itself to
#'   determine the top cluster
#' @param use additional parameter for cor (use='p' as default)
#' @param method additional parameter for cor (method='p' as default)
#' @return a two column data matrix where the first column is the mapped cluster and the second
#'   column is a confidence call indicating how close to the top of the ranked list cells of the
#'   assigned cluster were located relative to their best possible location in the ranked list.
#'   This confidence score seems to be a bit more reliable than correlation at determining how
#'   likely a cell in a training set is to being correctly assigned to the training cluster.
#' @export
cellToClusterMapping_byRank <- function(mapDat,
                                        genesToMap = rownames(mapDat),
                                        mergeFunction = rowMedians,
                                        useRank = TRUE,
                                        use = "p",
                                        method = "p") {
  if (is.null(names(clustersF))) names(clustersF) <- colnames(refDat)
  kpVar <- intersect(genesToMap, intersect(rownames(mapDat), rownames(refDat)))
  corrVar <- WGCNA::cor(mapDat[kpVar, ], refDat[kpVar, ], use = use, method = method)
  corrVar[corrVar > 0.999999] <- NA # assume any perfect correlation is either an self-to-self mapping, or a mapping using exactly 1 non-zero gene
  if (useRank) rankVar <- t(apply(-corrVar, 1, rank, na.last = "keep"))
  if (!useRank) rankVar <- -corrVar
  colnames(rankVar) <- names(clustersF) <- paste0("n", 1:length(clustersF))
  clMean <- do.call("cbind", tapply(
    clustersF, function(x) match.fun(mergeFunction)(rankVar[, x], na.rm = TRUE)
  clMin <- apply(clMean, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)
  clMin[is.na(clMin)] <- 0
  clMin[clMin == Inf] <- 1e+09
  clBest <- colnames(clMean)[apply(clMean, 1, function(x) return(which.min(x)[1]))]
  clBest[is.na(clBest)] <- colnames(clMean)[1]
  if (useRank) clScore <- (table(clustersF)[clBest] / 2) / pmax(clMin, 1e-11)
  if (!useRank) clScore <- -clMin
  rfv <- data.frame(TopLeaf = clBest, Score = as.numeric(as.character(clScore)))
  rownames(rfv) <- rownames(corrVar)

#' Correlation-based cluster mapping
#' Primary function for doing correlation-based mapping to cluster medians.  This is wrapper for cor
#'   and returns a correlation matrix.
#' @param mapDat normalized data of the MAPPING data set.  Default is to map the data onto itself.
#' @param medianDat representative value for each leaf and node.  If not entered, it is calculated
#' @param dend dendrogram for mapping.  If provided, correlations to nodes are also returned
#' @param refDat normalized data of the REFERENCE data set.  Ignored if medianDat is passed
#' @param clusters  cluster calls for each cell.  Ignored if medianDat is passed
#' @param genesToMap which genes to include in the correlation mapping
#' @param use additional parameter for cor (use='p' as default)
#' @param method additional parameter for cor (method='p' as default)
#' @return matrix with the correlation between expression of each cell and representative value for
#'   each leaf and node
#' @export
corTreeMapping <- function(mapDat,
                           dend = NULL,
                           refDat = NA,
                           clusters = NA,
                           genesToMap = rownames(mapDat),
                           use = "p",
                           method = "p") {
  if (is.na(medianDat)[1]) {
    names(clusters) <- colnames(refDat)
    medianDat <- do.call("cbind", tapply(
      names(clusters), clusters, function(x) rowMedians(refDat[, x])
    rownames(medianDat) <- rownames(refDat)
  if (!is.null(dend)) {
    medianDat <- leafToNodeMedians(dend, medianDat)
  kpVar <- intersect(genesToMap, intersect(rownames(mapDat), rownames(medianDat)))
  corrVar <- WGCNA::cor(mapDat[kpVar, ], medianDat[kpVar, ], use = use, method = method)

#' Gets subtree labels for lca function.
#' @param dend a cluster dendrogram
#' @return vector of subtree labels
#' @export
get_subtree_label <- function(dend) {
  l <- attr(dend, "label")
  if (length(dend) > 1) {
    for (i in 1:length(dend)) {
      l <- c(l, get_subtree_label(dend[[i]]))

#' Get lowest common ancestor (defined cluster pairs)
#' Maps a cluster back up the tree to the first node where the mapped and correct clusters agree.
#' @param dend a cluster dendrogram
#' @param l1 a vector of node labels
#' @param l2 a second fector of node labels (of the same length as l1)
#' @param l do not adjust; required for recursive function
#' @return The function will return a vector for lowest common ancestor for every pair of nodes in l1 and l2
#' @export
lca <- function(dend,
                l = rep(attr(dend, "label"), length(l1))) {
  node.height <- setNames(get_nodes_attr(dend, "height"), get_nodes_attr(dend, "label"))
  if (length(dend) > 1) {
    for (i in 1:length(dend)) {
      tmp.l <- attr(dend[[i]], "label")
      labels <- get_subtree_label(dend[[i]])
      select <- l1 %in% labels & l2 %in% labels
      if (sum(select) > 0) {
        select <- which(select)[node.height[l[select]] > node.height[tmp.l]]
        l[select] <- tmp.l
        l <- lca(dend[[i]], l1, l2, l)

#' Get lowest common ancestor (all cluster pairs in tree)
#' Calculates the vector for lowest common ancestor for every pair of leaves in a tree and returns a
#'   vector in a specific format for faster look-up.
#' @param dend a cluster dendrogram
#' @param includeInternalNodes should internal nodes be included in the output?
#' @param verbose if TRUE, status will be printed to the screen, since function is relatively slow
#'   for large trees (default FALSE)
#' @return The function will return a vector for lowest common ancestor for every pair of leaves
#'   in dend.  Vector names are l1|||l2 for string parsing in other functions.
#' @export
makeLCAtable <- function(dend,
                         includeInternalNodes = FALSE,
                         verbose = FALSE) {
  nodes <- get_leaves_attr(dend, "label")
  if (includeInternalNodes) nodes <- get_nodes_attr(dend, "label")
  out <- nm <- rep(0, length(nodes)^2)
  i <- 1
  for (l1 in nodes) {
    if (verbose) print(l1)
    for (l2 in nodes) {
      nm[i] <- paste(l1, l2, sep = "|||")
      out[i] <- lca(dend, l1, l2)
      i <- i + 1
  names(out) <- nm

#' Plot dendrogram
#' Plots a dendrogram with set not colors, shapes, sizes and labels.  This is a wrapper for plot.
#' @param tree a dendrogram object
#' @param value numeric vector corresponding to the size of each node
#' @param cexScale a global cex multiplier for node sizes
#' @param margins set the margins using par(mar=margins)
#' @param cols vector of node colors (or a single value)
#' @param pch vector of node pch shapes (or a single value)
#' @param ... additional parameters for the plot function
#' @export
plotNodes <- function(tree,
                      value = rep(1, length(labels(tree))),
                      cexScale = 2,
                      margins = c(10, 5, 2, 2),
                      cols = "black",
                      pch = 19,
                      ...) {
  tree <- set(tree, "nodes_pch", pch)
  tree <- set(tree, "nodes_col", cols)
  tree <- set(tree, "labels_cex", 1)
  treeN <- set(tree, "nodes_cex", cexScale * value)
  par(mar = margins)
  plot(treeN, ylab = "height", ...)

#' Build panel for one cluster (beta)
#' This UNTESTED function finds the best small marker panel for marking a single cluster, using
#'   proportion difference as the metric for determining the starting panel.
#' @param mapDat normalized data of the mapping (=reference) data set.
#' @param clustersF cluster calls for each cell.
#' @param medianDat median value for each leaf
#' @param propIn proportions of cells with expression > 1 in each leaf
#' @param clust which cluster to target?
#' @param subSamp number of random nuclei to select from each cluster, EXCEPT the target cluster;
#'   set as NA to not subsample
#' @param seed for reproducibility
#' @param maxSize maximum size of marker gene panel
#' @param dexCutoff criteria for stopping: when improvement in fraction of cells properly mapped
#'   dips below this value
#' @param topGeneCount number of top genes by proportion to consider
#' @return a matrix of the top marker genes for each cluster.  Output matrix includes five columns:
#'   clust = cluster; panel = ordered genes in the panel for that cluster; onCorrect = fraction of
#'   correctly assigned cells in cluster; offCorrect = fraction of cells correctly assigned outside
#'   of cluster; dexTotal = additional dex explained by last gene added.
#' @export
buildPanel_oneCluster <- function(mapDat,
                                  medianDat = NA,
                                  propIn = NA,
                                  clust = as.character(clustersF[1]),
                                  subSamp = NA,
                                  seed = 10,
                                  maxSize = 20,
                                  dexCutoff = 0.001,
                                  topGeneCount = 100) {

  if (!is.na(subSamp)[1]) {
    kpSamp <- subsampleCells(clustersF, subSamp, seed)
    kpSamp[as.character(clustersF) == clust] <- TRUE
    mapDat <- mapDat[, kpSamp]
    clustersF <- clustersF[kpSamp]
    subSamp <- NA

  clust <- as.character(clust)
  clustersIn <- clustersF
  clustersF <- rep(clust, length(clustersIn))
  clustersF[as.character(clustersIn) != clust] <- "other"
  clustersF <- factor(clustersF, levels = c(clust, "other"))

  names(clustersF) <- colnames(mapDat)
  if (is.na(propIn)[1]) {
    propIn <- do.call("cbind", tapply(
      names(clustersF), clustersF, function(x) rowMeans(mapDat[, x] >= 1)
  rownames(propIn) <- rownames(mapDat)
  if (is.na(medianDat)[1]) {
    medianDat <- do.call("cbind", tapply(
      names(clustersF), clustersF, function(x) rowMedians(mapDat[, x])
  } # switched clustersIn to clustersF
  rownames(medianDat) <- rownames(mapDat)

  propDat <- cbind(propIn[, clust], rowMeans(propIn[, colnames(propIn) != clust]))
  colnames(propDat) <- c(clust, "Other")
  panel <- onCorrect <- offCorrect <- dexTotal <- NULL
  first <- TRUE
  tt <- dex <- 0
  propDex <- propDat[, 1] - propDat[, 2]
  topMark <- names(-sort(-propDex))[1:topGeneCount] # Some semi-reasonable way to cut down the gene count
  while ((((length(panel) < maxSize) & (dex > dexCutoff))) | first) {

    first <- FALSE
    otherGenes <- setdiff(topMark, panel)
    matchCount <- offTarget <- totalCount <- rep(0, length(otherGenes))
    for (i in 1:length(otherGenes)) {
      corMapTmp <- distTreeMapping(
        mapDat = mapDat, medianDat = medianDat, genesToMap = c(panel, otherGenes[i])
      corMapTmp[is.na(corMapTmp)] <- -1
      higherOn <- corMapTmp[, clust] == apply(corMapTmp, 1, max)
      matchCount[i] <- sum((clustersF == clust) & (higherOn)) / sum(clustersF == clust)
      offTarget[i] <- sum((clustersF != clust) & (!higherOn)) / sum(clustersF != clust)
      totalCount[i] <- mean(c(matchCount[i], offTarget[i]))
    wm <- which.max(totalCount)
    dex <- totalCount[wm] - tt
    cr <- matchCount[wm]
    tt <- totalCount[wm]
    ot <- offTarget[wm]
    addGene <- as.character(otherGenes)[wm]
    panel <- c(panel, addGene)
    onCorrect <- c(onCorrect, cr)
    offCorrect <- c(offCorrect, ot)
    dexTotal <- c(dexTotal, dex)
  out <- data.frame(clust, panel, onCorrect, offCorrect, dexTotal)
  out <- out[1:dim(out)[1] - 1, ]

#' Fraction of cells per layer
#' Determines the expected proportions in each layer based on input
#' @param layerIn a list corresponding to all layers of dissection for a given sample
#' @param layerNm names of all layers.  set to NULL to have this calculated
#' @param scale if TRUE (default), scale to the total number of cells
#' @return vector indicating the fraction of cells in each layerNm layer
#' @export
layerScale <- function(layerIn,
                       layerNm = c("L1", "L2/3", "L4", "L5", "L6"),
                       scale = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(layerNm)) {
    for (l in 1:length(layerIn)) layerNm <- c(layerNm, layerIn[[l]])
    layerNm <- sort(unique(layerNm))
  total <- rep(0, length(layerNm))
  names(total) <- layerNm
  for (l in 1:length(layerIn)) total[layerIn[[l]]] <- total[layerIn[[l]]] +
      1 / length(total[layerIn[[l]]])
  if (scale) total <- total / sum(total)

#' Layer weights per cell
#' Returns a numeric vector saying how to weight a particular cell for each layer, using a smart
#'   weighting strategy
#' @param layerIn a list corresponding to all layers of dissection for a given sample
#' @param useLayer target layer
#' @param spillFactor fractional amount of cells in a layer below which it is assumed no cells are
#'   from that layer in multilayer dissection
#' @param weightCutoff anything less than this is set to 0 for convenience and to avoid rare types
#' @param layerNm names of all layers.  set to NULL to have this calculated
#' @return numeric vector saying how to weight a particular cell for each layer, using a smart
#'   weighting strategy
#' @export
smartLayerAllocation <- function(layerIn,
                                 useLayer = "L1",
                                 spillFactor = 0.15,
                                 weightCutoff = 0.02,
                                 layerNm = c("L1", "L2/3", "L4", "L5", "L6")) {
  if (is.null(layerNm)) {
    for (i in 1:length(layer)) layerNm <- c(layerNm, layerNm[[i]])
    layerNm <- sort(unique(layerNm))
  layerMat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(layerIn), ncol = length(layerNm))
  colnames(layerMat) <- layerNm
  for (i in 1:length(layerIn)) layerMat[i, layerIn[[i]]] <- 1
  oneCount <- rowSums(layerMat) == 1
  wgtFrac <- colSums(rbind(layerMat[oneCount, ], layerMat[oneCount, ])) / 2
  wgtFrac <- wgtFrac / max(wgtFrac)
  wgtFrac[is.na(wgtFrac)] <- 0.01
  wgtFrac[wgtFrac < spillFactor] <- 1e-06 * wgtFrac[wgtFrac < spillFactor]
  wgtFrac <- wgtFrac / sum(wgtFrac)
  for (i in which(!oneCount))
    layerMat[i, ] <- (layerMat[i, ] * wgtFrac) / sum(layerMat[i, ] * wgtFrac)
  layerMat[layerMat < weightCutoff] <- 0
  for (i in 1:length(oneCount))
    layerMat[i, ] <- layerMat[i, ] / sum(layerMat[i, ])
  out <- layerMat[, useLayer]

#' Layer weights per cell
#' Returns a numeric vector saying how to weight a particular cell for each layer.  This is a
#'   wrapper for smartLayerAllocation
#' @param layerIn a list corresponding to all layers of dissection for a given sample
#' @param useLayer target layer
#' @param cluster if passed the weights are smartly allocated based on laminar distributions by cluster
#' @param ... additional variables for smartLayerAllocation
#' @return numeric vector with weights for cells in input layer
#' @export
layerFraction <- function(layerIn,
                          useLayer = "L1",
                          cluster = NA,
                          ...) {
  weight <- rep(0, length(layerIn))
  if (is.na(cluster)[1]) {
    for (l in 1:length(weight)) weight[l] <- sum(layerIn[[l]] == useLayer) / length(layerIn[[l]])
  for (cli in unique(cluster))
    weight[cli == cluster] <- smartLayerAllocation(layerIn[cli == cluster], useLayer, ...)
  weight[is.na(weight)] <- 0

#' Filter possible cluster calls using priors
#' This function will return a vector of possible clusters for cells that meet a set of priors for each layer
#' @param cluster vector of all clusters
#' @param layer list of layers for each cluster entry (for data sets with only laminar dissections,
#'   each list entry will be of length 1)
#' @param subsetVector a vector of TRUE/FALSE values indicated whether the entry is in the subset of
#'   interest (e.g., Cre lines); default is all
#' @param useClusters a set of clusters to be considered a priori (e.g., GABA vs. glut); default is all
#' @param rareLimit define any values less than this as 0.  The idea is to exclude rare cells
#' @param layerNm names of all layers.  set to NULL to have this calculated
#' @param scaleByLayer if TRUE, scales to the proportion of cells in each layer
#' @param scaleByFn what function should be used for the layer scaling (default=max, ignored
#'   if scaleByLayer=FALSE)
#' @param smartWeight if TRUE, multilayer dissections are weighted smartly by cluster, rather
#'   than evenly by cluster (FALSE)
#' @param spillFactor fractional amount of cells in a layer below which it is assumed no cells
#'   are from that layer in multilayer dissection
#' @param weightCutoff anything less than this is set to 0 for convenience
#' @return a vector of possible clusters for cells that meet a set of priors for each layer
#' @export
possibleClustersByPriors <- function(cluster,
                                     subsetVector = rep(TRUE, length(cluster)),
                                     useClusters = sort(unique(cluster)),
                                     rareLimit = 0.005,
                                     layerNm = c("L1", "L2/3", "L4", "L5", "L6"),
                                     scaleByLayer = TRUE,
                                     scaleByFn = max,
                                     smartWeight = TRUE,
                                     spillFactor = 0.15,
                                     weightCutoff = 0.02) {
  if (is.null(layerNm)) {
    for (i in 1:length(layer)) layerNm <- c(layerNm, layerNm[[i]])
    layerNm <- sort(unique(layerNm))
  if (!is.factor(cluster)) cluster <- factor(cluster)
  allClusters <- levels(cluster)
  out <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(allClusters), ncol = length(layerNm))
  rownames(out) <- allClusters
  colnames(out) <- layerNm
  isClust <- is.element(cluster, useClusters)
  sb <- subsetVector & isClust
  if (sum(sb) == 0) {
  } # Don't run on cases with no data
  subLayer <- layerScale(layer[sb], layerNm = layerNm) /
    layerScale(layer[isClust], layerNm = layerNm)
  subLayer <- subLayer / sum(subLayer)
  kpLay <- names(subLayer)[subLayer >= rareLimit]
  out[useClusters, kpLay] <- 0

  smartClust <- NA
  if (smartWeight) smartClust <- cluster

  for (lay in kpLay) {
    weight <- layerFraction(layer, lay, smartClust,
      spillFactor = spillFactor,
      weightCutoff = weightCutoff, layerNm = layerNm
    kpCl <- unique(cluster[sb & (weight > 0)])
    for (cli in kpCl) out[cli, lay] <- sum(weight[sb & (cluster == cli)])
  if (scaleByLayer) {
    for (lay in kpLay) out[, lay] <- out[, lay] / scaleByFn(out[, lay], na.rm = TRUE)
    out[out < rareLimit] <- 0

#' Get node height
#' Returns the heights of each node, scaled from 0 (top) to 1 (leafs); this is a wrapper for dendextend functions
#' @param tree a dendrogram object
#' @return a vector of node heights
#' @export
getNodeHeight <- function(tree) {
  nodeHeight <- get_nodes_attr(tree, "height")
  nodeHeight <- 1 - nodeHeight / max(nodeHeight)
  names(nodeHeight) <- get_nodes_attr(tree, "label")

#' Fraction of correct calls per node
#' This function returns the fraction correctly assigned to each node (as defined that the actual
#'   and predicted cluster are both in the same node)
#' @param dendIn dendrogram for mapping.  Ignored if minimizeHeight=FALSE
#' @param clActual character vector of actual cluster assignments
#' @param clPredict character vector of predicted cluster assignments
#' @param minCount set to 0 results from clusters with fewer than this number of cells (default
#'   is to consider all clusters)
#' @param defaultSum value to return in cases where there are fewer than minCount cells in the
#'   actual cluster (e.g., cases that aren't considered at all)
#' @param out required for recursive function.  Do not set!
#' @return matrix of two columns: (1) node name and (2) the fraction of cells in that node that
#'   are correctly assigned
#' @export
fractionCorrectPerNode <- function(dendIn,
                                   minCount = 0.1,
                                   defaultSum = -1,
                                   out = NULL) {
  clActual <- as.character(clActual)
  clPredict <- as.character(clPredict)
  if (length(dendIn) > 1) {
    for (i in 1:length(dendIn)) {
      allLabels <- labels(dendIn[[i]])
      nodeName <- attr(dendIn[[i]], "label")
      isActual <- is.element(clActual, allLabels)
      isPredict <- is.element(clPredict, allLabels)
      fractionCorrrect <- signif(sum(isActual & isPredict) / sum(isPredict + 1e-11), 3) # CHECK THIS
      if (sum(isActual) < minCount) fractionCorrrect <- defaultSum
      out <- rbind(out, c(nodeName, fractionCorrrect))
      colnames(out) <- c("nodeName", "fractionCorrrect")
      out <- fractionCorrectPerNode(dendIn[[i]], clActual, clPredict, minCount, defaultSum, out)
  out <- as.data.frame(out)
  out$fractionCorrrect <- as.numeric(as.character(out$fractionCorrrect))
  rownames(out) <- out[, 1]

#' Filter by meta-data
#' Return a filter of TRUE/FALSE values for a given piece of meta-data (e.g., broad class).
#' @param classVector vector corresponding to the class information for filtering (e.g., vector
#'   of label calls)
#' @param sampleInfo matrix of sample information with rows corresponding to cells and columns
#'   corresponding to meta-data
#' @param classColumn column name of class information
#' @param clusterColumn column name of cluster information
#' @param threshold minimum fraction of cluster cells from a given class to be considered present
#' @return a matrix of filters with rows as clusters and columns as classes with entries of TRUE or
#'   FALSE indicating whether cells from a given class can assigned to that cluster, given threshold.
#' @export
filterByClass <- function(classVector,
                          classColumn = "cluster_type_label",
                          clusterColumn = "cluster_label",
                          threshold = 0.1) {
  out <- table(factor(sampleInfo[, clusterColumn]), factor(sampleInfo[, classColumn]))
  out <- out / rowSums(out)
  out <- out > threshold

  # Allow for names that not present in the
  # sampleInfo file
  out <- as.data.frame(out)
  tmp <- setdiff(classVector, colnames(out))
  if (length(tmp) > 0) {
    for (tm in tmp) out[, tm] <- TRUE
  out <- as.matrix(out)

  # Remove '' names
  classVector[classVector == ""] <- "none"
  rownames(out)[rownames(out) == ""] <- "none"
  colnames(out)[colnames(out) == ""] <- "none"

  # Find and output the filter matrix
  outTable <- t(out[, classVector])
  if (length(classVector) == dim(sampleInfo)[1]) {
    rownames(outTable) <- sampleInfo[, "sample_id"]

#' Subsample cells
#' Subsets a categorical vector to include up to a maximum number of values for each category.
#' @param clusters vector of cluster labels (or any category) in factor or character format
#' @param subSamp maximum number of values for each category to subsample.  Can be single integer
#'   for global subsampling, or a *named* vector corresponding to how many values to take from each
#'   category in clusters.
#' @param seed for reproducibility
#' @return returns a vector of TRUE / FALSE with a maximum of subSamp TRUE calls per category
#' @export
subsampleCells <- function(clusters,
                           subSamp = 25,
                           seed = 5) {
    subSamp = rep(subSamp,length(unique(as.character(clusters))))
    names(subSamp) <- unique(as.character(clusters))
  kpSamp <- rep(FALSE, length(clusters))
  for (cli in unique(as.character(clusters))) {
    val = subSamp[cli]
      seed <- seed + 1
      kp <- which(clusters == cli)
      kpSamp[kp[sample(1:length(kp), min(length(kp), val))]] <- TRUE

#' Fraction of cells correctly assigned
#' This function takes as input an ordered set of marker genes (e.g., from at iterative
#'   algorithm), and returns a vector showing the fraction of cells correctly mapped.
#' @param orderedGenes an ordered list of input genes (e.g. from an iterative algorithm)
#' @param mapDat normalized data of the mapping (=reference) data set.
#' @param medianDat median value for each leaf
#' @param clustersF cluster calls for each cell
#' @param verbose whether or not to show progress in the function
#' @param plot if TRUE, plotCorrectWithGenes is run
#' @param ... parameters passed to plotCorrectWithGenes (if plot=TRUE)
#' @param return if TRUE, the value is returned
#' @return a vector showing the fraction of cells correctly mapped to each cluster
#' @export
fractionCorrectWithGenes <- function(orderedGenes,
                                     verbose = FALSE,
                                     plot = TRUE,
                                     return = TRUE,
                                     ...) {
  numGn <- 2:length(orderedGenes)
  frac <- rep(0, length(orderedGenes))
  for (i in numGn) {
    gns <- orderedGenes[1:i]
    corMapTmp <- suppressWarnings(corTreeMapping(
      mapDat = mapDat,
      medianDat = medianDat, genesToMap = gns
    corMapTmp[is.na(corMapTmp)] <- 0
    topLeafTmp <- getTopMatch(corMapTmp)
    frac[i] <- 100 * mean(topLeafTmp[, 1] == clustersF)
  frac[is.na(frac)] <- 0
  if (plot) {
    plotCorrectWithGenes(frac, genes = orderedGenes, ...)
  if (return) {

#' Correct mapping at different tree heights
#' This function takes as input an ordered set of marker genes (e.g., from at iterative algorithm,
#'   and returns an table showing the fraction of cells correctly mapped to a similar cell type
#'   (as defined by the heights parameter).  A height of 1 indicates correct mapping to the leaf.
#' @param orderedGenes an ordered list of input genes (e.g. from an iterative algorithm)
#' @param dend dendrogram for mapping.
#' @param mapDat normalized data of the mapping (=reference) data set.
#' @param medianDat median value for each leaf
#' @param clustersF cluster calls for each cell
#' @param minVal minimum number of genes to consider from the list in the mapping
#' @param heights height in the tree to look at
#' @param verbose whether or not to show progress in the function
#' @return a matrix of fractions of cells correctly mapped for different tree heights (columns)
#'   and different gene panels (rows)
#' @export
buildQualityTable <- function(orderedGenes,
                              minVal = 2,
                              heights = c((0:100) / 100),
                              verbose = FALSE) {
  minVal <- max(2, round(minVal))
  nodeHeight <- get_nodes_attr(dend, "height")
  nodeHeight <- 1 - nodeHeight / max(nodeHeight)
  names(nodeHeight) <- get_nodes_attr(dend, "label")

  outTable <- matrix(0, nrow = length(orderedGenes), ncol = length(heights))
  rownames(outTable) <- orderedGenes
  colnames(outTable) <- paste0("Height_", heights)

  for (r in minVal:length(orderedGenes)) {
    if (verbose) print(r)
    gns <- orderedGenes[1:r]
    topLeafTmp <- suppressWarnings(getTopMatch(corTreeMapping(
      mapDat = mapDat, medianDat = medianDat, genesToMap = gns
    lcaVector <- nodeHeight[lca(dend, as.character(topLeafTmp[, 1]), clustersF)]
    for (c in 1:length(heights)) {
      outTable[r, c] <- mean(lcaVector >= (1 - heights[c]))

#' Plot fraction correct
#' This function is a wrapper for plot designd for plotting the fraction correctly mapped for a given gene set.
#'   If geneN is the Nth gene, the plotted value indicates correct mapping using genes 1:N.
#' @param frac a numeric vector indicating the fraction of cells correctly mapped for a given gene panel
#' @param genes ordered character vector (e.g., of genes) to be plotted; default is names(frac)
#' @param ... additional parameters for plot.
#' @export
plotCorrectWithGenes <- function(frac,
                                 genes = names(frac),
                                 xlab = "Number of genes in panel",
                                 main = "All clusters gene panel",
                                 ylim = c(-10, 100),
                                 lwd = 5,
                                 ylab = "Percent of nuclei correctly mapping",
                                 colLine = "grey",
                                 ...) {
  numGn <- 1:length(frac)
  plot(numGn, frac,
    type = "l", col = "grey", xlab = xlab,
    ylab = ylab, main = main, ylim = ylim, lwd = lwd, ...
  abline(h = (-2:20) * 5, lty = "dotted", col = colLine)
  abline(h = 0, col = "black", lwd = 2)
  text(numGn, frac, genes, srt = 90)

#' Get binary (aka beta) score
#' Returns a beta score which indicates the binaryness of a gene across clusters.  High scores
#'   (near 1) indicate that a gene is either on or off in nearly all cells of every cluster.
#'   Scores near 0 indicate a cells is non-binary (e.g., not expressed, ubiquitous, or
#'   randomly expressed).  This value is used for gene filtering prior to defining clustering.
#' @param propExpr a matrix of proportions of cells (rows) in a given cluster (columns) with
#'   CPM/FPKM > 1 (or 0, HCT uses 1)
#' @param returnScore if TRUE returns the score, if FALSE returns the ranks
#' @param spec.exp scaling factor (recommended to leave as default)
#' @return returns a numeric vector of beta score (or ranks)
#' @export
getBetaScore <- function(propExpr,
                         returnScore = TRUE,
                         spec.exp = 2) {
  calc_beta <- function(y, spec.exp = 2) {
    d1 <- as.matrix(dist(y))
    eps1 <- 1e-10
    # Marker score is combination of specificity and sparsity
    score1 <- sum(d1^spec.exp) / (sum(d1) + eps1)

  betaScore <- apply(propExpr, 1, calc_beta)
  betaScore[is.na(betaScore)] <- 0
  if (returnScore) return(betaScore)
  scoreRank <- rank(-betaScore)
#' Calculate row medians
#' This is a wrapper for matrixStats::rowMedians that doesn't crash if a vector is provided as input
#' @param x a matrix or vector of values
#' @return if the input is a matrix, return row medians.  If a vector, it returns the inputted vector
#' @export
rowMedians <- function(x,...) {
  if(is.matrix(x)) return(matrixStats::rowMedians(x,...))
AllenInstitute/mfishtools documentation built on July 5, 2023, 4:20 p.m.