
Defines functions .spread.labels .boxed.labels

## .BOXED.LABELS ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' Boxed Labels - Modified plotrix
#' @param x,y  x and y position of the centers of the labels. \code{x} can be a
#'   xy.coords list.
#' @param bg The fill color of the rectangles on which the labels are displayed
#'   (see Details).
#' @param labels Text strings.
#' @param border Whether to draw borders around the rectangles.
#' @param xpad,ypad The proportion of the rectangles to the extent of the text
#'   within.
#' @param srt Rotation of the labels. if 90 or 270 degrees, the box will be
#'   rotated 90 degrees.
#' @param cex Character expansion. See \code{text}.
#' @param adj left/right adjustment. If this is set outside the function, the
#'   box will not be aligned properly.
#' @param xlog Whether the X axis is a log axis.
#' @param ylog Whether the y axis is a log axis.
#' @param alpha.bg Numeric [0,1] controlling the transparency of the background,
#'   set to 0.5 by default.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{text}.
#' @author Dillon Hammill (Dillon.Hammill@anu.edu.au)
#' @importFrom graphics par strwidth strheight rect text
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb adjustcolor
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @noRd
.boxed.labels <- function(x,
                          y = NA,
                          bg = ifelse(match(par("bg"), "transparent", 0),
                                      "white", par("bg")
                          border = NA,
                          xpad = 1.2,
                          ypad = 1.2,
                          srt = 0,
                          cex = 1,
                          adj = 0.5,
                          xlog = FALSE,
                          ylog = FALSE,
                          alpha.bg = 0.5, ...) {
  border <- NA
  oldpars <- par(c("cex", "xpd"))
  par(cex = cex, xpd = TRUE)
    y <- x
  box.adj <- adj + (xpad - 1) * cex * (0.5 - adj)
  if (srt == 90 || srt == 270) {
    bheights <- strwidth(labels)
    theights <- bheights * (1 - box.adj)
    bheights <- bheights * box.adj
    lwidths <- rwidths <- strheight(labels) * 0.5
  else {
    lwidths <- strwidth(labels)
    rwidths <- lwidths * (1 - box.adj)
    lwidths <- lwidths * box.adj
    bheights <- theights <- strheight(labels) * 0.5
  args <- list(
    x = x, y = y, labels = labels, srt = srt, adj = adj,
    col = ifelse(colSums(col2rgb(bg) * c(1, 1.4, 0.6)) <
                   350, "white", "black")
  args <- modifyList(args, list(...))
  if (xlog) {
    xpad <- xpad * 2
    xr <- exp(log(x) - lwidths * xpad)
    xl <- exp(log(x) + lwidths * xpad)
  else {
    xr <- x - lwidths * xpad
    xl <- x + lwidths * xpad
  if (ylog) {
    ypad <- ypad * 2
    yb <- exp(log(y) - bheights * ypad)
    yt <- exp(log(y) + theights * ypad)
  else {
    yb <- y - bheights * ypad
    yt <- y + theights * ypad
       col = adjustcolor(col = bg, alpha.f = alpha.bg),
       border = border
  do.call(text, args)
  par(cex = oldpars)

## .SPREAD.LABELS --------------------------------------------------------------

#' spread.labs from TeachingDemos
#' Used internally in cyto_plot to offset overlapping labels in y direction.
#' @param x x or y co-ordinates to spread out
#' @param mindiff minimum difference between values
#' @param maxiter maximum number of iterations
#' @param stepsize how far to move values with each iteration
#' @param min minimum bound for returned values
#' @param max maximum bound for returned values
#' @return spread co-ordinates
#' @author Greg Snow \email{538280@gmail.com}
#' @noRd
.spread.labels <- function(x, 
                        max=Inf) {
  unsort <- order(order(x))
  x <- sort(x)
  df <- x[-1] - x[ -length(x) ]
  stp <- mindiff * stepsize
  i <- 1
  while( any( df < mindiff ) ) {
    tmp <- c( df < mindiff, FALSE )
    if( tmp[1] && (x[1] - stp) < min ) {  # don't move bottom set
      tmp2 <- as.logical( cumprod(tmp) )
      tmp <- tmp & !tmp2
    x[ tmp ] <- x[ tmp ] - stp
    tmp <- c( FALSE, df < mindiff )
    if( tmp[length(tmp)] && (x[length(x)] + stp) > max ) { # don't move top
      tmp2 <- rev( as.logical( cumprod( rev(tmp) ) ) )
      tmp <- tmp & !tmp2
    x[ tmp ] <- x[ tmp] + stp
    df <- x[-1] - x[-length(x)]
    i <- i + 1
    if( i > maxiter ) {
      warning("Maximum iterations reached")
DillonHammill/CytoExploreR documentation built on March 2, 2023, 7:34 a.m.