
#' Genomic risk scores
#' Prolaris, Oncotype DX, Decipher transcriptome panels for prostate cancer risk
#' @param mae MultiAssayExperiment object with gene expression available
#' @param slot Name of the Gene Expression slot, by default grepping for 'gex' prefix and picking the hit
#' @param test Type of test; available: "Prolaris", "Oncotype DX", and "Decipher" (case insensitive)
#' @param log Should data be log(x+1)-transformed prior to calculating the risk score
#' @details
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
genomic_risk <- function(mae,
                         slot = grep("gex", names(mae), value = TRUE),
                         test = c("Prolaris", "Oncotype DX", "Decipher"),
                         log = FALSE # Should log-transformation be applied to the data for genomic risk score calculations; should not be utilized if data is transformed already
) {
  # Internal function for automatically extracting the latest curatedPCaData::curatedPCaData_genes[,"Aliases"] for a specific hugo symbol
  expandAliases <- function(gene) {
    if (length(which(curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol == gene)) > 0) {
          strsplit(curatedPCaData_genes[which(curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol == gene), "Aliases"], ";")[[1]]
    } else {
  # Internal function that extract expression value if it is present in matrix; otherwise imputes defined value, and gives a warning
  # List of aliases, and data matrix x with columns as genes
  extractGene <- function(genelist, x, impute = NA) {
    if (any(genelist %in% colnames(x))) {
      # Take the most recent alias hit
      x[, intersect(colnames(x), genelist)[1]]
    } else {
      warning(paste("Gene list", paste(genelist, collapse = ";"), "not found from data matrix"))
      rep(impute, times = nrow(x))

  # Prolaris
  prolaris_genes <- list(
    "FOXM1" = c("FOXM1"),
    "CDC20" = c("CDC20"),
    "CDKN3" = c("CDKN3"),
    "CDC2" = c("CDC2"),
    "KIF11" = c("KIF11"),
    "KIAA0101" = c("KIAA0101"),
    "NUSAP1" = c("NUSAP1"),
    "CENPF" = c("CENPF"),
    "ASPM" = c("ASPM"),
    "BUB1B" = c("BUB1B"),
    "RRM2" = c("RRM2"),
    "DLGAP5" = c("DLGAP5"),
    "BIRC5" = c("BIRC5"),
    "KIF20A" = c("KIF20A"),
    "PLK1" = c("PLK1"),
    "TOP2A" = c("TOP2A"),
    "TK1" = c("TK1"),
    "PBK" = c("PBK"),
    "ASF1B" = c("ASF1B"),
    "C18orf24" = c("C18orf24"),
    "RAD54L" = c("RAD54L"),
    "PTTG1" = c("PTTG1"),
    "CDCA3" = c("CDCA3"),
    "MCM10" = c("MCM10"),
    "PRC1" = c("PRC1"),
    "DTL" = c("DTL"),
    "CEP55" = c("CEP55"),
    "RAD51" = c("RAD51"),
    "CENPM" = c("CENPM"),
    "CDCA8" = c("CDCA8"),
    "ORC6L" = c("ORC6L"),
    "SKA1" = c("SKA1"),
    "ORC6" = c("ORC6"),
    "CDK1" = c("CDK1")
  prolaris_genes <- lapply(prolaris_genes, FUN = expandAliases)

  # Oncotype DX
  oncotype_genes <- list(
    "AZGP1" = c("AZGP1"),
    "KLK2" = c("KLK2"),
    "SRD5A2" = c("SRD5A2"),
    "FAM13C" = c("FAM13C"),
    "FLNC" = c("FLNC"),
    "GSN" = c("GSN"),
    "TPM2" = c("TPM2"),
    "GSTM2" = c("GSTM2"),
    "TPX2" = c("TPX2"),
    "BGN" = c("BGN"),
    "COL1A1" = c("COL1A1"),
    "SFRP4" = c("SFRP4")
  oncotype_genes <- lapply(oncotype_genes, FUN = expandAliases)

  # Table 2
  decipher_genes_over <- list(
    "CAMK2N1" = c("CAMK2N1"),
    "EPPK1" = c("EPPK1"),
    "IQGAP3" = c("IQGAP3"),
    "LASP1" = c("LASP1"),
    "NFIB" = c("NFIB"),
    "NUSAP1" = c("NUSAP1"),
    "PBX1" = c("PBX1"),
    "S1PR4" = c("S1PR4"),
    "THBS2" = c("THBS2"),
    "UBE2C" = c("UBE2C"),
    "ZWILCH" = c("ZWILCH")
  decipher_genes_over <- lapply(decipher_genes_over, FUN = expandAliases)
  decipher_genes_under <- list(
    "ANO7" = c("ANO7"),
    "C6orf10" = c("C6orf10", "TSBP1"),
    "PCDH7" = c("PCDH7"),
    "MYBPC1" = c("MYBPC1"),
    "TSBP" = c("TSBP"),
    "RABGAP1" = c("RABGAP1"),
    "PCAT-32" = c("PCAT-32", "PCAT1"),
    "PCAT-80" = c("PCAT-80", "GLYATL1P4"),
    "TNFRSF19" = c("TNFRSF19")
  decipher_genes_under <- lapply(decipher_genes_under, FUN = expandAliases)
  # Gene name annotations / changes from original publication
  # C6orf10 -> TSBP1
  # PCAT-32 -> PCAT1

  dat <- mae@ExperimentList[[slot]]
  dat <- t(dat)
  dat <-
  # Log-transformation
  if (log) {
    dat <- log2(dat + 1)

  # Prolaris
  if (base::tolower(test) == "prolaris") {
    if (length(intersect(colnames(dat), unlist(prolaris_genes))) != 31) {
        "Prolaris risk score based off of ",
        length(intersect(colnames(dat), unlist(prolaris_genes))),
        " out of 31 genes"

    risk <- dat[, colnames(dat) %in% unlist(prolaris_genes)]
    gene_med <- apply(risk, MARGIN = 2, stats::median)
    # risk_centered <- risk - gene_med
    # Genes should be shifted in a row-wise manner
    risk_centered <- t(apply(risk, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {
      x - gene_med

    # Squaring the median centered expression values
    risk_centered <- risk_centered^2

    risk_score <- apply(risk_centered, 1, mean)
    risk_score <- log2(risk_score)

    # Oncotype DX
  } else if (base::tolower(test) %in% c("oncotype dx", "oncotypedx", "oncotype")) {
    if (!length(intersect(colnames(dat), unlist(oncotype_genes))) == 12) {
        "The following required Oncotype DX genes: ",
        paste(setdiff(names(oncotype_genes), colnames(dat)), collapse = ", "),
        " are not present in colnames of the data"
    # dat$TPX2_bounded <- ifelse(dat$TPX2 < 5, 5, dat$TPX2)
    # dat$SRD5A2_bounded <- ifelse(dat$SRD5A2 < 5.5, 5.5, dat$SRD5A2)

    # cellular_organization_module = dat$FLNC + dat$GSN + dat$TPM2 + dat$GSTM2
    # stromal_module = dat$BGN + dat$COL1A1 + dat$SFRP4
    # androgen_module = dat$FAM13C + dat$KLK2 + dat$SRD5A2_bounded + dat$AZGP1

    cellular_organization_module <-
      # (0.163*dat$FLNC) +
      (0.163 * extractGene(genelist = oncotype_genes[["FLNC"]], x = dat, impute = 0)) +
      # (0.504*dat$GSN) +
      (0.504 * extractGene(genelist = oncotype_genes[["GSN"]], x = dat, impute = 0)) +
      # (0.421*dat$TPM2) +
      (0.421 * extractGene(genelist = oncotype_genes[["TPM2"]], x = dat, impute = 0)) +
      # (0.394*dat$GSTM2)
      (0.394 * extractGene(genelist = oncotype_genes[["GSTM2"]], x = dat, impute = 0))
    stromal_module <-
      # (0.527*dat$BGN) +
      (0.527 * extractGene(genelist = oncotype_genes[["BGN"]], x = dat, impute = 0)) +
      # (0.457*dat$COL1A1) +
      (0.457 * extractGene(genelist = oncotype_genes[["COL1A1"]], x = dat, impute = 0)) +
      # (0.156*dat$SFRP4)
      (0.156 * extractGene(genelist = oncotype_genes[["SFRP4"]], x = dat, impute = 0))
    androgen_module <-
      # (0.634*dat$FAM13C) +
      (0.634 * extractGene(genelist = oncotype_genes[["FAM13C"]], x = dat, impute = 0)) +
      # (1.079*dat$KLK2) +
      (1.079 * extractGene(genelist = oncotype_genes[["KLK2"]], x = dat, impute = 0)) +
      # (0.997*dat$SRD5A2_bounded) +
      # Lower bound 5.5
      (0.997 * unlist(lapply(extractGene(genelist = oncotype_genes[["SRD5A2"]], x = dat, impute = 0), FUN = function(x) {
        max(5.5, x)
      }))) +
      # (0.642*dat$AZGP1)
      (0.642 * extractGene(genelist = oncotype_genes[["AZGP1"]], x = dat, impute = 0))
    proliferation_module <- # dat$TPX2_bounded
      # Lower bound 5
      unlist(lapply(extractGene(genelist = oncotype_genes[["TPX2"]], x = dat, impute = 0), FUN = function(x) {
        max(5, x)

    risk_score <- 0.735 * stromal_module - 0.368 * cellular_organization_module - 0.352 * androgen_module + 0.095 * proliferation_module
    names(risk_score) <- rownames(dat)


    # Decipher
  } else if (base::tolower(test) %in% c("decipher", "decypher")) {
    if (length(intersect(colnames(dat), c(unlist(decipher_genes_over), unlist(decipher_genes_under)))) != 19) {
        "The following required Decipher genes: ",
        paste(setdiff(c(unlist(decipher_genes_over), unlist(decipher_genes_under)), colnames(dat)), collapse = ", "),
        " are not present in colnames of the GEX data"

    # Take intersection of available gene names and over and under expressed gene symbols and their aliases
    over <- intersect(colnames(dat), unlist(decipher_genes_over))
    under <- intersect(colnames(dat), unlist(decipher_genes_under))

    # Intersect between Decipher risk score genes ideally available and current data matrix
    risk <- dat[, intersect(colnames(dat), c(over, under))]

    # Median centering
    gene_med <- apply(risk, MARGIN = 2, stats::median)
    # risk_centered <- risk - gene_med
    # Genes should be shifted in a row-wise manner
    risk_centered <- t(apply(risk, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {
      x - gene_med

    # average of the log2 normalized values for the 9 over-expressed targets
    c1 <- apply(risk_centered[, over], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {
      mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)

    # average of the log2 normalized values for the 9 under-expressed targets
    c2 <- apply(risk_centered[, under], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {
      mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)

    # Risk score as the difference between over- and underrepresented genes
    risk_score <- c1 - c2

  } else {
    stop(paste("Invalid genomic risk score name:", test))

#' Various genomic scores
#' AR score by Hieronymus et al 2006 as used by TCGA 2015
#' Quote: "To address these questions, we sought to infer the AR output of tumors
#' by calculating an AR activity score from the expression pattern of 20 genes that
#' are experimentally validated AR transcriptional targets (Hieronymus et al., 2006)."
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
genomic_score <- function(mae, # MultiAssayExperiment object
                          slot = "gex", # Slot inside MAE object to use as the gene expression
                          test = "AR", # Test/score to calculate; by default Androgen Receptor (AR) score is calculated
                          verbose = TRUE # Warnings for not found symbols etc
) {
  # TCGA methodology for AR output score analysis: (Section 6 in supplementary of )
  # "The AR output score is derived from the mRNA expression of genes that are experimentally
  # validated AR transcriptional targets (Hieronymus et al., 2006). Precisely, a list of 20 genes
  # upregulated in LNCaP cells stimulated with the synthetic androgen R1881 was used as a gene
  # signature of androgen-induced genes. An AR output score was defined by the quantification of
  # the composite expression of this 20-gene signature in each sample. Here, we measured
  # differential AR activity between genomic subtypes (ERG, ETV1/4/FLI1, SPOP, FOXA1, other,
  # normal prostate). To this aim, we computed a Z-score for the expression of each gene in each
  # sample by subtracting the pooled mean from the RNA-seq expression values and dividing by
  # the pooled standard deviation."

  # Fig 1B
  # " A gene expression signature of androgen stimulation was defined from gene expression profiles of LNCaP cells stimulated with the synthetic androgen R1881 for 12 hr and 24 hr,
  # as compared to androgen-deprived LNCaP cells. The 27 gene signature contains both androgen-induced and androgen-repressed genes, shown here by row-normalized heat map."
  ## Genes as they were in Hieronymus et al 2006
  if (FALSE) {
    hieronymus_genes_up <- c(
      "KLK3", # "PSA", # PSA -> KLK3 gene
      "TMPRSS2", "NKX3.1", # "NKX3-1", # Aliases
      "KLK2", "GNMT", "PMEPA1", # "TMEPAI", # Updated annotation; TMEPAI -> PMEPA1
      "MPHOSHP9", # "MPHOS9", # MPHOS9 -> MPHOSPH9
      "ZBTB10", "EAF2",
      "CENPN", # "BM039", # BM039 -> CENPN
      # "SARG", # SARG not found; could be C1orf116
      "ACSL3", "PTGER4", "ABCC4",
      "NNMT", "ADAM7", "FKBP5", "ELL2", "MED28", "HERC3", "MAF"
    # Based on Fib 1C ELL2 might fit better into down than up
    hieronymus_genes_dn <- c("TNK1", "GLRA2", "MAPRE2", "PIP5K2B", "MAN1A1", "CD200")
  # TCGA version of Hieronymus AR-genes (panel A rows):
  if (FALSE) {
    hieronymus_genes_up <- c(
      "KLK3", "KLK2", "PMEPA1",
      "NKX3-1", "NKX3.1", # Two naming conventions, '-' replaced with '.'
      "C1orf116", # Not conventionally found from GEX
      "FKBP5", "ACSL3", "ZBTB10", "HERC3",
      "PTGER4", "MPHOSPH9", "EAF2", "MED28", "NNMT", "MAF",
      "GNMT", "CENPN", "ELL2", "TMPRSS2"
  # TCGA version of AR score supporting gene aliases and different naming conventions

  if (base::tolower(test) %in% c("ar", "ar score", "ar-score", "ar_score")) {
    # Aliases queried using
    ar_genes <- list(
      "KLK3" = c("KLK3", "PSA", "APS", "KLK2A1"), # Possibly HK3; ambiguous
      "KLK2" = c("KLK2", "HGK-1", "HGK.1", "KLK2A2"), # Possibly HK2; ambiguous
      "PMEPA1" = c("PMEPA1", "STAG1", "TMEPAI"),
      "ABCC4" = c("ABCC4", "MRP4", "MOATB", "MOAT-B", "MOAT.B"),
      "NKX3-1" = c("NKX3-1", "NKX3.1", "BAPX2", "NKX3A"),
      "C1orf116" = c("C1orf116", "SARG", "FLJ36507", "MGC2742", "MGC4309"),
      "FKBP5" = c("FKBP5", "FKBP51", "FKBP54", "FKBP-51", "FKBP.51", "AIG6", "FKBP-5", "FKBP.5"),
      "ACSL3" = c("ACSL3", "FACL3", "LACS3"),
      "ZBTB10" = c("ZBTB10", "RINZFC", "RINZF"),
      "HERC3" = c("HERC3"),
      "PTGER4" = c("PTGER4", "EP4", "P4R"), # Possibly PTGER2; ambiguous
      "MPHOSPH9" = c("MPHOSPH9", "MPHOS9", "MPP9", "MPP-9", "MPP.9"),
      "EAF2" = c("EAF2", "TRAITS", "BM040", "U19"),
      "MED28" = c("MED28", "EG1"),
      "NNMT" = c("NNMT"),
      "MAF" = c("MAF", "CTRCT21", "AYGRP", "CCA4", "C-MAF", "C.MAF"),
      "GNMT" = c("GNMT"),
      "CENPN" = c("CENPN", "ICEN32", "BM039", "FLJ13607", "FLJ22660"),
      "ELL2" = c("ELL2", "MRCCAT1"),
      "TMPRSS2" = c("TMPRSS2", "PRSS10")

    missing <- 0

    # Pooled normalization - pooling within sample over all genes as done in TCGA
    gex <- mae[[slot]]
    gez <- t(apply(gex, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(z) {
      scale(z, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
    dimnames(gez) <- dimnames(gex)

    # TCGA computed AR scores based on just up regulated genes; sum of z-scores from pooled normalization
    # Check for gene name overlaps and warn of missing ones
    if (verbose) {
      lapply(1:length(ar_genes), FUN = function(z) {
        if (length(intersect(rownames(gez), ar_genes[[z]])) > 1) {
          warning(paste("Warning! More than one gene name alias found for:", names(ar_genes)[z]))
        if (length(intersect(rownames(gez), ar_genes[[z]])) == 0) {
          warning(paste("Warning! No gene name from alias list found for:", names(ar_genes)[z]))
    # lapply over patients
    res <- unlist(lapply(colnames(gez), FUN = function(patient) {
      # lapply over genes for AR score and their aliases
      sum(unlist(lapply(ar_genes, FUN = function(z) {
        gez[intersect(rownames(gez), z), patient]
      })), na.rm = TRUE)
    names(res) <- colnames(gex)
  } else {
    stop(paste("Unknown genomic score parameter:", test))
Syksy/curatedPCaData documentation built on June 3, 2024, 3:10 a.m.