#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
option_list <- list(
make_option(c("-n", "--data_name"),
type = "character", default = NULL,
help = "Name of dataset"
make_option(c("-i", "--index"),
type = "character", default = NULL,
help = "Path to a complete scfindME index"
make_option(c("-t", "--node_types", default='CE,AD,AA,NA,RI'),
type = "character", default = NULL,
help = "Node types to consider when detecting blocks, split by comma"
make_option(c("-o", "--output"),
type = "character", default = NULL,
help = "Directory where discovered node blocks in all genes will be written as an .rds file"
# parse input
opt <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list = option_list))
name <- opt$data_name
index_path <- opt$index
output <- opt$output
types <- opt$node_types
# library(scfindME)
index <- loadObject(index_path)
object <- index
stats <- object@metadata$stats
stats$node_id <- rownames(stats)
node.list <- object@metadata$node_list
all_genes <- as.character(levels(factor(node.list$Gene_name)))
types <- str_split(types, ",") %>% flatten_chr()
a <- merge(stats, node.list,
by.x = "node_id",
by.y = "Node_id",
all.x = FALSE,
all.y = FALSE
) %>% unique()
d <- data.frame()
node_types <- "node_types_all"
message("start processing all genes to find MXEs")
node_num <- 1
for (gene in all_genes) {
nodes <- geneNodes(object, gene, "Gene_name")
nodes$Type = as.character(nodes$Type)
if (nrow(nodes) == 0) {
if (nrow(nodes) > 1) {
nodes_check <- nodes[which(nodes$Type %in% types), "Node_id"]
if (length(nodes_check) >= 2) {
pairs <- as.data.frame(combn(nodes_check, 2))
for (i in seq(1, ncol(pairs))) {
skip_to_next <- FALSE
node_1 <- pairs[1, i]
node_2 <- pairs[2, i]
a_1 <- a[which(a$node_id %in% node_1), ]
a_2 <- a[which(a$node_id %in% node_2), ]
test_comb <- c(node_1, paste("-", node_2, sep = ""))
test_comb_2 <- c(node_2, paste("-", node_1, sep = ""))
if (0.9 <= (a_1[1, "mean"] + a_2[1, "mean"]) &
(a_1[1, "mean"] + a_2[1, "mean"]) <= 1.1 &
abs(a_1[1, "SD"] - a_2[1, "SD"]) < 0.1) {
# at least in one cell typs it is specific
condition <- tryCatch(
suppressMessages(sum(hyperQueryCellTypes(object, test_comb, datasets = "above")$pval < 0.05) >= 1 | sum(hyperQueryCellTypes(object, test_comb_2, datasets = "above")$pval < 0.05) >= 1)
error = function(e) {
skip_to_next <<- TRUE
if (skip_to_next) {
} else if (condition == TRUE) {
# this is a promising mutually exclusive exon
message("find a mutually exclusive exon pair that is cell type specific")
if (sum(hyperQueryCellTypes(object, test_comb, datasets = "above")$pval < 0.05) >= 1 & sum(hyperQueryCellTypes(object, test_comb_2, datasets = "above")$pval < 0.05) >= 1) {
sig_cell_types = suppressMessages(rbind(hyperQueryCellTypes(object, test_comb, datasets = "above") %>% filter(pval < 0.05), hyperQueryCellTypes(object, test_comb_2, datasets = "above") %>% filter(pval < 0.05)))
} else if (sum(hyperQueryCellTypes(object, test_comb, datasets = "above")$pval < 0.05) >= 1){
sig_cell_types = suppressMessages(hyperQueryCellTypes(object, test_comb, datasets = "above") %>% filter(pval < 0.05))
} else if (sum(hyperQueryCellTypes(object, test_comb_2, datasets = "above")$pval < 0.05) >= 1){
sig_cell_types = suppressMessages(hyperQueryCellTypes(object, test_comb_2, datasets = "above") %>% filter(pval < 0.05))
add <- rbind(a_1, a_2)
add <- merge(add, sig_cell_types)
add$node_num <- node_num
node_num <- node_num + 1
d <- rbind(d, add)
saveRDS(d, paste(output, "/", name, "_mutually_exclusive_exons.rds", sep = ""))
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