
Defines functions mval2beta loadSeqGEO probesChr groupGEO validateGEO loadAnnotationGEO importGEO plotBeta plotCpG validateBed is.defined filterByCGI filterByProm reorderBed isEmptyDF bed2Seq importLimma loadFile

Documented in bed2Seq filterByCGI filterByProm importGEO importLimma isEmptyDF loadFile loadSeqGEO plotBeta plotCpG reorderBed validateBed

## Package    : MeinteR
## File       : misc.R
## Functions  : loadFile (exported)
##            : importLimma (exported)
##            : bed2Seq (exported)
##            : nameStudy (exported)
##            : isEmptyDF
##            : reorderBed (exported)
##            : filterByProm
##            : filterByCGI
##            : is.defined
##            : validateBed
##            : plotCpG (exported)
##            : plotBeta (exported)
##            : importGEO  (exported)
##            : loadAnnotationGEO
##            : validateGEO
##            : groupGEO
##            : probesChr
##            : loadSeqGEO (exported)
##            : mval2beta
## Updated    : 20-08-2019
## Title      : Miscellaneous functions

rm(list = ls())
#Package local environmental variables
pkg.env <- new.env()
local(NAME <- "study", envir = pkg.env)

#Install package dependencies
# packages <-
#   c(
#     "ggplot2",
#     "plyr",
#     "stats4",
#     "reshape2",
#     "tidyverse",
#     "XVector",
#     "GenomeInfoDb",
#     "S4Vectors",
#     "stats",
#     "IRanges",
#     "BiocGenerics",
#     "parallel",
#     "base",
#     "reshape2",
#     "grDevices",
#     "graphics",
#     "utils"
#   )
# new.packages <-
#   packages[!(packages %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
# if (length(new.packages))
#   install.packages(new.packages)
# bioconductor.packages <-
#   c(
#     "TFBSTools",
#     "TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene",
#     "Biostrings",
#     "BSgenome",
#     "pqsfinder",
#     "Biobase",
#     "DNAshapeR",
#     "JASPAR2018",
#     "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19",
#     "GenomicRanges",
#     "rtracklayer",
#     "BiocGenerics",
#     "S4Vectors",
#     "JASPAR2018",
#     "IRanges",
#     "pqsfinder",
#     "GenomeInfoDb",
#     "BSgenome",
#     "GenomicFeatures",
#     "XVector",
#     "GEOquery",
#     "FDb.InfiniumMethylation.hg19",
#     "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b2.hg19"
#   )
# bioc.packages <-
#   bioconductor.packages[!(bioconductor.packages  %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
# if (length(bioc.packages)) {
#   source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
#   biocLite(bioc.packages)
# }

#'Load input data
#' Loads tabular files containing methylation data. The function checks the delimiter and validates the order
#' of the columns (chr, start,end,score,strand).
#' @param   FH   Full path of the tabular methylation data
#' @return  df   A data frame with the tabular methylation data
#' @export

loadFile <- function(FH) {
  title.line <- readLines(FH, n = 1)
  if (grepl(";", title.line)) {
    bed.data <- read.csv(file = FH,
                         header = TRUE,
                         sep = ";")
  if (grepl(",", title.line)) {
    bed.data <- read.csv(file = FH,
                         header = TRUE,
                         sep = ",")
  if (grepl(",\t", title.line)) {
    bed.data <- read.csv(file = FH,
                         header = TRUE,
                         sep = "\t")
  message("Valid column names and ordering: chr,start,end,score,strand")
  message("Use reorderbed function to change the column names and order.")

#'Imports the results of differential methylation analyses exported by \code{limma}
#' @param ltop.obj Output of \code{limma} differential analysis. The output data frame produced by the \code{limma::topTable} function.
#' @param platform A string corresponding to the human methylation array. Possible values are "hm27k", "hm450k" and "EPIC" (default:hm450k)
#' @param sortBy The criterion for selecting probes of the MArrayLM object. Possible values are: "logFC", "P.Value", "adj.P.Val"
#' @return  df A well-formatted data frame to be used as input to the MeinteR workflow.
#' @export
importLimma <- function(ltop.obj, platform = "hm450k", sortBy="adj.P.Val") {
  platform.list <- c("hm450k", "hm27k", "epic")
  ltop.obj.cols <- c("logFC","AveExpr","t","P.Value","adj.P.Val","B")
  if (!exists("platform")){platform = "hm450k"}
  if (!exists("sortBy")){sortBy="adj.P.Val"}
  `%notin%` <- Negate(`%in%`)
  if (tolower(platform) %notin% (platform.list)) {stop("Invalid platform. Accepted platforms: hm27k, hm450k and epic.")}
  if (sum(colnames(ltop.obj) %notin% (ltop.obj.cols))>0) {stop("Invalid input format. Accepted input: limma::topTable data frame")}
  if (sortBy %notin% (ltop.obj.cols)){stop("Invalid value. Accepted inputs: limma::topTable data frame columns")}
    if (tolower(platform)==platform.list[1]){ 
    hm450k <- as.data.frame(get450k())
    platform.probes <- data.frame(hm450k[, 1:3], strand="+")
    colnames(platform.probes) = c("chr", "start","end","strand")
  if (tolower(platform)==platform.list[2]){ 
    hm27k <- as.data.frame(get27k())
    platform.probes <- data.frame(hm27k[, 1:3], strand="+")
    colnames(platform.probes) = c("chr", "start","end","strand")
  if (tolower(platform)==platform.list[3]){      
    epic = getAnnotation(IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b4.hg19)
    platform.probes = data.frame(epic[,1:2], epic[,2]+1, epic[,3])
    colnames(platform.probes) = c("chr", "start","end","strand")
    if (sum(rownames(ltop.obj) %notin% rownames(platform.probes))>0) {
      inv.probes <- which(rownames(ltop.obj) %notin% rownames(platform.probes)==TRUE)
      if (length(inv.probes)>100) {stop("More than 100 invalid probe ids are detected. Rownames should be probe ids e.g. cg03607359.")} else {
      message(paste(c("Invalid probes at lines: ", inv.probes), collapse=" "))}
      stop(paste("Rownames of ltop.obj should be",platform,"probe ids."))}
      lobj <- data.frame("score"=ltop.obj[,colnames(ltop.obj)==sortBy])
  res <- merge(lobj, platform.probes, by="row.names",all.x=TRUE)
  res <- reorderBed(res,3,4,5,2,6)

#'Fetch sequences from bed-formatted data frames
#' @param bedline  Valid bed-formatted data frame
#' @param offset Number of nucleotides expanded in each direction ([1,1000])
#' @return A DNAStringset containing the sequences in hg19 genome assembly
#' @export
bed2Seq <- function(bedline, offset) {
  #Depends on Biostrings, BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
  if (!(dplyr::between(offset, 0, 1000)))
    stop("Offset should be between 1 and 1000.")
  if (sum(is.na(bedline)) > 0) {
    stop("Input dataset contains ", sum(is.na(bedline)), "missing values.")
  strands = c("+", "-")
  if (!exists("bedline$strand")) {
    bedline$strand = "+"
  seq <- getSeq(
    bedline$chr ,
    start = bedline$start - offset,
    end = bedline$end + offset,
    strand = bedline$strand
  seq@ranges@NAMES = paste0(bedline$chr,
                            sep = "_",
                            sep = "_",

#'Set a study name
#'Sets a name to the analysis that appears in the exported plots.
#' @param study.name  A string corresponding to the name of the study
#' @return The name of the study
#' @export
nameStudy <- local(function (study.name) {
  NAME <<- study.name
}, envir = pkg.env)

#'Check if data frame is empty
#'Checks if a data frame has no values
#' @param df  The input data frame
#' @return TRUE/FALSE (TRUE is the data frame is empty)
#' @export
isEmptyDF <- function(df) {
  flag <- FALSE
  if (nrow(df) == 0) {
    flag <- TRUE

#' Reorder tabular methylation data to bed format
#' Reorders tabular methylation data to bed-formatted files.
#' Compatible inputs are .txt, .csv data and other textual formats that
#' contain the following mandatory columns: chr, start, end and score.
#' @param input.data A data frame containing input bed-formatted data
#' @param chr.col Column number containing the chromosome name
#' @param start.col Column number containing the chromosome's start position
#' @param end.col Column number containing the chromosome's end position
#' @param score.col Column number containing the methylation score values either beta or delta-beta
#' @param strand.col Column number containing the strand in the use data file ('+' strand is assumed if strand column is missing)
#' @return A valid bed-formatted file (input of the `MeinteR::find*` functions)
#' @export
reorderBed <-
           strand.col = NULL) {
    if (!is.defined(strand.col)) {
      input.data$strand = "+"
      bed <-
        cbind(input.data[, c(chr.col, start.col, end.col, score.col)], input.data$strand)
    } else {
      bed <-
        cbind(input.data[, c(chr.col, start.col, end.col, score.col, strand.col)])
    colnames(bed) = c("chr", "start", "end", "score", "strand")
    bed$start <- as.numeric(as.character(bed$start))
    bed$end <- as.numeric(as.character(bed$end))
    bed$score <- as.numeric(as.character(bed$score))
    return (bed)

#' Filter by promoters
#' Selects genomic coordinates included in promoters based on the UCSC hg19 gene coordinates.
#' @param input.data  A data frame containing input data in bed format
#' @param up.tss  Number of nucleotides upstream transcription start site
#' @param down.tss  Number of nucleotides downstream transcription start site
#' @return A data frame with the CpG sites located in promoter regions

filterByProm <- function(input.data, up.tss, down.tss) {
  if (sum(is.na(input.data)) > 0) {
    stop("Input dataset contains ", sum(is.na(input.data)), " missing values.")
  txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
  genes <- transcriptsBy(txdb, "gene")
  proms <-
    promoters(genes, upstream = up.tss, downstream = down.tss) #IRanges object
  input.GRanges <-
    makeGRangesFromDataFrame(input.data) #GRanges object
  x <-
    as.data.frame(subsetByOverlaps(input.GRanges, proms, type = "within"))
  res <-
      by.x = c("chr", "start", "end", "strand"),
      by.y = c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand")
  res <- reorderBed(res, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4)

#' Filter by CpG islands
#' Selects genomic coordinates included in CpG islands, using the cpgIslands dataset.
#' @param input.data  A data frame containing input data in bed format
#' @return A data frame with the CpG sites located in CpG islands

filterByCGI <- function(input.data) {
  if (sum(is.na(input.data)) > 0) {
    stop("Input dataset contains ", sum(is.na(input.data)), " missing values.")
  CGI <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(cpgIslands)
  input.GRanges <-
    makeGRangesFromDataFrame(input.data) #GRanges object
  x <-
    as.data.frame(subsetByOverlaps(input.GRanges, CGI, type = "within"))
  res <-
      by.x = c("chr", "start", "end", "strand"),
      by.y = c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand")
  res <- reorderBed(res, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4)

is.defined <- function(x)
  ! is.null(x)

#'Validate format of the input bed data
#'Validates input methylation data. Checks the presence of the chr, start, end, score columns.
#'If column `strand` is not set then `+` strand is assumed.
#'Cleans rows with empty cells and sets numeric format to the start, end and score columns.
#' @param bed.data  A data frame containing input bed-formatted data
#' @param omit.na Omit rows with empty cells (default:TRUE)
#' @return A well-formatted data frame
#' @export
validateBed <- function(bed.data, omit.na = TRUE) {
  if (isEmptyDF(bed.data)) {
    stop("Empty data frame")
  valid.cols <- c("chr", "start", "end", "score", "strand")
  if (!all(colnames(bed.data) %in% (valid.cols))) {
    stop("Invalid column names. Use reorderBed to match bed data with the column names.")
  strands = c("+", "-")
  if (is.null(bed.data$strand)) {
    bed.data$strand <- "+"
  if (isFALSE(bed.data$strand %in% (strands))) {
    bed.data$strand <- "+"
  if (omit.na) {
    bed.data <- na.omit(bed.data)
  if (unique(tolower(substring(bed.data$chr, 1, 3)) != "chr")) {
    bed.data$chr <- paste0("chr", bed.data$chr)
  bed.data$start <- as.numeric(bed.data$start)
  bed.data$end <- as.numeric(bed.data$end)
  bed.data$score <- as.numeric(bed.data$score)

#'Plot G+C-content and observed/expected ratio.
#' Generates density plots of the G+C content and
#' observed/expected CpG ratio for the input dataset and the human genome CpG islands
#' @param bed.data  A data frame containing input bed-formatted data
#' @param offset  Number of nucleotides expanded in each direction (default:200, min:20 max:1000)
#' @return 1/ A data frame containing the G+C content (percentage of island that is C or G)
#' and ratio of observed (CpG number) to expected(Number of C* Number of G/sequence length)
#' @return 2/ Density plot of the G+C-content
#' @return 3/ Density plot of the observed/expected ratio
#' @export

plotCpG <- function(bed.data, offset = 200) {
  if (!(dplyr::between(offset, 20, 1000)))
    stop("Check offset value (valid range [20,1000]).")
  while (!is.null(dev.list()))
  seqs = bed2Seq(bed.data, offset)
  res = alphabetFrequency(seqs)
  L = rowSums(res)
  cprop = res[, "C"]
  gprop = res[, "G"]
  GC = (cprop + gprop) / L
  denom = cprop * gprop
  nom = vcountPattern("CG", seqs) * L
  Observed = nom / denom
  cpgIslands$obsExp <- as.numeric(as.character(cpgIslands$obsExp))
  cpgIslands$perGc <- as.numeric(as.character(cpgIslands$perGc))
  d.gc.ref <-
    density(cpgIslands$perGc / 100, na.rm = TRUE, kernel = "gaussian")
  d.gc <- density(GC, na.rm = TRUE, kernel = "gaussian")
  y.max <- max(max(d.gc$y), max(d.gc.ref$y))
    xlab = "G+C-content",
    main = "Density of the G+C-content",
    xlim = c(0, 1),
    ylim = c(0, y.max),
    sub = paste0("OFFSET:", offset, "nt, N:", nrow(bed.data))
  grid (NULL, NULL, lty = 6, col = "lightgrey")
  polygon(d.gc.ref, col = 'gold', border = "black")
  polygon(d.gc, col = 'lightskyblue4')
    v = 0.5,
    b = 0,
    col = "darkgrey",
    lwd = 3,
    lty = 2
    legend = c("CpG islands (hg19)", local(NAME, envir = pkg.env)),
    fill = c('gold', 'lightskyblue4')
  d.obs.ref <-
    density(cpgIslands$obsExp, na.rm = TRUE, kernel = "gaussian")
  d.obs <- density(Observed, na.rm = TRUE, kernel = "gaussian")
  y.max <- max(max(d.obs$y), max(d.obs.ref$y))
    xlab = "Observed/Expected CpG ratio",
    main = "Density of the observed/expected CpG ratios",
    xlim = c(0, 2),
    ylim = c(0, y.max),
    sub = paste0("OFFSET: ", offset, "nt, N: ", nrow(bed.data))
  grid (NULL, NULL, lty = 6, col = "lightgrey")
  polygon(d.obs.ref, col = 'gold', border = "black")
  polygon(d.obs, col = 'lightskyblue4')
    v = 0.6,
    b = 0,
    col = "darkgrey",
    lwd = 3,
    lty = 2
    legend = c("CpG islands (hg19)", local(NAME, envir = pkg.env)),
    fill = c('gold', 'lightskyblue4')
  res <- data.frame(GC, Observed)

#'Plot scores of the input data
#' Generates a density plot of the score values listed in the input dataset.
#' @param bed.data A data frame containing input bed-formatted data
#' @export
plotBeta <- function(bed.data) {
  if ("score" %in% colnames(bed.data)) {
    if (!is.numeric(bed.data$score)) {
      stop("Column score must be numeric.")
    if (sum(is.na(bed.data)) > 0) {
      stop("Input dataset contains ", sum(is.na(bed.data)), " missing values.")
    dens <- density(bed.data$score, na.rm = TRUE, kernel = "gaussian")
         xlab = "Methylation level",
         main = "Distribution of the methylation values")
    grid (NULL, NULL, lty = 6, col = "lightgrey")
    polygon(dens, col = 'lightskyblue4')
           legend =  local(NAME, envir = pkg.env),
           fill = 'lightskyblue4')
  } else {
    stop("Score column does not exist in the input data.")

#' Import GEO data series in the workspace
#' Imports GEO data series. The function fetches data matrices corresponding to a pre-defined GSE identifier
#' and builds valid, bed-formatted dataset with delta-beta values between two sample groups, described
#' in a user-defined annotation file.
#' @param gse.acc   A string corresponding to the accession number of the GEO data series
#' @param annotation.file A string corresponding to the full local path to the annotation files containing
#' sample grouping information
#' @return 1/ A bed-formatted data frame with the chromosomal coordinates and of each methylation probe and
#' the corresponding delta-beta values between the two groups
#' @return 2/ Beta values of each sample listed in the annotation file
#' @return 3/ Annotation data frame
#' @return 4/ Mean beta values of group 1
#' @return 5/ Mean beta values of group 2
#' @name importGEO
#' @export
importGEO <- function(gse.acc, annotation.file) {
  if (!is.defined(gse.acc)) {
    stop("FAIL: Data series accession number is missing.")
  if (!is.defined(annotation.file)) {
    stop("Sample annotation is missing.")
  if (grepl("^GSE\\d\\d+$", gse.acc)) {
    message("PASS: Valid accession number for the data series.")
  } else
    stop("Invalid accession number. Currently, GSE accession numbers are supported.")
  anno.df <- loadAnnotationGEO(annotation.file)
  gse <- getGEO(gse.acc, GSEMatrix = TRUE, getGPL = TRUE)
  if (length(gse) > 1) {
      "MeinteR currently supports single-matrix data series. Data series ",
      " has ",
  if (any(is.na(gse[[1]]@featureData@data$ID))) {
    stop("Missing probe identifiers. Retry to download data series.")
  valid <- validateGEO(gse)
  if (valid) {
    "Data series looks good."
  } else
    stop("Failed to import data series in the workspace.")
  if (!all(anno.df$sample %in% gse[[1]]$geo_accession)) {
      "Inconsistency between the accession numbers of the annotation file and the GEO data series.
      Check correspondence of the GSM IDs and non-visible characters in the annotation file."
  message("Data series: ", length(gse[[1]]$geo_accession), " samples.")
  message("Annotation file: ", nrow(anno.df), " samples.")
  all.betas <- as.data.frame(exprs(gse[[1]]))
  betas <- all.betas[, anno.df[, 1]]
  if (min(betas, na.rm = TRUE) < 0 |
      max(betas, na.rm = TRUE) > 1) {
    message("M-values are detected and will be transformed to beta values.")
    betas <- mval2beta(betas)
  grp <- groupGEO(anno.df, betas)
  probe.d.beta <- grp[[1]]
  res <- probesChr(gse, probe.d.beta)
  result = list()
  result[[1]] <- res
  result[[2]] <- betas
  result[[3]] <- anno.df
  result[[4]] <- grp[[2]]
  result[[5]] <- grp[[3]]

#Internal function for loading annotation files
loadAnnotationGEO <- function(file.path) {
  if (!file.exists(file.path)) {
    stop(paste0("File ", file.path, " not found. Check full path."))
  valid.cols <- c("SAMPLE", "STATUS")
  anno <-
    read.csv(file = file.path,
             header = TRUE,
             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  #Remove leading and/or trailing whitespace from character strings.
  anno <-
    data.frame(lapply(anno, trimws), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (all(toupper(colnames(anno)) %in% valid.cols)) {
    message("PASS: Columns SAMPLE and STATUS are present.")
  } else {
    stop("Column names <samples> and <status> are not detected in the first line.")
  if (length(colnames(anno)) != 2) {
    stop("Annotation file columns: sample identifier (GSM accession number), sample status")
  if (length(unique(anno$status)) != 2) {
      "Other than two conditions are detected. Check non-visible characters in the annotation file."

validateGEO <- function(gse.list) {
  valid = TRUE
  #Validate species
  SPECIES = "9606"
  if (table(gse.list[[1]]$taxid_ch1) == length(gse.list[[1]]$geo_accession)) {
    if (unique(gse.list[[1]]$taxid_ch1) == SPECIES) {
      message("PASS: Human samples detected.")
    } else {
      message("FAIL: The samples are not human")
      valid = FALSE
  } else {
    message("FAIL: Data series contains samples from more than one species.")
    valid = FALSE
  # Validate beadchip array
      "GPL13534" = "HM450k",
      "GPL16304" = "HM450k",
      "GPL21145" = "EPIC",
      "GPL8490" = "HM27k"
  if (unique(gse.list[[1]]$platform_id) %in% names(PLATFORMS)) {
    message("PASS: Valid platform")
  } else {
      "FAIL: Only BeadChip methylation arrays 27k, 450k, EPIC and Illumina HiSeq 2500  are currently supported."
    valid = FALSE
  if (table(gse.list[[1]]$platform_id) == length(gse.list[[1]]$geo_accession)) {
    message("PASS: A unique platform ",
            " detected in the data series.")
  } else {
    message("FAIL: More than one platforms have been identified in the data series.")
    valid = FALSE

groupGEO <- function(anno.df, beta.df) {
  message("Grouping samples...")
  options(scipen = 999)
  #class.g1 if for tumor
  if (toupper(anno.df$status[1])=="NORMAL") {
    class.g1 <- subset(anno.df, anno.df$status == unique(anno.df$status)[2])
    class.g2 <- subset(anno.df, anno.df$status == unique(anno.df$status)[1])
  } else {
  class.g1 <- subset(anno.df, anno.df$status == unique(anno.df$status)[1])
  class.g2 <-subset(anno.df, anno.df$status == unique(anno.df$status)[2])
  beta.g1 <- as.data.frame(beta.df[, class.g1[, 1]])
  beta.g2 <- as.data.frame(beta.df[, class.g2[, 1]])
  d.beta <-
    as.data.frame(rowMeans(beta.g1, na.rm = TRUE) - rowMeans(beta.g2, na.rm =
  colnames(d.beta) <-
    paste0(unique(class.g1$status), "-", unique(class.g2$status))
  db <- cbind(rownames(d.beta), d.beta)
  colnames(db)[1] <- "probes"
  grp1 <- as.data.frame(rowMeans(beta.g1, na.rm = TRUE))
  grp1$probes <- rownames(grp1)
  rownames(grp1) <- NULL
  colnames(grp1) <- c("tumor", "probes")
  grp2 <- as.data.frame(rowMeans(beta.g2, na.rm = TRUE))
  grp2$probes <- rownames(grp2)
  rownames(grp2) <- NULL
  colnames(grp2) <- c("normal", "probes")
  result <- list()
  result[[1]] <- db
  result[[2]] <- grp1
  result[[3]] <- grp2

probesChr <- function(gse, probes.db) {
  if (gse[[1]]@annotation == "GPL8490") {
    hm27 <- as.data.frame(get27k())
    platform.probes <- data.frame(rownames(hm27), hm27[, 1:3])
  } else {
    platform.probes <- cbind(
      paste0("chr", gse[[1]]@featureData@data$CHR),
      gse[[1]]@featureData@data$MAPINFO + 1
  if (ncol(platform.probes) != 4) {
    stop("Data series contains missing data. Exiting...")
  colnames(platform.probes) <- c("probes", "chr", "start", "end")
  bed.data <- merge(probes.db, platform.probes, by = "probes")
  result <- bed.data

#' Reformat methylation sequencing data fetched from GEO
#' Transforms sequencing data into bed-formatted files. Valid for per sample usage.
#' @param file.path Local folder of the bed.gz file
#' @param cov Minimum read coverage (default:10)
#' @param chroms A vector of chromosome vector to be included in the analysis (default:ALL)
#' @return A valid bed-formatted data frame
#' @name loadSeqGEO
#' @export
loadSeqGEO <- function(file.path,
                       cov = 10,
                       chroms = NULL) {
  if (!(dplyr::between(cov, 1, 100)))
    stop("Check offset value (valid range [1,100]).")
  file.desc <- gzfile(file.path, open = "r")
  suppressWarnings(gsm <-
                       file = file.desc,
                       sep = "\t",
                       header = FALSE
  colnames(gsm) = c("chr", "start", "end", "depth", "score", "strand")
  if (is.null(chroms)) {
    chroms = paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y"))
  f.gsm <- gsm[gsm$chr %in% chroms, ]
  f.gsm$depth <- gsub('[0-9]+/', '', f.gsm$depth)
  f.gsm$depth <- gsub("\\s*\\([^\\)]+\\)", "", f.gsm$depth)
  f.gsm$depth <- as.integer(gsub("\\'", "", f.gsm$depth))
  f.gsm <- f.gsm[f.gsm$depth >= cov, ]
  f.gsm$score <- f.gsm$score / 1000
  f.gsm <- reorderBed(f.gsm, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6)

mval2beta <- function(mval) {
  tr <- 2 ^ (mval)
  beta <- tr / (tr + 1)
andigoni/MeinteR documentation built on Oct. 1, 2021, 9:33 p.m.