
## io.R
## functions for import and export of data from 'genotypes' objects

#' Read genotype calls and hybridization from Illumina BeadStudio output.
#' @param prefix filename prefix, without working directory: the \code{*} in \code{*_FinalReport.zip}
#' @param snps dataframe containing marker map for this array, in PLINK's \code{*.bim} format
#' 	(chromosome, marker name, cM position, bp position); rownames should be set to marker names,
#' 	and those names should match those in the BeadStudio output.
#' @param in.path directory in which to search for input files
#' @param keep.intensity should hybridization intensities be kept in addition to genotype calls?
#' @param colmap named character vector mapping column names in \code{*FinalReport} to required columns
#' 	for \code{argyle} (see Details)
#' @param verify logical; if \code{TRUE}, check that \code{FinalReport} file is of expected size
#' @param checksum logical; if \code{TRUE}, generate an md5 checksum for the result
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return A \code{genotypes} object with genotype calls, marker map, sample metadata and (as requested)
#' 	intensity data.
#' @details This function initializes a \code{genotypes} object from Illumina BeadStudio output. (For an
#' 	example of the format, see the files in this package's \code{data/} directory.)  The two relevant
#' 	files are \code{Sample_Map.zip} and \code{*FinalReport.zip}, which contain the sample manifest
#' 	and genotype/intensity data, respectively.  On platforms with \code{unzip} available on the
#' 	command line, files will be unzipped on the fly.  Otherwise \code{FinalReport.zip} (but not
#' 	\code{Sample_Map.zip}) must be unzipped first.  This is due to the use of \code{data.table} to
#' 	handle the usually very large genotypes file.
#' 	Use the \code{colmap} vector to assign column names in the \code{*FinalReport} file to the required
#' 	columns for argyle.  The required columns are \code{iid} (individual ID), \code{marker} (SNP/marker name),
#' 	\code{call1} (allele 1, in the same strand as in the marker map), \code{call2} (allele 2, in the
#' 	same strand as in the marker map), \code{x} (hybridization x-intensity) and \code{y} (hybridization
#' 	y-intensity).  The default column mapping is:
#'  \itemize{
#' 	\item \code{SNP Name} = \code{marker}
#' 	\item \code{Sample ID} = \code{iid}
#' 	\item \code{Allele1 - Forward} = \code{call1}
#' 	\item \code{Allele2 - Forward} = \code{call2}
#' 	\item \code{X} = \code{x}
#' 	\item \code{Y} = \code{y}
#' 	}
#' 	Note that \code{colmap} must be a named character vector, with old column headers in the \code{names()}
#' 	and new column names in the vector itself: eg. write \code{colmap = setNames( new, old )}.  An error
#' 	will be thrown if the column mapping does not provide enough information to read the input properly.
#' 	Particular attention should be paid to the encoding of the alleles in the \code{snps} object, which
#' 	will be platform-specific.  For users of the Mouse Universal Genotyping Array series from Neogen Inc,
#' 	alleles \code{A1,A2} in \code{snps} will be on the forward strand, so columns \code{Allele * - Forward}
#' 	(not \code{Allele * - Top} or \code{Allele * - AB}) are the ones to use.
#' 	The behavior of this function with respect to missing data in the genotypes versus the contents
#' 	of \code{snps} is asymmetric.  Markers in \code{snps} which are absent in the input files will
#' 	be present in the output, but with missing calls and intensities.  Markers in the input files
#' 	which are missing from \code{snps} will simply be dropped.  If that occurs, check that the marker
#' 	names in \code{snps} match exactly those in the input file.
#' 	Provenance of the resulting object can be traced by checking \code{attr(,"source")}.  For the paranoid,
#' 	a timestamp and checksum are provided in \code{attr(,"timestamp")} and \code{attr(,"md5")}.
#' @references
#' 	Inspiration from Dan Gatti's DOQTL package: <https://github.com/dmgatti/DOQTL/blob/master/R/extract.raw.data.R>
#' @export
read.beadstudio <- function(prefix, snps, in.path = ".", keep.intensity = TRUE, colmap = NULL, verify = TRUE, checksum = TRUE, ...) {

	## stop here if marker map is not well-formed
	if (!.is.valid.map(snps)) {
		if (!all(rownames(snps) == snps$marker))
			stop(paste("Marker manifest is not well-formed.  It should follow the format of a PLINK",
					   "*.bim file: a dataframe with columns <chr,marker,cM,pos> with rownames",
					   "same as 'marker' column.  If genetic positions are unknown, set them to zero."))
	## read files from Illumina BeadStudio
	data <- .read.illumina.raw(prefix, in.path, colmap, check.dims = verify)
	rownames(data$samples) <- gsub(" ","", rownames(data$samples))
	## convert to matrices using data.table's optimized code
	message("Constructing genotype matrix...")
	calls <- .raw.to.matrix(data$intens, snps, keep.map = TRUE, value.col = "call")
	if (keep.intensity) {
		message("Constructing intensity matrices...")
		x <- .raw.to.matrix(data$intens, snps, value.col = "x", keep.map = FALSE)
		y <- .raw.to.matrix(data$intens, snps, value.col = "y", keep.map = FALSE)
		## verify that shapes match
		all(dim(calls) == dim(x), dim(calls) == dim(y))
		## verify that sample names are in sync
		all(colnames(calls) == colnames(x), colnames(calls) == colnames(y))
		## verify that marker names are in sync
		all(rownames(calls) == rownames(x), rownames(calls) == rownames(y))
	message(paste("\t", nrow(calls), "sites x", ncol(calls), "samples"))
	samples.kept <- colnames(calls)
	fam <- make.fam(samples.kept, sex = data$samples[ samples.kept,"Gender" ])
	## construct the return 'genotypes' object
	if (keep.intensity) {
		calls <- genotypes(.copy.matrix.noattr(calls),
						   map = attr(calls, "map"), ped = fam,
						   alleles = "native",
						   intensity = list(x = x, y = y), normalized = FALSE,
						   check = FALSE)
	else {
		calls <- genotypes(.copy.matrix.noattr(calls),
						   map = attr(calls, "map"), ped = fam,
						   alleles = "native",
						   check = FALSE)
	## make a checksum, then record file source and timestamp (which would mess up checksum comparisons)
	if (checksum)
		attr(calls, "md5") <- digest::digest(calls, algo = "md5")
	attr(calls, "source") <- normalizePath(file.path(in.path))
	attr(calls, "timestamp") <- Sys.time()
	## check that all pieces of result have matching dimensions, names, ...
	if (!validate.genotypes(calls)) {
		warning("The assembled genotypes object failed validation.  See messages for possible reasons.")

## process files from BeadStudio into a dataframe (of samples) and data.table (of calls/intensities)
.read.illumina.raw <- function(prefix, in.path = ".", colmap = NULL, check.dims = FALSE, ...) {
	if (length(paste(prefix, in.path)) > 1)
		stop("Only read one batch at a time.  To handle multiple batches, wrap with an lapply().")
	## Get the sample IDs from the Sample_Map.txt file.
	rawfile <- dir(path = in.path, pattern = "Sample_Map", full.names = TRUE)
	infile <- rawfile[ grep("zip$", rawfile) ]
	as.zip <- TRUE
	## If not found, then quit.
	if (length(infile) == 0) {
		infile <- rawfile[ grep("txt$", rawfile) ]
		if (length(infile) == 0) {
			stop(paste("No file with 'Sample_Map' in the filename was found in directory",
		else {
			as.zip <- FALSE
	samplefile <- infile
	if (as.zip)
		samplefile <- unz(infile, "Sample_Map.txt")
	message(paste("Reading sample manifest from <", infile, "> ..."))
	samples.df <- read.delim(samplefile, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	## handle case of duplicated IDs
	renamer <- make.unique(as.character(samples.df$Name))
	rownames(samples.df) <- renamer
	nsamp <- length(renamer)
	## Find a file with "FinalReport" in the filename.
	rawfile <- dir(path = in.path, pattern = "FinalReport", full.names = TRUE)
	infile <- rawfile[ grep("zip$", rawfile) ]
	as.zip <- TRUE
	## If not found, then quit.
	if (length(infile) == 0) {
		infile <- rawfile[ grep("txt$", rawfile) ]
		if (length(infile) == 0) {
			stop(paste("No file with 'FinalReport' in the filename was found in directory",
					   in.path, ".  Please make sure that the FinalReport file is",
					   "in the specified directory, and that there is exactly one."))
		else {
			as.zip <- FALSE
	## If there is more than one FinalReport file, then quit.
	if (length(infile) > 1) {
		stop(paste("There is more than one file with FinalReport in the filename.",
				   "Please place only one data set in each directory. If you have",
				   "unzipped the file, keep the original in a different directory."))
	## try to unzip on fly
	piper <- infile
	if (as.zip) {
		## check that system supports unzip
		piper <- paste0("unzip -ap '", infile, "'")
		rez <- system(paste(piper, "| head -n 10"), intern = FALSE, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
		if (rez) {
			## nope, system can't unzip
			stop(paste("Looks like this system doesn't support on-the-fly decompression: please unzip the",
				 		"FinalReport file manually and try again."))
	## first check header to get # of SNPs
	genofile <- infile
	if (as.zip)
		genofile <- unz(infile, gsub("\\.zip$",".txt", basename(infile)))
	header <- read.delim(genofile, header = FALSE, sep = "\t", nrows = 8, skip = 1,
						 colClasses = "character", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	if (!all(ncol(header) >= 2, "NUM SNPS" %in% toupper(header[,1])))
		stop("Header of FinalReport file should be key-value pairs, one of which is 'Total SNPs {x}'")
	header <- setNames( header[,2], toupper(header[,1]) )
	nsnps <- as.integer(header["NUM SNPS"])
	if (!(is.numeric(nsnps) && nsnps > 0))
		stop("Can't understand number of markers to read; header says '", nsnps, "'")
	## slurp file into a data.table, skipping the 9 header lines
	message(paste("Reading genotypes and intensities for", nsnps, "markers x",
				  nsamp, "samples from <", infile, "> ..."))
	data <- data.table::fread(piper, skip = 9, showProgress = interactive(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = "\t")
	## Construct the column-naming map
	cols.needed <- c("marker","iid","x","y","call1","call2")
	if (is.null(colmap)) {
		colmap <-  c("SNP Name" = "marker",
				   "Sample ID" = "iid",
				   "X" = "x","Y" = "y",
				   "Allele1 - Forward" = "call1",
				   "Allele2 - Forward" = "call2")
	## Check that all required columns are specified in the map
	columns <- match(cols.needed, colmap)
	if (any(is.na(columns))) {
		stop(paste0("The column-name map must specify columns mapping to each of the following:\n",
					"'iid' (individual ID), 'marker' (SNP/marker name), 'x' (x-intensity), 'y' (y-intensity),\n",
					"''call1' (allele 1, in same strand as specified in marker map), and 'call2' (allele 2).\n\n",
					"You are missing the following: ", paste(colmap[is.na(columns)], sep = ", ")))
	## Check that all mapped columns are present in the input
	columns <- match(names(colmap), names(data))  
	if (any(is.na(columns))) {
		stop(paste("All of the required column names were not found in the",
				   "FinalReport file. The missing column(s) are:", paste(
				   	names(colmap)[is.na(columns)], collapse = ", ")))
	## assign new column names using column map
	data.table::setnames(data, names(colmap), colmap)
	## check that data is of expected size
	if (check.dims) {
		if (nrow(data) != (nsnps*nsamp))
			stop(paste0("Row count of genotype data (", nrow(data), ") doesn't match what was expected (", nsnps, " x ", nsamp, " = ", nsnps*nsamp, ").",
						" FinalReport file might be corrupt."))
	else {
		# live dangerously
	## rename samples by index
	nsamples <- length(samples)
	newids <- rep(renamer, 1, each = nsnps)
	#print(tail(cbind(data, newid = newids)))
	data.table::set(data, i = NULL, "iid", newids)
	## convert 2-column allele calls to single column; mark hets, missing, etc.
	data.table::set(data, i = NULL, "call", paste0(data$call1, data$call2))
	data.table::set(data, i = NULL, "is.het", (data$call1 != data$call2))
	data.table::set(data, i = NULL, "is.na", (data$call1 == "-" | data$call2 == "-"))
	data.table::set(data, i = which(data$is.het), "call", "H")
	data.table::set(data, i = which(data$is.na), "call", "N")
	data.table::set(data, i = NULL, "call", substr(data$call, 1, 1))
	## pre-key by marker (SNP name) for next step
	data.table::setkey(data, marker)
	return( list(samples = samples.df, intens = data) )

## convert data.table of calls/intensities to a (sites x samples) matrix
.raw.to.matrix <- function(data, snps, keep.map = FALSE, make.names = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
						   sample.id.col = "iid", value.col = "call", ...) {
	if (!inherits(data, "data.table"))
		stop("Input should be an object of class 'data.table'.")
	## strip column names which might conflict between input and marker map
	if ("cM" %in% colnames(data))
		data.table::set(data, i = NULL, "cM", NULL)
	if ("chr" %in% colnames(data))
		data.table::set(data, i = NULL, "chr", NULL)
	if ("pos" %in% colnames(data))
		data.table::set(data, i = NULL, "pos", NULL)
	if (make.names)
		data.table::set(data, i = NULL, "marker", make.names(data$marker))
	## reshape to big matrix
	fm <- paste("marker ~", sample.id.col)
	gty.mat <- data.table::dcast.data.table(data, as.formula(fm), value.var = value.col)
	data.table::setkey(gty.mat, marker)
	before <- unique(gty.mat$marker)
	nsnps.before <- length(unique(gty.mat$marker))
	.map <- data.table::data.table(snps[ ,c("chr","marker","cM","pos") ])
	data.table::setkey(.map, marker)

	if (verbose)
		message(paste("Attaching map: started with", nsnps.before, "markers"))
	gty.mat <- data.table:::merge.data.table(gty.mat, .map)
	nsnps.after <- length(unique(gty.mat$marker))
	if (verbose)
		message(paste("Done attaching map: ended with", nsnps.after, "markers"))
	if (nsnps.before != nsnps.after && verbose) {
		if (nsnps.after - nsnps.before < 100) {
			message(paste("Dropped the following markers:"))
			message( paste(setdiff(before, gty.mat$marker) , collapse = ",") )
		else {
			message(paste("\tdropped", (nsnps.after-nsnps.before), "markers."))
	## sort by position
	data.table::setorder(gty.mat, chr, pos, cM, marker)
	cn <- names(gty.mat)
	cols <- c("chr","marker","cM","pos")
	oth <- setdiff(cn, cols)
	data.table::setcolorder(gty.mat, c(cols, oth))
	## demote back to dataframe
	gty.mat <- as.data.frame(gty.mat)
	newmap <- gty.mat[ ,1:4, drop = FALSE ]
	rownames(newmap) <- as.character(newmap$marker)
	newmap <- data.frame(newmap, snps[ rownames(newmap),!(colnames(snps) %in% c("chr","marker","cM","pos")) ])
	gty.mat <- as.matrix(gty.mat[ ,-(1:4), drop = FALSE ])
	rownames(gty.mat) <- as.character(newmap$marker)
	colnames(gty.mat) <- gsub(" ","", colnames(gty.mat))
	if (keep.map)
		attr(gty.mat, "map") <- newmap

#' Export genotyping result in format suitable for DOQTL
#' @param gty a \code{genotypes} object with intensity data attached
#' @param where name of output file, including path (else it goes in working directory)
#' @param recode if \code{TRUE}, genotype calls will be recoded 0/1/2 with respect to reference alleles
#' 	before the genotypes matrix is saved
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return Returns \code{TRUE} on completion.  The Rdata file at \code{where} contains the following
#' 	objects:
#' 	\itemize{
#' 	\code{G} -- genotype calls matrix
#' 	\code{x} -- matrix of x-intensities
#' 	\code{y} -- matrix of y-intensities
#' 	\code{sex} -- named vector of sample sexes (\code{NA} if missing)
#' 	\code{snps} -- the marker map attached to the input object
#' 	}
#' 	All matrices are sites x samples, following the convention of this pacakge, and have both row and column names.
#' @references
#' DOQTL home: \url{http://cgd.jax.org/apps/doqtl/DOQTL.shtml}
#' Gatti DM et al. (2014) Quantitative trait locus mapping methods for Diversity Outbred mice. G3 4(9): 1623-1633. doi:10.1534/g3.114.013748.
#' Svenson KL et al. (2012) High-resolution genetic mapping using the mouse Diversity Outbred population. Genetics 190(2): 437-447. doi:10.1534/genetics.111.132597.
#' @export
export.doqtl <- function(gty, where = "doqtl.Rdata", recode = FALSE, ...) {
	if (!(inherits(gty, "genotypes") && .has.valid.intensity(gty)))
		stop("To export stuff for DOQTL, need (1) genotype matrix; (2) intensity matrices; (3) marker map.")
	message("Preparing objects...")
	where <- file.path(where)
	x <- attr(gty, "intensity")$x
	y <- attr(gty, "intensity")$y
	if (!recode)
		G <- .copy.matrix.noattr(gty)
		G <- .copy.matrix.noattr(recode.genotypes(gty, "01"))
	sex <- setNames( rep(NA, ncol(G)), colnames(G) )
	if (.has.valid.ped(gty) && "sex" %in% colnames(attr(gty, "ped")))
		sex[ rownames(attr(gty, "ped")) ] <- as.character(attr(gty, "ped")$sex)
	sex[ sex == "1" ] <- "M"
	sex[ sex == "2" ] <- "F"
	sex[ sex == "0" ] <- NA
	snps <- attr(gty, "map")
	message(paste("Saving DOQTL input objects in <", where, ">..."))
	save(x, y, G, sex, snps, file = where)

#' Convert a \code{genotypes} object to an \code{R/qtl} object
#' @param gty a \code{genotypes} object
#' @param type cross type for \code{R/qtl} (only \code{"bc"} [backcross] and \code{"f2"} [F2 intercross] currently supported)
#' @param chroms vector of chromosome names to include in output (in order)
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return an object of class \code{cross}, with the specified cross type
#' @details Karl Broman's \code{R/qtl} is a widely-used package for mapping quantiative traits
#' 	in experimental crosses of laboratory organisms and crop plants.  It expects genotypes to
#' 	be coded with respect to parental lines: eg. AA, AB, BB for an F2 cross between (true-breeding)
#' 	lines A and B.  Be sure to recode genotypes in that mannyer way before passing them to this function.
#' 	Marker positions in \code{R/qtl} are expressed in centimorgans, not basepairs, so only markers with
#' 	non-zero, non-missing genetic positions will be included in the output of this function.
#' @references
#' \code{R/qtl}: \url{http://www.rqtl.org}
#' Broman KW, Wu H, Sen S, Churchill GA. (2003) R/qtl: QTL mapping in experimental crosses.
#' 	Bioinformatics 19:889-890. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btg112.
#' Broman KW, Sen S. (2009) A Guide to QTL Mapping with R/qtl. Springer, New York.
#' @seealso \code{\link[qtl]{read.cross}}, \code{\link{as.genotypes.cross}} (for inverse operation)
#' @export as.rqtl
as.rqtl <- function(gty, type = c("f2","bc"), chroms = paste0("chr", c(1:19,"X")), ...) {
	if (!(inherits(gty, "genotypes") && .has.valid.map(gty) && .has.valid.ped(gty)))
		stop("Please supply an object of class 'genotypes' with valid marker map and sample metadata.")
	if (!(is.numeric(gty) && attr(gty, "alleles") == "parent"))
		warning(paste("For export to R/qtl, genotypes should be encoded numerically, and by reference to",
					  "the parental strains of a cross.  See ?recode.to.parent."))
	type <- match.arg(type)

	## dump intensity data
	gty <- drop.intensity(gty)
	## drop unfamiliar chromosomes and positionless markers
	gty <- subset(gty, chr %in% chroms & !is.na(cM) & cM > 0)
	map <- attr(gty, "map")
	map$chr <- factor(map$chr, levels = chroms)
	map <- droplevels(map)
	message(paste("Exporting genotypes at", nrow(gty), "markers on",
				  length(unique(map$chr)), "chromosomes."))
	## make sure sex is right
	sex <- .fix.sex(attr(gty, "ped")$sex)
	sex <- factor(c("male","female",NA)[ sex+1 ],
				  levels = c("female","male"))
	.make.rqtl <- function(cc) {
		g <- .copy.matrix.noattr(subset(gty, chr == cc))
		g <- matrix(t(g)+1,
					nrow = ncol(g), ncol = nrow(g),
					dimnames = list(colnames(g), rownames(g)))
		m <- subset(map, chr == cc)
		this.chr <- list(data = g,
			 			map = setNames( as.vector(m$cM), as.character(m$marker) ))
		if (grepl("X", cc))
			class(this.chr) <- "X"
			class(this.chr) <- "A"
	## loop on chromosomes
	message("Converting genotypes...")
	geno <- lapply(levels(map$chr), .make.rqtl)
	names(geno) <- gsub("^chr","", levels(map$chr))
	rez <- list(geno = geno)
	## convert PLINK to R/qtl style of phenotype definition
	pheno <- attr(gty, "ped")
	pheno$pheno[ pheno$pheno == -9 ] <- NA
	newsex <- pheno$sex
	newsex[ newsex == 0 ] <- NA
	newsex[ newsex == 2 ] <- 0
	pheno$sex <- newsex
	rez$pheno <- pheno[ ,c("pheno","sex",setdiff(colnames(pheno), c("pheno","sex"))) ]
	class(rez) <- c(type,"cross")
	attr(rez, "alleles") <- c("A","B")

#' Convert an \code{R/qtl} object to a \code{genotypes} object
#' @param x a \code{qtl::cross} object
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return an object of class \code{genotypes}
#' @details Karl Broman's \code{R/qtl} is a widely-used package for mapping quantiative traits
#' 	in experimental crosses of laboratory organisms and crop plants.  It expects genotypes to
#' 	be coded with respect to parental lines: eg. AA, AB, BB for an F2 cross between (true-breeding)
#' 	lines A and B.  Be sure to recode genotypes in that mannyer way before passing them to this function.
#' 	Marker positions in \code{R/qtl} are expressed in centimorgans, not basepairs.  On conversion,
#' 	physical positions are faked by assuming recombination rate 1 cM per 1 Mbp and rounding to
#' 	the next-lowest integer.
#' 	Only crosses of type \code{"f2"} (F2 intercross) or \code{"bc"} are supported, and partially-
#' 	informative genotypes will probably be mangled.
#' @references
#' \code{R/qtl}: \url{http://www.rqtl.org}
#' Broman KW, Wu H, Sen S, Churchill GA. (2003) R/qtl: QTL mapping in experimental crosses.
#' 	Bioinformatics 19:889-890. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btg112.
#' Broman KW, Sen S. (2009) A Guide to QTL Mapping with R/qtl. Springer, New York.
#' @seealso \code{\link[qtl]{read.cross}}, \code{\link{as.rqtl.genotypes}} (for inverse operation)
#' @export as.genotypes
as.genotypes <- function(x, ...) {
	if (!inherits(x, "cross") && any(inherits(x, "f2"), inherits(x, "bc")))
		stop("Please supply an object of class 'cross' (from KW Broman's R/qtl package).")
	geno <- do.call( rbind, lapply(x$geno, function(chr) t(chr$data)) )
	geno <- geno-1
	map <- do.call( rbind, lapply(names(x$geno), function(chr) data.frame(chr = chr, marker = names(x$geno[[chr]]$map),
																		  cM = x$geno[[chr]]$map, pos = floor(x$geno[[chr]]$map*1e6))) )
	map$A1 <- attr(x, "alleles")[1]
	map$A2 <- attr(x, "alleles")[2]
	if (!any(grepl("^chr", map$chr)))
		map$chr <- paste0("chr", map$chr)
	fam <- make.fam(rownames(x$pheno))
	if (!is.null(x$pheno$sex))
		fam$sex <- .fix.sex(x$pheno$sex)
	for (col in setdiff(colnames(x), c("sex","pgm","id","ID")))
		fam[ ,col ] <- x$pheno[ ,col ]
	fam$pheno <- x$pheno[,1]
	colnames(geno) <- as.character(rownames(fam))
	rez <- genotypes(geno, map = map, ped = fam, alleles = "01")

#' Export genotypes in Stanford HGDP format
#' @param gty a \code{genotypes} object
#' @param prefix filename prefix for output; result will be two files, \code{{prefix}.geno} and
#' 	with genotypes and \code{{prefix}.map} with marker map.
#' @param ... ignored
#' @details Write genotypes to disk in the Stanford HGDP format, which can be read by (among
#' 	others) the PGDSpider format-conversion suite.
#' @references
#' Lischer HEL and Excoffier L (2012) PGDSpider: An automated data conversion tool for connecting
#' 	population genetics and genomics programs. Bioinformatics 28: 298-299.
#' @export write.hgdp
write.hgdp <- function(gty, prefix, ...) {
	if (!(inherits(gty, "genotypes") && .has.valid.map(gty)))
		stop("Please supply an object of class 'genotypes' which includes a valid marker map.")
	## convert genotypes to numeric
	gty <- recode.genotypes(gty, "01")
	## now convert to HGDP style (AA, AB, BB, -)
	message("Converting genotypes to HGDP encoding (AA/AB/BB/-)...")
	out <- matrix("-", nrow = nrow(gty), ncol = ncol(gty),
					 dimnames = dimnames(gty))
	for (i in seq_len(ncol(gty))) {
		majr <- with(attr(gty, "map"), paste0(A1, A1))
		hetr <- with(attr(gty, "map"), paste0(A1, A2))
		minr <- with(attr(gty, "map"), paste0(A2, A2))
		is.miss <- is.na(gty[ ,i ])
		is.maj <- gty[ ,i ] == 0 & !is.miss
		is.het <- gty[ ,i ] == 1 & !is.miss
		is.min <- gty[ ,i ] == 2 & !is.miss
		out[ is.maj,i ] <- majr[is.maj]
		out[ is.het,i ] <- hetr[is.het]
		out[ is.min,i ] <- minr[is.min]
		out[ is.miss,i ] <- "-"
	colnames(out)[1] <- paste0("\t", colnames(out)[1])
	write.table(out, paste0(prefix, ".geno"), col.names = TRUE, row.names = TRUE,
				quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
	## prepare marker map
	message("Writing marker map...")
	write.table(attr(gty, "map")[ ,c("marker","chr","pos") ], paste0(prefix, ".map"),
				col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
				quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")

#' Convert genotypes to a dataframe
#' @param gty a \code{genotypes} object
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return a \code{data.frame} with marker information in the leftmost columns, followed by a
#' 	matrix of genotypes with samples in columns
#' @details In general the dataframe will be a less-efficient way to store genotypes, but is a
#' 	useful intermediate for writing genotypes to disk in a human-readable format.
#' @export
as.data.frame.genotypes <- function(gty, ...) {

	if (!(inherits(gty, "genotypes") && .has.valid.map(gty)))
		stop("Please supply an object of class 'genotypes' which includes a valid marker map.")
	map <- attr(gty, "map")[ ,c("chr","pos","cM","marker","A1","A2") ]
	geno <- .copy.matrix.noattr(gty)
	df <- as.data.frame(geno)
	colnames(df) <- colnames(geno)
	df <- cbind(map, df)

#as.data.frame <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.data.frame")
andrewparkermorgan/argyle documentation built on May 10, 2019, 11:08 a.m.