
Defines functions validateResultsOverview validateGenotypeSet isWholeNumber isValidName isValidID isValidGenotype isValidAllele isSingleWholeNumber isSingleString isSingleProbability isSinglePositiveWholeNumber isSinglePositiveNumber isSingleNonNegativeWholeNumber isSingleNonNegativeNumber isSingleFiniteNumber isSingleChar isRawGenotype isRawAllele isPseudomarkerID isProbability isPositiveWholeNumber isPositiveNumber isNonNegativeNumber isNegativeNumber isMarkerID isFounderGenotype isFounderAllele isFALSE isEnumGenotype isEnumAllele isDefaultQTLName isDefaultMarkerID isBOOL insertColumn inRange inferStepSize inferFormatFromFilename hasRownames hasNames getSpecialAttributeNames getSeqTable getSeqinfo getScanoneThresholdInfo.summary.scanoneperm getScanoneThresholdInfo.summary.scanonebins getScanoneThresholdInfo.qtlintervals getScanoneThresholdInfo.numeric getScanoneThresholdInfo getXInfoFromFilenames validateAlleleSet updateResultsOverview stripWhite stopif setRownamesFromColumn setColumnFromRownames rstripBlankCols resolveScantwoLodtypes requestPkgDataPath requestNodes removeRowsNA removeColsNA pull.ind.pheno pull.ind.geno pull.ind.cross pull.ind pull.crosstype.geno pull.crosstype.cross pull.crosstype pull.chr.map pull.chr.list pull.chr.geno pull.chr.data.frame pull.chr.cross pull.chr pull.alleles.geno pull.alleles.cross pull.alleles parsePseudomarkerIDs parseFilenames parseDefaultQTLNames parseDefaultMarkerIDs `otherattributes<-` otherattributes makeScantwoThresholdObject makeScanoneThresholdObject makeResultsOverview makePseudomarkerIDs makeNumbers makeGenotypeSet makeDefaultQTLNames makeDefaultMarkerIDs makeAlleleSet loadVector loadSeqTables loadMapping loadChrTable getRunIndices getRunIndexList getRowMask getRowIndices getPhenotypes.summary.scantwoperm getPhenoColIndices.data.frame getPhenoColIndices.cross getPhenoColIndices getMissingValueFromClassS3 getMask getLodColIndices.summary.scantwoperm getLodColIndices.summary.scanoneperm getLodColIndices.summary.scanonebins getLodColIndices.scantwoperm getLodColIndices.scantwo getLodColIndices.scanoneperm getLodColIndices.scanonebins getLodColIndices.scanone getLodColIndices.mapframe getLodColIndices getLodColIndex getIndices.qtl getIndices.default getIndices getIdColIndex.data.frame getIdColIndex.cross getIdColIndex getColMask getColIndices getCoercionFromClassS3 emptyArgs ellipt dispatchFromClassS3 deleteColumn coerceDataFrame clamp bstripBlankRows anyKwargs allWhite allNA allKwargs addXInfo

Documented in addXInfo allKwargs allNA allWhite anyKwargs bstripBlankRows clamp coerceDataFrame deleteColumn dispatchFromClassS3 ellipt emptyArgs getCoercionFromClassS3 getColIndices getColMask getIdColIndex getIdColIndex.cross getIdColIndex.data.frame getIndices getIndices.default getIndices.qtl getLodColIndex getLodColIndices getLodColIndices.mapframe getLodColIndices.scanone getLodColIndices.scanonebins getLodColIndices.scanoneperm getLodColIndices.scantwo getLodColIndices.scantwoperm getLodColIndices.summary.scanonebins getLodColIndices.summary.scanoneperm getLodColIndices.summary.scantwoperm getMask getMissingValueFromClassS3 getPhenoColIndices getPhenoColIndices.cross getPhenoColIndices.data.frame getPhenotypes.summary.scantwoperm getRowIndices getRowMask getRunIndexList getRunIndices getScanoneThresholdInfo getScanoneThresholdInfo.numeric getScanoneThresholdInfo.qtlintervals getScanoneThresholdInfo.summary.scanonebins getScanoneThresholdInfo.summary.scanoneperm getSeqinfo getSeqTable getSpecialAttributeNames getXInfoFromFilenames hasNames hasRownames inferFormatFromFilename inferStepSize inRange insertColumn isBOOL isDefaultMarkerID isDefaultQTLName isEnumAllele isEnumGenotype isFALSE isFounderAllele isFounderGenotype isMarkerID isNegativeNumber isNonNegativeNumber isPositiveNumber isPositiveWholeNumber isProbability isPseudomarkerID isRawAllele isRawGenotype isSingleChar isSingleFiniteNumber isSingleNonNegativeNumber isSingleNonNegativeWholeNumber isSinglePositiveNumber isSinglePositiveWholeNumber isSingleProbability isSingleString isSingleWholeNumber isValidAllele isValidGenotype isValidID isValidName isWholeNumber loadChrTable loadMapping loadSeqTables loadVector makeAlleleSet makeDefaultMarkerIDs makeDefaultQTLNames makeGenotypeSet makeNumbers makePseudomarkerIDs makeResultsOverview makeScanoneThresholdObject makeScantwoThresholdObject otherattributes parseDefaultMarkerIDs parseDefaultQTLNames parseFilenames parsePseudomarkerIDs pull.alleles pull.alleles.cross pull.alleles.geno pull.chr pull.chr.cross pull.chr.data.frame pull.chr.geno pull.chr.list pull.chr.map pull.crosstype pull.crosstype.cross pull.crosstype.geno pull.ind pull.ind.cross pull.ind.geno pull.ind.pheno removeColsNA removeRowsNA requestNodes requestPkgDataPath resolveScantwoLodtypes rstripBlankCols setColumnFromRownames setRownamesFromColumn stopif stripWhite updateResultsOverview validateAlleleSet validateGenotypeSet validateResultsOverview

# Start of util.R ##############################################################

# addXInfo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Add experiment info to the given matrix.
#' @param tab A \code{matrix} to which experiment info will be added.
#' @param col.index Index of the column in \code{tab} at which experiment
#' info will be inserted. Columns in the original \code{tab} matrix that
#' have an index equal to or greater than \code{col.index} will be moved
#' to the right of the inserted experiment info in the returned matrix.
#' @param xinfo A \code{matrix} of experiment info.
#' @return The input matrix with experiment info added at the specified column.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname addXInfo
addXInfo <- function(x, xinfo) {
    stopifnot( is.matrix(x) )
    stopifnot( all( dim(x) > 0 ) )
    stopifnot( typeof(x) == 'character' )
    stopifnot( colnames(x)[1] == 'File' )
    stopifnot( is.matrix(xinfo) )
    stopifnot( all( dim(xinfo) > 0 ) )
    stopifnot( typeof(x) == 'character' )
    stopif( anyDuplicated( rownames(xinfo) ) )
    stopif( any( colnames(xinfo) %in% colnames(x) ) )
    scanfiles <- as.character(x[, 'File'])
    index.list <- lapply( seq_along(scanfiles), function(i)
        which( rownames(xinfo) == scanfiles[i] ) )
    mxinfo <- matrix(NA_character_, nrow=nrow(x), ncol=ncol(xinfo),
        dimnames=list(NULL, colnames(xinfo)))
    for ( i in seq_along(index.list) ) {
        if ( length(index.list[[i]]) == 1 ) {
            mxinfo[i, ] <- xinfo[ index.list[[i]], ]
    x <- cbind(x[, 1, drop=FALSE], mxinfo, x[, -1, drop=FALSE])

# allKwargs --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if ellipsis arguments are all keyword arguments.
#' @param ... Ellipsis arguments.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if all ellipsis arguments are keyword arguments;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname allKwargs
allKwargs <- function(...) {
    args <- list(...)
    return( length(args) == 0 || hasNames(args) )

# allNA ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if all elements are \code{NA} values.
#' @param x Test vector.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if vector is of length zero or
#' contains only \code{NA} values; \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @template author-thomas-walsh
#' @template author-yue-hu
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname allNA
allNA <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( is.vector(x) || is.factor(x) )
    return( all( is.na(x) ) )

# allWhite ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if vector is all whitespace.
#' @param x Character vector.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if character vector is of length zero or
#' contains only whitespace characters; \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname allWhite
allWhite <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( is.character(x) )
    return( all( grepl( '^[[:space:]]*$', x)  ) )

# anyKwargs --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if any ellipsis arguments are keyword arguments.
#' @param ... Ellipsis arguments.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if any ellipsis arguments are keyword arguments;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname anyKwargs
anyKwargs <- function(...) {
    args <- list(...)
    return( length(args) > 0 && ! is.null( names(args) ) &&
        any( ! is.na(names(args)) & names(args) != '' ) )

# bstripBlankRows --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Strip blank rows from bottom of \code{data.frame}.
#' @param x A \code{data.frame} with columns of type \code{character}.
#' @return Input object in which bottommost blank rows (i.e. rows
#' containing no non-whitespace characters) have been stripped.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname bstripBlankRows
bstripBlankRows <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(x) )
    stopifnot( all( sapply(x, class) == 'character' ) )
    while( allWhite( as.character( x[nrow(x), ]) ) ) {
        x <- x[-nrow(x),, drop=FALSE]

# clamp ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Clamp numbers within a range.
#' @param n Numeric vector.
#' @param interval Numeric vector containing the minimum and maximum values of
#' the range, respectively. 
#' @return Input vector with values clamped within the specified range.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname clamp
clamp <- function(n, interval) {
    stopifnot( is.numeric(n) )
    stopifnot( is.numeric(interval) )
    stopifnot( length(interval) == 2 )
    stopif( anyNA(interval) )
    stopif( any( is.nan(interval) ) )
    stopifnot( diff(interval) >= 0 )
    n[ ! is.na(n) & n < interval[1] ] <- interval[1]
    n[ ! is.na(n) & n > interval[2] ] <- interval[2]

# coerceDataFrame --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Coerce \code{data.frame} columns to the specified classes.
#' @param x A \code{data.frame}.
#' @param classes Classes to which columns of \code{data.frame} are to be 
#' coerced. This should be a character vector containing class names, with 
#' the same number of elements as there are columns in the \code{data.frame}.
#' @return Coerced \code{data.frame}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname coerceDataFrame
coerceDataFrame <- function(x, classes) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(x) )
    stopifnot( nrow(x) > 0 )
    stopifnot( ncol(x) > 0 )
    stopifnot( is.character(classes) )
    stopifnot( length(classes) == ncol(x) )
    coercions <- lapply(classes, getCoercionFromClassS3)
    stopif( any( is.null(coercions) ) )
    for ( i in getColIndices(x) ) {
        x[[i]] <- coercions[[i]](x[[i]])

# deleteColumn -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Delete column from object.
#' @param x A \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}.
#' @param col.index Column index of column to remove.
#' @param col.name Column name of column to remove.
#' @return Input object with column removed.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname deleteColumn
deleteColumn <- function(x, col.index=NULL, col.name=NULL) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x) )
    if ( ! xor( is.null(col.index), is.null(col.name) ) ) {
        stop("deleteColumn takes either a column index or column name, but not both")
    if ( ! is.null(col.index) ) {
        stopifnot( isSingleWholeNumber(col.index) )
        stopifnot( inRange( col.index, c( 1, ncol(x) ) ) )
    } else {
        stopifnot( isSingleString(col.name) )
        stopif( is.null( colnames(x) ) )
        stopif( anyDuplicated( colnames(x) ) )
        col.index <- which( colnames(x) == col.name )
    others <- otherattributes(x)
    # Delete column.
    x <- x[, -col.index, drop=FALSE]
    otherattributes(x) <- others

# dispatchFromClassS3 ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Dispatch method with respect to the given class vector.
#' @param generic Generic function name.
#' @param class.vector Class vector of an R object.
#' @param package Package from which available methods are taken.
#' @return Method suited to the specified class.
#' @importFrom utils lsf.str
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname dispatchFromClassS3
dispatchFromClassS3 <- function(generic, class.vector, package) {
    stopifnot( isSingleString(generic) )
    stopifnot( is.character(class.vector) )
    stopifnot( length(class.vector) > 0 )
    stopifnot( isSingleString(package) )
    pkg <- paste0('package:', package)
    pattern <- paste0('^', generic, '[.]([^[:space:]]+)')
    x <- utils::lsf.str(pkg, pattern=pattern)
    m <- regexec(pattern, x)
    matches <- regmatches(x, m)

    functions <- sapply(matches, getElement, 1)
    suffixes <- sapply(matches, getElement, 2)
    default.index <- which( suffixes == 'default' )
    class.indices <- which( suffixes != 'default' )
    func.name <- NULL
    if ( length(class.indices) > 0 ) {
        classes <- suffixes[ class.indices ]
        class.match <- match(classes, class.vector)
        if ( length(class.match) > 0 && ! allNA(class.match) ) {
            first.match <- min(class.match, na.rm = TRUE)
            cls <- classes[ ! is.na(class.match) & class.match == first.match ]
            func.name <- functions[ suffixes == cls ]
    if ( is.null(func.name) ) {
        if ( length(default.index) > 0 ) {
            func.name <- functions[default.index]
        } else {
            stop("no matching class, no default")
    return( get(func.name) )

# ellipt -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Ellipt string to the given length.
#' @param s String to ellipt.
#' @param n Maximum number of characters in the output string. If the string is
#' ellipted, this includes the number of characters in the ellipses themselves.
#' @param left Indicates if the string should be
#' ellipted at the start ('left') of the string.
#' @param right Indicates if the string should be
#' ellipted at the end ('right') of the string.
#' @return Input string ellipted to the specified length.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname ellipt
ellipt <- function(s, n, left=FALSE, right=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( isSingleString(s) )
    stopifnot( isSinglePositiveNumber(n) )
    stopifnot( isBOOL(left) )
    stopifnot( isBOOL(right) )
    ellipsis = '...'
    if ( left && right ) {
        ellipses.nchar <- 2 * nchar(ellipsis)
    } else {
        ellipses.nchar <- nchar(ellipsis)
    # Get length of input string that will
    # remain after it has been ellipted.
    ellipted.nchar <- n - ellipses.nchar
    stopifnot( ellipted.nchar > 0 )
    # Ellipt input string if longer than specified number of characters.
    if ( nchar(s) > n ) {
        if ( left && right ) {
            m <- nchar(s) %/% 2
            rm <- nchar(s) %% 2
            h <- ellipted.nchar %/% 2
            rh <- ellipted.nchar %% 2
            i <- (m + rm) - (h + rh) + 1
            j <- i + ellipted.nchar - 1
            s <- paste0(ellipsis, substr(s, i, j), ellipsis)
        } else if (left) {
            j <- nchar(s)
            i <- j - ellipted.nchar + 1
            s <- paste0(ellipsis, substr(s, i, j))
        } else if (right) {
            i <- 1
            j <- ellipted.nchar
            s <- paste0(substr(s, i, j), ellipsis)
        } else {
            h <- ellipted.nchar %/% 2
            rh <- ellipted.nchar %% 2
            i1 <- 1
            j1 <- h + rh
            j2 <- nchar(s)
            i2 <- j2 - h + 1
            s <- paste0(substr(s, i1, j1), ellipsis, substr(s, i2, j2))

# emptyArgs --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if ellipsis arguments are empty.
#' @param ... Ellipsis arguments.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if there are no ellipsis arguments;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname emptyArgs
emptyArgs <- function(...) {
    return( length( list(...) ) == 0 )

# getCoercionFromClassS3 -------------------------------------------------------
#' Get coercion function for the given class.
#' @param class.vector Class vector of an R object.
#' @return Coercion function.
#' @importFrom utils as.roman
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getCoercionFromClassS3
getCoercionFromClassS3 <- function(class.vector) {
    stopifnot( is.character(class.vector) )
    stopifnot( length(class.vector) > 0 )
    known.coercions <- list(
    coercion <- NULL
    for ( class.name in class.vector ) {
        if ( class.name %in% names(known.coercions) ) {
            coercion <- known.coercions[[class.name]]

# getColIndices ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get column indices of object.
#' @param x An object with columns.
#' @param requested A character vector of column names, a logical vector of
#' length equal to the number of object columns, or a numeric vector of column
#' indices of the input object. If this is specified, only the requested column
#' indices are returned; otherwise, this function returns all column indices.
#' @param strict Option indicating that \code{requested}, if specified, must
#' be in the same order as the corresponding columns of the input object.
#' @return Integer vector of column indices.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getColIndices
getColIndices <- function(x, requested=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    num.cols <- ncol(x)
    if ( ! isSingleNonNegativeWholeNumber(num.cols) ) {
        stop("cannot get column indices - object does not have columns")
    available <- if ( num.cols > 0 ) { 1:num.cols } else { integer() }
    names(available) <- colnames(x)
    resolved <- getIndices(available, requested=requested, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])

# getColMask -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get logical mask of object columns.
#' Get logical mask of the columns of an object, as constrained by the
#' \code{requested} parameter. If using this function without \code{requested}
#' constraints, consider using the command \code{rep(TRUE, ncol(x))} instead.
#' @param x An object with columns.
#' @param requested A character vector of column names, a logical vector of
#' length equal to the number of object columns, or a numeric vector of column
#' indices of the input object. If this parameter is not specified, the returned
#' logical mask is \code{TRUE} for all columns.
#' @return Logical mask of object columns.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getColMask
getColMask <- function(x, requested=NULL) {
    available <- getColIndices(x)
    requested <- getColIndices(x, requested=requested)
    return( available %in% requested )

# getIdColIndex ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get sample ID column index.
#' Get the index of the sample ID column in the given object. For example,
#' in a \code{cross} object, this is the column of the phenotype
#' \code{data.frame} with the heading \code{'ID'} (case-insensitive). It can
#' also be used to get the ID column index directly from a \code{data.frame},
#' in which case the ID column is that which has heading \code{'ID'}
#' (also case-insensitive).
#' @param x An object that may contain a sample ID column.
#' @return Sample ID column index.
#' @export
#' @family cross object functions
#' @rdname getIdColIndex
getIdColIndex <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('getIdColIndex', x)

# getIdColIndex.cross ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname getIdColIndex
getIdColIndex.cross <- function(x) {
    id.col <- which( tolower( colnames(x$pheno) ) == 'id' )
    if ( length(id.col) == 0 ) {
        id.col <- NULL
    } else if ( length(id.col) > 1 ) {
        stop("multiple ID columns found")

# getIdColIndex.data.frame -----------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method getIdColIndex data.frame
#' @rdname getIdColIndex
getIdColIndex.data.frame <- function(x) {
    id.col <- which( tolower( colnames(x) ) == 'id' )
    if ( length(id.col) == 0 ) {
        id.col <- NULL
    } else if ( length(id.col) > 1 ) {
        stop("multiple ID columns found")

# getIndices -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get indices of object elements.
#' Get the indices of an object, as constrained by the \code{requested}
#' parameter. If using this function without \code{requested} constraints,
#' consider using the faster primitive R function \code{seq_along} instead.
#' @param x An object with elements that are accessible by an index.
#' @param requested A character vector of names, a logical vector of the same
#' length as the input object, or a numeric vector containing indices of the
#' input object. If this parameter is not specified, all indices are returned.
#' @param strict Option indicating that \code{requested}, if specified, must
#' be in the same order as the corresponding elements of the input object.
#' @return Integer vector of object indices.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getIndices
getIndices <- function(x, requested=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    UseMethod('getIndices', x)

# getIndices.default -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname getIndices
getIndices.default <- function(x, requested=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( isBOOL(strict) )
    object.length <- length(x)
    if ( ! isSingleNonNegativeWholeNumber(object.length) ) {
        stop("cannot get object indices - object does not have length")
    indices <- seq_along(x)
    if ( ! is.null(requested) ) {
        if ( is.numeric(requested) ) {
            nonintegers <- requested[ ! isWholeNumber(requested) ]
            if ( length(nonintegers) > 0 ) {
                stop("requested indices are not integers - '", toString(nonintegers), "'")
            exrange <- requested[ ! requested %in% indices ]
            if ( length(exrange) > 0 ) {
                stop("requested indices out of range - '", toString(exrange), "'")
            indices <- indices[requested]
        } else if ( is.logical(requested) ) {
            if ( length(requested) != object.length ) {
                stop("cannot resolve indices by logical vector - length mismatch")
            indices <- unname( which(requested) )
        } else if ( is.character(requested) ) {
            object.names <- names(x)
            if ( anyNA(requested) ) {
                stop("cannot resolve indices by name - requested names are incomplete")
            if ( is.null(object.names) ) {
                stop("cannot resolve indices by name - no object names found")
            if ( anyDuplicated(object.names) ) {
                stop("cannot resolve indices by name - duplicate object names found")
            unfound <- requested[ ! requested %in% object.names ]
            if ( length(unfound) > 0 ) {
                stop("requested names not found - '", toString(unfound), "'")
            indices <- match(requested, object.names)
        } else {
            stop("requested indices must be specified by index, logical mask, or name")
        if (strict) { # NB: also ensures no duplicates
            if ( is.unsorted(indices, strictly=TRUE) ) {
                stop("requested indices not specified in strictly increasing order")

# getIndices.qtl ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname getIndices
getIndices.qtl <- function(x, requested=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    available <- seq(x$n.qtl)
    names(available) <- x$name
    resolved <- getIndices(available, requested=requested, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])


# getLodColIndex ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get LOD column index.
#' @param x A \code{scanone} or equivalent object,
#' or any object with LOD-column-associated elements.
#' @template param-lodcolumn
#' @return LOD column index.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getLodColIndex
getLodColIndex <- function(x, lodcolumn=NULL) {
    lodcol.index <- getLodColIndices(x, lodcolumns=lodcolumn)
    if ( length(lodcol.index) > 1 ) {
        stop("object has multiple LOD columns - please choose one")
    } else if ( length(lodcol.index) == 0 ) {
        stop("no LOD column found")

# getLodColIndices -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get LOD column indices.
#' @param x A \code{scanone} or equivalent object,
#' or any object with LOD-column-associated elements.
#' @template param-lodcolumns
#' @param strict Option indicating that the LOD columns, if specified, must
#' be in the same order as the corresponding elements of the input object.
#' @return Vector of LOD column indices.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getLodColIndices
getLodColIndices <- function(x, lodcolumns=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    UseMethod('getLodColIndices', x)

# getLodColIndices.mapframe ----------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname getLodColIndices
getLodColIndices.mapframe <- function(x, lodcolumns=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    return( getDatColIndices(x, datcolumns=lodcolumns, strict=strict) )

# getLodColIndices.scanone -----------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname getLodColIndices
getLodColIndices.scanone <- function(x, lodcolumns=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    return( getDatColIndices(x, datcolumns=lodcolumns, strict=strict) )

# getLodColIndices.scanonebins -------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname getLodColIndices
getLodColIndices.scanonebins <- function(x, lodcolumns=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    available <- seq_len( dim(x)[3] )
    names(available) <- dimnames(x)[[3]]
    resolved <- getIndices(available, requested=lodcolumns, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])

# getLodColIndices.scanoneperm -------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname getLodColIndices
getLodColIndices.scanoneperm <- function(x, lodcolumns=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    available <- getColIndices(x)
    names(available) <- colnames(x)
    resolved <- getIndices(available, requested=lodcolumns, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])

# getLodColIndices.scantwo -----------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname getLodColIndices
getLodColIndices.scantwo <- function(x, lodcolumns=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    available <- if ( is.matrix(x$lod) ) { 1L } else { seq( dim(x$lod)[[3]] ) }
    names(available) <- attr(x, 'phenotypes')
    resolved <- getIndices(available, requested=lodcolumns, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])

# getLodColIndices.scantwoperm -------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname getLodColIndices
getLodColIndices.scantwoperm <- function(x, lodcolumns=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    phenames.vectors <- lapply(unname(x), colnames)
    stopifnot( length( unique(phenames.vectors) ) == 1 )
    pheno.names <- phenames.vectors[[1]]
    available <- structure(seq_along(pheno.names), names=pheno.names)
    resolved <- getIndices(available, requested=lodcolumns, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])

# getLodColIndices.summary.scanonebins -----------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method getLodColIndices summary.scanonebins
#' @rdname getLodColIndices
getLodColIndices.summary.scanonebins <- function(x, lodcolumns=NULL,
    strict=FALSE) {
    available <- getColIndices(x)
    names(available) <- colnames(x)
    resolved <- getIndices(available, requested=lodcolumns, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])

# getLodColIndices.summary.scanoneperm -----------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method getLodColIndices summary.scanoneperm
#' @rdname getLodColIndices
getLodColIndices.summary.scanoneperm <- function(x, lodcolumns=NULL,
    strict=FALSE) {
    available <- getColIndices(x)
    names(available) <- colnames(x)
    resolved <- getIndices(available, requested=lodcolumns, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])

# getLodColIndices.summary.scantwoperm -----------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method getLodColIndices summary.scantwoperm
#' @rdname getLodColIndices
getLodColIndices.summary.scantwoperm <- function(x, lodcolumns=NULL,
    strict=FALSE) {
    # Get available LOD column indices.
    lodcolumn.counts <- lapply(unname(x), ncol)
    stopifnot( length( unique(lodcolumn.counts) ) == 1 )
    available <- seq(lodcolumn.counts[[1]])
    # Set LOD column names from phenotypes, if available.
    names(available) <-  getPhenotypes.summary.scantwoperm(x) # TODO: implement generic.
    # Resolve LOD column indices.
    resolved <- getIndices(available, requested=lodcolumns, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])

# getMask ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get logical mask of object elements.
#' Get logical mask of the elements of an object, as constrained by the
#' \code{requested} parameter. If using this function without \code{requested}
#' constraints, consider using the command \code{rep(TRUE, length(x))} instead.
#' @param x An object that is subsettable by a logical mask.
#' @param requested A character vector of names, a logical vector of the same
#' length as the input object, or a numeric vector containing indices of the
#' input object. If this parameter is not specified, the returned logical mask
#' is \code{TRUE} for all elements.
#' @return Logical mask of object elements.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getMask
getMask <- function(x, requested=NULL) {
    available <- getIndices(x)
    requested <- getIndices(x, requested=requested)
    return( available %in% requested )

# getMissingValueFromClassS3 ---------------------------------------------------
#' Get missing value for the given class.
#' @param class.vector Class vector of an R object.
#' @return Missing value.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getMissingValueFromClassS3
getMissingValueFromClassS3 <- function(class.vector) {
    stopifnot( is.character(class.vector) )
    stopifnot( length(class.vector) > 0 )
    known.missing <- list(
        character = NA_character_,
        double    = NA_real_,
        factor    = NA_character_,
        integer   = NA_integer_,
        logical   = NA,
        numeric   = NA_real_
    missing.value <- NULL
    for ( class.name in class.vector ) {
        if ( class.name %in% names(known.missing) ) {
            missing.value <- known.missing[[class.name]]

# getPhenoColIndices -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Get phenotype column indices.
#' Get the indices of the phenotype columns in the given object. In a
#' \code{data.frame}, phenotype columns are those columns that do not have
#' reserved phenotype headings (e.g. \code{'ID'}). In a \code{cross} object,
#' these are the corresponding columns of the phenotype \code{data.frame}.
#' @param x A \code{data.frame} containing phenotype data, or an \pkg{R/qtl}
#' \code{cross} object containing such a \code{data.frame}.
#' @param pheno.col Vector indicating the phenotype indices to return. This can
#' be an integer vector of phenotype column indices with respect to the columns
#' of the \code{data.frame} (which may or may not be within a \code{cross}
#' object), or a character vector that contains phenotype IDs or their
#' syntactically valid names. If none are specified, all phenotype column
#' indices are returned.
#' @return Phenotype column indices.
#' @export
#' @family cross object functions
#' @rdname getPhenoColIndices
getPhenoColIndices <- function(x, pheno.col=NULL) {
    UseMethod('getPhenoColIndices', x)

# getPhenoColIndices.cross -----------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname getPhenoColIndices
getPhenoColIndices.cross <- function(x, pheno.col=NULL) {
    return( getPhenoColIndices(x$pheno, pheno.col=pheno.col) )

# getPhenoColIndices.data.frame ------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method getPhenoColIndices data.frame
#' @rdname getPhenoColIndices
getPhenoColIndices.data.frame <- function(x, pheno.col=NULL) {
    stopif( anyNA( colnames(x) ) )
    pheno.names <- colnames(x)
    reserved.indices <- which( tolower(pheno.names) %in%
        const$reserved.phenotypes )
    if ( ! is.null(pheno.col) ) {
        stopifnot( length(pheno.col) > 0 )
        stopif( anyNA(pheno.col) )
        if ( is.character(pheno.col) ) {
            indices <- vector('integer', length(pheno.col))
            for ( i in seq_along(pheno.col) ) {
                p <- pheno.col[i]
                pheno.index <- which( pheno.names == make.names(p) )
                if ( length(pheno.index) == 0 ) {
                    stop("index not found for pheno.col - '", p, "'")
                if ( length(pheno.index) > 1 ) {
                    stop("multiple indices found for pheno.col - '", p, "'")
                if ( pheno.index %in% reserved.indices ) {
                    stop("pheno.col heading matches reserved phenotype - '", p, "'")
                indices[i] <- pheno.index
        } else if ( is.numeric(pheno.col) && all( isWholeNumber(pheno.col) ) ) {
            exrange <- pheno.col[ pheno.col < 1 | pheno.col > ncol(x) ]
            if ( length(exrange) > 0 ) {
                stop("pheno.col indices out of range - '", toString(exrange), "'")
            reserved <- pheno.col[ pheno.col %in% reserved.indices ]
            if ( length(reserved) > 0 ) {
                stop("pheno.col indices point to reserved phenotype headings - '",
                    toString(reserved), "'")
            indices <- pheno.col
        } else {
            stop("pheno.col must contain phenotype indices or phenotype names")
    } else {
        indices <- getColIndices(x)
        indices <- indices[ ! indices %in% reserved.indices ]

# getPhenotypes.summary.scantwoperm --------------------------------------------
#' Get phenotype names.
#' @param x Object that may contain phenotype names.
#' @return Character vector of phenotype names. Returns
#' \code{NULL} if the object does not contain phenotype names.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getPhenotypes.summary.scantwoperm
getPhenotypes.summary.scantwoperm <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( 'summary.scantwoperm' %in% class(x) ) # TODO: implement generic.
    # Assume consistent phenotype names.
    inconsistent <- FALSE
    # Get column names of each scantwo threshold matrix.
    phenames.vectors <- lapply(unname(x), colnames)
    # Get names of thresholds for which threshold matrix has no column names.
    unnamed.columns <- names(x)[ sapply(phenames.vectors, is.null) ]
    # If all threshold matrices have column names..
    if ( length(unnamed.columns) == 0 ) {
        # ..and if those column names are consistent, take as phenotype names..
        if ( length( unique(phenames.vectors) ) == 1 ) {
            phenotypes <- phenames.vectors[[1]]
        } else {
            inconsistent <- TRUE
    # ..otherwise check that phenotype names are at least
    # consistently absent from all threshold matrices.
    } else if ( length(unnamed.columns) == length(x) ) {
        phenotypes <- NULL
    } else {
        inconsistent <- TRUE
    if (inconsistent) {
        stop("inconsistent phenotype names in 'summary.scantwoperm' object")

# getRowIndices ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get row indices of object.
#' @param x An object with rows.
#' @param requested A character vector of row names, a logical vector of length
#' equal to the number of object rows, or a numeric vector of row indices of the
#' input object. If this is specified, only the requested row indices are
#' returned; otherwise, this function returns all row indices.
#' @param strict Option indicating that \code{requested}, if specified, must
#' be in the same order as the corresponding rows of the input object.
#' @return Integer vector of row indices.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getRowIndices
getRowIndices <- function(x, requested=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    num.rows <- nrow(x)
    if ( ! isSingleNonNegativeWholeNumber(num.rows) ) {
        stop("cannot get row indices - object does not have rows")
    available <- if ( num.rows > 0 ) { 1:num.rows } else { integer() }
    names(available) <- rownames(x)
    resolved <- getIndices(available, requested=requested, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])

# getRowMask -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get logical mask of object rows.
#' Get logical mask of the rows of an object, as constrained by the
#' \code{requested} parameter. If using this function without \code{requested}
#' constraints, consider using the command \code{rep(TRUE, nrow(x))} instead.
#' @param x An object with rows.
#' @param requested A character vector of row names, a logical vector of length
#' equal to the number of object rows, or a numeric vector of row indices of the
#' input object. If this parameter is not specified, the returned logical mask
#' is \code{TRUE} for all rows.
#' @return Logical mask of object rows.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getRowMask
getRowMask <- function(x, requested=NULL) {
    available <- getRowIndices(x)
    requested <- getRowIndices(x, requested=requested)
    return( available %in% requested )

# getRunIndexList --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get index list of successive runs in a vector.
#' @param x A vector.
#' @return List of integer vectors, each containing indices for a run of
#' repeated values in the input vector. Each list element takes its name
#' from the corresponding repeated value. Returns an empty list if the
#' input vector is of length zero.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getRunIndexList
getRunIndexList <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( is.vector(x) )
    stopifnot( isBOOL(na.rm) )
    if ( length(x) > 0 ) {
        # Get run-length encoding of vector.
        runs <- rle(x)
        # Set run names from RLE values.
        run.names <- runs$values
        # Get number of runs in RLE.
        num.runs <- unique( lengths(runs) )
        # Get last index of each run.
        J <- cumsum(runs$lengths)
        # Get first index of each run.
        if ( num.runs > 1 ) {
            I <- c( 1, sapply(J[1:(length(J)-1)], function(j) j + 1) )
        } else {
            I <- 1
        # Remove NA values, if specified.
        if (na.rm) {
            mask <- ! is.na(runs$values)
            run.names <- run.names[mask]
            I <- I[mask]
            J <- J[mask]
        # Set index list from run index ranges.
        index.list <- mapply(function(i, j) i:j, I, J, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
        # Set names of index list from run values.
        names(index.list) <- run.names
    } else {
        index.list <- list()

# getRunIndices ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get indices of successive runs in a run-length encoding.
#' @param x An \code{rle} object.
#' @return Integer vector of all run indices in the given run-length encoding,
#' which can be used to index into the \code{lengths} and \code{values} of the
#' given \code{rle} object. Returns an empty integer vector if the run-length
#' encoding has zero runs.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getRunIndices
getRunIndices <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( 'rle' %in% class(x) )
    num.runs <- union( length(x$lengths), length(x$values) )
    stopifnot( isSingleNonNegativeWholeNumber(num.runs) )
    return( if ( num.runs > 0 ) { 1:num.runs } else { integer() } )

# getXInfoFromFilenames --------------------------------------------------------
#' Get experiment info from filenames.
#' @param filenames Character vector of file names.
#' @param pattern Pattern for extracting experiment info from file names. This
#' must be a valid Perl regex with named capture groups. Neither the capture
#' groups nor the pattern itself are required to match any given filename, but
#' all capture groups must have a name, and that name cannot clash with other
#' names that might be used alongside the extracted info.
#' @return Character matrix in which each row contains the values of capture
#' groups for a given filename, and each column contains values of a given
#' capture group across filenames. Unmatched capture groups are represented by
#' \code{NA} values.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getXInfoFromFilenames
getXInfoFromFilenames <- function(filenames, pattern) {
    stopifnot( is.character(filenames) )
    stopif( anyDuplicated(filenames) )
    stopifnot( isSingleString(pattern) )
    # Init scanfile info.
    xinfo <- NULL
    if ( length(filenames) > 0 ) {
        # Parse scan file names by the given pattern.
        parsed <- parseFilenames(filenames, pattern)
        # Check for capture-group names clashing with disallowed info tags.
        clashing <- colnames(parsed)[ colnames(parsed) %in%
            const$disallowed.xinfotags ]
        if ( length(clashing) > 0 ) {
            stop("info tags clash with Excel headings - '",
                toString(clashing), "'")
        # Remove empty columns.
        parsed <- removeColsNA(parsed)
        if ( ncol(parsed) > 0 ) {
            xinfo <- parsed

# getScanoneThresholdInfo ------------------------------------------------------
#' Get \code{scanone} threshold info from object.
#' @param x An object containing a single \code{scanone} threshold,
#' or an object associated with a single \code{scanone} threshold.
#' @return A named list containing the \code{scanone} threshold
#' info that was extracted from the input object.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getScanoneThresholdInfo
getScanoneThresholdInfo <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('getScanoneThresholdInfo', x)

# getScanoneThresholdInfo.numeric ----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname getScanoneThresholdInfo
getScanoneThresholdInfo.numeric <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( isSingleNonNegativeNumber(x) )
    return( list( threshold=unname(x), alpha=NULL, fdr=NULL) )

# getScanoneThresholdInfo.qtlintervals -----------------------------------------
#' @rdname getScanoneThresholdInfo
getScanoneThresholdInfo.qtlintervals <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( 'threshold' %in% names( attributes(x) ) )
    return( list( threshold=unname( attr(x, 'threshold') ),
        alpha=unname( attr(x, 'alpha') ), fdr=unname( attr(x, 'fdr') ) ) )

# getScanoneThresholdInfo.summary.scanonebins ----------------------------------
#' @method getScanoneThresholdInfo summary.scanonebins
#' @rdname getScanoneThresholdInfo
getScanoneThresholdInfo.summary.scanonebins <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( ncol(x) == 1 )
    stopifnot( nrow(x) == 1 )
    threshold <- x[1, 1]
    alpha <- NULL
    fdr <- 0.01 * as.numeric( sub('%', '', rownames(x)[1]) )
    return( list( threshold=threshold, alpha=alpha, fdr=fdr) )

# getScanoneThresholdInfo.summary.scanoneperm ----------------------------------
#' @method getScanoneThresholdInfo summary.scanoneperm
#' @rdname getScanoneThresholdInfo
getScanoneThresholdInfo.summary.scanoneperm <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( ncol(x) == 1 )
    stopifnot( nrow(x) == 1 )
    threshold <- x[1, 1]
    alpha <- 0.01 * as.numeric( sub('%', '', rownames(x)[1]) )
    fdr <- NULL
    return( list( threshold=threshold, alpha=alpha, fdr=fdr) )

# getSeqinfo -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get \pkg{GenomeInfoDb} \code{Seqinfo} object.
#' @param genome Genome for which a \pkg{GenomeInfoDb} \code{Seqinfo} object
#' should be returned. If this is not specified, a \code{Seqinfo} object is
#' returned for the current genome.
#' @return A \code{Seqinfo} object for the given genome.
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb Seqinfo
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getSeqinfo
getSeqinfo <- function(genome=NULL) {
    seqtab <- getSeqTable(genome)
    seqinfo <- GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo(
        seqnames   = seqtab$seqids,
        seqlengths = seqtab$seqlengths,
        isCircular = seqtab$isCircular,
        genome     = seqtab$genome

# getSeqTable ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get genome sequence info table.
#' @param genome Genome for which sequence info should be returned. If this
#' is not specified, sequence info is returned for the current genome.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} containing sequence info for the given genome.
#' This can be used to create, but is distinct from, a \pkg{GenomeInfoDb}
#' \code{Seqinfo} object.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getSeqTable
getSeqTable <- function(genome=NULL) {
    prev.genome <- genomeOpt(genome)
    on.exit( genomeOpt(prev.genome) )
    seqtab <- const$seqtab[[ genomeOpt() ]]

# getSpecialAttributeNames -----------------------------------------------------
#' Get special attributes for the given object.
#' @param x R object.
#' @return Vector of special attribute names.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getSpecialAttributeNames
getSpecialAttributeNames <- function(x) {
    default.specials <- const$special.attributes[['default']]
    attrset.names <- names(const$special.attributes)
    class.specials <- NULL
    for ( class.name in class(x) ) {
        if ( class.name %in% attrset.names ) {
            class.specials <- const$special.attributes[[class.name]]
    return( union(class.specials, default.specials) )

# hasNames ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if object has names.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if object has nonempty names with no \code{NA} values;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname hasNames
hasNames <- function(x) {
    return( ! is.null( names(x) ) && all( ! is.na(names(x)) & names(x) != '' ) )

# hasRownames ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if object has rownames.
#' @param x A \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if input object has non-default row names;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname hasRownames
hasRownames <- function(x) {
    rowname.status <- FALSE
    if ( is.data.frame(x) ) {
        row.names <- attr(x, 'row.names')
        rowname.status <- ! is.null(row.names) && ! all( row.names == getRowIndices(x) )
    } else if ( ! is.null( rownames(x) ) ) {
        rowname.status <- TRUE

# inferFormatFromFilename ------------------------------------------------------
#' Infer format from filename.
#' @param filename A file name.
#' @return File format inferred from extension of file name.
#' Returns \code{unknown} if format could not be inferred.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname inferFormatFromFilename
inferFormatFromFilename <- function(filename) {
    stopifnot( isSingleString(filename) )
    fmt <- 'unknown'
    ext <- tolower( tools::file_ext(filename) )
    indices <- which( sapply(const$ext, function(fmt.exts) ext %in% fmt.exts) )
    if ( length(indices) == 1 ) {
        fmt <- names(const$ext)[indices]
    } else {
        stop("ambiguous extension on file - '", filename, "'")

# inferStepSize ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Infer step size from step values.
#' @param steps Numeric vector of steps (i.e. differences between consecutive 
#' values). 
#' @param tol Tolerance for step equality.
#' @return Inferred step size. Returns \code{NULL} if step size cannot be 
#' inferred.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname inferStepSize
inferStepSize <- function(steps, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
    stopifnot( is.numeric(steps) )
    stopifnot( all( steps >= 0 ) )
    stopifnot( isSingleNonNegativeNumber(tol) )
    # Get frequency table of steps.
    step.freq <- table(steps)
    # Get numeric step sizes.
    step.sizes <- as.numeric( names(step.freq) )
    # Get differences between step sizes.
    step.diff <- diff(step.sizes)
    # Group step-size values that are very similar.
    size.groups <- vector('list')
    i <- 1L
    while ( i <= length(step.freq) ) {
        j <- i
        while ( j < length(step.freq) && step.diff[j] < tol ) {
            j <- j + 1L
        size.groups <- append( size.groups, list(i:j) )
        i <- j + 1L
    # Merge similar step values.
    merged.freq <- integer( length=length(size.groups) )
    for ( i in seq_along(size.groups) ) {
        g <- unlist(size.groups[i])
        merged.freq[i] <- sum(step.freq[g])
        names(merged.freq)[i] <- names( sort(step.freq[g], decreasing=TRUE) )[1]
    # Sort steps by decreasing frequency.
    sorted.freq <- sort(merged.freq, decreasing=TRUE)
    # Verify that most frequent step is in majority.
    if( length(sorted.freq) > 1 && sorted.freq[1] < sum(sorted.freq[2:length(sorted.freq)]) ) {
    # Get most frequent step.
    step.size <- as.numeric( names(sorted.freq)[1] )

# inRange ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if numbers lie within a range.
#' @param n Numeric vector.
#' @param interval Numeric vector containing the minimum and maximum values of
#' the range, respectively. 
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements of the input numeric vector
#' lie within the specified range.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname inRange
inRange <- function(n, interval) {
    stopifnot( is.numeric(n) )
    stopifnot( is.numeric(interval) )
    stopifnot( length(interval) == 2 )
    stopif( anyNA(interval) )
    stopif( any( is.nan(interval) ) )
    stopifnot( diff(interval) >= 0 )
    return( findInterval(n, interval, rightmost.closed=TRUE) == 1 )

# insertColumn -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Insert column in an object.
#' @param x A \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}.
#' @param col.index Column index of inserted column.
#' @param col.name Column name of inserted column. If a column name is 
#' specified, but the object has no existing column names, default names 
#' (e.g. \code{'COL05'}) will be assigned to the existing columns. If a column
#' name is not specified, but the object has existing column names, the 
#' inserted column will be assigned a default column name.
#' @param data Optional vector of data to insert in the new column. The length 
#' of this vector should be evenly divisible by the number of rows in the data 
#' frame.
#' @return Input object with column inserted.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname insertColumn
insertColumn <- function(x, col.index, col.name=NULL, data=NA) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x) )
    stopifnot( isSingleWholeNumber(col.index) )
    stopifnot( inRange(col.index, c(1, ncol(x) + 1)) )
    stopifnot( isWholeNumber( nrow(x) / length(data) ) )
    others <- otherattributes(x)
    # Get column names of input object.
    object.colnames <- colnames(x)
    # Get number of columns before and after column insertion.
    prev.ncol <- ncol(x)
    post.ncol <- prev.ncol + 1

    # If this is a matrix, insert new column to   
    # the right of the rightmost existing column.
    if ( is.matrix(x) ) {
        x <- cbind( x, rep( NA, nrow(x) ) )
    # If new column index is within previously existing columns, 
    # nudge subsequent columns one column to the right.
    if ( col.index <= prev.ncol ) {
        x[, (col.index + 1):post.ncol] <- x[, col.index:prev.ncol]
    # Set new column data.
    x[, col.index] <- data

    # Update column names, if appropriate.
    if ( ! is.null(col.name) && ! is.null(object.colnames) ) {
        colnames(x) <- append(object.colnames, col.name, after=(col.index - 1))
    otherattributes(x) <- others

# isBOOL -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for a single logical value.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if object is a single logical value;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isBOOL
isBOOL <- function(x) {
    return( isTRUE(x) | isFALSE(x) )

# isDefaultMarkerID ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for default marker IDs.
#' @param ids Vector of locus IDs.
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements are valid
#' IDs that follow the pattern of a default marker ID.
#' @template section-default-marker-ids
#' @export
#' @rdname isDefaultMarkerID
isDefaultMarkerID <- function(ids) {
    return( isValidID(ids) & grepl(const$pattern$default.marker.id, ids) )

# isDefaultQTLName -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for default QTL names.
#' @param ids Vector of item IDs.
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements are valid
#' IDs that follow the pattern of a default QTL name.
#' @template section-qtl-names
#' @export
#' @rdname isDefaultQTLName
isDefaultQTLName <- function(ids) {
    return( isValidID(ids) & grepl(const$pattern$default.qtl.name, ids) )

# isEnumAllele -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if symbol is a valid enumerated allele.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if symbol is a valid enumerated allele;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @template section-geno-enum
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isEnumAllele
isEnumAllele <- function(x) {
    return( x %in% const$enum.geno.charset )

# isEnumGenotype ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if symbol is a valid enumerated genotype.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if symbol is a valid enumerated
#'  genotype; \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @template section-geno-enum
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isEnumGenotype
isEnumGenotype <- function(x) {
    return( x %in% const$enum.geno.charset )

# isFALSE ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for a single \code{FALSE} value.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if object is a single \code{FALSE} value;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isFALSE
isFALSE <- function(x) {
    return( identical(FALSE, x) )

# isFounderAllele --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if symbol is a valid founder allele.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if symbol is a valid founder allele;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @template section-geno-founder
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isFounderAllele
isFounderAllele <- function(x) {
    return( x %in% const$founder.allele.charset )

# isFounderGenotype ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if symbol is a valid founder genotype.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @param strict Return \code{TRUE} only for complete genotypes.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if symbol is a valid founder genotype;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @template section-geno-founder
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isFounderGenotype
isFounderGenotype <- function(x, strict=FALSE) {
    allele.list <- strsplit(x, '')
    strict.charset <- const$founder.allele.charset
    if (strict) {
        result <- unlist( lapply(allele.list, function(alleles)
            all( alleles %in% strict.charset ) ) )
    } else {
        extended.charset <- c(strict.charset, const$missing.value)
        result <- unlist( lapply(allele.list, function(alleles)
            all( alleles %in% extended.charset ) &&
            any( alleles %in% strict.charset ) ) )

# isMarkerID -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for marker IDs.
#' @param loc.ids Vector of locus IDs.
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements are valid IDs that do
#' \emph{not} follow the pattern of a pseudomarker ID.
#' @template section-marker-ids
#' @export
#' @rdname isMarkerID
isMarkerID <- function(loc.ids) {
    return( isValidID(loc.ids) & ! grepl(const$pattern$pseudomarker.id, loc.ids) )

# isNegativeNumber -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for negative numbers.
#' @param n Test vector.
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements are less than zero.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isNegativeNumber
isNegativeNumber <- function(n) {
    return( is.numeric(n) & is.finite(n) & n < 0 )

# isNonNegativeNumber ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for non-negative numbers.
#' @param n Test vector.
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements are greater than or equal to 
#' zero.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isNonNegativeNumber
isNonNegativeNumber <- function(n) {
    return( is.numeric(n) & is.finite(n) & n >= 0 )

# isPositiveNumber -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for positive numbers.
#' @param n Test vector.
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements are positive numbers.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isPositiveNumber
isPositiveNumber <- function(n) {
    return( is.numeric(n) & is.finite(n) & n > 0 )

# isPositiveWholeNumber --------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for positive whole numbers.
#' @param n Test vector.
#' @param tol Numeric tolerance.
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements are positive whole numbers.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isPositiveWholeNumber
isPositiveWholeNumber <- function(n, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
    stopifnot( tol > 0 )
    return( is.numeric(n) & is.finite(n) & n > tol & abs(n - round(n)) < abs(tol) )

# isProbability ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for valid probabilities.
#' @param n Test vector.
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements are valid probabilities.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isProbability
isProbability <- function(n) {
    return( is.numeric(n) & is.finite(n) & n >= 0 & n <= 1 )

# isPseudomarkerID -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for pseudomarker IDs.
#' @param loc.ids Vector of locus IDs.
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements are valid IDs that follow
#' the pattern of a pseudomarker ID.
#' @template section-pseudomarker-ids
#' @export
#' @rdname isPseudomarkerID
isPseudomarkerID <- function(loc.ids) {
    return( isValidID(loc.ids) & grepl(const$pattern$pseudomarker.id, loc.ids) )

# isRawAllele ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if symbol is a valid raw SNP allele.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if symbol is a valid raw SNP allele;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isRawAllele
isRawAllele <- function(x) {
    return( x %in% const$raw.allele.charset )

# isRawGenotype ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if symbol is a valid raw SNP genotype.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @param strict Return \code{TRUE} only for complete genotypes.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if symbol is a valid raw SNP genotype;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isRawGenotype
isRawGenotype <- function(x, strict=FALSE) {
    allele.list <- strsplit(x, '')
    strict.charset <- const$raw.allele.charset
    if (strict) {
        result <- unlist( lapply(allele.list, function(alleles)
            all( alleles %in% strict.charset ) ) )
    } else {
        extended.charset <- c(strict.charset, const$missing.value)
        result <- unlist( lapply(allele.list, function(alleles)
            all( alleles %in% extended.charset ) &&
            any( alleles %in% strict.charset ) ) )

# isSingleChar -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for a single character.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object is a single character;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isSingleChar
isSingleChar <- function(x) {
    return( length(x) == 1 && is.character(x) && ! is.na(x) && nchar(x) == 1 )

# isSingleFiniteNumber ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for a single finite number.
#' @param n Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object is a single finite number;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isSingleFiniteNumber
isSingleFiniteNumber <- function(n) {
    return( length(n) == 1 && is.numeric(n) && is.finite(n) )

# isSingleNonNegativeNumber ----------------------------------------------------
#' Test for a single non-negative number.
#' @param n Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object is a single non-negative number;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isSingleNonNegativeNumber
isSingleNonNegativeNumber <- function(n) {
    return( length(n) == 1 && is.numeric(n) && is.finite(n) && n >= 0 )

# isSingleNonNegativeWholeNumber -----------------------------------------------
#' Test for a single non-negative whole number.
#' @param n Test object.
#' @param tol Numeric tolerance.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object is a single non-negative whole number;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isSingleNonNegativeWholeNumber
isSingleNonNegativeWholeNumber <- function(n, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
    return( length(n) == 1 && is.numeric(n) && is.finite(n) && 
                n >= 0 && abs(n - round(n)) < abs(tol) )

# isSinglePositiveNumber -------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for a single positive number.
#' @param n Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object is a single positive number;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isSinglePositiveNumber
isSinglePositiveNumber <- function(n) {
    return( length(n) == 1 && is.numeric(n) && is.finite(n) && n > 0 )

# isSinglePositiveWholeNumber --------------------------------------------------
#' Test for a single positive whole number.
#' @param n Test object.
#' @param tol Numeric tolerance.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object is a single positive whole number;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isSinglePositiveWholeNumber
isSinglePositiveWholeNumber <- function(n, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
    return( length(n) == 1 && is.numeric(n) && is.finite(n) && 
        n > tol && abs(n - round(n)) < abs(tol) )

# isSingleProbability ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for a single valid probability.
#' @param n Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object is a single valid probability;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isSingleProbability
isSingleProbability <- function(n) {
    return( length(n) == 1 && is.numeric(n) && 
        is.finite(n) && n >= 0 && n <= 1 )

# isSingleString ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for a single character string.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object is a single string;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isSingleString
isSingleString <- function(x) {
    return( length(x) == 1 && is.character(x) && ! is.na(x) )

# isSingleWholeNumber ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for a single whole number.
#' @param n Test object.
#' @param tol Numeric tolerance.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object is a single whole number;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isSingleWholeNumber
isSingleWholeNumber <- function(n, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
    return( length(n) == 1 && is.numeric(n) && is.finite(n) && 
        abs(n - round(n)) < abs(tol) )

# isValidAllele ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if symbol is a valid allele.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if symbol is a valid enumerated or founder allele;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @template section-geno-enum
#' @template section-geno-founder
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isValidAllele
isValidAllele <- function(x) {
    return( isEnumAllele(x) | isFounderAllele(x) )

# isValidGenotype --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if symbol is a valid genotype.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @param strict Return \code{TRUE} only for complete genotypes.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if symbol is a valid enumerated or founder genotype;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @template section-geno-enum
#' @template section-geno-founder
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isValidGenotype
isValidGenotype <- function(x, strict=FALSE) {
    return( isEnumGenotype(x) | isFounderGenotype(x, strict=strict) )

# isValidID --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test identifier validity.
#' @param x Test vector.
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements are valid identifiers.
#' @template section-item-ids
#' @export
#' @rdname isValidID
isValidID <- function(x) {
    return( is.character(x) & nzchar(x) & grepl(const$pattern$item.id, x) )

# isValidName ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for syntactically valid names.
#' @param x Test vector.
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements are syntactically valid R
#' names.
#' @template section-syntactic-names
#' @export
#' @rdname isValidName
isValidName <- function(x) {
    dotvar.pattern <- '^(?:[.]{3})|(?:[.]{2}[[:digit:]]+)$'
    return( is.character(x) & x == make.names(x) & ! grepl(dotvar.pattern, x) )

# isWholeNumber ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test for whole numbers.
#' @param n Test vector.
#' @param tol Numeric tolerance.
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements are whole numbers.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isWholeNumber
isWholeNumber <- function(n, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5) { 
    return( is.numeric(n) & is.finite(n) & abs(n - round(n)) < abs(tol) )

# loadChrTable -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Load chromosome info.
#' This function loads standard chromosome info.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} object containing chromosome info.
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname loadChrTable
loadChrTable <- function() {
    filepath <- requestPkgDataPath('extdata', 'genomes', 'chrtab.csv')
    column.classes <- c(seqids='character', seqnames='character', aliases='character', 
        isCircular='logical', genome='character')
    chrtab <- utils::read.csv(filepath, quote='', stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
        strip.white=TRUE, na.strings='', colClasses=column.classes)

# loadMapping ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Load a mapping from a line or file.
#' Given a specified line of text or filename, the input text is loaded
#' as a YAML mapping, and returned as a simple \code{mapping} object.
#' @param line Character string containing the line to be loaded.
#' @param file Character string containing the name of the file to be loaded.
#' @return A \code{mapping} of unique string keys to individual values.
#' @importFrom yaml yaml.load
#' @importFrom yaml yaml.load_file
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname loadMapping
loadMapping <- function(line=NULL, file=NULL) {
    if ( ! xor( is.null(line), is.null(file) ) ) {
        stop("mapping must be loaded from either a line or a file, but not both")
    if ( ! is.null(line) ) {
        stopifnot( isSingleString(line) )
        # Ensure line is enclosed by curly braces.
        first.char <- substr(line, 1, 1)
        last.char <- substr(line, nchar(line), nchar(line))
        if ( first.char != '{' || first.char != '}' ) {
            line <- paste0('{', line, '}', collapse='')
        tryCatch({ # Load YAML object from line.
            x <- yaml::yaml.load(line)
        }, error=function(e) {
            stop("failed to load YAML from line - '", toString(line), "'")
    } else if ( ! is.null(file) ) {
        stopifnot( isSingleString(file) )
        tryCatch({ # Load YAML object from file.
            x <- yaml::yaml.load_file(file)
        }, error=function(e) {
            stop("failed to load YAML from file - '", toString(file), "'")
    tryCatch({ # Convert YAML object to mapping.
        x <- mapping(x)
    }, error=function(e) {
        stop("failed to load mapping")

# loadSeqTables ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Load genome sequence info tables.
#' This function loads the sequence info tables of genomes for which package
#' data is available.
#' @return A \code{list} of \code{data.frame} objects, each element named for a
#' given genome and containing sequence info for that genome. Each such
#' \code{data.frame} object can be used to create, but is distinct from,
#' a \pkg{GenomeInfoDb} \code{Seqinfo} object.
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname loadSeqTables
loadSeqTables <- function() {
    column.classes <- c(seqids='character', seqnames='character', 
        seqlengths='integer', maplengths='numeric', isCircular='logical', 
    genome.root <- requestPkgDataPath('extdata', 'genomes')
    genomes <- list.dirs(genome.root, full.names=FALSE, recursive=FALSE)
    seqtab <- vector('list', length(genomes))
    names(seqtab) <- genomes
    for ( genome in genomes ) {
        filepath <- file.path(genome.root, genome, 'seqtab.csv')
        seqtab[[genome]] <- utils::read.csv(filepath, quote='',
            stringsAsFactors=FALSE, strip.white=TRUE, na.strings='', 

# loadVector -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Load a vector from a line or file.
#' Given a specified line of text or filename, the input text is loaded
#' as a YAML list, and returned as an R \code{vector} object.
#' @param line Character string containing the line to be loaded.
#' @param file Character string containing the name of the file to be loaded.
#' @return Vector of loaded data.
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom yaml yaml.load
#' @importFrom yaml yaml.load_file
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname loadVector
loadVector <- function(line=NULL, file=NULL, type=NULL) {
    if ( ! xor( is.null(line), is.null(file) ) ) {
        stop("vector must be loaded from either a line or a file, but not both")
    if ( ! is.null(line) ) {
        stopifnot( isSingleString(line) )
        # Ensure line is enclosed by square brackets.
        first.char <- substr(line, 1, 1)
        last.char <- substr(line, nchar(line), nchar(line))
        if ( first.char != '[' || first.char != ']' ) {
            line <- paste0('[', line, ']', collapse='')
        tryCatch({ # Load YAML list from line.
            x <- yaml::yaml.load(line)
            stopifnot( is.vector(x) && ! hasNames(x) )
        }, error=function(e) {
            stop("failed to load vector from line - '", toString(line), "'")
    } else if ( ! is.null(file) ) {
        stopifnot( isSingleString(file) )
            # Read list file as a CSV file with one column.
            x <- utils::read.table(file, sep='\n', quote='', as.is=TRUE,
                na.strings=NA, colClasses='character', strip.white=TRUE,
                blank.lines.skip=FALSE, allowEscapes=TRUE,
            stopifnot( ncol(x) == 1 )
            # Trim any blank rows from the bottom.
            x <- bstripBlankRows(x)
            # Convert to vector of YAML-loaded values.
            x <- lapply(getRowIndices(x), function(i) yaml::yaml.load(x[i, ]))
            stopifnot( all( lengths(x) == 1 ) )
            # Get data types of YAML-loaded elements.
            element.types <- unique( sapply(x, typeof) )
            if ( ! all( element.types %in%
                c('character', 'logical', 'integer', 'double', 'numeric') ) ) {
                stop("unknown vector element types - '", toString(element.types), "'")
            # If all elements are of the same type,
            # convert list to a vector of that type.
            if ( length(element.types) == 1 ) {
                if ( element.types == 'character' ) {
                    x <- as.character(x)
                } else if ( element.types == 'logical' ) {
                    x <- as.logical(x)
                } else if ( element.types == 'integer' ) {
                    x <- as.integer(x)
                } else if ( element.types %in% c('double', 'numeric') ) {
                    x <- as.numeric(x)
        }, error=function(e) {
            stop("failed to load vector from file - '", toString(file), "'")
    # If relevant, check type of vector against
    # that specified, and convert if appropriate.
    if ( ! is.null(type) ) {
        stopifnot( isSingleString(type) )
        err.type <- NULL
        if ( type == 'character' ) {
            if ( ! is.character(x) ) {
                x <- as.character(x)
        } else if ( type == 'logical' ) {
            if ( ! is.logical(x) ) {
                err.type <- 'logical'
        } else if ( type == 'integer' ) {
            if ( ! is.integer(x) ) {
                if ( is.numeric(x) ) {
                    x <- as.integer(x)
                } else {
                    err.type <- 'integer'
        } else if ( type %in% c('double', 'numeric') ) {
            if ( ! is.numeric(x) ) {
                err.type <- 'numeric'
        } else if ( type == 'list' ) {
            if ( ! is.list(x) ) {
                x <- as.list(x)
        } else {
            stop("unknown vector type - '", type, "'")
        if ( ! is.null(err.type) ) {
            stop("vector is not of type - '", type, "'")

# makeAlleleSet ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Make allele set from the given genotypes.
#' @param genotypes Sorted character vector of genotype symbols.
#' @return Character vector of allele symbols generated from the given genotypes.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeAlleleSet
makeAlleleSet <- function(genotypes) {
    alleles <- sort( unique( unlist( strsplit(genotypes, '') ) ) )
    alleles <- alleles[ alleles != const$missing.value ]

# makeDefaultMarkerIDs ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Make default marker IDs for loci.
#' @description This function creates marker IDs from locus \code{data.frame}
#' \code{'loc'}, and validates that each locus has a map position that
#' is within range for the given reference sequence/chromosome. If any
#' locus position is found to be out-of-range, then it will stop with
#' an error message.
#' @param loc Locus \code{data.frame}, with columns \code{'chr'} and
#' \code{'pos'}, specifying physical map positions.
#' @param sep Separator between the two parts of a default marker ID.
#' @return Character vector of default marker IDs.
#' @template author-thomas-walsh
#' @template author-yue-hu
#' @template section-default-marker-ids
#' @export
#' @rdname makeDefaultMarkerIDs
makeDefaultMarkerIDs <- function(loc, sep=c(':', '-')) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(loc) )
    stopifnot( nrow(loc) > 0 )
    sep <- match.arg(sep)
    # Check map unit is physical, if present.
    map.unit <- getMapUnit(loc)
    if ( ! is.na(map.unit) ) {
        stopifnot( isPhysicalMapUnit(map.unit) )
        # Scale locus positions to base-pair units, if needed.
        basic.unit <- const$basic.map.unit[['pmap']]
        if ( map.unit != basic.unit ) {
            loc <- setMapUnit(loc, basic.unit)
    # Get locus sequences and positions.
    loc.seqs <- normSeq( pullLocusSeq(loc) )
    loc.pos <- pullLocusPos(loc)
    # Validate positions from genome sequence lengths.
    seqtab <- getSeqTable()
    loc.seq.lengths <- seqtab$seqlengths[ match(loc.seqs,seqtab$seqids) ]
    exrange <- loc.pos[ loc.pos < 1 | loc.pos > loc.seq.lengths ]
    if ( length(exrange) > 0 ) {
        stop("cannot make default marker IDs for positions '", toString(exrange), "'")
    # Format locus positions.
    loc.pos <- sprintf('%07d', loc.pos)

    return( paste0('c', loc.seqs, sep, loc.pos) )

# makeDefaultQTLNames ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Make default QTL names for the specified loci.
#' @param loc Locus \code{data.frame}, with columns \code{'chr'} and
#' \code{'pos'}, specifying genetic map positions.
#' @param step Map step size.
#' @return Character vector of default QTL names.
#' @template section-qtl-names
#' @export
#' @rdname makeDefaultQTLNames
makeDefaultQTLNames <- function(loc, step=0) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(loc) )
    stopifnot( nrow(loc) > 0 )
    stopifnot( isSingleNonNegativeNumber(step) )
    # Check map unit is genetic, if present.
    map.unit <- getMapUnit(loc)
    if ( ! is.na(map.unit) ) {
        stopifnot( isGeneticMapUnit(map.unit) )
    # Adjust number of digits in map position. 
    # NB: based on code in R/qtl::makeqtl
    digits <- 1
    if ( step > 0 ) {
        digits <- max( digits, -floor( log10(step) ) )
    # Get locus sequences and positions.
    loc.seqs <- normSeq( pullLocusSeq(loc) )
    loc.pos <- pullLocusPos(loc)
    # Format locus positions.
    loc.pos <- sprintf(paste0('%.', digits, 'f'), loc.pos)
    return( paste(loc.seqs, loc.pos, sep='@') )

# makeGenotypeSet --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Make genotype set from the given alleles and cross type.
#' @param alleles Sorted character vector containing a set of allele symbols.
#' @param crosstype Cross type for which genotype set should be made.
#' @param strict Make genotype set containing only complete genotypes.
#' @return Character vector of genotype symbols generated from the
#' given alleles in a way determined by the specified cross type.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeGenotypeSet
makeGenotypeSet <- function(alleles, crosstype, strict=FALSE) {
    # TODO: implement for other cross types.
    # TODO: implement strict option. By default (strict=FALSE), partially
    # missing genotype symbols (e.g. 'A-') are included in the returned
    # genotype set. If strict is TRUE, the returned genotype set contains
    # only complete genotype symbols.
    if ( crosstype == 'haploid' ) {
        # NB: strict option is irrelevant for a haploid cross type,
        # because partial genotypes cannot exist by definition.
        genotypes <- alleles
    } else if ( crosstype %in% const$supported.crosstypes ) {
        stop("cannot get genotype set for cross type - '", crosstype, "'")
    } else {
        stop("unsupported cross type - '", crosstype, "'")

# makeNumbers ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Make numbers from numeric names.
#' @param x Vector of syntactically valid names that represent numbers.
#' @return Numeric vector of numbers corresponding to the input names.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeNumbers
makeNumbers <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( isValidName(x) )
    m <- regexec(const$pattern$numeric.name, x)
    matches <- regmatches(x, m)
    unconvertible <- x[ lengths(matches) == 0 ]
    if ( length(unconvertible) > 0 ) {
        stop("cannot make numbers from non-numeric names - '", 
            toString(unconvertible), "'")
    is.negative <- sapply(matches, getElement, 2) == '.'
    numbers <- sapply(matches, function(regmatch) as.numeric(regmatch[3]))
    numbers[is.negative] <- -1 * numbers[is.negative]

# makePseudomarkerIDs ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Make pseudomarker IDs for the specified loci.
#' @param loc Locus \code{data.frame}, with columns \code{'chr'} and
#' \code{'pos'}, specifying genetic map positions.
#' @return Character vector of pseudomarker IDs.
#' @template section-pseudomarker-ids
#' @export
#' @rdname makePseudomarkerIDs
makePseudomarkerIDs <- function(loc) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(loc) )
    stopifnot( nrow(loc) > 0 )
    # Check map unit is genetic, if present.
    map.unit <- getMapUnit(loc)
    if ( ! is.na(map.unit) ) {
        stopifnot( isGeneticMapUnit(map.unit) )
    # Get locus sequences and positions.
    loc.seqs <- normSeq( pullLocusSeq(loc) )
    loc.pos <- pullLocusPos(loc)
    return( paste0('c', loc.seqs, '.loc', loc.pos) )

# makeResultsOverview ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Make QTL analysis results overview.
#' @param phenotypes Vector of phenotype IDs.
#' @param analysis Name of analysis from which results were generated.
#' @param results Character vector summarising results of analysis. If the
#' results vector has names, results are matched to phenotypes by name.
#' @return A results overview \code{data.frame}, with two columns:
#' \code{'Phenotype'}, listing phenotypes for which the analysis was
#' done; and a second column summarising the results of that analysis.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeResultsOverview
makeResultsOverview <- function(phenotypes, analysis, results=NULL) {
    stopifnot( all( isValidID(phenotypes) ) )
    stopifnot( length(phenotypes) > 0 )
    stopif( anyDuplicated(phenotypes) )
    stopifnot( isSingleString(analysis) )
    stopifnot( analysis %in% names(const$supported.analyses) )
    phenotypes <- sort(phenotypes)
    if ( ! is.null(results) ) {
        stopifnot( is.character(results) )
        stopifnot( hasNames(results) )
        stopif( anyDuplicated( names(results) ) )
        stopifnot( setequal(names(results), phenotypes) )
        results <- unname(results[phenotypes])
    } else {
        results <- rep('', length(phenotypes))
    columns <- structure(list(phenotypes, results),
        names=c('Phenotype', analysis))
    overview <- as.data.frame(columns, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

# makeScanoneThresholdObject ---------------------------------------------------
#' Make \code{scanone} threshold object.
#' @param threshold LOD threshold value.
#' @param lodcolnames Character vector of LOD column names
#' to be used in the \code{scanone} threshold object.
#' @param alpha Significance level (alpha) associated with the specified LOD
#' threshold. (Incompatible with \code{fdr}.)
#' @param fdr False-discovery rate associated with the specified LOD
#' threshold. (Incompatible with \code{alpha}.)
#' @return If \code{alpha} is specified, a \code{summary.scanoneperm} object is
#' returned, with the given threshold at the specified \code{alpha} for each LOD
#' column. If \code{fdr} is specified, a \code{summary.scanonebins} object is
#' returned, with the given threshold at the specified \code{fdr} in the single
#' LOD column for all phenotypes. In any case, because no permutations are used
#' in generating the threshold, the returned object has attribute \code{'n.perm'}
#' containing the value \code{0}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeScanoneThresholdObject
makeScanoneThresholdObject <- function(threshold, lodcolnames='lod', alpha=NULL,
    fdr=NULL) {
    stopifnot( isSingleNonNegativeNumber(threshold) )
    stopifnot( all( isValidName(lodcolnames) ) )
    stopifnot( length(lodcolnames) > 0 )
    if ( ! is.null(alpha) && ! is.null(fdr) ) {
        stop("scanone threshold cannot have both significance level (alpha) and FDR")
    } else if ( ! is.null(alpha) ) {
        stopifnot( isSingleProbability(alpha) )
        level <- paste0(as.character(100 * alpha), '%')
        threshold.class <- 'summary.scanoneperm'
    } else if ( ! is.null(fdr) ) {
        stopifnot( isSingleFiniteNumber(fdr) )
        stopifnot( fdr > 0 & fdr < 1 )
        level <- paste0(as.character(100 * fdr), '%')
        threshold.class <- 'summary.scanonebins'
    } else {
        stop("scanone threshold must have either significance level (alpha) or FDR")
    if ( length(lodcolnames) == 1 && lodcolnames != 'lod' ) {
        warning("forcing single LOD column name to 'lod'")
        lodcolnames <- 'lod'
    x <- matrix( rep(threshold, length(lodcolnames)), nrow=length(level),
        ncol=length(lodcolnames), dimnames=list(level, lodcolnames))
    class(x) <- threshold.class
    attr(x, 'n.perm') <- 0

# makeScantwoThresholdObject ---------------------------------------------------
#' Make \code{scantwo} threshold object.
#' @param thresholds Mapping or vector of \code{scantwo} LOD threshold values.
#' If a mapping or named vector, threshold values are accessed by name,
#' regardless of order. If an unnamed vector, threshold values are accessed
#' by position, and are assumed to be in the same order as those of a
#' \code{summary.scantwoperm} object.
#' @param phenotypes Character vector of phenotypes for which
#' the \code{scantwo} threshold object is being created.
#' @param alpha Significance level (alpha) associated
#' with the specified \code{scantwo} LOD thresholds.
#' @return A \code{summary.scantwoperm} object with the given \code{scantwo}
#' thresholds at the specified significance level (\code{alpha}) for each LOD
#' column. Because no permutations are used in generating the \code{scantwo}
#' thresholds object, the returned object has attribute \code{'n.perm'}
#' containing the value \code{0}.
#' Note that phenotype names are not included in the \code{summary.scantwoperm}
#' object. This is a feature, not a bug, and is intended to match the behaviour
#' of \pkg{R/qtl} in the case of a single significance level (\code{alpha}).
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeScantwoThresholdObject
makeScantwoThresholdObject <- function(thresholds, phenotypes, alpha) {
    lodtypes <- const$scantwo.lodtypes$scantwoperm
    stopifnot( all( isValidID(phenotypes) ) )
    stopifnot( length(phenotypes) > 0 )
    stopifnot( isSingleProbability(alpha) )
    if ( ! is.mapping(thresholds) ) {
        if ( hasNames(thresholds) ) {
            thresholds <- as.mapping(thresholds)
        } else {
            thresholds <- mapping(values=thresholds, keys=lodtypes)
    invalid.names <- setdiff(names(thresholds), lodtypes)
    if ( length(invalid.names) > 0 ) {
        stop("invalid scantwo LOD threshold names - '", toString(invalid.names), "'")
    missing.names <- setdiff(lodtypes, names(thresholds))
    if ( length(missing.names) > 0 ) {
        stop("missing scantwo LOD thresholds - '", toString(missing.names), "'")
    non.numeric <- unlist( thresholds[ ! sapply(thresholds, is.numeric) ] )
    if ( length(non.numeric) > 0 ) {
        stop("non-numeric scantwo thresholds - '", toString(non.numeric), "'")
    invalid.values <- unlist( thresholds[ ! sapply(thresholds, isNonNegativeNumber) ] )
    if ( length(invalid.values) > 0 ) {
        stop("invalid scantwo thresholds - '", toString(invalid.values), "'")
    thresholds <- sapply(lodtypes, function(k) thresholds[[k]])
    level <- paste0(as.character(100 * alpha), '%')
    x <- lapply(lodtypes, function(k) matrix(
        rep(thresholds[k], length(phenotypes)), nrow=length(level),
        ncol=length(phenotypes), dimnames=list(level, NULL) ) )
    names(x) <- lodtypes
    class(x) <- c('summary.scantwoperm', 'list')
    attr(x, 'n.perm') <- 0

# otherattributes --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get non-reserved object attributes. 
#' @details As with R base function \code{mostattributes}, this provides access
#' to non-reserved attributes.
#' @param x R object.
#' @return List of non-reserved object attributes.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname otherattributes
otherattributes <- function(x) {
    special.attributes <- getSpecialAttributeNames(x)
    return( attributes(x)[ ! names(attributes(x)) %in% special.attributes ] )

# `otherattributes<-` ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Set non-reserved object attributes. 
#' @details As with R base function \code{mostattributes}, this provides access
#' to non-reserved attributes.
#' @param x R object.
#' @param value List of attributes to set.
#' @return R object with non-reserved attributes set.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname otherattributes
`otherattributes<-` <- function(x, value) {
    stopifnot( hasNames(value) )
    special.attributes <- getSpecialAttributeNames(x)
    other.names <- names(value)[ ! names(value) %in% special.attributes ]
    for ( other.name in other.names ) {
        attr(x, other.name) <- value[[other.name]]

# parseDefaultMarkerIDs --------------------------------------------------------
#' Parse default marker IDs.
#' This function parses an input vector of default marker IDs, and returns a
#' physical \code{mapframe} with the locus in each row derived from the
#' corresponding marker ID in the input vector. An error is raised if any
#' of the input values cannot be parsed as a default marker ID.
#' @param marker.ids Vector of default marker IDs.
#' @return Physical \code{mapframe} with loci
#' corresponding to the specified marker IDs.
#' @template section-default-marker-ids
#' @export
#' @rdname parseDefaultMarkerIDs
parseDefaultMarkerIDs <- function(marker.ids) {
    stopifnot( all( isDefaultMarkerID(marker.ids) ) )
    m <- regexec(const$pattern$default.marker.id, marker.ids)
    regmatch.list <- regmatches(marker.ids, m)
    marker.seqs <- sapply(regmatch.list, getElement, 2)
    marker.pos <- sapply(regmatch.list, function(x) as.numeric(x[3]))
    return( mapframe(chr=marker.seqs, pos=marker.pos,
        row.names=marker.ids, map.unit='bp') )

# parseDefaultQTLNames ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Parse default QTL names.
#' This function parses an input vector of default QTL names, and returns a
#' genetic \code{mapframe} with the locus in each row derived from the
#' corresponding QTL name in the input vector. An error is raised if any
#' of the input values cannot be parsed as a default QTL name.
#' @param qtl.names Vector of default QTL names.
#' @return Genetic \code{mapframe} with loci
#' corresponding to the specified QTL names.
#' @template section-qtl-names
#' @export
#' @rdname parseDefaultQTLNames
parseDefaultQTLNames <- function(qtl.names) {
    stopifnot( all( isDefaultQTLName(qtl.names) ) )
    m <- regexec(const$pattern$default.qtl.name, qtl.names)
    regmatch.list <- regmatches(qtl.names, m)
    qtl.seqs <- sapply(regmatch.list, getElement, 2)
    qtl.pos <- sapply(regmatch.list, function(x) as.numeric(x[3]))
    return( gmapframe(chr=qtl.seqs, pos=qtl.pos, row.names=qtl.names) )

# parseFilenames ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Parse filenames by pattern matching.
#' @param filenames Character vector of filenames to parse.
#' @param filename.pattern Filename pattern, which must be a valid Perl regex
#' with named capture groups. Neither the capture groups nor the regex itself
#' are required to match any given filename, but all capture groups must have
#' a unique name.
#' @return Character matrix in which each row contains the values of capture
#' groups for a given filename, and each column contains values of a given
#' capture group across files. Unmatched capture groups are represented by
#' \code{NA} values.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname parseFilenames
parseFilenames <- function(filenames, pattern) {
    stopifnot( is.character(filenames) )
    stopifnot( isSingleString(pattern) )
    parsed <- as.list( structure(rep(NA_character_,
        length(filenames)), names=filenames) )
    capture.names <- NULL
    # Parse each filename.
    for ( filename in filenames ) {
        # Apply regular expression to filename.
        pattern.match <- regexpr(pattern, filename, perl=TRUE)
        # Get capture-group names of pattern match.
        capture.names <- attr(pattern.match, 'capture.names')
        stopifnot( length(capture.names) > 0 )
        stopif( any( capture.names == '' ) )
        # Get first indices of capture groups.
        capture.first <- attr(pattern.match, 'capture.start')[1, ]
        capture.first[ capture.first %in% c(-1, 0) ] <- NA_integer_
        # Get lengths of capture groups.
        capture.length <- attr(pattern.match, 'capture.length')[1, ]
        capture.length[ capture.length %in% c(-1, 0) ] <- NA_integer_
        # Get last indices of capture groups.
        capture.last <- capture.first + capture.length - 1
        # Get capture-group strings.
        parsed[[filename]] <- substring(filename, capture.first, capture.last)
        names(parsed[[filename]]) <- attr(pattern.match, 'capture.names')
    parsed <- matrix( unlist(parsed), nrow=length(parsed),
        byrow=TRUE, dimnames=list(filenames, capture.names) )

# parsePseudomarkerIDs ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Parse pseudomarker IDs.
#' This function parses an input vector of pseudomarker IDs, and returns a
#' genetic \code{mapframe} with the locus in each row derived from the
#' corresponding pseudomarker ID in the input vector. An error is raised
#' if any of the input values cannot be parsed as a pseudomarker ID.
#' @param loc.ids Vector of pseudomarker IDs.
#' @return Genetic \code{mapframe} with loci
#' corresponding to the input pseudomarker IDs.
#' @template section-pseudomarker-ids
#' @export
#' @rdname parsePseudomarkerIDs
parsePseudomarkerIDs <- function(loc.ids) {
    stopifnot( all( isPseudomarkerID(loc.ids) ) )
    m <- regexec(const$pattern$pseudomarker.id, loc.ids)
    regmatch.list <- regmatches(loc.ids, m)
    loc.seqs <- sapply(regmatch.list, getElement, 2)
    loc.pos <- sapply(regmatch.list, function(x) as.numeric(x[3]))
    return( gmapframe(chr=loc.seqs, pos=loc.pos, row.names=loc.ids) )

# pull.alleles -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Pull alleles from the given object.
#' @param x An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{cross} object,
#' or other object with alleles.
#' @return Vector of alleles in the given object.
#' @export
#' @family cross object functions
#' @rdname pull.alleles
pull.alleles <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('pull.alleles', x)

# pull.alleles.cross -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method pull.alleles cross
#' @rdname pull.alleles
pull.alleles.cross <- function(x) {
    return( attr(x, 'alleles') )

# pull.alleles.geno ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method pull.alleles geno
#' @rdname pull.alleles
pull.alleles.geno <- function(x) {
    return( attr(x, 'alleles') )

# pull.chr ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Pull chromosomes/sequences from the given object.
#' @param x An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{cross} object,
#' or other object with chromosomes/sequences.
#' @return Vector of chromosomes/sequences in the given object.
#' @export
#' @family cross object functions
#' @rdname pull.chr
pull.chr <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('pull.chr', x)

# pull.chr.cross ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method pull.chr cross
#' @rdname pull.chr
pull.chr.cross <- function(x) {
    return( names(x$geno) )

# pull.chr.data.frame ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method pull.chr data.frame
#' @rdname pull.chr
pull.chr.data.frame <- function(x) {
    return( unique( pullLocusSeq(x) ) )

# pull.chr.geno ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method pull.chr geno
#' @rdname pull.chr
pull.chr.geno <- function(x) {
    return( names(x) )

# pull.chr.list ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method pull.chr list
#' @rdname pull.chr
pull.chr.list <- function(x) {
    return( unique( pullLocusSeq(x) ) )

# pull.chr.map -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method pull.chr map
#' @rdname pull.chr
pull.chr.map <- function(x) {
    return( names(x) )

# pull.crosstype ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Pull cross type from the given object.
#' @param x An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{cross} object,
#' or other object with cross type information.
#' @return Cross type of the given object.
#' @export
#' @family cross object functions
#' @rdname pull.crosstype
pull.crosstype <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('pull.crosstype', x)

# pull.crosstype.cross ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method pull.crosstype cross
#' @rdname pull.crosstype
pull.crosstype.cross <- function(x) {
    return( class(x)[1] )

# pull.crosstype.geno ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method pull.crosstype geno
#' @rdname pull.crosstype
pull.crosstype.geno <- function(x) {
    cross.info <- attr(x, 'info')
    if ( ! is.null(cross.info) ) {
        crosstype <- cross.info@crosstype
    } else {
        crosstype <- NULL

# pull.ind ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Pull individual sample IDs from the given object.
#' @param x An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{cross} object,
#' or other object with sample ID information.
#' @return Vector of individual sample IDs in the given object.
#' Returns \code{NULL} if no sample IDs are found.
#' @export
#' @family cross object functions
#' @rdname pull.ind
pull.ind <- function(x) {
    UseMethod('pull.ind', x)

# pull.ind.cross ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method pull.ind cross
#' @rdname pull.ind
pull.ind.cross <- function(x) {
    cross.info <- attr(x, 'info')
    if ( ! is.null(cross.info) && hasSampleIDs(cross.info) ) {
        ind <- getSamples(cross.info)
    } else {
        id.col <- getIdColIndex(x)
        if ( ! is.null(id.col) ) {
            ind <- as.character(x$pheno[[id.col]])
        } else {
            ind <- NULL

# pull.ind.geno ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method pull.ind geno
#' @rdname pull.ind
pull.ind.geno <- function(x) {
    cross.info <- attr(x, 'info')
    if ( ! is.null(cross.info) && hasSampleIDs(cross.info) ) {
        ind <- getSamples(cross.info)
    } else {
        ind <- NULL

# pull.ind.pheno ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method pull.ind pheno
#' @rdname pull.ind
pull.ind.pheno <- function(x) {
    cross.info <- attr(x, 'info')
    if ( ! is.null(cross.info) && hasSampleIDs(cross.info) ) {
        ind <- getSamples(cross.info)
    } else {
        id.col <- getIdColIndex(x)
        if ( ! is.null(id.col) ) {
            ind <- as.character(x[[id.col]])
        } else {
            ind <- NULL

# removeColsNA -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Remove columns containing only \code{NA} values.
#' @param x A \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}.
#' @return Input object without those columns that contain only \code{NA} values.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname removeColsNA
removeColsNA <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x) )
    stopifnot( nrow(x) > 0 )
    mask <- ! apply( x, 2, function(column) allNA( as.vector(column) ) )
    x <- x[, mask, drop=FALSE]

# removeRowsNA -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Remove rows containing only \code{NA} values.
#' @param x A \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}.
#' @return Input object without those rows that contain only \code{NA} values.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname removeRowsNA
removeRowsNA <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x) )
    stopifnot( nrow(x) > 0 )
    mask <- ! apply( x, 1, function(row) allNA( as.vector(row) ) )
    x <- x[mask,, drop=FALSE]

# requestNodes -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Request nodes for parallel execution.
#' @template param-n.cluster
#' @return Vector of node names.
#' @export
#' @rdname requestNodes
requestNodes <- function(n.cluster=1) {

    stopifnot( isSinglePositiveWholeNumber(n.cluster) )
    # Get the PBS node file, or NA value if not found.
    node.file <- Sys.getenv('PBS_NODEFILE', NA)

    # If PBS node file specified, create node list from node file..
    if ( ! is.na(node.file) && file.info(node.file)$size > 0 ) {
        # Read lines from node file.
        f <- file(node.file, 'r')
        node.lines <- readLines(f)
        # Create node list with N nodes, where N is the number of processes  
        # requested or the number of nodes in the file, whichever is smaller.
        node.list <- node.lines[1:n.cluster]
        node.list <- node.list[ ! is.na(node.list) ]

    } else { # ..otherwise create node list to run on local host. 
        # Get number of cores available on the local host.
        local.cores <- parallel::detectCores(logical=FALSE)
        # Cap the number of processes at the number of cores.
        n.cluster <- min(n.cluster, local.cores)
        # Set node list from number of processes.
        node.list <- rep('localhost', n.cluster)

# requestPkgDataPath -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Request path of \pkg{shmootl} package data.
#' @param ... Path elements. These should be specified relative to the package 
#' data root. For the source package, this is the \pkg{shmootl} \code{'inst'} 
#' directory, while for the binary package, this is the same as the package 
#' root.
#' @return An absolute path to the requested \pkg{shmootl} data file/directory.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname requestPkgDataPath
requestPkgDataPath <- function(...) {
    datapath <- file.path(...)
    result <- system.file(datapath, package='shmootl')
    if ( result == '' ) {
        # NB: this assumes the current working directory is 'shmootl/R'.
        result <- normalizePath( file.path('..', 'inst', datapath), mustWork=TRUE )
        if ( ! file.exists(result) ) {
            stop("shmootl package data file/directory not found - '", 
                 datapath, "'")

# resolveScantwoLodtypes -------------------------------------------------------
#' Resolve \code{scantwo} LOD types.
#' @param lodtypes Vector of \code{scantwo} LOD types. If this parameter is not
#' specified, or is \code{NULL}, a vector of all \code{scantwo} LOD types is
#' returned.
#' @param from One or more forms from which LOD types may be resolved.
#' @param to Form to which LOD types should be resolved.
#' @return Character vector with \code{scantwo} LOD types
#' resolved to the form specified by the \code{to} parameter.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname resolveScantwoLodtypes
resolveScantwoLodtypes <- function(lodtypes=NULL,
    from=c('scantwoperm', 'plot.scantwo', 'summary.scantwo', 'title'),
    to=c('scantwoperm', 'plot.scantwo', 'summary.scantwo', 'title') ) {
    from <- match.arg(from, several.ok=TRUE)
    to <- match.arg(to)
    if ( ! is.null(lodtypes) ) {
        stopifnot( is.character(lodtypes) )
        stopifnot( length(lodtypes) > 0 )
        # Get indices of rows containing a match for each specified LOD type.
        row.indices <- getRowIndices(const$scantwo.lodtypes)
        row.index.list <- lapply( lodtypes, function(lodtype)
            which( sapply( row.indices, function(row.index)
            lodtype %in% const$scantwo.lodtypes[row.index, from] ) ) )
        # Get number of rows matched by each specified LOD type.
        match.counts <- lengths(row.index.list)
        unresolved <- lodtypes[ match.counts == 0 ]
        if ( length(unresolved) > 0 ) {
            stop("cannot resolve '", to, "' form of LOD types - '",
                toString(unresolved), "'")
        ambiguous <- lodtypes[ match.counts > 1 ]
        if ( length(ambiguous) > 0 ) {
            stop("cannot unambiguously resolve '", to, "' form of LOD types - '",
                toString(ambiguous), "'")
        lodtypes <- const$scantwo.lodtypes[unlist(row.index.list), to]
    } else {
        lodtypes <- const$scantwo.lodtypes

# rstripBlankCols --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Strip blank columns from right of \code{data.frame}.
#' @param x A \code{data.frame} with columns of type \code{character}.
#' @return Input object in which rightmost blank columns (i.e. columns
#' containing no non-whitespace characters) have been stripped.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname rstripBlankCols
rstripBlankCols <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(x) )
    stopifnot( all( sapply(x, class) == 'character' ) )
    while( allWhite( as.character(x[, ncol(x)]) ) ) {
        x <- x[, -ncol(x), drop=FALSE]

# setColumnFromRownames --------------------------------------------------------
#' Move object row names to the specified column.
#' @param x A \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}.
#' @param col.name Name of the column to which row names are to be set.
#' @return Input object with row names inserted into the leftmost column, and 
#' original row names removed.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname setColumnFromRownames
setColumnFromRownames <- function(x, col.name='rownames') {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x) )
    stopifnot( hasRownames(x) )
    stopif( col.name %in% colnames(x) )
    x <- insertColumn(x, 1, col.name=col.name, data=rownames(x))

    rownames(x) <- NULL


# setRownamesFromColumn --------------------------------------------------------
#' Move specified column to object row names.
#' @param x A \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}.
#' @param col.name Name of the column from which row names are to be set.
#' @return Input object with the leftmost column removed, and with row names set
#' from its contents.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname setRownamesFromColumn
setRownamesFromColumn <- function(x, col.name='rownames') {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x) )
    stopif( anyDuplicated( colnames(x) ) )
    stopifnot( col.name %in% colnames(x) )
    rownames(x) <- as.character( x[, col.name] )
    x <- deleteColumn(x, col.name=col.name)

# stopif -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Stop if the expression is \code{TRUE}.
#' @details This function is based on the R base function \code{stopifnot}, but  
#' is defined only for the simple case of a single expression. It should be used
#' to avoid confusing double negatives.
#' @param expression R expression to be tested.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname stopif
stopif <- function(expression) {
    if ( length(expression) > 0 ) {
        mc <- match.call()
        ch <- deparse(mc[[2]])
        if ( ! anyNA(expression) && all(expression) ) {
            if ( length(expression) > 1 ) {
                msg <- sprintf("%s are all TRUE", ch)
            } else {
                msg <- sprintf("%s is TRUE", ch)
            stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
    return( invisible() )

# stripWhite -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Strip leading/trailing whitespace from elements of a character vector.
#' @param x Character vector whose elements are to be stripped.
#' @return Whitespace-stripped copy of the input character vector.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname stripWhite
stripWhite <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( is.character(x) )
    return( gsub( '^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$', '', x) )

# updateResultsOverview --------------------------------------------------------
#' Update QTL analysis results overview.
#' @param overview A \code{data.frame} containing
#' a QTL analysis results overview.
#' @param analysis Name of analysis from which results were generated.
#' @param results Named character vector summarising results of analysis.
#' Each result is matched to its corresponding phenotype by name.
#' @return A results overview \code{data.frame}, with two or more columns:
#' \code{'Phenotype'}, listing phenotypes for which analyses were done; and one
#' or more additional columns, each summarising the results of a QTL analysis.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname updateResultsOverview
updateResultsOverview <- function(overview, analysis, results=NULL) {
    supported.analyses <- names(const$supported.analyses)
    stopifnot( isSingleString(analysis) )
    stopifnot( analysis %in% supported.analyses )
    input.headings <- colnames(overview)
    input.analyses <- input.headings[-1]
    output.analyses <- supported.analyses[ supported.analyses %in%
        c(input.analyses, analysis) ]
    output.headings <- c('Phenotype', output.analyses)
    input.phenotypes <- overview[, 'Phenotype']
    if ( hasNames(results) ) {
        output.phenotypes <- sort( union( input.phenotypes, names(results) ) )
    } else {
        output.phenotypes <- sort(input.phenotypes)
    columns <- as.list(overview)
    for ( output.analysis in output.analyses ) {
        output.results <- structure(rep('', length(output.phenotypes)),
        if ( output.analysis %in% input.analyses ) {
            input.results <- structure(columns[[output.analysis]],
            for ( phenotype in names(input.results) ) {
                output.results[phenotype] <- input.results[phenotype]
        if ( output.analysis == analysis && ! is.null(results) ) {
            stopifnot( is.character(results) )
            if ( hasNames(results) ) {
                stopif( anyDuplicated( names(results) ) )
            } else {
                stopifnot( length(results) == length(input.phenotypes) )
                names(results) <- input.phenotypes
            for ( phenotype in names(results) ) {
                output.results[phenotype] <- results[phenotype]
        columns[[output.analysis]] <- unname(output.results)
    # Update phenotype column.
    columns[['Phenotype']] <- output.phenotypes
    # Order column list by output headings.
    columns <- columns[output.headings]
    # Create updated results overview.
    overview <- as.data.frame(columns, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

# validateAlleleSet ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Validate a set of alleles.
#' @param x Vector of alleles.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if allele set is valid; otherwise raises first error.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname validateAlleleSet
validateAlleleSet <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( is.character(x) )
    # Decompose allele symbols into different types.
    founder.symbols <- x[ isFounderAllele(x) ]
    enum.symbols <- x[ isEnumAllele(x) ]
    invalid.values <- x[ is.na(x) | ! isValidAllele(x) ]
    # Check for invalid values.
    if ( length(invalid.values) > 0 ) {
        if ( '' %in% invalid.values ) {
            stop("blank allele values")
        } else {
            stop("invalid allele symbols - '", toString(invalid.values), "'")
    # Check for duplicate allele symbols.
    dup.symbols <- unique( x[ duplicated(x) ] )
    if ( length(dup.symbols) > 0 ) {
        stop("duplicate allele symbols - '", toString(dup.symbols), "'")
    # Check allele set order.
    if ( is.unsorted(x) ) {
        stop("allele set is not sorted - '", toString(x), "'")
    # Check that symbols are either founder or enumerated alleles.
    if ( ! xor(length(founder.symbols) > 0, length(enum.symbols) > 0) ) {
        stop("alleles must be of enumerated or founder type, but not both")
    # Verify that there are exactly two alleles.
    # TODO: handle more than two alleles.
    if ( length(x) != 2 ) {
        stop("unsupported number of alleles - '", length(x), "'")

# validateGenotypeSet ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Validate a set of genotypes.
#' @param x Vector of genotypes.
#' @param strict Restrict validity to complete genotypes only.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if genotype set is valid; otherwise raises first error.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname validateGenotypeSet
validateGenotypeSet <- function(x, strict=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( is.character(x) )
    # Decompose genotype symbols into different types.
    founder.symbols <- x[ isFounderGenotype(x, strict=strict) ]
    enum.symbols <- x[ isEnumGenotype(x) ]
    invalid.values <- x[ is.na(x) | ! isValidGenotype(x, strict=strict) ]
    # Check for invalid values.
    if ( length(invalid.values) > 0 ) {
        if ( '' %in% invalid.values ) {
            stop("blank genotype values")
        } else {
            stop("invalid genotype symbols - '", toString(invalid.values), "'")
    # Check that symbols are either founder or enumerated genotypes.
    if ( ! xor(length(founder.symbols) > 0, length(enum.symbols) > 0) ) {
        stop("genotypes must be of enumerated or founder type, but not both")
    # Check for duplicate genotype symbols.
    dup.symbols <- unique( x[ duplicated(x) ] )
    if ( length(dup.symbols) > 0 ) {
        stop("duplicate genotype symbols - '", toString(dup.symbols), "'")
    # Check genotype set order.
    if ( is.unsorted(x) ) {
        stop("genotype set is not sorted - '", toString(x), "'")
    # Verify that genotypes are haploid.
    # TODO: handle other ploidies.
    if ( any( nchar(x) > 1 ) ) {
        stop("unsupported genotype ploidy")
    # Verify that genotyes have consistent ploidy.
    if ( length( unique( nchar(x) ) ) != 1 ) {
        stop("inconsistent genotype ploidy")
    # Verify that there are exactly two genotypes.
    # TODO: handle more than two genotypes.
    if ( length(x) != 2 ) {
        stop("unsupported number of genotypes - '", length(x), "'")

# validateResultsOverview ------------------------------------------------------
#' Validate a QTL analysis results overview.
#' @param overview Results overview \code{data.frame}.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if results overview is valid;
#' otherwise raises first error.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname validateResultsOverview
validateResultsOverview <- function(overview) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(overview) )
    stopifnot( all( sapply(overview, class) == 'character' ) )
    stopifnot(  ncol(overview) >= 2 )
    headings <- colnames(overview)
    if ( headings[1] != 'Phenotype' ) {
        stop("first column of results overview must be 'Phenotype' column")
    analyses <- headings[-1]
    unknown <- analyses[ ! analyses %in% names(const$supported.analyses) ]
    if ( length(unknown) > 0 ) {
        stop("results overview contains unknown analyses - '", toString(unknown), "'")
    phenotypes <- overview[, 'Phenotype']
    invalid <- phenotypes[ ! isValidID(phenotypes) ]
    if ( length(invalid) > 0 ) {
        stop("results overview phenotype IDs are invalid - '", toString(invalid), "'")
    if ( is.unsorted(phenotypes, strictly=TRUE) ) { # NB: also ensures no duplicates
        stop("results overview phenotypes are out of order")

# End of util.R ################################################################
gact/shmootl documentation built on Nov. 11, 2021, 6:23 p.m.