
Defines functions aggregateScoreChangePerGene

Documented in aggregateScoreChangePerGene

#' Aggregate Score Change per Gene
#' @description Aggregates score chage over all type. Either average (`balance.cell.types=T`)
#' or sum (`balance.cell.types=F`) it per cell type and returns sum of signed scores
aggregateScoreChangePerGene <- function(d.scores, annotation, marker.type, cell.type, target.type=NULL, balance.cell.types=T, self.mult=1) {
  aggr.func <- if (balance.cell.types) Matrix::colMeans else Matrix::colSums

  cids.per.type <- names(annotation) %>% match(rownames(d.scores)) %>% split(annotation)
  scores.per.type <- cids.per.type %>%
    lapply(function(cids) aggr.func(d.scores[cids,, drop=F])) %>%
    Reduce(cbind, .) %>% `colnames<-`(names(cids.per.type)) %>% `*`(-1)
  # scores.per.type[,cell.type] %<>% `*`(-self.mult)
  scores.per.type[,cell.type] %<>% `*`(-1)
  if (!is.null(target.type)) {
    scores.per.type[,target.type] %<>% `*`(self.mult)
  d.scores <- rowSums(scores.per.type) %>% sort(decreasing=T)
  res <- tibble::tibble(Gene=names(d.scores), Score=d.scores, Type=cell.type, MT=marker.type)
  if (!is.null(target.type)) {
    res$ScoreTarget <- scores.per.type[res$Gene, target.type]


#' @description For each marker candidate it estimate change in positive scores comparing to the current marker
estimatePositiveMarkerScoreChange <- function(cell.type, annotation, cm.norm, de.genes, pos.scores, neg.scores, sum.scores, aggr=T, ...) {
  if (length(de.genes) == 0)
    stop("de.genes are empty for ", cell.type)

  sum.scores %<>% pmax(1e-30)

  c.exprs <- as.matrix(cm.norm[, de.genes, drop=F])

  c.neg.scores <- (1 - neg.scores[, cell.type])
  c.pos.scores <- pos.scores[, cell.type] * c.neg.scores
  ds <- c.exprs * c.neg.scores
  ds <- (ds + c.pos.scores) / (ds + sum.scores) - (c.pos.scores / sum.scores)

  if (!aggr)

  return(aggregateScoreChangePerGene(ds, annotation, marker.type="expressed", cell.type=cell.type, ...))

estimateNegativeMarkerScoreChange <- function(cell.type, annotation, cm.norm, de.genes, pos.scores, neg.scores,
                                              sum.scores, max.pos.scores, max.neg.score.per.pos.type=0.1, aggr=T, ...) {
  if (length(de.genes) == 0)
    stop("de.genes are empty for ", cell.type)

  sum.scores %<>% pmax(1e-30)
  max.pos.scores <- pmax(max.pos.scores[,cell.type], 1e-30)
  mask <- (annotation == cell.type)
  pos.ids <- which(mask)
  neg.ids <- which(!mask)

  c.exprs <- as.matrix(cm.norm[, de.genes, drop=F])

  c.pos.scores <- pos.scores[,cell.type]
  c.pos.scores[pos.ids] <- sum.scores[pos.ids] # In ideal world, all positive score for a cell came from the proper cell type

  new.neg.scores <- estimateNewNegativeScores(c.exprs, max.pos.scores, neg.scores[,cell.type]) %>%

  old.scores <- c.pos.scores * (1 - neg.scores[,cell.type])
  ds <- (c.pos.scores * (1 - new.neg.scores) - old.scores)

  new.scores <- c.pos.scores * (1 - new.neg.scores)
  ds <- new.scores / pmax(sum.scores + new.scores - old.scores, 1e-30) - (old.scores / pmax(sum.scores, 1e-30))

  if (!aggr)

  res <- aggregateScoreChangePerGene(ds, annotation, marker.type="not_expressed", cell.type=cell.type, ...)
  res$Score[Matrix::colMeans(new.neg.scores[pos.ids, res$Gene]) > max.neg.score.per.pos.type] <- -Inf

prepareMarkerScoringInfo <- function(score.infos) {
    sum.scores=sapply(score.infos, `[[`, "scores") %>% rowSums(),
    pos.scores=sapply(score.infos, `[[`, "scores.raw"),
    neg.scores=1 - sapply(score.infos, `[[`, "mult"),
    max.pos.scores=sapply(score.infos, `[[`, "max.positive")

initializeMarkerList <- function(pos.markers.per.type, cm.norm, annotation, debug=F) {
  marker.list <- lapply(pos.markers.per.type, function(x) list(expressed=c(), not_expressed=c()))
  subtypes.left <- names(pos.markers.per.type)
  for (i in 1:length(subtypes.left)) {
    s.info <- lapply(marker.list, getCellTypeScoreInfo, cm.norm) %>% prepareMarkerScoringInfo()

    marker.score <- subtypes.left %>% lapply(function(ct)
      estimatePositiveMarkerScoreChange(ct, annotation, cm.norm, pos.markers.per.type[[ct]], s.info$pos.scores,
                                        s.info$neg.scores, s.info$sum.scores, balance.cell.types=F)
    ) %>% Reduce(rbind, .) %>% .[which.max(.$Score),]

    if (marker.score$Score < 0) {
      marker.score <- subtypes.left %>% lapply(function(ct)
        estimatePositiveMarkerScoreChange(ct, annotation, cm.norm, pos.markers.per.type[[ct]], s.info$pos.scores,
                                          s.info$neg.scores, s.info$sum.scores)
      ) %>% Reduce(rbind, .) %>% .[which.max(.$Score),]

      if (marker.score$Score < 0) {
        warning("Negative score for ", marker.score$Type, ": ", round(marker.score$Score, 4), ". Consider extending marker list.\n")

    marker.list[[c(marker.score$Type, marker.score$MT)]] %<>% c(marker.score$Gene)
    subtypes.left %<>% setdiff(marker.score$Type)

    if (debug) print(marker.score)


updateMarkersPerType <- function(markers.per.type, marker.list=NULL, marker.info=NULL) {
  if (!is.null(marker.list)) {
    for (n in names(marker.list)) {
      markers.per.type$positive[[n]] %<>% setdiff(marker.list[[n]]$expressed)
      for (n2 in (names(markers.per.type$negative) %>% .[. != n])) {
        markers.per.type$negative[[n2]] %<>% union(marker.list[[n]]$expressed)
      markers.per.type$negative[[n]] %<>% setdiff(marker.list[[n]]$not_expressed)
  } else if (!is.null(marker.info)) {
    if (marker.info$MT == "expressed") {
      markers.per.type$positive[[marker.info$Type]] %<>% setdiff(marker.info$Gene)
      for (n in (names(markers.per.type$negative) %>% .[. != marker.info$Type])) {
        markers.per.type$negative[[n]] %<>% union(marker.info$Gene)
    } else {
      markers.per.type$negative[[marker.info$Type]] %<>% setdiff(marker.info$Gene)
  } else {
    stop("Either marker.list or marker.info must be provided")


preSelectMarkersForType <- function(de.df, whitelist=NULL, blacklist=NULL, min.pos.markers=5, max.pos.markers=100,
                                    min.pos.specificity=0.2, min.pos.expression.frac=0.1,
                                    min.pos.markers.soft=as.integer(round(mean(c(min.pos.markers, max.pos.markers)))),
                                    min.pos.specificity.soft=0.75, min.pos.expression.frac.soft=0.25,
                                    pos.expression.frac.weight=0.2, max.neg.expression.frac=0.1) {
  if (!is.null(whitelist)) {
    de.df %<>% dplyr::filter(Gene %in% whitelist)

  if (!is.null(blacklist)) {
    de.df %<>% dplyr::filter(!(Gene %in% blacklist))

  de.pos <- de.df[de.df$Z > 0, ]
  if (sum(de.pos$Specificity > min.pos.specificity) < min.pos.markers) {
    pos.markers <- de.pos$Gene[order(de.pos$Specificity, decreasing=T) %>% .[1:min(min.pos.markers, length(.))]]
  } else {
    de.pos %<>% .[.$Specificity > min.pos.specificity,]
    if (sum(de.pos$ExpressionFraction > min.pos.expression.frac) < min.pos.markers) {
      pos.markers <- de.pos$Gene[order(de.pos$ExpressionFraction, decreasing=T) %>% .[1:min(min.pos.markers, length(.))]]
    } else {
      de.pos %<>% .[.$ExpressionFraction > min.pos.expression.frac,] %>%
        .[order(.$Specificity + .$ExpressionFraction * pos.expression.frac.weight, decreasing=T),]

      soft.mask <- (de.pos$ExpressionFraction > min.pos.expression.frac.soft) & (de.pos$Specificity > min.pos.specificity.soft)
      if (sum(soft.mask) > min.pos.markers.soft) {
        de.pos %<>% .[soft.mask, ]
      } else {
        de.pos %<>% .[1:min(nrow(.), min.pos.markers.soft), ]

      pos.markers <- de.pos %>% .$Gene %>% .[1:min(length(.), max.pos.markers)]
  # Negative: ExpressionFraction < 0.1 && Z < 0 && top by specificity (or > 0.95)

  neg.markers <- de.df %>% .[(.$Z < 0) & (.$ExpressionFraction < max.neg.expression.frac), ] %>% .$Gene
  return(list(positive=as.character(pos.markers[!is.na(pos.markers)]), negative=as.character(neg.markers[!is.na(neg.markers)])))

#' @inheritDotParams preSelectMarkersForType
#' @export
preSelectMarkerCandidates <- function(de.info, ...) {
  markers.per.type <- lapply(de.info, preSelectMarkersForType, ...)
  markers.per.type <- c("positive", "negative") %>% setNames(., .) %>%
    lapply(function(n) lapply(markers.per.type, `[[`, n))

  if (any(unlist(lapply(markers.per.type, sapply, length)) == 0)) {
    warning("Some cell types don't have positive or negative markers")


#' Get Top Negative Genes
#' @param pos.gene positive marker for which new negative markers must be found
#' @param cell.type all markers are relative to this cell type
#' @param cm.norm tf-idf normalized count matrix
#' @param annotation cell type annotation
#' @param cur.neg.genes negative markers candidates
#' @param s.info score info
#' @param pos.score.changes score changes per cell from the positive marker candidates. Only `pos.score.changes[,pos.gene]` is used
#' @param n.neg.genes number of new negative markers to select
#' @param score.change.threshold ???
getTopNegativeGenes <- function(pos.gene, cell.type, cm.norm, annotation, cur.neg.genes, s.info, pos.score.changes, n.neg.genes, score.change.threshold) {
  c.max.scores <- pmax(s.info$max.pos.scores[,cell.type], cm.norm[, pos.gene])
  cm.norm.neg <- cm.norm[, cur.neg.genes, drop=F]
  neg.scores <- estimateNewNegativeScores(cm.norm.neg, c.max.scores, s.info$neg.scores[,cell.type]) %>%
    `dimnames<-`(dimnames(cm.norm.neg)) # negative score (1-mult) per cell per marker candidate

  if (ncol(neg.scores) == 0)

  neg.score.info <- ((1 - neg.scores) * pos.score.changes[,pos.gene]) %>%
    aggregateScoreChangePerGene(annotation, "both", cell.type)
  neg.score.base <- neg.score.info %>% .[which.max(.$Score),]
  if (neg.score.base$Score < 1e-20)

  top.neg.ids <- neg.score.info %$% Gene[order(Score, decreasing=T)[1:min(n.neg.genes, nrow(.))]] %>%

  d.score.per.neg <- lapply(top.neg.ids, estimatePariwiseNegativeScoreChange, neg.scores, pos.score.changes[,pos.gene])

  res <- lapply(d.score.per.neg, aggregateScoreChangePerGene, annotation, "both", cell.type) %>%
    lapply(`[`,1,) %>% Reduce(rbind, .) %>% dplyr::rename(NGene1=Gene) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(NGene2=colnames(neg.scores)[top.neg.ids]) %>%  .[which.max(.$Score),]

  if ((res$Score - neg.score.base$Score) / abs(neg.score.base$Score) < score.change.threshold) {
    res <- neg.score.base %>% dplyr::rename(NGene1=Gene) %>% dplyr::mutate(NGene2=NA)

  return(dplyr::mutate(res, PGene=pos.gene))

getNextMarkers <- function(cell.type, cm.norm, annotation, marker.list, markers.per.type, n.pos.genes=3,
                           n.neg.genes=10, score.change.threshold=0.05, verbose=F, n.cores=1) {
  s.info <- lapply(marker.list, getCellTypeScoreInfo, cm.norm) %>% prepareMarkerScoringInfo()

  # Score change per cell per marker candidate
  pos.score.changes <- estimatePositiveMarkerScoreChange(cell.type, annotation, cm.norm, markers.per.type$positive[[cell.type]],
                                                         s.info$pos.scores, s.info$neg.scores, s.info$sum.scores, aggr=F)

  pos.score.changes.aggr <- aggregateScoreChangePerGene(pos.score.changes, annotation, marker.type="expressed", cell.type=cell.type)
  top.pos.genes <- pos.score.changes.aggr %$% Gene[order(Score, decreasing=T)] %>% .[1:min(n.pos.genes, length(.))]

  pos.score <- pos.score.changes.aggr %>% .[which.max(.$Score),]
  res.score <- plapply(top.pos.genes, getTopNegativeGenes, cell.type, cm.norm, annotation, markers.per.type$negative[[cell.type]], s.info,
                       pos.score.changes, n.neg.genes=n.neg.genes, score.change.threshold=score.change.threshold,
                       verbose=verbose, n.cores=max(min(n.cores, n.pos.genes), 1)) %>%
    .[!sapply(., is.null)]

  if (length(res.score) > 0) {
    if ("try-error" %in% class(res.score[[1]]))
    res.score <- Reduce(rbind, res.score) %>% .[which.max(.$Score),]
  } else {
    res.score <- pos.score

  if (verbose) {
    message("Neg. score: ", round(res.score$Score, 3), ", Pos. score: ", round(pos.score$Score, 3))

  if ((res.score$Score < 1e-10) || ((res.score$Score - pos.score$Score) / abs(pos.score$Score) < score.change.threshold)) {
    res.score <- pos.score %>% dplyr::rename(PGene=Gene) %>% dplyr::mutate(NGene1=NA, NGene2=NA)

  if (verbose) {
    message("Score: ", round(res.score$Score, 3), ", PG: ", res.score$PGene, ", NG1:", res.score$NGene1, ", NG2:", res.score$NGene2)

  return(list(expressed=res.score$PGene, not_expressed=unlist(res.score[c("NGene1", "NGene2")]) %>% .[!is.na(.)]))

filterMarkerList <- function(gene, marker.list, cell.type, expr.type) {
  marker.list[[cell.type]][[expr.type]] %<>% setdiff(gene)

generateFilteredMarkerLists <- function(marker.list) {
  lapply(names(marker.list), function(ct) {
    if (!is.null(marker.list[[ct]]$locked) && marker.list[[ct]]$locked)

    lapply(c("expressed", "not_expressed"), function(et)
      lapply(marker.list[[ct]][[et]], filterMarkerList, marker.list, ct, et))
  }) %>% unlist(recursive=F) %>% unlist(recursive=F)

getMeanConfidencePerType <- function(marker.list, cm.norm, annotation) {
  c.scores <- lapply(marker.list, getCellTypeScoreInfo, cm.norm) %>%
    lapply(`[[`, "scores") %>% as.data.frame(optional=T) %>% normalizeScores()
  confidence <- getAnnotationConfidence(annotation, c.scores)
  return(confidence %>% split(annotation[names(.)]) %>% sapply(mean))

#' @description removes redundant markers from the list, using greedy approach. Re-runs itself recursively untill there is nothing to remove.
filterMarkerListByScore <- function(marker.list, cm.norm, annotation, verbose=F, n.cores=1, do.recursive=T, change.threshold=1e-5) {
  mls.filt <- generateFilteredMarkerLists(marker.list)
  if (length(mls.filt) == 0)

  mean.conf.per.type <- getMeanConfidencePerType(marker.list, cm.norm, annotation)
  conf.per.ml <- plapply(mls.filt, getMeanConfidencePerType, cm.norm, annotation, verbose=verbose, n.cores=n.cores)

  mean.score.per.ml <- sapply(conf.per.ml, mean)
  t.ids <- which((mean.score.per.ml >= mean(mean.conf.per.type)) & (sapply(conf.per.ml, min) >= min(mean.conf.per.type)))
  if (length(t.ids) == 0)

  best.id <- t.ids[which.max(mean.score.per.ml[t.ids])]
  change <- mean.score.per.ml[best.id] - mean(mean.conf.per.type)

  ml.res <- mls.filt[[best.id]]
  if (do.recursive && (change > change.threshold)) {
    ml.res <- filterMarkerListByScore(ml.res, cm.norm, annotation, verbose=verbose, n.cores=n.cores,
                                      do.recursive=do.recursive, change.threshold=change.threshold)

  if (verbose) {
    message("Score improvement: ", mean.score.per.ml[best.id] - mean(mean.conf.per.type))


prepareInitialMarkerList <- function(marker.list, cell.types, parent) {
  marker.list.empty <- emptyMarkerList(cell.types, parent=parent)
  if (is.null(marker.list))

  for (n in names(marker.list.empty)) {
    if (is.null(marker.list[[n]])) {
      marker.list[[n]] <- marker.list.empty[[n]]

  for (n in names(marker.list)) {
    if (!is.null(parent)) {
      marker.list[[n]]$parent <- parent
    } else if (is.null(marker.list[[n]]$parent)) {
      marker.list[[n]]$parent <- "root"


#' Select Markers per Type
#' @param markers.per.type marker candidate per type
#' @param marker.list list of already known markers per type, potentially empty
#' @param cm.norm tf-idf-normalized count matrix with cells by columns and genes by rows
#' @export
selectMarkersPerType <- function(cm.norm, annotation, markers.per.type, marker.list=NULL, max.iters=nrow(cm.norm), parent=NULL,
                                 max.uncertainty=0.25, verbose=0, min.pos.markers=1, max.pos.markers=10, log.step=1, n.cores=1, refinement.period=10, return.all=F) {
  if (verbose > 0) message("Running marker selection for parent type '", parent, "'")

  for (n in names(marker.list)) {
    marker.list[[n]]$locked <- T

  marker.list %<>% prepareInitialMarkerList(names(markers.per.type$positive), parent=parent)

  # For better performance, remove all genes, we don't use
  cm.norm %<>% .[unique(unlist(markers.per.type)), names(annotation)] %>% as.matrix() %>% Matrix::t()

  # Initialize current uncertainty per type to be able to find the least annotated types
  mean.unc.per.type <- (1 - getMeanConfidencePerType(marker.list, cm.norm, annotation))

  did.refinement <- F
  for (i in 1:max.iters) {
    n.markers.per.type <- sapply(marker.list, function(x) length(x$expressed))[names(mean.unc.per.type)]

    # Only markers for types with n.markers < max.pos.markers are updated
    type.mask <- (n.markers.per.type < max.pos.markers) & (sapply(markers.per.type$positive, length)[names(mean.unc.per.type)] > 0)
    if (sum(type.mask) == 0)

    cell.type <- mean.unc.per.type[type.mask] %>% which.max() %>% names() # The most uncertaint cell type

    # Get one positive marker, which minimizes uncertainty per this cell type. Can be accompanied by 1-2 negative markers.
    m.update <- getNextMarkers(cell.type, cm.norm, annotation, marker.list=marker.list, markers.per.type=markers.per.type,
                               verbose=(verbose > 1), n.cores=n.cores)

    # Update current marker list
    marker.list.new <- marker.list
    marker.list.new[[cell.type]]$expressed %<>% union(m.update$expressed)
    marker.list.new[[cell.type]]$not_expressed %<>% union(m.update$not_expressed)

    # Remove this marker from candidates
    markers.per.type %<>% updateMarkersPerType(marker.list=setNames(list(m.update), cell.type))

    # Check if the new marker improves mean uncertainty, and if it does, add it to the list
    mean.unc.per.type.new <- (1 - getMeanConfidencePerType(marker.list.new, cm.norm, annotation))
    if (mean(mean.unc.per.type.new) < mean(mean.unc.per.type)) {
      mean.unc.per.type <- mean.unc.per.type.new
      marker.list <- marker.list.new
      did.refinement <- F

    if (verbose && (log.step > 0) && (i %% log.step == 0)) {
      message("Iteration ", i, ". Max uncertainty: ", round(max(mean.unc.per.type), 3), ", mean uncertainty: ", round(mean(mean.unc.per.type), 3),
              ". Target type: ", cell.type, ", gene: ", m.update$expressed)

    if ((max(mean.unc.per.type) < max.uncertainty) && (sapply(marker.list, function(x) length(x$expressed)) >= min.pos.markers))

    # At some point, some markers can become redundant (or even harmful). So we want to filter them out.
    if ((refinement.period > 0) && (i %% refinement.period == 0) && !did.refinement) {
      if (verbose) message("Refine markers...")
      marker.list %<>% filterMarkerListByScore(cm.norm, annotation, verbose=(verbose > 1), n.cores=n.cores)
      did.refinement <- T

  if ((refinement.period != 0) && !did.refinement) {
    if (verbose) message("Refine markers...")
    marker.list %<>% filterMarkerListByScore(cm.norm, annotation, verbose=(verbose > 1), n.cores=n.cores)

  for (n in names(marker.list)) {
    marker.list[[n]]$locked <- NULL

  if (return.all)
    return(list(marker.list=marker.list, markers.per.type=markers.per.type))


prepareDeDf <- function(df, cell.type, annotation, cm.raw, low.expression.threshold=1) {
  if (!("Z" %in% colnames(df)))
    stop("All DE data frames must have 'Z' column")

  if (!("Gene" %in% colnames(df))) {
    if (is.null(rownames(df)))
      stop("All DE data frames must have either rownames or 'Gene' column")

    df %<>% tibble::as_tibble(rownames="Gene")

  return(sccore::appendSpecificityMetricsToDE(df, annotation, cell.type, cm.raw, low.expression.threshold=low.expression.threshold))

#' Prepare DE Info
#' @param de.info list of data.frames with DE genes per cell type
#' @param annotation character vector with cell annotation, named with cell ids
#' @param cm.raw not normalized count matrix with cells by rows and genes by columns
#' @export
prepareDeInfo <- function(de.info, annotation, cm.raw, ..., n.cores=1, verbose=F) {
  res <- names(de.info) %>% setNames(., .) %>%
    plapply(function(n) prepareDeDf(de.info[[n]], n, annotation, cm.raw, ...), n.cores=n.cores, verbose=verbose)

#' @export
emptyMarkerList <- function(cell.types=NULL, parent=NULL, clf.tree=NULL) {
  if (is.null(cell.types) && is.null(clf.tree))
    stop("Either cell.types or clf.tree must be provided")

  if (is.null(cell.types)) {
    cell.types <- names(igraph::V(clf.tree)) %>% setdiff("root")

  ml <- cell.types %>% setNames(., .) %>%
    lapply(function(x) list(expressed=c(), not_expressed=c(), parent=parent))

  if (!is.null(clf.tree)) {
    clf.df <- classificationTreeToDf(clf.tree)
    for (n in names(ml)) {
      ml[[n]]$parent <- clf.df %$% Parent[Node == n]


## can add small bonus for negative markers, which target a log of negative cells even though there are no positive expression yet
khodosevichlab/CellAnnotatoR documentation built on June 29, 2022, 9:12 p.m.