
Defines functions zf.cells.render zf.anchor.render zf.anchor.map zf.insitu.vec.lateral zf.insitu.lateral zf.insitu.dorsal zf.insitu.ventral zf.insitu.side

#' @export
zf.cells.render <- function(seuratObject, cells.use, do.rotate=TRUE,label=TRUE,calc.new=FALSE,col.use="red",radius.use=0.05,col.prob=FALSE,do.new=TRUE,...) {
  tierBins <- 30 # 1 bin per cell tier.
  DVBins <- 64 # 1 bin every 5.625 degrees; compatible with our current 8-bin system.
  phiPerTier <- pi/(-2*tierBins)
  thetaPerDV <- 2*pi/DVBins
  if (length(col.use)==1) col.use=rep(col.use,length(cells.use))
  # Reformat that probability into an expression matrix as expected by the plotting function
  if (col.prob) prob.matrix <- data.frame(matrix(apply(seuratObject@final.prob[,cells.use],1,sum), nrow=8, ncol=8))
  if (!(col.prob)) prob.matrix <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow=8, ncol=8))

  rownames(prob.matrix) <- c("24-30", "17-23", "13-16", "9-12", "7-8", "5-6", "3-4", "1-2")
  names(prob.matrix) <- c("1-4", "5-8", "9-12", "13-16", "17-20", "21-24", "25-28", "29-32")

  # Call the plotting function.
  if (do.new) zf.insitu.side(prob.matrix, mirror=TRUE, nonmirror=FALSE)
  for(cell.use in cells.use) {
    #add the centroid
    anchor.dorsality=DVBins - ((anchor.centroid[2]-1)/7)*DVBins/2

    x1 <- cos(pi-thetaPerDV*anchor.dorsality) * sin(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*anchor.tier)
    y1 <- sin(pi-thetaPerDV*anchor.dorsality) * sin(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*anchor.tier)
    z1 <- cos(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*anchor.tier)
    spheres3d(x=x1, y=y1, z=z1, radius=radius.use, color=col.use[i], alpha=.65, lit=FALSE); i=i+1;
  view3d(zoom=.75, theta=0, phi=-90, fov=0)

  # Format the plot
  if (do.new) {

    if (label) {
      # text3d(x=0, y=0, z=1.5, text=paste(this.anchor, anchor.distance),cex=3)
      text3d(x=1.4, y=0, z=-0.3, cex=2.25, text="Dor")
      text3d(x=-1.4, y=0, z=-0.3, cex=2.25, text="Ven")
      text3d(x=0, y=0, z=1.2, cex=2.25, text="An")
      text3d(x=0, y=0, z=-1.2, cex=2.25, text="Veg")
    #view3d(zoom=.75, theta=0, phi=-90, fov=0) # This makes you look at dorsality 48.
    to.rotate <- (anchor.dorsality - 47.5)/64
    if (to.rotate < 0) to.rotate <- 1 + to.rotate
    if (do.rotate) play3d(spin3d(axis=c(0,0,1), rpm=60), duration=to.rotate)
    par3d(windowRect=c(0, 0, 800, 800))

#' @export
zf.anchor.render <- function(seuratObject, this.anchor, anchors, label=TRUE, do.rotate=TRUE,calc.new=FALSE,...) {
  # Determine geometry
  tierBins <- 30 # 1 bin per cell tier.
  DVBins <- 64 # 1 bin every 5.625 degrees; compatible with our current 8-bin system.
  phiPerTier <- pi/(-2*tierBins)
  thetaPerDV <- 2*pi/DVBins
  cellColor <- "#EB008B"
  centroidColor= "green"
  # Get probability of anchor being in each bin.
  if (calc.new) anchor.prob <- data.frame(prob=as.numeric(project.cell(seuratObject,this.anchor,do.plot=FALSE,safe=FALSE)))
  if (!(calc.new)) anchor.prob.raw=data.frame(prob=seuratObject@final.prob[,this.anchor])
  # Normalize so that strongest probability is 1.
  anchor.prob <- round(anchor.prob.raw/max(anchor.prob.raw), digits=5)

  # Reformat that probability into an expression matrix as expected by the plotting function
  prob.matrix <- data.frame(matrix(anchor.prob[,1], nrow=8, ncol=8))
  rownames(prob.matrix) <- c("24-30", "17-23", "13-16", "9-12", "7-8", "5-6", "3-4", "1-2")
  names(prob.matrix) <- c("1-4", "5-8", "9-12", "13-16", "17-20", "21-24", "25-28", "29-32")

  # Call the plotting function.
  zf.insitu.side(prob.matrix, mirror=TRUE, nonmirror=FALSE)

  # Add the anchor cell
  anchor.dorsality <- DVBins - anchors[this.anchor,"dorsality"]*DVBins/2
  anchor.tier <- anchors[this.anchor, "tier"]
  x <- cos(pi-thetaPerDV*anchor.dorsality) * sin(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*anchor.tier)
  y <- sin(pi-thetaPerDV*anchor.dorsality) * sin(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*anchor.tier)
  z <- cos(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*anchor.tier)
  spheres3d(x=x, y=y, z=z, radius=0.16, color=cellColor, alpha=.65, lit=FALSE)

  #add the centroid
  anchor.dorsality=DVBins - ((anchor.centroid[2]-1)/7)*DVBins/2
  anchor.tier.floor=floor(anchor.tier.bin); anchor.tier.left=anchor.tier.bin-anchor.tier.floor
  x1 <- cos(pi-thetaPerDV*anchor.dorsality) * sin(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*anchor.tier)
  y1 <- sin(pi-thetaPerDV*anchor.dorsality) * sin(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*anchor.tier)
  z1 <- cos(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*anchor.tier)
  spheres3d(x=x1, y=y1, z=z1, radius=0.08, color=centroidColor, alpha=.65, lit=FALSE)

  #anchor.tier.true <- anchors[this.anchor, "tier"]
  #if (tier.min.distance > 0) {
  #  anchor.tier.true.bin=anchors[this.anchor,"tier.bin"]-tier.min.distance/(tiers.size[anchor.tier.true.bin])


  # Format the plot
  if (label) {
    text3d(x=0, y=0, z=1.5, text=paste(this.anchor, anchor.distance),cex=3)
    text3d(x=1.4, y=0, z=-0.3, cex=2.25, text="Dor")
    text3d(x=-1.4, y=0, z=-0.3, cex=2.25, text="Ven")
    text3d(x=0, y=0, z=1.2, cex=2.25, text="An")
    text3d(x=0, y=0, z=-1.2, cex=2.25, text="Veg")
  view3d(zoom=.75, theta=0, phi=-90, fov=0) # This makes you look at dorsality 48.
  to.rotate <- (anchor.dorsality - 47.5)/64
  if (to.rotate < 0) to.rotate <- 1 + to.rotate
  if (do.rotate) play3d(spin3d(axis=c(0,0,1), rpm=60), duration=to.rotate)
  par3d(windowRect=c(0, 0, 800, 800))

zf.anchor.map <- function(seuratObject, this.anchor, anchors, calc.new=FALSE,...) {

  # Determine geometry
  if (calc.new) anchor.prob <- (prob=as.numeric(project.cell(seuratObject,this.anchor,do.plot=FALSE,safe=FALSE)))
  if (!(calc.new)) anchor.prob.raw=(prob=seuratObject@final.prob[,this.anchor])
  # Normalize so that strongest probability is 1.
  anchor.prob <- round(anchor.prob.raw/max(anchor.prob.raw), digits=5)
  # Reformat that probability into an expression matrix as expected by the plotting function

#' @export
zf.insitu.vec.lateral <- function(expression.vector, label=TRUE, title=NULL, ...) {

    # Reformat them into an expression matrix as expected by the plotting function
    expression.matrix <- data.frame(matrix(expression.vector, nrow=8, ncol=8))
    rownames(expression.matrix) <- c("24-30", "17-23", "13-16", "9-12", "7-8", "5-6", "3-4", "1-2")
    names(expression.matrix) <- c("1-4", "5-8", "9-12", "13-16", "17-20", "21-24", "25-28", "29-32")

    # Call the plotting function.
    par3d(windowRect=c(0, 0, 800, 800))

    # Label or not and then set the view.
    if (!is.null(title) & !label) text3d(x=0, y=0, z=1.2, text=title, cex=4.5)
    if (!is.null(title) & label) text3d(x=0, y=0, z=1.5, text=title, cex=3)
    if (label) {
        text3d(x=1.4, y=0, z=-0.3, cex=2.25, text="Dor")
        text3d(x=-1.4, y=0, z=-0.3, cex=2.25, text="Ven")
        text3d(x=0, y=0, z=1.2, cex=2.25, text="An")
        text3d(x=0, y=0, z=-1.2, cex=2.25, text="Veg")
    view3d(zoom=.75, theta=0, phi=-90, fov=0)

#' @export
zf.insitu.lateral <- function(seuratObject, gene, label=TRUE, ...) {
    # Call Seurat function to get the in situ values out.
    expression <- CalcInsitu(seuratObject, gene, do.plot=FALSE, do.return=TRUE, do.norm=TRUE, ...)

    # Reformat them into an expression matrix as expected by the plotting function
    expression.matrix <- data.frame(matrix(expression, nrow=8, ncol=8))
    rownames(expression.matrix) <- c("24-30", "17-23", "13-16", "9-12", "7-8", "5-6", "3-4", "1-2")
    names(expression.matrix) <- c("1-4", "5-8", "9-12", "13-16", "17-20", "21-24", "25-28", "29-32")

    # Call the plotting function.
    par3d(windowRect=c(0, 0, 800, 800))

    # Label or not and then set the view.
    text3d(x=0, y=0, z=1.5, text=gene, cex=3)
    if (label) {
        text3d(x=1.4, y=0, z=-0.3, cex=2.25, text="Dor")
        text3d(x=-1.4, y=0, z=-0.3, cex=2.25, text="Ven")
        text3d(x=0, y=0, z=1.2, cex=2.25, text="An")
        text3d(x=0, y=0, z=-1.2, cex=2.25, text="Veg")
    view3d(zoom=.75, theta=0, phi=-90, fov=0)

#' @export
zf.insitu.dorsal <- function(seuratObject, gene, label=TRUE, ...) {

    # Call Seurat function to get the in situ values out.
    expression <- CalcInsitu(seuratObject, gene, do.plot=FALSE, do.return=TRUE, do.norm=TRUE, ...)

    # Reformat them into an expression matrix as expected by the plotting function
    expression.matrix <- data.frame(matrix(expression, nrow=8, ncol=8))
    rownames(expression.matrix) <- c("24-30", "17-23", "13-16", "9-12", "7-8", "5-6", "3-4", "1-2")
    names(expression.matrix) <- c("1-4", "5-8", "9-12", "13-16", "17-20", "21-24", "25-28", "29-32")

    # Call the plotting function.
    par3d(windowRect=c(0, 0, 800, 800))

    # Label or not and then set the view.
    if (label) {
        text3d(x=0, y=0, z=1.5, text=gene, cex=3)
        text3d(x=1.4, y=0, z=-0.3, cex=2.25, text="Dor")
        text3d(x=-1.4, y=0, z=-0.3, cex=2.25, text="Ven")
        text3d(x=0, y=0, z=1.2, cex=2.25, text="An")
        text3d(x=0, y=0, z=-1.2, cex=2.25, text="Veg")
    rotMat <- rotationMatrix(-pi/2, 0, 0, 1)  %*% rotationMatrix(-pi/2, 0, 1, 0)
    view3d(zoom=.75, userMatrix=rotMat, fov=0)

#' @export
zf.insitu.ventral <- function(seuratObject, gene, label=TRUE, ...) {

    # Call Seurat function to get the in situ values out.
    expression <- CalcInsitu(seuratObject, gene, do.plot=FALSE, do.return=TRUE, do.norm=TRUE, ...)

    # Reformat them into an expression matrix as expected by the plotting function
    expression.matrix <- data.frame(matrix(expression, nrow=8, ncol=8))
    rownames(expression.matrix) <- c("24-30", "17-23", "13-16", "9-12", "7-8", "5-6", "3-4", "1-2")
    names(expression.matrix) <- c("1-4", "5-8", "9-12", "13-16", "17-20", "21-24", "25-28", "29-32")

    # Call the plotting function.
    par3d(windowRect=c(0, 0, 800, 800))

    # Label or not and then set the view.
    if (label) {
        text3d(x=0, y=0, z=1.5, text=gene, cex=3)
        text3d(x=1.4, y=0, z=-0.3, cex=2.25, text="Dor")
        text3d(x=-1.4, y=0, z=-0.3, cex=2.25, text="Ven")
        text3d(x=0, y=0, z=1.2, cex=2.25, text="An")
        text3d(x=0, y=0, z=-1.2, cex=2.25, text="Veg")
    rotMat <- rotationMatrix(pi/2, 0, 0, 1) %*% rotationMatrix(pi/2, 0, 1, 0)
    view3d(zoom=.75, userMatrix=rotMat, fov=0)

#' @export
zf.insitu.side <- function(expressionMatrix, nonmirror=TRUE, mirror=TRUE) {

    # Determine geometry
    tierBins <- 30 # 1 bin per cell tier.
    DVBins <- 64 # 1 bin every 5.625 degrees; compatible with our current 8-bin system.
    phiPerTier <- pi/(-2*tierBins)
    thetaPerDV <- 2*pi/DVBins

    # Determine colors
    yolkColor <- "#FDF5E6"
    marginColor <- "#CDC8B1"
    insituPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("#FDF5E6", "#483D8B"), space="Lab")
    insituColors <- insituPalette(51)

    # Make a dataframe that will hold the position of each quadrilateral for the drawing, default to yolk-colored.
    # Top of the embryo
    drawEmbryo <- data.frame(tier=rep(1:tierBins, DVBins), DV=rep(1:DVBins, each=tierBins), color=rep(yolkColor, tierBins*DVBins), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    # The yolk part
    drawEmbryo <- rbind(drawEmbryo, data.frame(tier=rep(-tierBins:-1, DVBins), DV=rep(1:DVBins, each=tierBins), color=rep(yolkColor, tierBins*DVBins), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
    # Add the margin
    drawEmbryo <- rbind(drawEmbryo, data.frame(tier=rep(0, DVBins), DV=1:DVBins, color=rep(marginColor, DVBins), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

    # Determine the 4 coordinates for each quadrilateral defined by a bin
    drawEmbryo$x1 <- cos(pi-thetaPerDV*drawEmbryo$DV) * sin(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*(drawEmbryo$tier-1))
    drawEmbryo$x2 <- cos(pi-thetaPerDV*(drawEmbryo$DV-1)) * sin(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*(drawEmbryo$tier-1))
    drawEmbryo$x3 <- cos(pi-thetaPerDV*(drawEmbryo$DV-1)) * sin(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*drawEmbryo$tier)
    drawEmbryo$x4 <- cos(pi-thetaPerDV*drawEmbryo$DV) * sin(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*drawEmbryo$tier)
    drawEmbryo$y1 <- sin(pi-thetaPerDV*drawEmbryo$DV) * sin(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*(drawEmbryo$tier-1))
    drawEmbryo$y2 <- sin(pi-thetaPerDV*(drawEmbryo$DV-1)) * sin(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*(drawEmbryo$tier-1))
    drawEmbryo$y3 <- sin(pi-thetaPerDV*(drawEmbryo$DV-1)) * sin(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*drawEmbryo$tier)
    drawEmbryo$y4 <- sin(pi-thetaPerDV*drawEmbryo$DV) * sin(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*drawEmbryo$tier)
    drawEmbryo$z1 <- cos(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*(drawEmbryo$tier-1))
    drawEmbryo$z2 <- cos(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*(drawEmbryo$tier-1))
    drawEmbryo$z3 <- cos(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*drawEmbryo$tier)
    drawEmbryo$z4 <- cos(0.5*pi+phiPerTier*drawEmbryo$tier)

    # Now, reassign the color for each of the bins that has expression >0.
    for (tier in 1:dim(expressionMatrix)[1]) {
        for (DV in 1:dim(expressionMatrix)[2]) {
            if (! expressionMatrix[tier,DV] == 0 ) {
                # Figure out limits of the bins desired from the names of the row & col of this table cell
                tierLimits <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(row.names(expressionMatrix)[tier],"-")))
                DVLimits <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(names(expressionMatrix)[DV],"-")))
                # Figure out the value for this color.
                thisColor <- insituColors[(floor(as.numeric(expressionMatrix[tier,DV])*50))+1]
                # Loop through and assign the color to every bin in the limits
                for (thisTier in min(tierLimits):max(tierLimits)) {
                    if (nonmirror) {
                        for (thisDV in min(DVLimits):max(DVLimits)) {
                        thisRow <- (thisDV-1)*tierBins+thisTier
                        drawEmbryo[thisRow,]$color <- thisColor
                    # If mirror is on, also assign the other side of the embryo.
                    if (mirror) {
                        for (thisDV in (DVBins-max(DVLimits)+1):(DVBins-min(DVLimits)+1)) {
                            thisRow <- (thisDV-1)*tierBins+thisTier
                            drawEmbryo[thisRow,]$color <- thisColor


    # Take the coordinates and reformat the lists to pass to RGL
    quadX <- interleave(drawEmbryo$x1, drawEmbryo$x2, drawEmbryo$x3, drawEmbryo$x4, drop=TRUE)
    dim(quadX) <- c(dim(quadX)[1]*dim(quadX)[2], 1)
    quadY <- interleave(drawEmbryo$y1, drawEmbryo$y2, drawEmbryo$y3, drawEmbryo$y4, drop=TRUE)
    dim(quadY) <- c(dim(quadY)[1]*dim(quadY)[2], 1)
    quadZ <- interleave(drawEmbryo$z1, drawEmbryo$z2, drawEmbryo$z3, drawEmbryo$z4, drop=TRUE)
    dim(quadZ) <- c(dim(quadZ)[1]*dim(quadZ)[2], 1)
    quadColor <- rep(drawEmbryo$color, each=4)

    # Initialize an RGL view

    # Call quads to plot the embryo.
    quads3d(x=quadX, y=quadY, z=quadZ, color=quadColor, alpha=1, lit=FALSE)

nukappa/seurat_v2 documentation built on May 24, 2019, 9:57 a.m.