
Defines functions mctnetwork_plot_propagation mctnetwork_plot_net mctnetwork_mc_rank_from_color_ord deform_boom deform_snail

deform_snail = function(x,y)
 	theta = 3.14159 * (1-x)
	expand = 0.4 + x*1.8
	yoff = y - 0.5

	xtag = cos(theta) + yoff*expand*cos(theta)
	ytag = sin(theta) + yoff*expand*sin(theta)
	return(list(xtag, ytag))

deform_boom = function(x,y,rmin=0)
	r = rmin+(x)*(1-rmin)
	xc = as.character(x)
	normy = rank(rank(x)*max(y,na.rm=T)+y)
#	normy = y
	min_y = tapply(normy,xc,min, na.rm=T)
	max_y = tapply(normy,xc,max, na.rm=T)
	range_y = max_y-min_y+8
	range_y[range_y==0] = 1
	theta = (normy-min_y[xc])/range_y[xc]*2*3.14159
	xtag = r*cos(theta)
	ytag = r*sin(theta)
	return(list(xtag, ytag))

mctnetwork_mc_rank_from_color_ord = function(mct_id, colors_ordered = NULL)
	mct = scdb_mctnetwork(mct_id)
	if(is.null(mct)) {
		stop("cannot find mctnet object ", mct_id, " when trying to plot net flows")
	mc = scdb_mc(mct@mc_id)
	mc_mean_age = apply(mct@mc_t, 1, function(x) {return(mean(x*(1:length(x))/sum(x))) })
	col_to_rank = c(1:length(colors_ordered))
	names(col_to_rank) = colors_ordered
	mc_rank = 1000*col_to_rank[mc@colors] + mc_mean_age
	mc_rank = rank(mc_rank)
	names(mc_rank) = as.character(1:length(mc_rank))

	mc_flows = mctnetwork_get_flow_mat(mct, -1)
	diag(mc_flows) = 0
	mc_flow_fore = mc_flows/rowSums(mc_flows)
	mc_flow_back = t(mc_flows)/colSums(mc_flows)

	mc_rank1 = mc_rank

#cluster flow graph
#rank clusters by mean rank
#rank mc by membership + time
if(0) {
	for(i in 1:20) {
		rank_fore = mc_flow_fore %*% mc_rank1
		rank_back = mc_flow_back %*% mc_rank1

		dfore = rank_fore-mc_rank1
		dback = rank_back-mc_rank1
		f = sign(dfore) == sign(dback)
		f[is.na(f)] = F
#		message("iter ", i, " sign consist on " , sum(f))
		dlt = sign(dfore) * pmin(abs(dfore), abs(dback))
		dlt[!f] = 0
#		message("max dlt ", paste(tail(sort(dlt),5)," "))
		mc_rank1 = rank(mc_rank1 + dlt*0.5)
		names(mc_rank1) = as.character(1:length(mc_rank))
#plot(sign(dfore)*log2(abs(dfore)), sign(dback)*log2(abs(dback)), pch=19, col=mc@colors, cex=1.5)
#color_ord = read.table("config/color_cell_type_order_flow.txt", h=T, sep="\t",stringsAsFactors = F)

mctnetwork_plot_net = function(mct_id, fn, 
						mc_ord = NULL, colors_ordered = NULL,
						mc_t_score = NULL,
						flow_thresh = 1e-4,
						w = 2000,h = 2000,
						mc_cex = 0.5,
						dx_back = 0.15, dy_ext = 0.4,
						sigmoid_edge = F, grad_col_edge = F,
						plot_mc_ids = F,miss_color_thresh = 0.5,
						score_shades = colorRampPalette(c("lightgray", "gray", "darkgray", "lightpink", "pink", "red", "darkred"))(1000))
	if(!is.null(propogate) | !is.null(mc_t_score)) {
		dx_back = 0
		dy_ext = 0
	mct = scdb_mctnetwork(mct_id)
	if(is.null(mct)) {
		stop("cannot find mctnet object ", mct_id, " when trying to plot net flows")
	net= mct@network
	mc = scdb_mc(mct@mc_id)
	if(is.null(mc)) {
		stop("cannot find mc object ", mct@mc_id, " matching the mc id in the mctnetwork object! db mismatch? recreate objects?")
	if(is.null(mct@edge_flows) | sum(mct@edge_flows)==0) {
		stop("flows seems not to be initialized in mct id ", mct_id, " maybe rerun the mincost algorithm?")
	names(mc@colors) = as.character(1:length(mc@colors))
#color_ord = read.table("config/atlas_type_order.txt", h=T, sep="\t")
#order MCs by type, mean age
  if(is.null(mc_ord)) {
	 if(is.null(colors_ordered)) {
			stop("specify either mc_ord or color ord when plotting mctnet network")
	 mc_rank = mctnetwork_mc_rank_from_color_ord(mct_id, colors_ordered)
  } else {
    mc_rank = rep(-1,length(mc_ord))
    mc_rank[mc_ord] = c(1:length(mc_ord))
    names(mc_rank) = as.character(1:length(mc_rank))
  mc_rank["-2"] = 0
  mc_rank["-1"] = length(mc_rank)/2
  #add growth mc

	f= net$flow > flow_thresh
	nn = net[f,]
	x1 = nn$time1
	x2 = nn$time2
	y1 = as.numeric(mc_rank[as.character(nn$mc1)])
	y2 = as.numeric(mc_rank[as.character(nn$mc2)])

	x1 = ifelse(nn$type1 == "growth", x1 + 0.3, x1)
	x2 = ifelse(nn$type2 == "growth", x2 + 0.3, x2)
	x1 = ifelse(nn$type1 == "norm_b" | nn$type1 == "extend_b",x1-dx_back,x1)
	x2 = ifelse(nn$type2 == "norm_b" | nn$type2 == "extend_b",x2-dx_back,x2)
	y1 = ifelse(nn$type1 == "src", max(y1)/2, y1)
	y2 = ifelse(nn$type2 == "sink", max(y2)/2, y2)
	y2 = ifelse(nn$type2 == "sink", NA, y2)
	y1 = ifelse(nn$type1 == "growth", y2+2.5, y1)
	y2 = ifelse(nn$type2 == "growth", y1+2.5, y2)
	y1 = ifelse(nn$type1 == "extend_b" | nn$type1 == "extend_f",y1+dy_ext, y1)
	y2 = ifelse(nn$type2 == "extend_f" | nn$type2 == "extend_b",y2+dy_ext, y2)

	if(!is.null(func_deform)) {
		x1 = ifelse(nn$type1 == "growth", NA, x1)
		x2 = ifelse(nn$type2 == "growth", NA, x2)
		y1 = ifelse(nn$type1 == "growth", NA, y1)
		y2 = ifelse(nn$type2 == "growth", NA, y2)
		min_x = min(c(x1,x2),na.rm=T)
		min_y = min(c(y1,y2),na.rm=T)
		range_x = (max(c(x1,x2),na.rm=T)-min_x)
		range_y = (max(c(y1,y2),na.rm=T)-min_y)
		ax = c((x1-min_x)/range_x, (x2-min_x)/range_x)
		ay = c((y1-min_y)/range_y, (y2-min_y)/range_y)
		atag = func_deform(ax, ay)
		n1 = length(x1)
		n = length(ax)
		x1 = atag[[1]][1:n1]
		x2 = atag[[1]][(n1+1):n]
		y1 = atag[[2]][1:n1]
		y2 = atag[[2]][(n1+1):n]
if(0) {
		xy1 = func_deform((x1-min_x)/range_x, (y1-min_y)/range_y)
		xy2 = func_deform((x2-min_x)/range_x, (y2-min_y)/range_y)
		x1 = xy1[[1]]
		x2 = xy2[[1]]
		y1 = xy1[[2]]
		y2 = xy2[[2]]

	nn$mc1 = ifelse(nn$type1 == "src", nn$mc2, nn$mc1)
	png(fn, width = w,height = h)
	f_overflow = nn$type2=="extend_f" & nn$cost > 100
	f_underflow = nn$type2 == "norm_f" & nn$cost < -100
#  nn$flow/(1e-8 + nn$capacity) < miss_color_thresh
	if(is.null(propogate) & is.null(mc_t_score)) {
		plot(c(x1,x2), c(y1,y2), pch=19, col=mc@colors[c(nn$mc1,nn$mc2)],cex=mc_cex)
		mc_rgb = col2rgb(mc@colors)/256
		f = nn$mc1>0 & nn$mc2 > 0
		m1 = as.numeric(nn$mc1[f])
		m2 = as.numeric(nn$mc2[f])
		seg_df = data.frame(x1 = x1[f], y1=y1[f], dx=x2[f]-x1[f], dy=y2[f]-y1[f], 
									r1 = mc_rgb["red",m1],
									r2 = mc_rgb["red",m2],
									g1 = mc_rgb["green",m1],
									g2 = mc_rgb["green",m2],
									b1 = mc_rgb["blue",m1],
									b2 = mc_rgb["blue",m2])

		for(alpha in seq(0,0.98,0.02)) {
			beta = alpha
			beta5 = alpha+0.02
			if(sigmoid_edge) {
			beta = plogis(alpha,loc=0.5,scale=0.1)
			beta5 = plogis(alpha+0.02,loc=0.5,scale=0.1)
			sx1 = seg_df$x1+alpha*seg_df$dx
			sx2 = seg_df$x1+(alpha+0.02)*seg_df$dx
			sy1 = seg_df$y1+beta*seg_df$dy
			sy2 = seg_df$y1+beta5*seg_df$dy
			alpha_col = ifelse(grad_col_edge, alpha,0)
			rgb_r = seg_df$r2*alpha_col+seg_df$r1*(1-alpha_col)
			rgb_g = seg_df$g2*alpha_col+seg_df$g1*(1-alpha_col)
			rgb_b = seg_df$b2*alpha_col+seg_df$b1*(1-alpha_col)
			cols = rgb(rgb_r, rgb_g, rgb_b)
			segments(sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, 
				col=ifelse(nn$type2=="growth" | nn$type1=="source" | nn$type2=="sink", "gray", cols), 
				lwd=pmin(nn$flow/edge_w_scale, 10))
#		segments(x1,y1,x2,y2, 
#				col=ifelse(nn$type2=="growth", "black", mc@colors[nn$mc1]), 
#				lwd=pmin(nn$flow/edge_w_scale, 10))
		f = f_overflow; segments(x1[f],y1[f],x2[f],y2[f], col="red", 
									lwd=pmin(nn$flow[f]/edge_w_scale, 10))
		f = f_underflow; segments(x1[f],y1[f],x2[f],y2[f], col="blue", 
	         					lwd=pmin((nn$capacity[f] - nn$flow[f])/edge_w_scale,10))
#		points(c(x1,x2), c(y1,y2), pch=19, col=mc@colors[c(nn$mc1,nn$mc2)],cex=1)
	} else if(!is.null(mc_t_score)) {
		plot(c(x1,x2), c(y1,y2), pch=19, col=mc@colors[c(nn$mc1,nn$mc2)],cex=mc_cex)
		mc_t_score = pmax(mc_t_score, quantile(mc_t_score,0.03))
		mc_t_score = pmin(mc_t_score, quantile(mc_t_score,0.97))
		mc_t_score = mc_t_score-min(mc_t_score)
		mc_t_score = mc_t_score/max(mc_t_score)
		mc_t_score = floor(1+999*mc_t_score)
		f = nn$mc1>0 & nn$mc2>0 & nn$time1>0
		max_mc = nrow(mc_t_score)
		m1 = as.numeric(nn$mc1[f]) 
		m2 = as.numeric(nn$mc2[f]) 
		score1 = rep(1, nrow(nn))
		score2 = rep(1, nrow(nn))
		score1[f] = mc_t_score[m1+(nn[f,"time1"]-1)*max_mc]
		score2[f] = mc_t_score[m2+(nn[f,"time2"]-1)*max_mc]

		seg_df = data.frame(x1 = x1, y1=y1, dx=x2-x1, dy=y2-y1, 
														score1= score1, dscore=score2-score1)

		for(alpha in seq(0,0.95,0.05)) {
			x1 = seg_df$x1+alpha*seg_df$dx
			x2 = seg_df$x1+(alpha+0.05)*seg_df$dx
			y1 = seg_df$y1+alpha*seg_df$dy
			y2 = seg_df$y1+(alpha+0.05)*seg_df$dy
			cols = score_shades[floor(seg_df$score1 + (alpha+0.025)*seg_df$dscore)]
			segments(x1, y1, x2, y2, 
				col=ifelse(nn$type2=="growth" | nn$type1=="source" | nn$type2=="sink", "gray", cols), 
				lwd=pmin(nn$flow/edge_w_scale, 10))
		rect(seg_df$x1-0.12,seg_df$y1-0.5, seg_df$x1+0.12, seg_df$y1+0.5,
					col = mc@colors[nn$mc1], border=NA)
		rect(seg_df$x2-0.12,seg_df$y2-0.5, seg_df$x2+0.12, seg_df$y2+0.5,
					col = mc@colors[nn$mc2], border=NA)
	} else {
		plot(c(x1,x2), c(y1,y2), pch=19, col=mc@colors[c(nn$mc1,nn$mc2)],cex=mc_cex)
		max_time = length(propogate)
		m1 = as.numeric(nn$mc1) 
		m2 = as.numeric(nn$mc2) 
		max_m = ncol(propogate[[1]])
		prop_flow = rep(0, nrow(nn))
		for(t in 1:max_time) {
			f = (nn$time1 == t) & nn$mc1>0 & nn$mc2>0
			prop_flow[f] = propogate[[t]][m1[f]+max_m*(m2[f]-1)]
				col=ifelse(nn$type2=="growth", "black", mc@colors[nn$mc1]), 
				lwd=pmin(prop_flow/edge_w_scale, 10))
		points(c(x1,x2), c(y1,y2), pch=19, col=mc@colors[c(nn$mc1,nn$mc2)],cex=m_cex)

	if(plot_mc_ids) {
		f1 = nn$type1!="growth" 
		text(x1[f1]-0.2,y1[f1], labels = nn$mc1[f1], cex=1)
#	  text(c(x1[f1],x2[f2]),c(y1[f1],y2[f2]),labels = c(nn$mc1[f1],nn$mc2[f2]), cex=1)

mctnetwork_plot_propagation = function(mct_id, time, p_anchor, fn, 
						mc_ord = NULL, colors_ordered = NULL,
						w = 2000,h = 2000, mc_cex=1)
	mct = scdb_mctnetwork(mct_id)
	if(is.null(mct)) {
		stop("cannot find mctnet object ", mct_id, " when trying to plot net flows anchors")
	probs = mctnetwork_propogate_from_t(mct, time, p_anchor)
	mctnetwork_plot_net(mct_id, fn=fn, 
					propogate = probs$step_m,
					mc_ord = mc_ord, colors_ordered = colors_ordered,
					edge_w_scale = edge_w_scale, 
					w = w, h = h, mc_cex = mc_cex)
tanaylab/metacell documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 1:01 p.m.