Man pages for PKNCA
Perform Pharmacokinetic Non-Compartmental Analysis

add_impute_to_intervalsAdd the imputation column to the intervals, if it is not...
add.interval.colAdd columns for calculations within PKNCA intervals
addProvenanceAdd a hash and associated information to enable checking...
adj.r.squaredCalculate the adjusted r-squared value
any_sparse_dense_in_intervalDetermine if there are any sparse or dense calculations... the parameter results from a PKNCAresults and return...
as_PKNCAconcConvert an object into a PKNCAconc object
assert_aucmethodAssert that a value is a valid AUC method
assert_conc_timeVerify that concentration measurements are valid
assert_dosetauAssert that a value is a dosing interval
assert_intervaltime_singleAssert that an interval is accurately defined as an interval,...
assert_lambdazAssert that a lambda.z value is valid
assert_number_betweenConfirm that a value is greater than another value
assert_numeric_betweenConfirm that a value is greater than another value
assert_PKNCAdataAssert that an object is a PKNCAdata object
as_sparse_pkGenerate a sparse_pk object
auc_integrateSupport function for AUC integration
business.meanGenerate functions to do the named function (e.g. mean)...
check.conversionCheck that the conversion to a data type does not change the...
check.interval.depsTake in a single row of an interval specification and return...
check.interval.specificationCheck the formatting of a calculation interval specification...
checkProvenanceCheck the hash of an object to confirm its provenance.
choose.auc.intervalsChoose intervals to compute AUCs from time and dosing...
choose_interval_methodChoose how to interpolate, extrapolate, or integrate data in...
clean.conc.blqHandle BLQ values in the concentration measurements as...
clean.conc.naHandle NA values in the concentration measurements as...
cov_holderCalculate the covariance for two time points with sparse...
defunctThe following functions are defunct
excludeExclude data points or results from calculations or...
exclude_ncaExclude NCA parameters based on examining the parameter set.
filter.PKNCAresultsdplyr filtering for PKNCA
findOperatorFind the first occurrence of an operator in a formula and...
find.tauFind the repeating interval within a vector of doses
fit_half_lifePerform the half-life fit given the data. The function...
formula.PKNCAconcExtract the formula from a PKNCAconc object.
geomeanCompute the geometric mean, sd, and CV
getAttributeColumnRetrieve the value of an attribute column. the best model from a list of models using the AIC.
getColumnValueOrNotGet the value from a column in a data frame if the value is a...
getDataNameGet the name of the element containing the data for the...
getDepVarGet the dependent variable (left hand side of the formula)...
get.first.modelGet the first model from a list of models
getGroups.PKNCAconcGet the groups (right hand side after the '|' from a PKNCA...
get_impute_methodGet the impute function from either the intervals column or...
getIndepVarGet the independent variable (right hand side of the formula)...
get.interval.colsGet the columns that can be used in an interval specification
get.parameter.depsGet all columns that depend on a parameter
group_by.PKNCAresultsdplyr grouping for PKNCA
group_vars.PKNCAconcGet grouping variables for a PKNCA object
inner_join.PKNCAresultsdplyr joins for PKNCA
interp.extrap.concInterpolate concentrations between measurements or...
interp_extrap_conc_methodInterpolate or extrapolate concentrations using the provided...
is_sparse_pkIs a PKNCA object used for sparse PK?
model.frame.PKNCAconcExtract the columns used in the formula (in order) from a...
mutate.PKNCAresultsdplyr mutate-based modification for PKNCA
normalize_excludeNormalize the exclude column by setting blanks to NA
parse_formula_to_colsConvert a formula representation to the columns for input...
pk.businessRun any function with a maximum missing fraction of X and 0s...
pk.calc.aeCalculate amount excreted (typically in urine or feces)
pk.calc.aucaboveCalculate the AUC above a given concentration
pk.calc.aucintCalculate the AUC over an interval with interpolation and/or...
pk.calc.aucivCalculate AUC for intravenous dosing
pk.calc.aucpextCalculate the AUC percent extrapolated
pk.calc.auxcA compute the Area Under the (Moment) Curve
pk.calc.c0Estimate the concentration at dosing time for an IV bolus...
pk.calc.cavCalculate the average concentration during an interval.
pk.calc.ceoiDetermine the concentration at the end of infusion
pk.calc.clCalculate the (observed oral) clearance
pk.calc.clast.obsDetermine the last observed concentration above the limit of...
pk.calc.clrCalculate renal clearance
pk.calc.cmaxDetermine maximum observed PK concentration
pk.calc.count_concCount the number of concentration measurements in an interval
pk.calc.cstartDetermine the concentration at the beginning of the interval
pk.calc.ctroughDetermine the trough (end of interval) concentration
pk.calc.deg.flucDetermine the degree of fluctuation
pk.calc.dnDetermine dose normalized NCA parameter
pk.calc.fCalculate the absolute (or relative) bioavailability
pk.calc.feCalculate fraction excreted (typically in urine or feces)
pk.calc.half.lifeCompute the half-life and associated parameters
pk.calc.kelCalculate the elimination rate (Kel)
pk.calc.mrtCalculate the mean residence time (MRT) for single-dose data...
pk.calc.mrt.mdCalculate the mean residence time (MRT) for multiple-dose...
pk.calc.ptrDetermine the peak-to-trough ratio
pk.calc.sparse_aucCalculate AUC and related parameters using sparse NCA methods
pk.calc.swingDetermine the PK swing
pk.calc.thalf.effCalculate the effective half-life
pk.calc.time_aboveDetermine time at or above a set value
pk.calc.tlagDetermine the observed lag time (time before the first...
pk.calc.tlastDetermine time of last observed concentration above the limit...
pk.calc.tmaxDetermine time of maximum observed PK concentration
pk.calc.totdoseExtract the dose used for calculations
pk.calc.vssCalculate the steady-state volume of distribution (Vss)
pk.calc.vzCalculate the terminal volume of distribution (Vz)
pk.ncaCompute NCA parameters for each interval for each subject.
PKNCACompute noncompartmental pharmacokinetics
PKNCA.choose.optionChoose either the value from an option list or the current...
PKNCAconcCreate a PKNCAconc object
PKNCAdataCreate a PKNCAdata object.
PKNCAdoseCreate a PKNCAdose object
pknca_find_units_paramFind NCA parameters with a given unit type
PKNCA_impute_fun_listSeparate out a vector of PKNCA imputation methods into a list...
PKNCA_impute_methodMethods for imputation of data with PKNCA
pk.nca.intervalCompute all PK parameters for a single concentration-time...
pk.nca.intervalsCompute NCA for multiple intervals
PKNCA.optionsSet default options for PKNCA functions
PKNCA.options.describeDescribe a PKNCA.options option by name.
PKNCAresultsGenerate a PKNCAresults object
pk_nca_result_to_dfConvert the grouping info and list of results for each group...
PKNCA.set.summaryDefine how NCA parameters are summarized.
pknca_unit_conversionPerform unit conversion (if possible) on PKNCA results
pknca_units_add_parenAdd parentheses to a unit value, if needed
pknca_units_tableCreate a unit assignment and conversion table
pk.tssCompute the time to steady-state (tss) up the time to steady-state parameters and return a...
pk.tss.monoexponentialCompute the time to steady state using nonlinear,...
pk.tss.monoexponential.individualA helper function to estimate individual and single outputs...
pk.tss.monoexponential.populationA helper function to estimate population and popind outputs...
pk.tss.stepwise.linearCompute the time to steady state using stepwise test of...
print.PKNCAconcPrint and/or summarize a PKNCAconc or PKNCAdose object.
print.PKNCAdataPrint a PKNCAdata object
print.provenancePrint the summary of a provenance object
print.summary_PKNCAresultsPrint the results summary
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
roundingSummarizeDuring the summarization of PKNCAresults, do the rounding of...
roundStringRound a value to a defined number of digits printing out...
setAttributeColumnAdd an attribute to an object where the attribute is added as...
setDurationSet the duration of dosing or measurement
setExcludeColumnSet the exclude parameter on an object
setRouteSet the dosing route
signifStringRound a value to a defined number of significant digits...
sort.interval.colsSort the interval columns by dependencies.
sparse_auc_weight_linearCalculate the weight for sparse AUC calculation with the...
sparse_meanCalculate the mean concentration at all time points for use...
sparse_pk_attributeSet or get a sparse_pk object attribute
sparse_to_dense_pkExtract the mean concentration-time profile as a data.frame
summary.PKNCAdataSummarize a PKNCAdata object showing important details about...
summary.PKNCAresultsSummarize PKNCA results
superpositionCompute noncompartmental superposition for repeated dosing
time_calcTimes relative to an event (typically dosing)
tss.monoexponential.generate.formulaA helper function to generate the formula and starting values...
var_sparse_aucCalculate the variance for the AUC of sparsely sampled PK
PKNCA documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:25 a.m.