# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.
phifun.integrand <- function(charfun, muvec, parlink, earg,
cc, xi, ee, ss, sigma2.fuzz = 1e-8) {
cnew <- cc / ss
eta.use <- theta2eta(muvec, link = parlink, earg = earg) # Dangerous
chfw <- charfun(x = xi * cnew, eta = eta.use, extra = list())
chfw <- prod(chfw)
phi <- chfw * exp(-1i * ee * cnew) * exp(-sigma2.fuzz * (cnew^2) / 2)
} # phifun.integrand
cdffun.integrand <-
function(Object, A.qnorm = 4, wtil, lam, xi, ee, ss,
sigma2.fuzz = 1e-8,
nodes = sqrt(2) * ghn100,
qwts = sqrt(2) * ghw100 / (2 * pi)) {
if (!(is(Object, "qrrvglm") || is(Object, "rrvglm")))
stop("argument 'Object' must be a 'qrrvglm' or 'rrvglm' Object")
famfun <- Object@family
infos <- famfun@infos()
charfun <- if (is.logical(infos$charfun) && infos$charfun)
famfun@charfun else stop("the family function has no charfun slot")
parlink <- linkfun(Object)[1] # All the same, choose the first
Earg <- Object@misc$earg[[1]] # Dangerous
N <- length(nodes)
intgrnd <- numeric(N)
for (k in 1:N) {
curnode <- nodes[k]
exptrm <- (exp( 1i * curnode * A.qnorm) -
exp(-1i * curnode * wtil)) / (1i * curnode)
intgrnd[k] <- phifun.integrand(charfun = charfun,
muvec = lam, parlink = parlink, earg = Earg, # Dangerous
cc = curnode, xi = xi,
ee = ee, ss = ss, sigma2.fuzz = sigma2.fuzz) *
exptrm * exp(0.5 * curnode^2)
sum(qwts * intgrnd)
} # cdffun.integrand
charfun.cqo.cdf <-
extra ,
misc.list = list(),
A.qnorm = 4,
sigma2.fuzz = 1e-8, lower.latvar = NULL, upper.latvar = NULL,
nodes = sqrt(2) * ghn100,
qwts = sqrt(2) * ghw100 / (2 * pi)) {
wt.mean <- function(x, y, alpha = 0.5) (1 - alpha) * x + alpha * y
site.scores <- latvar(Object) <- range(site.scores)
if (is.null(lower.latvar))
lower.latvar <- wt.mean([1],[2], 0.0)
if (is.null(upper.latvar))
upper.latvar <- wt.mean([1],[2], 1.0)
famfun <- Object@family
infos <- famfun@infos()
charfun <- if (is.logical(infos$charfun) && infos$charfun)
famfun@charfun else stop("the family function has no charfun slot")
Earg <- Object@misc$earg[[1]] # Dangerous
uopt <- Opt(Object)
tol <- Tol(Object)[1, 1, ] # Interpreted as a variance, not SDs
parlink <- linkfun(Object)[1] # All the same, choose the first
alf <- theta2eta(Max(Object), parlink, earg = list())
nu0 <- bnu
qtrm <- (nu0 - uopt) / sqrt(tol) # sqrt(tol), not tol
eta <- alf - 0.5 * qtrm^2
muvec <- eta2theta(eta, parlink, earg = Earg) # Dangerous
lam <- muvec
xi <- -qtrm / sqrt(tol) # sqrt(tol), not tol
nxi <- sqrt(sum(xi^2))
xi <- xi / nxi
ee <- sum(lam * xi)
varfun <- charfun(eta = eta, # log(muvec),
extra = list(), # Object@extra, # For now
varfun = TRUE)
ss <- sqrt(sum(varfun * xi^2)) # For both poissonff and binomialff
w.obs <- sum(y0 * xi)
wtil <- (w.obs - ee) / ss
if ( {
prb <- 1 # zz
prb <- 0 # zz
} else {
nrm.prb <- pnorm(wtil)
prb <- if (wtil < -A.qnorm) 0 else
if ( A.qnorm < wtil) 1 else {
prbc <- cdffun.integrand(Object, A.qnorm = A.qnorm,
wtil = wtil, lam = lam, xi = xi,
ee = ee, ss = ss,
sigma2.fuzz = sigma2.fuzz)
} # charfun.cqo.cdf
charfun.clo.cdf <-
extra ,
misc.list = list(),
A.qnorm = 4,
sigma2.fuzz = 1e-8, lower.latvar = NULL, upper.latvar = NULL,
nodes = sqrt(2) * ghn100,
qwts = sqrt(2) * ghw100 / (2 * pi)) {
if (length(bnu) > 1)
stop("can only handle rank-1 objects")
vfam <- intersect(Object@family@vfamily, c("binomialff", "poissonff"))
if (!length(vfam))
stop("only 'poissonff' and 'binomialff' families allowed")
all.links <- linkfun(Object)
parlink <- all.links[1] # All the same, choose the first <- switch(vfam,
binomialff = all(all.links == "logitlink"),
poissonff = all(all.links == "loglink"))
if (! stop("model does not use the canonical link") # else
A.mat <- Coefs@A
B1.mat <- Coefs@B1
Index.corner <- Object@control$Index.corner # Corner constraints
wt.mean <- function(x, y, alpha = 0.5) (1 - alpha) * x + alpha * y
site.scores <- latvar(Object) <- range(site.scores)
if (is.null(lower.latvar))
lower.latvar <- wt.mean([1],[2], 0.0)
if (is.null(upper.latvar))
upper.latvar <- wt.mean([1],[2], 1.0)
famfun <- Object@family
infos <- famfun@infos()
charfun <- if (is.logical(infos$charfun) && infos$charfun)
famfun@charfun else stop("the family function has no charfun slot")
Earg <- Object@misc$earg[[1]] # Dangerous
if (FALSE) {
uopt <- Opt(Object)
tol <- Tol(Object)[1, 1, ] # Interpreted as a variance, not SDs
parlink <- linkfun(Object)[1] # All the same, choose the first
alf <- theta2eta(Max(Object), parlink, earg = list())
nu0 <- bnu
eta <- Coefs@B1["(Intercept)", ] + A.mat %*% nu0
eta <- rbind(c(eta)) # Make sure it is 1 x M
muvec <- eta2theta(eta, parlink, earg = Earg) # Dangerous
lam <- muvec
xi <- A.mat[, 1]
nxi <- sqrt(sum(xi^2))
xi <- xi / nxi
ee <- sum(lam * xi)
varfun <- charfun(eta = eta, # log(muvec),
extra = list(), # Object@extra, # For now
varfun = TRUE)
ss <- sqrt(sum(varfun * xi^2)) # For both poissonff and binomialff
w.obs <- sum(y0 * xi)
wtil <- (w.obs - ee) / ss
if ( {
prb <- 1 # zz
prb <- 0 # zz
} else {
nrm.prb <- pnorm(wtil)
prb <- if (wtil < -A.qnorm) 0 else
if ( A.qnorm < wtil) 1 else {
prbc <- cdffun.integrand(Object, A.qnorm = A.qnorm,
wtil = wtil, lam = lam, xi = xi,
ee = ee, ss = ss,
sigma2.fuzz = sigma2.fuzz)
} # charfun.clo.cdf
fnumat2R <-
refit.model = FALSE) {
numat <- latvar(object) # After scaling
Rank <- Rank(object)
control <- object@control
M <- npred(object)
M1 <- npred(object, type = "one.response")
if (M1 > 1)
stop("this function only works with M1==1 models")
nsmall <- nobs(object)
X.lm <- model.matrix(object, type = "lm") # Has latvar vars too.
etol <- control$eq.tolerances
Itol <- control$I.tolerances
colx1.index <- control$colx1.index
colx2.index <- control$colx2.index
NOS <- M / M1
if (!etol) {
index.rc <- iam(NA, NA, M = Rank, both = TRUE)
numat2 <- numat[, index.rc$row.index, drop = FALSE] *
numat[, index.rc$col.index, drop = FALSE]
if (Rank > 1)
numat2[, -(1:Rank)] <- numat2[, -(1:Rank)] * 2
} # !etol
if (etol && !Itol) {
numat2 <- numat[, 1:Rank, drop = FALSE] *
numat[, 1:Rank, drop = FALSE] # Same as Itol
if (Itol) {
numat2 <- numat[, 1:Rank, drop = FALSE] *
numat[, 1:Rank, drop = FALSE]
} # Itol
if (Rank >= 2 && (!etol || (etol && !Itol)))
stop("cannot currently handle the given scalings")
ansA <- kronecker(numat, diag(M))
colnames(ansA) <- param.names("A", NCOL(ansA), skip1 = FALSE)
ansD <- kronecker(numat2, if (Itol || etol) matrix(1, M, 1) else
diag(M)) * (-0.5)
colnames(ansD) <- param.names("D", NCOL(ansD), skip1 = FALSE)
ansx1 <- if (length(colx1.index))
kronecker(X.lm[, colx1.index, drop = FALSE], diag(M)) else
NULL # Trivial constraints are assumed.
if (length(ansx1))
colnames(ansx1) <- param.names("x1.", NCOL(ansx1), skip1 = FALSE)
X.vlm <- cbind(ansA, ansD, ansx1)
if (!refit.model)
mf <- model.frame(object)
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
clist <- vector("list", ncol(X.vlm))
names(clist) <- colnames(X.vlm)
for (ii in seq(length(clist)))
clist[[ii]] <- diag(M) # Wrong but doesnt matter; trivial constraints
somejunk <- clist
inci <- 0
for (ii in seq(length(somejunk))) {
inci <- inci + 1
somejunk[[ii]] <- inci
attr(numat, "assign") <- somejunk
attr(X.vlm, "assign") <- somejunk
control$ <- FALSE
control$stepsize <- 1
control$half.stepsizing <- FALSE
control$Check.rank <- FALSE
eta.mat.orig <- predict(object)
OOO.orig <- object@offset
if (!length(OOO.orig) || all(OOO.orig == 0))
OOO.orig <- matrix(0, nsmall, M)
fit1 <- = numat, y = depvar(object),
w = c(weights(object, type = "prior")),
X.vlm.arg = X.vlm,
Xm2 = NULL, Terms = mt,
constraints = clist, extra = object@extra,
etastart = eta.mat.orig,
offset = OOO.orig, family = object@family,
control = control)
if (fit1$iter > 3)
warning("refitted model took an unusually large number of ",
"iterations to converge") # Usually 1 iteration is needed
} # fnumat2R
forG.calib.qrrvglm <-
function(bnu0, # coeff3 = NULL,
numerator = c("xi", "eta"),
lenb1bix = 1) {
numerator <- match.arg(numerator, c("xi", "eta"))[1]
if (FALSE) {
if (!is.null(coeff3)) {
if (length(coeff3) != 3 || coeff3[3] > 0)
stop("bad input for argument 'coeff3'")
beta1 <- coeff3[2] # beta0 <- coeff3[1] is unneeded
beta2 <- coeff3[3]
if (is.null(uj)) uj <- -0.5 * beta1 / beta2
if (is.null(tolj)) tolj <- 1 / sqrt(-2 * beta2)
Rank <- length(bnu0) # Usually 1, sometimes 2.
"xi" = cbind(rep_len(1, Rank), 2 * bnu0, matrix(0, Rank, lenb1bix)),
"eta" = cbind(bnu0, bnu0^2, matrix(1, Rank, lenb1bix)))
} # forG.calib.qrrvglm
dzwald.qrrvglm <-
function(bnu0, y0, Object, CoefsObject,
B1bix, mu.function) {
M <- npred(Object)
if ((M1 <- npred(Object, type = "one.response")) > 1)
stop("this function only works with M1==1 models")
nsmall <- nobs(Object)
NOS <- M / M1
etol <- Object@control$eq.tolerances
Itol <- Object@control$I.tolerances
Earg <- Object@misc$earg
all.links <- linkfun(Object)
if ((Rank <- Rank(Object)) >= 2 && !Itol)
warning("can only handle rank-1 (or rank-2 Itol) objects")
linkfun <- Object@family@linkfun
if (!is.function(linkfun))
stop("could not obtain @linkfun")
vfam <- intersect(Object@family@vfamily, c("binomialff", "poissonff"))
if (!length(vfam))
stop("only 'poissonff' and 'binomialff' families allowed") <- switch(vfam,
binomialff = all(all.links == "logitlink"),
poissonff = all(all.links == "loglink"))
if (! stop("model does not use the canonical link") # else
Omegamat <- vcov(Object)
dimn <- colnames(Omegamat)
DD <- 0 # Later becomes a matrix.
Gmat <- matrix(0, ncol(Omegamat), Rank)
for (spp. in 1:NOS) {
index.A.spp. <- spp. + (seq(Rank) - 1) * M # Rank-vector
index.D.spp. <- if (Itol || etol) (Rank * M) + seq(Rank) else
if (!etol) (Rank * M) +
spp. + (seq(Rank * (Rank+1) / 2) - 1) * M # Rank-vector
dd <- min(which(substr(dimn, 1, 3) == "x1."))
index.B1.spp. <- dd - 1 + spp. + (seq(1000) - 1) * M
index.B1.spp. <- index.B1.spp.[index.B1.spp. <= ncol(Omegamat)]
all.index <- c(index.A.spp., index.D.spp., index.B1.spp.)
if (!all( <- substr(dimn[index.D.spp.], 1, 1) == "D"))
stop("encountered a bookkeeping error; failed to pick up the ",
"D array coefficients")
uj.jay <- CoefsObject@Optimum[, spp.] # Rank-vector
tolj.jay <- if (Rank == 1) sqrt(CoefsObject@Tolerance[, , spp.]) else
diag(sqrt(CoefsObject@Tolerance[, , spp.])) # Ditto
alphaj.jay <- linkfun(CoefsObject@Maximum,
extra = Object@extra)[spp.] # Scalar
eta0.jay <- alphaj.jay - 0.5 * sum(((bnu0 - uj.jay) / tolj.jay)^2)
eta0.jay <- rbind(eta0.jay)
fv0.jay <- mu.function(eta0.jay, extra = Object@extra)
fv0.jay <- c(fv0.jay) # Remove array attributes
dTheta.deta0j <- dtheta.deta(fv0.jay,
earg = Earg[[spp.]]) # Scalar
dTheta.deta0j <- c(dTheta.deta0j) # Remove array attributes
xi0.jay <- -(bnu0 - uj.jay) / tolj.jay^2 # Rank-vector
DD <- DD + dTheta.deta0j *
(cbind(xi0.jay) %*% rbind(xi0.jay)) # More general
dxi0.dtheta <- forG.calib.qrrvglm(bnu0, numerator = "xi") # R x dim11
deta0.dtheta <- forG.calib.qrrvglm(bnu0, numerator = "eta") # Rxdim11
Index.All <- cbind(index.A.spp., index.D.spp.,
rep_len(index.B1.spp., Rank)) # Just to make sure
for (rlocal in seq(Rank)) {
Gmat[Index.All[rlocal, ], rlocal] <-
Gmat[Index.All[rlocal, ], rlocal] +
(y0[1, spp.] - fv0.jay) * dxi0.dtheta[rlocal, ] -
xi0.jay[rlocal] * dTheta.deta0j * deta0.dtheta[rlocal, ]
} # rlocal
} # for spp.
DDinv <- solve(DD)
muxf <- diag(Rank) + t(Gmat) %*% Omegamat %*% Gmat %*% DDinv
Vmat <- DDinv %*% muxf
} # dzwald.qrrvglm
calibrate.qrrvglm.control <-
trace = FALSE, # passed into optim()
method.optim = "BFGS", # passed into optim(method = Method)
gridSize = ifelse(Rank == 1, 21, 9),
varI.latvar = FALSE, ...) {
Rank <- object@control$Rank
eq.tolerances <- object@control$eq.tolerances
if (!is.Numeric(gridSize, positive = TRUE,
integer.valued = TRUE, length.arg = 1))
stop("bad input for argument 'gridSize'")
if (gridSize < 2)
stop("'gridSize' must be >= 2")
trace = as.numeric(trace)[1],
method.optim = method.optim,
gridSize = gridSize,
varI.latvar = as.logical(varI.latvar)[1])
} # calibrate.qrrvglm.control
if (!isGeneric("calibrate"))
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("calibrate"))
calibrate.qrrvglm <-
newdata = NULL,
type = c("latvar", "predictors", "response", "vcov",
lr.confint = FALSE, # 20180430
cf.confint = FALSE, # 20180602
level = 0.95, # 20180430
initial.vals = NULL,
...) {
se.type <- c("dzwald", "asbefore") # Effectively only the 1st one used
Quadratic <- if (is.logical(object@control$Quadratic))
object@control$Quadratic else FALSE # T if CQO, F if CAO
newdata.orig <- newdata
if (!length(newdata)) {
newdata <- data.frame(depvar(object))
if (mode(type) != "character" && mode(type) != "name")
type <- as.character(substitute(type))
type <- match.arg(type, c("latvar", "predictors",
"response", "vcov", "everything"))[1]
get.SEs <- Quadratic && type %in% c("vcov", "everything")
if (mode(se.type) != "character" && mode(se.type) != "name")
se.type <- as.character(substitute(se.type))
se.type <- match.arg(se.type, c("dzwald", "asbefore"))[1]
if (se.type == "asbefore") warning("'asbefore' is buggy")
if (!Quadratic && type == "vcov")
stop("cannot have 'type=\"vcov\"' when object is ",
"a \"rrvgam\" object")
if (!all(weights(object, type = "prior") == 1))
warning("not all the prior weights of 'object' are 1; assuming ",
"they all are here")
if (!
newdata <- data.frame(newdata)
if (!all(object@misc$ynames %in% colnames(newdata)))
stop("need the following colnames in 'newdata': ",
paste(object@misc$ynames, collapse = ", "))
newdata <- newdata[, object@misc$ynames, drop = FALSE]
if (!is.matrix(newdata))
newdata <- as.matrix(newdata)
nn <- nrow(newdata) # Number of sites to calibrate
obfunct <- slot(object@family, object@misc$criterion) # deviance
minimize.obfunct <-
if (Quadratic) object@control$min.criterion else
TRUE # Logical; TRUE for CAO objects because deviance is minimized
if (!is.logical(minimize.obfunct))
stop("object@control$min.criterion is not a logical")
optim.control <- calibrate.qrrvglm.control(object = object, ...)
use.optim.control <- optim.control
use.optim.control$method.optim <-
use.optim.control$gridSize <-
use.optim.control$varI.latvar <- NULL
if ((Rank <- object@control$Rank) > 2)
stop("currently can only handle Rank = 1 and Rank = 2")
Coefobject <- if (Quadratic) {
Coef(object, varI.latvar = optim.control$varI.latvar)
} else {
if (!length(initial.vals)) {
Lvec <- apply(latvar(object), 2, min)
Uvec <- apply(latvar(object), 2, max)
initial.vals <- if (Rank == 1)
cbind(seq(Lvec, Uvec, length = optim.control$gridSize)) else
expand.grid(seq(Lvec[1], Uvec[1], length = optim.control$gridSize),
seq(Lvec[2], Uvec[2], length = optim.control$gridSize))
M <- npred(object)
v.simple <- if (Quadratic) {
length(object@control$colx1.index) == 1 &&
names(object@control$colx1.index) == "(Intercept)" &&
(if (any(names(constraints(object)) == "(Intercept)"))
trivial.constraints(constraints(object))["(Intercept)"] == 1 else
} else {
FALSE # To simplify things for "rrvgam" objects
B1bix <- if (v.simple) {
matrix(Coefobject@B1, nn, M, byrow = TRUE)
} else {
Xlm <- predict.vlm(as(object, "vglm"), # object,
newdata = newdata.orig,
type = "Xlm")
if (se.type == "dzwald" && (type == "everything" || type == "vcov"))
stop("only noRRR = ~ 1 models are handled for ",
"type = 'everything' or type = 'vcov'")
Xlm[, names(object@control$colx1.index), drop = FALSE] %*%
(if (Quadratic) Coefobject@B1 else object@coefficients[1:M])
} # !v.simple
objfun1 <- function(lv1val,
x = NULL, y, w = 1, extraargs) {
ans <- sum(c(w) * extraargs$Obfunction(
bnu = c(lv1val),
y0 = y,
extra = extraargs$object.extra,
objfun = extraargs$obfunct,
Object = extraargs$Object, # Needed for "rrvgam" objects
Coefs = extraargs$Coefobject,
B1bix = extraargs$B1bix,
misc.list = extraargs$object.misc,
Everything = FALSE,
mu.function = extraargs$mu.function))
} # objfun1
objfun2 <- function(lv1val, lv2val,
x = NULL, y, w = 1, extraargs) {
ans <- sum(c(w) * extraargs$Obfunction(
bnu = c(lv1val, lv2val),
y0 = y,
extra = extraargs$object.extra,
objfun = extraargs$obfunct,
Object = extraargs$Object, # Needed for "rrvgam" objects
Coefs = extraargs$Coefobject,
B1bix = extraargs$B1bix,
misc.list = extraargs$object.misc,
Everything = FALSE,
mu.function = extraargs$mu.function))
} # objfun2 <- if (Quadratic) .my.calib.objfunction.qrrvglm else
mu.function <- slot(object@family, "linkinv")
wvec <- 1 # zz; Assumed here
mylist <-
list(object.extra = object@extra,
Obfunction =, # e.g. .my.calib.objfunction.qrrvglm
Coefobject = Coefobject,
B1bix = NA, # Will be replaced below
obfunct = obfunct, # deviance
object.misc = object@misc,
Object = if (Quadratic) 777 else object,
mu.function = mu.function)
init.vals <- matrix(NA_real_, nn, Rank)
for (i1 in 1:nn) {
if (optim.control$trace)
cat("Grid searching initial values for observation",
i1, "-----------------\n")
y0 <- newdata[i1, , drop = FALSE] # drop added 20150624
mylist$B1bix <- B1bix[i1, ]
try.this <- if (Rank == 1)[, 1],
objfun = objfun1, y = y0 , w = wvec,
ret.objfun = TRUE,
maximize = !minimize.obfunct, # Most general.
extraargs = mylist) else
grid.search2(initial.vals[, 1], initial.vals[, 2],
objfun = objfun2, y = y0, w = wvec,
ret.objfun = TRUE,
maximize = !minimize.obfunct, # Most general.
extraargs = mylist)
lv1.init <- try.this[if (Rank == 1) "Value" else "Value1"]
lv2.init <- if (Rank >= 2) try.this["Value2"] else NULL
init.vals[i1, ] <- c(lv1.init, lv2.init)
} # for i1
BestOFpar <- matrix(NA_real_, nn, Rank)
BestOFvalues <- rep(NA_real_, nn) # Best OF objective function values
for (i1 in 1:nn) {
if (optim.control$trace) {
cat("\nOptimizing for observation", i1, "-----------------\n")
ans <-
optim(par = init.vals[i1, ],
fn =,
method = optim.control$method.optim, # "BFGS" or "CG" or...
control = c(fnscale = ifelse(minimize.obfunct, 1, -1),
use.optim.control), # as.vector() needed
y0 = newdata[i1, , drop = FALSE], # drop added 20150624
extra = object@extra,
objfun = obfunct, # deviance
Object = if (Quadratic) 777 else object,
Coefs = Coefobject,
B1bix = B1bix[i1, , drop = FALSE],
misc.list = object@misc,
Everything = FALSE, # Differs from Step 6. below
mu.function = mu.function)
if (optim.control$trace) {
if (ans$convergence == 0)
cat("Successful convergence\n") else
cat("Unsuccessful convergence\n")
if (ans$convergence == 0) {
BestOFpar[i1, ] <- ans$par
BestOFvalues[i1] <- ans$value
} # else do nothing since NA_real_ signifies convergence failure
} # for i1
prettyCQO <- function(BestOFpar, newdata, Rank) {
if (Rank == 1) {
BestOFpar <- c(BestOFpar) # Drop the dimension
if (!is.null(dimnames(newdata)[[1]])) {
names(BestOFpar) <- dimnames(newdata)[[1]]
} else {
dimnames(BestOFpar) <- list(dimnames(newdata)[[1]],
param.names("latvar", Rank, skip1 = TRUE))
} # prettyCQO
BestOFpar <- prettyCQO(BestOFpar, newdata, Rank)
attr(BestOFpar,"objectiveFunction") <-
prettyCQO(BestOFvalues, newdata, Rank = 1)
if (type == "latvar" && (!cf.confint && !lr.confint)) {
if (lr.confint && Rank > 1) {
warning("argument 'lr.confint' should only be TRUE if Rank == 1. ",
"Setting 'lr.confint = FALSE'.")
lr.confint <- FALSE
if (lr.confint && !(type %in% c("latvar", "everything"))) {
warning("argument 'lr.confint' should only be TRUE if ",
"'type = \"latvar\"' or 'type = \"everything\"'. ",
"Setting 'lr.confint = FALSE'.")
lr.confint <- FALSE
if (lr.confint && Rank == 1) {
format.perc <- function(probs, digits)
paste(format(100 * probs, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE,
digits = digits), "%")
aa <- (1 - level) / 2
aa <- c(aa, 1 - aa)
pct <- format.perc(aa, 3)
cimat <- array(NA, dim = c(nn, 2L),
dimnames = list(dimnames(newdata)[[1]], pct))
for (i1 in 1:nn) {
if (optim.control$trace) {
cat("\nSolving for the roots for obsn", i1, "---------------\n")
foo1.lhs.rhs <-
y0, extra = NULL,
objfun, Coefs,
Object, # Not needed
Everything = FALSE,
BestOFvalues = NA,
level = 0.95,
criterion.arg = "loglikelihood") {
if (!(criterion.arg %in% c("deviance", "loglikelihood")))
stop("'criterion.arg' must be 'deviance' or 'loglikelihood'")
ifelse(criterion.arg == "deviance", 1, -2) *
(-BestOFvalues +
.my.calib.objfunction.qrrvglm(bnu = bnu,
y0 = y0,
extra = extra,
objfun = objfun,
Object = Object,
Coefs = Coefs,
B1bix = B1bix,
misc.list = misc.list,
Everything = Everything,
mu.function = mu.function)) -
qchisq(level, df = 1)
for (Side in 1:2) {
ans.lhs.rhs <-
uniroot(f = foo1.lhs.rhs,
interval = if (Side == 1) c(Lvec, BestOFpar[i1]) else
c(BestOFpar[i1], Uvec),
extendInt = ifelse(Side == 1, "downX", "upX"),
y0 = newdata[i1, , drop = FALSE], # drop added 20150624
extra = object@extra,
objfun = obfunct,
Coefs = Coefobject,
Object = 777, # object,
B1bix = B1bix[i1, , drop = FALSE],
misc.list = object@misc,
Everything = FALSE,
mu.function = mu.function,
BestOFvalues = BestOFvalues[i1], level = level,
criterion.arg = object@misc$criterion)
cimat[i1, Side] <- ans.lhs.rhs$root
} # Side
} # for i1
if (type == "latvar")
return(cbind(estimate = BestOFpar,
objfun = BestOFvalues,
} # if (lr.confint && Rank == 1)
if (cf.confint && Rank > 1) {
warning("argument 'cf.confint' should only be TRUE if Rank == 1. ",
"Setting 'cf.confint = FALSE'.")
cf.confint <- FALSE
if (cf.confint && !(type %in% c("latvar", "everything"))) {
warning("argument 'cf.confint' should only be TRUE if ",
"'type = \"latvar\"' or 'type = \"everything\"'. ",
"Setting 'cf.confint = FALSE'.")
cf.confint <- FALSE
if (cf.confint && Rank == 1) {
format.perc <- function(probs, digits)
paste(format(100 * probs, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE,
digits = digits), "%")
aa <- (1 - level) / 2
aa <- c(aa, 1 - aa)
pct <- format.perc(aa, 3)
cimat2 <- array(NA, dim = c(nn, 2L),
dimnames = list(dimnames(newdata)[[1]], pct))
for (i1 in 1:nn) {
if (optim.control$trace) {
cat("\nSolving for the roots for obsn", i1, "---------------\n")
foo2.lhs.rhs <-
y0, extra = NULL,
objfun, Coefs,
Object, # Not needed
Everything = FALSE,
BestOFvalues = NA,
pr.level = c(0.05, 0.95)[1]
) {
charfun.cqo.cdf(bnu = bnu,
y0 = y0,
extra = extra,
objfun = objfun,
Coefs = Coefs,
Object = Object,
B1bix = B1bix,
misc.list = misc.list,
Everything = Everything,
mu.function = mu.function
) -
for (Side in 1:2) {
ans.lhs.rhs <-
uniroot(f = foo2.lhs.rhs,
interval = if (Side == 1) c(Lvec, BestOFpar[i1]) else
c(BestOFpar[i1], Uvec),
extendInt = "yes", # Might be worse than above.
y0 = newdata[i1, , drop = FALSE], # drop added 20150624
extra = object@extra,
objfun = obfunct,
Coefs = Coefobject,
Object = object,
B1bix = B1bix[i1, , drop = FALSE],
misc.list = object@misc,
Everything = FALSE,
mu.function = mu.function,
BestOFvalues = BestOFvalues[i1],
pr.level = ifelse(Side == 1, aa[1], aa[2])
cimat2[i1, Side] <- ans.lhs.rhs$root
} # Side
} # for i1
vecTF <- cimat2[, 2] < cimat2[, 1]
if (any(vecTF)) {
temp <- cimat2[vecTF, 1]
cimat2[vecTF, 1] <- cimat2[vecTF, 2]
cimat2[vecTF, 2] <- temp
if (type == "latvar")
return(cbind(estimate = BestOFpar,
objfun = BestOFvalues,
} # if (cf.confint && Rank == 1)
etaValues <- matrix(NA_real_, nn, M)
muValues <- matrix(NA_real_, nn, ncol(fitted(object)))
vcValues <- if (get.SEs) array(0, c(Rank, Rank, nn)) else NULL
if (optim.control$trace)
for (i1 in 1:nn) {
if (optim.control$trace) {
cat("Evaluating quantities for observation", i1,
ans5 <-
bnu = if (Rank == 1) BestOFpar[i1] else BestOFpar[i1, ],
y0 = newdata[i1, , drop = FALSE], # drop added 20150624
extra = object@extra,
objfun = obfunct, # deviance
Object = if (Quadratic) 777 else object,
Coefs = Coefobject,
B1bix = B1bix[i1, , drop = FALSE],
misc.list = object@misc,
Everything = TRUE, # Differs from Step 3.
mu.function = mu.function)
muValues[i1, ] <- ans5$mu
etaValues[i1, ] <- ans5$eta
if (get.SEs) {
vcValues[, , i1] <- if (se.type == "dzwald")
bnu0 = if (Rank == 1) BestOFpar[i1] else BestOFpar[i1, ],
y0 = newdata[i1, , drop = FALSE], # drop added 20150624
Object = object,
CoefsObject = Coefobject,
B1bix = B1bix[i1, , drop = FALSE],
mu.function = mu.function) else
ans5$vcmat # Might be NULL, e.g., "rrvgam"
} # if (get.SEs)
} # for i1
dimnames(muValues) <- dimnames(newdata)
dimnames(etaValues) <- list(dimnames(newdata)[[1]],
if (get.SEs)
dimnames(vcValues) <- list(as.character(1:Rank),
latvar = BestOFpar, # Done already, so not really needed
predictors = etaValues,
response = muValues,
vcov = vcValues,
everything = list(
latvar = BestOFpar,
predictors = etaValues,
response = muValues,
vcov = vcValues,
lr.confint = if (lr.confint)
cbind(estimate = BestOFpar,
objfun = BestOFvalues,
cimat) else NULL,
cf.confint = if (cf.confint)
cbind(estimate = BestOFpar,
objfun = BestOFvalues,
cimat2) else NULL)
} # calibrate.qrrvglm
.my.calib.objfunction.qrrvglm <-
function(bnu, y0, extra = NULL,
objfun, Coefs, Object,
Everything = TRUE,
mu.function) {
bnumat <- cbind(bnu)
Rank <- length(bnu)
eta <- cbind(c(B1bix)) + Coefs@A %*% bnumat
M <- misc.list$M
check.eta <- matrix(0, M, 1)
for (ss in 1:M) {
temp <- Coefs@D[, , ss, drop = FALSE]
dim(temp) <- dim(temp)[1:2] # c(Rank, Rank)
eta[ss, 1] <- eta[ss, 1] + t(bnumat) %*% temp %*% bnumat
if (FALSE) {
warning("this line is wrong:")
alf <- loglink(Coefs@Maximum[ss]) # zz get the link function
tolmat <- Coefs@Tolerance[, , ss, drop = FALSE]
check.eta[ss, 1] <- alf - 0.5 * t(bnumat) %*%
solve(tolmat) %*% bnumat
} # for ss
eta <- matrix(eta, 1, M, byrow = TRUE)
mu <- matrix(mu.function(eta, extra = extra), nrow = 1)
obvalue <- objfun(mu = mu, y = y0,
w = 1, # ignore prior.weights on the object
residuals = FALSE, eta = eta, extra = extra)
if (Everything) {
vcmat <- diag(Rank)
if (FALSE && M == NCOL(mu)) {
for (ss in 1:M) {
vec1 <- cbind(Coefs@A[ss, ]) +
2 * matrix(Coefs@D[, , ss], Rank, Rank) %*% bnumat
vcmat <- vcmat + mu[1, ss] * vec1 %*% t(vec1)
} # ss
} # if (M == NCOL(mu))
vcmat <- solve(vcmat)
} else {
vcmat <- NULL
if (Everything)
list(eta = eta,
mu = mu,
obvalue = obvalue,
vcmat = vcmat) else
} # .my.calib.objfunction.qrrvglm
.my.calib.objfunction.rrvgam <-
function(bnu, y0, extra = NULL,
Object, # Needed for "rrvgam" objects
B1bix, # Actually not needed here
Everything = TRUE,
mu.function) {
Rank <- length(bnu)
NOS <- Coefs@NOS
eta <- matrix(NA_real_, 1, NOS)
for (jlocal in 1:NOS) {
eta[1, jlocal] <- predictrrvgam(Object, grid = bnu,
sppno = jlocal, Rank = Rank, deriv = 0)$yvals
mu <- rbind(mu.function(eta, extra)) # Make sure it has one row
obvalue <- objfun(mu = mu, y = y0,
w = 1, # ignore prior.weights on the object
residuals = FALSE, eta = eta, extra = extra)
vcmat <- NULL # No theory as of yet to compute the vcmat
if (Everything)
list(eta = eta,
mu = mu,
obvalue = obvalue,
vcmat = vcmat) else
} # .my.calib.objfunction.rrvgam
forG.calib.rrvglm <-
numerator = c("xi", "eta"),
lenb1bix = 1) {
numerator <- match.arg(numerator, c("xi", "eta"))[1]
Rank <- length(bnu0) # Usually 1, sometimes 2.
"xi" = cbind(rep_len(1, Rank), matrix(0, Rank, lenb1bix)),
"eta" = cbind(bnu0, matrix(1, Rank, lenb1bix)))
} # forG.calib.rrvglm
dzwald.rrvglm <-
function(bnu0, y0, # extra = NULL, objfun,
Object, CoefsObject,
) {
M <- npred(Object)
if ((M1 <- npred(Object, type = "one.response")) > 1)
stop("this function only works with M1==1 models")
NOS <- M / M1
Earg <- Object@misc$earg
all.links <- linkfun(Object)
Rank <- Rank(Object)
linkfun <- Object@family@linkfun
if (!is.function(linkfun))
stop("could not obtain @linkfun")
vfam <- intersect(Object@family@vfamily, c("binomialff", "poissonff"))
if (!length(vfam))
stop("only 'poissonff' and 'binomialff' families allowed") <- switch(vfam,
binomialff = all(all.links == "logitlink"),
poissonff = all(all.links == "loglink"))
if (! stop("model does not use the canonical link") # else
Omegamat <- vcov(Object) # Numerical problems might occur to get this.
dimn <- colnames(Omegamat)
A.mat <- CoefsObject@A
B1.mat <- CoefsObject@B1
Index.corner <- Object@control$Index.corner # Corner constraints
DD <- 0 # Later becomes a matrix.
Gmat <- matrix(0, ncol(Omegamat), Rank)
icounter <- 0 # Number of rows of \bigtilde{\bA}.
for (spp. in 1:NOS) {
index.A.spp. <- if (any(spp. == Index.corner)) NULL else {
icounter <- icounter + 1
icounter + (M - Rank) * (seq(Rank) - 1)
index.D.spp. <- NULL
dd <- max(which(substr(dimn, 1, 8) == "I(latvar"))
index.B1.spp. <- dd + spp. + (seq(nrow(B1.mat)) - 1) * M
all.index <- c(index.A.spp., index.D.spp., index.B1.spp.)
alphaj.jay <- CoefsObject@B1["(Intercept)", spp.] # Scalar
eta0.jay <- alphaj.jay + A.mat[spp., , drop = FALSE] %*% bnu0
eta0.jay <- rbind(eta0.jay)
fv0.jay <- mu.function(eta0.jay, extra = Object@extra)
fv0.jay <- c(fv0.jay) # Remove array attributes
dTheta.deta0j <- dtheta.deta(fv0.jay,
earg = Earg[[spp.]]) # Scalar
dTheta.deta0j <- c(dTheta.deta0j) # Remove array attributes
xi0.jay <- A.mat[spp., ] # Rank-vector
DD <- DD + dTheta.deta0j *
(cbind(xi0.jay) %*% rbind(xi0.jay)) # More general
dxi0.dtheta <- forG.calib.rrvglm(bnu0, numerator = "xi") # R x dim11
deta0.dtheta <- forG.calib.rrvglm(bnu0, numerator = "eta") # Rxdim11
Index.All <- cbind(index.A.spp., index.D.spp.,
rep_len(index.B1.spp., Rank)) # Just to make sure
if (!is.null(index.A.spp.))
for (rlocal in seq(Rank)) {
Gmat[Index.All[rlocal, ], rlocal] <-
Gmat[Index.All[rlocal, ], rlocal] +
(y0[1, spp.] - fv0.jay) * dxi0.dtheta[rlocal, ] -
xi0.jay[rlocal] * dTheta.deta0j * deta0.dtheta[rlocal, ]
} # rlocal
} # for spp.
DDinv <- solve(DD)
muxf <- diag(Rank) + t(Gmat) %*% Omegamat %*% Gmat %*% DDinv
Vmat <- DDinv %*% muxf
} # dzwald.rrvglm
calibrate.rrvglm <-
newdata = NULL,
type = c("latvar", "predictors", "response", "vcov",
lr.confint = FALSE, # 20180427
cf.confint = FALSE, # 20180604
level = 0.95, # 20180428
initial.vals = NULL, # For one observation only
...) {
se.type <- c("dzwald", "asbefore") # Effectively only the 1st one used
Quadratic <- FALSE # Because this function was adapted from CQO code.
newdata.orig <- newdata
if (!length(newdata)) {
newdata <- data.frame(depvar(object))
if (mode(type) != "character" && mode(type) != "name")
type <- as.character(substitute(type))
type <- match.arg(type, c("latvar", "predictors",
"response", "vcov", "everything"))[1]
get.SEs <- type %in% c("vcov", "everything")
if (mode(se.type) != "character" && mode(se.type) != "name")
se.type <- as.character(substitute(se.type))
se.type <- match.arg(se.type, c("dzwald", "asbefore"))[1]
if (!all(weights(object, type = "prior") == 1))
warning("not all the prior weights of 'object' are 1; assuming ",
"they all are here")
if (!
newdata <- data.frame(newdata)
if (!all(object@misc$ynames %in% colnames(newdata)))
stop("need the following colnames in 'newdata': ",
paste(object@misc$ynames, collapse = ", "))
newdata <- newdata[, object@misc$ynames, drop = FALSE]
if (!is.matrix(newdata))
newdata <- as.matrix(newdata)
nn <- nrow(newdata) # Number of sites to calibrate
obfunct <- slot(object@family, object@misc$criterion)
minimize.obfunct <- object@control$min.criterion # deviance
if (!is.logical(minimize.obfunct))
stop("object@control$min.criterion is not a logical")
minimize.obfunct <- as.vector(minimize.obfunct)
optim.control <- calibrate.rrvglm.control(object = object, ...)
use.optim.control <- optim.control
use.optim.control$method.optim <-
use.optim.control$gridSize <-
use.optim.control$varI.latvar <- NULL
if ((Rank <- object@control$Rank) > 3)
stop("currently can only handle Rank = 1, 2 and 3")
Coefobject <- if (Quadratic) {
Coef(object, varI.latvar = optim.control$varI.latvar)
} else {
if (!length(initial.vals)) {
Lvec <- apply(latvar(object), 2, min)
Uvec <- apply(latvar(object), 2, max)
initial.vals <- if (Rank == 1)
cbind(seq(Lvec, Uvec, length = optim.control$gridSize)) else
if (Rank == 2)
expand.grid(seq(Lvec[1], Uvec[1], length = optim.control$gridSize),
seq(Lvec[2], Uvec[2], length = optim.control$gridSize)) else
expand.grid(seq(Lvec[1], Uvec[1], length = optim.control$gridSize),
seq(Lvec[2], Uvec[2], length = optim.control$gridSize),
seq(Lvec[3], Uvec[3], length = optim.control$gridSize))
} # !length(initial.vals)
M <- npred(object)
v.simple <- length(object@control$colx1.index) == 1 &&
names(object@control$colx1.index) == "(Intercept)" &&
(if (any(names(constraints(object)) == "(Intercept)"))
trivial.constraints(constraints(object))["(Intercept)"] == 1 else
B1bix <- if (v.simple) {
matrix(Coefobject@B1, nn, M, byrow = TRUE)
} else {
Xlm <- predict.vlm(as(object, "vglm"), # object,
newdata = newdata.orig,
type = "Xlm")
if (NROW(Xlm) != nn)
warning("NROW(Xlm) and ", nn, " are unequal")
if (se.type == "dzwald" && (type == "everything" || type == "vcov"))
stop("only noRRR = ~ 1 models are handled for ",
"type = 'everything' or type = 'vcov'")
Xlm[, names(object@control$colx1.index), drop = FALSE] %*%
} # !v.simple
objfun1 <- function(lv1val,
x = NULL, y, w = 1, extraargs) {
ans <- sum(c(w) * extraargs$Obfunction(
bnu = c(lv1val),
y0 = y,
extra = extraargs$object.extra,
objfun = extraargs$obfunct,
Object = extraargs$Object,
Coefs = extraargs$Coefobject,
B1bix = extraargs$B1bix,
misc.list = extraargs$object.misc,
Everything = FALSE,
mu.function = extraargs$mu.function))
objfun2 <- function(lv1val, lv2val,
x = NULL, y, w = 1, extraargs) {
ans <- sum(c(w) * extraargs$Obfunction(
bnu = c(lv1val, lv2val),
y0 = y,
extra = extraargs$object.extra,
objfun = extraargs$obfunct,
Object = extraargs$Object,
Coefs = extraargs$Coefobject,
B1bix = extraargs$B1bix,
misc.list = extraargs$object.misc,
Everything = FALSE,
mu.function = extraargs$mu.function))
objfun3 <- function(lv1val, lv2val, lv3val,
x = NULL, y, w = 1, extraargs) {
ans <- sum(c(w) * extraargs$Obfunction(
bnu = c(lv1val, lv2val, lv3val),
y0 = y,
extra = extraargs$object.extra,
objfun = extraargs$obfunct,
Object = extraargs$Object,
Coefs = extraargs$Coefobject,
B1bix = extraargs$B1bix,
misc.list = extraargs$object.misc,
Everything = FALSE,
mu.function = extraargs$mu.function))
mu.function <- slot(object@family, "linkinv")
wvec <- 1 # zz; Assumed here
mylist <-
list(object.extra = object@extra,
Obfunction = .my.calib.objfunction.rrvglm,
Coefobject = Coefobject,
B1bix = NA, # Will be replaced below
obfunct = obfunct,
object.misc = object@misc,
Object = 777, # object,
mu.function = mu.function)
init.vals <- matrix(NA_real_, nn, Rank)
for (i1 in 1:nn) {
if (optim.control$trace)
cat("Grid searching initial values for observation",
i1, "-----------------\n")
y0 <- newdata[i1, , drop = FALSE] # drop added 20150624
mylist$B1bix <- B1bix[i1, ]
try.this <- if (Rank == 1)[, 1],
objfun = objfun1, y = y0 , w = wvec,
ret.objfun = TRUE,
maximize = !minimize.obfunct, # Most general.
extraargs = mylist) else if (Rank == 2)
grid.search2(initial.vals[, 1], initial.vals[, 2],
objfun = objfun2, y = y0, w = wvec,
ret.objfun = TRUE,
maximize = !minimize.obfunct, # Most general.
extraargs = mylist) else
grid.search3(initial.vals[, 1], initial.vals[, 2],
initial.vals[, 3],
objfun = objfun3, y = y0, w = wvec,
ret.objfun = TRUE,
maximize = !minimize.obfunct, # Most general.
extraargs = mylist)
lv1.init <- try.this[if (Rank == 1) "Value" else "Value1"]
lv2.init <- if (Rank >= 2) try.this["Value2"] else NULL
lv3.init <- if (Rank >= 3) try.this["Value3"] else NULL
init.vals[i1, ] <- c(lv1.init, lv2.init, lv3.init)
} # for i1
BestOFpar <- matrix(NA_real_, nn, Rank)
BestOFvalues <- rep(NA_real_, nn) # Best OF objective function values
for (i1 in 1:nn) {
if (optim.control$trace) {
cat("\nOptimizing for observation", i1, "-----------------\n")
ans <-
optim(par = init.vals[i1, ],
fn = .my.calib.objfunction.rrvglm,
method = optim.control$method.optim, # "BFGS" or "CG" or...
control = c(fnscale = ifelse(minimize.obfunct, 1, -1),
use.optim.control), # as.vector() needed
y0 = newdata[i1, , drop = FALSE], # drop added 20150624
extra = object@extra,
objfun = obfunct,
Object = 777, # object,
Coefs = Coefobject,
B1bix = B1bix[i1, , drop = FALSE],
misc.list = object@misc,
Everything = FALSE, # Differs from Step 5 below
mu.function = mu.function)
if (optim.control$trace) {
if (ans$convergence == 0)
cat("Successful convergence\n") else
cat("Unsuccessful convergence\n")
if (ans$convergence == 0) {
BestOFpar[i1, ] <- ans$par
BestOFvalues[i1] <- ans$value
} # else do nothing since NA_real_ signifies convergence failure
} # for i1
prettyCLO <- function(BestOFpar, newdata, Rank) {
if (Rank == 1) {
BestOFpar <- c(BestOFpar) # Drop the dimension
if (!is.null(dimnames(newdata)[[1]])) {
names(BestOFpar) <- dimnames(newdata)[[1]]
} else
dimnames(BestOFpar) <- list(dimnames(newdata)[[1]],
param.names("latvar", Rank, skip1 = TRUE))
} # prettyCLO
BestOFpar <- prettyCLO(BestOFpar, newdata, Rank) # Dimension may drop.
attr(BestOFpar,"objectiveFunction") <-
prettyCLO(BestOFvalues, newdata, Rank = 1)
if (type == "latvar" && (!cf.confint && !lr.confint)) {
if (lr.confint && Rank > 1) {
warning("argument 'lr.confint' should only be TRUE if Rank == 1. ",
"Setting 'lr.confint = FALSE'.")
lr.confint <- FALSE
if (lr.confint && !(type %in% c("latvar", "everything"))) {
warning("argument 'lr.confint' should only be TRUE if ",
"'type = \"latvar\"' or 'type = \"everything\"'. ",
"Setting 'lr.confint = FALSE'.")
lr.confint <- FALSE
if (lr.confint && Rank == 1) {
format.perc <- function(probs, digits)
paste(format(100 * probs, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE,
digits = digits), "%")
aa <- (1 - level) / 2
aa <- c(aa, 1 - aa)
pct <- format.perc(aa, 3)
cimat <- array(NA, dim = c(nn, 2L),
dimnames = list(dimnames(newdata)[[1]], pct))
for (i1 in 1:nn) {
if (optim.control$trace) {
cat("Solving for the roots for obsn", i1, "---------------\n")
foo3.lhs.rhs <-
y0, extra = NULL,
objfun, Coefs,
Object, # Not needed
Everything = FALSE,
BestOFvalues = NA,
level = 0.95,
criterion.arg = "loglikelihood") {
if (!(criterion.arg %in% c("deviance", "loglikelihood")))
stop("'criterion.arg' must be 'deviance' or 'loglikelihood'")
ifelse(criterion.arg == "deviance", 1, -2) *
(-BestOFvalues +
.my.calib.objfunction.rrvglm(bnu = bnu,
y0 = y0,
extra = extra,
objfun = objfun,
Object = Object,
Coefs = Coefs,
B1bix = B1bix,
misc.list = misc.list,
Everything = Everything,
mu.function = mu.function)) -
qchisq(level, df = 1)
for (Side in 1:2) {
ans.lhs.rhs <-
uniroot(f = foo3.lhs.rhs,
interval = if (Side == 1) c(Lvec, BestOFpar[i1]) else
c(BestOFpar[i1], Uvec),
extendInt = ifelse(Side == 1, "downX", "upX"),
y0 = newdata[i1, , drop = FALSE], # drop added 20150624
extra = object@extra,
objfun = obfunct,
Object = 777, # object,
Coefs = Coefobject,
B1bix = B1bix[i1, , drop = FALSE],
misc.list = object@misc,
Everything = FALSE,
mu.function = mu.function,
BestOFvalues = BestOFvalues[i1], level = level,
criterion.arg = object@misc$criterion)
cimat[i1, Side] <- ans.lhs.rhs$root
} # Side
} # for i1
if (type == "latvar")
return(cbind(estimate = BestOFpar,
objfun = BestOFvalues,
} # if (lr.confint && Rank == 1)
if (cf.confint && Rank > 1) {
warning("argument 'cf.confint' should only be TRUE if Rank == 1. ",
"Setting 'cf.confint = FALSE'.")
cf.confint <- FALSE
if (cf.confint && !(type %in% c("latvar", "everything"))) {
warning("argument 'cf.confint' should only be TRUE if ",
"'type = \"latvar\"' or 'type = \"everything\"'. ",
"Setting 'cf.confint = FALSE'.")
cf.confint <- FALSE
if (cf.confint && Rank == 1) {
format.perc <- function(probs, digits)
paste(format(100 * probs, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE,
digits = digits), "%")
aa <- (1 - level) / 2
aa <- c(aa, 1 - aa)
pct <- format.perc(aa, 3)
cimat2 <- array(NA, dim = c(nn, 2L),
dimnames = list(dimnames(newdata)[[1]], pct))
for (i1 in 1:nn) {
if (optim.control$trace) {
cat("\nSolving for the roots for obsn", i1, "---------------\n")
foo4.lhs.rhs <-
y0, extra = NULL,
objfun, Coefs,
Object, # Not needed
Everything = FALSE,
BestOFvalues = NA,
pr.level = c(0.05, 0.95)[1]
) {
charfun.clo.cdf(bnu = bnu,
y0 = y0,
extra = extra,
objfun = objfun,
Object = Object,
Coefs = Coefs,
B1bix = B1bix,
misc.list = misc.list,
Everything = Everything,
mu.function = mu.function
) -
for (Side in 1:2) {
ans.lhs.rhs <-
uniroot(f = foo4.lhs.rhs,
interval = if (Side == 1) c(Lvec, BestOFpar[i1]) else
c(BestOFpar[i1], Uvec),
extendInt = "yes", # Might be worse than above.
y0 = newdata[i1, , drop = FALSE], # drop added 20150624
extra = object@extra,
objfun = obfunct,
Object = object,
Coefs = Coefobject,
B1bix = B1bix[i1, , drop = FALSE],
misc.list = object@misc,
Everything = FALSE,
mu.function = mu.function,
BestOFvalues = BestOFvalues[i1],
pr.level = ifelse(Side == 1, aa[1], aa[2])
cimat2[i1, Side] <- ans.lhs.rhs$root
} # Side
} # for i1
vecTF <- cimat2[, 2] < cimat2[, 1]
if (any(vecTF)) {
temp <- cimat2[vecTF, 1]
cimat2[vecTF, 1] <- cimat2[vecTF, 2]
cimat2[vecTF, 2] <- temp
if (type == "latvar")
return(cbind(estimate = BestOFpar,
objfun = BestOFvalues,
} # if (cf.confint && Rank == 1)
etaValues <- matrix(NA_real_, nn, M)
muValues <- matrix(NA_real_, nn, ncol(fitted(object)))
vcValues <- if (get.SEs) array(0, c(Rank, Rank, nn)) else NULL
if (optim.control$trace)
for (i1 in 1:nn) {
if (optim.control$trace) {
cat("Evaluating quantities for observation", i1,
ans5 <- .my.calib.objfunction.rrvglm(
bnu = if (Rank == 1) BestOFpar[i1] else BestOFpar[i1, ],
y0 = newdata[i1, , drop = FALSE], # drop added 20150624
extra = object@extra,
objfun = obfunct, # deviance
Object = 777, # object,
Coefs = Coefobject,
B1bix = B1bix[i1, , drop = FALSE],
misc.list = object@misc,
Everything = TRUE, # Differs from Step 3.
mu.function = mu.function)
muValues[i1, ] <- ans5$mu
etaValues[i1, ] <- ans5$eta
if (get.SEs)
vcValues[, , i1] <- if (se.type == "dzwald")
bnu0 = if (Rank == 1) BestOFpar[i1] else BestOFpar[i1, ],
y0 = newdata[i1, , drop = FALSE], # drop added 20150624
Object = object,
CoefsObject = Coefobject,
B1bix = B1bix[i1, , drop = FALSE],
mu.function = mu.function
) else
} # for i1
dimnames(muValues) <- dimnames(newdata)
dimnames(etaValues) <- list(dimnames(newdata)[[1]],
if (get.SEs)
dimnames(vcValues) <- list(as.character(1:Rank),
latvar = BestOFpar, # Done already, so not really needed
predictors = etaValues,
response = muValues,
vcov = vcValues,
everything = list(
latvar = BestOFpar,
predictors = etaValues,
response = muValues,
vcov = vcValues,
lr.confint = if (lr.confint)
cbind(estimate = BestOFpar,
objfun = BestOFvalues,
cimat) else NULL,
cf.confint = if (cf.confint)
cbind(estimate = BestOFpar,
objfun = BestOFvalues,
cimat2) else NULL)
} # calibrate.rrvglm
.my.calib.objfunction.rrvglm <-
y0, extra = NULL,
objfun, Coefs,
Object, # Not needed
Everything = TRUE,
mu.function) {
bnumat <- cbind(bnu)
Rank <- length(bnu)
eta <- cbind(c(B1bix)) + Coefs@A %*% bnumat
M <- misc.list$M
eta <- matrix(eta, 1, M, byrow = TRUE)
mu <- matrix(mu.function(eta, extra = extra), nrow = 1)
obvalue <- objfun(mu = mu, y = y0,
w = 1, # ignore prior.weights on the object zz
residuals = FALSE, eta = eta, extra = extra)
if (Everything) {
vcmat <- diag(Rank)
vcmat <- solve(vcmat)
} else {
vcmat <- NULL
if (Everything)
list(eta = eta,
mu = mu,
obvalue = obvalue,
vcmat = vcmat) else
} # .my.calib.objfunction.rrvglm
calibrate.rrvglm.control <-
trace = FALSE, # passed into optim()
method.optim = "BFGS", # passed into optim(method = Method)
gridSize = ifelse(Rank == 1, 17, 9),
...) {
Rank <- object@control$Rank
if (!is.Numeric(gridSize, positive = TRUE,
integer.valued = TRUE, length.arg = 1))
stop("bad input for argument 'gridSize'")
if (gridSize < 2)
stop("argument 'gridSize' must be >= 2")
trace = as.numeric(trace)[1],
method.optim = method.optim,
gridSize = gridSize
} # calibrate.rrvglm.control
setMethod("calibrate", "rrvglm", function(object, ...)
calibrate.rrvglm(object, ...))
setMethod("calibrate", "qrrvglm", function(object, ...)
calibrate.qrrvglm(object, ...))
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