# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.
rcim <-
family = poissonff,
Rank = 0,
M1 = NULL,
weights = NULL,
which.linpred = 1,
Index.corner = ifelse(is.null(str0), 0, max(str0)) + 1:Rank,
rprefix = "Row.",
cprefix = "Col.",
iprefix = "X2.",
offset = 0,
str0 = if (Rank) 1 else NULL, # Ignored if Rank == 0
summary.arg = FALSE, h.step = 0.0001,
rbaseline = 1, cbaseline = 1,
has.intercept = TRUE,
rindex = 2:nrow(y), # Row index
cindex = 2:ncol(y), # Col index
iindex = 2:nrow(y), # Interaction index
...) {
rindex <- unique(sort(rindex))
cindex <- unique(sort(cindex))
iindex <- unique(sort(iindex))
if (Rank == 0 && !has.intercept)
warning("probably 'has.intercept == TRUE' is better for ",
"a rank-0 model")
ncoly <- ncol(y)
noroweffects <- FALSE
nocoleffects <- FALSE
if (!is.Numeric(which.linpred, length.arg = 1,
integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'which.linpred'")
if (!is.character(rprefix))
stop("argument 'rprefix' must be character")
if (!is.character(cprefix))
stop("argument 'cprefix' must be character")
if (is.character(family))
family <- get(family)
if (is.function(family))
family <- ((family)())
if (!inherits(family, "vglmff")) {
stop("'family = ", family, "' is not a VGAM family function")
efamily <- family
if (!is.Numeric(M1)) {
iefamily <- efamily@infos
if (is.function(iefamily))
M1 <- (iefamily())$M1
if (is.Numeric(M1))
M1 <- abs(M1)
if (!is.Numeric(M1)) {
if (!is.Numeric(M))
warning("cannot determine the value of 'M1'.",
"Assuming the value one.")
M1 <- 1
M <- if (is.null(M)) M1 * ncol(y) else M
special <- (M > 1) && (M1 == 1) <- y
y <- if (is(y, "rrvglm")) {
} else {
as(as.matrix(y), "matrix")
if (length(dim(y)) != 2 || nrow(y) < 3 || ncol(y) < 3)
stop("argument 'y' must be a matrix with >= 3 rows & ",
"columns, or a rrvglm() object")
.rcim.df <-
if (!noroweffects)
data.frame("Row.2" = I.col(2, nrow(y))) else # See below
if (!nocoleffects)
data.frame("Col.2" = I.col(2, nrow(y))) else # See below
stop("at least one of 'noroweffects' and 'nocoleffects' ",
"must be FALSE")
min.row.val <- rindex[1] # == min(rindex) since its sorted
min.col.val <- cindex[1] # == min(cindex) since its sorted
if (!noroweffects) {
colnames( .rcim.df ) <-
paste(rprefix, as.character(min.row.val), # "2",
sep = "") # Overwrite "Row.2"
} else if (!nocoleffects) {
colnames( .rcim.df ) <-
paste(cprefix, as.character(min.col.val), # "2",
sep = "") # Overwrite "Col.2"
yn1 <- if (length(dimnames(y)[[1]])) dimnames(y)[[1]] else
param.names(iprefix, nrow(y)) <- options()$warn
options(warn = -3) # Suppress warnings (hopefully temporarily)
if (any(!, 1, 1)))))
yn1 <- param.names(iprefix, nrow(y))
options(warn =
nrprefix <-
ncprefix <-
assign(rprefix, factor(1:nrow(y)))
modmat.row <- substitute(
model.matrix( ~ .rprefix ), list( .rprefix = nrprefix ))
LLL <- ifelse(special, M, ncol(y))
assign(cprefix, factor(1:LLL))
modmat.col <- substitute(
model.matrix( ~ .cprefix ), list( .cprefix = ncprefix ))
modmat.row <- eval( modmat.row )
modmat.col <- eval( modmat.col )
Hlist <-
if (has.intercept) {
list("(Intercept)" = matrix(1, LLL, 1))
} else {
temp <- list("Row.2" = matrix(1, LLL, 1))
names(temp) <- paste(rprefix,
as.character(min.row.val), sep = "")
if (!noroweffects)
for (ii in rindex) {
Hlist[[paste(rprefix, ii, sep = "")]] <- matrix(1, LLL, 1)
.rcim.df[[paste(rprefix, ii, sep = "")]] <- modmat.row[, ii]
if (!nocoleffects)
for (ii in cindex) {
temp6.mat <- modmat.col[, ii, drop = FALSE]
Hlist[[paste(cprefix, ii, sep = "")]] <- temp6.mat
.rcim.df[[paste(cprefix, ii, sep = "")]] <- rep_len(1, nrow(y))
if (Rank > 0) {
for (ii in iindex) {
Hlist[[yn1[ii]]] <- diag(LLL)
.rcim.df[[yn1[ii]]] <- I.col(ii, nrow(y))
dimnames(.rcim.df) <- list(if (length(dimnames(y)[[1]]))
dimnames(y)[[1]] else
dimnames( .rcim.df )[[2]])
str1 <- paste0(if (has.intercept)
"~ 1 + " else "~ -1 + ", rprefix,
as.character(min.row.val)) # "2"
if (nrow(y) > 2)
str1 <- paste(str1,
paste(rprefix, rindex[-1], sep = "",
collapse = " + "),
sep = " + ")
str1 <- paste(str1,
paste(cprefix, cindex, sep = "",
collapse = " + "),
sep = " + ")
str2 <- paste("y", str1)
if (Rank > 0) {
str2 <- paste(str2,
paste(yn1[iindex], sep = "", collapse = " + "),
sep = " + ")
controlfun <- if (Rank == 0)
vglm.control else rrvglm.control # orig.
mycontrol <- controlfun(Rank = Rank,
Index.corner = Index.corner,
str0 = str0, ...)
if (mycontrol$trace) {
if ((mindim <- min(nrow(y), ncol(y))) <= Rank) {
stop("argument 'Rank' is too high. Must be a value from 0 ",
"to ", mindim - 1, " inclusive")
if (Rank > 0)
mycontrol$noRRR <- as.formula(str1) # Overwrite this
assign(".rcim.df", .rcim.df, envir = VGAM::VGAMenv) <- options()$warn
options(warn = -3) # Suppress warnings (hopefully temporarily)
if (mycontrol$trace) {
if (M1 > 1) {
orig.Hlist <- Hlist
kmat1 <- matrix(0, nrow = M1, ncol = 1)
kmat1[which.linpred, 1] <- 1
kmat0 <- (diag(M1))[, -which.linpred, drop = FALSE]
for (ii in seq_along(Hlist)) {
Hlist[[ii]] <- kronecker(Hlist[[ii]], kmat1)
if (has.intercept)
Hlist[["(Intercept)"]] <-
kronecker(matrix(1, ncoly, 1), kmat0))
if (mycontrol$trace) {
offset.matrix <-
matrix(offset, nrow = nrow(y),
ncol = M) # byrow = TRUE
answer <- if (Rank > 0) {
if (is(, "rrvglm")) else
family = family,
constraints = Hlist,
offset = offset.matrix,
weights = if (length(weights))
weights else rep_len(1, nrow(y)),
control = mycontrol, data = .rcim.df )
} else {
if (is(, "vglm")) else
family = family,
constraints = Hlist,
offset = offset.matrix,
weights = if (length(weights))
weights else rep_len(1, nrow(y)),
control = mycontrol, data = .rcim.df )
options(warn = # Restore warnings to prior state
answer <- if (summary.arg) {
if (Rank > 0) {
summary.rrvglm(as(answer, "rrvglm"), h.step = h.step)
} else {
} else {
as(answer, ifelse(Rank > 0, "rcim", "rcim0"))
answer@misc$rbaseline <- rbaseline
answer@misc$cbaseline <- cbaseline
answer@misc$which.linpred <- which.linpred
answer@misc$offset <- offset.matrix
summaryrcim <- function(object, ...) {
rcim(depvar(object), summary.arg = TRUE, ...)
setClass("rcim0", representation(not.needed = "numeric"),
contains = "vglm") # Added 20110506
setClass("rcim", representation(not.needed = "numeric"),
contains = "rrvglm")
setMethod("summary", "rcim0",
function(object, ...)
summaryrcim(object, ...))
setMethod("summary", "rcim",
function(object, ...)
summaryrcim(object, ...))
Rcim <- function(mat, rbaseline = 1, cbaseline = 1) {
mat <- as.matrix(mat)
RRR <- dim(mat)[1]
CCC <- dim(mat)[2]
rnames <- if (is.null(rownames(mat))) {
param.names("X", RRR)
} else {
cnames <- if (is.null(colnames(mat))) {
param.names("Y", CCC)
} else {
r.index <-
if (is.character(rbaseline))
which(rownames(mat) == rbaseline) else
if (is.numeric(rbaseline)) rbaseline else
stop("argement 'rbaseline' must be numeric",
"or character of the level of row")
c.index <-
if (is.character(cbaseline))
which(colnames(mat) == cbaseline) else
if (is.numeric(cbaseline)) cbaseline else
stop("argement 'cbaseline' must be numeric",
"or character of the level of row")
if (length(r.index) != 1)
stop("Could not match with argument 'rbaseline'")
if (length(c.index) != 1)
stop("Could not match with argument 'cbaseline'")
yswap <- rbind(mat[r.index:RRR, ],
if (r.index > 1) mat[1:(r.index - 1),] else
yswap <- cbind(yswap[, c.index:CCC],
if (c.index > 1) yswap[, 1:(c.index - 1)] else
new.rnames <- rnames[c(r.index:RRR,
if (r.index > 1) 1:(r.index - 1) else
new.cnames <- cnames[c(c.index:CCC,
if (c.index > 1) 1:(c.index - 1) else
colnames(yswap) <- new.cnames
rownames(yswap) <- new.rnames
plotrcim0 <- function(object,
centered = TRUE, which.plots = c(1, 2),
hline0 = TRUE, hlty = "dashed",
hcol = par()$col, hlwd = par()$lwd,
rfirst = 1, cfirst = 1,
rtype = "h", ctype = "h",
rcex.lab = 1, rcex.axis = 1, # rlabels = FALSE,
rtick = FALSE,
ccex.lab = 1, ccex.axis = 1, # clabels = FALSE,
ctick = FALSE,
rmain = "Row effects", rsub = "",
rxlab = "", rylab = "Row effects",
cmain = "Column effects", csub = "",
cxlab = "", cylab = "Column effects",
rcol = par()$col, ccol = par()$col,
no.warning = FALSE,
...) {
nparff <- if (is.numeric(object@family@infos()$M1)) {
} else {
if (!no.warning &&
is.numeric(object@control$Rank) &&
object@control$Rank != 0)
warning("argument 'object' is not Rank-0")
n.lm <- nrow(object@y)
cobj <- coefficients(object)
upperbound <- if (!is.numeric(object@control$Rank) ||
object@control$Rank == 0) length(cobj) else
orig.roweff <- c("Row.1" = 0,
cobj[(nparff + 1) : (nparff + n.lm - 1)])
orig.coleff <- c("Col.1" = 0,
cobj[(nparff + n.lm) : upperbound])
last.r <- length(orig.roweff)
last.c <- length(orig.coleff)
orig.raxisl <- rownames(object@y)
orig.caxisl <- colnames(object@y)
if (is.null(orig.raxisl))
orig.raxisl <- as.character(1:nrow(object@y))
if (is.null(orig.caxisl))
orig.caxisl <- as.character(1:ncol(object@y))
roweff.orig <-
roweff <- orig.roweff[c(rfirst:last.r,
if (rfirst > 1) 1:(rfirst-1) else NULL)]
coleff.orig <-
coleff <- orig.coleff[c(cfirst:last.c,
if (cfirst > 1) 1:(cfirst-1) else NULL)]
if (centered) {
roweff <- scale(roweff, scale = FALSE) # Center it only
coleff <- scale(coleff, scale = FALSE) # Center it only
raxisl <- orig.raxisl[c(rfirst:last.r,
if (rfirst > 1) 1:(rfirst-1) else NULL)]
caxisl <- orig.caxisl[c(cfirst:last.c,
if (cfirst > 1) 1:(cfirst-1) else NULL)]
if (any(which.plots == 1, na.rm = TRUE)) {
plot(roweff, type = rtype,
axes = FALSE, col = rcol, main = rmain,
sub = rsub, xlab = rxlab, ylab = rylab, ...)
axis(1, at = seq_along(raxisl),
cex.lab = rcex.lab,
cex.axis = rcex.axis,
labels = raxisl)
axis(2, cex.lab = rcex.lab, ...) # las = rlas)
if (hline0)
abline(h = 0, lty = hlty, col = hcol, lwd = hlwd)
if (any(which.plots == 2, na.rm = TRUE)) {
plot(coleff, type = ctype,
axes = FALSE, col = ccol, main = cmain,
sub = csub, xlab = cxlab, ylab = cylab, ...)
axis(1, at = seq_along(caxisl),
cex.lab = ccex.lab,
cex.axis = ccex.axis,
labels = caxisl)
axis(2, cex.lab = ccex.lab, ...) # las = clas)
if (hline0)
abline(h = 0, lty = hlty, col = hcol, lwd = hlwd)
object@post$row.effects = roweff
object@post$col.effects = coleff
object@post$raw.row.effects = roweff.orig
object@post$raw.col.effects = coleff.orig
setMethod("plot", "rcim0",
function(x, y, ...)
plotrcim0(object = x, ...))
setMethod("plot", "rcim",
function(x, y, ...)
plotrcim0(object = x, ...))
moffset <-
function(mat, roffset = 0, coffset = 0, postfix = "",
rprefix = "Row.",
cprefix = "Col."
) {
if ((is.numeric(roffset) && (roffset == 0)) &&
(is.numeric(coffset) && (coffset == 0)))
vecmat <- c(unlist(mat))
ind1 <-
if (is.character(roffset))
which(rownames(mat) == roffset) else
if (is.numeric(roffset)) roffset + 1 else
stop("argument 'roffset' not matched (character).",
" It must be numeric, ",
"else character and match the ",
"row names of the response")
ind2 <- if (is.character(coffset))
which(colnames(mat) == coffset) else
if (is.numeric(coffset)) coffset + 1 else
stop("argument 'coffset' not matched (character).",
" It must be numeric, ",
"else character and match the ",
"column names of the response")
if (!is.Numeric(ind1, positive = TRUE,
integer.valued = TRUE, length.arg = 1) ||
!is.Numeric(ind2, positive = TRUE,
integer.valued = TRUE, length.arg = 1))
stop("bad input for arguments 'roffset' and/or 'coffset'")
if (ind1 > nrow(mat))
stop("too large a value for argument 'roffset'")
if (ind2 > ncol(mat))
stop("too large a value for argument 'coffset'")
start.ind <- (ind2 - 1)* nrow(mat) + ind1
svecmat <- vecmat[c(start.ind:(nrow(mat) * ncol(mat)),
0:(start.ind - 1))]
rownames.mat <- rownames(mat)
if (length(rownames.mat) != nrow(mat))
rownames.mat <- param.names(rprefix, nrow(mat))
colnames.mat <- colnames(mat)
if (length(colnames.mat) != ncol(mat))
colnames.mat <- param.names(cprefix, ncol(mat))
newrn <- if (roffset > 0)
paste(rownames.mat[0:(ind1-1)], postfix, sep = "")) else
newcn <- c(colnames.mat[c(ind2:ncol(mat), 0:(ind2 - 1))])
if (roffset > 0)
newcn <- paste(newcn, postfix, sep = "")
newmat <- matrix(svecmat, nrow(mat), ncol(mat),
dimnames = list(newrn, newcn))
Confint.rrnb <- function(rrnb2, level = 0.95) {
if (!is(rrnb2, "rrvglm"))
stop("argument 'rrnb2' does not appear to be a ",
"rrvglm() object")
if (!any(rrnb2@family@vfamily == "negbinomial"))
stop("argument 'rrnb2' does not appear to be a ",
"negbinomial() fit")
if (rrnb2@control$Rank != 1)
stop("argument 'rrnb2' is not Rank-1")
if (rrnb2@misc$M != 2)
stop("argument 'rrnb2' does not have M = 2")
if (!all(rrnb2@misc$link == "loglink"))
stop("argument 'rrnb2' does not have log links for ",
"both parameters")
a21.hat <- (Coef(rrnb2)@A)["loglink(size)", 1]
beta11.hat <- Coef(rrnb2)@B1["(Intercept)", "loglink(mu)"]
beta21.hat <- Coef(rrnb2)@B1["(Intercept)", "loglink(size)"]
delta1.hat <- exp(a21.hat * beta11.hat - beta21.hat)
delta2.hat <- 2 - a21.hat
SE.a21.hat <-
sqrt(vcovrrvglm(rrnb2)["I(latvar.mat)", "I(latvar.mat)"])
ci.a21 <- a21.hat +
c(-1, 1) * qnorm(1 - (1 - level)/2) * SE.a21.hat
(ci.delta2 <- 2 - rev(ci.a21)) # e.g., the 95 percent CI
list(a21.hat = a21.hat,
beta11.hat = beta11.hat,
beta21.hat = beta21.hat,
CI.a21 = ci.a21,
CI.delta2 = ci.delta2,
delta1 = delta1.hat,
delta2 = delta2.hat,
SE.a21.hat = SE.a21.hat)
Confint.nb1 <- function(nb1, level = 0.95) {
if (!is(nb1, "vglm"))
stop("argument 'nb1' does not appear to be a vglm() object")
if (!any(nb1@family@vfamily == "negbinomial"))
stop("argument 'nb1' does not appear to be a ",
"negbinomial() fit")
if (!all(unlist(constraints(nb1)[-1]) == 1))
stop("argument 'nb1' does not appear to ",
"have 'parallel = TRUE'")
if (!all(unlist(constraints(nb1)[1]) == c(diag(nb1@misc$M))))
stop("argument 'nb1' does not have 'parallel = FALSE' ",
"for the intercept")
if (nb1@misc$M != 2)
stop("argument 'nb1' does not have M = 2")
if (!all(nb1@misc$link == "loglink"))
stop("argument 'nb1' does not have log links ",
"for both parameters")
cnb1 <- coefficients(as(nb1, "vglm"), matrix = TRUE)
mydiff <- (cnb1["(Intercept)", "loglink(size)"] -
cnb1["(Intercept)", "loglink(mu)"])
delta0.hat <- exp(mydiff)
(phi0.hat <- 1 + 1 / delta0.hat) # MLE of phi0
myvcov <- vcov(as(nb1, "vglm")) # Not great; improve this!
myvec <- cbind(c(-1, 1, rep_len(0, nrow(myvcov) - 2)))
se.mydiff <- c(sqrt(t(myvec) %*% myvcov %*% myvec))
ci.mydiff <- mydiff +
c(-1, 1) * qnorm(1 - (1 - level)/2) * se.mydiff
ci.delta0 <- ci.exp.mydiff <- exp(ci.mydiff)
(ci.phi0 <- 1 + 1 / rev(ci.delta0))
list(CI.phi0 = ci.phi0,
CI.delta0 = ci.delta0,
delta0 = delta0.hat,
phi0 = phi0.hat)
plota21 <- function(rrvglm2, show.plot = TRUE, nseq.a21 = 31,
se.eachway = c(5, 5), # == c(LHS, RHS),
trace.arg = TRUE,
lwd = 2, ...) {
if (!is(rrvglm2, "rrvglm"))
stop("argument 'rrvglm2' does not appear to ",
"be a rrvglm() object")
if (rrvglm2@control$Rank != 1)
stop("argument 'rrvglm2' is not Rank-1")
if (rrvglm2@misc$M != 2)
stop("argument 'rrvglm2' does not have M = 2")
loglik.orig <- logLik(rrvglm2)
temp1 <- Confint.rrnb(rrvglm2) # zz
a21.hat <- (Coef(rrvglm2)@A)[2, 1]
SE.a21.hat <- temp1$SE.a21.hat
SE.a21.hat <-
sqrt(vcov(rrvglm2)["I(latvar.mat)", "I(latvar.mat)"]) <- a21.hat + c(-1, 1) * se.eachway * SE.a21.hat
seq.a21 <- seq([1],[2], length = nseq.a21)
Hlist.orig <- constraints.vlm(rrvglm2, type = "term")
alreadyComputed <- !is.null(rrvglm2@post$a21.matrix)
a21.matrix <- if (alreadyComputed) rrvglm2@post$a21.matrix else
cbind(a21 = seq.a21, loglikelihood = 0)
prev.etastart <- predict(rrvglm2) # Halves the computing time
funname <- "vglm"
listcall <- as.list(rrvglm2@call)
if (!alreadyComputed)
for (ii in 1:nseq.a21) {
if (trace.arg)
argslist <- vector("list", length(listcall) - 1)
for (kay in 2:(length(listcall)))
argslist[[kay - 1]] <- listcall[[kay]]
names(argslist) <- c(names(listcall)[-1])
argslist$trace <- trace.arg
argslist$etastart <- prev.etastart
argslist$constraints <- Hlist.orig
for (kay in 2:length(argslist[["constraints"]])) {
argslist[["constraints"]][[kay]] <-
rbind(1, a21.matrix[ii, 1])
fitnew <- = funname, args = argslist)
a21.matrix[ii, 2] <- logLik(fitnew)
prev.etastart <- predict(fitnew)
if (show.plot) {
plot(a21.matrix[ ,1], a21.matrix[ ,2], type = "l",
col = "blue", cex.lab = 1.1,
xlab = expression(a[21]), ylab = "Log-likelihood") # ...
abline(v = (Hlist.orig[[length(Hlist.orig)]])[2, 1],
col = "darkorange", lty = "dashed")
abline(h = loglik.orig,
col = "darkorange", lty = "dashed")
abline(h = loglik.orig -
qchisq(0.95, df = 1) / 2,
col = "darkorange", lty = "dashed")
abline(v = a21.hat + c(-1, 1) * 1.96 * SE.a21.hat,
col = "gray50", lty = "dashed", lwd = lwd)
} # End of (show.plot)
rrvglm2@post <- list(a21.matrix = a21.matrix)
Qvar <- function(object,
factorname = NULL,
which.linpred = 1,
coef.indices = NULL,
labels = NULL, dispersion = NULL, = "(reference)",
estimates = NULL
) {
if (!is.Numeric(which.linpred, length.arg = 1,
integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
stop("argument 'which.linpred' must be a positive integer")
coef.indices.saved <- coef.indices
if (!is.matrix(object)) {
model <- object
if (is.null(factorname) && is.null(coef.indices)) {
stop("arguments 'factorname' and 'coef.indices' are ",
"both NULL")
if (is.null(coef.indices)) {
M <- npred(model)
if (M < which.linpred)
stop("argument 'which.linpred' must be a value ",
"from the set 1:",
newfactorname <- if (M > 1) {
clist <- constraints(model, type = "term")
Hk <- clist[[factorname]]
Mdot <- ncol(Hk)
Hk.row <- Hk[which.linpred, ]
if (sum(Hk.row != 0) > 1)
stop("cannot handle rows of constraint matrices ",
"with more than one nonzero value")
foo <- function(ii)
switch(as.character(ii), '1'="1st", '2'="2nd", '3'="3rd",
paste(ii, "th", sep = ""))
if (sum(Hk.row != 0) == 0)
stop("factor '", factorname, "' is not used the ",
foo(which.linpred), " eta (linear predictor)")
row.index <- (1:Mdot)[Hk.row != 0]
all.labels <- vlabel(factorname, ncolHlist = Mdot, M = M)
} else {
colptr <- attr(model.matrix(object, type = "vlm"),
colptr <- if (M > 1) {
} else {
coef.indices <- colptr
contmat <- if (length(model@xlevels[[factorname]]) ==
length(coef.indices)) {
} else {
model@xlevels [[factorname]]))
rownames(contmat) <- model@xlevels[[factorname]]
if (is.null(estimates)) {
if (M > 1) {
estimates <- matrix(-1, nrow(contmat), 1)
ii <- 1
estimates[, ii] <- contmat %*%
} else {
estimates <- contmat %*% (coefvlm(model)[coef.indices])
Covmat <- vcov(model, dispersion = dispersion)
covmat <- Covmat[unlist(coef.indices),
unlist(coef.indices), drop = FALSE]
covmat <- if (M > 1) {
ii <- 1
ans <- contmat %*% Covmat[(colptr[[ii]]),
(colptr[[ii]])] %*% t(contmat)
} else {
contmat %*% covmat %*% t(contmat)
} else { # ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
kk <- length(coef.indices)
refPos <- numeric(0)
if (0 %in% coef.indices) {
refPos <- which(coef.indices == 0)
coef.indices <- coef.indices[-refPos]
covmat <- vcov(model, dispersion = dispersion)
covmat <- covmat[coef.indices, coef.indices, drop = FALSE]
if (is.null(estimates))
estimates <- coefvlm(model)[coef.indices]
if (length(refPos) == 1) {
if (length(estimates) != kk)
estimates <- c(0, estimates)
covmat <- rbind(0, cbind(0, covmat))
names(estimates)[1] <-
rownames(covmat)[1] <-
colnames(covmat)[1] <-
if (refPos != 1) {
perm <- if (refPos == kk) c(2:kk, 1) else
c(2:refPos, 1, (refPos + 1):kk)
estimates <- estimates[perm]
covmat <- covmat[perm, perm, drop = FALSE]
} # ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
factorname = factorname,
which.linpred = which.linpred,
coef.indices = coef.indices.saved,
labels = labels,
dispersion = dispersion,
estimates = estimates
} else { # ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
covmat <- object
if (length(labels))
rownames(covmat) <- colnames(covmat) <- labels
if ((LLL <- dim(covmat)[1]) <= 2)
stop("This function works only for factors with 3 ",
"or more levels")
} # ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
allvcov <- covmat
for (ilocal in 1:LLL)
for (jlocal in ilocal:LLL)
allvcov[ilocal, jlocal] <-
allvcov[jlocal, ilocal] <- covmat[ilocal, ilocal] +
covmat[jlocal, jlocal] -
covmat[ilocal, jlocal] * 2
diag(allvcov) <- rep_len(1.0, LLL) # Any positive value should do
wmat <- matrix(1.0, LLL, LLL)
diag(wmat) <- sqrt( .Machine$double.eps )
logAllvcov <- log(allvcov)
attr(logAllvcov, "Prior.Weights") <- wmat
attr(logAllvcov, "estimates") <- estimates
attr(logAllvcov, "coef.indices") <- coef.indices
attr(logAllvcov, "factorname") <- factorname
attr(logAllvcov, "regularVar") <- diag(covmat)
attr(logAllvcov, "which.linpred") <- which.linpred
} # End of Qvar()
WorstErrors <- function(qv.object) {
stop("20110729; does not work")
reducedForm <- function(covmat, qvmat) {
nlevels <- dim(covmat)[1]
firstRow <- covmat[1, ]
ones <- rep_len(1, nlevels)
J <- outer(ones, ones)
notzero <- 2:nlevels
r.covmat <- covmat + (firstRow[1]*J) -
outer(firstRow, ones) -
outer(ones, firstRow)
r.covmat <- r.covmat[notzero, notzero]
qv1 <- qvmat[1, 1]
r.qvmat <- (qvmat + qv1*J)[notzero, notzero]
list(r.covmat, r.qvmat)
covmat <- qv.object$covmat
qvmat <- diag(qv.object$qvframe$quasiVar)
r.form <- reducedForm(covmat, qvmat)
r.covmat <- r.form[[1]]
r.qvmat <- r.form[[2]]
inverse.sqrt <- solve(chol(r.covmat))
evalues <- eigen(t(inverse.sqrt) %*% r.qvmat %*% inverse.sqrt,
symmetric = TRUE)$values
sqrt(c(min(evalues), max(evalues))) - 1
IndentPrint <- function(object, indent = 4, ...) {
stop("20110729; does not work")
zz <- ""
tc <- textConnection("zz", "w", local = TRUE)
try(print(object, ...))
indent <- paste(rep_len(" ", indent), sep = "", collapse = "")
cat(paste(indent, zz, sep = ""), sep = "\n")
Print.qv <- function(x, ...) {
stop("20110729; does not work")
summary.qvar <- function(object, ...) {
relerrs <- 1 - sqrt(exp(residuals(object, type = "response")))
diag(relerrs) <- NA
minErrSimple <- round(100 * min(relerrs, na.rm = TRUE), 1)
maxErrSimple <- round(100 * max(relerrs, na.rm = TRUE), 1)
estimates <- c(object@extra$attributes.y$estimates)
if (!length(names(estimates)) &&
names( estimates) <-
if (!length(names(estimates)))
names( estimates) <- param.names("Level", length(estimates))
regularVar <- c(object@extra$attributes.y$regularVar)
QuasiVar <- exp(diag(fitted(object))) / 2
QuasiSE <- sqrt(QuasiVar)
structure(list(estimate = estimates,
SE = sqrt(regularVar),
minErrSimple = minErrSimple,
maxErrSimple = maxErrSimple,
quasiSE = QuasiSE,
object = object,
quasiVar = QuasiVar),
class = "summary.qvar")
print.summary.qvar <- function(x, ...) {
object <- x$object
minErrSimple <- x$minErrSimple
maxErrSimple <- x$maxErrSimple
x$minErrSimple <- NULL
x$maxErrSimple <- NULL
x$object <- NULL
if (length(cl <- object@call)) {
facname <- c(object@extra$attributes.y$factorname)
if (length(facname))
cat("Factor name: ", facname, "\n")
if (length(object@dispersion))
cat("\nDispersion: ", object@dispersion, "\n\n")
x <-
cat("\nWorst relative errors in SEs of simple contrasts (%): ",
minErrSimple, ", ", maxErrSimple, "\n")
qvar <- function(object, se = FALSE, ...) {
if (!inherits(object, "rcim") && !inherits(object, "rcim0"))
warning("argument 'object' should be an 'rcim' or ",
"'rcim0' object. ",
"This call may fail.")
if (!(object@family@vfamily %in% c("uninormal", "normal1")))
warning("argument 'object' does not seem to have used ",
"a 'uninormal' family.")
if (!any(object@misc$link == "explink"))
warning("argument 'object' does not seem to have used ",
"a 'explink' link function.")
quasiVar <- diag(predict(object)[, c(TRUE, FALSE)]) / 2
if (se) sqrt(quasiVar) else quasiVar
plotqvar <-
qvplot <-
interval.width = 2,
ylab = "Estimate",
xlab = NULL, # x$factorname,
ylim = NULL,
main = "",
level.names = NULL,
conf.level = 0.95,
warn.ratio = 10,
border = "transparent", # None
points.arg = TRUE,
length.arrows = 0.25, angle = 30,
lwd = par()$lwd,
scol = par()$col,
slwd = par()$lwd,
slty = par()$lty,
...) {
if (!is.numeric(interval.width) &&
stop("at least one of arguments 'interval.width' and ",
"'conf.level' ",
"should be numeric")
if (!any("uninormal" %in% object@family@vfamily))
stop("argument 'object' dos not appear to be a ",
"rcim(, uninormal) object")
estimates <- c(object@extra$attributes.y$estimates)
if (!length(names(estimates)) &&
names(estimates) <-
if (length(level.names) == length(estimates)) {
names(estimates) <- level.names
} else if (!length(names(estimates)))
names(estimates) <- param.names("Level", length(estimates))
QuasiVar <- exp(diag(fitted(object))) / 2
QuasiSE <- sqrt(QuasiVar)
if (!is.numeric(estimates))
stop("Cannot plot, because there are no 'proper' ",
"parameter estimates")
if (!is.numeric(QuasiSE))
stop("Cannot plot, because there are no ",
"quasi standard errors")
faclevels <- factor(names(estimates), levels = names(estimates))
xvalues <- seq(along = faclevels)
tops <- estimates + interval.width * QuasiSE
tails <- estimates - interval.width * QuasiSE
if (is.numeric(conf.level)) {
zedd <- abs(qnorm((1 - conf.level) / 2))
lsd.tops <- estimates + zedd * QuasiSE / sqrt(2)
lsd.tails <- estimates - zedd * QuasiSE / sqrt(2)
if (max(QuasiSE) / min(QuasiSE) > warn.ratio)
warning("Quasi SEs appear to be quite different... the ",
"LSD intervals may not be very accurate")
} else {
lsd.tops <- NULL
lsd.tails <- NULL
if (is.null(ylim))
ylim <- range(c(tails, tops, lsd.tails, lsd.tops),
na.rm = TRUE)
if (is.null(xlab))
xlab <- "Factor level"
plot(faclevels, estimates,
border = border,
ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
lwd = lwd,
main = main, ...)
if (points.arg)
points(estimates, ...)
if (is.numeric(interval.width)) {
segments(xvalues, tails, xvalues, tops,
col = scol, lty = slty, lwd = slwd)
if (is.numeric(conf.level)) {
arrows(xvalues, lsd.tails, xvalues, lsd.tops,
col = scol, lty = slty, lwd = slwd, code = 3,
length = length.arrows, angle = angle)
if (any(slotNames(object) == "post")) {
object@post$estimates <- estimates
object@post$xvalues <- xvalues
if (is.numeric(interval.width)) {
object@post$tails <- tails
object@post$tops <- tops
if (is.numeric(conf.level)) {
object@post$lsd.tails <- lsd.tails
object@post$lsd.tops <- lsd.tops
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