
Defines functions getBatchsize saveMarkerModels processBatch combineScoreBatches combineModelBatches makeScoresDF makeModelsDF checkFilePrefix check.filename savedata checkInputData checkSelect getIntendedSamples getSortedLevels checkSamplePriors checkStartmeans getPolysomicSegr addErrorProb getOrigPopstruct getMarkerPopstruct getModelPopstruct find.dips.populations is1NA convertStartmeans get.pHW get.ps calcMus getPriorCombinations makeprobs shift_mus checkCodomMarkerData CodomMarker ClusterInit dnormasr PlotHistDensity getResultnames calcSelcrit MarkerResult lengthNoNA padded errorplot drawRejectedPlot drawFittedPlot drawCompositePlot checkPlotType checkPlot scr.info startPlot savePlot startPlotall savePlotall getMutype getAllModelNames getMuModelInfo getMuModelName getMuModelNpar EMGaussExp EMGaussExp.vectorized EMMax.p.HW EMMax.p EMMax.mu.ratiodist wmean EMMax.mu wmean2 EMMax.sd.free EMMax.sd.const EMMax.sd orderpsi loglikf EMGaussMax EMGaussMix fitOneDist sortPedigree isPedigreeSorted getModelFromFile calcScores

Documented in CodomMarker convertStartmeans saveMarkerModels

# package fitPoly ***************************************************************
#    fitPoly is the successor of fitTetra. It is an R package for assigning
#    polyploid genotype scores for bi-allelic marker assays.
#    (C) 2010-2018 Roeland E. Voorrips and Gerrit Gort
#    Wageningen University and Research
#    Version 3.0, March 2018
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#    or obtain one at http://www.gnu.org
#    contact:
#    e-mail: roeland.voorrips@wur.nl
#    address: R.E. Voorrips
#             Wageningen University and Research - Plant Breeding
#             P.O. Box 16
#             6700 AA Wageningen
#             The Netherlands
# ******************************************************************************

# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# The Windows 32-bit version of R2.12.0 and possibly 2.11.x and 2.10.x
# (but not 2.9.x) had a bug in the nls function that causes fitTetra to "hang"
# occasionally.
# The first patch to solve the problem was
# R version 2.12.0 Patched (2010-11-01 r53513)
# This problem did not occur in the Windows 64-bit and Linux versions.
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# There is a problem in RStudio (Version 0.99.902) when using
# Build - Check Package:
# When testing the examples it generates an error saying
# "There is no package called ...".
# A workaround is to first Build a source package, install it, and then
# run Build - Check package
# Another problem is that RStudio opens the DESCRIPTION file in mode "wb" but
# does not release it. Therefore after a succesful Check (even if errors are
# found) the next Check will abort saying that the DESCRIPTION file does not
# exist. Workaround: just run Check again, next time it works.
# Packages required for building, checking and testing:
# roxygen2, devtools, testthat
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#'fitPoly: a package for assigning dosage scores based on SNP array data
#'fitPoly (an evolved version of package fitTetra) fits mixture models to
#'the distribution of intensity ratios Y/(X+Y) (where X and Y are the
#'intensities of the signals produced by the A and B alleles of bi-allelic
#'markers) and uses these to assign genotypes (dosages).
#'The main differences compared with fitTetra are that it can handle
#'any ploidy level, and multiple populations that can be either F1 populations
#'(and their parents) or panels of accessions. There are also improvements
#'in accuracy, speed and the possibility to use prior dosage information.
#'@docType package
#'@name fitPoly

#'@importFrom foreach foreach %do% %dopar%
#'@importFrom grDevices dev.cur dev.list dev.off pdf png svg
#'@importFrom graphics axis axTicks barplot box close.screen hist layout lines
#'            par plot points screen split.screen text
#'@importFrom stats dbinom dhyper dnorm integrate kmeans lm
#'            nls predict sd weighted.mean
#'@importFrom utils read.table write.table

#the following line serves to stop devtools::check complaining about
#some identifiers that do exist but it doesn't find because they are
#loaded from RData files:
utils::globalVariables(names=c("batch", "batdat", "batchlog",
                               "batchallmodeldata", "batchmodeldata",
                               "batchscores", "batchdiploscores"),

#'@title Small fitPoly input datasets for testing and examples
#'@description A list with small datasets of four different
#'ploidy levels for testing and examples
#'@details list fitPoly_data contains the following items:
#'  \item ploidy2: a diploid dataset with only the SNP array signal ratios
#'  \item ploidy3: a triploid dataset with in addition to the signal ratios
#'                 two data.frames specifying the population structure
#'  \item ploidy4: a tetraploid dataset similar to the triploid dataset and
#'                 additionally prior dosage information of the F1 population parents
#'                 and of a few other samples
#'  \item ploidy6: a hexaploid dataset similar to the tetraploid dataset and
#'                 additionally the 7 starting means for some of the markers
#'Each of the items contains one or more elements, postfixed by 2x, 3x, 4x or 6x
#'depending on the ploidy:
#'  \item dat: a data.frame with at least columns MarkerName, SampleName and ratio
#'  with the signal ratios to be analyzed
#'  \item pop: a data.frame with columns SampleName and Population, specifying the
#'  population to which each sample belongs
#'  \item pop.par: a matrix specifying what are the parents of each population (if any)
#'  \item parPriors: a data.frame specifying prior known allele dosages for the F1 parents
#'  \item sampPriors: a data.frame specifying the prior known dosages for other samples
#'  \item startmeans: a data.frame with prior known means for the (ploidy+1) mixture model
#'  components
#'In addition the ploidy6 component has elements pop and pop.parents (no suffix)
#'which are equivalent to pop6x and pop.par6x, in the format required
#'by function codomMarker.
#'@name fitPoly_data
#'@usage data(fitPoly_data)
#'@docType data

# saveMarkerModels **************************************************
# This is a user function that calls fitOneMarker for a series of markers
# and saves the tabular and log output to files.
# *******************************************************************

getBatchsize <- function(mrkcount, ncores) {
  #an efficient target batchsize is around 500, but we vary it
  #to avoid processors standing idle too much with small data sets.
  #Also very small batchsizes are unwanted as the time to select a batch from
  #a large data.frame plus the combination of the batchresults takes more time
  #than processing a single marker.
  batchsize <- 500
  if (ncores > 1) {
    #cyc: how many cycles per core are needed
    cyc <- ceiling(mrkcount / (ncores * batchsize * 1.1))
    batchsize <- ceiling(mrkcount / (ncores * cyc))
    batchsize[batchsize < 3] <- 3
  } else batchsize <- min(batchsize, mrkcount) #only for the sMM message
} #getBatchsize

#'@title Function to fit mixture models for series of markers and save the
#'results to files
#'@description This is the main function that calls fitOneMarker
#'for a series of markers and saves the tabular, graphical and log output to
#'files. Most of the arguments are identical to those of fitOneMarker and
#'are directly passed through.
#'@usage saveMarkerModels(ploidy, markers=NA, data, diplo=NULL, select=TRUE,
#'diploselect=TRUE, pop.parents=NULL, population=NULL, parentalPriors=NULL,
#'samplePriors=NULL, startmeans=NULL, maxiter=40, maxn.bin=200, nbin=200,
#'sd.threshold=0.1, p.threshold=0.99, call.threshold=0.6, peak.threshold=0.85,
#'try.HW=TRUE, dip.filter=1, sd.target=NA,
#'filePrefix, rdaFiles=FALSE, allModelsFile=FALSE,
#'plot="none", plot.type="png", ncores=1)
#'@param ploidy The ploidy level, 2 or higher: 2 for diploids, 3 for triploids
#'@param markers NA or a character or numeric vector specifying the markers to be
#'fitted. If a character vector, names should match the MarkerName column of
#'data; if numeric, the numbers index the markers based on the alphabetic order
#'of the MarkerNames in data.
#'@param data A data frame with the polyploid samples, with (at least) columns
#'MarkerName, SampleName and ratio, where ratio is the Y-allele signal
#'divided by the sum of the X- and Y-allele signals: ratio == Y/(X+Y)
#'@param diplo NULL or a data frame like data, with the diploid samples and (a subset
#'of) the same markers as in data. Genotypic scores for diploid samples are
#'calculated according to the best-fitting model calculated for the polyploid
#'samples and therefore may range from 0 (nulliplex) to <ploidy>, with the
#'expected dosages 0 and <ploidy> for the homozygotes and <ploidy/2> for the
#'diplo can also be used for any other samples that need to be
#'scored, but that should not affect the fitted models.
#'@param select A logical vector, recycled if shorter than nrow(data):
#'indicates which rows of data are to be used (default TRUE, i.e. keep all rows)
#'@param diploselect A logical vector like select, matching diplo instead of data
#'@param pop.parents NULL or a data.frame specifying the population structure. The
#'data frame has 3 columns: the first containing population ID's, the 2nd and 3rd
#'with the population ID's of the parents of these populations (if F1's) or NA
#'(if not). The population ID's should match those in parameter population. If
#'pop.parents is NULL all samples are considered to be in one population, and
#'parameter population should be NULL (default).
#'@param population NULL or a data.frame specifying to which population each
#'sample belongs. The data frame has two columns, the first containing
#'the SampleName (containing all SampleNames occurring in data),
#'the second column containing population ID's that match pop.parents. In both
#'columns NA values are not allowed. Parameters pop.parents and population
#'should both be NULL (default) or both be specified.
#'@param parentalPriors NULL or a data frame specifying the prior dosages for
#'the parental populations. The data frame has one column MarkerName
#'followed by one column for each F1 parental population. Column names (except
#'first) are population ID's matching the parental populations in pop.parents.
#'In case there is just one F1 population in pop.parents, it is possible to
#'have two columns for both parental populations instead of one (allowing two
#'specify two different prior dosages); in that case both columns for each
#'parent have the same caption. Each row specifies the priors for
#'one marker. The contents of the data frame are dosages, as integers from 0
#'to <ploidy>; NA values are allowed.\cr
#'Note: when reading the data frame with read.table or read.csv, set
#'check.names=FALSE so column names (population ID's) are not changed.
#'@param samplePriors NULL or a data.frame specifying prior dosages for individual
#'samples. The first column called MarkerName is followed by one column per
#'sample; not all samples in data need to have a column here, only
#'those samples for which prior dosages for one or more markers are available.
#'Each row specifies the priors for one marker. The contents of the data frame
#'are dosages, as integers from 0 to <ploidy>; NA values are allowed.\cr
#'Note: when reading the data frame with read.table or read.csv, set
#'check.names=FALSE so column names (population ID's) are not changed.
#'@param startmeans NULL or a data.frame specifying the prior means of
#'the mixture distributions. The data frame has one column MarkerName,
#'followed by <ploidy+1> columns with the prior ratio means on the original
#'(untransformed) scale. Each row specifies the
#'means for one marker in strictly ascending order (all means NA is allowed, but
#'markers without start means can also be omitted).
#'@param maxiter A single integer, passed to CodomMarker, see there for explanation
#'@param maxn.bin A single integer, passed to CodomMarker, see there for explanation
#'@param nbin A single integer, passed to CodomMarker, see there for explanation
#'@param sd.threshold The maximum value allowed for the (constant) standard
#'deviation of each peak  on the arcsine - square root transformed scale,
#'default 0.1. If the optimal model has a larger standard deviation the marker
#'is rejected. Set to a large value (e.g. 1) to disable this filter.
#'@param p.threshold The minimum P-value required to assign a genotype (dosage)
#'to a sample; default 0.99. If the P-value for all possible genotypes is less
#'than p.threshold the sample is assigned genotype NA. Set to 1 to disable
#'this filter.
#'@param call.threshold The minimum fraction of samples to have genotypes
#'assigned ("called"); default 0.6. If under the optimal model the fraction of
#'"called" samples is less than call.threshold the marker is rejected. Set to 0
#'to disable this filter.
#'@param peak.threshold The maximum allowed fraction of the scored samples that
#'are in one peak; default 0.85. If any of the possible genotypes (peaks in the
#'ratio histogram) contains more than peak.threshold of the samples the marker
#'is rejected (because the remaining samples offers too little information for
#'reliable model fitting).
#'@param try.HW Logical: if TRUE (default), try models with and without a
#'constraint on the mixing proportions according to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
#'ratios. If FALSE, only try models without this constraint. Even when the HW
#'assumption is not applicable, setting try.HW to TRUE often still leads to
#'a better model. For more details on how try.HW is used see the Details
#'section of function fitOneMarker.
#'@param dip.filter if 1 (default), select best model only from models
#'that do not have a dip (a lower peak surrounded by higher peaks: these are not
#'expected under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium or in cross progenies). If all
#'fitted models have a dip still the best of these is selected. If 2, similar,
#'but if all fitted models have a dip the marker is rejected. If 0, select best
#'model among all fitted models, including those with a dip.
#'@param sd.target If the fitted standard deviation of the peaks on the
#'transformed scale is larger than sd.target a penalty is given (see Details
#'section of function fitOneMarker);
#'default NA i.e. no penalty is given.
#'@param filePrefix partial file name, possibly including an absolute or
#'relative file path. filePrefix must always be specified.
#'All output files will have filePrefix prefixed to their name so it is clear
#'they are all derived from the same call to saveMarkerModels.
#'If filePrefix includes a file path all output files
#'will be saved there; if a filePrefix is specified that does not include a
#'a path the output will be saved in the working directory.
#'@param rdaFiles logical, default FALSE. The tabular output (scorefile,
#'diploscorefile, modelfile, allmodelsfile) is saved as tab-separated text files
#'with extension .dat or as an .RData file if this parameter is FALSE or TRUE
#'@param allModelsFile logical, default FALSE. If TRUE an allmodelsfile is saved
#'with all models that have been tried for each marker; also the log file will
#'contain a few lines for each marker. This information is mostly useful
#'for debugging and locating problems.
#'@param plot String, "none" (default), "fitted" or "all". If "fitted" a plot
#'of the best fitting model and the assigned genotypes is saved with filename
#'<marker number><marker name>.<plot.type>, preceded by "rejected_" if the
#'marker was rejected. If "all", small plots of all models are saved to files
#'(8 per file) with filename
#'<"plots"><marker number><marker name><pagenr>.<plot.type> in addition to the
#'plot of the best fitting model.
#'@param plot.type String, "png" (default), "emf", "svg" or "pdf". Indicates
#'format for saving the plots.
#'@param ncores The number of processor cores to use for parallel processing,
#'default 1. Specifying more cores than available may cause problems.
#'Note that the implementation under Windows involves duplicating the input data
#'(under Linux that does not happen, nor under Windows if ncores=1), so if
#'under Windows memory size is a problem it would be better to run several
#'R instances simultaneously, each with ncores=1, each processing part of the
#'@return NULL. The result of saveMarkerModels is a set of output files.
#'@details saveMarkerModels calls fitOneMarker for all markers specified by
#'parameter markers. The markers are processed in batches; the number of markers
#'per batch is printed to the console when saveMarkerModels is started. If
#'multiple cores are used the batches are processed in parallel.\cr
#'During the processing a series of RData files (2 for each batch) is saved in the
#'directory specified in filePrefix. At the end these are combined into the required
#'output files and then deleted.
#'If something goes wrong at any stage, the files for the completed batches are
#'still available and can be combined manually, avoiding the need to re-run the
#'process for the completed batches.
#'The output files consist of:
#'\item{<filePrefix>.log: a logfile containing several lines listing the
#'input parameters. If parameter allModelsFile is TRUE the logfile also
#'contains several text lines per marker, corresponding to component "log"
#'in the result of fitOneMarker}
#'\item{<filePrefix>_scores.dat (or .RData) a file containing one line per
#'polyploid sample for every marker that could be fitted, corresponding to
#'component "scores" in the result of fitOneMarker}
#'\item{<filePrefix>_diploscores.dat (or .RData) a file containing one line per
#'diploid sample for every marker that could be fitted, corresponding to
#'component "diploscores" in the result of fitOneMarker. This file is only produced
#'if parameter diplo is not missing}
#'\item{<filePrefix>_models.dat (or .RData) a file containing one line per
#'marker, corresponding to component "modeldata" in the result of fitOneMarker: the
#'selected model for each marker, with several statistics}
#'\item{<filePrefix>_allmodels.dat (or .RData) as the models file, but
#'containing all models fitted for each marker, not only the selected model,
#'marker, corresponding to component "allmodeldata" in the result of fitOneMarker.
#'This file is only produced if parameter allModelsFile is TRUE}
#'Additionally, if plot != "none", plot files are generated in directory
# NOTE that in the examples we should not use ncores > 1!
# This results in hard-to-understand errors in devtools::check
#' \donttest{
#'  # These examples run for a total of about 55 sec.
#'  # All output files are saved in tempdir() and subdirectories of it.
#'  data(fitPoly_data)
#'  # tetraploid, with no populations and with sample prior dosages
#'  saveMarkerModels(ploidy=4, data=fitPoly_data$ploidy4$dat4x,
#'                   samplePriors=fitPoly_data$ploidy4$sampPriors4x,
#'                   filePrefix=paste0(tempdir(),"/4xA"),
#'                   allModelsFile=TRUE,
#'                   plot="fitted")
#'  # tetraploid, with specified populations and parental and sample prior dosages
#'  saveMarkerModels(ploidy=4, data=fitPoly_data$ploidy4$dat4x,
#'                   population=fitPoly_data$ploidy4$pop4x,
#'                   pop.parents=fitPoly_data$ploidy4$pop.par4x,
#'                   parentalPriors=fitPoly_data$ploidy4$parPriors4x,
#'                   samplePriors=fitPoly_data$ploidy4$sampPriors4x,
#'                   filePrefix=paste0(tempdir(),"/4xB"),
#'                   allModelsFile=TRUE,
#'                   plot="fitted")
#'  # hexaploid, no populations or prior information
#'  saveMarkerModels(ploidy=6, data=fitPoly_data$ploidy6$dat6x,
#'                   filePrefix=paste0(tempdir(),"/6xA"),
#'                   allModelsFile=TRUE,
#'                   plot="fitted")
#'  # hexaploid, with specified populations, prior dosages of parents and other samples
#'  # and prior means of the mixture components
#'  saveMarkerModels(ploidy=6, data=fitPoly_data$ploidy6$dat6x,
#'                   population=fitPoly_data$ploidy6$pop6x,
#'                   pop.parents=fitPoly_data$ploidy6$pop.par6x,
#'                   startmeans=fitPoly_data$ploidy6$startmeans6x,
#'                   parentalPriors=fitPoly_data$ploidy6$parPriors6x,
#'                   samplePriors=fitPoly_data$ploidy6$sampPriors6x,
#'                   filePrefix=paste0(tempdir(),"/6xB"),
#'                   plot="fitted")
#' }
saveMarkerModels <- function(
  markers=NA, #not NULL
  data, diplo=NULL,
  select=TRUE, diploselect=TRUE, # by default all samples of polyploids and diploids selected
  maxiter=40, maxn.bin=200, nbin=200,
  sd.threshold=0.1, p.threshold=0.99,
  call.threshold=0.6, peak.threshold=0.85,
  try.HW=TRUE, dip.filter=1,
  sd.target=NA, #not NULL
  filePrefix, rdaFiles=FALSE, allModelsFile=FALSE,
  plot="none", plot.type="png",
  ncores=1) {
  sMMnow <- format(Sys.time(), format='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
  pars <- as.list(match.call()) #parameters of call to this function
  if (missing(filePrefix)) stop("filePrefix must be a valid (path +) start of filename")
  fpf <- checkFilePrefix(filePrefix)
  fext <- if (rdaFiles) ".RData" else ".dat"
  logfile <- paste(fpf, ".log", sep="")
  modelfile <- paste(fpf, "_models", fext, sep="")
  if (allModelsFile) {
    allmodelsfile <- paste(fpf, "_allmodels", fext, sep="")
  } else allmodelsfile <- ""
  scorefile <- paste(fpf, "_scores", fext, sep="")
  diploscorefile <- paste(fpf, "_diploscores", fext, sep="")
  #plot.dir will be calculated based on fpf if needed

  # check ploidy:
  if (!(class(ploidy)[1] %in% c("numeric", "integer")) ||
      length(ploidy) != 1 ||
      ploidy < 2) {
    stop("saveMarkerModels: ploidy must be  >= 2")

  # check (diplo)data and select
  # and get all markernames, samplenames and diplonames:
  # marker numbers refer to markers actually present in data,
  # in the alphabetic order according to the current OS and R version
  select <- checkSelect(select, data)
  markernames <- getSortedLevels(data$MarkerName)
  samplenames <- getSortedLevels(data$SampleName)
  IntendedSamples <- getIntendedSamples(select, data)
  if (!is.null(diplo) && !is1NA(diplo)) {
    diploselect <- checkSelect(diploselect, diplo)
    diplonames <- getSortedLevels(diplo$SampleName)
  } else diploscorefile <- ""

  # check population structures:
  origpopstruct <- getOrigPopstruct(samplenames=samplenames,
  if (is.character(origpopstruct))
    stop(paste("saveMarkerModels: invalid population structure:", origpopstruct))

  if (!is.null(startmeans) && !is1NA(startmeans)) checkStartmeans(ploidy, startmeans)
  if (!is.null(samplePriors) && !is1NA(samplePriors))
    checkSamplePriors(ploidy, samplePriors, origpopstruct)

  if (!(dip.filter %in% 0:2))
    stop("saveMarkerModels: dip.filter must be in 0:2")

  # arrange plotting output:
  plot <- checkPlot(plot, plot.type, plot.dir=NA, fpf) #plot.dir not NULL here!
  if (plot[3] != "") message(plot[3]) #cat(paste(plot.type[3], "\n", sep=""))
  plot.type <- plot[[2]]
  plot.dir <- plot[[4]]
  plot <- plot[[1]]

  # check markers:
  markers <- markers[!is.na(markers)]
  if (length(markers) == 0) markers <- 1:length(markernames) else {
    if (is.character(markers)) {
      mrknrs <- match(markers, markernames)
      if (anyNA(mrknrs))
        stop("saveMarkerModels: some marker names in markers don't occur in data")
      markers <- mrknrs
    } else if (!all(markers %in% 1:length(markernames))) {
      stop("saveMarkerModels: invalid markers")

  sMMinfo <-
  if (exists("diplonames")) {
    sMMinfo$diplonames <- diplonames
    #sMMinfo$IntendedDiplosamples <- IntendedDiplosamples

  suppressWarnings( {

  suppressPackageStartupMessages({ #suppress message from foreach

  #NOTE: if fitPoly is sourced instead of used as a package,
  #library(foreach) is needed before calling saveMarkerModels.
  #The reason is that %do% and %dopar% cannot be prefixed with 'foreach::'

  #There is a problem with foreach + doParallel under Windows, see
  #date: 9-2-2016, R version: 3.2.3
  #The following adresses this, but apparently at the cost of duplicating the
  #input data for each core:
  #(duplication does not occur even under Windows if ncores==1)
  foreachExports <- NULL
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && ncores > 1)
    foreachExports <- setdiff(ls(envir=globalenv()),
                              c("parentalPriors", "samplePriors", "startmeans"))
  #  If the three last are not removed, under Windows with ncores>1 we get:
  #  Warning message:
  #  In e$fun(obj, substitute(ex), parent.frame(), e$data) :
  #    already exporting variable(s): parentalPriors, samplePriors, startmeans
  #  But if we don't export anything (in the same situation) we get:
  #  Error in { : task 1 failed - "could not find function "processBatch""

  if (length(ncores) != 1 || is.na(ncores) || ncores < 2) ncores <- 1
  if (ncores > 1 && !requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly=TRUE)) {
    ncores <- 1
    message("saveMarkerModels: package doParallel not available, using only 1 core")
  batchsize <- getBatchsize(length(markers), ncores)
  message(paste("saveMarkerModels: batchsize =", batchsize))
  batchcount <- ceiling(length(markers) / batchsize)
  # batches give a speed increase because the selection of a subset of rows
  # from a large data frame takes very much longer than from a small data frame.
  # Also batches are efficiently parallellized.
  if (logfile != "") {
    write (paste("saveMarkerModels started at", sMMnow), file=logfile)
    write (paste("ploidy =", ploidy), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    if ("data" %in% names(pars))
      write (paste("data frame passed as data =", pars$data), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("sample count in data =", length(samplenames)), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    if (exists("diplonames")) {
      write (paste("data frame passed as diplo =", pars$diplo), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
      write (paste("sample count in diplo =", length(diplonames)), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("marker count in data =", length(markernames)), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("marker count to score =", length(markers)), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("maxiter =", maxiter), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("maxn.bin =", maxn.bin), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("nbin =", nbin), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("sd.threshold =", sd.threshold), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("p.threshold =", p.threshold), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("call.threshold =", call.threshold), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("peak.threshold =", peak.threshold), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("try.HW =", try.HW), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("dip.filter =", dip.filter), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("sd.target =", sd.target), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("ncores =", ncores), file=logfile, append=TRUE)
    write (paste("batchsize =", batchsize), file=logfile, append=TRUE)

  if (ncores > 1) {
    stats <-
      foreach::foreach(batch = 1:batchcount, .combine='rbind',
                       .multicombine=TRUE, .maxcombine=batchcount+1,
                       .export=foreachExports) %dopar% {
        batch=batch, batchsize=batchsize, batchcount=batchcount,
        data=data, diplo=diplo,
        select=select, diploselect=diploselect,
        maxiter=maxiter, maxn.bin=maxn.bin, nbin=nbin,
        plot=plot, plot.type=plot.type, plot.dir=plot.dir,
    } # foreach batch
  } else {
    #ncores == 1
    #no parallel backend, and %do% instead of %dopar% and no .export
    stats <-
      foreach::foreach(batch = 1:batchcount, .combine='rbind',
                       .multicombine=TRUE, .maxcombine=batchcount+1) %do% {
      prbat <- processBatch(
        batch=batch, batchsize=batchsize, batchcount=batchcount,
        data=data, diplo=diplo,
        select=select, diploselect=diploselect,
        maxiter=maxiter, maxn.bin=maxn.bin, nbin=nbin,
        plot=plot, plot.type=plot.type, plot.dir=plot.dir,
        #print(paste("batch", batch, "finished"))
        prbat # the line to be cbind-ed by foreach
    } # foreach batch
    #print("batch-loop finished")
  }) #suppressPackageStartupMessages
  if (is.vector(stats)) stats <- matrix(stats, nrow=1) #happens if batchcount==1
  #concatenate and sort data of all batches:
  suppressWarnings(rm(batchscores, batchdiploscores,
                      batchallmodeldata, batchmodeldata, batchlog,
  #we process the scores and models in two successive loops to
  #reduce memory requirements
  samplevels <- list()
  if (is.factor(data$SampleName)) {
    samplevels[[1]] <- levels(data$SampleName)
  } else samplevels[[1]] <- sort(unique(data$SampleName))
  if (is.data.frame(diplo)) {
    if (is.factor(diplo$SampleName)) {
      samplevels[[2]] <- levels(diplo$SampleName)
    } else samplevels[[2]] <- sort(unique(diplo$SampleName))
  if (is.factor(data$MarkerName)) {
    mrklevels <- levels(data$MarkerName)
  } else mrklevels <- sort(unique(data$MarkerName))
  combineScoreBatches(ploidy+1, sMMnow, rowcounts=stats[,2:3, drop=FALSE],
                      outfnames=c(scorefile, diploscorefile), ncores,
                      mrklevels=mrklevels, samplevels,
  combineModelBatches(ploidy+1, sMMnow, rowcounts=stats[,4:6, drop=FALSE],
                      outfnames=c(modelfile, allmodelsfile,
                                  ifelse(allModelsFile, logfile, "")),
  if (logfile != "")
    write (paste("saveMarkerModels finished at",
                 format(Sys.time(), format='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')), file=logfile,
} # saveMarkerModels

processBatch <- function(
  batch, batchsize, batchcount,
  data, diplo,
  select, diploselect,
  maxiter, maxn.bin, nbin,
  plot, plot.type, plot.dir,
  savelog, savediplo, saveallmodels,
  sMMnow, sMMinfo) {
  #the processing of one batch in the foreach loop in saveMarkerModels
  #print(paste("batch =",batch,"; start_mem =",pryr::mem_used()))
  minmrkix <- (batch - 1) * batchsize + 1
  maxmrkix <- min(batch * batchsize, length(markers))
  batchdatarows <- data$MarkerName %in%
  batchdata <- data[batchdatarows,]
  batchselect <- select[batchdatarows]
  if (is.data.frame(diplo)) {
    batchdiplorows <- diplo$MarkerName %in%
    batchdiplo <- diplo[batchdiplorows, ]
    batchdiploselect <- diploselect[batchdiplorows]
  } else batchdiplo <- NULL
  batchmrknames <- sMMinfo$markernames[markers[minmrkix:maxmrkix]]
  if (is.null(parentalPriors) || is1NA(parentalPriors)) batchParentalPriors <- NULL else {
    batchParentalPriors <- parentalPriors[parentalPriors[,1] %in% batchmrknames,]
    if (nrow(batchParentalPriors) == 0) batchParentalPriors <- NULL
  if (is.null(samplePriors) || is1NA(samplePriors)) batchSamplePriors <- NULL else {
    batchSamplePriors <- samplePriors[samplePriors[,1] %in% batchmrknames,]
    if (nrow(batchSamplePriors) == 0) batchSamplePriors <- NULL
  if (is.null(startmeans) || is1NA(startmeans)) batchStartmeans <- NULL else {
    batchStartmeans <- startmeans[startmeans[,1] %in% batchmrknames,]
    if (nrow(batchStartmeans) == 0) batchStartmeans <- NULL
  batchscores <- data.frame()
  batchdiploscores <- data.frame()
  batchmodeldata <- data.frame()
  batchallmodeldata <- data.frame()
  batchlog <- character(0)
  for (mrkix in minmrkix:maxmrkix) {
    mrk <- markers[mrkix]
    mrkresult <- fitOneMarker(
      data=batchdata, diplo=batchdiplo,
      select=batchselect, diploselect=batchdiploselect,
      maxiter=maxiter, maxn.bin=maxn.bin, nbin=nbin,
      plot=plot, plot.type=plot.type, plot.dir=plot.dir,
      sMMinfo=sMMinfo) #list as expected by fitOneMarker

    #add the results of this marker to the batch results:
    if (is.data.frame(mrkresult$scores)) { # test for NA
      batchscores <- rbind(batchscores, mrkresult$scores)
    #print(paste("scores added for mrk=", mrk))
    if (savediplo && is.data.frame(mrkresult$diploscores)) {
      batchdiploscores <- rbind(batchdiploscores, mrkresult$diploscores)
    #print(paste("diploscores added for mrk=", mrk))
    if (saveallmodels && is.data.frame(mrkresult$allmodeldata)) {
      batchallmodeldata <- rbind(batchallmodeldata, mrkresult$allmodeldata)
    batchmodeldata <- rbind(batchmodeldata, mrkresult$modeldata)
    if (savelog) batchlog <- c(batchlog, mrkresult$log)
    #print(paste("mrk=", mrk, "finished"))
  } # for mrk
  #write the batch results files:
  #we keep the (all)modeldata and the scores separate as they will become
  #very big after combining
  fname <- paste(sMMnow, "_batch",
                 padded(batch, batchcount),
                 ".RData", sep="")
  batdat <- list(batchscores=batchscores,
  save(batdat, file=paste(filePrefix, "_", "sMMscores", fname, sep=""))
  batdat <- list(batchmodeldata=batchmodeldata,
  suppressWarnings(rm(batchmodeldata, batchallmodeldata, batchlog))
  for (i in 1:2) {
    batdat[[i]]$MarkerName <- factor(batdat[[i]]$MarkerName)
    batdat[[i]]$model <- factor(batdat[[i]]$model)
    batdat[[i]]$message <- factor(batdat[[i]]$message)
  save(batdat, file=paste(filePrefix, "_", "sMMmodels", fname, sep=""))
  #let foreach save the number of rows of data:
  return(c(batch, nrow(batchscores), nrow(batchdiploscores),
    nrow(batdat[[1]]), nrow(batdat[[2]]), length(batdat[[3]])))
} #processBatch

combineScoreBatches <- function(ng, sMMnow, rowcounts, outfnames, ncores,
                                mrklevels, samplevels, filePrefix) {
  batchcount <- nrow(rowcounts)
  batchfnames <- paste(
    paste(filePrefix, "_","sMMscores", sMMnow, "_batch", sep=""),
    padded(1:batchcount, batchcount),
    ".RData", sep="")
  totrow <- colSums(rowcounts)
  firstline <- matrix(NA, nrow=batchcount+1, ncol=2)
  lst <- list() #will contain scores and diploscores
  for (i in 1:2) {
    if (outfnames[i] != "") {
      lst[[i]] <- makeScoresDF(totrow[i], ng, mrklevels, samplevels[[i]])
      firstline[,i] <- c(1, 1+cumsum(rowcounts[,i]))
  for (batch in 1:batchcount) {
    #  loaded batdat: list with batchscores and possibly batchdiploscores
    for (i in 1:2) if (outfnames[i] != "" && nrow(batdat[[i]]) > 0) {
      lst[[i]][firstline[batch, i]:(firstline[batch+1, i] - 1),] <-
  } #for batch
  if (ncores > 1) for (i in 1:2) {
    if (outfnames[i] != "" && totrow[i] > 0)
      lst[[i]] <- lst[[i]][order(lst[[i]]$marker, lst[[i]]$SampleName),]
  #for savedata we need actual variable names:
  scores <- lst[[1]]
  savedata(scores, outfnames[1])
  if (outfnames[2] != "") {
    diploscores <- lst[[2]]
    savedata(diploscores, outfnames[2])
} #combineScoreBatches

combineModelBatches <- function(ng, sMMnow, rowcounts, outfnames, ncores,
                                mrklevels, pop.parents, filePrefix) {
  batchcount <- nrow(rowcounts)
  batchfnames <- paste(
    paste(filePrefix, "_", "sMMmodels", sMMnow, "_batch", sep=""),
    padded(1:batchcount, batchcount),
    ".RData", sep="")
  totrow <- colSums(rowcounts)
  firstline <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=batchcount+1, ncol=3)
  lst <- list() #will contain modeldata, allmodeldata and log
  for (i in 1:3) {
    if (outfnames[i] != "") {
      if (i<3) {
        lst[[i]] <- makeModelsDF(totrow[i], ng, mrklevels, pop.parents)
        lst[[i]]$message <- factor(lst[[i]]$message) #to reduce memory space,
        #  but this means we must adjust the levels in the loop below
      } else lst[[i]] <- character(totrow[i])
      firstline[,i] <- c(1, 1+cumsum(rowcounts[,i]))
  for (batch in 1:batchcount) {
    #  loaded batdat: list with batchmodeldata and possibly batchallmodeldata and/or batchlog
    for (i in 1:2) {
      if (outfnames[i] != "") {
        levels(lst[[i]]$message) <-
          setdiff(levels(batdat[[i]]$message), levels(lst[[i]]$message)))
        lst[[i]][firstline[batch, i]:(firstline[batch+1, i] - 1),] <-
    if (outfnames[3] != "") {
      lst[[3]][firstline[batch, 3]:(firstline[batch+1, 3] - 1)] <- batdat[[3]]
  } #for batch

  for (i in 1:2) {
    if (outfnames[i] != "" && totrow[i] > 0) {
      if (ncores > 1)
        lst[[i]] <- lst[[i]][order(lst[[i]]$marker, lst[[i]]$m),]
  #for savedata we need actual variable names:
  modeldata <- lst[[1]]
  savedata(modeldata, outfnames[1])
  if (outfnames[2] != "") {
    allmodeldata <- lst[[2]]
    savedata(allmodeldata, outfnames[2])
  if (outfnames[3] != "" ) {
    log <- lst[[3]]
    savedata(log, outfnames[3], append=TRUE)
} #combineModelBatches

makeScoresDF <- function(nrow, ng, mrklevels, samplevels) {
  rows0 <- nrow == 0
  if (rows0) nrow <- 1 #else construction of the data.frame fails
  df <- data.frame(
    MarkerName=factor(NA, levels=mrklevels),
    SampleName=factor(NA, levels=samplevels),
    #model=factor(NA, levels=getAllModelNames(ng)),
    matrix(NA_real_, nrow=nrow, ncol=ng+1),
  names(df)[4:(4+ng)] <- c("ratio", paste("P", 0:(ng-1), sep=""))
  if (rows0) df <- df[0,]
} #makeScoresDF

makeModelsDF <- function(nrow, ng, mrklevels, pop.parents) {
  rows0 <- nrow == 0
  if (rows0) nrow <- 1 #else construction of the data.frame fails
  nm <- getResultnames(ng, pop.parents)
  df  <- data.frame(
    marker=rep(NA_integer_, nrow),
    MarkerName=factor(NA, levels=mrklevels),
    model=factor(NA, levels=getAllModelNames(ng)),
    matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=nrow, ncol=5), #nsamp, nsel, npar, iter, dip
    matrix(NA_real_,  nrow=nrow, ncol=length(nm)-10),
    message=NA_character_, #we don't know all possible messages so we cannot
    #                       make it a factor (which would save on memory)
  names(df) <- nm
  if (rows0) df <- df[0,]
} #makeModelsDF

checkFilePrefix <- function(fpf) {
  #fpf (file prefix) is a string that may have a (relative or absolute) path
  #plus the start of a valid filename
  #if the start of the filename is missing it is replaced by "sMM"
  #later, file names will be appended with _ as separator
  if (length(fpf) > 1 || is.na(fpf)) fpf <- ""
  fpf <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", fpf) #remove leading and trailing blanks
  if (substring(fpf, nchar(fpf), nchar(fpf)) %in% c("/", "\\")) {
      fpfdir <- fpf
      fpfname <- "sMM"
  } else {
    fpfdir <- dirname(fpf)
    if (fpfdir %in% c("", ".")) fpfdir <- "" else fpfdir <- paste(fpfdir, "/", sep="")
    fpfname <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", basename(fpf))
    if (fpfname == "") fpfname <- "sMM"
  fpf <- paste(fpfdir, fpfname, sep="")
  if (!check.filename(
          paste(sprintf("%x", sample(0:255, 8)), collapse=""), sep="_")))
    stop("filePrefix must be a valid (path +) filename")
} #checkFilePrefix

check.filename <- function(filename, overwrite=TRUE) {
  #Check if a filename is valid for writing by trying to create the file
  #If the filename contains a path, result will only be TRUE if the whole
  #path already exists.
  #filename: a single text string to be interpreted as file (path +) name
  #overwrite: if TRUE (default) an existing file of that name will be deleted
  #           (if it is not protected by being locked, read-only, owned by
  #           another user etc)
  if (length(filename) != 1) return(FALSE)
  if (filename != gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", filename)) {
    #filename contains leading and trailing blanks)
  if (!overwrite && file.exists(filename)) return(FALSE)
{ suppressWarnings(
  if (file.create(filename)) {
  } else FALSE)
}, error = function(e) { FALSE }
} #check.filename

savedata <- function(data, filename, append=FALSE) {
  #The purpose of this function is to save an  object under its own name;
  #if the function is called with data=<a value> then it is saved as an object
  #with name 'data'
  if (tolower(substr(tools::file_ext(filename), 1, 3)) == "rda") {
    #save data in an RData file:
    if (append) {
      stop(paste("savedata", filename,
                ": append not supported for RData files", sep=""))
    } else {
      pars <- as.list(match.call())
      if (class(pars[[2]]) == "name") {
        #savedata was called with data=<object name>;
        #first we create a local object with that name:
        command <- paste(as.character(pars[[2]]), "<- data")
        #print(paste("savedata: command=", command))
        commandexp <- parse(text=command)
        #we save the object under its original name:
        command <- paste("save(", as.character(pars[[2]]), ", file=filename)", sep="")
        #print(paste("savedata: command=", command))
        commandexp <- parse(text=command)
        #this might go wrong if this function is called with data=data
        #but that won't happen in saveMarkerModels
      } else {
        #savedata was called with data=<values>;
        #the values are saved as an object with the name 'data':
        save(data, file=filename)
    } #RData, not append
  } else {
    #save data as a text file:
    if (is.data.frame(data)) {
      write.table(data, file=filename, col.names=!append, row.names=FALSE,
                     na="", quote=FALSE, sep="\t", append=append)
    } else {
      #not a data frame, we assume it is a vector:
      write(data, ncolumns=1, file=filename, append=append)
} #savedata

checkInputData <- function(data) {
  pars <- as.list(match.call()) #parameters of call to this function
  if (class(pars[[2]]) != "name")
    #should never occur!
    stop("checkInputData may only be called with a named argument")
  if (!is.data.frame(data) ||
      nrow(data) == 0 ||
      length(which(names(data) == "MarkerName")) != 1 ||
      length(which(names(data) == "SampleName")) != 1 ||
      length(which(names(data) == "ratio")) != 1 )
    stop(paste(as.character(pars[[2]]), "is not a valid data frame"))
  if (any(data$ratio < 0, na.rm=TRUE) ||
      any(data$ratio > 1, na.rm=TRUE))
    stop(paste(as.character(pars[[2]]), "$ratio contains invalid values",
} #checkInputData

checkSelect <- function(select, data) {
  pars <- as.list(match.call()) #parameters of call to this function
  if (class(pars[[2]]) != "name")
    #should never occur!
    stop("checkSelect may only be called with a named argument")
  if (any(is.na(select)))
    stop(paste(as.character(pars[[2]]), "may not contain NA values"))
  if (class(select) != "logical") {
    if (!all(select %in% 0:1)) {
      stop(paste(as.character(pars[[2]]), "must be a logical vector"))
    } else select <- as.logical(select)
  if (length(select) != nrow(data)) {
    select <- rep(select, times=ceiling(nrow(data)/length(select)))
    if (length(select) > nrow(data)) select <- select[1:nrow(data)]
} # checkSelect

#allNA <- function(x) { all(is.na(x)) }

getIntendedSamples <- function(select, data) {
  #intended samples are those that occur at least once in data and that are
  #not de-selected or have ratio set to NA for ALL markers
  #(the idea being that samples that are not relevant are omitted by
  #deleting their rows, de-selecting them for all markers, or setting all their
  #ratios to NA; e.g. samples with bad DNA, samples not relevant for the
  #current analysis etc.)
  missing <- !select | is.na(data$ratio)
  tap <- tapply(missing, data$SampleName, all) #all missing: TRUE or FALSE

getSortedLevels <- function(x) {
  #get the sorted unique values of vector x;
  #is x is a character of numeric, sorted on the values,
  #if x is a factor, sorted on the levels instead of the values themselves
  result <- unique(x)
  if (is.factor(result)) result <- as.character(result)
} #getSortedLevels

checkSamplePriors <- function(ploidy, samplePriors, origpopstruct) {
  #samplePriors: a data.frame with first column MarkerName followed by one
  #column for each sample that has priors; the sample names are the column names
  #Note: when reading the data frame with read.table, set check.names=FALSE
  #      so sample names are not changed
  if (!is.data.frame(samplePriors) ||
      length(samplePriors) < 2)
    stop("invalid samplePriors")
  if (names(samplePriors)[1] != "MarkerName")
    stop("name of 1st column of samplePriors must be MarkerName")
  if (anyNA(samplePriors$MarkerName) ||
      anyDuplicated(samplePriors$MarkerName) > 0)
    stop("no missing or duplicated MarkerNames allowed in samplePriors")
  for (i in 2:length(samplePriors)) {
    if (!is.numeric(samplePriors[,i])) stop("invalid samplePriors")
  x <- as.matrix(samplePriors[, -1])
  xm <- suppressWarnings( max(x - trunc(x), na.rm=TRUE) )
  if (xm > 0) stop("all priors in samplePriors must be integers")
    if (!all(is.na(x)) &&
        (min(x, na.rm=TRUE) < 0 ||
         max(x, na.rm=TRUE) > ploidy))
      stop("invalid values in samplePriors")
  if (!is.null(origpopstruct$orig_parPriorCols)) {
    #check if none of the samples in samplePriors is a parent
    samplepops <- origpopstruct$orig_population
    samplepops <-
      unique(samplepops[samplepops[,1] %in% names(samplePriors)[-1], 2])
    if (length(intersect(samplepops, origpopstruct$orig_parents)) > 0)
      stop("sample sets of samplePriors and parentalPriors overlap")
} #checkSamplePriors

checkStartmeans <- function(ploidy, startmeans) {
  #startmeans: a data.frame with first column MarkerName followed by (ploidy+1)
  #columns for the means
  #On each row all means must be NA or none, and means must be in strictly
  #ascending order
  if (!is.data.frame(startmeans) ||
      length(startmeans) != ploidy+2)
    stop("invalid startmeans")
  if (names(startmeans)[1] != "MarkerName")
    stop("name of 1st column of startmeans must be MarkerName")
  if (anyNA(startmeans$MarkerName) || anyDuplicated(startmeans$MarkerName) > 0)
    stop("no missing or duplicated MarkerNames allowed in startmeans")
  for (i in 2:length(startmeans)) {
    if (!is.numeric(startmeans[,i])) stop("invalid startmeans")
  x <- as.matrix(startmeans[, -1])
    if (min(x, na.rm=TRUE) < 0 ||
        max(x, na.rm=TRUE) > 1)
      stop("invalid values in startmeans")
  NAsums <- rowSums(is.na(x))
  if (any(NAsums > 0 & NAsums < ploidy+1))
    stop("invalid startmeans: all or none of means must be NA")
  d <- diff(t(x)) #diff works within columns, so transpose x
  if (any(!is.na(d) & d <= 0))
    stop("invalid startmeans: means must be in increasing order")
} #checkStartmeans

getPolysomicSegr <- function(ploidy, ploidy2=ploidy) {
  #produce an array with 3 dimensions: dosages of parent 1, parent 2
  #and offspring, with for each combination of parental dosages the
  #polysomic segregation ratios (fractions adding to 1) in the progeny.
  #ploidy and ploidy2 each must be a positive even number, may be different
  #(not checked)

  polygamfrq <- function(ploidy, dosage) {
    #calculate the probabilities of the gamete dosages given the parental
    #ploidy and dosage
    gp <- ploidy / 2
    dhyper(0:gp, dosage, ploidy-dosage, gp)

  popploidy <- (ploidy+ploidy2)/2
  result <- array(NA_real_, dim = c(ploidy+1, ploidy2+1, popploidy+1),
                  dimnames=list(P1=0:ploidy, P2=0:ploidy2, F1=0:popploidy))
  gp1 <- ploidy / 2 #ploidy of parent1 gametes
  gp2 <- ploidy2 / 2 #ploidy of parent2 gametes
  for (p1 in 0:ploidy) {
    gam1 <- polygamfrq(ploidy, p1)
    for (p2 in 0:ploidy2) {
      gam2 <- polygamfrq(ploidy2, p2)
      outmat <- outer(gam1, gam2)
      result[p1+1, p2+1,] <- tapply(outmat, col(outmat) + row(outmat) - 2, sum)
      #array of 1 row and 5 columns, with expected probabilities,
      #      with dosages (0..popploidy) as colnames
} #getPolysomicSegr

addErrorProb <- function(segrArray, errorprob=0.04) {
  #segrArray: array as produced by getPolysomicSegr,
  #           or a vector of ng probabilities summing to 1
  #errorprob: the probability that a score is obtained randomly
  #result: an array or vector as segrArray with the probabilities combined
  #        with an error distribution

  d <- length(dim(segrArray))
  if (d == 0) ng <- length(segrArray) else ng <- dim(segrArray)[d]

  #simple version: uniform error distribution:
  #errorprob/ng + (1-errorprob) * segrArray

  #more realistic: the probability of a misscore is halved with each
  #dosage step from the true value:
  #error coeff:
  tmp <- 2^ -c((ng-1):1, 100, 1:(ng-1))
  errcoeff <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=ng, ncol=ng)
  for (i in 1:ng) errcoeff[i,] <- tmp[(ng-i+1):(2*ng-i)]
  errcoeff <- (1/rowSums(errcoeff)) * errcoeff # each row sums to 1

  if (d == 0) {
    errprbs <- errorprob * segrArray * errcoeff
    segrArray <- (1-errorprob) * segrArray + colSums(errprbs)
  } else {
    #assume 3-dim array with dim 1 and 2 the parental dosages:
    for (p1 in 1:dim(segrArray)[1]) for (p2 in 1:dim(segrArray)[2]) {
      errprbs <- errorprob * segrArray[p1, p2, ] * errcoeff
      segrArray[p1, p2, ] <- (1-errorprob) * segrArray[p1, p2, ] +
} #addErrorProb

getOrigPopstruct <- function(samplenames,
                             pop.parents, population, parentalPriors,
                             try.HW, ploidy) {
  #This function checks if the necessary data are available to define
  #subpopulations, and if this information needs to be reformatted
  #samplenames: a sorted character vector with all samplenames occurring in the
  #             polyploid data for any of the markers
  #pop.parents: either a data.frame (user supplied) with 3 columns: the first
  #             with a population ID (name or number), the 2nd and 3rd with the
  #             population IDs of the parents of these populations (if F1's)
  #             or NA (if not),
  #             or a matrix with 2 columns and rownames (already processed),
  #             or NA (no popstruct, all samples belong to the same population)
  #population: a data.frame with two columns, the first containing the
  #            SampleName (containing at least all SampleNames occurring in
  #            polyploid data), the second column containing population IDs
  #            that all match pop.parents;
  #            if pop.parents is a pre-processed matrix the second column of
  #            population should contain integers indexing the pop.parents rows.
  #            In both columns no NA may occur.
  #parentalPriors: a data frame with one column MarkerName followed by one
  #            column for each F1 parent (or optionally two columns if there is
  #            only one F1 population), one row per marker.
  #            Column names (except first) are population IDs matching
  #            the parental populations in pop.parents.
  #      Note: when reading the data frame with read.table, set check.names=FALSE
  #            so column names are not changed
  #try.HW: logical; if TRUE, the ptype for panels will be "p.HW", else "p.free"
  #ploidy: any even ploidy level > 0
  #Result value:
  # either an error message
  # or a list with components:
  #    $orig_population: data frame with in column 1 (SampleNames) the
  #                      samplenames (sorted) and in column 2 (Population)
  #                      integers indexing the rows of $orig_pop.parents;
  #    $orig_pop.parents: matrix with 2 columns, and population IDs as rownames,
  #                       one row for each population, each parent as the index
  #                       to its rwo in pop.parents or twice NA,
  #                       sorted such that each F1 population appears before its
  #                       parents
  #    $segrArray: 3D array with for all dosages of parent1 and parent2 (the
  #                first 2 dims) the expected frequencies of all dosages in an
  #                F1 (note that in all 3 dims the dosage is 0:ploidy but the
  #                array indices are 1:(ploidy+1))
  #    $orig_ptype: character vector with the ptype for all populations
  #                 (including "p.nodata" for populations with no data)
  #    $orig_parents: an integer vector with all rows in pop.parents that are
  #                   parents of F1 populations
  #    $orig_nonparents: an integer vector with all rows in pop.parents that are
  #                      not parents of F1 populations (i.e. F1's or panels)
  #    $orig_F1s: an integer vector with all rows in pop.parents that are
  #               F1 populations
  #    $orig_panels: an integer vector with all rows in pop.parents that are
  #                  panels
  #    $orig_parPriorCols: NULL if no parentalPriors, else a matrix with one row
  #                  per F1 population and one column per parent, containing the
  #                  column in parentalPriors with the priors of that parent.
  #                  Optionally, with only one F1 population (i.e. the matrix
  #                  has only 1 row), there may be 2 columns for each parent.
  #                  The row names are the population IDs of the F1s. All
  #                  elements of the matrix are specified (no NA's)

  # In case population and pop.parents are not specified these components
  # get the values:
  #    $orig_population: data frame with the SampleNames and a column with only
  #                      1's, containing only the samples in dat
  #    $orig_pop.parents: matrix(c(NA, NA)), ncol=2) #1 row, no rownames
  #    $orig_parentalPriors: NULL
  #    other elements are not present in that case.
  #Note that it is an error if population contains values that do not match
  #any row of pop.parents, but that not all rows of pop.parents need to be
  #indexed in populations (i.e. pop.parents may specify additional populations
  #that are not used in population)

  nopopstruct <- function(samplenames) {
    list(orig_population = data.frame(SampleName = samplenames,
                                      Population = rep(1, length(samplenames))),
         orig_pop.parents = matrix(c(NA, NA), ncol=2,
                                   dimnames= list("1", c("P1", "P2"))),
         orig_ptype = ifelse(try.HW, "p.HW", "p.free"),
         orig_parents = integer(0),
         orig_nonparents = 1,
         orig_F1s = integer(0),
         orig_panels = 1,
         parPriorCols = NULL,
         segrArray = NA)
  } # nopopstruct within get.popstruct

  if (is.null(pop.parents) || is1NA(pop.parents)) {
    if ((!is.null(population) && !is1NA(population)) ||
        (!is.null(parentalPriors) && !is1NA(parentalPriors))) {
      return("population and parentalPriors may not be specified without pop.parents")
    } else return(nopopstruct(samplenames))

  #pop.parents not NULL or NA
  if (!(class(pop.parents) %in% c("data.frame", "matrix")))
    return("pop.parents should be a data.frame or matrix")
  if (is.null(population) || is1NA(population))
    return("population not specified while pop.parents is specified")
  if (!is.data.frame(population) ||
      length(population) != 2)
    return("population must be a data frame with 2 columns")
  if (anyNA(population[,1]) || anyNA(population[,2]))
    return("population contains NA values")
  if (length(unique(population[,1])) < nrow(population))
    return("population contains duplicate SampleNames")
  if (is.factor(population[,2])) {
    population[,2] <- as.character(population[,2]) #population IDs
    suppressWarnings( pop2num <- as.numeric(population[,2]) )
    if (!anyNA(pop2num)) population[,2] <- pop2num

  if (is.matrix(pop.parents)) {
    if (ncol(pop.parents) != 2)
      return("matrix pop.parents should have 2 columns")
    if (!all(population[,2] %in% 1:nrow(pop.parents)))
      return("population indexes non-existing rows in matrix pop.parents")
    #population and pop.parents are already matching integer / matrix;
    #therefore pop.parents should be ok without sorting,
    #but we check anyway:
    for (p in nrow(pop.parents)) {
      if(xor(is.na(pop.parents[p, 1]), is.na(pop.parents[p, 2])) ||
         (!is.na(pop.parents[p, 1]) && min(pop.parents[p,]) <= p) ) {
        #last line checks that all parents appear below their F1
        return("invalid matrix pop.parents")
    if (is.null(rownames(pop.parents)))
      rownames(pop.parents) <- 1:nrow(pop.parents)
    popstruct <- list(
        SampleName = samplenames,
        Population = population[match(samplenames, population[,1]), 2]),
    if (anyNA(popstruct$orig_population[, 2]))
      return("not all samples specified in population")
  } else {
    #pop.parents is a data.frame
    if (length(pop.parents) != 3 )
      return("data.frame pop.parents should have 3 columns")
    if (anyNA(pop.parents[,1]))
      return("NAs among population ID's in data.frame pop.parents")
    for (i in 1:3) {
      if (is.factor(pop.parents[,i]))
        pop.parents[,i] <- as.character(pop.parents[,i])
    if (length(unique(pop.parents[,1])) != nrow(pop.parents))
      return("duplicated population IDs in data.frame pop.parents")
    for (i in 2:3) {
      emptylines <- !is.na(pop.parents[,i]) & pop.parents[,i] == ""
      pop.parents[emptylines, i] <- NA
      nonna <- pop.parents[!is.na(pop.parents[, i]), i]
      if (anyNA(match(nonna, pop.parents[,1])))
      return("not all parental population IDs occur in data.frame pop.parents")
    if (any(xor(is.na(pop.parents[,2]), is.na(pop.parents[,3]))))
      return("all populations in data.frame pop.parents must have 0 or 2 parents")
    pop.parents <- sortPedigree(pop.parents, 1, 2, 3, parentsFirst=FALSE)
    if (is.character(pop.parents)) {
      #an error message was returned
      return(paste("invalid pop.parents:", pop.parents))
    #convert population and pop.parents to integer / matrix:
    poppar <- matrix(integer(2 * nrow(pop.parents)), ncol=2)
    rownames(poppar) <- pop.parents[,1]
    for (r in 1: nrow(pop.parents)) {
      if (is.na(pop.parents[r, 2])) {
        poppar[r,] <- c(NA, NA)
      } else {
        poppar[r, 1] <- which(pop.parents[,1] == as.character(pop.parents[r, 2]))
        poppar[r, 2] <- which(pop.parents[,1] == as.character(pop.parents[r, 3]))
    population[,2] <- match(population[,2], rownames(poppar))
    if (anyNA(population[,2]))
      return("not all population IDs in population occur in pop.parents")
    popstruct <- list(
        SampleName = samplenames,
        Population = population[match(samplenames, population[, 1]), 2]),
    if (anyNA(popstruct$orig_population[, 2]))
      return("not all samples specified in population")
  pop.parents <- popstruct$orig_pop.parents
  population <- popstruct$orig_population

  # add ptype:
  ptype <- rep(ifelse(try.HW, "p.HW", "p.free"),
               nrow(pop.parents)) #all pop are panels unless changed later
  ptype[unique(pop.parents)] <- "p.free" #parents of F1 populations
  for (r in 1: nrow(pop.parents)) {
    if (!is.na(pop.parents[r,1])) {
      #F1 population
      if (!any(population == pop.parents[r, 1]) ||
          !any(population == pop.parents[r, 2])) {
        return(paste("missing parental samples for F1 population",
      ptype[r] <- "p.F1"
    if (!any(population == r)) ptype[r] <- "p.nodata"
  popstruct$orig_ptype <- ptype

  #add some info about the original population structure:
  origpopcount <- nrow(popstruct$orig_pop.parents)
  popstruct$orig_parents <- sort(unique(as.integer(popstruct$orig_pop.parents)))
  popstruct$orig_parents <- popstruct$orig_parents[!is.na(popstruct$orig_parents)]
  popstruct$orig_nonparents <- setdiff(1:origpopcount, popstruct$orig_parents)
  popstruct$orig_F1s <- which(!is.na(popstruct$orig_pop.parents[,1]))
  popstruct$orig_panels <- setdiff(popstruct$orig_nonparents, popstruct$orig_F1s)
  #Note that some of the panels and F1s, but not the parents, may have "p.nodata";
  #ALL of the parents in pop.parents are sure to have some samples at this point

  if ("p.F1" %in% popstruct$orig_ptype) {
    if (ploidy %% 2 != 0) {
      return("F1 populations not allowed with odd ploidy")
    } else popstruct$segrArray <- addErrorProb(getPolysomicSegr(ploidy))
  } else popstruct$segrArray=NA

  #next we check the parentalPriors:
  if (is.null(parentalPriors) || is1NA(parentalPriors)) {
    #add a NULL orig_parPriorCols element to list:
    #popstruct$orig_parPriorCols <- NULL (does not work, deletes the element)
    popstruct <- c(popstruct, list(orig_parPriorCols=NULL))
  } else {
    if (length(popstruct$orig_F1s) == 0)
      return("parentalPriors may not be specified without F1 population")
    if (!is.data.frame(parentalPriors))
      return("parentalPriors should be a data.frame")
    if (names(parentalPriors)[1] != "MarkerName")
      return("name of 1st column of parentalPriors must be MarkerName")
    if (anyNA(parentalPriors$MarkerName) ||
        anyDuplicated(parentalPriors$MarkerName) > 0)
      return("no missing or duplicated MarkerNames allowed in parentalPriors")
    priorvals <- unique(as.vector(as.matrix(parentalPriors[,-1])))
    priorvals <- priorvals[!is.na(priorvals)]
    if (anyNA(match(priorvals, 0:ploidy)))
      return("parentalPriors contains values not in 0:ploidy")

    parnames <- rownames(pop.parents)[popstruct$orig_parents]
    parpriornames <- unique(names(parentalPriors)[-1])
    if (!setequal(parnames, parpriornames))
      return("names of parentalPriors don't match the F1 parents")
    #Note that with only 1 F1 population there may be 2 columns of priors per parent
    if (anyDuplicated(names(parentalPriors)[-1]) > 0) ncol <- 4 else ncol <- 2
    parPriorCols <- matrix(NA_integer_, ncol=ncol,
    if (ncol == 4) {
      if (length(popstruct$orig_F1s) > 1) {
        return("with multiple F1 populations, parentalPriors may have only one prior per parent")
      } else {
        pop <- popstruct$orig_F1s #one F1
        parent1cols <- which(names(parentalPriors) ==
                               row.names(pop.parents)[pop.parents[pop, 1]])
        parent2cols <- which(names(parentalPriors) ==
                               row.names(pop.parents)[pop.parents[pop, 2]])
        if (length(parent1cols) == 2 && length(parent2cols) == 2) {
          parPriorCols[1,] <- c(parent1cols, parent2cols)
        } else {
          return("with one F1 population, both parents should have 1 or both 2 columns in parentalPriors")
    } else {
      #ncol==2, each parent has 1 column in parentalPriors
      for (i in seq_along(popstruct$orig_F1s)) {
        pop <- popstruct$orig_F1s[i]
        for (par in 1:2) {
          parentcol <- which(names(parentalPriors) ==
                               row.names(pop.parents)[pop.parents[pop, par]])
          if (length(parentcol) == 1) parPriorCols[pop, par] <- parentcol
        if (anyNA(parPriorCols[pop,]))
          return("all F1 parents must have a column in parentalPriors")
        # else we may get lookup errors or need to do additional checking later
    popstruct$orig_parPriorCols <- parPriorCols
} #getOrigPopstruct

getMarkerPopstruct <- function(seldat, origpopstruct, try.HW, ng) {
  #Here we assign an alternative p.type where needed:
  #populations that have no data will get a ptype="p.nodata",
  #and F1 populations where one or both parents have no data will get
  #a ptype "p.HW" or "p.free" instead of "p.F1", changing them to panels for the
  #current marker;
  #also a p.start for each population is calculated
  #seldat: data frame as "data" argument of fitOneMarker with only the data
  #        for the current marker, with the samples with NA ratio already
  #        removed
  #origpopstruct: a list as returned by getOrigPopstruct
  #try.HW: logical; if TRUE, the ptype for panels will be "p.HW", else "p.free"
  #ng: number of genotypes (= ploidy + 1)
  #return value: a list with 3 components:
  # $curr_pop: the orig_population including only the samples in seldat
  # $curr_ptype: the orig_ptype modified if a population has no samples
  #              or no parent(s)
  # $curr_pstart: uniform 1/ng for all pop and all dosages

  pop <- origpopstruct$orig_population[match(seldat$SampleName,
                                         origpopstruct$orig_population[,1]), 2]
  #check - should never happen:
  if (anyNA(pop))
    stop(paste("pop contains NA at marker", seldat$MarkerName[1]))
  #pop now one column, in same order as seldat
  ptype <- origpopstruct$orig_ptype
  for (r in 1:nrow(origpopstruct$orig_pop.parents)) {
    if (ptype[r] != "p.nodata" && !any(pop == r)) ptype[r] <- "p.nodata"
  for (r in origpopstruct$orig_F1s) {
    if (ptype[r] == "p.F1" &&
        (ptype[origpopstruct$orig_pop.parents[r, 1]] == "p.nodata") ||
        (ptype[origpopstruct$orig_pop.parents[r, 2]] == "p.nodata"))
      # one or both parents no data, treat F1 as panel for this marker:
      ptype[r] <- ifelse(try.HW, "p.HW", "p.free")
  mrkpopstruct <- list()
  mrkpopstruct$curr_pop <- pop
  mrkpopstruct$curr_ptype <- ptype
  #default p.start, will be replaced if priors available:
  mrkpopstruct$curr_p.start <-
    matrix(1/ng, ncol=ng, nrow=nrow(origpopstruct$orig_pop.parents))
} #getMarkerPopstruct

getModelPopstruct <- function(model, origPopstruct, mrkPopstruct, ng) {
  #get population structure for current model to be used for CodomMarker:
  #if (nrow(origPopstruct$orig_pop.parents) == 1 || ((model - 1) %% 8) < 4) {
  if (((model - 1) %% 8) < 4) {
    #we use all populations (could be one as in old times), use popstruct$curr:
    list(population =  mrkPopstruct$curr_pop,
         pop.parents = origPopstruct$orig_pop.parents,
         nonparents =  origPopstruct$orig_nonparents,
         ptype =       mrkPopstruct$curr_ptype,
         p.start =     mrkPopstruct$curr_p.start,
         segrArray =   origPopstruct$segrArray,
         allcombined = FALSE)
  } else {
    #we have multiple populations (possibly one left) but here we combine all
    #samples into one:
    #ng <- dim(origPopstruct$segrArray)[3] #doesn't work as segrArray may not be calculated
    list(population =  rep(1, length(mrkPopstruct$curr_pop)),
         pop.parents = matrix(c(NA, NA), nrow=1),
         nonparents =  1,
         ptype =       "p.free",
         p.start =     matrix(1/ng, ncol=ng, nrow=1),
         segrArray =   origPopstruct$segrArray,
         allcombined = TRUE)
} #getModelPopstruct

find.dips.populations <- function(mat, pops, minflank=0.01, minfrac=0.1) {
  #mat: a matrix of ng fractions per row, one row for each population
  #pops: vector indicating which populations to analyze (the non-parent ones)
  #returns a vector with the dip positions in any of the non-parent populations

  find.dips <- function(x, minflank=0.01, minfrac=0.1) {
    #x is a vector of ng fractions summing to 1, of length >=3, without NA's
    #result: a vector with the positions of the dips in x, or integer(0) if none,
    #where a dip is calculated:
    #take the maximum fraction left and the maximum fraction right of the position;
    #take the smallest of these two flanking peaks, -> mintop
    #we recognize a dip at position i if
    #  mintop > minflank (i.e. at both sides of i there is a sizeable peak), and
    #  x[i] < (1-minfrac) * mintop (i.e. x[i] is substantially smaller
    #                             than the lowest flanking peak)
    lx <- length(x)
    top1 <- rep(NA, lx-2); top2 <- top1
    for (i in 2:(lx-1)) {
      top1[i-1] <- max(x[1:(i-1)])  #max x below i
      top2[i-1] <- max(x[(i+1):lx]) #max x above i
    mintop <- pmin(top1, top2)  #pmin is "parallel minimum", length=lx-2
    depth <- (mintop - x[2:(lx-1)]) / mintop # depth as fraction of mintop; <=0: no dip
    dips <- (mintop > minflank) & (depth > minfrac)
    which(dips) + 1 #add 1 since vector dips corresponds to x[2 : (lx-1)]
  } #find.dips within find.dips.populations

  dips <-integer(0)
  #print(paste("pops=",paste(pops, collapse=" ")," nrow(mat)=",nrow(mat)))
  for (p in pops) dips <- union(dips, find.dips(mat[p,], minflank, minfrac))
} #find.dips.populations

is1NA <- function(x) {
  class(x)[1] %in% c("logical", "integer", "numeric", "character") &&
    length(x) == 1 && is.na(x)

#'@title A function to convert a set of mixture means from one ploidy to another
#'@description convertStartmeans takes a set of means at one ploidy level (e.g.
#'the fitted means for a tetraploid data set)
#'and uses them to generate a set of means for another ploidy level (e.g. as
#'startmeans for fitting triploid data for the same markers).
#'@usage convertStartmeans(ploidy, origmeans)
#'@param ploidy The ploidy to which the means must be converted.
#'@param origmeans A data.frame with a first column MarkerName, followed
#'by <oldploidy+1> columns (names are ignored) that contain the ratio means
#'for dosages 0 to <oldploidy>. Column MarkerName may not contain missing values.
#'On each row the other columns must either all contain NA, or only non-NA
#'values between 0 and 1 in strictly ascending order.
#'@return A data.frame like origmeans with the same column MarkerName, now
#'followed by <ploidy+1> columns with the new means.
#'@details The new means are calculated by linear interpolation between the old
#'means on the asin(sqrt(x)) transformed scale and back-transformed to the
#'original scale; the new means for dosage 0 are equal to the old, and the
#'new means for dosage <ploidy> are equal to the old means for dosage
#'# means from tetraploid data set:
#'tetrameans <- data.frame(MarkerName=c("mrk1", "mrk2"), mu0=c(0.02, 0.0),
#'mu1=c(0.2, 0.25), mu2=c(0.3, 0.5), mu3=c(0.4, 0.75), mu4=c(0.6, 1.0))
#'# convert to means for triploid data set:
#'trimeans <- convertStartmeans(ploidy=3, origmeans=tetrameans)
convertStartmeans <- function(ploidy, origmeans) {
  #This is an exported user function that allows to obtain e.g. startmeans for
  #a triploid sample set based on fitted models from a tetraploid sample set.
  #obtain the new (ploidy+1) start means by linear interpolation among the
  #(oldploidy+1) original means (interpolation on the asin(sqrt(x) transformed
  #scale,input and output on non-transformed scale)
  #ploidy: target ploidy
  #origmeans: data frame with columns MarkerName and (oldploidy+1) means
  #           (on non-transformed scale)
  #return value: as origmeans but now with (ploidy+1) instead of (oldploidy+1)
  #              means after the MarkerName column
  if (!is.data.frame(origmeans) || length(origmeans) < 3)
    stop("convertStartmeans: invalid origmeans")
  if (names(origmeans)[1] != "MarkerName")
    stop("convertStartmeans: name of first column must be MarkerName")
  if (length(unique(origmeans[, 1])) != nrow(origmeans))
    stop("convertStartmeans: duplicate marker names in origmeans")
  ploidy <- as.integer(ploidy)
  if (length(ploidy) != 1 || ploidy < 2)
    stop("convertStartmeans: invalid ploidy")
  origmeans[, 2:length(origmeans)] <-
    asin(sqrt(origmeans[, 2:length(origmeans)]))
  origploidy <- length(origmeans)-2
  origdose <- (0:origploidy)/origploidy
  result <- matrix(NA_real_, ncol=ploidy+1, nrow=nrow(origmeans))
  result[, 1] <- origmeans[, 2]
  result[, ploidy+1] <- origmeans[, length(origmeans)]
  for (i in 2:(ploidy)) {
    dose <- (i-1)/ploidy - 1e-8
    startinterval <- which.max(origdose > dose) - 1
    result[, i] <- origmeans[, startinterval+1] +
      (dose-origdose[startinterval]) * origploidy *
      (origmeans[, startinterval+2] - origmeans[, startinterval+1])
  sinmeans <- sin(result)
  data.frame(MarkerName=origmeans[, 1],
} #convertStartmeans

get.pHW <- function(ploidy, allelefrqB) {
  #allelefrqB: allele frequency of the B (or Y) allele
  #return value: numeric vector of length (ploidy+1) with the HW probabilities
  #of dosages 0:ploidy
  dbinom(0:ploidy, ploidy, allelefrqB)
} #get.pHW

get.ps <- function(origPopstruct, mrkPopstruct, parentalPriors){
  #parentalPriors is (here) a matrix with one row per F1 and two columns with
  #the priors (one for each parent, one or both may be NA)
  #return value: a modified version of mrkPopstruct with:
  # $curr_p.start: a matrix with for each population in origPopstruct$orig_pop.parents
  #                one row with the ploidy+1 p's to be used as start.p
  #                For parents with a prior available: p=0.98 for the prior,
  #                rest for other dosages
  #                For F1's with both parents known: use the polysomic prediction,
  #                but if that is monomorphic, do as for the parents
  #                For F1's with one parental prior known: use HW ratios based
  #                on the allele freq of the parents, assuming the unknown parent
  #                has dosage ploidy/2
  #                For all other cases (parents without prior, F1's with both
  #                parents unknown, panels): use uniform p's (1/(ploidy+1)
  #                for all dosages)
  # $curr_ptype:   For all parents with a known prior (even if the other parent
  #                of an F1 has no known prior), change from p.free to p.fixed,
  #                Also for F1s with 2 parents with known prior change to p.fixed
  ng <- ncol(mrkPopstruct$curr_p.start)
  ploidy <- ng - 1
  for (f1 in seq_along(origPopstruct$orig_F1s)) {
    parpri <- parentalPriors[f1,] #becomes a vector
    F1pop <- origPopstruct$orig_F1s[f1]
    parents <- origPopstruct$orig_pop.parents[F1pop,] #becomes a vector
    #set the p.start and ptype for the parents:
    for (par in 1:2) {
      if (is.na(parpri[par])) {
        if (mrkPopstruct$curr_ptype[parents[par]] != "p.nodata")
          mrkPopstruct$curr_ptype[parents[par]] <- "p.free"
      } else {
        mrkPopstruct$curr_p.start[parents[par],] <- #as.integer(0:ploidy == parpri[par])
          #getPriorP(ploidy, parpri[par])
          addErrorProb(0 + ((0:ploidy) == parpri[par]))
        if (mrkPopstruct$curr_ptype[parents[par]] != "p.nodata")
          mrkPopstruct$curr_ptype[parents[par]] <- "p.fixed"
    #set the p.start for the F1 populations:
    #whether parental data (ratios) are available or not, we can still use
    #the parental priors to get a better p.start:
    if (sum(is.na(parpri)) == 1) {
      #one parent prior known, set p.start for F1 to HW ratios
      #where the allele freq is calculated with unknown prior set to ploidy/2:
      mrkPopstruct$curr_p.start[F1pop,] <-
                allelefrqB=(sum(parpri, na.rm=TRUE) + (ploidy/2)) / (2*ploidy))
    } else if (!anyNA(parpri)) {
      #priors for both parents known
      mrkPopstruct$curr_p.start[F1pop,] <-
        origPopstruct$segrArray[parpri[1]+1, parpri[2]+1,]
      mrkPopstruct$curr_ptype[F1pop] <- "p.fixed"
  } #for f1
  #we don't assign HW probabilities to panels as we have no idea of the
  #allele freq (so leave them as uniform probabilities):
} # get.ps

calcMus <- function(seldat, priorcomb, priorcomb_index,
                   origpopstruct, mrkpopstruct,
                   samplepriors, startmus, ng) {
  #seldat: data frame with the selected data (no NA ratios)
  #priorcomb: NA, or the list of parental priors matrices returned by
  #           getPriorCombinations: each with one row per F1, 1 column
  #           per parent
  #priorcomb_index: which of these matrices to use, (ignored if priorcomb is NA)
  #origpopstruct: a list as returned by getOrigPopstruct
  #mrkpopstruct: a list as returned by getMarkerPopstruct; the $population
  #              member matches the ratios in seldat (same order)
  #samplepriors: NA, or the row of the original samplePriors data.frame for the
  #              current marker, with the first column (MarkerName) omitted
  #startmus: NA, or a vector of ng mus for the current marker
  #ng: ploidy+1
  #If non-missing startmus are given these are used instead of deriving
  #startmus from priors and ratios.
  #Else first the priors and ratios from priorcomb and samplepriors are
  #combined into one data frame (where the samplepriors overwrite the priorcomb)
  #and this is used to calculate means for the dosages.
  #If there is only one prior dosage it is still used to fix one of the mus
  #If the priors are too strange or there are no priors, NA is returned

  if (!is.null(startmus) && !is1NA(startmus)) return(startmus)
  #assemble the parentalPriors and samplePriors into two matching vectors:
  dosages <- ratios <- numeric(0)
  #first parentalPriors:
  if (length(priorcomb) > 0) {
    prico <- priorcomb[[priorcomb_index]]
    for (f1 in seq_along(origpopstruct$orig_F1s)) {
      F1pop <- origpopstruct$orig_F1s[f1]
      for (par in 1:2) {
        dos <- prico[f1, par] #prior dosage of parent par of F1-population f1
        if (!is.na(dos)) {
          parpop <- origpopstruct$orig_pop.parents[F1pop, par]
          parrat <- seldat$ratio[mrkpopstruct$curr_pop == parpop]
          dosages <- c(dosages, rep(dos, length(parrat)))
          ratios <- c(ratios, parrat)
  #next samplepriors:
  if (!is.null(samplepriors) && !is1NA(samplepriors) &&
      (!is.list(priorcomb) || length(priorcomb) == 1)) {
    #we use (also) the samplepriors (we can be sure that
    #even if there are 2 priors per parent in the data set, only one (max) of
    #each is not NA)
    for (i in 1:length(samplepriors)) {
      samprat <- seldat$ratio[seldat$SampleName == names(samplepriors)[i]]
      if (length(samprat) == 1) {
        ratios <- c(ratios, samprat)
        dosages <- c(dosages, samplepriors[1, i])
  noNA <- !is.na(ratios) & !is.na(dosages)
  if (sum(noNA) == 0) return(NA)

  #calculate startmus from priors and dosages:
  dosages <- dosages[noNA]
  ratios <- asin(sqrt(ratios[noNA]))
  pi2002 <- pi/2 - 0.02
  skewlimit <- 0.3 #if all mus below skewlimit or above pi/2-skewlimit return NA
  uniqdos <- sort(unique(dosages))
  if (length(uniqdos) > 1) {
    #based on regression, take out-of-range estimates from initmus
    #Alternative: calculate mean for each dosage, interpolate dosages
    #that have no priors. Advantage: better fit for non-linear response. But
    #we don't do that as some means may be represented by more samples,
    #regression takes weights into account.
    coefs <- tryCatch(lm(ratios~dosages)$coefficients,
                      error=function(e) c(-1, -1))
    if (coefs[2] <= 0) return(NA) #negative slope
    mus <- coefs[1] + (0:(ng-1) * coefs[2])
    if (mus[1] > pi/2-skewlimit || mus[ng] < skewlimit) return(NA)
    lo <- mus < 0.02 #first mu should be >= 0.02
    if (any(lo))
      mus[lo] <- seq(0.02, mus[!lo][1], length.out=sum(lo)+1)[1:sum(lo)]
    hi <- mus > pi2002 #last mu should be <= p2002
    if (any(hi))
      mus[hi] <- seq(mus[ng-sum(hi)], pi2002, length.out=sum(hi)+1)[-1]
  } else {
    #length(uniqdos) == 1)
    mus <- numeric(ng)
    mus[uniqdos+1] <- mean(ratios)
    if ((mus[uniqdos+1] <= 0.02) ||
        (mus[uniqdos+1] >= pi2002) ||
        (uniqdos == 0 && mus[1] > pi/2 - skewlimit) ||
        (uniqdos == ng-1 && mus[ng] < skewlimit))
    #we distribute the mus to each side equally.
    if (uniqdos > 0)
      mus[1:uniqdos] <-
        seq(0.02, mus[uniqdos+1], length.out=uniqdos+1)[1:uniqdos]
    if (uniqdos < (ng - 1))
      mus[(uniqdos+2):ng] <-
        seq(mus[uniqdos+1], pi2002, length.out = ng - uniqdos)[-1]
} #calcMus

getPriorCombinations <- function(priorCols, parPriors) {
  #priorCols: matrix parPriorCols from popstruct: for each F1 one row,
  #           2 or 4 columns (1 or 2 per parent)
  #parPriors: the row of parentalPriors for the current marker
  #return value: a list with matrices, each matrix has one row per (original)
  #F1 and one column for each parents. Contents are the prior
  #dosages of each parent.
  #If there are no original F1's, there are no priorCols and this function
  #is not called.
  #If there are no parPriors (NULL, or data frame with 0 rows) an empty list
  #is returned.
  #If priorCols has only one column per parent, the results is either an empty
  #list (if all priors for all F1 parents are NA) or a list with one matrix.
  #Note that on each row of the matrix 0, 1 or both priors can be NA.
  #If priorCols has two columns per parent, there can be only one F1 so
  #priorCols has only one row. The results is an empty list (if both priors for
  #both parents are NA) or a list with 1 to 4 one-row matrices. Only the
  #combinations where not both parents have an NA prior are generated.
  #TODO: we now allow rows with one missing prior, check if it is needed to have
  #      only both priors present or both absent
  result <- list()
  if (is.null(parPriors) || nrow(parPriors) != 1) return(result)
  if (ncol(priorCols) == 2) {
    #one prior per parent, multiple F1s(rows of priorCols) possible:
    result[[1]] <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=nrow(priorCols), ncol=2)
    for (f1 in 1:nrow(priorCols)) for (p in 1:2) {
      result[[1]][f1, p] <- parPriors[, priorCols[f1, p]]
    #result[[1]][rowSums(is.na(result[[1]])) > 0,] <- c(NA, NA) #only if we don't allow one known prior
    if (all(is.na(result[[1]]))) result <- list()
  # one F1, each parent 2 columns of priors (which might be NA for this marker)
  # if one parent has one or two priors and the other none, give these;
  # else give only the combinations of known priors
  parpri <- list()
  for (parent in 1:2) {
    if (parent == 1) parcols <- priorCols[,1:2] else parcols <- priorCols[,3:4]
    parpri[[parent]] <- unlist(parPriors[,parcols])
    parpri[[parent]] <- parpri[[parent]][!is.na(parpri[[parent]])]
  if (length(parpri[[1]]) == 0) {
    #if we only allow both parents non-missing, omit this
    for (i in seq_along(parpri[[2]])) {
      result[[i]] <- matrix(c(NA, parpri[[2]][i]), nrow=1)
  } else {
    if (length(parpri[[2]]) == 0) {
      #if we only allow both parents non-missing, omit this
      for (i in seq_along(parpri[[1]])) {
        result[[i]] <- matrix(c(parpri[[1]][i], NA), nrow=1)
    } else {
      #both parents have non-missing priors
      i <- 0
      for (p1 in seq_along(parpri[[1]])) for (p2 in seq_along(parpri[[2]])) {
        i <- i+1
        result[[i]] <- matrix(c(parpri[[1]][p1], parpri[[2]][p2]), nrow=1)
  result #can be empty list but not NA
} #getPriorCombinations

#'@title Function to fit multiple mixture models to signal ratios of a single
#'bi-allelic marker
#'@description This function takes a data frame with allele signal ratios for
#'multiple bi-allelic markers and samples, and fits multiple mixture models to
#'a selected marker. It returns a list, reporting on the performance of these
#'models, selecting the best one based on the BIC criterion, optionally
#'plotting results.

#'@usage fitOneMarker(ploidy, marker, data, diplo=NULL, select=TRUE,
#'diploselect=TRUE, pop.parents=NULL, population=NULL, parentalPriors=NULL,
#'samplePriors=NULL, startmeans=NULL, maxiter=40, maxn.bin=200, nbin=200,
#'sd.threshold=0.1, p.threshold=0.99, call.threshold=0.6, peak.threshold=0.85,
#'try.HW=TRUE, dip.filter=1, sd.target=NA,
#'plot="none", plot.type="png", plot.dir, sMMinfo=NULL)
#'@param ploidy The ploidy level, 2 or higher: 2 for diploids, 3 for triploids
#'@param marker A marker name of number. Used to select the data for one marker,
#'referring to the MarkerName column of parameter data. If a number, the number
#'of the marker based on alphabetic order of the MarkerNames in data.
#'@param data A data frame with the polyploid samples, with (at least) columns
#'MarkerName, SampleName and ratio, where ratio is the Y-allele signal
#'divided by the sum of the X- and Y-allele signals: ratio == Y/(X+Y)
#'@param diplo NULL or a data frame like data, with the diploid samples and (a subset
#'of) the same markers as in data. Genotypic scores for diploid samples are
#'calculated according to the best-fitting model calculated for the polyploid
#'samples and therefore may range from 0 (nulliplex) to <ploidy>, with the
#'expected dosages 0 and <ploidy> for the homozygotes and <ploidy/2> for the
#'Note that diplo can also be used for any other samples that need to be
#'scored, but that should not affect the fitted models.
#'@param select A logical vector, recycled if shorter than nrow(data):
#'indicates which rows of data are to be used (default TRUE, i.e. keep all rows)
#'@param diploselect A logical vector like select, matching diplo instead of data
#'@param pop.parents NULL or a data.frame specifying the population structure. The
#'data frame has 3 columns: the first containing population IDs, the 2nd and 3rd
#'with the population IDs of the parents of these populations (if F1's) or NA
#'(if not). The poopulation IDs should match those in parameter population. If
#'pop.parents is NULL all samples are considered to be in one population, and
#'parameter population should also be NULL (default).
# Alternative, in case fitOneMarker is called from saveMarkerModels:
# a matrix with 2 columns and 1 row per population; the cells contain the row
# numbers of the parental populations in case of an F1 and NA otherwise. The
# rownames are the population ISd, and the rows must be sorted such that all
# F1s occur above their parental populations.
#'@param population NULL or a data.frame specifying to which population each
#'sample belongs. The data frame has two columns, the first containing
#'the SampleName (containing all SampleNames occurring in data),
#'the second column containing population IDs that match pop.parents. In both
#'columns NA values are not allowed. Parameters pop.parents and population
#'should both be NULL (default) or both be specified.
# Alternative, in case fitOneMarker is called from saveMarkerModels and pop.parents
# is a matrix: then the second column of population should contain integers
# indexing the pop.parents rows.
#'@param parentalPriors NULL or a data frame specifying the prior dosages for
#'the parental populations. The data frame has one column MarkerName
#'followed by one column for each F1 parental population. Column names (except
#'first) are population IDs matching the parental populations in pop.parents.
#'In case there is just one F1 population in pop.parents, it is possible to
#'have two columns for both parental populations instead of one (allowing two
#'specify two different prior dosages); in that case both columns for each
#'parent have the same caption. Each row specifies the priors for
#'one marker. The contents of the data frame are dosages, as integers from 0
#'to <ploidy>; NA values are allowed.\cr
#'Note: when reading the data frame with read.table or read.csv, set
#'check.names=FALSE so column names (population IDs) are not changed.
#'@param samplePriors NULL or a data.frame specifying prior dosages for individual
#'samples. The first column called MarkerName is followed by one column per
#'sample; not all samples in data need to have a column here, only
#'those samples for which prior dosages for one or more markers are available.
#'Each row specifies the priors for one marker. The contents of the data frame
#'are dosages, as integers from 0 to <ploidy>; NA values are allowed.\cr
#'Note: when reading the data frame with read.table or read.csv, set
#'check.names=FALSE so column names (population IDs) are not changed.
#'@param startmeans NULL or a data.frame specifying the prior means of
#'the mixture distributions. The data frame has one column MarkerName,
#'followed by <ploidy+1> columns with the prior means on the original
#'(untransformed) scale. Each row specifies the
#'means for one marker in strictly ascending order (all means NA is allowed, but
#'markers without start means can also be omitted).
#'@param maxiter A single integer, passed to CodomMarker, see there for explanation
#'@param maxn.bin A single integer, passed to CodomMarker, see there for explanation
#'@param nbin A single integer, passed to CodomMarker, see there for explanation
#'@param sd.threshold The maximum value allowed for the (constant) standard
#'deviation of each peak  on the arcsine - square root transformed scale,
#'default 0.1. If the optimal model has a larger standard deviation the marker
#'is rejected. Set to a large value (e.g. 1) to disable this filter.
#'@param p.threshold The minimum P-value required to assign a genotype (dosage)
#'to a sample; default 0.99. If the P-value for all possible genotypes is less
#'than p.threshold the sample is assigned genotype NA. Set to 1 to disable
#'this filter.
#'@param call.threshold The minimum fraction of samples to have genotypes
#'assigned ("called"); default 0.6. If under the optimal model the fraction of
#'"called" samples is less than call.threshold the marker is rejected. Set to 0
#'to disable this filter.
#'@param peak.threshold The maximum allowed fraction of the scored samples that
#'are in one peak; default 0.85. If any of the possible genotypes (peaks in the
#'ratio histogram) contains more than peak.threshold of the samples the marker
#'is rejected (because the remaining samples offers too little information for
#'reliable model fitting).
#'@param try.HW Logical: if TRUE (default), try models with and without a
#'constraint on the mixing proportions according to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
#'ratios. If FALSE, only try models without this constraint. Even when the HW
#'assumption is not applicable, setting try.HW to TRUE often still leads to
#'a better model. For more details on how try.HW is used see the Details
#'@param dip.filter if 1 (default), select best model only from models
#'that do not have a dip (a lower peak surrounded by higher peaks: these are not
#'expected under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium or in cross progenies). If all
#'fitted models have a dip still the best of these is selected. If 2, similar,
#'but if all fitted models have a dip the marker is rejected. If 0, select best
#'model among all fitted models, including those with a dip.
#'@param sd.target If the fitted standard deviation of the peaks on the
#'transformed scale is larger than sd.target a penalty is given (see Details);
#'default NA i.e. no penalty is given.
#'@param plot String, "none" (default), "fitted" or "all". If "fitted" a plot
#'of the best fitting model and the assigned genotypes is saved with filename
#'<marker number><marker name>.<plot.type>, preceded by "rejected_" if the
#'marker was rejected. If "all", small plots of all models are saved to files
#'(8 per file) with filename
#'<"plots"><marker number><A..F><marker name>.<plot.type> in addition to the
#'plot of the best fitting model.
#'@param plot.type String, "png" (default), "emf", "svg" or "pdf". Indicates
#'format for saving the plots.
#'@param plot.dir String, the directory where to save the plot files. Must be
#'specified if plot is not "none". Set this to "" to save plot files
#'in the current working directory.
#'@param sMMinfo NULL (default), for internal use only. Prevents unneeded checking
#'and recalculation of input parameters when called from saveMarkerModels.
#'@details fitOneMarker fits a series of mixture models for the given marker by
#'repeatedly calling CodomMarker and selects the optimal one. The initial
#'models vary according to the values of try.HW, pop.parents,
#'parentalPriors, samplePriors and startmeans:
#'  \item no pop.parents, try.HW FALSE: 4 models with different constraints
#'   on the means (different or equal X and Y background signal, ratio a linear or
#'   quadratic function of dosage), no restrictions on the mixing proportions
#'   (the fractions of samples in each dosage peak)
#'  \item no pop.parents, try.HW TRUE: The previous 4 models are fitted and
#'  also 4 models with the same restrictions on the means and the mixing
#'  proportions restricted to Hardy-Weinberg ratios (assuming polysomic
#'  inheritance)
#'  \item pop.parents specified, no parentalPriors / samplePriors / startmeans,
#'  try.HW FALSE: 4 models
#'  are fitted with the same restrictions on the means as above, but with
#'  different restrictions on the mixing proportions for each population:
#'  no restriction on parental populations, none on accession panels, polysomic
#'  F1 segregation ratios on F1 populations. Additionally 4 models are fitted
#'  with all samples considered as one population, with the same 4 models for
#'  the means and no restrictions on mixing proportions.
#'  \item pop.parents specified, no parentalPriors / samplePriors / startmeans,
#'  try.HW TRUE: 4 models
#'  are fitted with the same restrictions on the means as above, but with
#'  different restrictions on the mixing proportions for each population:
#'  no restriction on parental populations, HW-ratios for accession panels,
#'  polysomic F1 segregation ratios on F1 populations. Additionally 4 models
#'  are fitted with all samples considered as one population, with the same 4
#'  models for the means and mixing proportions according to HW ratios.
#'  \item pop.parents and parentalPriors specified, try.HW FALSE: 4 models
#'  are fitted with the same restrictions on the means as above, but with
#'  different restrictions on the mixing proportions for each population:
#'  no restriction on parental populations and the accession panels,
#'  polysomic F1 segregation ratios on F1 populations ignoring the parental
#'  priors. Additionally 4 models are fitted with the same restrictions on the
#'  means and mixing proportions of the accession panels, but where the
#'  mixing proportions of the parental populations are set to (almost) 1 for
#'  the prior dosage and (almost) 0 for all other dosages, and those for the
#'  F1 populations to the polysomic segregation ratios expected for the
#'  parental priors.
#'  \item pop.parents and parentalPriors specified, try.HW TRUE: same as with
#'  try.HW FALSE, except that the mixing proportions of accession panels are now
#'  restricted to HW ratios.
#'  \item if parentalPriors and/or samplePriors are specified, these and the
#'  signal ratios of the corresponding samples are (also) used to estimate starting
#'  values of the mixture component means in the EM algorithm. Alternatively
#'  startmeans can be specified directly.
#'Because convergence to the optimal solution often fails, the models are fitted
#'with several start values for the <ploidy+1> means of the mixture
#'distributions: (1) based on initial clustering of the ratios, (2) based on
#'a uniform distribition from 0.02 to pi/2-0.02 on the asin(sqrt(x)) scale,
#'and (3) if startmeans are specified or can be calculated from samplePriors
#'and/or parentalPriors these are used for a third set of model fits.\cr
#'The main difference between parentalPriors and samplePriors is that
#'parentalPriors are treated as fixed (and if both parents of an F1 population
#'have priors, the F1 segregation is also fixed) while samplePriors are only
#'used to calculate starting ratio means for each dosage. Depending on the
#'confidence the user has in the prior dosages of the parents they can be
#'supplied as parentalPriors or samplePriors.
#'In some cases an additional fit is performed with a modified set of initial
#'An optimal model is selected based on the Bayesian Information Criterium
#'(BIC), which takes into account the Log-Likelihood and the number of fitted
#'parameters of the models. If sd.target is specified and the standard
#'deviation of the mixture model components is larger than this target a
#'penalty is applied, making is less likely that that model is selected.\cr
#'The plots consist of one histogram per (non-parent) population showing the
#'frequency distribution of the signal ratios of the samples in that population.
#'The fitted model is shown in green (density and means), and for F1 populations
#'the samples of parent 1 and 2 are shown as red and blue triangles.\cr
#'If diplodata are present, a histogram for the diploid samples is plotted
#'in the top histogram (diploid bars are narrower and gray). The diploid bars
#'are scaled so the maximum bar is half the maximum polyploid bar. At the
#'bottom of the plot for the fitted model a rug plot shows the scores of each
#'sample, while the bottom (red) samples are unscored.
#'@return A list with components:
#'  \item{log}{A character vector with the lines of the log text.}
#'  \item{modeldata}{A data frame as allmodeldata (see below) with only the
#'  one row with data on the selected model.}
#'  \item{allmodeldata}{A data frame with for each tried model one row with
#'  the marker number, marker name, number of samples and (if the marker is
#'  not rejected) data of the fitted model (see below).}
#'  \item{scores}{A data frame with the name and data for all samples
#'  (including NA's for the samples that were not selected, see parameter
#'  select), with columns:\cr
#'  marker (the sequential number of the marker (based on alphabetic
#'  order of the marker names in data)\cr
#'  MarkerName\cr
#'  SampleName\cr
#'  ratio (the given ratio from parameter data)\cr
#'  P0 .. P<ploidy> (the probabilities that this sample belongs to each of the
#'  <ploidy+1> mixture components)\cr
#'  maxgeno (0..ploidy, the genotype = mixture component with the highest P
#'  value)\cr
#'  maxP (the P value for this genotype)\cr
#'  geno (the assigned genotype number: same as maxgeno, or NA if
#'  maxP < p.threshold).}
#'  \item{diploscores}{A data frame like scores for the samples in the data
#'  frame supplied with argument diplo. If diplo is NA also diploscores will be
#'  NA.}
#'The modeldata and allmodeldata data frames present data on a fitted model.
#'modeldata presents data on the selected model; allmodeldata lists all
#'attempted models. Both data frames contain the following columns:
#'  \item{marker}{the sequential number of the marker (based on alphabetic
#'  order of the marker names in data)}
#'  \item{MarkerName}{the name of the marker}
#'  \item{m}{the number of the fitted model}
#'  \item{model}{the type of the fitted model. Possible values are "b1", "b2", "b1,q",
#'  "b2,q", each by itself or followed by "HW" or "pop". The first 4 refer to
#'  the models for the mixture means: b1 and b2 indicate 1 or 2
#'  parameters for signal background, q indicates that a quadratic term in the
#'  signal response was fitted as well. HW and pop refer to the restrictions on
#'  the mixing proportions: HW indicates that the mixing proportions were
#'  constrained according to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium ratios in case of only
#'  one population, pop indicates that multiple populations were fitted (see
#'  Details section). For more details see Voorrips et al (2011),
#'  doi:10.1186/1471-2105-12-172.}
#'  \item{nsamp}{the number of samples for this marker for which select==TRUE,
#'  i.e. the number on which the call rate is based.}
#'  \item{nsel}{the number of these samples that have a non-NA ratio value}
#'  \item{npar}{the number of free parameters fitted}
#'  \item{iter}{the number of iterations to reach convergence}
#'  \item{dip}{whether the model had a dip (a smaller peak surrounded by
#'  larger peaks): 0=no, 1=yes}
#'  \item{LL}{the log-likelihood of the model}
#'  \item{AIC}{Akaike's Information Criterion}
#'  \item{BIC}{Bayesian Information Criterion}
#'  \item{selcrit}{the selection criterion; the model with the lowest selcrit
#'  is selected. If argument sd.target is NA selcrit is equal to BIC, else
#'  selcrit is larger than BIC if the standard deviation of the mixture
#'  components is larger than sd.target; see Details for details.}
#'  \item{minsepar}{a measure of the minimum peak separation. Each difference
#'  of the means of two successive mixture components is divided by the average
#'  of the standard deviations of the two components. The minimum of the
#'  values is reported. All calculations are on the arcsine-square root
#'  transformed scale.}
#'  \item{meanP}{For each sample the maximum probability of belonging to any
#'  mixture component is calculated. The average of these P values is reported
#'  in meanP}
#'  \item{P80 .. P99}{the fraction of samples that have a probability of at
#'  least 0.80 .. 0.99 to belong to one of the mixture components (by default a
#'  level of 0.99 is required to assign a genotype score to a sample)}
#'  \item{muact0 ..}{the actual means of the samples in each of
#'  the  mixture components for dosages 0 .. <ploidy> on the transformed scale}
#'  \item{sdact0 ..}{the actual standard deviations of the samples in each of
#'  the  mixture components for dosages 0 .. <ploidy> on the transformed scale}
#'  \item{mutrans0 ..}{the means of the mixture components for dosages 0 ..
#'  <ploidy> on the transformed scale}
#'  \item{sdtrans0 ..}{the standard deviations of the mixture components for
#'  dosages 0 .. <ploidy> on the transformed scale}
#'  \item{P0 ..}{the mixing proportions of the mixture components for dosages
#'  0 to <ploidy>. If multiple populations are specified there are two
#'  possibilities: (1) the specified population structure is used in the
#'  current model; then for each population the mixing proportions are given
#'  as <npop> sequences of <ploidy+1> fractions, or (2) the population
#'  structure is ignored for the current model, the mixing proportions are given
#'  in the first sequence of <ploidy+1> fractions and all following sequences
#'  are filled with NA. The the item names are adapted to have the
#'  population names between the P and the dosage}
#'  \item{mu0 ..}{the model means of the <ploidy+1> mixture components
#'  back-transformed to the original scale}
#'  \item{sd0 ..}{the model standard deviations of the <ploidy+1> mixture
#'  components back-transformed to the original scale}
#'  \item{message}{if no model was fitted or the model was rejected, the reason
#'  is reported here}
#' \donttest{
#'  # These examples run for a total of about 9 sec.
#'  data(fitPoly_data)
#'  # triploid, no specified populations
#'  fp <- fitOneMarker(ploidy=3, marker="mrk039",
#'                     data=fitPoly_data$ploidy3$dat3x)
#'  # tetraploid, specified populations
#'  # plot of the fitted model saved in tempdir()
#'  fp <- fitOneMarker(ploidy=4, marker=2,
#'                     data=fitPoly_data$ploidy4$dat4x,
#'                     population=fitPoly_data$ploidy4$pop4x,
#'                     pop.parents=fitPoly_data$ploidy4$pop.par4x,
#'                     plot="fitted",
#'                     plot.dir=paste0(tempdir(),"/fpPlots4x"))
#'  # hexaploid, specified populations, start values for means,
#'  # plot of the fitted model saved in tempdir()
#'  fp <- fitOneMarker(ploidy=6, marker=1,
#'                     data=fitPoly_data$ploidy6$dat6x,
#'                     population=fitPoly_data$ploidy6$pop6x,
#'                     pop.parents=fitPoly_data$ploidy6$pop.par6x,
#'                     startmeans=fitPoly_data$ploidy6$startmeans6x,
#'                     plot="fitted", plot.dir=paste0(tempdir(),"/fpPlots6x"))
#' }
fitOneMarker <- function (
  marker, #one integer (index to markernames) or one character string
  #        or, if called from saveMarkerModels, a list with number and name
  #        of one marker in data
  data, diplo=NULL,
  select=TRUE, diploselect=TRUE, # by default all samples of polyploids and diploids selected
  maxiter=40, maxn.bin=200, nbin=200,
  sd.threshold=0.1, p.threshold=0.99,
  call.threshold=0.6, peak.threshold=0.85,
  try.HW=TRUE, dip.filter=1,
  sd.target=NA, #not NULL
  plot="none", plot.type="png", plot.dir,
  sMMinfo=NULL) {

  # version with populations:
  # try.HW has a different effect depending on whether there is a
  # population / pop.parents combination with more than one population.
  # If there is not, the effect of try.HW remains unchanged:
  # the first 4 of each set of 8 models (the ones with p.HW) are skipped if
  # try.HW is FALSE
  # If the population / pop.parents combination has more than one
  # population: in each set of 8 models the first four take the populations
  # into account, and here the "association panels" are analyzed with p.HW if
  # try.HW is TRUE, else with p.free. The second four models do not use the
  # populations, and use p.free for the total set of samples irrespective of
  # the try.HW value.

  mrkresult <- NULL
  rejected <- FALSE
  nselsamp <- NA
  seldat <- NULL
  diplonames <- NULL

  if (is.null(sMMinfo)) {
    #not called from saveMarkerModels, check input

    if (!(class(ploidy) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) ||
        length(ploidy) != 1 ||
        ploidy < 2) {
      stop("ploidy must be  >= 2")

    # check (diplo)data and select
    # and get all markernames, samplenames and diplonames:
    # marker numbers refer to markers actually present in data,
    # in the alphabetic order according to the current OS and R version
    select <- checkSelect(select, data)
    markernames <- getSortedLevels(data$MarkerName)
    samplenames <- getSortedLevels(data$SampleName)
    IntendedSamples <- getIntendedSamples(select, data)
    if (!is.null(diplo) && !is1NA(diplo)) {
      diploselect <- checkSelect(diploselect, diplo)
      diplonames <- getSortedLevels(diplo$SampleName)
      #IntendedDiplosamples <- getIntendedSamples(diploselect, diplo)

    # check population structures:
    origpopstruct <- getOrigPopstruct(samplenames=samplenames,
    if (is.character(origpopstruct))
      stop(paste("invalid population structure:", origpopstruct))

    if (!is.null(startmeans) && !is1NA(startmeans)) checkStartmeans(ploidy, startmeans)
    if (!is.null(samplePriors) && !is1NA(samplePriors))
      checkSamplePriors(ploidy, samplePriors, origpopstruct)

    if (!(dip.filter %in% 0:2))
      stop("dip.filter must be in 0:2")

    # arrange plotting output:
    if (missing(plot.dir)) plot.dir <- NULL
    plot <- checkPlot(plot, plot.type, plot.dir, "")
    if (plot[3] != "") message(plot[3])
    plot.type <- plot[[2]]
    plot.dir <- plot[[4]]
    plot <- plot[[1]]

    # check current marker:
    if (length(marker) != 1 || is.na(marker)) stop("invalid marker")
    if (is.character(marker)) {
      mrknr <- match(marker, markernames)
      if (length(mrknr) == 1) {
        markername <- marker
        marker <- mrknr
      } else stop(paste(marker, "does not occur in data"))
    } else if (marker %in% 1:length(markernames)) {
      markername <- markernames[marker]
    } else stop("invalid marker")

    # end if (!is.list(sMMinfo))
  } else {
    # called from saveMarkerModels
    markernames <- sMMinfo$markernames
    markername <- markernames[marker]
    samplenames <- sMMinfo$samplenames
    IntendedSamples <- sMMinfo$IntendedSamples
    if ("diplonames" %in% names(sMMinfo)) {
      diplonames <- sMMinfo$diplonames
      #IntendedDiplosamples <- sMMinfo$IntendedDiplosamples
    origpopstruct <- sMMinfo$origpopstruct

  ng <- ploidy + 1 # ng = number of genotypic classes
  plotall <- plot == "all"
  plotfitted <- plotall || plot == "fitted"
  optmodel1 <- NA
  optmodel2 <- NA
  mrknr <- padded(marker, length(markernames)) #adds leading zeroes if needed
  # start log
  log <- ""
  log <- append(log, paste(marker, "\tname=", markername, sep=""))

  # first: select the diploid data (if any) for this marker,
  # to plot into the polyploid histogram:
  if (is.data.frame(diplo)) {
    sampthismarker <- diplo$MarkerName==markername & diploselect &
    drr <- diplo$ratio[sampthismarker]
    names(drr) <- diplo$SampleName[sampthismarker]
    #diploid sample names, should be unique within marker
    #TODO: select the entire rows from diplo, as we do below for the polyploids?
  } else drr <- numeric(0) #for later test on length > 0

  #now select the polyploids for this marker:
  sampthismarker <- (data$MarkerName == markername) & select &
    !is.na(data$ratio) #last term could be due to previous selection for minimum
  #                     intensity
  seldat <- data[sampthismarker,]
  seldat <- seldat[order(seldat$SampleName),]
  #seldat contains only this marker, and only samples with non-NA ratios,
  #and excludes any rows for which select is FALSE,
  #and is ordered by SampleName

  #Now calculate nselsamp: the total number of INTENDED samples
  nselsamp <- length(IntendedSamples)
  if (nrow(seldat) < 10 * ng ||   # in CodomMarker at least 10*ng observations required
      nrow(seldat) < nselsamp * call.threshold) {
    rejected <- TRUE
    log <- append(log, paste(marker, "", "", "rejected: too few data",
  } else { #test if no samples occur more than once for this marker
    tabsamp <- table(seldat$SampleName)
    if (max(tabsamp) > 1) {
      rejected <- TRUE
      log <- append(log, paste(marker, "", "",
                               "rejected: some samples occur more than once",
    } else if (is.data.frame(diplo)) {
      allsamp <- diplo$SampleName[diplo$MarkerName==markername]
      tabsamp <- tabulate(allsamp)
      if (max(tabsamp)>1) {
        rejected <- TRUE
        log <- append(log, paste(marker, "", "",
                                 "rejected: some diploid samples occur more than once",sep="\t"))

  mrkpopstruct <- NULL
  if (!rejected) {
    #data and origpopstruct ok, fit initial series of models -> optmodel1
    mrkpopstruct <- getMarkerPopstruct(seldat, origpopstruct, try.HW, ng)
    startmus <- NA
    if (!is.null(startmeans) && !is1NA(startmeans)) {
      i <- which(startmeans[,1] == markername)
      if (length(i) == 1 && !is.na(startmeans[i, 2]))
        startmus <- as.numeric(startmeans[i, -1])
    samppri <- NA
    if (!is.null(samplePriors) && !is1NA(samplePriors)) {
      i <- which(samplePriors[,1] == markername)
      if (length(i) == 1) {
        samppri <- samplePriors[i, -1]
        if (all(is.na(samppri))) samppri <- NA

    priorcomb <- list()
    if (!is.null(origpopstruct$orig_parPriorCols)) {
      mrkparpri <- which(parentalPriors[,1] == markername)
      if (length(mrkparpri) == 1)
        priorcomb <-
            parentalPriors[mrkparpri,, drop=FALSE])

    #Which model to try: new version / phrasing 20160810:
    # Without priors, and in all cases for calculating optmodel2:
    #   for each startmeans (clustered, equidistant or specified) 8 models:
    #   - 1st 4 models: mumodel 1,2,5,6; if 1 pop, p.HW, else use ptype vector
    #   - 2nd 4 models: mumodel 1,2,5,6; all samples together, p.free
    #   effect of try.HW:
    #     if 1 pop: omit 1st 4 models if try.HW FALSE
    #     else: use p.HW or p.free for panels when try.HW TRUE resp FALSE
    # with parentalPriors, when calculating for optmodel1:
    #   modification 20161116: only when more than 1 combinations of
    #   parental priors; with one combination of parental priors
    #   we use the normal approach: clusterd, equidistant and based on
    #   startmeans or parentalPriors and/or samplePriors
    #   (approach of Konrad Zych)
    #   4 mumodels with populations without priors
    #     (i.e. p.start uniform for F1's and parents,
    #     mustart from clustering)
    #   n * 4 mumodels with priors (n combinations of priors)
    #     (i.e. p.start based on F1 seg and parental priors,
    #     mustart calculated from priors and ratios of parents)
    #   effect of try.HW TRUE: use p.HW instead of p.free for panels

    # try several models with ng peaks
    nmodel <- 64 #without parentalPriors: models 1:24 and 41:64 (max);
    #             with priors: models 1:4, 9:12, 17:20, 25:28, 33:36
    #             and 41:64 (max)
    resultnames <-
      getResultnames(ng=ng, pop.parents=origpopstruct$orig_pop.parents)
    mrkresult <- list()
    # mrkresult$stats <- data.frame(rep(NA,nmodel))
    # for (i in 2:length(resultnames)) mrkresult$stats[[i]] <- rep(NA,nmodel)
    # names(mrkresult$stats) <- resultnames
    mrkresult$stats <- makeModelsDF(nrow=nmodel, ng=ng, mrklevels=markernames,
    mrkresult$probs <- list()
    mrkresult$Pact <- list()

    # initialise the clustered means once
    # use kmeans with fixed random seed for reproducible results
    # but don't affect the random or non-random number sequence for
    # the calling program:
    if (exists(".Random.seed", .GlobalEnv)) {
      savedseed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed } else savedseed <- NULL
    clusinit <- ClusterInit(asin(sqrt(seldat$ratio)), ng=ng,
                            closedips=TRUE) #returns clus.mu
    #                                        and clus.sd on transformed scale
    if (!is.null(savedseed)) {
      .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- savedseed
    } else rm(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
    clus.mu <- sin(clusinit$clus.mu)^2  # transform clus.mu back to 0-1 scale,
    #                                    but keep clus.sd on transformed scale

    #the number of models to calculate with a startmeans
    #(not used for the initial models with parental priors):
    modelcount <- ifelse(try.HW || origpopstruct$orig_nonparents > 1, 8, 4)

    if (length(priorcomb) > 1 && (is.null(startmus) || is1NA(startmus))) {
      #multiple combinations of parentalPriors are specified.
      #In this case we first fit 4 models with the population structure but
      #without the priors information, and next for each (2-4) combination
      #of parentalPriors we fit again 4 models.
      #Since the models should be always the first 4 of a group of 8 (due to
      #the way getModelPopstruct determines which population structure to apply)
      #we fit each time 4 models but then increase modelsfitted by 8.
      preferFrom <- 9 #we prefer models based on priors
      for (model in 1:8) {
        #use popstruct but no parentalPriors, use clustered means instead:
        mrkresult <- MarkerResult(marker=marker, markername=markername,
                                  mutype=getMutype(model), ng=ng,
                                  maxiter=maxiter, maxn.bin=maxn.bin, nbin=nbin,
                                  mustart=clus.mu, sd=clusinit$clus.sd,
                                  mrkresult=mrkresult, nsamp=nselsamp,
                                  plot.type=plot.type, plot.dir=plot.dir,
      modelsfitted <- 8
      tmp_mrkpopstruct <- mrkpopstruct
      for(j in seq_along(priorcomb)) {
        curPriors <- priorcomb[[j]]
        mus <- calcMus(seldat=seldat, priorcomb=priorcomb, priorcomb_index=j,
                       origpopstruct=origpopstruct, mrkpopstruct=mrkpopstruct,
                       samplepriors=samppri, startmus=startmus, ng=ng)
        mrkpopstruct <- get.ps(origpopstruct, mrkpopstruct, curPriors)
        #               modify curr_p.start and curr_ptype
        for (model in 1:4) {
          mrkresult <- MarkerResult(marker=marker, markername=markername,
                                    mutype=getMutype(model), ng=ng,
                                    maxiter=maxiter, maxn.bin=maxn.bin, nbin=nbin,
                                    mustart=mus, #sd=clusinit$clus.sd,
                                    mrkresult=mrkresult, nsamp=nselsamp,
                                    plot.type=plot.type, plot.dir=plot.dir,
        mrkpopstruct <- tmp_mrkpopstruct
        modelsfitted <- modelsfitted + 8
    } else {
      #0 or 1 combination of parentalPriors are specified
      preferFrom <- 17 #we prefer models based on priors or startmu
      # modelcount models with clustering:
      for (model in 1:8) if (model > 4 || modelcount == 8) {
        mrkresult <- MarkerResult(marker=marker, markername=markername,
                                  model=model, origPopstruct=origpopstruct,
                                  mutype=getMutype(model), ng=ng,
                                  maxiter=maxiter, maxn.bin=maxn.bin, nbin=nbin,
                                  mustart=clus.mu, sd=clusinit$clus.sd,
                                  mrkresult=mrkresult, nsamp=nselsamp,
                                  plot.type=plot.type, plot.dir=plot.dir,
      #modelcount models without clustering:
      equimu <- seq(asin(sqrt(0.02)), asin(sqrt(0.98)), length.out=ng)
      #         equidistant mu's on transformed scale
      equimu <- sin(equimu)^2 #on non-transformed scale
      for (model in 9:16) if (model > 12 || modelcount == 8) {
        mrkresult <- MarkerResult(marker=marker, markername=markername,
                                  model=model, origPopstruct=origpopstruct,
                                  mutype=getMutype(model), ng=ng,
                                  maxiter=maxiter, maxn.bin=maxn.bin, nbin=nbin,
                                  mrkresult=mrkresult, nsamp=nselsamp,
                                  plot.type=plot.type, plot.dir=plot.dir,
      modelsfitted <- 16
      #modelcount models with startmeans and/or samplePriors:
      #(priorcomb_index is ignored if length(priorcomb)==0)
      sm <- calcMus(seldat=seldat, priorcomb=priorcomb, priorcomb_index=1,
                    origpopstruct=origpopstruct, mrkpopstruct=mrkpopstruct,
                    samplepriors=samppri, startmus=startmus, ng=ng)
      if (!is1NA(sm)) {
        tmp_mrkpopstruct <- mrkpopstruct
        if (length(priorcomb) == 1)
          mrkpopstruct <- get.ps(origpopstruct, mrkpopstruct, priorcomb[[1]])
        for (model in 17:24) if (model > 20 || modelcount == 8) {
          mrkresult <- MarkerResult(marker=marker, markername=markername,
                                    model=model, origPopstruct=origpopstruct,
                                    mutype=getMutype(model), ng=ng,
                                    maxiter=maxiter, maxn.bin=maxn.bin, nbin=nbin,
                                    mrkresult=mrkresult, nsamp=nselsamp,
                                    plot.type=plot.type, plot.dir=plot.dir,
        mrkpopstruct <- tmp_mrkpopstruct
        modelsfitted <- 24
    } # length(priorcomb) <= 1
    #Now from the fitted models we select the best: optmodel1
    selcritTolerance <- 5 #TODO: make a parameter of fitOneMarker?
    mrkresult$stats <-
                  rep(TRUE, nrow(mrkresult$stats)), sd.target)
    optmodel1 <- which.min(mrkresult$stats$selcrit)
    if (length(optmodel1) == 0 || is.na(optmodel1)) {
      rejected <- TRUE
      optmodel2 <- optmodel1 <- NA
      log <- append(log,paste(marker,"optmodel1=NA", "",
                              "rejected: optmodel1=NA", sep="\t"))
    } else {
      #optmodel1 not rejected
      if (modelsfitted > preferFrom) {
        optmodel1a <-
          which.min(mrkresult$stats$selcrit[preferFrom:modelsfitted]) +
          preferFrom - 1
        #optmodel1a is the best among the preferred models
        if (length(optmodel1a) == 1 && !is.na(optmodel1a) &&
                 mrkresult$stats$selcrit[optmodel1a] -
                 mrkresult$stats$selcrit[optmodel1] < selcritTolerance)
        optmodel1 <- optmodel1a
  } # optmodel 1 fitted or rejected TRUE

  if (!rejected) {
    #optmodel1 != NA

    #optmodel.ps <- getModelPopstruct(optmodel1, origpopstruct, mrkpopstruct)
    #opt.mutype <- getMutype(optmodel1)
    #opt_ptype <- getPtype(optmodel1)
    logline <- paste(marker, "\toptmodel1=", optmodel1, "\t",
                     mrkresult$stats$model[optmodel1], sep="")

    #First we check for two situations indicating a possibly wrong fit:
    # - the nulli or <ploidy>plex peak is very small while the simplex or
    #   <ploidy-1>plex is big ("shifts"), or
    # - there are small peaks surrounded by higher peaks ("dips")
    #In these cases we run the 8 models again with one or more new mustart
    # check for dips and shifts and calculate corrected start.mus:
    nwmu <- shift_mus(ng=ng, mean_ratio=mean(asin(sqrt(seldat$ratio))),
    #fit modelcount models with each of the new mustart:
    if (length(nwmu) > 0) {
      modelsfitted <- 40 # above any of the earlier models
      logline <- paste(logline, nwmu[[length(nwmu)]], sep="\t")
      for (munr in 1:(length(nwmu)-1)) {
        for (model in (modelsfitted+1):(modelsfitted+8))
          if (model > modelsfitted+4 || modelcount == 8) {
          mrkresult <- MarkerResult(marker=marker, markername=markername,
                                    model=model, origPopstruct=origpopstruct,
                                    mutype=getMutype(model), ng=ng,
                                    maxiter=maxiter, maxn.bin=maxn.bin, nbin=nbin,
                                    mrkresult=mrkresult, nsamp=nselsamp,
                                    plot.type=plot.type, plot.dir=plot.dir,
        } # for model
        modelsfitted <- modelsfitted + 8
      } # for munr
    } #length(nwmu) > 0
    log <- append(log, logline)

    #now select the best model (optmodel2) taking dip into account:
    if (dip.filter > 0) {
      dipok <- !(is.na(mrkresult$stats$dip) | mrkresult$stats$dip)
      #        only rows with model without dip
      mrkresult$stats <- calcSelcrit(mrkresult$stats, dipok, sd.target)
      optmodel2 <- which.min(mrkresult$stats$selcrit[1:modelsfitted])
      optmodel2a <- which.min(mrkresult$stats$selcrit[41:max(41,modelsfitted)])
      if (length(optmodel2) == 0 || is.na(optmodel2)) {
        mrkresult$stats <- calcSelcrit(mrkresult$stats,
                                       rep(TRUE, nrow(mrkresult$stats)),
                                       sd.target) #all rows
        optmodel2 <- which.min(mrkresult$stats$selcrit[1:modelsfitted])
        optmodel2a <- which.min(mrkresult$stats$selcrit[41:max(41,modelsfitted)])
      #now we have optmodel2 NA if no model converged; else optmodel2 is best
      #model without dip if these occur, else best model overall (with dip)
    } else {
      #dip.filter==0, select best model without considering dip:
      mrkresult$stats <- calcSelcrit(mrkresult$stats,
                                     rep(TRUE, nrow(mrkresult$stats)),
                                     sd.target) #all rows
      optmodel2 <- which.min(mrkresult$stats$selcrit[1:modelsfitted])
      optmodel2a <- which.min(mrkresult$stats$selcrit[41:max(41,modelsfitted)])
    if (length(optmodel2)==0 || is.na(optmodel2)) {
      optmodel2 <- NA
      # reject this marker
      rejected <- TRUE
      log <- append(log, paste(marker, "optmodel2=NA", "",
                               "marker rejected: optmodel2=NA", sep="\t"))
    } else {
      # not rejected, optmodel2 found
      if (length(optmodel2a) == 1 &&
          mrkresult$stats$selcrit[40 + optmodel2a] - mrkresult$stats$selcrit[optmodel2]
          < selcritTolerance) {
        # a model obtained by shifting the start means is (almost) as good as an
        #original model; in this case we prefer the new model:
        optmodel2 <- 40 + optmodel2a
      #opt_ptype <- getPtype(optmodel2)
      #opt_mutype <- getMutype(optmodel2)
      logline <- paste(marker, "\toptmodel2=", optmodel2, "\t",
                       mrkresult$stats$model[optmodel2], sep="")
      # geno <- maxgeno for samples above p.threshold, else NA:
      mrkresult$probs[[optmodel2]]$geno <- mrkresult$probs[[optmodel2]]$maxgeno
      sel.maxP <- mrkresult$probs[[optmodel2]]$maxP < p.threshold
      mrkresult$probs[[optmodel2]]$geno[sel.maxP] <- NA
      probs <- makeprobs(marker=marker, markername=markername,
                         markerlines=(data$MarkerName == markername),
      # check several reasons to still reject optmodel2:
      # (in these cases we have an optmodel2 to output and plot,
      #  but it is rejected)
      if (sum(!is.na(mrkresult$probs[[optmodel2]]$geno)) <
          call.threshold*nselsamp) {
        # note that we compare to the samples with select=TRUE,
        #not to the total number of samples
        rejected <- TRUE
        mess <- "rejected: less than minimum number of samples called"
        logline <- paste(logline, mess, sep="\t")
        mrkresult$stats$message[optmodel2] <- mess
      } else if (mrkresult$stats$sdtrans0[optmodel2] > sd.threshold) {
        rejected <- TRUE
        mess <- "rejected: sd>sd.threshold"
        logline <- paste(logline, mess, sep="\t")
        mrkresult$stats$message[optmodel2] <- mess
      } else  if (mrkresult$stats$dip[optmodel2] && dip.filter==2) {
        rejected <- TRUE
        mess <- "rejected: no models without dip"
        logline <- paste(logline, mess, sep="\t")
        mrkresult$stats$message[optmodel2] <- mess
      } else { #optmodel2 not yet rejected
        gsamp <- hist(mrkresult$probs[[optmodel2]]$geno,
                      breaks=(0:ng)-0.5, plot=FALSE)$counts #based on called samples
        if (max(gsamp) / sum(gsamp) > peak.threshold) {
          rejected <- TRUE
          mess <- "rejected: more than maximum fraction of samples in one peak"
          logline <- paste(logline, mess, sep="\t")
          mrkresult$stats$message[optmodel2] <- mess
      if (!rejected && mrkresult$stats$dip[optmodel2] && dip.filter==1) {
        #if dip.filter==2 marker was already rejected; if 0 there might be
        #a model without dip but worse selcrit, now we just give a message:
        logline <- paste(logline, "no models without dip", sep="\t")
      log <- append(log, logline)
  } # optmodel1 not NA

  # Now 3 situations possible:
  # rejected FALSE, optmodel2 found: produce full output and
  #                                  plot fitted model if plotfitted
  # rejected TRUE, optmodel2 found: produce full output but set all probs$geno
  #                                 to NA; plot fitted model if plotfitted
  # rejected TRUE, optmodel2 NA: produce limited output and plot histogram(s)
  #                              if plotfitted

  if (plotfitted) {
    if (is.na(optmodel2)) {
      plotfitted.fname <- paste(plot.dir, "rejected_", mrknr, " ",
                                markernames[marker], sep="")
      startPlot(plot.type=plot.type, plot.filename=plotfitted.fname)
      par(cex=1, mex=1)
      if (is.character(origpopstruct) || is.null(mrkpopstruct)) {
        #invalid population structure
        errorplot(main=paste(marker, markername),
                  message="too few observations or invalid input")
      } else {
                         maintitle=paste(marker, markername, "(no fit)"))
    } else {
      #plotfitted, optmodel2 found
      plotfitted.fname <- paste(plot.dir,
                                ifelse(rejected, "rejected_", ""),
                                mrknr, " ",
                                markernames[marker], sep="")
      startPlot(plot.type=plot.type, plot.filename=plotfitted.fname)
      nfirst <- which(names(mrkresult$stats) == "mutrans0")
      psi <- list()
      psi$mu <- as.numeric(mrkresult$stats[optmodel2, nfirst:(nfirst+ng-1)])
      psi$sigma <- as.numeric(mrkresult$stats[optmodel2,
      optmodel.ps <- getModelPopstruct(optmodel2, origpopstruct,
                                       mrkpopstruct, ng)
      npop <- nrow(optmodel.ps$pop.parents)
      psi$p <- matrix(
        nrow=npop, byrow=TRUE)
      drawFittedPlot(rr=seldat$ratio, rrpop=optmodel.ps$population,
                     drr=drr, pop.parents=optmodel.ps$pop.parents,
                     psi, maintitle=paste(marker, markername))
  } #plotfitted

  # Finally produce the output list:

  result <- list(log=log)
  result$modeldata <- NA
  result$allmodeldata <- NA
  result$scores <- NA
  result$diploscores <- NA
  if (is.null(mrkresult)) {
    #only if no fitting attempted (invalid data, invalid popstruct,
    #too few or duplicate samples)
    # result$modeldata <- data.frame(
    #   marker=marker,
    #   markername=markername,
    #   m=NA,
    #   model="none",
    #   nsamp=nselsamp,
    #   nsel=ifelse(is.null(seldat), NA, nrow(seldat)))
    # for (i in 7:length(resultnames)) result$modeldata[[i]] <- NA
    # names(result$modeldata) <- resultnames
    result$modeldata <- makeModelsDF(nrow=1, ng=ng, mrklevels=markernames,
    result$modeldata$marker <- marker
    result$modeldata$MarkerName <- markername
    result$modeldata$nsamp <- nselsamp
    result$modeldata$nsel <- ifelse(is.null(seldat), NA, nrow(seldat))
    result$modeldata$message <- "rejected: too few observations or invalid input"
    result$allmodeldata <- result$modeldata
  } else { #valid mrkresult
    result$allmodeldata <- mrkresult$stats[!is.na(mrkresult$stats$m),]
    if (is.na(optmodel2)) {
      result$modeldata <- mrkresult$stats[1,]
      result$modeldata$m <- NA  #no model selected
      result$modeldata$model <- NA  #no model selected
      for (i in which(names(mrkresult$stats) == "npar"):
        result$modeldata[1, i] <- NA
      result$modeldata$message <- paste("tried", nrow(result$allmodeldata),
                                        "models, no convergence")
      result$scores <- NA
      result$diploscores <- NA
    } else {
      #optmodel2 found (possibly rejected)
      #from 2015-12-21 we output all info also for rejected markers
      #(with geno NA in that case):
      result$modeldata <- mrkresult$stats[optmodel2,]
      rownames(probs) <- NULL
      result$scores <- probs
      if (rejected) result$scores$geno <- NA
      if (is.data.frame(diplo)) { #not NA
        # if diplo exists, also export scores for all samples in diplo:
        mu0 <- which(names(result$modeldata) == "mutrans0")
        sd0 <- which(names(result$modeldata) == "sdtrans0")
        #p0 <- which(names(result$modeldata) == "P0")
        psi <- list(
          mu=as.numeric(result$modeldata[, mu0:(mu0+ng-1)]),
          sigma=as.numeric(result$modeldata[, sd0:(sd0+ng-1)]),
          #p=result$modeldata[, p0:(p0+ng-1)])
          p=rep(1/ng, ng)) #no prior for "diploids" (can be any ploidy actually)
        diploprobs <- EMGaussExp.vectorized(asin(sqrt(drr)), psi) #matrix,
        #             per diplo sample ng numbers:
        #             probs that sample belongs to each peak
        #calculate maxgeno, maxP, geno:
        maxPna <- apply(diploprobs, 1, max) #find the maxP of each row of p-values
        maxP <- maxPna[!is.na(maxPna)] # omit missing values
        probs <- data.frame(diploprobs)
        rownames(probs) <- names(drr) #note: does not include samples rejected
        #                  because select=FALSE
        names(probs) <- paste("P", 0:(ng-1), sep="")
        #list for each sample the maximum p value and the maxgeno:
        probs$maxgeno <- max.col(diploprobs) - 1  # for every row (sample) the
        #                max peak (0..ploidy instead of 1..ng)
        probs$maxP <- maxPna # for every row the P at the max
        #add extra columns and add rows for samples not in drr:
        result$diploscores <-
          makeprobs(marker=marker, markername=markername,
                    markerlines=(diplo$MarkerName == markername),
                    seldat=data.frame(SampleName=names(drr), ratio=drr),
        rownames(result$diploscores) <- NULL
        result$diploscores$geno <- NA
        if (!rejected) {
          sel.maxP <- which(result$diploscores$maxP >= p.threshold)
          result$diploscores$geno[sel.maxP] <-
      } #is.data.frame(diplo)
} # fitOneMarker

# makeprobs takes a probs data frame that for each selected, non-NA ratio in data or diplo
# contains the ng P-values, maxgeno, maxP and geno
# and makes a similar data frame but now with rows for all samples (not only the selected, non-NA ones)
# and with additional columns for marker number and name, sample name, model name,
# select and ratio
makeprobs <- function(marker, markername, samplenames, modelname, select,
                      markerlines, seldat, resultprobs, dat) {
  nsamp <- length(samplenames)
  probs <- data.frame(marker=rep(marker, nsamp),
  #probs has a row for each sample while rr has only the selected non-NA
  #sample ratios
  #sel <- select[dat$MarkerName==markername] #note that selection is less
  #      stringent than that of seldat, so sel may be longer than seldat
  #names(sel) <- dat$SampleName[dat$MarkerName==markername]
  #m <- match(probs$SampleName, names(sel))
  #probs$select <- as.numeric(sel[m])
  m <- match(probs$SampleName, seldat$SampleName) #has NA for samples not in seldat
  probs$ratio <- seldat$ratio[m] #has NA for samples where m=NA
  probs <- cbind(probs, resultprobs[m, 1:length(resultprobs)]) #idem
} #makeprobs

shift_mus <- function(ng, mean_ratio, stats, probs) {
  #This function generates up to 3 alternative configurations of mu's
  #to be used as start.mu, attempting to correct for dips and/or shifts
  #in optmodel1
  # ng: number of dosage classes = ploidy + 1
  # mean_ratio: mean of the ratios of all samples
  # stats: mrkresult$stats[optmodel1,]
  # probs: mrkresult$probs[[optmodel1]]
  # result: a list of length 0 if no shift, else a list of length 2 to 4
  #         where the last element is a comment for the log file
  #         and all earlier elements are vectors of ng mu's on the
  #         non-transformed scale
  result <- list()
  remark_dips <- ""
  shifts <- FALSE
  #get a vector of the model mu's on the transformed scale:
  mu0 <- which(names(stats)=="mutrans0")
  mu <- unlist(stats[, mu0:(mu0+ng-1)])
  gsamp <- hist(probs$maxgeno, breaks=(0:ng) - 0.5, plot=FALSE)$counts
  #        based on maxgeno: all samples
  origpeaks <- 1:ng
  #check for dips:
  if (stats$dip) {
    dip_threshold <- 1/ng/4 # 25% of peak height if all peaks same height;
    #                         same as in MarkerResult
    tops <- which(gsamp >= dip_threshold * sum(gsamp)) #at least 1:
    #       tops are all peak nrs (1:ng) with fraction of samples above
    #       dip_threshold
    #       a valley is the series of peaks between two tops
    if (max(tops) - min(tops) >= length(tops)) {
      #there are small peaks within the range containing all larger peaks
      #identify all the valleys:
      topnrs_before_valley <-
        which(tops[2:length(tops)] > tops[1:(length(tops)-1)] + 1)
      startvalleys <- tops[topnrs_before_valley] + 1
      endvalleys <- tops[topnrs_before_valley + 1] -1
      #first and last gsamp of each valley
      #from each valley identify the lowest peak
      dels <- numeric(length(startvalleys))
      for (i in seq_along(startvalleys)) {
        dels[i] <-
          startvalleys[i] - 1 + which.min(gsamp[startvalleys[i]:endvalleys[i]])
      #next: before we delete these peaks, we add their samples to the neighbours:
      #(and we know that the neighbours will not be deleted)
      for (d in seq_along(dels)) {
        #we roughly divide the samples and model freq 50/50 over the two neighbours
        #(this can be done more sophisticated if needed)
        gsamp[dels[d]-1] <- gsamp[dels[d]-1] + gsamp[dels[d]]/2
        gsamp[dels[d]+1] <- gsamp[dels[d]+1] + gsamp[dels[d]]/2
        #p[dels[d]-1] <- p[dels[d]-1] + p[dels[d]]/2
        #p[dels[d]+1] <- p[dels[d]+1] + p[dels[d]]/2
      #delete the dips:
      gsamp <- gsamp[-dels]
      mu <- mu[-dels]
      #p <- p[-dels]
      origpeaks <- origpeaks[-dels]
      remark_dips <- paste("remove",length(dels),"dip(s)")
  #now we have deleted the deepest dip from each valley (if any)
  #and we have ng or fewer (but at least 2) remaining peaks.
  #Any small outer peaks are still present, and the original peak numbers (1..ng)
  #of the remaining peaks are in origpeaks.

  #next, we check if there is evidence that low peaks at one end
  #should be deleted:
  nonEmpty <- which(gsamp > 0.02 * sum(gsamp)) #the current non-almost empty peaks
  lne <- length(nonEmpty)
  if (lne == 1) {
    #monomorphic, and there was no internal valley from which dips could have
    #been removed.
    if (!(origpeaks[nonEmpty] %in% c(1, ng))) {
      #(else the peak was already at dosage 0 or ploidy, no new model needed)
      #make dosage 0 or ploidy:
      result[[1]] <- numeric(ng)
      if (mean_ratio < pi/4) {
        result[[1]][1] <- mu[nonEmpty]
        result[[1]][2:ng] <- mu[nonEmpty] +
          (1:(ng-1)) * (pi/2 - mu[nonEmpty]) / (ng-1)
      } else {
        result[[1]][ng] <- mu[nonEmpty]
        result[[1]][1:(ng-1)] <- (0:(ng-2)) * mu[nonEmpty] / (ng-1)
      shifts <- TRUE
  } else if (lne == 2) {
    #two non-almost empty peaks
    if (sum(origpeaks[nonEmpty]) != 3 &&
        sum(origpeaks[nonEmpty]) != 2*ng-1) {
      #the two peaks were not the first two or the last two
      if (mean_ratio <= pi/4 && gsamp[nonEmpty[1]] >= 0.8*gsamp[nonEmpty[2]]) {
        #put the two peaks only at the low side
        result[[1]] <- numeric(ng)
        result[[1]][1:2] <- mu[nonEmpty]
        result[[1]][3:ng] <- mu[nonEmpty][2] + (1:(ng-2)) * (pi/2-mu[nonEmpty[2]])/(ng-2)
      } else if (mean_ratio >= pi/4 && gsamp[nonEmpty[2]] >= 0.8*gsamp[nonEmpty[1]]) {
        #put the two peaks only at the high side
        result[[1]] <- numeric(ng)
        result[[1]][(ng-1):ng] <- mu[nonEmpty]
        result[[1]][1:(ng-2)] <-  (0:(ng-3)) * mu[nonEmpty[1]]/(ng-2)
      } else {
        #put the two peaks at the low and high side
        result[[2]] <- numeric(ng)
        result[[2]][(ng-1):ng] <- mu[nonEmpty]
        result[[2]][1:(ng-2)] <-  (0:(ng-3)) * mu[nonEmpty[1]]/(ng-2)
        result[[1]] <- numeric(ng)
        result[[1]][1:2] <- mu[nonEmpty]
        result[[1]][3:ng] <- mu[nonEmpty][2] + (1:(ng-2)) * (pi/2-mu[nonEmpty[2]])/(ng-2)
      shifts <- TRUE
  } else if (lne > 0 && lne < ng) {
    #three or more non-almost empty peaks
    #while for 1 and 2 peaks we accepted the original version if the peaks were
    #already at one of the ends, here we first determine the desired
    #combinations and then discard the one that was already done (if any).
    if (mean_ratio <= pi/4 && gsamp[nonEmpty[1]] >= gsamp[nonEmpty[lne]]) {
      #put the (lne) peaks only at the low side
      if (sum(origpeaks[nonEmpty]) != sum(1:lne)) {
        result[[1]] <- numeric(ng)
        result[[1]][1:lne] <- mu[nonEmpty]
        result[[1]][(lne+1):ng] <-
          mu[nonEmpty][lne] + (1:(ng-lne)) * (pi/2 - mu[nonEmpty[lne]]) / (ng-lne)
        shifts <- TRUE
    } else if (mean_ratio >= pi/4 && gsamp[nonEmpty[lne]] >= gsamp[nonEmpty[1]]) {
      #put the (lne) peaks only at the high side
      if (sum(origpeaks[nonEmpty]) != sum((ng-lne+1):ng)) {
        result[[1]] <- numeric(ng)
        result[[1]][(ng-lne+1):ng] <- mu[nonEmpty]
        result[[1]][1:(ng-lne)] <-  (0:(ng-lne-1)) * mu[nonEmpty[1]] / (ng-lne)
        shifts <- TRUE
    } else {
      #put the (lne) peaks at the low and high side
      if (sum(origpeaks[nonEmpty]) != sum(1:lne)) {
        result[[1]] <- numeric(ng)
        result[[1]][1:lne] <- mu[nonEmpty]
        result[[1]][(lne+1):ng] <-
          mu[nonEmpty][lne] + (1:(ng-lne)) * (pi/2 - mu[nonEmpty[lne]]) / (ng-lne)
        shifts <- TRUE
      if (sum(origpeaks[nonEmpty]) != sum((ng-lne+1):ng)) {
        i <- length(result) + 1
        result[[i]] <- numeric(ng)
        result[[i]][(ng-lne+1):ng] <- mu[nonEmpty]
        result[[i]][1:(ng-lne)] <-  (0:(ng-lne-1)) * mu[nonEmpty[1]]  /(ng-lne)
        shifts <- TRUE
    #If there are ng-2 non-(almost) empty peaks and the distribution is
    #more or less symmetric and unimodal, a central position is also likely;
    #don't do this for tetraploids, where 1:8:18:8:1 is likely to have at least
    #one of the extreme peaks (each 2.8%) detected and an extra model for
    #1:2:1 segregation of not wanted
    if (ng > 5 && lne == ng-2 && sum(origpeaks[nonEmpty]) != sum(2:(ng-1))) {
      mx <- which.max(gsamp[nonEmpty])
      if (mx == (lne+1) / 2 && #central peak
          gsamp[mx] < (gsamp[mx-1] + gsamp[mx+1])) {#excludes most 1:2:1 and 1:4:1
        i <- length(result) + 1
        result[[i]] <- numeric(ng)
        result[[i]][1] <- 0
        result[[i]][ng] <- pi/2
        result[[i]][2:(ng-1)] <- mu[nonEmpty]
        shifts <- TRUE
  if (length(result) > 0) {
    #back-transform mu's to original scale:
    for (i in seq_along(result)) {
      result[[i]] <- sin(result[[i]]) * sin(result[[i]])
    #add remark for log as last element of result
    i <- length(result) + 1
    if (remark_dips != "") {
      if (shifts) {
        result[[i]] <- paste(remark_dips, "and apply shift(s)")
      } else result[[i]] <- remark_dips
    } else result[[i]] <- "apply shift(s)"
} #shift_mus

checkCodomMarkerData <- function(y, ng, pop, pop.parents, ptype) {
  #returns an error message or ""
  if (ng < 1) return("ng < 1")
  if (sum(!is.na(y)) < 10 * ng)
    return("y should have at least 10 * ng non-NA elements")
  if (any(y < 0 | y > 1, na.rm=TRUE))
    return("all y values should be between 0 and 1 (inclusive)")
  if (length(pop) != length(y) || anyNA(pop) ||
      !(class(pop)[1] %in% c("factor", "character", "integer")))
    return("pop must be a vector matching y without missing values")
  if (!is.matrix(pop.parents) ||
      nrow(pop.parents) == 0 || ncol(pop.parents) != 2 ||
      any(!(as.integer(pop.parents) %in% c(NA, 1:nrow(pop.parents))))) {
    return("invalid pop.parents")
  if (is.null(row.names(pop.parents)))
    row.names(pop.parents) <- 1:nrow(pop.parents)
  for (p in 1:nrow(pop.parents)) {
    if (xor(is.na(pop.parents[p, 1]), is.na(pop.parents[p, 2])) ||
        (!is.na(pop.parents[p, 1]) && min(pop.parents[p,]) <= p) ) {
      #last line checks that parents occur below their progeny
      return("invalid pop.parents")
  #change factor or character pop to integer
  nwpop <- FALSE
  if (is.factor(pop)) pop <- as.character(pop)
  if (is.character(pop)) {
    if (!all(unique(pop) %in% row.names(pop.parents)))
      return("population ID's in pop don't match rownames of pop.parents")
    pop <- match(pop, rownames(pop.parents))
    nwpop <- TRUE
  } else {
    if (!all(pop %in% 1:nrow(pop.parents)))
      return("pop doesn't match rows of pop.parents")
  nwPtype <- FALSE
  if (is1NA(ptype)) {
    #set the ptype according to pop.parents: p.F1 for F1's, p.free
    #for all other populations; check later for missing parental values
    ptype <- rep("p.free", nrow(pop.parents))
    ptype[!is.na(pop.parents[,1])] <- "p.F1"
    nwPtype <- TRUE
  if (length(ptype) != nrow(pop.parents))
    return("length(ptype) different from nrow(pop.parents)")
  #for populations with no data, ptype must be set to "p.nodata"
  #and F1 parents may not be all missing
  if (ng %% 2 == 0 && "p.F1" %in% ptype)
    return("ptype p.F1 not allowed with odd ploidy")
  for (popi in nrow(pop.parents):1) {
    if (ptype[popi] == "p.nodata" && any(!is.na(y[pop == popi])))
      return(paste("population", popi,
                   "has non-missing values but its ptype is p.nodata"))
    if (ptype[popi] != "p.nodata" && all(is.na(y[pop == popi])))
      { ptype[popi] <- "p.nodata"; nwPtype <- TRUE }
    if (ptype[popi] == "p.F1") {
      if (anyNA(pop.parents[popi,]))
        return(paste("population", popi,
                     "has ptype p.F1 but one or both parents are unspecified"))
      #check that both parents have samples - they have been checked earlier:
      if ("p.nodata" %in% ptype[pop.parents[popi,]])
        return(paste("population", popi,
                     "has ptype p.F1 but one or both parents have no data"))
    } else {
      #ptype[popi] not p.F1
      if (sum(!is.na(pop.parents[popi,])) > 0)
        return(paste("population", popi,
                     "doesn't have ptype p.F1 but one or two parents are specified"))
  result <- list()
  if (nwpop) result$pop <- pop
  if (nwPtype) result$ptype <- ptype
} #checkCodomMarkerData

#'@title Function to fit a multiple mixture model to a vector of signal ratios
#'of a single bi-allelic marker
#'@description This function fits a specified mixture model to a vector of
#'signal ratios of multiple samples for a single bi-allelic marker.
#'Returns a list with results from the fitted mixture model.
#'@usage CodomMarker(y, ng, pop.parents=matrix(c(NA,NA), nrow=1),
#'pop=rep(1, length(y)), mutype=0, sdtype="sd.const", ptype=NA,
#'clus=TRUE, mu.start=NA, sd=rep(0.075, ng), p=NA,
#'maxiter=500, maxn.bin=200, nbin=200, plothist=TRUE, nbreaks=40,
#'maintitle=NULL, closeScreen=TRUE, fPinfo=NA)
#'@param y the vector of signal ratios (each value is from one sample,
#'vector y contains the values for one marker). All values must be between
#'0 and 1 (inclusive), NAs are not allowed. The minimum length of y is 10*ng.
#'@param ng the number of possible genotypes (mixture components) to be fitted:
#'one more than the ploidy of the samples.
#'@param pop.parents a matrix with 2 columns and 1 row per population;
#'the cells contain the row numbers of the parental populations in case of an
#'F1 and NA otherwise. The rows must be sorted such that all F1s occur above
#'their parental populations. By default 1 row with elements NA, i.e. all
#'samples belong to a single non-F1 population. If parameter pop is a factor or
#'character vector, its levels or elements must correspond to the rownames of
#'@param pop an integer vector specifying the population to which each sample
#'in y belongs. All values must index rows of pop.parents. By default a vector
#'of 1's, i.e. all samples belong to a single non-F1 population. Alternatively
#'pop can be a factor or character vector of which the levels or elements
#'match the rownames of pop.parents
#'@param mutype	an integer in 0:6; default 0. Describes how to fit the means of the
#'components of the mixture model: with mutype=0 the means are not constrained,
#'requiring ng degrees of freedom. With mutype in 1:6 the means are constrained
#'based on the ng possible allele ratios according to one of 6 models;
#'see Details.
#'@param sdtype	one of "sd.const", "sd.free", "sd.fixed"; default "sd.const".
#'Describes how to fit the standard deviations of the components of the mixture
#'model: with "sd.const" all standard deviations (on the transformed scale)
#'are equal (requiring 1 degree of freedom); with "sd.free" all standard
#'deviations are  fitted separately (ng d.f.); with "sd.fixed" all sd's ON
#'THE TRANSFORMED SCALE are equal to parameter sd (0 d.f.).
#'@param ptype a character vector of length nrow(pop.parents) containing for
#'each population one of "p.free", "p.fixed", "p.HW" or "p.F1". The
#'default NA is interpreted as "p.F1" for F1 populations and "p.free" for all
#'other populations; this is not necessarily the best choice for GWAS panels
#'where "p.HW" may be more appropriate. Describes per population how to fit
#'the mixing proportions of the components of the mixture model:
#'with "p.free", the proportions are not constrained (and require ng-1 degrees
#'of freedom per population); with "p.fixed" the proportions given in
#'parameter p are fixed; with "p.HW" the proportions are calculated per
#'population from an estimated allele frequency, requiring only 1 degree of
#'freedom per population; with "p.F1" polysomic (auto-polyploid) F1
#'segregation ratios are calculated based on the fitted dosages of the F1
#'parents and require no extra d.f.
#'@param clus boolean. If TRUE, the initial means and standard deviations are
#'based on a kmeans clustering of all samples into ng or fewer groups. If FALSE,
#'the initial means are equally spaced on the transformed scale between the
#'values corresponding to 0.02 and 0.98 on the original scale and the initial
#'standard deviations are 0.075 on the transformed scale.
#'@param mu.start	vector of ng values. If present, gives the start values of mu
#'(the means of the mixture components) on the original (untransformed) scale.
#'Must be strictly ascending (mu[i] > mu[i-1]) between 0 and 1 (inclusive).
#'Overrides the start values determined by clus TRUE or FALSE.
#'@param sd vector of ng values. If present, gives the initial (or fixed,
#'if sd.fixed is TRUE) values of sd (the standard deviations of the mixture
#'components) ON THE TRANSFORMED SCALE. Overrides the start values determined
#'by clus TRUE or FALSE.
#'@param p a matrix of nrow(pop.parents) rows and ng columns, each row summing
#'to 1. If present, specifies the initial (or fixed, for populations where
#'ptype is "p.fixed") mixing proportions of the mixture model components.
#'@param maxiter a single integer: the maximum number of times the nls function
#'is called (0 = no limit, default=500).
#'@param maxn.bin a single integer, default=200: if the length of y is larger
#'than max.nbin the values of y (after arcsine square root transformation) are
#'binned (i.e. the range of y (0 to pi/2) is divided into nbin bins of equal
#'width and the number of y values in each bin is used as the weight of the
#'midpoints of each bin). This results in significant speed improvement with
#'large numbers of samples without noticeable effects on model fitting.
#'@param nbin a single integer, default=200: the number of bins (see maxn.bin).
#'@param plothist if TRUE (default) a histogram of y is plotted with the fitted
#'distributions superimposed
#'@param nbreaks number of breaks (default 40) for plotting the histogram;
#'does not have an effect on fitting the mixture model.
#'@param maintitle string, used as title in the plotted histogram.
#'@param closeScreen logical, only has an effect if plothist is TRUE.
#'closeScreen should be TRUE (default) unless CodomMarker will plot on a
#'device that is managed outside CodomMarker.
#'@param fPinfo NA (default), for internal use only. Prevents unneeded checking
#'and recalculation of input parameters when called from fitOneMarker.
#'@details This function takes as input a vector of ratios of the signals of
#'two alleles (a and b) at one genetic marker locus (ratios as b/(a+b)), one for
#'each sample, and fits a mixture model with ng components (for a tetraploid
#'species: ng=5 components representing the nulliplex, simplex, duplex, triplex
#'and quadruplex genotypes). Ideally these signal ratios should reflect the
#'possible allele ratios (for a tetraploid: 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1) but in real
#'life they show a continuous distribution with a number of more or less clearly
#'defined peaks. The samples can represent multiple populations, each with
#'their own segregation type (polysomic F1 ratios, Hardy-Weinberg ratios or
#'free ratios). Multiple arguments specify what model to fit and with what
#'values the iterative fitting process should start.\cr
#'Parameter mutype determines how the means of the mixture model components are
#'constrained based on the possible allele ratios, as follows
#'  \item{0}{all means are fitted without restrictions (ng parameters)}
#'  \item{1}{a basic model assuming that both allele signals have a linear
#'           response to the allele dosage; one parameter for the ratio of the
#'           slopes of the two signal responses, and two parameters for the
#'           background levels (intercepts) of both signals (total 3
#'           parameters)}
#'  \item{2}{as 1, but with the same background level for both signals
#'           (2 parameters)}
#'  \item{3}{as 1, with two parameters for a quadratic effect in the signal
#'           responses (5 parameters)}
#'  \item{4}{as 3, but with the same background level for both signals
#'           (4 parameters)}
#'  \item{5}{as 3, but with the same quadratic parameter for both signal
#'           responses (4 parameters)}
#'  \item{6}{as 5, but with the same background level for both signals
#'           (3 parameters)}
#'@return A list; if an error occurs the only list component is
#'  \item{message}{the error message}
#'If no error occurs the list has the following components:
#'  \item{loglik}{the optimized log-likelihood}
#'  \item{npar}{the number of fitted parameters}
#'  \item{AIC}{Akaike's Information Criterion}
#'  \item{BIC}{Bayesian Information Criterion}
#'  \item{psi}{a list with components mu, sigma and p: mu and sigma each
#'             a vector of length ng with the means and standard deviations
#'             of the components of the fitted mixture model ON THE TRANSFORMED
#'             SCALE. p a matrix with one row per population and ng columns:
#'             the mixing proportions of the mixture components for each
#'             population}
#'  \item{post}{a matrix of ng columns and length(y) rows; each row r gives the
#'              ng probabilities that y[r] belongs to the ng components}
#'  \item{nobs}{the number of observations in y (excluding NA's)}
#'  \item{iter}{the number of iterations}
#'  \item{message}{an error message, "" if no error}
#'  \item{back}{a list with components mu.back and sigma.back: each a vector
#'              of length ng with the means and standard deviations of the
#'              mixture model components back-transformed to the original
#'              scale}
#' data(fitPoly_data)
#' mrkdat <- fitPoly_data$ploidy6$dat6x[fitPoly_data$ploidy6$dat6x$MarkerName == "mrk001",]
#' # hexaploid, without specified populations
#' cdm <- CodomMarker(mrkdat$ratio, ng=7)
#' names(cdm)
#' # hexaploid, with specified populations (4 F1 populations and a cultivar panel)
#' # first set the ptype for each population: p.F1 for F1 populations,
#' # p.HW for the panel, p.free for the F1 parents
#' ptype <- rep("p.HW", nrow(fitPoly_data$ploidy6$pop.parents))
#' ptype[!is.na(fitPoly_data$ploidy6$pop.parents[,1])] <- "p.F1"
#' ptype[unique(fitPoly_data$ploidy6$pop.parents)] <- "p.free" #all F1 parents
#' cdm <- CodomMarker(y=mrkdat$ratio, ng=7,
#'                    pop=fitPoly_data$ploidy6$pop,
#'                    pop.parents=fitPoly_data$ploidy6$pop.parents,
#'                    mutype=5, ptype=ptype)
CodomMarker <- function(y, ng,
                        pop.parents=matrix(c(NA,NA), nrow=1), #no population structure
                        pop=rep(1, length(y)), ##no population structure
                        mutype=0, sdtype="sd.const", ptype=NA,
                        clus=TRUE, mu.start=NA,
                        sd=rep(0.075, ng), p=NA,
                        maxiter=500, maxn.bin=200, nbin=200,
                        plothist=TRUE, nbreaks=40,
                        closeScreen=TRUE, fPinfo=NA) {

  res <- tryCatch( {
    if (is1NA(fPinfo)) {
      #if CodomMarker is called from fitOneMarker etc these checks are not needed
      #here we call checkCodomMarkerData to find problems that need an
      #error message,
      #and locally we adjust some variables if needed
      if (is.null(row.names(pop.parents)))
        row.names(pop.parents) <- 1:nrow(pop.parents)
      if (class(pop)[1] == "numeric") pop <- as.integer(round(pop))
      chkCMD <- checkCodomMarkerData(y, ng, pop, pop.parents, ptype)
      if (is.character(chkCMD)) stop(chkCMD) else {
        if (!is.null(chkCMD$pop)) pop <- chkCMD$pop
        if (!is.null(chkCMD$ptype)) ptype <- chkCMD$ptype
      if (!is1NA(mu.start) &&
          (length(mu.start) != ng ||
           anyNA(mu.start) ||
           any(diff(mu.start) <= 0) ||
           mu.start[1] < 0 || mu.start[ng] > 1))
        stop("invalid mu.start")
      if (is1NA(sd)) sd <- rep(0.075, ng) else
        if (anyNA(sd) || any(sd <= 0) || !(length(sd) %in% c(1,ng)))
          stop("invalid sd") else
            if (length(sd) == 1) sd <- rep(sd, ng)
      #set p for each population in case it is NA or otherwise not matching to
      #number of populations, and make sure p sums to 1 for each population:
      if (is1NA(p)) {
        p <- matrix(1/ng, ncol=ng, nrow=nrow(pop.parents))
      } else {
        if (is.vector(p)) p <- matrix(p, nrow=1) #vector to matrix
        if (!is.matrix(p) || nrow(p) != nrow(pop.parents) || ncol(p) != ng ||
            anyNA(p) || any(p < 0) || any(p > 1) ||
            any(abs(1 - rowSums(p)) > 1e-6))
          stop("invalid p")
      #p is now a matrix with nrow=nrow(pop.parents) (possibly 1) rows
      #and ng columns, each row summing to 1
      if ("p.F1" %in% ptype)
        segrArray <- getPolysomicSegr(ploidy=ng-1)
    } else {
      #called from fitOneMarker
      segrArray <- fPinfo$segrArray

    # transform data to arcsine(square root):
    yw <- asin(sqrt(y))
    if (!is.na(mu.start[1])) mu.start <- asin(sqrt(mu.start))

    minyw <- min(yw, na.rm=TRUE)
    maxyw <- max(yw, na.rm=TRUE)

    #determine the number of free parameters of the model:
    if (mutype %in% 0:6) {
      mupar <- getMuModelNpar(mutype, ng)
    } else  stop("invalid mutype")

    sigmapar = switch (sdtype,
      sd.free = ng,
      sd.const = 1,
      sd.fixed = 0,
      stop("invalid sdtype")

    ppar <- 0
    for (popi in 1:nrow(pop.parents)) {
      if (popi %in% pop.parents && ptype[popi] != "p.nodata") {
        # if population popi is F1 parent, then a single p parameter is assumed
        ppar <- ppar + 1
      } else {
        ppar <- ppar + switch (ptype[popi],
                               p.free = ng - 1,   # this may need modification
                               # if some classes do not contain data
                               p.HW = 1,
                               p.fixed = 0,
                               p.part = sum(p[popi,] > 0) - 1,
                               p.F1 = 0,
                               p.nodata = 0,
                               stop("invalid ptype") ) #end switch
    npar <- mupar + sigmapar + ppar
    result <- list(message="Error in CodomMarker") #default, to be replaced

    #check for ng==1 (1 peak):
    if (ng==1) {
      result <- fitOneDist(y=yw, sdtype=sdtype, sd.fixed=sd, npar=npar)
      #         population structure not relevant
    } else {
      if (is1NA(mu.start)) {
        # no starting values for mu were give, so calculate these first

        # initialize parameters through clustering if asked for
        if (clus) {
          yh <- yw[!is.na(yw)]
          # alternative (3-5-2012): use kmeans clustering, much faster
          # .Random.seed (affects and is affected by kmeans) is saved, set and
          # restored in fitOneMarker, but CodomMarker just uses the random
          # numbers as they come
          clus.init <- ClusterInit(yh, ng, closedips=TRUE) # returns mu's and sd on transformed scale
          mu.start <- clus.init$clus.mu
          sd.start <- clus.init$clus.sd #no need for rep, already ng values
          sd.start[sd.start < 0.01] <- 0.01  # don't allow sds smaller than 0.01
          if (sdtype == "sd.const") {
            sd.start <- rep(mean(sd.start), ng)
          } else if (sdtype == "sd.fixed") sd.start <- sd
        } else { # mu.start==NA and clus==FALSE; spread evenly over range
          ylo <- asin(sqrt(0.02))
          yhi <- asin(sqrt(0.98))
          mu.start <- seq(ylo, yhi, length.out=ng)
          sd.start <- sd
      } else {
        # mu.start given, use also given or builtin sd.start:
        sd.start <- sd

      result <- EMGaussMix(y=yw, ng=ng, pop=pop, ptype=ptype, mutype=mutype,
                           sdtype=sdtype, sd.fixed=sd,
                           p.start=p, mu.start=mu.start, sd.start=sd.start,
                           npar=npar, maxiter=maxiter, maxn.bin=maxn.bin, nbin=nbin,
                           pop.parents=pop.parents, segrArray=segrArray)
    } # if ng==1 else
    if ("message" %in% names(result)) {
      if (result$message == "") {
        # transform mu and sigma back to original scale -
        # note that the naive y <- sin(x)^2 is not correct here!
        #mu.back <- sin(result$psi$mu)^2 + 0.5*(2*(cos(result$psi$mu)^2 - sin(result$psi$mu)^2))*(result$psi$sigma^2)   # Use E(f(y)) ~ f(Ey) + 0.5*f''(Ey) var(y)
        # Use E(f(y)) ~ f(Ey) + 0.5*f''(Ey) var(y) :
        mu.back <- sin(result$psi$mu)^2 +
          (cos(result$psi$mu)^2 - sin(result$psi$mu)^2) * result$psi$sigma^2
        # Use sd(f(y)) ~ f'(Ey) sd(y) :
        sigma.back <- 2*sin(result$psi$mu)*cos(result$psi$mu)*result$psi$sigma
        back <- list(mu.back=mu.back, sigma.back=sigma.back)
        result$back <- back

        # prepare for histogram visualization
        if (plothist) {
            if (closeScreen) close.screen(all.screens=TRUE)
            drawCompositePlot(rr=y, rrpop=pop, drr=numeric(0),
                              #geno=rep(NA, length(y)),
                              maintitle=maintitle, nbreaks=40,
            if (closeScreen) close.screen(all.screens=TRUE)
          }, error = function(ex) {
            warning(paste("Plotting error in CodomMarker:", ex$message, "\n"),
      } else { #result$message!=""
        result$message <- paste("Error1 in CodomMarker: ",
                                result$message, sep="")
      #end of "message" in names(result)
    } else {
      result$message <- "Error3 in CodomMarker"
  }, error = function(ex) {
    list(message=paste("Error2 in CodomMarker: ", ex$message, sep=""))
  } )
} # CodomMarker

# ClusterInit ******************************
# Initialisation of parameters by clustering
# ******************************************
# parameters:
# yh: ratios on transformed arcsine(sqrt) scale; may not contain NA
# ng: total number of possible clusters (one more than ploidy level)
# closedips: if TRUE any clusters with less than (1/ng/4) of observations,
#            between larger clusters, are discarded
# return value: list with 2 elements:
# $clus.mu: vector of length ng with cluster means on transformed scale
# $clus.sd: vector of length ng, each number is the same within-cluster standard deviation
#           on transformed scale

ClusterInit <- function(yh, ng, closedips=TRUE) {
  tryCatch ({
    seq2 <- function(low,up,n) seq(low,up, length.out=n+2)[-c(1,n+2)]  # help function for filling gaps

    # Try 1 to ng clusters, decide on number of clusters, fill in gaps at ends
    km <- list(); wss <- numeric(ng); BIC <- numeric(ng)
    for (i in 1:ng){
      km[[i]] <- kmeans(yh, centers=i, nstart=10*i)  # try different starts, increasing numbers for more clusters
      wss[i] <- km[[i]]$tot.withinss

      clus.mu <- km[[i]]$centers             #i*1 matrix of cluster centers (transformed scale)
      clus.sd <- sqrt(wss[i]/(length(yh)-i)) #one numeric value: overall within-cluster sd (transformed scale)
      clus.p <- km[[i]]$size/length(yh)      #vector of fraction of observations in each cluster

      if (i == 1) loglik <- sum(log(sapply(yh, dnorm, clus.mu, clus.sd)))
      else loglik <- sum(log(t(sapply(yh, dnorm, clus.mu, clus.sd)) %*% clus.p))
      BIC[i] <- -2*loglik + log(length(yh))*(7*i)   # use more heavy penalty than ordinary BIC to avoid spurious clusters

    nrclust <- which.min(BIC)

    clus.mu <- km[[nrclust]]$centers #nrclust*1 matrix
    clus.sd <- rep(sqrt(wss[nrclust]/(length(yh)-nrclust)), ng)
    o <- order(clus.mu)
    clus.mu <- clus.mu[o] #vector of length nrclust
    if (closedips) {
      dip_threshold <- 1/ng/4 #clusters with less than this fraction of samples are discarded
      clus.p <- km[[nrclust]]$size/length(yh)
      clus.p <- clus.p[o]
      keep <- which(clus.p >= dip_threshold) #at least one
      #we delete any small clusters within this range (not at the outside,
      #and they are larger than dip_threshold):
      if (max(keep) - min(keep) >= length(keep)) {
        firstTopAt <- 2
        while (firstTopAt <= length(keep) &&
                 clus.p[keep[firstTopAt]] >= clus.p[keep[firstTopAt-1]])
          firstTopAt <- firstTopAt + 1
        firstTopAt <- firstTopAt - 1
        lastTopAt <- length(keep) - 1
        while (lastTopAt >= 1 &&
                 clus.p[keep[lastTopAt]] >= clus.p[keep[lastTopAt+1]])
          lastTopAt <- lastTopAt - 1
        lastTopAt <- lastTopAt + 1
        if (lastTopAt > firstTopAt +1) {
          gap_threshold <- min(clus.p[keep[c(firstTopAt, lastTopAt)]]) / 4
          del <- which(clus.p[min(keep):max(keep)] < gap_threshold) + min(keep) - 1
          if (length(del) > 0) clus.mu <- clus.mu[keep[-del]]
    extraclust <- ng - length(clus.mu)

    if (extraclust > 0) {
      #The remaining peaks are considered one consecutive block;
      #we add additional peaks (up to ng) at the outsides, based on the
      #distances between the first mu and 0 vs last mu and pi/2:
      maxy <- pi/2
      lo.mu <- min(clus.mu)
      hi.mu <- max(clus.mu)
      lo.empty <- lo.mu
      hi.empty <- pi/2-hi.mu
      frac.lo <- lo.empty/(lo.empty+hi.empty)
      frac.hi <- 1-frac.lo

      n.lo <- round(frac.lo * extraclust)
      n.hi <- round(frac.hi * extraclust)
      if ((n.lo+n.hi) > extraclust) {
        # happens only if n.lo and n.hi both rounded up, i.e. exact n in both cases x.5
        # decreasing the smallest one tends to shift distribution to one side,
        # decreasing the largest tends to center the distribution
        # we go for the shift:
        if (n.lo < n.hi) n.lo <- n.lo - 1 else n.hi <- n.hi - 1
      } else {
        if ((n.lo+n.hi) < extraclust) {
          # happens only if n.lo and n.hi both rounded down, i.e. exact n in both cases x.5
          # increasing the largest one tends to shift distribution to one side,
          # increasing the smallest tends to center the distribution
          # we go for the shift:
          if (n.hi > n.lo) n.hi <- n.hi + 1 else n.lo <- n.lo + 1
      clus.mu <- c(seq2(0, lo.mu, n.lo), clus.mu, seq2(hi.mu, maxy, n.hi))

    list(clus.mu=clus.mu, clus.sd=clus.sd) #both on transformed scale
  }, error = function(x) {
    #if clustering error (because less than ng distinct ratio values,
    #as when (almost) all ratios are exactly 0 or 1)
    #do as when mu.start=NA and clus=FALSE, but now with extreme values:
    list (clus.mu=seq(0.02, (pi/2) - 0.02,length.out=ng),
          clus.sd <- rep(0.075,ng))
} #ClusterInit

# ***********************
# Supporting functions
# ***********************

# PlotHistDensity **************************
# The main function for plotting the results

dnormasr <- function(x, mu, sigma) { dnorm(asin(sqrt(x)), mean=mu, sd=sigma) }
#dnormlogit <- function(x, mu, sigma) { dnorm(log(x/(1-x)), mean=mu, sd=sigma) }

PlotHistDensity <- function(rr, drr=numeric(0),
                            rrP1=numeric(0), rrP2=numeric(0),
                            mu, sigma, p,
                            maintitle="", xaxis="n",  xlabel=NULL,
                            nbreaks=40, fitcol="darkgreen") {
  #This function draws a plot for one population and one fitted marker.
  #The plot consists of a histogram of the (polyploid) F1 population or
  #association panel, with superimposed a histogram of diploid samples. If
  #the population is an F1 population the positions of the parental samples
  #are indicated. Over the histograms the distribution of the fitted mixture
  #model is drawn.
  #rr: vector of signal ratios (asin(sqrt(x)) transformed) of all polyploid
  #    samples for one marker for the F1 population or association panel.
  #drr: vector of signal ratios (asin(sqrt(x)) transformed) of all diploid
  #     samples for one marker
  #rrP1, rrP2: signal ratios for the samples of parent 1 and parent 2
  #mu: vector of length <ploidy+1> with means of the mixture components
  #    (on transformed scale)
  #    In case mu has not length 5 or the first element of mu is NA
  #    the model is not drawn
  #sigma: vector of length 5 with stdev of the mixture components
  #      (on transformed scale)
  #p: vector of length 5 with the mixing proportions of the 5 mixture components
  #   for the population
  #breaks: vector of breaks for hist on the transformed ratio scale
  #maintitle: the title to print in the plot
  #xaxis: allows to draw ("s") or suppress ("n") the x-axis
  #xlabel: NULL or x-axis title

  htet <- hist(rr, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE)
  if (length(drr) > 0) {
    hdip <- hist(drr, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE)
  } else hdip <- list(counts=0)
  ylabel <- "frequency"
  maxy <- max(htet$counts)
  maxdip <- max(hdip$counts)
  if (maxy <= 0) {
    #for populations with no non-missing data
    if (maxdip == 0) maxy <- 1 else maxy <- maxdip
  } else {
    #scale diploid counts so the maximum bar is half the max polyploid bar:
    hdip$counts <- hdip$counts * maxy / maxdip / 2
  xlim <- c(0, 1)
  htet$ylim <- c(0, 1.05 * maxy) #so ylim will be part of the return value
  barplot (htet$counts,
           width=(htet$breaks[length(htet$breaks)] - htet$breaks[1]) /
             (length(htet$breaks) - 1),
           space=0, xlim=xlim, ylim=htet$ylim, col="white",
           xaxt=xaxis, xlab=xlabel, ylab=ylabel, yaxt="n")
  if (xaxis=="s") {
    #plot an x-axis and an y-axis with "0"
    axis(side=1, labels=TRUE, at=seq(0, 1, by=0.2))
    axis(side=2, labels=TRUE)
  } else {
    #plot only an y-axis, with the "0" at the lowest tick omitted:
    yticks <- axTicks(side=2)
    ylabs <- as.character(yticks) ; ylabs[1] <- ""
    axis(side=2, at=yticks, labels=ylabs)
  #area <- 1
  classwidth <- breaks[2] - breaks[1]
  area <- length(rr[!is.na(rr)]) * classwidth

  if (length(drr) > 0) {
    #plot diploids histogram into tetraploids plot:
    nbreaks <- length(breaks) - 1
    binwidth <- 1 / nbreaks
    barwidth <- 1/3 #relative to binwidth
    par(new=TRUE) # start new plot in existing barplot
    barplot (hdip$counts,
             width=binwidth * barwidth,
             space=1/barwidth - 1,
             xlim=c(binwidth * (1-barwidth)/2, 1 + binwidth * (1 - barwidth)/2),
             ylim=htet$ylim, col="gray", main="", xlab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
  oldcex <- par("cex")
  if (is.null(mu)) ng <- 0 else ng <- length(mu)
  if (ng > 0 && length(sigma) == ng && length(p) == ng &&
      !anyNA(c(mu, sigma, p))) {
    #model fitted, draw model:
    #draw the model density lines:
    r <- seq(from=xlim[1], to=xlim[2], length.out=301) #by=((xlim[2]-xlim[1])/300))
    for (i in 1:ng) {
      area.i <-
        integrate(dnormasr, lower=0.001, upper=0.999 , mu=mu[i],
                  sigma=sigma[i], subdivisions=300)$value
      #the area is changed due to the y=asin(sqrt(x)) transformation,
      #correct for this
      lines(cbind(r, (area / area.i) * p[i] *
                     dnorm(asin(sqrt(r)), mean=mu[i], sd=sigma[i])),
            lwd=1, col=fitcol)
    #plot the means (at back-transformed positions):
    muback <- sin(mu)
    muback <- muback * muback
    #points(rep(0, ng) ~ muback, pch=17, cex=3*oldcex, col=fitcol) #the means
    text(x=muback, y=rep(0, ng), labels=as.character(0:(ng-1)),
         cex=2*oldcex, adj=c(0.5, 0), col=fitcol) #the means, as numbers with
    #                                              bottom on X axis
  #plot the parental samples:
  if (length(rrP1) > 0) points(rrP1, rep(0,length(rrP1)), pch=17,
                               cex=3*oldcex, col="red")
  if (length(rrP2) > 0) points(rrP2, rep(0,length(rrP2)), pch=17,
                               cex=3*oldcex, col="blue")
} # PlotHistDensity

getResultnames <- function(ng, pop.parents) {
  #these are the names of the modeldata component of the return value of fitTetra
  result <-
    c("marker", "MarkerName", "m", "model",
      "nsamp", "nsel", "npar", "iter", "dip",
      "LL", "AIC", "BIC",
      "selcrit", "minsepar", "meanP", "P80", "P90", "P95", "P975", "P99",
      paste(rep("muact", ng), 0:(ng-1), sep=""), #actual means of the samples in
      #                              each peak on arcsine-sqrt transformed scale
      paste(rep("sdact", ng), 0:(ng-1), sep=""), #actual sd's of the samples in
      #                              each peak on arcsine-sqrt transformed scale
      paste(rep("Pact", ng), 0:(ng-1), sep="")) #actual freqs of the samples in each peak
  #   Note that Pact is over all populations together, NOT per population
  #   like the fitted P's (see below). In fitOneMarker we make use of the combined Pact!
  result <- c(result,
              paste(rep("mutrans", ng), 0:(ng-1), sep=""), #mu's on arcsine-sqrt transformed scale
              paste(rep("sdtrans", ng), 0:(ng-1), sep="")) #sd's on arcsine-sqrt transformed scale
  if (nrow(pop.parents) == 1) {
    result <-c(result,
               paste(rep("P", ng), 0:(ng-1), sep="")) #mixture proportions
  } else for (r in 1:nrow(pop.parents)) {
    result <-
        paste(rep(paste("P", rownames(pop.parents)[r], sep="_"), ng),
              0:(ng-1), sep="_")) #mixture proportions for each pop
    paste(rep("mu", ng), 0:(ng-1), sep=""),  #backtransformed mu's
    paste(rep("sd", ng), 0:(ng-1), sep=""), #backtransformed sd's
} #getResultnames

# calcSelcrit calculates the selcrit (selection criterion based on the values
# of the BIC and sdtrans0 components of allmodeldata and on sd.target
# include is a boolean vector of length nrow(allmodeldata); where include=FALSE
# the allmodeldata$selcrit becomes NA
calcSelcrit <- function(allmodeldata, include, sd.target) {
  #different 20161116: we now scale according to the observed BIC range:
  #for sd <= sd.target: selcrit == BIC
  #for sd = 2* sd.target: selcrit <- BIC + BICrange + 5
  allmodeldata$selcrit <- rep(NA, nrow(allmodeldata))
  include[is.na(include)] <- FALSE
  allmodeldata$selcrit[include] <- allmodeldata$BIC[include]
  if (!is1NA(sd.target) && any(!is.na(allmodeldata$BIC[include]))) {
    BICrange <- max(allmodeldata$BIC[include], na.rm=TRUE) -
      min(allmodeldata$BIC[include], na.rm=TRUE)
    sdvalues <- allmodeldata$sdtrans0 #all sdtrans are equal, take the first
    mulf <- rep(1, nrow(allmodeldata))
    changerows <- include & !is.na(sdvalues) & sdvalues > sd.target
    mulf[changerows] <- sdvalues[changerows] / sd.target #larger sdvalue -> larger mulf
    corr <- (mulf - 1) * (BICrange + 5)
    allmodeldata$selcrit[changerows] <- (allmodeldata$BIC + corr)[changerows]
} #calcSelcrit

#MarkerResult collects the output of CodomMarker
#for comparisons of models, and performs some initial calculations
#for genotype allocation
#the return value is a list with
#stats: a data frame, and
#probs: itself a list of data frames
#MarkerResult adds the results of the current marker to row [model] of stats
#and adds element[[model]] of prob
#the whole list of model results to which these data are added is passed
#as parameter mrkresult
# the model determines how the means and mixing proportions of the mixture
# component distributions are modelled

MarkerResult <- function(marker, markername, ratio,
                         model, origPopstruct, mrkPopstruct,
                         ng, mrkresult, nsamp,
                         mustart, sd=rep(0.075, ng),
                         maxiter, maxn.bin, nbin,
                         plot.type, plot.dir,
                         modelcount) {
  #model: model number, determines how the means and mixing proportions of the
  #       mixture component distributions are modelled
  #modelcount: 4 or 8, the number of models fitted with a given mustart,
  #            used only for plotting (if plothist TRUE)
  model.ps    <- getModelPopstruct(model, origPopstruct, mrkPopstruct, ng)
  modelresult <- mrkresult$stats
  probslist <- mrkresult$probs
  Pactlist    <- mrkresult$Pact #matrices with the actual fractions of samples
  #                              in each peak, for each population
  modelname <- getModelName(mutype, model.ps, ng)
  result <- tryCatch({
    CodomMarker(y=ratio, ng=ng,
                mutype=mutype, sdtype="sd.const",
                clus=FALSE, #as we always supply a mu.start
                mu.start=mustart, sd=sd, p=model.ps$p.start,
                maxiter=maxiter, maxn.bin=maxn.bin, nbin=nbin,
                plothist=FALSE, # not plothist!
                #plot.type=plot.type, plot.dir=plot.dir,
                maintitle=paste(marker, markername, modelname),
                closeScreen=FALSE, fPinfo=list(segrArray=model.ps$segrArray))
    #DONE plothist=FALSE in call to CodomMarker,
    #TODO: check separate plotting with popstruct if plothist TRUE
  }, error = function(x) {x} )
  modelresult$marker[model] <- marker
  modelresult$MarkerName[model] <- markername
  modelresult$m[model] <- model
  modelresult$model[model] <- modelname
  modelresult$nsamp[model] <- nsamp #including the ratio=NA but
  #                                  excluding the select=FALSE samples
  modelresult$nsel[model] <- length(ratio)
  if (class(result)[1] == "character") {
    modelresult$message[model] <- result[1]
  } else {
    modelresult$message[model] <- gsub("[\r\n]", " ", result$message) #removes
    #  any newlines in message: message "$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors"
    #  seems to contain a newline

  if (plothist) {
    startPlotall(model, origPopstruct$orig_nonparents,
                  plot.type, plot.dir, marker, markername)

  if (class(result)[1] == "character" || result$message != "") {
    #CodomMarker error
    modelresult$npar[model] <- NA
    modelresult$iter[model] <- NA
    modelresult$dip[model] <- NA
    modelresult$LL[model] <- NA
    modelresult$AIC[model] <- NA
    modelresult$BIC[model] <- NA
    if (plothist) {
      errorplot(paste(marker, markername, modelname))
  } else {
    #CodomMarker successful
    modelresult$npar[model] <- result$npar
    modelresult$iter[model] <- result$iter
    modelresult$LL[model] <- result$loglik
    modelresult$AIC[model] <- result$AIC # Akaike's Information Criterion,
    #                                      better than BIC for small models
    modelresult$BIC[model] <- result$BIC # Bayesian Information Criterion,
    #                                 optimal for complex models
    #                                 more severe penalty than AIC if nsel>=8
    #                                 we use BIC for model selection
    #the following statistics may also reflect the quality of the fit
    #but are not used any more:
    mudiff <- diff(result$psi$mu)
    sigavs <- (result$psi$sigma[2:ng] + result$psi$sigma[1:(ng-1)]) / 2
    #         the average of successive sigma's
    separation <- mudiff/sigavs
    #             a measure of the (ng-1) separations between the peaks
    modelresult$minsepar[model] <- min(separation)
    #the following calculates the fraction of genotyped samples at
    #various P thresholds. These fractions relate to the total number of
    #ratio values passed to CodomMarker; this includes only the non-NA samples
    #for which select is TRUE (in fitOneMarker)
    probs <- data.frame(result$post)
    names(probs) <- paste("P", 0:(ng-1), sep="") # "P0" .. "P<ploidy>"
    #list for each sample the maximum p value and the maxgeno corresponding to it:
    probs$maxgeno <- max.col(result$post)  # for every row (sample) the max peak
    #                                            (0..(ng-1) instead of 1..ng)
    probs$maxP <- result$post[cbind(1:nrow(result$post), probs$maxgeno)]
    #             for every row the P at the max
    if (anyNA(probs$maxP)) {
      warning(paste("marker", marker, "model", model,"NAs in maxP")) #TODO: remove debug check
      #stop(paste("marker", marker, "model", model,"error in maxP")) #TODO: remove debug check
    probs$maxgeno <- probs$maxgeno - 1 # 0..ploidy instead of 1..ng
    maxP <- probs$maxP # saves code
    modelresult$meanP[model] <- mean(maxP) #the average maxP over all samples
    #calc fractions samples with maxP>0.80 .. 0.99
    modelresult$P80[model] <- length(maxP[maxP>0.80])/length(maxP)
    modelresult$P90[model] <- length(maxP[maxP>0.90])/length(maxP)
    modelresult$P95[model] <- length(maxP[maxP>0.95])/length(maxP)
    modelresult$P975[model] <- length(maxP[maxP>0.975])/length(maxP)
    modelresult$P99[model] <- length(maxP[maxP>0.99])/length(maxP)
    #the following give the parameters of the fitted model and are used
    #by fitOneMarker for plotting
    mutrans0 <- which(names(modelresult)=="mutrans0")
    modelresult[model, mutrans0:(mutrans0 + ng - 1)] <- result$psi$mu
      #was as.numeric(result$psi$mu)
    modelresult[model, (mutrans0 + ng):(mutrans0 + 2*ng - 1)] <-
      result$psi$sigma # was as.numeric(result$psi$sigma)
    #psi$p is now a matrix with one row per current population.
    if (model.ps$allcombined) {
      #psi$p has only one row and we put this in the slots for the first
      #population in modelresult
      modelresult[model, (mutrans0 + 2*ng):(mutrans0 + 3*ng - 1)] <-
    } else {
      #psi$p has rows for all original populations, and we
      #put all in one go into modelresult
      colstochange <-
        mutrans0 + ((2*ng):((2+nrow(origPopstruct$orig_pop.parents))*ng - 1))
      modelresult[model, colstochange] <- t(result$psi$p)
        #was as.numeric(t(result$psi$p))
      #the p for all original populations
    #next the mu's and sigma's backtransformed to 0..1 scale:
    mu0 <- which(names(modelresult)=="mu0")
    modelresult[model, mu0:(mu0 + ng - 1)] <- result$back$mu
    modelresult[model, (mu0 + ng):(mu0 + 2*ng - 1)] <- result$back$sigma
    #after the general model data we process the data per sample,
    #and obtain the actual mus, sds, ps, and check for dips:
    probslist[[model]] <- probs
    Pact <- do.call(rbind, tapply(probs$maxgeno+1, INDEX=model.ps$population,
                                  FUN=tabulate, nbins=ng))
    #       Pact is actual fraction of samples in each peak, per population.
    #       Because seldat is ordered by SampleName in fitOneMarker, the sample
    #       order in probs is the same as in seldat and in model.ps$population
    colnames(Pact) <- 0:(ng-1)
    totPact <- colSums(Pact)
    Pact <- Pact / rowSums(Pact) # may produce NaN's, are detected with is.na()
    totPact <- totPact / sum(totPact)
    #print(paste("model=", model," totPact=",paste(totPact, collapse=" ")))
    Pactlist[[model]] <- Pact
    #check if there is a dip (smaller peak surrounded by larger peaks);
    #in any of the non-parent populations:
    dip <- length(find.dips.populations(Pact, pops=model.ps$nonparents)) > 0
    modelresult$dip[model] <- as.integer(dip)
    # calculate the actual mean, sd and P of the samples in each peak
    # Even with multiple populations we give actual means or counts OVER ALL
    # populations: in fitOneMarker we make use of the combined Pact!
    asr <- asin(sqrt(ratio))
    muact <- tapply(asr, INDEX=probs$maxgeno, FUN=mean) #mean per peak
    sdact <- tapply(asr, INDEX=probs$maxgeno, FUN=sd) #sd per peak
    nam <- as.numeric(names(muact)) #some classes may be missing
    muact0 <- which(names(modelresult) == "muact0")
    for (n in 0:(ng-1)) { #muact and sdact may have missing categories
      w<-which(nam == n)
      if (length(w) == 1) {
        modelresult[model, muact0 + n] <- muact[w]
        modelresult[model, muact0 + ng + n] <- sdact[w]
      } else {
        modelresult[[muact0+n]][model] <- modelresult[[mutrans0+n]][model]
        #                                 if no samples in peak use model mean
    modelresult[model, (muact0 + 2*ng):(muact0 + 3*ng - 1)] <- totPact
    if (plothist) {
      drawCompositePlot(rr=ratio, rrpop=model.ps$population, drr=numeric(0),
                        #geno=rep(NA, length(y)),
                        maintitle=paste(marker, " ", markername, " ",
                                        model, ": ", modelname, sep=""),
                        nbreaks=40, drawGeno=FALSE)
    } #plothist
  } #CodomMarker succesful
  if (plothist) {
    savePlotall(model=model, orig_nonparents=origPopstruct$orig_nonparents,
  list(stats=modelresult, probs=probslist, Pact=Pactlist)
} # MarkerResult

lengthNoNA <- function(x) { sum(!is.na(x)) }

#padded returns a string representing positive integer x left-padded with 0's
#to the length of integer maxx or of max(x)
padded <- function(x, maxx=0) {
  formatC(x, width=nchar(max(x, maxx, na.rm=TRUE)), flag="0")

#errorplot plots an empty plot with an error message
errorplot <- function(main, message="not fitted") {
  oldpar <- par(c("cex", "mar", "mex"))
  nwcex <- 0.66 * oldpar$cex
  nwmex <- oldpar$mex
  plot(0, main=main, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
       xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", pch=NA) #empty space with title
  text(message, x=0.5, y=0.5)
  #box("figure", col="orange")

drawRejectedPlot <-  function(rr, rrpop, drr=numeric(0), ploidy, pop.parents,
                              nonparents, maintitle) {
  drawCompositePlot(rr, rrpop, drr, pop.parents, nonparents,
                    #geno=rep(NA, length(rr)),
                    psi=list(mu=rep(NA, ploidy+1)),
                    maintitle=maintitle, nbreaks=40, drawGeno=TRUE)

drawFittedPlot <- function(rr, rrpop, drr=numeric(0), pop.parents,
                           nonparents, geno=NULL, psi, maintitle) {
  drawCompositePlot(rr, rrpop, drr, pop.parents, nonparents,
                    maintitle=maintitle, nbreaks=40, drawGeno=TRUE)

drawCompositePlot <- function(rr, rrpop, drr=numeric(0), pop.parents, #parents,
                              geno=NULL, psi,
                              nbreaks=40, drawGeno=FALSE) {
  #This function draws a composite plot for one marker.
  #The plot consists of one histogram per F1-population or association panel,
  #plus one rug plot showing the assigned genotypes for all samples if
  #drawGeno is TRUE (even if geno is NULL!)
  #rr: vector of signal ratios (asin(sqrt(x)) transformed) of all polyploid
  #    samples for one marker
  #rrpop: integer of same length and same order as rr; values indicate rows of pop.parents
  #drr: vector of signal ratios (asin(sqrt(x)) transformed) of all diploid
  #     samples for one marker
  #pop.parents: matrix with one row per population indicated by rrpop values:
  #           nrow(pop.parents) == length(levels(rrpop))
  #           each row has 2 integers: both 0 for panels and parentals,
  #           two other row numbers for F1 populations
  #           row names are used for histogram titles
  #nonparents: integer vector with the rows in pop.parents that are not a parent
  #            (i.e. for which a histogram must be drawn)
  #   DONE?: use the popstruct info to determine the number of panels in the plot
  #   (based on orig_pop.parents)
  #   deal with psi$p being NA for populations and parents without data
  #   Note that populations in orig_pop.parents for which no data are available
  #   must show an empty plot with the name of the population!
  #geno: integer vector of same length and same order as rr, with the assigned
  #      genotypes
  #      (0..ploidy or NA)
  #psi: a list with components
  # $mu: vector of length ng with means of the mixture components
  #      (on transformed scale)
  # $sigma: vector of length ng with stdev of the mixture components
  #      (on transformed scale)
  # $p: matrix with ng columns and same number of rows as pop.parents.
  #     each row has the mixing proportions of the ng mixture components for one
  #     population
  # In case the first element of mu is NA the model is not drawn
  #maintitle: the base title; for each histogram the population name is appended
  #nbreaks: the number of breaks for the tetraploid histogram
  #drawGeno: if TRUE (default) a rug plot with the genotypes of all samples
  #          is drawn
  nhists <- length(nonparents)
  #plotheights: the histograms together take up 4/5 of the height,
  #the rug plot 1/5
  # new way, using split.screen instead of layout, as this needs to draw
  # a composite plot into one of the subscreens when called from fitTetra
  # with plotall TRUE:
  # Currently the subscreen of the whole page is assumed to be the active screen
  oldpar <- par(c("cex", "mar", "mex"))
  nwcex <- 0.66 * oldpar$cex
  nwmex <- oldpar$mex
  figs <- matrix(nrow=nhists + 2, ncol=4)
  #for each screen in the split screen one row; the 4 columns indicate the
  #boundaries (left-right-bottom-top) whre 0=bottom/left and 1=top/right of page
  figs[1,] <- c(0, 1, 0.95, 1) #title pane
  if (drawGeno) figs[nhists + 2,] <- c(0, 1, 0, 0.2) else #rug plot
    figs[nhists + 2,] <- c(0, 1, 0, 0.05) #empty, for X axis
  hh <- (figs[1, 3] - figs[nhists+2, 4]) / nhists #height of each hist plot
  for (h in 1:nhists) figs[h + 1,] <- c(0, 1, 0.95 - h*hh, 0.95 - (h-1)*hh)
  #print(paste("DrawCompositePlot: all screens were ", paste(split.screen(), collapse=" ")))
  #print(paste("DrawCompositePlot: current screen is", screen()))
  scr <- split.screen(figs)
  #print(paste("DrawCompositePlot: new screens are ",paste(scr, collapse=" ")))
  #print(paste("DrawCompositePlot: all screens are ",paste(split.screen(), collapse=" ")))

  #draw title:
  par(mar=c(0,4,1,1)) #margins within screen, bottom-left-top-right
  par(cex=nwcex, mex=nwmex)
  #print(paste("screens=",paste(split.screen(),collapse=" "),
  #            " cex=",par("cex"), " mex=",par("mex"),sep=""))
  plot(1, type="n", bty="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab=NA, ylab=NA,
       main=maintitle) #draws only maintitle above empty space for plots
  #draw histograms & models:
    minrr <- min(c(rr, drr), na.rm=TRUE)
    maxrr <- max(c(rr, drr), na.rm=TRUE)
  if (is.na(minrr) || is.infinite(minrr) || maxrr==minrr) {
    nbars <- nbreaks + 1
  } else nbars <- ceiling(nbreaks/(maxrr - minrr))
  breaks <- seq(0, 1, by=1/nbars)
  xaxt <- "n"; xlab <- NULL
  for (his in seq_along(nonparents)) {
    pop <- nonparents[his]
    par(cex=nwcex, mex=nwmex)
    if (length(nonparents) == 1) main <- NULL else main <- rownames(pop.parents)[pop]
    if (is.na(pop.parents[pop, 1])) {
      rrP1 <- rrP2 <- numeric(0)
    } else {
      rrP1 <- rr[rrpop == pop.parents[pop, 1]]
      rrP2 <- rr[rrpop == pop.parents[pop, 2]]
    rrmain <- rr[rrpop == pop]
    if (!drawGeno && his == nhists) {
      xaxt <- "s"; xlab <- "signal ratio"
    if (his > 1) drr <- numeric(0) #only plot diploids in first histogram
                    #geno=geno[rrpop == his],
                    xaxis=xaxt, xlabel=xlab)
    #box("figure", col=c("red","blue")[his %% 2 + 1])
  if (drawGeno) {
    #lower plot: the assigned genotypes
    #NOTE that all samples in rr are plotted, including the parentals and also
    #     any samples with an rrpop not in pop.parents
    par(cex=nwcex, mex=nwmex)
    #box("figure", col="green")
    if (is.null(geno)) geno <- rep(-2, length(rr)) #all missing
    geno[is.na(geno)] <- -2 #plot well separated from the valid scores 0:4
    sampcol <- rep("blue",length(rr))
    sampcol[geno < 0] <- "red"
    #draw the empty box with axes for the rug plots:
    plot(0, type="n",
         ylab="geno", ylim=c(-3, length(psi$mu)),
         xlab="signal ratio", xlim= c(0, 1) )
    for (g in c(-2, 0:(length(psi$mu)-1))) {
      lines(c(g, g) ~ c(par("usr")[1]+0.004, par("usr")[2] - 0.004),
            col="lightgrey", lty=1) #dotted lines
    points(geno ~ rr, pch="|", cex=0.5, col=sampcol)
  par(oldpar) #needed if CodomMarker called directly by user
} #drawCompositePlot

checkPlotType <- function(plot.type) {
  #returns a character vector: [1] is the checked plot.type, [2] a message or ""
  result <- c("none", "")
  plot.type <- tolower(plot.type[1]) #ignore all but the first element
  if (plot.type != "none") {
    if (!requireNamespace("grDevices", quietly=TRUE)) {
      result[2] <- "package grDevices not available, no plots generated"
    } else {
      cap <- capabilities()
      #first check if we can generate a requested non-png type:
      if (plot.type == "emf") {
        if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" &&
            requireNamespace("devEMF", quietly=TRUE) && exists("emf")) {
          result[1] <- "emf"
        } else {
            result[1] <- "png"
            result[2] <- "package devEMF (emf graphics) not available"
      } else if (plot.type == "svg") {
        if (cap["cairo"] && exists("svg")) result[1] <- "svg" else {
          result[1] <- "png"
          result[2] <- "cairo (svg) graphics not available"
      } else if (plot.type == "pdf") {
        if (exists("pdf")) result[1] <- "pdf" else {
          result[1] <- "png"
          result[2] <- "pdf graphics not available"
      } else if (plot.type != "png") {
        result[1] <- "png"
        result[2] <- paste("plot type", plot.type, "not supported")
      if (!cap["png"] || !exists("png")) {
        if (plot.type == "png") {
          result[1] <-"none"
          result[2] <- "png graphics not available, no plots produced"
        } else {
          #one of the other plot types requested
          if (result[1] == "png") {
            #the other type was not possible, was changed to png
            result[1] <- "none"
            result[2] <- paste(result[2], ", no plots produced", sep="")
      } else {
        #png graphics available
        if (plot.type == "png") result[1] <- "png" else {
          if (result[1] == "png") {
            #another type was not possible, was changed to png
            result[2] <- paste(result[2], ", png plots produced instead", sep="")
    } #grDevices available
  } #plot.type != "none"
} #checkPlotType

checkPlot <- function(plot, plot.type, plot.dir, filePrefix) {
  #for use in saveMarkerModels and fitOneMarker
  #plot, plot.type and plot.dir are parameters of one of those
  #logfile is the (valid, checked) logfile specified in saveMarkerModels, or ""
  #plot can be "none", "fitted", "all"
  #plot.type can be "png", "emf", "svg", "pdf"
  #plot.dir can be NULL, "" or an absolute or relative path;
  #         a final "\" is added if needed
  #result is a list of 4 items: plot, plot.type, message, plot.dir
  result <- c(tolower(plot), "none", "", "")
  if (result[1] != "none") {
    result[2:3] <- checkPlotType(plot.type)
    if (result[[2]] == "none") result[1] <- "none"
  if (result[1] != "none") {
    if (missing(plot.dir) || is.null(plot.dir)) {
      result[3] <- "plot.dir must be specified"
    } else {
      if (is.na(plot.dir[1])) plot.dir <- "" else
        plotdir <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", plot.dir[1]) #strip leading and trailing blanks
      if (plot.dir == "" && filePrefix != "") {
        plot.dir <- paste(filePrefix, "_plots/", sep="")
      if (plot.dir == "") {
        plot.dir <- "plots/"
      } else {
        if (substring(plot.dir, nchar(plot.dir), nchar(plot.dir)) != "/")
          plot.dir <- paste(plot.dir, "/", sep="")
        #plot.dir <- paste("plots", plot.dir, sep="_")
      #check if plot.dir exists and else create it:
      testdir <- substring(plot.dir, 1, nchar(plot.dir)-1)
      if (!(dir.exists(testdir) || dir.create(testdir))) {
        result[4] <- ""
        result[3] <- "cannot create plot.dir, use working directory instead"
      } else result[4] <- plot.dir
  names(result) <- c("plot", "plot.type", "message", "plot.dir")
} #checkPlot

# get the directories for the plots (subdirs of the current working directory)
# with name "plots_" followed with the name of the logfile if any,
# and else with name "plots"
# if this cannot be created use the current working dir (return value is "")
# getPlotsDirectory <- function(logfile) {
#   if (!is.na(logfile))
#     logfile <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", logfile) #strip leading and trailing blanks
#   if (is.na(logfile) || logfile == "")
#     plotdir <- "plots" else {
#       logfile <- sub("[.][^.]*$", "", logfile, perl=TRUE) #remove the extension
#       if (logfile == "") plotdir <- "plots" else
#         plotdir <- paste("plots_", logfile, sep="")
#     }
#   dir.create(plotdir)
#   #return value:
#   if (file.exists(plotdir)) paste(plotdir, "/", sep="") else ""
# } #getPlotsDirectory

scr.info <- function(header) {
  #only for debugging split.screen problems
  cat(paste("***", header, "\n"))
  cat(paste("dev.cur: ", dev.cur(), "dev.list:\n"))
  dl <- dev.list(); print(dl)
  cat(paste("split.screen:", paste(split.screen(), collapse=" "),
            " cur.screen:", screen(), "\n"))
  cat(paste("cex=", par("cex"), " mex=", par("mex"), "\n"))

startPlot <- function(plot.type, plot.filename, ncol=1, nrow=1,
                       width=6.7, height=10.1) { #A4 with 2 cm margins
  # Starts a new device with a new page and calls split.screen if
  # more than 1 plot will be drawn
  #scr.info("start startPlot")
  switch (plot.type,
          pdf = pdf(file    =paste(plot.filename, ".pdf", sep=""),
                    width=width, height=height),
          png = png(filename=paste(plot.filename, ".png", sep=""),
                    width=width, height=height, units="in", res=96),
          emf = devEMF::emf(file=paste(plot.filename, ".emf", sep=""),
                    width=width, height=height),
          svg = svg(filename=paste(plot.filename, ".svg", sep=""),
                    width=width, height=height)
  #scr.info("mid1 startPlot")
  close.screen(all.screens=TRUE) #This is essential!!
  #scr.info("mid2 startPlot")
  if (ncol>1 || nrow>1)
    #layout(matrix(1:(nrow*ncol),byrow=FALSE,ncol=ncol))  #adapt to the number of models tested
    suppressWarnings(split.screen(c(nrow, ncol)))
  # suppresses warning "calling par(new=TRUE) with no plot"
  #scr.info("end startPlot")
} #startPlot

savePlot <-function() {
  # Used for plotting the fitted or rejected model, with all populations
  #scr.info("start savePlot")
  #scr.info("end savePlot")
} #savePlot

startPlotall <- function(model, orig_nonparents,
                         plot.type, plot.dir, mrknr, markername) {
  #Used for plotting the individual models
  #starts a new 2-, 4- or 8-panel page for drawing the models if needed
  #and selects the screen
  #print(paste("startPlotall: model=",model," all screens were ",paste(split.screen(), collapse=" ")))
  lnp <- length(orig_nonparents)
  ppp <- ifelse(lnp==1, 8, ifelse(lnp<=3, 4, 2)) #plots per page, in 2 columns
  rowcount <- ppp / 2
  # do we have to start a new page?
  if (model %% ppp == 1) {
    page <- (model-1) %/% ppp + 1
    plot.fname <- paste(plot.dir, "plots ", mrknr, " ", markername, " ",
                        formatC(page, width=2, flag="0"), sep="")
    startPlot(plot.type=plot.type, plot.filename=plot.fname,
               ncol=2, nrow=rowcount)
  # select the screen (numbered by row, filled by column)
  nop <- (model - 1) %% ppp #current nr of plot on page (0 .. ppp-1)
  #print(paste("startPlotall: all screens are ",paste(split.screen(), collapse=" ")))
  #print(paste("model, ppp, nop=",model,ppp,nop," sel.screen: ",2 * nop + 1 + ((2 * nop) >= ppp)))
  #print(paste("model, ppp, nop=",model,ppp,nop," sel.screen: ",2 * (nop %% rowcount) + 1 + (nop >= rowcount)))
  screen(2 * (nop %% rowcount) + 1 + (nop >= rowcount))
  #print(paste("startPlotall: current screen is", screen()))
  # set cex and mex for the selected screen:
  par(cex=0.66, mex=1)
} #startPlotall

savePlotall <- function(model, orig_nonparents, modelcount) {
  #saves the 2-, 4- or 8-panel page if needed
  #modelcount is the number of models in a series of tried models:
  #4 if parentalPriors specified or if try.HW FALSE, else 8
  lnp <- length(orig_nonparents)
  ppp <- ifelse(lnp==1, 8, ifelse(lnp<=3, 4, 2)) #plots per page, in 2 columns
  if (ppp > modelcount) ppp <- modelcount
  if (model %% ppp == 0) {
} #savePlotall

# ******************************************************
# functions that specify the 8 models tested in fitTetra
# ******************************************************

getModelName <- function (mutype, model.ps, ng) {
  if (length(model.ps$ptype) > 1) {
    s <- " pop"
  } else if (model.ps$ptype == "p.HW") s <- " HW" else s <- ""
  paste(getMuModelName(mutype, ng), s, sep="")

#getPtype <- function(model) {
#  c("p.free","p.free","p.free","p.free","p.HW","p.HW","p.HW","p.HW")[((model-1)%%8)+1]

getMutype <- function(model) {
  rep(c(1, 2, 5, 6), 2)[((model-1) %% 8) + 1]

getAllModelNames <- function(ng) {
  mumodelnames <- getMuModelName(c(1,2,5,6), ng)

getMuModelInfo <- function(ng) {
  #Note: order must match gEMMax.mu.ratiodist !
  #Note: list items 1:7 correspond to mutype 0:6 !
  #   modelinfo <- list()
  #   modelinfo[[1]] <- list(
  #     name = paste("free, ng=",ng,sep=""),
  #     npar = ng) # 0=mu.free: ng means
  #   modelinfo[[2]] <- list(
  #     name = "b2",
  #     npar = 3) # 1 : c1, c2, f
  #   modelinfo[[3]] <- list(
  #     name = "b1",
  #     npar = 2) # c, f
  #   modelinfo[[4]] <- list(
  #     name = "b2,q2",
  #     npar = 5) # c1, c2, d1, d2, f
  #   modelinfo[[5]] <- list(
  #     name = "b1,q2",
  #     npar = 4) # c, d1, d2, f
  #   modelinfo[[6]] <- list(
  #     name = "b2,q",
  #     npar = 4) # c1, c2, d, f
  #   modelinfo[[7]] <- list(
  #     name = "b1,q",
  #     npar = 3) # c, d, f
    name = c(paste("free, ng=", ng, sep=""),
             "b2", "b1", "b2,q2",  "b1,q2", "b2,q", "b1,q"),
    npar = c(ng, 3, 2, 5, 4, 4, 3),
    params = c("ng means", "c1, c2, f", "c, f", "c1, c2, d1, d2, f",
               "c, d1, d2, f", "c1, c2, d, f", "c, d, f"),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
} #getMuModelInfo

getMuModelName <- function(mutype, ng) {
  #mutype in 0..6

getMuModelNpar <- function(mutype, ng) {
  #mutype in 0..6

# ************************************
# supporting functions for CodomMarker
# ************************************

EMGaussExp <- function(D,sumD) {

  # Almost all work for E-step was already done in likelihood evaluation...
  # only some scaling is needed
  Z <- t(scale(t(D), center=FALSE, scale=sumD))
  attributes(Z)$"scaled:scale" <- NULL
  Z    # Z is matrix of posterior probabilities with
  #      as many rows as expanded bins and ng columns
} #EMGaussExp

# EMGaussExp.vectorized takes a vector of ratios (on asin(sqrt)) transformed scale)
# and a list psi with the model (ng mu's, sigma's and p's; mu's and sigma's on transformed scale)
# and produces a matrix with the probabilities that each y belongs to each of the ng peaks
EMGaussExp.vectorized <- function(y, psi) {
  ng <- length(psi$mu)
  ye <- rep(y, each=ng)
  dens.norm <- matrix(dnorm(ye, psi$mu, psi$sigma), ncol=ng, byrow=T)
  Zp <- dens.norm %*% diag(psi$p)
  Zs <- dens.norm %*% psi$p
  Z <- t(scale(t(Zp), center=FALSE, scale=Zs))
  attributes(Z)$"scaled:scale" <- NULL
  Z    # Z is matrix of posterior probabilities with as many row as length(y) and ng columns

EMMax.p.HW <- function(Z, w) {
  p <- apply(Z, 2, weighted.mean, w)
  #old version: hard-coded for ng=5 (tetraploid):
  #phw <- (4*p[1] + 3*p[2] + 2*p[3] + 1*p[4] + 0*p[5])/4
  ng <- ncol(Z)
  phw <- sum(p * ((ng-1):0)) / (ng-1)
  dbinom((ng-1):0, ng-1, phw) #over 10^7 iter with ng=5 0.12 sec FASTER than hard-coded version!

EMMax.p <- function(Z, BPW, p, ptype, pop.parents, segrArray) {
  #p and return value are matrices with (ploidy+1) columns and one row for
  #each population (in pop.parents? or only for populations with at least
  #one non-NA sample?), with the probabilities of the dosages
  #segrArray is a 3d array as produced by getPolysomicSegr / addErrorProb
  pnw <- p

  PopOrder <- nrow(p):1   # default order from last to first; assumes
  # that in pop.parents each F1 comes before its parents.
  # This is already done in CodomMarker or in the functions that call it.

  for (popi in PopOrder) { #treats the parents before their F1

    popidx <- (BPW[,2] == popi)
    popi.n <- sum(popidx)
    Zi <- Z[popidx,]
    Zi <- matrix(Zi, nrow=popi.n) # make sure it is a matrix, even with a single row
    wi <- BPW[popidx, 3]

    #We assume now that pop.parents is sorted correctly,
    #so the next lines are commented out:
    #if (ptype[popi] == "p.F1") {
    #  if (sum(pop.parents) > 0) parentsi <- pop.parents[popi,]
    #  else parentsi <- c(popi + 1, popi + 2)  # expect parents in populations
    #                                            just following F1 populations
    pnw[popi,] <-
             p.free  = apply(Zi, 2, weighted.mean, wi),
             #         estimate free p's by taking the average per column
             #         over all samples
             p.fixed = p[popi,],                        # p's are fixed
             p.HW    = EMMax.p.HW(Zi, wi),               # Hardy-Weinberg
             #        p.F1    = GetTetraF1Segregation(which(pnw[parentsi[1],] ==
             #                                          max(pnw[parentsi[1],]))-1,
             #                                        which(pnw[parentsi[2],] ==
             #                                          max(pnw[parentsi[2],]))-1)
             # p.F1    = GetTetraF1Segregation(which(pnw[pop.parents[popi,1],] ==
             #                                         max(pnw[pop.parents[popi,1],]))-1,
             #                                 which(pnw[pop.parents[popi,2],] ==
             #                                         max(pnw[pop.parents[popi,2],]))-1),
             #                  this calls GetTetraF1segregation with the dosages of P1 and P2
             #                  that have the maximum probability after the previous iteration
             p.F1    = segrArray[which(pnw[pop.parents[popi,1],] ==
                                 which(pnw[pop.parents[popi,2],] ==
             #                  this gets the F1 segregation with the dosages
             #                  of P1 and P2 that have the maximum probability
             #                  after the previous iteration
             p.nodata = rep(1/ncol(pnw), ncol(pnw)),
             p.part  = stop("p.part should not occur") # apply(Zi, 2, weighted.mean, wi)
             #         ptype partly fixed(?), TODO: adapt in case pi=0
} #EMMax.p

# EMMax.mu.ratiodist returns the predicted mu values (0:(ng-1))
# for one of the ratiodisttype models (mutype) 1:6 (0 is treated in EMMax.mu)
EMMax.mu.ratiodist <- function(z, y, mutype) {
  ng  <- ncol(z)
  nr  <- nrow(z)
  yw  <- rep(y, ng)
  wgt <- as.vector(z)
  x   <- rep(0:(ng-1), each=nr)

  #start values:
  startf <- 1    # the intrinsic ratio of the two signal responses
  startc <- 0.1  # the signal background parameter
  startd <- -0.1 # the quadratic (nonlinearity of signal response) parameter;
  #startd was 0; with mutype 3 a 0 causes problems and testing shows that -0.1 is not worse than 0
  #lower values:
  lowf <- 0.04 #lower-upper f in 0.04-25 instead of 0.001-1000 gives better convergence but (very slightly) lower LL
  lowc <- 0.001 #with lowc=0, many more convergence errors
  lowd <- -0.25 #was 0; with negative lowd often infinities or convergence errors
            #with lowd=0.001 a few less convergence errors than with lowd=0, but often
            #somewhat (and in some cases much) lower likelihoods
  #upper values:
  uppf <- 25   #see lowf
  uppc <- pi/2 #gives better convergence than uppc=Inf but slightly lower LL
               #pi/4 and pi/6 go further: still better convergence but lower LL
  uppd <- 1 #was Inf, values above 1 hardly change mu values
  # mutype is not 0 (treated separately in EMMax.mu):
  switch (mutype,
          { # 1 : c1, c2, f
            formul <- yw ~ asin(sqrt((c1+x)/(c1+x + c2+f*((ng-1)-x))))
            start <- list(c1=startc, c2=startc, f=startf)
            lower <- c(lowc, lowc, lowf)
            upper <- c(uppc, uppc, uppf)
          { # 2 : c, f
            formul <- yw ~ asin(sqrt((c+x)/(c+x + c+f*((ng-1)-x))))
            start <- list(c=startc, f=startf)
            lower <- c(lowc, lowf)
            upper <- c(uppc, uppf)
          { # 3 : c1, c2, d1, d2, f
            formul <- yw ~ asin(sqrt((c1+x+d1*x^2) /
                                       (c1+x+d1*x^2 + c2+f*((ng-1)-x)+d2*((ng-1)-x)^2 )))
            start <- list(c1=startc, c2=startc, f=startf, d1=startd, d2=startd)
            lower <- c(lowc, lowc, lowf, lowd, lowd)
            upper <- c(uppc, uppc, uppf, uppd, uppd)
          { # 4 : c, d1, d2, f
            formul <- yw ~ asin(sqrt((c+x+d1*x^2) /
                                       (c+x+d1*x^2 + c+f*((ng-1)-x)+d2*((ng-1)-x)^2 )))
            start <- list(c=startc, f=startf, d1=startd, d2=startd)
            lower <- c(lowc, lowf, lowd, lowd)
            upper <- c(uppc, uppf, uppd, uppd)
          { # 5 : c1, c2, d, f
            formul <- yw ~ asin(sqrt((c1+x+d*x^2) /
                                       (c1+x+d*x^2 + c2+f*((ng-1)-x)+d*((ng-1)-x)^2 )))
            start <- list(c1=startc, c2=startc, f=startf, d=startd)
            lower <- c(lowc, lowc, lowf, lowd)
            upper <- c(uppc, uppc, uppf, uppd)
          { # 6 : c, d, f
            formul <- yw ~ asin(sqrt((c+x+d*x^2) /
                                       (c+x+d*x^2 + c+f*((ng-1)-x)+d*((ng-1)-x)^2 )))
            start <- list(c=startc, f=startf, d=startd)
            lower <- c(lowc, lowf, lowd)
            upper <- c(uppc, uppf, uppd)
  ) #switch

  #first we try nls with the default Gauss-Newton algorithm.
  #This usually gives a better fit than the "port" algorithm but fails more often
    success <- tryCatch( {
      res.nls <- nls(formul, start=start, weights=wgt)
      TRUE }, error=function(x) {FALSE} )
    if (!success) {
      #if unsuccessful we try the "port" algorithm which allows to specify lower
      #and upper boundaries
      res.nls <- nls(formul, start=start, weights=wgt, algorithm="port",
                     lower=lower, upper=upper)
    mu <- predict(res.nls, data.frame(x=0:(ng-1)), type="response")
} #EMMax.mu.ratiodist

wmean <- function(w, y) { weighted.mean(y, w) } #for use in apply

EMMax.mu <- function(y, z, mutype) {
  #z: probabilities of all ng dosages for each sample
  if (mutype == 0) {
    apply(z, 2, wmean, y) # estimate free mu's
  } else EMMax.mu.ratiodist(z, y, mutype=mutype) # yw arsin-sqrt transformed,
  #                               but distances between mu's on (0,1) scale
  #                               according to ratios based on dosages

wmean2 <- function(zmu, y) {
  l <- length(zmu)
  weighted.mean( (y-zmu[l])^2, zmu[1:(l-1)] )

EMMax.sd.free <- function(y, z, mu) {
  sigma <- sqrt(apply(rbind(z, mu), 2, wmean2, y))
  sigma[sigma < 0.01] <- 0.01

EMMax.sd.const <- function(y, z, mu) {
  sd <- sqrt(weighted.mean((rep(y, length(mu)) - rep(mu, each=length(y)))^2,
  sigma <- rep(sd, length(mu))
  sigma[sigma < 0.01] <- 0.01

EMMax.sd <- function(y, z, mu, sdtype, sd.fixed) {
    sd.const = EMMax.sd.const(y, z, mu),   # estimate constant sigma
    sd.free  = EMMax.sd.free(y, z, mu),    # estimate free sigma's
    sd.fixed = sd.fixed )

orderpsi <- function(psi, o) {
  # o is the order of the mu's: psi$mu[o] will be sorted in increasing order
  psi$mu <- psi$mu[o]
  psi$sigma <- psi$sigma[o]
  psi$p <- psi$p[, o, drop=FALSE]
} #orderpsi

# loglikf calculates the total loglik of vector y, given mu, sigma and p in psi,
# and population information in matrix BPW=Bins-Populations-Weights.
loglikf <- function(y, psi, BPW) {
  D <- t(sapply(y, dnorm, psi$mu, psi$sigma))
  # normal densities; dimension: n x ng, with n the number of observations or
  # number of non-empty bins;
  # in this way the evaluation of a minimum number of normal densities is achieved
  #Next we expand to all possible combinations of bin and population
  #(corresponding to the rows of BPW, i.e. we get n*npop rows of ng probabilities
  #instead of just n):
  De <- D[BPW[,1],]  # normal densities expanded for bins that contain
  #                    observations from multiple populations
  Pe <- psi$p[BPW[,2],] # prior probabilities expanded for populations
  DePe <- De*Pe
  rSDePe <- rowSums(DePe)  # likelihood of observation / bin mid over all populations
  LL <- sum(log(rSDePe) * BPW[,3])  # log likelihood of complete vector of
  #                           (binned) observations using weights=frequencies
  list(LL=LL, D=DePe, sumD=rSDePe)
} #loglikf

EMGaussMax <- function(yw, Z, BPW, mutype, sdtype, sd.fixed,
                       ptype, p, pop.parents, segrArray) {
  # yw is a vector of (non-NA) ratios (not binned) or the bin mids (binned)
  # Z is matrix of posterior probabilities with
  #      as many rows as expanded bins and ng columns
  #BPW is a data frame (long format) with columns for bin nrs (or 1:length(yw)
  #   if not binned), populations, weights
  #ptype is a character vector with the ptype for each population (row in
  #      pop.parents)
  #p is a matrix with ng columns and as many rows as there are populations
  #pop.parents gives the parent populations of each population
  #segrArray is the 3D array with F1 segregation ratios for ploidy, or NA

  W <- diag(BPW[,3]) #weights of the bins (or all 1's if not binned)
  ZW <- W %*% Z   # combine posterior probabilities with frequency weights
  #                 each row of ZW now sums not to 1 but to BPW[,3]
  #                 equivalent: ZW <- BPW[,3] * Z

  ZW <- rowsum(ZW, BPW[,1], reorder=TRUE)    # collapse weights from different
  #    populations with values in identical bins to arrive at level of bin mids

  mu    <- EMMax.mu(yw, ZW, mutype)
  sigma <- EMMax.sd(yw, ZW, mu, sdtype, sd.fixed)
  p     <- EMMax.p(Z, BPW, p, ptype, pop.parents, segrArray)

  list(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, p=p)
  #comment from earlier version:
  #so mu is optimized first, these are used to optimize sigma
  #the new p are derived from the current p's of the samples
} #EMGaussMax

#EMGaussMix from populations version:
EMGaussMix <- function(y, ng=5, pop=rep(1, length(y)),
                       ptype="p.free", mutype=0,
                       sdtype="sd.const", sd.fixed,
                       p.start=matrix(1/ng, ncol=ng, nrow=nrow(pop)),
                       mu.start=seq(0.02, pi/2-0.02, length.out=ng),
                       sd.start=rep(0.075, ng),
                       npar, maxiter, maxn.bin, nbin,
                       pop.parents, segrArray)  {

  #y is on the transformed (arcsine-square root) scale, like mu.start and sd.start
  isna <- is.na(y)
  yw <- y[!isna] #NOT done in CodomMarker!
  n <- length(yw)
  popw <- pop[!isna] #integer vector, indexing rows of pop.parents
  popw <- as.factor(popw) #needed for table(), keeps same values but omits
  #       rows of pop.parents not indexed by the remaining pop
  binned <- FALSE
  B <- 1:length(yw)
  P <- popw
  W <- 1
  BPW <- cbind(B,P,W)  # Bins, Populations, Weights, nrow=length(yw)
  if (n > maxn.bin) {
    binned <- TRUE
    brks <- seq(0, pi/2, length.out=nbin+1)
    mids <- brks[1:nbin] + 0.5*(pi/2)/nbin
    brks[nbin+1] <- brks[nbin+1] + 0.00001 #makes sure last one above pi/2
    bin.i <- findInterval(yw, brks) #for each yw, get the bin nr
    Wt <- table(factor(bin.i), popw)  # frequencies in bins, per population;
    #                   table reports only bins with at least one observation
    #                   and populations that have at least one sample in yw
    #                   populations in columns, bin nrs in rows
    bins <- as.numeric(rownames(Wt)) #which bins have at least one obs
    #pops <- as.numeric(as.factor(colnames(Wt))) #same as 1:ncol(Wt)??
    #                          Different when more than 9 populations!!
    #Actually populations may be missing due to missing data; correct is:
    pops <- as.numeric(colnames(Wt)) #20160927 change from line above
    npops <- length(pops); nbins <- length(bins)
    yw <- mids[bins]           # bin mids, to be used as response data

    Bb <- rep(1:nbins, times=npops)
    Pb <- rep(pops, each=nbins)
    Wb <- as.vector(Wt)
    BPW <- cbind(Bb, Pb, Wb) # Bins, Populations, Weights; integer matrix
    BPW <- BPW[BPW[,3] > 0 , ] # Save only rows with at least one observation
    #                            (i.e. weight > 0 for that bin/pop combi)

  result <- list (loglik=NA, npar=npar, AIC=NA, BIC=NA, psi=NA, post=NA, nobs=n,
                  iter=NA, message="")
  psi <- list(mu=mu.start, sigma=sd.start, p=p.start)
  o <- order(psi$mu); psi <- orderpsi(psi, o)
  LLnw <- loglikf(yw, psi, BPW) # returns not only LogLik but also
  #                               calculation results to be used in E-step
  iter <- 0
  tryCatch( {
    repeat { # start of EM loop
      iter <- iter+1
      LL <- LLnw
      Z <- EMGaussExp(LL$D, LL$sumD)
      result$message <- tryCatch( {
        psi <- EMGaussMax(yw=yw, Z=Z, BPW=BPW, mutype=mutype,
                          sdtype=sdtype, sd.fixed=sd.fixed,
                          ptype=ptype, p=p.start,
                          pop.parents=pop.parents, segrArray=segrArray)
        #                 p.start is used, only for the case that ptype="p.fixed"
      }, error=function(ex) {
        paste(ex$message, "in EMGaussMix")
      } )
      if (result$message != "") break
      LLnw <- loglikf(yw, psi, BPW)
      if (is.na(LLnw$LL) || (max(LLnw$LL - LL$LL) < 0.0000001) ||
          (maxiter > 0 && iter > maxiter) ) break
    } # end of EM loop

    if (result$message == "") {
      if ( is.na(LLnw$LL) ) result$message <- "LLnw==NA in EMGaussMix" else
      if (max(LLnw$LL - LL$LL) < 0.0000001) {
        o <- order(psi$mu); psi <- orderpsi(psi, o); Z <- Z[,o]
        NAmat <- matrix(rep(!isna, ng), ncol=ng, byrow=FALSE)
        z <- matrix(nrow=length(y), ncol=ng)
        BPW <- cbind(B, P, W)  # Bins, Populations, Weights, unbinned data
        LLnw <- loglikf(y[!isna], psi, BPW) # loglikf call with original data!!
        Z <- EMGaussExp(LLnw$D, LLnw$sumD)
        z[NAmat] <- Z
        result$post <- z
        result$loglik <- LLnw$LL
        result$AIC <- -2*LLnw$LL + 2*npar
        result$BIC <- -2*LLnw$LL + log(n)*npar
        result$psi <- psi
        result$iter <- iter
      } else result$message <- "iter>maxiter in EMGaussMix"
  }, error=function(ex) {
    result$message <- paste(ex$message," in EMGaussMix",sep="")
  } )
} #EMGaussMix

# fitOneDist implements the case that only one component distribution is present
fitOneDist <- function(y, sdtype="sd.const", sd.fixed, npar)  {
  isna <- is.na(y)
  yw <- y[!isna]
  n <- length(yw)
  mu <- mean(yw)
  if (sdtype=="sd.fixed") {
    sigma <- sd.fixed
  } else {
    sigma <- sd(yw)
  p <- 1.0
  psi <- list(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, p=p)
  llnw <- sum(log(sapply(yw, dnorm, psi$mu, psi$sigma)))
  NAmat <- matrix(!isna, ncol=1,  byrow=F)
  z <- matrix(nrow=length(y), ncol=1); z[NAmat] <- 1.0
  if (is.na(llnw)) llnw <- -1.0e99
  AIC <- -2*llnw + 2*npar
  BIC <- -2*llnw + log(n)*npar
  list(loglik=llnw, npar=npar, AIC=AIC, BIC=BIC, psi=psi,
       post=z, nobs=n, iter=1, message="")

# *******************************************************
# Functions to re-order a pedigree data frame,
# used in fitOneMarker to re-order the pop.parents data.frame
# *******************************************************

sortPedigree <- function(ped, colInd, colPar1, colPar2,
                         parentsFirst=TRUE, semiFounders=FALSE) {
  #based on sortPedigree in Pedimap
  #function sorts a data frame containing pedigree info such
  #that parents always occur before (default) or always after their offspring
  #with minimal shuffling
  #ped: the pedigree data frame to be ordered. Must have one column each for
  #     the individual ID's, parent1 and parent2 and may contain additional
  #     columns. Column names are free (not used).
  #colInd, colPar1, colPar2: the numbers of the columns with the names of the
  #        individuals, first and second parents. Individuals may not have
  #        missing values, but for (semi-)founders one or both parents are NA.
  #        All individuals must be different.
  #parentsFirst: if TRUE (default), parents will be sorted before any progeny,
  #              if FALSE, after all progeny
  #semiFounders: if FALSE (default) no semiFounders are allowed: parent1 and
  #              parent2 must either both be NA or both be non-NA
  #Return value: character (error message) if the input is incorrect,
  #              else the ped data frame with the rows reordered if necessary,
  #              and with the colInd, colPar1 and colPar2 as factors with
  #              the same set of levels.

  #first checks of the input (except circular pedigrees):
  if (nrow(ped) == 0) return(ped)
  ped[, colInd] <- as.character(ped[, colInd])
  ped[, colPar1] <- as.character(ped[, colPar1])
  ped[, colPar2] <- as.character(ped[, colPar2])
  if (sum(is.na(ped[, colInd])) > 0)
    return ("missing individual/population names not allowed")
  if (length(unique(ped[, colInd])) < nrow(ped))
    return("duplicate individual/population names not allowed")
  if (length(setdiff(ped[, colPar1], c(NA_character_, ped[, colInd]))) > 0 ||
      length(setdiff(ped[, colPar2], c(NA, ped[, colInd]))) > 0  )
    return("all parents should also be listed as individuals/populations")
  if (!semiFounders &&
      sum(xor(is.na(ped[, colPar1]), is.na(ped[, colPar2]))) > 0)
    return("semi-founders not allowed")
  if (sum(ped[, colPar1] == ped[, colInd], na.rm=TRUE) > 0 ||
      sum(ped[, colPar2] == ped[, colInd], na.rm=TRUE) > 0  )
    return("some individuals/populations are listed as their own parents")
  if (!parentsFirst) ped <- ped[nrow(ped):1,] #reverse ped
  #double size of ped for sorting:
  pedsize <- nrow(ped)
  ped <- rbind(ped, ped) #double number of rows, for sorting
  for (i in 1:length(ped)) ped[(pedsize+1):nrow(ped), i] <-
    rep(NA, pedsize) #lower half empty

  #first step: place first founder at line 1
  founders <- which(is.na(ped[1:pedsize, colPar1]) &
                      is.na(ped[1:pedsize, colPar2]))
  if (length(founders) == 0)
    return ("pedigree contains no founders")
  if (pedsize == 1) {
    ped <- ped[1,]
    ped[, colInd] <- factor(ped[, colInd]) #both parents are NA
  if (founders[1] > 1) {
    #move all individuals from 1 to founders[1]-1 to end
    #and then move up all indivs to 1
    ped[(pedsize+1):(pedsize + founders[1] - 1),] <- ped[1:(founders[1] - 1),]
    ped[1:pedsize,] <- ped[founders[1]:(pedsize + founders[1] - 1),]
  #second step: loop, placing in each pass the next individual whose parents
  #(if there are any)
  pass <- 2
  while(pass < pedsize) {
    #for sorting, pass<ICount-1 would be sufficient, but in that case
    #the last Indiv might have a non-existing parent which would not be noticed
    #find first indiv i that can be placed at position pass,
    #i.e. whose parents (if present) are already placed
    #For all ind from position pass to end:
    #find position of parents (0 if parent NA, NA if parent not yet placed):
    posP1 <- match(ped[pass:pedsize, colPar1], ped[1:(pass-1), colInd])
    posP1[which(is.na(ped[pass:pedsize, colPar1]))] <- 0
    posP2 <- match(ped[pass:pedsize, colPar2], ped[1:(pass-1), colInd])
    posP2[which(is.na(ped[pass:pedsize, colPar2]))] <- 0
    #find the next individuals (from position pass) that could now be placed
    nxt <- which((posP1 < pass) & (posP2 < pass))
    if (length(nxt) == 0)
      return("circular references in pedigree")
    if (nxt[1] == 1) {
      #individual ped[pass,] is already in place and possibly a number of the
      #next individuals as well, find out which:
      last.ok <- max(which(nxt == 1:length(nxt)))
      #we set pass to the next individual after that:
      pass <- pass + last.ok
    } else {
      #nxt[1] > 1: the next individual that can now be placed is
      #ped[pass + nxt[1] - 1,]
      #move all individuals from pass to pass + nxt[1] - 2 to end
      #and then move up all indivs to pass
      #ped[(pedsize+1):(2*pedsize - pass - nxt[1] + 1),] <-
      ped[(pedsize + 1):(pedsize + nxt[1] - 1),] <-  #nxt[1]-1 indiv
        ped[pass:(pass + nxt[1] - 2),]               #nxt[1]-1 indiv
      ped[pass:pedsize,] <-                          #pedsize-pass+1 indiv
        ped[(pass + nxt[1] - 1):
              (pedsize + nxt[1] - 1),]                 #pedsize-pass+1 indiv
      #the individual at pass is now ok, move to next:
      pass <- pass + 1
  } #while pass
  ped <- ped[1:pedsize,]
  if (!parentsFirst) ped <- ped[nrow(ped):1,] #reverse ped back again
  ped[, colInd] <- factor(ped[, colInd])
  ped[, colPar1] <- factor(ped[, colPar1], levels=levels(ped[, colInd]))
  ped[, colPar2] <- factor(ped[, colPar2], levels=levels(ped[, colInd]))
} #sortPedigree

isPedigreeSorted <- function(ped, colInd, colPar1, colPar2,
                             parentsFirst=TRUE, semiFounders=FALSE) {
  #parameters as sortPedigree
  #return value: error message if input incorrect (see sortPedigree),
  #              else TRUE or FALSE
  ped[[colInd]] <- as.character(ped[[colInd]])
  ped[[colPar1]] <- as.character(ped[[colPar1]])
  ped[[colPar2]] <- as.character(ped[[colPar2]])
  if (sum(is.na(ped[[colInd]])) > 0)
    return ("missing individual names not allowed")
  if (length(unique(ped[[colInd]])) < nrow(ped))
    return("duplicate individual names not allowed")
  if (length(setdiff(ped[[colPar1]], ped[[colInd]])) > 0 ||
      length(setdiff(ped[[colPar2]], ped[[colInd]])) > 0  )
    return("all parents should be listed as individuals")
  if (!semiFounders &&
      sum(xor(is.na(ped[[colPar1]]), is.na(ped[[colPar2]]))) > 0)
    return("semi-founders not allowed")
  if (parentsFirst) {
    parline <- match(ped[[colPar1]], ped[[colInd]])
    if (sum(parline > (1:nrow(ped)), na.rm=TRUE) > 0) return(FALSE)
    parline <- match(ped[[colPar2]], ped[[colInd]])
    if (sum(parline > (1:nrow(ped)), na.rm=TRUE) > 0) return(FALSE)
  } else {
    parline <- match(ped[[colPar1]], ped[[colInd]])
    if (sum(parline < (1:nrow(ped)), na.rm=TRUE) > 0) return(FALSE)
    parline <- match(ped[[colPar2]], ped[[colInd]])
    if (sum(parline < (1:nrow(ped)), na.rm=TRUE) > 0) return(FALSE)
} #isPedigreeSorted

getModelFromFile <- function(marker, modeldata) {
  #Created for debugging, may be exported in the future
  #marker: vector of marker numbers or names occurring in modeldata
  #modeldata: either the modeldata data.frame returned by fitOneMarker,
  #     or the modelfile returned by saveMarkerModels (RData or text file)
  #A list with for each marker one element (named according to marker).
  #Each of these elements is a list with 3 elements:
  # $mu: the (ploidy+1) means of the model on the transformed scale
  # $sd: the (ploidy+1) standard deviations on the transformed scale
  #      (all of these sd's are equal under the currently used models)
  # $P: a matrix with (ploidy+1) columns for dosages 0 .. ploidy and
  #     one row per population; the rownames are the population names.
  #     This matrix contains the mixing proportions of the mixture components
  if (!is.data.frame(modeldata)) {
    #modeldata is a filename
    ext <- tolower(tools::file_ext(modeldata))
    if (substr(ext, 1, 3) == "rda") {
      vars <- load(modeldata)
      if (length(vars) != 1 || vars != "modeldata")
        stop("getModelFromFile: RData file should contain one variable, called modeldata")
    } else {
      modeldata <- read.table(modeldata, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
  if (!is.data.frame(modeldata) ||
      names(modeldata)[1] != "marker" ||
      length(unique(modeldata$marker)) != nrow(modeldata))
    stop("getModelFromFile: modeldata should be the modeldata from fitOneMarker ",
         "or the modelfile from saveMarkerModels")
  mucol <- which(names(modeldata) == "mutrans0")
  sdcol <- which(names(modeldata) == "sdtrans0")
  ng <- sdcol - mucol
  pcol <- sdcol + ng
  mu0col <- which(names(modeldata) == "mu0") # first after the P columns
  popcount <- (mu0col - pcol) / ng
  if (popcount == 1) popnames <- "" else {
    popnames <- character(popcount)
    for (p in 1:popcount) {
      pn <- names(modeldata)[sdcol + p*ng] #the nulliplex col of population p
      popnames[p] <- substring(pn, 3, nchar(pn)-2) #pn is P_population_0
  result <- list()
  for (m in seq_along(marker)) {
    if (is.numeric(marker)) {
      mdat <- modeldata[modeldata$marker == marker[m],]
    } else mdat <- modeldata[modeldata$MarkerName ==  marker[m],]
  if (nrow(mdat) != 1)
    stop(paste("getModelFromFile: marker ", m, " (", marker[m],
               ") does not occur or occurs multiple times in modeldata",
  mu <- as.numeric(mdat[mucol:(mucol+ng-1)])
  sd <- as.numeric(mdat[sdcol:(sdcol+ng-1)])
  P <- matrix(ncol=ng, nrow=popcount, dimnames=list(popnames, 0:(ng-1)))
  for (p in 1:popcount) P[p,] <- as.numeric(mdat[(pcol+(p-1)*ng):(pcol+p*ng-1)])
  result[[m]] <- list(mu=mu, sd=sd, P=P)
  names(result) <- marker
} #getModelFromFile

calcScores <- function(y, psi, pop=NA) {
  #Created for debugging, may be exported in the future
  #y: data frame with SampleNames in column 1 and asin(sqrt(x))- transformed
  #    ratios in column 2
  #psi: list with components mu, sd and P as returned by getModelFromFile
  #pop: data frame with SampleNames in column 1 and populationID (matching the
  #     rownames of psi$P) in column 2. Ignored and not required if P has only
  #     one row
  #Result value:
  #A data.frame with one row for each sample in y and columns:
  # $SampleName
  # $pop
  # $transf_ratio
  # $P0 .. $P<ploidy>
  # $maxP
  # $maxgeno
  if (is1NA(pop)) {
    if (nrow(psi$P) == 1) {
      pop <- data.frame(
    } else stop("calcScores: pop must be specified with multiple populations")
  if (anyNA(y[,1]) || length(unique(y[,1])) != nrow(y))
    stop("calcscores: all SampleNames in y must be unique and not NA")
  matchY <-
  pop <- pop[match(y[,1], pop[,1]),2]
  if (anyNA(pop))
    stop("calcScores: all SampleNames from y must also occur, ",
         "with non-NA population ID, in pop")
  ng <- length(psi$mu)
  probs <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=nrow(y), ncol=ng,
                  dimnames=list(y[,1], paste("P",0:(ng-1),sep="")))
  for (pp in 1:nrow(psi$P)) {
    popname <- rownames(psi$P)[pp]
    poprows <- pop == popname
    if (sum(poprows) > 0) {
      probs[poprows,] <-
        EMGaussExp.vectorized(y[,2], list(mu=psi$mu, sd=psi$sd, P=psi$P[pp,]))
      #matrix, per sample ng numbers: probs that sample belongs to each peak
  #calculate maxgeno, maxP, geno:
  result <- data.frame(
  maxPna <- apply(probs, 1, max) #find the maxP of each row of p-values
  result$maxP <- maxPna[!is.na(maxPna)] # omit missing values
  result$maxgeno <- max.col(probs) - 1  # for every row (sample) the
  #                max peak (0..ploidy instead of 1..ng)
} #calcScores

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