add.introns.feat | Add introns to features | | Add a lineage-specific model |
add.signals.feat | Add start/stop codon, 3'/5' splice signals to features |
add.UTRs.feat | Add UTRs to features |
alphabet.msa | MSA Alphabet |
apply.bgc.sel | Apply bgc+selection parameters to a matrix | | Features to Data Frame | | Tree Model to List |
as.pointer.feat | Features To Pointer |
as.pointer.msa | MSA To Pointer |
as.track.feat | Create a features track |
as.track.msa | Create an alignment track |
as.track.wig | Create a wig track |
base.freq.msa | Get the frequencies of characters in an alignment |
bgc.informative | Return features indicating regions informative for bgc |
bgc.nucleotide.tests | Do maximum likelihood analysis for gBGC and selection using... |
bgc.sel.factor | BGC+selection factor |
branchlength.tree | Get the total length of the edges of a tree |
classify.muts.bgc | Count the number of mutations of each gBGC type on each... |
codon.clean.msa | Clean an alignment for codon analysis |
col.expected.subs.msa | Obtain expected number of substitutions on each branch for... |
complement | complement |
composition.feat | Composition of features with respect to annotations |
concat.msa | Concatenate msa objects |
convert.coords.feat | Convert coordinates from one frame of reference to another |
coord.range.msa | Obtain the range of coordinates in a MSA objects |
copy.feat | Features copy |
copy.msa | MSA copy |
coverage.feat | Features coverage |
density.feat | Features kernel density |
depth.tree | Get the distance from a node to the root of a tree |
dim.feat | Feature dimensions |
dim.msa | Returns the dimensions of an msa object as (# of species, #... |
enrichment.feat | Enrichment of features with respect to annotation types |
expected.subs.msa | Obtain expected number of substitutions on each branch and... |
extract.feature.msa | Extract features from an MSA object |
feat | Features Objects |
fix.semicolon.tree | Add a semi-colon to end of tree string |
fix.start.stop.feat | Fix start and stop signals |
flatten.feat | Combine adjacent features with the same "feature" field |
freq3x4.msa | Get codon frequencies based on 3x4 model |
from.pointer.feat | Convert a features object from C memory (external pointer) to... |
from.pointer.msa | MSA From Pointer |
gc.content.msa | Get the fraction of G's and C's in an alignment |
get4d.msa | Extract fourfold degenerate sites from an MSA object | | Get the parameters describing a rate matrix |
guess.format.msa | MSA Guess Format |
hist.feat | plot histogram of feature lengths |
hmm | Create an rphast HMM object |
informative.regions.msa | Get informative regions of an alignment |
inverse.feat | Get inverse features |
is.format.msa | Check an MSA Format String |
is.msa | Check an MSA object |
is.ordered.msa | MSA is Ordered? | | Check Substitution Model Strings | | Tree Models |
is.track | Is this a track? |
label.branches | Label tree branches |
label.subtree | Label subtree |
leafnames.tree | Get the names of a tree's leaf nodes |
likelihood.msa | MSA Likelihood | | Adjust tree model background frequencies while maintaining... |
msa | MSA Objects |
name.ancestors | Name Ancestral Nodes |
names.msa | MSA Sequence Names |
ncol.feat | Number of Columns in Features |
ncol.msa | MSA Sequence Length. |
ninf.msa | The number of informative columns in an alignment |
nothanks.rphast | Stop rphast registration reminders |
nrow.feat | Number of Features |
nrow.msa | MSA Number of Sequences |
nstate.hmm | HMM number of states |
numleaf.tree | Number of leaves in a Tree |
numnodes.tree | Number of Nodes in a Tree |
offset.msa | MSA Index Offset |
optim.rphast | Optimize using phast's optimization code |
overlap.feat | Feature overlap |
pairwise.diff.msa | Get pairwise differences per site between sequences |
phastBias | phastBias |
phastCons | Produce conservation scores and identify conserved elements,... |
phyloFit | Fit a Phylogenetic model to an alignment... |
phyloP | phyloP (basewise or by feature) |
phyloP.prior | phyloP prior |
phyloP.sph | phyloP SPH |
plot.feat | Features plot |
plot.gene | Gene plot | | Make a bubble plot of a lineage-specific transition matrix of... |
plot.msa | Plot an alignment |
plot.rate.matrix | Make a bubble plot of a transition matrix | | Make a bubble plot of the transition matrix for a tree model. |
plot.track | Make browser-like plot in rphast |
postprob.msa | Obtain posterior probilities of every state at every node |
print.feat | Printing a features Object |
print.msa | Printing MSA objects |
print.phastBiasResult | Pretty-print the phastBias result list without spilling giant... | | Printing Tree Models |
prune.tree | Prune a Tree |
range.feat | Features range |
range.track | Get the coordinate range of a list of RPHAST results |
rbind.feat | concatenate feature objects |
read.feat | Read a Feature File (GFF, BED, or GenePred) |
read.hmm | Read an HMM object from a file |
read.msa | Reading an MSA Object |
read.newick.tree | Read a Newick Tree from a File | | Read a Tree Model |
read.wig | Read a wig file |
reflect.phylo.hmm | Reflect a phylo-hmm across a strand |
register.rphast | Register RPHAST |
rename.tree | Tree Node Renaming |
rescale.tree | Scale a Tree or Subtree |
reverse.complement.msa | Reverse complement a multiple sequence alignment |
rphast-package | Interface to 'PHAST' Software for Comparative Genomics |
sample.msa | Sample columns from an MSA |
score.hmm | Score an alignment using a general phylo-HMM | | Set the rate matrix of a tree model using model-specific... | | Set up a tree model for branch site selection analysis |
simulate.msa | Simulate a MSA given a tree model and HMM. |
smooth.wig | Smooth a wig plot in rphast |
sort.feat | Sort a GFF | | Split an MSA by feature |
split.feat | Split features by length |
square-bracket-assign-msa | Replace subsets of an alignment |
square-bracket-msa | Extract, replace, reorder MSA |
state.freq.msa | Get the observed frequencies of states in an alignment |
strip.gaps.msa | MSA Strip Gaps |
sub.msa | MSA Subset |
subst.mods | List PHAST Substitution Models |
subtree | Subtree |
summary.feat | Features Summary |
summary.msa | MSA Summary | | Tree Model Summary |
summary.tree | Get a summary of a Newick-formatted tree, edge lengths, node... |
tagval | Extract value from tag-value formatted attributes |
tagval.feat | Extract value from tag-value formatted attribute in features... |
tm | Tree Models |
total.expected.subs.msa | Obtain expected number of substitutions of each type on each... |
translate.msa | Get amino acid sequences from an alignment |
unapply.bgc.sel | Unapply bgc+selection parameters from a matrix |
unique.feat | Remove overlapping genes |
write.feat | Writing a features Object |
write.hmm | Write an HMM object to a file |
write.msa | Writing MSA Objects to Files | | Wrting Tree Models |
write.wig | Writing a wig file |
write.wig.feat | Write a features object in fixedStep wig format |
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