
Defines functions .makeObj.msa copy.msa is.msa msa ncol.msa coord.range.msa dim.msa ninf.msa nrow.msa is.format.msa offset.msa alphabet.msa is.ordered.msa names.msa from.pointer.msa as.pointer.msa guess.format.msa write.msa summary.msa print.msa read.msa complement reverse.complement.msa sub.msa strip.gaps.msa postprob.msa expected.subs.msa total.expected.subs.msa col.expected.subs.msa likelihood.msa simulate.msa sample.msa get4d.msa extract.feature.msa concat.msa split.by.feature.msa informative.regions.msa codon.clean.msa state.freq.msa base.freq.msa freq3x4.msa gc.content.msa pairwise.diff.msa translate.msa plot.msa

Documented in alphabet.msa as.pointer.msa base.freq.msa codon.clean.msa col.expected.subs.msa complement concat.msa coord.range.msa copy.msa dim.msa expected.subs.msa extract.feature.msa freq3x4.msa from.pointer.msa gc.content.msa get4d.msa guess.format.msa informative.regions.msa is.format.msa is.msa is.ordered.msa likelihood.msa msa names.msa ncol.msa ninf.msa nrow.msa offset.msa pairwise.diff.msa plot.msa postprob.msa print.msa read.msa reverse.complement.msa sample.msa simulate.msa split.by.feature.msa state.freq.msa strip.gaps.msa sub.msa summary.msa total.expected.subs.msa translate.msa write.msa

# make barebones msa obj
.makeObj.msa <- function() {
  x <- list()
  class(x) <- "msa"

##' Creates a copy of an MSA sequence
##' If m is stored in R (as it is by default), then m2 <- copy.msa(m1)
##' is no different than m2 <- m1.  But if it is stored as a pointer
##' to a C structure, this is the only way to make an explicit copy
##' of the MSA object.
##' @title MSA copy
##' @param x an MSA object
##' @return an MSA object which can be modified independently from the
##' original object
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
copy.msa <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) return(x)
  rv <- .makeObj.msa()
  rv$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_copy", x$externalPtr)

##' Check an MSA object
##' @param msa An object to tests
##' @return A logical indicating whether object is of type \code{msa}
##' @export
##' @keywords msa
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
is.msa <- function(msa) {

##' Creates a new MSA object given sequences.
##' Make a new multiple sequence alignment (MSA) object given a vector of
##' character strings.  They can be optionally annotated with sample names.
##' Each character string in seqs must be the same length, and number of
##' elements in names (if provided) must match the number of elements in
##' seqs.
##' Alphabet generally does not have to be specified if working with
##' DNA alignments.
##' About storing objects as pointers:
##' If \code{pointer.only==FALSE}, the MSA object will be stored in R and can be
##' viewed and modified by base R code as well as RPHAST functions.
##' Setting \code{pointer.only=TRUE} will cause the object to be stored by
##' reference, as an external pointer to an object created by C code.  This
##' may be necessary to improve performance, but the object can then only
##' be viewed/manipulated via RPHAST functions.  Furthermore, if an object
##' is stored as a pointer, then its value is liable to be changed when
##' passed as an argument to a function.  All RPHAST functions which change
##' the value of an external pointer make a note of this in the help pages
##' for that function.  For example, extract.feature.msa will alter an
##' alignment if it is passed in as an external pointer (the argument will
##' be changed into the return value).  If this is undesireable, the copy.msa
##' function can be used: extract.feature.msa(copy.msa(align)) will preserve
##' the original alignment.  Simple copying, ie, \code{align2->align1} of
##' objects stored as pointer will not behave like normal R objects: both objects
##' will point to the same C structure, and both will be changed if either one
##' is altered.  Instead \code{align2 <- copy.msa(align1)} should be used.
##' @title MSA Objects
##' @param seqs a character vector containing sequences, one per sample
##' @param names a character vector identifying the sample name for each
##' sequence.  If \code{NULL}, use "seq1", "seq2", ...
##' @param alphabet a character string containing valid non-missing character
##' states
##' @param is.ordered a logical indicating whether the alignment columns
##' are stored in order.  If NULL, assume columns are ordered.
##' @param offset an integer giving the offset of coordinates for the
##' reference sequence from the beginning of the chromosome.  The reference
##' sequence is assumed to be the first sequence.  Not used
##' if is.ordered==FALSE.
##' @param pointer.only a boolean indicating whether returned alignment object
##' should be stored by reference (see Details)
##' @useDynLib rphast, .registration = TRUE
##' @keywords msa
##' @export msa
##' @example inst/examples/msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
msa <- function(seqs, names = NULL, alphabet="ACGT", is.ordered=TRUE,
                offset=NULL, pointer.only=FALSE) {
  seqlen <-  unique(sapply(seqs, nchar))
  if (length(seqlen) > 1L) {
    stop("sequences should all have same length")
  if (is.null(names))
    names <- sprintf("seq%i", 1:length(seqs))
  # check number of names
  if (!is.null(names) && length(names) != length(seqs)) {
    stop("number of names needs to match number of sequences")
  check.arg(alphabet, "alphabet", "character")
  check.arg(pointer.only, "pointer.only", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(is.ordered, "is.ordered", "logical", null.OK=TRUE)
  check.arg(offset, "offset", "integer", null.OK=TRUE)
  if (is.null(is.ordered)) is.ordered <- TRUE
  if ( (!is.ordered) && (!is.null(offset)) && offset!=0) 
    offset <- NULL

  # TODO: if alphabet non-null, check that seqs only contains those chars?

  x <- .makeObj.msa()

  if (pointer.only) {
    x$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_new",
  } else {
    x$seqs <- seqs
    if (! is.null(names)) x$names <- names
    if (! is.null(alphabet)) x$alphabet <- alphabet
    x$is.ordered <- is.ordered
    if (!is.null(offset)) x$offset <- offset

##' Returns the length of sequence in an MSA alignment.
##' @title MSA Sequence Length.
##' @param x an MSA object
##' @param refseq character vector giving name(s) of sequence whose
##' length to return.  The default \code{NULL} implies the frame of
##' reference of the entire alignment.
##' @return an integer vector containing the length of the named sequences.
##' If refseq is NULL, returns the number of columns in the alignment.
##' @keywords msa
##' @seealso \code{\link{msa}}
##' @export
##' @export ncol.msa
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @example inst/examples/ncol-msa.R
##' @method ncol msa
ncol.msa <- function(x, refseq=NULL) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr) && is.null(refseq)) {
  check.arg(refseq, "refseq", "character", null.OK=TRUE, min.length=1L,
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
  if (is.null(refseq))
    return(.Call.rphast("rph_msa_seqlen", x$externalPtr, NULL))
  result <- integer(length(refseq))
  for (i in 1:length(refseq)) 
    result[i] <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_seqlen", x$externalPtr, refseq[i])

##' Obtain the range of coordinates in a MSA objects
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param refseq A character string identifying the reference sequence
##' (or NULL to use frame of reference of entire alignment)
##' @return A numeric vector of length 2 giving the smallest and highest
##' coordinate in the alignment.  If refseq is the first sequence in alignment,
##' offset.msa(x) is added to the range, otherwise it is ignored.
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
coord.range.msa <- function(x, refseq=names.msa(x)[1]) {
  if (!is.msa(x)) stop("x is not an MSA object")
  numcol <- ncol.msa(x, refseq)
  if (!is.null(refseq) && refseq==names.msa(x)[1]) {
    off <- offset.msa(x)
    return(c(off+1, off+numcol))
  return(c(1, numcol))

##' Returns the dimensions of an msa object as (# of species, # of columns)
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @return An integer vector of length two giving number of species and
##' number of columns in the alignment
##' @method dim msa
##' @export dim.msa
##' @export
##' @keywords msa
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
dim.msa <- function(x) {
  c(nrow.msa(x), ncol.msa(x, NULL))

##' The number of informative columns in an alignment
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @return The number of "informative" columns in the msa.  An informative
##' column has at least two non-missing and non-gap characters.
##' @export
##' @keywords msa
##' @seealso \code{pairwise.diff.msa} To get differences per base
##' between pairs of sequences
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
ninf.msa <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
  .Call.rphast("rph_msa_ninformative_sites", x$externalPtr)

##' Returns the number of sequence in an MSA alignment.
##' @title MSA Number of Sequences
##' @param x an MSA object
##' @return an integer containing the number of sequences in an alignment.
##' @keywords msa
##' @seealso \code{\link{msa}}
##' @export
##' @export nrow.msa
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @example inst/examples/nrow-msa.R
##' @method nrow msa
nrow.msa <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
  .Call.rphast("rph_msa_nseq", x$externalPtr)

##' Returns TRUE if the argument is a valid string describing a
##' multiple sequence alignment (MSA) format.
##' Valid formats include "FASTA", "PHYLIP", "SS" (Sufficient statistics
##' format used by PHAST), "MPM" (format used by MultiPipMaker),
##' "LAV" (used by blastz), or "MAF" (Multiple Alignment Format used by
##' MULTIZ and TBA.
##' @title Check an MSA Format String
##' @param format a character vector of strings to test
##' @return a logical vector indicating whether each element of the
##' input parameter is a valid format string.
##' @keywords msa
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/is-format-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
is.format.msa <- function(format) {
  if (is.null(format)) return(NULL)
  result <- logical(length(format))
  for (i in 1:length(format)) 
    result[i] <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_valid_fmt_str", format[i]);

##' Returns the offset of the first position in an alignment from
##' some reference sequence.
##' @title MSA Index Offset
##' @param x an MSA object
##' @return The difference between the first position in an alignment
##' from the beginning of a chromosome.
##' @keywords msa
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/offset-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
offset.msa <- function(x) {
  if (!is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    return(.Call.rphast("rph_msa_idxOffset", msaP=x$externalPtr))
  if (is.null(x$offset)) return(0)

##' Returns the alphabet used by an MSA object.
##' @title MSA Alphabet
##' @param x an MSA object
##' @return the valid non-missing-data characters for an MSA object.
##' @keywords msa
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/alphabet-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
alphabet.msa <- function(x) {
  if (!is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    return(.Call.rphast("rph_msa_alphabet", msaP=x$externalPtr))

##' Determines if an MSA object represents an ordered alignment.
##' @title MSA is Ordered?
##' @param x an MSA object
##' @return a boolean indicating whether the columns are in order
##' @keywords msa
##' @export
##' @export is.ordered.msa
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @example inst/examples/is-ordered-msa.R
##' @method is.ordered msa
is.ordered.msa <- function(x) {
  if (!is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    return(.Call.rphast("rph_msa_isOrdered", msaP=x$externalPtr))
  if (is.null(x$is.ordered)) return (TRUE)

##' Returns the sequence names for an MSA object.
##' @title MSA Sequence Names
##' @param x an MSA object
##' @return a character vector giving the names of the sequences, or
##' NULL if they are not defined
##' @keywords msa
##' @export
##' @export names.msa
##' @method names msa
##' @example inst/examples/names-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
names.msa <- function(x) {
  if (!is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    return(.Call.rphast("rph_msa_seqNames", msaP=x$externalPtr))

##' Take an MSA stored by reference and return one stored in R
##' @title MSA From Pointer
##' @param src an MSA object stored by reference
##' @return an MSA object stored in R.  If src is already stored in R,
##' returns a copy of the object.
##' @seealso \code{\link{msa}} for details on MSA storage options.
##' @keywords msa
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/from-pointer-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
from.pointer.msa <- function(src) {
  if (is.null(src$externalPtr)) return(src)
  seqs <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_seqs", src$externalPtr)
  names <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_seqNames", src$externalPtr)
  alphabet <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_alphabet", src$externalPtr)
  ordered <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_isOrdered", src$externalPtr)
  offset <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_idxOffset", src$externalPtr)
  msa(seqs, names, alphabet, is.ordered=ordered,
          offset=offset, pointer.only=FALSE)

##' Take an MSA stored in R and return one stored by reference
##' @title MSA To Pointer
##' @param src an MSA object stored by value in R
##' @return an MSA object stored by reference as a pointer to an object
##' created in C.
##' @seealso \code{\link{msa}} for details on MSA storage options.
##' @keywords msa
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/as-pointer-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
as.pointer.msa <- function(src) {
  if (!is.null(src$externalPtr)) return(src)

##' Guess the format of an MSA file by looking at the file contents.
##' @title MSA Guess Format
##' @param filename A vector of file names
##' @param method Either "content" or "extension".  "content" implies to
##' open the file and guess the format based on content; "extension" simply
##' guesses based on the extension on the file name (it does not open the
##' file).  This argument will be recycled to the length of filename.
##' @return A character vector giving the format of each file
##' (one of "MAF", "FASTA", "LAV", "SS", "PHYLIP", "MPM", or "UNKNOWN").
##' @seealso is.format.msa
##' @keywords msa
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/guess-format-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
guess.format.msa  <- function(filename, method="content") {
  if (is.null(filename)) return(NULL)
  result <- character(length(filename))
  method <- rep(method, length.out=length(filename))
  for (i in 1:length(filename)) {
    if (method[i] == "content") {
      result[i] <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_format_for_content", filename[i])
    } else if (method[i] == "extension") {
      result[i] <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_format_for_suffix", filename[i])
    } else stop("guess.format.msa: unknown method ", method[i], "\n")

##' Writes a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) object to a file
##' in one of several formats.
##' @title Writing MSA Objects to Files
##' @param x an object of class msa
##' @param file File to write (will be overwritten).  If NULL, output
##' goes to terminal.
##' @param format format to write MSA object.  Valid values are "FASTA",
##' "PHYLIP", "MPM", or "SS".
##' @param pretty.print Whether to pretty-print alignment (turning
##' bases which match the first base in the same column to ".").
##' @note pretty.print does not work if format="SS".
##' @keywords msa FASTA PHYLIP MPM SS
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @usage write.msa(x, file=NULL,
##' format=ifelse((f <- guess.format.msa(file, method="extension"))=="UNKNOWN", "FASTA", f),
##' pretty.print=FALSE)
write.msa <- function(x, file=NULL,
                      format=ifelse((f <- guess.format.msa(file, method="extension"))=="UNKNOWN", "FASTA", f),
                      pretty.print=FALSE) {
  check.arg(file, "file", "character", null.OK=TRUE)
  check.arg(format, "format", "character", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(pretty.print, "pretty.print", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  if (! is.format.msa(format)) {
    stop(paste("invalid MSA FORMAT \"", format, "\"", sep=""))
  msa <- x
  if (is.null(msa$externalPtr)) {
    printMsa <- as.pointer.msa(msa)
  } else {
    printMsa <- msa

##' Prints a short description of an MSA (multiple sequence alignment)
##' object.
##' @title MSA Summary
##' @param object an MSA object
##' @param ... additional arguments sent to \code{print}
##' @param print.seq whether to supress printing of the alignment
##' @param format to print sequence in if printing alignment
##' @param pretty.print whether to pretty.print pretty-print sequence if printing alignment
##' @keywords msa
##' @seealso \code{\link{print.msa}}
##' @export
##' @export summary.msa
##' @method summary msa
##' @example inst/examples/summary-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
summary.msa <- function(object, ...,
                        print.seq=ncol.msa(object)<100 && nrow.msa(object)<30,
                        pretty.print=FALSE) {
  msa <- object
  check.arg(print.seq, "print.seq", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  # format and pretty.print are checked in write.msa

  cat(paste("msa object with", nrow.msa(msa), "sequences and",
            ncol.msa(msa),"columns, stored"))
  if (is.null(msa$externalPtr)) cat(" in R") else cat(" as a pointer to a C structure")

  if (!is.null(format) || pretty.print) {
  pointer <- msa$externalPtr
  names <- names.msa(msa)
  alphabet <- alphabet.msa(msa)
  is.ordered <- is.ordered.msa(msa)
  offset <- offset.msa(msa)

  printMsa <- list()
  printed <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(names)) printMsa$names <- names
  if (!is.null(alphabet)) printMsa$alphabet <- alphabet
  if (!is.null(is.ordered)) printMsa$is.ordered <- is.ordered
  if (!is.null(offset) && offset!=0) printMsa$offset <- offset
  if (print.seq && is.null(pointer) && is.null(format) && !pretty.print) {
    printMsa$seq <- msa$seq
    printed <- TRUE
  print(printMsa, ...)

  if (!printed && print.seq) {
    if (is.null(format)) format <- "FASTA"
      write.msa(msa, file=NULL, format, pretty.print)

##' Prints an MSA (multiple sequence alignment) object.
##' Valid formats for printing are "FASTA", "PHYLIP", "MPM", and "SS".
##' See \code{\link{is.format.msa}} for details on these formats.
##' If format is specified, the alignment is printed regardless of
##' print.seq.
##' Pretty-printing will cause all characters in a column which match
##' the value in the first row to be printed as ".".  It only works for
##' FASTA, PHYLIP, or MPM formats.
##' If print.seq==TRUE, then the default printing format depends on whether
##' the sequence is stored by value (the default storage mode), or by 
##' reference.  If the MSA is stored by value, the default format is
##' as a R character vector.  Otherwise, the default format is FASTA.
##' @title Printing MSA objects
##' @param x an object of class msa
##' @param ... additional arguments sent to \code{print}
##' @param print.seq whether to supress printing of the alignment
##' @param format to print sequence in if printing alignment
##' @param pretty.print whether to pretty.print pretty-print sequence if printing alignment
##' @keywords msa
##' @export
##' @export print.msa
##' @method print msa
##' @example inst/examples/print-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
print.msa <- function(x, ..., print.seq=ifelse(ncol.msa(x)*nrow.msa(x) < 500, TRUE, FALSE),
                      format=NULL, pretty.print=FALSE) {
  check.arg(print.seq, "print.seq", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  # format and pretty.print are checked in write.msa

  summary.msa(x, print.seq=print.seq, format=format, pretty.print=pretty.print, ...)

  if (!print.seq && is.null(format)) {
    cat("(alignment output suppressed)\n")

##' Reads an MSA from a file.
##' @title Reading an MSA Object
##' @param filename The name of the input file containing an alignment.
##' @param format input file format: one of "FASTA", "MAF", "SS", "PHYLIP",
##' "MPM", must be correctly specified.
##' @param alphabet the alphabet of non-missing-data chraracters in the
##' alignment.  Determined automatically from the alignment if not given.
##' @param features An object of type \code{feat}.  If provided, the return
##' value will only
##' contain portions of the alignment which fall within a feature.
##' The alignment will not be ordered.
##' The loaded regions can be further constrained with the do.4d or
##' do.cats options.  Note that if this object is passed as a pointer to a
##' structure stored in C, the values will be altered by this function!
##' @param do.4d Logical.  If \code{TRUE}, the return value will contain only
##' the columns corresponding to four-fold degenerate sties.  Requires
##' features to be specified.
##' @param ordered Logical.  If \code{FALSE}, the MSA object may not retain
##' the original column order.
##' @param tuple.size Integer.  If given, and if pointer.only is \code{TRUE},
##' MSA will be stored in sufficient statistics format, where each tuple
##' contains tuple.size consecutive columns of the alignment.
##' @param do.cats Character vector if features is provided; integer vector
##' if cats.cylce is provided.  If given, only the types of features named
##' here will be represented in the (unordered) return alignment.
##' @param refseq Character string specifying a FASTA format file with a
##' reference sequence.  If given, the reference sequence will be
##' "filled in" whereever missing from the alignment.
##' @param offset An integer giving offset of reference sequence from
##' beginning of chromosome.  Not used for MAF or SS format.
##' @param seqnames A character vector.  If provided, discard any sequence
##' in the msa that is not named here.  This is only implemented efficiently
##' for MAF input files, but in this case, the reference sequence must be
##' named.
##' @param discard.seqnames A character vector.  If provided, discard
##' sequenced named here.  This is only implemented efficiently for MAF
##' input files, but in this case, the reference sequenced must NOT be
##' discarded.
##' @param pointer.only If \code{TRUE}, MSA will be stored by reference as
##' an external pointer to an object created by C code, rather than
##' directly in R memory.  This improves performance and may be necessary
##' for large alignments, but reduces functionality.  See
##' \code{\link{msa}} for more details on MSA object storage options.
##' @note If the input is in "MAF" format and features is specified, the
##' resulting alignment will be stripped of gaps in the reference (1st)
##' sequence.
##' @return an MSA object.
##' @keywords msa FASTA MAF PHYLIP SS
##' @seealso \code{\link{msa}}, \code{\link{read.feat}}
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/read-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
read.msa <- function(filename,
                     format=c(guess.format.msa(filename), "FASTA")[1],
                     ordered=(do.4d==FALSE && is.null(features)),
                     tuple.size=(if(do.4d) 3 else NULL),
                     seqnames=NULL, discard.seqnames=NULL,
                     pointer.only=FALSE) {
  if (ordered && do.4d) {
    warning("cannot keep order when reading 4d sites; returning un-ordered alignment")
    ordered = FALSE
  if (ordered && !is.null(features) && nrow.feat(features) > 1) {
    warning("cannot keep order when subsetting by feature with more than one row; returning un-ordered alignment")
    ordered = FALSE

  cats.cycle <- NULL  
  check.arg(filename, "filename", "character", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(format, "format", "character", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(alphabet, "alphabet", "character", null.OK=TRUE)
  check.arg(features, "feat", null.OK=TRUE, min.length=NULL, max.length=NULL)
  check.arg(do.4d, "do.4d", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(ordered, "ordered", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(tuple.size, "tuple.size", "integer", null.OK=TRUE)
  check.arg(cats.cycle, "cats.cycle", "integer", null.OK=TRUE)
  if (! (is.null(features) || is.null(cats.cycle)))
    stop("cannot provide both features and cats.cycle")
  if (!is.null(features)) {
    check.arg(do.cats, "do.cats", "character", null.OK=TRUE,
              min.length=NULL, max.length=NULL)
  } else if (!is.null(cats.cycle)) {
    check.arg(do.cats, "do.cats", "integer", null.OK=TRUE,
              min.length=NULL, max.length=NULL)
  } else if (!is.null(do.cats)) {
    warning("do.cats ignored unless features or cats.cycle provided")
  check.arg(refseq, "refseq", "character", null.OK=TRUE)
  check.arg(offset, "offset", "integer", null.OK=TRUE)
  check.arg(seqnames, "seqnames", "character", null.OK=TRUE,
            min.length=NULL, max.length=NULL)
  check.arg(discard.seqnames, "discard.seqnames", "character", null.OK=TRUE,
            min.length=NULL, max.length=NULL)
  check.arg(pointer.only, "pointer.only", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)

  if (!is.format.msa(format))
    stop(paste("invalid format string", format))
  if (!is.null(tuple.size) && tuple.size <= 0)
    stop("tuple.size should be integer >= 1")
  if (do.4d) {
    if (!is.null(do.cats))
      stop("should not specify do.cats if do.4d==TRUE")
    if (is.null(features))
      stop("features needs to be specified with do.4d")
    if (tuple.size != 3)
      stop("tuple.size must be 3 if do.4d==TRUE")

  if (!is.null(do.cats) && is.null(features))
    stop("features required with do.cats")

  if (!is.null(features)) {
    if (is.null(features$externalPtr)) {
      features <- as.pointer.feat(features)
    } else features <- copy.feat(features)

  x <- .makeObj.msa()
  x$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_read", filename, format,
                                features$externalPtr, do.4d, alphabet,
                                tuple.size, refseq, ordered, cats.cycle,
                                do.cats, offset, seqnames,
  if (!pointer.only) x <- from.pointer.msa(x)
  if (format != "MAF") {  # if format is MAF we used seqnames on the fly
    # sub.msa(seqnames, ...) doesn't convert msa to pointer so doing this
    # after from.pointer.msa call is still efficient
    if (!is.null(seqnames))
      x <- sub.msa(x, seqnames, keep=TRUE)
    if (!is.null(discard.seqnames))
      x <- sub.msa(x, discard.seqnames, keep=FALSE)

##' DNA complement
##' @title complement
##' @param x A character vector with DNA sequences to be complemented
##' @return The complement of the given sequence(s).  Characters other
##' than A,C,G,T,a,c,g,t are unchanged.
##' @keywords msa
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
complement <- function(x) {
  chartr("ACGTacgt", "TGCAtgca", x)

##' Reverse complement a multiple sequence alignment
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}.
##' @return The reverse complement of msa.
##' @note If x is stored as a pointer to an object in C, x will be changed to
##' its reverse complement.  Use reverse.complement(copy.msa(x)) to avoid this
##' behavior.  The return value will be a pointer if the input value was stored
##' as a pointer.
##' @keywords msa
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
reverse.complement.msa <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    pointer.only <- FALSE
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
  } else pointer.only <- TRUE
  .Call.rphast("rph_msa_reverse_complement", x$externalPtr)
  if (!pointer.only) x <- from.pointer.msa(x)

##' Get a subset of an alignment
##' @title MSA Subset
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param seqs The sequence names to keep (or to remove if keep is
##' \code{FALSE})
##' @param keep Whether to keep the named sequences or remove them
##' @param start.col the first column to keep (columns indices start at 1)
##' @param end.col the last column to keep (inclusive)
##' @param refseq A character string naming the sequence in the alignment
##' which determines the
##' coordinates for start.col and end.col.  If NULL, start.col and
##' end.col are column indices in the multiple alignment.
##' @param pointer.only If \code{TRUE}, return an msa object which is only
##' a pointer to a C structure (advanced use only).
##' @return A new MSA object containing a subset of the original MSA.
##' @note If x is stored as a pointer and represents an unordered alignment,
##' it may be ordered after this call.  Otherwise it will not be changed.
##' @export
##' @keywords msa
##' @example inst/examples/sub-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
sub.msa <- function(x, seqs=NULL, keep=TRUE, start.col=NULL, end.col=NULL,
                    refseq=NULL, pointer.only=FALSE) {
  check.arg(keep, "keep", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(seqs, "seqs", "character", null.OK=TRUE,
            min.length=NULL, max.length=NULL)
  check.arg(start.col, "start.col", "integer", null.OK=TRUE)
  check.arg(end.col, "end.col", "integer", null.OK=TRUE)
  check.arg(refseq, "refseq", "character", null.OK=TRUE)
  check.arg(pointer.only, "pointer.only", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  result <- .makeObj.msa()
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
  result$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_sub_alignment",
                                     x$externalPtr, seqs, keep,
                                     start.col, end.col, refseq)

  if (!pointer.only) 
    result <- from.pointer.msa(result)

##' Strip gaps from an alignment.
##' If strip.mode can be a vector of integers or a vector of character
##' strings.  If it is a vector of integers, these are the indices of
##' the sequences from which to strip gaps.
##' If strip.mode is vector of character strings, each string names a
##' sequence from which to strip gaps.
##' strip.mode can also be the string "all.gaps" or "any.gaps".  The former
##' will strip columns containing only gaps, whereas the latter strips
##' columns containing even a single gap.
##' @title MSA Strip Gaps
##' @param x MSA object
##' @param strip.mode Determines which gaps to strip.  See Details
##' @return an MSA object, with gaps stripped according to strip.mode.
##' @note If x is passed as a pointer to a C structure (ie,
##' it was created with pointer.only=TRUE), then this function will directly
##' modify x.  Use strip.gaps.msa(copy.msa(x)) to avoid this behavior.  Also,
##' the return value will be stored as a pointer if x is stored as a pointer;
##' otherwise the return value will be stored in R.
##' @keywords msa
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/strip-gaps-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
strip.gaps.msa <- function(x, strip.mode=1) {
  names <- NULL
  nseq <- NULL
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    names <- names.msa(x)
    nseq <- nrow.msa(x)
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
    pointer.only <- FALSE
  } else pointer.only <- TRUE
  for (s in strip.mode) {
    if (s=="all.gaps" || s=="any.gaps") {
      .Call.rphast("rph_msa_strip_gaps", x$externalPtr, 0, s)
    } else {
      if (!is.character(s)) {
        if (is.null(nseq)) nseq <- nrow.msa(x)
        if (as.integer(s) != s || s <=0 || s>nseq)
          stop(cat("invalid sequence index", s))
        w <- s
      } else {
        if (is.null(names))
          names <- names.msa(x)
        w <- which(names==s)
        if (is.null(w))
          stop(cat("no sequence with name", s))
      x$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_strip_gaps",
                                    x$externalPtr, w, NULL)
  if (!pointer.only) 
    x <- from.pointer.msa(x)

##' Extract, replace, reorder MSA
##' Treat multiple sequence alignment as a matrix where each row
##' corresponds to a sequence for one species, and each column
##' is one position aligned across all species.
##' The bracket notation can return a subset of the alignment,
##' or re-order rows and columns.
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param rows A numeric vector of sequence indices,
##' character vector (containing sequence name), or
##' logical vector (containing sequences to keep).  If logical vector it
##' will be recycled as necessary to the same length as \code{nrow.msa(x)}.
##' @param cols A numeric vector of alignment columns, or a logical vector
##' containing columns to keep.  If logical vector it will be recycled as
##' necessary to the same length as \code{ncol.msa(x)}.  Note that these are
##' in coordinates with respect to the entire alignment.  x$idx.offset
##' is ignored here.
##' @param pointer.only If \code{TRUE}, return an object which is only
##' a pointer to a structure stored in C (useful for large alignments;
##' advanced use only).  In certain cases when the original alignment
##' is stored in R, it may be more efficient return an object in R, in which
##' case this argument will be ignored.
##' @seealso \code{\link{sub.msa}} which can subset columns based on genomic
##' coordinates, and \code{\link{extract.feature.msa}} which can subset based
##' on genomic coordinates denoted in a features object.
##' @usage \method{[}{msa}(x, rows, cols, pointer.only)
##' @method "[" msa
##' @note This function will not alter the value of x even if it is stored as
##' a pointer to a C structure.
##' @keywords msa
##' @export "[.msa"
##' @export
##' @rdname square-bracket-msa
##' @example inst/examples/square-bracket-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
"[.msa" <- function(x, rows, cols, pointer.only=FALSE) {
  if (!missing(rows)) {
    if (is.null(rows)) stop("rows cannot be empty")
  } else rows=NULL
  if (!missing(cols)) {
    if (is.null(cols)) stop("cols cannot be empty")
  } else cols=NULL
  check.arg(pointer.only, "pointer.only", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)

  if (!is.null(rows)) {
    # if rows are given by names, convert to integer
    if (is.character(rows)) {# names are given
      names <- names.msa(x)
      rows <- as.numeric(sapply(rows, function(x) {which(x ==  names)}))
      if (sum(is.na(rows)) > 0L)
        stop("unknown names in first dimension subset")

  # check if arguments are given as logicals.
  if (is.logical(rows)) {
    rows <- which(rep(rows, length.out = nrow.msa(x)))
  if (is.logical(cols)) 
    cols <- which(rep(cols, length.out = ncol.msa(x)))

  # if x is stored in R, sampling rows is easier and more efficient to do here
  if (!is.null(rows) && is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    x$names <- x$names[rows]
    x$seqs <- x$seqs[rows]
    rows <- NULL
  if (is.null(rows) && is.null(cols)) return(x)
  check.arg(rows, "rows", "integer", null.OK=TRUE,
            min.length=NULL, max.length=NULL)
  check.arg(cols, "cols", "integer", null.OK=TRUE,
            min.length=NULL, max.length=NULL)
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
  rv <- .makeObj.msa()
  rv$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_square_brackets", x$externalPtr,
                                 rows, cols)
  if (!pointer.only) 
    rv <- from.pointer.msa(rv)

##' Replace subsets of an alignment
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param rows A numeric vector of sequence indices, character vector
##' (containing sequence names), or logical vector.  If logical vector,
##' it will be recycled as necessary to the length of \code{nrow.msa(x)}.
##' If not provided, all rows are selected.
##' @param cols A numeric vector of alignment columns, or a logical
##' vector.  If logical vector it will be recycled to the same length
##' as \code{ncol.msa(x)}.  Note that these are coordinates with respect
##' to the entire alignment.  x$idx.offset is ignored here.  If cols is not
##' provided, all columns are selected.
##' @param value The value to replace in the indicated rows/columns.  Should
##' be a character representing a base (ie, "A", "C", "G", "T", "N", "-").
##' Can be a single value or a vector of values which match number of selected
##' cells.  This value will be recycled to the necessary length, and an error
##' produced if the necessary length is not an even multiple of
##' \code{length(value)}.  Can also give a single character string, in which
##' case it will be expanded into a vector using \code{strsplit}.
##' @return An object of type \code{msa} with the chosen rows/columns
##' replaced by value.
##' @note If \code{x} is stored as a pointer, x will be changed to the
##' return value.
##' @method "[<-" msa
##' @usage \method{[}{msa}(x, rows, cols) <- value
##' @export "[<-.msa"
##' @export
##' @rdname square-bracket-assign-msa
##' @example inst/examples/square-bracket-assign-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
"[<-.msa" <- function(x, rows, cols, value) {
  if (!is.msa(x))
    stop("[<-.msa expects x to be an msa object")
  isPointer <- !is.null(x$externalPtr)
  x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
  if (!is.character(value))
    stop("value should be of type character")
  if (length(value)==1L && nchar(value) > 1L)
    value <- strsplit(value, "")[[1]]
  if (unique(sapply(value, nchar)) != 1L)
    stop("each element of value should be a single character")

  if (!missing(rows)) {
    if (is.null(rows)) stop("rows cannot be NULL")
  } else rows=NULL
  if (!missing(cols)) {
    if (is.null(cols)) stop("cols cannot be NULL")
  } else cols=NULL

  if (!is.null(rows)) {
    # if rows are given by names, convert to integer
    if (is.character(rows)) {# names are given
      names <- names.msa(x)
      rows <- as.numeric(sapply(rows, function(x) {which(x ==  names)}))
      if (sum(is.na(rows)) > 0L)
        stop("unknown names in first dimension subset")
  if (is.logical(rows)) {
    if (nrow.msa(x) %% length(rows) != 0)
      stop("number of rows in x is not a multiple of length(rows)")
    rows <- which(rep(rows, length.out = nrow.msa(x)))
  if (is.logical(cols)) {
    if (ncol.msa(x) %% length(cols) != 0)
      stop("number of cols in x is not a multiple of length(cols)")
    cols <- which(rep(cols, length.out = ncol.msa(x)))
  # now get value in the correct dimensions if it isn't already
  if (is.null(rows)) numrow <- nrow.msa(x) else numrow <- length(rows)
  if (is.null(cols)) numcol <- ncol.msa(x) else numcol <- length(cols)
  if (numrow*numcol %% length(value) != 0)
    stop("number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length")

  if (sum(cols < 1 | cols > ncol.msa(x)) != 0)
    stop("cols out of range")
  if (sum(rows < 1 | rows > nrow.msa(x)) != 0)
    stop("rows out of range")

  # don't do the recycling here; save memory and recycle in C code

  .Call.rphast("rph_msa_square_bracket_equals", x$externalPtr,
               rows, cols, value)
  if (!isPointer)
    x <- from.pointer.msa(x)

##' Obtain posterior probilities of every state at every node
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param tm An object of type \code{tm}
##' @param every.site If \code{TRUE}, return probabilities for every site
##' rather than every site pattern (this may be very redundant and large
##' for a large alignment with few species).
##' @return An array giving the posterior probabilities of all states for
##' every unique site pattern, or for every site if every.site is
##' \code{TRUE}
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/postprob-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
postprob.msa <- function(x, tm, every.site=FALSE) {
  if (!is.msa(x))
    stop("x is not an MSA object")
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) 
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
  tm <- as.pointer.tm(tm)
  every.site <- check.arg(every.site, "every.site", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
                                    x$externalPtr, tm$externalPtr,

##' Obtain expected number of substitutions on each branch and site
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param tm An object of type \code{tm}
##' @return An array giving the expected number of substitutions on each
##' branch at each unique site pattern, summed across all types of
##' substitutions.
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/expected-subs-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
expected.subs.msa <- function(x, tm) {
  if (!is.msa(x))
    stop("x is not an MSA object")
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) 
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
  tm <- as.pointer.tm(tm)
                                    x$externalPtr, tm$externalPtr))

##' Obtain expected number of substitutions of each type on each branch
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param tm An object of type \code{tm}
##' @return An array giving the expected number of substitutions on each
##' branch, for each type of substitution.
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/total-expected-subs-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
total.expected.subs.msa <- function(x, tm) {
  if (!is.msa(x))
    stop("x is not an MSA object")
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) 
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
  tm <- as.pointer.tm(tm)
                                    x$externalPtr, tm$externalPtr))

##' Obtain expected number of substitutions on each branch for each site pattern and each substitution type
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param tm An object of type \code{tm}
##' @return An array giving the expected number of substitutions on each
##' branch, for each distinct alignment column, for each type of substitution.
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/col-expected-subs-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
col.expected.subs.msa <- function(x, tm) {
  if (!is.msa(x))
    stop("x is not an MSA object")
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) 
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
  tm <- as.pointer.tm(tm)
                                    x$externalPtr, tm$externalPtr))

##' Likelihood of an alignment given a tree model
##' @title MSA Likelihood
##' @param x An object of class \code{msa} representing the multiple alignment
##' @param tm An object of class \code{tm} representing the tree and model of
##' substitution
##' @param features A features object.  If non-null, compute likelihoods
##' for each feature rather than the whole alignment.
##' @param by.column Logical value.  If \code{TRUE}, return the log
##' likelihood for each alignment column rather than total log
##' likelihood. 
##' Ignored if features is not NULL.
##' @return Either the log likelihood of the entire alignment (if
##' \code{by.column==FALSE && is.null(features)},
##' or a numeric vector giving the log likelihood of each feature
##' (if \code{!is.null(features)}), or a numeric vector giving the
##' log likelihood of each column (if \code{by.column==TRUE}).
##' @seealso \code{phyloFit}, \code{tm}
##' @keywords msa tm features
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/likelihood-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
likelihood.msa <- function(x, tm, features=NULL, by.column=FALSE) {
  if (is.null(features))
    check.arg(by.column, "by.column", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  else {
    if (is.null(features$externalPtr))
      features <- as.pointer.feat(features)
    else features <- copy.feat(features)  # if we don't make a copy features gets
                                          # destroyed by re-mapping coordinates to msa
    if (by.column) {
      warning("by.column ignored when features is provided")
      by.column <- FALSE
  if (!is.msa(x))
    stop("x is not an MSA object")
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) 
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
  if (by.column && !is.ordered.msa(x))
    warning("by.column may not be a sensible option for unordered MSA")
  tm <- as.pointer.tm(tm)
  .Call.rphast("rph_msa_likelihood", x$externalPtr, tm$externalPtr,

##' Simulate a MSA given a tree model and HMM.
##' Simulates a multiple sequence alignment of specified length.  Deals
##' with base-substitution only, not indels.  If one tree model is given,
##' simply simulates a sequence from this model.  If an HMM is provided,
##' then the mod parameter should be a list of tree models with the same
##' length as the number of states in the HMM.
##' @param object An object of type \code{tm} (or a list of these objects)
##' describing the phylogenetic model from which to simulate.  If it
##' is a list of tree models then an HMM should be provided to describe
##' transition rates between models.  Currently only models of order zero
##' are supported, and if multiple models are given, they are currently
##' assumed to have the same topology.
##' @param nsim The number of columns in the simulated alignment.
##' @param seed A random number seed.  Either \code{NULL} (the default;
##' do not re-seed random  number generator), or an integer to be sent to
##' set.seed.
##' @param hmm an object of type HMM describing transitions between the
##' tree models across the columns of the alignment.
##' @param get.features (For use with hmm).  If \code{TRUE}, return object will
##' be a list of length two.  The first element will be the alignment, and the
##' second will be an object of type \code{feat} describing the path through
##' the phylo-hmm in the simulated alignment.  
##' @param pointer.only (Advanced use only). If TRUE, return only a pointer
##' to the simulated alignment.  Possibly useful for very (very) large
##' alignments.
##' @param ... Currently not used (for S3 compatibility)
##' @return An object of type MSA containing the simulated alignment.
##' @keywords msa hmm
##' @export
##' @export simulate.msa
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @importFrom stats simulate
##' @method simulate msa
##' @example inst/examples/simulate-msa.R
##' @note Currently only supports HMMs in which the models for each state
##' have the same topologies.
simulate.msa <- function(object, nsim, seed=NULL, hmm=NULL, get.features=FALSE,
                         pointer.only=FALSE, ...) {
  nsites <- nsim
  mod <- object
  check.arg(get.features, "get.features", "logical", null.OK=FALSE, min.length=1L,
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  nstate <- 1L
  if (!is.null(hmm)) 
    nstate <- nstate.hmm(hmm)
  if (is.tm(mod)) {
    tmlist <- list(mod)
  } else tmlist <- mod
  nmod <- length(tmlist)
  if (nstate != nmod) 
    stop("number of states in HMM (", nstate, ") does not match number of models (", nmod,")")

  for (i in 1:nmod) {
    if (!is.tm(tmlist[[i]]))
      stop("mod should be a list of tree models (one for every state of HMM)")
    tmlist[[i]] <- (as.pointer.tm(tmlist[[i]]))$externalPtr
  if (!is.null(hmm)) hmm <- (as.pointer.hmm(hmm))$externalPtr
  if ((!is.null(hmm)) && get.features) {
    result <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_base_evolve", tmlist, nsites, hmm,
    if (!pointer.only) {
      result$msa <- from.pointer.msa(result$msa)
    result$feats <- as.data.frame.feat(result$feats)
  x <- .makeObj.msa()
  x$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_base_evolve", tmlist, nsites, hmm,
  if (pointer.only == FALSE) 
    x <- from.pointer.msa(x)

##' Sample columns from an MSA
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param size The number of columns to sample
##' @param replace Whether to sample with replacement
##' @param prob A vector of probability weights for sampling each column;
##' \code{prob=NULL} implies equal probability for all columns.  Probabilities
##' need not sum to one but should be non-negative and can not all be zero.
##' @param pointer.only If \code{TRUE}, return only a pointer to an alignment
##' object stored in C (useful for large objects; advanced use only).
##' @return An object of type \code{msa} with columns randomly
##' re-sampled from the original
##' @note This function is implemented using R's sample function in
##' conjunction with "[.msa".  It will not alter the value of x even if it
##' is stored as a pointer.
##' @method sample msa
##' @keywords msa
##' @export sample.msa
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/sample-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
sample.msa <- function(x, size, replace=FALSE, prob=NULL, pointer.only=FALSE) {
  check.arg(size, "size", "integer", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(replace, "replace", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  if (!is.null(prob)) prob <- rep(prob, length.out=ncol.msa(x))
  if (size > ncol.msa(x) && replace==FALSE)
    stop("cannot sample more columns than in msa unless replace=TRUE")
  x[,sample(1:ncol.msa(x), size, replace=replace, prob=prob),

##' Extract fourfold degenerate sites from an MSA object
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param features an object of type \code{feat}.  Should have defined coding regions
##' with feature type "CDS"
##' @return An unordered msa object containing only the sites which are
##' fourfold degenerate. 
##' @note \itemize{
##' {If x is stored as a pointer, it will be 
##' reduced to four-fold degenerate sites, so the original alignment will be
##' lost.  Use get4d.msa(copy.msa(x), features) to avoid this behavior.  The
##' return value will always be stored in R regardless of how the original
##' alignment was stored.}
##' \item{For very large MSA objects it is more efficient to use the do.4d option
##' in the read.msa function instead.}}
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/get4d-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
get4d.msa <- function(x, features) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
  if (is.null(features$externalPtr) && sum(features$feature=="CDS")==0L) 
    stop("features has no features labelled \"CDS\"... cannot extract 4d sites")
  if (is.null(features$externalPtr)) {
    features <- as.pointer.feat(features)
  } else features <- copy.feat(features)
  x$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_reduce_to_4d",

##' Extract features from an MSA object
##' Returns the subset of the MSA which appears in the features object.
##' @param x An object of type MSA
##' @param features An object of type \code{features} denoting the regions
##' of the alignment to extract.
##' @param do4d If \code{TRUE}, then some elements of features must have type "CDS", and only
##' fourfold-degenerate sites will be extracted.
##' @param pointer.only If \code{TRUE}, return only a pointer to an object
##' stored in C (useful for large alignments; advanced use only)
##' @return An msa object containing only the regions of x
##' appearing in the features object.
##' @note If x was loaded with \code{pointer.only==TRUE}, then x
##' will be modified to the return value of the function.
##' Use \code{extract.feature.msa(copy.msa(x), features,...)}
##' if you don't want this behavior!
##' @seealso \code{sub.msa}, \code{[.msa}
##' @keywords msa features
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
extract.feature.msa <- function(x, features, do4d=FALSE, pointer.only=FALSE) {
  if (!is.ordered.msa(x))
    stop("extract.feature.msa requires ordered alignment")
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)

  if (do4d) {
    if (sum(features$feature=="CDS")==0L) 
      stop("features has no elements of type \"CDS\"... cannot extract 4d sites")
    rv <- get4d.msa(x, features)
  } else {
    if (is.null(features$externalPtr))  {
      features <- as.pointer.feat(features)
    } else features <- copy.feat(features)
    rv <- .makeObj.msa()
    rv$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_extract_feature",
  if (!is.null(rv$externalPtr)) {
    if (!pointer.only) 
      rv <- from.pointer.msa(rv)
  rv$is.ordered <- FALSE

##' Concatenate msa objects
##' If the MSAs do not contain the same set of sequences, the sequences
##' will be added to each MSA and filled with missing data.  The order
##' of sequences is taken from the first MSA, and sequences are added to
##' this as necessary.
##' @param msas A list of MSA objects to concatenate together.
##' @param ordered If FALSE, disregard the order of columns in the combined
##' MSA.
##' @param pointer.only (Advanced use only, for very large MSA objects) If
##' TRUE, return object will be a pointer to an object stored in C.
##' @return An object of type MSA
##' @note None of the msas passed to this function will be altered, even if
##' they are stored as pointers to objects in C.
##' @keywords msa
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
concat.msa <- function(msas, ordered=FALSE, pointer.only=FALSE) {
  # have to do a little dance to make sure this behaves OK if
  # some msas are empty
  if (!is.list(msas))
    stop("concat.msa expects list of msa objects")
  isZero <- logical(length(msas))
  for (i in 1:length(msas)) {
    if (is.null(msas[[i]]$externalPtr)) 
      msas[[i]] <- as.pointer.msa(msas[[i]])
    isZero[i] <- (ncol.msa(msas[[i]]) == 0L)
  if (sum(isZero) > 0L) 
    msas[isZero] <- NULL
  if (length(msas) == 0L) return(NULL)

  aggMsa <- copy.msa(msas[[1]])
  if (is.null(aggMsa$externalPtr))
    aggMsa <- as.pointer.msa(aggMsa)
  if (length(msas) >= 2L) {
    for (i in 2:length(msas)) {
      aggMsa$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_concat",
  if (pointer.only == FALSE) 
    aggMsa <- from.pointer.msa(aggMsa)

##' Split an MSA by feature
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param f An object of type \code{feat}
##' @param drop Not currently used
##' @param pointer.only If \code{TRUE}, returned list elements are pointers to
##' objects stored in C (advanced use only).
##' @param ... Not currently used
##' @return A list of msa objects, representing the sub-alignments for
##' each element in f
##' @note Neither x nor f will be altered by this function if they are stored
##' as pointers.
##' @keywords msa features
##' @method split by.feature.msa
##' @export split.by.feature.msa
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/split-by-feature-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
split.by.feature.msa <- function(x, f, drop=FALSE, pointer.only=FALSE, ...) {
  check.arg(pointer.only, "pointer.only", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
  if (is.null(f$externalPtr)) {
    f <- as.pointer.feat(f)
  } else f <- copy.feat(f)
  rv <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_split_by_gff", x$externalPtr,
  if (!pointer.only) {
    for (i in 1:length(rv))
      rv[[i]] <- from.pointer.msa(rv[[i]])

##' Get informative regions of an alignment
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}.
##' @param min.numspec The minimum number of species with non-missing data
##' required for an alignment column to be considered informative.
##' @param spec A character vector of species names, or an integer vector
##' of species indices.  Only data in
##' the named species count towards deciding if a site is informative.  The
##' default value of \code{NULL} implies use all species in the alignment.
##' @param refseq Defines the frame of reference for the return value.  Should
##' be a character vector with the name of one of the sequences in the
##' alignment, or NULL to indicate use the frame of reference of the entire
##' alignment.
##' @param gaps.inf Logical value indicating whether a gap should be considered
##' informative.  The default value of \code{FALSE} indicates that gaps as
##' well as missing data are not counted as informative.
##' @return An object of type \code{feat} indicating the regions of the
##' alignment which meet the informative criteria.  Note that unless
##' \code{refseq==NULL}, columns with gaps in the reference
##' sequence will be ignored, and will fall in "informative" or "uninformative"
##' features based on the informativeness of neighboring columns.
##' @note \itemize{
##' \item{If the msa object has an idx.offset, it is assumed to be a coordinate
##' offset for the first species in the alignment.  So the idx.offset will
##' be added to the coordinates in the returned features object only if
##' \code{refseq==names.msa(x)[1]}.}
##' \item{This function will not alter the value of x even if it is stored as
##' a pointer.}}
##' @keywords msa
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/informative-regions-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
informative.regions.msa <- function(x, min.numspec, spec=NULL,
                                    refseq=names.msa(x)[1], gaps.inf=FALSE) {
  numspec <- nrow.msa(x)
  check.arg(min.numspec, "min.numspec", "integer", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(gaps.inf, "gaps.inf", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(refseq, "refseq", "character", null.OK=TRUE)
  if (min.numspec <= 0L || min.numspec > numspec)
    stop("min.numspec expected to be between 1 and ", numspec)
  if (!is.null(spec)) {
    if (is.integer(spec)) {
      check.arg(spec, "spec", "integer", null.OK=TRUE, min.length=1L,
      if (sum(spec <= 0 | spec > numspec) > 0L)
          stop("expected spec values between 1 and ", numspec)
    } else {
      check.arg(spec, "spec", "character", null.OK=TRUE, min.length=1L,
      intspec <- as.integer(sapply(spec, function(s) {which(s==names(x))}))
      if (sum(is.na(intspec)) > 0L)
        stop("don't know species names ", spec[is.na(intspec)])
      spec <- intspec
  # compute index of refseq to use in .Call.rphast function below
  if (is.null(refseq)) {
    refseq <- 0
  } else {
    intrefseq <- which(refseq==names(x))
    if (length(intrefseq) == 0L)
      stop("don't know refseq name ", refseq)
    refseq <- intrefseq
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)

  feats <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
  feats$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_msa_informative_feats",
                                    x$externalPtr, min.numspec, spec, refseq,

##' Clean an alignment for codon analysis
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param refseq The name of the reference sequence to be used.  If given,
##' strip all columns which contain gaps in refseq.  Once this is done,
##' alignment should be in frame.  If \code{refseq==NULL} then alignment
##' should be in frame as it is sent in (no gaps are stripped).
##' @param strand Either "+" or "-".  If "-", reverse complement the
##' alignment.
##' @return An object of type \code{msa}.  It will be the same as the
##' original msa, with the following modifications:
##' \itemize{
##' \item If refseq is not NULL, columns with gaps in refseq will be stripped.
##' \item If strand is "-", the new msa will be the reverse complement of
##' the original.
##' \item After the gap stripping and reverse complementing steps, each
##' sequence is searched for stop codons.  If encountered, the stop codon
##' and the rest of the sequence to follow is converted to missing data.  The
##' resulting msa has a length equal to the longest remaining sequence (end
##' columns with all missing data are removed).
##' }
##' @note If the input msa (x) is stored as a pointer, its value will be
##' changed to the return value of the function.
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
codon.clean.msa <- function(x, refseq=NULL, strand="+") {
  check.arg(refseq, "refseq", "character", null.OK=TRUE, min.length=1L,
  if (!is.msa(x)) stop("x should be object of type msa")
  check.arg(strand, "strand", "character", null.OK=FALSE, min.length=1L,
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
    pointer.only <- FALSE
  } else pointer.only <- TRUE
  .Call.rphast("rph_msa_codon_clean", x$externalPtr, refseq, strand)
  if (pointer.only == FALSE) {
    x <- from.pointer.msa(x)

##' Get the observed frequencies of states in an alignment
##' @param align An object of type \code{msa}.
##' @param mod An object of type \code{tm} representing a tree model.
##' @return A numeric vector giving the observed frequencies of each state
##' in the model
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
state.freq.msa <- function(align, mod) {
  if (!is.msa(align)) stop("align should be object of type msa")
  if (is.null(align$externalPtr))
    align <- as.pointer.msa(align)
  mod <- as.pointer.tm(mod)
  .Call.rphast("rph_msa_get_base_freqs_tuples", align$externalPtr,

##' Get the frequencies of characters in an alignment
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param seq A vector of character strings identifying the sequence(s)
##' to get base frequencies for.  If \code{NULL}, use all sequences.
##' @param ignore.missing If TRUE, ignore missing data characters ("N" and "?").
##' Must be TRUE if seq is stored as a pointer.
##' @param ignore.gaps If TRUE, ignore gaps.  Must be TRUE if seq is stored
##' as a pointer.
##' @return A data frame with one row for each unique state (usually
##' "A", "C", "G", "T", and possibly "N", "?", "-", counts for
##' each state, and overall frequency of each state.
##' @seealso \code{statfreq.msa}, which gets observed frequencies of states
##' in an alignment with respect to a substitution model, and works for
##' pointers.
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
base.freq.msa <- function(x, seq=NULL, ignore.missing=TRUE,
                          ignore.gaps=TRUE) {
  if (!is.msa(x)) stop("x should be object of type msa")
  check.arg(seq, "seq", "character", null.OK=TRUE, min.length=1L,
  check.arg(ignore.missing, "ignore.missing", "logical", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1L, max.length=1L)
  check.arg(ignore.gaps, "ignore.gaps", "logical", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1L, max.length=1L)
  if (!is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    if (!is.null(seq)) x <- sub.msa(x, seq, pointer.only=TRUE)
    if (ignore.missing != TRUE)
      stop("ignore.missing must be TRUE in base.freq.msa if x is stored as a pointer")
    if (ignore.gaps != TRUE)
      stop("ignore.gaps must be TRUE in base.freq.msa if x is stored as a pointer")
  if (is.null(x$seqs)) stop("x does not have element named seqs")
  chars <- NULL
  for (i in 1:nrow.msa(x)) {
    if (is.null(seq) || is.element(names(x)[i], seq))
      chars <- c(chars, strsplit(x$seqs[i], split='')[[1]])
  if (ignore.missing) chars <- chars[chars != "?" & chars != "N"]
  if (ignore.gaps) chars <- chars[chars != "-"]
  if (length(chars) == 0L)
    stop("No sequences found")
  result <- table(chars)
  rv <- data.frame(states=names(result), counts=as.integer(result))
  rv <- data.frame(rv, freq=rv$counts/sum(rv$counts))

##' Get codon frequencies based on 3x4 model
##' @param x An object of type msa.  It is assumed to represent in-frame codons.
##' Length should be a multiple of 3.
##' @return A vector of length 64 corresponding to the 64 codon frequencies.
##' The frequencies corresponding to stop codons should be 0.
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
##' @export
freq3x4.msa <- function(x) {
  if (!is.msa(x)) stop("x should be object of type msa")
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
  .Call.rphast("rph_msa_freq3x4", x$externalPtr)

##' Get the fraction of G's and C's in an alignment
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param seq A vector of character strings identifying the sequence(s)
##' to use in the base frequency tabulation.  If \code{NULL}, use all
##' sequences.
##' @param ignore.missing If \code{FALSE}, count missing data in the
##' denominator.
##' @param ignore.gaps If \code{TRUE}, count gaps in the denominator.
##' @return The fraction of bases which are C's and G's
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
gc.content.msa <- function(x, seq=NULL, ignore.missing=TRUE,
                           ignore.gaps=TRUE) {
  df <- base.freq.msa(x, seq, ignore.missing, ignore.gaps)
  sum(df[df$states=="C" | df$states=="c" | df$states=="G" | df$states=="g","freq"])

##' Get pairwise differences per site between sequences
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param seq1 A character vector or integer index indicating seq1 (see Value)
##' @param seq2 A character vector of integer index indicating seq2.  Can only be
##' provided if seq1 is provided.
##' @param ignore.missing A logical value indicating whether to compare
##' sites where either sequence has missing data.
##' @param ignore.gaps A logical value indicating whether to compare sites
##' where either sequence contains a gap.
##' @return If seq1 and seq2 are provided, returns a numeric value giving
##' the fraction of sites in the alignment where seq1 and seq2 differ (or
##' zero if there are no sites to compare).  If seq1 is provided and seq2
##' is NULL, returns a numeric vector giving this value for seq1 compared
##' to every sequence (including itself; order of results is same as order of
##' sequences in alignment).  If both seq1 and seq2 are NULL, returns a matrix
##' giving this value for every sequence compared with every other sequence.
##' @export
##' @seealso \code{ninf.msa} To count the number of non-gap and non-missing character
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
pairwise.diff.msa <- function(x, seq1=NULL, seq2=NULL, ignore.missing=TRUE,
                      ignore.gaps=TRUE) {
  if (!is.msa(x)) stop("x should be an object of type msa")
  check.arg(ignore.missing, "ignore.missing", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(ignore.gaps, "ignore.gaps", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  if ((!is.null(seq2)) && is.null(seq1))
    stop("seq2 can only be provided if seq1 is provided")
  if (!is.null(seq1)) {
    if (length(seq1) != 1L) stop("seq1 should have length 1")
    if (is.character(seq1)) {
      newseq1 <- which(names(x) == seq1)
      if (length(newseq1) == 0L) stop("no sequence named ", seq1, " in alignment")
      seq1 <- newseq1
  if (!is.null(seq2)) {
    if (length(seq2) != 1L) stop("seq2 should have length 1")
    if (is.character(seq2)) {
      newseq2 <- which(names(x) == seq2)
      if (length(newseq2) == 0L) stop("no sequence named ", seq2, " in alignment")
      seq2 <- newseq2
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) x <- as.pointer.msa(x)
                                    x$externalPtr, seq1, seq2,
                                    ignore.missing, ignore.gaps))

##' Get amino acid sequences from an alignment
##' @param m An object of type \code{msa} representing the alignment.  The
##' alignment is assumed to be coding sequence, already in frame.
##' @param one.frame A logical value indicating whether to use the same frame for
##' all species in the alignment, or a separate frame for each species.  If
##' \code{one.frame==TRUE} then every three columns of the alignment is translated
##' into a codon, regardless of gaps within the alignment.  If
##' \code{one.frame==FALSE}, gaps will shift the frame in the species where they
##' occur.  In this case, the length of the seqeunces returned may not all be the
##' same.
##' @param frame An integer specifying an offset from the first column of the
##' alignment where the coding region starts.  The default 1 means start at
##' the beginning.  If \code{one.frame==FALSE}, frame can be a vector of integers,
##' one for each species.  Otherwise it should be a single value.
##' @return A vector of character strings representing the translated alignment.
##' The characters are amino acid codes, with '$' representing a stop codon,
##' and '*' denoting missing data or a codon with 1 or 2 gaps, and '-' denoting
##' a codon with all gaps.
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
##' @example inst/examples/translate-msa.R
##' @export
translate.msa <- function(m, one.frame=TRUE, frame=1) {
  if (!is.msa(m)) stop("m is not MSA object")
  one.frame <- check.arg(one.frame, "one.frame", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  frame <- check.arg(frame, "frame", "integer", null.OK=FALSE, min.length=1L,
            max.length=ifelse(one.frame, 1, nrow.msa(m)))
  if (sum(frame <= 0 | frame >= ncol.msa(m)) > 0L)
      stop("frame should only contain values between 1 and ncol.msa(m)-1")
  if (!one.frame) frame <- rep(frame, length.out=nrow.msa(m))
  if (is.null(m$externalPtr))
    m <- as.pointer.msa(m)
  .Call.rphast("rph_msa_translate", m$externalPtr, one.frame, as.integer(frame-1))

#TODO :implement pretty option
# new options not implemented in plot.msa yet:
## @param color.nonsyn If not \code{NULL}, use this color for codons that
## do not match the codon in the first sequence.  strand and frame.start
## should be set appropriately.
## @param strand (For use with color.nonsyn) Either "+" or "-", indicating
## the strand to be used for translating DNA and determining amino acids.
## @param frame.start (For use with color.nonsyn) An integer from 1-3,
## indicating the frame of the first base in the plot (1==first codon
## position, 2=second codon position, 3=third).  If strand=="-",
## frame.start is the frame of the base with the highest coordinate.

##' Plot an alignment
##' @param x An object of type \code{msa}
##' @param refseq A character string naming the reference sequence to use
##' (NULL implies frame of reference of entire alignment).
##' @param add If \code{TRUE}, add to the current plot
##' @param xlim (Only used when \code{add==FALSE}.  A vector of length 2
##' giving the coordinate range to plot in
##' terms of refseq coordinates.  If NULL use entire range of alignment.
##' @param ylim (Only used when \code{add==TRUE}.  The limits to use on the
##' y-axis.
##' @param pretty If \code{TRUE}, display bases as dots which are in 2nd or
##' higher row and are identical to corresponding base in 1st row.
##' @param min.char.size The smallest value (in inches) that a character can
##' be.  If characters need to be smaller than this, skip the plot.
##' @param nuc.text If not NULL, can be a vector of character strings.  Each
##' character string should be the same length as the MSA with respect to refseq.
##' Each string will be displayed in its own row along with the alignment.
##' @param nuc.text.pos If nuc.text is not NULL, can be either "top" or "bottom"
##' to indicate where to place nuc.text relative to the alignment.  Will be recycled
##' to the length of nuc.text.
##' @param nuc.text.col If nuc.text is not NULL, color to be used for printing nuc.text.  Will
##' be recycled to the length of nuc.text.
##' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to plot()
##' @method plot msa
##' @export plot.msa
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/plot-msa.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
plot.msa <- function(x, refseq=names.msa(x)[1],
                     xlim=NULL, ylim=c(0,1),
                     add=FALSE, pretty=FALSE, min.char.size=0.05,
                     nuc.text=NULL, nuc.text.pos="bottom",
                     ...) {
  if (!is.msa(x)) stop("first argument to plot.msa should be msa object")
#  if (!is.null(color.nonsyn)) {
#    color.nonsyn <- check.arg(color.nonsyn, "character", null.OK=FALSE)
#    strand <- check.arg(strand, "character", null.OK=FALSE)
#    if (strand != "+" && strand != "-") stop("strand should be \"+\" or \"-\"")
#    frame.start <- check.arg(frame.start, "integer", null.OK=FALSE)
#    if (frame.start < 1L || frame.start > 3L)
#      stop("frame.start should be 1, 2, or 3")
#  }
  coordRange <- coord.range.msa(x, refseq)
  if (add) {
    xlim <- par("usr")[1:2]
  if (is.null(xlim)) {
    xlim <- coordRange + c(-0.5,.5)
    xrange <- coordRange
  } else {
    xrange <- c(max(floor(xlim[1]), coordRange[1]),
                min(ceiling(xlim[2]), coordRange[2]))
 if (!add) {
    plot(c(0), c(0), type="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, yaxt="n", ylab="",
         xlab=sprintf("Corodinate with respect to %s ",
           ifelse(is.null(refseq), "alignment", refseq)),

  yrange <- par("usr")[3:4]  #y coordinate min and max
  width <- par("pin")[1]   # width of plot window in inches
  height <- par("pin")[2]/(yrange[2]-yrange[1])*(ylim[2]-ylim[1]) # height of window in inches

  numseq <- length(names.msa(x))
  numrow <- numseq
  if (!is.null(nuc.text)) {
    exp.length <- ncol.msa(x, refseq=refseq)
    for (i in 1:length(nuc.text)) {
      if (nchar(nuc.text[i]) != exp.length)
        stop(nuc.text[i], " should be length ", exp.length, " got length ",
      nuc.text[i] <- substr(nuc.text[i], xrange[1]-coordRange[1]+1,
                            xrange[2] - coordRange[1]+1)
    nuc.text.pos <- rep(nuc.text.pos, length.out=length(nuc.text))
    if (sum(nuc.text.pos != "top" & nuc.text.pos != "bottom") > 0L)
      stop("all elements of nuc.text.pos should be \"top\" or \"bottom\"")
    nuc.text.col <- rep(nuc.text.col, length.out=length(nuc.text))
    numrow <- numrow + length(nuc.text)

  x <- sub.msa(x, start.col=xrange[1], end.col=xrange[2],
  numch <- ncol.msa(x, refseq=refseq)

  chWidth <- width/numch  # amount of available space per character horizontal
  chHeight <- height/(numrow) # amount of available space per character vertical
  if (chWidth < min.char.size || chHeight < min.char.size) {
    warning("plot.msa could not plot alignment; characters too small")
  cexHeight <- chHeight/(par("cex")*par("cin")[2]) # this value of cex would make characters fill up all space vertically
  cexHeight <- cexHeight*0.75  # leave some vertical space between lines
  cexWidth <- chWidth/(par("cex")*par("cin")[1]) # this value of cex would mkae characters fill up all space horizontally
  cexWidth <- cexWidth*0.95  # leave a little space between characters
  textCex <- min(c(cexHeight, cexWidth))  #use the minimum between the two
#  cexHeight <- textCex*par("cex")*par("cin")[2]/3

  if (!is.null(refseq)) {
    # to-do: make strip.gaps return features with location/lengths of
    # gaps in refseq and plot those?
    x <- strip.gaps.msa(x, strip.mode=refseq)

   #vertical spacing
  # first try allowing half a character height between each line
  # if that doesn't fit then space evenly

  y <- (1:numrow)*textCex*1.25*par("cex")*par("cin")[2]  # this is in inches
  if (max(y)-min(y) < height) {  # the optimal spacing fits vertically
    y <- y/height*(ylim[2] - ylim[1])  # convert from inches to coordinates
    y <- y - mean(y) + (ylim[2] - ylim[1])/2 + ylim[1]
  } else {
    y <- seq(from=ylim[1], to=ylim[2], length.out=numrow+2)[2:(numseq+1)]
  y <- rev(y)

  longestName <- max(nchar(names.msa(x)))
  marSize <- par("mai")[2]  #margin size on left side
  nameCex <- min(marSize/(par("cin")[1]*longestName), cexHeight)

  yidx <- 1
  if (!is.null(nuc.text) && sum(nuc.text.pos=="top") > 0L) {
    f <- nuc.text.pos=="top"
    for (i in 1:sum(f)) {
      text(x=seq(from=xrange[1], to=xrange[2], by=1), y=y[yidx],
           labels=strsplit(nuc.text[f][i], "")[[1]], cex=textCex,
      yidx <- yidx+1
  for (i in 1:numseq) {
    chars <- strsplit(x$seq[i], "")[[1]]
    if (pretty) {
      if (i == 1L) {
        firstChars <- chars
      } else {
        chars[chars == firstChars] <- "."
    text(x=seq(from=xrange[1], to=xrange[2], by=1),
         labels=chars, cex=textCex)
    mtext(names.msa(x)[i], line=0.5, side=2, at=y[yidx], las=1, cex=nameCex, ...)
    yidx <- yidx + 1

  if (!is.null(nuc.text) && sum(nuc.text.pos=="bottom") > 0L) {
    f <- nuc.text.pos=="bottom"
    for (i in 1:sum(f)) {
      text(x=seq(from=xrange[1], to=xrange[2], by=1), y=y[yidx],
           labels=strsplit(nuc.text[f][i], "")[[1]], cex=textCex,
      yidx <- yidx+1


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rphast documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:26 p.m.