
Defines functions .makeObj.feat copy.feat read.feat feat as.pointer.feat print.feat write.feat nrow.feat ncol.feat summary.feat as.data.frame.feat from.pointer.feat dim.feat range.feat plot.feat plot.gene density.feat hist.feat overlap.feat inverse.feat coverage.feat add.UTRs.feat add.introns.feat add.signals.feat fix.start.stop.feat rbind.feat split.feat sort.feat composition.feat enrichment.feat unique.feat tagval.feat tagval flatten.feat read.wig write.wig write.wig.feat convert.coords.feat

Documented in add.introns.feat add.signals.feat add.UTRs.feat as.data.frame.feat as.pointer.feat composition.feat convert.coords.feat copy.feat coverage.feat density.feat dim.feat enrichment.feat feat fix.start.stop.feat flatten.feat from.pointer.feat hist.feat inverse.feat ncol.feat nrow.feat overlap.feat plot.feat plot.gene print.feat range.feat rbind.feat read.feat read.wig sort.feat split.feat summary.feat tagval tagval.feat unique.feat write.feat write.wig write.wig.feat

.makeObj.feat <- function(isPointer) {
  feat <- list()
  if (isPointer) {
    attr(feat, "class") <- c("feat", "list")
  } else attr(feat, "class") <- c("feat", "data.frame")

##' Creates a copy of a features object
##' If x is stored in R (as it is by default), then this is no different
##' than x2 <- x.  But if it is stored as a pointer to a structure in C,
##' then this is the only way to make an explicity copy of the features.
##' @title Features copy
##' @param x an object of type \code{feat}
##' @return a features object which can be modified independently from the
##' original object
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @export
copy.feat <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) return(x)
  result <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
  result$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_copy", x$externalPtr)

##' Read a features object from a file
##' The function will guess the format of the input file automatically.
##' @title Read a Feature File (GFF, BED, or GenePred)
##' @param filename the name of the file (can be GFF, BED, GenePred, or wig:
##' rphast will auto-detect)
##' @param pointer.only Whether to store object by reference instead of a
##' data.frame
##' @return If \code{pointer.only==FALSE}, a data.frame with columns corresponding
##' to the GFF specification.  Otherwise, an object which is a pointer to
##' an object stored in C.
##' @seealso \code{\link{feat}} for more description of features objects.
##' \code{\link{msa}} for more explanation of the pointer.only option.
##' \url{http://www.sanger.ac.uk/resources/software/gff/spec.html}
##' for a detailed description of GFF file format.  The columns in features
##' objects mirror the GFF column definitions.
##' \url{http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat} for descriptions
##' of BED and GenePred formats.
##' @keywords GFF
##' @keywords Genepred
##' @keywords BED
##' @keywords features
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @example inst/examples/read-feat.R
##' @export
read.feat <- function(filename, pointer.only=FALSE) {
  filename <- check.arg(filename, "filename", "character", null.OK=FALSE,
                        min.length=1L, max.length=1L)
  feat <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
  feat$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_read", filename)
  if (!pointer.only) {
    feat <- from.pointer.feat(feat)

##' Create a new features object
##' See \url{http://www.sanger.ac.uk/resources/software/gff/spec.html}
##' for more detailed description of each parameter.
##' All arguments which are provided should be vectors of equal length.
##' If pointer.only==FALSE, the new object is a data frame, with
##' columns mirroring the GFF Specification
##' Otherwise, it is a list containing a single element, which is
##' a pointer to an object stored in C.
##' @title Features Objects
##' @param seqname a character vector containing the name of the sequence.  If
##' the features correspond to regions of an alignment, then seqname
##' should be the name of the sequence in the alignment that is used
##' as the frame of reference in the features.  To use the entire alignment
##' as a frame of reference, set seqname to "MSA".
##' @param src The source of the feature
##' @param feature The feature type name
##' @param start The start of the feature.  Sequence numbering begins at 1.
##' @param end The end of the feature.  This is the last coordinate included
##' in the feature.
##' @param score The feature score, or NA if there is no score.
##' @param strand A character string which is either "+", "-", or "." (if
##' strand is not available or relevant).
##' @param frame A 0, 1, or 2, which specifies whether the feature is in frame.
##' @param attribute A feature attribute (character string).
##' @param pointer.only Whether to store object as a pointer to an object
##' in C, rather than as a data.frame in R.
##' @return If pointer.only==FALSE, returns a data.frame whose format
##' mirrors the GFF specification.  Otherwise, returns a list with a single
##' object, which is a external pointer to a C structure representing a
##' features object.
##' @seealso \code{\link{read.feat}}
##' \code{\link{msa}} for more details on the pointer.only option.
##' @keywords features
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @example inst/examples/feat.R
##' @export
feat <- function(seqname="default", src=".", feature=".",
                 start, end, score=NULL,
                 strand=NULL, frame=NULL, attribute=NULL,
                 pointer.only=FALSE) {
  check.arg(start, "start", "integer", null.OK=FALSE, min.length=NULL,
  len <- length(start)
  seqname <- rep(seqname, length.out = len)
  check.arg(seqname, "seqname", "character", null.OK=FALSE, min.length=len,
  src <- rep(src, length.out = len)
  check.arg(src, "src", "character", null.OK=FALSE, min.length=len,
  feature <- rep(feature, length.out = len)
  check.arg(feature, "feature", "character", null.OK=FALSE, min.length=len,
  check.arg(end, "end", "integer", null.OK=FALSE, min.length=len,
  if (!is.null(score)) score <- rep(score, length.out=len)
  check.arg(score, "score", "numeric", null.OK=TRUE, min.length=len,
  if (!is.null(strand)) strand <- rep(strand, length.out=len)
  check.arg(strand, "strand", "character", null.OK=TRUE, min.length=len,
  if (!is.null(frame)) frame <- rep(frame, length.out = len)
  check.arg(frame, "frame", "integer", null.OK=TRUE, min.length=len,
  if (!is.null(attribute)) attribute <- rep(attribute, length.out = len)
  check.arg(attribute, "attribute", "character", null.OK=TRUE,
             min.length=len, max.length=len)
  check.arg(pointer.only, "pointer.only", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)

# NOTE: I'd like to impose this, but in some genepred files elements have length -1
#  if (sum(end - start < 0) > 0)
#    stop("Error: end should be >= start for all features")

  if (pointer.only) {
    if (!is.null(score)) score <- as.numeric(score)
    if (!is.null(strand)) strand <- as.character(strand)
    if (!is.null(frame)) frame <- as.integer(frame)
    if (!is.null(attribute)) attribute <- as.character(attribute)
    ptr <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_new", as.character(seqname),
                        as.character(src), as.character(feature),
                        as.integer(start), as.integer(end),
                        score, strand, frame, attribute)
    x <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
    x$externalPtr <- ptr
  } else {
    x <- data.frame(seqname=seqname, src=src, feature=feature,
                    start=start, end=end)
    if (!is.null(score)) x <- cbind(x, score)
    if (!is.null(strand)) x <- cbind(x, strand)
    if (!is.null(frame)) x <- cbind(x, frame)
    if (!is.null(attribute)) x <- cbind(x, attribute)
    attr(x, "class") <- c("feat", "data.frame")

##' Take a set of features stored in R and return one stored by reference
##' @title Features To Pointer
##' @param x an object of type \code{feat} stored as a data frame in R
##' @return an object of type \code{feat} stored by reference as a pointer to an
##' object created in C.
##' @seealso \code{\link{feat}} for more details on features storage
##' options.
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
##' @example inst/examples/as-pointer-feat.R
##' @export
as.pointer.feat <- function(x) {
  if (!is.null(x$externalPtr))
  feat(x$seqname, x$src, x$feature,
       x$start,   x$end, x$score,
       x$strand,  x$frame,  x$attribute,

##' Prints a features object.
##' @title Printing a features Object
##' @param x an object of type \code{feat}
##' @param ... further arguments to be passed to or from other methods
##' @keywords features
##' @seealso \code{\link{write.feat}}
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @method print feat
##' @export
##' @export print.feat
print.feat <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(paste("Features object\n"))
  write.feat(x, NULL)

##' Write a features object to a file in GFF format.
##' @title Writing a features Object
##' @param x an object of type \code{feat}
##' @param file The name of the file to write to (will be overwritten)
##' @keywords features GFF
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @example inst/examples/write-feat.R
##' @export
write.feat <- function(x, file) {
  check.arg(file, "file", "character", null.OK=TRUE)
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
  invisible(.Call.rphast("rph_gff_print", file, x$externalPtr))

##' Get the number of rows in a features object
##' @title Number of Features
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat}
##' @return An integer containing the number of rows in each features object
##' @export
##' @export nrow.feat
##' @method nrow feat
##' @keywords features
##' @example inst/examples/nrow-feat.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
nrow.feat <- function(x) {
  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    attr(x, "class") <- "data.frame"
#    attr(x, "class") <- "data.frame"
#    NextMethod("nrow", x)
#    NextMethod()
#    UseMethod("nrow", x)
  } else {
    if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) stop("invalid object sent to nrow.feat")
    .Call.rphast("rph_gff_numrow", x$externalPtr)

##' Get the number of columns in a features object
##' @title Number of Columns in Features
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat}
##' @return An integer containing the number of columns in the features object
##' @note If the features object is stored as a pointer in C, the number
##' of columns is always 9.
##' @export
##' @export ncol.feat
##' @method ncol feat
##' @keywords features
##' @example inst/examples/ncol-feat.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
ncol.feat <- function(x) {
  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    attr(x, "class") <- "data.frame"
#    NextMethod("nrow")
  } else return(9)  # feat objects stored in C always have 9 columns

##' Prints a brief summary of a features object.
##' @title Features Summary
##' @param object an object of type \code{feat}
##' @param ... further arguments to be passed to or from other methods
##' @export
##' @export summary.feat
##' @method summary feat
##' @keywords features
##' @example inst/examples/summary-feat.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
summary.feat <- function(object, ...) {
  if (is.null(object$externalPtr)) {
    as <- "stored as data frame"
    object <- as.pointer.feat(object)
  } else as <- "stored as a pointer to a C structure"
  nrow <- nrow.feat(object)
  cat(paste("features object with", nrow, "rows", as))

##' Convert a features object to a data frame
##' @title Features to Data Frame
##' @param x an object of type \code{feat}
##' @param row.names optional names for each feature
##' @param optional logical, if \code{TRUE}, setting row names and 
##' converting column names (to syntactic names: see
##' \code{\link{make.names}} is optional.
##' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to other methods
##' @return a data frame containing features data
##' @seealso \code{\link{feat}} for a description of features data frames,
##' and \code{\link{as.pointer.feat}} for conversion in the other
##' direction.
##' @export
##' @export as.data.frame.feat
##' @method as.data.frame feat
##' @example inst/examples/as-data-frame-feat.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
as.data.frame.feat <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, ...) {
  if (is.data.frame(x)) return(x)
  if (!is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    x <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_dataframe", x$externalPtr)
  attr(x, "class") <- "list"
  as.data.frame(x, row.names, optional, ...)

##' Convert a features object from C memory (external pointer) to R memory
##' @param x A features object stored as a pointer to C memory
##' @return A features object (inheriting from the data.frame class) stored
##' in R memory
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
from.pointer.feat <- function(x) {
  x <- as.data.frame.feat(x)
  attr(x, "class") <- c("feat", "data.frame")

##' Get the dimensions of a features object
##' @title Feature dimensions
##' @param x an object of type \code{feat}
##' @return An integer vector of length two containing the number of
##' rows and number of columns in the features object.
##' @export
##' @export dim.feat
##' @method dim feat
##' @keywords features
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
##' @example inst/examples/dim-feat.R
dim.feat <- function(x) {
  c(nrow.feat(x), ncol.feat(x))

##' Get the range of a features object
##' @title Features range
##' @param ... Objects of type \code{feat}
##' @param na.rm Whether to remove values of NA before calculating range.
##' @return A vector of size 2 indicating minimum and maximum coord in
##' the features object
##' @method range feat
##' @export range.feat
##' @export
##' @keywords features
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
range.feat <- function(..., na.rm=FALSE) {
  feats <- list(...)
  mins <- numeric(length(feats))
  maxs <- numeric(length(feats))
  for (i in 1:length(feats)) {
    x <- feats[[i]]
    if (is.data.frame(x)) {
      r <- range(c(x$start, x$end), na.rm=na.rm)
    } else {
      r <- c(.Call.rphast("rph_gff_minCoord", x$externalPtr),
             .Call.rphast("rph_gff_maxCoord", x$externalPtr))
    mins[i] <- r[1]
    maxs[i] <- r[2]
  c(min(mins, na.rm=na.rm),
    max(maxs, na.rm=na.rm))

##' plot features
##' @title Features plot
##' @param x an object of type \code{feat}
##' @param y the location of the plot on the y axis
##' @param height the height of the boxes
##' @param plottype either "r" for rectangles or "a" for arrows, "b"
##' for arrows within rectangles, or "l" for line segments only.
##' @param arrow.density If plottype=="a" or "b", then this gives the density
##' of arrows in arrows per inch.  Otherwise it gives the density of
##' shading lines in the rectangles, and a value of \code{NULL} implies
##' no shading lines.
##' @param angle angle (in degrees) of the shading lines or arrows.
##' @param col color to draw the boxes/lines/arrows with.
##' @param fill.col Color to fill the rectangles with.  If \code{NULL}
##' then do not fill.
##' @param lty line type for lines, arrows, borders, and shading
##' @param lwd line width for lines, arrows, borders and shading
##' @param add if \code{TRUE}, add to existing plot
## @param labels whether to label the boxes.  If a vector of strings gives
## the lables for each element.  If \code{TRUE}, use x$feature for labels.
##' @param xlim A numerical vector of length 2 giving the range for the x-axis.
##' @param ylim A numerical vector of length 2 giving the range for the y-axis.
##' @param ... graphical parameters to be passed to \code{plot}.
##' @method plot feat
##' @export plot.feat
##' @export
##' @keywords features plot
##' @example inst/examples/plot-feat.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
plot.feat <- function(x, y=0, height=1, plottype="r",
                      fill.col=if (plottype == "r") col else NULL,
                      #                     labels=FALSE,
                      ylim=c(y-height*3/4, y+height*3/4), ...) {

  if (!is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- from.pointer.feat(x)
  if (is.null(x$start) || is.null(x$end))
    stop("invalid features object")
  if (plottype=="a" && is.null(x$strand))
    stop("cannot plot feature arrows without strand data")

  if (!add) 
    plot(c(0), c(0), type="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab="Coordinate", ylab="", ...)

  f <- x$end >= xlim[1] & x$start <= xlim[2]
  if (sum(f)==0) return(invisible(NULL))
  x <- x[f,]
  if (plottype=="r" || plottype=="b") {
    rect(x$start-0.5, y-height/2, x$end+0.5, y+height/2,
         col=fill.col, border=col, lty=lty,
  if (plottype == "l")
    segments(x$start-0.5, y, x$end+0.5, col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
  if (plottype == "a" || plottype == "b") {
    usr <- par("usr")
    pin <- par("pin")
    upi <- c(usr[2L] - usr[1L], usr[4L] - usr[3L])/pin
    arrow.density <- upi[1L]/arrow.density  #convert from lines per inch
                                            # to coordinates per line
    f <- x$strand == "+"
    angle <- angle*pi/180 #convert to radians
    xlen <- height/2/tan(angle)/upi[2]*upi[1]

    if (sum(f) > 0) {
      xplus <- x[f,]
      for (i in 1:nrow.feat(xplus)) {
        start <- xplus[i,]$start-0.5
        end <- xplus[i,]$end+0.5
        xlen <- height/2/tan(angle)/upi[2]*upi[1]
        x0 <- seq(from = end + arrow.density*floor(xlen/arrow.density),
                  to = start-xlen, by=-arrow.density)
#        x0 <- seq(from=end+xlen, to=start-xlen, by=-arrow.density)
        x1 <- x0 - xlen
        y0top <- rep(y, length(x0))
        y0bottom <- rep(y, length(x0))
        y1top <- rep(y + height/2, length(x0))
        y1bottom <- rep(y - height/2, length(x0))

        f <- x0 > end
        if (sum(f) > 0L) {
          y0top[f] <- y  + height/2*(x0[f] - end)/xlen
          y0bottom[f] <- y - height/2*(x0[f]-end)/xlen
          x0[f] <- end
        f <- x1 < start
        if (sum(f) > 0L) {
          y1top[f] <- y + height/2*(1.0-(start - x1[f])/xlen)
          y1bottom[f] <- y - height/2*(1.0-(start - x1[f])/xlen)
          x1[f] <- start
        f <- x1 < x0
        if (sum(f) > 0L) {
          segments(x0[f], y0top[f], x1[f], y1top[f], col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
          segments(x0[f], y0bottom[f], x1[f], y1bottom[f], col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
    f <- x$strand == "-"
    if (sum(f) > 0) {
      xneg <- x[f,]
      for (i in 1:nrow.feat(xneg)) {
        start <- xneg[i,]$start-0.5
        end <- xneg[i,]$end+0.5
        x0 <- seq(from=start - arrow.density*floor(xlen/arrow.density),
                  to = end+xlen, by=arrow.density)
#        x0 <- seq(from=start-xlen, to=end+xlen, by=arrow.density)
        x1 <- x0 + xlen
        y0top <- rep(y, length(x0))
        y0bottom <- rep(y, length(x0))
        y1top <- rep(y + height/2, length(x0))
        y1bottom <- rep(y - height/2, length(x0))

        f <- x1 > end
        if (sum(f) > 0L) {
          y1top[f] <- y  + height/2*(1.0-(x1[f] - end)/xlen)
          y1bottom[f] <- y - height/2*(1.0-(x1[f]-end)/xlen)
          x1[f] <- end
        f <- x0 < start
        if (sum(f) > 0L) {
          y0top[f] <- y + height/2*(start - x0[f])/xlen
          y0bottom[f] <- y - height/2*(start - x0[f])/xlen
          x0[f] <- start
        f <- x0 < x1
        if (sum(f) > 0L) {
          segments(x0[f], y0top[f], x1[f], y1top[f], col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
          segments(x0[f], y0bottom[f], x1[f], y1bottom[f], col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd)

##' make gene plot
##' @title Gene plot
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat}
##' @param y the location of the plot on the y axis
##' @param height the height of the boxes
##' @param arrow.density The density of the arrows in arrows per inch
##' @param angle angle (in degrees) of the arrow heads
##' @param col color to use for plotting
##' @param lty line type for arrows, borders, and shading
##' @param lwd line width for arrows, borders and shading
##' @param add if \code{TRUE}, add to existing plot
## @param labels whether to label the boxes.  If a vector of strings gives
## the lables for each element.  If \code{TRUE}, use x$feature for labels.
##' @param xlim A numerical vector of length 2 giving the range for the x-axis.
##' @param ylim A numerical vector of length 2 giving the range for the y-axis.
##' @param ... graphical parameters to be passed to \code{plot}.
##' @method plot gene
##' @export plot.gene
##' @export
##' @keywords features plot
##' @example inst/examples/plot-gene.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
plot.gene <- function(x, y=0, height=1,
                      angle = 30,
                      #                     labels=FALSE,
                      ylim=c(y-height*3/4, y+height*3/4), ...) {
  if (!is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- from.pointer.feat(x)
  if (is.null(x$start) || is.null(x$end))
    stop("invalid features object")

  seqname <- unique(x$seqname)
  if (length(seqname) > 1L)
    stop("feature has multiple sequences, can only plot 1")

  if (!add) 
    plot(c(0), c(0), type="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ...)

  f <- x$end >= xlim[1] & x$start <= xlim[2]
  if (sum(f) == 0) return(invisible(NULL))
  x <- x[f,]

  f <- x$feature == "intron"
  if (sum(f) > 0L) 
    plot.feat(x[f,], plottype="l", y=y, lty=1, col=col, add=TRUE)
  fexon <- x$feature == "exon"
  fcds <- x$feature == "CDS"
  if (sum(fexon) > 0L) {
    if (sum(fcds) > 0L) {
      region.bounds <- feat(seqname=seqname, start=min(x$start), end=max(x$end))
      exon <- coverage.feat(x[fexon,], x[fcds,], region.bounds,
                            not=c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE))
    } else exon <- x[fexon,]
    if (nrow.feat(exon) > 0L)
      plot.feat(exon, plottype="a", y=y, height=height/5, add=TRUE, col=col,
                angle=angle, arrow.density=arrow.density)
  if (sum(fcds) > 0L)
    plot.feat(x[fcds,], plottype="b", y=y, height=height, add=TRUE, col=col,
              angle=angle, arrow.density=arrow.density)

##' Features kernel density
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat}
##' @param type a character string, denoting the value to compute
##' the density for.  Currently the only valid types are "length"
##' and "score"
##' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{density}
##' @return A kernel density object as defined by \code{\link{density}}
##' @export
##' @export density.feat
##' @method density feat
##' @keywords features
##' @importFrom stats density
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
density.feat <- function(x, type="length", ...) {
  if (type == "length") {
    if (!is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
      vals <- .Call.rphast("rphast_gff_lengths", x$externalPtr)
    } else {
      vals <- x$end - x$start
  } else if (type == "score") {
    if (!is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
      vals <- .Call.rphast("rphast_gff_getScores", x$externalPtr)
    } else {
      vals <- x$score
  } else stop("unknown type (should be \"length\" or \"score\")")
  density(vals, ...)

##' plot histogram of feature lengths
##' @param x an object of type \code{feat}
##' @param type a character string, denoting the value to make the histogram with.
##' Currently the only valid types are "length" or "score"
##' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{hist}
##' @method hist feat
##' @export hist.feat
##' @export
##' @keywords features
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
hist.feat <- function(x, type="length", ...) {
  if (type == "length") {
    if (!is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
      starts <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_starts", x$externalPtr)
      ends <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_ends", x$externalPtr)
      vals <- ends - starts + 1
    } else {
      vals <- x$end - x$start + 1
  } else if (type == "score") {
    if (!is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
      vals <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_scores", x$externalPtr)
    } else {
      vals <- x$score
  } else stop("unknown type (should be \"length\" or \"score\")")
  hist(vals, ...)

##' Feature overlap
##' Creates a features object containing all the features from one set which overlap
##' features from another.
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat} containing features to select
##' @param filter An object of type \code{feat} which determines which elements of x to select
##' @param numbase The number of bases of overlap between x and filter required to choose
##' a record.  Use NULL to ignore (but then min.percent must be defined)
##' @param min.percent The minimum percent that a record must overlap with the combined records in filter
##' in order to be chosen
##' @param overlapping If \code{FALSE}, choose records with less than numbase overlapping bases,
##' and less than min.percent fraction overlap if min.percent is not \code{NULL}
##' @param get.fragments If \code{FALSE}, entire records are selected from x based on whether
##' they meet selection criteria.   
##' If \code{TRUE}, return only the fragments of x that overlap
##' with filter.  In this case, the same fragments may be output multiple times, if they are
##' selected by multiple entries in filter.  numbase and min.percent apply in either case.
##' When this option is used, the return value is a list with two gffs.  The first (named frags)
##' contains the overlapping fragments, and the second (filter.frags) contain the fragments
##' from filter which selected the overlapping fragments. 
##' @param pointer.only If \code{TRUE}, the return object will only be a
##' pointer to an object stored in C (useful for very large features; advanced use only).
##' @return an object of type \code{feat} containing the selected entries from x (unless
##' get.fragments==TRUE, then it returns a list with two \code{feat} objects; see
##' get.fragments).
##' @note If either x or filter are feature objects stored as a pointer to C memory,
##' then this function may reorder the elements in these objects, but leave them
##' otherwise unchanged.
##' @export
##' @keywords features
##' @example inst/examples/overlap-feat.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
overlap.feat <- function(x, filter, numbase=1, min.percent=NULL,
                         overlapping=TRUE, get.fragments=FALSE, pointer.only=FALSE) {
  check.arg(numbase, "numbase", "integer", null.OK=TRUE)
  check.arg(min.percent, "min.percent", "numeric", null.OK=TRUE)
  if (is.null(numbase) && is.null(min.percent)) stop("one of numbase or min.percent should not be NULL")
  if (!is.null(numbase) && numbase < 0) stop("numbase should be at least 1 (if it isn't NULL)")
  if (!is.null(min.percent) && (min.percent < 0 || min.percent > 1))
    stop("min.percent should be NULL or in the range (0,1)")
  check.arg(overlapping, "overlapping", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(get.fragments, "get.fragments", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)

  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) 
    x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
  if (is.null(filter$externalPtr))
    filter <- as.pointer.feat(filter)

  rv <- list()
  rv[[1]] <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_overlapSelect",
                          x$externalPtr, filter$externalPtr,
                          numbase, min.percent, !overlapping,
  if (get.fragments) {
    rv <- rphast.simplify.list(rv)
    if (!pointer.only) {
      rv$frags <- from.pointer.feat(rv$frags)
      rv$filter.frags <- from.pointer.feat(rv$filter.frags)
  feat.rv <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
  feat.rv$externalPtr <- rv[[1]]
  if (!is.null(rv) && !pointer.only) {
    feat.rv <- from.pointer.feat(feat.rv)
  if (nrow.feat(feat.rv) == 0) return(NULL)

##' Get inverse features
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat}
##' @param region.bounds An object of type \code{feat} which defines
##' the boundaries of all relevant chromosomes in the first argument
##' @param pointer.only If \code{TRUE}, return a pointer to a structure stored
##' in C (advanced use only).
##' @return An object of type \code{feat} which contains all regions in
##' region.bounds that are not in the first argument
##' @note If x is stored as a pointer to C memory, then its elements will
##' be sorted by this function.  region.bounds will not be changed.
##' @export
##' @keywords features
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
inverse.feat <- function(x, region.bounds, pointer.only=FALSE) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
  if (is.null(region.bounds$externalPtr))
    region.bounds <- as.pointer.feat(region.bounds)
  rv <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
  rv$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_inverse",
  if (!pointer.only)
    rv <- from.pointer.feat(rv)

##' Features coverage
##' @param ... objects of type \code{feat}
##' @param or if \code{TRUE}, get the coverage of union of feat arguments.
##' or is \code{FALSE} by default, which takes the intersection.
##' @param not If not \code{NULL}, a vector of logicals the same length
##' as the number of features
##' provided (or will be recycled to this length).
##' For each value which is \code{TRUE}, then any base *not* included in this
##' feature will be counted.  (The negation is done before any other operation).
##' If \code{NULL}, do not negate any features.  There must be at least one
##' feature which is not negated (so that boundaries can be established).
##' @param get.feats if \code{TRUE}, return an object of type \code{feat}
##' representing the intersection (or union of \code{or==TRUE}) of the
##' features
##' @param pointer.only (Only used if \code{get.feats==TRUE}).  If \code{TRUE},
##' the features object returned will be stored as a pointer to an object
##' in C.
##' @return The number of bases covered by the feat arguments, or the
##' combined feat object if \code{get.feats==TRUE}.
##' @note Any features object passed into this function which is stored as a
##' pointer to an object stored in C may be reordered (sorted) by this function.
##' @export
##' @keywords features
##' @example inst/examples/coverage-feat.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
coverage.feat <- function(..., or=FALSE, not=FALSE, get.feats=FALSE,
                          pointer.only=FALSE) {
  check.arg(or, "or", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(get.feats, "get.feats", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  if (get.feats) 
    check.arg(pointer.only, "pointer.only", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  featlist <- list(...)
  check.arg(not, "not", null.OK=TRUE, min.length=1L,
  if (is.null(not)) {
    not <- rep(FALSE, length(featlist))
  } else {
    not <- rep(not, length.out=length(featlist))
  if (sum(not == FALSE) == 0L)
    stop("at least one feature must have not==FALSE")
  region.bounds <- featlist[[which(not==FALSE)[1]]]
  for (i in 1:length(featlist)) {
    x <- featlist[[i]]
    if (not[i]) x <- inverse.feat(x, region.bounds)
    if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) 
      x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
    featlist[[i]] <- x$externalPtr
  if (get.feats) {
    rv <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
    rv$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_featureBits", featlist,
                                   or, get.feats)
    if (pointer.only) return(rv)
  .Call.rphast("rph_gff_featureBits", featlist, or, get.feats)

##' Add UTRs to features
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat}.  CDS regions must be present with type "CDS", and
##' the transcript_id must be indicated in the attribute field.
##' @return An object of type \code{feat}, with all the entries of the original object, but
##' also with UTR annotations.
##' @note If x is stored as a pointer to an object stored in C, then UTRs will be added
##' to x.
##' @export
##' @keywords features
##' @example inst/examples/add-UTRs-feat.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
add.UTRs.feat <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
    getDataFrame <- TRUE
  } else getDataFrame <- FALSE
  rv <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
  rv$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_add_UTRs", x$externalPtr)
  if (getDataFrame) return(from.pointer.feat(rv))

##' Add introns to features
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat}.  CDS regions must be present with type "CDS", and
##' the transcript_id must be indicated in the attribute field.
##' @return An object of type \code{feat}, with all the entries of the original object, but
##' also with intron annotations.
##' @note If x is stored as a pointer to an object stored in C, introns will be
##' added to x.
##' @export
##' @keywords features
##' @example inst/examples/add-introns-feat.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
add.introns.feat <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
    getDataFrame <- TRUE
  } else getDataFrame <- FALSE
  rv <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
  rv$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_add_introns", x$externalPtr)
  if (getDataFrame) return(from.pointer.feat(rv))

##' Add start/stop codon, 3'/5' splice signals to features
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat}.  CDS regions must be present with type "CDS", and
##' the transcript_id must be indicated in the attribute field.
##' @return An object of type \code{feat}, with all the entries of the original object, but
##' also with stop codons, start, codons, 3' splice, and 5' splice sites annotated.
##' @note \itemize{
##' \item{If x is stored as a pointer to an object stored in C, signals will be
##' added to x.}
##' \item{Does not correctly handle case of splice site in middle of start
##' or stop codon.}}
##' @export
##' @keywords features
##' @example inst/examples/add-signals-feat.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
add.signals.feat <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
    getDataFrame <- TRUE
  } else getDataFrame <- FALSE
  rv <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
  rv$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_add_signals", x$externalPtr)
  if (getDataFrame) return(from.pointer.feat(rv))

##' Fix start and stop signals
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat}.  CDS regions must be present with type
##' "CDS", and the transcript_id must be indicated in the attribute field.
##' Start and stop codons should have feature type "start_codon" and "stop_codon"
##' (as produced by addSignals.feat).
##' @return An object of type \code{feat}, in which CDS regions are ensured to
##' include start codons and exclude stop codons, as required by the GTF2 standard.
##' @note \itemize{
##' \item{If x is stored as a pointer to an object stored in C, signals will be
##' added to x.}
##' \item{Assumes at most one start_codon and at most one stop_codon per transcript.}
##' }
##' @export
##' @keywords features
##' @example inst/examples/fix-start-stop-feat.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
fix.start.stop.feat <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
    getDataFrame <- TRUE
  } else getDataFrame <- FALSE
  rv <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
  rv$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_fix_start_stop", x$externalPtr)
  if (getDataFrame) return(from.pointer.feat(rv))

##' concatenate feature objects
##' @param ... objects of type \code{feat} to be combined into a single object
##' @return An object of type \code{feat} containing entries from all
##' given features
##' @method rbind feat
##' @export rbind.feat
##' @export
##' @keywords features
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
rbind.feat <- function(...) {
  feat <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
  featlist <- list(...)
  idx <- 1
  p.featlist <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(featlist)) {
    currfeat <- featlist[[i]]
    if (!is.null(currfeat) && nrow.feat(currfeat) > 0L) {
      if (is.null(currfeat$externalPtr))
        currfeat <- as.pointer.feat(currfeat)
      p.featlist[[idx]] <- currfeat$externalPtr
      idx <- idx+1
  if (idx == 1) return(NULL)
  feat$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_append", p.featlist)

##' Split features by length
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat}
##' @param f The maximum length of features in new object.  Can be a
##' vector giving a different length for each row, or a single numeric
##' value.  Values will be recycled to the same length
##' as \code{nrow.feat(x)}.
##' @param drop A logical value saying whether to drop "left-over" elements
##' which do not have exactly length f.
##' @param start.from A character string, current valid values are "left"
##' (start split at smallest coordinate for each feature), or "right"
##' (start splitting at the last coordinate and work down).  Values will
##' be recycled to the length of \code{nrow.feat(x)}
##' @param pointer.only If \code{TRUE}, return an object which is a pointer
##' to a features object stored in C (advanced use only).
##' @param ... Currently not used (for S3 compatibility).
##' @return An object of type \code{feat} with the same features as x but
##' with all features of length > max.length broken into segments
##' (starting from the first position in feature).  The last piece
##' of each split segment may be smaller than max.length
##' @method split feat
##' @export split.feat
##' @export
##' @keywords features
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
split.feat <- function(x, f, drop=FALSE, start.from="left",
                       pointer.only=FALSE, ...) {
  featSize <- nrow.feat(x)
  check.arg(f, "f", "integer", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1, max.length=NULL)
  max.length <- f
  check.arg(drop, "drop", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(start.from, "start.from", "character", null.OK=FALSE,
            min.length=1L, max.length=nrow.feat(x))
  if (sum(start.from!="left" & start.from!="right") > 0L)
    stop("start.from invalid value (should be \"left\" or \"right\")")
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
  splitFeat <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
  splitFeat$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_split", x$externalPtr,
                                        max.length, drop, 
                                        ifelse(start.from=="left", 0, 1))
  if (!pointer.only)
    splitFeat <- from.pointer.feat(splitFeat)

##' Sort a GFF
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat}
##' @param decreasing Set to TRUE to sort from highest to lowest coordinates
##' @param ... Currently not used
##' @return An object of type \code{feat} sorted primarily by
##' seqname, then by start position, then by end position.
##' @method sort feat
##' @export sort.feat
##' @export
##' @note If x is stored as a pointer to an object in C, the object will
##' be modified to the return value.
##' @keywords features
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
sort.feat <- function(x, decreasing = FALSE, ...) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
  rv <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
  rv$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_sort", x$externalPtr)
  rv <- from.pointer.feat(rv)
  if (decreasing) 
    rv <- rv[dim(rv)[1]:1,]

##' Composition of features with respect to annotations
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat}.
##' @param annotations An object of type \code{feat} containing
##' some annotations.
##' @return A data frame with two columns and a row for
##' each type of element in the annotations.  The second
##' column gives the fraction of 
##' x which fall in the corresponding annotation type.
##' Given non-overlapping annotations which cover the
##' entire range of interest, the second column should sum
##' to 1 (otherwise not).
##' @export
##' @note If x or annotations are passed to this function as pointers to objects
##' stored in C, they will be sorted after the function call.
##' @keywords features
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
composition.feat <- function(x, annotations) {
  if (!is.null(annotations$externalPtr))
    annotations <- from.pointer.feat(annotations)
  if (!is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- from.pointer.feat(x)
  annTypes <- unique(annotations$feature)
  rv <- list()
  for (anntype in annTypes) {
    annfeat <- annotations[annotations$feature == anntype,]
    rv[[anntype]] <- coverage.feat(x, annfeat)/coverage.feat(x)
  data.frame(type=names(rv), composition=as.numeric(rv), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

##' Enrichment of features with respect to annotation types
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat}
##' @param annotations An object of type \code{feat} containing
##' some annotations.
##' @param region.bounds An object of type \code{feat} representing
##' the boundary coordinates of the regions of interest (such as chromosome
##' boundaries).  All elements from the first two arguments should fall
##' entirely within region.bounds.
##' @return A data frame with two columns and a row for each type of
##' element in the annotations.  The second column gives the 
##' fold-enrichment
##' of x across the corresponding annotation type,
##' which is equal to the
##' fraction of x which fall within the annotation type,
##' divided by the fraction of the entire region covered by the
##' annotation type.
##' @export
##' @note If any of the arguments to this function are passed as pointers to
##' objects stored in C, they will be sorted after this function call.
##' @keywords features
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
enrichment.feat <- function(x, annotations, region.bounds) {
  if (!is.null(annotations$externalPtr))
    annotations <- from.pointer.feat(annotations)
  if (!is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- from.pointer.feat(x)
  annTypes <- unique(annotations$feature)
  rv <- list()
  totalNumBase <- coverage.feat(region.bounds)
  for (anntype in annTypes) {
    annfeat <- annotations[annotations$feature == anntype,]
    rv[[anntype]] <- as.numeric(coverage.feat(x, annfeat, region.bounds))*as.numeric(totalNumBase)/(as.numeric(coverage.feat(annfeat, region.bounds))*as.numeric(coverage.feat(x, region.bounds)))
  data.frame(type=names(rv), enrichment=as.numeric(rv), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

##' Remove overlapping genes
##' @param x An object of type \code{feat}, usually read from a genepred
##' file.  Should have attributes labelled "transcript_id" which identify
##' features belonging to the same gene.
##' @param incomparables Not currently used (present for S3 compatibility).
##' @param ... Not currently used.
##' @return An object of type \code{feat} with overlapping genes removed.
##' If the features are scored, then the feature with the highest score
##' is kept; otherwise the feature with the longest length.  If
##' x is a pointer to an object stored in C, the return value will also
##' be a pointer (and x will be altered to the return value).
##' @note \itemize{
##' \item{Long UTRs can have undesirable effects; may want to filter these
##' out first.}
##' \item{If x is a pointer to an object in C, it will be modified (to
##' the return value).}}
##' @method unique feat
##' @export unique.feat
##' @export
##' @keywords features
##' @note VERY IMPORTANT: this function is not currently implemented to look
##' at chromosomes (ie the seqname field of the feature).  Therefore any
##' genes which have overlapping coordinates REGARDLESS OF THE CHROMOSOME
##' will be pruned to a single "non-overlapping" gene.  To get around this,
##' first subset the features by chromosome and call uniq.feat on each
##' subset.
##' @note Also, this algorithm considers genes to be overlapping even if
##' they are on different strands.  If this is undesirable, then subset
##' the features by strand as well as chromosome.
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
unique.feat <- function(x, incomparables=FALSE, ...) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
    getDataFrame <- TRUE
  } else getDataFrame <- FALSE
  rv <- .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
  rv$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_nonOverlapping_genes", x$externalPtr)
  if (getDataFrame)
    rv <- from.pointer.feat(rv)

##' Extract value from tag-value formatted attribute in features object
##' @param x A features object of type \code{feat}.  The attribute field
##' should be in tag-value format (either GFF 2 standard; ie,
##' "tag1 val1a val1b; tag2 val2 ; ...", or, GFF 3 standard; ie,
##' "tag1=val1a,val1b;tag2=val2; ...".
##' where vals are in quotes if they are strings.  
##' @param tag The tag whose values are to be extracted.
##' @return If there is at most one relevant value for each feature,
##' a character vector of the same length as x will be returned, containing
##' the value for each feature, or NA where the tag does not exist for that
##' feature.  If some elements have multiple values, then the return value
##' will be a list with the same length as x, each element being a character
##' vector containing the values for the corresponding element of x (or
##' NA for no value).
##' @export
##' @keywords features GFF
##' @example inst/examples/tagval-feat.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
tagval.feat <- function(x, tag) {
  check.arg(tag, "tag", "character", null.OK=FALSE)
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr)) {
    if (is.null(x$attribute)) return (rep(NA, nrow(x)))
    x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
  rv <- rphast.simplify.list(.Call.rphast("rph_gff_one_attribute",
                                          x$externalPtr, tag))
  maxlen <- max(sapply(rv, length))
  if (maxlen == 1L) rv <- as.character(rv)
    f <- rv==""
  if (sum(f) > 0L)
    rv[f] <- NA

##' Extract value from tag-value formatted attributes
##' @param x A vector of character strings in tag-val format (as
##' described in the GFF 2 standard; ie, "tag1 val1a val1b; tag2 val2 ; ...",
##' or in the GFF 3 format "tag1=val1a,val1b; tag2=val2; ..."),
##' where vals are in quotes if they are strings.
##' @param tag The tag whose values are to be extracted.
##' @return If there is at most one value per tag for each element of x,
##' a character vector of the same length as x will be returned, containing
##' the value for each element, or NA if the tag does not exist for that
##' element.  If some elements have multiple values, then the return value
##' will be a list with the same length as x, each element being a character
##' vector containing the values for the corresponding element of x (or
##' NA for no value).
##' @export
##' @keywords GFF
##' @example inst/examples/tagval.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
tagval <- function(x, tag) {
  check.arg(x, "x", "character", null.OK=FALSE, min.length=1L, max.length=NULL)
  tagval.feat(x=feat(start=rep(1, length(x)),
                end=rep(2, length(x)), attribute=x),

##' Combine adjacent features with the same "feature" field
##' @param x An object of type feat
##' @param weightedAverageScore If TRUE, scores of merged features
##' are given by the average of those features, weighted by their
##' original lengths. Otherwise, scores of merged features are
##' simply summed.
##' @param minScore If TRUE, scores of merged features are given
##' by the minimum score of the combined features.
##' @return A features object in which adjacent features are
##' combined into one longer feature.
##' @note If x is stored as a pointer to a C structure, then
##' x will be modified to the return value.
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @export
flatten.feat <- function(x, weightedAverageScore=FALSE, minScore=FALSE) {
  if (minScore && weightedAverageScore) {
    stop("flatten.feat: only one of minScore, weightedAverageScore can be TRUE")
  isPointer <- !is.null(x$externalPtr)
  if (!isPointer) x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
  if (!is.logical(weightedAverageScore))
      stop("Expected weightedAverageScore to be a logical")
  .Call.rphast("rph_gff_flatten", x$externalPtr, weightedAverageScore,
  if (!isPointer) return(from.pointer.feat(x))

##' Read a wig file
##' Reads fixed or variable step wig files.  Stores them as a
##' features object.
##' @param file The file to read
##' @param pointer.only If \code{TRUE}, store as a pointer to a
##' C structure
##' @return A GFF object representing data in wig file
##' @export
read.wig <- function(file, pointer.only=FALSE) {
  read.feat(file, pointer.only=pointer.only)

##' Write a fixedStep wig file
##' @title Writing a wig file
##' @param chrom A character vector giving chromosome name for each point.
##' Will be recycled to length(start)
##' @param start An integer vector giving start coordinate for each point.
##' @param score A numeric vector giving score at each point
##' Will be recycled to length(start)
##' @param span An integer giving span (ie, length) of each element (all
##' elements must have the same length, so only a single value is allowed).
##' @param file The name of the file to write to (will be overwritten).
##' A value of NULL implies write to console.
##' @param append Whether to append to the file.  If FALSE, file will be
##' overwritten.
##' @keywords wig fixedStep
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/write-wig.R
write.wig <- function(chrom, start, score, span=1, file=NULL, append=FALSE) {
  chrom <- check.arg(chrom, "chrom", "character", null.OK=FALSE, max.length=NULL)
  start <- check.arg(start, "start", "integer", null.OK=FALSE, max.length=NULL)
  score <- check.arg(score, "score", "numeric", null.OK=FALSE, max.length=NULL)
  span <- check.arg(span, "span", "integer", null.OK=FALSE)
  file <- check.arg(file, "file", "character", null.OK=TRUE)
  append <- check.arg(append, "append", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  if (span <= 0) stop("span should be integer >= 1")

  if (length(chrom) > length(start))
    stop("length(chrom) > length(start)")
  if (length(score) > length(start))
    stop("length(score) > length(start)")
                         feat(seqname=chrom, start=start, end=start+span-1,
                              score=score, pointer.only=TRUE)$externalPtr,

##' Write a features object in fixedStep wig format
##' @param x An object of type feat
##' @param file The name of the file to write to.  A value of NULL
##' implies write to console.
##' @param append If TRUE, append to the file.  Otherwise overwrite.
##' @keywords wig fixedStep GFF features
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
##' @note Wig format only contains chromosome, coordinates, and score.  Any
##' other data will be lost.
##' @note This function will quit with an error if the elements of x are
##' not all the same length (as required by fixedStep wig format).
##' @note If x is stored as a pointer to a C structure, the elements
##' will be sorted by this function.
##' @example inst/examples/write-wig-feat.R
##' @export
write.wig.feat <- function(x, file=NULL, append=FALSE) {
  append <- check.arg(append, "append", "logical", null.OK=FALSE)
  file <- check.arg(file, "file", "character", null.OK=TRUE)
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
  invisible(.Call.rphast("rph_wig_print", x$externalPtr, file, append))

##' Convert coordinates from one frame of reference to another
##' Converts coordinates of features in a GFF according to a multiple
##' alignment.  Will map from the coordinate system of any sequence
##' to any other sequence; can also map to or from the coordinate system
##' of the entire alignment.
##' @param x A features object; if the from parameter is -1, the first
##' column should indicate which frame of reference is used for that row
##' (ie, the species name).
##' For coordinates in the frame of reference of the entire alignment, set
##' the first column to "MSA".
##' @param align An msa object containing the alignment
##' @param from A single character string or integer, used to indicate the
##' current frame of reference of the features.  If the rows of the features are
##' not all in the same frame of reference, set this to -1 and indicate the
##' frame of reference in the 1st column of the features.  Otherwise, it can
##' be specified here as a single integer (from 0 to nrow.msa(align)), with
##' 0 indicating the frame of reference of the entire alignment, and 1
##' indicating the 1st species, 2 the second, etc.  Or it can be a single
##' character string giving the name of the species, with "MSA" indicating
##' the entire alignment.
##' @param to A single character string or integer, used to indicate the frame
##' of reference to convert to.  This is specified in the same way as the
##' "from" argument, above, except that -1 is not an option.
##' @return A features object with elements in the frame of refernece
##' indicated by the "to" argument.
##' @note Ignores any offset in MSA.  All coordinates should start with the
##' first position in the alignment as 1.
##' @note If the endpoints of an element have gaps in the "to" species,
##' the elements will be truncated
##' @example inst/examples/convert-coords-feat.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @export
convert.coords.feat <- function(x, align, from=-1, to=1) {
  x <- copy.feat(x)
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    x <- as.pointer.feat(x)
  if (!is.msa(align)) stop("align should be of type msa")
  if (length(from) != 1L) {
    cat("from=", from, "\n")
    cat("length(from)=", length(from), "\n")
    stop("from should be character or integer of length 1")
  is.wholenumber <-
         function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)  abs(x - round(x)) < tol
  if (is.character(from)) {
    if (from=="MSA") from <- 0
    else {
      if (!is.element(from, names.msa(align)))  {
        stop("argument from does not match any names in the alignment")
      from <- which(names.msa(align)==from)
  } else if (is.numeric(from)) {
    if (from < -1 || from > nrow.msa(align) || !is.wholenumber(from))
      stop("argument from should be in the range -1, .., ", nrow.msa(align))
  } else 
    stop("from should be a character or integer of length 1")
  # now from is an integer of length 1

  # do same for to
  if (length(to) != 1L) 
    stop("to should be character or integer of length 1")
  if (is.character(to)) {
    if (to=="MSA") to <- 0
    else {
      if (!is.element(to, names.msa(align))) 
        stop("argument to does not match any names in the alignment")
      to <- which(names.msa(align)==to)
  } else if (is.numeric(to)) {
    if (to < 0 || to > nrow.msa(align) || !is.wholenumber(to))
      stop("argument to should be in the range 0, .., ", nrow.msa(align))
  } else 
    stop("to should be a character or integer of length 1")
  # now to is an integer of length 1

  rv <-  .makeObj.feat(TRUE)
  rv$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_gff_convert_coords",

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