Man pages for stringgaussnet
PPI and Gaussian Network Construction from Transcriptomic Analysis Results Integrating a Multilevel Factor

addFactorGraphsToCytoscapeAdd FactorNetworks object to Cytoscape
addGraphToCytoscapeAdd network to Cytoscape
addMultiGraphToCytoscapeAdd MultiNetworks to Cytoscape
addNetworkStyleAdd network style to Cytoscape
addShortPathSTRINGNetMappingsAdd Cytoscape mapping for ShortPathSTRINGNet
addSIMoNeNetMappingsAdd Cytoscape mapping for SIMoNeNet
addSkeletonDefaultsAdd default values for Cytoscape styles
addSkeletonMappingsAdd default mappings for Cytoscape styles
addSTRINGNetMappingsAdd Cytoscape mapping for STRINGNet
addWGCNANetMappingsAdd Cytoscape mapping for WGCNANet
applyLayoutApply layout to a network in Cytoscape
applyStyleApply style to a network in Cytoscape
as.igraph.stringgaussnetConvert stringgaussnet network into igraph
checkCytoscapeRunningCheck Cytoscape running
compareFactorNetworksCompare levels of FactorNetworks
compareGaussNetworksCompare gaussian networks
computeCombinedScoresCompute STRING combined scores
computeSimilaritiesCompute similarities for WGCNA
convertAliasesConvert aliases
convertToDistGraphConvert to distance graph from STRINGNet
DEGeneExprGeneric function for objects of class DEGeneExpr.
DEGeneExpr.defaultCreation of DEGenesExpr object.
exportGeneric function to export network objects from package...
export.ShortPathSTRINGNetExport ShortPathSTRINGNet
export.SIMoNeNetExport SIMoNeNet
export.STRINGNetExport STRINGNet
export.WGCNANetExport WGCNANet
FactorNetworksGeneric function for objects of class FactorNetworks
FactorNetworks.defaultFunction to create an object of class FactorNetworks
FilterEdgesFilter edges on network.
FilterEdges.FactorNetworksFilter edges in FactorNetworks
FilterEdges.ShortPathSTRINGNetFilter edges in ShortPathSTRINGNet
FilterEdges.SIMoNeNetFilter edges in SIMoNeNet
findShortestPathwaysFind shortest pathways between selected nodes
getGenesInformationsGet gene annotations
getMartDatasetsGert maRt datasets
getShortestPathsGet shortest paths between given nodes in STRING network.
getSIMoNeNetInfer SIMoNe network from expression data
getSTRINGNetGet STRING network from gene identifiers
getWGCNANetInfer WGCNA network from expression data
mapAttributesMap attributes for toCytoscape()
mergeFactorEdgesMerge FactorNetworks edges
mergeGaussEdgesMerge gaussian networks edges
MultiDEGeneExprGeneric function for objects of class MultiDEGeneExpr
MultiDEGeneExpr.defaultFunction to create an object of class MultiDEGeneExpr
MultiNetworksGeneric function for objects of class MultiNetworks
MultiNetworks.defaultFunction to create an object of class MultiNetworks
pickSIMoNeParamPick SIMoNe parameters
pickWGCNAParamPick WGCNA parameters
plot.FactorNetworksPlot FactorNetworks
plot.SIMoNeNetPlot SIMoNeNet
plot.WGCNANetPlot WGCNANet
print.DEGeneExprPrint function for object of class DEGeneExpr.
print.FactorNetworksPrint function for object of class FactorNetworks
print.MultiDEGeneExprPrint function for object of class MultiDEGeneExpr
print.MultiNetworksPrint function for object of class MultiNetworks
print.ShortPathSTRINGNetPrint function for object of class ShortPathSTRINGNet.
print.SIMoNeNetPrint function for object of class SIMoNeNet.
print.STRINGNetPrint function for object of class STRINGNet.
print.WGCNANetPrint function for object of class WGCNANet.
resetCytoscapeSessionReset Cytoscape session
saveCytoscapeSessionSave Cytoscape session
selectInteractionTypesSelect interaction sources in STRINGNet object
ShortPathSTRINGNetGeneric function for objects of class ShortPathSTRINGNet.
ShortPathSTRINGNet.defaultFunction to create object of class ShortPathSTRINGNet
SIMoNeNetGeneric function for objects of class SIMoNeNet
SIMoNeNet.defaultFunction to create object of class SIMoneNet
SpADataExpressionData expression of the 75 DE genes identified by LIMMA in SpA...
SpADEGenes75 DE genes analysis results from LIMMA.
SpASamplesSamples description for SpA example data.
STRINGNetGeneric function for objects of class STRINGNet.
STRINGNet.defaultFunction to create an object of class STRINGNet
summary.ShortPathSTRINGNetSummary function for object of class ShortPathSTRINGNet
summary.SIMoNeNetSummary function for object of class SIMoNeNet
summary.STRINGNetSummary function for object of class STRINGNet
summary.WGCNANetSummary function for object of class WGCNANet
toCytoscapeConverts from igraph to Cytoscape object
WGCNANetGeneric function for objects of class WGCNANet
WGCNANet.defaultFunction to create an object of class WGCNANet
stringgaussnet documentation built on May 29, 2017, 10:50 a.m.