#' Plot brain cell-specific interactome data
#' Plot brain cell-specific interactome data from
#' \href{https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aay0793}{Nott et al. (2019)}.
#' @family NOTT2019
#' @source
#' \href{https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aay0793}{Nott et al. (2019)}
#' @param highlight_plac Whether to scale opacity of PLAC-seq interactions
#' (arches) such that interactions with anchors containing Consensus SNPs
#' will be colored darker (Default: \code{TRUE}).
#' If \code{FALSE}, will instead apply the same opacity level
#' to all interactions.
#' @param show_plot Print plot.
#' @param return_interaction_track Return only the interaction track
#' (before completing the plot and showing it).
#' @param zoom_window Zoom window.
#' @param index_SNP Index/lead SNP RSID.
#' @param color_dict Named list of colors for each regulatory element.
#' @param show_regulatory_rects Show enhancers/promoters as rectangles.
#' @param show_anchors Show PLAC-seq anchors.
#' @param point_size Point size of each SNP in the GWAS/fine-mapping plots.
#' @param strip.text.y.angle Angle of the y-axis facet labels.
#' @inheritParams NOTT2019_epigenomic_histograms
#' @inheritParams convert_plots
#' @inheritParams ggbio::ggsave
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::theme
#' @inheritParams ggbio::autoplot
#' @inheritParams import_ucsc_bigwigs
#' @inheritParams get_window_limits
#' @export
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom echodata find_consensus_snps
#' @importFrom dplyr top_n
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges seqnames start end GRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom S4Vectors subjectHits
#' @importFrom methods show
#' @examples
#' trks_plus_lines <- echoannot::NOTT2019_plac_seq_plot(dat = echodata::BST1)
NOTT2019_plac_seq_plot <- function(dat = NULL,
locus_dir = NULL,
title = NULL,
show_plot = TRUE,
save_plot = TRUE,
return_interaction_track = FALSE,
x_limits = NULL,
zoom_window = NULL,
index_SNP = NULL,
genomic_units = "POS", # Changing this to "Mb" tends to break everything
color_dict = c(
"enhancers" = "springgreen2",
"promoters" = "purple",
"anchors" = "black"
highlight_plac = TRUE,
show_regulatory_rects = TRUE,
show_anchors = TRUE,
strip.text.y.angle = 0,
xtext = TRUE,
save_annot = FALSE,
point_size = 2,
height = 7,
width = 7,
dpi = 300,
return_as = "Tracks",
nThread = 1,
verbose = TRUE) {
# dat=echoannot::BST1; show_plot=T; save_plot=T; title=NULL;
# x_limits=NULL; zoom_window=NULL; return_consensus_overlap =T; nThread=1;
# highlight_plac=F; point_size=2; index_SNP=NULL;
# color_dict=c("enhancers"="springgreen",
# "promoters"="purple","anchors"="black");
# genomic_units="Mb"; verbose=T; save_annot=F; show_anchors=T;
# strip.text.y.angle <- 0
leadSNP <- SNP <- Consensus_SNP <- mean.PP <- Effect <- Support <-
Start <- End <- y <- Element <- POS <- P <- NULL;
messager("NOTT2019:: Creating PLAC-seq interactome plot", v = verbose)
dat <- add_mb(dat = dat)
xvar <- genomic_units
if (!"Consensus_SNP" %in% colnames(dat)) {
dat <-
dat = dat,
verbose = FALSE
marker_key <- NOTT2019_marker_key()
lead.pos <- get_lead_pos(dat = dat,
xvar = xvar,
index_SNP = index_SNP)
consensus.pos <- get_consensus_pos(dat = dat,
xvar = xvar)
top.consensus.pos <- get_top_consensus_pos(dat = dat,
xvar = xvar)
if (is.null(x_limits)) {
x_limits <- c(
min(dat[[xvar]], na.rm = TRUE),
max(dat[[xvar]], na.rm = TRUE)
##### Get zoom window x_limits ####
if (!is.null(zoom_window)) {
x_limits <- get_zoom_xlims(lead.pos = lead.pos,
zoom_window = zoom_window,
verbose = verbose)
#### Get promoter interactome data ####
annot_sub <- NOTT2019_get_promoter_interactome_data(dat = dat)
promoter_celltypes <- NOTT2019_get_promoter_celltypes(
annot_sub = annot_sub,
marker_key = marker_key,
verbose = verbose
#### get PLAC-seq junctions ####
interact.DT <- NOTT2019_get_interactome(
annot_sub = annot_sub,
top.consensus.pos = top.consensus.pos,
marker_key = marker_key
#### get promoter/enhancers ####
regions <- NOTT2019_get_regulatory_regions(
nThread = nThread,
as_granges = TRUE,
verbose = verbose
#### regions needs to be in dat range ####
regions <- subset(
as.character(GenomicRanges::seqnames(regions)) ==
gsub("chr", "", unique(dat$CHR)[1]) &
GenomicRanges::start(regions) >=
min(dat[["POS"]], na.rm = TRUE) &
GenomicRanges::end(regions) <=
max(dat[["POS"]], na.rm = TRUE)
#### Plot PLAC-seq anchors ####
if (show_anchors) {
interact.anchors <- NOTT2019_get_interactions(
dat = dat,
as_granges = TRUE,
verbose = verbose
GenomicRanges::mcols(interact.anchors)["Element"] <- "anchors"
regions <- c(regions, interact.anchors)
##### JH - which PLAC-Seq junctions overlap (5kb) the consensus SNPs? ####
### Run this step before saving
if (highlight_plac) {
interact.DT <- prepare_highlight_plac_data(dat = dat,
interact.DT = interact.DT,
verbose = verbose)
#### save annotations ####
if (save_annot) {
annot_file1 <- annotation_file_name(
locus_dir = locus_dir,
lib_name = "NOTT2019_interactome"
messager("Saving annotations ==>",annot_file1,v=verbose)
saveRDS(interact.DT, annot_file1)
annot_file2 <- annotation_file_name(
locus_dir = locus_dir,
lib_name = "NOTT2019_enhancers_promoters"
messager("Saving annotation ==>",annot_file2,v=verbose)
saveRDS(regions, annot_file2)
#### Set plot variables ####
max.height <- 10
interact_y <- (1.25 * 3) # Start after rects
#### Initialize plot ####
NOTT.interact_trk <- initialize_plac_seq_plot(
interact.DT = interact.DT,
genomic_units = genomic_units,
highlight_plac = highlight_plac,
max.height = max.height,
strip.text.y.angle = strip.text.y.angle,
interact_y = interact_y,
verbose = verbose)
#### Show enhancers/promoters as rectangles ####
if (show_regulatory_rects) {
NOTT.interact_trk <- add_regulatory_rects(
NOTT.interact_trk = NOTT.interact_trk,
regions = regions,
genomic_units = genomic_units,
max.height = max.height,
interact_y = interact_y,
color_dict = color_dict,
verbose = verbose)
if (xtext == FALSE) {
NOTT.interact_trk <- add_xtext(NOTT.interact_trk = NOTT.interact_trk,
verbose = verbose)
#### Interaction track ####
if (return_interaction_track) {
#### Print ####
if (show_plot){
#### Return ####
early_return <- convert_plots(
plot_list = list("PLACseq" = NOTT.interact_trk),
return_as = return_as,
x_limits = x_limits,
verbose = verbose)
} else {
#### Make the ggplots ####
GWAS_trk <- create_gwas_track(dat = dat,
genomic_units = genomic_units,
point_size = point_size,
verbose = verbose)
FM_trk <- create_finemap_track(dat = dat,
genomic_units = genomic_units,
point_size = point_size,
verbose = verbose)
#### Construct plot list ####
plot_list <- list(
GWAS = GWAS_trk,
`Fine-mapping` = FM_trk,
`Nott (2019)\nInteractome` = NOTT.interact_trk
#### Convert to desired format ####
plot_list <- convert_plots(plot_list = plot_list,
return_as = return_as,
x_limits = x_limits,
verbose = verbose)
## Only works for Tracks atm
plot_list <- add_track_lines(trks = plot_list,
lead.pos = lead.pos,
consensus.pos = consensus.pos,
verbose = verbose)
#### Save ####
if (save_plot && !is.null(locus_dir)) {
plot.path <- file.path(
messager("Saving plot ==>",plot.path,v=verbose)
showWarnings = FALSE,
recursive = TRUE
#### Must use ggbio to handle Tracks ####
filename = plot.path,
plot = plot_list,
height = height,
width = width,
dpi = dpi,
bg = "transparent"
#### Print ####
if (show_plot){
#### Return ####
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