
#' Download gene expression from GEO using study specific id and process it
#' @param geo_code character string indicating name of GEO dataset
#' @param file_directory character string indicating path for downloading raw
#' GEO data
#' @param cleanup logical value to remove intermediate files
#' @param collapse_fun function to collapse probe(s) or select a probe,
#' e.g. mean, median, or function that picks a probe with high variance
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
generate_gex_geo <- function( # Unique GEO identifier
                             geo_code = c(
                               "GSE18655", # Barwick et al.
                               "GSE6919", # Chandran et al., Yu et al. from three platforms combined
                               "GSE134051", # Friedrich et al.
                               "GSE2109", # IGC
                               "GSE119616", # Kim et al.
                               "GSE14206", # Kunderfranco et al.
                               "GSE25136", # Sun et al.
                               "GSE21032", # Taylor et al. Alternative more specific accession code "GSE21034" for GEX
                               "GSE5132", # True et al.
                               "GSE6956", # Wallace et al.
                               "GSE8218", # Wang et al.
                               "GSE157548" # Weiner et al.
                             # Indicate whether the 'oligo' or the 'affy' package should be the primary means for processing the CEL-data
                             pckg = "oligo",
                             # Working directory
                             # Clean up (i.e. delete) files post-download/-processing
                             cleanup = TRUE,
                             # Regex filter for GEOquery download
                             # Function for collapsing rows
                             collapse_fun = function(z) {
                               apply(z, MARGIN = 2, FUN = stats::median)
                             ...) {
  if (!missing(file_directory)) here::set_here(file_directory)
  # Supplementary files include the raw CEL files, possibility to use regular expression filter
  if (missing(filter_regex)) {
    supfiles <- GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(geo_code)
  } else {
    supfiles <- GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(geo_code, filter_regex = filter_regex)

  if (!pckg %in% c("oligo", "affy", "limma", "other")) stop(paste0("Invalid processing method parameter pckg (should be either 'oligo', 'affy', 'limma', or 'other'):", pckg))

  # Barwick et al.
  if (geo_code == "GSE18655") {
    # Following lumi-package variance stabilizing transformation normalization

    # Custom DASL, just .gz (gunzipped) raw file
    GEOquery::gunzip(rownames(supfiles), overwrite = TRUE)
    tmp <- read.table("./GSE18655/GSE18655_HCP_Toronto_raw.txt", header = TRUE, row.names = 1, skip = 4)
    # Contains
    #                 X1_rep1  X1_rep2      X10 X100_rep1 X100_rep2
    # GI_10092618-S-3 30329.56 28241.03 28005.69  30165.83  28913.85
    # GI_10092618-S-1 25222.37 22141.40 25871.17  26419.28  23814.04
    # GI_10092618-S-2 30202.68 30705.60 32448.47  30405.46  29000.44

    # No probe level variance information available; log-transforming after quantile normalization
    gex <- log2(preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles(as.matrix(tmp)))
    dimnames(gex) <- dimnames(tmp)
    tmp <- gex

    # Download GPL annotations for the custom platform
    gpl <- GEOquery::getGEO(geo_code, GSEMatrix = FALSE, getGPL = TRUE)
    map_barwick <- gpl@gpls[[1]]@dataTable@table
    # Contains
    # 	     ID SequenceSource      GB_ACC
    # 1 GI_10092618-S         RefSeq NM_020529.1
    # 2 GI_10337586-S         RefSeq NM_020996.1
    # 3 GI_10834981-S         RefSeq NM_000599.1

    # Drop the third '-' split suffix from tmp rownames
    map_tmp <- unlist(lapply(rownames(tmp), FUN = function(x) {
      paste(strsplit(x, "-")[[1]][1:2], collapse = "-")
    # Collapse over multiple hits to same RefSeq within a sample
    gex <-"rbind", by(tmp, INDICES = map_barwick[match(map_tmp, map_barwick$ID), "GB_ACC"], FUN = collapse_fun))
    # Omit RefSeq versions from mapping to gene symbols
    rownames(gex) <- unlist(lapply(rownames(gex), FUN = function(x) {
      strsplit(x, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]

    # Hugo symbols
    symbols <- curatedPCaData_genes[match(rownames(gex), curatedPCaData_genes[, "refseq_mrna"]), "hgnc_symbol"]
    gex <- gex[!, ]
    symbols <- symbols[!]
    rownames(gex) <- symbols

    # Collapse multiple instances of same gene symbol
    gex <-"rbind", by(as.matrix(gex), INDICES = rownames(gex), FUN = function(x) {
  # Chandran et al.
  else if (geo_code == "GSE6919") {
    # Open the tarball(s)
    utils::untar(tarfile = rownames(supfiles))
    gz_files <- list.files()
    gz_files <- gz_files[grep(".gz", gz_files)]

    if (pckg == "oligo") {
      # Download the GSE that contains indicators which samples were run on the most modern chip type Av2
      gse <- GEOquery::getGEO(geo_code, GSEMatrix = TRUE)
      gpl_av2 <- rownames(Biobase::pData(gse[[1]]))
      gex <- oligo::read.celfiles(paste0(gpl_av2, ".CEL.gz"))
      # Normalize background convolution of noise and signal using RMA (median-polish)
      gex <- oligo::rma(gex)
      # Extract expression matrix with probe ids
      gex <- oligo::exprs(gex)
      # Sanitize column names
      colnames(gex) <- gsub(".CEL.gz", "", colnames(gex))
      # > Biobase::featureData(gex) <- oligo::getNetAffx(gex, "transcript")
      # Error in oligo::getNetAffx(gex, "transcript") :
      #  NetAffx Annotation not available in 'pd.hg.u95av2'. Consider using 'biomaRt'.
      # Using hgu95av2.db directly:
      map <- AnnotationDbi::select(hgu95av2.db::hgu95av2.db, rownames(gex), c("SYMBOL"))
      map <- map[match(rownames(gex), map$PROBEID), ]
      # Collapsing gene expression for a given symbol:
      gex <-"rbind", by(gex, INDICES = map$SYMBOL, FUN = collapse_fun))
    } else {
      stop("Package 'oligo' used for 'GSE6919' (Chandran et al.)")
  # Friedrich et al.
  else if (geo_code == "GSE134051") {
    # Open the tarball(s)
    utils::untar(tarfile = rownames(supfiles))
    gz_files <- list.files()
    gz_files <- gz_files[grep(".gz", gz_files)]
    for (x in gz_files) {
    files <- gsub(".gz", "", gz_files)
    # Single color Agilent array
    if (pckg == "limma") {
      # Download GPL for probe identifier annotations
      gpl <- GEOquery::getGEO(geo_code, GSEMatrix = FALSE, getGPL = TRUE)
      # Extract annotations in ENSG####
      gpl <- GEOquery::Table(slot(gpl, "gpls")[[1]])

      # Process using limma pipeline for Agilent single color custom arrays
      # Read in raw data
      gex <- limma::read.maimages(dir(".", "txt"), "agilent.median", green.only = TRUE)
      # Perform background correction (and apparently log-transformation of intensities)
      # 'method="normexp" a convolution of normal and exponential distributions is fitted to the foreground intensities using the
      # background intensities as a covariate, and the expected signal given the observed foreground becomes the corrected intensity.'
      gex <- limma::backgroundCorrect(gex, method = "normexp", offset = 1)
      # ^ normexp.method="rma" is a possibility
      # Normalize between arrays using quantile normalization
      gex <- limma::normalizeBetweenArrays(gex, method = "quantile")
      # Extract probe average expressions and use Agilent probe identifiers
      gex <- limma::avereps(gex, ID = gex$genes$ProbeName)
      # Transform into a matrix and truncate column names
      gex <- as.matrix(gex)
      colnames(gex) <- lapply(colnames(gex), FUN = function(x) {
        strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][1]

      # Map rownames to ENSG####
      ensg <- gpl[match(rownames(gex), gpl$ID), "SPOT_ID"]
      ensg[which(ensg == "NoEntry")] <- NA
      genes <- curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol[match(ensg, curatedPCaData_genes$ensembl_gene_id)]
      genes[which(genes == "")] <- NA
      # Collapse using hugo gene symbols
      gex <-"rbind", by(gex, INDICES = genes, FUN = collapse_fun))
      # Include non-redundant names (non-NAs)
      gex <- gex[!rownames(gex) %in% c(""), ]
    } else {
      stop("Package 'limma' used for 'GSE134051' (Friedrich et al.)")
  # Kim et al.
  else if (geo_code == "GSE119616") {
    # Open the tarball(s)
    supfiles <- supfiles[-2, ]
    utils::untar(tarfile = rownames(supfiles))

    # Use editcelfile package to convert decipher annotations
    gz_files <- list.files()
    gz_files <- gz_files[grep(".gz", gz_files)]
    for (x in gz_files) {
    celfiles <- list.files()
    celfiles <- celfiles[grep(".CEL", celfiles)]

    # Include custom function that was originally small part of editcelfile (private package available upon request only), to avoid unnecessary non-publicly available dependencies
    # Original code by Jonathan Lehrer & Seagle Liu (R package presented without license, modified code credited here)
    celfileHeaderToHuex <- function(celFilePath, header = "HuEx-1_0-st-v2", verbose = TRUE) {
      # NEVER change this.
      writeBytePos <- 430
      overwriteBytes <- 28 # 2 x 14 characters in "HuEx-1_0-st-v2"
      if (verbose) {
      filename <- base::file(celFilePath, "r+b")
      base::seek(filename, writeBytePos, "start", "write")
      replicate(overwriteBytes, base::writeBin(as.raw(0), filename, useBytes = TRUE)) # clear the old name (14 characters)
      base::seek(filename, writeBytePos, "start", "write")
      encoded <- stringi::stri_enc_toutf32(header)[[1]]
      base::writeBin(encoded, filename, size = 2)
      cfh <- affyio::read.celfile.header(celFilePath)
      if (verbose) {
      return(invisible(cfh$cdfName == header))
    sapply(celfiles, celfileHeaderToHuex, verbose = TRUE)
    # Read in the CEL files
    CELs <- oligo::read.celfiles(celfiles)
    # Perform RMA normalization
    RMAs <- oligo::rma(CELs)
    # Obtain gene and sample information
    Biobase::featureData(RMAs) <- oligo::getNetAffx(RMAs, "transcript")
    # GSM######-type names from GEO
    nam0 <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(affy::list.celfiles(), "_"),
      FUN = function(z) z[[1]]
    # Two naming conventions for the files; picking the PCA###-style
    nam1 <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(affy::list.celfiles(), "_"),
      FUN = function(z) z[[3]]
    nam2 <- gsub(".CEL.gz", "", unlist(lapply(strsplit(affy::list.celfiles(), "_"),
      FUN = function(z) z[[4]]
    # Some samples were suffixed with HuEx, while others had Exonl prefix
    nam <- paste(nam0, "_", ifelse(nam1 == "Exon1", nam2, nam1), sep = "")

    # Extract gene names
    genenames <- unlist(lapply(Biobase::fData(RMAs)[, "geneassignment"],
      FUN = function(z) {
        strsplit(z, " // ")[[1]][2]
    # Transform into a matrix and remove empty gene names
    gex <- as.matrix(Biobase::exprs(RMAs))
    gex <- gex[-which(, ]
    rownames(gex) <- genenames[-which(]
    # Map the coventionally used Taylor sample names instead of GEO codes
    # Compatible with e.g. cBioPortal sample names
    # Give unique names with GSM#####.{PCA,PAN}##### combination for uniqueness
    ## colnames(gex) <- nam
    # Use the unique GSM###-names
    colnames(gex) <- unlist(lapply(nam, FUN = function(z) {
      strsplit(z, "_")[[1]][1]
  # Kunderfranco et al.
  # GPL887	Agilent-012097 Human 1A Microarray (V2) G4110B (Feature Number version)
  else if (geo_code == "GSE14206") {
    # Two colour Agilent array
    utils::untar(tarfile = rownames(supfiles))
    gz_files <- list.files()
    gz_files <- gz_files[grep(".gz", gz_files)]
    for (x in gz_files) {
    files <- gsub(".gz", "", gz_files)
    # Files include 'GPL887_old_annotation.txt', grep this away
    files <- files[-grep("GPL887", files)]
    if (pckg == "limma") {
      # New code RAW data processed in limma
      # Download GPL for probe identifier annotations
      gpl <- GEOquery::getGEO(geo_code, GSEMatrix = FALSE, getGPL = TRUE)
      # Extract annotations in ENSG####
      gpl <- GEOquery::Table(slot(gpl, "gpls")[[1]])
      # Read in raw data
      gex <- limma::read.maimages(files, "agilent", green.only = FALSE)
      # Background correction
      gex <- limma::backgroundCorrect(gex, method = "normexp", offset = 1)
      # Normalize with global loess
      gex <- limma::normalizeWithinArrays(gex, method = "loess")
      # Average expression
      gex <- limma::avereps(gex, ID = gex$genes$ProbeName)
      # Extract sample names (GSM#####)
      samples <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames(gex$M)[seq(from = 1, to = ncol(gex$M), by = 2)], "_"), FUN = function(x) {
      # For diagnostics (mean should be at M=0): > limma::plotMA(gex, array=1)
      # Checking dye-swapped correlations (flipped log ration)
      #> quantile(unlist(lapply(seq(from=1, to=ncol(gex$M), by=2), FUN=function(x) { cor(gex$M[,x], -gex$M[,x+1], method="spearman") })), probs=seq(0,1,by=.1))
      #        0%        10%        20%        30%        40%        50%        60%        70%        80%        90%       100%
      #-0.2760865  0.2179309  0.2766869  0.3413689  0.3967651  0.4219280  0.4615115  0.5176102  0.5468144  0.5776107  0.6099629
      # ...
      # Visual diagnostics

      # For now take the average of the normal and flipped dye swapped log ratios:
      gex$M <-"cbind", lapply(seq(from = 1, to = ncol(gex$M), by = 2), FUN = function(x) {
        apply(cbind(-gex$M[, x], gex$M[, x + 1]), MARGIN = 1, FUN = mean)
      rownames(gex$M) <- gex$genes$ProbeName
      colnames(gex$M) <- samples
      gex <-"rbind", by(gex$M, INDICES = gpl[match(rownames(gex$M), gpl$SPOT_ID), "GENE_SYMBOL"], FUN = collapse_fun))
      # Keep only non-NA & non-"" rows
      gex <- gex[!(rownames(gex) == "" |, ]
    } else {
      stop("Package 'limma' used for 'GSE14206' (Kunderfranco et al.)")
  # IGC
  else if (geo_code == "GSE2109") {
    ## Note: IGC has >2k samples, many of which are not prostate cancer

    # Open the tarball(s)
    utils::untar(tarfile = rownames(supfiles))

    # Make sure to function in a working directory where the are no other tarballs present
    gz_files <- list.files()
    gz_files <- gz_files[grep(".gz", gz_files)]

    # Need phenodata as samples are from mixed cancers
    gset <- GEOquery::getGEO(geo_code, GSEMatrix = TRUE)
    # Subset to just prostate cancer samples
    pca_gsm <- rownames(Biobase::pData(gset[[1]]))[grep("Prostate", Biobase::pData(gset[[1]])[, "title"])]
    gz_files_pca <- grep(paste0(pca_gsm, collapse = "|"), gz_files, value = TRUE)

    if (pckg == "oligo") {
      ## Subset to just prostate cancer as IGC covers in this GEO submission other cancer types also
      # Read CEL
      gex <- oligo::read.celfiles(gz_files_pca)
      # Normalize background convolution of noise and signal using RMA (median-polish)
      gex <- oligo::rma(gex)
      # Extract expression matrix with probe ids
      gex <- oligo::exprs(gex)
      # Sanitize column names
      colnames(gex) <- gsub(".CEL.gz", "", colnames(gex))
      # Map the probes to gene symbols stored in curatedPCaData_genes for hgu133a
      genes <- curatedPCaData_genes_affy_hg_u133a_2[match(rownames(gex), curatedPCaData_genes_affy_hg_u133a_2$affy_hg_u133a_2), "hgnc_symbol"]
      # Collapse probes that target the same gene
      gex <-"rbind", by(gex, INDICES = genes, FUN = collapse_fun))
    } else if (pckg == "affy") {
      # Open the tarball(s)
      utils::untar(tarfile = rownames(supfiles[17, ]))
      clinical <- rio::import("data-raw/clinical_igc.RData")
      # Make sure to function in a working directory where the are no other tarballs present
      rownames(clinical) <- paste0(rownames(clinical), ".CEL.gz")

      gz_files <- rownames(clinical)
      gz_files <- gz_files[grep(".gz", gz_files)]
      gz_files <-

      # Read Affymetrix MA
      igc <- affy::ReadAffy(filenames = gz_files$gz_files)
      colnames(affy::exprs(igc)) <- gsub(".gz|.CEL", "", colnames(igc))

      # Careful not to mask 'rma' from 'affy' by the 'rma' from 'oligo'
      gex <- affy::rma(igc)

      # Extracting .CEL and packaging names from the GEO-compatible sample names
      colnames(gex) <- gsub(".CEL.gz", "", colnames(affy::exprs(gex)))

      # Find gene annotations
      keys <- AnnotationDbi::mappedkeys(hgu133a.db::hgu133aGENENAME)
      nam <- names(as.character(hgu133a.db::hgu133aALIAS2PROBE)[match(
      nam[] <- "NA"
      # Collapse probes
      gex <-"rbind", by(as.matrix(affy::exprs(gex)),
        INDICES = nam,
        FUN = collapse_fun

      # Sun et al does not use Hugo names so the below code makes the names for sun
      # et al comparable with those in tcga/taylor
      compare_names <- data.frame(
        original = row.names(gex),
        current = limma::alias2SymbolTable(row.names(gex),
          species = "Hs"
      duplicated_hugo_symbols <- compare_names[duplicated(compare_names$current), ]$current

      compare_names <- compare_names %>%
        dplyr::mutate(new_names = dplyr::case_when(
          current %in% duplicated_hugo_symbols ~ original,
          TRUE ~ current

      row.names(gex) <- compare_names$new_names
  # Sun et al.
  else if (geo_code == "GSE25136") {
    # Open the tarball(s)
    utils::untar(tarfile = rownames(supfiles))

    # Make sure to function in a working directory where the are no other tarballs present
    gz_files <- list.files()
    gz_files <- gz_files[grep(".gz", gz_files)]

    if (pckg == "oligo") {
      # Read CEL
      gex <- oligo::read.celfiles(gz_files)
      # Normalize background convolution of noise and signal using RMA (median-polish)
      gex <- oligo::rma(gex)
      # Extract expression matrix with probe ids
      gex <- oligo::exprs(gex)
      # Sanitize column names
      colnames(gex) <- gsub(".CEL.gz", "", colnames(gex))
      # Map the probes to gene symbols stored in curatedPCaData_genes for hgu133a
      genes <- curatedPCaData_genes_affy_hg_u133a[match(rownames(gex), curatedPCaData_genes_affy_hg_u133a$affy_hg_u133a), "hgnc_symbol"]
      # Collapse probes that target the same gene
      gex <-"rbind", by(gex, INDICES = genes, FUN = collapse_fun))
    } else {
      stop("Package 'oligo' used for 'GSE25136' (Sun et al.)")
  # Taylor et al.
  # [HuEx-1_0-st] Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST Array [probe set (exon) version]
  # Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST Array [CDF: HuEx_1_0_st_v2_main_A20071112_EP.cdf]
  else if (geo_code == "GSE21032") { # TODO: Alternative more specific accession code "GSE21034"
    # Open the tarball(s)
    utils::untar(tarfile = rownames(supfiles))
    # Make sure to function in a working directory where the are no other tarballs present
    gz_files <- list.files()
    gz_files <- gz_files[grep(".gz", gz_files)]
    # Subset to prostate cancer or normal patient samples
    gz_files <- grep("PCA|PAN", gz_files, value = TRUE)

    if (pckg == "oligo") {
      # Read CEL
      gex <- oligo::read.celfiles(gz_files)
      # Normalize background convolution of noise and signal using RMA (median-polish)
      gex <- oligo::rma(gex)
      # Extract annotated gene information
      Biobase::featureData(gex) <- oligo::getNetAffx(gex, "transcript")
      genes <- unlist(lapply(Biobase::fData(gex)[, "geneassignment"], FUN = function(z) {
        strsplit(z, " // ")[[1]][2]
      # Extract expression matrix with probe ids
      gex <- oligo::exprs(gex)
      # Sanitize column names
      colnames(gex) <- unlist(lapply(colnames(gex), FUN = function(x) {
        grep("PCA|PAN", gsub(".CEL.gz", "", strsplit(x, "_")[[1]]), value = TRUE)
      # Collapse the mapped probes under the same gene name
      gex <-"rbind", by(gex, INDICES = genes, FUN = collapse_fun))
      # Omit duplicated entries that are replicated columns
      gex <- gex[, !duplicated(colnames(gex))]
    } else {
      stop("Package 'oligo' used for 'GSE21032' (Taylor et al.)")
  # True et al.
  # GPL3834	FHCRC Human Prostate PEDB cDNA Array
  # GPL3836	FHCRC Human Prostate PEDB cDNA Array v3 (-> single sample only! 11th, GSM115769)
  else if (geo_code == "GSE5132") {
    # Open the tarball(s)
    utils::untar(tarfile = rownames(supfiles))
    # Make sure to function in a working directory where the are no other tarballs present
    gz_files <- list.files()
    gz_files <- gz_files[grep(".gz", gz_files)]

    if (pckg == "limma") {
      # Extract latest GPL annotations from GEO
      gpl <- GEOquery::getGEO(geo_code, GSEMatrix = FALSE, getGPL = TRUE)
      # Add meta Block column for mapping between GPL and genes read in with limma::read.maimages; GEO's GPL-files do not share identifiers with raw .gpr files
      gpl@gpls[[1]]@dataTable@table$Block <- rep(1:32, each = 484)
      gpl@gpls[[2]]@dataTable@table$Block <- rep(1:32, each = 420)
      # Construct ID with xx_yy_zz where xx = Block, yy = Column, zz = Row (includes leading zeroes)
      gpl@gpls[[1]]@dataTable@table$ID <- paste(sprintf("%02d", gpl@gpls[[1]]@dataTable@table$Block), sprintf("%02d", gpl@gpls[[1]]@dataTable@table$Column), sprintf("%02d", gpl@gpls[[1]]@dataTable@table$Row), sep = "_")
      gpl@gpls[[2]]@dataTable@table$ID <- paste(sprintf("%02d", gpl@gpls[[2]]@dataTable@table$Block), sprintf("%02d", gpl@gpls[[2]]@dataTable@table$Column), sprintf("%02d", gpl@gpls[[2]]@dataTable@table$Row), sep = "_")
      # Gunzip .gpr files and read them via limma
      lapply(gz_files, FUN = GEOquery::gunzip)
      # FHCRC Human Prostate PEDB cDNA Array v3 vs v4
      gpl_1 <- grep(".gpr", list.files(), value = TRUE)
      gpl_1 <- gpl_1[!gpl_1 == "GSM115769.gpr"]
      gpl_2 <- "GSM115769.gpr"
      gex1 <- limma::read.maimages(gpl_1, source = "genepix")
      gex2 <- limma::read.maimages(gpl_2, source = "genepix")
      # Platform 2 has IDs in different format
      # Assign gene names to the metadata
      gex1$genes$genename <- gpl@gpls[[1]]@dataTable@table[, "Related Gene Symbol"]
      gex2$genes$genename <- gpl@gpls[[2]]@dataTable@table[, "Hugo"]
      # Background correction separately for both platforms
      gex1 <- limma::backgroundCorrect(gex1, method = "normexp", offset = 1)
      gex2 <- limma::backgroundCorrect(gex2, method = "normexp", offset = 1)
      # Normalize with global loess
      gex1 <- limma::normalizeWithinArrays(gex1, method = "loess")
      gex2 <- limma::normalizeWithinArrays(gex2, method = "loess")
      # Average expression
      gex1 <- limma::avereps(gex1)
      gex2 <- limma::avereps(gex2)
      # Collapse for gene names
      gex1 <-"rbind", by(as.matrix(gex1), INDICES = gex1$genes$genename, FUN = collapse_fun))
      # gex2 <-"rbind", by(as.matrix(gex2), INDICES=gex2$genes$genename, FUN=collapse_fun))
      name <- colnames(gex2) # Store single sample name which would be dropped otherwise
      gex2 <- as.matrix(by(as.matrix(gex2), INDICES = gex2$genes$genename, FUN = collapse_fun))
      colnames(gex2) <- name
      # Omit unannotated collapsed probes
      gex1 <- gex1[which(!rownames(gex1) %in% c("", NA)), , drop = FALSE]
      gex2 <- gex2[which(!rownames(gex2) %in% c("", NA)), , drop = FALSE]
      # Median impute the genes not measured in v3 in order to retain full dimension of 3615 of v4 array instead of downtoning to 2727 present in v3
      # This imputation happens only for a single paired sample:
      gex2 <- gex2[match(rownames(gex1), rownames(gex2)), , drop = FALSE]
      rownames(gex2) <- rownames(gex1)
      for (r in which( {
        gex2[r, ] <- stats::median(gex1[r, ])
      # Merge data based on intersecting genes
      # 11th sample is a special case for v3 array and must be placed separately
      gex <- cbind(gex1[, 1:10], GSM115769 = gex2, gex1[, 11:31])
      # Channels were swapped in samples #3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31
      # In these tumor vs normal log ratio is inverted
      for (i in c(3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31)) {
        gex[, i] <- -gex[, i]
      # 11th sample (GSM115769) was processed with v3 array, while samples 1-10, 12-32 were processed with v4 array
    } else {
      stop("Package 'limma' used for 'GSE5132' (True et al.)")
  # Wallace et al.
  else if (geo_code == "GSE6956") {
    unmatched_healty_tissue <- c("GSM160418", "GSM160419", "GSM160420", "GSM160421", "GSM160422", "GSM160430")
    # Open the tarball(s)
    utils::untar(tarfile = rownames(supfiles))
    # Make sure to function in a working directory where the are no other tarballs present
    gz_files <- list.files()
    gz_files <- gz_files[grep(".gz", gz_files)]

    if (pckg == "oligo") {
      # Read CEL
      gex <- oligo::read.celfiles(gz_files)
      # Normalize background convolution of noise and signal using RMA (median-polish)
      gex <- oligo::rma(gex)
      # Extract expression matrix with probe ids
      gex <- oligo::exprs(gex)
      # Sanitize column names
      colnames(gex) <- gsub(".CEL.gz", "", colnames(gex))
      # Map the probes to gene symbols stored in curatedPCaData_genes for hgu133a
      genes <- curatedPCaData_genes_affy_hg_u133a_2[match(rownames(gex), curatedPCaData_genes_affy_hg_u133a_2$affy_hg_u133a_2), "hgnc_symbol"]
      # Collapse probes that target the same gene
      gex <-"rbind", by(gex, INDICES = genes, FUN = collapse_fun))
    } else {
      stop("Package 'oligo' used for 'GSE6956' (Wallace et al.)")
  # Wang et al.
  else if (geo_code == "GSE8218") {
    # Open the tarball(s)
    utils::untar(tarfile = rownames(supfiles))

    # Make sure to function in a working directory where the are no other tarballs present
    gz_files <- list.files()
    gz_files <- gz_files[grep(".gz", gz_files)]

    if (pckg == "oligo") {
      # Read CEL
      gex <- oligo::read.celfiles(gz_files)
      # Normalize background convolution of noise and signal using RMA (median-polish)
      gex <- oligo::rma(gex)
      # Extract expression matrix with probe ids
      gex <- oligo::exprs(gex)
      # Sanitize column names
      colnames(gex) <- gsub(".CEL.gz", "", colnames(gex))
      # Map the probes to gene symbols stored in curatedPCaData_genes for hgu133a
      genes <- curatedPCaData_genes_affy_hg_u133a[match(rownames(gex), curatedPCaData_genes_affy_hg_u133a$affy_hg_u133a), "hgnc_symbol"]
      # Collapse probes that target the same gene
      gex <-"rbind", by(gex, INDICES = genes, FUN = collapse_fun))
    } else {
      stop("Package 'oligo' used for 'GSE8218' (Wang et al.)")

  # Weiner et al.
  else if (geo_code == "GSE157548") {
    # Open the tarball(s)
    utils::untar(tarfile = rownames(supfiles))

    # Make sure to function in a working directory where the are no other tarballs present
    gz_files <- list.files()
    gz_files <- gz_files[grep(".gz", gz_files)]
    if (pckg == "oligo") {
      # Read CEL
      gex <- oligo::read.celfiles(gz_files)
      # Normalize background convolution of noise and signal using RMA (median-polish)
      gex <- oligo::rma(gex)
      # Extract annotated gene information
      Biobase::featureData(gex) <- oligo::getNetAffx(gex, "transcript")
      genes <- unlist(lapply(Biobase::fData(gex)[, "geneassignment"], FUN = function(z) {
        strsplit(z, " // ")[[1]][2]
      # Extract expression matrix with probe ids
      gex <- oligo::exprs(gex)
      # Sanitize column names
      colnames(gex) <- gsub(".CEL.gz", "", colnames(gex))
      # Collapse the mapped probes under the same gene name
      gex <-"rbind", by(gex, INDICES = genes, FUN = collapse_fun))
      # Sanitize sample names to only contain GSM####
      colnames(gex) <- unlist(lapply(colnames(gex), FUN = function(x) {
        strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][1]
      # Store intensities up to 6th decimal point to conserve space
      gex <- round(gex, 6)
    } else {
      stop("Package 'oligo' used for 'GSE157548' (Weiner et al.)")
  # Unknown GEO id (throw an error) -----
  else {
    stop("Unknown GEO id, see allowed parameter values for geo_code")

  ## TODO: Move cleanup inside each GEO as file types and custom files are very cohort specific
  # Remove downloaded files
  if (cleanup) {
    # First GEO download
    # Tarballs
    # file.remove(gz_files)
    # Remove empty folder
    file.remove(paste0(here::here(), "/", geo_code))

  # Remove rows with no names or redundancy
  if (any( | any(rownames(gex) %in% c(""))) {
    gex <- gex[-which( | rownames(gex) %in% c("")), ]
  # Sort genes to alphabetic order for consistency
  gex <- gex[order(rownames(gex)), ]
  # Cast to matrix type, remove empty rows/columns and return gene expression matrix
  gex <- as.matrix(gex)
  gex <- gex |> janitor::remove_empty(which = c("rows", "cols"))

#' Download copy number variant data from GEO using study specific id and process it
#' @param geo_code character string indicating name of GEO dataset. Default is "GSE21035"
#' (Taylor et al)
#' @param file_directory character string indicating path for downloading raw
#' GEO data
#' @param cleanup logical value to remove intermediate files
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
generate_cna_geo <- function(geo_code = c(
                               "GSE54691", # Hieronymus et al.
                               "GSE21035" # Taylor et al. (aCGH only GSE-subset)
                             cleanup = TRUE,
                             ...) {
  if (!missing(file_directory)) here::set_here(file_directory)
  # Supplementary files include the raw CEL files, possibility to use regular expression filter
  if (missing(filter_regex)) {
    supfiles <- GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(geo_code)
  } else {
    supfiles <- GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(geo_code, filter_regex = filter_regex)

  # Open the tarball(s)
  utils::untar(tarfile = rownames(supfiles))

  # same rCGH pipeline applied to datasets:
  # Taylor et al. : GPL4091	Agilent-014693 Human Genome CGH Microarray 244A (Feature number version)
  # Hieronymus et al. : GPL8737	Agilent-021529 Human CGH Whole Genome Microarray 1x1M (G4447A) (Probe Name version)
  if (geo_code %in% c(
    "GSE21035", # Taylor
    "GSE54691" # Hieronymus
  )) {
    # Extract sample names in Taylor et al. and format to PCA####, for this need to access GSM-level metadata
    if (geo_code == "GSE21035") {
      # Access metadata based on GSM####
      samplenames <- lapply(gsub(".txt.gz", "", grep("GSM", list.files(), value = TRUE)), FUN = function(x) {
        GEOquery::getGEO(x, GSEMatrix = FALSE, getGPL = FALSE)@header$title
      # Parse to just PCA#### from the title, splitting on whitespace character ' '
      samplenames <- unlist(lapply(samplenames, FUN = function(x) {
        strsplit(x, " ")[[1]][3]
      # File names as they are
      filenames <- grep("GSM", list.files(), value = TRUE)
      # Omit cell lines
      filenames <- filenames[grep("PCA", samplenames)]
      samplenames <- samplenames[grep("PCA", samplenames)]
    # Hieronymus et al names based on GSM####
    else {
      # File names end in suffix .txt.gz, sample names have this string replaced
      samplenames <- gsub(".txt.gz", "", grep("GSM", list.files(), value = TRUE))
      filenames <- grep("GSM", list.files(), value = TRUE)
    # For now, the package 'rCGH' has to be available in the workspace,
    # otherwise below functions will fail on e.g. rCGH::adjustSignal and when trying to find 'hg18'
    # Read in Agilent 2-color data
    cna <- lapply(1:length(filenames), FUN = function(i) {
        cat("\nProcessing: ", filenames[i], "\n")
        rCGH::readAgilent(filenames[i], genome = "hg38", sampleName = samplenames[i])
    #> list.files()[which(unlist(lapply(cna, FUN=class))=="try-error")]
    # [1] "GSM525755.txt" "GSM525763.txt"
    # Some files appear broken in Taylor et al; missing columns?

    # Not all files can always be successfully processed
    tryerr <- which(lapply(cna, FUN = class) == "try-error")
    if (length(tryerr) > 0) {
      # Warn of try-errors
        "Error while processing files: ",
        # Collapse file names
        paste(list.files()[which(unlist(lapply(cna, FUN = class)) == "try-error")], collapse = ", ")
      # Omit data that could not be succcessfully read
      cna <- cna[-tryerr]

    # Signal adjustments
    cna <- lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) {
    # Segmentation
    cna <- lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) {
    # EM-algorithm normalization
    cna <- lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) {
    ## Samplenames picked prior to this
    # Remove additional suffixes from sample names
    # cna <- lapply(cna, FUN = function(z){
    # 	try({
    # 		if(!"rCGH-Agilent" %in% class(z)){
    # 			stop("This function is intended for Agilent aCGH analyzed with rCGH R Package (class \'rCGH-Agilent\')")
    # 		}
    # 		# e.g. transform "GSM525575.txt|.gz" -> "GSM525575"
    # 		z@info["sampleName"] <- gsub(pattern = ".gz|.txt", replacement = "", z@info["fileName"])
    # 		z
    # 	})
    # })
    # Save sample names separately (of 'length(cna)')
    # samplenames <- unlist(lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) { z@info["sampleName"] }))
    # Reformat samplenames in Hieronymus
    if (geo_code == "GSE54691") {
      # Pick GSM-part in GSM###_PCA###
      samplenames <- unlist(lapply(samplenames, FUN = function(z) {
        strsplit(z, "_")[[1]][[1]]
    # Get segmentation table
    cna <- lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) {
    # Get per-gene table
    cna <- lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) {
    # Extract all unique gene symbols present over all samples
    genenames <- unique(unlist(lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) {
    # Bind genes to rows, name samples afterwards
    cna <-"cbind", lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) {
      # Return CNAs as Log2Ratios
      z[match(genenames, z$symbol), "Log2Ratio"]
    # Name rows and columns to genes and sample names, respectively
    rownames(cna) <- genenames
    colnames(cna) <- samplenames
    # CNA matrix is ready
    cna <- as.matrix(cna)
    cna <- cna[!, ]
  # Other (placeholder) - should probably place this in the beginning so it
  # doesnt try to run through all the beginning steps
  else if (geo_code == "") {
    stop("Must supply a GEO id")
  # Unknown
  else {
    stop("Unknown GEO id, see allowed parameter values for geo_code")

  # Remove downloaded files
  # TODO: Make sure appropriate permissions exist for removing files
  if (cleanup) {
    # First GEO download
    # TODO: Tarballs
    # file.remove(gz_files)
    # Remove empty folder
    file.remove(paste0(here::here(), "/", geo_code))
  # Sort genes to alphabetic order for consistency
  cna <- cna[order(rownames(cna)), ]
  # Return numeric matrix
  cna <- as.matrix(cna)
  cna <- cna %>% janitor::remove_empty(which = c("rows", "cols"))

#' Download copy number variant data from GEO using study specific id and process it to GISTIC compatible input format
#' @param geo_code character string indicating name of GEO dataset. Default is "GSE21035"
#' (Taylor et al)
#' @param file_directory character string indicating path for downloading raw
#' GEO data
#' @param cleanup logical value to remove intermediate files
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
generate_gistic_geo <- function(geo_code = c(
                                  "GSE54691", # Hieronymus et al.
                                  "GSE21035" # Taylor et al. (aCGH only GSE-subset)
                                cleanup = TRUE,
                                ...) {
  if (!missing(file_directory)) here::set_here(file_directory)
  # Supplementary files include the raw CEL files, possibility to use regular expression filter
  if (missing(filter_regex)) {
    supfiles <- GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(geo_code)
  } else {
    supfiles <- GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(geo_code, filter_regex = filter_regex)

  # Open the tarball(s)
  utils::untar(tarfile = rownames(supfiles))

  # same rCGH pipeline applied to datasets:
  # Taylor et al. : GPL4091	Agilent-014693 Human Genome CGH Microarray 244A (Feature number version)
  # Hieronymus et al. : GPL8737	Agilent-021529 Human CGH Whole Genome Microarray 1x1M (G4447A) (Probe Name version)
  if (geo_code %in% c(
    "GSE21035", # Taylor
    "GSE54691" # Hieronymus
  )) {
    # Extract sample names in Taylor et al. and format to PCA####, for this need to access GSM-level metadata
    if (geo_code == "GSE21035") {
      # Access metadata based on GSM####
      samplenames <- lapply(gsub(".txt.gz", "", grep("GSM", list.files(), value = TRUE)), FUN = function(x) {
        GEOquery::getGEO(x, GSEMatrix = FALSE, getGPL = FALSE)@header$title
      # Parse to just PCA#### from the title, splitting on whitespace character ' '
      samplenames <- unlist(lapply(samplenames, FUN = function(x) {
        strsplit(x, " ")[[1]][3]
      # File names as they are
      filenames <- grep("GSM", list.files(), value = TRUE)
      # Omit cell lines
      filenames <- filenames[grep("PCA", samplenames)]
      samplenames <- samplenames[grep("PCA", samplenames)]
    # Hieronymus et al names based on GSM####
    else {
      # File names end in suffix .txt.gz, sample names have this string replaced
      samplenames <- gsub(".txt.gz", "", grep("GSM", list.files(), value = TRUE))
      filenames <- grep("GSM", list.files(), value = TRUE)
    # For now, the package 'rCGH' has to be available in the workspace,
    # otherwise below functions will fail on e.g. rCGH::adjustSignal and when trying to find 'hg18'
    # Read in Agilent 2-color data
    cna <- lapply(1:length(filenames), FUN = function(i) {
        cat("\nProcessing: ", filenames[i], "\n")
        rCGH::readAgilent(filenames[i], genome = "hg38", sampleName = samplenames[i])
    #> list.files()[which(unlist(lapply(cna, FUN=class))=="try-error")]
    # [1] "GSM525755.txt" "GSM525763.txt"
    # Some files appear broken in Taylor et al; missing columns?

    # Not all files can always be successfully processed
    tryerr <- which(lapply(cna, FUN = class) == "try-error")
    if (length(tryerr) > 0) {
      # Warn of try-errors
        "Error while processing files: ",
        # Collapse file names
        paste(list.files()[which(unlist(lapply(cna, FUN = class)) == "try-error")], collapse = ", ")
      # Omit data that could not be succcessfully read
      cna <- cna[-tryerr]

    # Signal adjustments
    cna <- lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) {
    # Segmentation
    cna <- lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) {
    # EM-algorithm normalization
    cna <- lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) {
    ## Samplenames picked prior to this
    # Remove additional suffixes from sample names
    # cna <- lapply(cna, FUN = function(z){
    # 	try({
    # 		if(!"rCGH-Agilent" %in% class(z)){
    # 			stop("This function is intended for Agilent aCGH analyzed with rCGH R Package (class \'rCGH-Agilent\')")
    # 		}
    # 		# e.g. transform "GSM525575.txt|.gz" -> "GSM525575"
    # 		z@info["sampleName"] <- gsub(pattern = ".gz|.txt", replacement = "", z@info["fileName"])
    # 		z
    # 	})
    # })
    # Save sample names separately (of 'length(cna)')
    # samplenames <- unlist(lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) { z@info["sampleName"] }))
    # Reformat samplenames in Hieronymus
    if (geo_code == "GSE54691") {
      # Pick GSM-part in GSM###_PCA###
      samplenames <- unlist(lapply(samplenames, FUN = function(z) {
        strsplit(z, "_")[[1]][[1]]
    # Get segmentation table
    cna <- lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) {
    # Get per-gene table
    cna <- lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) {
    # Extract all unique gene symbols present over all samples
    genenames <- unique(unlist(lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) {
    # Bind genes to rows, name samples afterwards
    cna <-"cbind", lapply(cna, FUN = function(z) {
      # Return CNAs as Log2Ratios
      z[match(genenames, z$symbol), "Log2Ratio"]
    # Name rows and columns to genes and sample names, respectively
    rownames(cna) <- genenames
    colnames(cna) <- samplenames
    # CNA matrix is ready
    cna <- as.matrix(cna)
    cna <- cna[!, ]
  # Other (placeholder) - should probably place this in the beginning so it
  # doesnt try to run through all the beginning steps
  else if (geo_code == "") {
    stop("Must supply a GEO id")
  # Unknown
  else {
    stop("Unknown GEO id, see allowed parameter values for geo_code")

  # Remove downloaded files
  # TODO: Make sure appropriate permissions exist for removing files
  if (cleanup) {
    # First GEO download
    # TODO: Tarballs
    # file.remove(gz_files)
    # Remove empty folder
    file.remove(paste0(here::here(), "/", geo_code))
  # Sort genes to alphabetic order for consistency
  cna <- cna[order(rownames(cna)), ]
  # Return numeric matrix
  cna <- as.matrix(cna)
  cna <- cna %>% janitor::remove_empty(which = c("rows", "cols"))

#' Download generic 'omics data from cBioPortal using dataset specific query
#' @param genes character vector of genes to query
#' @param geneticProfiles charatcer string of cbioportal genetic profiles
#' @param caseList charcter string of patient IDs for that genetic profile
#' @param delay numberic value for delay time between querying gene sets
#' @param splitsize number of genes in each query
#' @param verb logical value for displaying progress bar
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
generate_cbioportal <- function(
    genes = sort(unique(curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol)),
    geneticProfiles = c(
      "prad_tcga_pub_rna_seq_v2_mrna", # TCGA GEX
      "prad_tcga_pub_gistic", # TCGA CNA (GISTIC)
      "prad_tcga_pub_linear_CNA", # TCGA CNA (Capped relative linear copy-number values)
      "prad_tcga_pub_mutations", # TCGA mutation data
      # prad_tcga_pub_fusion, # TCGA fusions
      "prad_mskcc_mrna_median_Zscores", # Taylor et al. GEX (z-score normalized)
      "prad_mskcc_cna", # Taylor et al. CNA
      "prad_broad_mrna", # PRAD Broad GEX
      "prad_broad_cna", # PRAD Broad CNA
      "prad_eururol_2017_rna_seq_mrna", # PRAD Eururol GEX
      "prad_eururol_2017_cna", # PRAD Eururol CNA
      "prad_su2c_2019_mrna_seq_fpkm_capture_all_sample_Zscores", # Abida et al. FPKM values capture assay
      "prad_su2c_2019_mrna_seq_fpkm_polya_all_sample_Zscores", # Abida et al. FPKM values PolyA
      "prad_su2c_2019_gistic", # Abida et al. CNA
      "prad_broad_2013_cna" # BACA
    ), # for cgdsr calls, platform and dataset specific string
    caseList = c(
      "prad_tcga_pub_sequenced", # TCGA
      "prad_mskcc_sequenced", # Taylor et al.
      "prad_broad_sequenced", # Barbieri et al.
      "prad_eururol_2017_sequenced", # Ren et al.
      "prad_su2c_2019_sequenced", # Abida et al.
      "prad_broad_2013_sequenced" # Baca et al.
    ), # for cgdsr calls, platform and dataset specific string
    delay = 0.05,
    splitsize = 100,
    verb = TRUE) {
  # If given genes is a list (with slots for various annotation types), try to extract hugo gene symbols
  if (is(genes, "list")) {
    genes <- genes$hgnc_symbol
  # Establisigh connection to cBioPortal
  mycgds <- cgdsr::CGDS("")
  # Split gene name vector into suitable lengths
  genesplit <- rep(1:ceiling(length(genes) / splitsize),
    each = splitsize
  splitgenes <- split(genes, f = genesplit)
  # Fetch split gene name lists as separate calls
  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(splitgenes))
  # Bind the API calls as per columns
  ret <- as.matrix("cbind", lapply(1:length(splitgenes), FUN = function(z) {
    if (verb == TRUE) pb$tick()
    # Sleep if necessary to avoid API call overflow
    # Fetch each split gene name list from the URL-based API, essentially a wrapper for cgdsr's own function
      genes = splitgenes[[z]],
      geneticProfiles = geneticProfiles, caseList = caseList

  ret <- t(ret)
  # Remove fully empty rows/columns (redundancy)
  ret <- ret %>% janitor::remove_empty(which = c("rows", "cols"))

#' Download mutation data from cBioPortal and format them into an oncoprint-friendly matrix
#' @param study_id cBioPortal identifier
#' @param genes Hugo gene symbols
#' @param delay Delay between fetches
#' @param splitsize Number of genes per fetch
#' @param verb Level of verbosity
#' @param oncoprintify Whether an oncoprint ought to be output
#' @examples
#' oncop_tcga <- generate_cbioportal_oncoprint(study_id = "tcga", oncoprintify = TRUE)
#' oncop_taylor <- generate_cbioportal_oncoprint(study_id = "taylor", oncoprintify = TRUE)
#' oncop_barbieri <- generate_cbioportal_oncoprint(study_id = "barbieri", oncoprintify = TRUE)
#' oncop_ren <- generate_cbioportal_oncoprint(study_id = "ren", oncoprintify = TRUE)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
generate_cbioportal_oncoprint <- function(study_id, # tcga, taylor, barbieri, ren, or abida
                                          genes = sort(unique(curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol)),
                                          delay = 0.05,
                                          splitsize = 100,
                                          verb = TRUE,
                                          oncoprintify = TRUE) {
  study_id <- tolower(study_id)
  # Remember cBioPortal genetic profile names and query according to study id
  # Mutations
  geneticProfileMutations <- c(
    tcga = "prad_tcga_pub_mutations", # TCGA mutations
    taylor = "prad_mskcc_mutations", # Taylor et al. mutations
    barbieri = "prad_broad_mutations", # Barbieri et al. mutations
    ren = "prad_eururol_2017_mutations", # Ren et al. mutations
    abida = "prad_su2c_2019_mutations" # Abida et al. mutations
  # CNA listings for GISTIC
  geneticProfileCNA <- c( # Gistic-level mutation info, {-2,-1,0,1,2}
    tcga = "prad_tcga_pub_gistic", # TCGA (GISTIC instead of capped relative linear copy numbers)
    taylor = "prad_mskcc_cna", # Taylor et al., GISTIC
    barbieri = "prad_broad_cna", # Barbieri et al., GISTIC
    ren = "prad_eururol_2017_cna", # Ren et al. (GISTIC instead of capped relative linear copy numbers)
    abida = "prad_su2c_2019_gistic" # Abida et al., GISTIC
  # Sample ID list
  caseList <- c(
    tcga = "prad_tcga_pub_sequenced", # TCGA samples
    taylor = "prad_mskcc_sequenced", # Taylor et al. samples
    barbieri = "prad_broad_sequenced", # Barbieri et al. samples
    ren = "prad_eururol_2017_sequenced", # Ren et al. samples
    abida = "prad_su2c_2019_sequenced" # Abida et al. samples

  # If given genes is a list (with slots for various annotation types), try to extract hugo gene symbols
  if (is(genes, "list")) {
    genes <- genes$hgnc_symbol
  # Establisigh connection to cBioPortal
  mycgds <- cgdsr::CGDS("")
  # Split gene name vector into suitable lengths
  genesplit <- rep(1:ceiling(length(genes) / splitsize), each = splitsize)[1:length(genes)]
  splitgenes <- split(genes, f = genesplit)
  # Fetch split gene name lists as separate calls
  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(splitgenes))
  # Bind the API calls as per columns
  if (verb) print("Downloading mutation data...")
  mut <-"rbind", lapply(1:length(splitgenes), FUN = function(z) {
    # Sleep if necessary to avoid API call overflow
    # Fetch each split gene name list from the URL-based API, essentially a wrapper for cgdsr's own function
      genes = splitgenes[[z]], #
      geneticProfile = geneticProfileMutations[study_id],
      caseList = caseList[study_id]
    )[, c("case_id", "gene_symbol", "mutation_type")]
  if (verb) print("Downloading copy number alteration (GISTIC) data...")
  cna <- as.matrix("cbind", lapply(1:length(splitgenes), FUN = function(z) {
    # Sleep if necessary to avoid API call overflow
    # Fetch each split gene name list from the URL-based API, essentially a wrapper for cgdsr's own function
      genes = splitgenes[[z]],
      geneticProfile = geneticProfileCNA[study_id],
      caseList = caseList[study_id]
  cna <- t(cna)
  cna[which(cna == "NaN")] <- NA

  if (!oncoprintify) {
    # Return raw mutation and cna calls
    list(mut, cna)
  } else {
    # Return an oncoprint-friendly, textified matrix with ;-separators
    # Create base text matrix from GISTIC CNAs
    if (verb) print("Appending CNAs to the oncoprint")
    oncop <- t(apply(cna, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(z) {
      c("HOMDEL", "HETLOSS", "", "LOW_GAIN", "HIGH_AMP")[z + 3]
    dimnames(oncop) <- dimnames(cna)
    # Add samples from mutation list that may have been lacking from CNA matrix
    if (!all(mut$case_id %in% colnames(oncop))) {
      samps <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(oncop), ncol = sum(!unique(mut$case_id) %in% colnames(oncop)))
      colnames(samps) <- unique(mut$case_id)[!unique(mut$case_id) %in% colnames(oncop)]
      oncop <- cbind(oncop, samps)
    if (verb) print("Appending mutations to the oncoprint")
    # Add gene names from mutation list that may have been lacking from CNA matrix
    if (!all(mut$gene_symbol %in% rownames(oncop))) {
      genes <- matrix(NA, nrow = sum(!unique(mut$gene_symbol) %in% rownames(oncop)), ncol = ncol(oncop))
      rownames(genes) <- unique(mut$gene_symbol)[!unique(mut$gene_symbol) %in% rownames(oncop)]
      oncop <- rbind(oncop, genes)
    # Sanitize '-' symbols to '.' in mutations for genes and sample names similar to how CNA matrix has them
    mut[, "gene_symbol"] <- gsub("-", ".", mut[, "gene_symbol"])
    mut[, "case_id"] <- gsub("-", ".", mut[, "case_id"])
    # Append mutations
    for (i in 1:nrow(mut)) {
      if ([mut[i, "gene_symbol"], mut[i, "case_id"]]) | oncop[mut[i, "gene_symbol"], mut[i, "case_id"]] == "") {
        oncop[mut[i, "gene_symbol"], mut[i, "case_id"]] <- mut[i, "mutation_type"]
      } else {
        oncop[mut[i, "gene_symbol"], mut[i, "case_id"]] <- paste(oncop[mut[i, "gene_symbol"], mut[i, "case_id"]], mut[i, "mutation_type"], sep = ";")
    if (verb) print("Subsetting samples to match those present in MAE")
    # Sample names from the corresponding MAE object
    cols <- switch(study_id,
      "tcga" = MultiAssayExperiment::colData(curatedPCaData::mae_tcga)$sample_name,
      "taylor" = MultiAssayExperiment::colData(curatedPCaData::mae_taylor)$patient_id,
      "barbieri" = MultiAssayExperiment::colData(curatedPCaData::mae_barbieri)$sample_name,
      "ren" = MultiAssayExperiment::colData(curatedPCaData::mae_ren)$sample_name,
      "abida" = MultiAssayExperiment::colData(curatedPCaData::mae_abida)$sample_name
    # oncop <- oncop %>% janitor::remove_empty(which = c("rows", "cols"))
    # NA columns if samples are not present
    oncop <- oncop[, match(cols, colnames(oncop))]
    colnames(oncop) <- cols

#' Download mutation data from cBioPortal using cgsdr package
#' @param study_id cBioPortal identifier
#' @param genes Hugo gene symbols
#' @param delay Delay between fetches
#' @param splitsize Number of genes per fetch
#' @param verb Level of verbosity
#' @examples
#' ren_mut <- generate_cgdsr_mut("ren", genes = curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol)
#' barbieri_mut <- generate_cgdsr_mut("barbieri", genes = curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
generate_cgdsr_mut <- function(
    study_id, # tcga, taylor, barbieri, ren, or abida
    genes = sort(unique(curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol)),
    delay = 0.05,
    splitsize = 100,
    verb = TRUE) {
  study_id <- tolower(study_id)
  # Remember cBioPortal genetic profile names and query according to study id
  # Mutations
  geneticProfileMutations <- c(
    tcga = "prad_tcga_pub_mutations", # TCGA mutations
    taylor = "prad_mskcc_mutations", # Taylor et al. mutations
    barbieri = "prad_broad_mutations", # Barbieri et al. mutations
    ren = "prad_eururol_2017_mutations", # Ren et al. mutations
    abida = "prad_su2c_2019_mutations" # Abida et al. mutations
  # CNA listings for GISTIC
  geneticProfileCNA <- c( # Gistic-level mutation info, {-2,-1,0,1,2}
    tcga = "prad_tcga_pub_gistic", # TCGA (GISTIC instead of capped relative linear copy numbers)
    taylor = "prad_mskcc_cna", # Taylor et al., GISTIC
    barbieri = "prad_broad_cna", # Barbieri et al., GISTIC
    ren = "prad_eururol_2017_cna", # Ren et al. (GISTIC instead of capped relative linear copy numbers)
    abida = "prad_su2c_2019_gistic" # Abida et al., GISTIC
  # Sample ID list
  caseList <- c(
    tcga = "prad_tcga_pub_sequenced", # TCGA samples
    taylor = "prad_mskcc_sequenced", # Taylor et al. samples
    barbieri = "prad_broad_sequenced", # Barbieri et al. samples
    ren = "prad_eururol_2017_sequenced", # Ren et al. samples
    abida = "prad_su2c_2019_sequenced" # Abida et al. samples

  # If given genes is a list (with slots for various annotation types), try to extract hugo gene symbols
  if (is(genes, "list")) {
    genes <- genes$hgnc_symbol
  # Establisigh connection to cBioPortal
  mycgds <- cgdsr::CGDS("")
  # Split gene name vector into suitable lengths
  genesplit <- rep(1:ceiling(length(genes) / splitsize), each = splitsize)[1:length(genes)]
  splitgenes <- split(genes, f = genesplit)
  # Fetch split gene name lists as separate calls
  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(splitgenes))
  # Bind the API calls as per columns
  if (verb) print("Downloading mutation data...")
  mut <-"rbind", lapply(1:length(splitgenes), FUN = function(z) {
    # Sleep if necessary to avoid API call overflow
    # Fetch each split gene name list from the URL-based API, essentially a wrapper for cgdsr's own function
      genes = splitgenes[[z]], #
      geneticProfile = geneticProfileMutations[study_id],
      caseList = caseList[study_id]

  # }

#' Download generic 'omics data from cBioPortal using the cbioportaldata package
#' @param profile character string of variable
#' @param caseList character string of patient IDs for that genetic profile
#' @examples
#' cna.gistic_abida <- generate_cbioportaldata("prad_su2c_2019", "cna")
#' gex.relz_abida <- generate_cbioportaldata("prad_su2c_2019", "gex")
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
generate_cbioportaldata <- function(caselist, profile) {
  harmonize_matrix <- function(matrix) {
    # if the gene names dont match the hgnc_symbols column, create a seperate matrix called no_match with those rownames
    no_match <- matrix[, curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol)), ]
    no_match <-
    # if the gene names match the hgnc_symbols column, create a seperate matrix called match with those rownames
    match <- matrix[!, curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol)), ]
    match <-

    # Replace any "." in gene names with "-" since that is how the curatedpcadata_genes dictionary has them
    rownames(match) <- gsub("\\.", "-", rownames(match))
    rownames(no_match) <- gsub("\\.", "-", rownames(no_match))

    vector <- rownames(no_match)
    symbols <- vector()

    # For those genes with no match try matching it to the aliase column and pull the hgnc_symbol associated with it.
    original_gene <- vector()
    # curatedPCaData_genes<-curatedPCaData_genes

    for (i in 1:length(vector)) {
      # match_name genes to the aliases column in the curatedpcadata dictionary
      match_name <- curatedPCaData_genes[grep(paste0("(?<![^;])", vector[i], "(?![^;])"), curatedPCaData_genes$Aliases, value = FALSE, perl = TRUE), "hgnc_symbol"]
      # Assign NAs to the ones that had no match_name
      match_name[length(match_name) == 0] <- NA
      # Store data with duplicates
      orig2 <- replicate(length(match_name), vector[i])
      original_gene <- c(original_gene, orig2)
      symbols <- c(symbols, match_name)

    # create a dictionary/df with the aliases and the associated hgnc_symbol
    no_match_dict <- data.frame(original_gene = original_gene, mapped_gene = symbols)
    # Remove those aliases that did not map to any hgnc_symbol
    no_match_dict2 <- no_match_dict[!$mapped_gene), ]
    # Remove duplicates in the mapped hgnc symbols
    no_match_dict3 <- no_match_dict2[!duplicated(no_match_dict2$mapped_gene), ]

    # check which aliase is duplicated(ie maps to multiple hgnc symbols)
    dup <- no_match_dict3[duplicated(no_match_dict3$original_gene), ]
    dup_vector <- dup[!duplicated(dup$original_gene), ]$original_gene

    # Keep only those aliases that have a one to one mapping
    remove_dup <- no_match_dict3[!(no_match_dict3$original_gene %in% dup_vector), ]

    # create a vector by matching aliases to the new df
    final_map <- vector()

    for (i in 1:length(vector)) {
      if (vector[i] %in% remove_dup$original_gene) {
        map <- remove_dup$mapped_gene[which(vector[i] == remove_dup$original_gene)]
        final_map <- c(final_map, map)
      } else {
        map <- NA
        final_map <- c(final_map, map)

    no_match <- no_match[!, ]
    final_map <- final_map[!]

    rownames(no_match) <- final_map

    # For those that match just pull hgnc_symbols directly
    symbols2 <- curatedPCaData_genes[match(rownames(match), curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol), "hgnc_symbol"]

    match <- match[!, ]
    symbols2 <- symbols2[!]

    rownames(match) <- symbols2

    # Combine the match and no_match matrices
    final_matrix <- rbind(match, no_match)
    # Replace "-" in colnames with "."
    colnames(final_matrix) <- gsub("-", ".", colnames(final_matrix))
    # Remove rows with all NAs
    final_matrix <- final_matrix[rowSums( != ncol(final_matrix), ]

    # Return sorted based on alphabetic rownames
    return(final_matrix[order(rownames(final_matrix)), ])

  harmonize_raggedexp <- function(ragexp2) {
    no_match <- ragexp2[, curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol)), ]
    match <- ragexp2[!, curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol)), ]

    rownames(match) <- gsub("\\.", "-", rownames(match))
    rownames(no_match) <- gsub("\\.", "-", rownames(no_match))

    vector <- rownames(no_match)
    symbols <- vector()
    # no_match_dict=data.frame(matrix(ncol=2))

    # curatedPCaData_genes<-curatedPCaData_genes
    # For those genes with no match try matching it to the aliase column and pull the hgnc_symbol associated with it.
    # Match just the first gene and store it in a vector
    # Do the aliase match for the rest of the genes and append it to the vector called symbols
    original_gene <- vector()

    for (i in 1:length(vector)) {
      # match_name genes to the aliases column in the curatedpcadata dictionary
      match_name <- curatedPCaData_genes[grep(paste0("(?<![^;])", vector[i], "(?![^;])"), curatedPCaData_genes$Aliases, value = FALSE, perl = TRUE), "hgnc_symbol"]
      # Assign NAs to the ones that had no match_name
      match_name[length(match_name) == 0] <- NA
      # Store data with duplicates
      orig2 <- replicate(length(match_name), vector[i])
      original_gene <- c(original_gene, orig2)
      symbols <- c(symbols, match_name)

    # create a dictionary/df with the aliases and the associated hgnc_symbol
    no_match_dict <- data.frame(original_gene = original_gene, mapped_gene = symbols)
    # Remove those aliases that did not map to any hgnc_symbol
    no_match_dict2 <- no_match_dict[!$mapped_gene), ]
    # Remove duplicates in the mapped hgnc symbols
    no_match_dict3 <- no_match_dict2[!duplicated(no_match_dict2$mapped_gene), ]

    # check which aliase is duplicated(ie maps to multiple hgnc symbols)
    dup <- no_match_dict3[duplicated(no_match_dict3$original_gene), ]
    dup_vector <- dup[!duplicated(dup$original_gene), ]$original_gene

    # Keep only those aliases that have a one to one mapping
    remove_dup <- no_match_dict3[!(no_match_dict3$original_gene %in% dup_vector), ]

    # create a vector by matching aliases to the new df
    final_map <- vector()

    for (i in 1:length(vector)) {
      if (vector[i] %in% remove_dup$original_gene) {
        map <- remove_dup$mapped_gene[which(vector[i] == remove_dup$original_gene)]
        final_map <- c(final_map, map)
      } else {
        map <- NA
        final_map <- c(final_map, map)

    no_match <- no_match[!, ]
    final_map <- final_map[!]

    rownames(no_match) <- final_map

    # For those that match just pull hgnc_symbols directly
    symbols2 <- curatedPCaData_genes[match(rownames(match), curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol), "hgnc_symbol"]

    match <- match[!, ]
    symbols2 <- symbols2[!]

    rownames(match) <- symbols2

    # Combine the match and no_match matrices
    match_df <- match@assays
    match_df <- unlist(match_df)
    match_df <- data.frame(match_df, names = names(match_df))
    # match_df<-match_df[,c(1:3,46,4:45)]

    no_match_df <- no_match@assays
    no_match_df <- unlist(no_match_df)
    no_match_df <- data.frame(no_match_df, names = names(no_match_df))
    # no_match_df<-no_match_df[,c(1:3,46,4:45)]

    final <- rbind(match_df, no_match_df)
    final$NCBI_Build <- "GRCh38"

    final$sample <- sub("^(.*)[.].*", "\\1", final$names)
    final$gene <- sub(".*\\.", "", final$names)
    final <- final[, -which(names(final) %in% "names")]

    GRL <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(final,
      split.field = "sample",
      names.field = "gene", keep.extra.columns = TRUE
    GenomeInfoDb::genome(GRL) <- "GRCh38"
    ragexp_final <- RaggedExperiment::RaggedExperiment(GRL)
    colnames(ragexp_final) <- gsub("-", ".", colnames(ragexp_final))

    # final_matrix= c(rowRanges(match),rowRanges(no_match))

  prof <- cBioPortalData::cBioDataPack(caselist, ask = FALSE)

  if (profile == "cna") {
    if (caselist == "prad_broad") {
      # Get the copy number matrix as Summarizedexperiment object
      res <- prof[["cna"]]
      # Get gene names from Summarizedexperiment and store it in a variable
      a <- RaggedExperiment::rowData(res)[match(rownames(res), rownames(RaggedExperiment::rowData(res))), "Hugo_Symbol"]
      # Create a matrix with cna and gene names making sure that there are no NAs in gene names
      res2 <- RaggedExperiment::assay(res)
      res2 <- res2[!, ]
      a <- a[!]
      rownames(res2) <- a

      # Harmonize matrix
      final_matrix_cna <- harmonize_matrix(res2)
    } else if (caselist == "prad_mskcc_2014") {
      # Get the copy number matrix as Summarizedexperiment object
      res <- prof[["CNA"]]
      # Get gene names from Summarizedexperiment and store it in a variable
      a <- RaggedExperiment::rowData(res)[match(rownames(res), rownames(RaggedExperiment::rowData(res))), "Hugo_Symbol"]
      # Create a matrix with cna and gene names making sure that there are no NAs in gene names
      res2 <- RaggedExperiment::assay(res)
      res2 <- res2[!, ]
      a <- a[!]
      rownames(res2) <- a

      res2 <-

      # Harmonize matrix
      final_matrix_cna <- harmonize_matrix(res2)
    } else if (caselist == "prad_eururol_2017") {
      res <- prof[["cna"]]
      # Create a matrix with cna and gene names
      res2 <- RaggedExperiment::assay(res)
      # Harmonize matrix
      final_matrix_cna <- harmonize_matrix(res2)

    } else if (caselist == "prad_su2c_2019") {
      # Get cna from metadata of the MAE
      res <- metadata(prof)$cna
      res <-
      # Remove duplicate gene symbols
      res2 <- res[!(duplicated(res$Hugo_Symbol) | duplicated(res$Hugo_Symbol, fromLast = TRUE)), , drop = FALSE]
      # Set gene symbols as rownames and remove the extra column
      rownames(res2) <- res2$Hugo_Symbol
      res2 <- res2[, -1]
      # Harmonize matrix
      final_matrix_cna <- harmonize_matrix(res2)
    } else if (caselist == "prad_mskcc") {
      # Download study and store cna matrix in res2
      study <- cBioPortalData::downloadStudy("prad_mskcc")
      ut <- cBioPortalData::untarStudy(study[[1]])
      res2 <- rio::import(paste0(ut, "/prad_mskcc/", "data_cna.txt"))
      res2 <- res2[, -2]
      # Remove duplicate gene symbols
      res2 <- res2[!duplicated(res2$Hugo_Symbol), ]
      # Set gene symbols as rownames and remove the extra column
      rownames(res2) <- res2$Hugo_Symbol
      res2 <- res2[, -1]
      # Exclude cell line samples
      same_barcode <- colnames(res2)[grepl("PCA", colnames(res2))]
      ind <- which(colnames(res2) %in% same_barcode == "TRUE")
      res2 <- res2[, c(ind)]
      # Harmonize matrix
      final_matrix_cna <- harmonize_matrix(res2)
    } else if (caselist == "prad_broad_2013") {
      res <- prof[["cna"]]
      res2 <- RaggedExperiment::assay(res)
      # Harmonize matrix
      final_matrix_cna <- harmonize_matrix(res2)


  if (profile == "mut") {
    ragexp <- prof[["mutations"]]
    # Download chain file into data raw directory and unzip it
    # download.file("", "./data-raw/hg19ToHg38.over.chain.gz")
    # system("gzip -d ./data-raw/hg19ToHg38.over.chain.gz")
    ch <- rtracklayer::import.chain("./data-raw/hg19ToHg38.over.chain")
    if (caselist == "prad_eururol_2017") {
      # Liftover using chain file
      names(ch) <- gsub("chr", "", names(ch))
      ranges <- rtracklayer::liftOver(rowRanges(ragexp), ch)
      ragexp2 <- ragexp[as.logical(lengths(ranges))]
      ranges <- unlist(ranges)
      GenomeInfoDb::genome(ranges) <- "GRCh38"
      rowRanges(ragexp2) <- ranges

      # Run harmonize function to harmonize gene names
      final_ragexp <- harmonize_raggedexp(ragexp2)
      # Add tumor barcode to metadata of the Grangelist
      final_ragexp_df <- final_ragexp@assays
      final_ragexp_df <- unlist(final_ragexp_df)
      final_ragexp_df <- data.frame(final_ragexp_df, names = names(final_ragexp_df))

      final_ragexp_df$sample <- sub("^(.*)[.].*", "\\1", final_ragexp_df$names)
      final_ragexp_df$gene <- sub(".*\\.", "", final_ragexp_df$names)
      final_ragexp_df <- final_ragexp_df[, -which(names(final_ragexp_df) %in% "names")]

      final_ragexp_df$Tumor_sample_barcode <- final_ragexp_df$sample

      GRL <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(final_ragexp_df,
        split.field = "sample",
        names.field = "gene", keep.extra.columns = TRUE
      ragexp_final2 <- RaggedExperiment::RaggedExperiment(GRL)
    } else if (caselist == "prad_broad") {
      # Liftover using chain file
      names(ch) <- gsub("chr", "", names(ch))
      ranges <- rtracklayer::liftOver(rowRanges(ragexp), ch)
      ragexp2 <- ragexp[as.logical(lengths(ranges))]
      ranges <- unlist(ranges)
      GenomeInfoDb::genome(ranges) <- "GRCh38"
      rowRanges(ragexp2) <- ranges

      # Run harmonize function to harmonize gene names
      final_ragexp <- harmonize_raggedexp(ragexp2)
      # Add tumor barcode to metadata of the Grangelist
      final_ragexp_df <- final_ragexp@assays
      final_ragexp_df <- unlist(final_ragexp_df)
      final_ragexp_df <- data.frame(final_ragexp_df, names = names(final_ragexp_df))

      final_ragexp_df$sample <- sub("^(.*)[.].*", "\\1", final_ragexp_df$names)
      final_ragexp_df$gene <- sub(".*\\.", "", final_ragexp_df$names)
      final_ragexp_df <- final_ragexp_df[, -which(names(final_ragexp_df) %in% "names")]

      final_ragexp_df$Tumor_sample_barcode <- final_ragexp_df$sample

      GRL <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(final_ragexp_df,
        split.field = "sample",
        names.field = "gene", keep.extra.columns = TRUE
      ragexp_final2 <- RaggedExperiment::RaggedExperiment(GRL)
    } else if (caselist == "prad_su2c_2019") {
      # Convert ragexp to Grangelist and store it in ragexp_grangelist
      ragexp_grangelist <- ragexp@assays
      # Add gene names to metadata of the Grangelist
      ragexp_grangelist@unlistData@elementMetadata@listData$gene <- ragexp_grangelist@unlistData@ranges@NAMES

      # Liftover using chain file
      names(ch) <- gsub("chr", "", names(ch))
      ranges2 <- rtracklayer::liftOver(ragexp_grangelist, ch)
      GenomeInfoDb::genome(ranges2) <- "GRCh38"

      # Convert grangelist to raggedexperiment
      ragexp2 <- RaggedExperiment::RaggedExperiment(ranges2)
      # Assign gene names in the metadata to the rownames of the raggedexperiment object
      rownames(ragexp2) <- ragexp2@assays@unlistData@elementMetadata@listData[["gene"]]
      # Run harmonize function to harmonize gene names
      final_ragexp <- harmonize_raggedexp(ragexp2)
      # Add tumor barcode to metadata of the Grangelist
      final_ragexp_df <- final_ragexp@assays
      final_ragexp_df <- unlist(final_ragexp_df)
      final_ragexp_df <- data.frame(final_ragexp_df, names = names(final_ragexp_df))

      final_ragexp_df$sample <- sub("^(.*)[.].*", "\\1", final_ragexp_df$names)
      final_ragexp_df$gene <- sub(".*\\.", "", final_ragexp_df$names)
      final_ragexp_df <- final_ragexp_df[, -which(names(final_ragexp_df) %in% "names")]

      final_ragexp_df$Tumor_sample_barcode <- final_ragexp_df$sample
      sift <- rio::import("./data-raw/mut_abida_edited.txt.hg38_multianno.txt")
      add_sift <- cbind(final_ragexp_df, sift)
      add_sift$Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode <- gsub("-", ".", add_sift$Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode)
      add_sift <- add_sift[, -which(names(add_sift) %in% c("Chr", "Start", "End", "Ref", "Alt"))]

      GRL <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(add_sift,
        split.field = "sample",
        names.field = "gene", keep.extra.columns = TRUE
      ragexp_final2 <- RaggedExperiment::RaggedExperiment(GRL)

    } else if (caselist == "prad_mskcc") {
      # Liftover using chain file
      names(ch) <- gsub("chr", "", names(ch))
      ranges <- rtracklayer::liftOver(rowRanges(ragexp), ch)
      ragexp2 <- ragexp[as.logical(lengths(ranges))]
      ranges <- unlist(ranges)
      GenomeInfoDb::genome(ranges) <- "GRCh38"
      rowRanges(ragexp2) <- ranges

      # Run harmonize function to harmonize gene names
      final_ragexp <- harmonize_raggedexp(ragexp2)

      # Exclude cell lines
      final_ragexp_df <- final_ragexp@assays
      final_ragexp_df <- unlist(final_ragexp_df)
      final_ragexp_df <- data.frame(final_ragexp_df, names = names(final_ragexp_df))

      final_ragexp_df$sample <- sub("^(.*)[.].*", "\\1", final_ragexp_df$names)
      final_ragexp_df$gene <- sub(".*\\.", "", final_ragexp_df$names)
      final_ragexp_df <- final_ragexp_df[, -which(names(final_ragexp_df) %in% "names")]

      # final_ragexp_df<-final_ragexp_df[final_ragexp_df$sample %like% "PCA", ]
      final_ragexp_df <- final_ragexp_df[data.table::`%like%`(final_ragexp_df$sample, "PCA"), ]
      final_ragexp_df$Tumor_sample_barcode <- final_ragexp_df$sample

      GRL <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(final_ragexp_df,
        split.field = "sample",
        names.field = "gene", keep.extra.columns = TRUE
      ragexp_final2 <- RaggedExperiment::RaggedExperiment(GRL)
    } else if (caselist == "prad_broad_2013") {
      # Convert ragexp to Grangelist and store it in ragexp_grangelist
      ragexp_grangelist <- ragexp@assays
      # Add gene names to metadata of the Grangelist
      ragexp_grangelist@unlistData@elementMetadata@listData$gene <- ragexp_grangelist@unlistData@ranges@NAMES

      # Liftover using chain file
      names(ch) <- gsub("chr", "", names(ch))
      ranges2 <- rtracklayer::liftOver(ragexp_grangelist, ch)
      GenomeInfoDb::genome(ranges2) <- "GRCh38"

      # Convert grangelist to raggedexperiment
      ragexp2 <- RaggedExperiment::RaggedExperiment(ranges2)
      # Assign gene names in the metadata to the rownames of the raggedexperiment object
      rownames(ragexp2) <- ragexp2@assays@unlistData@elementMetadata@listData[["gene"]]

      # Run harmonize function to harmonize gene names
      final_ragexp <- harmonize_raggedexp(ragexp2)
      # Add tumor barcode to metadata of the Grangelist
      final_ragexp_df <- final_ragexp@assays
      final_ragexp_df <- unlist(final_ragexp_df)
      final_ragexp_df <- data.frame(final_ragexp_df, names = names(final_ragexp_df))

      final_ragexp_df$sample <- sub("^(.*)[.].*", "\\1", final_ragexp_df$names)
      final_ragexp_df$gene <- sub(".*\\.", "", final_ragexp_df$names)
      final_ragexp_df <- final_ragexp_df[, -which(names(final_ragexp_df) %in% "names")]

      final_ragexp_df$Tumor_sample_barcode <- final_ragexp_df$sample

      GRL <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(final_ragexp_df,
        split.field = "sample",
        names.field = "gene", keep.extra.columns = TRUE
      ragexp_final2 <- RaggedExperiment::RaggedExperiment(GRL)

  if (profile == "gex") {
    if (caselist == "prad_eururol_2017") {
      gex <- prof[["mrna_seq_rpkm_zscores_ref_all_samples"]]
      gex2 <- RaggedExperiment::assay(gex)
      # Harmonize matrix
      final_matrix_gex <- harmonize_matrix(gex2)
    } else if (caselist == "prad_broad") {
      gex <- prof[["mrna_agilent_microarray_zscores_ref_all_samples"]]
      gex2 <- RaggedExperiment::assay(gex)
      # Harmonize matrix
      final_matrix_gex <- harmonize_matrix(gex2)
    } else if (caselist == "prad_su2c_2019") {
      gex <- metadata(prof)$mrna_seq_fpkm_polya_zscores_ref_all_samples
      gex <-
      # Remove duplicate gene symbols
      gex2 <- gex[!(duplicated(gex$Hugo_Symbol) | duplicated(gex$Hugo_Symbol, fromLast = TRUE)), , drop = FALSE]
      rownames(gex2) <- gex2$Hugo_Symbol
      gex2 <- gex2[, -1]
      # Harmonize matrix
      final_matrix_gex <- harmonize_matrix(gex2)

#' Download and generate omics from the ICGC
#' @param icgc_id character string indicating name of ICGC dataset
#' @param file_directory character string indicating path for downloading the ICGC files
#' @param omic character string indicating which omic to download and generate for the specified icgc_id
#' ICGC Publication Policy for embargoes etc:
#' ICGC Publication guidelines: .
#' (e.g. 'All data shall become free of a publication moratorium when either the data is published by the ICGC member project or
#'  one year after a specified quantity of data (e.g. genome dataset from 100 tumours per project) has been released via the ICGC
#'  database or other public databases. In all cases data shall be free of a publication moratorium two years after its initial release.')
#' "PRAD-CA: No Embargo. Data available without limitations"
#' "PRAD-UK: No Embargo. Data available without limitations"
#' "PRAD-FR: No Embargo. Data available without limitations"
#' "PRAD-CN: Publication limitations in place until 2020-04-30" (expired) (Only simple mutations, excluded)
#' "EOPC-DE: No Embargo. Data available without limitations" (Need to verify biological applicability)
#' NOTE: Sometimes the downloads seem to fail randomly; perhaps a fixed amount of retries ought to be allowed?
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
generate_icgc <- function(icgc_id = "PRAD_CA", # Study which ought to be downloaded; Canadian Prostate Adenocarcima study as default; note ICGC uses format 'PRAD-CA' but '_' is used for R-friendliness
                          set = "gex", # Which dataset (patient or sample data / omics platform) to try to extract from the data; valid values: 'clinical', 'gex', 'cna', ...
                          file_directory, # Temporary download location
                          collapseFUN = mean, # Function to use to average/median etc over multiple genes/probes mapped to same hugo symbol
                          verb = 0 # Level of verbosity; 0 = minimal, 1 = informative, 2 = debugging
) {
  # Use upper case similar to ICGC's naming conventions, also map '-' into '_' as it is not a mathematical operator and is safer
  icgc_id <- base::gsub("-", "_", base::toupper(icgc_id))
  # Currently the studies from Canada, UK and France have enough samples & omics to fit to the package
  if (!icgc_id %in% c("PRAD_CA", "PRAD_FR", "PRAD_UK")) {
    stop("The queried ICGC study ought to be one of: 'PRAD_CA', 'PRAD_UK', or 'PRAD_FR'")
  # If provided, set to a custom temporary download directory
  if (!missing(file_directory)) here::set_here(file_directory)
  # At the time of writing, the latest public release is 28
  # The downloadable files depend on study and fixed URLs are listed here-in
  icgc_sets <- list(
    # Canada (Release 28 fixed reference, instead of 'current', for reproducibility)
    "PRAD_CA" = c(
    # France (Release 28 fixed reference, instead of 'current', for reproducibility)
    "PRAD_FR" = c(
    # United Kingdom (Release 28 fixed, instead of 'current', for reproducibility)
    "PRAD_UK" = c(
    # Possibly? (Early Onset Prostate Cancer, Germany)
  # Small internal function to assist with the downloads
  .icgcDownload <- function(url) {
    # Pick the filename from the end of the URL
    filename <- strsplit(url, "/")
    filename <- filename[[1]][[length(filename[[1]])]]
    # Download file into parsed *.tsv.gz
    utils::download.file(url = url, destfile = filename)
    # gunzip the files open
    GEOquery::gunzip(filename, overwrite = TRUE)
  # Loop over the list of urls, download and gunzip them
  files <- icgc_sets[[icgc_id]]
  # Select subset of files to download
  if (set == "clinical") { # Clinical data
    files <- grep("sample|donor|specimen", files, value = TRUE)
  } else if (set == "gex") { # Gene expression (array or sequencing)
    files <- grep("exp_array|exp_seq", files, value = TRUE)
  } else if (set == "cna") { # Copy number alterations
    files <- grep("copy_number_somatic_mutation", files, value = TRUE)
  } else if (set == "mut") { # Point mutations
    files <- grep("simple_somatic_mutation", files, value = TRUE)
  } else if (set == "met") { # Methylation
    files <- grep("meth_array", files, value = TRUE)
  } else if (set == "str") { # Larger structural aberrations
    files <- grep("structural_somatic_mutation", files, value = TRUE)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid parameter 'set'; should be one of: 'clinical, 'gex', 'cna', 'mut', 'met', or 'str'")
  # list apply the .icgcDownload-function to all eligible files
  files <- unlist(lapply(files, FUN = .icgcDownload))
  # Verbosity
  if (verb >= 1) print(paste("Files downloaded & extracted:", paste(files, collapse = ", ")))
  # Gunzip has extracted the compressed files, removing the suffix accordingly
  files <- gsub(".gz", "", files)
  # Pick an 'omics based on the requested 'omic' and process into a suitable data.frame or matrix
  if (set == "clinical") { # Clinical data
    # Main id file, should contain only simple file with prefix 'sample.*'
    ret <- read.table(grep("sample", files, value = TRUE), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # Other files to append:
    # donor.* contains multiple useful clinical features
    # donor_family.* possibly interesting family history related to cancer
    # Append useful donor.* -file contained information to the clinical data
    don <- read.table(grep("donor.", files, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ret <- cbind(ret, don[match(ret$icgc_donor_id, don$icgc_donor_id), ])
    # Append useful specimen.* -file containing information e.g. for gleason grade
    spe <- read.table(grep("specimen.", files, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ret <- cbind(ret, spe[match(ret$icgc_donor_id, spe$icgc_donor_id), ])
  } else if (set == "gex") { # Gene expression (array or sequencing)
    # In RNA-seq, use raw read counts and normalize them
    if (any(grepl("exp_seq", files))) {
      ret <- read.table(grep("exp_seq", files, value = TRUE), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, c("icgc_sample_id", "gene_id", "raw_read_count")]
      # In microarrays, need to use the prenormalized expression values
    } else if (any(grepl("exp_array", files))) {
      ret <- read.table(grep("exp_array", files, value = TRUE), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, c("icgc_sample_id", "gene_id", "normalized_expression_value")]
    } else {
      stop("Unknown gene expression file type")
    # Mapping of genes to hugo symbols is dependent on the dataset
    if (icgc_id == "PRAD_CA") {
      # Normalized expression values based on refseq gene ids, add hugo symbols
      ret$hgnc_symbol <- curatedPCaData_genes[match(ret$gene_id, curatedPCaData_genes$refseq_mrna), "hgnc_symbol"]
      # Remove entries for which gene_id or hgnc_symbol is missing
      ret <- ret[-which($gene_id) |$hgnc_symbol)), ]
      # Create a gex matrix of samples as columns and genes as rows
      genes <- sort(unique(ret$hgnc_symbol))
      genes <- genes[-which(genes == "")]
      samples <- unique(ret$icgc_sample_id)
      # Loop over samples, inner loop for mapping genes and then collapsing if multiple measurements exist for same hgnc symbol
      ret <-"cbind", by(ret,
        INDICES = ret$icgc_sample_id,
        FUN = function(x) {
          unlist(lapply(genes, FUN = function(z) {
            collapseFUN(x[match(z, x$hgnc_symbol), "normalized_expression_value"])
      rownames(ret) <- genes
    } else if (icgc_id == "PRAD_FR") {
      # Normalizing raw counts
  } else if (set == "cna") { # Copy number alterations
    ret <- read.table(grep("copy_number_somatic", files, value = TRUE), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, c("icgc_sample_id", "gene_affected", "mutation_type", "copy_number", "chromosome", "chromosome_start", "chromosome_end", "assembly_version")]
  } else if (set == "mut") { # Point mutations
    ret <- read.table(grep("simple_somatic_mutation", files, value = TRUE), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, c("icgc_sample_id", "gene_affected", "mutation_type", "chromosome", "chromosome_start", "chromosome_end", "assembly_version", "chromosome_strand", "reference_genome_allele", "mutated_from_allele", "mutated_to_allele", "quality_score", "consequence_type", "aa_mutation", "cds_mutation", "transcript_affected")]
  } else if (set == "met") { # Methylation
    ret <- read.table(grep("meth_array", files, , value = TRUE), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, c("icgc_sample_id")]
  } else if (set == "str") { # Larger structural aberrations
    ret <- read.table(grep("structural_somatic_mutation", files, value = TRUE), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, c("icgc_sample_id", "variant_type", "sv_id", "placement", "annotation", "interpreted_annotation", "chr_from", "chr_from_strand", "chr_from_range", "chr_from_flanking_seq", "chr_to", "chr_to_bkpt", "chr_to_strand", "chr_to_range", "chr_to_flanking_seq", "assembly_version", "gene_affected_by_bkpt_to", "gene_affected_by_bkpt_to", "transcript_affected_by_bkpt_from", "transcript_affected_by_bkpt_to", "bkpt_from_context", "bkpt_to_context", "gene_build_version", "platform")]

#' Roxygen topic for generate_xenabrowser
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
generate_xenabrowser <- function(
    id = "TCGA-PRAD", # Study ID (by expectation TCGA's Prostate Adenocarcinoma
    type = c("gex", "cna", "mut", "clinical"), # First instance of vector is used to determine what is extracted
    # Function for collapsing rows for identical gene symbols; separate for gene expression (GEX) or copy number alteration (CNA) data, as latter is rounded to integers in case of median giving out means between two mid-most samples
    collapse_fun_gex = function(z) {
      apply(z, MARGIN = 2, FUN = stats::median)
    collapse_fun_cna = function(z) {
      apply(z, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) {
        round(stats::median(x), 0)
    # If Sample IDs should be truncated down to Patient ID level (leave out last segment of the '-' or '.' separators)
    truncate = TRUE,
    # Number of digits to store for the data object; for large matrices this may be required to stay beneath 100 MB, or to get rid of insignificant digits
    # If intermediate files ought to be removed
    cleanup = TRUE,
    ...) {
  # Small internal function to assist with the downloads from
  .xenabrowserDownload <- function(url, gz = TRUE) {
    # Pick the filename from the end of the URL
    filename <- strsplit(url, "/")
    filename <- filename[[1]][[length(filename[[1]])]]
    # Download file into parsed *.tsv.gz
    utils::download.file(url = url, destfile = filename)
    # if .gz, gunzip the files open
    if (gz) GEOquery::gunzip(filename, overwrite = TRUE)
    gsub(".gz", "", filename)
  harmonize_matrix <- function(matrix) {
    # if the gene names dont match the hgnc_symbols column, create a seperate matrix called no_match with those rownames
    no_match <- matrix[, curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol)), ]
    no_match <-
    # if the gene names match the hgnc_symbols column, create a seperate matrix called match with those rownames
    match <- matrix[!, curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol)), ]
    match <-

    # Replace any "." in gene names with "-" since that is how the curatedpcadata_genes dictionary has them
    rownames(match) <- gsub("\\.", "-", rownames(match))
    rownames(no_match) <- gsub("\\.", "-", rownames(no_match))

    vector <- rownames(no_match)
    vector <- gsub("\\?.*", NA, vector)
    vector <- vector[!]
    symbols <- vector()

    no_match <- no_match[vector, ]

    # For those genes with no match try matching it to the aliase column and pull the hgnc_symbol associated with it.
    original_gene <- vector()
    # curatedPCaData_genes<-curatedPCaData_genes

    for (i in 1:length(vector)) {
      # match_name genes to the aliases column in the curatedpcadata dictionary
      match_name <- curatedPCaData_genes[grep(paste0("(?<![^;])", vector[i], "(?![^;])"), curatedPCaData_genes$Aliases, value = FALSE, perl = TRUE), "hgnc_symbol"]
      # Assign NAs to the ones that had no match_name
      match_name[length(match_name) == 0] <- NA
      # Store data with duplicates
      orig2 <- replicate(length(match_name), vector[i])
      original_gene <- c(original_gene, orig2)
      symbols <- c(symbols, match_name)

    # create a dictionary/df with the aliases and the associated hgnc_symbol
    no_match_dict <- data.frame(original_gene = original_gene, mapped_gene = symbols)
    # Remove those aliases that did not map to any hgnc_symbol
    no_match_dict2 <- no_match_dict[!$mapped_gene), ]
    # Remove duplicates in the mapped hgnc symbols
    no_match_dict3 <- no_match_dict2[!duplicated(no_match_dict2$mapped_gene), ]

    # check which aliase is duplicated(ie maps to multiple hgnc symbols)
    dup <- no_match_dict3[duplicated(no_match_dict3$original_gene), ]
    dup_vector <- dup[!duplicated(dup$original_gene), ]$original_gene

    # Keep only those aliases that have a one to one mapping
    remove_dup <- no_match_dict3[!(no_match_dict3$original_gene %in% dup_vector), ]

    # create a vector by matching aliases to the new df
    final_map <- vector()

    for (i in 1:length(vector)) {
      if (vector[i] %in% remove_dup$original_gene) {
        map <- remove_dup$mapped_gene[which(vector[i] == remove_dup$original_gene)]
        final_map <- c(final_map, map)
      } else {
        map <- NA
        final_map <- c(final_map, map)

    no_match <- no_match[!, ]
    final_map <- final_map[!]

    rownames(no_match) <- final_map

    # For those that match just pull hgnc_symbols directly
    symbols2 <- curatedPCaData_genes[match(rownames(match), curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol), "hgnc_symbol"]

    match <- match[!, ]
    symbols2 <- symbols2[!]

    rownames(match) <- symbols2

    # Combine the match and no_match matrices
    final_matrix <- rbind(match, no_match)
    # Replace "-" in colnames with "."
    colnames(final_matrix) <- gsub("-", ".", colnames(final_matrix))
    # Remove rows with all NAs
    final_matrix <- final_matrix[rowSums( != ncol(final_matrix), ]


  harmonize_raggedexp <- function(ragexp2) {
    no_match <- ragexp2[, curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol)), ]
    match <- ragexp2[!, curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol)), ]

    rownames(match) <- gsub("\\.", "-", rownames(match))
    rownames(no_match) <- gsub("\\.", "-", rownames(no_match))

    vector <- rownames(no_match)
    symbols <- vector()

    # curatedPCaData_genes<-curatedPCaData_genes
    # For those genes with no match try matching it to the aliase column and pull the hgnc_symbol associated with it.
    # Match just the first gene and store it in a vector
    # Do the aliase match for the rest of the genes and append it to the vector called symbols
    original_gene <- vector()

    for (i in 1:length(vector)) {
      # match_name genes to the aliases column in the curatedpcadata dictionary
      match_name <- curatedPCaData_genes[grep(paste0("(?<![^;])", vector[i], "(?![^;])"), curatedPCaData_genes$Aliases, value = FALSE, perl = TRUE), "hgnc_symbol"]
      # Assign NAs to the ones that had no match_name
      match_name[length(match_name) == 0] <- NA
      # Store data with duplicates
      orig2 <- replicate(length(match_name), vector[i])
      original_gene <- c(original_gene, orig2)
      symbols <- c(symbols, match_name)

    # create a dictionary/df with the aliases and the associated hgnc_symbol
    no_match_dict <- data.frame(original_gene = original_gene, mapped_gene = symbols)
    # Remove those aliases that did not map to any hgnc_symbol
    no_match_dict2 <- no_match_dict[!$mapped_gene), ]
    # Remove duplicates in the mapped hgnc symbols
    no_match_dict3 <- no_match_dict2[!duplicated(no_match_dict2$mapped_gene), ]

    # check which aliase is duplicated(ie maps to multiple hgnc symbols)
    dup <- no_match_dict3[duplicated(no_match_dict3$original_gene), ]
    dup_vector <- dup[!duplicated(dup$original_gene), ]$original_gene

    # Keep only those aliases that have a one to one mapping
    remove_dup <- no_match_dict3[!(no_match_dict3$original_gene %in% dup_vector), ]

    # create a vector by matching aliases to the new df
    final_map <- vector()

    for (i in 1:length(vector)) {
      if (vector[i] %in% remove_dup$original_gene) {
        map <- remove_dup$mapped_gene[which(vector[i] == remove_dup$original_gene)]
        final_map <- c(final_map, map)
      } else {
        map <- NA
        final_map <- c(final_map, map)

    no_match <- no_match[!, ]
    final_map <- final_map[!]

    rownames(no_match) <- final_map

    # For those that match just pull hgnc_symbols directly
    symbols2 <- curatedPCaData_genes[match(rownames(match), curatedPCaData_genes$hgnc_symbol), "hgnc_symbol"]

    match <- match[!, ]
    symbols2 <- symbols2[!]

    rownames(match) <- symbols2

    # Combine the match and no_match matrices
    match_df <- match@assays
    match_df <- unlist(match_df)
    match_df <- data.frame(match_df, names = names(match_df))
    # match_df<-match_df[,c(1:3,46,4:45)]

    no_match_df <- no_match@assays
    no_match_df <- unlist(no_match_df)
    no_match_df <- data.frame(no_match_df, names = names(no_match_df))
    # no_match_df<-no_match_df[,c(1:3,46,4:45)]

    final <- rbind(match_df, no_match_df)
    final$NCBI_Build <- "GRCh38"

    final$sample <- sub("^(.*)[.].*", "\\1", final$names)
    final$gene <- sub(".*\\.", "", final$names)
    final <- final[, -which(names(final) %in% "names")]

    GRL <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(final,
      split.field = "sample",
      names.field = "gene", keep.extra.columns = TRUE
    GenomeInfoDb::genome(GRL) <- "GRCh38"
    ragexp_final <- RaggedExperiment::RaggedExperiment(GRL)

    # final_matrix= c(rowRanges(match),rowRanges(no_match))
  # Cases (typically TCGA-PRAD)
  if (id == "TCGA-PRAD") {
    # Release Mid 2019ish
    urls <- list(
      "rsem.log" = "",
      "gistic" = "",
      "mc3" = "",
      "phenotype" = "",
      "os" = ""
    # Gene expression
    if (type == "gex") {
      # Download the FPKM-UQ values processed via HTSeq
      file <- .xenabrowserDownload(urls[["rsem.log"]])
      dat <- read.table(file, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
      dat <- harmonize_matrix(dat)

      # If column names should truncate last segment (sample -> patient id level truncation)
      if (truncate >= 1) {
        print("Truncating to 3 dot-separated names...")
        # Remove fourth element separated by '.'
        colnames(dat) <- unlist(lapply(colnames(dat), FUN = function(x) {
          paste(strsplit(x, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1:3], collapse = ".")
        # Lesser truncation with suffix '.01A' -> '.01' as in cBio
      } else if (truncate >= 0) {
        print("Substituting '.01A|.01B' with '.01' ...")
        # Sub '.01A" with the default ".01"
        colnames(dat) <- gsub(".01A|.01B", ".01", colnames(dat))
      # Low quality RNA samples omitted
      # Utilize additional information of low quality samples from pathology review and RNA degradation
      # Samples excluded in pathology review
      PathReview <- c(
      # Samples indicated to suffer from RNA degradation
      RNAdegrade <- c(
        "TCGA-G9-6496-11A-01R-1789-07", # Normal sample
        "TCGA-G9-6362-11A-01R-1789-07", # Normal sample
        "TCGA-G9-6348-11A-01R-1789-07" # Normal sample
      # Substituting '-' with '.' due to R's variable name conventions
      PathReview <- paste(gsub("-", ".", PathReview), ".01", sep = "") # All pathology review samples with low quality ended in .01
      RNAdegrade <- gsub("-", ".", RNAdegrade)
      RNAdegrade <- gsub(".01A", ".01", substr(RNAdegrade, start = 0, stop = 16))
      # Exclusion of low quality samples (3 normals, after the larger data was subset to provisional tumor samples)
      dat <- dat[, which(!colnames(dat) %in% c(PathReview, RNAdegrade))]
      # Alphabetic ordering
      dat <- dat[order(rownames(dat)), ]
      # Copy number alterations (discretized by GISTIC)
    } else if (type == "cna") {
      # Download the copy number alteration values processed via GISTIC
      file <- .xenabrowserDownload(urls[["gistic"]])
      dat <- read.table(file, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
      dat <- harmonize_matrix(dat)
      # If column names should truncate last segment (sample -> patient id level truncation)
      if (truncate >= 1) {
        print("Truncating to 3 dot-separated names...")
        # Remove fourth element separated by '.'
        colnames(dat) <- unlist(lapply(colnames(dat), FUN = function(x) {
          paste(strsplit(x, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1:3], collapse = ".")
        # Lesser truncation with suffix '.01A' -> '.01' as in cBio
      } else if (truncate >= 0) {
        print("Substituting '.01A|.01B' with '.01' ...")
        # Sub '.01A" with the default ".01"
        colnames(dat) <- gsub(".01A|.01B", ".01", colnames(dat))
      # Alphabetic ordering
      dat <- dat[order(rownames(dat)), ]
      # Small mutations (SNV / INDELs called by Mutect2)
    } else if (type == "mut") {
      # Download the MuTect2 somatic mutation calls
      file <- .xenabrowserDownload(urls[["mc3"]])
      # Suitable for RaggedExperiment style data storage
      dat <- read.table(file, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, quote = "<")

      # UCSCXenaTools::XenaGenerate(subset = XenaHostNames=="tcgaHub") %>%
      #   XenaFilter(filterDatasets = "PRAD")%>% XenaFilter(filterDatasets = "PRAD_mc3.txt") -> df_todo
      # XenaQuery(df_todo) %>%
      #   XenaDownload() -> xe_download
      # dat<-XenaPrepare(xe_download)

      # if(cleanup) file.remove(file)
      tcga_mut <- dat[, c(2:4, 1, 5:12)]
      colnames(tcga_mut)[1:3] <- c("seqnames", "start", "end")
      tcga_mut$sample <- gsub("-", ".", tcga_mut$sample)
      tcga_mut$sample <- gsub("01A", "01", tcga_mut$sample)
      names(tcga_mut)[names(tcga_mut) == "effect"] <- "Variant_Classification"
      # Add tumor and normal sample barcodes
      prof <- cBioPortalData::cBioDataPack("prad_tcga", ask = FALSE)
      ragexp <- prof[["mutations"]]

      ragexp_df <- ragexp@assays
      ragexp_df <- unlist(ragexp_df)
      ragexp_df <- data.frame(ragexp_df, names = names(ragexp_df))

      ragexp_df$sample <- sub("\\..*", "", ragexp_df$names)
      ragexp_df$gene <- gsub("^.*?\\.", "", ragexp_df$names)

      ragexp_df$Tumor_sample_barcode <- ragexp_df$sample
      ragexp_df$sample <- gsub("-", ".", ragexp_df$sample)

      ragexp_df <- ragexp_df[, c("sample", "Tumor_sample_barcode", "Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode")]
      ragexp_df <- ragexp_df[!duplicated(ragexp_df$sample), ]

      merged <- merge(tcga_mut, ragexp_df, by = "sample")
      # a=subset(tcga_mut, Sample_ID %in% colnames(mae_tcga[["gex.fpkm"]]))
      GRL <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(merged,
        split.field = "sample",
        names.field = "gene", keep.extra.columns = TRUE
      ragexp_tcga <- RaggedExperiment::RaggedExperiment(GRL)

      # Liftover from hg19 to hg38
      ch <- rtracklayer::import.chain("./data-raw/hg19ToHg38.over.chain")
      names(ch) <- gsub("chr", "", names(ch))
      ranges <- rtracklayer::liftOver(rowRanges(ragexp_tcga), ch)
      ragexp2 <- ragexp_tcga[as.logical(lengths(ranges))]
      ranges <- unlist(ranges)
      GenomeInfoDb::genome(ranges) <- "GRCh38"
      rowRanges(ragexp2) <- ranges

      # Harmonize gene names
      final_ragexp <- harmonize_raggedexp(ragexp2)
      # Clinical data matrix construction
    } else if (type == "clinical") {
      # Generic phenotype information
      file <- .xenabrowserDownload(urls[["phenotype"]], gz = FALSE)
      phenotype <- read.table(file, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1, quote = "#")
      if (cleanup) file.remove(file)
      # Overall Survival
      file <- .xenabrowserDownload(urls[["os"]], gz = FALSE)
      os <- read.table(file, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1, quote = "#")
      if (cleanup) file.remove(file)
      # Combine the two
      dat <- cbind(phenotype, os[match(rownames(phenotype), rownames(os)), ])
      # .11A are healthy samples (GEX)
      # rownames(dat) <- gsub(".01A|.11A|01B", "", gsub("-", ".", rownames(dat)))
      # Unknown data type
    } else {
      stop(paste("Invalid query type for xenabrowser:", type))
  # Round to certain digits if requested
  if (!missing(digits)) dat <- round(dat, digits)
  # Return the processed dat
Syksy/curatedPCaData documentation built on June 3, 2024, 3:10 a.m.