
Defines functions parseMemeBranchResults replaceWithOriginalInFigTree mrBayesProteinTreeFromMixedMSA mrBayesTreeFromMixedMSA mrBayesCdsTree mrBayesProteinTree inferExpectedFalsePositiveRate readFubarTable addGeneIdsCols2OrthologsKaKsTable addGeneIdsCols2HomologsKaKsTable readKaKsCalculatorOutput foregroundNodes removeDuplicatedInversePairs writeAxt axt testGetPairsFromDistForIndices getPairsFromDistForIndices axtForSelectedDistances KaKsStatistics tree4Busted removeNodeLabelsAndBranchLengths

Documented in addGeneIdsCols2HomologsKaKsTable addGeneIdsCols2OrthologsKaKsTable axt axtForSelectedDistances foregroundNodes getPairsFromDistForIndices inferExpectedFalsePositiveRate KaKsStatistics mrBayesCdsTree mrBayesProteinTree mrBayesProteinTreeFromMixedMSA mrBayesTreeFromMixedMSA parseMemeBranchResults readFubarTable readKaKsCalculatorOutput removeDuplicatedInversePairs removeNodeLabelsAndBranchLengths replaceWithOriginalInFigTree testGetPairsFromDistForIndices tree4Busted writeAxt

#' Brew template to generate a family's BranchREL input file
#' @export
hyphy.branch.site.bf <- "inputRedirect = {};\ninputRedirect[\"01\"]=\"Universal\";\ninputRedirect[\"02\"]=\"Yes\";\ninputRedirect[\"03\"]=\"Yes\";\ninputRedirect[\"04\"]=\"<%= fam.cds.msa.path %>\";\ninputRedirect[\"05\"]=\"<%= fam.tree.4.paml.path %>\";\ninputRedirect[\"06\"]=\"<%= fam.hyphy.branch.site.output.path %>\";\n\nExecuteAFile (\"<%= hyphy.batch.files.dir %>/BranchSiteREL.bf\", inputRedirect);"

#' Brew template to generate a family's MEME input file
#' @export
hyphy.meme.bf <- "inputRedirect = {};\ninputRedirect[\"01\"]=\"Universal\";\ninputRedirect[\"02\"]=\"New Analysis\";\ninputRedirect[\"03\"]=\"<%= fam.cds.msa.path %>\";\ninputRedirect[\"04\"]=\"Custom\";\ninputRedirect[\"05\"]=\"110240\";\ninputRedirect[\"06\"]=\"<%= fam.tree.no.node.labels.path %>\";\ninputRedirect[\"07\"]=\"<%= fam.hyphy.meme.log.path %>\";\ninputRedirect[\"08\"]=\"Estimate dN/dS only\";\ninputRedirect[\"09\"]=\"MEME\";\ninputRedirect[\"10\"]=\"0.1\";\ninputRedirect[\"11\"]=\"N\";\ninputRedirect[\"12\"]=\"<%= fam.hyphy.meme.output.path %>\";\n\nExecuteAFile (\"<%= hyphy.batch.files.dir %>/QuickSelectionDetection.bf\", inputRedirect);"

#' Brew template to generate a family's FUBAR input file
#' @export
hyphy.fubar.bf <- "inputRedirect = {};\ninputRedirect[\"01\"]=\"Universal\";\ninputRedirect[\"02\"]=\"1\";\ninputRedirect[\"03\"]=\"<%= fam.cds.msa.path %>\";\ninputRedirect[\"04\"]=\"<%= fam.tree.no.node.lables.path %>\";\ninputRedirect[\"05\"]=\"20\";\ninputRedirect[\"06\"]=\"5\";\ninputRedirect[\"07\"]=\"2000000\";\ninputRedirect[\"08\"]=\"1000000\";\ninputRedirect[\"09\"]=\"100\";\ninputRedirect[\"10\"]=\"0.5\";\ninputRedirect[\"11\"]=\"<%= fam.hyphy.fubar.output.path %>\";\n\nExecuteAFile (\"<%= hyphy.batch.files.dir %>/FUBAR.bf\", inputRedirect);"

#' Brew template to generate a family's BUSTED input file
#' @export
hyphy.busted.bf <- "inputRedirect = {};\ninputRedirect[\"01\"]=\"Universal\";\ninputRedirect[\"02\"]=\"<%= fam.cds.msa.nexus.path %>\";\ninputRedirect[\"03\"]=\"<%= fam.hyphy.busted.tree.path %>\";\ninputRedirect[\"04\"]=\"Set TEST\";\ninputRedirect[\"05\"]=\"\";\n\nExecuteAFile (\"<%= hyphy.batch.files.dir %>/BUSTED.bf\", inputRedirect);"

#' Brew template to generate a protein group's Mr Bayes input file
#' @export
mr.bayes.prot.tree <- "\nbegin mrbayes;\nlog start filename=<%= mr.bayes.log.file %> replace;\nprset aamodelpr=fixed(wag);\nlset rates=invgamma Ngammacat=4;\nset autoclose=yes;\nmcmc ngen=20000 printfreq=500 samplefreq=10\nnchains=<%= mr.bayes.n.chains %> savebrlens=yes starttree=random\nfilename=<%= mr.bayes.out.file %>;\nsumt filename=<%= mr.bayes.out.file %> burnin=1000 showtreeprobs=yes\ncontype=allcompat Conformat=Simple;\nquit;\nend;\n"

#' Brew template to generate a protein group's Mr Bayes input file using
#' additional e.g. morphological knowledge
#' @export
mr.bayes.mixed.prot.tree <- "\nbegin mrbayes;\n<% for (x in names(mr.bayes.char.sets)) { %>\n<% y <- mr.bayes.char.sets[[x]] %>\ncharset <%= x %> = <%= y[[1]] %> - <%= y[[2]] %>;\n<% } %>\npartition favored = <%= length(mr.bayes.char.sets) %>: <%= paste( names( mr.bayes.char.sets ), collapse=\", \" ) %>;\nset partition = favored;\n\nlog start filename=<%= mr.bayes.log.file %> replace;\nprset aamodelpr=fixed(wag);\nlset rates=invgamma Ngammacat=4;\nset autoclose=yes;\nmcmc ngen=20000 printfreq=500 samplefreq=10\nnchains=<%= mr.bayes.n.chains %> savebrlens=yes starttree=random\nfilename=<%= mr.bayes.out.file %>;\nsumt filename=<%= mr.bayes.out.file %> burnin=1000 showtreeprobs=yes\ncontype=allcompat Conformat=Simple;\nquit;\nend;\n"

#' Brew template to generate a coding sequences group's Mr Bayes input file
#' using additional e.g. morphological knowledge
#' @export
mr.bayes.mixed.cds.tree <- "\nbegin mrbayes;\n<% for (x in names(mr.bayes.char.sets)) { %>\n<% y <- mr.bayes.char.sets[[x]] %>\ncharset <%= x %> = <%= y[[1]] %> - <%= y[[2]] %>;\n<% } %>\npartition favored = <%= length(mr.bayes.char.sets) %>: <%= paste( names( mr.bayes.char.sets ), collapse=\", \" ) %>;\nset partition = favored;\n\nlog start filename=<%= mr.bayes.log.file %> replace;\nlset nst=6 rates=invgamma Nucmodel=Codon;\nset autoclose=yes;\nmcmc ngen=20000 printfreq=500 samplefreq=10\nnchains=<%= mr.bayes.n.chains %> savebrlens=yes starttree=random\nfilename=<%= mr.bayes.out.file %>;\nsumt filename=<%= mr.bayes.out.file %> burnin=1000 showtreeprobs=yes\ncontype=allcompat Conformat=Simple;\nquit;\nend;\n"

#' Brew template to generate an Mr Bayes input file for a multiple alignment of
#' Coding Sequences (CDS MSA).
#' @export
mr.bayes.cds.tree <- "\nbegin mrbayes;\nlog start filename=<%= mr.bayes.log.file %> replace;\nlset nst=6 rates=invgamma Nucmodel=Codon;\nset autoclose=yes;\nmcmc ngen=20000 printfreq=500 samplefreq=10\nnchains=<%= mr.bayes.n.chains %> savebrlens=yes starttree=random\nfilename=<%= mr.bayes.out.file %>;\nsumt filename=<%= mr.bayes.out.file %> burnin=1000 showtreeprobs=yes\ncontype=allcompat Conformat=Simple;\nquit;\nend;\n"

#' Removes node labels and branch lengths from instance of ape::phylo
#' @param phyl.tree instance of class ape::phylo
#' @return A copy of 'phyl.tree' without branch length and without node labels
#' @export
removeNodeLabelsAndBranchLengths <- function(phyl.tree) {
    phyl.tree$node.label <- NULL
    phyl.tree$edge.length <- NULL

#' Annotates a phylogenetic tree in such amanner that foreground branches are
#' recognized by HYPHY's BUSTED analysis.
#' @param phylo.tree an instance of class ape::phylo
#' @param foreground.nodes integer vector holding the nodes that are selected
#' as foreground
#' @export
#' @return A BUSTED annotated copy of 'phylo.tree'
tree4Busted <- function(phylo.tree, foreground.nodes) {
    if (!is.null(foreground.nodes) && length(foreground.nodes) > 
        0) {
        #' Mark foreground tips / leaves:
        fg.tips <- intersect(1:length(phylo.tree$tip.label), 
        if (!is.null(fg.tips) && length(fg.tips) > 0) 
            phylo.tree$tip.label[fg.tips] <- paste(phylo.tree$tip.label[fg.tips], 
                "{TEST}", sep = "")
        #' Mark foreground inner nodes:
        fg.in.nds <- which(1:phylo.tree$Nnode %in% (foreground.nodes - 
        phylo.tree$node.label <- character(length(phylo.tree$node.label))
        if (!is.null(fg.in.nds) && length(fg.in.nds) > 0) 
            phylo.tree$node.label[fg.in.nds] <- "{TEST}"

#' Uses KaKs_Calculator for selected pairs of aligned coding sequences to infer
#' Ka and Ks values among other measures. The pairs that are selected are
#' individuated by \code{GeneFamilies::axtForSelectedDistances}.
#' @param cds.msa The result of invoking \code{seqinr::read.alignment}
#' representing the multiple alignment of coding sequences.
#' @param gene.group.name A string representing the name of the gene group for
#' which the argument \code{cds.msa} was generated.
#' @param background.genes A character vector or \code{NULL} specifying a
#' subset of the genes in argument \code{cds.msa}. If such a background is
#' specified sequence based distances are only considered for pairs of genes
#' where one member is taken from the background and the other from the
#' non-background (foreground) subsets. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param w.dir The directory in which to store input and output files with
#' which the KaKs_Calculator is invoked. Default is \code{tempdir()}.
#' @param ka.ks.calculator.path The file path under which to find the
#' KaKs_Calculator executable. Default is
#' \code{getOption('GeneFamilies.ka.ks.calculator.path',
#' file.path(path.package('GeneFamilies'), 'KaKs_Calculator'))}.
#' @param ka.ks.calculator.model A string used as a command line argument for
#' the \code{-m} switch of KaKs_Calculator. This argument defines the evolution
#' model to be used. Default is
#' \code{getOption('GeneFamilies.ka.ks.calculator.model', 'GY')}.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{base::read.table} used to
#' read in the table written out by KaKs_Calculator.
#' @export
#' @return An instance of \code{base::data.frame} the read in tabular result of
#' invoking KaKs_Calculator using the \code{system} function. There is a
#' strange behavior of KaKs_Calculator, sometimes it write out a header line to
#' its result table, when e.g. using model \code{GY}, and sometimes it does
#' not, when using the newer models like \code{GMYN}. The result read in here
#' is assuming NO header line. To get your desired results look for the
#' appropriate row-name in the first column. To pass argument \code{header =
#' TRUE} to \code{base::read.table} use the \code{...} argument.
KaKsStatistics <- function(cds.msa, gene.group.name, background.genes = NULL, 
    w.dir = tempdir(), ka.ks.calculator.path = getOption("GeneFamilies.ka.ks.calculator.path", 
        file.path(path.package("GeneFamilies"), "KaKs_Calculator")), 
    ka.ks.calculator.model = getOption("GeneFamilies.ka.ks.calculator.model", 
        "GY"), ...) {
    gene.group.axt <- file.path(w.dir, paste0(gene.group.name, 
    writeAxt(axtForSelectedDistances(cds.msa, background.genes), 
    gene.group.ka.ks.calc.res <- file.path(w.dir, paste0(gene.group.name, 
    system(paste(ka.ks.calculator.path, "-i", gene.group.axt, 
        "-o", gene.group.ka.ks.calc.res, "-m", ka.ks.calculator.model))
    read.table(gene.group.ka.ks.calc.res, sep = "\t", comment.char = "", 
        quote = "", na.strings = "NA", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ...)

#' Extracts pairs of genes from a CDS multiple sequence alignment. The ones
#' extracted are identified by computing all pairwise sequence based distances
#' from the multiple sequence alignment. Then those pairs representing the
#' argument statistics, e.g. 'min', 'mean', 'median', and 'max' are used to
#' generate the axt file for subsequent analysis with KaKs_Calculator
#' (https://sourceforge.net/projects/kakscalculator2/).
#' @param cds.msa The result of invoking \code{seqinr::read.alignment}
#' representing the multiple alignment of coding sequences.
#' @param background.genes A character vector or \code{NULL} specifying a
#' subset of the genes in argument \code{cds.msa}. If such a background is
#' specified sequence based distances are only considered for pairs of genes
#' where one member is taken from the background and the other from the
#' non-background (foreground) subsets. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param dist.stats A character vector holding the names of the statistics
#' functions that are to be matched with the respective pairwise sequence based
#' distances. Default is \code{getOption('GeneFamilies.cds.msa.dist.stats',
#' c('min', 'median', 'mean', 'max'))}.
#' @return A named list. Names are those of argument \code{dist.stats}. These
#' names can be concatonated with the letter '&' if a pair of genes fulfills
#' the criterion of various statistics. Values are the gene pairs themselfes.
#' Returns \code{NA} if and only if no numeric finite non-NA sequence based
#' pairwise distances could be obtained from the multiple alignment.
#' @export
axtForSelectedDistances <- function(cds.msa, background.genes = NULL, 
    dist.stats = getOption("GeneFamilies.cds.msa.dist.stats", 
        c("min", "median", "mean", "max"))) {
    dist.msa <- dist.alignment(cds.msa)
    num.dists <- if (length(background.genes) == 0 || all(is.na(background.genes))) {
    } else {
        all.pairs <- getPairsFromDistForIndices(1:length(dist.msa), 
        ap.i <- which(all.pairs[, 1] %in% background.genes & 
            !all.pairs[, 2] %in% background.genes | !all.pairs[, 
            1] %in% background.genes & all.pairs[, 2] %in% background.genes)
    num.dists.valid <- num.dists[which(!is.na(num.dists) & is.finite(num.dists))]
    dist.stats.vals <- setNames(lapply(dist.stats, function(s) get(s)(num.dists.valid)), 
    dsv.i <- which(!is.na(dist.stats.vals) & !is.null(dist.stats.vals))
    if (length(dsv.i) > 0) {
        axt.lst <- list()
        for (dist.i in unique(dist.stats.vals[dsv.i])) {
            i <- which(dist.stats.vals == dist.i)
            stat.i <- paste(names(dist.stats.vals)[i], collapse = "&")
            gene.pair <- getPairsFromDistForIndices(which.min(abs(dist.msa - 
                dist.i)), dist.msa)[1, ]
            axt.lst[[stat.i]] <- cds.msa$seq[which(cds.msa$nam %in% 
    } else NA

#' Identifies the pairs that match the argument indices \code{k} in the
#' argument \code{dist.obj}. E.g. you might want to know which pairs have
#' maximum distance: \code{getPairsFromDistForIndices(which(x.dist ==
#' max(x.dist)), x.dist)} will help you out. Code taken from this post:
#' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39005958/r-how-to-get-row-column-subscripts-of-matched-elements-from-a-distance-matri
#' @param k an integer vector holding the indices for which to identify the
#' pairs.
#' @param dist.obj An instance of \code{base::dist} that holds the distances
#' and labels from which to extract the pairs.
#' @export
#' @return An instance of \code{base::matrix} with two columns in which each
#' row holds a pair. Cells can be \code{NA} if the argument indices were not
#' valid.
getPairsFromDistForIndices <- function(k, dist.obj) {
    if (!inherits(dist.obj, "dist")) 
        stop("please provide a 'dist' object")
    d.labels <- attr(dist.obj, "Labels")
    n <- attr(dist.obj, "Size")
    valid <- (k >= 1) & (k <= n * (n - 1)/2)
    k.valid <- k[valid]
    j <- rep.int(NA_real_, length(k))
    j[valid] <- floor(((2 * n + 1) - sqrt((2 * n - 1)^2 - 8 * 
        (k.valid - 1)))/2)
    i <- j + k - (2 * n - j) * (j - 1)/2
    cbind(d.labels[j], d.labels[i])

#' Tests the function \code{getPairsFromDistForIndices}.
#' @export
#' @return \code{TRUE} if and only of all tests pass.
testGetPairsFromDistForIndices <- function() {
    x.d <- dist(setNames(1:3, LETTERS[1:3]))
    pair.1 <- cbind("A", "C")
    t.1 <- identical(pair.1, getPairsFromDistForIndices(which(x.d == 
        2), x.d))
    pairs.2 <- matrix(c("A", "B", "B", "C"), ncol = 2)
    t.2 <- identical(pairs.2, getPairsFromDistForIndices(which(x.d == 
        1), x.d))
    t.3 <- identical(matrix(rep(NA_character_, 2), ncol = 2), 
        getPairsFromDistForIndices(4, x.d))
    all(c(t.1, t.2, t.3))

#' Extracts pairs of genes from a CDS multiple sequence alignment.
#' @param cds.msa an instance of Biostrings::DNAStringSet representing the
#' multiple alignment of coding sequences.
#' @param anchor.gene the gene identifier for which to build pairs with the
#' other genes present in 'cds.msa'.
#' @return A named list. Names are the non anchor gene identifier that are
#' paired with the anchor gene. Values are the gene pairs themselfes.
#' @export
axt <- function(cds.msa, anchor.gene) {
    anchor.cds <- toString(cds.msa[[anchor.gene]])
    other.genes <- setdiff(names(cds.msa), anchor.gene)
    setNames(lapply(other.genes, function(x) {
        list(anchor.cds, toString(cds.msa[[x]]))
    }), other.genes)

#' Writes pairwise aligned sequences to a file of AXT format for Ka/Ks
#' calculation.
#' @param axt a named list as returned from function 'axt(...)'
#' @param axt.path the valid file path indicating the output AXT file to
#' generate
#' @return the result of calling readLines 
#' @export
writeAxt <- function(axt, axt.path) {
    axt.lines <- paste(as.character(unlist(lapply(names(axt), 
        function(nm) {
            gene.pair <- axt[[nm]]
            paste(nm, gene.pair[[1]], gene.pair[[2]], sep = "\n")
        }))), collapse = "\n\n")
    writeLines(axt.lines, con = axt.path)

#' Identifies duplicated inverse pairs and discards them.
#' @param clst.hmlgs.list a named list in which for each pair member A is the
#' name and member B is the value
#' @param ret.as.list indicates whether to return the result as a list, subset
#' of the original 'clst.hmlgs.list', or as a character matrix of two columns one
#' column per member. For the latter option set 'ret.as.list' to FALSE.
#' @return The subset of pairs that are not inverse duplicates, either as list
#' or as character matrix.
#' @export
removeDuplicatedInversePairs <- function(clst.hmlgs.list, ret.as.list = TRUE) {
    srtd.pairs <- do.call("rbind", lapply(names(clst.hmlgs.list), 
        function(x) {
            sort(c(x, clst.hmlgs.list[[x]]))
    non.dupl.pairs <- srtd.pairs[!duplicated(srtd.pairs), , drop = FALSE]
    if (ret.as.list) 
        setNames(as.list(non.dupl.pairs[, 2]), non.dupl.pairs[, 
            1]) else non.dupl.pairs

#' Identifies those tip and inner nodes of the phylogenetic tree that span
#' subtrees whose tips are true subsets of the argument 'foreground.nodes'.
#' @param phylo.tr instance of ape::phylo representing a phylogenetic tree
#' @param foreground.nodes a vector of tip indices or tip labels that represent
#' candidate foreground tips.
#' @export
#' @return integer vector of inner node indices that span subtrees containing
#' only foreground tips merged with the argument 'foreground.nodes'
foregroundNodes <- function(phylo.tr, foreground.nodes) {
    #' If tip labels are passed as argument infer their index in the tree's nodes
    #' slot:
    if (inherits(foreground.nodes, "character")) 
        foreground.nodes <- which(phylo.tr$tip.label %in% foreground.nodes)
    #' Find those inner nodes that spawn subtrees whose tips are true subsets of
    #' 'foreground.nodes'
    in.nds <- setdiff(phylo.tr$edge[, 1], 1:length(phylo.tr$tip.label))
    in.nds.spawned <- setNames(lapply(in.nds, function(x) Descendants(phylo.tr, 
        x, type = "tips")[[1]]), in.nds)
    union(foreground.nodes, as.integer(names(in.nds.spawned[as.logical(lapply(in.nds.spawned, 
        function(x) {
            length(setdiff(x, foreground.nodes)) == 0

#' Uses base::read.table to parse the output of 'KaKs_Calculator'.
#' @param path.2.KaKs.Calc.output the valid file path to the output table to be
#' parsed
#' @return An instance of base::data.frame with three columns: 'Sequence',
#' 'Ka.Ks', 'P.Value.Fisher.'
#' @export
readKaKsCalculatorOutput <- function(path.2.KaKs.Calc.output) {
    read.table(path.2.KaKs.Calc.output, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", 
        comment.char = "", quote = "", colClasses = c("character", 
            rep("NULL", 3), rep("numeric", 2), rep("NULL", 16)))

#' Extracts the gene pairs' identifiers from the 'Sequence' column of
#' 'hom.kaks.tbl' and replaces this column with the parse result.
#' @param hom.kaks.tbl the result of calling 'readKaKsCalculatorOutput(...)' on
#' the result file of KaKs_Calculator used on homologs, that were NOT conserved
#' orthologs.
#' @return A modified version of 'hom.kaks.tbl' in which the column 'Sequence'
#' is replaced with two columns 'gene.1' and 'gene.2'.
#' @export
addGeneIdsCols2HomologsKaKsTable <- function(hom.kaks.tbl) {
    x <- do.call("rbind", strsplit(hom.kaks.tbl$Sequence, "~"))
    colnames(x) <- c("gene.1", "gene.2")
    cbind(x, hom.kaks.tbl[, 2:3], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' Uses 'gene.1' as the first member of the orthologous gene pair and extracts
#' the gene identifier of the pairs second member from the 'Sequence' column of
#' 'orth.kaks.tbl' and replaces this column with the result.
#' @param orth.kaks.tbl the result of calling 'readKaKsCalculatorOutput(...)'
#' on the result file of KaKs_Calculator used on conserved orthologs.
#' @param gene.1 the identifier of the anchoring gene used within the currently
#' processed group of conserved orthologs.
#' @return A modified version of 'orth.kaks.tbl' in which the column 'Sequence'
#' is replaced with two columns 'gene.1' and 'gene.2'.
#' @export
addGeneIdsCols2OrthologsKaKsTable <- function(orth.kaks.tbl, 
    gene.1) {
    x <- data.frame(gene.1 = gene.1, gene.2 = orth.kaks.tbl$Sequence, 
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    cbind(x, orth.kaks.tbl[, 2:3], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' Parses a FUBAR output table for significant posterior probabilities of a
#' codon being subject to positive selection. If any codons fit the criteria, a
#' respective table is returned, otherwise \code{NULL} is returned.
#' @param path.2.fubar.csv a valid file path to the FUBAR csv file to parse
#' @param family.name A string indicating the name of the gene cluster (family)
#' subjected to the FUBAR analysis.
#' @param sign.post.prob The cutoff value the posterior probabilities have to
#' meet (\code{>=}) in order to be considered significant. Default is
#' \code{.9}.
#' @return An instance of base::data.frame holding the tabular FUBAR output
#' with just the following columns: 1. Codon, 2. Post.Prob, 3. BayesFactor, and
#' 4. family. \code{NULL} is returned if no codon matches the significance
#' criteria.
#' @export
readFubarTable <- function(path.2.fubar.csv, family.name, sign.post.prob = 0.9) {
    fubar.txt <- system(paste("awk -F \",\" '{if ( $5 >=", sign.post.prob, 
        ") print $1 \"\\t\" $5 \"\\t\" $7 }'", path.2.fubar.csv), 
        intern = TRUE)
    if (length(fubar.txt) > 1) {
        x <- read.table(text = fubar.txt, skip = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
            sep = "\t", comment.char = "", quote = "", colClasses = rep("numeric", 
        colnames(x) <- c("Codon", "Post.Prob", "BayesFactor")
        x$family <- family.name
    } else NULL

#' Translates the FUBAR reported expected absolute NUMBER of false positives
#' into a relative false positive rate for each family within which positively
#' selected codons have been identified.
#' @param fubar.tbl.res a named vector in which names are families and values
#' are data.frames of FUBAR results
#' @param fubar.expct.fls.pos.n named vector in which names are families and
#' values are the expected absolute number of false positives as reported by
#' @return A named vector in which names are families and values are relative
#' false positive rates per family. 
#' @export
inferExpectedFalsePositiveRate <- function(fubar.tbl.res, fubar.expct.fls.pos.n) {
        function(fam) {
        })), names(fubar.expct.fls.pos.n))

#' Generates a valid input file for Mr Bayes, which will generate a Bayesian
#' phylogeny from a multiple amino acid sequence alignment.
#' @param aa.msa an instance of Biostrings::AAStringSet representing the MSA
#' @param mr.bayes.dir a valid file path to the output directory in which to
#' store the Mr Bayes analysis related files
#' @param gene.group.name the name of the group of proteins to generate the
#' Bayesian tree for
#' @param mr.bayes.n.chains number of chains to use in Mr. Bayes, default is
#' 'mc.cores' or 4, if 'mc.cores' is not set.
#' @return NULL
#' @export
mrBayesProteinTree <- function(aa.msa, mr.bayes.dir, gene.group.name, 
    mr.bayes.n.chains = getOption("mc.cores", 4)) {
    mr.bayes.log.file <- paste(gene.group.name, "_mr_bayes_out.log", 
        sep = "")
    mr.bayes.out.file <- paste(gene.group.name, "_mr_bayes_out", 
        sep = "")
    gene.group.msa.nexus.path <- file.path(mr.bayes.dir, paste(gene.group.name, 
        "_AA_MSA.nex", sep = ""))
    write.nexus.data(as.list(aa.msa), gene.group.msa.nexus.path, 
        format = "PROTEIN")
    mr.bayes.inp.file <- file(gene.group.msa.nexus.path, "a")
    brew(text = mr.bayes.prot.tree, output = mr.bayes.inp.file)

#' Generates a valid input file for Mr Bayes, which will generate a Bayesian
#' phylogeny from a multiple coding sequence (codons) alignment.
#' @param cds.msa an instance of Biostrings::DNAStringSet representing the MSA
#' of coding sequences (CODONS)
#' @param mr.bayes.dir a valid file path to the output directory in which to
#' store the Mr Bayes analysis related files
#' @param gene.group.name the name of the group of proteins to generate the
#' Bayesian tree for
#' @param mr.bayes.n.chains number of chains to use in Mr. Bayes, default is
#' 'mc.cores' or 4, if 'mc.cores' is not set.
#' @return NULL
#' @export
mrBayesCdsTree <- function(cds.msa, mr.bayes.dir, gene.group.name, 
    mr.bayes.n.chains = getOption("mc.cores", 4)) {
    mr.bayes.log.file <- paste(gene.group.name, "_mr_bayes_out.log", 
        sep = "")
    mr.bayes.out.file <- paste(gene.group.name, "_mr_bayes_out", 
        sep = "")
    gene.group.msa.nexus.path <- file.path(mr.bayes.dir, paste(gene.group.name, 
        "_CDS_MSA.nex", sep = ""))
    write.nexus.data(as.list(cds.msa), gene.group.msa.nexus.path, 
        format = "dna")
    mr.bayes.inp.file <- file(gene.group.msa.nexus.path, "a")
    brew(text = mr.bayes.cds.tree, output = mr.bayes.inp.file)

#' Generates a valid input file for Mr Bayes, which will generate a Bayesian
#' phylogeny from a mixed multiple sequence alignment, e.g. CDS AND an alignment of
#' additional e.g. morphological data.
#' @param msa.lst A list of multiple sequence alignments, a mix of DNA and
#' Standard data
#' @param msa.types a character vector of the types of each MSA: DNA, Codon, or
#' Standard
#' @param mr.bayes.dir The file directory in which to store the output file
#' @param the name of the analysis. Will be the head of the file name holding
#' the input for Mr Bayes
#' @return NULL
#' @export
mrBayesTreeFromMixedMSA <- function(msa.lst, msa.types, mr.bayes.dir, 
    gene.group.name, mr.bayes.n.chains = getOption("mc.cores", 
        4)) {
    mr.bayes.log.file <- paste(gene.group.name, "_mr_bayes_out.log", 
        sep = "")
    mr.bayes.out.file <- paste(gene.group.name, "_mr_bayes_out", 
        sep = "")
    gene.group.msa.nexus.path <- file.path(mr.bayes.dir, paste(gene.group.name, 
        ".nex", sep = ""))
    gene.ids <- names(msa.lst[[1]])
    mixed.msa <- setNames(lapply(gene.ids, function(x) {
        paste(lapply(msa.lst, function(i.msa) toString(i.msa[[x]])), 
            collapse = "")
    }), gene.ids)
    write.nexus.data(mixed.msa, gene.group.msa.nexus.path, format = "dna")
    nchar.mix <- sum(unlist(lapply(msa.lst, function(x) nchar(x)[[1]])))
    mixed.nex <- readChar(gene.group.msa.nexus.path, file.info(gene.group.msa.nexus.path)$size)
    mixed.nex <- sub("NCHAR=1", paste("NCHAR=", nchar.mix, sep = ""), 
        mixed.nex, fixed = TRUE)
    n <- 1
    mixed.nex <- sub("DATATYPE=DNA", paste("DATATYPE=MIXED(", 
        paste(lapply(1:length(msa.types), function(i) {
            msa.len <- nchar(msa.lst[[i]])[[1]]
            msa.str <- paste(msa.types[[i]], ":", n, "-", msa.len + 
                (n - 1), sep = "")
            n <<- n + msa.len
        }), collapse = ","), ")", sep = ""), mixed.nex, fixed = TRUE)
    writeLines(toString(mixed.nex), gene.group.msa.nexus.path)
    n <- 1
    mr.bayes.char.sets <- setNames(lapply(msa.lst, function(x) {
        msa.lst <- list(n, nchar(x)[[1]] + (n - 1))
        n <<- n + nchar(x)[[1]]
    }), names(msa.lst))
    gene.group.msa.nexus.file <- file(gene.group.msa.nexus.path, 
    brew(text = mr.bayes.mixed.cds.tree, output = gene.group.msa.nexus.file)

#' Generates a valid input file for Mr Bayes, which will generate a Bayesian
#' phylogeny from a multiple amino acid sequence alignment AND an alignment of
#' additional e.g. morphological data.
#' @param aa.msa an instance of Biostrings::AAStringSet representing the MSA
#' @param extra.msa a mamed list of additional e.g. morphological data,
#' aligned. Names have to be identical with names of 'aa.msa'.
#' @param mr.bayes.dir a valid file path to the output directory in which to
#' store the Mr Bayes analysis related files
#' @param gene.group.name the name of the group of proteins to generate the
#' Bayesian tree for
#' @param mr.bayes.n.chains number of chains to use in Mr. Bayes, default is
#' 'mc.cores' or 4, if 'mc.cores' is not set.
#' @return NULL
#' @export
mrBayesProteinTreeFromMixedMSA <- function(aa.msa, extra.msa, 
    mr.bayes.dir, gene.group.name, mr.bayes.n.chains = getOption("mc.cores", 
        4)) {
    mr.bayes.log.file <- paste(gene.group.name, "_mr_bayes_out.log", 
        sep = "")
    mr.bayes.out.file <- paste(gene.group.name, "_mr_bayes_out", 
        sep = "")
    gene.group.msa.nexus.path <- file.path(mr.bayes.dir, paste(gene.group.name, 
        "_mixed_AA_extra_MSA.nex", sep = ""))
    mixed.msa <- setNames(lapply(names(aa.msa), function(x) {
        paste(toString(aa.msa[[x]]), extra.msa[[x]], sep = "")
    }), names(aa.msa))
    write.nexus.data(mixed.msa, gene.group.msa.nexus.path, format = "PROTEIN")
    nchar.aa <- unique(nchar(aa.msa))[[1]]
    nchar.extra <- unique(nchar(extra.msa))[[1]]
    mixed.nex <- readChar(gene.group.msa.nexus.path, file.info(gene.group.msa.nexus.path)$size)
    mixed.nex <- sub("NCHAR=1", paste("NCHAR=", (nchar.aa + nchar.extra), 
        sep = ""), mixed.nex, fixed = TRUE)
    mixed.nex <- sub("DATATYPE=PROTEIN", paste("DATATYPE=MIXED(PROTEIN:1-", 
        nchar.aa, ",Standard:", (nchar.aa + 1), "-", (nchar.aa + 
            nchar.extra), ")", sep = ""), mixed.nex, fixed = TRUE)
    writeLines(toString(mixed.nex), gene.group.msa.nexus.path)
    mr.bayes.char.sets <- list(aaseqs = list(1, nchar.aa), extra = list((1 + 
        nchar.aa), (nchar.aa + nchar.extra)))
    gene.group.msa.nexus.file <- file(gene.group.msa.nexus.path, 
    brew(text = mr.bayes.mixed.prot.tree, output = gene.group.msa.nexus.file)

#' Uses GNU sed to replace the sanitized gene identifiers with the original
#' ones in the Fig-Tree file - consensus tree generated by Mr. Bayes.
#' @param name.mappings data.frame with two columns 'original', and
#' 'sanitized', holding the pairs of original gene ID to sanitized gene ID.
#' @param path.2.fig.tree the valid file path to the tree file to process
#' @param path.2.fig.tree.orig the valid file path to the output file in which
#' the original gene identifiers are used. Must not be identical to
#' 'path.2.fig.tree'. Default is 'path.2.fig.tree' with its suffix '.con.tre'
#' modified to '_original_identifiers.con.tre'.
#' @return NULL
#' @export
replaceWithOriginalInFigTree <- function(name.mappings, path.2.fig.tree, 
    path.2.fig.tree.orig = sub(".con.tre", "_original_identifiers.con.tre", 
        path.2.fig.tree, fixed = TRUE)) {
    system(paste(c("sed", paste("-e 's/\\b", name.mappings$sanitized, 
        "\\b/", name.mappings$original, "/'", sep = ""), path.2.fig.tree, 
        ">", path.2.fig.tree.orig), collapse = " "))

#' Parses a HyPhy MEME branch result file to extract significant LEAVES with
#' codons showing signs of positive selection.
#' @param meme.file a valid file path to a MEME branch result file, e.g.
#' 'fam8119_hyphy_meme_output.txt.branches'
#' @param bayes.factor.sign.cutoff The numeric value above which to consider a
#' Bayes-Factor to be significant. Default is highly conservative and set to
#' 100 aka 'decisive'
#' @param fam.name.reg.exp The regular expression used within
#' \code{base::regexec(...)} to extract the gene family's name from the
#' \code{meme.file} argument
#' @return A data.frame with four columns: Family, Site, Branch, and
#' BayesianFactor, where the rows hold the significant results. NULL is
#' returned if no significant results were contained in \code{meme.file}.
#' @export
parseMemeBranchResults <- function(meme.file, bayes.factor.sign.cutoff = 100, 
    fam.name.reg.exp = "/(fam\\d+)/") {
    fam.name <- regmatches(meme.file, regexec(fam.name.reg.exp, 
    fam.dir <- sub(paste(fam.name, "_hyphy_meme_output.txt.branches", 
        sep = ""), "", meme.file, fixed = TRUE)
    meme.signif.branches <- system(paste("sed -e '1,2d'", meme.file, 
        "| awk -F \",\" '{ if($1 ~ /Site/ || $4 >", bayes.factor.sign.cutoff, 
        "&& $2 ~ /PROT/) { print $1 \"\\t\" $2 \"\\t\" $4 } }'"), 
        intern = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(meme.signif.branches) && !is.na(meme.signif.branches) && 
        length(meme.signif.branches) > 1) {
        fam.name.maps <- read.table(file.path(fam.dir, paste(fam.name, 
            "_name_mappings_table.txt", sep = "")), sep = "\t", 
            header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quote = "", 
            comment.char = "", na.strings = "", colClasses = rep("character", 
        x <- cbind(Family = fam.name, read.table(text = meme.signif.branches, 
            sep = "\t", quote = "", comment.char = "", na.strings = "", 
            colClasses = c("integer", "character", "numeric"), 
            header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
        x$Branch <- replaceWithOriginal(x$Branch, fam.name.maps)
    } else NULL
asishallab/GeneFamilies documentation built on May 22, 2023, 11:30 a.m.