Man pages for betsig/GeneStructureTools
Tools for spliced gene structure manipulation and analysis

addIntronInTranscriptAdd a retained intron to the transcripts it is skipped by
addSetsAdd set numbers to introns
alternativeIntronUsageCreate transcripts with alternative intron usage
alterTranscriptStartEndsFind transcripts overlapping first/last exons and alter their...
altIntronRmatsGenerate isoforms with and without a retain intron from RMATS...
altSpliceSiteRmatsGenerate isoforms with different 5' or 3' splice site usage...
annotateEventCoordsannotate event coordinates with exon/transcript/gene ids.
annotateGeneModelAnnotate a GRanges gene model with ORF boundries for...
annotateOverlapRmatsFind overlaps from a rmats GRanges to reference exons and...
attrChangeAltSplicedEvaluate the change in an attribute between a set of 'normal'...
betweenNumbersGenerate vector of integers between two numbers...
compareContainscompare two strings of concatenated sequence features
coordinates-methodsMethod coordinates
cumsumANDpadCumulative sum of a sequence of numbers, padded with NA
diffSplicingResults-methodsMethod diffSplicingResults
duplicateReferenceDuplicate a reference Granges (exon-level) for each...
exonsToIntronsGenerate a introns Granges from an exons Granges
exonsToTranscriptsConvert an exon-level gtf annotation to a transcript-level...
extractEvent-methodsMethod extractEvent
featureTypesEvaluate changes to ORFs caused by alternative splicing
filterIrfEventsFilter out significant events from a irfDataSet
filterRmatsEventsFilter out significant events from a RMATS dataset
filterWhippetEventsFilter out significant events from a whippet diff comparison
findExonContainingTranscriptsGiven the location of a whole spliced in exon, find...
findIntronContainingTranscriptsGiven the location of a whole retained intron, find...
findJunctionPairsFind alternative junctions for Whippet alternative splicing...
findOverlaps.juncFind overlaps where the start/end coordinates are the same
formatWhippetEventsFormat Whippet co-ordinates as a GRanges object
getOrfsGet open reading frames for transcripts
getUOrfsGet upstream open reading frames for transcripts with...
irfDataSet-classClass irfDataSet
irfResults-methodsMethod irfResults
irfTranscriptChangeSummaryCompare open reading frames for RMATS differentially spliced...
junctions-methodsMethod junctions
leafcutterIntronsToExonsCreate exon ranges from leafcutter intron ranges
leafcutterTranscriptChangeSummaryCompare open reading frames for whippet differentially...
makeGeneModelConvert GRanges gene model to data.frame for visualisation...
makeNewLeafExonsCreate new exon ranges for a cryptic splice junction
makeNewLeafExonsUnanchoredCreate new exon ranges for a cryptic unachored splice...
matrix2combinationsGet a list of all potential range combinations, covering the...
maxLocationFind the largest distance between two vectors of numbers...
orfDiffEvaluate changes to ORFs caused by alternative splicing
orfSimilaritycalculate percentage of orfB contained in orfA
overlap2matrixCreate a 0/1 matrix from a Ranges overlap
readCounts-methodsMethod readCounts
readIrfDataSetImport IRFinder results files as a irfDataSet
readLeafcutterJunctionsCreate junction ranges from STAR junction files
readRmatsDataSetImport RMATS Turbo results files as a rmatsDataSet
readWhippetDataSetImport whippet results files as a whippetDataSet
readWhippetDIFFfilesRead in a list of whippet .diff.gz files and format as a...
readWhippetJNCfilesRead in a list of whippet .jnc.gz files and format as a...
readWhippetPSIfilesRead in a list of whippet .psi.gz files and format as a...
reformatExonsreformat a exons GRanges with first/last annotations and...
removeDuplicatePairsremove any duplicate pairs of events/reference transcripts...
removeDuplicateTranscriptsRemove transcript duplicates
removeExonsBetweenRemove any exons in a transcript within an event range
removeSameExonRemove exon duplicates
removeVersionRemove version number from ensembl gene/transcript ids
reorderExonNumbersReorder the exon numbers in a gtf annotation
replaceJunctionFind transcripts containing/overlapping junctions and replace...
rmatsDataSet-classClass rmatsDataSet
rmatsTranscriptChangeSummaryCompare open reading frames for RMATS differentially spliced...
skipExonByJunctionGenerate isoforms with and without a skipped exon (or...
skipExonInTranscriptRemove and include a skipped exon from the transcripts it...
splitLongExonsSplit long exons in two if they overlap an event
transcriptChangeSummaryCompare open reading frames for two sets of paired...
UTR2UTR53Annotate UTRs from Gencode GTF as 5' or 3'
whippetDataSet-classClass whippetDataSet
whippetTranscriptChangeSummaryCompare open reading frames for whippet differentially...
betsig/GeneStructureTools documentation built on March 31, 2021, 4:43 a.m.