## dimension_reduction.r: Variants of PCA plotting. The functions in this file
## seek to simplify performing the various dimension reduction methods and plot
## the results.
#' Incomplete function to compare PCs and SVs.
#' This function is the beginning of a method to get a sense of what
#' happens to data when performing things like SVA.
#' @param expt Input expressionset.
#' @param norm Normalization performed.
#' @param transform Assuming using PCA and so log2 the data.
#' @param convert Scale the data, presumably with cpm().
#' @param filter Low-count filter the data?
#' @param batch Method which provides SVs to apply.
#' @return Currently just a plot of the SVs.
compare_pc_sv <- function(expt, norm = NULL, transform = "log2", convert = "cpm",
filter = TRUE, batch = "svaseq") {
start <- normalize_expt(expt, norm = norm, transform = transform,
convert = convert, filter = filter)
start_pc <- plot_pca(start)
new <- normalize_expt(expt, norm = norm, transform = transform, convert = convert,
filter = filter, batch = batch)
sv_df <- new[["sv_df"]]
num_svs <- ncol(sv_df)
new_pc <- plot_pca(new)
start_pc_df_columns <- paste0("pc_", 1:num_svs)
start_pc_df <- as.matrix(start_pc[["table"]][, start_pc_df_columns])
new_pc_df <- as.matrix(new_pc[["table"]][, start_pc_df_columns])
delta_pc_df <- start_pc_df - new_pc_df
combined_df <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(start_pc_df))
for (sv in seq_len(num_svs)) {
two_columns <- cbind(sv_df[, sv], delta_pc_df[, sv])
colnames(two_columns) <- c(paste0("sv", sv), paste0("pc", sv))
combined_df <- cbind(combined_df, two_columns)
combined_df[["condition"]] <- pData(expt)[["condition"]]
combined_df[["batch"]] <- pData(expt)[["batch"]]
queried <- 1
x_query <- paste0("pc", queried)
y_query <- paste0("sv", queried)
pc_df <- ggplot(data = combined_df,
aes(x = .data[[x_query]], y = .data[[y_query]],
color = .data[["condition"]], size = 5,
fill = .data[["condition"]], shape = .data[["batch"]])) +
#' Collect the r^2 values from a linear model fitting between a singular
#' value decomposition and factor.
#' @param datum Result from corpcor::fast.svd.
#' @param fact Experimental factor from the original data.
#' @param type Make this categorical or continuous with factor/continuous.
#' @return The r^2 values of the linear model as a percentage.
#' @seealso [corpcor] [stats::lm()]
#' @export
factor_rsquared <- function(datum, fact, type = "factor") {
if (type == "factor") {
fact <- as.factor(fact)
} else if (type == "numeric") {
fact <- as.numeric(fact)
} else {
fact <- as.factor(as.numeric(fact))
## FIXME! This is not the correct way to handle this
if (length(levels(fact)) < 2) {
svd_lm <- NULL
} else {
svd_lm <- stats::lm(datum ~ fact)
if (class(svd_lm)[1] == "try-error" || is.null(svd_lm)) {
rsq_result <- NULL
} else {
lm_summaries <- summary(svd_lm)
rsq_result <- c()
for (i in seq_along(lm_summaries)) {
rsq <- lm_summaries[[i]][["r.squared"]]
rsq_result[i] <- rsq
#' Attempt to get residuals from tsne data
#' I strongly suspect that this is not correct, but it is a start.
#' @param svd_result The set of results from one of the many potential svd-ish methods.
#' @param design Experimental design from which to get experimental factors.
#' @param factors Set of experimental factors for which to calculate rsquared values.
#' @param res_slot Where is the res data in the svd result?
#' @param var_slot Where is the var data in the svd result?
#' @return Data frame of rsquared values and cumulative sums.
get_res <- function(svd_result, design, factors = c("condition", "batch"),
res_slot = "v", var_slot = "d") {
retlst <- list()
vars <- svd_result[[var_slot]]
rsquared_column <- round((vars ^ 2) / sum(vars ^ 2) * 100, 2)
cumulative_sum_column <- cumsum(rsquared_column)
datum <- svd_result[[res_slot]]
res_df <- data.frame(
"prop_var" = rsquared_column,
"cum_prop_var" = cumulative_sum_column)
for (j in seq_along(factors)) {
factor <- factors[j]
if (!is.null(design[[factor]])) {
fact <- design[[factor]]
column <- factor_rsquared(datum, fact)
column_name <- glue::glue("{factor}_rsquared")
res_df[[column_name]] <- column
#' Gather information about principle components.
#' Calculate some information useful for generating PCA plots.
#' pca_information seeks to gather together interesting information
#' to make principle component analyses easier, including: the results
#' from (fast.)svd, a table of the r^2 values, a table of the
#' variances in the data, coordinates used to make a pca plot for an
#' arbitrarily large set of PCs, correlations and fstats between
#' experimental factors and the PCs, and heatmaps describing these
#' relationships. Finally, it will provide a plot showing how much of
#' the variance is provided by the top-n genes and (optionally) the
#' set of all PCA plots with respect to one another. (PCx vs. PCy)
#' @section Warning:
#' This function has gotten too damn big and needs to be split up.
#' @param expt Data to analyze (usually exprs(somedataset)).
#' @param expt_design Dataframe describing the experimental design, containing
#' columns with useful information like the conditions, batches, number of
#' cells, whatever...
#' @param expt_factors Character list of experimental conditions to query for
#' R^2 against the fast.svd of the data.
#' @param num_components Number of principle components to compare the design
#' factors against. If left null, it will query the same number of components
#' as factors asked for.
#' @param plot_pcas Plot the set of PCA plots for every pair of PCs queried.
#' @param ... Extra arguments for the pca plotter
#' @return a list of fun pca information:
#' svd_u/d/v: The u/d/v parameters from fast.svd
#' rsquared_table: A table of the rsquared values between each factor and principle component
#' pca_variance: A table of the pca variances
#' pca_data: Coordinates for a pca plot
#' pca_cor: A table of the correlations between the factors and principle components
#' anova_fstats: the sum of the residuals with the factor vs without (manually calculated)
#' anova_f: The result from performing anova(withfactor, withoutfactor), the F slot
#' anova_p: The p-value calculated from the anova() call
#' anova_sums: The RSS value from the above anova() call
#' cor_heatmap: A heatmap from recordPlot() describing pca_cor.
#' @seealso [corpcor] [plot_pca()] [plot_pcs()] [stats::lm()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pca_info = pca_information(exprs(some_expt), some_design, "all")
#' pca_info
#' }
#' @export
pca_information <- function(expt, expt_design = NULL, expt_factors = c("condition", "batch"),
num_components = NULL, plot_pcas = FALSE, ...) {
## Start out with some sanity tests
colors_chosen <- NULL
exprs_data <- NULL
data_class <- class(expt)[1]
if (data_class == "expt" || data_class == "Summarized_Experiment") {
expt_design <- pData(expt)
colors_chosen <- expt[["colors"]]
exprs_data <- exprs(expt)
} else if (data_class == "ExpressionSet") {
exprs_data <- exprs(expt)
expt_design <- pData(expt)
} else if (data_class == "matrix" || data_class == "data.frame") {
exprs_data <- as.matrix(expt)
} else {
stop("This understands types: expt, ExpressionSet, data.frame, and matrix.")
## Make sure colors get chosen.
if (is.null(colors_chosen)) {
colors_chosen <- as.numeric(as.factor(expt_design[["condition"]]))
num_chosen <- max(3, length(levels(as.factor(colors_chosen))))
colors_chosen <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(num_chosen, "Dark2")[colors_chosen]
names(colors_chosen) <- rownames(expt_design)
initial_pca <- plot_pca(expt)
v <- initial_pca[["result"]][["v"]]
u <- initial_pca[["result"]][["u"]]
d <- initial_pca[["result"]][["d"]]
u_plot <- u_plot(u)
component_rsquared_table <- initial_pca[["residual_df"]]
variance <- initial_pca[["prop_var"]]
pca_data <- initial_pca[["table"]]
if (is.null(num_components)) {
num_components <- length(expt_factors)
max_components <- ncol(v)
if (max_components < num_components) {
message("The u and v components of SVD have only ", max_components,
" columns, but the list of factors is ", num_components, " long.")
message("Therefore, only searching for ", max_components, " PCs.")
num_components <- max_components
## Now fill in the pca_df with the data from the various PCs
for (pc in seq_len(num_components)) {
name <- glue::glue("PC{pc}")
## v is a matrix, don't forget that.
pca_data[[name]] <- v[, pc] ## note you _must_ not shortcut this with [[pc]]
## Now that we have filled in a pca data frame, we may plot PCx vs PCy for all
## x,y.
pca_plots <- list()
if (isTRUE(plot_pcas)) {
nminus_one <- num_components - 1
for (pc in seq_len(nminus_one)) {
next_pc <- pc + 1
name <- glue::glue("PC{pc}")
for (second_pc in seq(from = next_pc, to = num_components)) {
if (pc < second_pc && second_pc <= num_components) {
second_name <- glue::glue("PC{second_pc}")
list_name <- glue::glue("{name}_{second_name}")
## Sometimes these plots fail because too many grid operations are happening.
tmp_plot <- try(plot_pcs(pca_data, design = expt_design, variances = variance,
first = name, second = second_name))
pca_plots[[list_name]] <- tmp_plot
## Now start filling in data which may be used for correlations/fstats/etc.
factor_df <- data.frame(
"sampleid" = tolower(rownames(expt_design)))
rownames(factor_df) <- tolower(rownames(expt_design))
for (fact in expt_factors) {
if (!is.null(expt_design[[fact]])) {
factor_df[[fact]] <- as.numeric(as.factor(as.character(expt_design[, fact])))
} else {
message("The column ", fact, " seems to be missing from the design.")
message("The available columns are: ", toString(colnames(expt_design)), ".")
factor_df <- factor_df[, -1, drop = FALSE]
## Perform the correlations/fstats/anova here
cor_df <- data.frame()
anova_rss <- data.frame()
anova_sums <- data.frame()
anova_f <- data.frame()
anova_p <- data.frame()
anova_rss <- data.frame()
anova_fstats <- data.frame()
for (f in seq_along(expt_factors)) {
fact <- expt_factors[f]
for (pc in seq_len(num_components)) {
pc_name <- glue::glue("pc_{pc}")
tmp_df <- merge(factor_df, pca_data, by = "row.names")
test_column <- glue::glue("{fact}.x")
if (!is.null(tmp_df[[test_column]])) {
col_idx <- which(colnames(tmp_df) == test_column)
colnames(tmp_df)[col_idx] <- fact
rownames(tmp_df) <- tmp_df[["Row.names"]]
tmp_df <- tmp_df[, -1, drop = FALSE]
form <- as.formula(glue::glue("{pc_name} ~ 1 + {fact}"))
lmwithfactor_test <- try(stats::lm(formula = form,
data = tmp_df))
form <- as.formula(glue::glue("{pc_name} ~ 1"))
lmwithoutfactor_test <- try(stats::lm(formula = form, data = tmp_df))
## This fstat provides a metric of how much variance is removed by
## including this specific factor in the model vs not. Therefore higher
## numbers tell us that adding that factor removed more variance and are more important.
fstat <- sum(residuals(lmwithfactor_test) ^ 2) / sum(residuals(lmwithoutfactor_test) ^ 2)
## 1. Perform lm(pc ~ 1 + factor) which is fit1
## 2. Perform lm(pc ~ 1) which is fit2
## 3. The Fstat is then defined as (sum(residuals(fit1)^2) / sum(residuals(fit2)^2))
## 4. The resulting p-value is 1 - pf(Fstat, (n-(#levels in the factor)), (n-1))
## n is the number of samples in the fit
## 5. Look at anova.test() to see if this provides similar/identical information
another_fstat <- try(stats::anova(lmwithfactor_test, lmwithoutfactor_test), silent = TRUE)
if (class(another_fstat)[1] == "try-error") {
anova_sums[fact, pc] <- 0
anova_f[fact, pc] <- 0
anova_p[fact, pc] <- 0
anova_rss[fact, pc] <- 0
} else {
anova_sums[fact, pc] <- another_fstat$S[2]
anova_f[fact, pc] <- another_fstat$F[2]
anova_p[fact, pc] <- another_fstat$P[2]
anova_rss[fact, pc] <- another_fstat$RSS[1]
anova_fstats[fact, pc] <- fstat
cor_test <- NULL
cor_test <- cor.test(tmp_df[[fact]], tmp_df[[pc_name]], na.rm = TRUE)
error = function(cond) {
message("The correlation failed for ", fact, " and ", pc_name, ".")
cor_test <- 0
warning = function(cond) {
message("The standard deviation was 0 for ", fact, " and ", pc_name, ".")
) ## End of the tryCatch
if (class(cor_test) == "try-error" || is.null(cor_test)) {
cor_df[fact, pc] <- 0
} else {
cor_df[fact, pc] <- cor_test$estimate
## Sanitize the resulting matrices and get them ready for plotting.
rownames(cor_df) <- colnames(factor_df)
colnames(cor_df) <- glue::glue("PC{1:ncol(cor_df)}")
colnames(anova_sums) <- glue::glue("PC{1:ncol(anova_sums)}")
colnames(anova_f) <- glue::glue("PC{1:ncol(anova_f)}")
colnames(anova_p) <- glue::glue("PC{1:ncol(anova_p)}")
colnames(anova_rss) <- glue::glue("PC{1:ncol(anova_rss)}")
colnames(anova_fstats) <- glue::glue("PC{1:ncol(anova_fstats)}")
## Finally, plot them.
silly_colors <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("purple", "black", "yellow"))(100)
cor_df <- cor_df[complete.cases(cor_df), ]
tmp_file <- tmpmd5file(pattern = "heat", fileext = ".png")
this_plot <- png(filename = tmp_file)
controlled <- dev.control("enable")
pc_factor_corheat <- heatmap.3(as.matrix(cor_df), scale = "none", trace = "none",
linewidth = 0.5, keysize = 2, margins = c(8, 8),
col = silly_colors, dendrogram = "none", Rowv = FALSE,
Colv = FALSE, main = "cor(factor, PC)")
pc_factor_corheat <- grDevices::recordPlot()
removed <- file.remove(tmp_file)
removed <- unlink(dirname(tmp_file))
anova_f_colors <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("blue", "black", "red"))(100)
tmp_file <- tmpmd5file(pattern = "heat", fileext = ".png")
this_plot <- png(filename = tmp_file)
controlled <- dev.control("enable")
anova_f_heat <- heatmap.3(as.matrix(anova_f), scale = "none", trace = "none",
linewidth = 0.5, keysize = 2, margins = c(8, 8),
col = anova_f_colors, dendrogram = "none", Rowv = FALSE,
Colv = FALSE, main = "anova fstats for (factor, PC)")
anova_f_heat <- grDevices::recordPlot()
removed <- file.remove(tmp_file)
removed <- unlink(dirname(tmp_file))
anova_fstat_colors <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))(100)
tmp_file <- tmpmd5file(pattern = "heat", fileext = ".png")
this_plot <- png(filename = tmp_file)
controlled <- dev.control("enable")
anova_fstat_heat <- heatmap.3(as.matrix(anova_fstats), scale = "none", trace = "none",
linewidth = 0.5, keysize = 2, margins = c(8, 8),
col = anova_fstat_colors, dendrogram = "none", Rowv = FALSE,
Colv = FALSE, main = "anova fstats for (factor, PC)")
anova_fstat_heat <- grDevices::recordPlot()
removed <- file.remove(tmp_file)
removed <- unlink(dirname(tmp_file))
## I had this as log(anova_p + 1) !! I am a doofus; too many times I have been log2-ing counts.
## The messed up part is that I did not notice this for multiple years.
neglog_p <- -1 * log(as.matrix(anova_p) + 0.00001)
anova_neglogp_colors <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))(100)
tmp_file <- tmpmd5file(pattern = "heat", fileext = ".png")
this_plot <- png(filename = tmp_file)
controlled <- dev.control("enable")
anova_neglogp_heat <- heatmap.3(as.matrix(neglog_p), scale = "none", trace = "none",
linewidth = 0.5, keysize = 2, margins = c(8, 8),
col = anova_f_colors, dendrogram = "none", Rowv = FALSE,
Colv = FALSE, main = "-log(anova_p values)")
anova_neglogp_heat <- grDevices::recordPlot()
removed <- file.remove(tmp_file)
removed <- unlink(dirname(tmp_file))
## Another option: -log10 p-value of the ftest for this heatmap.
## covariate vs PC score
## Analagously: boxplot(PCn ~ batch)
## Finally, return the set of materials collected.
pca_list <- list(
"pc1_trend" = u_plot,
"svd_d" = d,
"svd_u" = u,
"svd_v" = v,
"rsquared_table" = component_rsquared_table,
"variance" = variance,
"pca_data" = pca_data,
"anova_fstats" = anova_fstats,
"anova_sums" = anova_sums,
"anova_f" = anova_f,
"anova_p" = anova_p,
"pca_cor" = cor_df,
"cor_heatmap" = pc_factor_corheat,
"anova_f_heatmap" = anova_f_heat,
"anova_fstat_heatmap" = anova_fstat_heat,
"anova_neglogp_heatmap" = anova_neglogp_heat,
"pca_plots" = pca_plots)
#' Get the highest/lowest scoring genes for every principle component.
#' This function uses princomp to acquire a principle component biplot
#' for some data and extracts a dataframe of the top n genes for each
#' component by score.
#' @param expt Experiment to poke.
#' @param n Number of genes to extract.
#' @param cor Perform correlations?
#' @param vs Do a mean or median when getting ready to perform the pca?
#' @param logged Check for the log state of the data and adjust as deemed necessary?
#' @return a list including the princomp biplot, histogram, and tables
#' of top/bottom n scored genes with their scores by component.
#' @seealso [stats] [stats::princomp]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' information <- pca_highscores(df = df, conditions = cond, batches = bat)
#' information$pca_bitplot ## oo pretty
#' }
#' @export
pca_highscores <- function(expt, n = 20, cor = TRUE, vs = "means", logged = TRUE) {
if (isTRUE(logged)) {
current <- state(expt)
if (current[["transform"]] == "raw") {
expt <- sm(normalize_expt(expt, transform = "log2", filter = TRUE))
data <- as.data.frame(exprs(expt))
na_idx <- is.na(data)
data[na_idx] <- 0
if (!is.null(vs)) {
if (vs == "means") {
data <- as.matrix(data) - rowMeans(as.matrix(data))
} else if (vs == "medians") {
data <- as.matrix(data) - rowMedians(as.matrix(data))
tmp_file <- tmpmd5file(pattern = "princomp", fileext = ".png")
this_plot <- png(filename = tmp_file)
controlled <- dev.control("enable")
another_pca <- try(princomp(x = data, cor = cor))
pca_hist <- grDevices::recordPlot()
removed <- file.remove(tmp_file)
removed <- unlink(dirname(tmp_file))
tmp_file <- tmpmd5file(pattern = "biplot", fileext = ".png")
this_plot <- png(filename = tmp_file)
controlled <- dev.control("enable")
pca_biplot <- grDevices::recordPlot()
removed <- file.remove(tmp_file)
removed <- unlink(dirname(tmp_file))
highest <- NULL
lowest <- NULL
for (pc in seq_along(colnames(another_pca[["scores"]]))) {
tmphigh <- another_pca[["scores"]]
tmplow <- another_pca[["scores"]]
tmphigh <- tmphigh[order(tmphigh[, pc], decreasing = TRUE), ]
tmphigh <- head(tmphigh, n = n)
tmplow <- tmplow[order(tmplow[, pc], decreasing = FALSE), ]
tmplow <- head(tmplow, n = n)
high_column <- glue::glue("{signif(tmphigh[, pc], 4)}:{rownames(tmphigh)}")
low_column <- glue::glue("{signif(tmplow[, pc], 4)}:{rownames(tmplow)}")
highest <- cbind(highest, high_column)
lowest <- cbind(lowest, low_column)
colnames(highest) <- colnames(another_pca[["scores"]])
colnames(lowest) <- colnames(another_pca[["scores"]])
retlist <- list(
"scores" = another_pca[["scores"]],
"pca_hist" = pca_hist,
"pca_biplot" = pca_biplot,
"highest" = highest,
"lowest" = lowest,
"result" = another_pca)
retlist[["score_heat"]] <- plot_disheat(expt_data = another_pca[["scores"]])
#' Something silly for Najib.
#' This will make him very happy, but I remain skeptical.
#' @param pc_result The result from plot_pca()
#' @param components List of three axes by component.
#' @param file File to write the created plotly object.
#' @return List containing the plotly data and filename for the html widget.
#' @seealso [plotly] [htmlwidgets]
#' @export
plot_3d_pca <- function(pc_result, components = c(1, 2, 3),
file = "3dpca.html") {
image_dir <- dirname(as.character(file))
if (!file.exists(image_dir)) {
dir.create(image_dir, recursive = TRUE)
x_axis <- glue::glue("pc_{components[1]}")
y_axis <- glue::glue("pc_{components[2]}")
z_axis <- glue::glue("pc_{components[3]}")
table <- pc_result[["table"]]
color_levels <- levels(as.factor(table[["colors"]]))
silly_plot <- plotly::plot_ly(table,
x = as.formula(glue::glue("~{x_axis}")),
y = as.formula(glue::glue("~{y_axis}")),
z = as.formula(glue::glue("~{z_axis}")),
color = as.formula("~condition"), colors = color_levels,
stroke = I("black"),
text=~paste0("sample: ", sampleid, "condition: ", condition, " batch: ", batch)) %>%
plotly::add_markers() %>%
plotly::layout(title = pc_result[["plot"]][["labels"]][["title"]])
widget <- htmlwidgets::saveWidget(
plotly::as_widget(silly_plot), file = file, selfcontained = TRUE)
retlist <- list(
"plot" = silly_plot,
"file" = file)
#' Make a PCA plot describing the samples' clustering.
#' @param data an expt set of samples.
#' @param design a design matrix and.
#' @param plot_colors a color scheme.
#' @param plot_title a title for the plot.
#' @param plot_size size for the glyphs on the plot.
#' @param plot_alpha Add an alpha channel to the dots?
#' @param plot_labels add labels? Also, what type? FALSE, "default", or "fancy".
#' @param size_column use an experimental factor to size the glyphs of the plot
#' @param pc_method how to extract the components? (svd
#' @param x_pc Component to put on the x axis.
#' @param y_pc Component to put on the y axis.
#' @param max_overlaps Passed to ggrepel.
#' @param num_pc How many components to calculate, default to the number of
#' rows in the metadata.
#' @param expt_names Column or character list of preferred sample names.
#' @param label_chars Maximum number of characters before abbreviating sample names.
#' @param cond_column Column containing the color information.
#' @param batch_column Column containing the shape information.
#' @param ... Arguments passed through to the pca implementations and plotter.
#' @return a list containing the following (this is currently wrong)
#' \enumerate{
#' \item pca = the result of fast.svd()
#' \item plot = ggplot2 pca_plot describing the principle component analysis of the samples.
#' \item table = a table of the PCA plot data
#' \item res = a table of the PCA res data
#' \item variance = a table of the PCA plot variance
#' }
#' @seealso [corpcor] [Rtsne] [uwot] [fastICA] [pcaMethods] [plot_pcs()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pca_plot <- plot_pca(expt = expt)
#' pca_plot
#' }
#' @export
plot_pca <- function(data, design = NULL, plot_colors = NULL, plot_title = TRUE,
plot_size = 5, plot_alpha = NULL, plot_labels = FALSE, size_column = NULL,
pc_method = "fast_svd", x_pc = 1, y_pc = 2, max_overlaps = 20,
num_pc = NULL, expt_names = NULL, label_chars = 10,
cond_column = "condition", batch_column = "batch",
...) {
arglist <- list(...)
## Set default columns in the experimental design for condition and batch
## changing these may be used to query other experimental factors with pca.
if (cond_column[1] != "condition") {
message("Using ", cond_column, " as the condition column in the experimental design.")
if (batch_column[1] != "batch") {
message("Using ", batch_column, " as the batch column in the experimental design.")
if (!is.null(arglist[["base_size"]])) {
base_size <<- arglist[["base_size"]]
if (!is.null(arglist[["transform"]]) || !is.null(arglist[["convert"]]) ||
!is.null(arglist[["filter"]]) || !is.null(arglist[["norm"]]) ||
!is.null(arglist[["batch"]])) {
data <- normalize_expt(data, transform = arglist[["transform"]],
convert = arglist[["convert"]],
filter = arglist[["filter"]],
batch = arglist[["batch"]],
norm = arglist[["norm"]])
## The following if() series is used to check the type of data provided and
## extract the available metadata from it. Since I commonly use my
## ExpressionSet wrapper (expt), most of the material is specific to that.
## However, the functions in this package should be smart enough to deal when
## that is not true. The primary things this particular function is seeking to
## acquire are: design, colors, counts. The only thing it absolutely requires
## to function is counts, it will make up the rest if it cannot find them.
data_class <- class(data)[1]
mtrx <- NULL
if (data_class == "expt" || data_class == "SummarizedExperiment") {
design <- pData(data)
if (cond_column == "condition") {
plot_colors <- data[["colors"]]
} else {
plot_colors <- NULL
mtrx <- exprs(data)
} else if (data_class == "ExpressionSet") {
mtrx <- exprs(data)
design <- pData(data)
} else if (data_class == "list") {
mtrx <- data[["count_table"]]
if (is.null(data)) {
stop("The list provided contains no count_table element.")
} else if (data_class == "matrix" || data_class == "data.frame") {
## some functions prefer matrix, so I am keeping this explicit for the moment
mtrx <- as.data.frame(data)
} else {
stop("This understands classes of type: expt, ExpressionSet, data.frame, and matrix.")
## Get rid of NAs, this is relevant because of recent changes in how I handle
## proteomic data with missing values.
na_idx <- is.na(mtrx)
mtrx[na_idx] <- 0
## Small modification for reusing some of my very oldest experimental designs.
if (is.null(design[["sampleid"]])) {
design[["sampleid"]] <- rownames(design)
## Check that the given design works with the data
## Prune the design if necessary
## Also take into account the fact that sometimes I change the case of hpgl<->HPGL
given_samples <- tolower(colnames(mtrx))
colnames(mtrx) <- given_samples
## I hate uppercase characters, I ADMIT IT.
avail_samples <- tolower(rownames(design))
rownames(design) <- avail_samples
if (sum(given_samples %in% avail_samples) == length(given_samples)) {
design <- design[given_samples, ]
## If nothing has given this some colors for the plot, make them up now.
if (is.null(plot_colors)) {
plot_colors <- as.numeric(as.factor(design[[cond_column]]))
plot_colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Dark2")[plot_colors]
## Similarly, if there is no information which may be used as a design yet, make one up.
if (is.null(design)) {
message("No design was provided. Making one with x conditions, 1 batch.")
design <- cbind(given_samples, 1)
design <- as.data.frame(design)
design[["condition"]] <- as.numeric(design[["plot_labels"]])
colnames(design) <- c("name", "batch", "condition")
design <- design[, c("name", "condition", "batch")]
plot_names <- design[["name"]]
## Different folks like different labels. I prefer hpglxxxx, but others have asked for
## condition_batch; this handles that as eloquently as I am able.
label_list <- NULL
if (is.null(arglist[["label_list"]]) && is.null(expt_names)) {
label_list <- design[["sampleid"]]
} else if (class(expt_names) == "character" && length(expt_names) == 1) {
label_list <- design[[expt_names]]
} else if (is.null(arglist[["label_list"]])) {
label_list <- given_samples
} else if (arglist[["label_list"]] == "concat") {
label_list <- paste(design[[cond_column]], design[[batch_column]], sep = "_")
} else {
label_list <- glue::glue("{design[['sampleid']]}_{design[[cond_column]]}")
if (!is.null(label_chars) && is.numeric(label_chars)) {
label_list <- abbreviate(label_list, minlength = label_chars)
## This line should be redundant
mtrx <- as.matrix(mtrx)
## How many components should be calculated when that is possible to define?
if (is.null(num_pc)) {
num_pc <- nrow(design) - 1
## Pull out the batches and conditions used in this plot.
## Probably could have just used xxx[stuff, drop = TRUE]
included_batches <- factor()
if (class(design[[batch_column]])[1] != "factor") {
included_batches <- as.factor(as.character(design[[batch_column]]))
} else {
included_batches <- design[[batch_column]] %>%
included_conditions <- factor()
if (class(design[[cond_column]])[1] != "factor") {
included_conditions <- as.factor(as.character(design[[cond_column]]))
} else {
included_conditions <- design[[cond_column]] %>%
## Expected things to retrieve from any dimension reduction method.
x_label <- NULL
y_label <- NULL
residual_df <- NULL
prop_lst <- NULL
svd_result <- NULL
pc_summary <- NULL
switchret <- switch(
"fast_svd" = {
svd_result <- corpcor::fast.svd(mtrx - rowMeans(mtrx))
rownames(svd_result[["v"]]) <- rownames(design)
colnames(svd_result[["v"]]) <- glue::glue("PC{1:ncol(svd_result[['v']])}")
pc_table <- svd_result[["v"]]
x_name <- glue::glue("PC{x_pc}")
y_name <- glue::glue("PC{y_pc}")
## Depending on how much batch/condition information is available, invoke
## pcRes() to get some idea of how much variance in a batch model is
## accounted for with each PC.
residual_df <- get_res(svd_result, design)
prop_lst <- residual_df[["prop_var"]]
## get the percentage of variance accounted for in each PC
x_label <- sprintf("%s: %.2f%% variance", x_name, prop_lst[x_pc])
y_label <- sprintf("%s: %.2f%% variance", y_name, prop_lst[y_pc])
"tsne" = {
plotting_indexes <- 1:nrow(mtrx)
if (is.null(arglist[["chosen_features"]])) {
variances <- matrixStats::rowVars(as.matrix(mtrx))
if (!is.null(arglist[["number_features"]])) {
number_features <- min(number_features, nrow(mtrx))
} else {
number_features <- nrow(mtrx)
plotting_indexes <- order(variances, decreasing = TRUE)[1:number_features]
plotting_data <- mtrx[plotting_indexes, ]
## This I do understand and think is cool
## Drop features with low variance
min_variance <- 0.001
if (!is.null(arglist[["min_variance"]])) {
min_variance <- arglist[["min_variance"]]
keepers <- (matrixStats::rowVars(as.matrix(plotting_data)) >= min_variance)
keepers[is.na(keepers)] <- FALSE ## Another nice idea
plotting_data <- plotting_data[keepers, ]
perplexity <- 1
plotting_data <- t(plotting_data)
perplexity <- floor(nrow(plotting_data) / 5)
if (!is.null(arglist[["perplexity"]])) {
perplexity <- arglist[["perplexity"]]
if (perplexity <= 0) {
warning("TSNE: Attempting to auto-detect perplexity failed, setting it to 1.")
perplexity <- 1
## There is an interesting standardization idea in scater
## But I think I would prefer to have flexibility here
## exprs_to_plot <- t(scale(t(exprs_to_plot), scale = scale_features))
## Spend a moment filling in the default values as specified in Rtsne.
if (!is.null(arglist[["seed"]])) {
theta <- 0.3
if (!is.null(arglist[["theta"]])) {
theta <- arglist[["theta"]]
iterations <- 1000
if (!is.null(arglist[["iterations"]])) {
iterations <- arglist[["iterations"]]
pca <- TRUE
if (!is.null(arglist[["pca"]])) {
pca <- arglist[["pca"]]
components <- 2
if (!is.null(arglist[["components"]])) {
components <- arglist[["components"]]
svd_result <- Rtsne::Rtsne(plotting_data, check_duplicates = FALSE, dims = components,
max_iter = iterations, pca = pca, theta = theta,
perplexity = perplexity)
pc_table <- as.data.frame(svd_result[["Y"]])
## Changing these assignments because of my new attempts to use GSVA
rownames(pc_table) <- rownames(design)
colnames(pc_table) <- glue::glue("PC{1:ncol(pc_table)}")
##pc_table <- pc_table[, 1:components]
pos_sing <- svd_result[["costs"]]
x_name <- glue::glue("Factor{x_pc}")
y_name <- glue::glue("Factor{y_pc}")
residual_df <- get_res(svd_result, design, res_slot = "Y", var_slot = "itercosts")
prop_lst <- residual_df[["prop_var"]]
if (x_pc > components || y_pc > components) {
stop("The components plotted must be smaller than the number of components calculated.")
x_label <- sprintf("%s: %.2f tsne 'variance'", x_name, prop_lst[x_pc])
y_label <- sprintf("%s: %.2f tsne 'variance'", y_name, prop_lst[y_pc])
"umap" = {
message("Using uwot's implementation of umap.")
plotting_data <- t(mtrx)
pc_table <- as.data.frame(uwot::umap(X = plotting_data, n_components = num_pc, ...))
rownames(pc_table) <- rownames(design)
colnames(pc_table) <- glue::glue("PC{1:ncol(pc_table)}")
x_name <- glue::glue("Factor{x_pc}")
y_name <- glue::glue("Factor{y_pc}")
x_label <- x_name
y_label <- y_name
"uwot" = {
plotting_data <- t(mtrx)
pc_table <- as.data.frame(uwot::umap(X = plotting_data, n_components = num_pc, ...))
rownames(pc_table) <- rownames(design)
colnames(pc_table) <- glue::glue("PC{1:ncol(pc_table)}")
x_name <- glue::glue("Factor{x_pc}")
y_name <- glue::glue("Factor{y_pc}")
x_label <- x_name
y_label <- y_name
"ida" = {
svd_result <- iDA::iDA_core(data.use = mtrx, NormCounts = mtrx)
pc_table <- scale(svd_result[[2]])
x_name <- glue::glue("LD{x_pc}")
y_name <- glue::glue("LD{y_pc}")
x_label <- x_name
y_label <- y_name
## residual_df <- get_res(svd_result, design)
## prop_lst <- residual_df[["prop_var"]]
## get the percentage of variance accounted for in each PC
## x_label <- sprintf("%s: %.2f%% variance", x_name, prop_lst[x_pc])
## y_label <- sprintf("%s: %.2f%% variance", y_name, prop_lst[y_pc])
"fast_ica" = {
## Fill in the defaults from the ica package.
alg_type <- "parallel" ## alg.typ is how they name this argument, which is just too
## weird looking for me to deal with.
if (!is.null(arglist[["alg_type"]])) {
alg_type <- arglist[["alg_type"]]
fun <- "logcosh"
if (!is.null(arglist[["fun"]])) {
fun <- arglist[["fun"]]
alpha <- 1.0
if (!is.null(arglist[["alpha"]])) {
alpha <- arglist[["alpha"]]
ica_method <- "C"
if (!is.null(arglist[["ica_method"]])) {
ica_method <- arglist[["ica_method"]]
row.norm <- FALSE
if (!is.null(arglist[["row.norm"]])) {
row.norm <- arglist[["row.norm"]]
maxit <- 200
if (!is.null(arglist[["maxit"]])) {
maxit <- arglist[["maxit"]]
tol <- 0.0001
if (!is.null(arglist[["tol"]])) {
tol <- arglist[["tol"]]
verbose <- FALSE
if (!is.null(arglist[["verbose"]])) {
verbose <- arglist[["verbose"]]
w.init <- NULL
if (!is.null(arglist[["w.init"]])) {
w.init <- arglist[["w.init"]]
svd_result <- fastICA::fastICA(t(mtrx), n.comp = num_pc, alg.typ = alg_type, fun = fun,
alpha = alpha, method = ica_method, row.norm = row.norm,
maxit = maxit, tol = tol, verbose = verbose, w.init = w.init)
pc_table <- svd_result[["S"]]
residual_df <- get_res(svd_result, design, res_slot = "S", var_slot = "W")
prop_lst <- residual_df[[1]]
rownames(pc_table) <- rownames(design)
colnames(pc_table) <- glue::glue("IC{1:ncol(pc_table)}")
x_label <- glue::glue("IC{x_pc}")
y_label <- glue::glue("IC{y_pc}")
if (pc_method == "bpca") {
message("Just so you know, bpca is annoyingly slow.")
## If none of the above were provided, then pick it up via the pcaMethods package.
## It handles the following: svd, ppca, bpca, svdi, nipals, nlpca.
## The following if statements pick up the default values.
scale <- "none"
if (!is.null(arglist[["scale"]])) {
scale <- arglist[["scale"]]
center <- TRUE
if (!is.null(arglist[["center"]])) {
center <- arglist[["center"]]
completeObs <- TRUE
if (!is.null(arglist[["completeObs"]])) {
completeObs <- arglist[["completeObs"]]
subset <- NULL
if (!is.null(arglist[["subset"]])) {
subset <- arglist[["subset"]]
cv <- "none"
if (!is.null(arglist[["cv"]])) {
cv <- arglist[["cv"]]
eps <- 1e-12
if (!is.null(arglist[["eps"]])) {
eps <- arglist[["eps"]]
simple <- TRUE
if (!is.null(arglist[["simple"]])) {
simple <- arglist[["simple"]]
reverse <- FALSE
if (!is.null(arglist[["reverse"]])) {
reverse <- arglist[["reverse"]]
ready <- pcaMethods::prep(t(mtrx), scale = scale, center = center, eps = eps,
simple = simple, reverse = reverse)
pca_result <- try(pcaMethods::pca(ready, method = pc_method, nPcs = num_pc, scale = scale,
center = center, completeObs = completeObs,
subset = subset, cv = cv))
if (class(pca_result)[1] == "try-error") {
message("pca invocation failed. A likely reason if that too many PCs were requested.")
message("Trying again with 1/2 the PCs.")
num_pc <- floor(num_pc / 2)
pca_result <- pcaMethods::pca(ready, method = pc_method, nPcs = num_pc, scale = scale,
center = center, completeObs = completeObs,
subset = subset, cv = cv)
## This is mostly guessing on my part.
svd_result <- list(
"v" = pca_result@scores,
"d" = pca_result@sDev)
residual_df <- get_res(svd_result, design)
pc_table <- as.data.frame(pca_result@scores)
prop_lst <- pca_result@R2 * 100
x_name <- glue::glue("PC{x_pc}")
y_name <- glue::glue("PC{y_pc}")
x_label <- sprintf("%s: %.2f%% variance", x_name, prop_lst[x_pc])
y_label <- sprintf("%s: %.2f%% variance", y_name, prop_lst[y_pc])
}) ## End of the switch()
comp_data <- data.frame(
"sampleid" = as.character(design[["sampleid"]]),
"condition" = design[[cond_column]],
"batch" = design[[batch_column]],
"batch_int" = as.integer(as.factor(design[[batch_column]])),
"colors" = as.character(plot_colors),
"labels" = label_list,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(comp_data) <- rownames(pc_table)
comp_data[[x_name]] <- pc_table[, x_pc]
comp_data[[y_name]] <- pc_table[, y_pc]
tmp <- as.data.frame(pc_table)
for (pc in seq_len(num_pc)) {
oldname <- glue("PC{pc}")
pc_name <- glue("pc_{pc}")
comp_data[[pc_name]] <- tmp[[oldname]]
if (!is.null(size_column)) {
## Adding a column with the same name as the size column from the experimental design
## and making sure it is a factor.
if (is.null(arglist[["size_order"]])) {
comp_data[[size_column]] <- factor(design[[size_column]])
} else {
comp_data[[size_column]] <- factor(design[[size_column]], levels = arglist[["size_order"]])
## Just forcing the size to be numeric non-zero.
comp_data[["size"]] <- as.factor(as.integer(comp_data[[size_column]]) + 1)
## Perform a check of the PC table.
if (sum(is.na(comp_data)) > 0) {
message("Potentially check over the experimental design, there appear to be missing values.")
warning("There are NA values in the component data. This can lead to weird plotting errors.")
if (nrow(comp_data) > 100 && is.null(plot_labels)) {
message("plot labels was not set and there are more than 100 samples, disabling it.")
plot_labels <- FALSE
## The plot_pcs() function gives a decent starting plot
comp_plot <- plot_pcs(
comp_data, first = x_name, second = y_name, design = design, max_overlaps = max_overlaps,
plot_labels = plot_labels, x_label = x_label, y_label = y_label,
plot_title = plot_title, plot_size = plot_size, size_column = size_column,
plot_alpha = plot_alpha,
## If plot_title is NULL, print nothing, if it is TRUE
## Then give some information about what happened to the data to make the plot.
## I tried foolishly to put this in plot_pcs(), but there is no way that receives
## my expt containing the normalization state of the data.
if (isTRUE(plot_title)) {
data_title <- what_happened(expt = data)
comp_plot <- comp_plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(data_title)
} else if (!is.null(plot_title)) {
data_title <- what_happened(expt = data)
plot_title <- glue::glue("{plot_title}
comp_plot <- comp_plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title)
} else {
## Leave the title blank.
## Finally, return a list of the interesting bits of what happened.
pca_return <- list(
"residual_df" = residual_df,
"prop_var" = prop_lst,
"plot" = comp_plot,
"table" = comp_data,
"result" = svd_result,
"pc_method" = pc_method,
"x_pc" = x_pc,
"y_pc" = y_pc,
"cond_column" = cond_column,
"batch_column" = batch_column,
"design" = design)
class(pca_return) <- "pca_result"
#' Make a PC plot describing the gene' clustering.
#' @param data an expt set of samples.
#' @param design a design matrix and.
#' @param plot_colors a color scheme.
#' @param plot_title a title for the plot.
#' @param plot_size size for the glyphs on the plot.
#' @param plot_alpha Add an alpha channel to the dots?
#' @param plot_labels add labels? Also, what type? FALSE, "default", or "fancy".
#' @param size_column use an experimental factor to size the glyphs of the plot
#' @param pc_method how to extract the components? (svd
#' @param x_pc Component to put on the x axis.
#' @param y_pc Component to put on the y axis.
#' @param label_column Which metadata column to use for labels.
#' @param num_pc How many components to calculate, default to the number of
#' rows in the metadata.
#' @param expt_names Column or character list of preferred sample names.
#' @param label_chars Maximum number of characters before abbreviating sample names.
#' @param ... Arguments passed through to the pca implementations and plotter.
#' @return a list containing the following (this is currently wrong)
#' \enumerate{
#' \item pca = the result of fast.svd()
#' \item plot = ggplot2 pca_plot describing the principle component analysis of the samples.
#' \item table = a table of the PCA plot data
#' \item res = a table of the PCA res data
#' \item variance = a table of the PCA plot variance
#' }
#' @seealso [plot_pcs()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pca_plot <- plot_pca(expt = expt)
#' pca_plot
#' }
#' @export
plot_pca_genes <- function(data, design = NULL, plot_colors = NULL, plot_title = NULL,
plot_size = 2, plot_alpha = 0.4, plot_labels = FALSE, size_column = NULL,
pc_method = "fast_svd", x_pc = 1, y_pc = 2, label_column = "description",
num_pc = 2, expt_names = NULL, label_chars = 10,
...) {
arglist <- list(...)
## Set default columns in the experimental design for condition and batch
## changing these may be used to query other experimental factors with pca.
cond_column <- "condition"
if (!is.null(arglist[["cond_column"]])) {
cond_column <- arglist[["cond_column"]]
message("Using ", cond_column, " as the condition column in the experimental design.")
batch_column <- "batch"
if (!is.null(arglist[["batch_column"]])) {
batch_column <- arglist[["batch_column"]]
message("Using ", batch_column, " as the batch column in the experimental design.")
if (!is.null(arglist[["base_size"]])) {
base_size <<- arglist[["base_size"]]
if (!is.null(arglist[["transform"]]) || !is.null(arglist[["convert"]]) ||
!is.null(arglist[["filter"]]) || !is.null(arglist[["norm"]]) ||
!is.null(arglist[["batch"]])) {
data <- normalize_expt(data, transform = arglist[["transform"]],
convert = arglist[["convert"]],
filter = arglist[["filter"]],
batch = arglist[["batch"]],
norm = arglist[["norm"]])
## The following if() series is used to check the type of data provided and
## extract the available metadata from it. Since I commonly use my
## ExpressionSet wrapper (expt), most of the material is specific to that.
## However, the functions in this package should be smart enough to deal when
## that is not true. The primary things this particular function is seeking to
## acquire are: design, colors, counts. The only thing it absolutely requires
## to function is counts, it will make up the rest if it cannot find them.
data_class <- class(data)[1]
mtrx <- NULL
if (data_class == "expt" || data_class == "SummarizedExperiment") {
design <- pData(data)
if (cond_column == "condition") {
plot_colors <- data[["colors"]]
} else {
plot_colors <- NULL
mtrx <- exprs(data)
} else if (data_class == "ExpressionSet") {
mtrx <- exprs(data)
design <- pData(data)
} else if (data_class == "list") {
mtrx <- data[["count_table"]]
if (is.null(data)) {
stop("The list provided contains no count_table element.")
} else if (data_class == "matrix" || data_class == "data.frame") {
## some functions prefer matrix, so I am keeping this explicit for the moment
mtrx <- as.data.frame(data)
} else {
stop("This understands classes of type: expt, ExpressionSet, data.frame, and matrix.")
## Small modification for reusing some of my very oldest experimental designs.
if (is.null(design[["sampleid"]])) {
design[["sampleid"]] <- rownames(design)
## Check that the given design works with the data
## Prune the design if necessary
## Also take into account the fact that sometimes I change the case of hpgl<->HPGL
given_samples <- tolower(colnames(mtrx))
colnames(mtrx) <- given_samples
## I hate uppercase characters, I ADMIT IT.
avail_samples <- tolower(rownames(design))
rownames(design) <- avail_samples
if (sum(given_samples %in% avail_samples) == length(given_samples)) {
design <- design[given_samples, ]
## If nothing has given this some colors for the plot, make them up now.
if (is.null(plot_colors)) {
plot_colors <- as.numeric(as.factor(design[[cond_column]]))
plot_colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Dark2")[plot_colors]
## Similarly, if there is no information which may be used as a design yet, make one up.
if (is.null(design)) {
message("No design was provided. Making one with x conditions, 1 batch.")
design <- cbind(given_samples, 1)
design <- as.data.frame(design)
design[["condition"]] <- as.numeric(design[["plot_labels"]])
colnames(design) <- c("name", "batch", "condition")
design <- design[, c("name", "condition", "batch")]
plot_names <- design[["name"]]
## Different folks like different labels. I prefer hpglxxxx, but others have asked for
## condition_batch; this handles that as eloquently as I am able.
label_list <- NULL
if (is.null(arglist[["label_list"]]) && is.null(expt_names)) {
label_list <- design[["sampleid"]]
} else if (class(expt_names) == "character" && length(expt_names) == 1) {
label_list <- design[[expt_names]]
} else if (is.null(arglist[["label_list"]])) {
label_list <- given_samples
} else if (arglist[["label_list"]] == "concat") {
label_list <- paste(design[[cond_column]], design[[batch_column]], sep = "_")
} else {
label_list <- glue::glue("{design[['sampleid']]}_{design[[cond_column]]}")
if (!is.null(label_chars) && is.numeric(label_chars)) {
label_list <- abbreviate(label_list, minlength = label_chars)
mtrx <- as.matrix(t(mtrx))
## How many components should be calculated when that is possible to define?
if (is.null(num_pc)) {
num_pc <- nrow(design) - 1
## Pull out the batches and conditions used in this plot.
## Probably could have just used xxx[stuff, drop = TRUE]
included_batches <- as.factor(as.character(design[[batch_column]]))
included_conditions <- as.factor(as.character(design[[cond_column]]))
## Expected things to retrieve from any dimension reduction method.
x_label <- NULL
y_label <- NULL
residual_df <- NULL
prop_lst <- NULL
svd_result <- NULL
pc_summary <- NULL
switchret <- switch(
"fast_svd" = {
svd_result <- corpcor::fast.svd(mtrx - rowMeans(mtrx))
fdata_data <- fData(data)
fdata_rows <- rownames(fdata_data)
pc_rows <- rownames(pc_table)
kept_rows <- fdata_rows %in% pc_rows
kept_fdata <- fdata_data[kept_rows, ]
rownames(svd_result[["v"]]) <- rownames(kept_fdata)
colnames(svd_result[["v"]]) <- glue::glue("PC{1:ncol(svd_result[['v']])}")
pc_table <- svd_result[["v"]]
x_name <- glue::glue("PC{x_pc}")
y_name <- glue::glue("PC{y_pc}")
## Depending on how much batch/condition information is available, invoke
## pcRes() to get some idea of how much variance in a batch model is
## accounted for with each PC.
residual_df <- get_res(svd_result, kept_fdata)
prop_lst <- residual_df[["prop_var"]]
## get the percentage of variance accounted for in each PC
x_label <- sprintf("%s: %.2f%% variance", x_name, prop_lst[x_pc])
y_label <- sprintf("%s: %.2f%% variance", y_name, prop_lst[y_pc])
"tsne" = {
plotting_indexes <- 1:nrow(mtrx)
if (is.null(arglist[["chosen_features"]])) {
variances <- matrixStats::rowVars(as.matrix(mtrx))
if (!is.null(arglist[["number_features"]])) {
number_features <- min(number_features, nrow(mtrx))
} else {
number_features <- nrow(mtrx)
plotting_indexes <- order(variances, decreasing = TRUE)[1:number_features]
plotting_data <- mtrx[plotting_indexes, ]
## This I do understand and think is cool
## Drop features with low variance
min_variance <- 0.001
if (!is.null(arglist[["min_variance"]])) {
min_variance <- arglist[["min_variance"]]
keepers <- (matrixStats::rowVars(as.matrix(plotting_data)) >= min_variance)
keepers[is.na(keepers)] <- FALSE ## Another nice idea
plotting_data <- plotting_data[keepers, ]
perplexity <- 1
plotting_data <- t(plotting_data)
perplexity <- floor(nrow(plotting_data) / 5)
if (!is.null(arglist[["perplexity"]])) {
perplexity <- arglist[["perplexity"]]
if (perplexity <= 0) {
warning("TSNE: Attempting to auto-detect perplexity failed, setting it to 1.")
perplexity <- 1
## There is an interesting standardization idea in scater
## But I think I would prefer to have flexibility here
## exprs_to_plot <- t(scale(t(exprs_to_plot), scale = scale_features))
## Spend a moment filling in the default values as specified in Rtsne.
if (!is.null(arglist[["seed"]])) {
theta <- 0.3
if (!is.null(arglist[["theta"]])) {
theta <- arglist[["theta"]]
iterations <- 1000
if (!is.null(arglist[["iterations"]])) {
iterations <- arglist[["iterations"]]
pca <- TRUE
if (!is.null(arglist[["pca"]])) {
pca <- arglist[["pca"]]
components <- 2
if (!is.null(arglist[["components"]])) {
components <- arglist[["components"]]
svd_result <- Rtsne::Rtsne(plotting_data, check_duplicates = FALSE, dims = components,
max_iter = iterations, pca = pca, theta = theta,
perplexity = perplexity)
pc_table <- as.data.frame(svd_result[["Y"]])
## Changing these assignments because of my new attempts to use GSVA
rownames(pc_table) <- rownames(plotting_data)
colnames(pc_table) <- glue::glue("PC{1:ncol(pc_table)}")
##pc_table <- pc_table[, 1:components]
pos_sing <- svd_result[["costs"]]
x_name <- glue::glue("Factor{x_pc}")
y_name <- glue::glue("Factor{y_pc}")
## Pull out the batches and conditions used in this plot.
## Probably could have just used xxx[stuff, drop = TRUE]
included_batches <- as.factor(as.character(design[[batch_column]]))
included_conditions <- as.factor(as.character(design[[cond_column]]))
residual_df <- get_res(svd_result, fData(data), res_slot = "Y", var_slot = "itercosts")
prop_lst <- residual_df[["prop_var"]]
if (x_pc > components || y_pc > components) {
stop("The components plotted must be smaller than the number of components calculated.")
x_label <- sprintf("%s: %.2f tsne 'variance'", x_name, prop_lst[x_pc])
y_label <- sprintf("%s: %.2f tsne 'variance'", y_name, prop_lst[y_pc])
"umap" = {
message("Not yet implemented.")
"uwot" = {
plotting_data <- t(mtrx)
pc_table <- as.data.frame(uwot::umap(X = plotting_data, n_components = num_pc, ...))
rownames(pc_table) <- rownames(fData(data))
colnames(pc_table) <- glue::glue("PC{1:ncol(pc_table)}")
x_name <- glue::glue("Factor{x_pc}")
y_name <- glue::glue("Factor{y_pc}")
x_label <- x_name
y_label <- y_name
included_batch <- as.factor(as.character(design[[batch_column]]))
included_conditions <- as.factor(as.character(design[[cond_column]]))
"fast_ica" = {
## Fill in the defaults from the ica package.
alg_type <- "parallel" ## alg.typ is how they name this argument, which is just too
## weird looking for me to deal with.
if (!is.null(arglist[["alg_type"]])) {
alg_type <- arglist[["alg_type"]]
fun <- "logcosh"
if (!is.null(arglist[["fun"]])) {
fun <- arglist[["fun"]]
alpha <- 1.0
if (!is.null(arglist[["alpha"]])) {
alpha <- arglist[["alpha"]]
ica_method <- "C"
if (!is.null(arglist[["ica_method"]])) {
ica_method <- arglist[["ica_method"]]
row.norm <- FALSE
if (!is.null(arglist[["row.norm"]])) {
row.norm <- arglist[["row.norm"]]
maxit <- 200
if (!is.null(arglist[["maxit"]])) {
maxit <- arglist[["maxit"]]
tol <- 0.0001
if (!is.null(arglist[["tol"]])) {
tol <- arglist[["tol"]]
verbose <- FALSE
if (!is.null(arglist[["verbose"]])) {
verbose <- arglist[["verbose"]]
w.init <- NULL
if (!is.null(arglist[["w.init"]])) {
w.init <- arglist[["w.init"]]
svd_result <- fastICA::fastICA(t(mtrx), n.comp = num_pc, alg.typ = alg_type, fun = fun,
alpha = alpha, method = ica_method, row.norm = row.norm,
maxit = maxit, tol = tol, verbose = verbose, w.init = w.init)
pc_table <- svd_result[["S"]]
residual_df <- get_res(svd_result, design, res_slot = "S", var_slot = "W")
prop_lst <- residual_df[[1]]
rownames(pc_table) <- rownames(design)
colnames(pc_table) <- glue::glue("IC{1:ncol(pc_table)}")
x_label <- glue::glue("IC{x_pc}")
y_label <- glue::glue("IC{y_pc}")
if (pc_method == "bpca") {
message("Just so you know, bpca is annoyingly slow.")
## If none of the above were provided, then pick it up via the pcaMethods package.
## It handles the following: svd, ppca, bpca, svdi, nipals, nlpca.
## The following if statements pick up the default values.
scale <- "none"
if (!is.null(arglist[["scale"]])) {
scale <- arglist[["scale"]]
center <- TRUE
if (!is.null(arglist[["center"]])) {
center <- arglist[["center"]]
completeObs <- TRUE
if (!is.null(arglist[["completeObs"]])) {
completeObs <- arglist[["completeObs"]]
subset <- NULL
if (!is.null(arglist[["subset"]])) {
subset <- arglist[["subset"]]
cv <- "none"
if (!is.null(arglist[["cv"]])) {
cv <- arglist[["cv"]]
eps <- 1e-12
if (!is.null(arglist[["eps"]])) {
eps <- arglist[["eps"]]
simple <- TRUE
if (!is.null(arglist[["simple"]])) {
simple <- arglist[["simple"]]
reverse <- FALSE
if (!is.null(arglist[["reverse"]])) {
reverse <- arglist[["reverse"]]
ready <- pcaMethods::prep(t(mtrx), scale = scale, center = center, eps = eps,
simple = simple, reverse = reverse)
pca_result <- try(pcaMethods::pca(ready, method = pc_method, nPcs = num_pc, scale = scale,
center = center, completeObs = completeObs,
subset = subset, cv = cv))
if (class(pca_result)[1] == "try-error") {
message("pca invocation failed. A likely reason if that too many PCs were requested.")
message("Trying again with 1/2 the PCs.")
num_pc <- floor(num_pc / 2)
pca_result <- pcaMethods::pca(ready, method = pc_method, nPcs = num_pc, scale = scale,
center = center, completeObs = completeObs,
subset = subset, cv = cv)
## This is mostly guessing on my part.
svd_result <- list(
"v" = pca_result@scores,
"d" = pca_result@sDev)
residual_df <- get_res(svd_result, design)
pc_table <- as.data.frame(pca_result@scores)
prop_lst <- pca_result@R2 * 100
x_name <- glue::glue("PC{x_pc}")
y_name <- glue::glue("PC{y_pc}")
x_label <- sprintf("%s: %.2f%% variance", x_name, prop_lst[x_pc])
y_label <- sprintf("%s: %.2f%% variance", y_name, prop_lst[y_pc])
}) ## End of the switch()
## An important caveat, some dimension reduction methods remove rows from the data.
fdata_data <- fData(data)
fdata_rows <- rownames(fdata_data)
pc_rows <- rownames(pc_table)
kept_rows <- fdata_rows %in% pc_rows
kept_fdata <- fdata_data[kept_rows, ]
comp_data <- data.frame(
"sampleid" = rownames(pc_table),
"condition" = "a",
"batch" = "a",
"batch_int" = 1,
"colors" = "black",
"text" = kept_fdata[[label_column]],
"labels" = FALSE)
comp_data[[x_name]] <- pc_table[, x_pc]
comp_data[[y_name]] <- pc_table[, y_pc]
tmp <- as.data.frame(pc_table)
for (pc in seq_len(num_pc)) {
oldname <- glue::glue("PC{pc}")
pc_name <- glue::glue("pc_{pc}")
comp_data[[pc_name]] <- tmp[[oldname]]
if (!is.null(size_column)) {
## Adding a column with the same name as the size column from the experimental design
## and making sure it is a factor.
comp_data[[size_column]] <- as.factor(design[, size_column])
## Just forcing the size to be numeric non-zero.
comp_data[["size"]] <- as.factor(as.integer(design[[size_column]]) + 1)
if (isTRUE(plot_title)) {
plot_title <- what_happened(expt = data)
} else if (!is.null(plot_title)) {
data_title <- what_happened(expt = data)
plot_title <- glue::glue("{plot_title}; {data_title}")
} else {
## Leave the title blank.
## The plot_pcs() function gives a decent starting plot
## plot_labels = comp_data[["text"]] I think is incorrect, as the plot_labels
## parameters is intended to only be a single word defining how to place the
## labels. I think this should instead be point_labels -- but if we set that, given
## the large number of dots, we will need to stop any attempted 'smart'
## placement of the labels, otherwise it will make the computer very sad.
##comp_plot <- plot_pcs(
## comp_data, first = x_name, second = y_name, design = design,
## plot_labels = comp_data[["text"]], x_label = x_label, y_label = y_label,
## plot_title = plot_title, plot_size = plot_size, size_column = size_column,
## plot_alpha = plot_alpha,
## ...)
comp_plot <- plot_pcs(
comp_data, first = x_name, second = y_name, design = design,
x_label = x_label, y_label = y_label,
plot_title = plot_title, plot_size = plot_size, size_column = size_column,
plot_alpha = plot_alpha,
## If plot_title is NULL, print nothing, if it is TRUE
## Then give some information about what happened to the data to make the plot.
## I tried foolishly to put this in plot_pcs(), but there is no way that receives
## my expt containing the normalization state of the data.
if (isTRUE(plot_title)) {
data_title <- what_happened(expt = data)
comp_plot <- comp_plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(data_title)
} else if (!is.null(plot_title)) {
data_title <- what_happened(expt = data)
plot_title <- glue::glue("{plot_title}; {data_title}")
comp_plot <- comp_plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title)
} else {
## Leave the title blank.
## Finally, return a list of the interesting bits of what happened.
pca_return <- list(
"residual_df" = residual_df,
"prop_var" = prop_lst,
"plot" = comp_plot,
"table" = comp_data,
"result" = svd_result)
#' Print a plot of the top-n most PC loaded genes.
#' Sometimes it is nice to know what is happening with the genes which have the
#' greatest effect on a given principal component. This function provides that.
#' @param expt Input expressionset.
#' @param genes How many genes to observe?
#' @param desired_pc Which component to examine?
#' @param which_scores Perhaps one wishes to see the least-important genes, if
#' so set this to low.
#' @param ... Extra arguments passed, currently to nothing.
#' @return List containing an expressionset of the subset and a plot of their
#' expression.
#' @seealso [plot_sample_heatmap()]
#' @export
plot_pcload <- function(expt, genes = 40, desired_pc = 1, which_scores = "high",
...) {
arglist <- list(...)
scores <- pca_highscores(expt, n = genes)
desired <- data.frame()
if (which_scores == "high") {
desired <- scores[["highest"]]
} else if (which_scores == "low") {
desired <- scores[["lowest"]]
} else {
stop("This only accepts high or low to extract PC scored genes.")
comp_genes <- desired[, desired_pc]
comp_genes <- gsub(pattern = "^\\d+\\.\\d+:", replacement = "", x = comp_genes)
comp_genes_subset <- sm(subset_genes(expt, ids = comp_genes, method = "keep"))
samples <- plot_sample_heatmap(comp_genes_subset, row_label = NULL)
retlist <- list(
"comp_genes_expt" = comp_genes_subset,
"plot" = samples)
#' Plot principle components and make them pretty.
#' All the various dimension reduction methods share some of their end-results
#' in common. Most notably a table of putative components which may be plotted
#' against one another so that one may stare at the screen and look for
#' clustering among the samples/genes/whatever. This function attempts to make
#' that process as simple and pretty as possible.
#' @param pca_data Dataframe of principle components PC1 .. PCN with any other
#' arbitrary information.
#' @param first Principle component PCx to put on the x axis.
#' @param second Principle component PCy to put on the y axis.
#' @param variances List of the percent variance explained by each component.
#' @param design Experimental design with condition batch factors.
#' @param plot_title Title for the plot.
#' @param plot_labels Parameter for the labels on the plot.
#' @param x_label Label for the x-axis.
#' @param y_label Label for the y-axis.
#' @param plot_size Size of the dots on the plot
#' @param outlines Add a black outline to the plotted shapes?
#' @param plot_alpha Add an alpha channel to the dots?
#' @param size_column Experimental factor to use for sizing the glyphs
#' @param rug Include the rugs on the sides of the plot?
#' @param max_overlaps Increase overlapping label tolerance.
#' @param cis What (if any) confidence intervals to include.
#' @param ellipse_type Choose the kernel for the ellipse.
#' @param ellipse_geom Use this ggplot geometry.
#' @param label_size The text size of the labels.
#' @param ... Extra arguments dropped into arglist
#' @return gplot2 PCA plot
#' @seealso [directlabels] [ggplot2] [plot_pca] [pca_information]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pca_plot = plot_pcs(pca_data, first = "PC2", second = "PC4", design = expt$design)
#' }
#' @export
plot_pcs <- function(pca_data, first = "PC1", second = "PC2", variances = NULL,
design = NULL, plot_title = TRUE, plot_labels = NULL,
x_label = NULL, y_label = NULL, plot_size = 5, outlines = TRUE,
plot_alpha = NULL, size_column = NULL, rug = TRUE, max_overlaps = 20,
cis = c(0.95, 0.9), ellipse_type = "t", ellipse_geom = "polygon",
label_size = 4, ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
batches <- pca_data[["batch"]]
if (class(batches)[1] != "factor") {
batches <- as.factor(pca_data[["batch"]])
label_column <- "condition"
if (!is.null(arglist[["label_column"]])) {
label_column <- arglist[["label_column"]]
point_labels <- factor(pca_data[[label_column]])
if (!is.null(arglist[["point_labels"]])) {
point_labels <- arglist[["point_labels"]]
if (is.null(plot_title)) {
plot_title <- paste(first, " vs. ", second, sep = "")
num_batches <- length(unique(batches))
if (!is.null(arglist[["base_size"]])) {
base_size <<- arglist[["base_size"]]
ci_group <- "condition"
if (!is.null(arglist[["ci_group"]])) {
ci_group <- arglist[["ci_group"]]
ci_fill <- "condition"
if (!is.null(arglist[["ci_fill"]])) {
ci_fill <- arglist[["ci_fill"]]
plot_legend <- TRUE
if (!is.null(arglist[["plot_legend"]])) {
plot_legend <- arglist[["plot_legend"]]
pca_plot <- NULL
color_listing <- pca_data[, c("condition", "colors")]
color_listing <- unique(color_listing)
color_list <- color_listing[["colors"]]
names(color_list) <- as.character(color_listing[["condition"]])
## Ok, so this is shockingly difficult. For <5 batch data I want properly
## colored points with black outlines The legend colors need to match, in
## addition, the legend needs to have the shapes noted.
## In order to do this, one must do, _in_order_:
## 1. Set up the normal ggplot object
## 2. Set up a geom_point with color _and_ fill as the proper color.
## The color but _NOT_ fill is used to color the legend's copy of the glyph.
## 3. Then set up a new geom_point with color = black _and_ show_guide = FALSE
## 4. Then set scale_color_manual to the proper color_list
## 5. Then set scale_fill_manual to the proper color_list
## 6. Finally, set the shape manual with a guide_legend override
## Step 1
if (is.null(plot_alpha)) {
plot_alpha <- 1
pca_data <- as.data.frame(pca_data)
pca_data[["sampleid"]] <- as.factor(pca_data[["sampleid"]])
pca_plot <- ggplot(data = pca_data,
aes(x = .data[[first]], y = .data[[second]],
## group = .data[["condition"]], text = .data[["sampleid"]]))
group = .data[["condition"]]))
## Add a little check to only deal with the confidence-interval-able data.
count <- NULL
ci_keepers <- pca_data %>%
group_by(!!sym(ci_group)) %>%
summarise(count = n()) %>%
filter(count > 3)
if (nrow(ci_keepers) < 1) {
cis <- NULL
if (!is.null(cis)) {
ci_idx <- pca_data[[ci_group]] %in% ci_keepers[[ci_group]]
ci_data <- pca_data[ci_idx, ]
ci_data[[ci_group]] <- as.factor(ci_data[[ci_group]])
ci_data[[ci_fill]] <- as.factor(ci_data[[ci_fill]])
alpha <- 0
for (ci in cis) {
alpha <- alpha + 0.1
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
data = ci_data, mapping = aes(group = .data[[ci_group]], fill = .data[[ci_fill]]),
geom = ellipse_geom, type = ellipse_type, level = ci, alpha = alpha)
minimum_size <- 2
maximum_size <- 2
if (!is.null(size_column)) {
maximum_size <- max(levels(pca_data[["size"]]))
if (is.null(size_column) && num_batches <= 5) {
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = plot_size, alpha = plot_alpha,
aes(shape = .data[["batch"]],
colour = .data[["condition"]],
fill = .data[["condition"]]))
if (isTRUE(outlines)) {
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = plot_size, alpha = plot_alpha,
colour = "black",
## show.legend = FALSE,
aes(shape = .data[["batch"]],
fill = .data[["condition"]]))
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = "Condition",
## guide = "legend",
guide = "legend",
values = color_list) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(name = "Condition",
## guide = "legend",
guide = "none",
values = color_list) +
name = "Batch",
labels = levels(as.factor(pca_data[["batch"]])),
guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = plot_size, fill = "grey")),
values = 21:25)
} else if (is.null(size_column) && num_batches > 5) {
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = plot_size, alpha = plot_alpha,
aes(shape = .data[["batch"]],
fill = .data[["condition"]],
colour = .data[["condition"]])) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = "Condition",
##guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = plot_size)),
guide = "legend",
values = color_list) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(name = "Condition",
##guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = plot_size)),
guide = "none",
values = color_list) +
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(name = "Batch",
labels = levels(as.factor(pca_data[["batch"]])),
guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(overwrite.aes = list(size = plot_size)),
values = 1:num_batches)
} else if (!is.null(size_column) && num_batches <= 5) {
## This will require the 6 steps above and one more
pca_plot <- ggplot(data = as.data.frame(pca_data),
aes(x = .data[[first]], y = .data[[second]],
text = .data[["sampleid"]],
shape = "batch")) +
ggplot2::geom_point(alpha = plot_alpha,
aes(shape = .data[["batch"]],
size = .data[["size"]],
colour = .data[["condition"]],
fill = .data[["condition"]]))
if (isTRUE(outlines)) {
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
ggplot2::geom_point(alpha = plot_alpha, colour = "black", show.legend = FALSE,
aes(size = .data[["size"]], shape = .data[["batch"]],
fill = .data[["condition"]]))
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
ggplot2::geom_point(colour = "black", alpha = plot_alpha, show.legend = FALSE,
aes(shape = .data[["batch"]],
size = .data[["size"]],
fill = .data[["condition"]])) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = "Condition",
guide = "legend",
values = color_list) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(name = "Condition",
guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = plot_size)),
values = color_list) +
name = "Batch",
labels = levels(as.factor(pca_data[["batch"]])),
guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = plot_size, fill = "grey")),
values = 21:25) +
ggplot2::scale_size_manual(name = size_column,
labels = levels(pca_data[[size_column]]),
values = as.numeric(levels(pca_data[["size"]])))
} else if (!is.null(size_column) && num_batches > 5) {
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
ggplot2::geom_point(alpha = plot_alpha,
aes(shape = .data[["batch"]],
colour = .data[["condition"]],
size = .data[["size"]])) +
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(name = "Batch",
labels = levels(as.factor(pca_data[["batch"]])),
guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(overwrite.aes = list(size = plot_size)),
values = 1:num_batches) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = "Condition",
guide = "legend",
values = color_list) +
ggplot2::scale_size_manual(name = size_column,
labels = levels(pca_data[[size_column]]),
values = as.numeric(levels(pca_data[["size"]])))
} else {
stop("This should be an impossible state.")
if (!is.null(x_label)) {
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
if (!is.null(y_label)) {
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
} else if (!is.null(variances)) {
x_var_num <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "PC", replacement = "", x = first))
y_var_num <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "PC", replacement = "", x = second))
x_label <- glue::glue("PC1{first}: {variances[[x_var_num]]}% variance")
y_label <- glue::glue("PC2{second}: {variances[[y_var_num]]}% variance")
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
ggplot2::xlab(x_label) +
if (isTRUE(rug)) {
pca_plot <- pca_plot + ggplot2::geom_rug(colour = "gray50", alpha = 0.7)
if (is.null(plot_labels)) {
plot_labels <- "repel"
if (isFALSE(plot_labels)) {
mesg("Not putting labels on the PC plot.")
} else if (plot_labels == "normal") {
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
ggplot2::geom_text(aes(x = .data[["PC1"]], y = .data[["PC2"]],
label = .data[["labels"]],
angle = 45, size = label_size, vjust = 2))
} else if (plot_labels == "repel") {
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
ggrepel::geom_text_repel(aes(label = .data[["labels"]]), max.overlaps = max_overlaps,
size = label_size, box.padding = ggplot2::unit(0.5, "lines"),
point.padding = ggplot2::unit(1.6, "lines"),
arrow = ggplot2::arrow(length = ggplot2::unit(0.01, "npc")))
} else if (plot_labels == "dlsmart") {
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
directlabels::geom_dl(aes(label = .data[["labels"]]), method = "smart.grid")
} else {
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
directlabels::geom_dl(aes(label = .data[["labels"]]), method = "first.qp")
legend_position <- "right"
if (isFALSE(plot_legend)) {
legend_position <- "none"
## Set default font sizes and colors
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = base_size) +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = base_size, colour = "black"),
legend.position = legend_position,
legend.key.size = grid::unit(0.5, "cm"))
#' Plot a PC plot with options suitable for ggplotly.
#' @param data an expt set of samples.
#' @param design a design matrix and.
#' @param plot_colors a color scheme.
#' @param plot_title a title for the plot.
#' @param plot_size size for the glyphs on the plot.
#' @param plot_alpha Add an alpha channel to the dots?
#' @param plot_labels add labels? Also, what type? FALSE, "default", or "fancy".
#' @param size_column use an experimental factor to size the glyphs of the plot
#' @param pc_method how to extract the components? (svd
#' @param x_pc Component to put on the x axis.
#' @param y_pc Component to put on the y axis.
#' @param outlines Include black outlines around glyphs?
#' @param num_pc How many components to calculate, default to the number of
#' rows in the metadata.
#' @param expt_names Column or character list of preferred sample names.
#' @param label_chars Maximum number of characters before abbreviating sample names.
#' @param tooltip Which columns to include in the tooltip.
#' @param ... Arguments passed through to the pca implementations and plotter.
#' @return This passes directly to plot_pca(), so its returns should be
#' applicable along with the result from ggplotly.
#' @seealso [plotly]
#' @export
plotly_pca <- function(data, design = NULL, plot_colors = NULL, plot_title = NULL,
plot_size = 5, plot_alpha = NULL, plot_labels = NULL, size_column = NULL,
pc_method = "fast_svd", x_pc = 1, y_pc = 2, outlines = FALSE,
num_pc = NULL, expt_names = NULL, label_chars = 10,
tooltip = c("shape", "fill", "sampleid"),
...) {
pca_result <- plot_pca(data, design = design, plot_colors = plot_colors,
plot_title = plot_title, plot_size = plot_size,
plot_alpha = plot_alpha, plot_labels = plot_labels,
size_column = size_column, pc_method = pc_method,
x_pc = x_pc, y_pc = y_pc, outlines = outlines, num_pc = num_pc,
expt_names = expt_names, label_chars = label_chars, ...)
plotly_result <- plotly::ggplotly(pca_result[["plot"]], tooltip = tooltip)
retlist <- pca_result
retlist[["plotly"]] <- plotly_result
#' Shortcut to plot_pca(pc_method = "tsne")
#' @param ... Arguments for plot_pca()
#' @export
plot_tsne <- function(...) {
plot_pca(..., pc_method = "tsne")
## An alternate to plotting rank order of svd$u
## The plotted_u1s and such below
## y-axis is z(i), x-axis is i
## z(i) = cumulative sum of $u squared
## z = cumsum((svd$u ^ 2))
#' Plot the rank order svd$u elements to get a view of how much
#' the first genes contribute to the total variance by PC.
#' @param plotted_us a list of svd$u elements
#' @return a recordPlot() plot showing the first 3 PCs by rank-order svd$u.
#' @export
u_plot <- function(plotted_us) {
plotted_us <- abs(plotted_us[, c(1, 2, 3)])
plotted_u1s <- plotted_us[order(plotted_us[, 1], decreasing = TRUE), ]
plotted_u2s <- plotted_us[order(plotted_us[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]
plotted_u3s <- plotted_us[order(plotted_us[, 3], decreasing = TRUE), ]
## allS <- BiocGenerics::rank(allS, ties.method = "random")
## plotted_us$rank = rank(plotted_us[,1], ties.method = "random")
plotted_u1s <- cbind(plotted_u1s, rev(rank(plotted_u1s[, 1], ties.method = "random")))
plotted_u1s <- plotted_u1s[, c(1, 4)]
colnames(plotted_u1s) <- c("PC1", "rank")
plotted_u1s <- data.frame(plotted_u1s)
plotted_u1s[["ID"]] <- as.character(rownames(plotted_u1s))
plotted_u2s <- cbind(plotted_u2s, rev(rank(plotted_u2s[, 2], ties.method = "random")))
plotted_u2s <- plotted_u2s[, c(2, 4)]
colnames(plotted_u2s) <- c("PC2", "rank")
plotted_u2s <- data.frame(plotted_u2s)
plotted_u2s[["ID"]] <- as.character(rownames(plotted_u2s))
plotted_u3s <- cbind(plotted_u3s, rev(rank(plotted_u3s[, 3], ties.method = "random")))
plotted_u3s <- plotted_u3s[, c(3, 4)]
colnames(plotted_u3s) <- c("PC3", "rank")
plotted_u3s <- data.frame(plotted_u3s)
plotted_u3s[["ID"]] <- as.character(rownames(plotted_u3s))
plotted_us <- merge(plotted_u1s, plotted_u2s, by.x = "rank", by.y = "rank")
plotted_us <- merge(plotted_us, plotted_u3s, by.x = "rank", by.y = "rank")
colnames(plotted_us) <- c("rank", "PC1", "ID1", "PC2", "ID2", "PC3", "ID3")
## top_threePC = head(plotted_us, n = 20)
plotted_us <- plotted_us[, c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3")]
plotted_us[, "ID"] <- rownames(plotted_us)
mesg("More shallow curves in these plots suggest more genes in this principle component.")
tmp_file <- tmpmd5file(pattern = "heat", fileext = ".png")
this_plot <- png(filename = tmp_file)
controlled <- dev.control("enable")
u_plot <- grDevices::recordPlot()
removed <- file.remove(tmp_file)
removed <- unlink(dirname(tmp_file))
## EOF
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