Man pages for espors/idepGolem
Integrated Differential Expression and Pathway Analysis

add_legendAdd a legend
background_pathway_setsBackground gene pathway sets
basic_heatmapHeatmap of the data
basic_heat_subHeatmap of User brush selection
bicluster_summary_messageSummary of biclust
build_pathway_queryCreate SQL query statement for reading pathway db
change_namesChange comparison names
check_object_stateCheck object state
chr_counts_ggplotCreates a barplot of the count data by chr
chr_normalized_ggplotCreates a barplot of the normalized data by chr
chromosome_plotlyPlotly of chromosome position
clean_gene_setData cleaning on gene sets
clean_queryClean gene query
cluster_heat_click_infoInteractive click text for subheatmap
colorpanel2Pathview function...
connect_convert_dbConnect to the convertIDs database and return the objects.
connect_convert_db_orgConnect to the convertIDs database for the species and return...
conversion_counts_messageData processing message
convert_dataConvert expression data rownames to ensembl
convert_ensembl_to_entrezConvert IDs from ensembl to entrez
convert_idConvert gene IDs to ensembl data.
cor_plotCreate a correlation plot from heatmap data
counts_bias_messageCreate message for sequencing depth bias
data_frame_with_listGET RID OF LISTS IN A DATA FRAME
deg_click_infoHTML code for sub-heatmap selected cell
deg_deseq2Differential expression using DESeq2 package
deg_heat_dataFind data for the heatmap
deg_heatmapHeatmap for significant contrast genes
deg_heat_subPlot brush selection from main heatmap
deg_informationreturns results from DEG analysis
deg_limmaDifferential expression using limma package
detect_groupsDetect groups by sample names
dist_functionsList of distance functions for hierarchical clustering
doc_histDensity plot for the processed data
draw_sample_treeDraw a dendogram of data samples
dynamic_rangeDynamic Range
eda_boxplotBoxplot for processed data
eda_densityDensity plot for the processed data
eda_scatterScatterplot for EDA on processed data
enrich_barplotGenerate barplot for enrichment results
enrichment_tree_plotDendogram of enriched pathways
enrich_netnumChar=100 maximum number of characters n=200 maximum number...
experiment_design_txtCreate a string of the model design
extract_fcfdrExtract fold change and FDR for each comparison from limma
extract_underReplace underscore Find any instances of "_" and replace them...
extract_wordExtract a word
fct_01_load_data.Rfct_01_load_data.R This file holds all of the main data...
fct_02_pre_process.Rfct_02_pre_process.R This file holds all of the main data...
fct_03_heatmap.Rfct_03_heatmap.R This file holds all of the main data...
fct_05_pca.Rfct_05_pca.R This file holds all of the main data analysis...
fct_06_deg1.Rfct_06_deg1.R This file holds all of the main data analysis...
fct_06_pathway.Rfct_06_pathway.R This file holds all of the main data...
fct_07_genome.Rfct_07_genome.R This file holds all of the main data analysis...
fct_08_bicluster.Rfct_08_bicluster.R This file holds all of the main data...
fct_analysis_random.Rfct_analysis_random.R Miscellaneous data analysis functions...
fct_database.Rfct_database.R: A fie with all functions to deal with...
fgsea_dataPathway analysis with the FGSEA package
find_contrast_samplesDetermine samples in selected contrast
find_id_type_by_idFind the ID type
find_overlapFind overlap for pathway analysis
find_overlap_gmtCalculate overlap for species with GMT file
find_species_by_idFind a species by ID
find_species_by_id_nameFind a species by ID
find_species_id_by_ensemblFind a species id by ensembl dataset name
gage_dataPathway analysis with gage package
gene_counts_ggplotCreates a barplot of the count of genes by type
gene_infoRetrieve detailed info on genes
generate_colorsGenerate colors for plots, solving the problem of not having...
generate_descrWrite paragraph containing process details
genes_stat_tableCreate a table from DEG results
get_all_gene_namesGet all matched gene names
get_biclusteringGet bicuster information
get_biclust_table_dataTable of biclustering data
get_gene_infoRetrieve detailed gene information
get_gsva_plot_dataData from GSVA plot
get_idep_dataLoad iDEP data
get_module_plotDendogram plot of WGCNA modules
get_networkNetwork of top genes
get_network_plotNetwork of top genes, plot
get_pathway_list_dataCreate pathway table with gene sets
get_pcPrepare PC data
get_pc_varianceGet variance percentages
get_pgsea_plot_all_samples_dataData from PGSEA plot all samples
get_pgsea_plot_dataData from PGSEA plot
get_plot_heightGets plot height size from session$clientdata
get_plot_widthGets plot width dimensions from session$clientdata
get_wgcnaUtilize WGCNA function
get_wgcna_modulesList WGCNA modules
gg_color_hue'ggplot' colors
gmt_categoryDatabase choices for the converted IDs
gsva_dataPathway analysis with the GSVA package
hcluster_functionsList of method functions for hierarchical clustering
heat_click_infoHTML code for sub-heatmap selected cell
heatmap_mainDraw a heatmap of processed data
heat_subDraw sub heatmap from brush input
hyperTextConvert regular text to hypertext with links
individual_plotsIndividual plotting function for genes
input_dataLoad basic data information
kegg_pathwayUse KEGG to create a pathway diagram
k_means_elbowDraw an elbow plot for k-cluster selection
limma_valueDEG analysis function
list_block_factors_uiGet the block factor choices
list_comp_vennList comparisons for venn diagram plot
list_factors_uiCreate choices and title for model factors
list_interaction_terms_uiList model interaction terms
list_model_comparisons_uiCreate model comparisons choices
loose_rock_properCapitalizes the first letter in all words of a string
make_pull_down_menuCreate a pull down menu
max_funCalculate max of vector
MDS_plotMDS plot
mean_funCalculate mean of vector
mean_sd_plotMean vs. Standard Deviation plot
median_funCalculate median of vector
merge_dataMerge data from gene info and processed data
mod_label_serverServer component to customize gene labels
mod_label_uiUI component to customize gene labels
network_dataVisNetwork data
network_enrich_dataGene vector query for enrichment
pathway_select_dataGet data from genes in selected pathway
pathway_source_inforetrieve source info for pathway db
PCA_biplotPrincipal Component Analysis with PCAtools package
PCA_plotPrincipal component analysis plot
PCA_plot_3dPrincipal component analysis 3D plot
PCA_ScreePrincipal Component Analysis with PCAtools package
PCAtools_eigencorplotPrincipal Component Analysis with PCAtools package
pc_factor_correlationCorrelations Between Principle Components and Factors
pgsea_dataPathway analysis with the PGSEA package
pgsea_plot_allPathway analysis with the PGSEA package on all samples
plot_deg_scatterScatter plot of the comparison groups
plot_gsvaHeatmap of GSVA pathway analysis
plot_maPlot mean expression and fold change
plot_mean_connectivityMean connectivity plot
plot_pgseaHeatmap of PGSEA pathway analysis
plot_scale_independenceScale independence plot
plot_upsetPlot upset graph
plot_vennCreate a venn diagram plot
plot_volcanoVolcano DEG plot
prep_downloadPrep heatmap data for download
pre_processPre-Process the data
prep_vennPrep data for venn diagram
print_dataframePrint out a matrix's content as R code to regenerate the...
print_vectorprint the content of a vector as R code for the reconstruc of...
process_heatmap_dataHeatmap data processing
properCapitalize first letter
reactome_dataPathway analysis with reactome package
read_gene_setsRead pathway gene sets
read_gmtRead .gmt file
read_gmt_robustRead gene sets GMT file This functions cleans and converts...
read_pathway_setsRead pathway sets for gene query
refine_ggplot2Change ggplot2 plots
remove_pathway_idRemove Pathway ID from pathway name Only for GO and KEGG...
remove_pathway_id_secondRemove Pathway ID from pathway name in PGSEA Only for GO and...
rowname_id_swapSwap rowname IDs for data matrix
rRNA_counts_ggplotCreates a barplot of the count data by gene type
run_appRun the Shiny Application
sd_densityDensity plot of data standard deviation
select_reference_levels_uiRefernce levels for selected factor
showGeneIDsShow sample gene IDs in modal
sig_genes_plotSignificant genes bar plot
sub_heat_annCreate annotation for shiny subheatmap
sum_funCalculate sum of vector
total_counts_ggplotCreates a barplot of the count data
transform_comparisonscomparisons in all levels of the other factor "stage: MN vs....
t_SNE_plott-SNE plot
utils_analysis_random.Rutils_analysis_random.R Miscellaneous helper functions here,...
utils_ui.Rutils_ui.R These are helper functions for ui code, shiny code...
vis_network_plotVisNetwork plot
volcano_dataData processing for volcano and ma plot
wrap_stringsWrapping long text by adding a new line character
espors/idepGolem documentation built on June 24, 2024, 4:49 p.m.