
Defines functions deconvolute_timer.default GetOutlierGenes DrawQQPlot ParseInputExpression ConvertRownameToLoci GetFractions.Abbas check_cancer_types RemoveBatchEffect LoadImmuneGeneExpression get_immune_curated_data_path TimerINFO

Documented in check_cancer_types GetFractions.Abbas

#' Source code for the TIMER deconvolution method.
#' This code is adapted from https://github.com/hanfeisun/TIMER, which
#' again is an adapted version of the original TIMER source code
#' from http://cistrome.org/TIMER/download.html.
#' The method is described in Li et al. Genome Biology 2016;17(1):174., PMID 27549193.
#' @import sva
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpparam
#' @name timer

TimerINFO <- function(string) {
  message(sprintf("## %s\n", string))

TimerINFO("Loading Timer Utilities")

get_immune_curated_data_path <- function() {
  system.file("extdata", "timer", "precalculated",
    package = "immunedeconv", mustWork = TRUE

#' TIMER signatures are cancer specific. This is the list of available cancer types.
#' @export
timer_available_cancers <- c(
  "kich", "blca", "brca", "cesc", "gbm", "hnsc", "kirp", "lgg",
  "lihc", "luad", "lusc", "prad", "sarc", "pcpg", "paad", "tgct",
  "ucec", "ov", "skcm", "dlbc", "kirc", "acc", "meso", "thca",
  "uvm", "ucs", "thym", "esca", "stad", "read", "coad", "chol"

LoadImmuneGeneExpression <- function() {
  ## Load gene expression data for immune cells

  ## Returns:
  ##   A data frame of expression data for immune cells
  ##   (cols for immune cell sample, rows for "gene name;probe ID")
  if (file.exists(get_immune_curated_data_path())) {
    ## See below: list(genes=curated.ref.genes, celltypes=curated.cell.types)
    curated.data <- get(load(get_immune_curated_data_path()))

  exp <- get(load(system.file("extdata", "timer", "immune_datasets", "HPCTimmune.Rdata")))

  ## ----- Select single reference samples of pre-selected immune cell types -----##
  B_cell <- 362:385
  T_cell.CD4 <- grep("T_cell.CD4", colnames(exp))
  T_cell.CD8 <- grep("T_cell.CD8", colnames(exp))
  NK <- 328:331
  Neutrophil <- 344:361
  Macrophage <- 66:80
  DC <- 151:238

  curated.ref <- exp[, c(
    B_cell, T_cell.CD4, T_cell.CD8,
    NK, Neutrophil, Macrophage, DC

  curated.cell.types <- colnames(curated.ref)
  names(curated.cell.types) <- c(
    rep("B_cell", length(B_cell)),
    rep("T_cell.CD4", length(T_cell.CD4)),
    rep("T_cell.CD8", length(T_cell.CD8)),
    rep("NK", length(NK)),
    rep("Neutrophil", length(Neutrophil)),
    rep("Macrophage", length(Macrophage)),
    rep("DC", length(DC))
  curated.ref.genes <- ConvertImmuneProbeToRefgene(curated.ref)
  ret <- list(genes = curated.ref.genes, celltypes = curated.cell.types)
  save(ret, file = get_immune_curated_data_path())

RemoveBatchEffect <- function(cancer.exp, immune.exp, immune.cellType) {
  ## intersect the gene names of cancer.exp and immune.exp
  tmp.dd <- as.matrix(cancer.exp)
  tmp <- sapply(
    strsplit(rownames(cancer.exp), "\\|"),
    function(x) x[[1]]
  rownames(tmp.dd) <- tmp
  tmp.dd <- as.matrix(tmp.dd[which(nchar(tmp) > 1), ])
  tmp.ss <- intersect(rownames(tmp.dd), rownames(immune.exp))

  ## bind cancer and immune expression data into one dataframe
  N1 <- ncol(tmp.dd)

  tmp.dd <- cbind(tmp.dd[tmp.ss, ], immune.exp[tmp.ss, ])
  tmp.dd <- as.matrix(tmp.dd)
  mode(tmp.dd) <- "numeric"

  ## remove batch effects
  N2 <- ncol(immune.exp)
  tmp.batch <- c(rep(1, N1), rep(2, N2))
  tmp.dd0 <- ComBat(tmp.dd, tmp.batch, c(), BPPARAM = BiocParallel::bpparam("SerialParam"))

  ## separate cancer and immune expression data after batch effect removing
  dd.br <- tmp.dd0[, 1:N1]
  immune.exp.br <- tmp.dd0[, (N1 + 1):(N1 + N2)]

  ## a immune category has multiple samples, use the median expression level for a gene
  tmp0 <- c()
  for (kk in unique(names(immune.cellType))) {
    tmp.vv <- which(names(immune.cellType) == kk)
    tmp0 <- cbind(tmp0, apply(immune.exp.br[, tmp.vv], 1, median, na.rm = TRUE))

  immune.exp.agg.br <- tmp0
  colnames(immune.exp.agg.br) <- unique(names(immune.cellType))
  return(list(as.matrix(dd.br), immune.exp.br, immune.exp.agg.br))

#' process batch table and check cancer types.
#' @param args environment
check_cancer_types <- function(args) {
  if (length(args$batch) != 0) {
    TimerINFO("Enter batch mode\n")
    cancers <- as.matrix(read.table(args$batch, sep = ","))
  } else {
    cancers <- c(args$expression, args$category)
    dim(cancers) <- c(1, 2)
  # print(cancers)
  for (i in seq(nrow(cancers))) {
    cancer.category <- cancers[i, 2]
    if (!(cancer.category %in% timer_available_cancers)) {
      stop(paste("unknown cancers:", cancer.category))

#' Constrained regression method implemented in Abbas et al., 2009
#' @param XX immune expression data
#' @param YY cancer expression data
#' @param w ?
GetFractions.Abbas <- function(XX, YY, w = NA) {
  ss.remove <- c()
  ss.names <- colnames(XX)
  while (TRUE) {
    if (length(ss.remove) == 0) {
      tmp.XX <- XX
    } else {
      if (is.null(ncol(tmp.XX))) {
        return(rep(0, ncol(XX)))
      tmp.XX <- tmp.XX[, -ss.remove]
    if (length(ss.remove) > 0) {
      ss.names <- ss.names[-ss.remove]
      if (length(ss.names) == 0) {
        return(rep(0, ncol(XX)))
    if (is.na(w[1])) tmp <- lsfit(tmp.XX, YY, intercept = FALSE) else tmp <- lsfit(tmp.XX, YY, w, intercept = FALSE)
    if (is.null(ncol(tmp.XX))) tmp.beta <- tmp$coefficients[1] else tmp.beta <- tmp$coefficients[1:(ncol(tmp.XX) + 0)]
    if (min(tmp.beta > 0)) break
    ss.remove <- which.min(tmp.beta)
  tmp.F <- rep(0, ncol(XX))
  names(tmp.F) <- colnames(XX)
  tmp.F[ss.names] <- tmp.beta

ConvertRownameToLoci <- function(cancerGeneExpression) {
  ## Extract only the loci information for row name

  ## Example of origin row name is 'LOC389332|389332'
  ## Coverted row name is 'LOC389332'

  ## Args:
  ##   geneExpression: the orginal geneExpression load from .Rdata file
  ## Returns:
  ##   Modified geneExpression

  tmp <- strsplit(rownames(cancerGeneExpression), "\\|")
  tmp <- sapply(tmp, function(x) x[[1]])
  tmp.vv <- which(nchar(tmp) > 1)
  rownames(cancerGeneExpression) <- tmp
  extracted <- as.matrix(cancerGeneExpression[tmp.vv, ])
  colnames(extracted) <- colnames(cancerGeneExpression)

ParseInputExpression <- function(path) {
  ret <- read.csv(path, sep = "\t", row.names = 1)
  ret <- as.matrix(ret)
  mode(ret) <- "numeric"
  ret <- ConvertRownameToLoci(ret)

DrawQQPlot <- function(cancer.exp, immune.exp, name = "") {
  ## q-q plot by sample should look like a straight line.
  ## Extreme values may saturate for Affy array data, but most of the data should align well.
  qq <- qqplot(cancer.exp, immune.exp,
    xlab = "Tumor Expression", ylab = "Ref Expression",
    main = "Sample-Sample Q-Q plot"
  mtext(name, col = "gray11")

  # get part of the points for fit linear, remove bottom 40%, and top 10%
  start <- 0.4 * length(qq$x)
  end <- 0.9 * length(qq$x)
  qq.sub <- list(x = qq$x[start:end], y = qq$y[start:end])
  fit <- lm(y ~ x, data = qq.sub)
  abline(fit, col = "blue")

GetOutlierGenes <- function(cancers) {
  ## Return a union of  outlier genes.
  ## The top 5 expressed genes in each sample is treated as outlier here.
  outlier.total <- c()
  for (i in seq(nrow(cancers))) {
    cancer.expFile <- cancers[i, 1]
    cancer.expression <- ParseInputExpression(cancer.expFile)
    for (j in 1:ncol(cancer.expression)) {
      outlier <- rownames(cancer.expression)[tail(order(cancer.expression[, j]), 5)]
      outlier.total <- c(outlier.total, outlier)

deconvolute_timer.default <- function(args) {
  cancers <- check_cancer_types(args)

  TimerINFO("Loading immune gene expression")
  immune <- LoadImmuneGeneExpression()
  immune.geneExpression <- immune$genes
  immune.cellTypes <- immune$celltypes
  outlier.genes <- sort(GetOutlierGenes(cancers))
  print(paste("Outlier genes:", paste(outlier.genes, collapse = " ")))

  dir.create(args$outdir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  if (!dir.exists(paste(args$outdir, "/results", sep = ""))) {
    dir.create(paste(args$outdir, "/results", sep = ""))

  abundance.score.matrix <- c()
  pdf(paste(args$outdir, "/results/output.pdf", sep = ""))
  for (i in 1:nrow(cancers)) {
    cancer.expFile <- cancers[i, 1]
    cancer.category <- cancers[i, 2]
    gene.selected.marker.path <- system.file("extdata", "timer", "precalculated", paste0("genes_", cancer.category, ".RData"),
      package = "immunedeconv", mustWork = TRUE
    cancer.expression <- ParseInputExpression(cancer.expFile)
    index <- !(row.names(cancer.expression) %in% outlier.genes)
    cancer.expression <- cancer.expression[index, , drop = FALSE]
    cancer.colnames <- colnames(cancer.expression)

    TimerINFO(paste("Removing the batch effect of", cancer.expFile))
    for (j in 1:length(cancer.colnames)) {
      DrawQQPlot(cancer.expression[, j], immune.geneExpression[, 1], name = cancer.colnames[j])

    tmp <- RemoveBatchEffect(cancer.expression, immune.geneExpression, immune.cellTypes)
    cancer.expNorm <- tmp[[1]]
    immune.expNormMedian <- tmp[[3]]

    for (j in 1:length(cancer.colnames)) {
      DrawQQPlot(cancer.expNorm[, j], immune.expNormMedian[, 1],
        name = paste("After batch removing and aggregating for", cancer.colnames[j])

    gene.selected.marker <- get(load(gene.selected.marker.path))
    gene.selected.marker <- intersect(gene.selected.marker, row.names(cancer.expNorm))
    XX <- immune.expNormMedian[gene.selected.marker, c(-4)]
    YY <- cancer.expNorm[gene.selected.marker, , drop = FALSE]

    for (j in 1:length(cancer.colnames)) {
      fractions <- GetFractions.Abbas(XX, YY[, j])
      # print (paste("Fractions for", cancer.expFile, cancer.colnames[j]))
      # print (fractions)
        cex.names = 0.8, names.arg = names(fractions), xlab = "cell type", ylab = "abundance",
        main = paste("Abundance estimation for", cancer.colnames[j])

      abundance.score.matrix <- cbind(abundance.score.matrix, fractions)
      colnames(abundance.score.matrix)[ncol(abundance.score.matrix)] <- cancer.colnames[j]

  write.table(abundance.score.matrix, paste(args$outdir, "/results/score_matrix.txt", sep = ""),
    sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA

grst/immunedeconv documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 1:33 a.m.