
Defines functions annotate_CpGs get_descriptives_postGWAMA

Documented in get_descriptives_postGWAMA

#' Get descriptives after GWAMA
#' Get descriptives after perform GWAMA meta-analysis
#' @param resdir string. Path with results from GWAMA
#' @param analyzedata string vector. Route to analized data in order to get descriptives
#' @param modelfiles string vector with models used to perform meta-analysis
#' @param metaname string. Meta-analisis name. only used in titles
#' @param artype string, Illumina array type, 450K or EPIC
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
#' @return File with descriptive and plots from GWAMA results. Results are stored in the same file as GWAMA results
#' @export
get_descriptives_postGWAMA <- function(resdir, analyzedata, modelfiles, metaname, artype, Ns)

   # Descriptives

   type <-  c('Fixed','Random')
   modeldata <- list()

   for( f in 1:length(analyzedata))

      filedata <- paste0(analyzedata[f],".out")
      data <- read.table(filedata, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
      nCpG <- dim(data)[1]

      #..# qc.fname <- str_replace(analyzedata[f], type[f], "descriptives.txt")
      qc.fname <- paste0(analyzedata[f], "_descriptives.txt")

      print(paste0("Output file : ",qc.fname))

      write(sprintf('\t\t\t\t======================\n\t\t\t\t  Descriptive EWAS meta-analysis\n\t\t\t\t======================\n'), file = qc.fname)
      write(sprintf('-----------------------------\n Model : %s\n-----------------------------\n',metaname), file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)
      # write(sprintf('cohorts : %d ',length(unique(data$n_studies))), file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)
      write(sprintf('cohorts : %d ',length(unname(modelfiles))), file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)
      write(sprintf('Cohorts analysed :'), file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)
      write(sprintf('\t\t %s', unname(modelfiles)) , file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)
      write(sprintf('N Samples : %d ', sum(Ns) ), file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)
      write(sprintf('N CpGs : %d ',nCpG), file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)

      # Effects
      write(sprintf('\nDescriptive \n-------------\n'), file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)
      lst <- strsplit(data$effects, "") # Split effects in columns
      data <- cbind(data, data.frame(matrix(unlist(lst), nrow=length(lst), byrow=T)))
      effectpositions <- grep("X[0-9]",names(data)) # Posicions
      colnames(data)[grep("X[0-9]",names(data)) ] <- modelfiles   # effects colnames

      write(sprintf('# Direction of the effect (relative freq.)\n'), file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)
      presence.pcent <- prop.table(do.call(cbind, lapply(data[effectpositions], table)), margin = 2)
      suppressWarnings(write.table(presence.pcent, qc.fname, sep="\t",row.names=TRUE, append = TRUE))

      # Descriptives
      descfields <- c(7,8,11,12,13,14,15,16)
      write(sprintf('\n# Descriptive \n'), file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)
      #..# desc <- prop.table(do.call(cbind, lapply(data[descfields], summary)), margin = 2)
      desc <- lapply(data[descfields], summary)
      desc_w <-  t(bind_rows(desc))
      colnames(desc_w) <- names(desc)
      suppressWarnings(write.table( round(desc_w,5), qc.fname, sep="      \t",row.names=TRUE, append = TRUE))

      # Significative CpGs before and after Bonferroni Correction and FDR
      data$Bonferroni<-ifelse((data$p.value<0.05/dim(data)[1] ),"yes","no")   # Add Bonferroni correction addjustment
      data$FDR<-p.adjust(data$p.value, method="fdr")   # Add FDR adjustment

      write(sprintf('\n# SNumber of statistically significant CpGs : \n'), file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)
      write(sprintf('\t# Nominal p-value<0.05 : %d\n', length(which(data$p.value<0.05)) ), file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)
      write(sprintf('\t# After Bonferroni correction :  %d\n', length(which(data$Bonferroni == 'yes'))), file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)
      write(sprintf('\t# After FDR correction : %d\n', length(which(data$FDR<0.05)) ), file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)
      write(sprintf('\t# Lambda : %f\n', qchisq(median(data$`p.value`), df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE) / qchisq(0.5, 1) ), file = qc.fname, append = TRUE)

      # Annotate CpGs
      data.annot <- annotate_CpGs(data[,"rs_number"], artype)

      # Merge data with annotation before write results to a file
      data.full <-  merge( data, data.annot, by.x = "rs_number", by.y ="Name")

      # Change "rs_number" column name by CpGId
      colnames(data.full)[1] <- "CpGId"

      # Remove allele columns
      data.full <- data.full[-grep("*allele",colnames(data.full))]

      # Write data with adjustments in other file, we don't want to overwrite gwama results
      qc.fname <- paste0(analyzedata[f], "_Modif.out")
      suppressWarnings(write.table(data.full, qc.fname, sep="\t",row.names=TRUE, append = FALSE))

      # QC Plots - Post metha-analysis

      # Custom graphical options.
      gg_colors <- function(n, alpha = NULL) {
         hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
         hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100, alpha = alpha)[1:n]

      # rasterpdf::raster_pdf(paste0(analyzedata[f], '_QCplots.pdf'), res = 600)

      # Plot distributions.
      plot.distr <- function(x, main, xlab) {
         h <- hist(x, breaks = 100, plot = FALSE)
         d <- density(x)
         plot(h, freq = FALSE, col = gg_colors(2)[2], border = 'white',
              main = main, xlab = xlab, ylim = c(0, max(d$y, h$density)))
         lines(d, col = gg_colors(2)[1], lwd = 2)

      png(paste0(analyzedata[f], '_QC_distr_i2_plot.png'), type="cairo")
         plot.distr(na.omit(data$i2), main = paste('Heterogeneity (i2) histogram -', metaname,type[f]), xlab = 'i2')

      png(paste0(analyzedata[f], '_QC_distr_SE_plot.png'), type="cairo")
         plot.distr(data$se, main = paste('Standard Errors -', metaname,type[f]), xlab = 'SE')

      png(paste0(analyzedata[f], '_QC_distr_pvalue_plot.png'), type="cairo")
         plot.distr(data$`p.value`, main = paste('p-values -', metaname,type[f]), xlab = 'p-value')

      # QQ plot.

      png(paste0(analyzedata[f], '_QC_Chi_lambda.png'), type="cairo")
         lambda <- qchisq(median(data$`p.value`), df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE) / qchisq(0.5, 1)

      png(paste0(analyzedata[f], '_QC_QQplot_plot.png'), type="cairo")
         qqman::qq(data$`p.value`, main = sprintf('QQ plot of %s %s (lambda = %f)', metaname, type[f], lambda))

      # Volcano plot.
      bt <- 0.01
      pt <- 3
      colors <- rep(gray(0.75, 0.25), nCpG)
      colors[data$beta >  bt & -log10(data$`p.value`) > 3] <- gg_colors(2, 0.5)[1] # Red
      colors[data$beta < -bt & -log10(data$`p.value`) > 3] <- gg_colors(2, 0.5)[2] # Blue

      png(paste0(analyzedata[f], '_QC_Volcano.png'), type="cairo")
         plot(data$beta, -log10(data$`p.value`), col = colors,
              main = paste('Volcano plot of', metaname), xlab = 'Beta', ylab = '-log10 p-value')
         abline(h = pt, v = c(-bt, bt), lty = 'dotted')

      modeldata[[f]] <- data


   names(modeldata) <- type;


# Annotate CpGs with Illumina 450K or EPIC data
annotate_CpGs <- function(CpGs, artype)

   # Get library for 450K or Epic
   if( toupper(artype) == '450K'){
      ann <- getAnnotation(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19)
      ann <- getAnnotation(IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b4.hg19)

   if( toupper(artype) == 'MIX' ) {
      ann450K <- getAnnotation(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19)

      colnames(ann450K)[ which(colnames(ann450K) %in% c("Phantom", "Enhancer"))] <- c("Phantom4_Enhancers", "X450k_Enhancer")
      ann <- plyr::rbind.fill(as.data.frame(ann), as.data.frame(ann450K[!rownames(ann450K) %in% rownames(ann),]))
      rownames(ann) <- ann$Name

   ann$gene <- rownames(ann)
   # Merge cpgs with annotations
   CpGs.annot <-  merge( as.data.frame(CpGs), ann, by.x ="CpGs", by.y = "gene")


isglobal-brge/EASIER documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 6:30 p.m.