## ############ ##
## Enrichment ##
## ############ ##
## -------------------------------------
## Install EASIER Package Code
## -------------------------------------
## Uncomment this code to install EASIER package
# # Install devtools
# install.packages("devtools")
# # Install required packages
# devtools::source_url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/isglobal-brge/EASIER/HEAD/installer.R")
# # Install EASIER package
# devtools::install_github("isglobal-brge/EASIER@HEAD")
## END - Install EASIER Package Code
## -------------------------------------
# Load package
## Develop test working directory
# setwd("~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/PROJECTES/Treballant/EASIER")
# setwd("/Users/mailos/tmp/proves")
########## ---------- VARIABLES DEFINED BY USER ---------- ##########
# Set working directory to enrichment folder
setwd("<path to metaanalysis folder>/Enrichment")
# Files with CpG data to enrich may be a CpGs list or annotated GWAMA output
FilesToEnrich <- c('./GWAMA_Results/MetaA1/MetaA1_Fixed_Modif.out',
# Values for adjustment
BN <- TRUE # Use Bonferroni ?
FDR <- 0.7 # significance level for adjustment, if NA FDR is not used
pvalue <- 0.05 # significance level for p-value, if NA p-value is not used
# Array type, used : EPIC or 450K
# this data is defined for each file to analyse
artype <- c('450K', 'EPIC', 'EPIC')
# Result paths definition for QC, Meta-Analysis and Enrichment
results_folder <- 'QC_Results'
results_gwama <- '.'
results_enrich <- 'Enrichment'
# Enrichment type : 'BLOOD' or 'PLACENTA'
# if enrichtype <- 'BLOOD' => enrichment with :
# Cromatine States : BLOOD (crom15)
# (To be implemented in future) Partially Methylated Domains (PMD) for Blood
# if enrichtype <- 'PLACENTA' => enrichment with:
# Cromatine States : PLACENTA (FP_15) optionally (FP_18)
# Partially Methylated Domains (PMD) for Placenta
# if enrichtype is different from 'BLOOD' and 'PLACENTA' we only get the missMethyl and MSigDB enrichment and the Unique genes list.
enrichtype <- 'PLACENTA'
# Cromatine States Placenta Enrichment FP_18
# if enrichFP18 = TRUE the enrichment is performed wit FP_15 and FP_18
enrichFP18 <- FALSE
# Test to be used : 'Fisher' or 'Hypergeometric' if testdata is different no test will be performed
testdata <- 'Fisher'
# Perform eQTM enrichment
########## ---------- END VARIABLES DEFINED BY USER ---------- ##########
## Check if we have any files to enrich and if these files exists
if (length(FilesToEnrich)>=1 & FilesToEnrich[1]!='') {
for ( i in 1:length(FilesToEnrich))
if (!file.exists(FilesToEnrich[i])) stop(paste0('File ',FilesToEnrich[i],' does not exsits, please check file' ))
## Check variables
if( ! toupper(enrichtype) %in% c('PLACENTA','BLOOD') )
warning('Only enrichment with MyssMethyl and MSigDB will be done')
if( ! tolower(testdata) %in% c('fisher','hypergeometric') )
warning('Wrong value for testdata variable, values must be "Fisher" or "Hypergeometric". No test will be performed ')
# Convert relative paths to absolute paths for FilesToEnrich
FilesToEnrich <- unlist(sapply(FilesToEnrich, function(file) { if(substr(file,1,1)!='.' & substr(file,1,1)!='/' & substr(file, 2, 2) != ':') file <- paste0('./',file) else file }))
FilesToEnrich <- sapply(FilesToEnrich, tools::file_path_as_absolute)
outputfolder <- file.path(getwd(), results_enrich )
outputfolder <- file.path(getwd() )}
# Create dir to put results from enrichment
setwd( outputfolder)
# Get which data we have to enrich
if (length(FilesToEnrich)>=1 & FilesToEnrich[1]!='')
for (i in 1:length(FilesToEnrich)) {
# Enrich all CpGs
allCpGs <- FALSE
# Get data
data <- NULL
data <- read.table(FilesToEnrich[i], header = TRUE, sep = "", dec = ".", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Is a CpG list only ? then read without headers and annotate data
if(nrow(data) <= 1 || ncol(data) <= 1 || !any(c("FDR", "BN","p.value", "Bonferroni") %in% colnames(data)) ) {
data <- read.table(FilesToEnrich[i], dec = ".") # Avoid header
data <- as.vector(t(data))
data <- get_annotattions(data, artype[i], FilesToEnrich[i], outputfolder )
allCpGs <- TRUE
data$chromosome <- substr(data$chr,4,length(data$chr))
data$rs_number <- data$CpGs
}else {
if(! "rs_number" %in% colnames(data)) {
if("CpGs" %in% colnames(data)) {
data$rs_number = data$CpGs
}else if("CpGId" %in% colnames(data)) {
data$rs_number = data$CpGId
}else {
stop("Data must contain rs_number, CpGs or CpGId column with CpGs Ids")
## -- Functional Enrichmnet
## ------------------------
# Enrichment with missMethyl - GO and KEGG --> Writes results to outputfolder
miss_enrich <- missMethyl_enrichment(data, outputfolder, FilesToEnrich[i], artype[i], BN, FDR, pvalue, allCpGs, plots = FALSE )
# get unique genes from data
geneUniv <- lapply( lapply(miss_enrich[grepl("signif", names(miss_enrich))], function(cpgs) { data[which(as.character(data$CpGs) %in% cpgs),]$UCSC_RefGene_Name}), getUniqueGenes)
## -- Online Tools
# Enrichment with ConsensusPathDB
# - Consensus path http://cpdb.molgen.mpg.de/ (gene-set analysis – over-representation analysis)
# Available FSet types :
# 1 P manually curated pathways from pathway databases
# 2 N interaction network neighborhood-based functional sets
# 3 G2 Gene Ontology-based sets, GO level 2
# 4 G3 Gene Ontology-based sets, GO level 3
# 5 G4 Gene Ontology-based sets, GO level 4
# 6 G5 Gene Ontology-based sets, GO level 5
# 7 C protein complex-based sets
acFSet <- c('C', 'P', 'G2', 'G3')
acType <- 'entrez-gene'
# Get Enrichment
CPDB_enrich <- lapply(names(geneUniv), function( data, accFSet, genes ) {
accNumbers=na.omit(as.character(eval(parse(text = paste0("genes$",data))))),
outputdir = "ConsensusPathDB",
outputfile = gsub(".", "_", data, fixed=TRUE) )},
accFSet = acFSet, genes = geneUniv)
names(CPDB_enrich) <- names(geneUniv)
## -- Molecular Enrichmnet
## -----------------------
# Molecular Signatures Database enrichment
msd_enrich <- MSigDB_enrichment(data, outputfolder, FilesToEnrich[i], artype[i], BN, FDR, pvalue, allCpGs)
if("FDR" %in% colnames(data) | "Bonferroni" %in% colnames(data) | "p.val" %in% colnames(data) | "p.value" %in% colnames(data))
## -- Prepare data
## ---------------
# Classify by Hyper and Hypo methylated
data$meth_state <- getHyperHypo(data$beta) # Classify methylation into Hyper and Hypo
if("FDR" %in% colnames(data) & !is.na(FDR) )
# Add column bFDR to data for that CpGs that accomplish with FDR
data$bFDR <- getBinaryClassificationYesNo(data$FDR, "<", FDR) # Classify fdr into "yes" and no taking into account FDR significance level
# CpGs FDR and Hyper and Hypo respectively
FDR_Hyper <- ifelse(data$bFDR == 'yes' & data$meth_state=='Hyper', "yes", "no")
FDR_Hypo <- ifelse(data$bFDR == 'yes' & data$meth_state=='Hypo', "yes", "no")
FDR_Hyper_Hypo <- ifelse(data$bFDR == 'yes' & data$meth_state=='Hypo', "Hypo-yes",
ifelse(data$bFDR == 'no' & data$meth_state=='Hypo', "Hypo-no",
ifelse(data$bFDR == 'yes' & data$meth_state=='Hyper', "Hyper-yes", "Hyper-no" ) ) )
if("Bonferroni" %in% colnames(data) & BN==TRUE)
# CpGs Bonferroni and Hyper and Hypo respectively
BN_Hyper <- ifelse(data$Bonferroni == 'yes' & data$meth_state=='Hyper', "yes", "no")
BN_Hypo <- ifelse(data$Bonferroni == 'yes' & data$meth_state=='Hypo', "yes", "no")
BN_Hyper_Hypo <- ifelse(data$Bonferroni == 'yes' & data$meth_state=='Hypo', "Hypo-yes",
ifelse(data$Bonferroni == 'no' & data$meth_state=='Hypo', "Hypo-no",
ifelse(data$Bonferroni == 'yes' & data$meth_state=='Hyper', "Hyper-yes", "Hyper-no" ) ) )
if(("p.val" %in% colnames(data) | "p.value" %in% colnames(data)) & !is.na(pvalue) )
# Add column bpval to data for that CpGs that accomplish with FDR
data$bpval <- getBinaryClassificationYesNo(data$p.value, "<", pvalue) # Classify fdr into "yes" and no taking into account FDR significance level
# CpGs FDR and Hyper and Hypo respectively
pval_Hyper <- ifelse(data$bpval == 'yes' & data$meth_state=='Hyper', "yes", "no")
pval_Hypo <- ifelse(data$bpval == 'yes' & data$meth_state=='Hypo', "yes", "no")
pval_Hyper_Hypo <- ifelse(data$bpval == 'yes' & data$meth_state=='Hypo', "Hypo-yes",
ifelse(data$bpval == 'no' & data$meth_state=='Hypo', "Hypo-no",
ifelse(data$bpval == 'yes' & data$meth_state=='Hyper', "Hyper-yes", "Hyper-no" ) ) )
## TODO: Simplify this code with only one function x option (fisher - Geometric // BN - FDR )
# For FDR
if("FDR" %in% colnames(data) & !is.na(FDR) )
## -- CpG Gene position
## ---------------------
# Get descriptives
get_descriptives_GenePosition(data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, data$bFDR , "FDR", outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_FDR_Desc", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
## -- Fisher Test - Gene position - FDR, FDR_hyper and FDR_hypo
GenePosition <- getAllFisherTest(data$bFDR, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
GenePosition_hyper <- getAllFisherTest(FDR_Hyper, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_FDRHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
GenePosition_hypo <- getAllFisherTest(FDR_Hypo, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_FDRHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
GenePosition_HyperHypo <- getAllFisherTest(FDR_Hyper_Hypo, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_FDRHyperHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - Island relative position - FDR, FDR_hyper and FDR_hypo (for Depletion and Enrichment)
GenePosition <- getAllHypergeometricTest(data$bFDR, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/HyperG_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
GenePosition_hyper <- getAllHypergeometricTest(FDR_Hyper, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/HyperG_FDRHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
GenePosition_hypo <- getAllHypergeometricTest(FDR_Hypo, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/HyperG_FDRHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(fdr = GenePosition, fdr_hypo = GenePosition_hypo, fdr_hyper = GenePosition_hyper),
outputdir = "GenePosition", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], main = )
## -- CpG Island relative position
## --------------------------------
# Get descriptives
get_descriptives_RelativetoIsland(data$Relation_to_Island, data$bFDR , "FDR", outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_FDR_RelativeToIsland", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
## -- Fisher Test - Position Relative to Island - FDR, FDR_hyper and FDR_hypo
relative_island <- getAllFisherTest(data$bFDR, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
relative_island_hyper <- getAllFisherTest(FDR_Hyper, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_FDRHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
relative_island_hypo <- getAllFisherTest(FDR_Hypo, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_FDRHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
relative_island_hyperhypo <- getAllFisherTest(FDR_Hyper_Hypo, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_FDRHyperHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - Gene position - FDR, FDR_hyper and FDR_hypo (for Depletion and Enrichment)
relative_island <- getAllHypergeometricTest(data$bFDR, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/HyperG_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
relative_island_hyper <- getAllHypergeometricTest(FDR_Hyper, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/HyperG_FDRHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
relative_island_hypo <- getAllHypergeometricTest(FDR_Hypo, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/HyperG_FDRHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(bn = relative_island, bn_hypo = relative_island_hypo, bn_hyper = relative_island_hyper),
outputdir = "RelativeToIsland", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], main = )
# For Bonferroni
if("Bonferroni" %in% colnames(data) & BN==TRUE)
## -- CpG Gene position
## ---------------------
get_descriptives_GenePosition(data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, data$Bonferroni, "Bonferroni", outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_BN_Desc", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
# For BN
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
## -- Fisher Test - Gene position - FDR, FDR_hyper and FDR_hypo
GenePosition <- getAllFisherTest(data$Bonferroni, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
GenePosition_hyper <- getAllFisherTest(BN_Hyper, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_BNHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
GenePosition_hypo <- getAllFisherTest(BN_Hypo, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_BNHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
GenePosition_hyperhypo <- getAllFisherTest(BN_Hyper_Hypo, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_BNHyperHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - Island relative position - FDR, FDR_hyper and FDR_hypo (for Depletion and Enrichment)
GenePosition <- getAllHypergeometricTest(data$Bonferroni, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/HyperG_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
GenePosition_hyper <- getAllHypergeometricTest(BN_Hyper, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/HyperG_BNHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
GenePosition_hypo <- getAllHypergeometricTest(BN_Hypo, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/HyperG_BNHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(fdr = GenePosition, fdr_hypo = GenePosition_hypo, fdr_hyper = GenePosition_hyper),
outputdir = "GenePosition", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], main = )
## -- CpG Island relative position
## --------------------------------
# Get descriptives
get_descriptives_RelativetoIsland(data$Relation_to_Island, data$Bonferroni, "Bonferroni", outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_BN_RelativeToIsland", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
## -- Fisher Test - Position Relative to Island - FDR, FDR_hyper and FDR_hypo
relative_island <- getAllFisherTest(data$Bonferroni, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
relative_island_hyper <- getAllFisherTest(BN_Hyper, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_BNHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
relative_island_hypo <- getAllFisherTest(BN_Hypo, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_BNHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
relative_island_hyperhypo <- getAllFisherTest(BN_Hyper_Hypo, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_BNHyperHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - Gene position - FDR, FDR_hyper and FDR_hypo (for Depletion and Enrichment)
relative_island <- getAllHypergeometricTest(data$Bonferroni, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/HyperG_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
relative_island_hyper <- getAllHypergeometricTest(BN_Hyper, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/HyperG_BNHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
relative_island_hypo <- getAllHypergeometricTest(BN_Hypo, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/HyperG_BNHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(bn = relative_island, bn_hypo = relative_island_hypo, bn_hyper = relative_island_hyper),
outputdir = "RelativeToIsland", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], main = )
# For pvalue
if( ("p.val" %in% colnames(data) | "p.value" %in% colnames(data)) & !is.na(pvalue) )
## -- CpG Gene position
## ---------------------
# Get descriptives
get_descriptives_GenePosition(data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, data$bpval , "p.value", outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_pval_Desc", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
## -- Fisher Test - Gene position - pval, pval_hyper and pval_hypo
GenePosition <- getAllFisherTest(data$bpval, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_pval", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
GenePosition_hyper <- getAllFisherTest(pval_Hyper, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_pvalHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
GenePosition_hypo <- getAllFisherTest(pval_Hypo, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_pvalHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
GenePosition_hyperhypo <- getAllFisherTest(pval_Hyper_Hypo, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_pvalHyperHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - Island relative position - pval, pval_hyper and pval_hypo (for Depletion and Enrichment)
GenePosition <- getAllHypergeometricTest(data$bpval, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/HyperG_pval", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
GenePosition_hyper <- getAllHypergeometricTest(pval_Hyper, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/HyperG_pvalHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
GenePosition_hypo <- getAllHypergeometricTest(pval_Hypo, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/HyperG_pvalHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(pval = GenePosition, pval_hypo = GenePosition_hypo, pval_hyper = GenePosition_hyper),
outputdir = "GenePosition", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], main = )
## -- CpG Island relative position
## --------------------------------
# Get descriptives
get_descriptives_RelativetoIsland(data$Relation_to_Island, data$bpval , "p.value", outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_pval_RelativeToIsland", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
## -- Fisher Test - Position Relative to Island - pval, pval_hyper and pval_hypo
relative_island <- getAllFisherTest(data$bpval, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_pval", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
relative_island_hyper <- getAllFisherTest(pval_Hyper, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_pvalHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
relative_island_hypo <- getAllFisherTest(pval_Hypo, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_pvalHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
relative_island_hyperhypo <- getAllFisherTest(pval_Hyper_Hypo, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_pvalHyperHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - Gene position - pval, pval_hyper and pval_hypo (for Depletion and Enrichment)
relative_island <- getAllHypergeometricTest(data$bpval, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/HyperG_pval", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
relative_island_hyper <- getAllHypergeometricTest(pval_Hyper, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/HyperG_pvalHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
relative_island_hypo <- getAllHypergeometricTest(pval_Hypo, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/HyperG_pvalHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(bn = relative_island, bn_hypo = relative_island_hypo, bn_hyper = relative_island_hyper),
outputdir = "RelativeToIsland", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], main = )
} else {
## -- Prepare data
## ---------------
# * Create dataframe with non significative CpGs attending to artype ('EPIC' or '450K')
# - Get gene position tests
# - Get CpG Island relative position ests
# Get
unsignif_df <- get_annotation_unlisted_CpGs(data$rs_number, artype[i])
data$signif <- 'yes'
unsignif_df$signif <- 'no'
data <- rbind(data[,which(colnames(data) %in% colnames(as.data.frame(unsignif_df)))], as.data.frame(unsignif_df) )
data$rs_number <- data$Name
## TODO: Simplify this code with only one function x option (fisher - Geometric // BN - FDR )
## -- CpG Gene position
## ---------------------
# Get descriptives
get_descriptives_GenePosition(data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, data$signif , "CpGlist", outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_CpGlist_Desc", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
GenePosition <- getAllFisherTest(data$signif, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/Fisher_CpGlist", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
}else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
GenePosition <- getAllHypergeometricTest(data$signif, data$UCSC_RefGene_Group, outputdir = "GenePosition/HyperG_CpGlist", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
#..# plot_RelativetoIsland(GenePosition, outputdir = "GenePosition", outputfile = paste0("CpGlist_",FilesToEnrich[i]), main = )
plot_GenePosition(GenePosition, outputdir = "GenePosition", outputfile = paste0("CpGlist_",FilesToEnrich[i]), main = )
## -- CpG Island relative position
## --------------------------------
# Get descriptives
get_descriptives_RelativetoIsland(data$Relation_to_Island, data$signif , "CpGlist", outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_CpGlist_RelativeToIsland", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
relative_island <- getAllFisherTest(data$signif, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/Fisher_CpGlist", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
} else {
relative_island <- getAllHypergeometricTest(data$signif, data$Relation_to_Island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland/HyperG_CpGlist", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
plot_OR(relative_island, outputdir = "RelativeToIsland", outputfile = paste0("CpGlist_",FilesToEnrich[i]), main = )
#..# plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(relat = relative_island),
#..# outputdir = "RelativeToIsland", outputfile = paste0("CpGlist_",FilesToEnrich[i]), main = )
## ----------------------
## ----------------------
if ( toupper(enrichtype) == 'BLOOD' )
## -- ROADMAP - Metilation in Cromatine States - BLOOD
## -------------------------------------------------------
## Analysis of methylation changes in the different chromatin states (CpGs are diff meth in some states and others don't)
# Prepare data
crom_data <- addCrom15Columns(data, "rs_number") # Adds chromatine state columns
# Columns with chromatin status information :
ChrStatCols <- c("TssA","TssAFlnk","TxFlnk","TxWk","Tx","EnhG","Enh","ZNF.Rpts","Het","TssBiv","BivFlnk","EnhBiv","ReprPC","ReprPCWk","Quies")
if("FDR" %in% colnames(data) | "Bonferroni" %in% colnames(data) | "p.val" %in% colnames(data) & (BN==TRUE | !is.na(FDR) | !is.na(pvalue)))
if( !is.na(FDR) ) {
chrom_states_fdr <- getAllChromStateOR( crom_data$bFDR, crom_data[,ChrStatCols], outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Blood/OR_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
chrom_states_fdr_hyper <- getAllChromStateOR( FDR_Hyper[which(data$rs_number %in% crom_data$rs_number)], crom_data[,ChrStatCols], outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Blood/OR_FDRHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
chrom_states_fdr_hypo <- getAllChromStateOR( FDR_Hypo[which(data$rs_number %in% crom_data$rs_number)], crom_data[,ChrStatCols], outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Blood/OR_FDRHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(fdr = chrom_states_fdr, fdr_hypo = chrom_states_fdr_hypo, fdr_hyper = chrom_states_fdr_hyper),
outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Blood", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], main = )
if ( BN == TRUE) {
chrom_states_bn <- getAllChromStateOR( crom_data$Bonferroni, crom_data[,ChrStatCols], outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Blood/OR_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
chrom_states_bn_hyper <- getAllChromStateOR( BN_Hyper[which(data$rs_number %in% crom_data$rs_number)], crom_data[,ChrStatCols], outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Blood/OR_BNHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
chrom_states_bn_hypo <- getAllChromStateOR( BN_Hypo[which(data$rs_number %in% crom_data$rs_number)], crom_data[,ChrStatCols], outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Blood/OR_BNHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(bn = chrom_states_bn, bn_hypo = chrom_states_bn_hypo, bn_hyper = chrom_states_bn_hyper),
outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Blood", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], main = )
if( !is.na(pvalue) ) {
chrom_states_pval <- getAllChromStateOR( crom_data$bpval, crom_data[,ChrStatCols], outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Blood/OR_pval", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
chrom_states_pval_hyper <- getAllChromStateOR( pval_Hyper[which(data$rs_number %in% crom_data$rs_number)], crom_data[,ChrStatCols], outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Blood/OR_pvalHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
chrom_states_pval_hypo <- getAllChromStateOR( pval_Hypo[which(data$rs_number %in% crom_data$rs_number)], crom_data[,ChrStatCols], outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Blood/OR_pvalHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(pval = chrom_states_pval, pval_hypo = chrom_states_pval_hypo, pval_hyper = chrom_states_pval_hyper),
outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Blood", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], main = )
} else {
chrom_states <- getAllChromStateOR( crom_data$signif, crom_data[,ChrStatCols], outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Blood/OR_CpGlist", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
#..# plot_chromosomestate(chrom_states, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Blood", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], main = )
# Add bEQTM enrichment
if(bEQTM == TRUE)
if( !is.na(FDR) ) {
geteQTMEnrichment(crom_data[which(crom_data$bFDR=='yes'),c("rs_number", "p.value")], outputdir = "eQTM_Blood/FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
if ( BN == TRUE) {
geteQTMEnrichment(crom_data[which(crom_data$Bonferroni =='yes'),c("rs_number", "p.value")], outputdir = "eQTM_Blood/BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
if( !is.na(pvalue) ) {
geteQTMEnrichment(crom_data[which(crom_data$bpval =='yes'),c("rs_number", "p.value")], outputdir = "eQTM_Blood/pval", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plots = TRUE )
## -------------------------
## -------------------------
if ( toupper(enrichtype) == 'PLACENTA' )
## -- ROADMAP - Regulatory feature enrichment analysis - PLACENTA
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Adds rs_number column if not in dataframe
if(! "rs_number" %in% colnames(data)){
data$rs_number <- data$CpGs}
# Convert to Genomic Ranges
data.GRange <- GRanges(
seqnames = Rle(data$chr),
ranges=IRanges(data$pos, end=data$pos),
names(data.GRange) <- data.GRange$name
# Find overlaps between CpGs and Fetal Placenta (States 15 and 18)
over15 <- findOverlapValues(data.GRange, FP_15_E091 )
if (enrichFP18 == TRUE){
over18 <- findOverlapValues(data.GRange, FP_18_E091 )
# Add states 15 and 18 to data.GRange file and write to a file : CpGs, state15 and state18
data.chrstates <- c(mcols(over15$ranges), over15$values, over18$values)
colnames(data.chrstates)[grep("States",colnames(data.chrstates))] <- c("States15_FP", "States18_FP")
} else {
# Add states 15 to data.GRange file and write to a file : CpGs, state15
data.chrstates <- c(mcols(over15$ranges), over15$values)
colnames(data.chrstates)[grep("States",colnames(data.chrstates))] <- c("States15_FP")
# Merge annotated data with chromatine states with states with data
crom_data <- merge(data, data.chrstates, by.x = "rs_number", by.y = "name" )
fname <- paste0("ChrSates_Pla_data/List_CpGs_",
dir.create("ChrSates_Pla_data", showWarnings = FALSE)
write.table( crom_data, fname, quote=F, row.names=F, sep="\t")
if("FDR" %in% colnames(data) | "Bonferroni" %in% colnames(data) & (BN==TRUE | !is.na(FDR) ))
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
if( !is.na(FDR) ) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - BN, BN_hyper and BN_hypo (Depletion and Enrichment)
States15FP_fdr <- getAllFisherTest(crom_data$bFDR , crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/Fisher_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States15FP_fdrhyper <- getAllFisherTest(FDR_Hyper, crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/Fisher_FDRHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States15FP_fdrhypo <- getAllFisherTest(FDR_Hypo, crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/Fisher_FDRHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if ( BN == TRUE) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - BN, BN_hyper and BN_hypo (Depletion and Enrichment)
States15FP_bn <- getAllFisherTest(crom_data$Bonferroni, crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/Fisher_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States15FP_bnhyper <- getAllFisherTest(BN_Hyper, crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/Fisher_BNHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States15FP_bnhypo <- getAllFisherTest(BN_Hypo, crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/Fisher_BNHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
} else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
if( !is.na(FDR) ) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - BN, BN_hyper and BN_hypo (Depletion and Enrichment)
States15FP_fdr <- getAllHypergeometricTest(crom_data$FDR, crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/HyperG_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States15FP_fdrhyper <- getAllHypergeometricTest(FDR_Hyper, crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/HyperG_FDRHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States15FP_fdrhypo <- getAllHypergeometricTest(FDR_Hypo, crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/HyperG_FDRHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
## -- Resume in a table - HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - FDR
resdata <- summary_States_FP_Table( crom_data$FDR, FDR_Hyper, FDR_Hypo, crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/Summary_HyperG_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plot = TRUE )
## -- Plot collapsed data HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - FDR
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(fdr = hypergeo_States15FP_fdr, fdr_hypo = hypergeo_States15FP_fdrhypo, fdr_hyper = hypergeo_States15FP_fdrhyper),
outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if ( BN == TRUE) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - BN, BN_hyper and BN_hypo (Depletion and Enrichment)
States15FP_bn <- getAllHypergeometricTest(crom_data$Bonferroni, crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/HyperG_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States15FP_bnhyper <- getAllHypergeometricTest(BN_Hyper, crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/HyperG_BNHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States15FP_bnhypo <- getAllHypergeometricTest(BN_Hypo, crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/HyperG_BNHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
## -- Resume in a table - HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - BN
resdata <- summary_States_FP_Table( crom_data$Bonferroni, BN_Hyper, BN_Hypo, crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/Summary_HyperG_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plot = TRUE )
if ( !is.na(FDR) ) {
## -- Plot collapsed data HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - FDR
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(fdr = States15FP_fdr, fdr_hypo = States15FP_fdrhypo, fdr_hyper = States15FP_fdrhyper),
outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if ( BN == TRUE) {
## -- Plot collapsed data HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - BN
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(bn = States15FP_bn, bn_hypo = States15FP_bnhypo, bn_hyper = States15FP_bnhyper),
outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if(enrichFP18 == TRUE)
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
if( !is.na(FDR) ) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - States18_FP - BN, BN_hyper and BN_hypo (Depletion and Enrichment)
States18FP_fdr <- getAllFisherTest(crom_data$bFDR , crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/Fisher_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States18FP_fdrhyper <- getAllFisherTest(FDR_Hyper, crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/Fisher_FDRHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States18FP_fdrhypo <- getAllFisherTest(FDR_Hypo, crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/Fisher_FDRHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if ( BN == TRUE) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - States18_FP - BN, BN_hyper and BN_hypo (Depletion and Enrichment)
States18FP_bn <- getAllFisherTest(crom_data$Bonferroni, crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/Fisher_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States18FP_bnhyper <- getAllFisherTest(BN_Hyper, crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/Fisher_BNHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States18FP_bnhypo <- getAllFisherTest(BN_Hypo, crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/Fisher_BNHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
} else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
if( !is.na(FDR) ) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - States18_FP - BN, BN_hyper and BN_hypo (Depletion and Enrichment)
States18FP_fdr <- getAllHypergeometricTest(crom_data$FDR, crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/HyperG_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States18FP_fdrhyper <- getAllHypergeometricTest(FDR_Hyper, crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/HyperG_FDRHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States18FP_fdrhypo <- getAllHypergeometricTest(FDR_Hypo, crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/HyperG_FDRHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
## -- Resume in a table - HyperGeometric Test - States18_FP - BN
resdata <- summary_States_FP_Table( crom_data$FDR, FDR_Hyper, FDR_Hypo, crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/Summary_HyperG_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plot = TRUE )
if ( BN == TRUE) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - States18_FP - BN, BN_hyper and BN_hypo (Depletion and Enrichment)
States18FP_bn <- getAllHypergeometricTest(crom_data$Bonferroni, crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/HyperG_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States18FP_bnhyper <- getAllHypergeometricTest(BN_Hyper, crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/HyperG_BNHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
States18FP_bnhypo <- getAllHypergeometricTest(BN_Hypo, crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/HyperG_BNHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
## -- Resume in a table - HyperGeometric Test - States18_FP - BN
resdata <- summary_States_FP_Table( crom_data$Bonferroni, BN_Hyper, BN_Hypo, crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/Summary_HyperG_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plot = TRUE )
if ( !is.na(FDR) ) {
## -- Plot collapsed data HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - FDR
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(fdr = States18FP_fdr, fdr_hypo = States18FP_fdrhypo, fdr_hyper = States18FP_fdrhyper),
outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if ( BN == TRUE) {
## -- Plot collapsed data HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - BN
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(bn = States18FP_bn, bn_hypo = States18FP_bnhypo, bn_hyper = States18FP_bnhyper),
outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
}else {
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
States15FP <- getAllFisherTest(crom_data$signif , crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/Fisher_CpGlist", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
} else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
States15FP <- getAllHypergeometricTest(crom_data$signif, crom_data$States15_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla/HyperG_CpGlist", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
## -- Plot collapsed data HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - FDR
#....CREC QUE NO ES NECESSARI.... # plot_OR(signif = States15FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_15_Pla", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if(enrichFP18 == TRUE)
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
States18FP <- getAllFisherTest(crom_data$signif , crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/Fisher_CpGlist", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
} else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
States18FP <- getAllHypergeometricTest(crom_data$signif, crom_data$States18_FP, outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla/HyperG_CpGlist", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
## -- Plot collapsed data HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - FDR
#....CREC QUE NO ES NECESSARI.... # plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(signif = States18FP), outputdir = "ChrSates_18_Pla", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
## -- Partially Methylated Domains (PMDs) PLACENTA
## ------------------------------------------------
# Create genomic ranges from PMD data
PMD.GRange <- getEnrichGenomicRanges(PMD_placenta$Chr_PMD, PMD_placenta$Start_PMD, PMD_placenta$End_PMD)
# Find overlaps between CpGs and PMD (find subject hits, query hits )
overPMD <- findOverlapValues(data.GRange, PMD.GRange )
#Create a data.frame with CpGs and PMDs information
mdata <- cbind.data.frame(DataFrame(CpG = data.GRange$name[overPMD$qhits]), DataFrame(PMD = PMD.GRange$name[overPMD$shits]))
# Merge with results from meta-analysis (A2)
crom_data <- merge(crom_data, mdata, by.x="rs_number", by.y="CpG",all=T)
# crom_data <- crom_data[order(crom_data$p.value),]
# CpGs with PMD as NA
PMD_NaN <- ifelse(is.na(crom_data$PMD),'IsNA','NotNA' )
if("FDR" %in% colnames(data) | "Bonferroni" %in% colnames(data) & (BN==TRUE | !is.na(FDR) ))
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
if( !is.na(FDR) ) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - PMD - FDR, FDR_hyper and FDR_hypo (Full data ) (Depletion and Enrichment)
PMD_fdr <- getAllFisherTest(crom_data$bFDR, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/Fisher_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
PMD_fdrhyper <- getAllFisherTest(FDR_Hyper, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/Fisher_FDRHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
PMD_fdrhypo <- getAllFisherTest(FDR_Hypo, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/Fisher_FDRHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if ( BN == TRUE) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - PMD - BN, BN_hyper and BN_hypo (Full data ) (Depletion and Enrichment)
PMD_bn <- getAllFisherTest(crom_data$Bonferroni, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/Fisher_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
PMD_bnhyper <- getAllFisherTest(BN_Hyper, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/Fisher_BNHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
PMD_bnhypo <- getAllFisherTest(BN_Hypo, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/Fisher_BNHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
} else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
if( !is.na(FDR) ) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - PMD - FDR, FDR_hyper and FDR_hypo (Full data ) (Depletion and Enrichment)
PMD_fdr <- getAllHypergeometricTest(crom_data$bFDR, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/HyperG_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
PMD_fdrhyper <- getAllHypergeometricTest(FDR_Hyper, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/HyperG_FDRHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
PMD_fdrhypo <- getAllHypergeometricTest(FDR_Hypo, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/HyperG_FDRHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
# Summary
resdata <- summary_HyperGeometrics_Table( crom_data$bFDR, FDR_Hyper, FDR_Hypo, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/Summary_HyperG_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plot = TRUE )
if ( BN == TRUE) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - PMD - BN, BN_hyper and BN_hypo (Full data ) (Depletion and Enrichment)
PMD_bn <- getAllHypergeometricTest(crom_data$Bonferroni, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/HyperG_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
PMD_bnhyper <- getAllHypergeometricTest(BN_Hyper, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/HyperG_BNHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
PMD_bnhypo <- getAllHypergeometricTest(BN_Hypo, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/HyperG_BNHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
# Summary
resdata <- summary_HyperGeometrics_Table( crom_data$Bonferroni, BN_Hyper, BN_Hypo, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/Summary_HyperG_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plot = TRUE )
if ( !is.na(FDR) ) {
## -- Plot collapsed data HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - FDR
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(fdr = PMD_fdr, fdr_hypo = PMD_fdrhypo, fdr_hyper = PMD_fdrhyper),
outputdir = "PMD_Pla", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if ( BN == TRUE) {
## -- Plot collapsed data HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - BN
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(bn = PMD_bn, bn_hypo = PMD_bnhypo, bn_hyper = PMD_bnhyper),
outputdir = "PMD_Pla", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
} else {
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
PMD <- getAllFisherTest(crom_data$signif, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/Fisher_CpGlist", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
} else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
PMD <- getAllHypergeometricTest(crom_data$signif, PMD_NaN, outputdir = "PMD_Pla/HyperG_CpGlist", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
## -- Imprinting Regions PLACENTA
## ------------------------------------------------
# Create genomic ranges from DMR data
DMR.GRange <- getEnrichGenomicRanges(IR_Placenta$Chr_DMR, IR_Placenta$Start_DMR, IR_Placenta$End_DMR)
# Find overlaps between CpGs and DMR (find subject hits, query hits )
overDMR <- findOverlapValues(data.GRange, DMR.GRange )
#Create a data.frame with CpGs and DMRs information
mdata <- cbind.data.frame(DataFrame(CpG = data.GRange$name[overDMR$qhits]), DataFrame(DMR = DMR.GRange$name[overDMR$shits]))
# Merge with results from meta-analysis (A2)
crom_data <- merge(crom_data, mdata, by.x="rs_number", by.y="CpG",all=T)
# CpGs with DMR as NA
DMR_NaN <- ifelse(is.na(crom_data$DMR.y),'IsNA','NotNA' )
if("FDR" %in% colnames(data) | "Bonferroni" %in% colnames(data) & (BN==TRUE | !is.na(FDR) ))
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
if( !is.na(FDR) ) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - DMR - FDR, FDR_hyper and FDR_hypo (Full data ) (Depletion and Enrichment)
DMR_fdr <- getAllFisherTest(crom_data$bFDR, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/Fisher_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
DMR_fdrhyper <- getAllFisherTest(FDR_Hyper, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/Fisher_FDRHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
DMR_fdrhypo <- getAllFisherTest(FDR_Hypo, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/Fisher_FDRHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if ( BN == TRUE) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - DMR - BN, BN_hyper and BN_hypo (Full data ) (Depletion and Enrichment)
DMR_bn <- getAllFisherTest(crom_data$Bonferroni, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/Fisher_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
DMR_bnhyper <- getAllFisherTest(BN_Hyper, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/Fisher_BNHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
DMR_bnhypo <- getAllFisherTest(BN_Hypo, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/Fisher_BNHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
} else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
if( !is.na(FDR) ) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - DMR - FDR, FDR_hyper and FDR_hypo (Full data ) (Depletion and Enrichment)
DMR_fdr <- getAllHypergeometricTest(crom_data$bFDR, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/HyperG_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
DMR_fdrhyper <- getAllHypergeometricTest(FDR_Hyper, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/HyperG_FDRHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
DMR_fdrhypo <- getAllHypergeometricTest(FDR_Hypo, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/HyperG_FDRHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
# Summary
resdata <- summary_HyperGeometrics_Table( crom_data$bFDR, FDR_Hyper, FDR_Hypo, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/Summary_HyperG_FDR", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plot = TRUE )
if ( BN == TRUE) {
## -- HyperGeometric Test - DMR - BN, BN_hyper and BN_hypo (Full data ) (Depletion and Enrichment)
DMR_bn <- getAllHypergeometricTest(crom_data$Bonferroni, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/HyperG_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
DMR_bnhyper <- getAllHypergeometricTest(BN_Hyper, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/HyperG_BNHyper", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
DMR_bnhypo <- getAllHypergeometricTest(BN_Hypo, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/HyperG_BNHypo", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
# Summary
resdata <- summary_HyperGeometrics_Table( crom_data$Bonferroni, BN_Hyper, BN_Hypo, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/Summary_HyperG_BN", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i], plot = TRUE )
if ( !is.na(FDR) ) {
## -- Plot collapsed data HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - FDR
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(fdr = DMR_fdr, fdr_hypo = DMR_fdrhypo, fdr_hyper = DMR_fdrhyper),
outputdir = "DMR_Pla", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
if ( BN == TRUE) {
## -- Plot collapsed data HyperGeometric Test - States15_FP - BN
plot_TestResults_Collapsed(list(bn = DMR_bn, bn_hypo = DMR_bnhypo, bn_hyper = DMR_bnhyper),
outputdir = "DMR_Pla", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
} else {
if( tolower(testdata) =='fisher') {
DMR <- getAllFisherTest(crom_data$signif, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/Fisher_CpGlist", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
} else if ( tolower(testdata) =='hypergeometric') {
DMR <- getAllHypergeometricTest(crom_data$signif, DMR_NaN, outputdir = "DMR_Pla/HyperG_CpGlist", outputfile = FilesToEnrich[i])
write.table( crom_data, paste0( getwd(), "/",tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(FilesToEnrich[i])),"_Enriched.csv" ) , quote=F, row.names=F, sep="\t")
} else{
print ("Error no data to enrich.")
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